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Small Prepaid Advertisements I of the Wanted and To be Let" class. 20 WORDS SIXPENCE. THREE TIMES NINEPENCE. SF^MES ONE SHILLING. WORDS nvrtr TIIRKE SIX WORDS. TIMES. TIMES. 20 Words 0 6 0 9 1 0 30 Words 0 9 | 1 0 j 1 6 AO Words 10 16 2 3 50 Words 1 3 2 6 3 9 J 6 60 Words 1 1 6 j 3 0 Advertisements of tlie abovn class inserted ?'[! "SOUTH WAI.ES ECHO," the "CARDIFF TIMKS1"»N<LTJJ_ SOUTH AI.ES DAILY NEWS" at the following *ftt. I I Six times ill Echo, ""JS"" I WOVDS. South Wales in to Ech0 Cardiff Xiuies. sdntli W*,M Daily d. L 11. 9. d. 6 20 Words 10 16 2 ° 30 Words 1 6 2 3 3J| <10 Words 2 3 3 3 5 6 50 Words 3 9 5 0 60 Words 4 6 6 0 10 6 —. ing this Im, -a.kin this 1m- IF you are married, or contempvaluable information portant seep, we can send you add'ess, and we srhich yon onght to know. Address H. G. ■will send catalogue and pamphlet • 285 Kerr, Mostyn-road, Merton. surzey- ————————. (Educational-^ rvrr^-I^r~Preparatory Class for SCHOOL for GIRLS, xh fcarcliff- Principals, Boy«, Cyril-crescent, iT)#n in music. 14 The Misses Evans. Private lesso— —^ — r—j Tiandaff.—Vacancies m XTOWELL S Girls School.^ tenns Tery moderate; .11 Boarding House fo. or_hJins pupils prepared for re<fuction for sisters anrt rp ^nt Enaon House, test examinations. — 1'lrs 372 IA&ndaff. — Strbants.     at once.— G  House, Oxford-terrMe.  Cardiff. -—; — ^TTPTK^IRL Wanted strong and clean; age 14 i\ tol5 — Api'ly> 19> Siepnenson-street, Riverside, rkrdig° 434 Situations Vacant. ^^aBDKNER.—Wanted. a young and energetic ■ -«- practical Gardener to keep in first-class order ornamental Grounds, Greenhouse, and Vinery. lIe will also require topave had experience in driving a horse and carriage and of looking after same.- Address Gardener," '• South Wales Daily News," giving particulars as to character, experience, and wages required. 5275 Situations mrtantdt BARMAID.— Wanted, a situation as Barmaid thoroughly experienced good references 18 months last place; vaults prderreet.-E. Rnclman. 35, LitMe Goush-street. Temperance T"wn, Cardiff 4754 Eo&gimjs, ^pnrtnmits. «C. f PARTMENTS (comfortable, unfurnished), with eTery convenience, with young married coU"'e, to li«t.—49, Flora-street. Cathay*, Cardiff. 424 PARTMENTS (unfurnished) to Let, 2 minutes from G.W. Station, terms moderate.—Apply 37, xresillian-terrace. Penarth-road. Carditf. -» ODGING.s quiet and respectable: no eWIdr-ii. | j 23, Wyndham-road. Canton, Cardiff. 454 T>ONTSARN (near Mertbyr Tydfil).—The Pont-nru f Hotel and Kt-fiesimi nt-rooms are now replete with every convenience for large picnic parties. Romantic IInd picturesque scenery. C>o-e to railway station. Piano for visitors' use. J'eims moderate.— David Lewis, proprietor. 394e TJENARTH.—Comfortable furnished Apartments, healthy and pleasant. Term* very moderate.— ET C., St. Cuthbert's, aget-plate, Penarth. 368^ UNFURNISHED—Two convenient room*, 3s 6d IU weeHy extra bedroom if required. Respectable, quiet people.-148, Craddock-street, Riverside, Carom. 4b8 louses, &c., irvo ICet. CARDIFF — A House, b-,tving every convenience, j admirably situated on Roath side, will be to ■1-et; rent, £ 30.—A' ply. in flrst instance, to X, South Wales Daily News," Cardiff. ■wte ORTHCAWL. Villa to Lot. in best position, facing se:, unfurisbed ten rooms. Sanitary arrangements perfect; water laid on. Rev. J. H. Walker. Pentoti House. Porthcawl. INDSOR-ROAD, CARDIFF.—House to Let, in good repair five bedrooms shed at back.— VApply 18. Gordon-road, Roat^Ca^tHff. 494 3for alt.-lhntse5. lCan&. fcr. 3[>ARRY DOCK.—Six well-built houses for sale. 3 Good private mortgage can re had.—Apoly uilder, Echo Office, Cardiff. ,547 OUNTRY.-For Sale or tol-t apitalselni-(Ieii-ehed c Honne; ten rooms good garden. Pleasant mapect; near railway station and Cardiff. Early pos- {cession price moderate.—Address Country, "Dailv JNews Office, Cardiff. qgj 1 TpOR SALE, one or the best built houses in ColcT. JT stream-teirace. — Address H.V., "Daily News" l>iBce, Cardiff. 4923 rWR SALE, by PRIVATE TREATY, a FREK- HOl.D DWEI.LING-HOUSE, pleasantly situated at Croesyceilog, with half an acre of garden. well adapted for building, commanding & finll landscape Yiew; food supply of water on the premises.—F< r particulars apply to the owner and occupier, Mrs Mills, Coldstream Cottage, near Pontypool. Mon. 446 I Susinesscs for Bispnsal. A ERATED WATER BUSINESS to be disposed of jt\. as a coing concern Cardiff.—Apply Edward Hotel Broker, Church-street, Cardiff. ^2<9 f>Q A A—Centre of Bristol, SPIRIT VAULTS, I/ong lease, convenient house. Rent £ 30. icblilld Exell, Public-house Broker, Nelson-street, Bristol. 248 <«QA—Bristol. Corner BEERHOUSK, very respect- able, doing proved trade, worth seeing.— Bichard Exell, Public-house Broker, Nelson street, Bristol. 248 Jor$0fa.—iKiscrflanfoiis. OICYCLK (50in.), by Rudge and Co., Coventry; ball JL> bearings to both wheel? good condition £ 6.— E. Norton, Queen-street, Cardiff. 414 ICYCLE 56in. Special Cambrian good as now £8. Repairs as usual.-Parry and Williams: Queen-street Cycle Works, Cardiff. 288 BOOTMAKERS, Saddler*, and Others.—For Sale cheap, Large Sewing Machine maker, Bradburv' Apply Crock, 45, Janet-street (Moors), Cardiff. 580' ENGINE.—For Sale, a Vertical inch cylinder, 12 inch stroke, with fly wheel und pulley and pump attached to same. Can be sn at any time at the "South Wales Daily News," Offic" Cardiff. 5138 OAK TOBACCO "OGSHKAITSTAVKS" rail or boat, 8s 6d per hundred.—Fetherstou Brewers' Cooper and ITUHB Hoop Maker, Bristol 447' EXBlJITS.-A nice collection of Fancy and Co'n^n Rabbits for s»le.—Apply T. P01irce, In Crcil- street, Roath, Cardiff. 0gj TRAP (light spring) for saleiMiirabie butchTrbaret7 or grocer; alio tish and fruit cart — ADDIV 68* Wellington-street, Canton, Cardiff TRK-YCLK lor Saie; Humber.^frorusteerer plated JL ball bearings, and carrier; cost -25; price K12 10s.—Apply Omega, Daily News Office, Cardiff 390 rpRICY CLES—>:u<ige's Ro> al Crescent, £ lb~- JL Coventry Rotary, £ 9; rirst class mnchioes bnU SssrartT' -Whl"' Miscellaneous. V-inRNIsS""o»~<mr ^*7 ^ire .System. Houses or T^ 52artSents completely furnlslle(l on a new ^Hooted eolely by us, whereby all publictv «nosSrt?and inqtunes usuallv raade by otber com^ exposuro, ^gpensed with. We have an immense P?nJk ot Household Furniture of cheap and superior 8 All goods sold on the Hire System at readv- q"-It Price, We make no extra charje for cred-t and a^o°ds sent h0D? a PriT<lt« 1'an free of charge' No stamP or agreement charts made no bill of safe • ?rerytbi»f private. A rrangetnents completed without delay, anii^'pf ,n?,nu^ac''}u*rs' ?'e guarantee quality, and will undertake to supply furniture, Ac., at 10 p& rent, less than any price-list issue,1 by any firm in Cardiff. Me™" snow rooms. Call and inspect our immense stock, ana compare prices before purchasing ;"ewhere. V\ e will supply £ 5 worth for 2s 6d weekly" £ 10 worth, 4s weekly £ 10 worth for 5s weekly • worth, 6s weekly, and so on in proportion. Special t(ls 'for lareFer quanti ties. Plea"e note the Address SOUTH IV I,FS FUUMSLIIA'G COMPANY 31 Castle-sr.Jopposite theCastle), Cardifl.12783—2491—(8» T-ii"TRUE PHRENOLOGY—520 Pe7sor7s~hIV« visited Ihe Phrenological Institute. Queen-street Arcade, Cardiff, since the opening. Principal Ohas Baker, O.S.T. creens, sieves and riddles, wire window blinds, offices, &c.-Vaughan, Old Market-street Bristol. 407 ( )N SOUIAL PURITY and the IN;FiRThliTIES'of ( MAN. Aadressed specially to young men, with advice on Health, and containing Reclnes that will restore the nervous and debilitated to the fu 1 of Manhood. Free for the benetit of all wh "d £ i7e a safe and speedy cure, without the aid of Send one stamp to prepay Postage.-Address Secre'- tarr, Institute of Anatomy. Birmingham 732 ;ft"tnnel1.  SOUTH WALES LOAN and  1 OFFICE ADVANCES CASH   to Householders, Farmers and others ithout security. If Borrowers cannot obtain an advance at this office they cannot do so by applying elsewhere. All business done strictly private and confidential. Apply, personally, or by letter, to Lewis, Manager, 1 St. John's-square, Cardiff. Office hours 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. 3106 M°NEY TO LEND afc Greatly Reduced Rates of n re u £ 500 advanced daily to Male*or Female Householders, of all classes, to be repaid by Easy instalments to smt Borrower's convenience. The Strictest Privacy Guaranteed. No Hills of Sale Required. Office Hours—10 to 8. Apply, personally or by letter, to WEST OF ENGLAND LOAN & DISCOUNT CO., 22, Castle-road (side door), Roath, Cardiff. 472e M. L. FLIGELSTONE. Manager. A:3 TO £300 ADVANCED DAILY TO HOUSEHOLDERS Without the usual Loan Office Routine or Preliminary Fees. Moderate Charges, Easy Payments. Apply— G. H. ALLSOPP. 19, BUTK-STREET, 378 CARDIFF. O LOAN OFFICE. I LOW INTEREST. Working men and others will find it to their advan- tage and safety to borrow only from C. LAWRENCE, 2, LLANTRISSANT-STREET, CATHAYS, Cardiff. Loans advanced daily from B2 and upwards. Apply personally or by letter. 370e CASU. ACCOMMODATION—The Cardiff and County Advance Bank continues to make ad- vauces upon any approved security repayable by in- stalments or otherwise, at moderate interest Bills discounted.-Apply Manager, 9, Caroline-street, Car- diff. Established 50 years. pig- 1196 MONEY I IONEY MONEY I I Cash Advances made at a few hours notice from EG to £600, to Farmers, Market Gardeners: Cowkeeperr, Tradesmen, and others, on their own security. No sureties required, No inquiry fees. Money lent on deposits, also tradesmen's bills discounted. Apply, personally or by letter to Mr A. Jordan, Manager, Private Loan Office, Dock-street (corner of Skinner street), Newport Mon 581 IMPORTANT NOTICE.—If you want Money send stamu lor Prospectus b> fori- borrowing elsewhere. —Mr Pike, 43, Salisbury-road, Cardiff 551 I-ISTABLIS H ED 30 YEARS. MONEY TO LEND FROM £ 2 and UPWARDS to all Classes, with Low Interest, by Easy Repayments. Apply to H. l.EVRNE, 229, Cowbridge-road. Canton. Cardiff. 293 HOUSEHOLDERS can obtain advances from i;2 upwards on application by letter to Mr J. P. Thompson, 71, Adam-street, Cardiff. 487e THE-CARDIFF AND SOUTH WA.LES LOAN JL SOCIETY advances loans from 4:2 to;2200, Without delay, Without fees. Without law costs, At a low interest, Without publicity. And easy repayment. By applying to the Secretary of this office applicants will meet witu promptitude and secrecy in their trans- actions. Office Hours, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m Apply 14, Custom House-street (side door), Cardiff. Enclose stamped envelope for prospectus and oarticulars. 315e A PRIVATE GENTLEMAN is willing to advance Cash, from £ 5 to £ 300, to all respectable Work- ing Men, Householders, Farmers, Ac. at low rate and easy payineiits. -Apply by letter. 99, Newport-road.254 ICost anii JounD. OST, Wednesday, June 30th. between St. Mellons and Wenvoe, Shorthorn Bullock, 2 years old, spotted white and dark red; black nose. Reward to tlnder.-Morgan Williams, Maesychrochan, St. Mellons. 4,38 LO>T, on the- 7thT"from back of "11> Tàïbot.stree( Upper Cathedral-road, Canton, fox terrier dog. White bjdy, one black ear; answers to "Jock. Information to. above address, or the police. S03 N 0 T- 1 0 E. A. & G. TAYLOR'S ARCADE STUDIO, NEWPORT, Has now attained such a state of efficiency in PHOTO. GRAPHY that it is not only giving general satisfaction, but those who never had a satisfactory Portrait express themselves highly pleased with their photos. 335 j) Jy/JARSH AND {JOMPANY. ADULTS FUNERALS. 1st Class, with best Hearse and Coach, on th most modern principle, with a pair of their well: known Flemish-bred Horses to each, oneincf Elm Polished Coffin, best registered furniture with elaborate name-plate engraved, fine s*tin trimmed robe, and self attendance. £ 5 5 0 Marsh & Co.'s 2nd Class ditto, ditto. 4 4 0 Marsh 4:Co.'s, with improved carriage 3 3 0 Marsh II Co.'s 4tli, ditto, ditto 2 10 0 CHILDREN'S FUNERALS, Including pair Flemish-bred Horses, modern Coach, with all the latest improvements. Po- lished Coffin, lined with fine flannel, and attendance. Underoneyear £ 110 0 Under two years 1 11 0 One-horse carriage, including coffin covered in black, blue, or polished, lined with flannel, modern coach, and attendance. Under six months 0 18 6 Underoneyear 1 0 0 Under two years 110 And so on in proportion. Handsome Car, Carved or Plain Hearse. Mourning Coaches and Broughams, Ostrich Plumes, Ac. 133 Addr-p-go. St. Mary.street Cardiff PIANOS.—WHY BE WITHOUT ONE JL When you can become the owner of a nice instrument for the small payment of 10s M PER MONTH ON rjjlHOMPSON AND gHACKELL S (LIMITED HIRE SYSTEM) No security required, and the instrument delivered to purchaser on payment of first monthly instalment. Every instrument guaranteed, and exchanged if not approved ORGANS AND HARMONIUMS ON SIMILAR TERMS. I THOMPSON AND SHACKELI PIANOFORTE AND MUSIC WAREHOUSE, QUEEN'S BUILDINGS. CARDIFF Also at SWANSEA, NEWPORT, MKK7HYU, PQMYP&IDD, PENARTH, BRECON, an f 1 GLOUCESTER. 340e Àlunsemtnts. CARDIFF. THEATRE ROYAL, CARDIFF. LESSEE AND MANAGER. Mr EDWARD FLETCHER CTING MANAGER Mr JOHN SHERIDAN STARTLING ATTRACTION. SPLENDID NEW DRAMA. TO-NIGHT, MONDAY, July lltb, Grand Production of the Great New York Success, PASSION'S SLAVE, By John A. Stevens, author of Unknown, Ac., sup- ported by EDMUND TEARLE and A. K. HODGSON S SPECIALLY SELECTED COMPANY MAGNIFICENT NEW SCENERY. ORIGINAL MECHANICAL EFFECTS. Monday, July 18til. "Driven from Home." Open 7. Commence 7.30. Half-price at 9. Box Plan at Messrs Thompson <fe Shuckell n, Ltd. LE V~[NO'S HALL, JLt QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. THE FAMILY RESORT. FUN WITHOUT VULGARITY. CARD.-Prof. LEYJNU desires to thank the citizens of Cardiff and vicinity for generous support and appre- ciation of his endeavours to present a first-class healthy ciation of his endeavours to present a first-class healthy entertainment, and wishes also to announce that in ordtT to prepare for our GRAND REOPjlNING IN SEPTEMBER the Hali will be CLOSED AFTER JULY 16th, and during the following weeks the neces- sary Decorations, &c., w 11 be pushed rapidly forward. The museum will be stocked with animate and inani- mate museumistic wonders from all part- of the known world. Everything will be done to make this the most unique, comfortable, and inviting Place of Entertain- ment in Great Britain. FOR the WEEK COMMENCING JULY llth, 1837. WONDER The Wonder of the 19ch Century 1 of the The Most Marvellous Act in the W orld WORLD Engagement, at Enormous expense, of the Onlv. the Original Japanese Marvel, LITTLE LITTLE ALL RIGHT, ALL Direct from Crystal Palace, where he RIGHT. has j,eeu for months Astounding Hun- drpils of Thousands of Spectators with LITTLE his Terrific ALL ns SLIDE FOU LIFE. RIGHT. This little Japanese kiero has travelled all the World over. LirrLE tHE foUR LEVINOS, wtSht nOLPH, SUSIE, HENRI, & FRANK, RluHT. DOLf ,n a musjcaj M(slange LITTLE THE BEST VENTRILOQU!ST LIVING, ■RTF^HT TV HIS FAMOUS' V'ENTRILOQUIAL RIGHT. IN » PARLIAMENT, T TTTT W Tn.-luding Mr Gladstone, Lord Randolph Air Phurchill, the lafce Eurl oi Boaconsfleld, RIGHT. Mr Parnell, Bradlaugh, Ally Slo per, T TTTT v *^<}rand Success of America's champion ALL club nianipulator, LOUISE CLEMENT, ITIGHT. Cordial reception extended to the pleas- ing vocalist, JESSE ARNELLI. T tTTt w The same may be said about the clever ALL baritone, R- H. A. William. RIGHT. H AMITON and OVEREND'S DIORAMA; new scenes. I no"NOT FORGKT THAT PROFESSOR LEV INO AND WIFE t TAKE THKIR FIRST GRAND ANNUAL BENEFIT ON FRIDAY, JULY 15TH. Tickets can be obtained of Friends and at the Doors. Notwithstand.ng the Enormous Expense of the above Great Company the prices will remain the same— Gallery. 3d Pit, 6d; Pit Stalls and Circle, Is Front Seats in Circle, 2s Boxes, 2s 6d. Half-price at Nine o'clock to Is, 2s, and 2s 6d Seats. Doors open at Seven Commence at Eight. (JDx£ttrsians. THIS EVENING. SPECIAL EVENING EXCURSION Jo ROUND BREAKSEA LIGHTSHIP. MONDAY. JUI.Y 11, by the EAHL of JERSEY. Leave CARDIFF. 7.45 p m. Fare, h. Papers and periodicals thankfully received by the mtln on board Lightship, TO-M O RRO W. CHEAP EXCURSION FROM CARDIFF TO WESTON and ILFUACOMBE, Calling off Lynmouth to and fro, on TUESDAY. JULY 12, by EARL OF JERSEY. Leave Cardiff 9.30 a.m. to Ilfracombe 5.30 p.m. Weston 8.30 jb.in. Fares to Weston, Is 6d and 2s; Ilfracombe, 5s and 4s. ARINE EXCURSIONS FROM NEWPORT AND CARDIFF, By the New Clyde-built Roval Mail Saloon Steamer WAVKULEY, The Greyhound of the Bristol Channel (Weather and circumstances permitting.) WEDNESDAY, JULY 13th, at 2.30 p.m., CARDIFF to ILFRACOMBh, (Calling at Lynmouth), Leaving Cardiff at 2.30 p.m., returning from Ilfracombe at 8 p.m. sharp Lynmouth at 8.30. Fares to and fro, 4s 6d and 5s 6d. SATURDA Y, July 16th, at 2.30 p.m. SATURDAY to MONDAY at MUMBLES (for Swansea) M„„m Or TENBY. NEWPORT to MUMBLES (for Swansea) a-d TENBY. Leaving Newport at 2.30 p.m.. Mumbles at 5.30, returning from Tenby on Monday, July 18th, at 10 a.m., Mumbles at 12 noon. Fares to and fro To Mumbles. 5s and 3 6d Tenby, 7s and 5s. WKDNESDAY, JULY 20TH, At 8.30 a.m., CARDIFF TO CLEVEDON AND ILFRACOMBE, CALLING AT LYNMOUTH IF REQUIRED. Leaving Cardiff at 8.30 a.m., returning from Ilfra- combe at 4 p.m., Lynmouth at 3.30 p.m., Clevedon at o p.m. Fares to and fro Clevedon, 2s 6d and Is 6d Lynmouth and Ilfracombe, 4s 6d and 3K 6d. Tourist Tickets, available for One Month, at a Fare xSo a"^a^- Special arrangements for large parties. ^"2 Band and refreshments oh board. 5397 SUMMER TOURS IN SCOTLAND. GLASGOW and the HIGHLANDS (Royal Route, ▼i* Crinan and Caledonim Canals), 'the Royal Mail Steamers COLUMBA or IONA sail from GLASGOW DAILY at 7 a.m., from GRKENOCK at 9 a.m., in connection with Express Trains from Cardiff and the South, conveying passengers for Oban, Fort William. Inverness, Lochawe, Skye, Gairloch, Staffa, lona, Glencoe, Islay, Stornoway, dsc. Official Guide, 3d Illustrated, 6fl and Is. Time bills with map.and fares free by post from the owner, David Macbrayne, 119, Hope-street^GlasTow^3iT3<460^^ Q U It WOMEN. Robust, healthy girlhood. Vigorous, bealthr woman- ill StronK. healthy, middle age. Hearty, healthy Menstrual medicine. NURSE JHOMPSON'S WORLD-FAMKD STEEL AND PENNYROYAL PILL". "A SOVEREIGN A PILL Is not half their value at each constitutional period and for all purposes they aie, in every sense, FEMALES' FAITHFUL FRIENDS. The igorouo; health ot live adult daughters and myself most certainly due to their use, for which we aie extremely grateful; and, as woman's duty to woman, I "eeJ.y exPress the value and urge the taking of .Nurse Thompson's Steel and Pennyroyal Pills." Inis statement, from a magistrate's wife, represent* lnJl]inHlrable similar cases. According to th>- quantity Sf v. Thompson's Pills are used montlily'by tens of thousands of women, and disappointment is un- known in their administration. 195e In Boxes at Is lid; three times the size for 2s 9d. From all Chemists, or direct from the Proprietor, post free, D. ANTHONY, Pharmacien, Cardiff. 12871 ]>^EWFoRT. —SOUTK WALES EOHO WALES ECHO is published at the NEWPORT OFFICE, 1,Tredegar-place .as follows:— FIRST EDITION 1,30 P.M. THIRD EDITION *.30 P.M. SPECIAL EDITION 6.50 P.1! TF YOU FEAR DISEASE is lurking in iffr T^*100*. or suffering from NERVOU> DK- r, Lowness of Spirits, Trembling of Hands and Limbs, Loss of Memory. Failing Appe- 50 tite, Indigestion, Love of Solitude, Un- YEARS' fitness for Society, Study, or Business, PRACTICE. Consumption, Ac., <tc., apply or write without delay to Mr SMITH (former without delay to Mr SMITH (former partner of Dr. Kahn, of London). Professional Residence—TOW ER-LANE, Broad-street. 1Hr'st°l. Attendance Daily until 10 at night. 15C03 T/n ^s promptly replied to. Cliarges Moderate. 34 le I reatment Mild, Sure, and Efficacious. 5048 c O-RNS! CORNS! CORNS 11 ROBB'S CORN SOLVENT COMPLETELY ERADICATES THE CORN WITHOUT PAIN. One trial will prove its superiority to all ether prepara- tions. Sold in bottles, 7 £ d double size, Is. P repared only by J. ROBB, CHEMIST, CLIFTON-STREET. CARDIFF. 281e THOMPSON'S BURDOCK PILLS. THE GREAT BLOOD PURI FIBET. -Iltirify the foulest blood and relieve every disease of stomach, liver, and kidneys. These wonderful Pills cure diseases which could not be reached by any other medi- cine. For Rheumatics, Lumbago, Piles, Gravel. Pains in the Back, Scurvy, Had Legs, Wounds, or White Swelling, Scrofula, Cancers, Blotches on the Face and Body, Swelled Feet, Ac., Jaundice, Dropsy, and Fevers o Jail kinds. In boxes at Is l5d and 2s 9d each.—Sold by all chemists, or from the manufactory 44, Oxford suee4 Swansea, for 15 or & atMapt it JiusiUfSS ^.ftftnsags. JOTHAM&SONS, OUTFITTING STORES, 26 & 27, ST. MARY. STREET, CARDIFF. SEASON'S SPECIALITIES IN IMMENSE VARIETY. J The LARGEST STOCK of CLOTHING of any we tind in South Wales or the West of England. Separate Show Rooms fitted up for the Juvenile Department. All Goods Marked in Plain Figures, and at the Lowest Possible Prices. The following is a Description of the Depart- ments 26, ST. MARY-STREET, GROUND FLOOR- MEN'S OUTFITTING DEPARTMENT, No. I SHOWROOM-JUVENILE DEPART- MENT No. 2 SHOWROOM—MANCHESTER DEPART- MENT. 27, ST. AIARY 6TREET, GROUND FLOOR- MEN'S AXD BOYS' HATS AND CAPS AND HOSIERY DEPARTMENTS. No. 1 SHOWROOM-BESPOKE & WOOLLEN DEPARTMENT No. 2 SHOWROOM PORTMANTEAUS, TRAVELLING RUGS, &c. JOTHAM & SONS, 26 & 27, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF, ESTABLISHED 49 YEns. PLUMBING WORK. HIE N P- Y BE V AN, R. P. (Registered Plumber, Worshipful Company of Plumbers, DDirrrr'AT ^"jldhall. London), DnmSli fJ A and VENTILATING PLUMBER, GAs A^D HOT-WATER ENGINEER, ^ERICK-STREET. CARDIFF. Es^mates Given for an Classes of Sanitary Work. N.B.—None but tirst-claas Work Solicited. 537 SMART YOUNG MEN AND SMART BUSINESS MEN! FOR READY-MADE SUITS OO TO JpRlCE AND GONS. (newest styles) at 20s, 25s, 35s, 45s, xl0a*e<l Cloth Suits (newest styles) at 17s 6d, 20s, 2m, 40s, 5bs, 45s Blue Serge Suits at 2is, Obs, 45s. FOND PARENTS, SOLICITOUS FOR THE ECONOMY. ELKuANCE, AND FASHION OF THEIR CHILDREN'S DRESS, SHOULD VISIT THE JUVENILE D P P A R T M F, N T OF THE CARDIFF HOUSK. W. PRICE AND SONS, MERCHANT CLOTHIERS AND OUTFITTERS, HOSIERS, HATTERS, & GLOVERS.I 50 & 51, ST. MARY-ST.. and 46 A 47, CAROLINE. ill STILEET, CARDIFF 1007 PEPPER'S TANNIN THROAT JL GARGLE. Tannin Gargle should be within the reach of all in the least degice subject to throat affections, whether inflammatory relaxed, ulcerated hoarseness, swollen tonsils, eillarged uvula, weakened voice, te. Those constantly speaking, singing, or reading, by using the Gargie prevent olie huskiuess, dryness, and irritation so frequantlyattendant on overexertion also of pro. ducing unusually sustained powers without injury to the mucous surfaces of the throat Tannin is a great purifier, und so useful as a mouth vraSli in cases of disagreeable breath, arising from de- cayed teeth, disordered stomach, mouth ulcerations, and other causes. As a cure for ordinary sore throat, with its usual painful and sometimes dangerous svniptoms, the Tannin Gargle is far better than anything. Bottles la 6d. Sold every wUere. ° 1 -EPPER'S WHITE COUGH MIX- JL TURE. -The most reliable, speedy, and agree- able cure for coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, cou- sumption, and all diseases of the lungs and air- passages. It is soothing, comforting, and tranquil- lizing in its action, quite different from ordinary cougu remedies. Affords relief after second dose Botties, Is lid and 2,1 9ci each. Sold by all Chemises. CRACROFT'S ARECA-NUT TOOTH PASTE.—Regularly used every morning the teeth are kept m beautiful order. All decaying and destr uctive tartar is removed from the enamel, which assumes its ivory, ike appearance. which assumes its ivory, ike appearance. /CRACROFT'S PASTE removes all causes of decay, and will preserve the teeth intact for many years. Branded Pots, Is each. Sold everywhere. CRACROFT'S ARECA TOOTH PASTE. NJ By using this delirious Aromatic Dentifrice the enamel of the teeth becomes white, sound, and polished like ivory. It is exceedingly fragrant, and specially useful. Get Craeroft's DEAFNESS, NOLiES IN THE RARS, drC. DELLAR'S KSSENCE FOR DEAF- NKSS should always be tried, as in numbers of case-, seemingly incurable, it has done wonders Slight deaftess, obstructions in the ears, and the incessant humming rounds so frequent with affected hearing, are removed. Sold everywhere CORNS I CORNS 11 CORNS i; BUNIONS AND ENLARGED TOE JOINTS! CURED IN A FEW DAYS. DELLAR'S CORN AND BUNION PLASTERS are the only real remedy. They differ from all plasters, shields, or compositions. By instantly softening the callous surrounding the pain goes at once, the Corn soon following. Bunions and enlarged toe joints require more time; but the action and relief is certain. Boxes, Is lid. Sold everywhere. SILPHOLINE SOAP (a soap contain- ks ing sulpholine), is a delicately refined, chemi- cally pure Soap, intended for general use, but specially by those endowed with sensitive skins. Common im- perfectly prepared soaps, scented with injurious acrid oils, frequently cause skin diseases. For washing at all times, and bringing the skin to a soft, pliable, healthy condition, Sulpholine Soap holds the first place. Its odour is very pleasant, and the Soap not expensive. Tablets, 6d each. LIVER COMPLAINTS, BILIOUSNESS, INDIGESTION. CUBED BY STOMACH DERANGEMENTS, D R. KINGS DANDELION & QUININE LIVER PILLS (Without mercury), Act effectively on the liver, and, whilst mildly aperient, are all that can be desired. Dr. King's famous Pills purify and clear the entire system by freeing the liver F., Irmi fslug isbitess, causing the stomach to properly per. form its functions, quickly and entirely removing all feeling of headache, dizziness, oppressions at chest and back, disagreeable taste, nausea, indigestion, spasm, sensation of heaviness, and irritating depression attend ing bilious attacks and liver derangemeuts. BE SURE TO HAVE DR. KING'S PILLS. 615 sor.n f.VF.RVWHKRK 45 M~ EN WHO WISH TO MARRY AND BE HAPPY should see the MAGIC MIRROR sent free to any part of the world on receipt of Post Card, wi, h name Rii,i address.- B. Fitz-sq., Sheffield. Don't delay, send at nice, it costs you nothing .);)2.>-1bO JGILL-POSTING AT NEWPORT, MON. J. DE RKES, UN CONIM ERC [A I- ROAD, NEWPORT, BILL-POSTER and DELIVERER for TOWN a.na COUNTRY Rente all tbe principal Hoardings m Newpor,, etc. War. ex«vu>«a vnw (tnp*wa low Haainiss i IMPORTANT ADDITION OF LARGE I PLATE-GLASS WINDOW. j Intending purchasers can now view an Enormous { Assortment of General FURNISHING GOODS From Outside of the Premises at the Old Established and Extraordinarily QHEAP J^URNISHING w AREHOUSE, 34, QUEEN STREET., CARDIFF. m ARVELLOUS SPECIALITIES IN JgEDROOM FURNITURE, E LECTRO-PLATE AND CUTLERY, X> ELIABLE DINING-ROOM XV FURNITURE, t RELIABLE DRAWING-ROOM FURNITURE. YARN, BEAM, AXMINSTER, AND WOOL RUGS. & A Splendid Assortment of BPvUSSELS TAPESTRY, KIDDER <fc FELT CARPETS CURTAIN POLES. CORNICE, AND CURTAINS, QLEOGRAPHS & OIL PAINTINGS, MATTRESSES in Wool, Horse-hair, and MILLPHFF, pIER & TOILET GLASSES, ALSO the Largest Assortment of BED- -CjL STEADS in Cardiff to select from. O House in Cardiff sells so cheap. YOU are certain to be well satisfied and SAVE AT LEAST 20 PER CENT. By purchasing from N. BERRY & CO., 34, QUEEN STREET. 258 IT E W T 0 N & CO. V .1RS INTRODUCING A TROUSERS AT 13s. TO MEASURE THAT HAS NEVER BEEN EQUALLED IN CARDIFF. Grand Assortment of Patterns at this Special Cash Price. S P E C I A L I T E- 13/- TROUSERS TO MEASURE. STYLE AND FIT GUARANTEED. We also call Special Attention to the VERY LARGE ASSORTMENT OF SPRING GOODS NOW ON VIEW, AND INVITE YOUR INSPECTION. UEEN -iTREET, 53, QUEEN gTREET, CARDIFF. CARDIFF.233e 24, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. S. JOSEPH, PAWNBROKER. Established 1852. Most- Money Lent 011 Gold and Silver Valuables. Over £2 at the rate of 3d in the pound interest; exceeding SIC. at 2d in the pound interest. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GOLD AND SILVER WATCH Kis DIAMOND RINGS, LADIES' t GENT'S GOLD ALBERTS & ICINGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. All Valuables are kept in Fire-proof Safes. 359e pHOTOS I jDHOTOS T>HOTOS 1 C. WALLTS, Photographic operator for the last 5 years to A. It G Taylor, has RE-OPENED THE STI DIO, 9. CLARENCE PLACE. NEWPORT, (a few doors over Newport bridge, Where, with all the latest improved appliances, be is producing SUPERIOR PORTRAITS from 4s. per DOZEN. Agents wanted. 174 One trial will secure your continued patronage; TOTAL DESTRUCTION OF THE CORN CROP,' AFTER USING I "THE AMERICAN I CORN & \VART CURE. AS INFALLIBLE CURE FOR HARD AND SOFT CORNS AND WARTS. ENGLAND. A iNI V R I C.A. ENGLAND. AMERICA. ENGLAND. AMERICA. ENGLAND. AMERICA. ENGLAND, AMERICA. ENGLAND. AM KRICA, ENGLAND. AMERICA. ENGLAND. AMERICA. ENGLAND. AMERICA. ENGLAND. AMERICA, ENGLAND. AMERICA. ENGLAND. AMKRICA. ENGLAND. AMERICA. ENGLAND. AMERICA. ENGLAND. AMERICA. ENGLAND. AMERICA. ENGLAND- AMERICA. ENGLAND. AMERICA. ENGLAND. AMERICA. ENGLAN AMERICA. ENGLAND. AMERICA. ENGLAND, AMERICA. ENGLAND. AMERICA. ENGLAND. AMERICA. ENGLAND. AMERICA. ENGLAND. AMERICA. ENGLAND. AMERICA. ENGLAND. AMERICA. ENGLAND. AMERICA. ENGLAND. AMERICA. ENGLAND. AMERICA. ABRIDGED TESTIMONIALS. NEW YORK. Warren-street, New York, U.S.A., Jan. 5th, 1837. SIR,—When in England last summer. and being a martyr to Corns, a friend persuaded nie to give The American Corn and Wart Cure" a trial. I had previ- ously applied most of the advertised remedies both at home and abroad, but to no avail. After following the direction for one week my Corns mysteriously dis- appeared, and have not since put in an Rppearance; if, however, tuey show any signs of resuscitation, you may hear fiom me again.—Faithfully yonrs. GILBERT A. PASCO. LONDON. Laboratory, West Dulwich, London, S.E. Dec. lth, 1886. DEAIL Sllt, -1 have nveh pleasure in thanking you for your very efficient corn eradicator. I was greatly troubled with corns on the soles of my feet, but after three applications of your American Corn and Wart Cllr" I am happy to say they were completely removed, and I have been free from them now for the last six months.—Yours very truly. ALEX. PARKES. PONTYPRIDD. Pwllgwain Farm, Pontypridd, Nov. 4th, 1886. DEAR 'Ir.A n aunt of ours, from New Inn, paid 1;8 a visit a few weeks ago, and brought with her a bottle of yrur "American Corn and Wart Cure and being myself troubled with corns I ap- plied it and got rid of tiiem in the or six days, to my great relief. I have never known anything to enual it. Please for. warn me four bottles, which are for friends of mine, and oblige, yours truly, JOHN Jil) WARDS. YORK. CUrence-place, York. Dec. 28tb, 1886. DEAR MR,—The bottle of American Corn and Wart Cure Ihad from you is worth a guinea a bottle. Two or three applications gave me great relief, and my corn is now gone. I shal) certainlv recommend it to all my friends, &c.-I a dear Sir, yours respectfully, J. M. WILKINSON. AW BEWARE OF "WORTHLESS" AND "INJURIOUS" IMITATIONS. In Bottles 7d and is, of all Chemists, or Mailed Free to any part, f the United Kingdom on receipt of 9 or 14 stamps, by the SOL:. PROPRIETOR, TX> O DERICK, JLIJ 1288 CHEMIST, PONTYPOOL. London Depftt—10, BOW CHURCHYARD, E.C. 256 A L S A M SUPERSEDED MAT MILTON'S AMERICAN HERB PASTE. MAT F MILTON'S MAT MILTON'S MAT MILTON'S MAT MILTON'S MAT- MILTON'S MAI MILTON'S MAT MILTON'S AMERICAN HERB PASTE. MAT MILTON'S AMERICAN HERB PASTE. 741, Is warranted to cure ail discharges from the urinary organs in either sex. Thoroughly reliable con- venient to take. In tins, 2s 9d and 4s 6d each. Free by post 3d extra. HEWSON'S COMPOUND PENNYROYAL PILLS FOR FEMALES. In boxes. Is ld and 2s 9d each free by post 2d extra. Local Agents: Cardiff. Mr Mnnday, Chemist. 1, Duke- street Newport, Mr .1. Phillips, 92, Commercial- street; Swansea. Mr Keail, Chemist, 189, High-street: F. H. Hewson. 8. Victoria- avenue, Maindee, Newport.1 jMon. avenue, Maindee, Newport.1 Mon. London: Barclay 4; Soon AMERICAN HERB PASTE. AMERICAN HERB PASTE. IAMERICAN HERB PASTE. IAMERICAN HERB PASTE. MAT MILTON'S AMERICAN HERB PASTE. MAT -N AMERICAN [ HERB PASTE. J 104? | Business ^ii&ressEs. THE HOT WEATHER. has come at last, and with it the usual intense thirst, feverishness, lassitude, headache, biliousness, depres- sion of spirits, but Jesse Williams and Co. are equal (in this as at all other times) to the occasion, and have pro- duced an EFFERVESCING SALINE POWDER. This powder is composed of Tartaric Acid, Cream of Tartar, Bicarbonate of soda, Epsom salts, Magnesia, Chlorate of Potash and refined sugar. These chemicals are carefully dried in steam-heated compartments, reduced to a very tine powder Ilnd mixed by machinery. The orooortion of each ingredient is accurately ad- justed so as to produce a prolon:ed and sparkling effervescence and to ensui 0 the perfect solubility and medicinal activity of each of the component parts. One or Two Teaspjonsfuls of this SALINE POWDER dissolved in half a tumbler full oi cold water forms a SPARKLING ACIDULATED DRAUGHT. which is jp L E A S A N T COO L I G, AND REFRESHING. It cures headache, lassitude, biliousness, feverishness, and allays thirst. It is a cooling and blood purifying medicine. Price—2d per oz., or 2s per lb or in bottles at Is 6d each. JESSE WILLIAMS & CO, CHEMISTS, pARK TO-ALL UILDINGS, B CARDIFF. 312e PRICE LIST GRATIS ON APPLICATION. E. NEWIAX & SOXS, pIANOFORTE ^yTAREHOUSEMEN, NEWPORT, MON. CLOSE OF THE WINTER SEASON. INSTRUMENTS RETURNED FROM HIRE. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE. PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. 843 40 JJRIDGE-ST., CARDIFF C. FOLLICK, PAWNBROKER. HIGHEST VALUE LENT ON GOLD AND SILVER VALUABLES. OVER S2 AT THE RATE OF 4d IN THE POUND INTEREST EXCEEDING S10 AT 3d IN THE POUND INTEREST. 40, BRIDGE-STREET, CARDIFF. 341 THE FINE ART STUDIO, QUEFN-STREET ARCADE. Mr CHAPMAN'S PHOTOGRAPHS Are giving every satisfaction. Most complimentary expressions of opinion from all who have been Photographed. Prices :—2s 6d for J, 4s for 6. and 7s for lz. All taken by the Latest, Best, and Quickest processes, and weather really no object. 17e HEATH'S PIANOFORTES ORGANS AND JJARMONIUMS B A T EL AND GONS FPHREE YEARS' GYSTEM Is Applied to the Hire and Purchase of Instrument* by all Makers, from 10s Monthly. Every Instrument Guaranteed. Cc-operative Prices for Cash. The Largest Stock in Wales to Select om 12, Crockberbtown Cardiff. 259 BEFORE BUYING A WATCH ANY- WHERE, write for "The Illustrated Pamphlet," sent free on application by the "LARGliST WATCH MANUFACTURER." FIRM FOUNDED 1745. WATCHES, £ ] TO £100. Send your WATCH and JEWELLRY REPAIRS by Post, Registered, which will be given only to Skilful Workmen. Estimates sent before doing the work, and I take jRigk and Cost 01 Carriage back. T. K. RUSSELL. MAKKR TO THE QUEEN*. GATSfEDRAL WORKS 18, CHURCH-STREET, 12830 LIVERPOOL. llóe m UNDAY'S COMPOUND p HOSPHATED. JGLIXIR OF QUININE. A NERVE AND BRAIN STIMU- LANT AND IONIC. Is recommended, and can be taken with the most satisfactory results in Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Nervousness. Neural- jgia, Sleeplessness, Over-worked jI! rain, Hysteria, Mental and |Physical Exhaustion, Diminished Vitality, and all forms of Extreme or Nervous Debility. Sold in Bottles 2s. 3d. and 4s. each (by post 3d. and 6d. extra), or six 4s. bottles for 22s. Prepared only by J. IUNDAY, CHEMIST, 1, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. 233 A FACT WORTH KNOWING BEECHAM'S PILLS Areadrnittedbytliousandqto be worth aboyea GUINEA a BOX for bilious and uenolle lÎiiWràer, such as wind pain in the stomach, sick headacne, giddiness fullness and swelling after meals, dizziness and drowsiness, colli chills, flushings of heat, loss of appetite, shortness o( breath, costiveness, scurvy, and olotcbes on the skin disturbed sieep, frightful drenins, and ail ziertou-i and trembling sensations, &c.. &a. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one Box ot these Pills, a.nd they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For Females of all ages these Pills are invaluable. No female should be without them. There is no medicine to be found to equal Beeenain's Pills for removing any obstructions or inresfulartty of the system. If taken ac- cording to the directions given with each box, they will soon restore females ot ages to sound and robust health For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all dis- orders of the Liver, they act like MAGIC, and a few doses will be found to work wonders upon the most important organs in cue human machine. They strengthen the whoie muscular system, restore the long- lost coiupiexiou, bring back tbe keen edee 01" appetite, and arouse into action, with the ROSE-BUD of beiitbj the whole physical energy of tbe human irame. These are FACTS admitted by thousands embracing all classes of society, ami one oi the best guarantees to the Ner vous and Debilitated is Beecuam'sPills. They nave the largest saie o; any patent medicine in tbe world Prepared oniy by the Proprietor. T. 3>CHAM Chemist. St. Belen's. Lancashire, In Boxes at, ),it lod, -ind 2s 9d ellcD. Sold by all Patent Meriic'ne De.ii.»rs 1. Uiiiteu jvinenou.. • 210 .): .iir-rMon. rhhn Will be paid to any person who, by usin^ GOLOMANNs IMPERIAL TOOTH WATEK, is zxain troubled with to,)thache.- ¡ S. Goldmann & Co., Dresden. To be obtained genuine from Mr J. MONDAY, CHEMIST, 1, Hi^h-street, Cardiff, I Per bottle. Is by post, Is 3a, 869*W5 Mr J. MONDAY, CHEMIST, 1, High-street, Cardiff, I Per bottle, Is by post, Is 3a, 869*W5 iSnsiitesg Ãhhresses. IEI OBDAY, WILLS, AND JJOBDAY. H OBDAY, WILLS, AND JJOBDAY. JJOBDAY, "yyiLLS, AND JJOBDAY, NEW SUITINGS. NEW TROUSERINGS. 79, ST. MARY STREET. 79. 79, ks T. IARY STREET 79. 79. ST- MAEY SIRES 79. NOW OPEN, -Ll THE QUEEN-STREET FRUIT AND VEGETABLE COMPANY, 81 QUEEN-6TREET (OPPOSITE CHARLES-STREET). Wreathe, Bouquets, aud cut Flowers outpe Shortest Notice. Also a Large and Varied Assortment of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Daily. Orders Promptly Executed. 304e MUNDAYS VIR]DINE Trade Mark), No. 36996. QORNS UORNS QORNS £ JORNS QORNS c ORNS! 0ORNS QORNS QORNS c ORNS! £ JORNS! CORNS I CORNS I 0ORNS QORNS QORNS CORNS 1 QORNS CORNS 1 QORNS S £ JORNS QORNS .I QORNS CORNS! CORNS! QORNS c ORNS QORNS QORNS QORNS QORNS QORNS QORNS QORNS £ JORNS QORNS QORNS QORNS QORNS QORNS A CERTAIN CURE FOR CORNS, Painless and Harmlesr. This infallible remedy introduced by J. MuDAY has obtained a world-wide reputation. The efficacy of "VIRI. DINE" may be judged by its having Cured Corns of over 60 years' standing, which had resisted all other remedies. It succeeds where all Plasters and Caustics have failed IN REMOVING BOTH HARD OR SOFT CORNS AND WARTS, J M I T A~T IONS. Mdlle. MARIE MULT.ER. Amster dam, Holland, writes:- I bought a bottle ot your aenuine "Viridino some six months ago in Paris, which cured me, and as I am a principal dancer you know my feet are my living. The bottle 1 I bought did the service you recom- mended it, but I bought another one afterwards which was forged and no good. As T want a bottle of genuine for a friend of mine, who is nrttrly mad with pain, will you please send mr one direct. w ONDERFUL CURE. Miss WAITS, Cheltenham, writes Please send by return of post one bottle of Viridine." We have found it a wonderful cure for corns. c ORN JUBILEE. Dlr THOS. WILLIAMS, St. Nicholas, writes; I am B5 years of age. A corn I have had ever riO yeart has been nerfectly curect by jour Viridine." G RATITUDF. The Rev. W. MATTHEWS, M.A., St. David's, writes:— Gratitu e compels me to say that your "Viridine" removed two corns from my feet, which had troubled me for many years. SUFFERED 15 YEARS. MISS JOXES, Lawnharst, Manchester writes :— I have suffered for 15 years from a horrid corn. Sometimes it was like a boil. I tried the Viridine," and it has completely cured it. The abuve are extracts from numerous unsolicited testimonials. c AUTION. As so many imitations of my prepara- tion are being offered, the pbbiic are re- quested to ASK FOR M (JNDAY'S "VIRIDINE' And SEE THAT MT SIGNATURE is on the end of each package. By ordering Corn Cure' you may receive one of the many so-called remedies' which only give relief or some worthless imitation of Viri. dine.' Ii Bottles, price Is, by post Is 2d. PREPARED OLY BY J. M U N DAY CHEMIST, 1. HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. Agents; London—WILCOX A Co., Chemists. 239, Oxford-street, W F. NEWBERY & SONS SANGER, SUTTON, HOVENDEN, Ac Liverpool- SYMES It Co.. 65, Bold-strett. Dublin-HA YES & Co.. 12, Grafton-street. iris-PRAR.NIACIE BERAL, 14, Rue de la Paix. AinsterLiam-PERRY & Co., 97, Kalverstraat. And all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendor*. 12583-962e INJECTION DAY. An INFALLIBLE REMEDY and certain cure for all Discharges iron; the Urinary Organs in either sex, whether acquired or constitutional, recent or chronic; cures in a few days without medicines. Sold in bottles, 2s 6d each (by post 2s 9d), by all chemists, London agents, F. Newbery and Sons, 1, King Edward-street, E.C. Agent for Cardiff. 1. Muudav. Chemist, i Hiffh-streetl2583 570e POSTAL DELIVERY JL OF THE SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS. The Proprietors of the SOUTH WAI.KS DAILT NEW beg to announce that by a special concession of the Postal Authorities they are enabled to despatch their First Edition each morning by the Mails JeaTingCarditf 2.30 a.m and 3.45 a.m. Country Subscribers residing within the iimits of GLAMORGANSHIRE, CARMARTHENSHIRE PEMBROKESHIRE, CARDIGANSHIRE, As well: as- those portions of BRECONSHIRK and MONMOUTHSHIRE comprised within the Trederar and Rhymnev Valley Postal Districts, may now hare aoe SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS delivered at their resi deuces daily by the same cost as that which co oys their London letters London and West of England subscribers receive tneir papers ou the afternoon of publication. The SECOM EDITION of the SOUTH WALES DAILT NEWS is forwarded, prepaid, to residents of the follow. ing and all ether places within the Cardiff Postal District in time for the first morning delivery :— St. Fagan's Pencoed S Brides-sup. El) St. Nicholas Bonviletona Peterstone Llandatf Radyr Morganstown MelingritHtb ] Pentynin I St Andrew • j Sully Courtyralla Dinas Powis Cadoxton Barry Caerphilly Bedwas Ystrari Mynach Pwllypant St. Meilon's Ceiit Ma'Diy Michaeistn-leVed? Castletown Marshfield Ted. Ma.rsbtielcl Penarth Llandough Lisvane Llanishen Whitchurob I Taffs Well Tongwynlai* W ainut Tree Brld g PER QUARTER, POST-FREK a 9 1 PER HALF-YEAR „ „ B IB 4 PER YEAR 1 19 F >OUTH WALKS DAILY NEWS OrviCSs 14 and Ii Macystreet. 4C,