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Advertisement Tariff. i Small Prepaid Advertisements. 20 Words SIXPENCE. Three Times NINEPENCE. Six Times ONE SHILLING. WORDS. ONCE THREE SIX TIMES. TIMES. -1-i- 20 Words J o 6 0 9 1 0 30 Words 0 9 1 0 1 6 40 Words -10 16 23 50 Words 1 3 2 6 3 9 60 Words 1 6 30 46 These charges apply only to the classes of ertise- lnent speciHed below, and are strictly confined t< those wiucli are ordered lor CONSIXUTIVi: insertion audi'All) i-ou pur.vious TO if either of these con- ditions is not complied with, the advertisement will bo i Iru-eed by the nusincss scale :— I,A I'ART'M KNTS TO LET. UTICI.CS Foe Sf). JI :1:1:1' 10II 1-US A 1, ]ll Slf-Kssh.S V\ ANTiii). I LIOUSKS TO J.KT. orsns WANTHD. Hursr.TOt:t;SO!.D MONKY WANTI'.D. MONUVTO L.KND. MS WANTS. MISCELLANEOUS SAI.ES. I'AUTNKKSIIirs U"AXTI:U. .•SITUATIONS WANTED, MITUTONS VACANT. Advertisements of the above class inserted in the SOUTH WAI.ES DAILY NEWS," the CAROIIT TIMKS., RIND SOL'Tii WALES ECHO" at the following rate — I .six times ill Six times — "IX J'?' WORDS. Soutli'Wales! Vf1/,New^ </aulift Dailv .News "V" »" Six ti es in CardiR 1 imes. South Waies Echo. -t s. (1. S. (1. s. d. 20 1 0 1 6 2 0 30 Words 1 6 2 3 3 0 __I_ 30 WorJt 2 3 I 3 4 4 6 50 Word. 5 9 5 8 7 6 63 Words 4 6 6 9 9 0 General Advertising Tariff. RKMER KUMN'^>031 AJSF.RIKS. — CLASS OF TTO4 or 6 to uto^O ADVERTISEMENTS. 3 b II /2b :up'» iusi insr insr iiisrjins Htisiness Educational !> -/4 -/4 -/■> Publishers J Religious Services ) .m ,/3 -/2 -/2 ftiirertaimueuts Auction Announcements 16 -14 -/3 '/3 J'SRal and Public Notices "j Municipal and School Hoard ( ,/6 -/& */° Renders and Contracts j Public Appointments ) Pro.spectiise: 9 .19 -19 -19 ft^^yNoticr?.v- v- v- v- v- oovernnient Announcements Notices of Births, Marriages, and Deaths are charged Is sacli, it not exceeding 2o words, and 6d for eacu additional 10 words. 'i'lwse Notices must be authen ticated by the signature and Address of the sender. 'PARAGRAPH ADVKIITTSEM ENTS are charged 1 to b insertions, 6d per line 6 to U insertions, 4d per line 12 insertions and upwards, id per line ADVERTISERS, when sending advertisements in manu- script, may caiculate words to a line, and 12 N* lilies to an inch. In charging advertisements the lines are not counted, but the advertisement, including large lines, dashes, and white spaces, is measured, and the space occupied is charged at th-> rate of Twelve lines o an inch. IBontcstxc i^riiaitts. LSFRVAN- ENBBAL SERVANT wanted immediately.— N-X Apply Mrs Mitcnell, Clive-street, Grangetown, Cardiff. 5UO- Situations ntnut. pBJK I N'l l(JES~auO AsSlSXANTsi wanted to the dress IIntlmantle making.—Apply Mrs Howells, i. i-'riends'-place, Crfrdiff. 372 MARRIED MAN, without any family, wanted in 1'1 I August to attend Garden and Horse. Wages, per week, with (oftige, coal, and gas.—Address W.X., South Wales Daily Xews" Office, Cardiff.75489 SHORTHAND CLKRK.—Wanted, an experienced Jo Shorti'snd Correspondence Clerk.—Address in own handwriting, stating experience, age, and salary renjrlred, Shorthand," I)aily )I ews Office, Car- (lIff. 7b482 VACXnCIKS IN CIVIL SERVICE —Age 16—25. Commencing salaries range to 4-100. Rapid pre- paration by correspondence.—Intelligent young men ■write to Secretary, Civil Service Examination Agency, Nuuhead, London. 284 X TOUTH (strong and willing) wanted, about 15, as ¥ Apprentice to the Bookbinding. A good opening for a respectable lad.—Apply "South Wales Daily Aews" Omce. CardiiF. I\l P7^RT ANT to small Capitalists wishing to coni- mencets Tobacconists for illustrated guide (no Vara) send 5 stamps to Ii. Myers and Co., 109, Huston- road, London. 137e WOTAMC BEER made inimediately with if wanted. 413e N. r>yy.BNEsS. —Wanted a Daily Governess for three VJT young children.—Address, with full particulars °f experience, salary required, &c., Governess," News Oflice, Cardiff. 75578 y I Ito let A fur"iished, for Gentlemen front A f.fnon« or two bedrooms. Bath- room, and cold water.—Morley House, lutlor- road, Cai'ain* 39^ let on Lease, an established Jt> Billiftrd Room and large Premises.-For particu- r. ply rthurs, 70, St. Ma:v-gtreet, Cardiff, A PATfTMFNT^ (unfurnished).—Apply vf A iSE-terrace, l>e»a«^d,jCard«r^» ROOMS rtv/o well-iurnished) to Let to respectable married °*onp <?, Without chddre.12, James- street, Castle-road, Roath. 454 TO'be LET, withim;neàia tö possess,io.n, Rock.vlIa, 148, King's-road, Canton, <-°nUU"V1? fitted th rooms, 6 bedrooms,-with usual offices, Venetian blinds, and gas fittings comp^ 7^01 13, Windsor-place. (Jrockherbtown. Cat dllt. 1: -u aUst5 liaIanttlJ. iN thorouo^l08 Purposes, I'ront Premises in a leading' >Tews Newport.—Address Premises, 44 Daily IX. Tredega-y^lace, Newport. :ho U"- _ï Or &c. C^ARDLT^T— j 10, Olossr, 1 sale °r letting, eligible Residence, rorner for bu .!>"terrace, 0}f Newport-road; suitabfe ind White, Wha'lf!is '• early po -session.—Apply Cory ■c TILVA reet^Card iff. 381 y pcisition. A"1), in Canton, for Sale. Good fuil particulars anr,! -v,a,l'out cash required. — For l-Jl-rr- £ Piy3l. Bute-street. Cardiff. 451 += r 1- _d d- '-un_- ,1 D a'fití5(t11ntt£oU5. f-i1 Applyi new. Cost £ 10; cash, £ 5. (T street, Upper Orvu,' u>. Rook wood-street, North su -e' Cardiff. 485 A RT (lone coaO for sale • ai I ) "7-Apply J!- Kixoi'i i horse and harness, „ V.i. » "indsor-road, New- JLi ntl.ei- 11 -e n s 1 small quantities. — -ppiy to G: Jettr..ma s„„, Wellinston-street, Union. 568' MARINE BOILER for Sale, very Cheap~ADDlv to Chas. Rusden. Penzance. p" ApP'^to ffiiscellzmons. N SOCIAL PURITY AND THE INFIRMITIES of MAN Addressed specially to young men w,th and containing recipes that will re- aaT1C^0n^«m.s and debilitated6 to the full power of store the f0rthe benefit of all who desire a safe n)af ^;iv cure without the aid of Quacks. Send one *Ump to prepay postage. Address Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham. 1589 «WrCHBSrJ EWELLERY.—MIDLAND COUN- W TIES WATCH COMPANY.—(Cheapest house in the World) Ladies' or Gents' Fine Silver Crvstal Glass, heavy Ladies' Watches, 25s Ladies' heavy.cAse(I Gold Levers, 70s Gents' do. do. do.. 80s. Before purchasing send for Company's Catalogue, beautifully illustrated. 1,000 fine copper-plate engrav- ings, gratis, post free on application, to any part of the ■world" Apply Company's Manager, A. Percy, Vyse- street. Birmingham. The press universally recommend their reader^fto obtain a catalogue 378e iHoitcn. MONEY LENT WITHOUT DELAY by the CHARING-CROSS BANK (Regd.). 18, Bedfor. i-street, Strand, London. Established 1870. Capital E150,000. Reserve Fund, £ 50.000. ADVANCES IMMEDIATELY MADE Upon Approved Promissory Notes as follows, without deductions. Advance £ 25—12 monthly repayments of B2 5 10 50 „ 4 11 8 100 „ 9 3 4 Larger amounts the same in proportion. Advances of B25 to £2,000 granted at a few hours' notice in town or country, male or female. on mortgage of furniture, trade and farm stock, plant, crops, itc without removal, and to assist persons into business. Also on deeds, policies, "and reversions at 5 per cent. for one month to 14 years. Distance no object. Easy repayments. Strictly private. Call or write. Notice.—Before applying elsewhere, ask any solicitor, auctioneer, &e.. in England and Wales knowing this Bank, and you will at once find out you are treating with an old-established (1870), safe, and bona-fide Bank. Having large capital, we do business cheaper than others. Responsible Traders, Farmers, and others can have money without bill of sale. No good loan ever refused. Current accounts opened according to the usual practice of other banks. No charge for keeping accounts or clearing country cheques. Interest at the rate of 4 per cent, allowed OIl tne minimum monthly balances. Deposits of B10 and upwards received at 4 per cent, per annum payable on demand. Subject to throe months' notice of withdrawal, 6 per cent. Subject to six months' notice of withdrawal, 8 per Ct Subject to twelve months'notice of withdrawal, 10 per cent. Interest paid monthly, quarterly, or as agreed. 17 A. WILLIAMS. Manager. BEFORE BUYING A W'ATCII ANY W1IER E Write for the lllust't?d Pamphlet,' sei>t free on application, by the LARGEST WATlJH MANUFACTURER. WATCH REPAIRS-Prompt and Perfect. Estimates given and Cost of Carriage takon. 18 CARAT GOLD ALBERTS (Ilall marked on every Link), 80s per oz.—Workman- ship Included. Largest Gold Chain Stock in Kngland, Ml! T. R~R,USSELL (Maker to her Majesty the Queen), CATHEDRAL WORKS," 18, CHUliCH-STRKET, LIVERPOOL. 12042 NO AGENTS IN WALES. 393e R. J. IIEATH AND SONS, 12, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF. Have now on view the largest Stock of High-class, J> IAIfOFORTES, QRGANS, AND JJARMONIUMS, IN SOUTH WALES, Which they are offering at a LARGE DISCOUNT FOR CASH and on the three years' system, from 10s 6d per month. Pianos, from 15 guineas. Illustrated Catalogues Post Free 259e JpEARS g0AP JpEAHS' j^OAP p EARS' SOAP pEARS' SOAP jpEARS' SOAP p EARS' SOAP p EARS' SOAP ip EARS' SOAP p EARS, gOAP p EARS' SOAP jpEARS' SOAP jpEARS' gOAP -P EAPS' SOAP p EARS' SOAP jpEARS' SOAP p EARS' SOAP p EARS' SOAP p EARS' SOAP p EARS' gOAP p EARS' SOAP jpEARS' SOAP pEARS' SOAP pEARS' SOAP pEARS' SOAP pEARS' SOAP PURE! FRAGRANT! REFRESHING! F.rTOILEr& NURSERY. EXHIBITION HONOURS, Fifteen International Awards for absolute Purity and absence of Artitjcial Colouring. Fair white hands. Bright clear complexion. Soft healthful skin. PEARS' SOAP Is specially prepared for the delicate skin ot ladies and children and others sensi- tive to the weather, winter and summer. Presents Redness, Rough- ness, and Chapping. ADELIN APATXI writes: I have found PEARS; u J matchless for the ■Hands and Complexion." AI)ELINA PATH, CI LANGTRY writes I ha\o mucli pleasure in stating 1 have used PEARS' SOAP for some time, and prefer it to any other." (Signed) LILLIE LANGTRY. PEARS' SOAP is lecom mewied by ERASMUS WIL- SON, late President of tilt College of Surgeons of Eng- land. PURR! FRAGRANTI REFRESHING! For TOILET & NURSERY. Exhibition Honours. Fifteen International Awards f. r absolute Purity and absence of Artificial Colouring. Fair Whitu Hands, Bright Clear Complexion, Soft healthful Skin. PEARS' SOAP—Tablets ] s, Is 6d, and 2s 6d. The 2s 6d Tablet is perfumed with Otto of Roses. A smallerTablet(unscented) is old ut bel, but insist on having Pears', as vilely-in- jurious imitations are often substituted for extra gain, 3l9e ^2T3Iakers by Special Royal Appointment to H.ILH.The Prince of Wales. 10, 11, & 12, WORKING-STREET, CARDIFF. G. A Si TONE, U N D E R T A K E R TTKARSK AND MOURNING COACH PROPRIETOR, OSTRICH PLUME & GENERAL FURNISH ING ESTABLISHMENT. suPpHed with Hearses, Coaches, and ery reqoi-iite for Funeral Furnishing. 7 154e g w A N S E A OFFICE "S0l^H2 WES'DAILY NEWS," C°LEKGE-STREET. tUon6"and"be ejweu^i^1 will receive prompt from the Chief Office Upon teLs I The DAILY NEWS" delivered to Subscribers eavlv evorv morning in any part of the tOWn y ADVERTISfcMENfft received Up "to Seven o'clock will secure insertion 111 the next morning's issue of the DAILY l> EL1GIOUS SEllV1CJS«._T)l(} attclJ. JL\j tiou of Churcliis invited to the lollowilig sPLV1^Jj,r J ARIFF for Ad- vertisements announcing tne holding of RELIGIOUS SERVICES, ANNIVERSARIES, and TEA MEET- INGS One Three Six Twelve Insertion Insert ions. Insertions. Insertions. R. d. s. d. "• d. 8> d I our Lines ..14 4 0 •• ° 0 8 6 Six Lines. 2 0 6 0 £ 9 12 0 Eight Lines.. 2 S 8 0 0 16 q Twelve Lines. 4 0 12 3 « •• 24 0 13 Lines 6 0 18 0 27 0 36 0 24 Lines 8 0 24 0 3c 0 48 0 Eight words may be calculated to a lire. Ihis Tariff is limited strictln to the Advertisonents enumerated above. These Notices can also appear ill the CARDIFF TIMES and SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS in conjunction with those in the South Walet Daily conjunction with those in the South Walet Daily to as 10 form art of the series of Insertions, ^Vmttsenuttts. rjjIHEATRE ROYAL, CARDIFF. LESSEE & MANAGER.MR. EDWARD FLETCHER. ACTING MANAGER MR. JOHN SHERIDAN. ø- THE COOLEST PLACE IN CARDIFF IS THE THEATRF, ROYAL. "Ð TO-NIGHT, SATURDAY, AUGUST 1st. Important Engagement of Mr Thomas Sennett and a powerful company in his enormously successful realistic drama, REDEMPTION or LIFE 'S DARK TURNINGS. Ralph Stephenson, a Canadian Mr Thos. Sennett. Fanny Grainger, a domestic Miss Polly Marsh. Act I.-Love. Act 2.—Hatred. Act 3.—Sin. Act 4.—Redemption. MONDAY NEXT (BANK HOLIDAY), Enormous Attraction. The leading Irish Comedians of the day, Mr and Mrs Hubert O'Grady, in the great drama, EMIGRATION. Doors Open at 7. Commence 7.30; Half-price 9. Box plan at Messrs Thompson and Shackell's. isSlil VICTORIA ROOMS, ST, MARY- V STREET, CARDIFF. MONS D'ARCS GRAND WAXWORK EXHIBI- TION and MARVELLOUS MARIONETTE ENTER, TAINMENT. Eighteen months'uninterrupted success at the above rooms. Great clianse in the marionette performance. The little wonders perform now for the first time the beautiful drama of POOR JOE or THE BLEAK HOUSE;" likewise is added a Grand Aquarium, showing a great number of unknown monsters from the depths of the sea. Morning per- formance, Wednesdays and Saturdays at 3, every Even- ing at 7 and 9. Admission, 3d Reserved seats, 5d. b02 (Bmxrstous. ALTERATION OF SAILINGS between CARDIFF & WESTON, SATURDAY, Aug. 1, by the "Lady Margaret" Leave Cardiff .8.30 a.m., 6.15 p.m., and 8.30 p.m. Leave Weston.10.0 a.m., 7.30 and 9.46 p.m. 4409 75663 EXCURSIONS BETWEEN CARDIFF i I" AND WESTON, Bjr the Saloon Steamer LA DV ;\1, ftG ARKT or QUEEN OF THE BAY, (Wind, weather, and circumstance* permitting). SATURDAY, AUGUST 1st. Leave Cardiff 8.30 a.m., b.15 p.m., and 8.30 D.m. „ Weston 10.0 a.m.. 7.30 p.m., fwd 8.(\j iun. MONDAY. AUGUST 3rd, Leave Cardiff 7.0 and 9.30 a.m., 12.30 and 8.15 p.m. Weston S.15 and li.15ft.in., 7.0 aud 9.30 p.m. Fares Bank Holiday, 2s; no single fares that day, but for the evening trips Is and Is 6d. I AUGUST 4th. Leave Cardiff S.i.) rli(I 10.45 a.m and 1.30 p.m. „ Weston 9.30 and 12.0 a.m., and 7.45 p.m. Fares to-and-fro each day, Fore deck. Is 6d Saloon, 2s. Single Fares Is and Is 6d. Fares for the last to-and-fro trips each evening- Fore Deck, Is Saloon, Is 6d. Excursions in connection with the llalf-holidav Movement on Wednesdav and Saturday. 105, Bute Docks, Cardiff. "355 73783 BANK HOLIDAY, MONDAY, AUG. S. EXCURSIONS between CARDIFF and WES- TON, by the LADY MARGARET and QUEEN OF THE BAY. Particulars see above advert.ist;nient.7-65;. BANK HOLIDAY, MONDAY, AUG. 3, EXCURSION FROM CARDIFF TO AVATCHY'll', Al]NFI,,I, kf) and ILFitACOMBE, in off LYNMOUTIl" tiio "QUEEN OF UU, BAY" or EMPRESS OF INDIA. Leave Cardiff 7.30 a.m. Leave llfraconibe 5.1b p.m. Calling at Minehead and Watchet to and fro. FARES—To Watchet and back, 2s 6d Minehead and back, 3s; Ilfracombe and holck-fore deck, os 6d saloon, 4s 6d. The Blue Ribbon Gospel Army Band will accompany the Steamer to Watchet. 114 le-71-bbO g P E ~C I A L Every description of TIN PLATE, ZINC, AND SHEET IRON WORK, GAS FITTING, BELL HANGING, LOCK SMITHING, AND PLUMBING By our own Workmen. Moderate Prices, combined with Good Workman- ship, Guaranteed. A TRIAL RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. A N D F 0 P, D .6 a. IRONMONGERY ESTABLISHMENT, 154, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT, J^J- O N^ .A- 1 332o JJOMCEOPATHIC MEDICINES. JLJL —— NOTICE.—THE CARDIFF AND SOUTH WALES HOMOEOPATHIC PHARMACY, 6 CHURCH STREET, CARDIFF, IS NOW OPE N, And price lists and Books on the uses of the medicines and the simple treatment of common complaints may be had free on application. Consulting-rooms and Dispensary in connection witu the above will shortly be opened. 340e Observe Address-b. CHURCH-STREET. PEPPER'S TANNIN THROAT -N- UARGLK Tannin Gargle should be within the reach of all in the least degree subject to throat affections, whether inflammatory, relaxed, ulcerated, hoarseness, swollen tonsils, enlarged uvula, weakened voice, &c. Those constantly speaking, singing, or reading, by using the t*arg!e prevent tole husluiie=s, dryiuss, UlILi irritation so frequatttly attendant; on over-exertion also of pro- ducing unusually sustained powers without injury to the mucous surfacès of the throat „ a11-"11 's a 8reat purifier, and so useful as a mouth wasu 111 cases of disagreeable breath, arising from de- cayed teeth, disordered stomach, mouth Ulcerations, ana other causes. J a cure for ordinary sore throat, with its usual pamtui and sometimes dangerous ..yinptonis, the iftl'i1"1 *s far better than anything. Bottles, is oa. Sold everywhere. pEPPER'S WHITE CO UGH MIX- TURK. The most reliable, speedy, and agree- b Ie cre for coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, con- sumption, and all diseases of the lungs and air- passuges. It is soothing, comforting, and tranquil- lizing in its action, quite different from ordinary cough remedies. Affords relief after second dose Is lid and 2s 9d each. Sold by all Chemists. CRACROFT'S ARECA NUT TOOTH PASTE.—Regularly used every morning the teeth are kept m beautiful order. All decaying and destr uctive tartar is removed from the enamel which assumes its ivory, ike appearance. • J 1RACR.OFTS PASTE removes all causes cf decay, and will preserve the teeth intact for many years. Branded Pots, Is each. Sold everywhere. (CRACROFT'S ARECA TOOTH PASTE. J By using this delicious Aromatic Dentifrice the enamel of the teeth becomes white, sound, and poiished like ivory. It is exceedingly fragrant, and specially useful. Get Cracroft's. DEAFNESS, NOISES IN THE EARS. etc. DELLAR'S ESSENCE FOR DEAF- N ESS should always be tried, as in numbers of cases, seemingly incurable, it has done wonders. Slight deafness, obstructions in the ears, and the incessant humming rounds so frequent with affected hearing, are removed. Sold everywhere. CORNS I CORNS!! CORNS li!" BUNIONS AND ENLARGED TOE JOINTS I CURED IN A FEW DAYS. DELLAR'S CORN AND BUNlON PLASTERS are the only real remedy. They differ from all plasters, shields, or compositions. By instantly softening the callous surrounding the pain goes at once, the Corn soon following. Bunions and enlarged toe joints require more time; but the action and relief is certain. Boxes, Is lid. old everywhere. ^JLLPHOLINE SOAP (a soap contain- ing sulpholine), is a delicately renned, chemi- cally pure Soap, intended for general use, but specially by those endowed with sensitive skins. Common im- perfectly prepared soaps, scented with injurious acrid oils, frequently cause sKin diseases. For washing at all times, and bringing the skin to a soft, pliable, healthy condition, Sulpholine Soap holds the tlrst place. Its odour is very pleasant, and the Soap not expensive. Tablets, 6d each. Ll V ERCOMPL AINTS, BILIOUSNESS, INDIGESTION, CURED BY STOMACH DERANGEMENTS, DR. j £ _ING's DANDELION & QUININE LIVER PILLS (Without mercury), Act effectively on the liver, and, whilst mildly aperient, are all that can be desired. Dr. King's famous Pills purify and clear the entire system by freeing the liver iroiu sluggishness, causing the stomach to properly per- form its functions, quickly and entirely removing ail feeling of headache, dizziness, oppressions at chest and hack, disagreeable taste, nausea, indigestion, spasm, sensation of heaviness, and irritating depression attend ing bilious attacks and liver derangeuieuts. BE SUM TO HAVE DR. KINU'IS PILLS. 241 LÐ JfiYERywHEBe. JU945 BBttsittesa Abbrtssts. JOTHAM AND SON S, THE PRIN, CIPALITY JUVENILE OUTFITTERS, 26 & 27, ST. Maby"sikeet' CARDIFF. JERSEY SUITS AD JERSEYS. JERSEYS AND ERSEY SUITS I ¡ NAVY BLUE, BLACK, GRENAT, J^j-ARONE, gEAL BRO WN, AND FANCY MIXTUREsj — Fine Stockinette three- thread and four-thread Worsted and Knitted Wool JERSEYS JERSEY SUITS, and JERSEY KivLCKKRS. LARGEST STOCK ]IN, SOUTH W ALES." ARE THE BEST FOR SCHOOL WEAR. FOR THE SEASIDE. FOR THE HOLIDAYS. UNEQUALLED FOR STRENGTH AND DURABILITY. SUITS from Is. lid. to 20s. JOTHAM AND SON S I 26 and 27 ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. ESTABLISHED 50 YIUn., 20-1 e K FillPF, AND COMPANY, <u THE SOUTH W-ILES JL QLOTHIERS, 4 QUEEN s TIIEET, g AND 0USTOM J-jTOUSli gTREET. KEMPE'S NOTED BOYS' NICKER SUITS Is 4D TO 8s lln. MEN'S TROUSIIH-S 2s 11D, 3s iii),ro 88110 MEN'S SUITS 12s 6D, 15S 11D, 178 11D, 13s llD, 198 110, TO 42s. CHALLENGE TROUSERS, 10s 6d, ARE CUT TO MEASURE BEATS ALL EVER PRODUCED IN C.ARDIFli', PERFECT FITTING SUITS TO ASURL,, FROM 34s 11D TO ,63 108. TROUSERS FROM 85 llD TO 18s llo. gOUTH ALES (jJLOTHIERS, 4, QUEEN-STREET, 8, AND 21, CUSTOM-HOUSE-STREET, AND STUART-HALL, 8, THE HAYES. jgjEMPE AND COAIPANY, PROPRIETORS. ONLY FII-LST CLASS LONDON CUTTERS ElPL 368e jgjcoNOMY I N FUEL. HALL'S PATENT FEED WATER ii HEATER. ILLIAMS" i ATEN' BLOWER AND SMOKE CONSUMER FOR STEAM 13 0 1 L E A S JOHN "ILLIAlVlS AND gON, SOLE LICENSEES & MAKERS, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF 107e TRIMNELL'S :LIFE-GIVING ANI? PBESKRVINO NERVINE TONIC, For either Sex; will cure all kinds of nervou debility arising from any source of weakness, from whatever cause it may ari. Ihe!!e are a few of the Symptoms of Nervous LABILITY ;—Depression of spirits, inaptitude for unfitness for study, dislike for society, DISL*0^enter any kind of business, involuntary blush1"-1" dimness of sight, sparks before the eyes, deafness anil noise in the ears, sense of tightness, of SL. °Cation, constant mental misgiving, pains in T"E '?"'S a constant sense of weariness, irritation the kidneys and bladder, palpitation of the „ general tremu lousnesson any sudden imp11 .V EXtreme diffidence, fond of moping alone, NIORBI" SENSIBILITY, careless about life, its joys, its plea~>URES. AND its duties about life, its joys, its plea~>URES. and its duties irregularity of the bowels, (eO'inK 9()(-,t foriiotiiiiik, failure of memory ,intellectllnl power "nd faculties more or less impaired, extrt),NE. Restle„SNEG8, flatu- lency and indigestion, headaches, silent wretchedness arising from the °..Physical weak- ness, fear of insanity, miserab'0 for the present, 110 hope for the future; starting during sleep, lookingund feeling ill without APPFIRENT^cause. One or two packages of Trimnell'S Nervine Tonic will cure slight cases of the above. Where it has been badly treated or neglected it will re«l'L,RO A longer time to effect a cure. Is lAd and 2s 9d per packet One trial is sufficient to prove the virtue of the above Compound, to be had at most respectable Chemists, Druggists, and Medicine vendors throughout the World. If you have any difficulty IN obtaining it, send stamps or Post-office M ,OR, direct to the Proprietor, and it will be forwarded at olice. All 2s 9d sizes Post Free to any pARFC of the kingdom. N.B.—None are genuine unless they have the Proprietor's signature on the Government Stamp- W. TRIMNELL. TO IMITATE THIS WOULD BE FORGERY, FULL DIRECTIONS ON EACH PACKAGE. SOLE MANUFACTURER AND PROPRIETOR W TRIMNELL, MEDICAL BOTANIST 167a 9, MOIRA-TERRACK CARDIFF A WORD to the Wise CauBe and euro of debility, want of energy, and premature decay, In structions to regaiu health and vigor. Sent oil receipt ot 4 stamps l>y Publisher*. Fitcalao-squarc, Sheffield. 201 IBttsttwss Abbrtssts. TRY jpUDGE FOR rjlOOLS. TOOLS. fpOOLS. rpOOLS. rpooLs. rjpooLs. rpooLs. rpooLs. fJpOOLS. TRY p U D G E, AT THE NEW TOOL JQEPOT. rjpooLs" rjlOOLS. TOOLS. rjpooLs. rjpOOLS. rjpooLs. rpooLs. rjpooLs. SHEFFIELD HOUSE, I CUSTOM HOUSE-STREET, CARDIFF. T 286A jQOMESTIC SANATATION. JgRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. I' STAND, No. 96. J. G. pROGER, 12 AND 13, TRINITY-STREET, CARDIFF. S VNITARY APPLIANCES FOR VENTILATING, DRAINING, LIGHTING, &c. Sole Asent in South AVales for Banner Bros. & Co. London. 4o4e, BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. PUBLIC-HALL, QUEEN-STREET. MESSRS SHANKS & CO., OF BARRHEAD, NEAl GLASGOW, And 46, CANNON-STREET, LONDON, are SHOW. FAN ING at Mr J. G. PROGKR S STAND (No. 96) a large selection of IMPROVED SANITARY APPLIANCES, Consisting of PATENT IMPERIAL AND UNIVERSAL COM- BINATION BATHS, SITZ & HOSPITAL BATHS, PATENT LAVATORIES, TIP-UP and COMBINATION PORTABLE FOLD-UP LAVATORIES, Suitable for Offices. &c. New System of EARTH CLOSET AND SUPPLY CISTERN, Saving material in fitting up, and giving a better flush than the ordinary system. 43ie jpXHIBITION AT "j^JTUSEUM, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF, g TOT T'S jpi C O N O M I S E R, OR GAS pRESSURE G-O-V, ER-NOR. JL The attention of the public is respectfully invited to this Machine, which is acknowledged by the highest gas authorities in the king dom to be the most sensi- tive, reliable, and durable Governor before the public. It has no diaphiam, no friction, nothing to rust, cor- rode, wear out, nor get out of order, and is a thing for a lifetime. This Governor will save as much as it is possible to save by preventing over pressure without diminution of iieht. It is in use at MR R. E. JONES' WASHINGTON HOTEL, CARDIFF, TVho speaks highly of its saving also at the po'ice office. Can be seen undergoing the most severe tests at the Museum. Guaranteed Aivrctiry Tight. 439e NOTICE OF REMOVAL. T H DAVIES ANI) C°- "THE TAILORS,' Beg to intimate to their customers and he general public that they have secured the Extensive and Com- modious CORNER PREMISES lately occupied bylr Marsh in CUSTOM HOUSE-STREET, which are now open and are showing the CHOICEST PATTERN S and QUALITIES in SCOTCH and WEST SUITINGS, FANCY TROUSERING CLOTHS, Ac. Please notice their TLES and UNDER CLOT 111* G WINDOWS. Value not to be equalled in Cardiff. They thank their Patrons for past favours, and ri o- mise the same attention to their future orders. Please Notice the Address: T. H. DAVIES AND Co., "THE TAILORS,' 0ge CUSTOM HOUSE-STREET. CARDIFF. c A U T 1 0 N GENUINE "IMPROVED' BRADBURY & CO.'S SEWING MACHINES can only be obtained in this district from the under- signed. It is a fact that like most reliable well known articles these celebrated Machines are imitated by inferior makers, and the counterfeit Machines are passed off by unprincipled persons as Bradbury's "IMPROVED," to the grea disappointment of pur- chasers and injury to Messrs BRADBURY & CO. and iheir Agents. The Genuine Bradbury Machiue may be easily known by the Trade Mark-a Prolile of the Duke of Wellington on each Machine. gj| E N R Y rjlHOMAS, ST. JOHN'S CHURCH-SQUARE. CARDIFF. 52, TAFF-STREET. PONTYPRIDD; and 34, HIGH STREET, TREORKY. Illustrated Price Lists on Application. 170e E W I N G ACHINES KJ SEWING I- _u MACHINES Why buy through Canvassers, when you can order the iMPRO V ED SINGERand WilEELER A WILSON SEWING MACHINES direct from H JONKER, PENARTII, and effect a saving of 3s in the E, as the following prices will conclusively 8how- IMPROVED SINGER HAND MACHINE, £3 3s; usual price;C4 4s— Jess 10 per cent. Same with Handsome Box, B5 15s usual price, £4 19s -less 10 per cent. FAMILY TltEAVI.E, £4; usual price, £ 5 5s—less 10 per cent. Same with Handsome Box, jMlOs; usual price, £ 6— less 10 per cent. TAILORING MACHINE, E4 17s 6d usual price £ 6 10s—less 10 per cent. Same with Handsome Box, jE5 10s usual price, E7 7s -less 10 per cent. Each machine beautifully finished, provided with patent self winder, attachments and all the latest improvements, and guaranteed to be in perfect working order. NOTE THE ADDRESS— H. JONKER, PENARTH, near Cardiff. 774 Trade Specially Supplied. IANOS.-WHY BE WITHOUT ONE JL When you can become the owner of a nice instrument for the email payment of 10s 6d PER MONTH ON rjpHOMPSON AND S HACKELL S JL HIRE SYSTEM ? No security required, and the instrument delivered to purchaser on payment of first monthly instalment. Every instrument guaranteed, and exchanged if not approved. ORGANS AND HARMONIUMS ON SIMILAR TERMS. Catalogues free on application. THOMPSON AND SHACKELL, PIANOFORTE AND MUSIC WAREHOUSE, QUEEN'S BUILDINGS, CARDIFF Also at SWANSEA, NEWPORT, MERTHYR and GLOUCESTER. 240o ERVOUSNESS, LOSS of ENERGY, N and VITAL POWER.—A gentleman having tried in vain every advertised remedy, has discovered a simple means of self-cure. He will be happy to for ward the particu!ars to any sufferer on receipt of a stamped and directed envelope Address J. T. riewell. Lao.. Ch'swick. Middlesex 12 ks WANSEA.-SOUTH WALES ECHO. The FIRST EDITION of the SOUTH WALES ECHO is published at the Office, 2. College-street Swansea, EVERY AFTERNOON, AT FIVE 0 CLOCK. Sold by newsagents at Swansea, Hafod, Plasinarl, Mumbles, &c., and by the boys of the Self Help Bri trade.1 The SPECIAL EDITION, which contains all the Latest News, Telegrams, Stock Exchange Closing Prices, Markets, Sporting and Local intelligence of the day, is published in Swansea at 3.30 p.m. Sold by R. MOOFORD, News Ageut, Great Western Building « High-street, Swansea, aud by newsboys, lusin £ 5s ^titiresses. [ 1- W. pEDLER'S 1JMBRELLAS, W A L KIN G STICKS, AND j^EATHER jgAGS, ARE THE BEST. ESTABLISHED 1867. 34 ][tOYAL-ARCADE, CARDIFF. BRANCH: 98, GLEBE-STREET, PENARTH. BEST HOUSE IN CARDIFF FOR WALKING STICKS. A new and choice Stock of Walking Sticks from the best London Makers. RICHLY MOUNTED STICKS FOR PRESENTS. MOUNTED MALACCA CANES. Ivory and Buck Hooks, Silver and Nickel Collars, and Knobs, always in Stock. Sticks and Canes Dressed, Mounted, Polished, and Ferruled. UMBRELLAS AT ALL PRICES TO SUIT ALL CLASSES. GENTS' UMBRELLAS. Silk, at 7s 6d, 8s 6d, 10s 6d, 12s fcd. 15s 6d, and 18s 6d. Russell Silk, at 10s 6d; Silver Mounted, lis 6d. Repp, at 7s 6d, 9s, 10s 6d, ami 12s 6d. Alpaca, 5s 6d, bs b,l, :1.l1d 7s be!, LADIES' UMBRELLAS. Silk, 7s 6d, 8s 6d, 10s 6d, 12s 6d, 15-, and 21s. Repp, 4s 6d, 5s 6d, 6s 6d, and 8s 6d. Russell Silk, 8s 6d, 9s 6d, and 10s 6d. RE-COVFRI-NG DEPAHTMENT. Umbrellas Re-covered at a saving of 25 per cent. Best Materials only used. SII,K. GENTS' 25iN. UMBRELLAS. 1st quality, 15s; 2nd ditto, 13s 3rd ditto, 10s 6d 4th ditto, 8s 6d. LADIES' 22I.W UMBRELLAS, 1st quality, 12s 6d 2nd ditto, 13s 6.1; 3rd ditto, 3s 6d; 4tli ditto, 6s t-d. RUSSELL SILK (Guaranteed not to Split). .¿'- GENTS' 25hi. UMBRELLAS, at Ss. od.; LADIES' 22in. do., at 7s. 6d. I P-, E P P GENTS' 25in. UMBRELLAS—1st quality, 7s. 6d 2nd ditto, 6s 6d. LADIES' 22in. UMBRELLAS—1st quality, 6s. 6d, 2nd ditto, bs bel. Re-covering and Repairing promptly executed on the Premises. LEATHER BAGS. Leather Portmanteaus, Brief and other Hand Bags, Hat Cases, &c. GLADSTONE BAGS. ASSORTMENT OF LEATHER RUG STRAPS. W ]p E D L E "|JMBRELLA j^jgT AN U FACTORY, 34, ROYAL ARCADE, /"I ARDIFI. 297e V-1 AND 93, GLEBE STREET, PENARTH. 1VITIND, BODY, A>D ESTATE -LvJL are studied av. THE CAIiLMKF HOUSK. THE MIND is gratified when surrounded by the beautiful aim exquisite productions of industry and art in elegant profusion as ^eea at W. PRICE and SONS. THE BODY is at ease, moving with grace and freedom when well fitted and clothe l in garments admir- ably adapted for summer wear as supplied bv W. PRICg and SONS. THE ESTATE is carefully protected, no lavish outla.y being required. Economy is strictly observed, quality duly valued, and the best dress sold at the minimum cost by.W, P¡UC and ::>0.\8. FOR READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, and HOSIERY, try "W jp K10 E g 0 N s» MERCHANT CLOTHIERS & OUTFITTERS. 50 & 61, ST. MARV-s l'REET, & 46 & 47, CAROLINE 23 STREET, CARDIFF. Ill STIFF'S STARCH. I STIFF'S STARCH s It having couie to the STTVTT'« QT1PPW knowledge of Messrs Stiff J-Tx1!? o oi-AxiCtl. and Co. that some retailers often attempt to inuuee the STIFF'S STARCH, public to purchase low- ►vj priced and inferior starches 4JTIFFS STAKCH.; fcSESSRSSSS STIFF'S STARCH. S??« mSSSkTSTS K-} guard aeainst such unprin- UTIFF'S STARCH.: cipledDractices,andtoscate that every box or packet crp urm Stiffs Starch bears llrx1 o "J-AltCri.: ^6 registered Trade Mark QUEEN BESS. TIF F S STARCH stiff s Starch is Sold in .0 5!b Packets and lib Fancy I STIFF'S STARCH. Boxe,, and may be obtaineil o of any Grocer, Druggist, or a TIFFS STARCH. Srerk°r 0f theManu' O STIFF & CO., STIFF'S STARCH, REDCLIFF-ST.,BRISTOL o 505e 12080 -1376, ESTABLISHED leIS. POSITIVE REMEDIES. Consult the Book of Positive Remedies or the Cure of all Diseases. GRATIS.—Sent by Post to all parts ot the World on receipt of Two Stamps to prepay postage. A POSITIVE CURE FOR DEBILITIES AND DERANGEMENTS OF THE GENERA- TIVE AND NERVOUS SYSTEM, NER.OUS DE- BILITY AND EXHAUSTION, THE ltl..CLT Oh OVER-TAXED ENERGIES IS GIVEN IN THE BOOK OF "POSITIVE REMEDIES. This Book gives a POSTTl^ E REMEDY for all Dlbi^ASES The Names of all Medicines are given in English. Cases and Testimonials, with means used in each case. IT IS A GUIDE TO THE SEX F-TREATMEN t OF ALL DISEASES, and should be Consulted by all who require medical treatment. NOTICE.—THE POSl TIVE MEDICINES GIVEN IN THE Boo-Z 0 'POSITIVE REMEDIES ARE THE MEDIUM S USED BY DR. SMI 1 FOR OVER THll Y YEARS. By the aid of this Book Invalids may form a correct knowledge of their malady, and find a positive Remedy for the Cure. The names are pub- lished in English, to enable Invalids to seiect the remedy and Cure Themselves without consulting a medical man, making a written statement of case, or £ ^\nT5 consuitation fees. Send Two Stamps for tiu BOOK OF POSITIVE REMEDIES, which contain 1 <244 pages, and gives a cure for all diseases. Post ire • on receipt of Two Stamps direct from 716 H. &, H. SMITH & CO. 13'J POSITIVE REMEDY LABORATORY, 26. SOUTHAMPTON-ROW. LONDON. -VEWPOPT. -SOUTH IVALES ECHO. The SOUTH WALES ECHO is published at the NEWPORT OFFICE, 11, TreLiegar-place, as follows :— FIRST EDITION 3.15 V.U. SECOND EDITION 4.3O KM. SPECIAL EDITION O.30 The SPECIAL EDITION coutaius all the News o the Day up to Six o'clock p.m.— iucliidiug the latest Stock Exchange and Sporting TelevTams. bold by all Newsagents and Newsboys i Newsagents and Newsboys iSnsiuess J\àhrtss£s. 14, H I G H S T R E E T. c ARDIFF, COMPLETION OF RE-BUILDING. OPENING OF NEW p R E M I S B S. G RIFFITH JAMES Has much pleasure in announcing that the re- building of the premises recently destroyed by the Great Fire are now completed, and that they are N OW OPEN with an entire New Stock of JQRAPERY AND jgJUNCY GOODS in all Departments, including the LATEST NOVELTIES AND DESIGNS that are likely to be in demand during tho Season. The SHOWROOM is specially enlarged to enable him to extend his MANTLE and MILLINERY DEPARTMENTS, and cus- tomers may rely uuon the Goods being QUITE NEW, and the LATEST NOVELTIES that can be produced, which, together with the choice selection, makes it worthy of inspection. Soliciting the favour of a call. GRIFFITH JAMES (LATE EVAN THOMAS, & Co.), 14, IIIGH STREET, CARDIFF 379 IIMPORTANT P E C I A E -N s 0 -N NEW PATENT (No. 4658). L U D G A T E" W A T C H, SILVER GOLD £ 5. 5. £ 12. 13. ISA "SPECIAL STRENGTH' 3 I L V E R .!■: N G L I S II L E VEg, MY BEST OX DON MAKE, wrni 1-LATC MOVEMENX. JEWELLED CHRONOMETER BALANCE, WITU DAMP AND DUST PJWOI" PATENT RING BAND, AND EXTENDED BARREL, IN MASSIVE STERLING SILVER, DOME CASEg WITH CRYSTAL GLASS FRONT WINDS ct SETS HANDS it OPENS AT BACK, MAKING IT A BETTER WATCH THAN ANY S10 WATCH IN THE MARKET, ITS ADVANTAGES, OVER THE OLD AND FAULTY FULL PLATE BEING ENORMOUo, AS THE 'LUDGATE' WATCH WILL LAST ONE HUNDRED YEARS, IT NEVER BTtEAKS, AS IT CANNOT BE OVER WOUND A\D MEVER NEEDS EXPENSIVE REPAIRS. IS A BETTER TIMEKEEL'EII. IS A BETTER WATCH, AND IS BETTER VALUE THAN ANY OTHER WATCH SOLD FOR £ 10 IN TOWN OR COUNTRY. WILL STAND ROUGH USAGE OF ALL KINDS- AND IS THEREFORE THE BIST WATCH AND EQUALLY SUITED FOR WORKMEN, RAILWAY MEN, MINERS, GENTLEMEN, AND ALL WHO REQUIRE A PERFECT WATCH OF EXTRA STRENGTH FOR HOME, INDIAN, OR COLONIAL USJfi, MADE IN THREE SIZi s, AS UNDER; WORKMAN'S, LARGE SIZE. MINER'S it RAILWAY Mi.N S, EX IRA LARGS SIZE, AND FOR GENERAL WEAR, MEDIUM SIZE. SENT FREE AND SAFE AT OUR RISK TO ALL PARTS FOR £5 bs od. CASH, OR P.O.O., PAYABLE AT G.P.Q. PRICE IN 18-CARAT GOLD CRYSTAL GLASS CASES TWELVE GUINEAS. SPECIALLI., NOTE that J. W, BENSON is the only Maker of a Three-Quarter Plate English Watch for E5 bs, aud that our Patent Ludgate" AVatch cannot be had through, or of any Watchmaker in the Kingdom. Any infringement of the Patent Rights will be proceeded against. A Book explaining the advantages of this Watch over the Fall H Plate English Watches sold by all other maiceis, will be sent Post Free 011 appli cation, L.) J. "W. B E K s 0 N- WATCHMAKER TO THE QUEEN< THE STE AM FACTORY, 62 AND 64, LUDGATE-HILL, E.G., AND 25, OLD BOND-STREBT, W., LONDON. Illustrated Pamphlets of Watches from 22 to £60(., Gold and Silver Jewellery, Clocks (House, Ciiime, and Turret;, and Musical Boxes, free on application. 9LUB ASSOCIATIONS.—FOREMEN, SECRETARIES of FRIENDLY SOCIETIES, AGENTS, and others will find their incomes considerably increased by establishing Clubs for the New Patent "Ludgate" Watch, as it is worth from £ 5 to £10 more than any English Watch sold, and therefore bound to supersede all others in the market. 11963 72776 253e F ULTON, jJjyUNLOP, AND CO. CARDIFF AND SWANSEA, At.so AT WINDSOR-ROAD, PENARTH BASS AND CO., ALLSOPP AND SONS, And others of the tiuest BURTON ALES. PUICRS Per Kilderkin. 18s. I 21s. 24s. Per Firkin. 9s. 10s. 6d. 12s Am! upwards. 155 INJECTION DAY. —An INFALLIBLE REMEDY and certain cure for all Discharges from the Urinary Organs in either seX, whether acquired or constitutional, i cce:i: or chronic: cftres in a few days without mecicines. Sold in bottles, 2s od each, by ail chemists. London agents, F. Newbury and Sons, L King Edward-street, B.C. Agents for Cardiff, j, Munday, Chemist. 1 High-street; and all OUemk** lillle