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WE OFFER A BOX OF OHOIOE FIGrS, CONTAINING ^4LBE'' F0E ONE SHILLING. WE CONSIDER THESE OF VERY EXCEPTIONAL VALUE. TAYLOR & COMPANY, j, X JS/L I T E ID UNITED KINGDOM CO-OPERATIVE STORES, UI>A SWA N S E A •m «PPIH \mgS^SdPA™TSCREW. T\/TAPPIN and WEBB'S own q^f*c0tarej Jid FAST HANDLE TABLE CUTLERY, cannot JM_ plated on pure white nickel, SPOO an Ce loose in boiling water. areguarantaed to wear equal to silver. AI pt /^TTmnjTorn nTTT-T TJKV wear- Fiddle or All Fancy gHEFFIKLD CUTL Table Cheese(Carvers Old English. Patterna. s" S' 8' 2 6 0 3 0 0 3fin. Table Knives, ivory handle 1 do 20 0 14 0 7 0 Table Porks, heaviest plating •• 0 2 4 0 balance z Dessert do. do. -• 2i0 0 3 3 0 3$Do., edge-pinned do. do. 25 0 18 0 0 Table Spoons do. •• 1 18 0 2 6 0 3i ^balance, patent handle do. 36 0 25 0 12 0 Dessert do. ,?<>• •* 1 16 0 2 15 0 5 5°"* d?' 4°- <Jo. 0 0 ifn Table Forks, A quality -• 1 8 0 2 n 0 4 Do., finest white do. do. 50 0 36 0 17 0 Deasert do. ^°* o O n o ICL n 4 Do., rounded ivory do. do. 45 0 33 0 15 0 Table Spoons do. •• 1 10 0 2 0 0 4 Do., finest African do. 65 0 48 0 20 0 pfwllarf. do. do. 4 Do., plated handles, pistol) do. 38 0 23 0 12 0 m~ T>"PTN andWEBB.—STERLING SILVER PLATE ( Ivl for Presentations, Testimonial#, Wedding, Hng^lvTr mounto^" d°- S° ° 40 0 15 0 evening, grthday Presents. Selections forwarded The handles of these knives are secured by a patent process. on aPPr0Xai—— Blades warranted best doable-refined shear steel, forged at -» /fAPPIN and WEBB'S ILLUSTRATED CATA- their manufactory, the Boyal Cutlery Works. Norfolk-street, VI T.OGUES are sent post free from 158, Oxford- Sheffield. Catalogues, drawings, and prices free from 158, J; Tendon. W., and •Oxford-street. London, W., and Street, QW TvrcTP A i 4oor TAYLOR AND CO.. UMTTBD. AGENTS, SWANSEA. j4225 TELEPHONE No. 17. T HAVE secured a Large exceptionally FINE PUEE CEYLON TEAS, which I am X offering at pjgR POUND. Hither:o there his b"n aWlotely nothing to compare with it.-ThU being a special quotation I can make n reduction upon parcels under 201bs. I S A A C G-A L E (LATE B. OOODALL). (LATE B. GOODALL). FAMILY GROCER, 18, HIGH STREET, SWANSEA. [3540 HARRY W. SPRING. PRACTICAL UPHOLSTERER, CABINET MAKER, AND BEDDING MANUFACTURER, 50, OXFORD STREET, SWANSEA. B S T I 3^E -A. TBS FREE, 3333 q. g GAS. C3- A S • STOVES FITTINGS AND BURNERS OF EVERY KIND X MAY BE HAD OF F. BONNETT & SON, PLUMTiF-RS GAS, HOT WATER & SANITARY ENGINEERS, PAINTERS, DECORATORS, &c., 33, FISHER-STREET, SWANSEA. ESTABLISHED 1839. [4748 101, OXFORD STREET, SWANSEA. •0 AUTUMN, 1888. D*AK SIB,— W« taka opportunity of thanking yon for past favors, and at the same time t» express a. hope f"j the oon- tmuance^of the support you have so generously bestowed upon ua during the short period !»»»• "•» n thWe°have nmch pleasure in stating that our arrangement, for rfH igh"Ch^Tw^Sffrom the Tot SlSAand8 wear we can confidently recommend weempioy none but first-class Workmen, and every Garment is cut and fitted under our own Personal fiupervision. and we guarantee Fit, Style, and Finish^ We are. Sir, Your obedient Servants, PROTHEROE AND PE A R C E. NAVAL, MILITARY AND CLERICAL TATLO [4859 LADIES GARMENTS A SPECIALITE. LOW LEVEL HAULAGE COMPANY. Chief Office: 4, MOUNT STREET, SWANSEA. W. WESTLAKE. STEVEDORES, SHIPS' AGENTS, AND GENERAL HAULIERS BY ROAD, RAIL AND CANAL. CONTRACTOBSALTO THE HARBOUR BOARD AND THE PRINCIPAL RAILWAYS OF THE PORT. SHIPS LOADED AND DISCHARGED AT PER TON. LOCOMOTIVES, STEAM BARGES, AND LIGHTERS ON HIRE. STEAM WINCHES AND STEAM HOIST ON HIRE. [3184 MONEY LENT PRIVATELY, WITHOUT DELAY OR BILL OF SALE. A Gentleman will make ADVANCES, from £ 10 to to responsible persons in town or country in heir note of band alone, without bill of sale or Interest, 5 per cent. No genuine applicant 4* advances made on crops, farm stock, —Write^'or" enit"" COBarounications are strictly private. WKX^ON.^A»N £ HE MR. MILNER, 17, N.B.—If desire, "tS amo^°^ Chblsba' interest for any time up to lo ^1.°' C&a remalD °\i252 The N ew ^p^i^tar~B^t~7Tnr poration, Limited CAPITAL — AUTHORISED, £ 2,000,000 • OT> SCRIBED AND PAID UP, £ 567,000. UB* London • 40, Threadneedle Street, £ .c. W«8t End Branch: 25. Cockspur-street, s.w. I Edinburgh: 23, St. Andrew Square. BRANCHES AND AGENCIES. Aden Houg Kong NAGASAKI I^P0" Badulla Jaffna NeweraEllia Sydney Bombay Kandy NEW York Tabreez Bushire KOBE (Hiogo) Paris Jamatave Calcutta Madras SanFrancisco Colombo Mah6 Seychelles Oalle Mauritins Shanghai Yokohama Dundee Melbourne INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. At 3, AN<^ MONTHS' notice, 3 per cent, per annnm. AT 6, 7» AND P '"nths' 4 >• At in li-' mo; ..» »» » At 3, 5, or 7 years notice 5 pUREENT ACCoW^d "«;«Ltate«» °°tM" £ 100. nroved banking securities. Advances made against app arirfllice premiums, sub- Pay and pensions dravrp, 1 ^„vraents made at a •riptions, and other periodical p j uniform commission of per cent. gafe custody Securities bought, sold, and received for safe custody constituents of the bank. Interest ana u at A uniform commission of •} PER ■R_„NChes at IWU«D upon the Bank's „„IIPCted or JATE*' FREE commission. Bills co • ESS OWODUCTED1 ANC* EYETJ description of exchange »dde(^??r+?e an^ department has lately ^een THO FULL f CONVET>ience of Eastern constituents. at anv n^omatiou can 1)6 'btained by application Office. Branches and Agencies, or at the Head GEORGE WILLIAM THOMSON, Secretary. 3427 BSVBET^HO?OUSIFISDGAW;TT-EF HA%D?T lead, lime in excess, SEWAGE OR 14 «" IMB?E TOJ?°ILTALD MAWSON'S FILTERS are OF infectious diseases, to be the most efficacious in reruoJL scientific analysis are safe, simple aud eaaily CLEANED ,™PNRi.8' AND MAWSON, SWAN AND WEDDKLL ^T Manufacturers, J. T. i*™* is, d.™^vs.rJrs™ -——————————————— ]4568 SWANSEA HOUSE COAL DEPOT PELL 8TREET. ^OT' ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEAP« BEST LARGE RED ASH COAL X BEST THRO' RED ASH COAL At BEST NUT ANTHRACITE > LOWEST FIREWOOD, GRAVELS, &c. ) Prices. Delivered in Bags, or otherwise, on Shortest Notice MORGAN THOMAS, PBOPBIKTOK 1932 Important to Borrowers. A PRIVATE GENTLEMAN having a spare capital to invest is willing to make advances without delay UPON NOTE OF HAND alone, in sums varying from JE15 to £ 1,000 in London or country or on furniture, live and dead stock without removal; also witZSmortgSe expenses ^Advances ma^tofarmws HN1B.^pVwate<house and not connected with a bank or office. [4501 —^QUBTABD pOWDER. A great luxury I A CHOICE, DELICIOC VTO U*G&8 P)BQUIRED- WITHOUT^ EOQS 1! JN Jl» A produced bv tttp T?T) BIB > 8 No "CIGGB ■DEQUlKKi'- CUSTARD J!l POWDER „ITLT,R* AT HALF THE COST N° 1i*GGS "D and •U -LI> HALF THE TROUBLE. N° Dinner, Supp»r, <* /^HJSTABD "pOWDE -me of the Invent0" g works! Birmingham. BIRD & SONS, Devonshire ELEQT- J ELeotrJ2^ighTING. J. c. 110 electric 2 well, LLANELLT Bn<*ineer, Contractor or the Supply and Pitti ELECTRIC LIGHT APp^^ UP of Of every description. T^S INCANDBSCENT and ARC LIGHr iNSTArr For Collieries, Factories, Ships, HOUR«« TATlo»s Estimates on Application. &0- A few examples of workearried out and J?ooda auppued Dowlais Iron Co., Dowlais 4 Arcs. 60 Incandescent. Glamorgan Coal Co., Llwynypia 300 Incandesced Mortgagees Plymouth Works Merthyr 500 Incandescent* National Steam Coal Co., Wattstown 80 Incandescents Ocean Coal Co., Treorky 50 Incandescents Cardiff Castle, Cardiff 2,200 Light Dynamos Roath Docks 25 Arcs. E. Morewood and Co., Llanelly 10 Arcs. 250 Incandescents J. Mackay, Esq., Treforest 4 Arcs. Swansea Wn-plate Co. (temporary lighting) 30 Incandescents B. Howell and Hon, Saw Mills. Llanelly, 1 Arc. 100 Incan. Western Tin-plate Co. Llanelly 4 Arcs. 1301ncandeaoents Q-rovesend Tin-plate Co., Gorseioon 4 Arcs. 120 Incandescents Vivian & Bons, Swansea 60 Incandescents FOR COPPER DEPOSITION WILLIAMS, FOSTER, and CO., SWANSEA. VlVIAN and SONS, SWANSEA. Contracts undertaken for Transmission of Power to a o Distance. Fuither information can be obtained from MR JOHN LKGG, NELSON STREET, SWANSEA. 3748 t\na Tias L^me, Wmt,c iinne, Limestone lilue Lias illlcl0US Fire Cement. .WIVT tONES «■»'' ar° prepared to 13. rht- N"Ove-u taie.i article at all RaUway 81S; Work., r ■■■• V°Y «t TO" BK11EIAD"FOBhTHE enough, and ar.- not too bashful to take ™ BARKER'S TRADE and FINANCE, a Newspaper for Everybody. All Newsagents and Railway Bookstalls, or pert &ee. 2d., 35, Mark Lane, London, E.C. [4522 SALES BY AUCTION. SWANSEA, SOUTH WALES. TO CAPITALISTS, ENGINEERS, SHIP-BUILDERS, MERCHANTS, CONTRACTORS, SPECULATORS, AND OTHERS. SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD" AND OTHER Properties adjoining South Dock, Swansea, the London and North-Western (high and low level) Railways, together with other lands adjoining the Beach, and running from the West Pier (with some few interrup- tions) to Blackpill, containing an aggregate quantity of 108.000 square yards or thereabouts. Messrs. J. M. LEEDER & SON Have received instructions to offer for SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION, (Unless previously disposed of by private contract), At the MACKWORTH ARMS HOTBL, WIND-STREET,SWANSEA On TUESDAY, OCT. 30th, 1888, At three o'clock in the afternoon, THE ABOVE VALUABLE PROPERTIES comprising JL the finest available sites in the neighbourhood of the South Dock, Swansea, for either BUSINESS OR BUILDING PURPOSES, together with several plots of land adjoining the foreshore, some of which have already been enclosed on the sea side by a sea wall, and together also with a strip of land extending along the shore of Swansea bay, nearly the whole distance from the west pier to Blackpill. Particulars and conditions of Sale may be obtained of Messrs. Hughes and Sons, Solicitors, 12, Chapel-street Bedford-row, London, W.C. Messrs. Gill, Archer, and Maples, Solicitors, 11, Cook-street, Liverpool; at the various hotels in South Wales, and at the offices of the Auctioneers, Goat-street, Swansea. [4864 Important Unreserved Sale of Household Furniture and Other Effects. Swansea Auction Rooms, Goat Street. Messrs. JOHN M. LEEDER J: SOlr Have been instructed by MB. HARRIS, late of the Stogumber Hotel, Goat-street, Swansea, TO SELL BY AUCTION, At the above SALE ROOMS (where the Goods have been removed for convenience of Sale), on WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 31st, 1888, THE whole of the Well-Preserved HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and other EFFECTS, comprising the contents of a well-furnished drawing and dining rooms, 5 bedrooms, and the whole of the kitchen and culinary utensils. There will also be offered a Quantity of MISCEL- LANEOUS FURNITURE, removed from a house near Carmarthen; full particulars may be had from the catalogues, which will be forwarded on application. Sale to commence at 11.30 a.m. Auctioneers' Offices, Goat-street, Swansea. [4907 To Engineers, Iron Founders, Iron Merchants, and others. STRAND ENGINEERING WORKS, SWANSEA. Mr. RICHARD E. HUGHES Has been instructed by GEORGE BECKWITH, ESQ., who is retiring from business, to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, At the FOUNDRY YARD, so as to clear a portion of the ground to enable the remainder of his large and valuable stock, tools, &c., to be laid o-it for a future sale, On MONDAY next, OCTOBER 29th, 1888, THE FOLLOWING LOTS: -100 tons of old castings, wrought scrap iron, quantity of new castings, 40 tons of pood moulding boxes, 20 tons of iron plates, heavy and light cast iron columns, corrugated of umber, large quantity Sale to commence at Kleven o'clock. -J NOTE.—The whole of the large and valuable stores, tools, patterns, loose plant, machinery, and office furniture will be sold at a future sale, to be advertised directly the yard is cleared of the above lots. Further particulars can be obtained of the Auctioneer, at his Offices, 4, Wind-street, Swansea. [4902 To Tradesmen, Debt Collectors Others. SALE OF GROCERS AND DRAPERS BOOK DEBTS. Mr. RICHARD E. HUGHES Has been instructed by the representative of the Estate of the late J. A. EDWARDS, Grocer and Draper, o Morriston, to oner FOR SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION, ROYAL HOTEL, SWANSEA, on TUESDAY the 30th At tne »o (JAY 0f OCTOBER, At three o'clock in the afternoon Unless previously disposed of by Private Treaty csnhiect to such conditions as shall then and there be J produced) THE "W HOLE of the BOOK DEBTS belonging to the above Estate and amounting to £ s. D- Grocery Debts 1,575 19 0. Drapery Debts 459 7 8. 2,035 6 8. Schedules of the debts can be inspected at the offices of the Auctioneer. 4, WIND-STREET, SWANSEA, and any in form it ion can be obtained from MBSSRS. W. ROBINSON SMITH and SON, Solicitors, Cambrian-place, Swansea [4856 CWMBACH AND SAINTS PIT COLLIERIES Cockett, near Swansea, Glamorganshire. T) COLLIERY PROPRIETORS, ENGINEERS AND OTHERS. I Mr. RICHARD E. HUGHES j Has been instructed by Messrs. the Cwmbach Coal and Brick Co., to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, Ac the above COLLIERIES, on MONDAY, NOVEMBBU 5th, 1888, —' THE FOLLOWING MACHINERY, PLANT, &c comprising :—Beam condensing engine, cylinder, 5ft. stroke, with pumping gear complete' horizontal winding engine, 20in. cylinder, 3ft. stroke' three boilers with fittings complete, fan, by Waddle' 25ft. diameter, rocking pillars, bobs, pitchpine Pumpjn~ rods, splicing plates, several lifts of pumps, 12 inches to 6 inches, wire ropes, trams, tram rails, small quantitv of heavy rails, rollers, sheaves, pulleys, quantity of ne £ castings for colliery purposes, Carr's disintegrator complete. nearly new, quantity of old castings aiad wrought scrap, new and old brass valves, &c., also four colliery horses. Detailed catalogues will be prepared, and can be obtained on application to the Auctioneer five days prior to Sale. The collieries are situated within three minutes walk of Cockett Station on the main line of the Qreat Western Railway. Sidings run into the property. es Sale to commence at eleven o'clock a.m. ( further particulars can be obtained from the AuotSer »t to Offl«K, 4, Wmd-street, Sww** [4901 Talvfedw Farm, Coedfrank. 2* Miles SMath, MjU, Messrs. LEWIS BROS. Are instructed by Mr. P. M. FISHER. to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, On the premises, as above, On MONDAY, OCTOBEB 29tb, 1888, TH| WH°LE of his WELL-SELECTED LIVE RefreahnP 2 P1-'036 crops, geese, ducks, and fowls. Terms- sf:^ Ht twelve noon. Sale at one o clock, purchases ew.Tnth«' credit, on approved bills, on cash. Ceding £ 5, or discount of 2 £ per cent, for The Mart, Neath, jst QctobBr> 1888. [4805 X3TOCKCEXCHANapGE ~MEMBERS OF THE ADVERTISE for NOT ALLOWED to to persons other than their ose? or ^aue Brokers or Agents who adSStS?^ipals' connected with The Stock fW?„ re not in "V control of the Committee. an&e, or under Lists of Members of The Stnnt r? Stock and Share Brokers may cbe EXbohange who act as tion to ay be obtained on applied Secretary to The Committee of Committee Room, Tbe Stock E*chl^e? Wdon? eT PERFECTION^IS^i^^ (Registered) Is ?fcoS^^ Guaranteed digestion. Those who have tried it will use nTothS S. ARTHURS & SON, 4741] 9, WALTER ROAD. SALES BY AUCTION. Weig Fawr Farm, Gorse-road, Cockett, Near Swansea, Situate about a quarter of a mile from Cockett Station on the Great Western Railway. Important Sale of Valuable surplus STOCK, CROPS, Implements, and Contractors' Plant. Messrs. BXTNON J: MEAGER Have been instructed by DAVID THOMAS, Esq., to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, At the above FARM, On THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1888, THE following Valuable STOCK, CROPS, IMPLE- MENTS, &c., comprising: CATTLE.—2 cows recently ealved, 2 cows in calf. HORSES.—Powerful bay cart horse, aged; bay mare do., bay cart filly rising three years, useful bay cob, bay horse cob, 5 years old, 15 hands, good in saddle and harness; black horse rising 4 years, 1 sucking colt. Pxos —1 large Yorkshire sow in farrow, 1 cross bred boar, &c. CHOPS.—14 mows of oats, 2 ricks of. meadow hay, 1 do. clover. „ GREEN OBOPs.-Aore and a half of swedes, quarter- acre of white turnips, and about quarter-acre of mangolds, potatoes in field and about 2 tons drawn, several lots of ox and other cabbages, savoys, brussel sprouts, curly greens, and 4 acres of clover aftermath to March 25th next. POULTRY —Geese, ducks, fewls, peacocks, &c. IMPLEMENTS.—4 carts, 1 gambo, I pony spring cart, scarifier, horse rake by Howard, turnip pulper, 2 ploughs, 1 turnabout, 1 do. by Howard, 1 grindstone, corn and flour bins, 2churns, 6 weighing machines, 6 sets of cart harness, 1 set cob cart harness, and 2 sets of trap harness, corn-crusher, 2 chaff-cutters, 1 seed-drill, 2 rollers (one iron, one wood-oak), 2 sets of harrows, 1 zig-zag, horse hoe,iron pig troughs, 2 breast ploughs, tarpaulin, sail, 5 scythes, moveable horse box, trap (cob) by Bushnell, lately done up, corn binn; a large quantity of contrac- tors' plant including 10 tip chains, barrow slings, 7 spring bars, shunting chains, 6 duck lamps, sundry lot of harness, cant hooks, nail bar, timber cant hooks, timber, dog blocks, 11 sets of traces, and a lot of other items too numerous to mention also 1 bee-hive and stock of bees. Refreshments at 12. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock sharp. Six months' credit on approved security on sums above £ 5, or discount allowed for cash. [4895 Sale of Valuable Freehold Building Land at the Weig, Caebadell, and Leasehold Properties in High-street and Greyhound- street, Swansea. Messrs. BEYNON d: MEAGER Have been instructed to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, (Subject to conditions to be then read), At the ROYAL HOTEL, High-street, Swansea, on WEDNES- DAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1888, rflHE following Valuable PROPERTIES, namely:— LOL 1.—All that FREEHOLD PIECE OF LAND, situate at the Weig, near Swansea, adjoining the Fforest Fach-road on the south side, and Gendros-road on the north side, containing by admeasurement 5a. 3r. 2p. or thereabouts. This land is admirably adapted for building purposes, and IS In the Possession of the Vendor. LOT 2 -All that Extensive SHOP (formerly two shops), and known as Numbers 126 and 127, High-street, Swan- sea, now in the occupation of Mr. Richard Harries, grocer and weaver. LOT 3.-All that Extensive PREMISES and WORK- SHOP, situate in Greyhound-street, Swansea, and in the occupation of Mr. Richard Harries. Lots 2, 3, and 4 are held for the residue of a term of 99 years from the 29th day of September, 1810, at an annual ground rent of .6514s., of which Lot 2 shall bear £ 4; Lot 3. 14a. and Lot 4. £ 1. A.—-All thoma TWO DWXLUNO-HOlTdES, at the weekly rent of 4s. 6d. and 2s. respectively. Lor 5.—All those TWO COTTAGES, being Nos. 158 and 159, Llangyfelach-road, Swansea, in the occupation of t David Thomas and Margaret Powell, at the weekly rent of 3 3s. 6d. each, and held for a term of 99 years, from the 25th day of March, 1870, at the annual ground rent of I £ 210s. Sale to commence at Three o'clock in the Afternoon sharp. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneers, at their Offices, Victoria Chambers, Swansea; or te J. AEBON THOMAS, Esq., Solicitor, Swansea. 4898 Borough of Swansea. ROSEHILL TERRACE IMPROVEMENT. TO BUILDERS, CONTRACTORS, AND OTHERS. THE CORPORATION OF SWANSEA invite TENDERS for the making of ROSEHILL- TERRACE. Plans and specifications may be seen at, and full particulars and forms of tender obtained from, the Borough Surveyor's Office, 13. Somerset place, Swansea. Sealed tenders, endorsed Rosehill Terrace Improve- ment," to be sent to my office not later than Tuesday the 6th day of November, 1888. The Council do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. e « -mu i, a JN0- THOMAS, O Town Clerk. 23rd Oct. 1888. [4883 Re Anthon Hermann August Davidsen Deceased. PURSUANT to the Statute 22nd and 23rd Vie. cap. p 35. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that all persons having any claims against the Estate of ANTHON HERMANN AUGUST DAVIDSEN, late of No. 5, Slip-street. otherwise called ALBION DOCK- PLACE," SWANSEA, in the County of Glamorgan Master Mariner, deceased (who died on the 16tb September, 1888, and whose last will and codicil were proved in the Principal Registry of the Probate Division of Her M»iestv's Hizh Court of Justice, on the 15th October, 1888 bv ANDREAS COMELINSSEN, of Cambrian Cottage, Swansea, aforesaid, Shipchandler's Clerk, and the Rev. EDWIN JOHN WOLFE, of No. 14. Somerset place, Swansea aforesaid, Clerk in Holy Orders, the executors named in his will), are hereby required to send the particulars in writing of such claims to me the under- signed, on or before the 1st day of December, 1888, after which date the executors will proceed to make a final distribution of such estate, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated this 22nd day of October, 1888. H. WILSON PATON, Adelaide Chambers, Swansea, 4885] Solicitor to the said Executors. THE MODE TRADE JOURNAL, r H E AMERICAN ARTISAN TINNER AND HOUSE FURNISHER. Devoted to Stoves, Tinware, and Ironmongery, NEAT. PRACTICAL. PROGRESSIVE. CONTAINS more information relative to TIN- J PLATES than any other Journal in the world Subscription (post free) $4.00 perye^v r DANIEL STERN, Publisher and Proprietor ^^earborn-8treet. The publishers of The Cambrian wilUake1^ rdcaiv'ing and forwarding Subscriptions to The American Artisan at the current rate, 16s. 8d. f02^ 8UC 88~~IK~i8g9 FOB 6d. directions given Birthday Information for evert' dL8?/else. Contains *L what will befall them during next £ yeart' & wh»ch all can Child born in 1889. y^r of hfe, also Pate of fSice 6d.» by Dost 7d. RAPHAPT ><?« of events« weather, &c., Ph« Cards and Answers #li n 8 Book of Pat«. Is- Explains Is: RAPHAEL'S Book of j^pHAEl/8. rpreter of dreams. Insist on having JSSiTB^r Pilgrim-street. Lndgate-hi* Ag. Bookstalls. VIE8' 8wa" and all StationersandBail SENSIBLE MAN in this di^riot WILL His NEXT WVFK'S EXPENSES, PUT £5 BA1:iK OF ENGLAND NOTE IN HIS POCKET, and assist any charitable obiect which, may be at the moment appe^jj ner00s instincts. See WEDNESDAY'S "TRaSe ^INANCB and RECREA- Weekly Newspapw for Everybody.-All News- ag0^8 Railway Bookstalls, or post-free 2d. 35 Mark Lane, London, B.C. [4849 THjj LUCIGEN. MOST POWERFUL ECONOMICAL INDUSTRIAL LIGHT. SOLE AGENTS: West of England, South Wales, I W. J. cf H. FEDDEN, BRISTOL. L4733 EDUCATIONAL. Government School of Science and Art, ALEXANDRA ROAD, SWANSEA- In connection with the Science and Art Department, South Kensington. Chairman: THE MAYOR OF SWANSEA. Hon. Secretary: E. W. JENNINGS, Worcester-place. Head Master: P. F. HOSFOBD ART CLASSES: Freehand Drawing in all its branches. Practical Geometry and Perspective. Architectural and Mechanical Drawing. Painting in Oil, Tempera, and Water Colours. The Figure from the Antique and the Life HOURS OF STUDY-DAY CLASSES: TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, Morning Class from 11 to 1. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, Afternoon from 2 to 4. WEDNESDAY, „ „ from 2 to 4. SATURDAY, „ „ from 2 to 4. EVENING CLASSES = TUESDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, and FRIDAYS, from 7.15 to 9.15. FEES: All Fees are payable in Advance. MORNING CLASSES, Tuesdays and Fridays, 20s. per term of ten weeks 5s. Entrance Fee. AFTEHNOON CLASSES, same days and Fees. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON CLASS, intended for Male and Female Students from Private Schools, 15s. per School term. SATURDAY AFTERNOON CLASS, for Teachers and Pupil Teachers of Elementary Schools, 5s.; to all others, 10s. per from September to May examination, frnmn'-fkio0!1^88!?' luesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, m 7.15 to 9.15. Fees, 2s. per month. 2s. Entrance Fee. A at the above School are NOW OPEN. the Secretary orMl £ k £ i0n obtained at 8cho°1' °r from — 74636 UPLANDS SCHOOL 9 & 10 mTnUn.. m Glanmor-Terrace, Swansea Principal Rev. J. E. MANNING, M.A. Terms on application. THE next Term commences on TUESDAY, SEPT 18 = — f024 VIOLIN taught (Italian style) by S. KKIGHT PfP11 ?f Herr Schlopfavsbi, great Hungarian violinist, pupil Signor Paganini, 15, DILLWYN-STREET [4854 Art Classes. THE CLASSES, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF Mrs. J. C. VYE-PARMINTER, WILL RE-COMMENCE TUESDAY, SEPT. 18,1888. Oil and Water-Colour Painting, including Painting from the Costume Model, Miniature, Tapestry, Art Pottery, Screen and Fan Painting, &c. Also Classes for Drawing. Students may enter at any time. Broadway Villa, Walter-road, Swansea. [026 12, Castleton, Mumbles. BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, AND PREPARATORY SCHOOL FOR LITTLE BOYS. Conducted by the MISSES POTTS, (Daughters of a Clergyman). Resident Foreign Governess. — Highest References. Terms on application. [3663 Miss M. C. SQUIRE, TEACHER OF THE VIOLONCELLO, 26, WIND-STREET, SWANSEA. TERMS on application. [3565 Mr. OSWALD KORTH. PUBLIC TRANSLATOR, TEACHER OF LANGUAGES, 15, KENSINGTON TERRACE, SWANSEA, RECEIVES Pupils for FRENCH. GERMAN, LAlTIN, SPANISH, BOOK-KEEPING, and SHORT- HAND. Terms en application. [4794 Neath Proprietary School. IRMA-D Rmv. j. ALLAN PRIDE. B.A., AND ASSISTANT MASTKAS. 9 Apply for Prospectu3es to the Head Master; or to the Chairman, The Ven. Archdeacon of Llandaff The Rectory, Neath. [2399 Girls' Boarding: and Day School, ST. HELEN'S LODGE, BRYN-Y-MOR ROAD. PRINCIPAL. — MISS GARLICK, A.C.P. Assisted by certificated resident and visiting Teachers PUPILS PREPARED FOR ALL PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS. The House is well situated, five minutes walk from Beach and Parks. NEXT Term will commences SEPTEMBER 18th. 3412 High-Class Boarding and Day School for Girls. RESIDENT Foreign and English Governesses. Professors for Art, Piano, Harp, Violin, Singing, gymnastics, Calisthenics and Mathematics. Numerous Certificates have been obtained in Compe- titive Examinations. Prospectus and references on application to MISS RIDDELL, RUSSELL HOUSE, MUMBLES. [25 The Next Term will commence on FBIDAY, the 21st instant. Dancing, Calisthenics. Spanish and Physical Exercises, GEDNEY HOURE, S HELEN'S-ROAD, SWANSEA. I MISS ORAVEN (Pupil of Mons. Guillaume Faucber, and for many years teaching with M. d'Egville), WILL RESUME her CLASSES in OCTOBER at her tV RESIDENCE as usual. She returns from London in September to make arrangements with schools, &c. Classes also held at NEATH, LLANELLY, and the MUMBLES. Private Lessons in the Valse and all fashionable dancps Minuet, Scotch Reels, &c., also taught uances. Evening Practice Class. Physical training especially adapted for delicate children. or A Series of Ten Subscription Dances will be held at the Minor Hall on every alternate Wednesday Evening, commencing October 17th, 1888. [4909 St. Helen's Boarding and Day School for Girls, 43, ST. HELEN'S ROAD, SWANSEA. CONDUCTED BY MISS BUSE AND OWEN. AOS pUPILS thoroughly grounded in every subject. Next Quarter Commences OCTOBER 1b+ T Airy Schoolrooms. Healthy Situation. [4853 BeUe Vue, Mount Pleasant SWANSEA rieasant' GIRLS' BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL. Prin- cipals the MISSES PHILLIPS. Resident Foreign ana English Governesses and Visiting Masters. Pupils prepared for Local Examinations. -Belle Vue, in accommodation, situation, and reorea- turn grounds, offers special advantages for healthfu^ study, comfort, and pleasure. Terms and references on appiieation to the Principals. COMMENCEMENT of Third Term, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18tb. l Tremont House. 6, Walter Road, Swansea- BO AT?TUNG AND DAY SCHOOL for GIRLS, OARDIN >IBS CHUNK, (widow of H. C. CHUNE ■eoT) and the MISSES CHUNK, (certificated,) assisted bv'Sent and visiting Governesses, (certificated), and "tine masters. Foreigner for languages. NEXT TERM Will Commence MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17tb, 1888. [029 "Westbourne School, Westbourne-road Penarth PRINCIPA:a-Ma. SYDNFY GIBSON. MR. S. GIBSON, assisted by efficient masters, receives pupils to prepare for the usual examina- tions and for the Public Schools Masters attend for the following subjects:-Mathema- tICS. French, Drawlng, Shorthand, Drilling, &c. Prospectus on application to the Principal. [4630 "THE" NEURALGIA MIXTURE PREPARED by JOHN T. WHXIAMS, Pharmaceutical Chemist, 19, Nelson-street, Swansea, Est. 1859. During the last twenty years this remedy has relieved hundreds of persons suffering from the excruciating agony of "Facial Rheumatism," commonly called "Neuralgia." Acting as a powerful Nerve Tonic, it gives almost immediate relief, is per- fectly safe, and has proved itself to be most effectual, pi-ira 2s •' U, Page-street, Swansea, August SO, 18S7. To JOHN T WILLIAMS. Sir,-For several years past 1 have sufTerid occasionally, from Neuralgia, and have tried many thinax in vain, to obtain relief. I had a sharp attack iie<itrrt1<i, r have not much faith in so-called patent medicines h„t i induced to try. a bottle ofyour-mWal^mltuTe" tZ first dose had little or no effect; the second dose cas^dthe very considerably and the third, dose cured. You can make use of this, if you feel so disposed, on behalf of felltm-mfferers. —Yours truly, J AS. H. JENKIXS, \os9 I HENRY A. CHAPMAN, ARTIST AND PHOTOGRAPHER, WINNER OF SEVERAL MEDALS AND FIRST PRIZES FOR PHOTOGRAPHS AND OIL PAINTINGS. THE BEST STUDIO IN THE PRINCIPALITY FOR BEST WORK AND MODERATE PRICES. ALL THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS AND ADDITIONS. ——— PRRCES: 3 for 2s.; 6 for 3s. 12 for 5s. 6d. 235, HIGH-STREET, SWANSEA. [4134 TTWELVE COPIES OF CARTE DE VISITE, IL 2s. 8d. Six, is. 8d. Carte or Cabinet enlarge to ten inches, 5s.; two copies, 7s. Cabinet size, 2a. six copies, 5s. Send portrait with postal order o stamps to Mr. F, S. D. PHILLIP Perfect copies original returned free. LONDON PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY, 304, Regent-street, London, W.C. f353 CHAS. WATKINS & SON'S FAMOUS GOLD MEDAL ALES AND STOUTS IN U, 9, 18 & 36 GALLON CASKS. SOLE AGENTS FOR SWANSEA & DISTRICT GORDON BRYDONE & Co., CASTLE BUILDINGS, 47 48, WIND-STREET N.B.-DELIVERED FREE WITHIN A RADIUS OF 10 MILES. — z The Bristol Channel Steam Packet Comnanv INCREASED SAILINGS BETWEEN BRISTOL 4 SWANSFA Three times every week, as stated below. rr H E "VELINDRA," 4"ni R1,0 F,°?*0S0" and 'COLLIER,H win sail as follows, if not prevented by any unforeseen occurrence, with liberty to tow vessels: For the Month of OCTOBER, 1888. SWANSEA AND BRISTOL. From Swansea, From Bristol OCTOBER. OCTOBER. 1 Monday 3.30 p.m. 2 Tuesday 8.0 pja. 2 Tuesday 4.30 a.m. 4 Thursday <.30 p.m. 5 Friday 7.0 p.m. 6 Saturday 6.0 p.m. 8 Monday 9.0 «.m. 9 Tuesday 8.0 p.m. 9 Tuesday .• 9.30 a.m. 11 Thursday 9.30 p.m. II Thursday 11-0 ajn. 13 Saturday 12.0 night 15 Saturday 1.0 p.m. 16 Tuesday 3.30 p.m 16 Tuesday 4.S0 a.m. 18 Thursday 5.0 n m! 19 Friday 7.0 p.m. 20 Saturday 6 0 n m* 22 Monday 8.30 a.m. 23 Tue-day 7 w nT 23 Tuesday 9.0 a.m. 25 Thursday 8*30 n m 25 Thursday lo.» a.m. 27 Saturday 10 D'SL' 27 Saturday 11.0 a.m. 30 Tuesday L3o p.m. FARES:—Best Cabin, 5s.; Fore Cabin 31. SWANSEA AND ILFXACOMBB. From Swansea. From Ilfracombe. OCTOBER. OCTOBER. 1 Monday 11.30 a.m. 1 Monday 2.36 p.m 3 Wednesday 2.30 pjn. 6 Saturday 1.30 p.m IT Wednesday 2.46 p.m. 20 Saturday 1.30 p.m 31 Wednesday 1.0 p.m. Nov. 3 Saturday 1.0 p.m FARKS:—Best Cabin. 6a.; Fore Cabin,4s. Return—Best, 8i. fore, 6s.: Available for one montb. ti?ket* *w»m Swansea via Ilfracombe to aQ RMlway. Devonshire on the London and South Western S^A^SEA, PADSTOW AND WADEBRHK3E OCTOBE^.°m SWan8ea |0CT0Bl^f0m Pad,t°W- 3 Wednesday 2.30 p.m. SSaSSday 6 30 a m 17Wed"esday 2.45 p.m. 20 SaturdaJ 5 fX 3i Wednesday 1.0 p.m. | Nov. 3 Saturday to FARES; Best Cabin, 3s.: Fore Cabin, 5s Eeti^-S 12s.; Pore, 8s.: Available for 88 days. For further particulars apply to WILLIAM POCKETT General Manager, Entrance South Dock. rosi DIRECT Steam Communication between Liverpool and Swansea. NOVEMBER, 1888. ^HE Liverpool and Bristol Channel J- Steim Navigation Company's Steamers Sunlight" & Plantagenet" Are intended to sail from Trafalgar Dock, Liverpool, for Swansea, (Calling at MILFORD.) Unless prevented by any unforseen occurrence,) as follow (with or without Pilots, and liberty to tow VeMeta :— OCT. I Nov. 30 Tuesday 6.0 p.m. 18 Tuesday ga0 D Nov. I 20 Tuesday 10.30 i, m_ 6 Tuesday 11.0 p.m. 127 Tuesday 4<0 p!m. AND J'ROX Swansea for Liverpool. (Calling at MILFOBD when sufficient cargo offers ) OCT. Nor. 27 Saturday 8.0 p.m. 110 Saturday o0 n» Nov. 117 Saturday 4.0 S' £ 3 Saturday 4.0 p.m. | 24 Saturday 7.30 p.m.* An Additional Weekly Steamer, between Swansea and Liverpool, if inducement offers. FARES :—To and from Swansea, including cabin fee Cabin 12s. 6s.; Children under 12 years, 7s.; Deck, 6s Retnm Tickets—18s; children under 12 years, 12s. 8d. Siranu. Milford—Cabin, 6s.; Deck 3s. anaea to Passengers are requested to take charge of Laggage as the Ship is not responsible In any way for T £ snf6ty< AllOoodsforMilfordandneighbonringPortsaroi J he risk of the Shippers and Consignees a J?n(l?da Lighters, and Boats. ""Knees a regards Hulk AGENTS: John Bacon } "rSoStlTswl'Trtf JVateJ;Street- Liverpool John PhUlips Trafa,gar Dock. Milford. W. L. JENKIN8. Swansea. [058 STEAM BET WEEN SWANSEA, BELFAST & GLASGOW. FIRST-CLASS POWERFUL STEAMERS Are intended to sail with goods and passengers from No. 1 Shed, South Dock Basin, SWANSEA, to BELFAST AND GLASGOW Every WEDNESDAY Night. Goods for shipment to Belfast and Glasgow should be alongside Wednesday mornings. Above route offers a favourable opportunity fnr a pleasant trip to taking IRELAND OR SCOTLAND Stewards, -S*. Belfast, Cabin, 17s 0.bm, 20s.; Steerage] m^nthT1 TlCket8' ~Par« and a half, available for two For rates of freight and further particulars, apply Aiu- ™ M. JONES k BRo Albion Chambers, Cambrian-place, Swansea. F. WHITEHEAD ACCOUNTANT, INSURANCE, COMMI^toxt AND GENERAL AGENT °N* OFFICE BEMOYED TO 2, MOCNT-8Trk'1IT| SWANSBA. —- 3465 Neath and District Advertising iii?^—T Circular Distrihuttng ComPlJy g' OFFICE 13 CATTT i? OTDnn T>EST P„Tun • ?* £ ?"• L> Neighbourhood r^HtS Station9 m T<nrn ofAd«,u.ills,Circular 4'? Purceh&tI'Th P?°^PTLT ATTKITOED TO. to be distinctly addressed t* Harry Hawkins 013] POST FREE — ONE SHILLING. BOUND IS GEBHW CLOTH. MR. G T CONGREVE On the Sncoessfal Treatment of CONSUMPTION, Asthma. Cfrroaic Bronchitis, &c., with the NEW APPENDIX Containing 226 Cases of Dkbp INTEREST, with recent D letters, showing the PBBHAKENCB or Oumr. OOOMBE LODGE, PBCKHAM, S.E. [4008