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Advertisement Tarifl. 0- Small Prepaid Advertisements. 20 Words SIXPENCE. Three Times NINEPENCE. Six Times ONE SHILLING. WORDS^ ONCE. THREE t SIX. s* s. d. s. d. 20 Words 0 6 0 9 1 0 30 Words -| 0 9 1 0 1 6 40 Words 1 0 1 6 2 3 50 Words 1 3 2 6 3 9 60 Words 1 6 3 0 14 6 These charges apply only to the classes of advertise- ment specified below, allll are strictly confined ( those which are ordered tor CONSKCUTIVK insertion All (tPA I D FOR PREVIOUS TO INSERTION if either of these con- ditions is not complied with, the advertisement Will he charged by the Business scale APARTMENTS WANTED. APARTMENTS TO Llii. AHTICLKS LOST. ARTICLES FOUND. BUSTMISSIIS FOlt DISPOSAL BUSINESSES WANTED. BOUSES TO LET. OUSTS WANTED. HOUSES TO BE SOLD MONEY WANTED. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. MONEY TO LEND. MISCJ,;LLANl':OUS WANTS. MISCELLANEOUS SALES. PARTNERSHIPS WANTED. SITUATIONS WANTED. SITUATIONS VACANT. Advertisements of the above class inserted in the SOUTH WALgS DAILY NEWS," the "CARDIFF TIMES, and "SOUTH WALES Ecuo" at. th following rate Six times in <*i* time* 1:)aily Six times ju Once in 1 Daily News ^rditiTmie* WORDS. South Wales an(, ^nte in and Daily Crdik l'iiiit:s. «IXn"\vS1" ¡J, South Waie3 ¡ Echo. s. (]_ s. (]# s. d. 20 Words 10 16 2 0 30 Words 1 6 2 3 3 0 ¡- 40 Words 2 3 3 4 4 6 50 Words 3 9 5 8 7 6 60 Words 4 6 6 9 9 0 General Advertising Tariff. RATE PHR Ln-r ASERI CLASS OF 1 i); oil b 1,1 1 2t(, 2,) ADVERTISEMENTS 3 t> ll to upd insrjiiisr Jinsr jinsr, iii^r Business ) ( Educational > -/4 -/4 -/3 -/2 -/U Publishers ) Religious Services ) „! Entertainments j + "'4 '<* ~l £ Auction Announcements ./6 -/4 -/3 -/3 Legal and Public Notices Municipal and School Board { ,t „ ,t Tenders and Contracts */6 "'6 */6 "/0 Public Appointments ) F4". pfttuses 19 -/9 -/9 -/9 -/9 Parliamentary Elections i Parliamentary Elections i Parliamentary Notice* Y 1/- 1/- 1/- 1/- 1/- Government Announcements ) PARAGRAPH ADVBRTISKMENM ar» charred 1 to" i- insertions, 6d per line 6 to 11 insertions, 4d per 12 insertions and uowards, "llpel" line. Notices of Births, Marriages, and Deaths are charged Is each, if not exceeding 20 words, and 6d for each additional 10 words. These -Notices must be authen icated by the Signature and Address of the sender. ADVERTISERS, when seudin advertisemems in manu- script, may calculate eight -words to a 1.ne, and 12 lines to an inch. In charging advertisements the lines are not counted, but the advertisement, including large lines, dashes, and white spaces, is measured, and the space occupied is cuarged at tlw rate of Twelve lines o an inch. íturrtínns Uuart. ~A BSTAINERS throughout Wal'ps and the "West of England are invited to apply for agencii' to the Scottish T inpurance Life and Accident Assurance Compam, which gives greater advantages to abstainers than any other coino-ny.—Address on or before M.tv 14th, "Scottish Temperance," Grand Temperance Hote:, Swansea. 732 ASSISTANT—Wanted a Junior, accustoms to ;•> mixed country business.—W. H.Jones, Chemist, Mountain Ash. (respectable) wanted at once, experienced f with ruling machines, in bookbinding depart- ment.—Apply South Wales Daily News" Office, Cardiff. MAN and WIFE wanted middle-aged, no children. Services of wife only required to attend to small bouse and cook, in return for rent, iiviiv*, aitfl gas.— Apply by letter, Box A, Post-office, Maimlse, Newport Mon. PORTER (indoors) Wanted. —Apply~ Isa^c E. Thomas, Draper. Queen-street, Cardiff. S73 T30TANIC BEER made immediately with Mason's I# J.xtiact or lis? encj of Herbs, composed of Yarrow, Dandelion, Coinfrey, and Horehound; semi y stamps for sample bottle, enough to make four gallon to Newbad and Mason, Chemists, Nottingham. Agents wanted. 787e IltttttesHr "erUa1tt5. IRL (strong, country), wanted, not under 20, as General Servant m smal family. Protestant preferred.— Mrs lliomas, 13, Dock-pa ade, Newport.826 H&. S~TABLE and < OACH1IOU^E to Let. Would do for stores or work-hop. Terms moderate.—Apply 71, Newport-road. 863 3for 8". -iEianUanggua. a SK YOUR GROCER tor Charnley's superior -TV Preston Biscuits — Custard, Iiemon Tablets. Tapioca, Cream. These are only fourpence per lb. 5<2 AQUARIA.—Six handsome Goldfish and five Silver- bronze Carp, 4s Double quantity, 7s 6d. Travel safely, anywhere. References.—E. Romans, Llaneliy. 710 -IA-NOFORTE.-ror sale, a handsome compensat JL in" double iron-frame trichord cottage, patent check repeater action, overstrung, fine rich tone, seven octaves, solid walnut case, carved and inlaid with gold designs, perfect order, nearly new, and by the eminent London maker cost recently 65 guineas for imme- diate cash 25 guineas. <Jau be thoroughly and pro- fessionally examined any time being a great oppor- tunity to professors wanting a tine solid instrument for teaching purposes.-7, Salisbury-road, Cathavs, Cardiff. i18 PONIES (tW), ,one Cart and Harness to be sold cheap. Apply <;5, Topaz-street, Roath, Cardiff. 653 iftmteri. CARDIFF AND COUNTY ADVANCE BANK 9. CAROLINE-STREET, CARDIFF. MONEY LENT, WITHOUT DELAY, KRO.'I B5 TO ;cilooo t a. few hours' notice upon an entirely new and easy ystem; adopted solely by this bank, for long or short periods, to Householders (Male or Female), Farmers, Cowkeepers, Cab Proprietors, Lodging-house Keepers, Tradesmen, and to the Working Classes in general, upon their Household Furniture, Effects, Crops, Stock-in-'Irade, &c., Mithoufc removal. AVines, Spirits, Cigars, Tea, Jewellery, Pianos, or other goods taken on deposit, and cash proniply ad- vanced on same. Distance no object, easy repayments. 71826 Apply personally, or by letter, to the manager. 266e V«0 TO £ 300 ADVANCED DAli.Y to Householder^ Tradesmen, Mechanics, and others, on their own security, without delay or publicity.—Apply Pri- vate Loan Company, 19, Bute-street. Cardiff. 290o (*Ch AAA £ 500, £ 250, and £ 100 to lend on private 5.4'UUU, mortgages. — Apply T. Webber, Auctioneer, 5. St John's-square, Cardiff. c25 MHE WEST OF ENGLAND 1 Bute-terrace Cardiff, beg to inform the public tnat they advlnce hcm £ 5to £ 1,000 to Farmers Cow- keepers, Householders (Male or ^enf^'e\- and others on their own security, at a few hours notice. Trade bills discounted. Advances also made on deeds without any legal charges at a very low rate of interest to be repaid by instalments. Borrowers would do well to inquire our charges before applying elsewhere For references inquire of any solicitor in the town. All communications to be addressed to S. Blaiberg, Nlan. ager 516e /3917 Jitusítal. p your Piano, Pipe Organ, Harmonium, or American Ora;>n wants renahing or tuning, send to Cool s uth W les OI sail U orks, Moir.t-terrace, Caraitt. Instruments at factory prices. New Pipe Organs £24. 7,)¿ TTIOLIN FOK .SALE.—In perfect condition, and beautiful tone, price 8s be].-—Address, viOiin, I South Wales Echo" Orhce, 34ie I IMPORTANT STATEMENT. GIGANTIC TURNOVER 8,533 MANTLES AND JACKETS SOLD. BY F. COX, LONDON MANTLE WAREHOUSE, 23, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. [ACCOUNTANT'S CERTIFICATE.] To Mr F. COX, MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. From E.'P. STEEDS, Chartered Accountant. Friar Lane, Leicester. DEAR SIR,— t a t In reply to your enquiry, I find that your books show that the total number of Mant es. Jackets, &-c., Sold in your Business durirtji the year IU84 was 8, ">33. Yours truly, E. P STEEDS, Chartered Accountant. March 3lst, loSa. 73777 306e ^PECIALLY Ili-AP | ^IN^S. xOUTH "^yALES piluVIolUN cO.N I Pk.N Y. 'U FIN-EL ST INEW QRASS B UTTEn. (Just arrived) ONE SHILLING PER POUND. I 5,000 SIDES CHOICE MILD-CURED gKEAKFAST B A. C U X (BEST CUTS) SIXPENCE PER POUND. 281b. SIDES 4-1s. PER OWT. NEW SALMON, 5d. PER T N. gOUTH )VALES pROVISION COMPANY. Stuart Hall, The Kayes, Cardiff. 1 2 3, Bute Street, Carduf. Cuwbri'lge Road, Canton. 51, Salisbury Road, Cathays. Glebe Street, Peaarta. and 3?3eJ 8, High Street, Swansea. | rjlHE" PHCENIX OF FASHION THE BIRD oil BEAUTY REJUVENATED WITH NOVELTY, SWEETNESS, AND LIGHT. SEE SPECIALITIES IN SUMMER ATTIRE AT W. pHIOE & g O NS, THIS CAltDIFF HOlTSh, 50 & 51, ST. MARY-STREKT, 46 & 47, CA ROLINE. STREET, CARDIFF. PRICES LOWEH, THA: EVER. GENTLEMEN'S FANCY TWEED SUITS, 17 6. 20/ ¿51., 30/ 35/ 5, 55/ GENTLEMEN'S SERGE SUITS, 20/ 25i., 30/ 35 40/ GENTLEMEN'S FANCY TWEED TROUSERS. 4/11, 5/11, 6/11, 8/6. 10' 12 b, 15/ 17/ù. JUVENILE SUITS IX NEWEST STYLES, HAIS, CAPS, SHIRTS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, &c. Terms:—ONE PRICE. NO ABATEMENT. CA-H A NEW AND ORIGINAL SERIAL, ENTITLED— THE WRECKER'S SON OR CHARACTERISTIC SKETCHES OF CORNISH LIFE, COMMENCED IN THE gOUTH ECHO, ON MONDAY, APRIL 27TH, 1S85. These sketches, as incidents of fact—bo'ug written by a whilom Resident, are intended to faithfully repre- sent traits and features in the character of the lower classes of the Western county, and contain ¡ CHAPTER I.-Introitiction-a Cornish Sea-side Reso t. t II.—Dan T-emewan, the "Grandfer" of PeiTanportu—Story of The Wrecker's Son's" Life. III.—The story continued. IV.—The Legend of Saiufc Pyran—Finding the Saint's Arm-bone. V.—The Fatal Wreck—A Reminiscence of Cornish dark days—The Crowner's Quest"—Robbed of ill-cotten gains. VI.—Dan's Father's midnight walk—Eye- witness of a dreadful tragedy—The murder of the King's Mau-Dlscovered I VII.-How Dan's Father met his end—A Mutinous Boat's Crew—The disastrous storm. VIII, -A Rescue from Drowning and its conse- quences—Obstacles Insurmountable to a Love Niatch-A Leap of 100 feet. „ IX.—Dan's Courtship. X.—An Unpleasant Episode, and an All-nigat Walk.—The Attempted Abduction. „ XI.— Billy Teague: the Child, the-Boy the Man—A Lucky Fish Season with a Calamitous Occurrence. „ XII.-Waterloo Fought over A-aiii "-Cornish Hussars in Belgium-Major Vivian in Command — Napoleon's Defeat the Light Cavalry Charge Sir Hussey Vivian at the Poll at Truro. „ XIII.—News from Australia —A Self-made Colonist.. XIV.—Australian News continued—A Brush with Buslii angers. „ XV.—A Tale of Bad Harvests—'The Miners' Muster and March into Triii,o-Col. lision with the Volunteers. XVI.—Truro Corn Riots continued—Hanging Wild Cat," the Ringleader. XVII.—An Eventful August Day—The Water- spout over East Wheal Rose Mine- Drowning of Forty Men. ÀmU5£ments. rpHEATRE ROYAL, CARDIFF. LESSEE & MANAGI-:R MR EDWARD FLETCHER. ACTING MA.NAGER MR. JOHN SHERIDAN. Return Visit of Mr Edgar Bruce's Company in the Great London access, CALLED BACK. Miss Alma Murray as Pauline. â TO-NIGHT (MONDAY), May 11th, a: d during the week, the enormously successful play. CALLED BACK CALLED BACK!! CALLED BACK By Hugh Conway and Comyus Carr, adapted from Hugh Conway's Popular Story. Doors open at 7; commence 7.30. Stage door and St. Mary-street entrance open 6.30 6d >xtra._ Box plan at Messrs Thomp on and Shackeli's ll'de £ 32o7 I Mr SPECIAL NOTICE. "Si MONDAY NEXT, MAY 18TH, Mr Alexander Henderson's OPEKA COMPANY. From the Comedy Theatre Loudon, in the new Opera. Com. que, RIP V \jS WiNKLE. j MR FRED LE-LIE AS RIP. j Box plan and tickets now ready at Messrs ihompson and Siuekeli's. fb-li I L H A It. M 0 N I C MORRELLA'S PALACE OF VARIETIES. ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF. TO-NIGHT, TO.NIGHT, giauu change oi c mpany. Special enjia, .ement of the London Star, Mr G. I. CROMWELL, t e Greatest Ext uipore Artiste ill .he World. First a pearance of MISS SARAH B. RVL, the Charming Burlesque Actress. special euga^i ment of DICK DEVLIN, 1 i.h Character Comedian and Dancer. First a pe ranee ill Cardiff of (.6 Sisters LING A i D, hurlque Duettists and Dancers. Firs: ap,.ear :nc of the IVAHO s, 111 rve "ous perforinei •«. Special en.agtment oi the Bros. OOV, Negro omclians an i ancers. Most i.rillian'. an-t en.bus a,tic reception of Miss i.MILIE VANE, tho renowned iady Bariione. Most Flattering Reception of ihe SAtloNiS. Look out '.Vui;-Mo.iuay for the TWO MACS. Fn the best Cigars and Tobacco try Mo.rei. Ci.-rar Divan, adjoining the Ph hanco.ie. t ie <;est in Camiif jpAVID pARRY AND yO. (Late of 12, Iligh-s'.reet), HAVE REMOVED THEIR STOCK OF SUIT, OVERCOATS, HATS, CAPS, TIES, COLLARS, SlilRiS, &c., to 285, STi;EET (3 DOORS FiiOii CUSiOM HOUSE-SXREET), Where the whole of their Stock MUST BE SOLD. GREAT BARGAINS IN HATS! C A P S CLOTHING! OF ALL KlXDS. ALSO WATERPROOF OVERCOATS. All are of Best Manufacture. RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR PURCHASERS. 285, BUTE STREET, (Near The Hayes). "JJOMOSOPATHIC MEDICINES. iLt — NOTICE.—THE CARDIFF AND SOUTH. WALES HOMOEOPATHIC PHARMACY, 6, CHURCH STREET, CARDIFF, IS NOW OPE NY And price lists and Books on the uses of the medicines and tne simple treatment ot common complaints may be had free n applied ion. Consulting-rooins and X'isp.^n ary In connection with the above will shortly be opened. 74292 Observe Address—6, CHURCH-STREET. ,—, FOR Til r, BEST Q H I N A AND Q.LA SS AT A LOW PRICE, (io to W. D 0 B B S, QHARLES-STREET, QARLIFF. j PATTERNS SENT ON APPROVAL. CARRIAGE PAID. 294e s p R I N (i sU I T S g AER JgROS. j TAILORS, M, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. SPECIALTY 16,; TROUSERS. Having purchased a large assortment of splendid Trouserings, Su tings, &c., in all the most fashion vola designs, colourings, and niateri ils, are now offering as a specialty TROUSERS FROM 16s. UITs 58s. A trial only required to prove the superiority of their make. BARR BROS.' established reputation as Cutters guarantee style, quality, and a perfect fit. All goods marked in plain figures, from which no abatement will be made or discount given. Terms strictly Cash. SPECIALTY lis TROUSERS. BARR BROS., TAILORS. 293e 12057 64, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. 75575 .I '"TosriTvE Ri55lEDli2s. Consult the Book of Positive Remedies for the Cure of c all Biseaaes. UKA.1IS—Sent by Post to all parts ot the World on A-n!v!?m°TUwo Stamps to prepay postage. /S fIVE CUUE FOR DEBILITIES TIVE A\ 0F THE GENERA- Zt require medical treatment. NOTIOK IHI P/KT TIVE MEDICINES GIVEN IN thT'KOAIFi USKEITIBY' THE'^MEDICINES UoM> 1)11. bMX JL l?Oti oVRff TPTT?TV YEARS. By the aid of this Book Invalids mav form a correct knowleuge oi their malady and tin ? Positive Remedy for° the Cure. The namS are'p'ub^ hshed in English, to enable Invalids to select th« remedy and Cure Themselves without couslIltiug a. medical man, making a written statement of case or paying consultation fees. Send Two Stamps for ti>« i BOOK OF "POSITIVE REMEDIES, which contain! <i44 pages, aud gives a cure for all diseases. Post free on receipt of Two Stamus direct from | 716 K. & H. SMITH & CO. 130 ) POSITIVE REMEDY LABORATORY tÍJ. SOUTHAMPTON-ROW. LONDON'. W.'o "VTEliVo USN ESS, LOSS of e^Er&t~ J-1 and VITAL POWER.—A gentleman having tried in vain every advertised remedy, has discovered", simple means of self-cure. He will* be happy to for I ward the particulars to any sufferer 011 receipt of a stampe and directed envelope Address J. T. Sawed, t h Chfswick, Midd esex. 2'12 i Buaingsa ^ftftnsses. JOTHAM AND gOKS 26 & 27, ST. MARY.STREET, CARDIFF. RENTS' gCARFS. SPECIAL PURCHASE. 1 ANUF ACTURER) STOCK. LESS THAN HALF-PRICE. J-MMENSE VARIETY. A LL AT 1 S. EACH. SEE WINDOW. i\C1PA LIT 1' U i i< i. l J.'l A U i^To iiE. 26 AND ^JAKY a;l ft LET, AxS) S, :o4 iO PnorKi-rroRS. il 4. HtA1'H 8°^ avo ow on view tiJt. 4artist Sleek ot i'l:gh -class jp -l A N O F O R 'i'ES, j qrgans, AND APMo:sii:i; IN ^ouiii WAi.>. \\h:c;. Jlty ar-j uu.-ii; a; :i AitG E lUSiOU.i 1 O K CAi ll a lid 011 the vhieo yeura' sy-i«n:, fruia fd J-CT -IK l"i¡\)<1 :¡-liÎ.l1 1 J ^u.iioas. Lr t'i. IUY. i.-1 etf :c<< ijMPORTANI ^FECIAL. "g E N S 0 N S NEW PATENT (No. 4668), "LUDGA T E W A T C H SILVER GOLD £ 5. 5. £ 12. 12 IS A "SPECIAL STltENGl'H' SILVER E NULISH LEVER, MY JiEST LON !'•;>>' MAKE, wiiii 1-J.ATii .MOVEMENT, JK>\ELiiED IulWLJlilhjl; l. CHRONOMETER BALAN\ 11, WITli DAMP AND DUST PROOL-' PATENT RING BAND, AND EXTENDED BAttREL, IN MASSIVE STERLING SILVER DOME CASES WITH CRYS: AL GLASS FRONT WINDS & SETS HANDS & OPENS AT BACK, MAKING IT A BETTER WATOH THAN AN V £10 WATCH IN THE MARKET, 1L.~ ADVANTAGES, OVER TilE OiJ) AND FAULT Y FULL PLATE BEING ENORMOUO, AS THE 'LUDGA IE' WATCH WILL LAST ONE HUNDRED YEAR, 11 NEVE. 1 B.CEAKs, AS IT CANNOl' hr. v.. ,Í!.t. WOUND AND MEYER N EEDS EXPENSIVE RKPAUi^, I:S A IS A BELTER WATCH, AND IS BETTER VALUE THAN ANY OTHER %,A, Cld SOLD FOR i;10 IN TOWN Oil GOUNTIU. WILL STAND ROUGH USAGE OF ALL KINDS, AND I>> THEREFORE THE BliaT WATCil AND EQUALLY SUITED FOR WORKMEN, RAILWAY MEN, MINERS, GENTLEMEN, liOYS, AND ALL WliO REQUIRE A PERFECT WATCH OF EXTRA STRENGTH FOR HOME, INDIAN, OR COLONIAL UsK, MADE IK THREE SiZEs, AS UNDER; WORKMAN'S, LARG E :IZJ. MINER'S & RAILWAY EX'IRA IARGK SIZE, AND FOR tiENERAL WKAi, MiiuiUM SIZE. SENT FREE AND SAFE AT uUR RISK TO ALL PARTS FoR £j 5s ud. CASH, OR P.O.O., PAYAiiLE AT G.P.O. PRICE IN 13-CARAT GOLD CRYSTAL GLASS CASES TWELVE GUINEAS. SPECIALLY NOTE that J. RJJNSON is the only Maker of a Ihree-Unni tAi- Piute English Watch for 1:5 Oii, and that our Patent "Lui!<iiite' Watch cannot bo hud through, or of any N atchuiakee in the Kingdom. 1 Any infringement of the Patent Rights will | bo j-roceedeii against, a Book expl4iniug the advantages of this Watch over the Filii Pjate English batches sold by all othsr makers, will be sent Post Free on appli- cation, to # J. W. B K SON, WATCHMAKER TO H.M. THE QGEEN, THE STEAM FACTORY, 62 AND 64, LUDGATE-HILL, E.G., AND 25, OLD BOND-STREET, W., LONDON. Illustrated Pamphlets of Watches from S2 to £500, Gold and Silver Jewellery, Clocks (House, Chime, and Turret), and Musical Boxes, free 011 application. 8LUÐ ASSOCIATIONS.—FOREMEN, SECRETARIES oi FRIENDLY SOCIETIES, AGENTS, aud others will ttnd their incomes considerably increased by establishing Clubs for the Now Patent "Ludgate" Watch, as it is worth f.-Olil:CS to £10 more than any Enelish Watch old, and therefore bound to supersede all others in the market. 11963 7277o 20.39 ,\TE WPORT. -SOUTH WALES ECHO. L The SOUTH WALES ECHO is published at the NEWPORT OFFICE, 11, Tredegar-place, as follows :— FIRST EDITION 3.15 P.M. SECOND EDITION 4.30 P.M. SPECIAL EDITION 6.30 r.M. The SPECIAL EDITION contains all the News of the Day up to Six o'clock p.m.—including the latest Stock Exchange and Sporting Telestams. Sold by all Newsagents and Newsboys lL5irtiS5 ^iltir £ 55 £ 5. rpRY pUDGE FOR TOOLS. ryrooLs. IOOLS. riiooLs. rj^iooL^. r | 'OL>LS. F-i ',OULS. rj^^OOLS. f j^OOL. TRY P U D G E, AT HE Ew TOOL pj liPOT. rpooLs. r|^ooLs. rpooLs. r jWOLS. rpooLs. £ U)OLS. rpooLs. g OOLS. JL SHE15 FIELD HOU E, CUSTOM H USE-STEEET, CARDIFF. C56E CON 0 MY IN FUEL. A-A 1:-1 A I. L PATENT FEED WATER 11 E A T E li. tijUAMU HA'i'EMT BLUVVEK .\1."d.l ? IMUULVE CUIXAUIUEU it s T h a .U 13 U t L Is li a I); i yyiLLiAMrs A l\ L) ). ? I • OLE & (j U E A T »«• K T, (,A it() I Ft- -"V. jy-KV.' rjvwii K :l- ii ¡'II' j^tsci'RO.^infisn.nr. j-. > ;H? "p 1z¡ f*- U A R L.1c: is STic L .L. T, y .-v tj J. A D i 1- 11 A • 'jL,j'>t. IJAAU. It ^uVV iu The C B L¡ I, I Ai 1 1. JJ j.UUL t.l A G ti t: f ""lr.l,, » £ -0 iif.L.ti.v.iuuiMI^NTa. lil'K.N LUu) .¡., A.»..in JiiGiJi' P.M. V,,1Lf {,>ù.> .t,XC:¡;:L,¡,a¡. 'I HJt: ST.t'CTRO-CHEMICAT B\TIIS, lJ.l.&1" Î.41,t.40:4L, ti'uui '1.41. "J4 p.iu* f LOCAL APPJuiCAXION OF ELECTRICITY lJ R VAr OUixv .ÜH, lior A.iA CUuiJ JSATiai:, .u\'¡; ir'lili-NGu :BÁ1.t1;:) (Jail i;e JiflU é<L 4è .I:It¡'JÍ"il;CI¡¡" The EJUEClRO-BAiUS Luhly t-Jl RtlEC.UA • i^I, ^JiAXICA, iSEUR-^LtiiA, TaO DOLOivEUX, uVSii-.RlA, a.,a scaie J^isuaoea of the Nervous Centres. Iheif em"oi Las beeu ihvr^Uihiy Estabiisiisd as atfanStheuiJi! and Curative Agents. rpURKLSH FOR LADIES, MONDAYS OMA. irvw :£!kN to ELOFETP.M. 274a BEFORE BUYING A WATCH ANYWHERE Write for the "Illustrated Pamphlet," seuUreeon application by the Largest Watch Manufacturer. pjIAMOND JEWELLERY, Purchasers supplied direct at trade prices. A SAVING OF illOM. 2 TO 50 PER CLNT. MR. T. R. RUSSELL. MAKKR TO HER MAJESTY THE QUKEX, I CATHEDRAL WORKS, 18, CHURCH STREET, LIVERPOOL. U^OJAGENTS IN WALKS.) 277 ¡ GTIFF'S STARCH. STIFF'S STARCH. GTIFF'S STARCH. s TIFF'S STARCH. STIFF'S STARCH. JGTIFF'S STARCH., GTIFF'S STARCH, j GTIFF'S STARCH.; J^TIFF'S STARCH-1 ^TIFF'S STARCH.! STIFF'S STARCH. :o6e 12C80 7376? STIFF STIFFS STARCH It having come to the knowledge of Messrs Stiff and Co. that some retailers often attempt to induce the public to purchase low- priced and inferior starches oy representing tbem to be the manufacture of Messrs Stiff A Co., it necessary to put the public on itp ffnard against such unpnff- Sipled oractices.and tostate that every box or packet of Stiff's Starch bears the registered Trade Mark QUEEN BESS. Stiff's Starch is Sold in 51b Packets and llb Fancy Boxe andTn,, be obtained of any Grocer, Druggist, or Oilman; or of the Manu- facturers, STIFF & CO., REDCLIFF-ST., BRISTOL ESTABLISHED 1818. s VVANSEA.-SOUTH WALES ECHO. The FIRST EDITION of the SOCTH W ALE ECHO is published at the Office, 2, College-street Swansea, EVERY AFTERNOON, AX FIVE O CLOCK. Sold by newsagents at Swansea, Hafod. Plasinarl, l\ll1U1bJe. Ac., and by the boys of the "SelfHelp J;ri!"JJllp. The SPECIAL EDITION, which contains all the Latest News, Telegrams, Stock Exchange Closing Prices. Markets, Sporting and Local Intelligence of the day is published in Swansea at 8.30 p.m. Sold by R. MOGFORD, News Agent, Great Western Building, High-street, Swansea, and by newsboys. Kansumss A&fcwssrs. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR SYMINGTON'S ARAB'S COFFEE. FOR STRENGTH, FLAVOUR, & AROMA IT STANDS UNEQUALLED. SOLD IN OBLONG TINS. BOW DEN STEAM MILLS, MARKET HAR OROUGH. I GOLD MEDAL, NEW ZEALAND, 1832. < BARGArS r AftGAlNS j^AllGAINS J JgARGAlNS it j AR'j A N S O "|>A:iga[n> i | M E N S v; ALE OF j|i!RSr (-1LASS p)'l PEllY /Ni>DS, F J; At 9K F S T R E ET ♦ 1} I CARDIFF. I THE WHOLE OF THE r I y AN KR U P TCY STOCK o. \V. M. PRICE avit»K bean pursbaeej Tvr A LldCOUiVT OF 50 PER CENT. UNDEli CuSt, THE Sa2UE WiLL BE Q F F E jfci £ D D A L Y U N X I L DLiA j i ±j D, t Aa jgNORMOUS 8.A.CRIFICE. j jgARGAINSl i JJABGAINS 1 BARGAINS I pjARGAINS t JgARGAINS 1 JgARGAINS 4X u U K E T R 1! E T, J. 0ARDIFFj 336. 74236 F ULTON, D UNLOP, AND CO, CARDIFF AND SWANSEA, ALSO AT WIKDSOR-ROAD, PEN ABTH BASS AND CO., ALLSOPP AND SONS, And others of the finest BURTON ALES. PRICES Per Kilderkin. Per Firkin. 18s. 9s. 21s- 10b. 6d 24s. 12g. And npwardg. 155 BILL pOSTER. 'DiS- rinlrtvBUT0R«. **■> 25. CARDIFF-STREET ,i>' mi0Tm tbe public generally that he rents all the largest and prinoipai BUl-Postin. Stations in A*oerdsre, Aberaman, Hirwain, and all out. lyiM districts. 1. Contnocts made weekly or yearly N.B.-Not.e.-At. Paine's Temperance Hotel and Board, me House, at above audreu, to Woo, cigars, and refresh, menta 01 all kinds may be had at any time, and good accommodation for travellers. &-t 8069—-Hu ? eBusiness .:1bDr£5S£5. p M PORT ANT ^OTIOE. NOTICE OF REMOVAL QRIFFITH JAMES Bees to auiouilee: hat owingto the premises ately occupied by him for ALE OF ALT AGE y TOCK Being wanted for the New Arcade, he will REMOVE HIS STOCK TO No. 8, WORDING-STREET (Being Entrance to New Public Hall), Where he will oriev the remaining portion of his "al \i" together with some greatly damaged Stuff lat-.yp.ck<;>. up out oi the ruins; and he has determined tomat W 1. th e fur h" customers to pay a visit to enaoie him to clear tlle wanle of the 8a..vagc before returning to l:oS new pre lses. Q.RIFFITH J AMES (LATE EVAN THOMAS & Co.) 335e "4-27 NOTE THE A LMPOR LRY ADDREss 8, WORKING-STREET, CAPDIFF. 40, BRIDGE s T L -i, U A R D I F F —— O L L I C K PAWNBROKER. MOST M 'NEY LENT ON GOLD AND SILV R VALUABLES. OVER £ 2 A ,-jlF, ."Z TE OF D 1\ TH.O POUND EX EEDING B10 AT A LESSER iN jlEREST. ASSORTM, Ni <)t GOLD AND SILV KB Aioiil-S AND O.XOND i.L>G VhRV C- i' >1", Si'r.ClAi. LOIS Or' GOLD W DDiN 'U.sti -N i) iv iEPERS 5498 ..<- pj.\N()>.—WHY BE WITHOUT ONE IL iien >oa cm beci'.ne k owiier of a nioc 11: .L for tLe :,ua.ll YU1t. u of 10s 6J PiiU .iONTlI ON "lic). 1160-N AND '-A li A CKEUS L HIRE SYMEM? •So security it-qt;-reu, an». tie ui-iruuittiit dttnvcrca tu pai'CiiH a on oi first monthly UwU nieut. i-very "uur-^a-eti, and exchan?e«i U no. l)lJ Ou AIn-o A D HARMONIUMS ON Si.vliLAii TEiCAlS. CauJo„ucs free 011 apiiiication. THwJli'iON AND SilACK ELI, PIANoiO .i:: AND WABtilOt. >K, iiU,i.S LUiLDiNOS, CAKU.F A]"o :);.¿ 'i "(Ji, IIlLi.Tu\ and -1 L 'Ã L., ,e NOTICE OF REMOVAL. It. h. DATfKS ASD c°" HE TAILORS," to intimate to cusfimers and the general •■ublic that;bey h VP »ecu>ed tbe Exten v, :d C(lin- ir.od <>us CO j lE_lS¡; .at ly C'.1 by Mr UT UtsC-K-sTREKT, h:r.re now I o. c,a: d are showing the t tiOiCE^T pAilEKN an^ QUALITIES i; i-COTCH and WKSF sUliiNGS, F.vNCY TROUs-ERING OLOTaS, c. PIE*\SE n.'lico the<r I ES AND UNDBILCLOI^I^-N WINDOWS. A" .lue not uo TIE equaiied m Cirdi^. WINDOWS. A" .lue not uo TIE equaiied m Cirdi^. I 'I thank their PAT R ns ior past favour-, anu pro mise THE same axient.onto vheir luture orders. P^EASP Notice the Address; T. H. DAVIES AND CO., "ILL TAILOR?.' i Clr-F-t-IBV <! AlRpli f- 8 u L F ii :,1 L I N E L T I o N THE CURE FOR FTKIN A F, S IN A i-t-,W DAY- EI.TP:LQNS, BLU .CiiE EN ILRLIA FADE AW"ô, I;LALI,LfU, LY HE:;I £ CII.Y HAi:ML->. cL"Rc.:S 0: iA-M'-N. LL" ItTSEAsKs. A r EitDPTlON, i-tryl BLr MISAI, AND r.vNDt-R-. THE CL.. AR, \L..): .1 F;:L.. A. D il..u.T. ih re is scarcely -ny .tion but TO -:n.pao.I' in A few :tnd commence to XADT a.ay, even :F-SEMI-;R-y pa care. Ordinary PI. -ES, «cui>e*s, BIO-cbe-, Ji,aness. VANISH a L- Magic wui.st o,a, e, daring -^KIN discders, c; NII, Dx.riasis, TICTIO, biackh-ads, SC ly. ernptifta- LOSE. prul-igo, tetzor, however Hepl RO^. A, •' Su.nholim- -uccessiully a: tacks. It «e»avy ^tu» p.ninialculas w:;ica uio-uy cause the~e uns.^Ei iniubie, uaini'ui affections, a. d always prouue-S A c.ear, sniootn, supple wealthy skin, buipao-.u Lotion is soid bymos. Chemists. ^BOTTLES, <is PJEPPER'S QUININE AI\D P^OA ¡ rpoNic. HEALTH, STRENGTH, ENERGY. GREAT BODILY STRENGTH, GREAT NERVE STRENGTH, GREA1 MENTAL STRENGTH, GREAT DIGESTIVE STRENGTH, Follows the use of PEPPER S QUININ K AND IRON TONIC. It improves the appetite, promotes aigeenou, greatly strengthens the nerves, increases st>r NGI.II O: pulse, gives firmness to the muscles, titers^ PA.F countenance, supplies deficient heat to w-eafc CIRIU.I tions, overcomes oouily weariness and weakness, CUU? many painful coinp.iints—neuralgia, sciatica, &C- I; horoughly recruits the health. PEPPER'S QUININE & IRON TONIC. MOST IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT A new smaller size bottle of this valuable medicine i, noW supplied at 2s 6d, thus bringing it to the reacn oi clashes, and greatly preventing the many N-JUNOUI mitations 1 rgeiy offereu. p, ppERS TONIC. Insist on having it. Bottles, It noses, 2s 6d; next size, 32 doses, 4s 6d. Sold everywhere p E P P E R' s rp ARAXACUM AND pODOPHYLLIN. THE SAFEST ANTIBILIOUS MEDICINE. A FLUID LIVER MEDICINE WITHOUT MERCURY, MADE FROM DANDELION AND MANDRAKE ROOTS. Is now used and regularly prescribed by ma.ny Physicians instead of blue pill and calomel for the cure of dyspepsia, billiousness, and all symptoms of con- gestion of the liver, which are generally pain beneath the sh'ulders, headache, drowsiness, no appet- .e, furred tongue, disngreeable taste in tbe morning, giddiness, disturbance o! tbe stomach, and feeling of general depression. Bottles, 2s 9d and 4s 6d. Sold by all Chemists. Insist on having Pepper's. LOCKYER'S SULpjaUp. ]aAa RESTORER. THE BEST. THE SAFEST. THE CHEAPEST. RESTORES THE COLOUR TO GREY TT YT? INSTANTLY STOPS THE HAIR FROM FADING. OCCASIONALLY USED, GREYNESS IS IMPOSSIBLE. REMOVES SCURF, AND EMBELLISHES TFFB HAIR, CAUSING IT TO GROW WHEREVEB THIN AND PATCHY. 24Se Large Bottles, Is 6d. Sold everywhere. 11945 SWANSEA OFFICE OF THE SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS, No. 2, COLLEGE-STREET. All orders from NEWSAGENTS will receive prompt attention, and be executed upon the same terms as from the Chief Office. „ A Tbe DAILY NEWS" delivered to Subscribers earlfc every morning in anv part of tbe town. T ADVERTISEMENTS received np to Seven o'clockl will secure insertion in tbe next mornings issue of tbe' DAILY NEWS. A WORD to the Wise; CAUSE and ETTFO of debility, want of energy, and premature 4M4y, In structions to regain IteivHh arid vigor, nent »n r«Qei»taf 4 stamps by Publishers, Fitzakn sauare.Sheffield, ffil