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Advertisement Tarifl. I _0- Small Prepaid Advertisements. 20 Words SIXPENCE. Three Times NINEPENCE. Six Times ONE SHILLING. WORDS. nvrr THREE SIX CL. 'flours, TIMES. -1_- 20 Words -600910 30 Words -09 10 16 40 Words 1 0 1 6 2 3 50 Words 1 3 2 6 3 9 C,0 Words 1 6 3 0 4 6 These charges apply 011 Iy to tile classes of advertise- D1eUL >| eciiieu below. ami aie strictly confined t( those which are ordered lor CONSECUTIVE insertion anclPAIl) FOR IMIKVIOUS TO lNsKirno.N if either of these con- ditions is not complied with, the advertisement will bo Cbargeu by the Business scale :— AFAlllMENTS WANTED. APART.ME.Yls TO Llir. ARTICLES LOST. ARTICLES FOUND. j LIUSINES.SES FOR DISPOSAL BUSINESSES WANTED. ■HOUSES TO LET. OUSES WANTED. HoliSES TO liE SOLD .MONEY WANTED. MONEY TO LEND. M ISCELLANEOUS WANTS. MISCELLANEOUS SAI.ES. PARTNERSHIPS WANTED. SITUATIONS WANTED. SITUATIONS VACANT. Advertisements of the above class inserted in the OUTIl WALKS HAlLY EWS." the "CARDIFF TDIEs, juud SOUTH WAI.ES ECHO" at the following rate :— Six times in j«,««, "ixjr WORDS. v*]„. "ft *»■> 0uMEr' »* ami Echo. s. d. s. d. s. d. eo w ordB 1 0 1 6 2 0 | 20 Words 1 6 2 3 3 0 40 Words 2 3 3 4 4 6 -¡- 50 Words 3 9 5 8 7 6 60 Word;, 4 6 6 9 9 0 General Advertising Tariff. KATE PER line for A SEKIF-S. CLASS OF I to 4 or 6 to i2to 2o ADVERTISEMENTS. 3 b II 25 upd insr inSr insr insr msr business ) „. Educational [ -/4 -/4 • Publishers Religious Services ./[ .m .[$.[2 -/2 Entertainments j Auction Announcements -/4 -/3 -ft Legal and Public Notices r 1 Municipal and School Board it,. <a .it Tenders and Contracts f Public Appointments ) Prospectuses -9 -/9 -/9 -/9 -/9 Parliamentary Elections Parliamentary Notices 1/- 1/- 1/- 1/- ■Government Announcements.. Notices of Births, Marriages, and Deaths are charged Is ea.ch, if not exceeding 2o words, and 6d for each additional 10 words. These Notices he authea ticated by the Signature and Address of the sender. Paragraph ADVERTISEMENTS are charged 1 to 5 insertions, 6.1 per line 6 to It insertions, 411 per lill,- 12 insertions <I lid upwards, 3d per line ADVER TISERS, wheu sending advertisements iu manu- Snipt. m iy calculate eight words to a line, and 12 lines to an inch. In charging advertisements the lines are not counted, but the advertisement, including lines, dashes, and white spaces, is measured, and the space occupied is charged at thi rate of Twelve ltna 0 all inell. Domestic ^terbcnts. tf^^ERAL SERVANT (experienced) wanted.— Apply 42, Park-place, Cardiii'. ounff) wanted between 14 aiut 15 to assist housework.—Apply any morning during week, jXpwJ^'een 2 and Z. afternoon, 2i, Belvedere-terrace, ^mtations ttlttant£û. A L'CTIONEEBS AND M ERCH a5Tt!^—TVanted -Ca_ by responsbile man situation as clerk, traveller, r 111 warehouse; moderate salary; total abstainer; Mon!'1 references. — I'. Moatcaerau, Newport, C y 'lC(iouufcai't, correspondent, 11 .f °feC9 hand' '!e-i^s employment; ^iu 1 u 1 ef eveuces.—Spero, lo, Oaktield-street 981 d AQNFECI'IONERS. — Highly-ies,.ectable person j de. ires a Re-engagement as Manageress „r AS ISTANT; 10 years' experience highest refer- « nee-.—A. B., br.stol Mercury." 26 íítuatían5 ITaraui. ~4~FaETMKXTS"by"two young Mechanics required Jr\ bath indispen.-able.—Apply X. Ofiice of t.ns J'aper. • 41'1'ltEN JICE.—Wanted, arespectable, intelligent u I ad, about 14 years, as Apprentice to the Lithographic Printing.— Apply South Wales Printing Works, Cardiff. 75242 4 1 llOCKKY.—Wanted, Voung Man, about 18, well V* np in soliciting. Personal application preferred. —App;y International Tea C'->n:paiiy, Kbtw Vale. 992 ~\r AC a N'JIES-[\"C1VI|7 :-ERnC:,=A!;u 16-=25: it.. Uorom; ncing salaries range t,) £ lo0. Rapid pre- -r.t, I I)Itl',Lti .I-Y igelit young hleu :UJlh,o'l.:i', CIvil Service ^sawination Agency, 264 15.1,1x0 as 'Ejbacco^itt1 l'api:;Lli>ts wishing to com- s lA ^tammTHNu01' iUu?tratci1 K»ide (110 S II O ..i..mps to H..iljers arul Co 109 Eust(1II. road. i.ondo! 13?e OOXA.MC KEEK made inimoUiateiy witlTMason's ,I> i.xtiact or Essence ot Heros, composed of Yarrow, j'amiulion, ( onifrey. and lloie.iound; send 9 stamps {<■>- sample bottle, enough 10 make four gallou to Nev/ba.i and iiasoii, C!ielii:iS .Notmigham. Ag«uts wanteii. 43e AT'ATrrMl^'s^irfuriiished), suitable for niar- IV.m conn.e without children.—I-, James-street, ^astle-i.au. P.outll. 779 tlAUDIKl'.—t or Sale or Letting, eligible Residence, j 1u, Ulossop-terrace, on Newport-road; «omor for business; early possession.— App y ~ory and White, Wharcoii-pla.ee, Cardift'. 9^5^ S-. HOP (large corner) to Let in Itoath, plats-glass froi.t; with or without bakehouse.— David Shep- nerd,_House Agent. 70, Crockherbtown. 918 be LET, WHU immediate possession, itock Villa, room I^'ng'lead, Canton, containing 2 sitting- Veneti bedrooms, with usual offices, and fitted with 13 \Vin blinds, auti gas fittings comple e.—Apply at ,ace. Crockherbtown, Carditf. 76191 f01* street^^ree well built) for sale in ArabelU- 5^Castle-ro:t(uthays—APP^y at No. 2, or Mr Philips, Jor ^3U\-jHisc £ liaitaius. l Jhandsoine black) about 13 hands, 5 Mom !>ly i:- ^an. Holly House, Ponty- Uii>lcr, Mon. ^3 F A'^llinrs' s'lO'ih'ed"in"auP shops and a~A J. ?i|f'i»ria* 'arse and small quantities.— Apply 1.0 '• mm s0I1) Wellington-street, Canton. am ■_ Musical. O" RGANS (seveial pipe), Harmoniums/and British %Y Workmen Organs, at factory prices. Repairs as Mijual—Cool s SoutU Wt)r:an Works Cardiff. 855 iJlisallanfons. I x x AND INFIRMITIES of « I \HN Addressed specially to young men. with iZ-.An hpalth. and containing recipes that will re- advice o us alui debilitated to the full power of store tL pree f0rthe benefit of all who desire a safe ,na]im> dv cure tl]e ajtj 0I- QuacjjS, Send one ttmoto prepay postage. Address Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham. 138y ATCHES, JEWELLERY.—MIDLAND co eN. I,. TIES WATCH COMPANY.-(Cheapest bouse in the World) Ladies' or Gents' Fine Silver Crvstal Glass, heavy Ladies' Watches, 25s Ladies' beavy-c:ised Gold Levers, 70s Gents' do. do. do., 80s. Before purchasing semi for Company's Catalogue, beautifully illustrated. 1,000 tine copper-plate engrav- ings, gratis, post free on application, to any part of the ■worid. Apply Company's Manager, A. Percy, Vyse- street. Birmingham. The press universally recommend their readers to obtain a catalogue. 378e 6T~]srKW pAHK HALL JgUILDINGS, 0ROCKHKRBTOWN, CARDIFF, FOR FINEST CONFECTIONERY, BISCUITS, SWEETS, TEA, COFFEE, MILK, ICES, DERATED WATERS, AND REFRESHMENTS OF ALL KINDS. Private Refreshment Rooms, Beds, &c. ANNIE D A V I E S, 33ge PROPRIETRESS. KEMPE AND COMPANY, RJPHE ^OUTH "^TALES CLOTHIERS, 4, QUEEN STREET, g AND g J 0USTOM JJ0USE STREET. KEMPE'S NOTED JBOYS' NICKER SUITS Is 4D TO 8s 11D. MEN'S TROUSERS 2s 11D, 3: llD TO as 111) MEN'S SUITS 12860,158110,178110, ISs 11D, 19s 11D, TO 42s. CHALLENGE TROUSERS, 10s 6d, ARE CUT TO MEASURE BEATS ALL EVER PRODUCED IN CARDIFF. PERFECT FITTING SUITS TO MEASURE FROM 54s llD TO £ 3 10s. TROUSERS FROM 8s 11n TO 13s 11D. gOUTH T^TALES 0LOTHIERS, 4, QUEEN-STREET, 8, AND 21, CUSTOM-HOUSE-STREETS K E-INIPE AND QOMPANY, JHL PROPRIETORS. ONLY Flns,r CLASS LONDON CUTTERS EMPLOYED. Zó8tJ NOTICE OF REMOVAL. T. H. DR"ES AND C°"! "THE TAILORS,' Beg to intimate to their customers and the general public that they have secured the Extensive and Com- inodious COUNEit PREMISES lately occupied byalr Marsh in CUSTOM HOUSE-STREET, hicn are now til),.ii,aiitl are showing the CHOICEST PATTERNS and Qt-,AI,ITIFS in SCOTCH and WEST SUITINGS, FANCY TROUSERING CLOTHS, c. Please notice their TIES and UNDERCLOTHL, U WINDOWS. V ilue not to be equalled in Cardilf. THey thank their Patrons for past favours, and p o- mise the salill attention to their future orders. Please Notice the Address: T. H. DAVIES AND Co., "THE TAILORS,' 60ge CUSTOM HOUSF.-STREET. CARDIFF. CONOMY IN FUEL. ALL'S PATENT FlCED WATER H i<; A T l R. '^riLLlAMS' i A TENT BLOW El AND v v SMOKE CONSUMER FOR STEAM B 0 I L E H. S OiiN ^riLLIA^IS AND gONT, SOLE LICENSEES & MAKERS, Q U E E N S T R E T, CARDIFF. 107e C A U T 1 0 N i GENUINE "IMPROVED' BRADBURY «« SEWING MACHINES signed.y it tllis district from the under- articles thpJl ,LC[' t^lat hke most reliable well known inferior mlkers81^^ AIacIline^ nassed off v, tlle counterfeit Machines are IMPROVED" persons as Bradbury's rhasers and ini'i, r° Krea' disappointment of pur- theh^Agents Ti?L p AIessrs BRADBURY & CO. and easily known by the^aa'e M^rtdbU'J H'n l?e of the HENltY rpHOMAS, ST. JOHN'S CHURCH-SQUARE. CARDIFF 62. TArF-STItEIT, PONTYP.RIT),); and 34' HIGH STREET, LL Ild Pnce LlsppJication. 170e MIND, BODY, and ESTATE .l.'f..L are studied at THi'L ('A IMJil' l1' HOU.SII THE MIND is gratified when surrounded by the beautiful and exquisite productions of industry and art in elegant profusion as seen at W. PRICE and SONS. THE BODY is at ease, moving witli grac.i and freedom when well fitted and clothed m garments admir- ably adapted for summer wear as supplied by W. PRICK and sONS. Till'. ESTATE is carefully protected, n:> lavish outlay being required. Economy i3 strictly observed, quality duly vaiue 1, and the best dress sold at the minimum cost by W, PRICE and SONS. FOR READY-MADE CLOTHING,. H \TS, CAPS, SHIRTS, and Hu;?iKRY, trv w P 1: ':it 8 () MERCHANT CLOTHIKR.i & OUTFiTi'EllS. 50 4 51, ST. MARY-STRKKT, & 46 & 47, CAROL1N12 23 STRKKT, CARDU11', ill 23 ill IJlHEATRE ROYAL, CARDIFF. LESSEE & MANAGER.MR. EDWARD FLETCHER. ACTING MANAGER MR. JOHN SHERIDAN. Important Engagement of the Charming Loudon Actress, MISS MAUD 10 BRANSCOMBE, And herComedv and Burlesque Company, with the Celebrated'TYRICLL BALLET TROUPE. MISS MAUDE BRA.COIB¡ as EUHYDICE. To commence with the Popular Comedietta, A ROLAND FOR AN OLIVI-IR. The Entirely Original Burlesque Extravaganza, EURYD1CE. EURYDICE. MISS MAUDE BRANSCOMBE. Scene l.-Areadia, Scene 2.—Banks of the Stvx. Scene 3.—Grove near Arcadia. Scene 4.—Hades. MONDAY NEXT, Return Visit of Mr F, A. Scuda- more's Company in RAGS AND BON ES Doors Open at 7. Commence 7.50; Half-price 9. Box plan at Messrs Thompson and Shackell's, Crock- herbtown. 53237 (gi'ntrstons. LONDON AND NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY. ONE OR THREE DAY TRIP TO LIVERPOOL AND THE ISLE OF MAN. On SATURDAY MORNING, July 18th, an EXPRESS EXCURSION will run to LIVERPOOL and the ISLE OF MAN, at cheap fares, from Cardiff at 3.39 a.m.. Caerphilly 3.42 a.m., Hengoed Junction 3.57 a.m., Pciigam 4.2 a.m., Bargoed 4.7 a.m., Tir Phil 4.15 a.m, Pontlottyn 4.20 Merthyr 4.0 a.m., Cefu 4.10 a.m., Dowlais 4.30 a.m., Rhymney 4.3J a.m., Rhymney Bridge 4.42 a.m., Tredegar 4.3J a.m., Strhowy 4.35 a.m., Nantjrbwch 4.42 a.m., Abersychan and Talywain 4.15 11.111. Varteg 4.^5 I.M., Blaenavon 4.35 a.m., Waenavon 4.43 a.m., Beau- fort 4.51 a.m., Brvnmawr 5.0 a.m., Clydach 5.11 a.m., Gilwern 5.16 a.m., Govilou 5.22 Abergavenny 5.30 a.m., Newport 5.0 a.m., Cwmbran 5.15 a.m., Upper Pontnewydd 5.20 a.m., Panteg 5.25 a.m. Passengers return from Liverpool on Saturday at 6.35 p.m., or on Monday, July 20th, at 9.10 p.m. Passengers return from Douglas at 8.0 a.m. on Mon- day, July 20th. For further particulars, see bills. G. FINDLAY, General Manager. Euston Station, July, 1835. XCURSIONS BETWEEN CARDIFF JL'J AND WESTON, By the Saloon Steamer LADY MARGARET or QUEEN OF THE BAY, (Wind, weather, and circumstances permitting). July. Leave CARDIFF. Leave WESTON 16 Thurs, 9.30a.m. and 12.0 noon | 10.45 a.m. and 7 p m 17 Friday, 8..50 a. m, 8.45 p.m. 18 Sat., 8.U a.m,alhI2.0pm., | 10.3Ja.m. &3.15p.m. Fares to-and-fro each day. Fore (leek, lsbd; Saloon 2^ Single Fares Is and Is 6d. Fares for the last to-and-fro trips on Monday, Tues- day, and Wednesday—Fore Deck, Is Saloon, is 6il. Excursions 111 connection with the Half-holiday Movement on Wednesday and Saturday. 105, Bute Docks, Cardiff. 355 73788 TV "|PEDLER'S TjjJMBRELLAS, ~^7|r A L K I N G T I C K S, AND J^EATIIER BAGS, ARE THE BEST. ESTABLISHED 1867. S4, oA,a'm- BRANCH: 98, GLEBE-STREET, PENARTH. BEST HOUSE IN CARDIFF FOR WALKING STICKS. A new and choice Stocic of Walking Sticks from the best London Makers. RICHLY MOUNTED STICKS FOR PRESENTS. MOUNTED MALACCA CANES. Ivory and Buck Hook;, Silver and Nickel Collars, ami Knubs, ahvuys in Stock. Sticks and Caaes Dressed, Mounted, Polished, and Ferruled. UMBRELLAS AT ALL PRICES TO SUIT ALL CLASSES. GENTS' UMBRELLAS. Silk, at 7s 6d, 8s 6d, 10s 6d, 12; 6d. IJS 6d, ami It's 6d. Russell Silk, at 10s od Silver Mounted, i-!s od. Repp, at 7s 6d, 9s, Ius Oil, ami ,3 6J. Alpaca, 5s otl, bs DLl, and 7,; 6-1, JiADiES' UMiiiiELLAS. Silk, 7s 6d, 8s 6d, 10s 6d, 12s od, 16 s, and 21s. Repp, 4s 6d, ÓS 6d, 6s 6d, and C), 6d. Russell Silk, os utl, 9s 5d. and 10i GLl. RE-CO VERING DE PA RTM E > T Umbrellas Re-covered at a saving of 25 per cent. best Materials (inly used. SILK. GENTS' 2jl:i. UMBRELLAS. 1st quahty, 15s 2nd ditto, 13s 3rd ditto, 10s 6d; 4th ditto, ds 6d. LADIES' 221N. UMBRELLAS. 1st quality, 12s 6d 2nd ditto, 13s 6d; 3rd ditto ds 6d; 4th ditto, 6s 6d. fiCSisELL SILK (Guarantoed not to Split). GENTS- 25il1, UMBRELLAS, at 22in. do., at 7s. 6d. REPP. GENTS' 25in. quality, 7s. bd 2nd ditto, bi bd. LADIES' 22in. CIlmELL,S-1st quality, 6s. 6d, 2nd ditto, is fed. I Re-covering and Repairing yexecute oil the Premises. L E A T 11 E R B A G S. I Leather Portmanteaus, Brief and other Hand Bags, Hat Cases, ifcc. GLADSTONE BAGS. ASSORTMENT OF LEATHER RUG STRAPS. W. pEDLExv, 1JMBRELLA J^^ANUFACTORY, <U 34, R 0 Y A L ARCADE, CARDIFF. 297e V AND 98, GLEBE STREET, PENARTH. INJECTION DAY.—AIRINFALLIBLE JL REMEDY and certain cure for all Discharges from the Urinary Organs in either sex, whether acquired or constitutional, recent or chronic cures in a few days without met icines. Sold in bottles, 2s 6d each, by all chemists. Londoi agents, F. !ewl)uty ard Sons, 1, King Edward-street, E.C. Agents for Cardiff, J. Munday, Chemist, 1 High-street; and all Chemists 370e gWANSEA.—SOUTH WALES ECHO. The FIRST lW t'flU:\ of the SOUTH ECHO is published at the Oltice, 2, College-street Swansea, EVERV A FI'EKNOON, AT FIVE 0 Suldby newsagents at, Swansea, Ilatod. i'la.marl, MuinWes, ilc., and by the boys of the Sell fielp Uricade. The SPECIAL EDITION, which contains all the Latest Now,, Telegrams, Stock Exchange Closing Prices, Markets, Sportini; and Local Intelligence of the day, is published in Swansea at 8.30 p.m. Sold by K. MOGFORD, News Agent, Great Western Building il'gh'Street, .sw-ijjsea, and by new.-bovH. ISusiriess ^Dnssrs. JOTHAM AND gONS, THE PRIN-JIPALITY JUVENILE OUTFITTERS, 26 27, T. Mary-street' ¡"VI U f<aI QAKDIFF. SPECIALITIES IN JJOYS' AND ^YOUTHS' GCHOOL gUITS NOVELTIES IN J^OYS' AND Y0UTIIS' GEASIDE B-UITS. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF JJOYS' & YOUTHS' (JACKETING TJITS. EXCEPTIONAL VALUE IN J^ITTLE I^OYS' JAILOR GUITS. THE LARGEST STOCK OF JUVENILE CLOTHING KEPT FOR IMMEDIATE WEAR AT JOTHAM AND SONS, 26 and 27 ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. ESTABLISHED 50 YEARS. 20ie jgACON. JgACON. GACON. ETXRAORDINARY SALE OF 500 SIDES PRIME MILD CURED JGREAKFAST JGACON, at FOURPENCE PER POUND. Cats ill any quantity as desired, or by the side or lialf-side, to he had only of the gOUTH ALES PROVISION £ JO., 8, STUART-HALL, THE HAYES, CARDIFF, and 293, BUTE-STREET, CARDIFF. NOTL This is a SPECIAL PRICE at thusj two shops for 14 days ouly. I NO TIME SHOULD BE LOST IN SECURING SOME AT SUCH AN UNHEARD-OF PRICE. Observe tlig address— GOUTH -^ALES pROVlSION COMPANY, STUART-HALL, and 293, BUTE-STREET. o23e R^ULTON, IJUNIIOI', AND QO. CA RDIFF AND S WANSiiJA, ALSO AT WINDSOlt-KOAD, PKNAIUTI BASS AND CO., A L 1, "3 o P I, AND « OKS, And others of the finest n u l T O N A L E s. p It 1C E S Per Kilderkin. 18s. 21s. 24s. Firkin. 93. 10s. 6d. IPer Firkin. 125 And upwards. 155 R 3 gONS, JL3- 12, CIWCKIIIUWTOWN, CARDIFF, Have now on view the largest Stock of High-class jp I A NOFO R TES, Q RGANS, AND JJARMONIUMS, JLJL IN OUTH WALES, Which they are offering at a, LARGE DISCOUNT FOR CASH and on the three years' system, from 10s 6d per month. Pianos, from 15 guineas. 111usljated Cata 1 ogue3 Post Free 259o_ JJOMCEOPATHIC MEDICINES. JLJL NOTICE. —THE CARDIFF AND SOUTH WALES HOMTEOPATHSC PHARMACY, 6, CHURCH STREET, CARDIFF, IS NOW OPEN, And price lists and Books on the use:, of the medicines and the simple treatment of common complaints may be had free 011 application. Consulting-rooms and Dispensary in connection with the above will shortly be opened. 74292 640o Observe Address—6. C H UItQ H-.STREET. P. IANOS.-WHY BE WITHOUT ONE When you can become the owner of a nice instrument for the small payment of 10s 6d PER MONTH ON rjlHOMPSON AND jgHACKELLS lUlU SYSTEM ? No security req \lired, and the instrument delivered to purchaser on payment of first monthly instalment. Every instrument guaranteed, and exchanged if 110s approved, ORGANS AND HARMONIUMS ON SIMILAR TERMS. Catalogues free on application. T H t > M P S O N AND S H A C K E L L, PIANOFORTE AND MUSIC WAREHOUSE, ^UEKN'S BUILDINGS, CARDIFF Also at SWANSEA, NEWPORT, MEliTHYR and I GLOUCESTMU. X-Vlo 7VTERVOUSNESS, LOSS of ENERGY, .Li and VITAL l'OWER.—A gentleman having tried in vain every advertised remedy, has discovered a simpin means ot self-cure. He will be happy to for ward the particulars to any sufferer on receipt of a stampe and directed envelops Address J. T. Sawell, i S'(. l.'li :s W. MhUt Hs«j; <>!•? J IBixsin^sa ábr2SS£5. SPECIAL NOTI C E. GALE Now QN, I AND WILL BE CONTINUED THROUGH OUT THE WEEK. r. E A T E k-X IN ST. MARY gTREET, QLLOSS JJEOTHERS, Bep; to inform then' friends and the .1 public that in consequence of the enor- mous amount of A M A G E D GTOCK to be dispGseJ of, the SALE WILL QONTINUE THROUGHOUT THE WEEK. A LARGE QUANTITY OF BEDSTEADS AND JGEDDING JL9 to be disposed of; REAL BARGAINS CROSS JgROTHERS 8 & 4, ST- MAKY STREET' AND 21 Woeki:sg §TREET' CARDIFF C. B. would remind their customers that all orders, by post or otherwise, will be executed with promptness from their Working-street Establishment. 401e 752S3 14 H1G11" ST R E E T' CARDIFF COMPLETION OF RE-BUILDING. 0 P E N I N G OF E W "P ILEMISES. \L.1.1 l.L .1.). >n1..r ^.RIFFITK JA3IES Has much pleasure in announcing that the re- building of the premises recently destroyed by the Great Fire are now completed, and that they arc 0 w O p s N with an cntire Xew Stocl, of J^RAPERY AND J^ANCY Q_OODS in all Departments, including the LATEST NOVELTIES AND DESIGNS that arc likely to be in demand during the Season. The SHOWROOM is specially enlarged to enable him to extend his MANTLE and MILLINERY L>EPARTMENTS, and cus- tomers may rely upon the Goods being QUITE NEW, and the LATEST NOVELTIES that can be produced, which, together with the selection, makes it worthy of inspection. Soliciting the favour of a call. Q R I F F I T II J A M E S (LATE EVAN THOMAS, & Co.), 14. HIGH STBKBT' I /CARDIFF, 75056 Vy 579 BEFORE B U Y i N G A _E-,? WATCIf ANYWHERE Write for the "Illustrated Pamphlet," sent free on application, by the I LARGEST WATCH MANUFACTURER. WATCH REPAIRS—Prompt and Perfect. Estimates given and Cost of Carriage taken. 18 CARAT GOLD ALBERTS (Hall marked on every Link), 80s per oz.-Workman- ship Included. Largest Gold Chain Stock in England. M1 T. R~RDSSELL (Maker to her Majesty the Queen), CATHEDRAL WORKS, 18, CHURCH-STREET, LIVERPOOL. 12042 NO AGENTS IN WALES. 393e 10, 11, & 12, WORKING-STREET, CARDIFF. G. A."sT0NJi' UNDERTAKE R, HEARSE AND MOURNING COACH PROPRIETOR, OSTRICH PLUME A GENERAL FURNISH I ING ESTABLISHMENT. ¡ The Trade supplied with Hearses, Coaches, and every requisite for Funeral Furnishing. 7 154E 04, POSITIVE REMEDIES. Consult the Book of Positive Remedies or the Cure of all Diseases. GRATIS.—Sent by Post to all parts ot the World on I receipt of Two Stamps to prepay postage. A POSITIVE CURE FOR DEBILITIES AND DERANGEMENTS OF THE GENERA- TIVE AND NERVOUS SYSTEM, NERVOUS DE. BlLITY AND EXHAUSTION, THE RE; ULT Of OVER-TAXED ENERGIES IS GIVEN IN THE BOOK OF "POSITIVE REMEDIES. This Book gives a POSITIVE REMEDY for all DP^ASES The Names of all Aledicines are given in Enelish. Cases and Testimonials, with means used in each case. IT IS A GUIDE TO THE SELF-TREATMEN 1 OF ALL DISEASES, and should be Consulted by all who require medical treatment. NOTICE.—THE POSL TTVE MEDICINES GIVEN IN THE BOOK O •POSITIVE REMEDIES' ARE THE MEDICINES USED BY DR. SMI L FOR OVER THIRTY YEARS. By the aid of this Book Invalids may form a correct knowledge of their malady, and find a Positive Remedy for the Cure. The names are pllJ- lished in Endish to enable Invalids to select the remedy and Cure Themselves without consulting a medical man, making 1. wriLtcn statement of case, or paving consultation fees. Send Two Stamps for the BOOK OF POSITIV E REMEDIES, which contains 244 pages, and gives a cllre for ail diseases. Pot ire on recei'.it of Two Stanius direct from no H.AH.SMITH&CO. 13J POSITIVE REMEDY LABORATORY. Nn. S()L."I'HA.MPToN-oW. LONDON. _I T- OWLE'S PENNYROYAL and STEEL PILLS FOR FEMALES ouickiy correct aii irregu LAII ies an(1 relieve the distressing sympui nsso prevalent with the e. Boxes Is and 2s 3U, of all chemi-ts. Sent anywhere on receipt of St:\1.:p;, hy the Maker. B 1 T. T,,I. CTIEIA:SV« :-T0tth:¡: !J\, MKR< Imsiiuss ^.ttDrfisscs. TMPORTANT TO EVERY TRADES- JL lIIAX. A THOROUGH SAFE AND SOUND pLATE GLASS JNSURANCE OFFiCE, With low rates and under good management, is very STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to all Shopkeepers and others who mav have Plate Glass to insure. iTlHJ Local Agents are Messrs W. PEDLER, 34, ROYAL AKCADE, CARDIFF, and A. SANDY, 5, GLEBE- STREET, PENARTH.) SCOTTISH PLATE GLASS INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE: EDINBURGH, w J. W ALKER, Sec. The annual report of this company is now before us, and is still far more favourable than th:Lt of the pre- ceding year, and must be eminently satisfactory to the shareholders. The premiums received amounted to £ 7.306 6s ad, and the breakages to £ 3,722 9s Hid, being b0'9 per cent. The expenses of management were £ 1,818 12s lid, being 24'3 per cent, of the premium income, and commission, etc., to agents absorbed the sum of £ 1,483 10s lid, 20-5 per cent., thus leaving a fair margin of profit of about 4 per cent. on the pre- mium income. The invested funds of the company, which amounted to £ 3,459 19s 4d. brought in E152 8s 106d by way of interest, being £4 7s bd per cent., a very satisfactory rate. By the result of the year's working, the Directors are enabled to write off the balance of £ 71 6s 5jd, standing at the debit of profit and loss account, to p¡y a dividend at the rate of 7 per cent., free of income tax, Oil the paid-up capital, while adding EIOJ to the reserve fund (which now stands at £950), and carrying forward a balance to credit of profit and loss for the current year.—Insurance Wurld, .May 27th, 1885. THE SCOTTISH LATE-GLASS INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Balance aheet as at 28th February, 1885. LIABILITIES. I. Subscribed Capital- £ s. d. 12,500 shares (of =;! each) 12,500 0 0 Deduct amount uncalled (16s per „ share) 10,000 0 0 II. Reserve fund 0 0 III. Suspense account, being balance of bonus received for lease of London office 109 19 4 IV. Outstanding debts— (1) Accounts due to glaziers and others 936 I1 8 (2) Commission, &c., to agents 3^2 14 2i Y. Unclaimed dividend T. "012 0 VI. Balance, being piotit 362 14 £ 5,152 12 0 ASSETS. I. Investments 194 11. Casli- \1) In bank (2) on hand 247 10 11 III. Balance in hands of agents 1,443 i 9 £ 5,152 12 0 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT. £ s. d. To balance from profit and loss account as at 23th Feb., 1884 71 6 5} „ Ciaims under policies, being breakages 3,722 'J 11 i Ofiice exvenses- 1. salaries and directors' fees 933 13 5 2. Rents and ta.xes .23:) 14 8 I Lets sum written off to meet these 36 13 2 17 3. Statlonei" printing, advertising, &c. 534 17 11 Cùmn.i,;sion to agt:ut 1,32) 12 0 Outlays per do 162 18 11 1; -11 i, Balance, being profit 34 W IS 0, By Revenue— jH s. d. 1. Premiums received during the year. 7,313 ^6 7 Less unrecovered and considered bad.. 12 10 5 2. Interest on invested funds 152 8 J-tl J £ 7,453 15 CU EDINBURGH, 5th May, 12E5.—We hereby certify tiias we have examined the balance sheet and accounts for tile year ending 23th February, 1SS.\ and beg to rc-port that, in our opiuion, the baiauc-j sh- et is a lad and i'.iir Olle, containing the particulars required by the regula- tions elljoined by the Acts 26 and b Vict., cap. 8y, and is ),r-,pe, iy drawn up, so as to exhibit a true and correct state of the company's affairs. DALL AND MILLER, C.A. LOCAL AGENTS: Messrs W. PEDLAR, 34, Royal Arcade, Cardiff and A. SANDY', 5, Glebe-street, Penartil. 4, Q E W ING TIFA C II I N E S O SEWING JJrJL MACHINES Why buv through Cam asters, when v.u can «>n!er the J MPRO VED .SING Eli and W, U.EL ER A WILsON SHAVING MACHINES direct from II JoNKEK, PENARTH. and effect a saving of 35 in the as rll" following ;irices will conc'.usivelv sliow— I.dPROVED SINGER HAND MACHINE, £ 3 usual price 4 4s- less lo per cent. Same with lland5me Box, £ 3 lis usual price, £ -5! —less 10 per cent. FAMILY TREADLE, £ 4 usual price, £ 5 5s-I-. ss 10 per cenr. 1Lx, £ 4 10<; usual price, £ 5— less 10 per cept. TAILOlt'XG MACHINE, £ 4 17s fed lCs—less 10 per cent. Same with Handsome Box, £ 5 iCs lUll price, E7 7s ss 10 per cent. iiach machine beautifully finished, provided with patent self winder, attachments and all the latest improvements, and guaranteed to be in nenect working or,ft' THE ADDRESS— H. JONKER, PENAItTH, near Cardiff. 7.4 Trade Sj.e.-iaily Supplied, NNRY \3UDGE FOR mooi.s. JL JL X r A TEWOLS. I FJJLOOLS. riTiooLs. 1. r 'iüOL- rjwoLs. r^.OOLS. r^ooLs. r, TRY pUDGE, JL AT illE T\T E W rp O O L — DEPOT. I ,rSPOOLS. IA |T00L"' b-^OOLS. 'jhoOLS. Irj^ooLs. JR ^ools. JL irj^ooLS. ^OOLS. I SHEFFIELD IIOU-:E, CUST'-M HOUSE-STK E E T CARDIFF. 236e TRIMNELL'S LIFE-GIVING AND PRESERVING -NT E 1-11 v I -NI. E 0 I c NERVINE IJIO N I C, For either Sex; will cure all kinds of nervou debility arising from any source of weakness, from whatever cause it may arise. These are a few of the Symptoms of Nervous Debility Depression of spirits, inaptitude for exertion, unfitness for study, dislike for society, dislike to enter any killll of business, involuntary blushing, dimness of sight, sparks before the eyes, deafness and noise in the ears, sense of tightness, of suffocation, constant mental misgiving, pains in the loins and a constant sense of weariness, irritation of the kidneys and bladder, palpitation of the heart, general tremn lousnesson any sudden impulse, extreme diffidence, fond of moping alone, morbid sensibility, careless about life, its joys, its pleasures, and its duties irregularity of the bowels, feeling good for nothing, failure of memory ,intellectual power and faculties more or less impaired, extreme restlessness, flatu- lency and indigestion, frequent headaches. silent wretchedness arising from the fear of physical weak- ness, fear of insanity, miserable forebodings for the present, no hope for the future; starting during sleep, looking and feeling ill without apparent cause. One or two packages of Trimnehs Nervine Tonic will cure slight cases of the above. »\ here it has been badly treated r neglected it will require a longer time to effect a cure. Is lAd and 9d per packet One trial is sufficient to prove the virtue of the ftoove Compound, to be had at most respectable Chemists, Druggists, and Medicine Vendors throughout the Worid. 11 you have any difiiculty in obtaining it, seud stamps or Post-oSice Order direct to the Proprietor, and it will be forwarded at once. All 2s Sll sizes Post Free to any part of the kingdom. N.B.— None are genuine unless they have the I Proprietor s signature on t::e Government Stamp— W. TIUMNELE. TO IM IT ATI] THIS WOuLD M FORGERY. FULL DIRECTIONS ON EACH PACKAGE. SOLE MANUFACTURER AND PROPRIETOR :— W TRIMNELL, MEDICAL BOTANIST 167e 9, MOIRA-TERRACE CARDIFF ]^EWPORT. —SOUTH WALES ECHO. The SOUTH \YA!,K^ KCUO is published at the NEWPORT OFFICE, li, Tredegar-place, as follows ;— FIRST EDITION. 3.15 P.M. SECOJ) EDITION 4.30 P.M. SPECIAL EDITION o.oO p.u Tne SPECIAL EDITION contains all the News o the Day up to Six o'clock p.ni.—including tHe latest Stock Exchange and Sporting l'elevrams. s0M by all N v. v.vei'.ts, an. Ntj-.v-, iov-. > Smsmrss ^.DDrrsscs. } M P O R T A N T Q P E C I A L. ") E S 0 NEW PATENT (No. ,b53), 1) G A T E" W ATe SlLVER GOLD £ 5. 5. 12. IS A "SPECIAL STRENGTH' SILVER E X G LIS 1 r LEVER, MY BEST LONDON MAKE, WITH T11REE-QUAliTElt PLATE MOVEMENT. JEWELLED THROUGHOUT. CHRONOMETER BALANCE, WITH DAMP AND DUST PROOF PATENT RING BAND, AND EXTENDED BARREL, IN MASSIVE STERLING SILVER DOME CASES WITH CRYSTAL GLASS FRONT WINDS & SETS HANDS A OPENS AT BACK, MAKING IT A BETTER WATCH THAN ANY £ 10 WATCH IN THE MARKET, IIS ADVANTAGES, OVER THE OLD AND FAULTY FULL PLATE BEING ENORMOUo, AS THE 'LUDGATE' WATCH WILL LAST OXE HUNDRED YEAII-, IT NEVER BREAKS, AS IT CANNOT BE OVS8 WOUND AND MEYER NEEDS EXPENSIVE REPAIRS. IS A BETTER TIMEKEEPER. IS A BETTER WATCH, AND IS BETTER VALUE THAN ANY OTHER WATCH SOLD FOR S10 IN TOWN OR COUNTRY. WILL STAND ROUGH USAGE OF ALL KINDS, AND IS THEREFORE THE BEST WATCH AND EQUALLY SUITED FOR WORKMEN, RAILWAY MEN, MINERS, GENTLEMEN, BOYS, AND ALL WHO REQUIRE A PERFECT WAiCH OF EXTRA STRENGTH FOR HOME, INDIAN, OR COLONIAL USE, MADE IN THREE SIZES, AS UNDER: WORKMAN'S, LARGE SIZE. MINER'S A RAILWAY MEN'S, LXIRA LARGE SIZE, AND FOR GENERAL WEAR, MEDIUM SIZE. SENT FREE AND SAFE AT OUR RISK TO ALL PARTS FOR i:5 bs Ud. CASH, OR P.O.O., PAYABLE AT G.P.O. PRICE IN lo-CARAT GOLD CRYSTAL GLASS CASES T JU<L\ E G UE A S. .sPECIALIA NOTE tha: .1. BENSON is the only Maiivr uf a Tin ee-(>nai ter Piate English ILltcil for £5 es, and mat our Patent .Ludato" Watch cannot U0 hud through, t l uf any Watchmaker in the Kingdom. iig!lL,, Will be proceeded ,:t; A EO JJ: explaining tae a.i\gc3 ut th.s V>'a-cu over the Full I'.aiu i-nglia!i WaicJt-s u;d by all other l' ,LU. j. C b k s 0 \VATCII-<I A IVI.\i TO 11.2,1. Q(JEEN, !>TK AM rACTuRY. t2 AND 6, L^L A i.IJ- Li» ijij, E.C., i) 25, OLD BOND-STREET, W., L O N DO A. to Law, Gold :1:.l :<i\ :iery, Ciocii> vi/oase, cljitle, and 1 arret;, .'ia iiaxvs, free o.: application. CLUB ASSOCTATIO.NS.—FORKM EN, s ECRE!'ARIES oi FRIENDLY SOCIETIES, AGENTS, and ethers will find their incomes considerably increased by establishing Clubs lor the New Paten: "Ludgate" \at.t. as it .s worth from £ b tu £ 1J H;\}i."G than any English Watch oi.i, allli therefore bound l[) supersede ail otaers in uie market. -< r:2Ti- 253e Q L LP HO LINE Y OTIONT _3_i THE CURE FOR SKIS DISEASES. IN A FEW DAYS ERUPTION. PIMPLES, KLOtCH!>, ENTIRELY FADE AWAY BEAUTIFULLY FRAGRANT, i ERFECTLY ll.l 2,1.L C URES OLD-STANDiNti SKIN DISEASES. llEMOYEs EVERY KIND OF ERUPTION, SPOT OR BLEMISH, AND RENDER.- THE SKIN CLEAR, sMCUiii, M l'PLE, AND HEALTHY. liiol- is scarcely any eruption but \ill yield to :-U;pllUlÍll( "ia a few days, and commence to lacle away, even if seemingly pass cure. Ordinary pimples, redness, blotches, scur!, roughne.-w. vanisli as if jjy magic whilst old, enduring skin disorders, eczema, psoriasis, acne, blackheaus, .scaly eruptions, rosea, prurigo, tetter, }Jityrias¡, Huwever ueepiy rooted, •• Sulplioliiie -uccessfuiiy Ii.Lt<tc! It destroys til" animalcule wiiich mostly cause these unsightly, irritable, painful affections, aad always produces a ciear, smooth, supple, healthy skin, Suiphofine" Lotion is sold by most Chemists. Bottles, 2s Jd. jpEPPEu:s Quinine .YND J^RON I C. -E. HEALTH, STRENGTH, ENERGY.. GREAT BODILY STRENGTH, GREAT NERVB STRENGTH, GREAT MENTAL STRENGTH. GREAT DIGESTIVE STRENGTH, Follows the use of PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TOXIC. It improves the appetite, promotes digestion, greatly strengtuens the i., i-ve. increases strength of pulse, gives firmness to the muscles, alters pals countenance, supplies deficient heat to weak circula- twus, overcomes bodily weariness and weakness, cures many painful complaints—neuralgia, sciatica, &:c.; is remedy for dyspepsia, stoaiac.i aif jctio.is, and horoughly recruits the health. PEPPER'S QUININE A IRON TONIC. "lOST IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT A new, smaller size bottle of this valuable medicine is now supplied at 2s 6d, thus bringing it to the reach of all classes, and greatly preventing the many injurious imitations largely offered. PEPPERS TONIC. Insist on having it. Bottles, I dooes, 2,6(1; next size, 32 doses, 4s od. sold everywhere J3 E P P E R S RP A R A X A C U M AND jpODOPHYLLIN. THE SAFEST ANTIBILIOUS MEDICINE. A FLUID LIVER MEDICINE WITHOUT MERCURY, MADE FROM DANDELION AND MANDRAKE ROOTS. Is now used and regularly prescribed by many Physicians instead of blue pili and calomel for the cure of dyspepria, biliiousness, and ail symi»toms of con- gesciollofthelivei-, which are generally pain beneath the shoulders, lieadacne, drowsiness, no appetite, furred tongue, disngreeable taste ill the morning, giddiness, disturljauce of the stomach, and feeling of general depression. Bottles, 2s 9d alLi 4 -tL Sold by all Chemists. Insist on having Pepper's. L OCKYER'S GULPHUR jTg AIR JU RESTORER. THE BEST. THE SAFEST. THE CHEAPEST. RESTORES THE COLOUR TO GREY HAIR. INSTANTLY STOPS THE HAIR FROM FADING. OCCASIONALLY USED, GREYNESs IS IMPOSSIBLE. RE Mi) YES SCURF, AND EMBELLISHES TUE llAlli, CAUSING IT TO GROW WHEREVER THIN AND PATCHY. 246e Large Bottles, Is 6.1. Sold everywheie. 11945 AW ORD io the Wise Cause and cure ofR debility, want of energy, and premature oecuy. (JJ actions to regain health and vigor. Sent o:i receipt#! -i S nsuin V I'i;ii.i-ii- Fit/. E o. s ill :|> o