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CONNOISSEURS T7I7ILL find PATENT LAX to be one of the finest delicacies yet introduced to the British Public and much in use on the Continent. It is "Flakes of Smoked Salmon, prepared in oil," and sold by TAYLOR <3s OOMPY. (LIMITED). Swansea, Mumbles, Ilfracombe, Gloucester, Weymouth and Dover, Aberavon and Pontardulais. HARRY w. SPRING. PRACTICAL UPHOLSTERER, CABINET MAKER, AND BEDDING MANUFACTURER, 50, OXFORD STREET, SWANSEA. free. GAS FIRES, AS SUPPLIED TO NEARLY ALL THE MEDICAL MEN IN SWANSEA, FROM 10s. EACH. Hall Lamps, Gas Brackets, Fancy Globes, Picture-rods, Electric Bells and Burglar Alarms, Baths, Lavatories, &c. JOHN LEGG, 17 & 18, NELSON STREET, SWANSEA. S$Je Agent In Swansea for ABYSSINIAN TUBE WELLS. [04 ======0i4.BRIAG2 WORKS, FISHER STREET, SWANSEA. JOHN JONES & CO. A LL orders entro* ^ed to us 'or WORK, or REPAIRS and PAINTING, will have our immediate ■A attention. LOW LE VEL HAULAGE COMPANY. Cbiet' Office 4, MOUNT STEEBT, SWANSEA. W. WESTLAKE. STEVBORES SHIPS' AND GENERAL HAULIERS BY ROAD, RAIL AND CANAL. CONTOACTORSALTO THE Ha RBOUR BOARD AND THE PRINCIPAL RAILWAYS OF THE PORT. SHIPS LOADED AND DISCHARGED AT PER TON. LOCOMOTIVES, STEAM BARGES, AND LIGHTERS ON HIRE. STEAM WINCHES AND STEAM x^OIST ON HIRE. [3184 THE LATXW NOVELTY IN GAS FITTINGS, STOVES, GLOBES &c ALSO THE CHANDLER, WEN" HAM, CARBON, AND OTHER REPUTED BURNERS AND LAMPS. BONNETT & SON, GAS, HOT AND COLD WATER FITTERS, SANITARY ENGINEERS, DECORATORS, WATERLOO STREET & FISHER STREET, SWANSEA. TUBE WELLS DRIVEN LOWBST PRICES. CASH DISCOUNT. r2m PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION EXBCTTHD WITJI i NEATNESS AND DESPATCH, AT The Cambrian" Newspaper Steam Printing Works, 58, WIND STREET, SWANSEA. ESTIMATES FORWARDED ON APPLICATION Posting Bills of all sizes, and in every variety of tint. ntRCULAAS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ADDRESS. BUSINESS, AND OTHER CARDS. NEW DESIGNS IN MEMORIAL CARDS. orri WW ADS SHIPPING FORMS, INVOICES, MEMORANDUMS, AND EVERY OTHER KIND OF BILL" PRINTING DONE AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. The Bristol Channel Steam Packet Company UCB.EASE. SAILINGS BETWEEN BltISTOL &; SW ANSEA. times every week. as stated below. at fTpi HE "V B L IN DBA," I ««RI0 FORMOSO" and 'COLLIER, will sail as follows, If not P"ventei by 4E5S0W any unforeseen occurrence, wltn iiDervy to tow vessell:- For the Montb of FEBRUARY, 818. SWANSEA AND BRISTOL. From SwanBea, FEBRUARY. 9 F1!^ •• H.0 4 Saturday „ |1-3o a.m. T Tuesday 2.8« p.m. 9 Thursday 6.0 ijn. U Monday 8>30 14 Tuesday 9 o 17 Friday lo.so p.m. 18 Saturday n.g »>xn 31 Tuesday i.o p,tt> t is Thursday S.IO a.m. 87 Monday • • 7.30p.m. From Bristol I FEBRUARY. 4 Saturday •» 10*30 7 Tuesday 9 Thursday •• 3.30 p.m. 11 Saturday •• 14 Tuesday T.30 p.m. 16 Thursday 8.80 p.m. 18 Saturday ?•?*; J1 Tuesday 12.0 W™ 28 Thursday 2.0 p.m. 26 Saturday 4-0 28 Tuesday 6«W c»hio, eg.; PereCabln, 8s. bWAH8BA AHD nnuOOXB& I from Bwansea- i?Frid £ Y' f-JI £ £ Milu 1.W !»"• w._ ftw Ilfracombe. lr?.A3?*ay <•• a.m. FARES:—one month. Retu»-Be.t, 8s. .«^in»,5a«5rMus *VwiSSIA. PAD8T0W MJ> J™?™*?™- from Swansea FEBRUARY. „ If Friday 3.15 p.m. 24 Friday 1.45 p.m. FBBBCABY. 13 Monday SM Wn< j7 Monday •«• r«: Haftttm*— FARES: Best Cabin, 8* Fore Cabin. «o«t Us.; Fore, 8s. •• Available for 88 days. Far further particulars apply to .nniCTCTT WILLIAM rOC*fii.1 General Manager, Entrance S°n f«l DIRECT Steam Communication between Liverpool and Swansea. FEBRUARY, 1888. » rpHE Liverpool and Bristol Channel Steam Navigation Company's Steamers Sunlight" PlantaceiMt" Are Intended to sail from Trafalgar Dock, Liverpool, for Swansea. (Calling at MILFORD every FBDAY.) Vnleis prevented by any unforaeen occurrence,) as follow (with or without Pilots, and liberty to low Vessels.— 3 Friday P-™- 7 Tuesday M pjn. 19 Friday M pja. 14 Tuesday P«m* 17 Friday S.0 p.m. 21 Tuesday 4.9 p.m. 24 Friday 7.0 p.m. 28 Tuesday 10.0 PJ»> AND FKOX Swansea for Liverpool. (Oaiiinc at MaMSD when sufficient earn offers.) 4 Saturday 9.0 p.m. 7 Tuesday 119 night U Saturday 4.0 p.m. 14 Tuesday «.« p.m. 18 Saturday 8.0 p.m. 21 Tuesday 10.* p.m. 25 Saturday. 4,0 p.m. 28 Tuesday M yirnea :—ro and from Swansea, including earns ie« g§.; Children under 12 years, 7s.; Deck, 6s. Return Tickets—18a; dhttdrai under 13 yean, 13a. M. Swansea to MtWnrd—Oafrln, 6s.; Deck an. Fassentrers are requested to take cbavgo ot their own 1. as the Ship la not respondMe li amy way for its Aliaeodsfor Milfoadaad nelri*oertagFertsareIa*ded at Derbk of the Shippers and ConsigiMes a regards Hulks Inters, and BOSJA. AGENTS: fMel Chambers, 14, Water-street, Liverpool Joha Bacon t eI g0uth Side Trafalgar Dock. Join phttHnit Milford. V W. L. JEMTLNSI Swansea. [053 STEAM BETWEEN <G«F^SWANSEA, BELFAST & IBFLOH* GLASGOW. FIRST-CLASS POWERFUL STEAMERS Are intended to sail with goods and passonarors from No. 1 Shed, Seuth Dock Baain, SWANSEA, to BELFAST AND GLASGOW Every WEDNESDAY Night. Goods for shipment to Belfast and Glasgow should be alongside Wednesday mornings. Above route often a favourable opportunity for making a pleasant trip to I, IRELAND OR SCOTLAND. Passengers will find the Cabin accommodation superior, and during summer months, m addition to regular ana «u Wlgsteward8j a stewardess is earned. FARES. „ Cab^.fst2rigl; 12s,' Bd^SSdiers^nd SaSra) WLtum Tickets, -Fare and a lialf, available for two Tories of freight and furtheito U, JONES & »i»v. H. JONES & BRO. Albion Chambers, Cambrian-place, [06 Swansea. 2 OTTTVTI FIRE OFFICE, ESTABLISHED 1710. f LIFE OFFICE, ESTABLISHBD 1810. FIRE.—The oldest purely Fire Office in the World. Home and Foreign Insurances. Prompt Loss Settlements. LIFE.—Profits divided ,f Large Bonuses. Tontine Bonus Poucies granted. Very low premiums withou participation in profits. No partnership pA_, liability. Simple Proposal Forms. a information apply to the following Agents. Mr. J. W. Morris. Mr. John Eynon. Abe'ravonJ^eonly)- ,» FrancisJ.Merry. MumWeB •» David E. Jones. [3458 TBS MOBS TtUDB JOURNAL, THE AMBEICAll ARTISAN TINNER AKD HOUSE BTJENISHBE. Devoted to Stoves, Tinware, and Ironmongery, NEAT. PRACTICAL. PROGRESSIVE CONTAINS more information relative to TIN. PLATES than tny other Journal in the world. Stabooriptien (peat free) $4.00 per year. DANIEL STERN, Publisher and Proprietor, 51-55, Dearborn-street, Chicago, nt., USA-, The publishers of The Cambrian, will take pleasure in Motiving and forwarding Subscriptions to The American JSigan* at the ourreat rate. l«e. 8d. [022 F. WHITEHEAD,, ACCOUNTANT, INSURANCE, COMMISSION.. AND GENERAL AGENT,. OFFICE—4, WdD-STBBKT, SwANat^. nfia SALES BY AUCTION. 7. High Street, Swansea. LAST DAY OF UNRESERVED SALE AT MESSRS. 1. M. MOSES AND SONS. Stock of Home-made and Manu- factured Household Furniture, Carpets.^ ^Linoleum oil-cloths, Hearthrugs, Bedsteads, Glasses, General Ironmongery, Electro- plate, Hardware, Furniture Fit- tings. &c. Messrs. JOHN M. LEEDER cfc SON WILL SELL BY AUCTION, At the above Premises, On FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd, 1888, THE WHOLE of the remaining portion of the large and valuable STOCK-IN-TRADE of household furniture, carpets, linoleums, oilcloths, electro plate, furniture fittings, delivery van, horse, harness, &c. ORDER OF SALE. Friday, at 11 a.m., Furniture Fittings, comprising:- American cloth in roll. ticking, gimp, silk and tapestry bordering, bookcase binding, wadding, mllipuff, feathers, locks, screws, twine, drawer knobs, castors, cornice pole brackets and ends. hinges, brass fittings for wardrobes, &c., nails, cost hooks, &c., and a quantity of well-seasoned timber, &c., too numerous to mention. Friday, at 12.30 p.m., the contents of the Stable and Coach-house, consisting of- A commodious furniture delivery van with canvas hood, horse, harness, pony phaeton, chaffcutter, corn bin, stable utensils, &c. TERMS: CASH. There will be no reserve. jlS^The Auctioneers beg to call special attention to this rare opportunity for securing really well-seasoned furniture, &c. The Premises are to Let with Immediate Possession. For further particulars apply to Maaspa JOHN M. LEEDER & SON, Auctioneers, Goat-street, Swansea. f3558 SALE OF NINE FREEHOLD HOUSES AT PENTREGETHIN. Messrs. JOHN M. LEEDER & SON, Have been favoured with instructions to SELL BY AUCTION, At the Swansea Auction Rooms, Goat-street, Swansea, On THURSDAY, February 9th, 1888, ALL THOSE NINE FREEHOLD HOUSES and PREMISES, situate and being Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, andt9, SULLIVAN PLACE, PENTREGETHIN, Cwmbwrla, Swansea, within five minutes walk of the Tramway Company's terminus, and adjoining the Mansel Town Estate, which will be offered in four lots, if not sold each house will be offered separately. LOT I.-All that well-built nine roomed HOUSE and PREMISES situate and being No. 1 SULLIVAN-PLACE, PENTREGETHIN, in the occupation of a respectable tenant at 6s per week. LOT 2.—TWO FREEHOLD four-roomed COTTAGES and PREMISES, situate and being Nos. 2 and 3, SULLIVAN-PLACE, PBNTREGETHIN, let to weekly tenants at 3a. 6d. per week. LOT 3. — FIVE FREEHOLD COTTAGES and PREMISES, knownas Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, SULLIVAN- PLACB. PENTRBGETRIN, four of which are let to re- spectable tenants at 3s. 6d. per week. LOT 4.-All that FREEHOLD COTTAGE and PREMISES situate and being No. 9, SULLIVAN-PLACE, PENTREGETHIN, in the occupation of a respectable tenant at a. weekly rent of 3a. 6d. In the rear of Nos. 1 to 8, Sullivan-place inclusive, is a small strip of garden ground, on which is built » W.C., and is held by lease for a term of 99 years from March 25th, 1885, at an apportioned ground rent of 58. per house. The whole are well-built and in good state of repair Nos. 4 to 9 inclusive being cemented in front and rear The neighbourhood is rapidly increasing, and there ia great demand for artizans dwellings, Sale to commence at three o'clock in the afternoon. For further particulars apply to J. AEBON THOMAS, Esq., Solicitor, York-street, Swansea; or to the Auctioneers, at their offices, Oxford Chambers, Oxford- street, Swansea. [3556 Important Sale of Household Furniture and other Effects- Preliminary Announcement- SOUTHVILLE, WALTER ROAD, SWANSEA. Messrs. JNO. M. LBEDER & SON Have been instructed by ABEL THOMAS, ESQ., who is leaving the town, TO SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, At the above HOUSE, on TUESDAY, MABeH 6th, 1888, THE whole of the CONTENTS of his well-appointed JL Residence, further particulars of which will appear in future advertisements. Auctioneers' Offices, Goat-street, Swansea. [3585 Sale of Valuable Leasehold ProDsrtv in the Town of Swansea. Mr EVAN CRAP PER Ha.s been instructed by the Executors of the late MBS DOYLI TO SELL By AUCTION At the CAMERON ARKS HOTEL, HIGH-STREET, Swansea, On 1888, at Three 0 clock Ul the afternoon. situated DITOLLING^HOUSE, COTTAGE or SWANSEA, now in the occupation of w nMTi Smith, as weekly tenant of Mr W»- Heni7 DW0ELLIK^HOD3E,IjIS55E:N2L« or occo^a'*011 WiiUam ftiSS' DTOLLraG11HOUSE,ISli^EN^I49 or °"mpati0°ot Mr « weekly tenant. The above lots, together with No. 47 James- street, aforesaid, are held under one underlease for three lives and a term of 99 years, less three days, to be computed from 25th March, 1851 at the ground rent of JE6, of which each lot ehall bear JB110s. LOT 4 -All that LEASEHOLD MESSUAGE or DWELLING-HOUSE, being No. 30, CAM STREET, Swansea, in the occupation of Mrs Jabez James, as yflttfly tooAD t« LOT 5. — All that LEASEHOLD MESSUAGE or DWELLING-HOUSE, being No. 31, GAH SnDT, Swansea, in the occupation of Mr John Beynon, as yearly Lots 4 and 5 are held under one underlease, for the term of 99 years, less 3 days, from the 24th day of JUNE, 1849, at the ground rent of JE4, of which ..Mi lot shall bear £ 2. T All that LEASEHOLD MESSUAGE or rvwinxiNG-HOUSE, being No. 15, Union STREET, Swansea, ktelj in the occupation of Mrs Elizabeth lot is held on lease for a term of 3 lives and 99 ^irs from the 29th SEPTEMBER, 18M, at the low ind rent of £ 115s per annum. This boxue is gr «Td«iirably situated in Upper Union-street, and u the^nly private dwelling-house in the street, 18 I be readily converted into businesi and command a good rental. tafl» Mr I)*Ti'"• as yearly tenant.. a term of three lives This lot w ^l^tSh September 1854,atthe and 99 years from j £ 210s 0a. apportionedwgJgjJ MESSUAGE or LOT 8.—All towI 28) singleton-street, Harrisonaa yearly tat U Md to'TompSS' ^sfessjsss- situated, offer a rare opportunity to who -are anxious for a safe and paying WILLIAMS, For further particulars apply to E. Pioneer, Esa, SoUdtor, 13, Castle-street, or to the. Auc.*» 14 unioa-streat,- Swansaa^ SALES BY AUCTION. Sale of Desirable Leasehold Property. CARMARTHEN ROAD, SWANSEA. Messrs. EDWARD ROBERTS & SON Have been instructed TO SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, At the CAMBRON ARKS HOTEL, High-street, Swansea, On TUESDAY, the 7th FEBRUARY, 1888, Subject to conditions of Sale, A LL THOSE THREE DWELLING-HOUSES and J\_ PREMISES, containing each four rooms, situate ana being Nos. 73, 74, and 75, Carmarthen-road, Swansea. The houses are let to respectable tenants at the weekly rent of 5s each house. Held for a term of 75 years, from 1860, at an appor- tioned ground rent of E4 per aunum. Sale to commence at 7 o'clock in the evening. For further particulars, apply to Messrs. HARTLAND and ISAAC, Solicitors, 7, Rutland-street, or to the Auctioneers, 45,Oxford-street, Swansea. [3580 Morriston, near Swansea- SALE OF LEASEHOLD PROPERTY. Mr. RICHARD B. HUGHES Has been instructed to offer for SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION, At the ROYAL HOTXL, High-street, Swansea. On THURSDAY, the 9th day of FEBRUARY, 1888, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, (Subject to such conditions as shall then and there be produced), "fHE following LEASEHOLD PROPERTY s- ALL THOSE 8 MESSUAGES or DWELLING- HOUSES, situate and being on the north-east side of Buke-street, Morriston, numbered respectively 54 to 61 inclusive. The houses are all let to respectable tenants at monthly rentals. The Property is held under a lease for a term of 60 years from the 29th day of September, 1869, at a yearly ground rent of E8 per annum. The mines, minerals, and quarries, with full power of working, are reserved. The property will be sold in 8 lots, aad the ground rent apportioned. Further particulars and conditions of Sale can be obtained of Messrs. R. and C. B. JENKINS, Solicitors, 4, FISHER-STREET, or from the Auctioneer, at his Offices, 4. WIND-STREET, SWANSBA. [3554 SALE OF VALUABLE LEASEHOLD PROPERTY. MR. RICHARD E. HUQHES Has been instructed to offer for SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION, At the ROYAL HOTEL, SWANSEA, on THURSDAY, the 9th day of FEBRUARY, 1888, at 3.30 o'clock in the Afternoon (subject to such conditions as shall then and there be producted.) LOT t.-FIVE MESSUAGES OR DWELLING. HOUSES, situate at GORSEINON, producing £45108 Od per annum. Held for a term of 99 years from 1886 at the low ground rent of £6 per annum. LOT 2.-THREE MESSUAGES or DWELLING HOUSES situate in Ystrad-road, Forestfach. producing JB18 17s per annum. Held on lease for 60 years from 1873. at the low ground rent of 30s per annum. LOTS 3 and 4.-Two MESSAGES or DWELLING HOUSES situate and being 206, Carmarthen-road, and the house adjoining, producing 9368a a year. Held for a term of 75 years from 1860, at the low ground rent I of £ 3 6s, which will be apportioned. LOTS 5 and 6.—Two MESSUAGES or DWELLING HOUSES, situate and being Nos llland 12, Lamb-street, Waunwen, producing JB20 16a a year. Held for a term of 75 years from 1869, at a ground rent of £2 18s 8d which will be equally apportioned. LoTs 7 and 8.—Two MESSUAGES or DWELLING HOUSES, situate and being Nos 23 and 24, Greenhill- street, Swansea, producing JB18 4s a year. Held for a term of 76 years from 1841, at the low ground rent of L2 3s 8d which will be equally apportioned. LOT 9.—All those 10 MESSUAft^S or nwuT tixa HOUSES, situate ana being Nos 16 to 25, Colbourne- terrace, Waonwen, let to respectable tenants at 4s 6d per week each. Held for a term of 75 years from 1875 at a ground rent of jB25 a year. LOT 10.-TWO COTTAGES, in OAK-TERRACE, and Ground adjoining, upon which there is room to erect Six more Cottages. Let to weekly tenants at 3s. 6d. each. Held for a term of 75 years, from 1876, at a ground rent of 917 12s. a year, the minerals being reserved- „ Further particulars and conditions or Sale can be obtained from the Auctioneer's Offices, 4, Wind-street, or from T. Glasbrook Richards, Esq., Solicitor, 3, Fisher-street, Swansea, as to Lots 1 to 9 inclusive; and as to Lot 10, from H. Wilson PatonJEsq., Solicitor, Swansea. [3553 Cockett, near Swansea. SALE OF LEASEHOLD PROPERTY. (By order of the Mortgagees.) MR. F. G. GOUGH Will SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, At the MARQUIS'S ARMS, COCKBTT, on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8th, 1888, THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY:- ONE HOUSE AND PREMISES near the RAILWAY BRIDGE, COCKETT, occupied by W. Davies. ONE HOUSE AND PREMISES adjoining-the above, occupied by B. Davies. ONE HOUSE AND PREMISES adjoining the above, occupied by W. Mainwaring. ONE HOUSE AND PREMISES adjoining the above, occupied by J. Matthews. Each of the houses is let at a rental of lis. per lunar month (or 2s. 9d. a week.) The property is held under a lease for 99 years from Michaelmas, 1883, at a ground rent of £ 4 16s. Od. per annum, which will be apportioned equally if the houses are sold to separate purchasers. J The property is all in excellent condition. The freehold, of the premises can be purchased from the ground landlord upon very reasonable terms. Sale to commence at 6.30 p.m. Further particulars can be obtained from MESSRS HOME and WILLIAMS, Solicitors, Llauelly and Swan- sea and the AUCTIONEER, Murray-street, Llanelly. January 30th, 1888. [3567 DISMANTLING. North Bridge Engine Works, Bipon. To IronfounderE, Agricultural Implement Makers, Engineers, Machine Broken, and others. Mr CHARLES WILLMAN, C.N.. M.B., Has received instructions to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION At the above Works, On TOTBDAY and WEDNESDAY, Feb. 21 and 22, 1888, THE FIXED PLANT, machinery, seta of steam Jl- ploughing tackle, loose tools, stock, storey &c., comprising seven complete sets of steam ploughing tackle, each constating of 2 engines, plough, cultivator, harrow, water cart and sleeping wagon. 7 h.p, traction engine, 14 h.p. spare plbagh engine, massive tuning and boring machine, gap and screw cutting lathes, superior radial drill, massive punching, shearing and angle shearing StSi11 *cremmg machine, valuable slotting machine, two wtacal engines, horizontal boiler„ pl&ming machine, overhead travefler. pug mill and engine, Vertical i>oi £ UD^ Patterns, castings, bra* merchant „ jSatoJto commence at 11.30 a.m. each day. On View Monday, Febraary 20th between Ten. and Four, ing^enny Stamp! Aactioneer b, forward- "Luncheon.wiU be provided, tickets 2s. each,.which will be refunded to puwhasers over £ 2 each dam Auctioneer s Offices, 26, Albert-road, Middlesbrough. 3668 MONEY LENT PEIFATBLY AT A FEW HOURS' NOTKJB. A gentleman having a largo amount of Capital is willing to grant advances, upon note of hand, from 415 to £ 1,000 at 5 per cent., to Clergymen, FarmeryHotolProprietors, Lodging-house Keepers, Tradesmen,.or to aay responsible Perooa^Hale or Female, in Town or Oenntry. f Without cJwe formalities.J Distance no object,, and so long M Interest ia paid the oapital tu remain.. Ko genuine application refused. All eomnranications are treated strictly private. — Apply to the actual' H* Unison, Esq., »7, York-roa* Westminster Brldge- (Dead; London. BlloW K.taCllt. U.d District AdverUdng, and 5 Circular time Company. OFFICE: ig, CATTLE STREET. NEATH. I>EST Permanent, Bostu £ Stations in Town and 9 Neighbourhood. Contractors foe all description | of Advertising, Circular distributing, fee. iKippin pbokptly titnua. To. AU Pmods te U addrenoH H 7, flfrra mi. EDUCATIONAL. Government School of Science and Art, ALEXANDRA ROAD, SWANSEA. In connection with the Science and Art Department, South Kensington. Chairman: TIlE MAYOR OF SWAITSEA. Hon. Secretary: B. W. JEHWIKGS, Worcester-place. Head Master: F. F. HOSFOBD. „ v ART CLASSES: Freehand Drawing in all its branches. Practical Geometry and Perspective. Architectural and Mechanical Drawing. Painting in Oil, Tempera, and Water Colours. The Figure from the Antique and the Life. HOURS OF STUDY-DAY CLASaES: TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, Morning Class from 11 to 1. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Afternoon „ from 2 to 4. WEDOTSDAY, „ „ from 2 to 4. SATURDAY, „ from 2 to 4. EVENING CLASSES: TUESDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, and FRIDAYS, from 7.15 to 9.15. FEES: All Fees are payable in Advance. MORKATG CLASSES, Tuesdays and Fridays, 20s. per term of ten weeks 5s. Entrance Fee. AKTEKITOOV CLASSES, same days and Fees. WEDIIMDAY AITEBKOO* CLASS, intended for Male and Female Students from Private Schools, 15s. per School term. SATURDAY ATTEBKOOH CLASS, for Teachers and Pupil Teachers of Blementary Schools, 5s.; to all others, 10s. per Session. Open from September to May examination. EVENING CLASSES, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, from 7.15 to i.1S. Fees, 211. per month. 2s. Entrance Fee. ALL the CLASSES at the above School are NOW OPEN. Further information can be obtained at School, or from the Secretary or Master. r2940 UPLANDS SCHOOL, 9 & 10, Glanmor-Terrace, Swansea Pi-incipal-Rev. J. E. MANNING, M.A. Terms on ppplicatioD. THE Doct Term will < lairDfoce Tc jSSDAT. JaF. 17th, 1888. ("024 Belle Vue, Mount Pleasant, SWANSEA. IRLS' BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL. Prin- j MISSES PHILLIPS. Resident Foreign and English Governesses and Visiting Masters. Pupils prepared for Local Examinations. Belle Vue, in accommodation, situation, and recrea- tion grounds, offers special advantages for healthful study, comfort, and pleasure. Terms and references on application to the Principals. THE FIRST TERM will commence on WEDNESDAY JAN. 18th. [1197 Leslie School of Art, 1, KENSINO TON- TERP 4 CE, SWANSEA. Oil and Water Colour. Tapestry and China Painting. CLASSES Re-commence on the 18th of JANUARY. ZJTELLA E. TOMKINS, 2251] Principal, Tremont House, 6, Walter Road, Swansea. BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL for GIRLS, conducted by MRS. CHUNK, (widow of H. C. CHUNK Surgeon,) and the MISSES CHUNE, (certificated,) assiated by resident and visiting Governesses, (certificated), and visiting masters. Foreigner for languages. i oT.he ,nex* Term will commence WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18th (D.V.) [029 Girls' Boarding and Day School. PRINCIPAL. — MISS GARLICK, A.C.P. Assisted by certificated resident and visiting Teachers PUPILS PREPARED FOR ALL PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS. The House is well situated, five minutes walk from Beach and Parks. "VTEXT TERM commences JANUARY 9th. 13 [3412 HR. ARTHUR HEY, F.C.O., (Organist and Choirmaster of St. James's Church,) PROFESSOR OF MUSIC, 8, fAVjrJli SilCJUHU', SWAN SI! A. TERMS for tuition on application. [3577 Miss M. C. SQUIRE, TEACHER OF THE VIOLONCELLO, 26, WIND-STREET, SWANSEA. TERMS on application. [3565 12, Castleton, Mumbles, near Swansea. BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOB GIRLS AND Preparatory SCHOOL FOB LrrrLB BOYS, Conducted by the MISSES POTTS (Daughters of a Clergyman.) RESIDENT FOREIGN GOVERNESS. Terms and References on application. THE NEXT TERM will commence JANUARY 16th, 1888. [3192 Art Classes. THE CLASSES, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF Mrs. J. C. VYE-PARMINTER, WILL RE-COMMENCE JAlf. 17th, 1888. Oil and Water-Colour Painting, including Painting from the Costume Model, Miniature, Tapestry, Art Pottery, Screen and Fan Painting, be. Also Classes for Drawing. Students may enter at any time. Broadway Villa, Walter-road, Swansea. [026 High-Class Boarding and Day School for Girls. RESIDENT Foreign and English Governesses. Professors for Art, Piano, Harp, Violin, Rintingl Gymnastics, Calisthenics and Mathematics. a Numerous Certificates have been obtained in Compe- titive Examinations. Prospectus and references on application to the PRINCIPAL, RUSSELL HOUSE, THB MUMBLES, 35 The Ensuing Term will commence on FRIDAY, 30th instant. Neath Proprietary School. Tfo.Ai> MASTER Rnv. J. ALLAN PRIDE, B.A., AND ASSISTANT MASTERS. Apply for Prospectuses to-the Head Master; or to the The Ten. Archdeacon of Llandaff, The Rectory, Heath. [2S99 University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire. ENTRANCE SCHOLAI&SHIPR- THIRTY-THREE SGHOi*ARSHIPS and EXHIBI- TIONS, varying in value from £ 50to £ 10 per annum, will be OFFERED-for COMPETITION at the EXAMINATION on SEPTEMBER 18TH, 1888, and following days. The Inclusive Tuition Pea is £ 10. For further information in regard to Scholarehips, Exhibitions and Prizes offered for competition in the course of the year, see Prospectus, which may be ob- tainedfro- IVOR JAMES, Registrar. Cardiff, Jn-tuary, 18S8. V, HEN YOU ASK FOR RBCKITT.3 BLUEHIT r,s BLUR. Used in the Prince of Wales s Laundry. "pECKITT'S BLUE. Beware of Bad Imitations. See RECKITTIS NAME 889 on Every Wrapper. The Universal Bill-Posting Oompany IS THE CHIEF AGENCJ FOB PUBLICITY BY PLACARD IN SWANSEA AND ITS DISTRICT. LARGE NUMEROUS AND PROMINENT HOARDINGS in the Town and Outlyia* Diatadets. JtLL OMDBXS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO OBARQM MODERATE. SXBTBW, SWANSEA. HENRY A. CHAPMAN, ARTIST AND PHOTOGRAPHER, WINNER OF SEVERAL MEDALS AND FIRST PRIZES FOR PHOTOGRAPHS AND OIL PAINTINGS. THE BEST STUDIO IN THE PRINCIPALITY FOR BEST WORK AND MODERATE PRICES. ALL THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS AND ADDITIONS. PRICES: 3 for 2s.; 6 for 3s. 12 for 5s. 6d. 235, HIGH-STREET, SWANSEA. [2563 HOTELS. King Arthur Hotel, Reynoldstone, Gower PROPRIETOR.—J. BRTAN. TVT*S; Mm. Williams) BEGS to ANNOUNCE that the above Hotel is stil her personal supervision, and Visitors may rely upon finding every accommodation as hereto- fore. Conveyances kept for those who wish to see the charming places in Gower. [2190 THE OSBORNE TEMFERANCE HOTEL. LANGLAND BAY MUMBLIES. THE above Hotel is delightfully situated on a rock overlooking Langland Bays. Stands in its own grounds, and commands an uninterrupted view o the Bristol Channel, with the hills of Devon and Somerset on the opposite coasts. The Hotel is due south, and entirely sheltered from the north and east winds, which makes it a desirable winter residence. Parties boarded by week or month. Good Stabling. [3130 W. & A. GILBEY, WINE MERCHANTS AND IMPORTERS, WHOLESALE, RETAIL, AND FOR EXPORTATION. SWANSEA STORES, 47 & 48, WIND-STREET. SINGLE BOTTLES SUPPLIED. HEAD OFFICE- PANTHEON, LONDON. [3423 HOUSE COAL. GIBBS, OUTERBRIDGE & CO., AGENTS FOR WYNDHAM RED ASH, SOUTH DOCK COAL DEPOT, SUPPLY promptly all kinds of Coal, at pries varying from 10s. to 14s. oiaurs respectfully solicited. Price List on application. [3^3 The New Oriental Bank Cor. poration, Limited. CAPHAX — AUTHORKED, £ 2,000,000: SUB SCRIBED AND PAID UP, £ 500,doo. London 40. Tkreadneedle Street, E.C. Edinburgh: 23, St. Andrew Square. BRANCHES AND AGENCTHS Aden Badulla Bombay Calcutta Colombo Galle Hong Kong Jaffna Kandy KoW(Hiogo) Madras Mah £ ] Mauritius Melbourne Newera Ellia New York Paris SanFraneisoo Seychelles Shanghai Singapore Sydney Yokohama INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. At 3, 4, and 5 months' notice, 3 per cent, per annum. At 6, 7, and 8 months' 4 At 9 to 12 months' „ 41 At 3, 5, or 7 years' notice 5 o,J1nt £ re8t haU-yearly, in London—31st March Mid 30th September. Interest paid half-yearly in Scotland —11th May and 11th November. CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened and Cheque Books supplied Interest at 2J per cent p2r aSS £ £ 10CT °n monthly balance if not below Advances made against approved banking securities. Pay and pensions drawn, insurance premiums, sub- scriptions, and other periodical payments made at a uniform commission of t per cent. Securities bought, sold, and received for safe custody from constituents of the bank. Interest and dividends collected at a uniform commission of j per cent. Drafts issued upon the Bank's Eastern Branches a current rates, free of commission. Bills collected or negotiated, and every description of exchange business conducted. A baggage and agency department has lately been added for the convenience of Eastern constituents. The fullest information can be obtained by application at any of the Branches and Agencies,, or at the Head Office. GEORGE WILLIAM THOMSON, Secretary. im "THE" NEURALGIA MIXTURE, PREPARED by JOHN T. WILLIAMS, Pharmaceu- JL tical Chemist, 19, Nelson-street, Swansea, Est. ISla During the last twenty years this remedy has relieved hundreds suffering from the excruciating agony of Facial Rheumatism," commonly called Neuralgia." Acting as a powerful Nerve Tonic, it gives almort immediate relief, is perfectly safe, and has proved itself tn be most effectual. Price aa 4, Page Street, Swansea, August 30,1887 To JOlIN T. WILLIAMS, Sir,—For several yearspast I have suffered, oeeationalU, from Neuralgia, and have tried many things, but to obtain relief I had a jparp attack yesterday t?-™' not match faith in so-cal^d 'patent medicines • hit induetd to try a bottle of yowr "Neural** MiLZP, The first dose ^J^1or efect; the aecSS the pam very coadderably and the third dose cw £ i You can use of thi&. if you iehS^liow sKfferers, 7 /eel *> on Foars.trulyt JA&- H. JEN KISS, BIRD fl OUSTARD jpOWDJB. A QRRAT LUXURYl N° E&&8 r*qtousd. Cww8iwS™ WITHOUT Boost I N° R^iked. BIB#8duce<l by CITBTAED N ES6B AT H"F TRE Oaftr TX ll*d TSJO Luncfaoon, Dinwr. HAtJr *=■ Unoonw. TSJO Luncafoon, Dinwr. HAtJr *=■ Unoonw. B Q^STAED pOWDHB. SoU Blnalngbam. -olJUJ SONS, Devonshire Wewfcg, EPPS'S BMAKFAtT) I COCOA. GRATEFUL AND COMFORTING. MADE SIMPLY WITH BOILING WATER OR MILK (31