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Advertisement Tariff. Small Prepaid Advertisements. 20 Words SIXPENCE. Three Times NINEPENCE. Six Times ONE SHILLING. WORDS. ONCE. ™BB ^SIX^ s> d. s. d. s. d. 20 Words 0 6 0 9 1 0 30 Words 0 9 1 0 1 6 40 Words 1 0 1 6 2 3 50 Words 1 3 2 6 3 9 60 Words 1 6 3 0 4 6 These charges apply only to the classes of advertise- ment specified below, ami are strictly confined tc those which are ordered lor CONSECUTIVE insertion andPAID L'OIT PREVIOUS TO INSERTION; if either of these con* ditions is 110L complied with, the advertisement will be chained by the Business scale APARTMENTS WANTED. APARXMuIUS -O LET. ARTICLES LOST. ARTICLES FOUND. BUSINESSES FOR DISPOSAL BUSINESSES WANTED. HOUSES TO BET. OUSES WANTEI). I HOUSES TO BE SOLD MONEY WANTED. .MONEY TO BEND. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. MISCELLANEOUS HALES. PARTNERSHIPS WANTED, SITUATIONS WANTED. SITUATIONS VACANT. SITUATIONS WANTED. SITUATIONS VACANT. Advertisements 6f the above class inserted in the SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS," tllt) "CARDIFF TIMES, and SOUTH WALES ECHO" at the following rilte:- Six times in Six times Newa Six times Once in 1,1 D iilv News Cardiff Time.? WORDS. South Wales; O.^e in and Daily Kews.(c liKli Six times iu Caniik limes. South Walea Echo. Echo. s. d. s. d. p. d. 20 Words 10 16 2 0 -1- 30 Words 1 6 2 3 3 0 40 Words 2 3 3 4 4 6 -I 50 Words 3 9 5 8 7 6 60 Words 4 6 6 9 9 0 General Advertising Tariff. RATE lim: pf.R FOR A SERIES. CLASS OF j 01. U) l4t(J ADVERTISEMENTS. 3 b n 25 jupd insr insrjiiisr insrjinsr Busines.4 ) Educational r -/4 -/3 -/2 -Ai Publishers ) Religious Services > « ./3 „ „ Entertainments.) I Auction Announcements -/6 ./4 -/3 -/3 i T.Riial and PuMic N otices J | Municipal aid .School Board ..T it r' ,r Tenders and Contracts K Public Appointments ) Prospectuses -J9 -/9 -/9 -/9 -/9 Parliamentary Elections | Parliamentary Notices j- 1/- 1/- 1/- 1/- Governmc-iit A nnouncements ) PARAGHAPII ADVERTISEMENTS ar- I to b insertions, 6,1 JW1' line 6 to 11 insertions, 4d per line; 12 insertion ■; and wo wards, ,kl per line. Notices ?> £ Births, Marriages, and Deaths are charged Is if not exceeding 20 words, and 6,1 for etch aildition-il 10 words. These Notices must be autheu icaterl by the Signature and Address of the sender. ADVERTISERS, when stJ¡I"in advertisements ill iliaiiii- script, in, calculate eight words to a line, and 12 lines to an inch. In charsiiii; advertisements the lines are not <,olllite,I, but the advertisement, including laraje lines, dashes, and white spaces, is measured, and the space occupied is cuarged at thn rate of Twelve lines o an inch. filiations ITaraut < IBB (re.-pectable) wanted at once, experienced with l-ulinr: machines, in bookbinding deoart- nlent-Apply "South Wales Daily ews" Office, Cardiff. 1 ~,fcrOUTH (about 1 intelligent) wanted to deliver -*■ j., otters und attend to postal duties must bo stnct;y .:one.-t and obliging, an early riser, to live in- coo. Apply to W. !>harp, Troedvrhiw, 11. S. O., Glamorgan. 613 BEER made immediately with Mason's I'.xtract or Essence of Herbs, composed of Yarrow, l)an-leron, (om frey, and Horehouna; sendS stamps for sample tle, enough to nial-e foul. gallon-, to .L ewbi,L Newbad and-la&on, Chemists, Nottingham. Agents! wanteu. ■- 787e lEtf. FFICEIS (let of two to Let, ill, Charles- street Chambers, Cardiff.—Apply J. Thomas, Builder, Charles-street. Cardiff. 294 it-or ^Mtsceliamaus. AQUABIA.—Six handsome Goldfish and five Silver- bronze Carp, 4s. Double quantity, 7s 6d. Travel safely, anywhere. References.—E. Romans, Llanelly. 710 PONIES (two), one Cart and Harness to be sold P cheap.—Apply 2,5, Topaz-street, Roath, Cardiff. 653 SK YOUR GROCER for Charnley's superior A Preston Biscuits Custard, Lemon Tablets, Tapioca, Cream. These are only fourpence per lb. 52 JHustraL IF your Piano, Pipe Organ, Harmonium, or American Organ wants repairing or tuning, send to Cool's S uth Wales Organ W orks, Moira-terrace, Cardiff. Instruments at factory prices. New Pipe Organs £24. 732 iftOUBlJ. c ARDIFF AND COUNTY ADVANCE BANK 9. C AROLIM E-STRE ET, CARDIFF. MONEY LENT. WITHOUT DELAY, FROi.I S5 TO £1,000 At a few hours' notice upon an entirely new and easy system; adopted solely by this bank, for long or short periods, to Householders (Male or Female), Farmers, Cowkeepers, Cab Proprietors, Lodging-house Keepeis, Tradesulell, and to the Working Classes in general, upon their Household Furniture, Effects, Crops, b o<in-Trade, A c., without removal. Willes, Spirits, CigarSi Tea, Jewellery, Pianos, or other gooi s taken on deposit, and cash promply ad- vanced oil same. Distance no object, easy repayments. 71826 Apply personally^orjiy jetter< to thft mana,Yftl. 2bbe rFH? ^^tenacfF (ADVANCE CO.. 2, it they advance irom £ 5'to £ 1 oS) the Pr-bUc ^tpe« yitu,eholders ^°FelJal J^cLnicT and others on their own security, at a fe'v hou^'notice' Trade bills discounted. Advances also made on deeds without any legal c.-aiges at a very low rate of interest t„ be repaid by instalments. Borrower" ^uld do we i to inqun- our charges be tore applying elsewhere For references inquire of any solicitor m the town All communications to be addressed to S. Blaiberg Man- aper 31&e 73917 ,0 TO i300 ADVANCED DaII.V to Householder*' 4- 'A TradeMnen, Mechanics, and others. on their insecurity, Without delay or publicity._Applv Pri- vate Loan Company, 19, bute-street. Cardiff. 290e i/r-fc <\ £ 500, £ 250, and £ 100 to lend on private 4^2'0()0. mortgages.— Apply T. Webber Auctioneer. 5, St. John's-square, Cardiff. 625 BILL-POSTI^<J-—:PHILIP 11. JAMES, PONTYPRIDD and R1IONDDA VALLEY BILL-POSTElt ami DISTIUBUTOR, Trcurky, and 6 Church-stsuet, iJontyprida Rents a l the principal POSTING STATIONS in Pontypriud and Ithondda Valley liosso 'J.WJ !\m\ kept for Uity v n90t ,Aiiiustlitetttz rfflHEATRE ROYAL, CARDIFF. LESSEF, & MANAGER MR. EDWARD FLETCHER. ACTING MANAGER J- Important Engagement of Mr L. DOyiy (.arto^s Celebrated Opera Company m Gilbert and bulln an s famous Operas, PRINCESS ID A, THE SORCERER, TRIAL BY JURY. TO-NIGHT (WEDNESDAY), May 6, The New Opera, in Three A ts, PRINCESS IDA or, CASTLE ADAMANT, Written bv W. S. Gilbert. Composed hy Arthur Sullivan. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, First time in Cardiff, THE SORCERER! Concluding with the Dramatic Cantata, TRIAL BY JURY. MONDAY, May 11th, Return Visit of Mr Edgar Bruce's Original Company in CALLED BACK. Doors open at 7 commence 7.30. Stage door and St. Mary-street entrance open 6.30 6d extra. Box plan at Messrs Thompson and Shackell's. 109e 55237 li I L H A It Al 0 N I C B MORRELLA'S PALACE OF VARIETIES. ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. TO-NIGHT, TO-NIGHT, grand change of company. Special engagement of the London Star, Mr G. I. CROM\>"ELL, Le Greatest Extempore Artiste in the World. First appearance of MISS SARAH BERYL, the Charming Burlesque Actress. Special engagement of DICK DEVLIN, Irish Character Comedian and Dancer. First appearance in Cardiff of the Sisters LINGARD, Burlesque Duet tists and Dpncers. First, appearance of the IVANHOKS, marvellous performers. Special engagement of the Bros. JOY, Negro Comedians and Jiancers. Most brilliant and enthusiastic reception of Miss EMILIE VANE, the renowned lady Baritone. Most Flattering Reception of the SARON1S. Look out Whit'Mouday for the TWO MACS, For the best Cigars ai,d Tobacco try iMotreila s Cigar Divan, adjoining tjie PyiUarmonic, the Best in Cardiff lSle Divan, adjoining the Phii liarili Ollie, the Best in Cardiff lSle IMPORTANT S T A T E M E N T. GIGANTIC TURNOVER 8,533 MANTLES AND JACKETS SOLD. LY F. COX, LONDON MANTLE WAREHOUSE, 23, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. [ACCOUNTANT'S CERTIFICATE.] To Mr F. COX, 23, Sr. MAR Y-STREET, CARDIFF. From E. P. STEEDS, Chartered Accountant. Friar J.nne, Leicester. DEAlt SIR,— iu reply to your enquiry, I lind that your books siiow that the tot.d number of Jackets, « £ c., Sold in your Business duriug the year 16J4 a, Q £ T O *} O • Yuuis hüiy, E. P. STEc-DS, Cliu'tci'tid Accountant. March Slot, looo. 7i777 306a SPItING SUITS. iD- A R R R 0 S BAlR BROS. TAILOUS, fa*, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. SPECIALTY ló TROUSERS. Having purchased a large assortment of splendid Trouserings, S11 tings, &c., in all the most fashionable designs, colourings,"and materials, are now offering as "a specialty TROUSERb FROM 16s. ul 's 5ö,. A trial only required to prove the superiority of their make. BAHH BROS.' established reputation as Cutters guarantee style, quality, a:rl a perfect fit. All goods marked in plain figures, from which no abarementwill he made or discount given. Terms strictly Cash. SPECIALTY 16s TROUSERS. BAR It B R 0 S., TAILORS. 293e 12057 64, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. 7357o gTIFF'S STARCH. STIFF'S STARCH, gTIFF'S STARCH. 0 STIFF'S STARCH. STIFF'S STARCH. STIFF'S STARCH. gTIFF'S STARCH.! gTIFF'S STARCH.! TIFF'S STARCH. CJTIFF'S STARCH. STIFF'S STARCH. c05e 12CS0 7376. )0 Z056 12C80 7376. STIFF'S STARCH it having come to the knowledge of Messrs Stiff and Co. that some retailers often attempt to induce the public to p irchase iow- ju iced and inferior starches by representing them to be the manufacture of Messrs istiff & Co., it is necessary to put, he pubIie on its guard against such unprin- ciplednractices.andtostate that every box or packet of Stiff's Starch hears the registerelllrade Mark QUEES BESS. Stiff's Starch is Sold in 31b Packets and lib Fancy Roxe-, and may be obtained of any Grocer, Druggist, or Oilman; or of the Manu- facturers, STIFF & CO., REDCLIFF-ST., BRISTOL ESTABLISHED 1818. A NEW AND ORIGINAL SERIAL, ENTITLED — THE WRECKER'S SON OR CHARACTERISTIC SKETCHES OF CORNISH LIFE, COMMENCED IN THE gOUTH -^TALES' JfjCHO, ON MONDAY, APRIL 27TH, 1885. These sketches, as incidents of fact—being written by a whilom Resident, are intended to faithfully repre- sent traits and features in the character of tiie iower classes of the Western county, and contain :— CHAPTER I.—Introduction—a Cornish Seaside Reso:t. II.—Dan Tiemewan, the "Grandfer" of Perranporth—Story of Tho Wrecker's Son's Life. „ III. —The story continued. IV.—The Legend of Saint Pyran—Finding the faint's Arm-bone. V.—The i<atal Wreck A Reminiscence of Cornish dark days—The Crowner's Quest"—Robbed of ill-gotten gains. VI.—Dan's Father's midnight walk—Eye- witness of a dreadful tragedy—The murder of the h.lng s :\Ia1l-Dlscovered VII.—How Dan's Father met his end—A Mutinous Boat's Crew-The disastrous storm. tt VIII.—A Rescue from Drowning aud its conse- quences—Obstacles Insurmountable to a Love Alatch-A Leap of 100 feet. LX.-D:J.IÙ; Courtship. X.-An Unpleasant Episode, and an All-night Walk.—The Attempted Abduction. t XL—Billy Teague: the Child, the Boy, the Man—A Lucky Fish Season with a Calamitous Occurrence. XII.—Waterloo bought over Again"—Cornish HussaTS in Belgium—Major Vivian in Comman, .poleon' Defeat: the Light Cavalry Charge — Sir Hussey Vivian at the Poll at Truro. XIII. News from Australia A Self-made Colonist. XIV.-Au.,traii.,ul News continued-A Brush with Bushrangers. „ XV.—A Tale of Bad Harvests—The Miners' Muster and March into Truro—Col- iision with the Volunteers. XVI.—Truro Coin Riots continued—Hanging Wild Cat," the Ringleader. (1 XVII.—An Eventful August Day-The Water- spout over Ease Wheal Rose Mine— WWBiRg 9f Forty NOR, iSusnwss :.lhùt£'s's£'s. IMPORTANT NOTICE. T NOTICE OF REMOVAL GRIFFITH JAMES Begs to announce that owing to the premises lately occupied by nim for jgALE OF gALVAGE gTOCK Being wanted for the New Arcade, be will REMOVE HIS STOCK TO No. 8, WORKING-STREET (Being Entrance to New Public Hall), Where he will offer the remaining portion of his Salvage, together with some greatly damaged Stuff lately picked up out of the ruins; and he hasderermined to make it worth while for his customers to pay a visit to enable him to clear the whole of the Salvage before returning to his new premises. Q.RIFFITH JAMES (LATE EVAN THOMAS & CO.) 335e 74227 NOTE THE TEMPOR VRY ADDRESS 8, WORKING-STREET, CARDIFF. J M PORTA NT gPECIAL.j BENSON'S NEW PATENT (No. 4658), "LUDGATE" WATCH, SILVER GOLD £ 0. 5. Ml'i 12 ISA "SPECIAL STRENGTH' SILVER ENGLISH LEVER, MY BEST LONDON MAKE, WITH THREE-QUARTER PLATE MOVEMENT. JEWELLED THROUGHOUT. CHRONOMETER BALANCE, WITH DAMP AND DUST PROOF PATENT RING BAND, AND EXTENDED BARREL, IN MASSIVE STERLING SILVER DOMK CASES WITH CRYSTAL GLASS FRONT WINDS & SETS HANDS & OPENS AT BACK, MAKING IT A BETTER WATCH THAN ANY £10 WATCH IN THE MARKET, ITS ADVANTAGES, OVER THE OLD AND FAULTY FULL PLATE BEING ENORMOUe, AS THE 'LUDGATE' WATCH WILL LAST ONE HUNDRED YEARS, 11 NEVER BREAKS, AS IT CANNOT BE OVER- WOUND AND MEVKR NliEDS EXPENSIVE REPAIRS. IS A BETTER TlMEKliEPEll. IS A BETTER WATCH, AND IS BETTER VALUE THAN ANY OTHER WATCH SOLD FOR £ 10 IN TOWN Oil CoUNTRV. WILL STAND ltOCGH USAGE OF ALL KINDS, AND IS THEREFORE THE BEST WATCH AND EQUALLY SUITED FOR WORKMEN, RAILWAY MEN, MINERS, GENTLEMEN, BOYS, AND ALL WHO REQUIRE A PERFECT WATCH OF EXTRA STRENGTH FOR HOME, INDIAN, OR COLONIAL USE, MADE IN THREE SIZKS, AS UNDER: WORKMAN'S, LARUE SIZE. MINER'S & RAILWAY MEN'S, EXTRA LARGE SIZE, AND FOR GENERAL WEAR, MEDIUM SIZE. SENT FREE AND SAFE AT OUR RISK TO ALL PARTS FOR S5 5s ud. CASH, OR P.O.O., PAYABLE AT G.P.O. PRICE IN 18-CARAT GOLD CRYSTAL GLASS CASES TWELVE GUINEAS. SPECIALLY NOTE tliaz J. W. BENSON is the only Maker of a Three-Quarter Piate English Watch for £5 b, and that our Patent "Ludgate" Watch cannot be had through, or of any Watchmaker in the Kingdom. Any iutrinement of the Patent Rights will he proceeded against. A Book explaining the advantages of this \¡¡,;(;11 over the Fuil Piate Entilish Watches soid by ail other makers, will be sent Post Free on appli e&tioa, to J. 'W. B E N s 0 N> WATCHMAKEii TO H.M. THE QUEEN, THE STE, All FACTORY, 62 AND 64, LUDGATE-HILL, E.G., AND 25, OLD BOND-STREET, W., LONDON. Illustrated Pamphlets of Watches from S2 to £500, Gold and Silver Jewellery, Clocks (House, Chime, aud Turret), allli Musical Boxes, free on application, ASSOCIATIONS.—FOREMION, SECRETARIES of» FRIENDLY SOCIETIES, AGENTS, and others will find their incomes considerably increased by establishing Clubs for the New Patent "Ludgate" Watch, as it is worth from £5 to £10 more than any English Watch sold, and therefore bound to supersede all others in the market. 11968 72776 253e J TRIMNELL'S LIFE-GIVING AND PRESERVING ~N ERVINE rjlONIC, For either Sex; will cure all kinds of nervou debility arising from any source of weakness, from whatever cause it may arise. These are a few of the Symptoms of Nervous Debility Depression of spirits, inaptitude for exertion, unfitness for study, dislike for society, dislike to enter any kind of business, involuntary blushing, dimness of sight, sparks before the eyes, deafness and noise iu the ears, sense of tightness, of suffocation, constant mental misgiving, pains in the loins and a constant sense of weariness, irritation of the kidneys and bladder, palpitation of the heart, general treniu lousnesson any sudden impulse, extreme (iifh(i,-nee fond of moping alone, morbid sensibility, careless j about life, its joys, its pleasures, and its duties irregularity of the bowttls, feeling good for nothing, failure of memory .intellectual power and faculties more or less impaired, extreme restlessness, flatu. lency and indigestion, frequent headaches, silent wretchedness arising from the fear of physical weak- ness, fear of insanity, miserable forebudings for the present, no hope for the future; starting during s'.eep, lookingar.d feeling ill without apparent cause. One or two packages of Trimneil's Nervine Tonic will cure slight cases of the above. Where it has been badly treated or neglected it will require a longer time to j effect a cure. Is lAd and 2s 9d per packet One trial is sufficient to prove the virtue of the above Compound, to be had at most respectable Chemists, Druggists, and Medicine Vendors throughout the Worid. If you have any difficulty in obtaining it, send stamps or Post-office Order direct to the Proprietor, and it will be forwarded at once. All 2s 9(1 sizes Post Free to any part of the kingdom. N.B.—None are genuine unless they have the Proprietor's signature on the Government :Staiiip- W. TRI-,I.NFI,I,. TO IMITATE THIS WOULD BE FOUGEJiV. FULL DIRECTIONS ON EACH PACKAGE. { SOLE MANUFACTURER AND PROPRIETOR :— W TRIMNELL, MEDICAL BOTANIST 16?e 9, MOIRA-TERRACE CARDIFF ERVOUSNESS, LOSS of EÑIÜGY and VITAL PoWER-A. gentleman having triell in vain every advertised remedy, lias discovered a j simple means of self-uure. He will be happy to tor ward the particulars to any suaoi-tir on receipt of a stamped and directed otivelopo Adtfrws J. IX. irwall, i i Cwwiøi..M.i4Q 212 j business ;lbùr£5.5£.5. I JOTHAM AND SONS I 26 & 27, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. G E N T S SCARFS. SPECIAL PURCHASE. J^ANUFAOTURERS' STOCK. LESS THAN HALF-PRICE. — r'. IMMENSE VARIETY. ALL AT JS. EACH. SEE WINDOW. jpRlNCIPALITY OUTFITTING TOI-LES, 26 AND 27, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. JOTHAM AND C<0NS« PKOFEIETOBS. ..f JJRIDGE gTREET, CARDIFF. C. F 0 L L 1 0 K, pAWNBROKER. MOST MONEY LE.iT ON GOLD AND SILVER VALUABLES. OVER £ 2 AC THE RATE OF 4D IN THE POUND | EXCEEDING £ 10 AT A LESSER ) INTEREST. LARGE ASSORTMEN T OF GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES AND DIAMOND RINGS VERY CHEAP. SPECIAL LOTS OF GOLD WADDING RING AND KEEPERS. 28ie-73498 ULTON, jQUNLOP, AND CO. CARDIFF AND SWANSEA, ALSO AT WI-N A;I:I:H BASS AND CO., ALLSOPP AND SONS, And others of the finest BURTON ALES. I PRICES Per Kilderkin. 18s. 21s. I 24s. Per Firkin. Q<; 10s. 6d 12s. And upwards. 15b THE PHOENIX OF FASHION! -L —— THE BIRD OF BEAUTY RFJUVENATED WITH NOVELTY, SWEETNESS, AND LIGHT. SEE SPECIALITIES IN SUMMER ATTIRE AT TFFL- PH, ICE & SUNS, THE CARDIFF HOUSE, 50 & 51, ST. MARV-STREET. 46 & 47, CAROLINE- 1, CARDIFF. „ PRICES LOWER THANI EVER. GEXTLE:\IEN'S FANCY TWEED SUITS, 17 6, 20/ 25/ OO/ 35/ 45/ 55/ GENTLEMEN'S SERGE SUITS, 20/ 25/ 30/ 35' 40/ GENTLEMEN'S FANCY TWEED TROUSERS, 4/11, 5/11, 6/11, 8/6. 10-, 12 b. 15/ 17/6. JUVENILE SUITS IN XEWEST STYLES IIA'I'S, CAPS, SHIRTS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, Terms :—ONE PRICE. No ABATEMENT. CASH R. J. HEATH AND SONS, JL%) 12, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF, Have now on view the largest Stock of High-class piANOFORTES, QRGANS, AND JJARMONIUMS, IN SOUTH WALES, Which they are offering at a LARGE DISCOUNT FOR CASH and on the three years' system, from 10s 6d per month. Pianos, from 15 guineas. Illustrated Catalogues Post Free 259e POSTAL DELIVER* OF THE SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS. The Proprietors of the SOUTH WALES DAILY NEW heg to announce that 1/)' a special concession of th- Postal Authorities they are enabled to despatch their First Edition each morning by the Mails leaving Carditt at 2.30 a.111 and 5.45 a.m. Country Subscribers residing within the limits of within the limits of GLAMORGANSHIRE, CARMARTHENSHIRE PEMBROKESHIRE, CARDIGANSHIRE, As well as those portions of BRECONSHIRE and MONMOUTHSHIRE comprised within the Tredegar and Rhymney Valley Postal Districts, may now hare the SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS delivered at their resi deuces daily by the same AS tliaz which conveys their London let London alht West of England subscribers rece ve tneir na;iers 011 the afternoon of publication. The SECOj, EDITION of the SOUTH WALES DA!H NEWS is forwarded, prepaid, to residents of the follow- ing and all aher ulaces within the Cardiif Postal District in time for ttie first morning delivery — St. Fagan's Pencoed S Brides-sup. Ely St. Nicholas Bunvilstone Peterstone Llandaif Radvr Morganstown Melingrifiith Peutyrck St AnWew's | Sully Courtyralla Dinas Powis Cadoxton Barry Caerphilly BelÏwas Ystrad Mviiach Pwiiypant St. Mellon's Cefn Mably Michaelstn-ieVedw Castletown Marshtield Penartii Llandough Lisvane Llanishen Whitchurch TalF's Well Tongwyniais Walnut Treidg. PElt QUAKIJSLT, POST-RJLEB .0 PER 0 19 PER YEAR 1 19 j-ouxii WALES DAILY NEWS "5 anil 76. St. Marv-st #-er. Cn ;= J^"EWPORT.—SOUTH WALES ECHO. The SOUTH WALES ECHO is published at the NEWPORT OFFICE, 11,'Tredegar-place, as follows :— FIRST EDITION 3.15 P.M. SECOND EDITION 4.?0 P.M. SPECIAL EDITION 5.30 p.jj. The SPECIAL EDITION contains all the News of the Day up to Six o'clock p.111.—including the latest Stock Exchange and Sporting Televrams. Sold by all Newsagents and Newsboys. jl>ILL-POSTING AT NEWPORT. MON. I J. DE lltlES, STEAM PACKET HOT ( BILL-POSTER and DELIVERER for TOWN .and COUNTRY, Rents all the principal Hoardings in pvn &«, Wort esecuKa witb awpatoU vll { business -Abbrrsses. rpRY pUDGE FOR TOOLS. TOOLS. f'pOOLS. fJ^OOLS. fjpOOLS. fpOOLS. r pooLs. fj^OOLS. rjiooLs. TRY P U D G E, AT THE NEW TOOL -1-11 JQEPOT. rjlOOLS. r pooLs. rpooLs. rpooLs. Too 10 S. I OOLS. jWOLS. SHEFFIELD HOUSE, C U S T (> M HOUSE-STREET, CARDIFF. 286e gPECIALLY ^HEAP J ^INES. SOUTH WALES pROVISION COMPANY. JpiNEST NEW GRAISS jgUTTER (Just arrived) ONE SHILLING PER POUND. 5,000 SIDES CHOICE MILD-CURET' gREAKFAST JgACON (BEST CUTS) SIXPENCE PER POUND. 281b. SIDES 44s. PER CWT. I NEW SALMON, Sd. PER TIN. SOUTH "yyALES pROVISION COMPANY. Stuait Hail, The Hayes, Cardiff. 233, Bute Street, Cardiff. Cowbridge Road, Canton. 51, Salisbury Road, Cathays. Glebe Street, Penarth. and 323eJ 8, High Street, Swansea. — M. BE WITHOUT ONE JL Wlio-ii )OU can becouic the owner of a nice instrument for the small pHjuieni of 10s 6d PER MONTH ON rpHOMPSON AND gHACKELL'S ks HIRE SYSTEM ? No security required, and the instrument delivered to purchaser on payment of first monthly instalment. Every instrument guaranteed, and exchanged if not approved. ORGANS AND HARMONIUMS ON SIMILAR TERMS. Catalogues free oil application. THOMPSON AND SHACKELL, PIANOFORTE AND MUSIC WAREHOUSE, QUEEN'S BUILDINGS, CARDIFF. Also at SWANSEA, NEWPORT, MERTHYR and GLOUCESTER. 240e NOTICE OF REMOVAL. T,, li, DA-VIES AND CO., "THE TAILORS," to intimate to their customers and the general public that they have secured the Exten-ive and Com- modious COKNER PREMISES lately occupied by Mr Marsh in CUSTOM HOUSE-STKEET, vhich are now oj.en and are showing the CHOICEST PATTERNS and QIUAI,ITIES in SCOTCH and WEST SUITINGS, FACY TROUSERING CLOTHS, A c. notice their TIES and UNDERCLOTHING i, DOW S. Value not to be equalled in Cardiff. li:ey thank their Patrons for past favours, and pro- mise the same attention to their future orders. Please X otice the Address: T. H. DAVIES AND Co., "THE TAILORS,' 60ge CUSTOM HOUSE-STREET, CARDIFF. ECONOMY IN FUEL. ALL'S PATENT FEED WATER HEATER. w ILLIAms, PATENT BLOWER AND SMOKE CONSUMER FOR STEAM BOILERS JOHN WILLIAMS AND SON, SOLE LICENSEES & MAKERS, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. 1078 POSITIVE REMEDIES. Consult the Book of Positive Remedies for the Cure of all Diseases. GRATIS.—Sent by Post to all parts of the World on receipt of Two Stamps to prepav postage. A POSITIVE CURE FOR DEBILITIES AND DERANGEMENTS OF THE GENERA- TIVE A-ND NERVOUS SYSTEM, NERVOUS DE- BIL11\ AND EXHAUSTION, THE RESULT OH OVER-TAXED ENERGIES IS GIVEN IN THE BOOK OF "POSITIVE REMEDIES. This Book gives a POSITIVE REMEDY for all DISEASES The Names of all Medicines are given in English. Cases and Testimonials, with means used in each case. IT IS A GlIJDE TO THE SELF-TREATMENT OF ALL DISEASES, and should be Consulted by require medical treatment. NOTICE.—THE POSI- TIVE MEDICINES GIVEN IN THE BOOK .Ot •POSITIVE REMEDIES' ARE THE MEDICINE^ USED BY DR. SMI l- FOR OVR. THIRTi YEARS. By the aid of Ml is Book Invalids may form a correct knowledge of their malaay, ana nnu A Positive Remedy for the Cure. The naines P lished in English, to enable Inval ds to select the remedy and Cure Themselves withont cioni= medical man, making a written suteuie paying consultation tees. Send J wo contajns BOOK OF » POSITIVE KEMEDlES. ^hich contain^ 24^ pages, and gives a cure for all diseases, rosl tre on receipt of Two Stamps direct 150 VAtmrv RFMEilY LABORATORY, POSUIVE R^i-dA.v ro\nov r. 26. SQHTHAMP1Q>-bob' lo-m)"-v u o sWANSEAso-UTH WA.LES ECHO. inttST EDITION of the SOUTH WALES FPHO is published at the Office, 2, College-street sw ™ EVERY AFTERNOON, AT FIVE O CLOCK, h'v jiewsasents at Swansea, Hafod, Plasmarl, Mumble/ &c., and by the bo,-B of the Self Help 'I'he SPECIAL EDITION, which contains all the Latest New; Telegrams, stock Exchange Closing Prices, Markets, Sporting and Local Intelligence of the day, is published in Swansea at 8.30 p.m. Sold by R. MOGIORD, News Agent, Great Western Building, High-street, Swansea, aud by newsboys. A WORD to the Wise Cause mid euro of debility, want of energy, and premature decay, in structions to regain health and vigor. Sent on rocuiptof ^stamps by PubHtihers, Fiwwltui^iuwe.shetlield, l Isrtsxttfss J\bbr£55£5. jg E F O R E BUYING A WATCH ANYWHERE Write for the "Illustrated Pamphlet," sent free on application by the .Largest Watch Manufacturer. JJIAMOND JEWELLERY, Purchasers supplied direct at trade prices. A SAVING OF FROM 25 TO 50 PER CENT. M R T. R. RUSSELL, KAltD TO lID MAJESTY THE QOEEN, CATHEDRAL WORKS, 18, CHURCH STREET, LIVERPOOL. (NO AGENTS IN WALES.) 277 NOTICE OF REMOVAL. MESSRS. D. PARRY & CO., OF 1?, HIGH-STREET, REMOVED 74189 TO 334e 70, CROCKHERBTOWN, I Cwmt of Fradariak atiMt, OAft-I) In. i JJARGAINS JJARGUNS JgARGAINS 1 JgARGAINS JgARGAlNS | I JJARGAINS I | M EN SE gALE ow I FIRST CLASS JJRAPERY d-I OODS, AT 25, Dukb Street- CARDIFF. THE WHOLE OF THE gANKRUPTOY STOCK OF W. M. PRICE having been purchased AT A DISCOUNT OF 50 PER CENT. UNDER COST, THE SAME WILL BE QFFERED D A I L Y UNTIL CLEARED, AT AN ENORMOUS SACRIFICE. JJABGAINS JgARGAINS 1 JJARGAINSI JgARGAINS jgARGAINS I JjARGAINS AT 25, |StR^et, qarotf 3368 74236 ø FOR THE nEST CHINA AND G L A S S AT A LOW PRICE, Goto "^T J) O B B s, cHARLES-STREET, CARDIFF. PATTERNS SENT ON APPROVAL. CARRIAGE PAID. 294e T^IRDIFF ADVERTISING^ IHTX AdYertuujg Circular l>i8tribuiiog die, W All ornorii promotly attended w. 65251 jSttsinfsa :làiJrrssts. NEW STOCK OF SEASONABLE GOODS FOB E AS TE P, OLIDAYS CARDIFF "JJMBRELLA Al A-NUFACTORY. UMBRELLAS FOR THE MILLION, AT 10 PER CENT REDUCTION, FOR ONE MONTH ONLY. W. P EDLER'S UMBRELLAS ARE THE BEST. ESTABLISHED 1867. 34 JGOYAL-ARCADE, CARDIFF. 1000 UMBRELL AS OITERED AT A REDUCTION UMBRELLAS AT ALL PRICES TO SUIT ALL CLASSES. GENTS' UMBRELLAS. Silk, at 7s 6d, 8s 6d. 10S 6d, 12s 6d. 15s bd, and 18t (td. Lussell Silk, at 10s td silver Mounted, 14s 6d. Repp, at RH bd, 6s, lUs 6d, and 12s fad. Alpaca, 5S oJ, os od, and 7s fad, LADIES' UMBRELLAS. Silk, 7s fad, 8s od, 10s l-d, 12s 6d, 15s, and 21s. Repp, 4s Jd, 5s ool, 65 6d, and 8s 6d. K AS sell Silk, 85 txl, as faa. and 10s fad. RE-COVERING DEPARTMENT. Umbrellas Re-covered at a saving of 25 per cent, liest Materials only used. SILK. GENTS' 25IX. UMBRELLAS. 1st quality, 15S; 2nd ditto, 16s 3rd ditto, 10B 6D; 4th ditto, 8s fad. LADII-.S' 22LN. UMBRELLAS. .st quality, 12s 6A 2nd ditto, 135 bd; 3rd ditto, tls 6d; 4th ditto, bs fad. RUSSELL SILK (Guara.nteed not to Split). (rENTS' 25in, L'MBRELLAS, at 9s. 6d.; LADIES 22iu. do., at 7s. 6d. R E P P. GENTS' 25in. UMBRELLAS—1st quality, Ta. 6d. 2nd ditto, fas 6d. LADIES' 22in. UMBRELLAS—1st quality, 6s. fad. 2nd ditto, 58 6d. Re-covering and Repairing promptly executed on the Premises. BEST HOUSE IN CARDIFF FOR WALKING STICKS. A new and choice Stock of Walking Sticks from the best London Makers. RICHLY MOUNTED STICKS FOR PRESENTS MOUNTED M.ALACA CANES. Ivory and Buck Hooks, Silver and Nickel Collars, and Knobs aAvays in Stock. STICKS and Canes DRESSED, Mounted, POLISHED, lad lei-ruled. » LEATHER BAGS. Leather Portmanteaus, Brief and other Hand BIø. Hat Cases, &c. GLADSTONE BAGS. ASSORTMENT OF LEATHER RUG STRAPS. W. pEDLER, 34, ROYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF. AND 98, GLEBE STREET, PENARTH. o l{. ROOKE:S F AMItY MEDICINES. DP.. ROOKE' U.. ROOKED Sib ROOKE'S; J) i. ROOKE'sj =| \R. ROOKE'S; I |R. ROOKE'sj | v It. ROOKE'sj yxR. ROOKE'S j=VR. ROOKE'S l^vR. ROOKE'S 4=vR. ROOKE'S R. ROOKE'Sj jQR. ROOKE'S {^R. ROOKE'S \R. ROOKE'S' I vR. ROOKED JQE- ROOKE'sj I)R. ROOKED DR. ROOKE'S DR. ROOKE'S ROOKE'Sj R. ROOKED I Ul. ROOKE'S' DR. ROOKE Sj JQR. ROOKE'Sj |R. ROOKE'S! J ^R. ROOKED! DR ROOKE'Sj DR. ROOKE S: D IL ROOKE'Sj IL ROOKE'S 1 ROOKE'S! 5 F « vR. ROOKE'S S ) ^R. R KE'S- ±) |^JR. ROOKE'S1 i^R. ROOKE's' 60LAIt ELIXIR AND ORIENTAL PILLS. These CELEBRATED PREPARATIONS have been before the Puh- lie for nearly HALF A CE,N T U R V, and HA VE proved invaluable in thousands 01 Cases. For a full descrip- tion of these medi-i cines and their u^-e in the Treatment and Cure of Disease, with scores of genu- ine Testimonials, see Anti-Lancet. ANTI-LANCET. This well known wcrk contains 172 pages, and may bel had gratis and post-i free from DR. ROOKE, Scarboro', I England. SOLAR ELIXIR as sold in bottles 4s 6a and lis, and the O R IE N T A L' PILLS in boxes, Is! lid and 4s 6d each,i, by all Chemists and! Patent Medicine Vendors: and by: DR. ROOKE, Scar- borough. DR. RooKE's HANDY POCKET-GLIDE TO HEALTH AND HEALTH RESTORING' PLACES.' Full of pleasin1 illustrations and! useful information.' 86 wanes. This Book may be; obtained gratis irom a. f_atent Medicine; Veiidors, and posti iree -rom Dr. Rook-e i Scarborough, Eilg land, on receipt oil a penny postage- stamp. (/"VRIENTAl plLLS* VRIENTAL jp ILLS RIENTAI jp ILLS o RIENTA L P I J. L S o lUENTAL I L L B pILLS /"ORIENTAL pins. l^vRIENTAL | > I L L S. SORIENTAL pi LIS. /ARIENTAL pILLS. F^RIENTAL puis. ORIENTAL SILLS. RIENTAL p I L L S. \RIENTAL DILLS. ORIENTAL pILLS. /"Oriental p ILLS. ORIENTAL pI L L s. QRIENTAL 81 L L S. RIENTAL IL L S. JJ )R ROUILE .S FAMILY MEDICINES. —————- 9024 4913 SCHOOL a D VERTISEMENTS. —The ^rrcrvH6*011,. °* ^"ncipais of Private and other 'piir>Tti)lir!r.ecte(110 t*ae following moderate PRE- AARIFF ior .school Advertisements:— One Three :Six Twelve Insertion Insertions. Insertions. Insertion 'J s. d. s. d. s. d s. d rour Lines.. 10.. 2 6 40 60 Six Lines 1 6 3 0 6 0 9 0 Eight Lines.. 2 0 5 0 8 0 12 0 Twelve Lines I 0 7 6 12 0 18 (J Eight words may be calculated to a line. Advertise- ments can aiso anpear in the CARDIFF TIMES and SOUTH WALES" WEEKi(V NEWS in conjunction with those in the South If'iuei' Daily Sews, so as to fonn part O' a series of DUPiOUGH OF NEWPORT. JD WILLIAMS, 12 Lower Merchant street, behind uie Xown-iiali Corporation bill-pogor and crier. Rem tths principal hoardings ana stations in Newport aad Neighbourhood. Two gooa bjU yjsters kept Work titenued to with quick desnar^« l'own an a cOWltry. Old uaiaolishoa—mora ihan quarter oi uelltiurr 805Q