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-=: SEVILLE OIFt^-IST G-IBS- We have received our First Parcel of SEVILLE ORANGES for Wine or Marmalade. Price Is. per dozen. TAYLOR & COMPANY, Agents for W, & A. GILBEY, 6, Uastle Square, Wine and Spirit Importers and DistUlers, London. Swansea. -vv J o x nsr T 3 t a ILOR3 c%rc =» (LATE B. SANGUINETTI,) I 157, "VTI.1'rD STH- swawsba, WJ., in succeeding to the above business so successfully carried on by his predecessor, begs to solicit fro ■ • Nobility, Clergy, and Public generally in Swansea and Neighbourhood, a continuance of the ^.kiciTTe and support, and assures them that nothing will be wanting ou his part to give them entire satisfaction, which he has hitherto done during the 14 years he has been Manager and Cutter in the above business. All orders entrusted to his care will be carefully and promptly executed under his own immediate supervision. October, 1877. =- •».« GENTLEMEN'S WINTER FASHIONS. Best Goods only, and Perfect Fit guaranteed, at very low prices for cash. CHARLES J. ANDREWS, 16, Wind-street, Swansea. CLOSE OF THE SEASON. W M. E V A Begs to announce that he is CLEARING OUT, at GREATLY RE- DUCED PRICES, his STOCK of WINTER DEAPESY and FANCY GOODS. GREAT BARGAINS IN MILLINERY AND SHOW ROOM GOODS. 74, OXFORD STREET, SWANSEA. ESTABLISHED 1 830.. .r M. POOLE & CO., DYERS, BLEACHERS, AND CLEANERS, FISHER STREET D"YE WORKS, SWANSEA. N.B.—All Orders punctually attended to. (ESTABLISHED 1.39.) I I am showing some very pretty little Tables in various coloured woods, which are exceedingly cheap. L E W I S LAT. B E N N E T T, CABINET MANUFACTORY, 19 HIQH STREET, £ 3 W -A- 3XT S> 33 -A. THOMAS HEARD, Manager. To Shipowners and Masters of Vessels. a. M A itT l N nwoMETEE AND WATCH MAKER' JEWELLER, &c., »»«"« £ 3 £ abMsssasiis ™PES ABD 4NEE0ID 14, WIND STREET, SWANSEA. — _rr-»r"rrrrrr^- R i A a E PAID, GENUINE SEEDS BEADY. CATALOGUED HEATH AND s0^,?Supply Celebrated Collections of Vegetable Seeds for 15/- AND 21/- FOU A SMALL GA^DE 31/6 and 42/ FOR A MEDIUM 8IZBDW1. 63/- FOR A LARGE GARDJ^ ™it up witii the greatest liberality, a3ld mU ^TwT CHELTENHAM. PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DESPATCH „ _T „„anOT steam Printing Works, THE °AI^T NNB SEE T, J3W A N S E A. j-ifi every variety of tint. Prating: Bills °f a11 sizeS a^T!/ss BUSINESS, MEMORIAL, AND OTHER costing DESCRIPTION. address^ m< IRCULARS OF JSVESA CARDS, IN EVERY SHADEI A* Bill-Heads, Tosme Price. °f APPLICATION. ESTIMATES HIGH STREET STUDIO, 235, HIGH STREET, SWANSEA. HENRY A. CHAPMAN Photography. An immense body of direct right angle lizht BO necessary for the successful portraiture ol me nervous, the aged, and the infant, is so completely under the'control of the artist as to enable him to produce any effect in the lighting and modelling of the face and figure „ MESSRS. ELLIOTT and FRY, of London who have secured the exclusive right from Mr. SLINGSBY for the metropolis, and with MR. CHAPMAN & SLINGSBY are the only possessors of the right in the kingdom, declare it to bethf" greatest improvement'i** -°tography for years past. Intending patrons will kindly understand that appointments must be kept to ten minutes to avoid waiting. No alteration from the very moderate scale of charges—3 Cartes, 2s. 6 Cartes, 3s. 12 Cartes, 5s. 6d. 335, HIGH STREET, SW ANSEA. TO G" 33 1ST T L B Is/L IB 3ST E- JAMES j. CROCKER, TAILOR AND OUTFITTER, BEGS to inform his Patrons and the Public generally that he has JUST RETURNED FROM THE MARKETS with a CHOICE SELECTION OF NEW SEASON GOODS, which for Style, Quality and Price cannot be surpassed in the Principality- To Cash Purchasers a call at this Establishment will insure a great saving. 19, CASTLE STREET, SW ANSEA. WHOLSSAKE AND RETAIL lot WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANT, {*»* |L| 8 & 9, OXFORD STREET, \«> WJ ° SWANSEA. y\) 11/ AGENT FOR AND BASS'S PALE AND AIJLS0P BURTON ALES, SC Bef?s to caI, the at_ IN CASKS ANI) BIITTLES. ^^TENTION of Private Fam il LONDON AND THlbH fclUll. sT and the Trade to his ex ALTON COURT BREWERY /I tensive and well-selected Stock CO.'S CELEBRATED FAMILY ALES, PORTS, SHERRIES, In 9, 18, 36, and 54 X ^—. A A Gallons. MADEIRAS, &C. *n Q.llai-ters and Octaves, supplied direct from his new and (TT fill commodious BONDED VAULTS A.ND STORES, Nos. ^47 00, 51, 52, and 53, WATERLOO STREET. V fr OFFICE 9, OXFORD STREET, Where Price Li'sts of Duty-paid Wines and Spirits may be had on application. LIRT OF PRICES OF THE ALTON COURT BREWERY CO.'S ALES. E.I„EALEA, ls.<*l.peRgal. S. Stout IS. 4D. per gal. XXX Strong Ale Is. (xl. „ P P IS. 2D. „ » JS- » XXX Mild A.ie LS- 0«1. X „ ls. 2d. „ xx lOd. „ DIAMOND PALE ALE i8. 2d. and ls. 4d- per Gallon. It is generally acknowledged that the Ales supplied by this Brewery nre of a superior quality. A GERMAN LADY, having a few hours twice a week at her disposal, would be glad to GIVE LESSONS in GERMAN and FRENCH in Private Families and Schools in Swansea or neighbourhood. Address Fraulein" Hugo, Miss F. Ritchie, Longland. Villas. Pestalozzian Infant School, Oonduceed by -RJRYRR/D Be-open on THURSDAY, January 2!th, 1878. Yt For Terms apply at the Establishment. Melbovu-ne House, Swansea. Glyn Cerrig School, Mumbles, Swansea. THE ENSUING TERM commerces on MONDAY, 21st instant. Prospectus on application to Rev. E. GRIFFITHS, Head Master. I Thistleboon House School, Oystermouth, For the Board and Education of Young Gentlemen. THIS School will be RE OPENED on THURSDAY, the 24th inst. THOMAS HUNTER MAULE, D.C.L., LL.D., Head Master. Prospectus on application. Stuart House, St. George Terrace, Swansea. Establishment for Young Ladies. Principal-Miss L. 0. JONES. THE Duties of the above Establishment will be Resumed on MONDAY, January 21-t instant. Vacancies for Boarders. Private Pupils received. STHOUD LADIES' COLLEGE, BEECHES GREEN, STROUD, GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Principals—The MISSES HOWARD. Reports Monthly. Test Examinations every Term. PROSPECTUS, with references and copies of exami- nation pnpers, on application Autumn Term will begin THURSDAY, ept. 2ft h. 29, Page-street, Swansea. W. F. HULLEY, (Organist at St, David's Catholic Church) Teacher of the Organ, Piuio-forte, Harmonium, Violin Flute, &c., &c., Flute, &c., &c., n' BEGS to announce that he has Resume his Profes- sional Duties. Mr HULLEY also begs to announce tint, in consequence ,a of the increase in his Professional Duties he will be assisted by his brother. A. T. HUI LEY. (Professor of Music) and late of Ampleforth College, York. An Instrumental Class will shortly be formed. Evening Instruction given. Terms, &c.. can be obtained of MR. W. F. HULLEY, at the above address. St. Andrew's College, Swansea. Head Master— GEO. G. SUTHERLAND, F.E.I.S. (Assisted by Two Resident, and Two Non-resident Masters). THE FIRST TERM will commence on TUESDAY, January 15th. This School prepares Candidates for University, Preli- minary Medical, and Law Examinations. For prospectus apply to the Head Master. Swansea, St. Helen's-road, Jan. 3, 1878. Swansea Training School, GORE HOUSE, GORE TERRACE, F. F. BENVENVTI, Principal, WAS RE-OPENED on TUESDAY, the 15th of January. LITERARY INSTITUTE. English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, German, •Latin and Literature. Governesses, and Students prepared for Professional and Commercial pursues. Private Lessons every Night, from 6 to 10 o'clock p.m. French and English Academy for Young Ladies, GORE HOUSE, GORE TERRACE, inducted by MADAME BENVENUTI, WAST RE-OPENED on TUESDAY, the 15th of January. Private Lessons in English, French, Italian, Spanish, Latin and Music. English and French Establishment for Young Ladies Conducted by Mdmc. D'A. USTHIN, Assisted by English and Foreign Governesses. AT this long-established School Young Ladies receive a thorough English Education, combined with unusual advantages for the acquirement of the French lan-uage, 18 c"n?tantly spoken. The musical proficiency attained by the pupils will attest the superiority of the system adopted. Many Ladies who have been educated at this establishment are now filling first-class positions as Principals of Schools i Governesses. aflrphe ensuing Term will commence on the 18th January, 18Brunswick Villa, Swansea, January 1, 1878. MISS MATTHEWS' SCHOOL for Young Ladies will Re-open on THURSDAY, the 17th inst. 3, Stockwell Villas, January 8th, 1878. 16, Lansdowne Terrace, Walter's Road, Swonsea. THE MISSES DANIELS' Boarding and Day School will Re-open (D V.) WEDNESDAY, January 23, 1878. ;'=I:RYAE11S 1 S ? B ON THE PIANO-FORTE, and lis i/iiN w. J Terms on application, I 8, ST. GEORGE'S TERRACE, SWANSEA. EDUCATION. S K E T T Y, SWANSEA. MISS ELLIOTT particularly requests her Pupils to RE-ASSEMBLE on TUESDAY, Jan. 22. 1878. Fynone School, Constitution Hill, Swansea. CONDUCTED BY MR. G. EMERY ENSUING TERM commences Vilst' January. Education sound andliberal. Terms moderate. This School is specially suited for Pupils whose health requires invigoration, the situation being remarkably healthy and pleasant, and the rooms capacious, dry, and well ventilated. OYSTERMOUTH. NO.1, LONGLAND VILLA, Establishment for the IX Board and Education of Young Ladies, will RE- OPEN JANUARY 25th. 1878. inducted by Miss F. RITCHIK, assisted by efficient resIdent English and Foreign Teachers. Russell House, Castletcm. Mumtoles. PREPARATORY BOAB^G^D ^^SOHOJM. There are separate school-roouis. TERMS M°DEB, T rv!7 -1070 The present Quarter commenced. Ja—^ • Ladies'Seminary, Bromfleld House, e ens Road, Swansea. MRS. JAMES EVANS (Late of 27, Henrietta-street) INFORMS her Friends and Patron^ that she has now -L ample accommodation for a larger ,un, r of, pupil.. Boarders received upon moderate term" h Home Prospectus, with testimonials, upo" 67o'011' The present Term began JANUARY" I3—> Collegiate School, Swansea. Principal and head M<istcr ■ REV. R. GIFFORD WOOD, B A., Senior Scholar, Prize- man and Exhibitioner, S.D.C Lamped'- ( raduate in Classical Honours). Second Master: G. H. KNIGHT, Esq., London University t ate Second Master, Marlborough Grammar School). Third Master: TTn:Vo S. EDWARD LAMB, Esq L°n^?«rAIl¥ y> French Master: MONSIEUB Dratoing Master; MR. HOSFORDI Art. Drill Master: Mb. DA VIES, late Sergean > R-G.A.M. Singing <fc Music MastM" ME. A. PHIPPS, R.A.M., Chemistry: MR. MORGAN,, Prospectus. «ii +v.0+ THE course of instruction comprises s neces- sary for a thoroughly sound and cation, and also the preparatory work for u,], *frtnD.a" tions, the higher classes in the Public S > for the t Special preparation is given for tbe ^?<^T)j<^ ^mis- sion, Preliminary Legal and Medical, Firs merits to the Army, Cambridge Locals, Civil SerVICe, a.nd other Competitive Examinations.. s y,v 11 „ A limited number of borders is receiv ,j„i- o, Wead Master. Special arrangements are made te and backward boys, and every attention is Pal health and comfort as well as to their moral c0!L,i School Re-opens January_j^_ — The Cambridge School, Swansea, HEAD-MASTER: R EDWARD T. DAVIES, A (Honours,) Cantab; 1st B^A. Lrfge,'Cambridge (Classics and Mathematics), Trinity C a • Referees and Examining CornW j 0 W. GARNETT, Esq., M.A., Fellow of ^^CoUege, M. A.' ri Cambridge, and Demonstrator of Experimenlai Physics ';AUKS?-E8Q, M A., Fell." •' CI«« College Cambridge. f rr • R. D. HICKS, Esq., M.A., Fellow of A™»ty College, Cambridge. r „ „ A. J. TILLYARD, Esq., B.A., Scholar of St. J0hn's College, Cambridge. XTT 1 C. V. COATES, Esq., B.A., (5TH WRAB8LER, 1877,) Scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge. Rev. M. ROBERTSON, B.A., D.Sc., Cambridge. OWEN, Esq., (Hon. Sec.,) University College, The next Term will COMMENCE on MONDAY, JANUARY 14th. For Prospectus, &c., apply by letter, or personally ,5 ^en tbe hours of 11 and 1 a.i»-> and 8 p.m., to e -tlead Master, Clarendon House, Walter-road, Ipswich may be described as the birth place of Chemical Man um.'> JOSEPH FISON & Co., IPSWICH, rufA\rr!TVii MANUFACTURERS OF KnilA' ITY 1 Sulphuric Acid and Chemical Manures. (One of the oldest Firms in the Trade.) l\/r^TKS" JosEPH FISON & Co., having established a Depot at Swansea are now prepared to (ielivei their jJIJL Manures free by Railway at any Station in South Wales and the neighbouring Counties. To Farmer's:- These Manures have been found not only to produce a larg-e yield, but also to improve the quality of the crops for which they are applied, to strengthen the soil, and to benefit succeeding crops. Full particulars may be obtained upon application to any of the Agents of the firm, or to the Head Offices. To Merchants, large Fanners, and^ others having a connection with Farmers — MESSRS. JOSEPH FISON & Co. are prepared to appoint Agents for their Manures in districts in which they are not already represented, and gentlemen of porition and influence, who may wish for such agencies, mp requested to apply by letter to the Head Ofnces. Early application is particularly requests, as many Agencies have already been fixed in the Principality, and it is likely that the whole district will soon lie fully occupied. WORKS: IPSWICH AND BRAMFORD. Head OFFICE: EASTERN UNION MILLS, IPSWICH. N.B.—No SUB-J gents are appointed, but in direct communication with the Fi.-n orders received through them will have the same attention as tj nanaea to the prinripai^ Education on very Advantageous Terms. ENGLISH, Laundry, and two Accomplishments— 27 Guineas per annum. Apply, for references, Sc., Principal, Glenthome, Lampeter. Swansea Navigation School, Sailors' Home. EARLY in FEBRUARY this School will be con- ducted by JNO. W. WHITE, of the Bristol Naviga- tion School. Candidates will then have every facility to obtain their certificates easily, and on the first trial. Those who have already failed from this School may 6Dte Engineers carefully prepared for Examinations. Oakley House, Swansea. ESTABLISHMENT FOR ^OUNG LADIES. Conducted by the MISSES PHILLIPS, assisted by Resident French and English Governesses. THE ensuing Term will COMMEMCE on MONDAY, JANUARY '21st. Vacancies for a few Boarders. References and Terms on application to the Principals. MR. W. B. BROAD, Onanist and Choirmaster, HOLY TRINITY, SWANSEA, For 11 years Organist and Choirmaster, St. Mary's, Monmouth, TEACHER OF The Organ, Haamonium, Pianoforte, Singing, Thorough Bass, and Haxmony, VISITS NEATH SATURDAYS. For terms, references, &c, apply 18, De-la-Beche Street, Swansea. STAFFORD COLLEGE, DARTMOUTH PARK, FOREST HILL, (Near Crystal Palace) London, S.E. Head Master—Mr. CROSS, late of Bridgend. Second Master.—J. C. STRACHAN, Esq., London University. French—Monsr. A. BRUIN, Leydea University. German-Dr. EOPHRATE, M.A., Ph.D., &c. Drawing, Painting, &c.—J. L. KENWORTHY, Esq., F.S.A.,FR.G.S.,&c. Assistant in ditto-J. ROLFE, Esq., Medalist of the Royal Academy. Professor of Dancing—J. SEATON, Esq., Royal Italian Opera House. Present number of Pupils, 70. PARENTS who desire to place their sons.in a School near London, where the highest advantages of Education are combined with the comforts of a home in the most healthy and charming suburb of the great City, will™ ceive particulars upon application any pupils from South Wales have resided m Stafford College during the past ten years with the best results. or 70 Boys sent up to the various Examinations only three were uiwucow«fui. HARVEY&Co ( STOKESCROFT BREWERY, BRISTOL. AGENTS W F BULL & Co CASTLE BUILDINGS 47 & 48 WIND STREET, SWANSEA, HARVEY & CO having succeeded to one of the oldest established Breweries in Bristol, beg to draw special attention to their PALE BITTER ALES, which are of the finest quality only, being brewed entirely from the finest Malt and Hops. qualfty I per Gallon ^'luluty1:2 BITTEB ALB-of superior J j/2 per Ga]Ion No. 3—SUPERIOR MILD ALE-of fine) T /s- „ quality and character ». j* 1 O Gallon No. 7—PORTER—of excellent quality.) T/ „ Suitable (or general use .)'■• Per Ca'lon The above are supplied in 9 and iS-Gallon Casks, or larger Casks, it required. g DISCOUNT—A discount of 6d. per 9-Gallon, and 1/- per 18-Gallon Cask is allowed if Cash is paid on delivery, or at time of ordering. DELIVERY free, or Carriage paid to any Railway Station. LCARD.] MR. ROBERT THOMAS, SURGEON DENTIST, REMOVED FROM 1 CRADOCK STREET, To 5, NORTHAMPTON PLACE, SWANSEA, 3 Doors below DR. PADLEY. HUGHES & GELDERD, M.B.C.V.S., LONDON AND EDINBURGH, VETERINARY SVRGEONS. SURGERY- 7) NORTHAMPTON MEWS S W A N S E A CLIFTON. St. Vincent's Bocks Family Hotel. "VTEAREST to and directly facing the Suspension J^l Bridge anil the far famed Leigh Woods. Every comtort and moderate terms for Boarding. Address Manager. mg. MISS WALTERS'S REGKTSTRY OPPJCE FOR SERVANTS, PA&E.STREET, SWANSEA. L^efvL?11 ^promptly suited with all Classes of the strict^ • ^ove address, and may rely upon Spr^o lnveatlSation as to character and ability. ants of every capacity suited with situations. Ramped envelope for reply. Hours from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Very Powerful Telescopes to Show Objects Distinctly at Ten Miles Distance, AT 10s. Od. ONLY. To BE HAD AT G M A R TII N S JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN 14, WIND STREET, SWANS EA. Also POCKET BAROMETERS at 66s. WarrautO correct. With MOUNTING SCALE. 63s. ] A Fortune for a Trifle, £ 20,000 for &1- j T71ULL PARTICULARS of this most j & frr vsas directed envelope, to JOHN tost* J Court, Ckariag Cress, London, o. ¡ BOROUGH OF SWANSEA. t TO CLOTHIERS AND DRAPERS. RJ^HE Corporation of this Borough are prep-.red to re- TENDERS for the annua1, supplr of the UNFFORM CLOTHING required by the POLICE Force, and other Corporation Officers, numbering in all about 70 officers and men. Particulars may be had on application to the Head Constable, Police Offic", Swansea. Sealed Tenders, marked "'Tenders for Police Clothing," together with samples (,f the proposed cloth and materials (carriage paid), must be sent to the Town UJèlk on or be- fore the 31st day of January instant. The Corporation do not undertake to accent il;lowest or any Tender. By order, JNO. THOMA*, TOWI: Clerk. Guildhall, Swansea, Jan. 17th, 1878. House Coals. MESSRS. SIDNEY F. C. OLD & Co. solicit .rders for the best RED-A^H HOUSEHOLD < OAL. Price 13s. 6d. per ton, cash, on delivery. Address, 5, Quay Parade, Swansca. Ooal Coal! Coal! D THOMAS is now prepared to delivei R". e VERY BEST HOUSE COAL at prices below', viz.* Large 13s. 6-5. per ton delivered. Through 12s. 6d. Orders to Bank Buildings, Wind-street; 20, S?bastopol street; and 1, Trafalgar-terrace, Swansea. BEST HOUSE COAL. ::a::ALL & CO, 3, MOUNT STREET, SWANSEA, Are prepared to supply Best Large House Coal at 13s. 6d. per toil IV; ire red. Thro'and Thro' „ 12s. 6d. SUPERIOR HOUSE COAL RICHARDS cf COMPANY fLIMITED J, ABE DOW Delivering their Superior L.:<;■ HAND- PICKED HOUSE COAL—Large, 13s. (>d. Thro' and Tliro'. 12s. within Toll Gates (Mount Plear-ant ex- cepted). West Cross, Norton, Castleton, and M( mbiea -Large, 163. Thro' and Thro', 15s. Ex." haulage chargeable to Langland, Caswell, and Newton cording £ edinG FITE T^.FEDUOTIOM IN PRICO MADA OR. ders ex- 0rdcrs to Gloucester House, Swanse,, NATURALIST. T. ANDRBVVS 40, ST. HELENS ROAD, Silhl STUFFER OF BIRDS, ANIMALS. &O. SKINS OF ANIMALS MADE INTO HUGS FOR THE CARRIAGE OR HOR>li. Specimens Cleaned and Remounte h DIAMOND PALE ALE, A Light Sparkling Ale, 3s. per doz. impl. HOUSEHOLD MILD ALE, A capital Dinner Ale, 2B. 6d. per doz imp'. ii:rs; SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED FOR FAMILY USE. W. F. B U L L & Co.. 47 & 4S, WIND STREET, SWANSEA. Second Swansea Albion Ternxir.ar r g building Society. Shares £100. Subscriptions 10s. per montL. IN a few weeks the above Society will be started. _t_ Persons desiring to take Shares are eluded to communicate with Mr. R. PIKE, Treasurer :.1. ii, asel Terrace, or Messrs. EDWARD ROBERTS & Sov S 40, Oxford-street, Swansea. XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, thar the VZTM. J3I ship heretofore subsisting between MISERS ISAAC GEORQE and FREDERICK HOPKINS, horh of Briton Ferry, in the County of Glamorgan. Sh.U and General Merchants, under the style or firm of FORGE and HOPKINS." was, on the Fourth day of JANUAI V 1878, duly DISSOLVED. Dated this Fourth day of January, 1878. ISAAC GEORGE. Witness to the Signature of Mr. Isaac George, above named— R. T. LEYSON, Solicitor# Neath. -L" Joseph Sharp, deceased —— $ ALL CLAIM^AGAINST the Estate of JOSEP'F SH ARP, late of No. 139, Madoc-strret, Swanse- "N +VII County of Glamorgan, Master Mariner de J JI^T died „ THE 30th August, 1877, should be "CLSSZ Admioistretru, ASN SHARP, of 139 F !W Febm" J, 1878 °° BEFORE TH C 0th day of Dated this 7th day of January, 1878. CHAS. NORTON, Of Swansea, Solicitor to the said Administratrix The Bankruptcy Act, 1869 In the County Court of Glamorganshire, hulden at Merthyr Tydfil. IN the Matter of a Special Resolution for Liquidation by Arrangement of the affairs of JOHN MORGAN, of 22, Mount Pleasant-street, and No. 1, Upper Union- street, Dowlais, Merthyr Tydfil, Grocer. This is to Certify that James Collins, Junr., or No. 39, Broad street, Bristol, Accountant, and Baxtb-tt Pbelps Thomas, of Swansea, have been appointed a.M. ARE hereby declared to be Trustees under this Liquidation by Arrangement. „ „ Given under my band, and the Seai of the Coir, t, this Fifteenth day of January, One Thousand EIGHT dundred and Seventy-eight. J. W. RUSSELL. ,to Registrar. The Banto^J^ Act, 1869. I» TBE Coumty BO'TEII at IN the *TTER OF PROCEEDINGS for Liquidaticn by A^vrn wTiT0F?vITLON WITH Creditors insti- tuted WILLIANS, of Plasmarl, L. VIME, in PLLDRR Swansea, IN the County of (;morgan, The Creditors of the above named DAVIn IVILI,IAMS who nave not already proved their debts, are re,R,ned on ™ °RE F E^,H DAY OF Feburary, 1878, to SM.I their aames and addresses, and the particulars of their debts PAIIFS' RAE> undersigned, Samuel Taylor, of No. I,8TLE'STReet, Swansea, aforesaid, Public Accountant, the lrustee under the Liquidation, or in default Thereof they will be excluded from the benefit of the dividend proposed to be declared. Dated this 22nd day of January, 1878. SAMUEL TAYLOR, T: tee.