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Advertisement Tariff. I o— Small Prepaid Advertisements. 20 Words SIXPENCE. Three Times NINEPENCE. Six Times ONE SHILLING. WORDS- ONCE. ™EE TSIX& s. d. s. d. s. d. 20 Words 0 6 0 9 1 0 30 Words 0 9 1 0 1 6 40 Words 1 0 1 6 2 3 50 Words 1 3 2 6 3 9 -j 60 Words 1 6 3 0 4 6 These charges apply only to the classes of advertise- ment ecitieil below, JUHI are strictly confined tf those which are ordered tor CONSECUTIVE iiisertioliill dPAlD 110B. PltEV IOUS TO INSERTION; if either of these con- ditions is not complied with, the advertisement will be charged by the .Business scale :— APARTMENTS WANTED. •A PART Ml' VIS TO LET. -ARTICLES LOST. ARTICI.ES FOUND. ARTICi,L,s I.os,r. ARTICI.ES FOUND. BUSINESSES FoitDisrOSAI, BUS IxFsSIS NVANTEI). BOUSES TO LET. HOUSES WANTED. HOUSES TO BE SOLD MONEV WANTED. MONEY TO LEND. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. MISCELLANEOUS JIAI.ES. PARTNERSHIPS WANTED. SITUATIONS WANTED. SITUATIONS VACAN'r. IS ITUATI ONS VACANT. Advertisements of the above class inserted in the OUTH WALES DAILY NJws," tile CAltl)iti, Timi;.s, and SOUTH WALES ECHO" at the following rate j Six times in Six times ^ajjly News Six times Jn Once 111 South "Wales! »a»y News CardiffTimes WORDS. South Wales am, ()nce jn and C ardiMf Times £ ,x South Wales Echo. ,,T s- s. d. s. d. 20 Words 10 16 2 0 30 Words 1 6 2 3 0 40 Words 2 3 3 4 4 6 50 Words 3 9 5 8 7 6 60 Words 4 6 6 9 9 0 'n General Advertising Tariff. HATE PER LINE FOR A SERIES. CLASS ot i t0 4 or 5 l0 26 ADVERTISEMENTS. 3 b 11 25 upd insi insr insr insr insr business ) Educational -/4 -/<! -/3 -/2 -/l* Publishers ) ^elii-iouH Services > ,4 <4 .1 <2 Entertainments f £ Auction Announcements -/6 -/4 73 -/3 /3 '<e;;al and Public Notices Munici)>al and School Board ( it Te.ulerL and Contracts f ~lb 'I* Public Appointments Prospectuses -/9 -/9 -/9 -/9 -/9 ^aiiianieiitary Elections 1 nuHamc-ntary Notices [ 1/- 1/- 1/- I/- 1/- wovernment Announcements Notices of Births, Marriages, and Deaths are charged h each, if not exceeding iJH words, and 6d for each Additional 10 words. These Notices must he authen ticated !>y the Signature and Address of the sender. I'AIUGRAPM Anvi-.iti'isic.iiUNT.s are charged 1 to b insertions, 6d per line 6 to 11 insertions, 4d per line 12 insertions and upwards, 3d per line AYnjtMtSKBS, when sendinir advertisements in manu- script, may calculate eij;ht words to a line, and 12 lines to an inch. Jn charging advertisements the lines Hre not counted, but the advertisement, including re not counted, but the advertisement, including lart;e lines, dashes, and white spaces, is measured, all,1 the space occupied is charged at the rate of Twelve lines o an inch. jltafrimomaL A TRIMONY. -Gentleman (dark, good-looking, l.l of large means and position), wishes to corres- pond with a rich lady with a view to marriage. Strictest privacy piomised and requested—Seaside, _Daily Press," Bristol. «25 Bomssiic J^rbaitts. ClOOKKltY.—Marshall's School of Cookery, 30 Mortimer-street, London, W.,—Send for pro- "Pectus 928 (good) wanted immediately. Good, small families. Town and country. Excellent wages. $je"erals and Housemaids, London.—Mrs Furnivall's ^fgist y, Carditf. 729 JF 1 ENERAL S Hit VAN T (good) wanted at once one .VX. from the country preferred. — Apply to W. ^rnufentf ^a"cliester House, Pontycymmer, ^^ENKB.A.L SERVANT (good) wanted one from Peiiar.h. country preferred.—Apply 23, Ciive-road, Tr^MaS- wanted in a small family. ("2 Eonc^n (respectable girl) wanted at (-E:lmÅL SgRV AN'¡-wantëd.-A -lY-R,;6 :x- illa, 60rdo:road, Cardiff, PP '1f:.5 GENERALm?0^aWanted for family of two, able to "ash well.—Apply Mrg Jon 28 ^ommerciiil-street, EDO* Vale. I IKL (strong) wanted to assist in house work who is fond of Children. One from the country pre- —Mrs Jones, Glosnop-teriace, itoath, Car- "'J*- 776 i 1iRl, (aood. clean, active) wanted"nmediatelyT fond of children.—Appb' Mrs Goldsmith, Music .rehouse, Poutmorlais. Mertbyr. 698 (N IR3, (respectable strong) wanted, with reference, 31" about 16, from the country, V?q ViJ'T0 "ularen.— Apoly, by letter, Mrs Chave, 249, Bute- street, Cardife 702 HOUSE andVARLOUIl-MAID in small familv. Age 25. Two and a half years' reference, au- 5""ess Alice Lougher, Llancarfan, Post-office,1)earii° 7oi KITCHEN-MAID (experienced) wanted immeili- a ely must be strong.—Apply F. Tucker, Grey- Hotel, Abergavenny, 803 l^UitsE GiitL wanted. About 13 or 14.—Apply ■A-1 31, Salisbury-road, Cathays. 871 ^ERVANT (good) wanted, used to the kitchen. Another servant kept.—Apply to Mrs Story, I Hichmond-crescent, Goraon-road. 8b2 SEICVANTSITN ANY"CAPACITY.— Hjwirequire a good situation, write to the National and "lversal Registration Agency, 105A, Market-street, Manchester. 508 SITUATION as good plain Cook or workiqg House- 8 keeper. Age 33.—Address L., "Daily News" ()Iuce, IN fawpol-t 886 Situations Vacant. him«wec1, about M. mark billiards and make SSTst. Mary-stfeet6"*1^ USoful""Apply EllesmereC' £ b. OOT TRADE. Ivanted, Worknieii, to repair. IE; make new wolk "lo J2h A«m™WoV5* ass{st in sh°Ps". Welshmen IVIL SERVICE f in'IL £ 80 c i to Tuitioll by correspondence. Rapid Postal preparation for Clerkships, Excise, Customs, ,c. 2"*o payment unless successful.—'Secretary, 48, Lin ton-street, Islington, London. Stamp. 790 CONFECTIONER (go'od^^g^ppiy, phiihaT- monic Resifcaiirant.^ COOPER (good) wanted immediately.—AFply BKck- > ley Bros., Brewers, Maltsters. &,C. Llanelly.76670 U itATE wanted, Bilingual.—Apply St. Ishmael's Vy Vicarage, Ferryside. 687 "jCp Mi'LOYMENT F<m LADIES.-lOs to^lbs weekly JL<( can be earned by the Patent Automatic Knitting Machin?.— Send addressed envelope for particulars to e S.W. Company, 417, Oxford-street. I ondon, W. 410 AS FITTER.—Wanted a steady and good Work- W man, one who has been used to gas fitting only. -A pply,at once. with reference, J. Woodman, Gas Fitter, &c.. Wharton-street, Cardiff. 816 jiui'AN (a steady, industrions) Wanted, w*ed to Up- jjl11. hoi -tenng and Cabinet-making, for a general rwwsbwig busing-Apply j>, J^ans, MorrittoA, «W MAN (experienced) wanted as Groom and Gar- dener.—Apply Mr W. Richards, merchant, High- street, Swansea. 809 PORTER wanted. Age, about 17.—Apply 24, Duke- street, Cardiff. 841^ SHOEMAKERS. — Wanted immediately a good S general stitch hand for country work constant w"rk tor a steady man.-Apply 0. P. Edmunds, Caer- philly. -721 irT-ACANCIES IN CIVIL SERVICE.-Age 16-2b Commencing salaries range to:2100. Rapid pre- paration by correspondence.—Intelligent young men write to Secretary, Civil Service Examination Agency, Nunhead, London. bnp Assistants, &r. ASSISTANT (experienced) wanted in the grocery and provision trade.—W. Richards, 167, High- street, Swansea. 839- EltLIN NYOOL TOY AN'D FANCY.-A Young 13 Lady wishes t) obtain a situation as Assistant. Several years' experience excellent references. M.T., South Wales Daily News," Cardiff. 694 RAPF,RY.-W,inted a good Junior.—Apply D. Price, New Tredegar, Moil. 780 DRAPERY and OUTFITTING.—Wanted a good pushing hand.—Apply, with lull particulars, to J. Daniel, Abersycnan. _n'_U_- 826 ITAPERY and OUTFIT'I'ING.-Wantecl, at once, a good pushing young miii must be a good window dresser. Abstai-ier. Welsh.—Apply, stitill,, age, salary, and experience, and time in last situations, R Jones, Treherbert. 680 DRESS AND MANTLE MAKING.—Wanted im- provers and apprentices.—Mi-;s Allen, 10, Sys- tem-street, Splotiands, Cardiff. 858 MILLINERS.—Wanted immediately an Experienced -31 Hand, used to serving.—Apply, stating salary and reference, W. Lewis, Treliarris, Glam. 872 w. _oL- itnatíon5 tfRattfefc- ALESMANTYARDTOR"SAW MILL foreman Re-engagement required as above. Eleven years tirst-class experience English and foreign timber con- vertion in London and country.—Address Hardwood, 23, Melbourne-street, Gloucester. 763 J\gtndts mrahtlltrz, &r. A HIGHLY-SUCCESSFUL INSTITUTION is prepared to appoint a few respectable men as Agents.—Apply Manager, 104, Richmond-road, Cardiff. 732 AGENTS wanted for an old-established Plate-glass and Accident Assurance Co. Good terms.— Apply Lothian House, Richmond-road, Cardiff. 731 CANVASSERS (few) wanted, for Industrial Insur- C ance. Males or females, ten times down.—Lowe's Auvertising Office, 8. Meteor-street, Roa-,h, Cardiff. 730 fpnises mØ JEtt. NEWPORT-ROAD (8~), Roath, to LetrtronT29tii September.—Apply Mr WVbber, 94, St. Mary- street. three doors from General Post-office. 526 jfør ^ak—Houses, &r. HOU^E (good) for Sale in Miskin-street.—Particu- lars of Mr Webiier, 94, St. Mary-street, opposite Church-street. 448 OlHOP (Corner) and HOUSE for sale, both let; ^5 well populated, industrial neighbourhood a bargain.—Thompson Mathers, Estate Agent, Swiss Chambers. 857 iJIisceliftttttnts. BARRELS (10 000) wanted of all descriptions. Good prices given.—Apply Alfred Cockle, St. Jiule'a Cooperage, Bristol. 87 BOTANIC BEER made immediately with Mason's > Extract or Essence of Herbs, composed of Yarrow, Dandelion, Com frey, and llorehonnd; send 9 stamps for sample bottle, enough to make four gallon to Newball and Mason, Chemists, Nottingham. Agents wanted. 413e COAL"CART^0ong),llORSK, an'i HARNKSS, for C sale, 220.-Apply R. ltixon, 1, Windsor-road, Isewtown, Cardiff. 830 IT^XCHANGE—A Broadwood Grand Piano, cost 2i £8b, in exchange for Pony and Trap, value to £ 17 or cash, to make room for goods.—Write J. W, Buckle, Wood-street, Cardiff. B13 ].BURNISH on the Hire System. £ 5 worth, 2s 6d 1 weekly £10 worth, 4; weekly B15 worth, 5s Nveckly 1;20 worth, 6s weekly, aUfI so on in p: opor, tion.—The South Walos Furnishing Company, 23, Custom House-street, Cardiff. 715 ITiUBNbH on the Hire System. No security re- quired.—South Wales Furnishing Company, 23, Custom House-street, Cardiff. 715 IjWRNISH on the Hire System. Cash prices charged. South Wales Furnishing Company, 23, Custom House-street, Cardiff. 715 I^URNLSll on the Hire System. Small weekly or monthly payments.—iSouth Wales Furnishing Company, 23, Custom House-street, Cardiff. 715 FURNISH on the Hire System. Houses or apart- ments furnished throughout. South Wales iurnishing Company, 23, Custom House-street, Car- diff. 715 FURNISH on the Hire System. Compare prices with other houses.—South Wrales Furnishing Company, 23, Custom House-street, Cardiff. 7 j 5 FURNISH on the Hire System. Immense stock to select from.—South Wales Furnishing Company, ,L, Custon House-street, Cardiff. 715 FURNISH on the Hiie System, town or country.— South Wales Furnishing Company, 23, Custom House-street, Cardiff. 715 FURNISH on the Hire System. No extra charges made.—South Wales Furnishing Company, 23, custom House-street, Cardiff. yi, a "TT^URNISH on the Hire System. Every article Jt/ requisite for the household. — South Wales Furnishing Company, 23, Custom House-street, Cardiff 715 T-,IURNISH on the Hire Systey,.i. Inspection in- vited.—South Wales Furnishing Company, 23, Custom House-street. Cardiff. 715 MPORTANT to small Capitalists wisliiii- to com- I mence as Tobacconists for illustrated guide (110 paces) send 5 stamps to II. Myers and Co., 109, Euston- road, London. 969e MULE (Young) for Sale good in all harness. Will .1,.1. be sold cheap,-8, Machen-street, Upper Grange- town, Cardiff. 820 N SOCIAL PURITY AND THE INFIRMITIES of MAN. Addressed specially to young men, with advice on health, and containing recipes that wiil re- store the nervous and debilitated to the full power of manhood. Free for the benefit of all who desire a safe and speedy cure without the; id of Quarks. Send • ne stamp to prepay postage. Address Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham, 274o -PHYSIOGNOMY. Your character faithtulÏy written from photograph children's heuds ex- amined daily 2.000 testimonials. Hferr White (London expert), Park-street, Cardiff. 709 TBADKSMEN.—Window tickets, show cards, pin tickets, Christmas draw cards, and all kinds of Cardiff8'—*>earson and<°-> Railway Arch, Bu;e-street, nltltrJ1, pigeons, &or. ROCK Ci ckerel, April hatched price nlace ton .if year s bird, 7s 6d.- 50, Inver- iicea-piace. top of Oa.st.ir. 7^9 Gotten. ASH D v A N u E S A 1) E FROM B10 TO p,500 At a few hours' notice, to FARMERS, MARKET GARDEN kh«, TRADESMEN, CAB PROPRIETORS, and HOUskhoLDKRS, On their own security, without removal. No enquiry fees. The usual loan office formalities dispensed with. All communications treated in the strictest confi- dence. ADDRESS- CARDIFF AND COUNTY ADVANCE BANK, 9, CAROLINE-STREET, CARDIFF. 620 jyjoNEY 1 jyjoNEY 11 0NEY 1 1 Cash Advances made at a few hours' notice, from S5 to £ 500, to Farmers, Market Gardeners, Cowkeepers, Tradesmen, and others, on their own security. No sureties required, No inquiry fees. Money lent on deposits, also tradesmen's bills discounted. Apply, personally or by letter, to Mr A. Jordan, Manager, Private Loan Office. Dock-street (corner of Skinner- street), Newport, Mon. 519 nnHE WEST OF ENGLAND AD VAN'cT;to7 2. -■ i. i3*ute"'errace, Cardiff, beg to inform the public that they advance from £ 5 to £ 1,000 to Farmers, Cow- keepers, Householders (Male or Female), Mechanics, and others on their own security, at a few hours' notice. Trade bills discounted. Advances also made on deeds without any lepal charges at a very low rate of interest. to be repaid by instalments. Borrowers would do well to inquire our charges before applying elsewhere. For references inquire of any solicitor in tlie town. All communications to be addressed to Biaibeirg, Man im 2imusimunts. THEATRE ROYAL, CARDIFF, LESSEE & MANAGER MR. EDWARD FLETCHER. ACTING MANAGER MR. JOHN SHERIDAN. Return Visit of the Celebrated Mdlle. Beatrice's Company, undur the direction of Mr Frank Harvey. m" SIXTEENTH YEAR OF TOUR. -&I TO-NIGHT (WEDNESDAY), October 14th And Thursday, October 15, The Domestic, Realistic Drama, by Mr Frank Harvey, THE WAGES OF SIN. George Bland, a Curate Mr FRANK HARVEY. An enormous Success at Six London Theatres, America, and the Colonies. It3 500th Night. FRIDAY—BENEFIT OF MR FRANK HARVEY- A MAD MARRIAGE. SATURDAY—A RING OF IRON. MONDAY NEXT, October 19, The COMPTON COMEDY COMPANY. Monday—Davy Garrick Tuesday—The Rivals Wed- nesday-London Assurance: Thursday—She Stoops to Conquer; Friday—Money; Saturday—Belpheg<>r. Doors open at 7; Commence 7.30; Half-price 9. Stage Door and St. Mary-street Entrance open 6.30, Sixpence extra. Box Plan at Messrs Thompson and Shackell's, Crockherbtown. bSZSI \7ICT0RIA ROOMS, ST7 MARY- T STREET. CARDIFF. MON. D'ARC'S GRAND WAXWORK EXHIBITION'. Continued success but last week of PROFESSOR RICARDO and his PERFORMING DOGS. Last week of MONS. TRILLO and his Ventiiloquial Figures. Every evening at 7.15 al,d 8.30. Day per. formances, Wednesdays and Saturdays at 3. Wax- work Exhibition open from 10 till 10. Admission 3d, children 2d. Reserved seats during the performance, 3cl extra. 837 F. J. SMITH, Manager. # SPECIAL NOTICE TO L ADIES. HAVING TAKEN A LEASE of the TWO SHOPS, Nos. 28 and 30 OPPOSITE OUR OLI> ESTABLISH. MENT in the ROYAL ARCADE, and having made extensive alterations in the most improved style, we have NOW OPENED THE SAME with a SELECT STOCK OF FANCY DRAPERY, MILLINERY, LADIES AND CHILDREN'S UNDERCLOTHING AND HOSIERY, LACE GOODS AND CHILDREN'S COSTUMES, <fcc„ &C. The MILLINERY DEPARTMENT is under the management of MISS PHELPS, who has had many years "xperience in first-class London houses, and all orders entrusted to her will be finished in the most approved style. The FANCY DRAPERY and UNDERCLOTHING DEPARTMENT is under the Management of Mrs THOMAS, who will at all times do her utmost to please her Customers, and we have no hesitation in saying that our prices will at all times be found VERY MODERATE for the QUALITY of the GOODS SUPPLIED. We therefore would respectfully solicit a shire of your kind patronage and recommendation, which will be much appreciated by Your obedient servants, W. KiER & 7, 28, 29, 30, & 31, tyOYAL ARCADE CARDIFF. 474e—12254 ESTABLISHED 1865. 76084 |!>IAIntOS.—WHY BE WITHOUT ONE JL When you can become the owner of a nice instrument for the small payment of 10s 6d PER MONTH ON rpHOMPSON AND gHACKELLS HIRE SYSTEM? BIRR SYSTEM? No security required, 1111,1 the instrument delivered to purchaser on payment of first monthly instalment. Every instrument guaranteed, and exchanged if not approved. ORGANS AND HARMONIUMS ON SIMILAR TERMS. Catalogues free oil application. THOMPSON AND SHACKELL, PIANOFORTE AND MUSIC WAREHOUSE, QUEEN'S BUILDINGS, CARDIFF Also at SWANSEA, NEWPORT, MERTHYIt and GLOUCESTER.. ?,4i)e ECONOMY I N F U E L, j_ £ ALL'S PATENT FEED WATER HEATER. yy ILLTAMS't ATENT BLOWER AND SMOKE CONSUMER FOR STEAM BOIL E R S JOHN -WILLIAMS AND s ON, SOLE LICENSEES & MAKERS, QU EEN-STRE ET, CARDIFF. 107e BEFORE BUYING A WATCH ANYWHERE Write for the "Illustrated Pamphlet," sent free on application by the Largest Wat^h Manufacturer. DIAMOND JEWELLERY. Purchasers supplied direct at Trade Prices. A SAVING OF FHOJI 25 TO 50 PKR CENT. M R. T. ]I. RUSSELL, MAKER TO HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, CATHEDRAL WORKS, 18, CHURCH STREET, LIVERPOOL. 12191 [NO AGENTS IN WALES.] 394e Q O AND SEE THE BOOTS AND SHOES at GLADWELL'S, 27, DUKit-STREET. The best vaiua in Llio Principality, NERVOUSNESS, LOSS of ENERGY and VITAL POWER.—A gentleman having tried in vain every advertised remedy, has discovered a simple means of self-cure. He will be happy to for. ward the particulars to any sufferer on receipt of a stamped and directed envelope Address J T Sewell, Cb'swick. Middlesex 212 POSITI VE REMKDIKS. Consult the Book of Positive Remedies for the Cure of all Dis98.11es. GRATIS.—Sent by Post to all parts of the World on receipt of Two Stamps to prepay postage. A POSITIVE CURE FOR DEBILITIES AND DERANGEMENTS OF THE GENERA- TIVE AND NERVOUS SYSTEM, NERVOUS Dg. 13ILITY AND EXHAUSTION, THE RESULT oil OVER-TAXED ENERGIES IS GIVEN IN THE BOOK OF "POSITIVE REMEDIES. This Book gives a POSITIVE REMEDY for all DISEASES. The Names of all Medicines are given in English. i*ses !uul Testimonials, with means used in each case. IJ-LS A GUIDE TO THE SELF-TREATMENT OF ALL DISKASES, and should be Consulted by all who *i?rC{I"Ia niedical treatment. NOTICE.—Tilt; POM- ..TW1? MEDICINES GIVEN IN THE BOOK OF POSITIVE UKMEDIES" ARE THE MEDlJiNi: UfcED BY DR. SMITH FOR OVER THIRTY IJJARS. By the aid of this Book Invalids niav l'orni a correct knowledge of their malady, and and a Positive Remedy for the Cure. The names are puh. lished in English, to enable Invalids to select the remedy and Cure Themselves withont consulting a medical man, making a written statement of case or paying consultation fees. Solid Two Stamps for the HOOh. OF REMEDIES, which contains 244 pages, and gives a cure for all diseases. Post free on receipt of Two Stamps direct from 716 H. & H. SMITH & CO. 150 POSITIVE REMEDY LABORATORY, 26, SOUTHAMFfON-RQW, I.ONDON, W J %»H5Xtt £ 55 ^ftftriSSgS. JOTHAM AND s ONS, 26 & 27, ST. MARY-STREET. CARDIFF. IJMBRELLAS IMMENSE VARIETY. 1,500 TO CHOOSE FROM. PARAGON FRAME. DURABLE SILK. NATURAL STICKS. OUR KNOCKABOUT LEVANTINE SILKS. GOOD OFFICE UMBRELLA. OUR LEADING LINE. FOX'S PARAGON FRAME. SILVER MOUNTED. NATURAL STICKS. DURABLE SILK. SPECIAL. 5s lID (Js lID 8s lID 10, Go Largo Variety in BUCKHORN and FANCY HANDLES, From 12a 6d to 30s. LADIES' UMBRELLAS IN LARGE VARIETY, 2s lid, 3s Hd, Ud, 5s lid, to 20s, veity SPECIAL, 204 JOTHAM AND SONS. t G L-KDWELL'S FOR GLOVES 1 GLADWELL'S FOR HOSIERY. GLADWELL'S FOR LACES. 27, DUKE STREET. U LN D "y 1 R I D I N E, (Trade Mark), No. 369a6 C^ORNS A ctii'1'AiN J CURii FOR COR3S, i 10RNS! \y Painless and Harmless. CORNS This infallable romeuy introduced ijy (-^nPArcj J. MONDAY has obtained a world-wide o lepmation. The erticacy of V'lKi- J DINE" may t>e judged by its having 1 CORNS Cured Corns of over oO years' standing, I which had resisted all other remedies. I It succeeds where al Phtsters and I fe t (ju;iStjci have failed /^ORNS I IN REMOVING BOTH HARD j Vy OR SOFT CORNS AND WARTS. /"NORNS 1 ~— "TES TIMOJCI AT,S. ( 1 From Mr A. W. CAMPBELL, Pier lUKJNb Hotel, Hfracombe. J Mr Munday. (iORNS SIR,— I feei I OWe an acmowledg. J ment to yo« f°1' supplying me with vour ^ORNS t wonderful VIRI DINK." For years I 8, suffered a great deal of pain from a very ■rf- Ni/T>-ivTC! i obstinate cor.i, but since applying your a lUitJNo I reined^ it is enurely gone. I may ad! that your "VIUlDlNE* has removed (^ORNS threo" troublesome corns fr^m members j of my family. pORNS Vi/->T>vrc From Mr HOPKIN HOPKINS, lUXviNS near Swansea. Dear -ir,—I heartily conzratulate Dear -ir,—I heartily conzratulate CORNS I you foi' y°ur t,eifc,uei|t for onu. The bottle of "uridine" you sent me (st AT)*\RC! some time ago has proved almost lUxvJMo miraculous to the corns I had on my S feet. It i-s exactly the remedy what C^ORNS you reconnuend it to be, and I hope it j will becoiye more known in the prin- t cipality, !0,r 'here are, no doubt, TUXS-no hundreds of persons that would be gl&d t w know of its effects. c /J0RISS Ma,]e >IARIE MUIi,iKRt 1 Amsterdam, Holland. A lOxtiNo J jiunday. DEAR. — I lx>ugbt a bottle of CORNS your genuine "Vjridine" Some sis months ag0 1,1 Paris, which cure i me, (^OTiNS I and as 1 a principal dancer vou o know my f(,gt ai.e niy hvin- The bottle i I bought did the service you recom- d lOivWo mended another one V_y afterwards which was forced iind no t^ORNS good. As I want a bottle of genuine i tor a friend of iiiiue, wlio nearly >~NJR\ DXTCJ T mar. with pain, wili you please send me CORNS. one direc,. MdUe^MAUin MUl.LER. i10RNS „ V7 From Mr D. AN THONY, COTJIVQ I Swansea. Dear Sir,-I myself have suffered i coins, and tiled several of the d lOKJNb certain cures which people boast they vV have, but they ah faued in my case. I IORNS then got a liottle of your Viridine," j and by applYJIIg süme. 11lghly to the COPING i corn 1 was surprised to find that I could UitiMs draw it clean up. I now enclose stamps f°r another bottle for a fnend of mine. ^JORNS! €<ORNS 1 CAUTION.- As there are several im- nations of this preparation, the public /^iORNS *re l'L'iue3teJ 1 u MONDAY'S /10RNS! A \j "YIEIDINE /•^ORNS "Ly And SEE THAT MY SIGNATURE is on the CORNS end of each package. By ordering '\I;U ^ure" you may Cj Apwa i receive one of _tne many so-called 1 "remedies" ^vhich only give relief, la A-nxTH 4 or some worthless mutation of Viri- ^"iORNS 1 dine." Vy In Bottles, pnee Is, by post ls 2d. PREPARED ONLY BY J, M U N D A Y, CHEMIST, 1, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. Agents; London—WILCOX <fe Co., Chemists, 239, Oxford-street, \V. F. NEW BEUUY & SONS, SANGER, SUTTON, HOVENDEN, AC. Liverpool— sYMES <fc Co., t8, Bold-street. Dublin—HAYKS <fc Co., 12, Grafton-street. Paris- -PHARMACIE BERAL, 14, Hue de laPaiX. Amsterdam—PERRY Cot Co., 97, Kalverstraat. And all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors. 436e I"^ECTrON ~DTY.^An~ INFALLIBLE JL REMEDY and certain cure for all Discharges from the Urinary Organs in either sex, whether acquired or constitutional, recent or chrollic; cures in a few days without medicines. Sold in bottles, 2s 6d each, by all chemists. London agents, F. Newbury and Sons, 1, King Edward-street, E.C. Agents for Cardiff, J. Munday, Chemist, 1 High-street; and aU Chemists ?70e Borough of NEWPORT 13 TCIIJ.IAM WILLIAMS, 12 Lower Merchant- street, behind the Town-hail Corporation bill-poster and crier. Renr stiie Drinoinal hoardings and stations in Newport a id N^igb'oournoori. Two good bill posters Steps W<?rfc jitunKieu to with qmcU viiwpatva Town ftfld counorv, Qld eataolisheii-riioi-e .t-fcui /k 5murt<f of &WS liusiutss bi)rtssts. H. SWEETING, Having just returned from London, is now showing a great variety of all the NEWEST NOVELTIES FOR THE AUTUMN AND WINTER gEASONS ALL. GOODS WILL BE MARKED AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES. In cases of Booking 5 per cent will be charged. The Public may say: What will SWEETING SELL and what can we get at SWEETING'S ? SWEETING S REPLY IS— SWEETING sells Silk Hats. SWEATING sells Felt Hats. SWEETING selis Boys' Hats. SWEETING sells Boys' Cap. SWEETING sells Clerical Hats. SWEETING sells Livery Hat. SWEETING sells All kinds of Hats and Caps. SWEETING sells Flannel Shirts. SWEETING sells Long Cloth Shirts. SWEETING sells French Print Shirts. SWEETING sells Night Shirts. SWEETING sells Cricket and Shooting Shirts. SWEETING sells Boys' Shirts. SWEETING sells Dress Shirts. SWEETING sells Lambs' Wool Vests and Pants. SWEETING sells Merino Vests and Pants. SWEETING sells Cotton Vests and Pants. SWEETING sells Silk Vests and Pants. SWEETING sells Ladies' Hosiery. SWEETING sells Boys' Hosiery. SWEETING sells Combination Suits. SWEETING sells Gloves and Tie. SWEETING sells Collars, Cuffs, and Fronts. SWEETING sells Umbrellas, Rugs. and Dressing Gowns. SWEETING sells Bags and Portmanteaus. SWEETING sells Covert Coats. SWEETING sells Overcoats. SWEETING sells Waterproofs. SWEETING sells Ladies' Caps. SWEETING sells Ladies' Collarette'. SWEETING sells Ladies' Ornamental Mai SWEETING sells Brushes and Comhs. SWEETING sells Perfumery and Sponges. SWEETING sells Dressing Cases. SWEETING sells Pur-es and Fancy Goods. SWEETING sells Soap and Tooth Powders. WHAT WE CAN GET DONE FOR US AT SWEETING'S: At SWEETING'S you can get your Hair Cut, 3d. At SwEErrNG's you can get a Shampoo, ?d. At SWEETING'S you cm get Shaved, 2d. At SWEETING'S you can get a Hot Bath, 6d. At SWEETING s you can get a Cold Baih, bi. At SWEETING'S you can get your Hat Ironed up, bd. At SWEETING'S you can g(.t your Umbrella Re-covered At SWEETING'S you can get a great variety to Choose from. At SWEKTING'S you can get Attention- Jt Civility. ALL AT CO-OPERATIVb I'KiCh-. THY AND TE-vT THE V J. E. THE ADDRESS is JgWEETlNG, 13, D U K E S T R E E T, /CARDIFF. sit ALL GOODS SOLD AT LONDON CIVIL SERVICE PRICES AT GLADWELL'S, the i.ew slu-p, DUKE. STREET, CARDIFE. jg A R R g R O S., TAILORS, 64: ST. Mary"street' fUllDIF F. 12057 V-/ 293e 7357b THE MIDLAND COUNTIES WATCH COMPANY. OF VYSE-STREET, BIRMINGHAM Let every reader of this send for our beautiful new illustrated Catalogue, containing 1,000 unsolicited tes- timonials and over 1,000 fine Copper-plate Engravings of atchcs, Jewellery, and Electro Plate, sent gratis and post free on application, to any part of the world. GENTLEMEN'S FINE SILVER, flat crystal glass, 2bs. LADIES' FINE SILVER, flat It Ammkf Kso CI7^al glass, highly finished it. AMBORSE, iisq., movement, 25s. C1 OYNE JTor\actJT YOUTHS' FINE SILVFR. FLA.T sr'X'u™; • LADIES' GOLD LEVERS, in testify J to the excel- "lately biased cases, TOs^ ^ualities'of^he^Watch «/<>• engine-turned q 1 hasted™ S G^ jfijjer Keyi** a gun fired here every Ha» marked „ day by electricity at Levers on W £ .»• °eC„t,4'iS,.5SiK ^ICH TINI6T AND UAVO 1*1, « J 4.7 never founditvary G"ts'i"ueGol'd ke'v'less even on« minute. I f ti/nno- h«a.w have great confidence 3^™' ion n in recommending your Ge°X FinVoold KeyVess company. in hunting cases UO 0 Ladies'very heavy Key- less, in 18-ct. Gold cases 100 0 Cheques or Post-office Orders must be made payable to the Company's Manager, Mr A. PERCY, on receipt of which any Watch will be registered post free to any part of the United Kingdom, and for as 6d per watch to any part of the postal world. 503e I' GO TJ THE 46 '1 A M B R I A N "CAMBRIAN" NEW HAIRCUTTING, SHAVING, AND SHAMPOOING ROOMS, 57, BRIDGE-STREET, CARDIFF. GENTLEMEN'S HAIR fashionably cut 3d. CHILDREN'S HAIR carefully cut 2d. SHAVJNG(onlf) Id. SHAVING (witQ attendance) lid. Private haircutting rooms for ladies and children, PLKASE NOTE THE ABOVE ADDRESS. 406e NOT ICE OF REMOVAL. THE OFFICES OF THE TAUNTON & WEST OF ENGLAND BUILDING SOCIETY, AND MR T. WEBBER, Auctioneer, House and Insurance Agent, Ac., ARE NOW REMOVED FROM b, ST. JOHN'S- SQUARE, TO 94, ST. MARY-STREET 506e (Corner of Quav-street). 76428 A WORD to tlie WISE Cause & cure o debility, want of energy, and premature decay. In- structions to regain Jealth and vigor. Sent on receiptof 4swtraps byPuhUvhevs, FitzaUin-gquare, Sheffield.UtS 3Gnsiness Abbressrs. Q.RAND X H I B I T I O N OF L A D I E S MANTLES JLJ AT F. Coxs 23, ST. MARY STREET, c A R D I F F. MANTLES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. MANTLES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. .MANTLES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. MANTLES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. MANTLES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. MANTLE AT WHOLESALE PRICES. MANTLES AT WHOLESALE PRICKS. MANTLES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. MANTLES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. F. COX, 23, ST- fARY STREET, C ARDIFF. JACKETS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. JACKETS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. JACKETS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. JACKETS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. JACKETS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. JACKETS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. JACKETS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. JACKETS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. JACKETS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. F- Cox, 23, ST MARY STREET, CAR D IFF. ULSTERS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. ULSTERS AT WHOLESALE PRICKS. ULSTERS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. ULSTERS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. ULSTERS AT WHOLESALE PRICES" ULSTERS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. ULSTERS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. ULSTERS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. ULSTERS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. F. Cox, 23, ST, MARY STRET, CARDIFF. MACKINTO HH,S AT WHOLESALE PRICES MACKINTOSHES AT WHOLESALE PRICES MACKINTOSHES AT WHOLESALE PRi-CES AT WHOLESALE PRLCES MACKINTOSHES AT WIIOLESALE PRLCES AT WHOLESALE PRICKS M ACK1N L'OSH ES .iT WII LESALE P RICES MACKINTOSHES AT WHOLESALE PRI> S MACKINTOSHESAT WHOLES -UÆ Pi'U?ES I F Cox- 1 23, ST, MARY STRKKT' ^JARDIFF. FUR CLOAKS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. L,'Ui-, CLOAKS AT VV H O i i ES A I, K PRICES. KUR CLOAKS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. E U V, CLOAKS AT W'HOLi S A LK PRICES. FUH CLOAKS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. EUR CLOAKS AT WiloLksALE PRICES, i UR CLOAKS AT WHOLES \Lli PRICES. FUH. CLOAKS T WHoLESALK PRICKS. EUR CLOAKS AT WHOLESALE PRLCES. F,, Cox, 23, S'1' MARY STEEET' ^1ARDIFF. FUR CAPES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FOR CAPES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FUR CAPES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. EUR CAPES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FUR CAPES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FUR CAPES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FUR CAPES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FUR CAPES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FUR CAPES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. F» Cox' L ONDOIN jyj-ANTLE yy AREHOUSE, 23, S1' MArtY STREET, cARDIFF. FACTORIES: ON DON, c ARDIFF, AND WOLVERHAMPTON. 67513 s HOOTING SEASON, 1885. We beg to call the attention of sportsmen in general to our Stock of Breech-loading Guns of various qualities. We have in sto;k the following DOUBLE BARREL BREECH LOADING GUNS: ;C s. d. No. 1 Ejector, Hammerless Gun 36 0 0 2 Consentric, Wood Bar Gun 25 10 0 3 Consentric, Treble Grip Gun 25 10 0 4 Semi, Hammerless Gun 14 0 0 5 G. and P. Patent, Hammerless Gun 11 0 0 6 Treble Grip, Hammer Gun 11 0 0 7 Steel Barrel, Bar Lock Gun 8 8 0 8 Steel Barrel, Back Lock Gun 7 0 0 9 Damascus Barrel, Back Lock Gun 5 15 0 10 Fine Twist Barrel, Back Lock Gun 4 7 6 11 Good Twist Barrel. Back Lock Gun. 3 15 0 All above guns are choke left barrel. 12 Twist Barrel, Back Locks Gun 3 0 0 13 Twist Barrel, Back Locks Guu 2 17 6 14 Fine Twist. Single Barrel, Back Lock Gun 3 2 6 Any GENTLEMAN PURCHASING either of these Guns CAN HAVE FAIR TRIAL, and if they are not what they are represented to be, and not approved of, money will be returned. CARTRIDGES OF ALL DESCRIPTION KEPT IN STOCK.; CROSS JJROS., 3 AND 4, ST. MARY-STREET, 497 CARDIFF. 76329 40, BRIDGE-STREET, CARDIFF. FOLLICK, PAWNBROKER.—Most C. Money leaton gold and silver valuables. Over E2 at the rate of 4d in the nound, exceeding B10 at a lesser interest. Large assortment of gold and silver watches and diamond rings very cheap. Special lots of gold wedding rings and keepers. bOOe—76^63 N EWPORT.-SOUIRK WALES ECHO. The SOUTH WALES ECHO is published at the NEWPORT OFFICE, 11, Tredegar-place ,S follows:- FIRST EDITION 5.15 P. U. SECOND EDITION 4.30 P.M. SPECIAL EDITION .6.30 P.M The SPECIAL EDITION contains all the News of the Day up to Six o'clock p.m,-inelxtding the latest Stock Exchange and Sportiug TeleytMttS- "V by all Newsagents and Newsboys lousiness Jtiifcressfls. WIN T E R BOO T 8. THE DEMAND FOR OUtt pATENT DAMP pROOF gOOTi CONSTANTLY INCREASES. Our NEW AUTUMN and WINTER STYLES are now in Stock; amongst their, are several Novelties. Price 6s lid, 8s 6d, 10s 6J, 13s 6d, 16s 6d. Our PATENT DAMP-PROOF BOOTS are now thoroughly appreciated by the public, and the great favour with which they are regarded induces a certain class of manufacturers to offer worthless imitations. This we consider a great compliment to ourselves, imitation being the sincerest form of flattery. jgOYLE AND CO., B 0 0 T jyjERCHANTS, 19, CHURCH-STREET, 10, CHURCH-STREET, 2, HIGH-STREET, 8, BUTE-STREET, CARDIFF, SOTw JgUY ONLY ENGLISH WATCHES. BENSON'S n kw PATEN r (\«. L U D (i A T E W A T C H HAS OBTAINED the HIGHEST AWARD OF A GOLD MEDAL AT THE INVENTIONS EXHI il 1 1 uS. Sil.VKtt ;> C.Y .">. 1: i 12. THE LUDGA: r Wa r oi i* A SILVER E X O b i s H L l; V K R OF :\11 lilCSJ C>NI>1>\ A.K WITH -PECIAL STRkNGj H THHEt. vji A., i teic pj.A i i a'i Mr.yr J' \I,I,IW ¡JIHUl!(HWU I Hi Hl.tHltS. TRUE CHKOi'.OMKTl K KAKA^^i' Aj)J UTJW FOR KXTKEMK. Willi OA.Ml' AMD DUST I'H.'ifP J'ATEN 1 111-Nii BAM), AND UAitliEu .>1A.S>IVE S'l EKI.lIsM MlLVKtt niK.il7: C VRS WHn CRVSi_AI.GLAS> FRON i, Wua:h comhin"" the Streu-L o. Uie lialilt-" he convenience oi the 0;>en-f ce Watch. ii i-JjC. The IMMENSE superiority in Val ie. cniacy, and Durability ot Lho LUDGATK' Wa.vCi¡, u. awim and Auieiican \1U8Aie in im tali In of ;I;M ^oid a-s EUIIl1), and to ttio Old Fuii-Piate Ensiixh ].ever sold by other makers), from the yreat neiecu ui WIILCU the "Lud/a^e' is exempt, j. prove.! liy tlie ,\w»rdo.' a G,-LI) MEDAL. THE ONLY UXE ADJUDGED TO ENGLISH WATCHES. THE "LUDGATE" IS OF BETTER QUALITY AND VALUE THAN ANY S10 WATCH HITHERTO MAJDK. THE "LUDGATE" IS MY BEST LONDON MAKE STRONG, HANDSOME, AND RELIABLE, WILL SI AND THE HARDEST WEAR AND ROUGHEST USAGE, AND IS THEREFORE THE BE-,T WATCH FOR HOME, INDIAN AND COLONIAL WEAR, BT RAILWAY MEN, MINERS, AND COLONISTS (No. J, LARGE SIZE;, WORKMEN, AND ARTISANS (No 2), GENTLEMEN, OFFICERS AND MEN IN H,M. SERVICES, YOUTHS AND BOYS (NO. 3, Smn.) WILL BE SENT FitEE AND SAFE AT MY RISK TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD FOR P-5 5s. OR IN 18-CARAT GOI-U CRYSTAL GLASS CASES TWELVE GUINEAS. (No. 3 SIZE). A Remittance by P.O.O., Draft, or Cash, Bust accompany order. SPECIALLY NOTE that J. W. BRNSON Is the only ttbker of a Three-Quarter Piate English Watch for £5 os in Silver, or i:12 14i in Gold, and that our Patent "I,udgate" Watch cannot be had through, or of any other Watchmaker in the Kingdom. Any Jnttiucement of the Patent ttigiatsnill be proceeded against. An Illustrated and Priced BOOK, ex- pluiiiriiK the advantages of this Watch over the Full-Plate English Watches sold by all other makers, will be sent Post iree on application, to J. W ]B ENS 0 N, WATCHMAKER TO H.M. THE QUEEN, THE STEAM FACTORY. 62 AND 64, LUDGATE-HILL, E.G., AND 25, OLD BOND-STREET, W., LONDON. Consequent upon the award of the GilLB MEDAL, the demand, always great, has so increased as to necessitate more extensive Machinery, which now enable us to EXECUTE ALL ORDKKS for the "LUDGATE" WATCH WITHOU f DELAY. Illustrated Pamphlets of Watches from & £ o £500, Gold and Silver Jewellery, Clocks (House, Chitpe, anil Turret), Electro Plate, and Musical Boxes, free on ap- plication. CLUB ASSOCIATIONS. -FORUM EN, SECRETARIES of FRIENDLY SOCIETIES, AGENTS, and ot. will find their ilkeouleas considerably increased by establishing Clubs for the New Patent Lndgato Watch, as it is worth from £5 to B10 iaora than any English Watch sold, and therefore bound to supersede all others. Particulars on application. 11 72776 26Se GO AND SEE some of the most EXTRAORDINARY LINES in BOOKS and SHOES ever ottered to the Cardiff PubHo at GLADWELL'S, in DUKE-STft £ ET, CARDIFF. R J HEATH AND SOliS, 13, CROCKHERBTOWN. CARDIFF, J Have now on view the largest Stock of TTifth olm p IANOFORT-ES, ORGANS, AND JJARMONIUMS, IN SOUTH WALES. WhiclI they are offering at a LARGE DISCOUNT FOR CASH and on the three years' system, from 10s bel per month. Pianos, from lb guineas. JOlu&trated Catalogues Put jl- A"