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Advertisement larifi. o- ■ Small Prepaid Advertisements. 20 Words SIXPENCE. Three Times NINEPENCE. Six Times ONE SHILLING. WORDS. ONCE. s. d. s. d. s. d. 20 Words -0609 10 -1 30 Words o 9 1 o 1 6 40 Words 1 0 1 6 2 3 50 Words -1.1 3 2 6 3 9 60 Words 1 6 3 0 j 4 6 These cijarg.es apply only to the classes of advertise" ,"e,:¡1 ed below, anil fie strietly confined tc those hL'ù. are \lr,ieretl¡or CCNSKCUTlVli insertion all (jPAJD PRKVious TO IN'S.R'llON if either of I te e co i- is no:, complied with, t.he advertisement will be t:h:u¡:¡ iiy the Business scale ;— «' RT.\I KNTS WANTKU. I 'A tlXAl KNTS TO 1.ET. ^hTlCI.KS LOriT. •«R'i ICI.-1-1S FOU.SI>. I on DISPOSAI. J'USI.NK>SI-:S WANTHD. ,>USSKS TO LKT. ■^ORJSK-J WANTED. HOtiSKS TO UK SOL.D MONKY WANTKW. MON 1CV 10 I.IOMF. ill ISCKl.LANKOUS WANTS. MlSLKI.LANKOlIS MA1.ES. I 'A RT.N 1IISIII PS W A NTIiD. SITUATIONS WANTEO. SITUATIONS VACANT. „ Advertisements of tlie above class inserted in the SOUTH WAI.KS DAII.Y NICWS," the CARIHKI' TIMISS, ^l SOUTH WAI.ES ECHO" at the following rate :— Six times in «•«»- "itzjzr WORDS. S„.U,v,„, Daily News. r rL .Se 111 six tiint»s in .Cardiff limes BIX f,1" South Wales ,v Echo. Echo. ,v Echo. „r s- '1- R. d. s. d. 20 ord,: 10 16 2 0 So Words 1 6 2 3 3 0 40 Words 2 3 3 4 4 6 3 9 5 8 7 6 Jjp ^Voi\^ 4 6 I 6 9 9 0 Genei,al Advertising Tariff. RATI; PKK MNE FOB. AiSEKiKS CLASS °* 1 to 4 or f, ADVKRTI&KMKNTS. 3 b 11 21) upd i»s> insr insijinsr insr "/4 -/3 "/2 "/U uhlish" •/« • -12 ->2 ^ctio!! Announcements -16 ./4 .13 -/3 /3 vf^itl and Public Notices .^Irdcival and School Board ..( ietidi,ml Con tracts '/6 "/6 "/6 */6 •/& "■die Appointments ) '.L'J'!l,"u"tary (elections i 0()V^U;1»,H.ry Notices 1/- 1/. I/- i/. I/. ^eri'»u<r*ufc Announcements.. ) In Births, Marriages, and Deaths are charged "o« exceeding 2o woul.s, and 6d for each '0 words, Tl»'s, Notices must be autheii p '■>" the Signature and Address of the sender. '< UI"APH AHVKIITISHMBNTS are charged I to b la i1 6*1 per line 6 to 1L insertions, <id per line "Strtii>ns and upwards, 3d per line &.|11!Vl,a'ISISBS> when sending advertisements in nianu- liiif,' 1,1Ctt'c"lte eight words to a line, and 12 In an inch. In chaifjiig advertisements the lines Ww counted, but tlie advertisenienl., includinji; Inie.i, dashes, and wliite spaces, is measured, and lin„ s' ('e occupied is charged at the rate of Twelve "'in inch. ^erbauts. —Marshall's School of Cookery, 30 *f)<w *'>l't»'Her-stroet, I<ondo;i, W.,— Send for pro- U 92S \V 'RAi. SKRVAX'r (^ood) wanted immediately K°"d ciiaracier indispensable. — 19, Charles- Cardiff. 569 J"V ''>-A (. > I'.RV ANT wanted must have a jood a«es £ 12.—Apply Mrs Marment, "K.ii-Jd-street, Cardiff. u. 478 SKHVANT (middle-a«;ed) Wanted, ""Abu' act as bath atten 'ant; out-doovs. J. Uiissey, High-street, Cardiff. 456 I, SKRVANT. -Wanted girl from tlie ^Wacl*°Unti'y ubout 16 wages £ 6; good -AUdrerfs Mistrei?sl 44 Dailv News" Otfice, 4o9 fjl ^'i<AL SERVANT wanted; also a Nurse.-Full }JOI1 r,icu,al. apply Mrs D. Thomas, Manchester t), Hl'YlIullI.wr, 427 \>EJJ,vHA»i8i.rrVANT wanted, age 18 to 20.—Ap- E"w*'d ™'S"' G "Si'i-AppTy », Wgd iic-(-stl,0-i-i-g-h-eI-tli- ) wanted, from 14 to ï5-;t-as. • Address J.L., 2o, INews Office, (Cardiff. ■j ■ 77032 l-i^L (respectable) wanted at once to assist with children country preferred. 8ce, Cardiff. 554 I JJ.IRL wanted, must be clean and tidy, andabout 15 iva- OrfT °r 16 years of age.—Apply 10, Rectory-road, ut°n. 500 (clean, active) wanted at once, from 15 to 16 Wouse°to flom country preferred.-Mrs Kvans, Mozart ^"Uine-road, Canton. f Tr HL (cl"ean,~respectable"), wanted, about 16, as *ini]vCentl'al servant; country preferred only N^1,1 -w: y 7~ ^Pply 24, Huthin Gardens, Cathays. XI 0UsKKEEPER (working) wanted for two gentle- MlV„ ^en active, trustworthy, thoroughly capawe ^6t)t ? entire control and supervision second seivant situo.S°°d opportunity securing quiet, comfortable Jnrt 'in—Apply, giving reference-, wages required, bail,, *1 other particulars, to W. X., South Wa ea Cardiff. | 52J_ .HOUSEKEEPER or any Place of Trust, a respect- ifefero a"'e> trustworthy person wants Situation; good N. letices.-Apply, or write, to 27, Windsor-road, -w ltl' 403 ^J OUS|I; and PARLOUR MAID (respectable, well fcllrVj^eommended), not under 20, for London.— Ap- W41 Mrs Hopkins, The Ashgrove, Pontypridd, South "v.Js- 476 4\ RSEMAID wanted, for one baby, and to assist Ab, "1 housework. One from the country preferred. Royal Arcade, Cardiff. 508 JV^SEMAID. —Wanted, a respectable young girl WVk ■\18^ b0 accustomed to children.— Apply 71, >?ri ge"road, Cardiff. 445 SERVANTS IN ANY CAPACITY?—If you require iiy,a good situation, write to the National and Registration Agency, 105A, Market-street, ster. 508 Situations ixatattt. ^^KERS.—Wanted a Young Man for bakehouse, j character.—Apply Jenning, Cooper-street, Wff 646 —Wanted at once a respectable Young livu charge of bakehouse, must be sober; Hth->Yn doors.—Apply W. Huxtable.l, Merthyr-street, Vc yl!' Cardiff. 486 TRADE.—Wanted at once, a goodHandiat >nif 71e«'s strong tops, ready closed. Wages 4s per '5hirt olln W. Jones, Newbridge-on-Wye, Radnor- |^ 637•_ MAKERS (two good) wanted.—Apply to J. W Vans, 19, High-street, Cardiff. 511 fVi —Wanted, a Slaughterman good 'iU-sf, '.acter indispensable.—Apply J. Woodward, ■j^ ^tieet, Brecon. 498 wanted by Gentleman in the country a^t a, irie ,nan) I must be thorough indoor «er- vainer. unt,erstand cleaning plate, &c. an fx' nn'ust ll>lVfi good character from last place fr Ptr mr>ntb, and board, with cottage and Y, y efi — Ao'Tess, stating age, references, <vc,, to )W.11 "4 ,ur¡l\nt, ø, tliwnber*, W I rf^OMPliSl'l'OR (W eJSII and English) wanted tor Jobbing and News.- Apply, stating wa's, .feral. Cardigan. ,_4- AWNBROKING. Wanted immediateiy smart JJL Youth, age 17 one used to the trade preferred. Apply L. F., 1C4, Cowbridge-road, Canton, Cardiff. 519 VACANCIES IN CIVIL SERVICE.—Age 16—26 V Commencing salaries range to £ 100. Rapid pre- paration by correspondence.—Intelligent young men write to Secretary, Civil Service Examination Agency, Nunhead, London. 4bq Jlljtrp Assistants, &r. DRESSMAKER.—Wanted at once, experienced hand for country trade knowledge of millinery, htate age and salary good references; none other need apply.—Mr Thomas, Velindre, Ku.ghton, Radnorshire. 55<» Situations Manttftr. ASTER BAKERS —Situation wanted as Bread <Baker, <fcc., or good Second Hand. Good refer- ences.—J. Lock, Post-office, L,ngport, Somerset. 538 Yor ^ak.-Houses, 3C, anb. &c. HOUSE (ten roomed) to be sold with immediate possession, known as Devonshire House, 74, Wyndham-crescent, Canton, lately painted and papered; all modern conveiiienc" good garden.—Apply on the premises. 465 1^0&0in05, Apavtnmtts, &r. APARTMENTS.—Two bedrooms and two sitting- rooms for respectable young gentlemen.—Apply 5, Windsor Esplanade, Docks. 4,'4 I^OARD AND LODGINt;S, for two respectable J young men, near Docks. Terms, 14s per week.— E 12, South Wales Daily News," Cardiff. 417 LODGINGS (Comfortable) for two respectable Young men, at 26, Beanchamp-street, Riverside, Terms very moderate. ROOMS (TWO Unfurnished) to let centre of town. Terms moderate.—Apply 3, Paradise-place, Car- diff. era. e. pp y a) 'se 432 N ITTING-ROOINI (comfortable) and Two Bedrooms Is, for 2 or 3 gentlemen. Hot and cold baths.—Apply Glanynant House, Tudor-road. Riverside. cfbO ■ ■ ■ jflisaUautfxrns. "IBOTANIC BEER made immediately with Mason's § J) Extract or Er .-enoi; of Herbs, composed of Yarrow, Dandelion, Comfrey, and llorehound; send 9 stamps for sample bottle, enough to make four gallon. to Newball and Mason, Chemists, Nottingham. Agents wanted. 4 lie LTRN.ISH on the Hire System, £ 5 worth, 2s 6d Fi weekly; £10 worth, 4s weekly; 215. worth, 5s weekly; 1;20 worth, 6s weekly, and so on ill propor- tion.—The South Wales Furnishing Company, 23, Custom House-street, Cardiif. 346 FTjRNISH 011 the Hire System. No security re- quired.—South Wales Furnishing Company, 23, Custom House-street, Cardiff. 3<6 i^URNISH on the Hire System. Cash prices charged. South Wales Furnishing Company, 23, Custom llouse-street, Cardiff. ;;4& 17\ORNISH on the Hire System. Small weekly or JU monthly payments.—South Wales Furnishing Company, 23, Custom House-street, Cardiff. o46 ITWliNISH on the Hire System. Houses or apart- inei.ts furnished throughout. — South Wales Ii nrnishlnlt Company, 23, Custom House-street, Car- diff. 346 I7TURNISH on the Hire System. Compare prices with other house-.—South Wales Furnishing Company, 23, Custom House-street, Cardiff. 346 171URNISII on the Hire System. Immense stock to select froll1,-South Wales Furnishing Company, 2o, Custou House-street, Cardiff. 57WRNISH on the Hire System, town or country.— South Wales Furnishing Company, 23, Custom llouse-street, Cardiff. 346 "jn^URNISH on the Hire System. No extra charges jp ni ide.—South Wales Furnishing Company, 23, Custom House-street, Cardiff. 346 1]1URNISH 011 the Hire System. Every article requisite for the household. — South Wales Furnishing Company, 23, Custom House-stveet, Cardiff 346 iT^URNISH on the Hire System. Inspection in- vited.—South Wales Furnishing Company, 23, Custom House-screet, Cardiff. 346 IMPORTANT to small Capitalists wishing to com- mence as Tobacconists for illustrated guide (110 pat'es) send 3 stamps to H. Myers and Co., 109, Euston- ),a.,re:i) send 3 stamps to H. Myers and Co., 109, Euston- road, London. 969e VN SOCIAI. PURITY AND THE INFIRMITIES ot ™ MAN. Addressed specially to young men, with advice ull health, and containing recipes that wiil re- store the nervous and debilitated to the full power of manhood. Free for the benefit of all who desire a safe and speedy cure without thedd of Quacks. Send, lie stamp to prepay postage. Address St cretary. Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham, 274e Jor j^altv-iltisctfUaumts. A NCHORS AND CABLES, new and second-hand, tested anrt untested, all ready for shipment.— W H. Tucker, 16. Windsor-esplanade, Car Jiff. 127 BAY MARE, long coal cart, and baskets, for sale very cheap.—Apply to G. Gould, 33, Harriett- street, Cuthays, Cardiff. 468 BEST LAMP OIL, wholesale, at low prices, also water barrels and butts, for Sale.—G. Jefferies, iiti, Weiliugton-street, Canton. 393 CANARIES (a large arrival of), German, Hartz C Mountain roller. day and night songster-, with vor.dlark and nightingale notes. One of these I will send to any address on receipt of 8s. 'I hey can also be soon and heard at 81, North Clive-street. Upper Grange, Cardiff.—J. Hedges. 44 I' tTEEDING MEAL, the Produce of Wheat-only. Capital Feed for Cat.le, Pigs, and Poultry. The best value to be had for the money. Price BS 10s per ton, on rail or steamer Liverpool. Terms, cash with orders.—Apply to M.J. Heathcote audCo. 10, Drury. lane, Liverpo* 1. 639e—76964 J3IANOFORTE (handsome rosewood, 7 octave, cot- J[_ tai(e) must be add at once cheap. Also house oi Furniture owner going abroad.—Apply thirdhouse in Moy-road, at the end of Mackintosh-place, Cathavs. 491 'IMALI, HOUSE OF FUR,i'LURE to be Sold Jo cheap owner going abn ad; good chance for those about to be married. Must be sold at once.— Apply after 4 p.m., 19, Hairiet-street, Cathays. 439 illanen. ASH ADVANCES ADE FROM £10 TO 2500. At a few hours' notice, to FARMERS, MARKETGARDENERS, TRADESMEN, CAB PROPRIETORS, and HOUSEHOLDERS, On their own security, without removal. No enquiry fees. The usual loan office formalities dispensed with. All communications treated in the strictest confi- dence. r< k nnrrr ADDRESS— CARDIFF AND COUNTY ADVANCE BANK, 9, CaROLINK-STREET, CARDIFF. b20 DEPOSITS of £ 10 and' „pw7rds received at 5 ner cent, per annum, subject l i pe5 withdrawal. J Ct to 1 month s notlce of Subject to 3 months' notice of withdrawal, 6 per cent. Subject to 6 months notice of withdrawal, 7 per cent. Subject to 12 months' notice of withdrawal. 8 per cent. Interest paid monthly, quarterly, or as agraed. CARDIFF AND COUNTY ADVANCE BANK 9, CAROLlKE-STRKFiT, CARDTFw 53^ MPORTANT P D Llc NOTICE. B5 TO £ 500. IMMEDIATE CASH ADVANCES May be obtained (for long or short period) by Farmers, Tradesmen, Cowkeepers, and all respectable House- holders, on their own security, without publicity, at a greatly-reduced rate of interest; also on Deeds with- out any legal charges. Honourable treatment guaran- teed. Distance no object. Apply personally, or by letter, to Mr R. LeWIs, 16. Lower Station-terrace, Cardiff. 316-73917 mONEY I m ONFF-I I m ONEY I I I Cash Advances made at a few hours' notice, from £ 5 to £600, to Farmers, Market Gardeners, Cowkeepers, Tradesmen, and others, on their own security. No sureties required, No inquiry fees. Money lent on deposits, also tradesmen's bills discounted. Apply, personally or by letter, to Mr A. Jordan, Manager, private Loan Office, Dock-street (corner of Skinner. street), Newport, Mon. 519 MONEY ADVANCED DAILY, from B2 to 25w, with and without sureties. To Professional Gentlemen, Tradesmen, and all classes of Householders. ADVANCES MADE ON DEPOSIT OF JEWELLERY, LIFE POLICIES, DEEDS, AC. Repayments suitably arranged. Approved Bills Discounted. Strictly ConfidentiaL Apply to MANAGER, MIDLAND LOAN CO., Mi, CUSTOM HOUSE STREET, (JAJBtDlFF. door, Qf&.$ itm-Mt .^musmunis. THEATRE ROYAL, CARDIFF. LESSEE & MANAGER.MR. EDWARD FLETCHER. ACTING MANAGER MR. JOHN SHERIDAN. TO-NIGHT (FRIDAY) November 6th, Last Three Nights of Messrs Mercer and Wainwriht's Company in the late Charles Reade's Great Moral Drama, IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO MEND. MR JOHN WAINWRIGHT as Tom R binson." New and elaborate scenery. Startlingmechanical effects. Act 1.—Eng and—Farnborough. Act 2.—Meadow's Study. Act 3.—The Model Prison. Act 4.—Australia —House of Gold. Act 5.—Grove Farm. Mondav, November 16.—Mr Clarence Ho t in the STOCKBROKER. Monday, November 23.—THE MIKADO. Box plan and tickets for The Mikado now ready at Messrs Thompson and Shackell's. Doors open at 7. Commence 7.30. Half-price 9. Stage door and St. Mary-street entrance open 6.30, bd extra. ——— SPECIAL ATTRACTION. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9TH, ;MISS JENNIE LEE ("JO") (after her enormously-successful tour round the world), and Mr J. P. BURNETT, supported by a Specially-Selected Company, under the direction of Mr H. Cecil Beryl. MONDAY, And Every Ev- ning except Friday, "JO." He wos werry good to me, he wos." FRIDAY.—THE GRASSHOPPER. 53237 ICTORIA ROOMS, ST. MARY- V STREET. CARDIFF. MON. D'ARC'S GRAND WAXWORK EXHIBITION. Entire change of programme. Important and expen- sive engagement of Mons. and Mille. DFR KERO, the marvellous Japane e Entertainers also Major BATES, the ceiebrated American Giant, 8 feet, in height, the Tailest Ma.u in the World. Receptions daily from 3 till 5, allll 7 till 10. j). Karos every Even- ing. Wednesdays and Saturdays at 3. Waxwork Exhi- bition open from 10 till 10. Admission, 3d children, 2d Reserved Seats, 3d extra. 58 F. J. SMITH. Manager. <J5mtrsiotts. GREAT WESTEHN RAILWAY. INVENTIONS EXHIBITION AND LORD MAYOR'S SHOW. LAST TRIP OF THE SEASON. On MONDAY, November 9th, an EXCURSION TRAIN for LONDON will leave Cardiff at 3.50 a.m. Newport, 410; Chepstow, 4.40; Lydney, 4.55; and Newnham, at 5.10 a.m. returning sauie day from Paddington at 11.20 p.m. For fares see special bills. 649 J. GRIERSON. General Manager. jg E F ORE BlTf N G A WATCH ANYWHERE Write for the "Illustrated Pamphlet," sent free on application by the Largest Watch Manufacturer. JQIAMOND JEWELLERY. Purchasers supplied direct at Trade Prices. A SAVING OF FRobi 25 TO 50 PER CENT. MR. T. R. RUSSELL, MAKER TO HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, CATHEDRAL WORKS, 18, CHURCH STREET, LIVERPOOL. 12191 (NO AGENTS IN WALES. 1 394e IN YEN TIO N S EX HTBXTTO JNT, JL LONDON, 1885 BRADBURY & CO. (LIMITED) Have obtained the HIGHEST AWARD GOLD MEDAL At the above exhibition for their SEWING MACHINES. See the profile of the Duke of Wellington on each machine, as no other is genuine. AGENT: JJ ENRY rjpHOMAS, ST. JOHN'S CHURCH-SQUARE. CARDIFF. 52, TAFF-STREET, PONTYPRIDD; and 34, HIGH- STREET, TREORKY, RHONDDA. 170o g HOOTIN G SE ASON, 1885. We beg to call the attention of sportsmen in general to our Stock of Breech-loading Guns of various qualities. We have in stock the following DOUBLE BARREL BREECH LOADING GUNS: £ s. d. No. I Ejector, Hammerless Gun 36 0 0 2 Consentric, Wood Bar Gun 25 10 0 3 Consentric, Treble Grip Gun 25 10 0 4 Semi, Hammerless Gnn 14 0 0 5 G. and P. Patent, Hammerless Gun 11 0 0 6 Treble Grip, Hammer Gua 11 0 0 7 Steel Barrel, Bar Lock Gun. 8 8 0 8 Steel Barrel, Back Lock Gun 7 0 0 9 Damascus Barrel, Back Lock Gun 5 15 0 10 Fine Twist Barrel, Back Lock Gun K.. 4 7 6 11 Good Twist Barrel, Back Lock Gun 3 15 0 All above guns are choke left barrel. 12 Twist Barrel, Back Locks Guu 3 0 0 13 Twist Barrel, Back Locks Guu 2 17 6 14 Fine Twist, Single Barrel, Back Lock Gun 3 2 6 Any GENTLEMAN PURCHASING either of these Guns CAN HAVE FAIR TRIAL, and if they are not what they are lepresented to be, and not approved of, money will be returned. CARTRIDGES OF ALL DESCRIPTION KEPT IN STOCK. 0 R 0 S S B R 0 S., 3 AND 4, ST. MARY-STREET, 497 CARDIFF. 76329 40, BRIDGE-STREET, CARDIFF. CFOLLICK, PAWNBROKER.—Most. • Money lentongolil and silver valuables. Over £ 2 at the rate of 4d in the pound, exceeding £10 at a lesser interest. Large assortment of gold and silver watches and diamond rings very cheap Special lots of gold wedding rings and keepers. 500e—76363 gTIFE'S SI ARCH. s TIFF'S STARCH. STIFF'S STARCH. TIFF'S STARCH. gTIFF'S STARCH, ks TIFF'S STARCH. STIFF'S STARCH. ks TIFF'S STARCH. STIFF'S STARCH. jgTIFF'S STARCH. STIFF'S STARCH. 609e 12296 tfc492 STIFF'S STARCH It having come to the knowledge of Messrs Stiff knowledge of Messrs Stiff and Co. that some retailers often attempt to induce the public to purchase low pricedandinferior starches by representing them to be the manufacture of Messrs Stiff A Co., it is necessary to put the public on its guard against such unprin- cipled uractices,aiid tostate that every box or packet of Stiffs Starch bears the registered Trade Mark QUEEN BEISS. Stiff's Starch is Sold in 5llt packets and lib Fancy Boxes, and may be obtained of any Grocer, Druggist, or Oilman; or of the Manu- facturers, STIFF & CO., REDCI,IFF-ST., BRISTOL ESTABLISHED 1818. POSITIVE REMEDIES. Consult the Book of Positive Remedies for the Cure of all Diseases. GRATIS.—Sent by Post to all parts oi tae World on A receipt of Two Stamps to prepay postage. POSITIVE CURE FOR DEBILITIES AND DERANGEMENTS OF THE GENERA- TIVE AND NERVOUS SYSTEM, NERVOUS DE- BILITY AND EXHAUSTION, THE RESULT OF OVER-TAXED ENERGIES IS GIVEN IN THE BOOK OF "POSITIVE REMEDIES. This Book Rives a POSITIVE REMEDY for all DISEASES. The Names of all Medicines are given in English. Cases and Testimonials, with means used in each case. IT 18 A GUIDE TO THE SELF-TREATMENI OF ALL DISEASES, and should be Consulted by all who 'rr\^re ™?(Ucal treatment. NOTICE.—THIi POSI- lIVE MEDICINES GIVEN IN THE nOOK F J, K REMEDIES" ARE THE MEDIOIN1; BY DR. SMITH FOR OVER THIRTY r H.AKS. By the aid of this Book Invalids may iorm a correct knowledge of their malady, and ttnd a Positive Remedy for the Cure. The names are pub. lished in English, to enable Invalids to select the remedy and Cure 'Themselves withont consulting a medical man, making a written statement of case or c?rI!sultatio" lees. Send Two Stamps for the BOOK OF POSITIVE REMEDIES, which contains 244 pages, and gives a cure for all diseases. Post iree on recelpt of Two Stamps direct from 716 H. t H. SMITH & CO. 130 POSITIVE REMEDY LABORATORY, SOUTHAMPTON-ROW. LONDON. A WORD to the WISE Cause & cure of debility, waut ot' energy> aiad premature decay, in- atructioiw to renin health and vigor. sent on receiptof it FHjwlW-^uare, Slwrtwa, 1168 business ^D&resses. JOTHAM AND s ONS, 26 & 27" ST. MARY-STREET. C A P, D I F ri MBRELLAS. Ti MBRELLAS. MBRELLAS. FOX'S PARAGON FRAMES, 5/11 DURABLE SILK, NATURAL Worth &TICKS. 7/6 OUR KNOCKABOUT. 6/11 OUR OFFICE UMBRELLA. 8/11 OUR "LEADING LINE," 10/6 Silver mounted. BUCKHORN and FANCY 11/6 HANDLES, in large variety. to 3'J;. LADIES' UMBRELLAS, Im- 2/11 mense Variety. to 151. JERSEY SUITS. JERSEY SUITS. JERSEY gUITS. For AUTUMN and WINTER WEAR, in Stout Wool, Knit, Lined Stockinette. and Stout Worsted, from 2s lid to 25s. The BEST and MOST DURABLE for BOYS' WEAR. 540a T HE TORTOISE S. C. STOVES Burn coke, and will heat a Hut, House, or Church. Prices from 15s to Eq. Over 40,000 ill use. Makers— C. PORTWAY AND SONS, HALSTEAD, ESSEX. SOLD BY IRONMONGERS. 12320 Caution.—Avoid imitations. 530e LADWEL L'S OOTS AND HOES k5 ARE WONDERFUL VALUE. 27 DUKE STREET. 535e Jp ELL AND CO. JD HAVE RETURNED TO CASTLE-STREET, CARDIFF (Near the Angel Hotel). CHINA, GLASS, EARTHENWARE, CLOCKS, ALBUMS, CUTLERY, PICTURES, Etc. He invites his numerous Friends to pay him a Visit. 536e R. J-. HEATH AND SONS, 12, CaOCKHKRHTOWN. CARDIFF, Have now on view the largest Stock of High-class pi ANOFORTES, QRGANS, AND JJARMONIUMS, IN SOUTH WALES, Which they are offering at a LARGE DISCOUNT FOR CASH and on the three years' system, from 10s 6d per month. Pianos, from 10 guineas. Illustra ted Catalogues Post Free 259e ECONoMY IN FUEL. ALL'S PATENT FEED WATER HEA T E R. x ATENT BLOWER AND SMOKE CONSUMER FOR STEAM BOILERS JOHN WILLIAMS AND SON, SOLE LICENSEES & MAKERS, QUEEN-STKE ET, CARDIFF. 107e IANOS.-—WHY BE WITHOUT ONE JL When you can become the owner of a juice instrument for the small payment of 10s fed PER MONTH ON rpHOMPSON AND SHACKELLS lURK SYSTEM T No security required, and the instrument delivered to purchaser on paymeut of first monthly instalment. Every instrument guaranteed, and exchanged if not approved. ORGANS AND HARMONIUMS ON SIMILAR TERMS. Catalogues free on application. THOMPSON AND SHACKELL, PIANOFORTE AND MUSIC WAREHOUSE/ QUEEN'S BUILDINGS, CARDIFF Also a SWANSEA, NEWPORT, MERTHYR and GLOUCESTER. 24oo NEltVOUSNESS, LOSS of ENERGY -i~* and VITAL POWER.—A gentleman having tried in vain every advertised remedy, has discovered a. simple means of self-cure. He will be happy to for- ward the particulars to auy sufferer on receipt of a stamped and directed envelope Address J T Sewell, ESQ.. Cb'swick. Middlesex I?12 INJECTION DAY.—An INFALLIBLE I REMEDY and certain cure for all Discharges from the Urinary Organs in either ftex, whether acquired or constitutional, recent or chronic; cures in a few days without medicines. Sold in bottles. 2s 6d each, by all chemists. London agents, F. Newbury and Sona, 1, King J £ dward-*treet, E.C. Agents for Cardiff, J, Muudty, Qbmbt, 1 Higl)-ftvc«t; and all (jheiuists im < iBusiniss Abbressts. QPENING OF NEW pREmsEs. J. N EWTON AND CO., rjlAILORS AND BREECHES m AKERS, 13 CROCKHERBTOWN, t CARDIFF, HAVE OPENED THEIR NEW AND COMMODIOUS PREMISES And they invite the attention of their numerous Customers and the Public generally to their New and Well-selected Stock of jpiNE WOOLLENS, CLOTHS, cASSIMERES, w ORSTEDS, JgNGLISH & JJIOREIGN gUITINGS AND TROUSERINGS FOR w INTER, 1885-6. PARTICULAR AND PERSONAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL ORDERS. JJAIR CUTTING AND SHAMPOOING SALOONS. HOT AND COLD BATHS, Are provided under First-class Management at 13 QR0CKHERBT0WN> CARDIFF. J. j^EWTOX AND CO., -I-'I 13 CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF, • LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S TAILORS HOSIERS, HATTERS, AND MEN'S MERCERS, Beg to state that they have added to their Establishment a NEW BRANCH in connection with the above. Their new Premises will be found replete with a Large Assortment of GENTS' MERINO HALF HOSE. CASHMERE DITTO. WOOLLEN DITTO. MERINO VESTS AND PANTS. LAMBS' WOOL VESTS AND PANTS, LINED GLOVES AND UNLTNED GLOVES. TIES AND COLLARS IN ALL THE NEWEST SHAPES. FLANNEL SHIRTS. LONG CLOTH SHIRTS. CARDIGAN JACKETS. FELT & SILK HATS Dr THE NEWEST SHAPES. MBRELLAS, B AGS, pORTMANTEAUS, AND W-LKING s TICKS. J. NEWTON AND CO., rjlAILORS AND gREECHES MAKERS, 13 CR0CKH £ RBT0WN, CARDIFF, HAVE OPENED THEIR NEW PREMISES WILL BE OPENED WITH A LARGE AND SELECTED STOCK OF WOOLLENS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, jgNGLISH AND JpOREIGN gUITINGS AND rjlROUSERINGS TOR WINTER WEAR, Particular and Personal Attention will be given to all Orders. INSPECTION OF PATTERNS AND STUCK INVITED. J. NEWTON AND Co.. 13 CROCKHERBTOWN, 9 /UHDIiT, f'I034 5iusin^ss .bbrt.5St5. ASK YOUR GROCER FOB SYMINGTON'S ARAB'S COFFEE. FOR STRENGTH, FLAVOUR, & AROMA IT STANDS UNEQUALLED. SOLD IN OBLONG TINS. BOW DEN STEAM MILLS, MARKET HARBOROUGH. GOLD MEDAL. NEW ZEALAND, 1832. 502a 502e THE PRICE OF AN OVERCOAT. THE CHANGE OF SEASON necessitates warmer clothing, so in reply to many who want to kuow what a new Overcoat will cost, W. pitiCE & gONS, Fashionable Clothiers and Outfitters respectfully sub. mit their revised list of prices for the newe-t styles- MEN'S FANCY COLOURED OVERCOATS. 10/ 15/ 20/ 25/ 30/ 35/ 40/ and 45/ MEN'S PILOT AND NAP OVERCOATS, 20/ 30/ 40/ 50/ MEN'S BLACK WORSTED OVERCOATS, 201-, 25/ 35/ 45/ 55/ MEN'S BLUE PILOT REEFERS, 15/ 20/ 25/, BOYS AND YOUTHS OVERCOATS, from 3/11 to 30/ Winter Clothing Waterproofs, Hats, Capes, Shirts and Hosiery in great variety. ADDRESS THE CARDIFF HOUSE, 50 A 51, ST. MARY-STREET, A 46 & 47, CAROLIN F, 23 SJREEJ, CARDIFf", 111 F ULTON, 11) UNLOP, AND CO. CARDIFF AND SWANSEA, ALdO AT WINDSOR.ROAD. PENAETH BASS AND CO., ALLSOPP AND SONS, And others of the finest BURTON ALES. PRICES Per Kilderkin. Per Firkin. 18s. 21s. 24s. 10s5: 6d. 12s And upwards. 155' BAR R B R 0 S., TAILORS, 64 ks T. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. 293e 73575 IS LIFE "TORTH L IVING ? THAT JQEPENDS UPON THE LIVERj The Best Medicine in the worid for SICK HEADACHE, STOMACH AND LIVER COMPLAINTS, INDIGESTION, '<*> And those diseases commonly called Nervous or Bilious, is M U N D A Y'S pI L L S, As evidenced by the ten following reasons, and valuable testimony of those who have used them:- I.-They are compounded from purely vegeta,ble in- gredients, comprising aperients, alterat'ves, and stomachics, and are thus rendered purifying Mid strengthening to the stomach and bowels, whilst re- moving diseases of the liver and other organs. 2.—They are manufactured on ar. alkaline principle, rendering them perfectly soluble, therefore do not cause griping pains, unless there be a large amount of poisonous matter in the system to bedisiodged. 3.—They are entireiy free from m neral preparations, consequently do not leave the patieut in jeopardy by taking cold by exposure. 4.—They may be taken at any time by persons of both sexes and of all ages, even those advanoed in years. 5.—They are particularly soothing to people whose occupation pvoaucets irritability uf the mind. Nervous, ehlliy, and fretful persons will find them invaluable, especially in cold, melancholy weather. 6.—They are highly recommended for sick headaches palpitation of the heirt, yhooting pains in the limbs giddiness, pains between the shoulders, tc. '.—They are a great boon on board shins and on foreign stations, as they keep for any perioa, and the distressing effects of change of riimate are effectually warded off by their timely use. S.-All heavy, drowsy sensations (the forerunner of apoplexy, paralytic strokes, epilepsy, and many other serious affections), are thoroughly removed by a few doses. g.-TIley also produce sound, refreshing sleep, impart such pleasing serenity of mind, vigour and lightness of body, and keen appetite for the plainest food as must be felt to be believed. IC.-For elderly people, they are undoubte d the moot, comfortable medicine that can be recommended, gently strengthening the system, that cause continued cheerfulness, thus serenely prolonging life to the latest possible period. Prepared only and sold in boxes at Is, 2s 6d, and 4s 6d free by post, by J m U N D A Y, CHEMIST, 1, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. ISOLD BY ALL CHEMISTS AND PATENT MEDICINE DEALERS. 437e FjiUZZONE FOR j^STHMA. T UZZONE FOR A STHMA. T UZZONE FOR B KO-NCELITIQ. FJVUZZONE FOR JJRONCHITIS. T LTZZONE FOR COUGHS. T UZZONE FOR COUGHS. A new Cough Cure, which thousands praise as an important discovery. ONB DollE of this pleasant and marvellous medicine does more to remove a cough, no matter how long standing, than a bottle of the many worthless so-called remedies in the market. In Asthma Tuzzone has no rival. Be sure when asking for Tuzzone that you get it. Hitherto no spurious imitation has appeared in the market, owing to the very unique way of preparing this medicine and the impossibility of copying it, thus Tuzzone stands %lone, unapproached in excellence as a safe and certain cure lor Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, and all diseases of the Lungs, Air Vessels, Chest, and Throat, Tuzzone triumphs when all others fail. Sold in bottles, Is lid and 2s 9d, by all Chemists. Proprietor, A. J. Abdy, 33. Fetter-lane, London, B.C. Agents; Strftu&jrtiiiu tutd Stephens, CwUiff and PeuuUi im fgttsiuiss THE CARDIFF JJOUSEHOID STORES. 65 c ROCKErERBTOWlq. DEPARTMENTS. rpEAS AND COFFEES G ROCERIES, JTALLAN QOODS pRUHS & 0OLONIAL pRODUCK ENGLISH AND FOREIGN p ROVISIONS WINES, SPIRITS, & LIQUEUBS A LES AND STOUT MINERAL WATERS pATENT jyjEDICINES pERFUMERY rjlOILET pREPARATIONS p ROPRR-ETARY A RTICLES JgRUSHES. No Entrance Fee or Ticket of MEVBESBST RKQCIBED. Goods are SOLD for CASH ONLY. PORTION OF PRICE LIST a. 4. ALCOCK'S PLASTERS la l^d sise for 0 7. COUN DO. Is lid „ „ 0 Iff BEECHAM'S PILLS is Ud 0 M BROWN'S TROCHES Is lid „ 0 9i CAMPHOR per lb 1 4 CARBONATE OF SODA o 3 CHEMICAL FOOD—Squire's 4s 6d size for 210 „ 2s 3d „ „ 16 Parrish's 3oibottle,, o 0 "boz „ „ 0 10 L;ebies. 28 d size for 22 » 4s 6d „ „ 3 3 CHLORODYNE—Collis Brown's Is li t 0 9i 2s 9d 2 2 „ 4s 6d „ „ 34 115 90 CHEST PROTECTORS. No. 1 0 7 No. 2 u 10 „ No. 3 1 0 No. 4 1 J CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE ,.2s 9d size for 1 II lis „ „ 8 6 B41 PILLS 4s 6d „ „ 3 5 COD LIVER OIL—Finest Pale 8oz bottle „ 0 9 > orwegian 116oz „ 13 De Jongh's ..2s 6d size for 1 9 „ 48 9d Moller'i 2s 3d CONGREVE'S ELIXIR Is lid 0 9 2s i „ „ -2 2 4s 6d 3 6 111. 90 22a 't 17 9 CREAM OF TARTAR. per" 1 4 DAViS'S PAIN KlLL £ R Is l^d size for 0 10 2$i^l 2 2 DU BAliRY'S REVALENTA .2s 1 Bi 3a 6d 3 0 6s „ „ 5 0 ENO'S FRUIT SALT 2s 9d „ „ 111 4s 6d „ „ 3 4 EPPS'S GLYCERINE JUJUBES lid „ „ 0 6, li lid „ II 0 10 GORDON'S EXTRACT 2s „ 1 M ilACTUANVAY 'S PEERLESS GLOSS U e, I. it per doz. o • HAY MAN'S BALSAM OF HOEK- HOUND is lid size for C 9 » >• •> »d „ „ 2 > HIMROD'S CURE FOR ASTHMA 4s 9 9 HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINES, Is „ 0 7 9d „ „ 0 oi HOP BITTERS 4s 6d „ 3 Z JO\'8 CIGARETTES 2s 6d 1 li KAY'S LINSEED 91d 0 7i „ Is I,d" 0 10 KERNICK'S WORM LOZENGES, 7* „ „ 0 6 £ KEATING'S INSECT POWDER Is „ 0 9 6d „ „ 0 44 KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES Is lid size for 0 It •• •• 2s 9d 2 2 LAMPLOUGH'S PYRETIC SALINE 2s bet „ „ 1 10 4s 6d „ „ 3 3 LOCOCK'S PULMONIC WAFERS Is lid „ „ 0 10 II II 2s sd 2i MAGN ESIA(CITRATE OF BISHOP'S) 111 0 8* 2s 6d 19 MAGNESIA (Pure) ,oz box 0 2 i. 10z 0 i i, 2oz 041 OWBRIDGE'S LUNG TONIC Is lid size for 0 10 PILLS.— Beecham's, Cockles'! Holloway's Hughes' > Is l^d size tor 0 9fc Kernick's, Ac., Ac. ) POWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED Is lid „ „ 0 9i SIEGILS SYRUP 2s bd „ 9 SElDLira POWDERS Is box 08 SOOTHING SYRUP Is lid „ 010 STEEDMAN'S SOOTHING POW- Is lid to" 0 iO STEDMAN'S TEETHING POWDERS „ „ 0 8 TAMAR INDIAN. 2s 6d „ at 1 11 TRIMNELL'S MEDICINES .Is lid „ „ 0 10 *sSJ „ 2 3. VASEL1NE 6d „ „ 0 3d „ Is „ m be ,iou >8en Detailed Price Lists of gw many buodods af articles supplied at the Stores, Irout which the &Wve quotations are takon, will be wat Post Free to My address. THE C4RDIFY HOUSEHOLD gTOBES, 65, CROLJÜXOW!1. QARDIJt'P,