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Small Prepaid Advertisements of the Wanted and To be Let" class 20 WORDS SIXPENCE. JTHREE TIMES NINEPENCE. S/X TIMES.ONE SHILLING. WORDS. ONCE. THRi K S,X TIMKS. TIMES. '20 Words 0 6 0 9 1 0 I ¡- 30 Words 0 9 11 0 1 6 40 Words j 1 0 | 1 6 | 2 3 SO Words 1 3 2 6 3 9 60 Words 1 6 5 0 '• Advertisements ol the above class inserted in -u. ♦•'SOUTH WAI.ES ECHO," tlie "CARIMXI' TIMBS." a'1(l tn SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS" at the following rate Six times in Echo, Six Mums tm.„« Ouc« i" i„ Cardiff 1 WORDS. South WalJ jn Ech0 Oardilf Times. £ ,„)i W»i«» Paily Newa- s. <1. s. d. £ • 20 Words 10 16 ° 30 Words 1 6 2 3 3 9 40 Words 2 3 3 3 5 50 Wordti 3 9 5 0 8 9 60 Words 4 6 6 0 6 T =- — — rharles Lawrence, WANTED, present address oi & j{e,va>d late »t 5, l.,anui,Sant.,trBet, Catu b72 given —Apply Echo Office, Catu ■ » at atriiii Lilltln. raking th s iin. rakin/! th18 iin* 1(< you are married, or con?nl'valuable information portant step, we can send y v0„r address, and we which you ought to know. ee-—Address H. G. «vill send catalogue and Panl £ 1.ev. 285 Keir, Mostyn-road, Merton, S — —r^7r~Preparatory Class for SCHOOL for GIRLS ant Cardiff. Principals, ). Boy-, ^(.'yra-cresceiit^ I giyen in music. 14 ^h8.l'1:leS- jja77daft'Vacan€ies in HOWELL'S tTirls sen terns very moderate Boarding House f bans pupils prepared for reduction for sisters a"'{ Tennant, Endon House, tent examinations. 372 Ll.ndaff. •jfi —: ~1 OTTTJVANT. 16 to 17, wanted at once.— KNERAL 29, Alexandra-road, Canton, x Apply Mrs Jiv.m 53g CaUi^fI-' HAL SERVANT wanted at once.— ipply Loudon House, Oxford-terr<ice, Canton, —or->EMVlD (efficient) wanted. Hit-host "refirT < I indispensable.—Apply Mrs Sessions, Ply. W30 sn LT GIR1. Wanted; strong and clean; age 14 l\ to 15 —Apply, 19. Stepnenson-street, Riverside, Situations Vacant. >"1 ARDENER —Wanted, a yonng and energetic II mactical Gardener to keep in first-class order jinall ,'¡half1eutH¡ Grounds, Greenhouse, and Vinery. fie will also require to have had experience in driving X horse and carriage ami of looking after same.— Address '• Gardener," "South Wales Daily News," jiving particulars as to character, experience, and Wages i- __— 5: -m "jj) (>mart) wanted immediately, for Cashier's I Desk.—Appiy Mason and Son, New-street, tarditf. 523 ,])OH'fEK wanted, accustomed to the Furniture Trade.—Apply 31, Oastie-street, Cardift. aU/e :===: Situations (Kftantcft. BA n!ÙAîn:=-\va-n-t-(ça-;¡tlõ-aÜon as Barmaid tt thoroughly experienced !!ood references 18 mouths last pi-ce; vaults preferred. E. Rudman. 35 Litle Gou^h-screet, Temperance Town, Cardift 4754 I'oDyiiujs, ^partmcuis. &c. A" PAR'i'MKNTS (romfort lble, unfurnished), with every convenience, with young married couple, to Let.—49, Flora-street. Cathays, Cardiff. 424 A 1'AH'IM KN'i'S (unfurn:shed) to Let, 2 minutes from G.w. Station, te.-ms moderate.—Apply 3,7, 1 Tivsillian-terrace, Penarth-road, Cnrditt. L" of)GINC4.< quiet and respectable no children.— 23, Wvndham-road. Canton, Cardiff. 454 PONTSARN (near Merthyr Ty(ifil).-The Pontsarn JL Hotel and Kt-freshm nt-rooms are now replete with eveiy convenience for large picnic parties. Eomantic and picturesque scenery. CJO,E to railway station. Piano for VIsItor" use. Terms nioderate.- David Lewis, proprietor. 394e "f^ENARTH.—Comfortable furnished Apartmeias, 1 healthy and pleasant. Terms very niodeiate.— SL C., St. Cuthbert s, Kaget-place, Penarth. 368 SITTING-ROOM AND B)'"DROOM (Front) to Let; S hot and co d baths.— 99, Great Frederick-street, Crockherbtown, Cardiff. mo LET, Respectable Furnished Lodgings for two 1. ladies or gentlemen engaged during day. No chU(Iren. -Apply C. 1),, "Daily News," Newport. 560 UNFURNISHED —Two conveiiient roomi. 3s 6d weeldy; extra bedroom if required. Respectable, quiet ptople.-148, Craddock-street, Riverside, Cardiff. 458 ftoHsrs, &t.. to /^iltnTFr-A Houag- having every convenience, \j admirably situated on Roath side, will be to I.et; rent, £ 30.—Apply, in first instance, to X., AI South Wales Daily News," Cardiff. 564a ;>ORTHCAWL. — Villa to Let, in best position, JL facing sea unfurisbed ten rooms. Sanitary arrangements perfect water laid on.—Rev. J. H. Walker, Pentoa House, Porthcawl. VinaNDSOR-ROAD, CARDIFF.—House to Let, in f V good repair; five bedrooms shed at back.— Apply 18, Gordou-road, Roath. Cardiff. 49 Jot %ah.iou&es. ICanD. V> ARKY DOCK.—Si* well-built bonses for~ x> r'°od priva'e mortgage can bu ha<L—An»lv Wilder, "Echo" Office, Cardiff. y OU',YTR Y.-For Sale or toL»t,capital semidetached 4c House; ten rooms; good Harden. Pleasant. S aspect; near railway station and Cardiff. Early pos- Be.-siiMi price Address Country, "Daily News" Othce, Caruitt'. 497 OR SALE, one of the best built houses ip Cold- Addreas H.V., "Daily New,- Office, Cardili. 4923 FOR SALK, by~PRIVATK TUEATY, a KRER. HOI D DWET.LENG-HOUSE, plei.nantlv situated at (.v.^yc ilou, with lalf an acre of garden, well adapted for imildinj;, commanding a tin** lHndscaj)« view; c-i nd supply of water on tiie premises.— F"r partieulars apply to the owu<-r and occupier, Mrs Mnls, oldstream Cottage, near Pontvpool, Mon. 446 iBushirsaea for BispasaL i",2rtfr,c<r<: of ^■)i. SPUUTT VXTJLTK" 2* T»VK.. 'K c-.uvenieut home. RIM, £ 50 fublic-hou^e Broker, NcUon-str^; -7 248 JibO ab'^on^'pToveY^^ yery respect- — ■ 248 Jfav ^»b,-ia!liaci>iiatleoiT!5 IC\ CLK (oOin.), by Kudffe anrf'r"^ < > — JD* bpHi-i]»«s to both wbeel • good c j^ntry; E. Norton, Queen-street, Cardiff. 1 a • i6 BOOTM AKKRS, SaddW~and~ntv, t, cheap, J-arge Sewing Macbine^\rS'~u °lJ^ale' -Apply Crockj_45, JaneUweet (Muov^i^auHtt ^oy' COIiKS, U sizes, 6d to 8d~^r^n^^v»; Hi ore J-10, Xudor-road, w|ly" Pay Cardiff. w*> o. Wood-street, I* 7ANClNE.-lV.r~SaTe,Vert4carK,„0 -561,; U cylinder, 12 incb stroke, with 1 lnCj pulley; and pump attached to same. Ln h« J a** *ato OAK 'IAVY, fired o. r?'i 01 0 |'■ 2. 1).1 per liuudruu. Feth«n>tm> 1 •*«*«» Qoupti 4aa JIUES tlyoo ilaier, 447' l 1 jascgUangans. -zrr~lTriice collection of Fancy and Common RABBIT^. gale.— Apply T. Pearce, 15, Cecil- f stlee Tl)vrs TRICYCLE (nearly new), rare and tipc. R- UDGE ional opportunity for auyone desirous of excep .e ily fir,t-eliss machine at a very low purcuasi11^ -yascajo,Merchant's Exchange, Docks, price;-APPO 553 »'*>ri^'hrspring)lor sale; suitable butcher.baicer, n^ Grocer also tish and fruit cart —Apply 63, ^Ijj^gton-street^inton, Ca^ifT J99 —^T"(Tvc]7l^i'or ^ale; Humber, front steerer, plated, nP baLl bearings, and carrier; cost i2): price 'r. ,/k —Anply Omega, Daily News Office, Caidiff. £ 1"1US' K 390 -ojcvcI,KS—Kurige's Roval Crescent, Stb Coventry Ro'ary, £ 9; first-class machines, ball x. „rin"s very little used. — White, Bridgwater 1% "Cardiff. «3 I" "BURNISH on our New Hire System. Houses or Apartments completely furnished on a new sys- tem adopted solely by us, whereby all publicty, exposure, and inquiries usually made by other com- panies are dispensed with. We have an immense stock ol Household Furniture of cheap and superior quality. Ail goods sold on the Hire System at ready- money prices. We make 110 extra charge for credit, and all goods sent home in a priv-ite van free of charge z;. No stamp or agreement charges made no bill of a everything private. Arrangements eOlllpletd without delay, ancl, beinjr manufacturers, we guarantee quality, and will undertake to suunly furniture, &c., at 10 per cent. less than any price-list issued by any firm in Cardiff. Eleven show rooms. Call and inspect our immense stock, and compare prices before purchasing elsewhere. We wiil supply £ 5 worth for 2s 6d weekly £10 worth, 4s weekly £ 15 worth for 5s weekly i:20 worth, 6s weekly. and so on in proportion. Spocial terms for larger quantities. Please note the Address SOUTH WALKS FURNISHING COMPANY, 31 Castle-sr. (opposite the Castle), Cardiff.12783—2491—t8e ASTKOLOGY.—Madame Lilly, 28, Edward-street, Broughton, Manchester. Advice, marriage, business, &c.; fee, Is. Time cf birth required. 56 MR and MRS GREEN give highest prices for L&<lies' and Gentlemen's Left-off Clothing. Post-office orders for parcels sent -32, Caroline-street Cardiff 5b5 OI. C. Tickets! Tickets!!—Tin Tickets of every description from Dozen; Grocer's Window Bills, endless variety; Window Tickets and Show Cards for all trades largest assortment in South Wales; call or write.—Adauis, 28, Lower Cathedral- road, Cardiff. 540 mHF< TRUE PHFtENOLOUY.—520 Persons have X Visited he Phrenological Institute, Queen-street Arcade, Cardiff, since the opening. Principal Chas Baker, O.S.T. 433 WHOLESALE LAMP OIL STORES. —Shops and W others suppli. d also wicks and glasses at low prices.— Jefferies, Wellingt in-st., Canton, Cardiff. 529 WHOLESALE WIRE\YO!!KS for wireworkcages, I t screens, sieves and riddles, wire window blinds, offices, -V ughan, Old Market-street Bristol. 4o7 ON -;()CIALI>URITY and the INFIRMITIES of ( ) MAN. Addressed specially to young men, with advice on Health, and containing Recipes that will restore the nervous and debilitated to the full power of Manhood. Free for the benefit of all who desire a safe and speedy cure, without the aid of Quacks. Send one stamp to prepay postage —Address Secre- tary, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham. 732 ;§tourj. A PRIVATE GENTLEMAN is willing to advance Cash, from £ 3 to £ 600, to all respectable Work- ing Men, Householders, Farmers, etc. at low rate and easy payiue tits. -Apply by letter, 99, Newport-road.254 ANY RESPECTABLE HOUSEHOLDER can obtain from £ 5 to £ 200 on easy terms.—Apply by letter to Mr J. M. Lewis, 06, Sapphire-street, Roath, Carcliff, tnd state full particulars. 517 jT» t' 10 £ 500.—A Gentleman is prepared to advance Cash and Discount Bills 011 easy terms. Distance not objected to. Enclose stamp for reply.- Apply by letter to John James, 15, Tudor-teriace, Riverside, Cardiff. b18 THE SOUTH WALES lToXN and"~I)TSCOUNT OFFICE ADVANCES CASH rom £ 3 to £ 300 to Householders, Fanners and others ithout security. If Borrowers cannot obtain an advance at this office they cannot do so by applying elsewhere. All business done strictly private and confidential. Apply, personally, or by letter, to Lawis, IVIandger, 1 St. John's-square, Cardiff. Office hours 10 anL to 7 p.m. 310e MONEY TO LEND at Greatlv Reduced Bates of ..1\J Interest.— £ 2 to £ 500 advanced daily to Male or Female Householders, of all classes, to be repaid by Easy Instalments to suit Borrower's convenience. The Strictest Privacy Guaranteed. No Bills of Sale Required. Office Hours—10 to 8. Apply, personally or by letter, to WEST OF ENGLAND LOAN & DISCOUNT CO., 22, Castle-road (side door), Roath. Cardiff. 472e M- L. FLIGELSTONE, Manager. j TO £ ^0 ADVANCED DAILY 'JO HOUSEHOLDERS Without the usual Loan Office Routine or Preliminary lees. Modeiate Cliarges, Easy Payments. Apply- G. H. ALLSOPP, 19, BUTii-STREET, 378 CARDIFF, ji»" q JjOAN OFFICE. LOW INTEREST. Working men and others will find it to their advan- tage and safety to borrow only from C. LAWRENCE, 2, LLANTRISSANT-^TREET, CATHAYS, Cardiff. Loans advanced daily from E2 and upwards. Apply personally or by letter. 370e CASH ACCOMMODATION.—The Cardiff and County Advance Bank continues to make ad- vauces upon any approved security repayable by in. stalnients or otherwise, at modera.te merest Bills Iliscounted.-Applv Ma/iager, 9, Caroline-street, Car. diff. Established 60 vears. lioo I- -;iAL rjpHli COJIMEUCIAL ADVANCE BANK. S5 to 9500 immediately advanced to all classes of norrowAr* an thai* ^-urif.v. at low interest. > Repayments to suic borrowers. MONEY LENT ON DKPOSliS. No fees. Bills discounted. Aoplv- 19, QUAY-STREET (oft Ifigh-street), CARDIFF. Enclose stamp for prospectus and particulars btfore bonowinf: elsewhere. 840-1205 "LYJONKY J JJJ, ONEY ONE, Y 11 Cash Advances made at a few hours notice from £ 5 to E500, to Farmers, Market Gardeners Cowkeepevs, Tradesmeu, and others, on their own security. No sureties required. No inquiry fees. Money lent on deposits, also tradesmen's bills discounted. Apply, personally or by letter to Mr A. Jordan, Manager, Private Loan Office, Dock-street (corner of Skinner I street), Newport Mon 58L IMPORTANT NOTICK-If you want Money send JL stamp for Prospectus before borrowing elsewhere, —Air Pike, 43, Salisbury-road, Cardiff bbl ST aTB~L~I~S~ETE~7) 3 0 YEARS. | MONEY TO LEND FROM £2 and UPWARDS fcoall Classes, with Low Interest, by Easy Repayments. to IL LEVKNE, 229, Cowbridge-road. Canton, Cardiff. 3 HOUSEHOLDERS can obtain advances from £ 2 upwards on application by letter to Mr J. P. Anompson, 71. Adam-street, Cardiff. 4o7e THE CARDIFF AND SOUTH WAi.ES LOAN '• advances loans from £ 2 to £ 200, ?elay> Without fees, wuk :law cosfcs» a low interest, v> iwrout publicity. And easy repayment. By applying to the Secretary of this office applicants With promptitude and secrecy in their trans- ™ Bo"r". 10 a.m. to 8 p.m Apply «, Custom House-street (side door), Cardiff. Enclose stamped eu*«lope for prospectus and y-rticular8- 315e j^CrsreHaneous lEants. Co1'1 IKKY OWNERSTLAND OWNERS, AND ESI ATE AGENTS,—Wanted, good Fire Clay or Stoneware Clay for new works.-Address Box G.O., "South Wales Daily News," Cardiff. b45 -L.. Wost anil Jounb. LOST, Wednesday, June 30th. between St. Mellons »nd Weuvoe, Shorthorn Bullock, 2 years old, spotted white and dark red; black nose. RewanJ to tiuder.—Morgan Williams, Maesychrochan. St. Mellons. 438 IOST, on Sunday evening last, between Canton and J Llandaff, or in returning, a Lady's Gold Watch, Silver Chain and Locket. Reward to fiadtn.—Applv at Canton Police Statiou. 52 [OST, on the 7th. from buck of 15. Talbot-street, J Upper Cath dral-road, (\tirinn, foi." terrier dog.. White bxly, one black ear; answers to "Jock.'—1 InforniAtion to above address, or We police, PQ ^musgimitts. I OARDIFF. rjlHEATRE ROYAL, CARDIFF. LESSEE AND MANAGER. Mr EDWARD FLETCHER Acting MANAQEa Mr JOHN SHERIDAN STARTLING ATTRACTION. SPLENDID NEW DRAMA. TO NIGHT, TUESDAY, July 12th, Grand Production of the Great New York Success, PASSION'S SLAVE, By John A. Stevens, author of Unknown," & sup- ported by EDMUND TEARLE and A. it, HODGSON'S SPECIALLY SELECTED COMPANY. MAGNIFICENT NEW SCENERY. ORIGINAL MECHANICAL EFFECTS. Monday, July 18th, Driven from Home." Open 7. Commence 7.30. Half-price at 9. Box Plan at Messrs Thorn; son it ShackelFs. Ltd._ LE V I N O'S HALL, JLJ QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. THE FAMILY RESORT. FUN WITHOUT VULGARITY. CARD.—Prof. LEVINO desires to thank the citizens of Cardiff and vicinity for generous support and appre- ciation of his endeavours to present a first-class healthy entertainment, and wishes also to announce that in order to prepare for our GRAND REOPENING IN SEPTEMBER the Hall will be CLOSED AFTER JULY 16th, and during the following weeks the neces- sary Decorations, Ac., w 11 be pushed rapidly forward. The museum will be stocked with animate and inani- mate museumistic wouders from all part of the known world. Everything will be done to make this the most unique, comfortable, and inviting Place of Entertain- ment in Great Britain. FOR the WEEK COMMENCING JULY 11th, 1887. WONDER The Wonder of the 19th Century of the The Most Marvellous Act in the World WORLD, Engagement, at Enormous expense, of the Onlv, the Original Japanese Marvel, LITTLE LITTLE ALL RIGHT, Rif'HT Direct from Crystal Palace, where he has been for months Astounding Hun- R TTH<T TJ> dreds of Thousands of Spectators with AIT bis Terrific RITHT SLIDE FOH LIFE. This little Japauese uero has travelled 11 i-rr f all the World over. ALL THIi FOUR LEVINOS, RIGHT. DOLPH, SUsllC, HENRI, & FRANK, in a musical Melange. LITTLE THE BEbT VJ£.NTH.ILOQulkiLIVING, ALL NEIMAN, RIGHT. IN HIS FAMOUS VENTRIJ.OQUIAL PARLIAMENT, LITTLE Including Mr Gladstone, L'ord Randolph ALL Churchill, the late Earl of Beaconstiald, RIGHT. Pariiell, Mr Bradlaugh, Ally Slo per, &c. LIT rL F Grand Success of America's champion ALL club manipulator, LOUISE CLEMENT. RIGHT. Cordial reception extended to the pleas- in" vocalist, J ES.;g ARNELLI. LITTLE The same may be said about the clever ALL baritone, It. H. A. WilliAinp. RIGHT. 11AMITON and OVEREND'S DIORAMA; new cpnes. DO NOT FORGRT THAT PROFESSOR LKVINO AND WIFE JL TAKE THKIit FIRST GRAND ANNUAL BENEFIT ON FRLDAY, JULY 15TH. Tickets can be obtained of Friends and at the Doors. Notwithstand.ng the Euormous Expense of the above Great Company the prices will remain the same— Gallery, 3d Pit, 6d; Pit Stalls and Circle, is Front Seats in Circle, 2s Boxes, 2s 6d. Half-price at Nine o'clock to Is, 2s, and 2s 6d Seats. Doors open at Seven Commence at Eight. itouisious. TO-MORROW. AFTERNOON EXCURSION TO A- B UT 11. li A Al. WEDNESDAY, July 13, by the EARL of JERSEY. Leave Cardiff 3 p.m. Leave Butnhatn 8 p.m. F ares, Is 6d and 2s. 5429 SUMMER TOURS IN SCOTLAND. GLASGOW and the HIGHLANDS (Roy^l Route, via Crinan and Caledoni.n Cauals). The Royal Mail Steamers COLUMBA or loNA sail from GLASGOW DAILY at 7 a.m., from GRISENOCK at 9 a.m., ill connection with Express Trains from Cardiff and the South, conveying passengers for Oban, Fort William, Invisrneps, Lochawe, Skye, Gairloch, Staffa, Iona, Gleiicoe, Isiay, Stornoway, etc. Official Guide, 3d Illustrated, 6d and Is. Time bills with map and fares Illustrated, 6d and Is. Time bills with map and fares free by post from the owner, David Macbrayne, 119, Hope-street, Glasgow. 303e-4605 glLPHOLINE 0 T I 0 N j FOR CLEARING THE SKIN SPOTS, BLEMISHES, BLOTCHES, ILEDN FS,, ,,v ROUGHNESS, DISCOLOURATIONS, U^5iVrtiTI'Y OBJECTIONABLE APPEARANCES UNCOMFORTABLE ,^KIN DISFIGUREMENTS, Fiitirely fade away. ULPHOLINE LOTION makes the SKIN ks HEALTHY, SOFT, BEAUTIFUL, TRANSPARENT, SMOOTH, SUPPLE SOFTENS and PRESERVES, GIVES a HEALTHY SURFACE, COUNTERACTS EFFECT of WEATHER. EMBELLISHES and IMPROVES. Bottles, 2s 9d. Sold everywhere. ULPHOLINE. -Th(- best SKIN LOTION ks BEAUTIFULLY "PR A GRANT. COOI,ING and REFRESHING. A most DESIRABLE APPLICATION. ABSOLUTELY PURE and HARMLESS. Bottles, 2s 3d. Sold every where. p EPPER'S QUIINLNE A-ND IL ITON 2s. 6d. rjlONIC. 2s. 6d. HEALTH, STRENGTH, ENERGY. GREAT BODILY STRENGTH, GREAT NEitVK STRENGTH, GREAT MENTAL STRENGTH GREAT „ „ DIGESTIVE STRENGTH, TOvt*? tbe "se of i'JSPi'liR'S QUININE AND IRON « f i 'tnProves th t appetite, promotes digestion, greatly strengthens the nerves, increases strength of pulse, gives firmness iO the muscles, altera pale countenance, supplies deficient beat to weak circula wons, overcomes bodily weariness and weakness, cures uany painful complaints—neuralgia, sciatica, Ac.; is a remedy for dyspepsia, stomach atlectious, it and recruits the, health. PEPPERS QUININE & IROjN TONTc. MOST IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. A new, smaller size bottle of this valuable* medicine is now supplied at 2s 6d, thus bringing it to the reach of ail Classes, and sreatlv preventing the many iuiuriou'i "H'tofcions largely offered. TONIC. Insist onhaving it. Bottles, 12 sest ^siiie, 32 dozes, 4s 8d. Sold eevory where. & P PER' r £ 1 A RAXACU M and JptUDOPHYLLIN. THE SAFEST ANHBILIOU-) MEDICINE. A FLUID L I V E l medicine, WITHOUT MERCURY, MADE FROM DANDELION AND MANDRAKE ROOTS, ts now used and regularly prescribed by many i'nysiciaus instead of blue pili and caloinel for the cure of dyspepsia, billiousness, and all symptoms of con- ,Il;eHtlOn of the liver, which are generally pain beneath tne shoulders, headache, drowsiness, no appetite, IV,tonS!le. disngreeable taste in the morning ^luaini'ss disturbance of the stomach, and feeling of general depression. Bottles, 2s 9d and 4s 6d. .— by a.ll Chemists. Insist on having Pepp r's J^OCKYER S ^ULPHUR j|| AIR 1) El STOI-TE it THE BEST, THE SAFEST, THE CHEAPEST, HKSTOHBS THE COLOUR TO GREY HAIR. I- ANTLY STOPS THE HAIR FROM FADING OCCASIONALLY USED, GREYNESS IS IMPOSSIBLE. REMOVES SCURF, AND EMBELLISHES THE BAnt, CAUSING IT TO GROW WHEREVER THIN AND PATCHY. 614e Large bottles. Is 6d Sold everywhere. 11945 "(\/J ii-SSilS W. H. SMITH auu SON ~Z, aeiiTer the SOUTH WALriS D.il r,\ f" a" eariy noiu eti-n Morning in ell uarts oi the roUow ing towns: CAltl)iy"F SWANSEA NEWPORT vl, MERTHYR PORTSKEWKTT oVi ,X ABERJ>ARK PONTYPOOL ROAD BUI IWKJCKh llliREKCKD PEMBROKE DOCK I;lt NKW M 11, OUI) HA VERFORDWk'S I i T V- BRISTOL GLOUCES-IER -.ENBY ABERYSTWYTH q-r' KK CARMARTHEN ABERGAVENNY Ihc CA JiDl 'flM l,S also deiivereti every Fr da> in the lueuuciiea 'J ownsi. ORLERS 'o be sent to rue Ahuc t' '-h-* vJiriou bookstnll The Ollnl WALES ECHO is published at the NftNV PORT OKF1CI5, as follows 1' 1 LIST EDITION 1. 50 P.M. THIRD EDITION 4.S0 P.M. RPKOI.M. KPITION 6.30 Stoahtesa ^Drgssgs. JOTHAM&SONS, OUTFITTING STOKES, 26 & 27, ST. IVI ARY-S'l'RI£IT, A P. 1) 1 F F. SEASON'S SPECIALTIES IN IMMENSE VARIEfY. The LARGEST STOCK oi CLOTHING of any we tiad in South Wales or the Went of England. Separate Show Rooms fitted ULJ fur the Juvenile Department. All Goods Marked in Plain Figuras, and at the Lowest Possible Prices. The following is a Description of the Depart- ments 26, ST. MARY-STREET, GROUND FLOOR- MEN'S OUTFITTING DEPARTMENT, No. 1 SHOWROOM-JUVENILE DEPART- MENT No. 2 SHOWKOOM—MANCHESTER DEPART. MENT. 27, ST. MARY STREET, GROUND FLOOR- MEN'S T A\D BOYS' HATd AND CAPS AND HOSIERY DEPARTMENTS. No. 1 SHOWROOM —BESPOKE & WOOLLEN DEPARTMENT No. 2 SHOWROOM PORTMANTEAUS, TRAVELLING RUGS, &c. JOTHAM & SONS. 26 A 27, ST. MAKY-STRELT, CARDIFF. 906 Established 49 YEAKS. jjjj" 0 T I C E, A- A. & G. TAYLOR'S ARCADE STUDIO, NEWPORT, Has now attained such a state of efficiency in PHOTO- GRAPHY that it is not only giving general satisfaction, but those who never had a satisfactory Portrait express themselves highly pleased with their photos. 335 E. B A K E R, TAILOR, 5, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF, A GRAND SELECTION OF NEW SPRING 271 GOODS NOW ON VIKW. 4368 THE PAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. THE LARGEST CIRCULATION IN THE PRINCIPALITY. THE CARDIFF TIMES AND SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS THE BRIGHTEST, THE MOST READABLE, THE MOST AMUSING WEEKLY PAPER IN THE KINGDOM. ORIGINAL ARTICLES. ENTERTAINING SEllIALS. PLENTY OF NEW. PRICE ONE PENNY. 72 COLUMNS. PRICE 1D.-72 COLUMNS. THE CONTENTS FOR THIS WEEK Will include WELSH MUSIC AND MUSICIANS. EMINENT WELSH CLERGYMEN. "LIKE AND UNLIKE." A New Serial Story by t hat Eminent Novelist. Miss Braddon. With Illustration*. EXPERIENCES OF A DKTKOTIVE, WORKMEN'S TOPICS. SOUTH WALES CHAT. All the Gossip of the Weak, by MKRi.IN. WELSH GLEANINGS. BY LLOFFWR. YSTORIAU 0 HAKES UOIKU." Gan Alltuil Gwent. Short but Interesting Stories in W clsli. MUSICAL AND EISTEDDFOD NOTES, By Maelgwyn, a well-known authority on Welsh Musical Matters. LOTTIE'S LETT ER to her Sisters and her Cousins and her Aunts. THE CHILDREN'S HOUR. Aunt Maggie's Chat with the Youngsters. TALK OF THE TOWN Illustrated. A smart London Letter on SocisU Topics, with Illustrations. THE CARDIFF TIMES AND SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS CONTAINS ALL THE NRWS OF THE WEEK, Sold by all Newsagents throughout Wales and the West of England. lVI ARSH AND COMPANY. ADULTS FUNERALS. 1st Class, with beat Hearse and Coach, on th most modern princiolo, with a pair of their well;' known Flemish-bred Horses to each, one illc 4r Elm Polished Coffin, best registered fitriiittir with elaborate name-plate engraved, tine satin trimmed robe, aud self attendance.. £ o 5 0 Marsh ife Co.'s 2nd Class ditto, ditto. 4 4 0 Marsh &Co.'s Srd, with improved carriage 3 3 0 Marsh <k Co.'s 4th, ditto, .iitto 2 10 0 CHILDREN'S FUNERALS, Including pair Flemish-bred Horses, modern Coach, with all the latesi, improvements. Po. lished Coffin, lined with tine flannel, and attendance. 10 0 Under two years 1 11 0 One-horse carriage, including coffin covered in black, blue, or polished, lined with flannel, modern coach, aud attendance. Under six months.. 0 IS 6 Under 0ne year. 10 0 Under two years 1 1 0 A iid.,o on in proportion. Handsome Car, Carved or Plain Hearse, Mourniug Coaches aud Broughams, Ostrich Pill m,-s, &C. 233 Attdress-80, St. Mary-street Cardiff BILL-POSTING AT NEWPORT. MON. J. DE RE ES, 180 COMMERCIAL-BO AD, NEWPORT, BILL-POSTER and DELIVERER for TOWN aDd COUNTRY H-IIt!l all the principal Hoardmu* i•• N'VPO (fcc. Work v-,Iloeti P««pn'cn Ihismess JUtDresses, MR. GLADSTONE IN r' SOUTH WALES. v REPRINTED FROM Tfclt SOUTH WALES DAILY NMWS. 64 PA<ES, KuY '■r :/o. J JpRICE j £ D. SINGLE COPIES, FREE bY I OST, 3D. ;"1 TO BE HAD OF ALL NEWSAGENTS. J. LNE W'T O N & £ TO7~ ARII INTRODUCING A TROUSERS AT 13s. TO MEASURE THAT HAS NEVER BEEN EQUALLED IN CARDIFF". Grand Assortment of Patterns at this Special Cash Price. SPEC I ALIT E- 13/- TROUSERS TO MEASURE. STYLE AND FIT GUARANTEED. We also call Special Attention to the VERY LARGFEL ASSORTMENT OF SPRING GOODS NOW ON VIEW, AND INVITE YOUR INSPECTION. 53, (1 U E E N ks T R E E T i A P., D I F F. i i A E D I F F. 2S3e BEFORE BUYING A WATCH ANY- WHERE, write for "The Illustrated Pamphlet." sent free on application by the "LARGEST WATCH MANUFACTURER." FIRM FOUNDED 1745. WATCHES, £ ] TO £100. Bend your WATCH aud JEWELLRY REPAIRS by Post, Registered, which will be given only to Skilful Workmen. Estimates sent befc-re doing the work, and I take Risk and Cost of Carriage back. T. R. RUSSELL, MAKER TO THE QOKEN", CATHEDRAL WORKS 18, CHURCH-STREET, 12030 HY ERPOOL. libe ADJOINING THE FREE LIBRARY, WORKING STREET, CARDIFF. F. G. FARTHING FURJSISHING UNDERTAKER, For several years in the emulov of the late G. A. Stone. ADULTb FUNERALS, 1st class, best hearse and coach, pair of horses to each;i nch elm coffin li ied with flannel, mattressin bottoin; Raiiiiel robe p a li.poli.,ii wt metal breast-plate, engraved anti attend- ance to cemetery £5 0 0 2nd class, with hearse and coach £ u 0 3rd class. with hearse aud coach £3 6 0 4th class, with hearse and coach £ 2 10 0 151e Children's Carriage Funerals from ED 18 Coir pare the above prices with those of other firms. F|M<IETH TEETH TEKTH Prize Medal London, 1852. Gold Meual, Paris, 1367 MR K E A L L, SURGEON DENTIST :31 Years' Experience; ^1 Years in Swansea) 196, HIG-H STREET, SWAN,LA (Just below the Great Western Railway Station), Begs to intimate that he can produce a perfectly tittin, Set of Teeth in one clear day. The very best workman ship guaranteed. Painless Dentistry by Gas. Partial Set. from Sa per Tooth Upper or Lower Sev- roni Two Guineas. KBALL'S TONIC AND NEURALGIC MIXTURE, Sure and Speedy Cure ior Neuralgia, Tic Doloreux Rheums, Toothache, ana ail Nervous Pains. U 14(i and 28 9d per Bottle. Through any Chemist Munday, Cardiff; Garrett, Bros., Newport; J. G. Isaac 742e (late Hay man), Neath E. C. Evans. Cardiean. 1038 24, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. S. J OSEPH, JPA WIN BROKER. Established 1852. Most Money Lent on Gold aud Silver Valuables. Over £2 at the rate of 3d in the pound interest; exceeding £ 1C, at 2d in the pound interest. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GOLD AND .SILVER WATCH K-, DIAMOND RINGS, LADIES' <t GEN I'S GOLD ALBERTS & RINGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. All Valuables are kept in Fire-proof Safes. 35Se rriHOMPSON'S BURDOCK PILLS. X THE GREAT BLOOD PURIF1 ER —Purify the foulest blood and relieve every disease of stomacu, liver, and kidneys. These wonderful Pills cure diseases which could not he reached by any other medi- cine. Fur Rheumatics, Lumbago, Piles, Gravel, Paiiis .in the Back, Scurvy, Bad Legs, Wounds, or White Swelling, Scrofula, Cancers, Blotches on the Face anil Body, Swelled Feet, < £ c., Jaundice, Dropsy, and Fevers o Jail kinds. In boxes at Is 1c! ILlht 2s SU etch.-Sol(i by ali chemists, or from the manufactory 44, Oxford street, Swansea, for 15 or 36 stamps 8e A FACT WORTH KNOWIMI BKKCHAM'S PII..I.s Aib admitted by thousands to tu worth above aG U li\ ft A a BOX for bilious and nervous disorders, siicii as wind paiii in the stomach, sick headache, giddiness fullness and swelling After Il1t!a.Ís, dizziness and urowsutoss coid chills, flushings of heat, loss of appetite, shortness oi breath, cosciveness, scurvy, and blotches on the siciii disturbed steep, frightful drmuue, and ail nervous AIM trembling aoitsutions^ Ac., Jr.,c. Every sufferer is earnestly u..lt6<i to try one Box >r these Pills, and they will lie aoknowiedued to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For Females of all ages these Pills are invaluable. N. female should lie without them. Tnere is no medicine to be found to equal Beecnam's Pills for removing aav obstructions or irreguiarity of the system. If taken & cording to the directions iveu with each box. the* will soon restore females of ages to soltul &n>> robust health For a weak stomach, imi,airei digestion, and all dis orders of the Li7er, they act like" MAGIC, and a few doses will lie ionnd to work welders unon the most important organs in "it human niix-inne, The\ strengthen the whole louscuiar system, resrore tbelon_ io; t conipiexion, bring back the keen edge ot ap¡"3¡" and arouse into action, with the D 0: beaii the wnoie nhysicai energy ot the human fnalU. These are FACTS iuiinitted by thousands embracing all ciassus of society, ami oue 01 the oest guarantees to the Ncr vous ami Debiiitateti is Beecnam's Pills. Th«y nave :i« largest sale of any nii^eut meùi<illtl in the Wtirid Preoarwi oniy by the Propcietor, T. BEECHAM ViwoiUif, St iieleu's, 1.a1l.illr. m Boxes at Is li ana 2 Sd eacb. Sohi by all Patent Medicine i*e*i<»rs >> Uait«d Kiittaotn.. 210 W Kwil ittrei43HiiA W«|| with fwojibflv 2;,78 QCHOOL A DV KRTJ S KMENTS. —The K.J attention of Principals of Private and other SCHOOLS isiir-sei to the following moderats B RE- PATT) J'ARIFF for School Advertisemeuts ;— One Three Six Twelve Insertion 1, :8. luserwous insertion: s. d. s. 11. s. d ?. t Pour Lilies ..1Q„26«. 40.. 60 Six Lines 16 50609 0 Eight Lines.. 2 0 503012 0 Twelve Ijnes 3 0 7 12 0 IS 0 BOROUGH OF NEWPORT. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, 12, Mercbant-st. (back of Town-hall), Cotnoraucu biil-Do»tar and crier, Rents the pr-inci:.a. hoardings and sratious in Newnors-v and NeigL joiuhood. Two good bii -posters kept. W'ork .cCten ie to with quios desiiaich. Town and country. Old estf«uaii#heU — more -,fcan < o-iar.er of a cen'nrv '• 3gusituss ^titireaats. H EATH'S PIANOFORTES QRGANS AND HARMONIUMS jjJEATB AND SONS rjlHREE YEAHS' SYSTEM Is Applied to the Hire and Purchase of Instruments by all Makers, from 10s Monthly. Every Instrument Guaranteed. Co-operative Prices for Cash. The Largest Stock in Wales to Select om 12, Crockherbtown Cardiff. 259 SMART YOUNG MEN AND SMART BUSINESS MEN! FOR READY-MADE SUITS GO TO W. pRIOE AND SONS. Black Cloth Suits (newest styles) at 20s, 25s, 35s, 45s, 50s, 60s, 70s C loured Cloth Suits (newest styles) at 17s 6d, 20s, 25s, 30s, 35s, 45s Blue Serge Suits at 25s, 65s, 45s. F 0 N D PARENTS, SOLICITOUS FOR THE ECONOMY, ELEGANCE, AND FASHION OF THEIR CHILDREN'S DRESS, SHOULD VISIT THR JUVENILE DEPARTMENT OF THE CARDIFF HOUSE. W. PRICE AND SONS, MERCHANT CLOTHIEKS AND OUTFITTERS, HOSIERS, HATTERS, & GLOVERS! 50 t 51, MARY-ST., and 46 & 47, CAROLINE. 111 STREET. CARDIFF 1007 J^OSS'S ROYAL II BELFAST II A ERA TED Y A T E R S. THE ONLY GOLD MEDAL AWARDED FOR GINGER ALE. LIVERPOOL INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION. 96e ——— 12800 2676 SOLE MANUFACTORY, BELFAST. PLUMBING WORK! HEN R Y OEVAN, R.P. (Registered Plumber, Worshipfnl Company of Plnmbers, Guildhall, London), PRACTICAL SANITAY AND VENTILATING PLUMBER, (JAS AND HOT-WATER ENGINEER, 99, FREDERICK-STREET, CARDIFF. Estimates Given for all Classes of Sanitary Work. N.B.—None but First-class Work Solicited. 337 PlAiN Is.-IVIiY BE WITHOUT ONE JL When yon can become the owner of a nice instrument for the small payment of 10s 6d PER MONTH ON r HOAIPSON AND gjHACKELT, s (LIMITED HIRE SYSTEM I No security required, and the instrument delivered to purchaser 00 payment of first monthly instalment. Every instrument guaranteed, and exchanged if not approved ORGANS AND HARMONIUMS ON SIMILAR TERMS. THOMPSON AND SHACKELL, PIANOFORTE AND MUSIC WAREHOUSE, QUEEN'S BUILDINGS, CARDIFF Also nt SWANSEA, NEWPORT, MERTHYR, PONTYPRIDD, PENARTH, BRECON, and GLOUCESTER. 24-IIE 1- jyj-UNDAY'Sj ^JOMPOUN'D £ >HOSPUATED |^L1XIR OF QUININE. A NERVE AND BRAIN STIMU. LANT AND TONIC. Is recommended, and can be taken with the most satisfactory results in Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Nervousness, Neural. gia, Sleeplessness, Over worked Brain, Hysteria, Mental and Physical Exhaustion, Diminished Vitality, aud all forms of Extreme or Nervous Debility. Sold in Bottles 2s. 3d. and 4s. each (by post 3d. and 6d. extra), or six 4s. bottles for 22s. Prepared only by J. m UNDAY, CHEMIST, 1, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. 233 A jpOPULAR E RPOR THAT INDIGESTION IS INCURABLE. I B AYLE;Y'S 11AMILY JpILLS." rjpHE VEGETABLE RESTORATIVE FOR THE LIVER AND STOMACH. These Vegetable Pills cure Indigestion, also Loss of Appetite, Giddiness, Win-; in the Stomach, Pains in the Chest anil between the Shoulders, Nauseous Taste after meal, or in the morning, Heartburn, Sick Head- ache, Habitual or Temporary Costiveness, Nervousness, Spasms, Impurities of ihe Blood, Blotches and Krup- tions of the Skin, and many other derangements. As a reliable remedy from youth to old age they may be reso'-ted to with confidence, resulting in the perfect enjoyment of good health. N.B.—" Bayley's Family PiUs" are specially adapted for Females. Sold in Box^i at 7,J, Is 1A, and 2s 9J each. BY ALL CHEMISTS, Or free by post for 8, 14, or 34 Stamps. FROM THE SOLE PROPRIETOR AND MANUFACTURER, T. RODERICK, CHEMIST, PONTYPOOL. London :-IO,Depot B,,)w Churchyard, E.C. 257e j_J> O S T A JL DJSLlViKi JL OF THE SOUTH W A I, E S DAILY N K W s The Proprietors of ilie Sou-i ii >VAI.K» DAU.V h- bey to announce that by a special concession of the Postal Authorities ihay are enabled to desiiatch their First Edition "aejl1Horlli,, by the Mails le¡vingÇ!ir.¡itI 2.30 a.nI auti 3.4o a.H1. Country .snbI:1¡l\PT" n"iriil1 wi\b 'h>. jnnits of dA RIvlAirrjH LNSHrR K P K.MLRO lv liSliiliE, OAKLHGANSHIRE. A.. »ni: those portions of Jilti MONMOli'J'.USH I UK loinunsed within the Treiieva: and Khymitey all.jy t'¡!i districts, may now hue ..ie SOUTH WALKS ¡hiLl NEWS .¡eiivt>r,¡ at helr re»i deuces daily by tJ." svime lbodt >! tÍJa. which CO ey- their London letter. L911l10H and We si of England subscribers receive toeir papers on the afternoon of I,Hloiie><tion, The SKCONI KIMTIO.N of the SOUTH WALKS DATI. NEws is forwarded, prei)aid, to residents of the follow- ing and ail ether places within the Carditf Pos,^ District in time tor the hrsi morning delivery — St. lagans Pencoed S .Br,Úe".sup. Jr.1) St. Nicuoias Boiivilstone Peterstoue LI and a tf Rauyr Mo;ganstown Meiinx: Tith Pen t,v veil Sf ii irew s I Sully Courtyraila Dinas Povi'ts (^adoxtou Barry Caerphilly Bed was V'sorad lily Pivilypatit St. Meilon's Cefn Mabiv JMicnaeisi,n-ie V«,i. Castletown M arshtield renartti Llandough I.isvane I.lanishen ^Vhitchureh Tafl's Well Tongv vnlais Wair-r irr, v„ P,;kt 14,j.AL-MR. 0 9 9 PKR HALF-YEAR M „ O 18 6 PKR YEAS. 1 19 8 <H;-I WAI.BS DAILY NSWS I.'KHI:^ ti! -no #5 'iftrd' UushtBSS kbbresses. t C. W. Bullett & C°- i 74,(4 UEEN-STREET, t AND { G JJIGH-GTREET ARCADE J 1 j\ JELLING OFF SURPLUS STOCK Ii 1 < OF ¡ FANCY GOODS. 20 PER CENT OFF MARKED PRICES. J FOR FOURTEEN DAYS ONLY. I 3348 i JJOBDAY, WILLS, AND JJOBDAY, ) jg^OBDAY, ANU HOBDAY. ^yT ILLS, AND | | OfcDAY, NEW SUITINGS. NEW THOLTSERINGS, | 79. ST- MAKy SEftEET. 70. 79, ST- MAKX kSTPEEf 79. 79. S1' MART Sm^T; 79. -j 40, B RIDGE-ST., QARDIFF C. FOLLICK, PAWNBROKER. HIGHEST VALUE LENT ON GOLD AND SILTEfi VALUABLES. OVER:C2 AT THE RATE OF 4d IN THE POUNIJ INTEREST EXCEEDING £ 10 AT 3d IN THE POUND INTEREST. 40, BRIDGE-STREET, CARDIFF. 341 THE FINE ART gTUDIO, ] QUELN-STREET ARCADE. j Mr CHAPMAN'S PHOTOGRAPHS Are giving every satisfaction. Most complimentary expressions of opinion from all who have been Photographed. Prices -22 6d for .5, 48 for 6, and 7s for l. All taken by the Latest, Best, and Quickest procemea, and weather really no object. 17. JL* TliE YYROK'RH LIV1.NU; THAT 1 JJ I;M LPON THE ir iVEH /] The Best Medioine in the woild far SICK HEADACHE, STOMACH AND LIVER COMPLAINTS, INDIGESTION, And those diseases commonly called Nervous or Bilious, is M U N D A Y'S p I L L S, As evidenced by the i g | ilowi,ig reasons, and ] valuable testimony of thoac II ho have used them:- L-They are compounded from purely vegetable in gredients, comprising aperients, alteratives, and stomachics, and are thus rendered purifying alii strengthening to the stomach and bowels, whilst re- moving diseases of the liver and other organs. 2.—They are manufactured on an alkaline principle, rendering them perfectly soluble, therefore do not cause griping pains, unless there be a large amount v poisonous matter in the system to be dislodged. 3.—They are entirely free from mineral preparations, consequently do not leave the patient in jeopardy b taking cold by exposure. 4.—They may be taken at any time by persons of both sexes and of all ages, even those advanced in years. 5.-They re particularly soothing to people whose occupation produces irritability of the mind. Nervous, chilly, and fretful persons will find them invaluable specially in cold. melancholy weather. ft.-They are highly recommended for sick headaches palpitation of the heart, shooting pains in the limbs' giddiness, pains between the shoulders, 4c. 7.—They are a great boon on board ships and on foreign stations, as they keep for any period, and the distressing effects of change of riimate are effectually warded off by their timely use. B.-All heavy, drowsy sensations (the forerunner of apoplexy, paralytic strokes, epilepsy, and many othe serious affections), are thoroughly removed by a few doses. 9.—They also produce sound, refreshing sleep, impart such pleasing serenity of mind, vigour and lightness of body, and keen appetite for the plainest food as must be felt to be believed. 10.-For elderly people, they are undoubtedly the most comfortable medicine that can be recommended, gently strengthening the* ystem. that cause continued cheerfulness, thus qerenplv prolonging life to the latest possible period. Prepared "nij d.1 vld iu boxe. ».?, I V free by pmt, by J MUNDAY. CHEMIST, 1 HIGH-STREET CARDIFF SOLD BY ALL CHK.YilST.> AND :'A'i iCNT M VOJ CI it; OKALKKS 12 963e XEJECTION DAY An INFALLIBLE REMEDY and certain cure for all Discharges irom the Urinary Organs in eituer ex, wither acquired or constitutional, receut or ctironic cures in « few days without medicines. Sold iu bottles. 2sod tacn (by post 2s 9d), by aii chemists. i<onrion ajrents, F. Newbery and (lIl. 1, Kins r.a» .a-ii- -rc?t, E.G. A r^eni for Oxrdii'- iU•• EN WFF<7~WI.SH1?OTIARRY AND BE ii A PPI should see the MAGIC MIRROB sent free to &IIV part of the world on receipt of Poet Card, wiifc name ani .-8. Pitz-wj., Sheffield. Don't delay, send at vuue, ituMwywu uottaima 18