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AÜvertisem Tariff. Small -Prepaid Advertisements. 20 Words SIXPENCE. Three Times NIINEPEliCE. Six Times ONE SHILLING. WüEDS. ON THREE SIX W0R^ | ONCE. _n? 20 Words i-d s. d. 20 \v ords -i 0 61 <> 9 1 0 W- -Ii 0 9 1 0 1 6 40 "\V crds 1 0 1 6 2 3 50 worl 2 61! 9' 60 Words 1 6 3 0 4 6 These charges apply only to the classes of advertise- ment sjecilied below, nnd are sti-it-til, coiifiiieil t( those which are ordered tor (.ONSl Ci.'Tlvi; insertion and PAID YOIT purviou.s TO INSERTION if either of these con- ditions is not. complied with, the advertisement will ba charged by the Business scale APVKTMENTS WANTED. I' HOI'SKS TO BK SOI.!> ID LEI. MOSEY WANTED. ARTICLES LOST. MONET TO LEND. ARTICLES FOUND. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. BUSINESMVS EOR DISPOSAL MISCELLANEOUS SALES. ?t;S!?t??r..s\n.U. PARTNERSHIPS WASTED. HOUSES TO LET. SITUATIONS WANTED. HORSES WANTED. SITUATIONS VACANT. Advertisements of the above class inserted In the SOUTH WALKS HAlLY NEWS," the "(;Atij)lFj, TIMES, and "SOUTH WALES ECHO" at the folloninj; v.ite • 7 ix times in Six  ??'!yKews | six times o?em Six times in Once 11\ Dailv 5 News Cardiff Times I youth Wales1 ])ail 3!inew., iitd WOBDS. e ilk  t.. W??? ?Daily Kews.' ,?,? ? Sixti?'.d in alGI JUleS IViles EdlU. s. d. s. d. s. d. 20 Words! 1 0 1 6 2 0 30 Words 1 6 2 3 3 0 40 Words 2 3 3 4 4 6 50 Words 3 9 5 8 7 6 68 W orch 4 6 6 9 9 0 General Advertising Tariff. RATE PER LINE FOR ASERI CLASS 0? r??or6toi?M26 ADYE&nSKMEMTS. & ,g,| p¡1  t.n?M ,?fs"r  ducatioii,tl I14 ./4 -a* Publishers ) Religious Services 1.14 ./4 ./3 ./2 ./2 Entertainments ) Auction Annotincereents -16 ./4 ./3 ./3 & Le?! MJ Public Notices Municipal and School Board I « ,? .? -/6 -16 'Lenders and Contracts 1 Public Appointments Prospectuses. -/9 -/9 -/9 -19 */9 Parliamentary Eledions Parliamentary Notices ) 1/. I/- lr *r Government Aniioinicentents ) Notices oH^is, Marriages, and Deaths are charged Is puph if not e'xceeding 21 words, and 6d for each additional 10 words. Thesn Notices must be authen ticated b? the .?iK'?ture and Audress of the M ider PARAGRAPH AnvMU'tSRMK-?TS ?cb?edl to insertions, 6? per line 6 to H insMttons. 4d per hne 12 insertions and upwards, 3d per lintl ADVERTISERS, when sending advertisements inmanu- script, may calculate eight words to a line, and 121 lines to an inch. In charging advertisements the lines are not counted, but the advertisement, including lare;e lines, dashes, and white spaces, is measured, and the space occupied is charged at thn rate of Twelve Del! o an inch. (itmratiim. OVERMEN. Pupils required preparin College of Preceptors and oxford Local Emainina. tion.— Miss Garieck, A.C.P., St. Helen's Lodge, Brynyaor-road, Swansea. Ilia  $0ttttslfr £ terbants.  servants gOO( p am t %lust be able to :tre kept, and a m!tn Sef!an, 's. 703 ^e.^S^^U.nSrDowlais. 703, COOK (I!ôd) Wânt-;I.-Apply personallY, 202, ft I port-road, Cardiff. -I ? ? ENERAL SKRYANT (wanted experienced). Must XJT bave good character; clean and honest. Age iiot under 20. Country girl preferred.—App?y D< Market-street, Pontypridd. E-NERAL SER VANT (good) wanted immediately. CX One from the country preferred.—Apply Kinds' Arms, Bute-terrace, Cardiff. 665  ENERAL ;ERVANT wanted. ^e about 22. — ?? Apply at  34, Richmond-road, Caruiff. 660 GENERAL SERVANT (thoroughly good) wanted ?JT age about 2b.-AppJy morning from 9 to 11, 42, Castle-roid. 617 /I ENFRAL SERVANT.—Wanted (Oct. 1st), active ?JT ?ir!, with knowiedM ot waltln.-Apply Mrs MUes, University Coile?.CardiS. bla G- ENERAL SERVANTS (good), Plain CoofcT" G E N E R A L and Nurses wanted. Goo d ?jr Laundry M?ids, and Nurses wanted. Good characters indispensable. Stamped address.—Mrs Fur- niv?H's Select Registry, Cardin. _?_ S?5 ?) EN KRAL"&KRVA?'? ?vMited,m a ?Lii, f? XX with ? good character.—Apply Mrs PM-kyn 5' Partridge-road, Cardiff. ?_? &28 G-. ENERAL SERVANT wanted, must be experienced \jf and have good character. Uood wages to a suit- able person.-AppIy 10. Church-terrace, Penarth. 512 IRL (good) wanted as general servant, from 18 to 20. Must be able to wash. Country girl pre. iorred.-Appiy Mrs Thomas, 44, BeauchaMP-street. Itiverside, Cardiff. 593 d IRX.S (two respect?Ma) Wanted in Business House ?y One must understand washing, ironiD' the oter assist —Apply Mrs Hughes, tti.ner, Ponty. pndd.  610 OU,SF,IKkEpgR'-Tfi advertiser ?Wo-utd-lie?lid j? to meet a Mttab)e person as working house. keeper. None need appy under 25.-Addres? House peeper, '?outh?Yalesb?ly News" Omce. Swansea &M X H T 0 *-T' E D^anteC!' resP«ctable person with oul 'F,.Nl?tf]5 ?anted, spectable person, with gtlcjcl referezices.-Apply, afler four O'clock t "TORKIG HOUSE- KEEPERS, General Ser- vants Nurse, Kitchen-maid dMenMeed— A?pfyat M? ?or?n-s Re?.try, 101, KrederkSstreet, CMdfS. M9 ítuafíøttS lUaut. A GOOD INCOMK see??ed withoul A with other empioyiueri^ Melbou5-r.dne! ?elope for particulars to 'Nianager, 20, Melbourne. ?" York.  ??L A GEKTS Wanted cabling on ??'??? fou1l<lrie;, 5; .team?.p owners. and i^ot^herrs^, tw ^»ser^ifnTdura^re ??und M??ery Oil's, I?r?Iy ?nd l"?'?!?d ;De? commission.-AddreM J. B., earn ot .MMSM ——16. BatbicM. London, 602 I, w A '?-hu WJh to make money easil? *"?,??'?'' har-I ? write A B. Murray, 105, Crofto't-r?. ,oiidon 816 P n?e?ADE??VMtedrarRood?nish?? niie4,)r lit work. Good wages given.—ApP?y ? .illian-I I,L l? n. iowis-street, Aberaman. 526 ? ag iq?ICE VCAXCIE.-l,800 annually ?,1 Service A? "alaries. £95-£400 Order" The Civil Service As,,Z-; a.t," weekly journal for candidates, Post free, I 4(1.- Tildesley, Grassie, and Aber- ,etby, H.M.C.S.  Tildesley, Grassie, and Aber- Civil free, M C S t urgh. 684 ^/VrH PATv ? C ?.r-an, Cantor; want—ed j at once.-Applv John ^^SLPLOVMELST J-3^11^^10 Works, Cardiff. 678 — I — o ?, to 15, weekly IR?n beamed b? LADIE?.-lOs to 15s weekly MMhins.-?end address?) ??' Auf.oma.tic Knitting Machine.—Send address,] ('1 ROO:\Is.Wanted '.stree!J_odoll, W. 412 wh:. must tho.rought;OPle of firstcIass-'rooms light wei¡:-hts, and nd eyii -APPIY tO J)- T. Alexan- fJer. bon. sec" Horse I?how, ?. ppy to D. T. Alexan. LADIES 'VANT.-Üo:ne -street, Cardiff, Kt-pt lon-ioa. needle\'I'ol'k sent per J< How;¡,ni, 6fJ, ReplJ'ton'l'oa:¡, a<llressl'(1 envelope, J<ÆtabI1!!hcl1870. U!JUUll, Londol.l. 1\ II" A (ood. të-,ïJyr\ï-:UltClfât'7,n;:e-9_7- 31 benhan.?r and lumber—J. Fo,?. ?Cha? atteet NP.WQw?t s e ,8, Cha. 1_\ T,,TL.P OX Wanted a good.-Apply J.WeDines. N Th.e TUllnel,_oe(),ardl_5- PRINTERS^-Wanted, Turnover in a mall ofHce.— P Annlv Rrst instance, stating "ages, T. T. M., ?outh %RvI?les DaHy News.'? Cardiff. 642 ^SHORTHAND -CLRK.acancy !or a Shorthand S Corresponding Clerk.—State age, salary required, and experience to Clerk," Daily News" office Car. diff. 7;)845 rpI HK BRITISH WORKMAN'S ASSURANCE t Company, Limited, require Agents for Cardiff, Newport, and all towns and villages in the district.— Apply, by letter, to Superintendent, 2S, Rawdon-place, Canton, Cardiff 234 rACANCIES IN CIVIL SERVICE.—Age 16-25. Y Commencing salaries rane to £ 100. Rapid pre- paration by correspondence.—Intelligent young men write to Secretary, Civil Service Examination Agency, Nuuhead, London. 284 SITUATIONS TSEANIRFR. AKERS. Wante(l, by a respectable Young Man, JO Situation Second or Single Hand; Cardiff or near Cardiff preferred. Good references.—P., 1, Martin's-road, High-street, Peckham, bmrey. 660 CHILDREN'S or YOUNG LADY'S MAID.—A girl as 'd 17 good dressmaker has not been in a situation before, out can give good references.—Apply to Mbs Wariow, Lai-ston, liridgeud lc3 CLERK or TRAVELLER, wanted by a young man, situa: ion, seven years experience in commercial circles, well known through South Wales. Small Ealary.-A(ldres, G. Herron, 51, Hamilton-road, Hey- worth-streer, Liverpool. 608 E IIP,OYAIENT in Newport, in any capacity wiiere li trust is required, wanted by youth (17), country. Excellent references.—Hulin, Blakeney, Gloucester- shire. b40 AN (Young), 21, requires Situation; light employ- J_*i ment; will come on trial; excellent references. —Address Abstainer, Daily News" Ottice, Cardiff. 564 MASTER BAKERS.—Warned, a situation as .1f above. Total abstainer. — H. Bulnin, at Mr teauisen's, Baker, Castle-road, Roath, Cardiff. 591 PAGE (situation wanted) under a Butler. Had a little experience. Good reference; age 17 tall. Apply to Charles Bowden, Thorneloe Lodge, 4, Priory-street, Cheltenham. b6) PORE or WATCHMAN.—Situation wanted by a middle-aged Man. Good refeience-,7.-263, Bae- street. 529 WANTED, by a Young Lady, & Situation in a Confectioner's Shop or Bar. Not been out before. Would give the first month. Swansea pre. ferred.—Apuly 8b, Windsor-road. Neath. 32 bLTp Assistants, vVr. A" SSISTANTS (Two Junior) to the Grocery and Pro- .? vision Trades Welsh.—W. Richards, 167, High. street, J^wansea 65/ ASSISTANT in Grocery Business Wanted; none but those ".th ood character need apply" .—Mr MUier, 3, Patrick-treet, Cardiff. 516 DRAPERS.—Wanted immediately, an experienced Young Man. Welsh. A knowledge of outfitting preferred.—Apply to J. H. Powell, Draper and Out- fitter, Aberaman. 632 DRAPERY.—Wanted at once, Youn? Men. Know- Dled,-e of Welsh.—Apply and state full prticu]ars to John Jones, Manchester House, Merthjr. 609 DRAPERS requiring Situations should read "The DI)rapers' Assistant," post free one shilling, from the Author, Richard Heynon, Drapers' Valuer, Ch?- tenham. 384 DRESS and MANTLE MAKER wanted, able to Deut and fit. Permanency.—Ernest J. Lewis, arberth. 665 DRESSMAKERS.—Bodice Hands wanted; also DApprer,ticesan,t Improvers —Apply per?onaHv, M. Samuel, 56, Crockherbtown, CardiK. 53t GENERAL DRAPERY. Wanted at once, ex. Gpei-ienced young Lady. FuU particulars to B. H. Cooke. Draper. BryniiiawrSiop, Blaenavon, Mon. 685 Tia BCut. APARTMENTS to Let, Unfurnished, two, three, or Afour rooms; hot and cold water b&th ? good position; terms moderate.—Apply D.H.C., "South Wales Daily News," Cardiff. 439 BED AND SITTING-ROOM (furnished) for res. Bptccable married couple. Permanency. No attendance. Terms must be moderate.—Address Y.C 4 South Wales Echo Office, Cardiff. 342 C ANI'ON.-Comfortable furnished Apartments, or lodgings for one or two ladies. Trdoms pass the door. Terms motlerate,-Apply, E, "South Wales Echo" Office, Cardiff. 608 P ENARrH.-House aud Shop, plate-glass front, JL situated in Maughan-street; suit any business.— Apply C. Davies and Son, Penarth DoeL. 613 RESIDENCE (Good Family) to let in Charles- street. Hot and cold water bath, and every con- venience. Rent £ 45 per annum.-Apply T. S., south Wales Daily News," Cardiff. 637 STABLE anil LOFT to Let, for four horses 5s per S week or part, 2s 6d, with use of yard.-Apply 98 iriarriet-street, Cat-hays, Cardiff. 407 Rouses iEatttfli. ^EWPORT.—Wanted~ on theist October, for .1. office purposes, I ront Premises in a leading tu.rouFl,f?, n N 6wport -Address Premises, D?ily   11. Tredegai-place, Newport. 'Ot ?a?-?isMUattMus.  B ab?,ut eet of thic k or ale. a bargain, with b iucll P Osts every 8 feet. Nearly 1l6w.-Apply A. hwbith h8ts every 8 LJamshcn. »uson, The Reheat, COAL CARl (long) for Naierwnr .?rro 592 C Apply H. Western, 37, Christina-street, .¡j:ctk- Cardiff. 652 Jllisrellane0ns. BOTANIC BEER made immediately with Mason's Uract or Essence of Herbs, composed of Yarrow, ?'ndellon Comfrey, ?'d Horehound; send 9 8tamp ;j„S bo?!e.eno?h to make four gallon to Newball and Mason. Chemists, Nottingham. Agents wanted. 4136 TTTURNISH on the ?Itre?tem. ???'? 6d Fweekly; 210 worth, 4s weekly 215worth, 5s ?ekl7'?' worth, 6s ?ekiy.and so o??por. tion.-The South Wales FurmshinK Company ?, Custom House-street, Cardiff. 6!J2 1?  .rit y re. TnHJRNI?H?n?the ? Htre?System. No secunty re- r quired.-South Wales Furnishing Company, ,?, Custom House-street, Cardiff.  68¿ FHQRNISH on theI?Te System. C?hpricM charged. -SOu Wales Furnishin Company, 23, Custom House-street, Cardie. FURNISH on the Hire System. Small w?kly or Jb mouthiy payments.-South ?alesFurmshm? Company, -?m Hou:tre_ Cadi, oM 'r?UR?ISH'o?theHir?System. Houses or apart- I' mer.ts furnished throughout. bouth ?a!es F.?.ishing Company, 23, Custom House-street, Car- diff. f ?.. ? ? 6? FURNISH on thTllh^Systeim Compare pnce? Fwith other houses.—South W ales mmishmg Company, 23, Custom House-street. Cardiff. 682 FURNISH on the HireSystem. Immense stock to I' select from.—South W?lea Furnishing Company, ?, on H_ouse-street, Cardiff. 682 FURNISH on the Hire System, town or country. !F South Wales Furnishing Company, ?, Custom se.s reet, Cardiff. ,68¿ TjWRNISH on the Hire SystemKo' Mtra charge A made.-South Wales FumishiBK Company, 23, custom Hoase-atreet. Cardid. compan1:sff3, FL*m^? -in. th° Hire ?y?i-e- ?.?.ui? for the household South Wales urmshing Company, 23, Custom HouM.street. Cardin. 682 « onthe Hire System. Inspection in- FURNISH on the Hire System. Inspection in. V ited-South Wales Furnishing Company, 23* Custom nm I n??? ??" CapitaMsts-wtshingtocon). I ineiicH ^x ibacconists for illustrated guide (110 paces) send ?'? to H. M-v«8 and Co., Euston- road. Won 137e ()N^^P^UKITY ANDTHE INFIRMITIES ot 'specially to younR men, with a vice on ealth, and containing ecipes that will re- store the nervon « u to the full power of manhood Free fnr w ated PPwer of and speedy cure of a11 M'ho desire a safe stamp to prepay ?? ?'d of Quacks. Send ne of Anatomy, Bi?nS? ??????tcretary. lustituta w TI ?,S IN'A'L .-MIDL-%ND house in TŒS W A'I CH COMPANY.-(Chpest house ill theorld) adie ?, or 'eiits' ine Silver Cnsta! Glass,' he?y]?? ?''?"?' Fine S?ver heavv-ensed Gold 'Mvers  ???"' ?"'  80s. Before purchasing send ? r ^,fnts" !l0;, 'lo; do"' 80-. Befon; pnrChasUlg senll ? ?mpany's Catalogue, ,e or? 11 ?u,strated. I tine copper-,)late enfraJ"  <fS ratis, Post free on cation, to any part () the er cL Apply '-ompany's?'?a?''??P???? t Bil'win¡¡:ham. ThepreX??,,??y. \ys? ? ?r eaders to obtain a catalogue. ?? '-econ ?nd iiloitejj. 1 HE I" Sl' OF ??CLAND ADV2. B. 1.Crdiff, be to inform the Pbli that they advance from S5 to t, 000 to Farmers, Cow- keepers, Householders (Male or Female), Mechanics' and others on their own security, at a. few hours' notice Trade bills discounted. Advances also made on deed without any legal charges at a very low rate of interest, to be repaid by instalments. Borrowers would do weli to inquire our charges before applying elsewhere. For references inquire of any solicitor in the town. All c-inuiuni cations to be addressed to S. Blaiberg, Man 3160 1æ17 ,Alitustmgltts. rpHEATRE ROYAL, CARDIFF LESSEE & MANAGER — MR. E, DWARD FLETCHER. ACTING 1\L\NAGER, MR. JOHN SHERIDAN. TO-NIGHT (WEDNESDAY), SEPT. 9th, Splendid Production of Shakespeare'sSublime Tragedy, H A M L E T Hamlet, Prince of Denmark.Mr EDWARD FLETCHER Claudius, King of Henmark Mr JOHN PALEY Ghost of Hamlet's Father Mr G. F. LEICESTER Polonius Nlr W. FOSBROOKE Laertes .lr VINCENT STKRNROYD Gertrude. Queen of Denmark.Mrs CHARLES DILLON Ophelia Miss NELLIE FLETCHER Supported by a specially selected Shakesperian Company. New and appropriate scenery by Mr G. F. Warde. Magnificent costumes by Harrison Brothers. Wigs, tiic., by Clarkson, Strand. FRIDAY NEXT, Sept. 11th, ANNUAL BENEFIT of Mr EDWARD FLETCHER, HAMLET. MONDAY, Sept. 14th, CHARLES WYNDHAM'S POPULAR COMEDY COMPANY, in THE CANDIDATE. Doors Open at 7, Commence 7.30; Half-price 9. Box plan at Messrs Thompson and Shackell's. 53237 VICTORIA ROOMS, ST. MARY- STREET, CARDIFF. MON. D'ARC'S GHANI) WAXWORK EXHIBITION. CROWDED < DELIGHTED AUDIENCES. THE FAMOUS CRYSTAL PALACE MYSTERY, TilAUMA, half a living lady, suspended in space. This novelty has never been produced ou the same principle in Cardiff as the one now daily exhibiting at the above ro. ni;. To be seen daily, from 3 till 5, and 7 tiil 10 o'clock. Admission 3d, children 2rt. F. J. SMITH, Manager. ul.Tli¡: Retires. ..LVI J{S ANA M. LONGSHORE POTTS, M.D., Doctor of Medicine, of the WOMEN'S MEDICAL COLLEGE OF PHILADELPHIA, U.S.A., with Mr E. UARRISON and J. CHAS HARRISON", Both Doctors of Medicine of the Bennett Medical College, Chicago, U.S.A., will remain at Cardiff,»IT No. 19, CHARLES-STREET, until MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14TII, And can be consulted daily. Hour 9 a.m. to 3 p-m. Dr. Harrison's hours also 6 to 9 p.m. Mrs Potts treats Disease* of Women only; Geo. E. Harrison, Chronic Diseases not Peculiar to the Sex J. Chis. Harris!'LI, Diseases of Men only. CONSULTATION FREE. 762C4 (foursitms. EXCURSIONS BETWEEN CARDIFF, WESTON, AND LVNMOUTH, By the Saloon Steamer LADYMARGARKT orQUKBiN OF THE BAY, (Wind, weather, and circumstance* permitting, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9. Leave Cardiff 3.30 p.m. Weston 8.30 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10. Leave Cardiff 8.15 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. 1, 6.30 p.m. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11. Leave Cardiff 7.45 a.m. Weston 7.45 p.m. Fares—Between Cardiff and Weston, to-and-fro, Fore deck. Is 6d; Saloon, 2s; single Fare, Is and Is 6d. Bay trips, is. Refreshments on board. q 355e—7378II BY ORDER. EXCURSION- to WATCHET THIS -rEILNO()N, by the :Saloon (WEDNESDAY) AFTERNOON, by the Saloon tST,eainer. 1,ADY MARGARET (Wind, weather, aud circuinsta-ices permitting). Leave Cardiff 3.45 p.m. Watchet, 7 p.m. For fares, etc., see Isills; 76220-485 BY 0RDER. EXCURSION to WATCHET, MINE- HEAD and ILFRACOMBE On THURSDAY, SEPT. 1-th, by the fast, favourite 1, t ll I)Y the fast, favourite Saloon Steamer, •' LADY MARGARET" (wind, weather, and circumstances permittine). Leave Cardiff 6.30 a.m. Ilfracombe, 3.0 p.m. FI R fares, et. see Bill.-q. BY ORDER. 483-76218 TRIXODRSTON ILFRACOMBE ?n EFRIDAY, SEPT. 11th. by the Saloon Steamer, 'LADY MARGARET" I (Wind, wether and circumstances permitting). Leave Cardiff 7,45 ?"- Hfraco,nbe,3.45p.m. ?or fares, etc.. see BiMs. BY ORDER. 484-7619 B E FOR E B U Y I N G A WATCH ANYWHERE Write for the Illustrated Pamphlet," sent free on application by the Largest Watch Manufacturer. JQIAMOND JEWELLERY. Purchasers supplied direct at Trado Prices. A SAVING OF FROM 25 TO 50 PER CENT. MR. T. R. p tUSSELL, MAKER TO HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, CATHEDRAL WORKS, 18, CRUIWR STREET, LIVERPOOL. I 12191 [NO AGENTS IN WALES.] 394e IF UURON, jQUNLOP, AND CO. CARDIFF AND SWANSEA, A wo M WtNDsOK-KOAD. PEN ART 11 BASS AND CO., ALLS OP p AND SONS, And otilerij of the ttneat UURTON ALES. 1) It 1 CE S P?Kud?i?"??' p.,?? lar ? I 9s ?' 10s? 6d. ?. I 12. And upwards. 155 Jj C 0 NO MY IN FUEL. HALL'S PATENT FEED WATER H EAT E It IVILLIAMS'J: ATENT BLOWER AND SMOKE CONSUMER FOR STEAM JJ OILERS j- OtiN WILLIAMS AND -ION, SOLE LICENSEES & MAKERS, QUEEN-STRE ET, CARDIFF. 107e POSITIVE REMEDIES. Consult the Book of Positive Remedies for the Care of all Diseases. GRATIS.—Sent by Post to all parts ot the World on receit of Two Stamps to prepay postage. A POSITIVE CURE FOR DEBILITIES -ciL AND DERANGEMENTS OF THE GENERA- TIVE AND NERVOUS SYSTEM, NERVOUS DE. BILITY AND EXHAUSTION, THE RESULT OF 1 OVER-TAXED ENERGIES IS GIVEN IN THE BOOK OF "POSITIVE REMEDIES. This Book Kives a POSITIVE REMEDY for all DISEASES. The Names of all Medicines are given in English. Cases and Testimonials, with means used in each case. IT IS A GUIDE TO THE SELF-TREATMENT OF ALL DISEASES, and should be Consulted bv all who require medical treatment. NOTICB.-Tfil, Po?S1. TIVE MEDICINES GIVEN IN THE BOOK OF "POSITIVE REMEDIES" ARE THE MEDlGlNIS USED BY DR. SMITH FOR OVER THIRTY YEARS. By the aid of this Book Invalids may form a correct; knowledge of their malady, and tind a Positive Remedy for the Cure. The names are pub- lished in English, to enable Invalids to select the remedy and Cure Themselves withont consulting a medical man, making a written statement of case or p?yin? consultation iees. Send Two Stamps for the HOOK OF POSITIVE REMEDIES, which contains 244 pages, and gives a cure for all diseases. Post free on receipt of Two Stamps direct from 716 H. t H. SMITH dw CO. 130 POSITIVE REMEDY LABORATORY. 26. sor:THA)U'TO.r\.P'OW. LONDON. W.  WORD to the WISE Cause & cure of A debility, want of energy, and premature decav. In- Hcmctions to rega.in heal% and vigor. Sem on receiptoi 4 stamps by Publishers, Fitminu-squitre, Sheffield. 1163 OTHAM AND gOKS, THE PRINCIPALITY JUVENILE OUTFITTERS, 26 & 27, kST. JAIARY-STPEET, CARDIFF. E R 8 E y U I T 8 AXD JERSEYS. JERSEYS ARE THE. AND BEST FOR JERSEY GULTS SCHOOL WEAR. -PG-AVY BLUE I JLL FOR THE 13 LACK, ¡ J SEASIDE. GREN AT, I ARONE, I SEAL BROWN, FOR THE AXD IlOLIDA YS. FANCY MIXTURES Fine Stockintte 'I UNEQUALLED »,df.mr.tf,Si UNKQUALLEO USH4 J STT 8 Ktutted STIŒGTH Won? JERS? EYS, ND JERSEY UITS. AND TD»TUTRR AA HlilTLLTLTI V1. ?E?EY KNIFES DURABILITY. LARGEST STOCK IN SUITS from SOUTH WALES. Is. lid. to 20s. J O T II A M AND SONS. 26 aud 27 ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. I ESTABLISHED 50 YEARS. 20IC il J. goss, I 12, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF, Have now 011 view the largest Stock of Iligh-cliwa piANOFORTES, ORGANS, AND JJARMONIUMS, IN SOUTH WALES. Which they are offering at a LARGE DISCOUNT FOR CASH and on the three years' system, from 10s 6d per month. Pianos, from 16 guineas. Illustrated Catalogues Post itree 259e P IANOS.-WI-IY BE WITHOUT ONE JL When you can become the owner of a nice instrument for the small payment of 10s 6J PER MONTH ON rJlHOMPSON AND JgHACKELLS HIRJ SYSTEM ? No security icquhed, awl the "'?rm'tent dehv?rej top?cb?erou payment of first 'DY instalment. Every inatrumeuc ?uM""tee<t? ?'td exch?.?d if not approved. ORGANS AND HARMONIUMS ON SIMILAR TERMS. Ca.tatoS"es?'eeo't?ppUc?tion. THOMPSON AND SHACKELL PIANOFORTE AND MUSIC WAREHOUSE, QUEEN'S JiUlLDINGS, CARDIFF  Alsoat s?VAN.,?FA t an(l G 1, 24oo NOTICE OF?EMOYAL. T H DA VIES AND CO., "THE TAILORS,' BeK to intimate to their ?stomeM and BE general public that the? ??.-ecu? Me ?tt-n?ive ?.id C?- modious COi{?HR ??m)?"?';?? M?hin CUSTOM HO??-' '"?''P'? .a-e luw open,and Me showing the?'??;?ATTERKs ?t.. oQpUenA,LanITd IES in SCOTCH  Wh? :u1Tixü' ?ANCY TROUSERI?CT ,VI'"7H NV^, Please notice tlieirj' ? '??UCLO-lHl. (' WINDOWS. Value not to C.?di?. Tney thank their  for |„TUU\l. c °fdurs. ad 'r. o. They thauk their ?'  F^VOURS. and P 0- mise the s?Mo ?ttentio"? Please Notice the Addross; T. H. DAVIES AND Co., the TAILORS,' ?9e C USTO> £ ^G^J\ CARDIFF. ST^« STARCH STIFF'S S'LARCH. j??ssTARCH It havill,, c III to the ? ?kuowled? ??the GTIFF'S STABOHT knowledge of \F often attemPtSe retallerJ QTIFF'S STAKCH. PJWLRIOW ErY iceLitL,ld ilifei-or starches r1el)reset)ti 119 thein to be STIFFS STAKCH.  IO Stiff & Co c,e of MESSRS STIFF'S STAlCH.11 to put II; lt?Cessa!y ,d al4,%Iilst lIch nn ts STIFFS STARCH.  to: t at e v fst ft?r or Packet TIFF'S STARCH- 0e I gis re -1 TT QUEEN B" Mark GTIFF'S SMCH.  :;tarc!t i'S'ld' 51b Packets and lib "F In STIFFS S'" t\.llCH. lIoXe,&I\(hna.heobta'Qc) of any Gl'()cer Drug?.lanu. Oilmait or 'J ist, or STIFFS STARCH. SS?-' SS? I STIFF & c STIFF'S STARCH. R???-s??f.s-roL 305e 12080 7376e ESTABLI 1818. POSTAL D E L I V E PY Y o. 1HB» SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS. The Proprietors of VLE ?0"'A DA"'Y ?s b? to announce that by 9L special (-once,?isioil of the p b%tal Authorities tey ? ? ??? "esp?tch their First Edition eMh rnornlll1;I; Mails l?aviiig at 2.30 a.M and 3.45 a.m. ?un..ttr?y &S? "b?nbersrMidiu.; wi'2.h.3iu0 ath.m .ii,S? R?? 0 C,LA?,IORGANSHIRt?i, C^M^HSNSHLBIS 1'EMBRO?L??L, OARDlGANbHiRL As weU M those portio»s oi -d«K.CON and MONMOUTHSHIRE com p rised vvith^j t^hHe !RE and MO?MOUTHSHIUKc?P..?..i,eeddw?iHthi"u ?t'h'Be ITRreE deg?r and Rhymney VaUey ??"?'?yaowh?e& SOUTH WAI.ES DAILY  ltelive'red at owh!,vethe dences daily by the MID« 0085 t""? who thhelrresi their London lett?ag Ie co \lYS ¡ndon and West of UngMUui 8ubscr' rec.i? tneir 11pers on the ?cernoo"?? P?.?hcanon. The SECOM EDITION OI the &ourn Wi. DAILY NEWS is lorw?rded, P''?" t residents ALES DAILY ing and aH ether Pla £ witl1in the' of te follo, D¡strict in time for the first  ùerCardrff Posta.l District in nme tor the tirst mormug dahvery St. Fagan's Pencoed S Brides.surl. Ely St. Nicholas Bonvilstone Peterstone Llandaff Radyr Morganstown MelingTiffith Pentyrch St Andrew's I suiiy Co. Y"?  DinM Powis I Icadoxton Barry I CMrphi!!y Bed was Ystrad Mynacu PwUyp?"c I pwllypant I' IC;ill Nimbly I ? ?"a.elatn.ieVed? ?stIeMwn ??rshae!d Penarth LI?ndouch ?SY&ne MMushen Whitchurch ?FsWeU ?OUKWya?i. Wl\1nUCTr(uBrl(\' e PER QCAR-KR, POST-FREE 0 9 9 PER kiALF-YFAIL 019 0 PER YEAR 0'. 119 0 SOUTH WALES DAILY NEW^ PICES 75 and 76. St. Marv-streer. C,ird;,Y. J^EWPORT. —SOUTH~WaLES ECHO. The SOUTH WALES ECHO is published at the NEWPORT OFFICE, 11, Tredegar-place, as follows •— FIRST EDITION .3.15 P.M. SECOND EDITION .4.O SPECIAL EDITION .b.30 The SPECIAL EDITION contains all the News of the Day up to Six o'clock p.m.—including the latest Stock Exchange and Sporting Televtams, Sold by All Newsagents and Newsboya jSusiitiss Jl&ftriasia. AMERIOAN FRESH MEAT COMPANY, 7, CUSTOM-HOUSE STREET, 39, CLIFTON STREET, ROATH, 3, UPPER GEORGE-STREET, CATHAYS, CARDIFF. SPECIAL FOR THE SEASON. We are now Receiving Immense Consignments of pRIME (gMALL SHEEP, FED ON THE HILLS, EQUAL IN QUALITY TO THE F A"IOUS 'XXTELSH MUTTON, and are selling at undernoted low prices— L E G S, about 81bs. each WD PER < LB. L 0 I N „ 41bs. „ i^D PER SHOULDERS, „ 51bs. „ f? LB. NECKS, „ 3^lbs. „ 4D BREASTS, „ 31 bs. „ 3D L WHY pAY MORE 1 THE QUALITY WE SELL IS THE BEST. ^MERICAN JJ<RESH EAT COMPANY, 7, CUSTOM-HOUSE STREET, 39, CLIFTON STREET, ROATH, 5, UPPBR GEORGE-STREET, CATHA YS, CARDIFF. 469 Fp H 0 M A S JJ VANS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CHINA AND GLASS DEALER, 57, BRIDGE-STREET. Dinner Sets for 12 Persons from 17s. Toilet Sets Complete from 7s. Tea Sets in Great Variety at the Lowest Possible Prices. 479e B A R R jg ROS,, TAILORS, G4: ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. c A RD I FF. 293e 7357b GO T,) THE "U A M B R I A N" NEW HAIRCUTTING, SHAVING, AND SHAMPOOING ROOMS, 57, BRIDGE-STREET, CARDIFF. GENTLEMEN'S HAIR fashionably cut 3d. CHILDREN'S HAIR carefully cut 2d. SHAVING (only) Id. SHAVING (with attendance) lid. Private haircutting rooms for ladies and children, PLEASE NOTE THE ABOVE ADDRESS. 406e A FACT WORTH KNOWING. BEECHAM'S PILLS Are admitted by thousands to be worth above a G UIN EA a BOX for bilious and nervous disorders, such as wind pain in the stomach, sick headache, giddiness, iullnes and swelling after meals, dizziness and drowsiness, cold chills, flushings oi heat, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, costiveness, scurvy, and blotches on the skin disturbed sleep, frightful dreams, and all nervous and trembling sensations, Ac., &c. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one Box of these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For Females of all ages these Pills are invaluable. No female should be without them. There is no medicine to be found to equal Beecham's Pills for removing any obstructions or irregularity of the system. If taken ac. cording to the directions given with each box, they will soon restore females of al. ages to sound and robust health For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all dis- orders of the Liver, they act like MAGIC, and a few (loses will be found to work wonders upon the most important organs in the human machine. The) strengthen the whole muscular system, restore the long- lost complexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action, with the ROSE-BUD of health the whole physical energy of the human irame. These are FACTS admitted by thousands embracing all classe s of society, and one of the best guarantees to the Ne; vous and Debilitated is Beecham's Pills. Thev have tl • largest 8&le of any patent medicine in the world. C rptd only by the Proprietor. '1'. BEECHAM h?.l.t, St. Helen's, Lancashire, in Boxes at la l?d and 2s 9d each. Sold by all Patent Medicine Dealers in the United Kingdom. V ?. ?uti directions Me (riven with each h"x. 72393 s WANSEA.-SOUTH WALES ECHO. The FIRST EDITION of the SOUTH WALES ECHO is published at the Office, 9, College-street, Swansea, every AFrERNOON, AT FIVE 0 CLOCK. Sold by newsagents at Swansea, Hafod. Plasmarl, Mumbles, Ac, and by the boys of the Self Help Brigade, The SPECIAL EDITION, which contains all the I-atest News, Telegrams, Stock Exchange Closing Prices, Markets, Sporting and Local Intelligence of the day ispublished in Swansea at 8.30 p.m. B Sold by lC. MOG FORD, News Agent, Great Western Buildings High-street, Swansea, and by news boys OELIGIOUS SERVICES.—The atten- -L? tion of Church and Chapel Managers is invited to the tollowing SPECIAL PREPAID TARIFF for Ad. vertisements announcing the holding of RELIGIOUS SERVICES, ANNIVERSARIES, and TEA MEET. INGS One Three Six Twelve Insertion Insertions. Insertions. Insertions. it. d. is. d. s. d. s. d. .Four Lines.. 1 4 4 0 6 0 8 6 Six Lines. 2 0 6 0 9 0 M 12 0 Eight Lines.. 2 8 8 0 12 0 16 0 Twelve Lines. 4 0 12 0 18 0 24 0 18 Lines 6 0 IB" 0 87 0 36 0 24 Lines 8 0 21 0 36 0 48 0 Eight words may be calculated tomlire, TlilsTariff -is limited strictly to the Advertisements enumerated above. These Notices can also appear in the CARDllrlf TIMES and SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS in conjunction with those in the South Wales Dehilt'iHtics,* l 10 03 to iORB tut ol tbe series of lwrdionall- u5ínrss l\.bbr1'5Srs. BUY ONLY ENGLISH WATCHES. BE N S 0 N NEW PATENT (No. 4653), "LUDGATE" WATCH HAS OBTAINED THF. HIGHEST AWARD OF A GOLD MEDAL AT THE INVENTIONS EXHIBITION, SILVER GOLD £ .:> <5. -???'??? ?. ?JL??. æ t..) ,). -t 1-.1 -.l ('QIf. THE "LUDGATE" WATCH IS A SILVER ENGLISH LEVER, OF MY BEST i.ONDON MAKE, WITH SPECIAL STRENGiH" THREE-QUARTER PLAT]; .MOVEMENT. JEWELLED THROUGHOUT IN RUBIES. TRUE CHRONOMETER BALANCE, ADJUSTED FOR EXTREME^, WITH DAMP AND DUST PROOF PATENT RING BAND, AND EXTENDED BARREL. MASSIVE STERLING SILVER DOMIC CASES WITH CRYSTAL GLASS FRONT, Which combines the Strength of the Hunter with the convenience of the Open-f.ice Wtch. WINDS, SETS HANDS, Jc OPENS AT BACK. The IMMENSE superiority in Value. Accuracy, anp Durability of the LUDGATE" Watch, to Suiss and American (made in iuiitau; n of and sold as English; and tu the Old Fuli-Plate English Lever (still sold by other makers), from the great defects of which the Lil(i,a',e' iti is provei bythe Aivard oi a GuLlJ MEDAL, THE ONLY ONE ADJUDGED TO ENGLISH WATCHES. THE LL'DGATE IS OF BETTER QUALITY AND VALUE THAN ANY J310 WATCH HITHERTO MADE. THE "LUDGATE" IS MY BEST LONDON MAKE STRONG, HANDSOME, AND RELIABLE, WILL 81AXD THE HARDEST WEAR AND ROUGHEST USAGE, AND Is THEREFORE THE BE.sT WATCH FOR HOME, INDIAN AND COLONIAL WEAR, BY RAILWAY MEN, MINERS, AND COLONISTS (No. 1, I.AltCL SIZE), WORKMEN, AND ARTISANS (No. 2\. GENTLEMEN, OFFICERS AND MEN IN II M SERVICES, YOUTHS AND BOYS (Nu. ?, SMALL'* WILT, BE SENT FREE AND SAFE AT -?IY TQ ALL PARTS OF THE WOULD FOR £ 5 OS. OR IN la-CARAT OOL1; CRYSTAL GLASS CASES TWELVE GUINEAS. (No. 3 SIZE). A Keuiit ance by P.O.O., Draft, or Cash, must accompany oruer. SPECIALLY NOTE that J. NY. BENSON is the only Maker of a Three-Quarter Plate English Watch for £ 5 os in Silver, or Bl2 12s in Gold, allll tha t Lour Patent Ludate" alcu cannot be h.id through, or of any other Watchmaker m the Kingdom. Auy illfrdlgel11ellt of the Patent Hights will be proceedeii against. An Illustrated and Priced BOOK, ex- plaining the advantages uf this Watch over the Fui:-Piate English Watches sold by all other makers, will be sent Post I'ree oil application, t,o J. "T. B r N SON, WATCHMAKER TO H.M. THE QUEEN, T H E S T E A M F A C T 0 R Y, 62 AN o 64, L UDG ATE- HILL, E.C., AND 25, OLD BOND-STREET, W., LONDON. Con equent upon the award of the GOLD MEDAL, the den.aud, anvays great, has So increased as to necessitate more extensive Machinery, which now enable us to EXECUTE ALL ORDERS for the "LUDGATE" WAiCH WITHOUT DELAY. lLlItratell Pamphlets of Watches from i:¿ to £600, Gold and Silver Jewellery, Clocks (House, Chime, and Turret), Electro Plate, and Musical Boxes, free on ap- plication. CLUB ASSOCIATIONS.—FOREMICN, SECRETARIES of FRIENDLY SOCIETIES, AGENTS, aud others will tind their incomes considerably increased by establishing Clubs for the New Patent "Ludgate" Watch, as it is wortli from £ 5 to £ lu more than any English Watch sold, and therefore bound to supersede all others. Particulars on application. iivo3 72776 253e THE FOUNDATION PRINCIPLE OF yy jp R L C E & SONS, Business is that CUST031 IS DRAWN BY THE MAGNET OF VARIETY AND VALUE." They are now showing considerable accessions of New Fresh, and Attractive Stock in GENTLEMEN'S AND JUVENILES' READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, AND HOSIERY, At Prices that have never been Lower from Manufac turers' Hands. ADDRESS THE CARDIFF HOUSE, 50 & 51, ST. MARY-STREET, & 46 & 47, CAROLINE 23 STREET CARDIFF. 111 NEW LOCAL MINING STORY. Witb the view of making the South, IVales Echo acceptable to all classes of our readers, the pro- prietors have made arrangements for the publica- tion of a NEW STORY OF LOCAL COLLIER LIFE, ENTITLED MARY ARMITAGE, THE MINER'S DAUGHTER. The Story is one of intense interest, full of sensa- tional situations, and enchaining the reader's attention throughout. The varied incidents, trade disputes, and dangers of those who toil underground have been introduced into the tale, and we confidently leave its merits in the hands of our mining readers. The following chapter synopsis will give some idea of the nature and scope of the story CHAPTER I.-Joe Armitage. IL-After Twenty Yeus.-The Belle of Peny. graig. „ III.—Mary's Adventure-Will Evans, the Collier. „ IV.—The New Minister—Mary as a Pit Girt. „ V.—Dick Davies—The Snake in the Grass." „ VL—Mr Hannaway, the Agitator—Out on Strike. I VII.—" Will you see your Children Starve 1"— "Surrender, man? ever „ VIII.-Arrival of the Knobsticks—The Riot. „ IX.-Mary the Peacemaker—Will Evans, the New Leader. X.-Jane Davies falls in Love-Leap Year Privileges. It XI.—The Minister declines to respond"— Love turned to hate. XII.-The presentiment-Mary is not my daughter—The Explosion-Death of Joe Armitage. „ XIII.—A leaf from a sealed book-The baby clothes. „ XIV.—The Minister's Ques,-Baffled. It XV.—An unnatural mother Dick Davies finds "a mine of gold.' It XVI.—Mary's prosecutor—Saved by a door boy. XVII.—Mr Morton, the new colliery owner- The aim of Will Evans's life. t XVIlL-Mrs .Morton visits Mary—JaneDavies's inquisitiveness. ,i IX.—Mr Hannaway's disappearance- Will Evans's heroism. It XX.—The Unravelling of the Skein-The Minister makes a discovery. „ XXI.—Mary and her mother.-Tlie Minister's magnaiiiniity-Conclusion. The first chapter of the Story commenced in the "SOUTH WALES ECHO" August 29th, and will be continued on each Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday till completed. IVERVOUSNESS, LOSS of ENERGY, JLl and VITAT, POWER.—A gentleman having tried in vain every advertised remedy, has discovered a simple means of self-cure, lie will be happy to for ward the particulars to any sufferer on receipt ur a stamped and directed envelop s Address J. T. Sjwell Estjy Ciafswirk, Middlesex 212 EBusiness Àhàrt5Sts. m U N D A Y'S Lcv I R I D I N E," (Trade Mark), Ko. 36996. (^ORNS! A CERTAIN J CURE FOR CORNS, ??ORXS! —— '?/ Painless and Harmless. CORKS! ORNS This infallable remedy introduced by COR'TS t J-M UN DAY'has obtained a world-wide c OR-NS reputation. The efficacy of VIRL. DINE" may be judged by its having CORNS Cured Corns of over oO years'standing, which had resisted all other remedies. COR It succeeds where al Plasters and lvjrv-x ° Caustics have failed CORXS IN REMOVING BOTH HARD OR SOFT CORNS AND WARTS <pORNS c OPI.NLS TFSTI.I\IONIAI,Sz. 6 p/Anrc j ?o? ?'? A. W. CAMPBELL, Pier ■ Hotel, Ilfracombe. Mr Munday. -S I feef I owe an acknowledge J ment to you for supplying me with your CORNS wonderful VIRIDINE." For years I suffered a great deal of pain from a very ('JOI:> Ns I obstinate corn, but since applying your AVjiiiNo remedv it is entirely gone. I may add I that your" VIP.IDINE' has removed CORNS three troublesome corns from members of my family. /^ORNS! c  From Mr HOPKIN HOPKINS, XlAUDKV^.o'! Gorseinon, near wanea. \_y' Dear Mr,—I he?rtity consratulate CORNS you for your treatment for ,-orn<. The bottle of "Viridine" you sent me I some time ago ??'' prnvej almo?t C 0 .s miracuious io the corns I h?d on my ?-?' feet. It is exact)y the remedy what CORNS yon recommend it to be, and I hope it will become more known in the prin- c ORNS ci pality, lor there are, no doubt. hundreds of persons that would bttgM to know of its effects. CORNS! to know of its efi: c ORINS From MIlJJe. MARIE MULLEKt i Amsterdam, Holhnd, ??-??U?\KD-?\-&c' MrMunday. C, DEAR SIR. — I bought a bottle of c 0 R S your ri.iine" some six months ago in P ms, which cure I me, COPXc | and as I am a principal dHncr you e ?'?- ? know my feet a.re my living. The b"ttle ?? I boueht did the service you recom- CORli\ S mended it, but I bought anol1er one afteri?-LLr?ls which was forced and no CIORN"" S! goo.i. As T want a bottle of oenuine j for a friend lIr mine, who is nearly ,'i'RNS m?? with p?n, will you pleis? send ma cI C, P, oMdirec. Mdile. MARIE MULLER. ?ORNS! ? From Mr D. ANTHONY, ClORNS Swansea. l Dear myseif have sufferel "?. -y-o i wi h corns, and tried several of the Ur» JNo certain cures which people boast they ?-?' have, but they all failed in my case. I UiORNS then got a bottle of your Viridine," and by applying some nighlv to the c -ioilINS corn I was surprised to find that I could Ü"I • draw it clean up. I now enclose stamps for another bottle for a friend of mine. QORNS CORNS CAUTION.—As there are several im- ??ORN" S itations of this preparation, the public '??? ? are requested to AK FOR koRNS! MONDAY'S c OR-N?S V I P, I D I N E c 0 P, s And SEE THAT MY SIGNATURE is on the CORN^ S end of each package. By ordering" Corn Cure" you may C1J 0RNS receive one of the many so-called remedies which only give relief, C, or some worthless imitation of Viri. ORNS dine. ?? In Bottles, price by post Is 2d. PREPARED ONLY BY J. M U N D A Y. CHEMIST, 1, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. Agents; London-WILCOX & Co., Chemists. 239, Oxford-street, W. F. NEWBERRY < SONS, SANGER, SUTTON, HOVENDEN, &c. Liverpool— SYMES it Co., b8, Bold-street. Dublin-HAI ,kS & Co., 12, Grafton-street. Pa.ris-PH RIHACIE BERAL, 14, Rue de laPaix. Amsterdam—PERRY de Co., 97, Kalverstraat. And all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors. 4Me PEPPER'S TANNIN THROAT JL. GARGLE. Tannin Gargle should be within the reach of all is the least degree subject to throat affections, whethej inflammatory, relaxed, ulcerated, hoarseness, swollea tonsils, enlarged uvula, weakened voice, Ac. Then constantly speaking, singing, or reading, by using the Gargle prevent tue iiuskiness, dryness, and irritatiou so frequantly attendant on over-exertion also of pro- ducing unusually sustained powers without injury to the mucous surfaces of the throat Tannin is a great purifier, and so useful as a nouth mash in cases of disagreeable breath, arising from Ge. cayed teeth, disordered stomach, mouth Ulcerations, and other causes. As a cure for ordinary sore throat, with its usual painful and sometimes dangerous symptoms, the Tannin Gargle is far better than anything. Bottles, Is bd. Sold everywhere. PEPPER'S WHITE COUGH MIX- JL TURE.—The most reliable, speedy, and agree- aule cure for coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, con- sumption, and all diseases of the lungs and air- passages. It is soothing, comforting, and tranquil- lizing in its action, quite different from ordinary cough remedies. Affords relief after second dose Bonies, Is l:d and 2s 9d each. Sold by &U Chemists.  ?RACROFT'S ARECA-NUT TOOTH PASTE.-Regularly used every morniug the teeth are kept in beautiful order. AU decaying and destr ucthe tartar is removed from the enamel, wbicb_e_ivory. ike appearance. /^RACROFT'S PASTE removes all causes ?RACROFT'S PASTE removea all c&usea many years. Branded Pots, Is each. Sold everywhere. CRACROFT'S ARECA TOOTH PASTE. By using this delicious Aromatic Dentifrice the enamel of the teeth becomes white, sound, and polished like ivory. It is exceedingly fragrant, and specially useful. Get Cracrofi's. DEAFNESS, NOISES IN THE EARS, dec. DELLAR'S ESSENCE FOR DEAF. DN&,IS should always be tried, as in numbers of cases, seemingly incurable, it has done wonders. Slight deafness, obstructions in the ears, and the incessant humming sounds so frequent with affected hearing, are removed. Sold everywhere. CORNS! CORNS!! CORNS BUNIONS AND ENLARGED TOE JOINTS 111 CURED IN A FEW DAYS. DELLAR'S CORN AND BUNION DPLA,,?TEM are the only real remedy. They differ from all plasters, shields, or compositions. By instantly softening the callous surrounding the paiu goes at once, the Corn soon following. Bunions and enlarged toe joints require more time; but the action and relief is certain. Boxes, is lid. Sold everywhere. SL LPHOLINE SOAP (a soap conwn- s ing sulpho"e), is a delicately renned, chemi- cally pure Soap, intended for general use, but specially by those endowed with sensitive skins. Common im- perfectly prepared soaps, scented with injurious acrid oils, frequently cause skin diseases. For washing at all times, and bringing the skin to a soft, pliable, healthy condition, Sulpholine Soap holds the tirw place. Its odour is very pleasant, and the Soap not expensive. 1 ablets, 6d each. LIVER COMPLAINTS, BILIOUSNESS, j INDIGESTION, CURED BY STOMACH DERANGEMENT^ DR. KINGS DANDELION & QUININE LIVER PILLS (Without mercury), Act effectively on the liver, and, whilst mildly aperient, are all that can be desired. Dr. King's famous Pills purify and clear the entire system by freeing the liver irom sluggishness, causing the stomach to properly per. form it junctions, quickly and entirely removiu.M feeling of headache, dizziness, oppressions at chest and Lack, disagreeable taste, nausea, indigestion, spasm, sensation of heaviness, and irritating depression attend ing bilious attacks and liver derangemeuts. BE SURE TO HAVE DR. KING'S PILLS. 241 SOLD EVERYWHERE. 11945 TNJECTION DAY.-An INFALLIBLE JL RHMEDY and certain cure for all Discharges from the Urinary Organs in either sex, whether acquired or constitutional, recent or chronic: cures in a few days without incoicines. Sold in bottles, 2s 6d each, by all chemists. London agents, F. Newnury and Sons, 1, King Edward-street, E.C. Agents for Cardiff, J. Munday, Chemist, 1 High-street: and all Chemists im