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1\dvertis8rnent Tariff. -0- Small Prepaid Advertisements. 20 Words SIXPENCE. Three Times NINEPENCE. Six Times ONE SHILLING. ) °NCE- Tllngj TIMES. i* s. d. s. d. 20 Words -jO 6 0 9 1 0 SO Words -j 0 9 ~1 0 1 6 40 Words 1 0 1 6 2 3 50 Words 1 3 2 6 3 9 60 Words 1 6 3 0 I 4 6 These charges apply only to the classes of advertise. ment specified below, anil are strictly confined tc those which are ordered ior CONSKCUTIVI-; insertion andPAlD FOR PREVIOUS TO INSERTION if either of these con- ditions is not complied with, the advertisement will be charged by the Business scale :— APARTMENTS WANTED. I HOUSES TO BE SOLD APARTMENTS TO LET. MONEY WANTED. ARTICLES LOST. MONEY TO LEND. ARTICLES FOUND. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. BUSINESSES FOHDISPOSAI. MISCELLANEOUS SALES. BUSINESSES WANTED. PARTNERSHIPS WANTED. HOUSES TO LET. SITUATIONS WANTED. OUSES WANTED. SITUATIONS VACANT. Advertisements of the above class inserted in the r SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS," the CARDIFF TIMES, ind SOUTH WALES ECHO" at the FOLLOWING rate :— ix time" in Six times DiV|>' News Six times Once m Daily News Cardiff Times MOKDb. South Wales, fmJ 0uce { and ;l)uuy garilil{ .Jiu Six Umes in bow In Waiea Kclio. s. d. s. d. cU 20 Wonhi 1 0 16 2 0 _1_ 30 Wordsj 1 6 2 3 3 0 j 40 Wordsf 2 3 | o 4 4 6 -I- 50 W.jrd.s 3 9 5 3 7 6 60 Wordij 4 6 6 9 9 0 General Advertising Tariff, • KATE PI:R LINE FOR A SERIFS CLASS OF I to 12to 4o ADVERTISEMENTS. 3 b j 11 26 jupd jiiisrjiusr insr iusr(i<isr jiiisrjiusr insr iusr(i<isr Business )! t&iucational j • -ft -/o -/2 -A* Publishers Religious Services Ent,ertaiiinleitts Auction Announcements -/6 -/4 =/3 -/3 Legal and Public Notices 'j Municipal and School Board ( lenders and Contracts f *'6 "'6 "/6 "'6 "/6 Public Appointments ) Prospectuses J -/9 -/9 -/9 -/9 -/9 Parliamentary Elections |' Parliamentary Notices >i 1/- 1/- 1/- 1/- 1/- Government Announcements .[ J A charged 1 to o fnl1rtions. 6d per line 6 to 11 i:is<-i turns, ihl per lilu li hsertions HI1!lnpwar. iÜ 1Wi' lino. Notices "f Births, Marriages, arid Heaths are charged each, if nob exceeding 20 words, and 6,1 for each IIoÙditional !O wurrls. These Notices must bo antheu icated by the Signature and Address of the sender. ADVERTISERS, when sending advertisements inmanii- script, lnnv cil ate eight words to a line, and 12 lines to an inch. In charging advertisements the lines are not counted, but the advertisement, including Jarv;e line, dashes, and wliite spaces, is measured, and the space occupied is charged at th". rate of Twelve lilies 01111 inch. Situations Vacant BSlAtXhRS throughout Wales find the West •f* of Knirland are invited to apply for agencies to the Scottish Jeinperanee Lite and Accident Assurance Company, which gives greater advantages to abstainers tiiin any other oomp ,nv .—Address on or before May j'lth, "Scottish Temperance," Gra.nd Tempevav.ce .Hote Swansea. 782 ASSIS I a\ r.—Wanted a Junior, accustomed to a mixed country bu.ine^W. U, Junes, Chemist, Mountain Ash. 793 (panted at once, experienced WJth l'ulwg llia''hines, in bookbinding; depart- I'lig Cardiff 1 Wales Daly News" Office, Cartli ff. M ^St'rvices^of' wife^^f n)i(?cl'e-aged, no children. ? °nly required to attend to small Uou^anu ,00k, in leturnfor rent, firing, and gas.- Appl.v ">' lettci, box A, I ost-ollice, Maindee, Newport Mon K OORTEH (indoor.) Applv rsa-ic E. x Thoujas, Draper, Queen-street, C;,rCilff. 873 13OTA>IC BEER made immediately with Mason's l-*tract or i^ssencc ot Herbs, compused of Yarrow, i»ande!ion, Comfrey, and Horehound; send 9 stamps jor sample bottle, enough to make four allon, to I .NewUul and Mason, Chemists, Nottingham. Agents wanted. 787e Bontssiic ;rt5. (> TKL (strong, country), wanted, not under 20. as X General Servant in iiiial, faiiiiINI. Protestant referred.—Mrs 13, Dock-pat ade, Newport.826 in Id. OFFICES (set of two rooms) to Let, in Charles- street Chambers, Cardiff.—Apply J. Thomas, Cardiff. 294 STABLE and < OACHHOUSE to Let. Would do for stores or workshop. Terms moderate.—Apply 71, J*ewport-road. 863 ——————— Jfur —Miscellaneous. YPUil OROCKkT"for Chavnley's superior .Preston Biscuits — Custanl, Lemon Tablets, Japioca, Cream. These are only fourpenca per lb. 52 A QUARIA.— Six handsome Goldfish and ifve Silver- ■XJL bronze Carp. 4" Doubie quantity, 7s oct. Travel safely, anywhere. References. —K. ltoman?!, Llaneliy. 710 PlANOFOTtTK. -For sale, a handsome compensat" in* double iron-frame trichord cottage, patent ^faCxl!epe,a.t,er arti"n. overstrung, fine rich tone, seven .lesifms' n V walnut case, carved aiul<iUaid with gold tv> a,1 by t!r en^ent diate cash 25 re??»fcly 63 >'uineas. f,,r }mm«' f^ssionallv C:iI1 ^le taoroup[hly and pro- tunity to professn'6 any time il «reat oppor- for teaching purDoser"^1^ fi,ne solia in^niment Cardiff.' uuses—7, salisbury-road, Cathavs, Pd^eap^Appl'y Cctrt a)1^ Harness to be sold Pd^eap^Appl'y Cctrt a)1^ Harness to be sold >• v,V 'T'az-street, Roath, Cardiff. 653 V grocer"oth^Wa,e> eriuaT to new. Suitable AyJ, Osgar Rt,„Se 6 TvUrp;,SeS—APply t0 D' T" pridd' T^UrSt°Wn. "ear Ponty- Musical. IF your Piano, PipeOrgan,~iFanno7,im,T_ Urgan wants vepaiiing or t ,"h J ? American S ntii Wale^ Organ Works, >K'te^Irl. C?iS T„ tn"entS at factory prices. Xew Cardiff. 732 "I 4>S ^Sn in^^Voice 1 & iiainnij, ji.ar., experience PuniU ,■0(11^ ^^1^0,1. W, expression, shuii^L K.nuUti-.Jl^d.zA'lieit, Daily News," Cardiff. 95d VTIOI.IN POB SALli.—In perfect^ondition,^md V beautiful tone, price 8s 6d -Address, VioHn, Sooth Vfales Echo Qftlce' Mia "H-flL" j'lloncy. 7^0 'r0~ £ 300 ADVANCEI) DAlTTylo"Householders, gtO Tradesmen, Mechanics, ami others. oU tiieir own security, 01 Fr.« vate l,t)an Company, 19i Hute-streut. Caniifl'. 2ji)e A\ £ 500, £ 250, and £ 100 to lend o:: private oW/0»\0. mortgages. — Apply T. Webber, *Hn*Kiu>x$st John's-sauare. C'avditi'. 6^5 ^"lARDIFF AND COUNTY ADVANCE BANK 9, CAROLINE-STREET, CARDIFF. MONEY LENT, WITHOUT DELAY, FROil B5 TO £1,000 t a few hours' notice upon an entirely new and easy system; adopted solely by this bank, for long or short periods, to Hotiseholders (Male or Female), Farmers, Cowkeepers, Cab Proprietors, Lodging-house Keepers, Tradesmen, and to the Working Classes in general, upon their Household Furniture, ESects, Crops, Stock-in-Trade, &c., without removal. Wines, Spirits, Cigars, Tea, Jewellery, Pianos, or other goods taken on deposit, and cash promply ad- vanced on same. Distance no object, easy repayments. 71826 Apply personally, or by letter, to the manger. 266e THE WEST OF ENGLAND ADVANCE CO.. 2, Bute-terrace, Cardiff, beg to inform the public that they advance from £ 5 to £ 1,000 to Farmers, Cow- keepers, Householders (Male or Female), Mechanics, and others on their own security, at a few hours' notice. Trade bills discounted. Advances also made on deeds without atiy legal c J .-IS a very low rate of interest. to be repaid by illt i.u.rviw. Borrowers would do well to inquire our charges .'c ore applying elsewhere. For references inquire ..t any solicitor in the town. All communications to be addressed to S. Blaiberg, Man- ager 316c 73917 i IMPORTANT STATEMENT. GIGANTIC TURNOVER 8,533 MANTLES AND JACKETS SOLD. BY F. COX, LONDON MANTLE WAREHOUSE, 23, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. [ACCOUNTANT'S CERTIFICATE.] To Mr F. COX, 23, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. From E. P. STEEDS, Chartered Accountant. Friar Lane, Leicester. DEAR Stit,- In reply to your enquiry, I find that your books show that the total number of Mantles, Jackets, &c., Sold in your Business during the year ItSoi was 8,533. o ur. iml^, hl'Kf'.US, Chartered Accountant, March oUt, 1885. 73777 306a SPECIALLY {HEAP LINES, C^OUTH '^7 ALES pRC VISION COMPANY, c JpINEST -S TEw G RA ss JgUTTER (Just arrived) ONE SHILLING PER POUND. 5,000 SIDES CHOICE MILD-CURED jgREAKF AST jg A C O N (BEST CUTS) SIXPENCE PER POUND. 281b. SIDES 44s. PER CWT. NEW SALMON, 5d. PER TIN. SOUTH WALES pROVISION CaMP ANY. Stuart Hall, The Hayesj Cardiff. 233, Bute Street, Cardiff. Cowbridg-e Road, Canton. 51, Salisbury Road, Catbays. Glebe Street, Penarth. and 323eJ 8, High Street, Swansea. I- A NEW AND ORIGINAL SERIAL, ENTITLED— THE WRECKER'S SON OR CHARACTERISTIC SKETCHES OF CORNISH LIFE, COMMENCED IN THE gOUTH ALES jgCHO, ON MONDAY, APRIL 27TH, 1885. These sketches, as incidents of fact-being written by a whilom Resident, are intended to faithfully repre- sent traits and features in the character of the lower classes of the Western county, an contain CHAPTER I.-Introduction-a Cornish Sea-side Resort. II.—Dan T<emewato, the" Granlifer" of Perranporth- tory of The Wrecker's Sou's Life. „ III.—The story continued. IV.—The Legend of Saint Pyran—Finding the Saint's Arm-bone. „ V.-The Fatal Wreck—A Reminiscence of Cornish dark days—The Crowner's Quest -ltobted of ill-gotten gains. VI.—Dan's Father's midnight walk-Éye. witness of a dreadful tragedv—1The murder of the King's Man—Discovered „ VII.—How Dan's l arher met his end—A Mutinous Boat's Crew—The disastrous storm. „ VIII. —A Rescue from Drowning and its Conse- quences—Obstacles Insurmountable to a Love Match—A Leap of 100 feet. IX.-Dan's Courtship. X.—An Unpleasant Episode, and an All-night Walk.-Tlie Attempted Abduction. XI.—Billy Teague: the Child, the Boy, the Man—A Lucky Fish Season with a Calamitous Occurrence. XII.-Warerioo Fought over Again "-Cornish Hussars in Helgium-Majnr Vivian in Command — Ka-poteon's Defeat the Light Cavalry Chargtt :Sir Hussey Vivian at the Poll at Truro. XIII.—News from Australia — A Self-rjade Colonist.. XIV.—Australian News continued—A Brush with Bushrangers. XV—A Tale of Bad Harvests—The Miners' Muster and March into Truro-Col. lision witht he Volunteers. XVI Truro Corn lliots continue(I-Hangiam, Wild Cat," the Ringleader. XVII.— An Eventful August Day—The Water- spout over Kast Whea-i Hoso Ivlin6—* Drowning of Forty Men. Drowning of Forty Men. EWPOITT.-SOUTH WALES ECHO. —— The SOUTH WALES ECHO is published at the NEWPORT OFFICE, 11, Tredegar-place, as follows:- FIRST EDITION 3.15 P.M. SECOND EDITION 4.SO P.M. SPECIAL EDITION &.30 P.M. The SPECIAL EDITION contains all the News of the Day up to Six o'clock p.m.—including the latest Stock Exchange and Sporting Telesoanw, Sold by all ewslLltentIJ and Newsboy3 ^mnsmruis. T HEATPE ROYAL, CARDIFF, LESSEE & MANAGER.MR. EDWARD FLETCHER. ACTING MANAGER MR. JOHN SHERIDAN. Return Visit of Mr Edgar Bruce's Company in the Great London Success, CALLED BACK. Miss Alma Murray as Pauline. TO-NIGHT (WEDNESDAY),May 13th, and during the week, the enormously successful play, CALLED BACK CALLED BACK!! CALLED BACK! By Hugh Conway and Comyns Carr, adapted from Hugh Conway's Popular Story. Doors open at 7; commence 7.30. Stage door ami St. Mary-street entrance open 6.30 6d extra. Box plan at Messrs Thompson and Shackeli's. I09e 53237 S3- SPECIAL NOTICE. MONDAY NEXT, MAY 18TH. Mr Alexander Henderson's OPERA COMPANY. From the Comedy Theatre. London, in the new Opera Comique, RIP VAN WINKLE. MR FRED LESLIE AS RIP. Box plan and tickets now ready at Messrs Thompson and Shackeli's. I JpHI LHARMONIC. MORRELLA'S PALACE OF VARIETIES ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. TO-NIGHT, and Every Evening During the Week. MONSTRE STAR COMPANY Special Engagement of England's Premier Negro Burlesque Artiste, GEORGE LE CLERQ LUKE BRANT and DAVIS—Luke Brant, the Tallest and BRANT and DAVIS—Luke Brant, the Tallest and Thinnest,, peciality Artiste and Comedian living. Special and Important Starring Engagement of Mr HYRAM 1RAVERS, THE PEARLY KING. Important engagement of MA "-OX and TITUS, the Shadowgraphs." First appearance in Cardiff of Miss PATTI HKYWOOD, the London Star Burlesque Actressand Dancer. Special engagement of the charm- ing SISTERS MERRYWOOD, Duettists and Dancers. Great success and last week of Mr DICK DEVLIN, Irish Character Comedian and Dancer. Last week of the charming SISTERS LIMJARU, Duettists and Dancers. TheTWO MACS Whit-Monday. FRED COYNE short!y. For the beat Cigars and Tobacco, try Morella's C:gar Divan, next door to the Philharmonic. The Best in Cardiff. _P- DAVID pARRY AND CO. (Late of 12, High-street), HAVE REMOVED THEIR STOCK OF SUITS, OVERCOATS, HATS, CAPS, TIES, COLLARS, SHIRTS, &c., to S85 X5UTE gTREET (3 Dooas FROM CUSTOM HOUSE.STREET), Where the whole of their Stock MUST BE SOLD. GREAT BARGAINS IN HATS! CAPS! CLOTHINGlj OF ALL KINDS. ALSO WATERPROOF OVERCOATS. All are of Best Manufacture. RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR PURCHASERS. 285, BUTE STREET, (Near The Hayes). 538 gEFORE BUYING A WATCH ANYWHERE II Write for the "Illustrated Pamphlet," seni, free on application by the Largest Watch Manufacturer. JQIAMOND i EWELLERY, Purchasers supplied direct at trade prices. A SAVING OF FROM 25 TO 50 PER CENT. MR. T. Ift. n USSELL, MAKER TO HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, CATHEDRAL WORKS, 18, CHURCH STREET, LIVERPOOL. (NO AGENTS IN WALES.) 277 STIFF'S STARCH. | STIFF'S STARCH.! (^TIFF'S STARCH.j s TIFF'S STARCH. STIFF'S STARCH.! STIFF'S STARCH, STIFF'S STARCH. STIFF'S STARCH. STIFF'S STARCH. TIFF'S STARCH. QTIFF'S STARCH. 305e 12080 _7376 STIFF'S STARCH It having come to the knowledge of Messrs Stiff and Co. that some retailers often attempt to induce the public to purchase low- pricedalldinferior starches oy representing them to be the manufacture of Messrs Stiff & Co., it is necessary to put the public on its guard against such unprin- cipl ect r)ractices, and tostate that every box or packet of Stiff's Starch bears the l'egistered Trade Mark QUEEN BESS. Stiff's Starch is Sold in 51b Packets and lib Fancy Boxes, and may be obtained of any Grocer, Druggist, or Oilman or of the Manu- facturers, STIFF & CO., t REDCLIFF-ST., BRISTOL ESTABLISHED 1818. FOR THE BEST QHINA AND G L A S 8 AT A LOW PRICE, Go to W. J) 0 B B S CHARLES-STREET, CARDIFF. PATTERNS SENT ON APPROVAL. CARRIAGE PAID. 294e „ POSITIVE REMEDIES. Consult the Book of Positive Remedies for the Cure of pn.TTo all Diseases. IX A US. -Sent bv Post to all parts ot the World on l Stamps to prepay postage. POSIITVE CURE FOR DEBILITIES TIVF i\n ™ni«S £ MJENTS OF THE GKNERA- TIVE AND NERVOUS SYSTEAI NEltVOUS DE. om?TAYPn THB RESULT OF BOOKTOF VH? gives a POSITIVE REMEDY for all DISEASES The Raines of all Medicines are given in English. Cases and Testimonials, with means used in each cas? IT IS A GUIDK TO THE SIILF-TitEATMEN'C Or, ALL DISEASES, and should be Consulted by all who require medical treatment. NOTICE THIti POSI. TIVE MEDICINES GIVEN IN THE BOOK OF 'POSITIVE REMEDIES' ARE THE MEDICINES USED BY J)R. SMI L FOR OVER THIRTY YEARS. By the aid of this Book Invalids may form a correct knowledge of their malady, and and a Positive Remedy for the Cure. The names are pub. lished in English, to enable Invalids to select the remedy and Cure Themselves without consulting a medical man, making a written statement ot case, or paying consultation fees. Send Two Stamps for t|j« BOOK OF POSITIVE REMEDIES, which contains 244 pages, and gives a curo for ail diseases. Post irgo on receipt of Two Stamps direct front J 716 H. & H. SMITH & CO. 130 POSITIVE REMEDY LABOiMTOBY, 26. SOUTHAMPTON .ROW, LONDON, W,0 EBusiness ÀÎ)Î)t£5,5£,S. J O T H A M AND gONS 26 & 27, ST, MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. G E N T S, SCARFS. SPECIAL PURCHASE. m ANUFACTURERS' STOCK. LESS THAN HALF-PRICE. JpIMENSE VARIETY. ALL AT js. EACH. SEE WINDOW. jpRlNCIPALlTY QUTFITTING ks TORES, 26 AND 27, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. .ø 204 JOTHAM AND SONS, PBOPKIETOKS. THE PHCENIX OF FASHION! THE BIRD OF BEAUTY ,rpT -Tvir Rejuvenated WITH ^WEETNESS, AND LIGHT. bEL ^ECIA.HTIES IN SUMMER ATTIRE AT P It I O IS Jb g ° N s » Kn -il CARDIFF HOUSE, 60 & 5I, ST. MARY-STREET, 46 & 47, CAROLINE- £ 11! K) CARDIFF. r'vnLLoWEI1 THAN EVER. G^MLEMEN's FANCY TWEED SUITS, r i°/ 35/ 45/ 55/ kkMLEMKN'S SERGE SUITS, rPVTV rvrifv.20'"1 25, 30/ 35; 40/ «,T? S FANCY TWEED TROUSERS, ij-vths!1}' 6/11, 3,6, 10, 12B, 15/ 17/0. „. SUITS IN NEWEST STYLES, CAPS, SHIRTS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, &c. lenns: ON h, PRICE. NO ABATEMENT. CASH J JI P O R T A N T ^PECIAL. E N s 0 N I s NEW PATENT (No. 4658), "LUDGATE" WATCH, SILVER GOLD 5. £ 12 12 IS A "SPECIAL STRENGTH' SILVER ENGLISH LEVER, MY BEST LONDON MAKE, WITH THREE-QUARTEK PLATE MOVEMENT. JEWELLED TilROUGHOUT. CHRONOMETER BALANCE, WITH DAMP AND DUST PROOF PATENT lUNG BAND, AND EXTENDED BARREL, IN MASSIVE STERLING SILVER DOME CASES WITH CRYSTAL GLASS FRONT WINDS & SETS HANDS & OPENS AT BACLF, MAKING IT A BETTER WATCH THAN ANY m0 WATCH IN THE MARKET, IT;") ADVANTAGES, OVER THE OLD AND FAULTY FULL PLATE LIEESH ENORMOUo, AS THE 'LUDGATE' WATCH WILL LAST ONE HUNDRED YEARS, IT NEVER BREAKS, AS IT CANNOT BE OVER- WOUND AND MEVER NEEDS EXPENSIVE REPAIRS. IS A BETTER TIMEKEEPER. IS A BETTER WATCH, AND IS BETTER VALUE THAN ANY OTHER WATCH SOLD FOR Elo IN TOWN OR COUNTRY. WILL STAND ROUGH USAGE OF ALL IUNDS, AND IS THEREFORE THE BEST WATCH AND EQUALLY SUITED FOR WORKMEN, RAILWAY MEN, MINERS, GENTLEMEN, BOYS, AND ALL WHO REQUIRE A PERFECT WATCH OF EXTRA STRENGTH FOR HOME, INDIAN, OR COLONIAL USE, MADE IN THREE SIZES, AS UNDER: WORKMAN'S, LARGE SIZE. MINER'S & RAILWAY MEN'S, EXTBA. LARGE SIZE, AND FOR GENERAL WEAR, MEDIUM SIZE. SENT FREE AND SAFE AT OUR RISK TO ALL PARTS FOR s ud. CASH, OR P.O.O., PA V.. AT G.P.O. PRICE IN 18-CARAT t CRYSTAL GLASS CASES TWELVE GUINEAS. ¡ SPECIALLY NOTE that J. lir. BENSON is the only Maker of a Three-Quarter Plate English Watch for B5 b.s, and that our Pateut Ludate" Watch cannot be had through, or of any V atchmaker iu the Kingdom. Any infringement of the Patent Rights will be proceeded against. A Book explaining the advantages of this Watch over the Full Plate Englisl1 Watches sold by all other makers, will be sent Post Free oil appli cation, to J. W. B E N 8 0 WATCHMAKER TO H.M. THE QUEEN, THE STEAM FACTORY. 62 AND 64, LUDGATE-HILL, E.G., AND 25, OLD BOND-STREET, W., LONDON. Illustrated Pamphlets of Wutelies froittfiS to S609) Gold and Silver Jewellery, Clocks (House, Ohitiio. and Turret), and Musical Boxes, free on jtppijqfttien, eLua A8S0CJA'i'K>Ns-=i'O»KMl!;N, S15QB&TAHJ83 of FRIENDLY SOClCT'iBS, AGENTS, "ud oçlwlt will find thoil, iuuymos mtgide^hiy i^Fe^e^ by establishing Ct.tb.< tov ilia New iPft&gns Lu4^e Watoh, &Ii is is worth frailt ig,4 to P.19 1D1l'" than Atly KuglisU w>tsell boW, 1%114 4I1r1' ím!Hi all ethers né gsjg M PAINE, B|I4 r^(D§fE|t, TRIBUT'OR, Ac., 36, CAIilHt-'F-SfRtSEf ABERDARE, begs tp miurm the public generally he ran's all tija i^rgest anu pri/}Mipa;^ill-pMFW/ tStatioiis in Ai)pr4ar*, Aberaman.^ir^yam, afld ai} jyia/f distfiots. Ooutracts ijiadp '>yeeuly t»r vfiany N.B.=r?(PEg.=.4:5 fpipe's |fp|g! Hptfse, as MM? aaares^, WPftcps, wg&FS, WF9$aJ menta ail HiHfis «»ay be h%4 & »»* [ %ocQqi(»<KMtioa ittt traveUers. «« SOW—WJ< i jBttsxttiss Abbressrs. TRY pUDGE FOR TOOLS. FPOOLS. FT^OOLS. FPOOLS. F|^OOLS. rj^ooLs. RPOOLS. rpooLs. rj^ooLs. TRY P U D G E, AT THE NEW TOOL jQEPOT. TOOLS. rjpooLs. rpooLs. rpooLs. TOOLs. rjpooLs. TOOLs. rjpooLs. SHEFFIELD HOUSE, CUSTOM HOUSE-STREET, CARDIFF. 286e B ARGAIN, S JgARGAINS J JJARGAINS JgARGAINS gARGAINS JgARGAINS < JMMENSE gALE OF JlIRST CLASS JQRAPERY GOODs, AT 25, D L" S T R E E T CARDIFF, THE WHOLE OF THE t gAJfSfiUPTCV STOCK .1 W, M; PftlCE r¡jH'i"g b6e" purchased AT A DISCOUNT OF 50 PER CENT. UNDER COST, THE SAME WILL BE QFFERED D A I L Y UNTIL CLEARED, AT AN JJNORMOUS SACRIFICE. B ARGAINS 1 JgARGAINS 1 B ARG-KINS I JgARGAINS JgARGAINS 1 JgARGAINS 4r 25, gTREET, qardiff ?&< 14236 0 ONO MY IN FUEL., TOT ALL'S PATENT FEED WATER, heateb* "V'triLLIAMS' PATENT BLOWER ANDi SMOKE CONSUMER f O It 19,119AM 1301LIERS YOSN WfJLIAMS AND gONt. <J' fiOfM LZeSNSSgg & MAURS. QV ST. oAftmm vm ^ERVO^JS^pss, ef S^EROY, jL^ and VIT^L POWER.—4 gentleman haV'^S tried in vain finery advertised'remedy, has discovered sirupie meang pi self-cure. He will be happy to fpr Ha-rtj HP particular^ H 11 i s^Serer on.receipt pt Btairjpe and difected £ 1, Siewey, Esq,, Chiswick, Midd taex. 212 1&USÍ1U55 ASK YOUR GROCER FOR SYIINGTO N'S ARAB'S COFFEE. FOR STRENGTH, FLAVOUR, & AROMA IT STANDS UNEQUALLED. SOLD IN OBLONG TINS. B O W D E N STEAM MILLS, MARKET HARBOROUGH. GOLD MEDAL, NEW ZEALAND,. 1852. 295e 295e NEW STOCK OF SEASONABLE GOODS FOR w HITSU-N JJOLIDAYS. r W. pEDLER'S TTBIBRELLAS, W A L KIN G STICKS, AND L EATHER 113 AGS, ARE THE BEST. ESTABLISHED 1S67. 134, TOOYAL-ARCADE, CARDIFF. BRANCH: 98, GLEBE-STREET, PEXARTH. BEST HOUSE IN CARDIFF FOR WALKING STICKS. A new and choice Stock of Walking Sticks from the best London Makers. RICHLY MOUNTED STICKS FOR PRESENTS.. MOUNTED MALACCA CANES. Ivory and Buck Hooks, Silver and Nickel Collars, and Knobs, always in Stock. Sticks and, Canes Dressed, Mounted, Polished, and Ferruled. UMBRELLAS AT ALL PRICES TO SUIT ALL CLASSED. GENTS' UMBRELLAS. Silk, at 7s 6d, 8s 6d, 10s 6d, 12s 6d. 15s fed. and 18s 6d. Russell Silk, at 10s 6d; Silv, r Mounted, gs 6d. p,epp, at 7s od,9s, 10s bd, and 12s 6a. Alpaca, 5s bd, os ba, and 7s 6d, LADIES' UMBRELLAS. Silk 7s 8s 6d, 10s bd, 12s 6d, 15s, and 21s, Repp, 4s bd, 5s bd, t>s bd, and 8s bd. Russell Siik, oo od, as bd. and 10s od. RE-COVERING DEPARTMENT. r Umbrellas Re-covered at a saving of 25 per cent. Best Materials only UieU. SILK. GENTS' 25IN. UMBRELLAS. 1st quality, 15s 2nd ditto, 13s 3rd ditto, 10s 6d 4th ditto, 8s ód. LADIES' 22IN. UMBRELLAS. 1st quality, 12s 6d 2nd ditto, 13s fed; 3rd ditto, 8s 6d; 4tb ditto, 6s od. RUSSELL SILK (Guaranteed not to Split). GENTS' 25in, UMBRELLAS, at 9s. 6d.; LADIES' 22in. do., at 7s. 6d. REPP. GENTS' 25in. UMBRELLAS—1st quality, 7s. 6d. 2nd ditto, bs 6d. LADIES' 22in. UMBRELLAS-lst quality, 6s. 6d. 2nd ditto, 5s 6d. Re-eovering and Repairing promptly executed on the Premises. L E A THEE BAGS. Leather Portmanteaus, Brief and other Hand Bags, Hat Cases, d-c. GLADSTONE BAGS. ASSORTMENT OF LEATHER RUG STRAPS. W, pEDLEE, "JJMBRELLA m ANUFACTOP-Y, 34, ROYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF. AND 98, GLEBE STREET, PENARTH. QH ARLES P A R D 0 E TOBACCO PIPE MANUFACTURER, BROADWAY, ROATH, CARDIFF. PIPE MAKERS WANTED. 320e TRIMNELL'S LIFE-GIVING AND PRESERVING NERVINE TONIC, For either Sex; will curt all kinds of nervou debility arising from 8081 source of weakness, from whatever cause it may arise. These are a few of the Symptoms of Nervous Debility :-Depression of spirits, inaptitude for exertion, unfitness for study, dislike for society, dislike to enter any kind of business. Involuntary blushing, dimness of sight, sparks before the eyes, deafness and noise in the ears, sense of tightness, of suffocation, constant mental misgiving, pains in the loins and a constant sense of weariness, irritation of the kidneys and bladder, palpitation of the heart, general tremu lousnesson any sudden impulse, extreme diffidence, fond of moping alone, morbid sensibility, careless about life, its joys, its pleasures, and its duties; irregularity of the bowels, feeling good for nothing, failure of memory,intellectua) power and faculties more or less impaired, extreme restlessness, flatu- lency and indigestion, frequent headaches, silent wretchedness arising from the fear of physical weak- ness, fear of insanity, miserable forebodings for the J (resent, no hope for the future; starting during sleep, ockingacd feeling ill without apparent cause. One or two packages of Trimnell's Nervine Tonic will cure slight cases of the above. Where it has been badly treated or neglected it will require a longer time to effect a cure. Is lid and 2s 9d per packet One trial is sufficient to prove the virtue of the above Compound, to be had at most respectable Chemists, Druggists, and Medicine Vendors throughout the World. If you have any difficulty iu obtainm* it eend stamps or Post-office Order direct to the Proprietor, and it will be forwarded at once All 2s 9d sizas Post Free to any part of the kingdom. N.&-Nouo are genuine unless they have the Proprietor's signature on the Government Stamp- W, TWMNEU. 2'0 IMITATE THIS WOULD BE FORGERY. FULL DIRECTIONS ON EA.CH PACKAGE. tS MAf'Ul'ACTUiUilt, AND 1'KUI'K 1BTOK -— W TRIMNELL, M-EDIUAL BOTANIST J: UTo 8, MQl&A.XUIUUCiS .r CARDIFF J Easiness M PORTA NT "^OTIflE, NOTICE OF REMOVAL GRIFFITH JAMES Begs to announce that owingto the premises lately occupiecl by him for gALE OF gALVAGE STOCK Being wanted for tLe Her/ Arcade, he will REMOVE HIS STOCK 'J a [No. 8 W OR I N G STREET (Being Entrance to New Public Hall). Where he will offer the remaining portion of his Salvage, together with "n"!e greatly damaged Stuff latelypickeci up out oi'thp ruins and he has determined to make it worth while fur his custoirers to pay a visit to enable him to clear the whole of the Salvage before returning to hi:, new premises. Q R I F F I T II TAMES If ¥ (LATE EVA:" THOMAS & Co.) .3.3Se ——— 74221 I NOTE THE TEMPOR \.Rï ADDRESS 8, WORKING-STREET, CARDIFF. g P R I N G SUITS. BAn It B K O S. TAILORS, b4, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. SPECIALTY 16s TROUSERS. Having purchased a large assortment of splendid Trouserings, Su tings, &c., ill all the most f.i^hioaable designs, colourings, and matevi lis, artl now ottering as a specialiy TROUSERo KLOJI 16s. iiUI rs 6cs. A trial only required to prove the superiority of their BARP. BROS.' established reputation a Cutters guarantee sty.e. quality, an 1 ¡1 perfect ti.. All goods marked in plain figures, from which no abatement will be made or discoa ,t siivea. Terms strictly Ca-^h. SPECIALTY 1« TItOUSERS. BARR I,, 0 TAILORS, 293e 12057 64, ST MARY->TRKLT, CARDIFF. 7367b PIANOS.—WHY BE WITHOUT ONE When you can become the ow.ier of a nice instrument for the :1lJall paymen., of iOs td PER MONTH OX mHOMPsoN AND OHACKELL'S X to IIIRK SYSTEM' II secarity required, "¡¡,, 1 :.e instrument, delivered 1 to purchaser on pc.ynie.it of tirst monthly instalment. Every instrumen-. mturantetd, aud exchanged it not approved. ORGANS AND HARMONIUMS ON SIMILAR TERMS. Catalogues iree (In application. THOMPSON AND SHACKELL, PIAXOFOHTL AND MUSIC WAREHOUSE, QUEEN S BUILDINGS, CARDIFF. Also ut SWANSEA, M.VvM'OUl, MELTUVi; and i.LuUCESlT.it. 24He K, 3. KEATH S01is> 12, CiiOCKHERBTOU'N, CARDIFF, Have now osi view the; largest Stock of High-class p I A N 0 F 0 R TES, QRGA-;s, AND XJARMONIUMS, IX SOUTH ALES, V;biel1 they are offering at a LARGE DISCOUNT you. CASH-;| and on the three years' ptem, from 10s 6d per month. 1-iu.iios, irunl lo guineas. lilustrated Catalogues Poat Free 253e f NOTICE OF REMOVAL. |T. H. DaVIES aXD C!0-' "THE TAILORS," Beg to intimate to their customers and the general public that they have secured the Ex.eii-ive and Com- modious COKNER PREMISES lately occupiea by Mr in CUSTOM H0USE-STREET, are now open,and are sliowmg the CHOiCE> I' PA'l 1 ERNs and QUAlITjES in SCOTCH and L»1 boillNGfe, FANCY TROUSERING ^BOT.i. c Please nonce their TIES and U .»JJ^XLOTHING WINDOWS. Value not to be equaled m Carditf. Tney thank their Patr,.i,s for past favours. and pr0- rriise the same attention to their iuture orders. I'ease Notice tlu Adaress: T. H. DA VIES and Co., '• THE TAILORS,' CUsTCM LCl:-J -s jI.1-1 J CARDIFF. 40, BRIDGE STHEET, A R D I F F C. 1- 0 L L I 0 K. pA W N B R O K E R MOST MONEY LENT ON GOLD AND SILVER VALUABLES. OVER £2 AT THE RATE OF 4D IN THE POUND EXCEEDING £10 AT A LESSER INTEREST. ARGE ASSORTMENT OF GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES AND DIAMOND RINGS VERY ttlW. SPECIAL LOTS OF GOLD WKDDING RINGS AND KEEPERS. 287e-7.a488 pCLTON, DU-NLOP, AND COn, CARDIFF AND SWANSEA, ALSO AT WINDSOR ROAD, PENARTH BASS AND CO., ALLSOPP AND SON 88 And others of the finest BURTON ALES. PRICES Per Kilderkin. Per Firkta. 18s.. I 9b. 21s. j 10s. 6d 24s. 12s. And upwards. 155 JJOMCEOPATHIC MEDICINES, NOTICE.—THE CARDIFF AN-D SOUTH WALFZ- HOMCEOPATHIC PHARMACY, 6, CHCHCH STREET, CARDIFF- IS NOW OPEN, And price lists and Books on the uses oi medicines* and tne simple treatment of common complaints may be had free on application. Consulting-rooms and Dispensary In connection with the above will shortly be opened. 710292 340e Observe Address—b, CHURCH-STREET. gWANSEA.— SOUTH WALES ECHO. The FIRST EDITION of the SOUTH WALES ECHO is published at the Office, 2, College-street Swansea, EVERY AFTERNOON, AT FIVE O CLOCK. Sold by newsagents at Swansea, Hafod, Plasmarl, Mumbles, &c., and by the bo\"s of tue Self Help i>riuraue. The SPECIAL EDITION, which contains all the Latest News, Telegrams, stock Exchange Closing Pnces. Markets, Sj>oriiun and Local intelligence of the day, is published m Swansea at 8.30 p.m. Sold by R. MOGEORD, News Agent, Great Western Building. High-street, Swansea., and by newsboys- BO K OC(i H ) N E W FOR T WILLIAM WILLIAMS, 12 Lower Mercnant- street.'behina the Town-hail Corporation mh-poster ana crier. Renr s the principal hoardings ^na stations 111 Newport and Neighbourhood. Two gooli bill knot Worn ai.tencieci to wnh q ù.:ck uespatcil Town ami country. «stanlisne« mori. tuan .jiiavr.- ,pl,r,:lr\ PJ5: Ci>- AWORD to the Wise Cause and cure of debility, want of energy, and premature uecay. In structions to regain health and vigor. Sent on receiptee 4 stamps by Publishers, Fitzai<tn squate;shefiield. ,801 ,11.>. :.J,J