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? Advertisement Tariff, I Bmali Prepaid Advertisements. 20 Words SIXPENCE. Three Times NINEPENOE. Six Times ONE SHILLING.  SIX WORDS. ONCE. ?? TI?S. 3. d. s. d. s. d. 20 Words 0 6 0 9 1 0 30 Words 1 0 6 4.0 Words  40 W OMS 1 0 1 6 2 3 60 Words -J; 2 6 ? 9 60 ?Vords"?l 6 3 0 4 6 ^barges apply only to the classes of advertise- .??pet'tied below, and are strictly cokl Uned t( those whieb ordered lor CONSECUTIVE insertion an dPAID MR?R?'?'??? '^sertion if either of these coa- ditions is not conphed with, the advertisement will be charged by the HusineM scale APARTMENTS WANTED. I HOUSES TO BE SOLD APARTMENTS TO Lei. MONEY WASTED. ARTICLES LOST. MONEY TO LEND. ARTICLES FOUND. J MISCELLANEOUS WANTS, USINESSES KORDISPOSAL MISCELLANEOUS flUES. ■BUSINESSES WANTED. PARTNERSHIPS WANTED. HOUSES TO LET. SITUATIONS WJkNTrr). OUSES IVANTEI). SITUATIONS VACANT. Advertisements of the above class inserted in the SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS," the "CARDIFF iJMH-s, Ind SOUTH WALES ECHO" at the following rate :— Six times in e?!? ? <?: ? Daily News Six times Six times Once in jCodiffThue, WORDS. South 'yaleJ ^£$% >£ ?& 8«»S;  South W?e.  Sixtin.esia Daily New?.' ?rdt.H?H.?taes. s?hW?es Echo. s. d. s. d. s. <1. 20 Words 10 16 2 0 30 Words 1 6 2 3 3 0 40 Words 2 3 3 4 4 6 50 Words 3 9 5 8 7 6 60 Words 4 6 6 9 9 0 Generat Advertising Tariff. RATE PER link FOR A SERI CLASS OF i to 4 or 6 to it 26__ CLASS Of i to4 or&M?M?. ACVR&TtSEMKKTS. ji, b 11 ?,? insr insr tnsr i.nsr tnsr Bnsines } .¡ /3 ./2 ./l SS?i'?'?:????? ./4 -/4 '? Publishers ) Religious Services I 4 .?4 ./3 -/2 ./2 Entertainments ..?.——? Auction Announcements -16 ./4 ./3 ./3 '/3 Legal ajnl Public Notices • — ] Municipal ami School Board f -16 ./6 ./6 ./& Tenders and Contracts ( PuhUe Appointments Prompectusu -/9 -19 -/9 Parliamentary Elections I I'arliainontary Notices Y 1/- I/- !/• 1/" ?'- Government Announcements.. ) Isotices of Births,Marriages, and Deaths are chatted Is each, if not exceeding 20 words, and 6d for each additional to words. These Notices must be authen ticated by the Signature and Address of the sender. PARAGRAPH ADVERTISEMENTS are char/red 1 to b insertions, btl per line 6 to 11 insertions, 4d per line; 12 insertions and upwards, 3d per line. ADVERTISERS, when sending advertisements in manu- script, may calculate eight words to a line, and 12 lines to an inch. In charging advertitsements the lines are not counted, but the advertisement, including large lines, dashes, and white spaces, is measured, and the space occupied is charged at tili rate of Twelve lines o an inch. Brmwatir ^rbants. GENERAL SERVANT (experienced) wanted.— \jr Apply at 42, Park-place, Cardiff. Situations Uaxaut. A- PPRENTIC Ë. W&ntëda. respectable, inteUigent .?L Lad, about 14 years, M Apprentice to the .thographic Phuting.—Apply South Wales Printing "ok.?cardttf. 75242 VACANCIES IN CIVIL SERVICE.—akTT^sT T Commencing salaries range to 2100. Rapid pre- paration by correspondence. -Into Ili gent young men write to Secretary, Civil Service Examination Agency, Nunhe&d, London. 284 IMPORTANT to small Capitalists wishing to com- mence as Tobacconists for illustrated guide (110 j«res) 'd ? stamps to H. Myers and Co., 109, Euston- road, London. 167a ? j??  ?R?M?'immediat.ty wiaTMaaon? I,xtmet or Ewence of Herbs, compOMd of Yarrow Bann?ho?. Comfrey, and Horehound; send 9 ?nps for Mmple bottle, enoh to make four KaUonto Newbail and Mason, Chemists, Nottingham. "'Jl: anted. 7%7e wanted. PAitTMENTS (well furnished), suitable for mar- ried couple without chlldren.-12, James-street, Castle-ioad, Ruith. 779 f L ODGINGS (good) for respectable Young Men, L with eood view of Town, Docks, and Bristol c h annel.—Davies, 6, Park Hall Buildings, Ctrdiff. 72o X J )INE APPLE INN to Let.-St. blary-street, Cardiff. 645 ..iilops (splendid), suitable for grocery or drapery business ?os. 50 and 52, Broadway 10-roomed house, with stable and loft; plate-glass fronts.-A ly 47, Stuart-street, Docks. 729 npo be LET, with immediate possession, Rock ViDa. King's-road, Canton, containing 2 sitting- bedrooms, with usual omces. and fitted with Vt,neti.11 °""ds. and )?i tittings comple:e.—Ap%p1ly 94 at ?' "?ot?]?. Cm^kherbtown. CardiS. %19t Jor ETTER BITCR for e; 2 years old; weU trained to back and stand, liver colour.-Apply to Wil- liam Davies, gr cqf, Tonyxefail, Llmtriggantf 702 aMP OILS.—Best burning lamp oils, shops and I J others supplied in large and small quantities.- Apply to G. Jefieries and Son, Wellington-street, Canton. 629 ??irsiicnaL  P-" AÎNTING- ,ÁND-DRA wnm:Mr Hemy HiU, p ?tehea.t faster of the Nort?mpton  of Art, is open to give instruction in Pamttng in Oil and Water Colours, also in china over glaze P?"??S.-? terms apply at No. 27, Llandough-street, Catftays Cardiff. 79 ittisrtltantons Wants. GGS (FREH) WANTED.- Aregular supply of JCi really new laid eggs wanted by Liverpool Dai.ry "Pany, 136, Granby-street, Liverpool. b62 y TRAP (14 hands) wanted, with movable top preferred. State lowest price.—Address T.S., "I'Lla WalesEcho Office. 808 jffusallanwma. ? )??A??? PARITY AND THEI?FIRMITIES of .?*f<-«  Addressed specially to young men, with advice 'll health. an,i (: on v ing recipes that will re- advice on v.ea^h, and containing recipes that will re- ?Mth.??<s and debilitated to the full power of inailhood '? for the ?'"?? of all who desire a safe and spee,ay cure ?'??t the aid of Quacks, Send one ?t&mp to preu&, P?t'??. Address Secretary, Institute ???°'?'?"?NingEam. 138a WAiT?p?' ^EWEXLERY—MIDTAND COUN- TIES ^'ATCH COMPANY.-(Cheapest hc?e i.n f orW) Ladies' or Gents' Fine ilver t,a: Gass, "ea"Y Lt?ies' W&tche, 26s: Ladies' heavy-c 'I Goll Levers, 70? Gents' do. do. do., 80.. Befor p U' a si n g send for Company's Catalogue, be;vutifuliy ti utrated. 1,000 ane <-?er-plateensra? ings, gratis, post tree on application, to any part ofthe worid Apply OQii'Pany a A,arager, A. Petcy, Vyse. street, Birniiughair.. Jtie press universally recommend their mdcys to obtain <t catalogue, "uzí,al. ^TxsTii^IiTipe), Harmoniums, and Bitish ORGA Or ans factory prices. Repairs as .lnool s SDuth Wales Organ Works, Cardiff. 855 u.ua 00 South Wales Orcaii Works, Cardiff. 855 =- £F{Ott£Y. T1JE'-W £ ST~OF ENGLAND ADVANCE Co., 2. -T ?, ?,ace, Cardiff, beg to inform the puhlic I they advance from ?5 to £ 1,000 to Farmers, Cow. kt_hat n; Householders (Male or Female). Mechanics, epetbrs on their own security. at a few hours' notice. Trade bills discounted. Advances also made on deeds without any legal charges at a very low rate of interest. to be repaid by" instalments. Borrowers would do well to inquire our charges bei'ore applying elsewhere. For references inquire of any solicitor in the town. All communications to be addressed to S. Blaiberg, Man- aeer 316e 73917 g pARK IIALL JJUILDINGS, QROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF, FOB FINEST CONFECTIONERY, BISCUITS, SWEETS, TEA, COFFEE, MILK, ICES, zERATED WATERS. AND REFRESHMENTS OF ALL KINDS. Private Refreshment Rooms, Beds, &0. A N 'N I E A V I E S 388e PROPRIETRESS. "J^EMPE AND COMPANY, T HE SOU T H W ALE S CLOTHIERS, QUEEN STREET, g AND 21, CUSTOM HOUSE s AND !?j_. JL-I- STREET. KEMPE'S NOTED BOYS' NICKER SUITS Is 4kD TO 8s 11D. MEN'S TROUSERS 2s llo. 38 lID TO 8s 110 MEN'S SUITS 12s 6D, 158 llo, 178110, 18s lie, 19s 11D, TO 42s. CHALLENGE TROUSERS, 10s 6d, ARE CUT TO MEASURE BEATS ALL EVER PRODUCED IN CARDIFF. PERFECT FITTING SUITS TO MEASURE FROM 34s 11D TO 93 103. TROUSERS FROM 8s 111) TO 18s 11D. gODTH WALES CLOTHIERS, 4, QUEEN-STREET, 8, AND 21, CUSTOM-HO USE-STREET. KEMPE AND QOMPANY, PROPRIETORS. ONLY FIRST CLASS LONDON CUTTERS EMPLOYED. 368e JJ C ONO MY IN FUEL. H ALL'S PATENT FEED WATER H B A T E R. WILLIAMS' J: ATENT BLOWER AND SMOKE CONSUMER FOR STEAM BOILERS JOHN WILLIAMS AND SON, SOLE LICENSEES & MAKERS, QUEEN-STREST, CARDIFF. 1078 jgPRlNG SUITS A R P. jg R o S TAILORS, 64, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. SPECIALTY 16s TROUSERS. Having purchased a large assortment of splendid Trouserings, Suitings, Ac., in all the most fashionable designs, colourings, and materials, are now offering a -specialty TROUSERS FROM 16.1 -SUITS 11 DOS. A trial only required to prove the superiority oi their make. BARR BROS.' established reputation as Cutters guarantee style, quality, and a perfect fit. All eoods marked in plain figures, from which no abatement will be made or discount given. Terms strictly Cash. SPECIALTY 16s TROUSERS. BARR BROS., TAILORS, 293e 12067 64, ST. MARY-STREET. CARDIFF 7357b 10, 11, & 12, WORKING-STREET, CARDIFF. G. A. 8 T 0 NE, UNDERTAKER, HEARSE AND MOURNING COACH PROPRIETOR, OSTRICH PLUME & GENERAL FURNISH- ING ESTABLISHMENT. The Trade sUPJ!l!od 'Cal'Me;S, Coaches, and r.quiMte for Funeral Furnishing. 7 154e gTIFFS STARCH. Q TIFF'S STARCH. STIFF'S STARCH. gTIFF'S STARCH. s TIFFS STARCH. STIFF'S STARCH. s TIFF'S STARCH. STIFF'S STARCH. s TIFF'S STARCH. s TIFF'S STARCH. Q TIFF'S STARCH. Q 05 12080 73762 STIFFS STARCH It having come to the knowledge of Messrs Stiff and Co. that some retailer3 often attempt to induce the Public to purchase low. Pncedand inferior starches ? representing them to be the manufacture of Messrs Stiff & Co., it is necessary  PUt he publie on its guard &?,nst such unprin. ciple(lur-tices andtostate  ?''y box or packet of Sti Starch bears the roistered tr?de M?tk QUEEN BESS. Stiff's Starch is Sold m 51b Packets and lib Fancy Boxe;, and niily be obtained of any Grocer, Druggist, or Oilman; or of the Manu- STIFF & CO., facturers, REDCLIFF-ST., BRISTOL Es > Ai!Ll»Hlil) 1618. l Àtnustmtnls. I rpHEATRE ROYAL, C ARDIF F.j LESSEE & MANGER.MR. EDWARD FLETCHEB. )1 ACTING I%IAN.4.GER MR. JOHN SHERIDAN. LAST TWO NIGHTS of the Popular Comedian, Mr HENRY D. BURTON, With his Comedy and Comic Opera Company. Three Hours Screaming Lnughter. Four Grand Ballets Nishtly. TO-NIGHT (FRIDAY), July 10th, the Screaming Farcical Comedy, TURTLE DOVES, Concluding with the Grand Spectacular Fairy Extravaganza, the VIRE KING. MONDAY NEXT, July 13, Miss Maud Branscombe's Celebrated Comedy Company.in EURYDICE. Open at 7. Commence 7.30. Box plan at Messrs Thompson aiiil Sbackell's. Crockherbtown. 53237 alt,5 ltu Àudintt. SALE OF A VARIETY OF HOUSEHOLD FURNI- TURE FOR SITTING-ROOMs, DINING-ROOMS, BEDROOMS, KITCHENS, SCULLERY. &c. MR WEBBER will SELL by AUCTION a number of lots of well-preserved and nearly new new FURNITURE at the Commercial Salerooms, 5, St. Jolin's-sqviare, Cardiff, on FRIDAY next, July 17th, 1885 (by permis- sion of Mr Milner. who has taken the. premises), the prooertyof a gentleman leaving Cardiff. The whole will be sold without reserve. Sale to commence at 2.30 p.m. precisely. 403e < in iow morning of the sale day. 7fcol0 Auctioneer's Offices, 5, St. John's-square, Cardiff. PARK lULL SALE-ROOMS, CARDIFF. MR KENNARD will SELL by AUC- -ijUL TION on FRIDAY :md SATURDAY Even- ing-, the 10th nd 11th, a Jar?e consignment of boots and stioes, tea, old and silver watches, clock: alberts, lockets, brooches, and household furniture, in great variety. The sale will commence each evening at 7.30 409e—75369 A QE 3;!un;in1t:"l. GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. SUMMER EXCURSIONS. CHEAP EXCURSION TICKETS, available same day only, will be ISSUED DAILY (Sundays ami August Bank Holiday excepted), during July, August, an(f September as under To TINTKRN.—From CARDIFF at8.55 a.m. and 12.5b p.m., Newport 9.15 aud 1.25, Pontypool Road 8.25 and 11.40. and Usk at 8.41 and 11.57 a m. To PORTHCAWL.—From NEWPORT at 7.25 and 9.40 a.m.. CARDIFF 7.48 and 10 8, and Llantrissant at 8.20 an(I 10.,15 a.iu. To TINTERN and PORTHCAWL.-From liLAEX- AVON at cwmpvon 8.18, Abersvchan 8.25, Pontnewynydd 8.29, Pontypool 8.35, P,nteg 8.39. Pontrhydyrun, 8.44, Upper Pontnewvdd 8.47. Cwm- bran 8.fl, Ebbw Vale 8.15, Victoria 8*20, Cwm 8.24, Nantyglo 8.15, Blaina 8.20, Abertillery 8.27, Aberbeeg 8.37, Crumliu 8.4b, Newbridge 8.49, Abercarne 8.53, Cross Keys 9.0, and Risca 9.5 a.m. On EVERY SATURDAY during July. August, and September, CHEAP EXCURSION TICKETS will bo issued to PORTHCAWL from NEWPORT at 1.10 and 5.35 p.m., and CARDIFF at 1.40 and 6.5 p.m.; to return oil following Monday. for fares and return times see special bills. 75209 J. GRIERSON. General )Itiiager. Q^R EAT WEST E RN RAILWAY. On MONDAY, JULY 13th, CHEAP EXCURSION TICKETS will be issued to SHREWSBURY, Os- westry, Llangollen, Wrexham, Chester, Bala, Birken- west!,Y, T,Iaiiwi)lleii, Manchester, Warrington, Khy? Abergele, L?indudno, and Isle of Man, from NMV MILFORD at 6.45 a.m., Haverfordwest 7.7, Pembroke Dock 8.10, Pembroke 8.18, Tenby 8.45, Narberth 9.10, Llandyssil 8.40, Carmarthen 7.20, Carmarthen Junc- tion 7.25, Brynamraan 7.55, Pantyffynon 8.20. Poutar- dulais 8.35, Llanelly 8.8. Gower-road 8.23, SWANSEA 8.40, Laiulore 8.45, Neath 9.3, Bridgend 9.34. Ponty- pridd 8.25, Cardiff 10.40, Ebbw Vale 8.15, Nantyglo 8.15, Blaina 8.20, Abertillery 8.27, Abercarn 8.53, HbcH. 9.5, Newport 11.10, Caerleon 11.20, Cwmbraa 11.35, Upper Pontnewydd 11.40, Panteg 11.50, Abeidare 9.5, Mountain A.sli.s.15, Merthyr 8 5D, Quakers' Yard 9.25, Dowlais 8.55., Pontypool Town 10.9. and Pontypool- roadat 11.55 a.m.; to return any week-day to July 20th inciu-dt-e. For fares, Ac., see special bills. 75^93 J. GitIERSO-N, General Manager. EXCURSIONSBETWEEN^AliDmr AND WESTON, By the SaloonSteamer LADY MARGARET or QUEEN OF THE BAY, (Wind, weather, and circumstances Dermittincl July. Leave CARDIFF. 10 Friday 2.0 p.m., 5.0 p.m. i II SSaattuurrudaay v j! 6'4b & 2,45 aud 5 30 p m Leave WESTON.  | 3.30 p.m 'i. 5 I 8.0 a.m., 4.oI and 8.15 p.m. Fares to-and-fro each day. Fore deck, ls6d; Saloon, 2s. Single Fares Is and Is 6d. Excursions in connection with the Half-holiday Movement on Wednesday and Saturday. 105, Bute Docks, Cardiff. 355 73788 EXCURSIONS BETWEEN CARDIFF and WESTON by the fine Saloon steamer FISHERMAN" (Wind, weather, and circumstances permitting).  SA?R?DAY°"??' 11th, Leaving Cardiff 7.0 a.m., 3.30 p.m., and 6.15 p.m. Westoll. y.0p.m.,5.0 p in., and 7.30 p.m. Refreshments to be had on Board. l,'a, es-To and Fro, Is 6d and 2s. 75353 4, Mount Stuart-square, Cardiff. By Order. 13EFORE B U Y I iN G A WATCH ANYWHERE Write for the "Illustrated Pamphlet," sent free on application by the I.,arge-,t Wateh Manufacturer. JJIAMOND j E W E L I., E It Y. Purchasers supplied direct at Trade Prices, A SAVING OF FROM 25 TO 50 PER CENT. 1R. I- S S E L L MAKER TO HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, CATHEDRAL WORKS, 18, CHURCH STREET, LIVERPOOL. 12191 [NO AGENTS IN WALES.] ;)94e GO T,) THE "UAMBRIAN" NEW HAIITCUTTING, SHAVING, AND SHAMPOOING ROOMS, 57, BRIDGE-STREET, CARDIFF. GENTLEMEN'S HAIR faiih onabJy Cut 3d CHILDREN'S HAIR carefully cut 2\] SHAViNU (only) SHAVING (with !ttMhd ince) ? ? i?d? Private haivcutting rooms for ladies and children. Pi/ ASE Kon; THE ABOVE ADDRKSS. 406e IND, BODY, UD ESTATE m ar studied at THIS CARDIFF liOUSli. THE MIND is gratified when surrounded by the beautiful and exquisite productions of industry and art in elegant pwfusion as seen at W. PRICE and SONS. THE BODY is at ease, moving with grace all freedom when well fitted a i(i clothed in garments admir- ably adapted for summer wear as supplied by W. PRICE and ,OX. THE ESTATE is carefully protected, no lavish outlay being required. Economy is strictly observed, quality duly valued, and the best dress sold at the minimum cost by W, PRICK and SONS. FOR READY-MADE CLOTHIG. lhTS, CAPS, SHIRTS, and HOSIERY, try 0 1 1,' '1 () N S vV 1? it Ol & goNS, MERCHANT CLOTHIERS & OUTFITTERS, 50 &■ 51, ST. MARY-STRKICT, & 46 & 47, CAROLINE 23 STltKliT, CARDIFF. 111 40, BRIDGE STRET, cA, h D I F F. C. ROLLICK, J> AWN BROKER. MOST MONEY LENT ON GOLD AND SILVER VALUABLES. OVER B2 AT THE RATE OF 4D IN THE POUND EXCEEDING JSIO AT A LESSER INTEREST. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES AND DIAMOND RINGS VERY CHEAP. SPECIAL LOTS OF GOLD WEDDING RING-i AND KEEPERS. 287e-7349 NEWPOI-TT. -SOUTH WALES ECHO, j The SOUTH WALES ECHO is published at the NEWPORT OFFICE, 11, Tredegar-place, as follows I FIRST EDITION ,3.15 P.)f. SECOND EDITION .4.° SPECIAL EDITION .0.30 The SPECIAL EDITION contains all the News 0 the Day up to Six o'clock p.m.—including the latest Stock Exchange and Sporting Tel«vvams. Sold by nil J New laments aud Ntwsuoj's EBusiness ^ft&ressgs. JOT HAM AND gONS, THE PRINCIPALITY JUVENILE OUTFITTERS, 26 & 27, ST. MARY-STREET,, < j!o 1 M. CARDIFF. SPECIALITIES IN OYS' AND YOUTHS' SCHOOL UITS NOVELTIES IN OYS, AND YOUTHS' SEASIDE cTuiTa A LAnGE ASSORTMENT OF B OYS' & VOUTHS' CRICKETING gOITS. EXCEPTIONAL VALUE IN L ITTLIL BoyS, gAILOR QUITS. JLJ kj THE LARGEST STOCK OF JUVENILE CLOTHING KEPT FOR IMMEDIATE WEAR AT JOTHAM AND gONS, ?  26 and 27 ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. ESTABLISHED 50 YEARS. 204e jgACON. BACON. JJACON. ETXRAORDINARY SALE OF 500 SIDES PRIME MILD CURED BREAKFAST liACOS, at FOURPENCE PER POUND Cuts in any quantity as desired, or by the side or half-side, to be had only of the gOUTH WALES pROYlSION £ JO., 8, STUAIIT-HALL, THE HAYES, CARDIFF, and 293, BUTE-STREET. CARDIFF. NOTE This is a SPECIAL Price AT these two shops for^H days only. NO TIME SHOULD BE LOST IN SECURING SOME AT SUCH AN UNHEARD-OP pfucE. Observe the address— SOUTH ^ALISS pROVISION I COiVIPAY, STUART-HALL, and 293, BUTE-STREET. 323e -32 JJ^ULTON, DUNLQP, AND CO. CARDU'l AND SWANSEA, ALSO AT WLNJ>S°R-ROAD, PENARIH BASS AND CO., ALLSOPP ANn SONS, And otier, of the li uest BUR T ° x A L }•: s. PRICES Per Kilderkin. 18s. I 21s. I 24s. Per Firkin. 9 s. 10s. 6d. 12s And upwards. 155  goss, R. J HEATH AND SONS, 12, CIWCKH/UWTOWN, CAJWIFi". BavtJ now OHfÏeW the largest Stock of High-class 1-> I A N 0 If I) It 1 E S QEGANS, AND J_jT ARMONIUMS, IX SOUTH WALES, Which they are offering ut a LARGE DISCOUNT FOR CASH and on the three years' system, from 10s 6d per month. pjanoS, from Ib gllilleas. Post Free 259e JJOMCEOPATHIC^ MEDICINES. NOTICE.—THE CARDIFF AND SOUTH WALES HOMOEOPATHIC J/HAUMAUY, 6, CHURCH S'UKKX, CAltDlFF, 1, N O 0 P B .N, And price lists and Books on the uses of the medicines and tue simple treatment or common complaints may be had free on application. Consulting-rooms and Dispensary In connection with the above will shortly be opened. 74292 340e Observe Address-6, CHURCH-STREET. PIANOS.—WHY BUTVITUOUT ONE JL When you can become the owner of a. nice instrument for the small payment of 10s .6d PER MONTH ON rpHOMPSOX AND GHACKELLS HIIU SYSTK.M ■> No security required, and the instrument delivered to purchaser on payment of first monthly instalment. Every instrument guaranteed, and exchanged if not approved. ORGANS AND HARMONIUMS ON SIMILAR TERMS. Catalogues, free on application. THOMPSON AND SHACKELL, PIANOFORTF, AND MUSIC WAREHOUSE, QUIOEN'S BUILDINUS, CARDIFF Also ut SWANSEA, NEWPORT, MEUTHYR and OLOUCESTEU. ,vi,;e T^ERVOb'.SNESS, LOSS of ENERGY, Á and VITAL L v.— .v gentleman havi: tried ill "a.in every advert,:sL"¡ remedy, has <iiM-ovore.i a simple means or self-cure, Ile will iN happy to I in- ward the partii-ulai'.s to any sulferer on receipt of a statape and diiec.e,! t-ave' p j Address J. 'j Sc>i t: l, IhuÜntB5 J\t¡tl1:t:;¡fíe. "^THAT'S FOR BREAKFAST 1" gOME JpARM HOUSE a JLJL BACON. Didn't you smell it as you came downstairs ? Why, it scents the kitchen. It is the most delicious Bacon I ever tasted, and QNLY IJUX pER LB. 2 The above BACON has acquired its Flavour principally through Age, and its Mellowness through being kept Packed in Oatmeal after being well dried. It is then slightly damped to remove the meal, then re-dried but it retains the smell nd flavour in perfection. I g AMPLE 24LBS. FOR 158. ? <  TE JL? SENT CARRIAGE PAID. It is equally suitable for Broiling or Boiling, and can be used every ounce, as no rust accumulates during the process in fact, it loses nothing but the greasiness incidental to ail Bacon, and, of course, weight, which is a distinct GAIN TO THE BUYER OF 25 PER CENT. This fact may be proved by the number of slices that mny be cut out of a pound with a sharp knife. I ON SALE EACH WEEK—THURSDAY, FRIDAY, AND SATURDAY. HOPKIXSI A Y E S, 373e CARDIFF. I TRY pUDGE FOR rjlOOLS. JL rpOOLS., 'lwOLs.¡ I f-J^OOLS.j 'lwOL.! rjpooLs.j rg^ooLS.i 1' '1 WOLS.! rj^ooLs. .1 TRY P U D G E, JL AT THE NEW RP o o L JQEPOT. rpooL>. 'r 1 '\OOL. !'lwOLs. rj ^OOLS. rjpooLS. l'lwOLs. rtOOLS. 1 JF 8 L TOOLS. ?' SHEFFIELD HOUSE, UUSTf-ill HOUSE-STREET, CARDIFF. 286e QEWIKG ~i\/TA CHINES I ? SEWING M' ACHINESI 8EWI:\G )IAClIINE8 t]IVllb \!JDUg\\1:;s, mL ï, cIL'} I SEWING MACHINES direct from II JUNKER, j PENARTH, and effect a saving of 3s in the S,, as the jj following prices will conclusively show— IMPROVED SINGER HANI) MACHINE, B5 ?s; usual price S4 4s- less 10 per cent. Same with Handsl'IIJe Bux, £3158; usual price, £ 4 19s —less 10 per cent. FAMILY TREADI, £4; usual price, £ 5 5s—less 10 Ii per cent. Same with Handsome Box, jMlOs; usual price, fib- less 10 per cellt. TAII,Olt;NG MACHL'\E, £417 6d; usual price £ 6 lOs-le,, 10 per cent. Same with Handsome Box, JE5 10s usual price, JB7 7s -less 10 per cent. Kadi machine beautifully finished, provided with patent self winder, attachments and all the latest j improvements, and guaranteed to be in perfect working order. NOTE THE ADDRESS— H. JONKER, PENARTH, near Cardiff. 774 Trade Spe.-ially Supplied. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. T. H. DAVIES AND CO., I "THE TAILORS,' Beg to intimate to their customers and the general public that they hirve secured the Extensive and Com- modious CORNER PREMISES lately occupied by Mr Marsh in CUSTOM HOUSE-STREET, which are now open,and are showing the CHOICEST PATTERNS and QUALITIES in SCOTCH and WEST BUITI?NGS, FANCY TROUSERING CLOTHS, ??e. Please notice their TIES and UNDERCLOTHI? G WINDOWS. Value not to be equalled in Cardiff. Tney thank their Patrons for past favours, and p o- j mise t? e same attention to their future orders. Please Notice the Address: T. H. DAVIES AND Co., "THE TAILORS,' 609e CUSTOM HOUSE-STREET, CARDIFF. _H I s WAINSEA.-SOUTH WALES ECHO" The FIRST EDITION of the SOUTH WALES I ECHO is published at the Office, 2, Colleee-street .Nw-viisea, EVERY A FTEliNOOX, AT FIVE o CLOCK. Sold by newsagents at Swansoa, Hafod. Plasinarl, | Mumble?, Arc., and oy the 'IHKS )f tll? Sei: 1ie:1l io-ade. ?'" 'r"i.l SPECIAL EDITION", whioU ?u.?m all t? Latest News, Telegrams, a took Exchange Closing Prices, Markets, Sporting aud Local futelUxeuoa of the da*, is published m Swansea, at 1:j(HJFOLU), News A.-ient, Ureal. NVestorn Baildin-; l.tre:. .v.vausui, ¡\d IJj. I iBusimss Abbressrs. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR SYMINGTON'S ARAB'S COFFEE. FOP, STITENUTH, FLAVOUR, & AROMA IT STANDS UNEQUALLED. SOLD IN OBLONG TINS. BOW DEN STEAM MILLS, MARKET HARBOROUGH. GOLD MEDAL, NEW ZEALAND, 1832. ) S PE-C I A L J O T I C E Q. R E A T F I R E I I s T. Lill A R Y gTREET, c R 0 s s BROTHERS, Beg to inform their friends and the public that in consequence uf the enor- mous amount of labour entailed in removing damaged stuck, they tiud they CANNOT BE READY FOR THE j SALE OF JgEDSTEADS, &c., I Advertised to take place to-day, and they are compelled tu JP 0 S T P O N E THE gALE UNTIL fjo-MORROW, SATURDAY, THE 11TH INST.  CRO BROTHERS, ? ? & 4, ST. JAPY SmEET' 'N, AND WORKING STREET. QAUDIFF, y Dii"F, C. B. would remind their customers that all orders, by post or otherwise, will be executed with promptness from their Working:street Establishment, X 401e 75288 POSITIVE REMEDIES. Consult the Book of Positive Remedies for the Cure of all Diseases. GRATIS.—Sent by Post to all parts of the World on receipt of Two Stamps to prepay postage. A POSITIVE 0 URE FOR DEBILITIES  AND DERANGEMENTS OF THE GENERA- TIVE AND NERVOUS SYSTEM, NERVOUS DE. BILITY AND EXHAUSTION, THE RESULT O* OVER. TAXED ENERGIES IS GIVEN IN THE BOOK OF "POSITIVE REMEDIES. This Book gives a POSITIVE REMEDY for all DISEASES llie is ames of all Medicines are given in English. Cases and Testimonials, with means used in each case. IT IS A GUIDE TO THE SELF-TREATMENT OF ALL DISEASES, and should be Consulted by all who require medical treatment. NOTICE.—THE POSI- TIVE MEDICINES GIVEN IN THE BOOK OF 'POSITIVE REMEDIES' ARE THE MEDICINES USED BY DR. SMI L FOR OVER THIRTY YEARS. By the aid of this Book Invalids may form a correct knowledge of their malady, and find a Positive Remedy for tke Cure. The names are pub- lished in English, to enable Invalids to select the lislied E u tur Themselves without consulting a medical inan, making a written statement of case, or paving consultation tees. Send Two Stamps for the BOOK OF POSIT1VE REMEDIES, which contains 244 paues. and gives a cure for all diseases. Post rrtl, oil receipt of Two Stamps direct from 716 H. ó; ll, SMI TH ó; CO. 133 POSITIVE REMEDY LABORATORY, 26. SOUTHAMPTON-ROW. LONDON". W.C  WORD to the Wise Cause and cure of A debility, wantof energy, andpreniature decay. In f.lviu-ions to regitiu hetOth and vkor. Sent on rec-ipd f S-jj i'u j l l -jiiu. BSusiurss áùùnsse.5. 14, H IG H- STREET, CARDIFF COMPLETION OF RE-BUILDING. OPENING OF N E w pREMISES. QRIFFITH JAMES 1J as much pleasure in unuouncing that the re- buildiug of the premises recently destroyed by the Great Fire are now completed, and that they arc jj-ow Q P E N with an entire New Stock of JQRAPERY AND pANCY GOODS in all Departments, including the LATEST NOVELTIES AND DESIGNS that are likely to be in demand during the Season. The SHOWROOM is specially enlarged to enable him to extend his MANTLE and MILLINERY DEPARTMENTS, and cus- tomers may relv ui>>n the Goods QUITE NEW, and the LATEST NOVELTIES that can be produced, which, together' with the choice selection, makes it wonbyof inspection. Soliciting the favour of a call. Q_ R I F F I T II tTAMES <3r (LATE EVAN THOMAS, & Co.), T E E T, 75066 CARDIFF 379 7 5 0 66? 379 I M P O R T A N T g P E C I A L. g E N S O N S N EW PATENT (No. 4658), L U D G A T E W A T C H, SILVER GOLD £ 5. o. cfilS. lo ?f?. O. c- i L<-?. ISA "SPECIAL STRENGTH' SILVER ENGLISH L LV E U, MY BEST LONDON lAKE, WlTIl THKEE-QUARTER PLATE -MOVEMENT. JEWELLED THROUGHOUT. CHRONOMETER BALANCE, WITH DAMP AXD DUST PROOF PATENT IUXG BAND, AND EXTENDED BARREL, IN MASSIVE STERLING SILVER DOME CASES WITH CRYSTAL GLASS FRONT WINDS it SETS HANDS A OPENS AT BACK, MAKING IT A BETTEl WATCH THAN ANY S10 WATCH IN THE MARKET, ITS ADVANTAGES, OVER THE OLD AND FAULTY FULL PLATE BEING ENORMOUo, AS THE 'LUDGATE' WATCH WILL LAST ONE HUNDRED YEARS, 11 NEVER BREAKS, AS IT CANNOT BS OVER WOUND AND MEYER NEEDS EXPENSIVE REPAIRS. IS A BETTER TIMEKEEPER. IS A BETTER WATCH, AXD IS BETTER VALUE THAN ANY OTHER WATCH SOLD FOR £ 10 IN TOWN OR COUNTRY. WILL STAND ROUGH USAGE OF ALL iilnl)b, AND IS THEREFORE THE BEST WATCil AND EQUALLY SUITED FOR WORKMEN, RAILWAY MEN, MINERS, GENTLEMEN, BOYS, AND ALL WHO REQUIRE A PERFECT WATCH OF EXTRA STRENGTH FOR HOME, INDIAN, OR COLONIAL USE, MADE IN THREE SIZES, AS UNDER: WORKMAN'S, LARGE SIZE. MINER'S RAILWAY MEN .s, EXllU LABGH SIZE, AND FOR GENERAL WEAR, MEDIUM SIZE. SENT FREE AND SAFE AT OUR RISK TO ALL PARTS FOR Ra 5s ud. CAfeH, OR P.O.O., PAYABLE AT G.P.O. PRICE IN 18-CARAT GOLD CRYSTAL GLASS CASES TWELVE GUINEAS. SPECIALLY NOTE that J. W. BliNSON is the oulj Maker of a Three-Quarter Plate English Watch for £ 5 5s, and that our Patent Ludgate" Watch cannot be had through, or of any Watchmaker in the Kingdom. Any infringement of the Patent Rights will be proceeded ugainst. A Book explaining the advantages of this Watch over the Full Plate English Watches sold by all other makers, will be sent Post Free oil appli cation, to J. W. Benson, WATCHMAKER To H.M. THE QUEliN, THE STEAM FACTORY, 62 AND 64, LUDGATE-HILL, E.C., AND 25, OLD BOND-STREET, W., LONDON. Illustrated Pamphlets of Watches from £2 to £500, Gold and ilver Jewellery, Clocks (House, Chime, and Turret), and Musical Boxes, free on application. GLUB AssocaTlo:'is.-FUllEèlII<:X, SECRETARIK': of FRIENDLY" SOCIETIES, AGENTS, and otherj will find their incomes considerably increased bj establishing Clubs for the New Patent Li'dgate' Watch, as it is worth from £ 5 to £ 10 more than anj English Watch sold, and therefore bound to supersede all others in the market. 11963 7277o 253e INJECTION DAY?—An INFALLIBLI JL REMEDY" and certain cure for all Discharges fron the Urinary Organs in either sex, whether acquired or constitutional, recent or chronic cures in a few day? without medicines. Sold in bottles, 2s 6d each. by all chemists. London agents, F. Newbury and Sons, 1, King Edward-street, E.C. Agents for Cardiff, J. Munday, Chemist, 1 High-street; and all Cheniistu 370e SWANSEA 0 F F I C P OF THE SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS," No. 2, COLLEGE-STREET. All orders from NEWSAGENTS will receive prompt attention, and be executed upon the same terms as from the Chief Office. The DAILY N E W" delivered to Subscribers early every morning in any part of the town. ADVERTISEMENTS received up to Seven o'clock will secure insertion in the next morning's issue of ths DAILY ,\KWS. <> {'CARDIFF ADVERTISING. BILL V POSTING. AND CIRCULAR DISTRIBUTING COMPANY ILIMITED,. OFFICES: CHURCH-STREET CHAMBERS. SECRETARY EttANK H. SIMPSON. i oat Pormautnt Posting Stations in Cardiff y* N.'igubournood Contractors for ail descriptions or A •ferw-ng Ci-cu-ar Distrumtm ^c. ¡1' ¡ ;J.