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Advertisement Taritt. _1)- Small Pnepaid Advertisements. C; Words SIXPENCE. .hree Times NINEPENCE. ^ix Times ONE SHILLING. WORDS. ONCE. ™ffsE TSIXs S. d.. d. d. 20 Words 0 6 I 0 9 1 0 30 Words 0 9 1 01 6 ±0 Words 1 0 | 1 6 2 3 | jO Words 1 326 3 9 I j 30 Words 1 6 3 0 4 6 f These charges apply only to the classes of advertise- ment, ^pecitied below, and are strictly confined t( those wliic.ii are ordered lor CONSECUTIVE insertion an(1 I'AID VOR PREVIOUS TO INSERTION; if either of tiiese con- ditions is not complied with, t in; advertisement will be charged bj the Business scale APARTMENTS WANTED. tloi:sr.s TO BE SOLD JAPARTMENTS TO LEI. MONEY WANTED. ARTICLES Lost. | MONEV TO LEND. AR";CI.ES FOUND. I MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. i..MESSES vok DISPOSAL MISCELLANEOUS SALES. BUSINESSES WANTED. I 'A UT'.N ELCSIL IPS WANTED. HOUSES TO LET. SITUATIONS WANTED. OUSliS WANT»I>SITUATIONS VACANT. Advertisements of the above class inserted in the NJUTJI WALKS DAILY NKWS," tho" CARDIFF TIMES, and SOUTH WALKS ECHO" ilt the following rate Six times in Six times Ne,V8 Six time.i Once in > WOODS. »•<»;<SSiK2J: Echo. -1- H. d. s. d. s. d. 20 Words 10 16 2 0 30 Words 16 2 3 3 0 40 Words 2 3 3 4 4 6 -p- 50 Words 3 9 5 8 7 6 60 Words- 4 6 6 9 9 0 r General Advertising Tariff. KATE PER I.INK FOR ASMtlES. CLASS Off 'l to4 ort> to li.to.jJt> AOVRRTISKKENTS..5 b II to |npd ,• jinsi insr insr in.srnisr F-'smess .)! Educational -I -/4 -/3 -12 -IH Publishers ) ^HWigiolis ."Services „ Entertainments '♦ • Auction Announcements -/6 -/4 -/3 */3 /3 l.eufil and Public Notices "j iltmivil'il am! School lloaid Tenders aipi Coidnicts I i'ublic Appointments. 19 -19 -/9 ./9 ./9 I'niliHiiienl iiy IC'rrl i'U.-i Notices j )/- 1/- J/- •/ Governm-nt A"n<iimi- itu-ii:s ) I "Notices of IMrrli-,M*rrin »«.•«, and Dentlw are cliargoil 1,« i-ucb, if «>■ ••\«ier>ilitii; 2n word', :md 6d for etch additional 0 WORDS. TNC* N.ii es 11.4 he :LnUw, iiv .hp. Siciiii1 >ti .> aud \iiiii r^ss uj I.:U.1 .lIlcr. PI/t »i;i< O'M A 111'1.: WI"II>"rs «;• • ":1;1I',1 I to; > ill,wrticlI,. 601 fI.r lill" ÍJ 1" II iii^-vtion-. 4d per liin; £ jiiserli" U|i\v;u-.l d lille. A mien s-rinimu mlvcrtisements ininnnu- lil-t, in y en iiilntu eialit voids in it l ne, a:1 12 linfl* t.. all ",d" III i IMI-JIS'V, ioivei tifeiiieiits the lines ,,1'0 H" "IIIII; ¡)11 1.1* .J,i."¡t;.n;tL, jllcltldill -•i'l" .ijutt.- is «• -I'M'! • -i' '•(!•> r.kte of Tivelvo llile. J « hWKUAJj .SI'.IvVANT Uao'.ed, experienced in "V* ■ ply in Ivei-s(,n, f Hansen, < I V.>T iai, IV:iart-h. X(»o v ,t11ati(Jn iluraut. /• ivi jcil, :o ye'i ill-) ciieaiK'st Rubber Dur.iiit ami Co., iu .'«v v. 361_ • -VA2CA< fc-i tilicat-d).-Wiinted, a .< M'i'i.c;ii in am Coal < oi- ]i> r.v. — A?. y ••.s.uxoii «ub>» Daily News" r 21;9 > ■ li wi !i t.j woik, :md c.ui fiivo cood ■ t !■<• n' t-i; :i->t oe .tile. —Adure.-ss O. J.. M., i< >• «- i,'arditt'. ;)C2 \T O iX.'f KS IN CJ VI i, S KHVIC K.—Age 16—25. Comm ri'. i"i ;i ir'e-rrtiias to £ 100. ttapid pre- p.tivivio'i bv y<.anc men wr to voce my, i:.ril .seiv.ee Kxnniin&tion Agency, >nn:i -iid, it-A IMPORTANT to Mn:iri Capitalists Viahing to com- n;?m» ns'lol-act oiiists lor iiiusirp.ted <:iiide (110 ,i> >d. i.oiid • )31a 4 (U'l'AMC JiKKK niiide imiiiediiitely with Miison's t xtntct or Iv.v enc Uerbs, composed of Y;;rrow, ;ja;ntelion, oinfiey, ami HArehonnd; send il stumns '■ for ,;ampl. h,ntl." to make lonr gdllll1, to :\ewb¡\.1 iimt ^ias'Hi, t.beiu;>t: Nottingham. Ag-jits wanted. 787e id. > i Nlt i.et, unfurnished. Te-ms .l modcrntc.— App y. 37, 'J'resillian- errace. 74439 BAKKI-.S -T>» be J/t or .Sold', a iitrg? Dwering- hon-e an I IVwn'*<■ sii ta ilefo- above {situation III the i>iri>h of I\{:¡, Aibii-e«s ,\¡iller. l>,i.ily News iWljoo, C.«itii 186 FUUTMC > Wl. To Knrnislied, a coinmoilitms — !■' r particulars apply the Porthcawl ,• apply t"¡'e1<, I 'ortlu-.t w 9J i yUrilXKtls I' KM SKS (coitmoiiious) to Let, Nos. 'l"f flOamt 52, Ilfoai'.w y. containing shops 24-fc. by jjJt., tcn-roo on ii'iiisi^ i. n.; back yards, with largo ,tub" and I t1, zi; fronts to eaci shop.- Cm 276 IjpA.MILY iilv-'IOIvNCF, (d uoorii to Let, 50, Charles- strt-e; 2 reurption-rooins, o bedrooms, bath (hot and cold waioi). 2 w kitchen, scullery, o;c.; aiso s able, loft, and co.,c:i-iiouse. Immediate possession. —Apply fcamuel^Bros., 7, St. Miiry-street, Cardiff. 201 J or ^al £ .ousei!t 0° lrranged)(,ebH- ^.SaT^pp, VH,\ conv^iienti^ builder, Waterloo l.'ot Donalds^, f (1tinan, i inonil-i oad. UUs rut!t. ^p of i^icb- 101 H°wel -built ;^iiie'I-Iom"Cbat"roSkreet' Kiverskle: AVV.y 20, Pfti k-street, iempe.HnceitoC i ^^TONKBtJi^ HOUSh, 171, Xawportroad R~ fu C5 *or Sale or to LM. with ,)Very convL? • kilcbon on s'ound Ho r hot and colli drainage. JJepth -1 uud, 20J feet; front'ael « leet ),„w „iouiin ;m. Klevated am!?8, 33 P^nlOT~A,'p:y l" Mr • Tr'("n ,s- th« ™nerrMa,ui j>ccUpl«r, as aoove. vr _»ua t — 7p vf4NA,\ddSS A N D "*NFmMiflEsVf ■ ht'al4 nf.rc sl'ec!al|yt"younK men, with oflvioe oil I1" wutuning recipes that will re- store the iK'^ons an l ,ie ,llu^ ea to tJiB (nll ver o{ and^peedy tur, w.tlv'ut th" abl'of^a^kJ^Send we i. ffa&E'KKSR* 7 \VXtSS?s' j^^f:A1^coun: TtKsu..kil r ,<;uMHANY.-(Cheapest house 111 "Ue \\oikl) or lieuts' Fine .Silver Crystal Glas*, heavy Ladies' Watche 25s: Ladies' (< hea*y"c,*ie(' er<, 70s; Gents' do. do. di.. SO-. Before purchasing send for Company's Catalogue beautifully 11 ustrated. 1,000 tine copper plate engrav- inga, gratis, »ost free on application, to any part of the world Apply Company's Manager, A. i\-rcy, Vy«e- street, BimiiighttU!. The press universally recommend tb«ir leaders to obtab a catalogue, y/ge 3ror ABBAQE PLANTS.—Wheeler's Imperial. Is 9d uer 1,000.—Apply A. Lewis. Penylan Brick Yard, Penylan, Cardiff. 315 CABBAGE PLANTS (drum-bead) for sale.—Apply W William*, Splofc Farm, Cardiff. 248 I-IHEAP LOT.-First-rate Hansom Cab, new Pony X_ Trap, set Trail Harness. No place to put it.- Smith, Docks, Cardiff. 381 FOR SALE, a bargain, one 6 h.p. Portable Engine 5ft. mortar mil'. onel6in. horizontal engine, ver- tical boiler, and several pntnps,-Apply to J. R. Jayne, Neath Abbsy. 303 OL1) FISH-(Sixteen handsome), two aquarium snails, 6s 6d; half quantity, 3s. 6d. Kettles returnable. Prepared gold fish food, 3d packet.—E. Romans, Llanelly. 261 LAMP OILS.—Best burning lamp oils. Shops and others supplied in large and small quantities.— Apply to G. Jefferies and Son, Wellington-street, Canton. 314 NETTING (tanned) for fruit trees and lawn tennis ground. One Penny square yard.—I'arnall and Co., Allmgton-road, Bedininster, Bristol. 225 ACK FOK SOUSES.— Goo.i grass, plenty of water, good shade. Moderats terms.—Address G. T., Daily News" Office, Cardiff. 237 wusintsst,s for Bispoaal. ("ToNFECTIONRRY ^nd FANCY BUSINKSsTo~be j Sold; incoming at valuation.—Apply 11, System- street, Cardiff. 234 GROCERY BUSINESS (a 22 year old) to be dis- posed of small stock to be taken.—Apply 229, Bute-road, Cardiff. 355 iKisallatwous 'SEants. WRITING-TABLE (large second-hand) Wanted, i in good condition: also large second-hand Bookcase. State price, size, and where to be seen to D.M., "South Wales Daily News Office, Cardiff. 202 Jftomw. CARDIFF AND COUNI ADVANCE BANK 9. CARDIFF. MONEY LENT, WITJTOCT DKLAl l-It Oil E5 TO £ 1,000 At a few hours' notice upon all entirely llewlld easy system; adopted soiely by this bank, for long or short periods, 10 Householders (Male or Female), Farmers, Cowkeepers. Cab Proprietors, Lodginsj-iiouse Keepers, Tradesmen, and to the Working Classes in general, upon their Household Furniture, Effects, Crops, Stock-in-Trade, Ac., without removal. Wines, Spirits, Cigars, Tea, Jewellery, Pianos, or ther goods taken on deposit, and cash promply ad- vanced on same. Distance no object, easy repayments. 71826 Apply personally, or by letter. to the manager. 266e fjnHE WEST OF" ENGLAND ADVANCE CO., 2, _l Bute-terrace, Cardiff, be« to inform the public that they advance from £ 5 to ;EI,Goo to Farmers, Cow- keepers, Householders (Male or Femalt-), and others Oil their own security, at a. few hours' notice. Trade bills discounted. Advances also made oil deeds without any legal charges at a very low rate of interest, t. i be repaid by instalments. Borrowers would do well to inquire our charges before applying elsewhere. For references inquire of aiiv solicitor ill tho town. All communications to be addressed to S. Ulaiberg, Man- ager olbe 1,5917 t •_> TO £ 300 ADVANOIiD DAI' Y to Householders, f/ Tradesmen, Mechanics, and other*, on their own uecurity, wit:;oiii. delay or publicity.—Apply Pri. vate Loan Couiuany, i'J, liute-strest. Cardiff. 290a jjlULTOK,jy'UNliOP, AND ^JO. (JAIIDM'T AND SWANSEA, AT WlM>:<OIMtOAI), PICNAHTU li A K S AND (j o A I. li S O V y AND SO N a, Ami otlifi.s of tllo B' U I T () N A J. I S P li I C lC s Per Kilderkin. Per Firkin. 18s. j 9.<. 21a. j 10s. bd 24s. 12s And upwards. 155 gKETCHKS OF LIFE 8 A SEHIES of SIC ETCH BS, by tho Author of "The Adventures of a Sooi.il Wastrel." "I lie C ireer of a Scapegrace," I he King of the Beggars," "The Gentleman Trauip," Ac., CO.M.MKNtJED in the S(.-Ufli WALES KCliO on Satuvd iy, May 1 th, and will be contii ued each MUNUAY. WEDXr-DAY, and FRIDAY. These sketches" are te nioit sensatianal alill enter. tainiug hitherto written by the author, surpassing in interest any of those auove meution^a. Tiic following synopsis will give snins indica- tion of the interesting nature of the sketches :— CM AFT KB, I.—Introduction—"Tom the Dummy"—The Miam ,1I.¡Jli, Conipjsi;or—His Abilities as IL Linguist. 11.-Tolu' Adventures at Matiock—How he I was c.urud a:.o went to wor. „ III.—' The Notti'mh tin Bellinau flow he NY, lit 0.1 th! roan-The Marquis of 1 V.-A tralup round the coast. Y.-The Bellman m i-ondon. „ .VI. — Advtnture :n ii lx>nd m iod.iiig-hou.e. it ^11-—"Deerfont"—J1U u riy history—O on t rani p. VIII.—'• Deenoot" turns Chester I.ill. lX. Dl'Cl'loot u ;tG D.irtinoi.r. • i X- tramp again—A ]au¡lalt¡6 adventure. X1.j, .rev till" the kitu-liyer. „ XII.— Hard.siops of a vugianf.s wife—Death in n idoi' g ken. XIII.—Charlie tne gridd.er"—Strcet-slnuing as a means of nreiiho.id. ro •i KIV.-Chiir ie's exi) riences in the north. XV,(J"p¡;,du Douglas,' the broken-down armv ,,¡¡-icer-Huw he W"I'J;e1 his "fake." „ XVI —The 0tp., lin's :ulv,;nt.iu\ 0 I tr¡¡,¡u¡>-lIilj pitiab « (ii in ii. XVII.—■standing Pad"—The starving dodge. ,,XV1I1—Cockn. y beggars in the country -Thiev ill, tramps—A scene." XIX.—"Shallow Xd." the broken-down swell, „ Xx. Shallow Ned's exp:)riences. XXI.— lazy I'oii"—A clever capture—Her sham marriage. „ XXII.—Deserted—uu tramp i:1 search of her husband. „XXIir.—" J>azy Poll" (coiitinue.1;—A disagreeable surprise—'J oe har.iued faiinhouse, XXIV. llrlllJlIU. Ned '—Stait u>gai> XXV.— 'High life" in a iodcing-house—Oil tramp again, XXV/.—A Chieviiiu; trip itit > Wales—Mary sent to Canada. ,,XXVXI.—The Ex-schoo!master's story. ,,XX VIII.—The schoolmaster on tramp. „XXI.v.—A night in a vagrant wjrd—The wottle. lie illcJlIIta.rr. XXX,oInmlllres ill a barn. XXXi.—The Schoohn ister'.s stovy tcoutilllllJÙ)- Breaking out of a tramp ward. „XXXl!\—A winter ramp to London. ,z I „XXX I II.—A model vagrant ward. ,,XXXIV.—Story of an old tramp. < ø > 6 1 A L j) ill* I v iv L OK Till. li T J i w A L h 1* A 1 Ii Y X >; \V The Proprietor* of iheSmirii \V,\i.b;s beg to iinnoiince that by a special concession of tll J Postal Authorities tlitjy are enaiiled to despatch their First, Edition each morning by the Mails leaving Cardiff at 2.30 (I.. HI and 3. lo a.m. Country Subscribers vesiu.n^ wiMiiu tlie limits or (JliAAlOia^AXHJlJIU! I'KiUiliOKlirfJllttK, OA li DKt A NiS.I-l 1 li 10, As >vell as tiiose portions of l>liliCONSlllUi', lUUj MONMOUTHSHIRE comprised within the Tredegar and lMivr.inev Valley Postal Districts, may now have the SOUTH "WALKS DAILY NICWS delivered at their resi dences tiaily '>>' mo smiit is that wiiicn conveys their London let Lonoon alio We.-ot of Engiaiul .■jUOacrlber.^ ita.i: tueir panel's on the afternoon ot publication. The SECOJh EDITION of the SOUTH WALKS DAILY NRWS is forwarded, prepaid, to residents of the follow, big and all -ther piaces within the Cardiff Posta. district in tiit.e for the first morning ueiivery Fag an's Peucoeii Brjdua.aup. Ely gt. Nicnoias Bonvilsitone Peterstoiie *l4n«iai* Uadyr Peterstoiie 1t11i.Iltialf Uadyr Mol'gilllstovvn f/oluigiillith Pentyich St Andrew' still,- Courtyralia Diuas POWIK Cauoxtou Barry Caerphilly Hedwas Y a trad Mynach pwilypaiit St, ;\felloii'» Cern Maiily hcl1ILtJ¡II'II.ltJ ¡ I Castletown MarsiUiol^l i.l.tvaiiu I iiluiidough Llaiuutmn WhiWimrcii Tulf's Well Walllll'l'I'(11: Waiiiiii'i'reldg. Plill VjL'AU. i-.it, PoST.WlKK 0 }^1!H ll.tl.1 -VICAII 0 If Viutv w SOUTH WALJO JHINR UI?KICI«> <0 ami 7o, St. Miirv-iit eat. Ca 'IT. ÀmU.5tmtnts. rpHEATRE ROYAL, CARDIFF. LESSEE & MANAGER MR. EDWARD FLETCHER. ACTING MANAGER MR. JOHN SHERIDAN. TO-NIGHT (FRIDAY), JUNE 26, RETURN VISIT of Messrs Van Biene and Horace Lingard's Celebrated Opera Company in the greatest operatic success of the day, F A L K A Music by F. Chassaigne. Written by H. B, Farnie. From the Royal Comedy Theatre, London. Played over 600 Nights to overflowing houses. The Prettiest, Wittiest. Liveliest, Sprightliest OPERA NOW ON TOUR. POWERFUL COMPANY AND FULL CHORUS. MONDAY NEXT, Messrs T. W. Robertson and Bruce's World-famed CASTE COMPANY. MON- DAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, and SATURDAY, CASTE. THURSDAY, OURS. FRIDAY, SCHOOL. ¡fq¡r Box Plan Now Ready. -E2 Doors open at 7, Commence 7.30. Stage door and St. Mary-street entrance open 6.30: 6d extra. Box plan at Messrs Thompson and Sliackell's. 53237 V. R. PUBLIC HALL, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. A GRAND CONCERT Will be given in the above hall, ON SATURDAY, 27th JUNE, 1885, Bv the LONDON POSTAL AND TKLEGRAPH SERVICE BAND, Assisted by the following Local Artistes ;— MISS MARY DA VIES. IISS LUCY CLARKE. MADAME C. N. DAVIE-, Accompanist. The proceeds to be devoted to the establishment of a Postal Band for Cardiff G.P.U. Admission 2s 6d, Is, and 6d. Tickets can be obtained at any post-office in the town, and of Mr W. Lewis, Duke-street. 384e—75135 P ARK-A ALL, CARDIFF. _r ENORMOUS SUCCESS of the CRYSTAL PALACE ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY'S EVENINGS. The celebrated Madame NICOLO, the refined Lady Illusioniste, of continental aud Indian celebrity. Mr ROBERT GANTHONY and the Chevalier DE GANTOINE, in ther inimitable laugh-provoking Ske ches and Ventri'oquial Illustrations. Dr. LYNN'S "Medium" in the Dark Seance (of the celebrated Davenport Brothers fame). With charming Pianoforte and Flute Solos, &c., &c. The most deiightful Melange of MIRTH. MAGIC. MUSIC, and MYSTERY Ever presented to the Cardiff Public. EVERY EVENING AT 8 O'CLOCK. A.bllission-2s 6d, 1. and 6d. N.B. — SPECIAL MORNING PERFORMANCE TO-MORROW (SATURDAY). Schools and children under 12 years of age, lialf-price. Saks hy Ruction. 8, ST. ANDREWS-CRESCENT. CROCKHERB- TOWN, CARDIFF. IMPORTANT SALE OF NEARLY NFI" AND WELL PRESERVED HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND EFFECTS. MR. T. Wl-BBEK has receive,! instruc- tions to .>ELIj by PUBLIC AUCTION, on WRDNIiSDAY, JULY 1st, 18fb, on the premises as above, all the HOUSHH: 'LD FURNITURE and effects in Drawing, Dinins, Breakfast, and 7 Bedrooms, Kitchen, 8cullery, etc BIlliAKFA sT-BOOM.—Couch, office chair, arm chair, lathback chairs^w* ay chair, cocoa matting, chess nd cl aft tables, itc. DKAWING-ROOM. — Walnut secretary, whatnot, round mahogany 2 lap card table, mahogany suite ill hair, music cabinet, massive brass fen(ler and iroDs, walnut oval table, large guilt pier glass, oak tobacco and cig tr stan >, mahogany chettioneer with glass panel b;tck, mahogany bookcase, pictures, coal vase, carpet, rug, jH.\ l¡\G.JOOl.-1ahoaIlY oval, loo, and occa- sional tables mahogany siiijte in leather, work-table, two w/latllots, couch. lustres, ornaments- pictures, carpet, fender, irons. &-c. The.-iI5VK.\ I^RDROOMS include good iron, French. audothei bedstead.1-, feather and wool beds, spr ng and wool mattress s, palliasses, counterpane <, sheets, cane- seated, spindle, arlll rocking-chairs, occasional papier mache and other tables, mahogany and painted chests of d awers, duchesse dressing-tables, inarbie-top and other washstaiids, toilet glasses, carpets, &c. HALL mid STA1BCA.SE—.Marble-top umbrella. hat stand, 4 inanogany hair-seated chairs, mats, 3 dozen s;air-rods, stair-carpet, linoleum, drawers, 2 single perambulators, ltc, CHINA PANTRY.—China tea sets, judgs, electro- plated teapots, Ac., and the usual kitchen requisites. BATH-ROOM.— llot-wator tins, foot-bath, boxes, &c.. <fcc. Tho whole wi:l be on view on Tuesday, June 30tli, from 1111 4, awl niorniug of sale, wnich will commence at Kleveu o'clock punctually. The whole must he sold without reserve. The llOUS K to be SOLD- For particulars apply to the Auctioneer, 6, St. John's- squaj_e,CanUii. 75156 I IIETWEEN CARDIFF AND WKSTON. B/ the Saloon Steamer LADY MARGARET or QUEEN I OF THE BAY, (Wind, weather, and circumstances permitting). June. J eave CARDIFF. Leave WESTON. I 26 I'riday 7 a.m. ,v 3 p.m. 8.15 >oIl1. A 6.45 p.m. 27 Saturday 7.45 a.m. A-3.45p.in. | 9 a. in. L- S. I., p. in. Fares to-aini-fi o still,! nay, I1 ore deck, 1 s 6, 1 balooH 20, single Fares Is and Is hd. Excursions in connection with tho Half-holiday Movement on Wednesday and Saturday. 105, Bute Docks. Cardiff. 355 73788 Ul, -N- FROM CARDIFF TO E WATCHET, MINEHKAD, & ILFRACOMBE, BY LADY MARGARET" I (Or Quoen of the Bay", THURSDAY JULY 2nd. Leaviim Cardiff at 6.45 a.m. Pa- scngcrs for llfraciiinbe will have about S x Hours there. I For full particuLvs see bills. 7h152 105, Bute Dockj. BY ORDER. • GltEAT WESTERN RATLV/AY. SUMMER EXCURSIONS. TO SWANSEA, FRIDAYS, SATURDAYS, and SUNDAYS, by ordinary trains, from Blaenavon, j Abeisyehan, Pontypool Koad, Puiitvp'-oi Town, Ebbw ^ale, Nantvulo, Biaina. Abertillery, Alierbe.x, and I Crumlin. Tickets available s-tino day, or up to and including fullowiiig Tuesd :v. TO MONMOUTH, SVM'ONDS YAT, awl ROSS, DAILY, by ordinary tr;iin< from CARDIFF and NEWPORT t.o return 'lame days. TO RAGLAN, TINTERN and CHKPSTOW, • D IlLY, by ordinary trains, from C.ATI!)IFl<\ NEW- PORT, Caerletin, Pontnawydd, and Poatvpool Iload to return same days. TO SPEKCH HOUSE (Forest of Dean), on MON- I DAYS and WKDNESDAYS. from CARDIFF at 8.55 a.m.. a:id on MONDAYS aii(I THURSDAYS from NEWPORT at 9 20 am. to return samo days at 6 20 p.m. TO PORTHCAWL, DAILY, from Cwmiuei- at 10.5 Tywitli 10.12, 7.15 and 10.20, Iroedvrtiiw Garth 7.19 and 10.24, M n^ouoyd 7.25 and 10.28, tondu 9.10 and Nat, 7.0 und :0.b, Tvnewydd 7.5 ôl,nrl W.lO, Bla.ckmill 7.1,. and ,0.20, Brynnieiiin 722 Gili;Lcil Lo.t), and Hendreforgan at 10:10, a.m. to return same day by any train, cole—74876 "-0 SJTJFFF STARCH.! O gTIFF'S STARCH.: ^TIFF'S STARCH, j TIFF'S STARCH. TIFF'S STARCH. ^TIFF'S STAlvCli. kl gTIFF'S STARCH. | TIFF'S STARCH ^TIFF'S STARCH, tj^TIFF'S STARCI-1. I sJTIFF'S STARCH. I KJ> -05e 12080 7376; ,0< I I Ii having come to the knowledge of Messrs Stiff and Co. that some retailer.; often attempt m induce the public to ]i irchase low- priced ami inferior starches 1 by representing them to be the manufacture, of Messrs .still it Co., it is necessary to put the public on its guard against sucii uiiprin- cipied oracticcs,atul to.-tate ■ that etery box "t. l,acket ol Stiff s Starch hears I tlie registered I'rade Mark qUEEN BEss. Still's starch is sold in olb Packets aud lib Fancy Boxe aud m o be obtained of any Grocer, Drnggi-t, or I Oilui;tu; ,r of the.\Iallu. I l'acturers. ) STIFF & CO., REDCUFF-ST., liR tSTOL ESTABLISHED LJIIA. OOHOOL ADVELl'lMSEMENT« Th*. srnnnfs'lTu °1', ]>Iri,lcil'1Al'V ^'vate awl other J 1' ^cltia,to 1110 fo'lo,vll!" moderate HRI' rAli' lAltibt1 for School Advettiseniouts One Throe Six Twelve inKoruou iimoriioua. Inserilous. u s u (;our Linos 1 0 2 o 4 0 j u Six Lines •• 1 u 3 0 6 0 9 0 Kir-ht Lines,, I o ii o au y> o l'welvo Lliicn I 0 7 i „ li I) ;b o Eight worda may bo culoulatod ¡u I lillO, Advortluti L",?.1,'?,111?0 a-l,i,Jur lllu CARDIl'l- fj.MiiS awl SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEW S in cutijutic: u)ii with I those in tlio South II uica JJUilf' St tot, so as to torin purl of u series of inaei tious. those in Lit. Suitt), II uica JJUilf' St tot, so as to torin purl of u series of inaei tious. 18it5itti5s -Abbresiits. JOT HAM AND gO NS, THE PRINCIPALITY JUVENILE OUTFITTERS, 264 27, T. A HY-S'fAEET, QAKDIFF. SPECIALITIES IN BOYS' AND Youths' SCHOOL 8 urfS NOVELTIES IN BOYS' AND YOUTHS' SEASIDE U1TS. > -1 A LAKGK ASSl»UXM1 £ NT OF B OYS' & CRICKETING S GITS. EXCEPTIONAL VALUE IN L ITTLE Bt)YS' SAILOR SUITS. TH IS LAKGEST STOCK OF JUVENILE CLOTHING KEPT FOR IMMEDIATE WEAR AT JOTHAM AND ^0NS' 26 and 27 ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. ESTABLISHED 50 YEARS. 20-1 e fJIRY p UDGE FOR TOOLS. I fjpooLS. TOOL.,| TOOLsl r^ooLs.I rjpooLsJ rjjiooLs.: r J^OOLS. ^OOL^I TRY P Ü lJ G L, AT I HE NW rjp o o L -D U, rpooLs. 'l'WOL. r iooi-s. r £ ^OOLS. f|^OOLv i. jr|100LS. ST <OOLS. i C U S T < ■ M II i; i; s K « T It >' CARDIFF. 286e gACON. jgACON. JgACOK. 1': KTXUAORDINAl: Y olr 500 i:ll)ES PRlMi; :\1iLl). CU1\.gU J^REAKFAST jj^ACON, :'t FOUH PENCE PER Cuts in any qu.niMty a i desiied, or by tho ide or ha if-side, to be had only of the gOUTH WALbS co., 8. STUART-HALL, THE HAYE. CARDIFF, and 293, BUTE-SIREBT, CARDIFF. NOTI; — This is a SPECIAL IMICE at tilu.0 two i shops "d" only. NO SKOLLD iJE LOST IN SEOb'llING- SO.VI10 AT SlJClI AN U'NIIEAiiD-UL' TulCdO. Ob.z ve the address jgourn -w pivo vision {JOMPANY, SIU ART -HALL, j..u: 205, BIJx'E STREET. piANOsl—WHY BK WITHOUT ONE JL ^hcu you can be.omu the owner of a n'eo ilistruiiient for the sinall payment of 10s 6d PJOl:MONTH ON r|^lHOM I'SO N AND g H AC KEEL S liluiq :SY:-iTKM't No secuvity required, awl the instru,lleut ae|ivered to purchaser uu payment of first monthly instalment, ami if 1106 a P/I1"0 ,"t!1'1. ORGANS AND HARMONIUMS ON SIMILAR TERMS. Catalogues free on application. T H Al L-S iN AND SHACK ELL PIANOFORTE AND MUSIC WAREHOUSE, <^LTI;EN!S BUILDINGS, CARDIFF Also at SWANSEA, NEWPORT, MKUTHYil and 24oe POSITIVE REMEDIES. Consult the Book of Positive Remedies for the Cure of all Diseases. GRATIS.—Sent by J'ost to all parts ot the World on receipt of Two Stamps to prepay postage POSITIVE CURE FOR DEBILITIES ,-A- A-Nl) OF THE GENERA- TIVE AND NERVOUS SYSTEM, NERV'OUs DE- BILITY AND EXHAUSTION, THK REsi'loli OVERTAXED ENERGIES IS GIVEN IN THU HOOK OF "POSITIVE RKMEDIES. This Rook gives a POSITIVE REMEDY for all DISEASES The Names of all Medicines are given in English. Cases and Testimonials, with means used in each rase IT IS A GUIDE TO THE SHLF-TRKAT.MftNT OF ALL DISEASES, and should be Consulted by Lll who reuuire medical treatment. NOTICE.—Tilk POSI- TIVE .MEDICINES GIVEN IN THE JiUOK OF •POSITIVE REMEDIES' ARE THE MEDICINES USED BY Hit. 81l FOR OVER THIRTY YEARS. By the aid of this Book Invalids may form a correct knowledge of their malady, and find a I Positive Remedy for the Cure. The names are pub- lished in English, to enable Invalids to select the remedy and Cure Themselves' without consulthi" a medical man, making a written statement of case^or paying consultation fees..>end Two Stamps for th- BOOK OF POSITIVE REMED1ES, which contains 244 panes, and gives a cure for all diseases. Post fro- on receipt of Two Sta.mps direct iroin 716 H. a H. SMITH & CO. 130 POSITIVE REMEDY LABORATORY LONDON. "VTKiiVO USNKSS, LOSS" uFeNEHQY, -L. I and VITAL PO\\ KR,—A ^eiitleiiKu: having Hied its Tain every advertised remedy, hris discovered a hit)t)))nUtM.ma<)[t!etf-cnru.Uuwtttt.t:h)t))))y tutor Ward tho partit iiiara to any >uilt;tor uu receipt ttf a stiunjio aud diiected envelope Audiess J. T. oewell, Eso.i CliioWick..Midit oseiL. 111. I SusinMS ^triiwsscs. pTEMPE AND COMPANY, rpHE SOUTH WALES CLOTHIERS, 4, QUEEN STREET, AND 21, QUSTOM JJOUSE gTREET. KEMPE'S NOTED BOYS' NICKER SUITS Is 42D TO 8s 11D. MEN'S TROUSERS 2s 11D, 38 11D TO 8s 111> MEN'S SUITS 128 6D, 158 11D, 178 11D, 188 11D, 198 11D, TO 42s. BEATS ALL EVER PRODUCED IN CARDIFF. PERFECT FITTING SUITS TO MEASURE FROM 34s 11D TO £ 310s. TROUSERS FROM 8s 111> TO 18s 11D. gOUTH WALES c LOTHIERS, 4, QUEEN-STREET, 8, AND 21, CUSTOM-HO USE-STKEKT. KEMIPE AND ^OMPANY, i I RoPRlETURS. ONLY FIRST CLASo LOlJuN CUTTERS EMPLOYED. 368e I 1' ^7 H AT'S FOR REAKFAST T gOME IAVIM II () U;E BACON. Didn't ytiu .smell as you caiuo downstairs ? Why, it scouts the kitchen. It is the most delicious Bacon I ever lasted, and Ok" 7zu- P"M LB- TllO above BACON lias acquired its Flavour piincipaliy tlirougli Age, and its Mellowness through beini; kept. Packed in Oalmeal after being well dried. It is then slightly damped to remove the meal, then re-diied but it retains the smell and flavour in (perfection, gAMPLE FOR J £ S. I SENT CARRIAGE PAID. It is ctiuallj Kuitablo for Broiling or Boiling, and can be used every ounce, as no rubt accumulates during the process in fact, it loeeii nothing but the greaainess incidental to all Bacon, aud, oi course, weigitE, which is a distinct GAIN TO THE BUYER OF 25 PER CENT. This fact way be proved by ttit3 number of I sJiccs that may be cut out of a pound with a sharp knife. ON SALE EACH WEEK—THURSDAY, FRIDAY, AND SATURDAY. 0 P x I N is, H A Y E b, CI A R D I F F INJECT ON DAY.—An INFALLIBLE JL REMEDY' aud certain cure for allD scharges from the Urinary Organs in either sex, whetner acquired or constitutional,.recent or chronic: curdsin a few days without meL'iciaes. Sold in bottles, zs od each, by all chemists. London agents, F, Newbury and Sons, 1, King Edward-street, E.C. Agents for Cardiff, J. Munday, Chemist, 1, High-street; and all Chemists 370e WoRD til the Wiaa cati-tic itild cure ut .^Ta.dntiility, want »f energy, awl pi oniuture decay, In ^.Mictions to regain health ami vl^or. Sent on receipt of 4 stamp* by Publishers, Fitzalau-sauare, Sheffield. 201 D11511X155 ASK YOUR GROCER FOR SYMINGTON'S ARAB'S COFFEE. FOR STRENGTH, FLAVOUR, & AROMA IT STANDS UNEQUALLED. SOLD IN OBLONG TINS. I. BOWDEN STEAM MILLS, MARKET HARBOROUGH. GOLD MEDAL, NEW ZEALAND, 1832. 380e —3E — —'— — THE CARDIFF MANTLE MAN, w LLIAM pEACHEY, g jyj-ARKET B UILDINGS, c ARDIFF, Has just returned from the London Markets with several SPECIAL JOB L OTS, Purchased for Cite'!s at a great, discount. The lots consist of the lat- £ t novelties of the German, Ftencb, and English Houses in sOLE, ILc LOTH D OLMA-NS, TRIMMED CRIMP, LACE. AND FANCY FRINGE. OTTOMAN SILK, FULL TRIMMED. A SPECIAL LINE IN Y E L V E T pALETOTS, 50ix. LONG. Splendid Assortment in gTOCKINETTE J-ACKETS, Box Pleats, Trimmed, Military and Fancy Braid. JIASHIONABLE SELECTIONS IN c 0 S T U M E S. CALL AND INSPECT THE STOCK. DON'T MISS THE OPPORTUNITY. Note the address:— yy I L L 1 A M p EACHEY, 6, MARKET BUILDINGS, CARDIFF. NOTEi- To nvoid unpieasant mistakes that havo fre- quently occurred, WILLIAM PEACH EY re- spectfully beg,, to inform the inhabitants of Cardiff and the district that he has NO CONNECTION Whatever with ANY OTHER MANTLE SHOP IN CARDIFF. 3S2e gWANSEA.—SOUTH WALES ECHO. The FIRST EDITION of the SOUTH WALES ECHO is published at the Office, 2, College-street .■Swansea, EVERY AFJEMNOOK. AT FIVE 0 CLOCK. Sold by newsagents at Swansea, Hafod. Plasmarl, Mumbles', tfce., and by the boys of the Self Help liri^ade.' 1. The SPECIAL EDITION, which contains all the Latest News, Telesrraais, stock Exchange Closing Prices, Markets, Sporting and Local Intelligence of the day, is published in Swansea at 8.30 p.m. sold by R. MOGFORD, News Agent, Great Western Building High-street, Swansea, and by newsboys. Jg C ONO MY IN FUEL. jJALL'S PATENT FEED WATER HEATER. W ILLblkMS' x ATENT BLOWER AND SMOKE CONSUMER FOR STEAM BOILERS J OUN yyiLLIAMS AND SON, SOLE 1JCENSEES & MAKERS, QUEEN-STRE T, I CARDIFF. 107e EATH AND SOINS, 12, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF, Have now on view the largest Stock of High-class p IANOFORTES, ORGANS, AND JJARMONIUMS, IN SOUTH W A I, ES, Which they are offering at a LARGE DISCOUNT FOR CASH and oil the three years' system, from 10s ód per month. Pianos, from Ib guineas. Illustrated Catalogues Post Free 259e NOTICE OF REMOVAL. T. H. DaTFbs AND CO., THE TAILORS," Be to intimate to their customers and the general public that they have secured the Extensive and Com- modious CORNER PREMISES latt-Iy occupied byMr Marsh in CUSTOM HOUSE-STREET, "hicn are now open,and are showing the CHOICEST PATTERNS and QUALITIES iu SCOTCH and WEST SUITINGS FAISCY TROUSERING CLOT Us, ,<c. Please notice their TIES and UNDERCLOTIIli. G WINDOWS. Value not to be equalled in Cardiff. Tuey thank their Patrons for past favours, aud n o- mise the same attention to their future orders. Please Notice the Address: T. H. DA VIES AND Co., THE TAILORS,' 308e CUSTOM HOUsE-STREET, CARDIFF. ^U51Hf55 \ùi)r£5StS. P R I N (i 8 U I T 8. B A P,, R BIt os TAILOltS. b4, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF, SPECIALTY 16s TROUSERS. Having purchased a huge assortment of sploo" Trouserings, Su tings, Ac., i:) all the most fashionable designs, colourings, and ma;-ri«.!>, .re now offering M a peclaltr TROUSERS FROM 16s. oUHS ,,56s. A trial only required to prove the superiority of their mako. BARR BROS.' established reputation as Cuttan guarantee style, quality, and a perfect. Jit. All goods marked iu plaill figures, from which me abatement will be made or dicoullt dyen. Terms stiictlv Cash. SPECIALTY los TROUSERS. BAR R B R 0 S., TAILORS. 293o 12057 64, ST. IIARY-,TRELT, CARDIFF 735fc JMPORTANT SPECIAL. Jg E N S 0 N 8 NEW PATENT (No. 4658), "LUDGATE" WATCH, SILVER GOLD £ 5 5 4*1^ 12. IS A "SPECIAL STRENGTH- SILVER ENGLISH L E V E R, MY BEST J ON DON MAKE, WITH THREE-QUARTEIt PLATE MOVEMENT. JEWELLED THROUGHOUT. CHRONOMETER RALANl E, WITH DAMP AND DUST PROOF PATENT RING BAND, AND EXTENDED BARREL, IN MASSIVE STERLING SILVER DOMIC CASKS WITH CRYS TAL GLASS FRONT WINDS & SETS HANDS A OPENS AT BACK, MAKING IT A BETTER WATCH THAN ANY £ 10 WATCH IN TH* .MARKET, ITS ADVANTAGES, OVER Tlll," OLD AND FAULTY FULL PLATE BEING ENORMOUo, AS THE 'LUDGATE' WATCH WILL LAST ONE HUNDRED YEARS, 11 NEVER BREAKS, AS IT CANNOT BE OYU WOUND AND MEYER NEEDS EXl'EXSlVK. REPAIRS. IS A BETTER TIMiiKEIiPKR. IS A BETTER WATCH. AND IS BETTER VALUE THAN ANY OTHER WATCH SOLD FOR 1;10 IN TOWN Ul Coli.MKl. WILL STAND ROUGH USAGE OF ALL JUNDB, AND 1:- THEREFORE THE REST WATCH AND EtiUAi LY SUITED f oii WORKMEN, RAILWAY MEN, MINERS, GENTLEMEN, BOYS, AND ALL WHO REQUIRE A PERFECT WATCH OF EXTRA STRENGTH FOR HOME, INDIAN, OR COLONIAL USE, MADE IN THREE SUKs, AS UNDER: WORKMAN'S, LARUE SIZE. MINMR'S A RAILWAY M ION'ft, KX'IRA LAReig SIZE, AND FOR GENERAL WEAR, MEDIUM .->i/E. SENT FREE AND "AFh AT OUR RISK TO ALL PARTS FOR £ o bs lid. CASH, OR P.O.O., PAYABLE AT G.P.O. PRICE IN 18-CARA T (iL) 1. 11 CRYSTAL GLASS CASES TWELVE GUINEAS. SPECIALLY NOTE that J. W. BI-.NSUX is the only Maker 1)[ a Utice-tjuai ter Plate J<n8hsb Watch for £ o and that 001 Patent JAld;:1<t-e Watcu cannot be Ji id through, or of any Watchmaker ill the K-iugdum. Any iii the Patent Rights will be A Book explaining the advantages of Lilim Watch over the Full Plate Euulixii Watches ulll by all other 11Ili.k\1'o, will be scut Post Flee oil appli cation, [0 J. 1) a s 0 N, WATCHMAKER TO H.M. THE QUEEN, THE STEAM FACTORY, 62 AND 64, LUDGATE-HILL, E.G., .A N t> 25, OLD BOND-STREET, W., LONDON. Illustrated Pamphlets of Watches from £2 to £ 500, Gold and Silver Jewellery, Clocks (House, Chime, and Turret), and Musical Boxes, free on application. CLUB ASSOCIATIONS.—FOREMEN, SECRETARIES of FRIENDLY SOCIETIES, AGENTS, and others will find their incomes considerably increased by establishing Clubs for the New Patent "l.udgate" Watch, as it is worth from £ 6 to B10 more than any English Watch sold, and therefore bound to supersede all others in the market. 11963 72770 253e THE PHCENIX OF FASHION! THE BIRD OF BEAUTY REJUVENATED WITH NOVELTY SWEETNESS, AND LIGHT. SEE SPECIALITIES IN SUMMER ATTIRE AT W. j> r cE & S (J N S, THE CARDIFF HOUSE, 50 &. 51, ST. MARY-STREET, 46 & 47, CAILOLIN16 STREET, CARDIFF. PRICES LOWER THAN EVER. GENTLEMEN'S FANCY ¡; TWEED SUITS. 17,6, wO, z5i.. ,)\1, y)., 45/ GENTLEMEN'S SERGE SUITS, 20i-, 25' 30/ 40/ GENTLEMEN'S FANCY TWEED TROUSERS 4/11, o/ll, t):Il, 8/6. 10 12.0, 15/ 17/o. ri JUVENILE suns IN NEWEST STYLES 3 HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, Ac Terins:-ONE PRICE. No ABATEMENT C;A,LL 40, B RIDG1 gTREET, 0 A R D I F F. P- 0 L L I C K, C. ROLLICK, J-> A W N B R O K E R MOST MONEY LENT ON GOLD AND SILVER VALUABLES. OVER B2 AT THE RATE OF 4u IN THE POUND EXCEEDING £ 10 AT A LESSER INTEREST. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GOLD AND ST I VK» WATCHES AND DIAMOND RINGS VKRY^ CHEAP SPECIAL LOTS OF GOLD WEDDING RINGs AX1) X iEPERv. 237e—7349 H O M CE 0 P A T ii IC MEDICINES, NoncE.—THE Cardiff AND SOUTH WALES HOMaopATKIC PHARMACY, 6, CHLReH STREET, CARDIFF, A„i • ,• 1 NOW OPEN, j Pnce.uste and Books on the uses of the mnriirinrn fntL j6. simP treatment of common complaints may be had free on application. Consulting-rooms mi(I Dispell-ary in connection with the above will slwrtlv he opened. 74292 340e Observe Atlùress-6, CHURCH-STREET. ALES J^EWPORT. —SOUTH~"WALES ECHO. The SOUTH WALES ECHO is published at the N EWPORT OFFICE, 11, Tredegar-place, M follows FIRST EDITION 3.15 P.X. SECOND EDlTJOX 4.S0 P.M. SPECIAL EDITiOa o.30 p.m The SPECIAL ED;TiO all the News of the Day up to six oV.ook p. m.—including the late" .•5tock n.xchang^ and Sportia^ Tele.runs. Sold bJ aD N V. -il^eills illl.i Ni:Ws mvs