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GLASS, CHINA & EARTHEN WARE. THE MANUFACTURERS have already considerably advanced their prices, and further 1 advances are considered probable. We recommend Selections to be made at once from our Stock at the Old Prices. AGENTS FOR CROWN DERBY, WORCESTER, MINTONS, DOULTON, AND OTHER EMINENT FIRMS. TAYLOR & COM P A N Y, LIM IT E P- TELTRESH 7ROASTED COFFEE. THIS IFF T™O F M?NG THE IN THE PRINCIPALITYIU^NDSJTHE QUALITY CANNOT BE s SED. ISAAC GALE (LATE B. GOODALL). FAMILY GROCER, 1ft, HIGH STREET. SWANSEA. [3540 FISHER STREET, CARRIAGE WORKS, SWANSEA. J 0 H N JONES & CO, flOACH AND VAN BUILDERS. Orders for NEW WORK, REPAIRS and PAINTING executed with \J despatch. rdR1„ FOR HANSOM. NEW CART with 3 springs. L^x THOMAS, W ATKINS k JENKINS, BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS, BRUNSWICK STREET, SWANSEA. PAINTERS, DECORATORS, AND PAPER-HANGERS, 'ECCLESIASTICAL DECORITIOX & LEAD-LIGHT WORK .SPBCUUTE) PLUMBERS, ELECTRIC BELL-HANGERS, HOT AND COLD WATER AND SANITARY ENGINEERS. Estimates given for every description of Ready-made Joinery and Guilders' Work. Experienced workmen sont to any part of the country. ESTABLISHED, 1856. 4790 HARRY w. SPRING. TACTICAL UPHOLSTERER, CABINET MAKER, AND BEDDING MANUFACTURER, 50 OXFORD STREET, SWANSEA. 1=3 13 T I 3VT -A. T 33 S IF IFt. IE T3 5164 ~Q- A S GAS. OAS- FRMVVQ FITTINGS AND BURNERS OF EVERY KIND XA MAY BE HAD OF F BONNETT & SON, GAS HOT WATER & SANITARY ENGINEERS, PAINTERS, DECORATORS, &c., -UMBERS, FIfcHER-STREET, SWANoEA. ESTABLISHED 1839. [4748 LOW LEVEL HAULAGE COMPANY. Chief Office 4, MOUNT STREET, PWANSEA. W. WESTLAKE. 'YEDORES, SHIPS' AGENTS, AND GENERAL HAULIERS BY ROAD, RAIL %TRACTORSALTO THE HARBOUR BOARD AND THE PRINCIPAL RAILWAYS bilPS LOADEDRAND DISCHARGED AT PER TON. ^OMOTIYES STEAM BARGES, AND LIGHTERS ON HIRE. ^BAM WINCHES AND STEAM HOIST ON HIRE. _JgLB4 Bristol Channel Steam Packet Company LEASED SAILINGS BETWEEN BRISTOL A SWANSEA Three times every week, as stated below. "■ *Y rn H E "V ELI N D R A, 1 "RIO FORMOSO" and 'COLLIER," Will sail as follows, if not prevented by ^tnilSBSjSfr any unforeseen occurrence, with liberty to tow vessels:— For the Month of FEBRUARY, 1889. to tow vessels:— For the Month of FEBRUARY, 1889. SWANSEA AND BRISTOL. I t>, From Swansea. S:S K ;*turday •• 4_,0 a. jU«esday •• 7.30 p.m. «f fw i 8.30 p.m. From Bristol FEBRUARY. 2 Saturday 7.0 p.m. 5 Tuesday 9.u p.m. 7 Thursday 10.30 P.M. 9 Saturday 12.30 noon 12 Tuesday 4.0 p.m. 14 Thursday 5.0 p.m. 16 Saturday 6.30 p.m. 1- luesday 8.0 p.m. 4 s*H,rs?ay •. 9.30 p.m. 26 Tuesddayy n0011 28 Thursday P; £ SWANSEA AND From llfrac0 )V From Swansea. vfBRUART. oe- Vr&tJARY. o Saturday -2^ *1 Wednesday 2.0 p.m. 2 „turclay i.30 £ 'm* Wednesday 2.0 p.m. 16 » 4g. Return—Beat5-?0* >^HES:—Best Cabin. 6s. ForeCabn &s. $.68.: Available for one mouth. via jifracombe to »n «C^ough tickets issued from Swansea vtand south NNestr,, Otis in Devonshire on the London a rn SWANSEA, PADSTOW AND K. From Swansea Ironi J^tlARY. fSBKWART. 5 3O a.m. Wednesday •• 2.0 p.m. 2 Saturday r q a,m. Wednesday •• 2-° 16 Saturday ^turn-^ U-^Ks: Best Cabin, 8s.; Fore Cabin, 5s, Ketu v,; Fore, 8s. Available for 28 days. °* further particulars apply to „ WILLIAM POCKETT General Manager, Entrance South DOCK. root pIRECT Communication between Liverpool and Swansea. i FEBRUARY, 1889. rHE Liverpool and Bristol Channel Steam Navigation Company's Steamers SunligW & Plantagenet" ATe intended to sail from Trafalgar Dock > Liverpool, for Swansea. (Calling at MlLFORD-' Xs prevented by any unforseen oCCU^^ J" .^low ^(Mth or without Pilots, and Uberty to tow l» Juesdav 12.0 night ^Tuesday 2 Tuesday 7.0 p.m. 26 Tuesday p"m- AND FROM Swansea for Liverpool. k (Ooiiino. «t MILFORI' when sufficient cargo offers.) FEB. iWnrdflv 6 0 p in. I6 Saturday 5.0 P,1T1, >twdav 11.0 p.m. ISaturday .10.O p.»- <4^ Additional Weekly Steamer, between Swansea all-1 i^fDonl if induceroeot offers. Aifpa .I_Tr> «nd from Swansea, including cabin fee—Cabin, « 6R Children under 12 years, 7s.; Deck, 6s. Return W?,W.i8s children under 12 years, 12s. 6d. Swansea to kVri—Oabin 5s.; Deck 3s. U ^ssengers are requested to take charge of their own V^age af the Ship is not responsible in any way for its 111'1 Goods tor Milfordand neighbouringportsaretanded t IfcJ'isk of the Shippers and consignees a regards Hui,, *ters anrt Boats. n I Oriel Chambers, H. ^ater-stret-t, Liver,.no j- or Side Trafalgar Dock. philli;it. •• Milford. W. L. JENKINS. Swansea. f053 PllE STOCK EXCHANGE.-MEMBERS OF THE STOCK EXCHANGE are NOT ALLOWED to VjKRTISE for business purposes or to issue circulars M5S°HS other than their own principals. <C*okers or Agents who advertise are not in any Wks C £ ect{*l with The Stock Exchange, or under the „ J??1 of the Committee. of Members of The Stock Exchange who act as Share Brokers may be obtained on applica- FRANCIS LEVIEN, W^etarv to The Committee of The Stock Exchange ^littee Room, The Stock Exchange, London, E.C. L43 i 1 STEAM BETWEEN SWANSEA, BELFAST & GLASGOW. FIRST-CLASS POWERFUL STEAMERS Are intended to sail with goods and passen-ers from No 1 Shed, South Dock Basin, SWANShA to BELFAST AND GLASGOW Everv WEDNESDAY Night. Goods for shipment to Belfast and Glasgow should be alongside Wednesday mornings Above route offfrs a favourable opportunity for making a pleasant trip to IRELAND OR SCOTLAND. Passengers will find the Cabin accommodation superior and during summer months, n addition to regular Stewards, a Stewardess is carried. FARES. Belfast, Cabin, 17s. 6d.; Steerage, 10s. Glasgow Cabin, 20s. Steerage, 12s. 6d.; Soldiers and Sailors 10s. Return Tickets, —Fare and a. half, available for two months For rates of freight and further particulars, apply to M. JONES BRO. Albion Chambers, Cambrian-place, Swansea. 52 \>N U. ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS 0 A N1fto?8GnIS? XT N°I TED STATES. ^CT^APEST and £ 66s, STKEEAQB, FI. ManuA^PEDITIOUS ROUTE to all parts h rvilumbia, also to ^e North West Territory and British Co and Tou«st'^ Western States of America. Special n and Through Trains daily from Ocean to Oe jloWance of Sleeping Cars without extra dharge. A liberal^a» & s^««age f £ e. Western bound Enngrantsaccorni^ an^al conductor. PhTete fr^eon application to he '^est maps and pam- 22 ^fLBR°TttS^*C0., Liverpool. "THE" NEURALGIA MIXTure ES^^»SS^,S!FFI2B-'IAR3-S the i Obe-ist. 19, Nelson-sti-43et. Svvaiised, iiat tneiast twenty ve*rs this remedy rellfty^ hnl^» Fadal ,nnr!lIO'la. 'Faclal powerful commonly_ calllea ^m^iate as a fectly safe, and h*«1C' a,mf most effect^.1' is per- 2s. i. FaJe strS, P £ oved ltself t0 ?SS7. WILLIAMS. Sir ^amea'A)^usti\,4 l have0** T. occasionally, many thi^{eV"1 in vain, to obtain ref? £ alV}a: A«ue 1 ,,Tjester & 6"« *nt miirh faith "• 1 had a tharp attucicy™ v. j a boM*°-cal/ed Patent medicines- but I induced <■? W* botu' of your Veuraiaia Mixture. The v^n/co^idtrably; ^uwnlnakeufe of fellow- TEE MODE TR:1DE JOURWAL, THE AMERICA* A TINNER AND HOUSE FURNISHER Devoted to Stoves, Tinware, J and I^nmongery, NEAT. PRACTICAL. PROGiiESSiVE "CONTAINS more infoi nation relative to TIN- J PLATES than any other Journal in the world. Subscription (post free) $4.00 per year. DANIEL STERN, Publisher and Proprietor, 51-55, Dearborn-street, Chicago, III., U.S.A, The publishers of The Cavihnan will take pleasure in receiving and forwarding Subscriptions to The American Artisan" at the current rate, 16s. 8d. [02 SALES BY AUCTION. VALUABLE FREEHOLD RESIDENCEFOR SALE, SITUATE AT MOUNT PLEASANT, SWANSEA. Messrs. JOHN M. LEEDER and HON have been in structed by the Executors of the late Edward Hammett, Esq., to SELL BY AUCTION, (Subject to such conditious as shall then and there be produced), At the SWANSEA AUCTION ROOMS, GOAT-STREET, SWANSEA, On TUESDAY, the 19th day of February, 1889, A LL that WELL-BUILT FREEHOLD FAMILY A RESIDENCE and PREMISES, known as The Elms," Mount Pleasant, Swansea, now in the ocenpatioo of Mrs. L M. Jones as yearly tenant. The house contains two kitchens, cellar and pantry on the ground floor, large entrance hall, staircase and landing, three reception rooms, five bedrooms, batb and box rooms, w.c., kitchen, servants staiicase, scullery, larder, back entrance, and there is a large paved yard, wood and coal boxise, and outside W-c- A large sum has been expended on re-slating the roof, renewing the kitchen range, and inserting a hot aud cold water apparatus to bath, &c. The above is pleasantly and healthily situated, has extensive views, and is within five mi jutes' walk of church and railway station. The front entrance is surrounded by a flower garden, ornamented with trees and shrubs. In front of the house is a w»lled-io flower garden, a portion of which is held by lease for upwards of four-and- a-half years, at a ground rent of 168. The garden comprises a teuuis-Iawn, greenhouse and arbour. There will also be included a plot of ground (walled in from the road) lyiQg between the house and Mount Pleasant, a plan of which will be produced at the time of sale. It is held by lease for upwards of 41 years at an apportioned ground rent of lIs. 6d. 2 Sale to commence at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. For further particulars and conditions of sale apply to Messrs. BEOR, FRY and PLANT, Solicitors, Temple-street; or to the Auctioneers, Goat-street. Swansea. [5393 Valuable Freehold Property for Sale situate in the Centre of tne Town of Neath, Glamorganshire- Messrs. JOHN lJ-J. LEEDER tt SON Have been instructed to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, At the CROWN INN, NEATH, On THURSDAY, the 21st day of FEBRUARY, 1889, RPHE following VALUABLE FREEHOLD PUBLIC- 1 HOUSE and Cottage Properties, situate in the centre of the thriving town of Neat pnsmg :— LOT 1.-All that FULL LMENSED PUBLIC- HOUSE and PREMISES, known M IHE CROWN INN," together with the cottage adjoining having a total frontage of 80 feet or thereabouts to Cattle.street. The front of the Inn faces Angel-street, and a frontage thereto of 18 feet no °°cupation of Miss L. A- Messenger as yearly tenant, at the low rental of S24 per annum. low rental of £ 24 per annum. It contains on the ground floo y ar> with cellar under, large bar Pa™l' kitchen, scullery, pantry, tw with w c.'s to each, coal and wood house wlth back entrance to Duck street, on the first fi00r> a large club room, parlour, 2 s, china pantry and w.c.; on the second floor, 5 bed_ The cottage adjoining contains rooms a small shop, w.c. and back entrance to Duck-street, now in the occupation of Edmund Fraley at a rental of 4s. 6d. per week. LOT 2. — All that FREEHOLD HOUSE AND PREMISES formerly known as the WORTH INN" situate on the corner of HIGH-8TREef and Mack worth-lane and having a frontage to each of 31ft. 9in and 57ft. 6in. respectivelv, together with the WAREHOUSE and 3 COTTAGES adjoining situate and being No. 6, 7, 8, MACKWOMTH-LANE, and having a fronta.e thereto of 58ft. or thereabouts, also^ those three stone built cottages and small corner shop known as No. 39, 40, 41 and 42, Wind street, having a frontage thereto of 51ft. and 8ft. to Mack worth-lane The property described as the CU" ac*Worth Inn was formerly a well-known costing House but has for some years been unoccupied The Warehouse adjoining has been until recently in the occupation of Mr. Lewis, Grocer. it has a depth of 45ft. a spacious entrance to Mackworth- lane and is well suited for a any whole- sale business. Nos. 6 and 7 Mackworth-lane are four roomed cottages in the occupation of Elizabeth Davies and George Hopkins at weekly rentals of 2s. 6d., each, a portiou of the yard of No. 6 has been walled off by Mr Lewis, grocer to obtain an entrance from his premises to the above mentioned warehouse and which will for the pur- pose of this Sale be included and form part of No. 6.. No. 8 is a five-roomed cottage, in the occupation of Margaiet Jones, at a rental or^s. od. per week No. 39, WTind-street, is a small shop, with room over, formerly let at 2s. 6d. per week, but at present vacant. No. 40, 41 and 42 are four-roomed cottages, with small yard and w.c. to each, in the occupation of respectable tenants at 3s. 6d. per week each If not sold in one lot they will be divided into "throp as follows, viz.. "THE OLD MACKWORTH INN" and WAREHOUSE adjoining to form one lot; No. 6 7 and 8 MACKWORTH-LANE. the second lot and Nos 39 40, 41 and 42. WIND-STREET, the third lot. Sale to commence at 3.30 p m. For particulars and conditions of sale apply t:> Messrs. W. R. SMITH and SON, Solicitors, Cambrian- place or to the Auctioneers', at their offices, Goat- street, Swansea. [5461 Swansea, Glamorganshire. TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION (IN LOTS), by Messrt. JOHN M. LKEDER SON, At the MACKWURTH HOTEL, SWANSEA, On SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23vd, 1889, At two o'clock in the afternoon "I K £ 1 FULLY PAID-UP £ 10 6 per cent. XOl" PREFERENCE SHARES, and £ 500 4 per cent. PREFERENCE STOCK in the Swansea and Mumbles Railway Company, Limited. Printed particulars and conditions of sale^ may be had four days before the day of sale of the' Auctioneers, Swansea. r54.93 To Gentlemer, Amateur Gardeners, and Others. SALE OF ROSES, SHRUBS, FRUIT TREES, FOREST TREKS, THORNS, &c. Messrs. JOHN F. HARVEY.* Co. Are instructed by Mr. G. Nott, of the Cwmdookin Nurseries, Swansea, TO SELL BY AUCTION, At their Sale-rooms, 4 and 5, GOAT-STRKKT, SWANSEA, On SATURDAY, the 23rd FKBRUARY. 1889, A LARGE assortment of SHRUBS, DWARF ROSES, ORNAMENTAL TREES, APPLE, PEAR and ASSORTED, GOOSEBERRY and CURRANT TREES, RASPBERRY CANES, RHUBARB ROOTS, 50,000 Strong THORNS for HEDGING, &c. For further particulars see bills. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Dated Febiuary 14th, 1889. [5486 Boosbeck Mines, near Guisbrough, N.R. Yorkshire. Owing to severe snow storm this Sale is POSTPONED until further notice. FOR the CONVENIENCE of intending purchasers -F the Auctioneer is prepared to sell any of the lots by private contract until the Sale takes place. C, WILLMAN, C.E,, M.E., Auctioneer,26, Albert-road, Middlesbro'. ^•ebruary l2th, 1889. [5490 Sigh-street Brewery, Swansea. THE OLDEST-S!8TABLIaHE1) BREWERY IN SWANSEA THE PROPRIETY" his numerous MR. THOMAS JONES, begs to thank inform them that his 5i}t,"ons f°r their past favours, and to aIiy manufactured 8touts. &c., bear a standard equal hands employe by hi.n arp ^a"seu *nd neighbourhood. The are tb "j the process of manufao £ llJr!roughIy skilled and experienced, a" roved principles Great call*•ls oonducted upon the m-st ??? finpst Ma!( aM Hops are..18 taken to ensure that only f on^th and delicate flavour th?d' and as re8ards purity, action, the Premises !!? A,e« cannot fail to give entire sa jng an extensive area nfPled are and com- modious, cover'e brewery, and Ma°,ftlf°und. The Buildings comprise ta(i d ouses. The latter are arranged on rte m g latest »he machinery and appliances in u The Stores with16fhfl ^nowledge of the excellent together executed at the shorty* Viable'aotrce Concerning Jfc Jones's status it is sufficient to say that he ranks among the leading and most popular and respected business men in Bwanwa, 5338 SALES BY AUCTION. Swansea- TO LÂROE AN]) SMALL CAPITALISTS PUBLI"NS, AND. OTHERS. HIGHLY IMPORTANT SALE OF FREEHOLD AND LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES. Messrs. JAMES & JAMES Have received infractions to offer for SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION (Subject to such conditions as shall then be produced), At the ROTAL HOTEL, 1^qSwansea» on TTUESDAY MABOH 5tn, loo9, HE following very VALUABLE PROPERTIES, viz. LOT I.-All that LEASEHOLD MESSUAGE or DWELLING HOUSE, BEIN& 101, WESTERN-STREET, let to Mr. David Davies, at the low reL0Tf2.-TnwSt LEASEHOLD MESSUAGE or rVWTlT T Tv»A *TV-VTTtlTa OlflltltA 9,11(1 1 /\M -UVVJiiJUliliNli tiUUO^ ,r T U IL I ^8 XUii, WESTERN STREET, let to Mr. Jonn estacott, at the low rent of 6s. per week. „^TxrkT 1lyrt,c,^TT LOT 3.—All that LEASEHOLD MESSUAGE or DWELLING HOUSE, 8ituate a.nd being 103 WESTERN-STREET, let to Mr. Thomas Reid, at the low rent of 6s. per week. T The above lots are held under an Indenture of Lease, for a term of 99 years, from March 25th, _lp n 1873, at an annual grounu ot which each lot shall bear an apportionment of C2 16s. per annum. n LOT^—All that FREEHOLD DOUBLE-LICENSED PUBLIC HOUSE and PREMISES, situate and being on the corner of WATERLOO-STREET and ORANGK- STREET, and known as the "OLD KUM PUNCHEON," now in the occupation of Mr. Morgan Morgan, as yearly tenant, at the exceedingly 1°w <^ Per annum. LOT 5 —All that FREEHOLD HOU>E and SHOP, situate and being 1, WATERLOO-STREET, now in the occupation of Mr. George Herz, at 88. per week. LOT 6-All that FREEHOLD HOUSE and SHOP situate and being 2, WATERLOO-STREET, now in the occupation of Mr. W. H. Michael, at 8s. per week. LOT 7.—All that LEASEHOLD HOUSE and SHOP, situate and being 4, WATERLOO-STREET, recently let, at the annual rental of JE42 10s. This lot is held for a term of 99 years, from March 25th, 1884, at the annual ground rent of zC6 for the. first ten years, and R7 per annum for the remainder of the term. T„ Tr/^TT^„ LOT 8.—All that FREEHOLD PUBLIC HOUSE and PREMISES, situate and being 111, HIGH-STREET, and known as the "LOWER LAMB," in the occupation of Mr. John Price, under a lease for 25 years, from March 25th, 1883, at the yearly rent of £ 60. cmnr.T LOT g.-All that excellently built LiriAonnyLiij CORNER DWELLING HOUSE and SHOP, having a frontage one way of 38 feet, and of 97t feet the other way, situate and being 1, DANYGRAIG ROAD, ST. THOMAS, now in the occupation of the vendor. Estimated rental value .£45 per annum LOT IO.-All that excellently built LEASEHOLD DWELLING HOUSE, situate and being 2, DANYGRAIG- ROAD aforesaid, containing seyen good rooms, and let at 6s. per week. Lots 9 and 10 are held for a term of 99 years, from June 24th, 1884, at the annual ground rent of £5, of which lot 9 shall bear an apportioned ground rent of £3 10s., and lot 10 £1 10s. per annum. LOT n.-All that FREEHOLD PUBLIC HOUSE and PREMISES, known as the "OLD IVY BUSH," situate on the corner of HIGH-STREET and MORRIS- LANE, SWANSEA, held by Mr. Henry Hurman, for an unexpired term of 9 years, from December 25th last, at the annual rent of £ 90. The special attention of Brewers and others is directed to this valuable business premises, which is considered to have one of the best counter trades in the town. „ „ „ „ LOT XII. —All that LEASEHOLD DWELLING HOUSE and SHOP, situate and being 41, ST. HELEN'8- ROAD, now and for many years past in the occupation of Mr. Thomas Brend, Chemist, as yearly tenant, at the low rent of JB40 per annum. LOT XIII.-All that LEASEHOLD DWELLING HOUSE and SHOP, situate and being 42, ST. HELEN'S- ROAD, now and for many years past in the occupation of Mr. Jacomelli, confectioner, as yearly tenant, at the low rent of JE40 per annum. Lots 12 and 13 are held for a term of 99 years, from March 25th, 1874, and will be sold subject to a ground rent of X5 14s. for each lot. LOT XIV.— All that LEASEHOLD DWELLING HOUSE and STABLE, situate and being in ARGYLI- STKEET, at the rear of the two last mentioned lots, now in the occupation of Mr. James Belt, at the rent of 10s. per week. Lot 14 is held for a term of 99 years, from March 25th, 1873, and will be sold subject to a ground rent of .£1 10s. per annum. LOT XV. All that LEASEHOLD OUT-DOOR LICENSED PREMISES, situate and being 98, MANSEL- STREET, now and for many years past in the occupation of Mrs. Pearce, as yearly tenant, at the low rent of X40 per annum. nn This lot is held for a term of 99 years, from 25th March, 1853, at an annual ground rent of t3 13s. 4d. r LOT XVI. All that LEASEHOLD HOUSE and SHOP, with STABLE at the rear situate and being 47, OXFORD-STREET, let to Messrs. Wheeler and Wilson, as yearly tenants, at the low rent of L50 per annum. This lot is held under a Lease for a term of 35 years, from September 29th, 1871, at the rent of L25 per annum for the first twenty-one years, and X30 per annum for the remainder of the term. Sale to commence promptly at Three o clock, p m. For further particulars and conditions of Sale apply, as to lot 8, to CHARLES NORTON, oohcitor, High- street, Swansea as to lots 1 to 7, and a to 16, to Messrs. RICHARDS and JAMES, Solicitors, 31, rishei-street, Swansea; and as to the whole, to the Auctioneers, Gower-street and Dynevor-place. Swansea. [5480 Dated February 9th, 1889. [5480 THE WESTERN COUNTIES AND SOUTH WALES TELEPHONE Co.. LIMITED. PUBLIC TELfcpHO" GALL. ROOM. IMPORTANT NOTICE. 171 REK USE of Call Rt>oras bJ Subscribers for Local Ji Calls. The Conipac>" have decided, as an additional facili'v to thf subscribers to their Exchange system, to give them an their representatives the free use of all Call Rooms in tae" ow? *?*»» {or Ioc'41 com' munications with other subscribers in that town, on pro- a u P ac nhtamed at the Company s Offices, duction of a P..ss, to be obU returuableFon7the holder upon payment of 5S as adeP >of tfae Exchange Rental delivering it up the exP,. peri0d Applications for Agrerment, or at *ny eaibei p ,g offices> these Passes to be made to the U f H. spagNOLEIII, 5405] 35. WIND-STREET, SWANSEA. THE ( Law Guarantee & Trust society LIMITED. CAPITAL, £ 1)000.000. TRUSTEES■ THE HOK. BARON POLLOCK. THE E [olq. MR. JUSTICE KAY. Titt- HON MR jUSUCt DAY. THE HOK. MB JUSTICE GRANTHAM. OBJECTS OF THE SOCIETY rpO the fidelity of persons filling situations f of trust. To gusirantee mortgages, Admiralty bail bonds, the due performance of contracts, the protection of trust and other funds. &c., &< For full particulars and prospectus apply to :— LIVINGSTON & CO., THE SOCIETY'S AGENTS, 5414] SWANSEA. rnWELVE BIAUTIFITL VARIETIES OP CHOICE I FLOWER ffeEDS of easy culture, carefully selected for the open garden, deluding Aster, finest double St, ,ck, 10-week, finest double Mignonette, sweet-scented Sweet Peas, splendid mixed Scarlet Linurn Pansy, choice mixed Nasturtium, Tom Thumb Clarkia integripetala &c. Each variety in a beautifully illustrated coloured floral pocket with full cultutaldirections. Sown now will produce a brilliant display throu¡thlUt the summer and autumn. Catalogue of Seeds and Plants free with each order. Post free Is. tt., two packets, 2s. 2d., flUr packets, 4s. DANIELS BR#S.. Seedsmen to the Queen, NORWICH. t) OSES SPECAL OFFER. A splendid collection of hybrid perpetuals, iicluding the most beautiful and popular sorts, 6' r our selection. Fife dwarfs, trimmed ready for planting, per doz. 5s 6d six for 3s., or 25 for 10s. Extra choice sorts, including Q-loire <S Dijon, per doz. 7s. 6d., six for 4s., or m 14. Packing and arriage free for Cash with order. DANIELS BRO., Town Close Nurseries, NORWICH. T ILIUM AURA'UM. The beautiful Golden-ray^ Luy ExfrL^rM. prdo- 8s.. «x for 4s. 6d„ or 26 for 15s. Carriage free for Cab with order. DANIBLS BBOS.^own Close, Nurseries, NOBWJCH. tM<0 /1 EDUCATIONAL. Government School of Science and Art, ALEXANDRA ROAD, SWANSEA. In connection with the Science and Art Department, South Kensington- Chairman: THE MAYOR OF SWANSEA. Hon. Secretary: E. W. JENNINGS, Worcester-place. Head Master: F. F. HOSFORD. ART CLASSES: Freehand Drawing in all its branches. Practical Geometry and Perspective. Architectural and Mechanical Drawing. Painting in Oil, Tempera, and Water Colours. The Figure from the Antique and the Life. HOURS OF STUDY-DAY CLASSES: TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, Morning Class from 11 to 1. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, Afternoon „ from 2 to 4. WEDNESDAY, „ „ from 2 to 4. SATURDAY, „ from 2 to 4. M EVENING CLASSES: TUESDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, and FRIDAYS, from 7.IS to 9.15. FEES: All Fees are payable in Advance. MORNING CLASSES, Tuesdays and Fridays, 20s per term of ten weeks 5s. Entrance Fee. AFTEKNOON CLASSES, same days and Fees. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON CLASS, intended for Male and Female Students from Private Schools, 15s. per School term. SATURDAY AFTERNOON CLASS, for Teachers and Pupil Teachers of Elementary Schools, ,5s.; to all others, 10s. per Session. Open from September to May examination. EVENING CLASSES, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, from 7.15 to 9.15. Fees, 2s. per month. 2s. Entrance Fee. CLASSKS will re-commence on TUESDAY, JAN. 8th, 1889. [5255 UPLANDS SCHOOL, 9 & 10, Glanmor-Terrace, Swansea Principal—Rev. J. E. MANNING, M.A. Terms on application. THE next Term commences on THURSDAY, JAN 17 i. 1889. T024 Pontardawe Collegiate School. SPECIAL attention to backward boys. Healthy and comfortable home. Duties resumed JANUARY 28th, 1889. [5310 Miss M. C. SQUIRE, TEACHER OF THE VIOLONCELLO, 26, WIND-STREET, SWANSEA. TERMS on application. [3565 Tremont House, 6, Walter Road, Swansea. BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL for GIRLS, IRO conducted by MRS. CHUNE, (widow of H. C. CHUNE, Surgeon,) and the MISSES CHUNE, (certificated,) assisted by resident and visiting Governesses, (certificated), and visiting masters. Foreigner for languages. NEXT TERM will Commence TUESDAY, JANUARY f2ud, 1889. [Q29 Academy of Music, 35, Walter-road, Swansea. MRS. AND MISS M. FRICKER RESUME LESSONS MONDAY, the 19th of t-'L' JANUARY. Subjects include Piano, Harp, Violin, Singing. 5321 Neath Proprietary School. HEAD MASTER: RET. J. ALLAN PRIDE, B.A., AND ASSISTANT MASTERS. Apply for Prospectuses to the Head Master; or to the Chairman, The Ven. Archdeacon of Llandaff, The Rectory, Neath. [2399 Art Classes. THE CLASSES, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF Mrs. J. C. VYE-PARMINTER, Y^ILL RE-COMMENCE TUESDAY, JAN. 15, 1889. Oil and Water-Colour Painting, including Painting from the Costume Model, Miniature, Tapestry, Art Pottery, Screen and Fan Painting, &c. Also Classes for Drawing. Students may enter at any time. Broadway Villa, Walter-road, Swansea. [026 12, Castleton, Mumbles. BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, AND PREPARATORY SCHOOL FOR LITTLE BOYS. Conducted by the MISSES POTTS, (Daughters of a Clergymanl. Resident Foreign Governess. — Highest References. Terms on application. [3663 LESLIE SCHOOL OF ART, 1, KENSINGTON TERRACE, SWANSEA OIL AND WATER COLOUR. TAPESTRY, CHINA AND PASTEL PAINTING. CLASSES RE-COMMENCE JANUARY 2nd, 1889. ZIT ELLA E. TOIMIIKIIlSrg, 5182] PRINCIPAL. PUPILS MAY ENTER AT ANY TIME. ,¡ EDINBURGH HOUSE, WALTER ROAD, SWANSEA. Educational and Boarding Establishment for Young Ladies, and Kindergarten and Elementary School for Gentlemen's Children. CONDUCTED BY MRS. WARDHAUGH, And Certificated Teachers. EDINBURGH HOUSE is pleasantly situated in one E of the most healthy suburbs of the town, and is well adapted for Educational purposes. The rooms are large, lofty, airy, well-lighted, and thoroughly ventilated. The health and domestic comforts of the I Pupils are carefully attended to. Special Class for Little Boys. Pupils prepared for all Examinations. Term Commences JANUARY 14th, 1889. [4921 Girls' Boarding and Day School, ST. HELEN'S *°AD, PRINCIPAL. — liflSS GARLICK, A.C.P. Assisted by certificated resident and visiting Teachers PRINCIPAL. mrSS GARLICK, A.C.P. Assisted by certificated resident and visiting Teachers PUPILS PREPARED FOR ALL PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS. The House is well situated, five minutes walk from Beach and Parks. -J^EXT Term will commence TUESDAY, Jan. 15,1889. ±1 3412 High-Class Boarding and Day Rv<sTT»T?x>rTN Sc^9o1 for Girls. HISLDERST Foreign and English Governesses. Professors for Art, Piano, Harp, Violin, Singing, Gymnastics, Calisthenics and Mathematics. Numerous Certificates have been obtained in Compe- titive Examinations. Prospectus and references on application to MISS RIDDELL, RVSSSLL HocsB. MUMBLES. The ensuing Term will commence on MONDAY, 21st inst., at 3 o'clock p.m. L25 Belle Vue, Mount Pleasant, SWANSEA. T P ■ 1 IRLS' BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL, tfrm- YT cipals—the MISSES PHILLIPS. RODENT FOREIGN and English Governesses and Visiting M»ATERS- PLLB prepared for Local Examinations. Belle Vue, in accommodation, SITFL FRT_ UNOI^C8" tion grounds, offers special ADVANTAGES lthfu* study, comfort, and pleasure. Term erences on application to the Principal0- [1 Term commences JANUABY 197 MrOSWAL KORTH. PUBLIC TRANSLATOR, TEACHER OF LANGUAGBS, 15 KENSINGTON TERRACE, SWANSEA, RECEIVES PUPIROOI^KEEPMCERMAN'LATIN- SPANISH, BOOK KEEPING AND SHORT- HAND. CANDIDATES J>r Matriculation and Higher CIVILJFL^L^ [5013 Ealinff Ladies' Colleee ?O'E GLTLF W' S PrKl". for ari'^t'"0 for Erap- 'iXln'd t.6ned home UbeiTf'i, Th™18hl!' ">mlart- S1U f». "on, 30 [5094 I w ^uuoi, Westbourne-road, Penarth. R RINCIPAL MR. SYDNEY GIBSON. a88isted by efficient masters, and f^r fu to prepare for the usual examina- l i Public Schools. ^or t^le fallowing subjects: —Mathema- Dra*ing, Shortbaad, Drilling, kc. Prospectus on application to the Principal. [5268 mHE MOST SENSIBLE MAN in this district WILL i-s v,,X>KAR HIS NEXT WEEK'S EXPENSES^PUT *><> BANK OF ENGLAND NOTE IN HIS POCKET, *Qd assist any charitable object which may be at tae "PPealing to his generovs instinct'. WEDNESDAY'S "TRADE, FIKAMCB wd REOREA TION," a Weekly Newspaper for Everybody. agents and Railway Bookstalls, Id., or post-free lja. w ( Mwk Lu«, Loados, E.C. lM13 EDUCATIONAL. "T^IOLIN taught (Italian style) by S. KNIGHT, VT pupil of Herr Schlopfavski, great Hungarian Violinist, pupil Signor Paganini, 15, DILLWTN-STKEET [5281 Byron House School, The Park, Ealing, London, W. i offer«n!Lof thr6 conducted Schools around London), education »t VJ facility for a commercial or a professional exceptionally ^,°Sr«r5asonable tenns. under a large staff of UnWersHvau^?^04 Masters. not only chosen* for their Over 90 01ls' but for their acknowledged ability to Cambridge Oxfn^ r^ii an^ honours have been obtained from ten A food W«Uh9°llegeof Preceptors, and South Kensing- ton. A. good Welsh connection for both boys and girls. English Masters J^Fowle^A p w TVnuBhv W J-A. Mackintosh, A.C.P.. JUHIOE DEPARTMENT, |or P„p,„ ,„m tIl to of Mr. A. Moir, a Qualified and exDeriencad mAftter Classics, Mathematics, and Science, for London Matriculation J. Coutts, M A. J. Coutts, M A. German and French Dr. W. Mussler. Drawing (Freehand Geometrical, Perspective), Waler-colour and Oil Paintinir •' Mr. Fairs (fully certificated from University College Blade School). Phonography, by a thoroughly qualified and practical master. Music—Piano, Organ (Practice and Theorv) • Miss E. L. Holland (certificated). Violin Mr. H. E. Coinpton (Medallist, Royal Academy). Drill, Fencing, and Calisthenics: Lieutenant J. B. Sleigh. The Head Master has had over 20 years' experience, and is constantly teaching and co-operating with the Masters. r492 HENRY A. CHAPMAN, ARTIST AND PHOTOGRAPHER, WINNER OF SEVERAL MEDALS AND FIRST PRIZES FOR PHOTOGRAPHS I AND OIL PAINTINGS. THE BEST STUDIO IN THE PRINCIPALITY FOR BEST WORK AND MODERATE PRICES. ALL THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS AND ADDITIONS. PRICES: 3 for 2s. 6 for 3s. 12 for 5s. 6d. 235, HIGH-STREET SWANSEA. [4134 TWELVE CARTES DE VISITE, 2s. 8d. L oix, Is. 8d. Two Cabinets, 2s. 6d • Six 5s. One 10-inch Panel, 5s.; two, 7s. Copied or enlarged from any portrait, however faded. Sent with postal order or stamps to Mr. F, S. D. PHILUIFS. Perfect copies and original returned free. LONDON PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. 304, Regent-street, London W. [353 King Arthur Hotel, Reynoldstone, Gower. PROPRIETOR :-J. BEVAN. MRS. J. BEVAN (late Mrs. Williams) BEGS to ANNOUNCE that the above Hotel is stil carried on under her personal supervision, and Visitors may rely upon finding every accommodation as hereto- fore. Conveyances kept for those who wish to see the charming places in Gower. [2100 SWANSEA HOUSE COAL DEPOT PELL STREET. ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS BEST LARGE RED ASH COAL BEST THRO' RED ASH COAL I A* BEST NUT ANTHRACITE > Lowest FIREWOOD, GRAVELS, kc. ) prwes. Delivered in Bags, or otherwise, on Shortest Notice. MORGAN THOMAS, PROPRIETOR. 19B2 Neath and District Advertising, Bill-Posting, and Circular Distributing Company. OFFICE 13, CATTLE STREET, NEATH. BEST Permanent Posting Stations in Town and Neighbourhood. Contractors for all description of Advertising, Circular distributing, &c. ORDBBe PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. All Parcels tr, be distinctly addressed to T. Harry Hawkins Neath. 012] THOMAS FORD AND CO., PIER STREET. SWANSEA. BAR FITTERS, PLUMBERS, GAS FITTERS, &c. GAS FITTINGS, BEER ENGINES, AND EVERY REQUISITE KEPT IN STOCK. A CALL IN TO INSPECT SA ME RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. SOLE AGENTS for MB. SAMUEL MASON, Prize Medal Bar Fitter, Birmingham. [5052 UNDER ROYAL PATRONAGE. FOR DRESS, BALL, AND OTHER BOUQUETS, FOR LADIES' SPRAYS AND GENTS' BUTTONHOLES, GO TO TOM BARRON, THE ROYAL FLORIST, lOOa, OXFORD STREET, SWANSEA. PLANTS, CUT FLOWERS, be 5039 ELECTRIC LIGHTING. J. C HOW ELL, ELECTRIC LIGHT ENGINEER, LLANELLY. Contractor or the Supply and Fitting up of ELECTRIC LIGHT APPARATUS Of every description. INCANDESCENT and ARC LIGHT INSTALLATIONS For Collieries, Factories, Ships, Houses, &c. Estimates on Application. A few examples of work carried out and gooduuppliecl locftiiy Dowlais Iron Co., Dowlais 4 Area. 60 Incandescent* Glamorgan Coal Co., Llwynypia 300 Incandewents Mortgagees Ptymouth Works Merthyr 600 Incandescent* National Steam Coal Co., Wattstown 89 Incandeaouts Ocean Coal Co., Treorky 50 Incandesoents Cardiff Castle, Cardiff 2,300 Light Dynamos Roath Docks 25 Area. E. Morewood and Co., Llanelly 10 Arcs. 260 Incandesoents J. Mackav, Esq., Treforest 4 Arcs. Swansea Tin-plate Co. (temporary lighting) 30 Incandesoents B. Howell and Son, Saw Mills, Llanelly, 1 Arc. 100 Incan. Western Tin-plate Co., Llanelly 4 Ares. 130 Incandeeoents Grovesend Tin-plate Co., Gorseinon 4 Arcs. 120 Incandesoents Viviaa & Sons, Swansea 60 Incandescent* FOR COPPBR DEPOSITION I WILLIAMS, FOSTER, and CO., SWANSEA. VIVIAN and SONS, SWANSEA. Contracts undertaken for Transmission of Power to Distance. Further information can be obtained from MR. JOHN LEGa, KELSON STREET SWANSEA. 374 Blue Lias Lime, White LiDle, Limestone and Silicious Fire Cement B DANIEL and Co. are prepared to • Supply the above-named article at all Railway Stations. Stormy Worlcs, "vie, B«ar Bridgend. [22 glBD'S QU8TARD T>OWDEB. A GREAT LUXURYI kto EGGS CBOICcbBT^:ICIOV' WITHOUT BetH t NT° EeGS Raised. bib^ "7 IX JJ -<-« CUSTARD N° EG&S R.EQUIRBD. AT HALF TM^COST* and T„„ HALF THB TEOVBU, N dish$Knn%?U £ p2'' f PeMt complet* Sold favourite Custard. ■■verywtiere in 6d. and ls. Boxes, and Jd. Packets. gIBD'S QUSTARD pOWDUR, iee that each Packet the name of the Isvaoters and 8»Ia ■anufacturert, ALFBGI) BIRD SONS, Devonshire Works, nnoingham, [9950-