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Advertisement Tarin. o- Small Prepaid Advertisements. ? £ Words SIXPENCE. tnree Times NINEPENCE. Six Times ONE SHILLING. wflBno nNrv THREE) SIX WORDS ONCE. TIMES. TIMES. 20 Words 0 6 0 9 1 0 30 Words"- 0 9 IT" 0 1 6 40 Words 1 0 | 1 6 2 3 50 Words 1 3 2 6 3 9 60 Words -j 1 6|3 0 4 6 wanted, with JL capital, t o Join the (tv rliser in working a niate Quarry n Merionethshire; ,i;ood dividend, or mort^a^e at 5 iter cent interest.—Address Partner, I a:;y Newe Office, Cardiff 787 jKrbirn!. BKNTI8TdY.-Wanted, educated Youth as Ap- ni'fntiru ultiive. Motivate premiumAppiy i'eatv,'Sur-eon Dentist, opposite New Infirmary jyewpoft-roini, Cn ditf. 723 iil usual. Ladies WISHING TO JOIN THE PROFESSION. Ste >-dancing taught, experience'! lady.—Apply, by letter, Sta*e, South H'ales Daily New# Cardiff. 776 (iatigliter of the late Henry 1 Stevens) is desirous of increasing her 114 of Pupils for piano and li»ruf>nium terms moderate; Pro>p,x..uM on application.—Apply 58, Edward-street. Newport 560 Mil FREDERIC \V7 GKIFFITHST* Solo"Flute. 1> nhz, and s'lvtr medalist, R.A.M.—Address I',r concerts. &c. (up to January 17^h). 22, Mansel- 'treet, Swansea. Z°i_ :t}('!Ht'stir truants. d I>U, (s'tonii) wanted Immediately for fining \'W f— Apply t*uweii l>utfryn cVs, aLei u p.m. HOUEK KPfcR. Situation waited by trust- Jfjt Monhv. capable person experienced, economi- cal. s.'Ihia ill. -Address C. Williams, frteart Lodge, lu jiMMi', soineise 190 "X I'T.'S: (''X -in! il) wauled, to take charge ot two u:.j. I'll. '1 us*i:'8i Must Lavo good u, ii. • —Api iy .Uis Sessions,Rosenheim, Ply. ttioutii-.oad, I ij ii i: 785 í t¡: flt III as nacaiit. no v.-io VOUXg "WO>i KN.—Wanted (i F, -WoL itee, JII4 a: ii! u atriy youi.g women for free passages to \ueeni land, to s»ii Junuary 25lh.—Apply to Milton ■LtU'ke, i •• Ti-rnLUi-iiL hllJJ¡.:nLtlou Odice, oo, High-street «ewpor,. ir W;"i"J ,.1"1' lJ ya, old, t.ble to look -f. sit -.j p>. niaKi! hiin»eif generally useinl *bout ,v I.. J s., !y by MUr, statiog wngrs **quired (r-ive either iii or oa), to S. H., 5, Cburch- *Oad. Can, .n C;>. diff. <iT Irr! ifi inarrri' &c. BH'.IUTUANK CLSHK.- Wanted, a Junior Short- li.iii! Chirk.—Appiy Hurley and Son, Queen's Motel tuW. Citnliff. 2j09 11' Or. in A A p art m n ■ 1s. c. AT-; Let (unfurnished. front sitting jfV iii<i li-icV: two ninmtas from the woat siHVitn terms jn'dernte.—Appiy 37, ■»r««i-r. n ter-1»« i-tii-rovd, ijaulitt. | 1\:1-'R1f,r¡:J.hl..) t'.>r or"a or two Young JU i, d L*S in t.-1-mx moderato.—Apply ^0, wyin:hau.-roatl. C'atium, Cardiff. 2315 Y\T •' NTKD, Front Sitting and Bedroom in respect- ▼ a'de lui^hbourbo d for (Jentltnuui and Lady. Addresifnll particulars.—ApulyNero, Daily News," gfcrdiff. fc76 Hioiuus, &C.. mo n' L_ > (Mo:).).—House unfi Shop to let m Queen- J3 Ini:;»iitliat.e p'ose-sion.—Apply John ^Eoina-, H' Use.lHent, Bryr.niawr. 844 tlAltDlFl'.—To be I., t »hortiy, extensive Busiuess 1'ieiiiises. in th vtiy 'nest position of this impor- tant ;u.d ifbiiiiy incrtiiMjig n'w, }¡¡¡P. ?0 feet front- *U«i, 3- 4 b 11 iUcp tw<. show-UKUIIS, 17 feet long hnsciii. nf, 3i1 feet: fr<nit ami bac!: entrances, and "Wi- Un; -lionsi'. Very vxi>r opportunity. Plan, oil Agi,i,t, 890e HOUSi S to Ler,noav T;;ff Yard.containins brooms, J.J. bay «indow<. and railing. Rent. 6s 6d. Eighr- 'ooinod i<ir.io, 8s weekly.—Apply 68, Miskin-street, or w, Lerty-stieet, Cathays. 73S .,kN () sfl(,P to Lot. Rent, 10s 6d TUT wee —Ap; ly 2, Thesi^^r-street, Catbays. 793 OFFICER.—To > e T,et, two rooms over the "South Wales Daily News" Offices, St. Mary-street. Rent low.-Apply "S"utlJ Wales Daily News" Office, ford iff. 1855 fLtr .^aU.-llioitsss. Xani). &r. WlNOSOR-Pl^ACB (16)7 ( ardiff,^ t'»~be"'LetTor Sol'i. —Apply to James ilunn, 6, PierceQeld- Place, Hoath. 780 -=- ffliisuwsses for Bisnoaal. -u_ rno t.ET. k» a Rising concern, a Grocery and Confec- J. tiosi«ry buxineas Fixtures :md fittings all now. Jin \iedi;:te xos.spssion if required.—Apply to H. Hrunt W, Stow-hill,-Newpi rt, Moo. to bit Disp,)sod of. Situate in Commercial-street, Newport. Mon. Good reas ni given for leaving. — Apply 3, "Daily News" Brunch Office. Newpoit. 681 -==-. J ur BATH ("HAIR in ^oM condition for sale.—Appiy Tllomis, Uou-e A ent, BTymnawr. S^o BOOKS I Parents. School?, and Everyone should send for Ry -ill's Catalogue of New Books, onor- »n(,u..ly reduced. — liydii!, 73, Market-place, Sheffield. C_^ 8^0 Ol;s -lliack He riover Pups f«r Sale, rhoap.— Apply 73, Kin 's-road, Canton. £ i3 DOOUS, .-ASH FRAMES, and all kinds of Joinery m id- che-ij.tr and better than either American or C -nuiii. C sent direct to purchaser.—Address E. Moise, EUkenev, Gioa. 761 MAGIC LANTERNS, with ,for sale or hire. —Moore and son, 7 Bute-street. Cardiff. 552 -iff i!fiftUani0u&. Ij'UltNfSH on <>nf New Hire System. Houses or Apartment completely furnished on it new sys- tem adopted «oleiy by us, wfcereoy all publicly, eXpolI; e. anrl inquiries usual.'y rni,de by other com- witit. We have an immense Ijl(jd, (It (Ir.u-ebold Furniture of clieap andsuperinr Quality. All g-jod* sold <>n the Hire System at ready- Muiiev p! i(.s. '.Ve Tnake no extrp tifxrze fol- ra(lit. *JJd ail goods ^ef.t home in a private van free of charge, ^o stamp or asrreeuiunt char.es uiade no bill of sale-, pri»-ite. Arratigtine.its completed without •«elay, and, bnin» mtnufacturers. we guarantee quality, allfI [ii iiiitlertake to supply furniture, &c., at 10 per less than any price-list issued hy any firm in Cardiff. Kleven snow rooms. Call and inspect our •immense stock, and cnmpara prices before purchasing elsewhere. We will suppiy IP worth for 2s 6d weekly i £10 worth, 4s weekly Bt5 worth for 5s weekly B20 J^orUi. 6s weekiy and so on in proportion. Special terms for i-.r^er quantities. Please note th. Addres: t^sOU'l H WALES FURNISHING COMPANY, 31' CtsUe-sci-oer, opposito ho Castie), Cardiff. 2491 18a A HNlsHINO CO. o, St. JoUu'.s-souare »C* Cardiff, established to supply all kincis ot House- hold ami Ofiice Furniture on the new hire system ,^f.<iy-v,' vi\inents to suit everybody's conveciorce T^UUNI.SH on THE HIKE SYSTEM.— £ 5 worth A for 2s- 6d per week, £ 10 worth for 4s per week ~20 worth for 714 d per week, B50 worth for 16s pev veek, £ 100 worth for £1 per week, and so oil in pro. Portion. Special terms made for larger quantities.— l burnishing Co., 5, St. John's-square, Cardiff Co. charge ttie vety lowest I'lict. No extra charce for credit. Inspection limited.— 5, St. John's.square, Cardiff RM.SlFT)N TUB IIIRI' SYsTKM.- Drawing- *■ room suites in walnut from six guineas; dining. J,)in suites in leather or horsv-hair from six guineas.— _^tras l'uinisLiiiif Co., b, St. John's square, Cardiff. ATLAS FURNISHING CO. for bedsteads, feath?r and iniUpuff beci, blankets. sheet&, bedding, ^*■•0, St, John's-squue, CwdiO, +_ I T7URNISH ON THE HIRE SYSTEM -HOUSM. r Apanmerts, and Office.- Furnished. No security requireiF—Atias Furnishing Co. 5. St Jotsn s-square, reqixireT.-Atias kurizishing Co. 5. St Jotsn s-square, •jardiff — A' tTAS'FURNISHING co -Carpets, Linoleum, Oilcloth, Clocks, Fenders, Fireirons, Cabinet Mid otu»r Furniture.—O. St John 8 squaie, Cardiff. CRN IS H "ON THE HIRE SYSTEM.—An exten- sive stock of Perambulators single and double.- Atlas Furnishing Co., 5, St. John s-square. Cardiff. CO.-Before going else- where eet their prospectus and view their stock, the best aid cheapest in the town Perambulators lent out on hire tor a single week foi 2s 6d. 1224 ^tmrTlSlT0N"THE HIKE SYSTEM.—Easy repay- ments.—Atlas Furnishing Co., 5, St. John's- square. Cardiff. f^6"it"CHRISTMASPARTIES.—Fireworks,Chinese, Japanese Lanterns, f >r Charades, Wigs. Beards. Mask", in great variety.—Silver Trout, Bridge-street, Cardiff. 987 WILLIAM RADNEDGE, Cabinet Maker, Uphol- sterer. 44. Salisbury-road, Cathays, Cardiff, j Venetian Blinds re-taped, cleaned, and repaired. All orders promptly attended to. 835 tVTNTK!; ENTERTAINMI",NTS.—MaaicLanterns j\ with slides on hire. Special terms to schools.— G. Hills, 2. Mackintosh-place, Roath, Cardiff. 7 N SOCIAL PURITY and theT^mRMlTIES of I f MAN. Addressed specially to young men, with advice on Heakh, aud containing liecipes that will restore the nervous and debilitated to the fuJ power of Manhood, Free for the benefit of all who desire a safe and speedy cure, without the aid of Quacss. isend one stamp to prepay postage.—Address tary, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham. 901 = iHisrdianmtB tSEants. A DVERTISEIt wishes to sell poultry on comniis- sion, Christmas market, Cirdift. Good connec- tioTTi-Appiy Pouitry, South Wales Daily News Office, Cardiff. 817 IT ANTED, Ladies ar.d Gentlemen's cast off W Clothing Cood opportunity for families going into inoni ninsi Pit tie, attei-.(Ie(I on personally. Full lalue remitttd for parcels sent to Mrs Robins, 192, Commercial-road, Newport ,Mon. 825 Jloneo. IMPORTANT NOTICE.—II you want money send stamp for prospectus, before borrowing elsewhere to Mr Pike, 45, Salisbury-road, Cathays, Catdiff. b69 SPKCIAL NOTICE.—To avoid disappointment con- s sequent < n tiie pret.sure at this season of the yea-, all new applications requiring attention by the 24th iust. must be lodged m.t la er than Monday, the 20ch inst. Regular customers accommodated at any time at an hour's notice. as usual.—Mr Pike, 43. Salis- bury-road, Cardiff, and 5, James-street, City-road, BnstoL 648 MONEY MONEY MONEY — THE CANTON LOAN COMPANY ADVANCES MADE DAILY from B2 to S500 to householders, farmers, and the general public on their own security; approved trade bills discounted.—Apply, personally or by letlpr, 175, Cowbridge-road, Canton. 989e ^J AS Ii ATD V A N C E D AT I j 5 PER CENT App; v CARDI-'F AND COUNTY ADVANCE BAN CARO LIN E-STUICE1', CARDIFF 923 THE~ SOUth"WALES LOAN and DISCOUNT OFFICE ADVANCES CASH rom £ 3 to £ 300 to Householders, Fanners and others without security. If Bor,-o%v. r., cannot obtain an advance at this office they cannot do so by ¡¡,rJ.>lyj¡¡ elsewhere. All business done ■strictly private and confidential. Apply, personally, or by letter, to Lewis, Manager, 4, Clmrch-streev, Cardiff. Office hours 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. 21e PRIVATE GENTLEMAN has several sums of cash p to advance in films of £3 to £ 300.; apply by ietter cilly.-AIdress, 133, Rishniond-road, Cardiff 98Se Do YOU WAN T MONEY Then apply personally or by letter to HARRIS LEVENK. 229, CUWBRIDGE ROAD. Sums advanced from E2 to 9150 without delay. 22e plcT vTil |~0 AN J O M P A N Y _j 19. BUTE-STREET, CARDIFF, AND 45, LLANARTH STREET, NEWPORT :Next to Bristol and West of England Bank), are pre pared o ADVANCE CASH from 23 to £ 300 to House- holders, Farmers, Cowkeepers, Market Gardeners Mechanics, and others, upon their own security and without sureties in the strictest secrecy. No Pre- liminary Fees charged, and Cash advanced the same day as appiication is made. 887e I'll ONEYI ill OINEI: I Money" Cash Advances made at a few hours notice from £ 5. to £ 500, to Farmers, Market Gardeners Cowkeepers, Tradesmen, and others, on their own security. No sureties required, No inquiry fees. Money lent on deposits, also tradesmen's bills discounted. Apply, personally or by letter to Mr A. Jordan, Manager, Private Loan Office, Dock-street (corner of Skinner street), Newport Mn A DVANCES MADE DAILY in sums from iZ to A2300 to Tradesmen, Farmers, Market Gardeners, Householders, and Working Men, at a Low Rate of Interest. Repayments to suit the borrowers' convenience Distance no object. Strictly private and confidential. Office Hours, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Apply to the Secretary, CARDIFF AND SOUTH WALES LOAN SOCIK1Y 14, Custom House-street, Cardiff. P.S. -Enclose stamped envelope for prospectus and oarticulars. 9986-80107 N 0 LOAN OFFICIE, NO ENQUIRY FEES. LOW INTEREST. Mr C. LAWRENCE is advancing daily to working men and other "on their own security sums from £2 to £101), Apply personally or by letter to 3, Llantrissant-st, Cathays, Cardiff. &3e.- C,"H ACCOMMODATION.—The Cardiff and j County Advance Bank continues to make ad- vauces upon any approved security repayable by in. stalments or otherwise, at moderate interest Bills discounted.—Apply Mana"er. 9. Caroline-street, Car- diff. Established 50 years! P19—1186 TYJTARSH AND COMPANY, ADULTS FUNERALS. 1st Class, with best Hearse and Coach, on the most iiioilevii iriiieiple, with a pair of their well- known Flemish-bred Horses to each, one inch Elm Polished Collin, best registered furniture, with elaborate namo-nlite engraved, flue satin trimmed robe, and self attendance. £ 5 5 0 Marsh & Co.'s 2nd Class ditto, ditto. 4 4 0 Marsh dtCu.'sord, with improved carriage 5 3 0 Marsh A Ca's 4tii, ditto, ditto .210 0 CHILDREN'S FUNERALS, Including pair Flemish-bred Horses, modern Coach, witti all the latest improvements, Po- lished Coffin, lined with tine flannel, and attendance. Under one year — if? n Under two years »• 0 One-horse carriage, including coffin covered in black, blue, or polished, lined with flannel, modern coach, and attendance. Under six months 0 18 b Under one year J ? 0 Under two years 1 I 0 And so on in proportio Handsome Car, Carved or Plain Hearse, Mourning Coaches and Broughams, Ostrich Plumes, Itc. 634 Address- 0, St. Mary-street Cardiff i ■ r~ TPHOMP? ON'S BURDOCK-PILLST THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER.—Purify the foulest blood. and relieve every disease of stomach, liver, and kidneys. These wonderful PiUs cure diseases which could not be reached by any other medi- cine. For Rheumatics, Lumbago, Piles, Gravel, Pain-i in the BaoL Scurvy, Bad Legs, Wounds, or White c Swelling, Scrofula, Cancevs, Blotches on the Face and Body, Swelled Feet, Ac., Jaundice. Dropsy, and Fevers (, fall kinds. In boxes at Is lid and 2s 9d each.—Sold by a!! chemists, or from the manufactory, 44, Oxford street, Swansea, for 15 or 35 stamps. de J^TEWPORT. —SOUTH WALES ECHO. The SOUTH WALKS ECHO is published at the NEW PORT OFFICE, 11, Tredegar-place .as follows:— FIRST EDITION 1.30 P.M. THIRD EDITION U0 P.M. SPECIAL EDITION 5.30 P.!1 SPRCIAI. NOTICE —The FOOTBALL EDITION of ) Saturday's Echo is publisi ed at Newpopt at 9.30 p.m. Thin Edition contains Reports oi Matches in every part I of tbo country. ) "4- Ã nJR5e.)tnt5. OA.ttDlFF rJfH B ATW M? A ^PIW, R OD INS 0 N C RUB OB, t • THURSDAY. DECEMBER 23rd. pUNCH, BY Ty/T EISSONIER. The above celebrated Picture by Meissonierf acknow- ledged to be the greatest of all living Painters) AND OVER 103 OTHER IMPORTANT WORKS By most Eminent Artists, Including TWENTY MAGNIFICENT PICTURES By the Celebrated Landscape Painter, 10ICHARD E L M 0 R E, ON VIEW DAILY AT INSOLE BUILDINGS, CROCKHERBTOWN (Opposite Charies-street), From 10 until 6. Admission, including Catalogue, Is. 65e FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY. 2474 NEWPORT. 1CTORIA THEATRE, NEWPORT, MON. MANAGEa Mr F. C. COWLARD. NOTICE.—Doors Open at 7.1b. Saturdays-Half-hour earlier. Performaice punctually at 7.45. TO-NIGHT, and Every Evening during the week. Return Visit of Mr HORACE WHEATLEY'S Original j^JULDOON'S jpiC-MC; Or Irish Life in America Act 1.—Sc. 1. Muldoon's Boud'dr. Sc. 2. On the way to Muldoon ». sc. 3. The Bowery Saloon. Act 2.—The Home of Muldoon. Tableau 2. He's come to christen the cmla. Act 3.—The Pic-nic. Sc. 1. The road to the Pic-nic. Sc. 2. The Pic-nic Grounds. Tableau J. War and Wa(r)ter. Act 4.—Return to the Home of Muldoon. PRICES OF ADMISSION.—Boxes (single seats), 4s; Orchestra (reserved) Stalls, 3s; Balcony, Is 6d Pit, Is Gallery, 6d. Private Boxes by special arrange- ment. Half-price at 9 o'clock. Seat, may be booked in advance at Mullock and Sons'. 86Be u SEFUL CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. A PAIR of GOLD SPECTACLES, or FOLDERS, fitted with the finest Pebbles, and accurately adapted to suit the Sight. Opera Glass, Magic Lantern. Aneroid Barometer, Registering Thetmometer. J. R WOOf), PRACTICAL OPTICIAN 3 CASTLE-STREET (opposite the Castle), CARDIFF. 2372 jpASTIME FOR THE SEASON. FRET-WORK, CARVING, INLAYING, Ac. PAITERNS of any sizes and descriptions, very best only. Over 4,000 kept in stock for selection. EVENING CLASS and PRACTICAL FRET-WORK TAUGHT. All kinds of machines, tools, and acces- sories. Sets of tools made up for amateurs in proper work-boxes. Fret-wood of any size and quality ready for use. Small hinges, screws, ornaments, Ac. In writing, amateurs should state their previous ex- perience, when patterns will be selected accordingly. PRICE pelt BOOK-POST. S. d. Very easy fret-work patterns, small and useful articles in a household, each copy 0 4 Medium size, neat drawing 0 6 Large size, elaborate drawing 0 8 Large size, eliboratedrawing.comprisingsuperior masterpieces tor fret-work, carvirg, inlaying, etc 1 0 A selected assortment of one pattern of each sizs will be sent for 2 b Orders must enclose stampd or P.O.O. for the respec- tive values. Any other particulars a? to prices and sizes of machines, tools, woods, etc.. will be supplied ou application. Special inducements given to tradesmen. ADDRESS MR J. M. SHAW. 35. LOUDoUjV.soiIARE, CARDIFF 901e bn JUriion. NEW ATTRACTIONS AT THE AUCTION AND STORAGE COMPANY HIGH-STREET. MR BERRYMaN (late Fell & Co.) is NOW OPEN with a SELECT STOCK OF CHINA AND OTHER GOODS, suitable for every home. Inspection invited. 63e SALE BY AUCTION EACH EVENING, 2459 63e Seven o'clock. SALE TO-MORROW. MUST BE SOLD. 67, TUDOR-ROAD. RIVERSIDE, And 47, UPPER GEORGE-STREET, CATHAYS, M „„ CARDIFF. R WEBBER has received instructions to SELL by AUCTION, at the Great Western Hotel, St. Mary-street Cardiff, on TUESDAY, Decem- ber 21st, 1886, in 2 lots, for the residue of the term of 99 ysars— I.-All those capital BUSINESS PREMISES, being 67, Tudor-road, having a good Shop, with marble slab in window, suitable for butcher or fish dealer cellar, parlour, kitchen, scullery, sitting-room, bath-room (hot and cold water), 4 bedroom-, Ac.; back entrance for stable, Ac. 2.-That SEMI-DETACHED VILLA, bliing No. 47, Upper George-street, Cathays, in good repair, having 2 parlours, kitchen, scullery, 3 bedrooms, Ac. May be turned into business premises. Ground rent on Lot 1, Eb and on Lot 2, B4 la9d per annum. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneer or t0ofl« ^eS8r» TRENCHARD & PARSONS. 2438—74 §4) ,st. Mary-street, Cardif fJuMiratixms. DNew Edition. Price 2s 6d. By Post. 2s 8d. IAGNOSTICS OF AURAL DISEASE, Ry S. E. SMITH, Esq.. M.R.C.S. Eng., Surgeon to the late National Ear Institution, London; author of a treatise oil Deafness and Diseases of the Ear and Inventor of the new method of introducing remedial agencies into the cavity of the Tympanum through the Eustachian Tube. Mr S. E. Smith's Diagnostics of Aural Disease has reached a tilth ed tion, and to the original work Mr Smltb, whose skill is well known andjustly appreciated, has added results of experierce and investigations since the hrst edition, and descriptions of liis newly, invented instruments tor the treatment of those j diseases of the ear in which electricity is of service. Mr Smith s reputation will be enhanced by the addi- tional matter, and the booic rendered more interesting and useful by the new illustrations.-Bristol Tinges and Mirror. ATTENDANCE DAILY FROM 11 TILL 2 O'CLOCK. 978e HIGH-STREET ARCADE. CARDIFF. 1778 W TJ.i!ft'iS iS'l AliCH sold in lb. Picture Boxes. O Sold in 51b. Packets. OTIFF'S STARCH. •& £ "&$" STIFF'S STARCH. Most Economical*. IsJ For Collars. "I TIFF'S STARCH. For Wristbands. o For Shirt Fronts. STIFFS STARCH. ISoS"" QTIFF'S STARCH. ES SS' O For Linen. O For Linen. gTIFI-S STARCH. fjSl OTIFF'S STARCH IS* ^-7 Note the Caution Label STIFF'S STARCH Observe the Trade Mark O Sold by Grocer,. STIFF'S STARCH. Sol1.ff™TDi6i3. STIFF'S STARCH. ^5^ co., O ):tCIe. U14 BttDCUD £ >ST.,BKISTUfc. ^wattuaa ^tit»usagi5> J^UTUMN AND WINTER. GI'VIVISH SEASONABLE SPECIALTIES, SUITABLE SELECTIONS. BESPOKE AND PREPARED CLOTHING DIVISIONS. ST* MARY$TREET» CA RDIFF. < JOTHAM AND SONS with due respect advise vou of their PHE. S, PAREDNESS in the BESPOKE SUCTION for AUTUMN AND WINTER The progressive p,efereuceforthdr HIGH CLASS TAILORING DRESS attests its INIMITABLE VALUI, and the judgment and approval of PATRONS are truly legarded. JOTHAM AND gONS rightly anticipating an increased request for ORDERED GARMENTS, have uiade ultra- provision of FANCY and STANDARD SUIT- INGS, VESTING*, TROUSERINGS, OVER- COATINGS, the CHIEF VARIETIES of the PRINCIPAL ENGLISH, SCOTCH, and IRISH MANUFACTURERS which place their MEASURED-FOR CLOTHING DE- PARTMENT on an equaiifcv with the FIRST WEST-END LONDON HOUSES. JOTHAM AND SONS have favourably revised many prices, and the charges throughout are on that very CONSI- DERATg SCACI which has created suc-i a HIDE, DISTINGUISHED and GENERAL CIRCLE OF PATRONAGE.' A continuance of your favours or hrst orders will be highly esteemed. JOTHAM AND SONS have provided COLLECTIONS of PREPARED CLOTHING, which are ALL AND IN ALL' for the SEASONS, and the closest resemblance to BESPOKE DREss possible to produce. Their position as the CHIEF AND CHEAPEST CLOTHIKRS will be fully sustiinrd. and ur. chasers will have a CHOlCK AGAINST 111H WEST OF ENGLAND AND SOUTH WALES. JOTHAM AND SONS advise the examining of ANNEXED SPECI- .MENS, they will guide in selecting, and show the EXTREME EXCELLENCE and CON- FIRMED CHEAPNESS of the Flu.WS BESPOKE AND PREPARED APPAREL. The GREATEST SAVING PLEASURE, and SAIISFACTION are experienced by those who do business in any department with J JOTHAM & SONS. ST" J^AKY-gTRKET, /CARDIFF, 906e -t tr N D A y • s "y IRIDTNE,' CORNS ^JORNS .J c ORNS! c ORNS! QORNS QORNS c O.RNS! CORNS 1 QORNS ^JORNS 0OIINS CORNS i CORNS! CORNS QORNS i ^JORNS CORNS! CORNS £ <ORNS! CORNS! QORNS 1 CORNS 1 '.I 0ORNS QORNS (IORNS i QORNS CORNS I CORNS I CORNS I CORNS! 0ORNS QORNS CORNS I CORNS I £ JORNS ^JORNS c ORNS! CORNS! CORNS! QORNS Trade Mark), No. 3699b. A C'E K TAIN CURE FOR CORNS, Painless and Harmless. This infallable remedy introduced by J. MUNDAY has obtained a world-wide reputation. The efficacy of VIRI. DINE" may be judged by its having Cured Corns of over 50 years' standing, which had resisted all other remedies. It succeeds where al Plasters and Caustics have failed IN REMOVING BOTH HARD OR SOFT CORNS AND WARTS TESTIMONIALS. From Mr A. W. CAMPBELL, Pier Hotel, Ilfracombe. Mr Munday SIR I feel I owe an acknowledg- ment to you for supplying me with your wonderful VIRI DINE.' For years I suffered a great deal of pain from a very obstinate corn, but since applying your remedy it is entirely gone. I may add that your "VIRIDINE" has removed tbreo troublesome corns from members of my family. From Mr HOPKIN HOPKIN Gorseinon, near Swansea. Dear sir,—I heartily congratulate you for yourtreLtment for -orii- The bottle of Viridine you sent me some time ago has proved almost miraculous to the corns I had on my feet. It is exactly the remedy what you recommend it to be, and I hope it will become more known in the prin. cipality, for there are, no doubt, hundreds of persons that would be glfta to know of its effects. From Mtllle. MARIE MULLER, Amsterdam, Holland Mr Munday. DEAR SIR, — I bought a bottle of your Genuine Viridine some six months ago 111 Paris, which curell me and as I am a principal dancer you know my feet are my living. The bottle I bought did the service you recom- mended it, but I bought another one afterwards which was forged and no good, As T want a bottle of genuine for a friend of mine, who is nearly mad with pain, will you please send me one direct. ldlle. MARIE MULLER From Mr D. ANTHONY, Swansea. Dear Sir,—I myself have suffered wiih corns, and tried several of the certain cures which people boast they have, but they all failed in my case. I then got a bottle of your "Viridine, and by applying some uighly to the corn I was surprised to and that I could draw it clean up. I now enclose stamps for another bottle for a friend of mine. CAUTION.—As there ort) several im. itation* of this preparation, the public are requested to ASIC FOR U li D A Y "VIRIDINE," And SKB THAT tty SIGNATURE is oil the end of each package. By ordering Cora Cure' you may roceive one of I many so-called "remedies' which only give relief, or some worthless nnitatiou of Viri. dine," In Bottle*, pneo Is, by post Is 2d. PREPAKKIJ ONLV BT J M U N DAY CHEMIST, 1, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF Agenta; London—'WILCOX & Co., Chemists. 239, Oxford-street, VV. F. NEWBERRY A SONS, SANGER, SUTTON, HOVENDEN, &c Liv. rpo- i_ SYMES A Co., t8 Bold-street. Dublin—HAV KS & Co., 12, Grafton-street. Paris- PIIARMACIE BERAL, 14, Rue de la Paix. Amsterdam—PERRY & Co., 97, Kalverstraat. And all Chemists lId Patent Medicine Vendors. 12583—962e public Notice a. \\TANTED, 100 MEN who WISH to v T LEARN or to IMPROVE in READING and WHITINU, and in HIGHER KNOWLEDGE. All Working Ilen thus disposed are eariiestly invited and will be cordially welcomed at the Friends' Adult School belki every Sunday morning, from 9.15 to 0 45. in the F, cieiids, Meeting House, Charies-street, ardiff. The School is entirely uusectariau and free. The materials used alone are paid for. 1 COME AND WELCOME 9350 fSnaimas ^t&ressts. ASHWORTH'S MARKET, HAMS, 44" Pale or smoked. jBsit, C) D. Beat, ASHWORTH'S 9, Bridge-street. 90 \*7ITH A WEALTH OF WARMTH, & v ? JUST AT THE NICK OF TIME.' W. PRICE & SONS' WINTER OVERCOATS, REEFERS, YACHTING JACKETS, SUITS, &C.. Are offered to the Public at the lowest possible prices- all bought before the advance at Wool Sales. PEICES OF OVERCOATS—Newest Fashions— 15/ 20/ 25/ 20/ 35/ 40/ 45/ PRICE OF OVKRCOATS, with Capes— 40/ 45/ 55/ PRICES OF WATERPROOF COATS-Indisrubbers- 5A1, 10/ 15/ 2;> 25/ 30/ 40/, 50/ PRICES OF REEFERS AND YACHTINGS— 10/ 15/ 201-, 25/ 30/ PRICES OF WINTER bETITs- 17/6, 201-, 25/ 30/ 35/ 451-. ?/ Address THE CARDIFF HOUSE. FASHIONABLE CLOTHING AND OUTFITTING STORES, 50,(¡ ill, ST. MARY STREBA and 46 & 47, CAROLIN E- llle STREET. CARDIFF. 1007 MOST MONEY LENT ON PLATE, DIAMONDS. JEWELLERY, Ac., AT 43, CAROLINE-STREET, CARDIFF. PEE CENT. INTEREST. ■ 45el, HEATH'S PIANOFORTES ORGANS AND HARMONIUMS EATH AND JG0N Si FJLHREE YEARS' GYSTEM Is Applied to the High and Purchase of Instruments b all Makers, from 10s Monthly. Every Instrument Guaranteed. Co-operative Prices for Cash. The Lirgest Stock in Wales to Select from 12, Crockherbtown Cardiff. 2b9 w HERE TO DINE. THE COMMERCIAL" RESTAURANT, 17, ST. MARY-ST. DINNERS READY AT 12 O'CLOCK. Chops and Steaks from the grill always ready. TRIPE SUPPERS ready at 7 p.m. every Tuesday and Friday. Sausages and Mashed Potatoes every evening. 6e THE FINE ART STUDIO, QUEEN.STREET ARCADE. MR CHAPMAN'S PHOTOGRAPHS Are giving every satisfaction. Most: omplimentary exprssions of opinion from all who have been Photographed. Prices :—2s 6d for 3, 4s for 6. and 7 for 12. All taken by the Latest, Best. and Quickest pro- cesses, and weather really no object. 17e PEPPER'S TANNIN THROAT JL GARGLE. Tannin Gargle should be within the reach of all in the least degiee subject to throat affections, whether inflammatory relaxed, ulcerated hoarseness, swollen tonsils, enlarged uvula, weakened voice, Ac. Those constantly speaking, sinking, or reading, by using the Gargie prevent tue huskiness, dryness, ana irritation so frequantlyattendant on over-exertion also of pro- ducing unusually sustained powers without injury to the mucuus surfaces of the throat Tannin is a great purifier, and so useful as a mouth wash in cases of disagreeable breath, arising from de- cayed teeth, disordered stomach, mouth ulcerations, and other causes. As a cure for ordinary sore throat, with its usual painful aud sometimes dangerous .ymptoms, the Tanuin Gargle is far better than anything. Bottles, Is 6d. Sold everywhere. EPPER'S WHITE COUGH MIX- TURE.—The most reliable, speedy, and agree- able cure for coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, con- sumption, and all diseases of the lungs and air- passages. It is soothing, comforting, and tranquil- lizing in its action, quite different from ordinary cough remedies. Affords relief after second dose Bottles, Is lid and 2s 9d each. Sold by all Chemists. R AC ROFT'S ARECA NUT~ TOOTH PASTE.—Regularly used every morning the teeth are kept in beautiful order. All decaying and destr uctive tartar is removed from the enauiel, which assumes its ivory, ike appearance. CRACROFT'S PASTE removes all causes C cf decay, and will preserve the teeth intact for many years. Branded Pots, Is each. Sold everywhere. RACROFT'S ARECA TOOTH PASTE. By using this delicious Aroumtic Dentifrice the enamel of the teeth becomes white, sound, and polished like ivory. It is exceedingly fragrant, and specially useful. Get Cracroft's DEAFNESSRNOISES IN THE EARS. Ac. DELLAR'S ESSENCE FOR DEAF- NESS should always be tried, as in numbers of cast-, seemingly incurable, it has done wonders. Slight deaft S, obstructions i'1 the ears, and the incessant buintl"ng ounds so frequent with affected hearing, are removed. Sold everywhere. CORNS 1 CORNS!! CORNS BUNIONS AND ENLARGED TOE JOINTS! CURED IN A FEW DAYS. DELLAR'S CORN AND BONION PLASTERS are the only real remedy. They differ from all plasters, shields, or-compositions. By instantly softening the callous surrounding the pain goes at once, the Corn so<Ju following. Bunions and enlarged toe joints require more time; but the action and relief is certain. Boxes, Is lid. Sold everywhere. t LPHOLINE SOAP (a soap contain- k? ing sulpholine), is a delicately retiued, chemi- cally pure Soap, intended for general use, but specially by those endowed with sensitive skins. Common im- perfectly prepared soaps, scented with injurious acrid nils, frequently cause skin diseases. For washing at all times, and bringing the skin to a soft, pliable, healthy condition, Sulpholine Soap holds the first, place. Its odour is very pleasant, aud the Soap not expensive. Tablets, 6deach. LIVER COMPLAITQTS,. BILIOUSNESS, INDIGESTION. CURED BY STOMACH DERANGEMENTS, DH. K ING'S DANDELION & QUININE LIVER PILLS (Without mercury), Act effectively on the liver, aud, whilst mildly aperient, are all that can he desired. Dr. King's famous Pills purify and clear the entire system by freeing the liver from sluggishness, causing the stomach to properly per- form its functions, quickly and entirely removing ail feeling of headache, oizziuess, oppressions at chest and back, disagreeable taste, nausea, indigestion, spasm, sensation oi heaviness, and irritating depression attend in £ bilious attacks and liver derangemeuts. BE SURE TO HAVE DR. PILLS. 615 bOLD EVERJ-WHERIi. 11945 EBusiness ^ftfrrisses. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR SYMINGTON'S .t\.RAB'S COFFEE. FOR STRENGTH, FLAVOUR, & AROMA IT STANDS UNEQUALLED. SOLD IN OBLONG TINS. BOWDKN STEAM MILLS, MARKET HARBOROUGH. GOLD MEDAL, NEW ZEALAND, 1832. 903e RUSSELL'S WATCHES." OJT (Worth £ 10).—In return tor a £ 0 note, free SwO and safe per post, one of my own specially-made "COUNTY" GENTLEMAN'S KEYLE-S LEV! R WATCHES, with a compact, hichiy-iinished THREE-QUARTER PLA E LEVER MOVEMENT, full jewelled in rubies, chronometer balance, and soundest kaylegr work, in massive sterling silver cases with flat crystal glass, gold winding button, and goJd joints. No such vaiue bas ever be- fore been offered to the British public, being regulated for hot and coid climates, and to stand the roughest wear, and give the highest satisfaction in private use. Q~f pr —The same movement, of finest finish, n a O- specially massive and heavy 18-carat gold case, with flat crystal glass. —"THE £ 2 LEVERS," in two sizes, for Ladies dëI and Gentlemen, are famous timekeepers, and are guaranteed by the firm. Send your Watch and Jewellery Repairs per post (registered), which will be given only to skilful work- men. Estimates sent b fore doing the work, and I take risk aud cost of carriage back. WATCHES £1 TO £100. (ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLET SENT FREE ON APPLICATION.) Railway Fares paid when same do not exceed 5 per cent, on Watch Purchases. MB T. R. RUSSELL, MAKER TO THE QUEEN, CATHEDRAL WORKS, 18, CHURCH-STREET, 12700 LIVERPOOL. 9i2e BAR R jg R 0 S., TAILORS, 64 ST, ]\j[ARY-STREEr' CARDIFF. 937e 1528 ROYAL ARCADE, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN S JJAIR-DRESSING GALOON. NOW OPEN. Proprietor, W. B. DUNFORD 933 ROYAL ARCADE CARDIFF. ■JJ SEFUL CHRISTMAS p R B 8 B N T 8 AND' NEW YEAR'S G IFTS. A very Large and Choice Assortment of SILK HAND and NICCKERCHIEFS. Choice Assortment of LADIES' WOOLLEN and SILK SHAWLS, WRA, and CLOUDS. All the Latest Novelties in FR: LUNGS, MOBCAPS, and NECKTIES. FEDORA FRONTS, COLLARS, and COLLARETTES, in Silk, Satin, Plush, and Lace. A verv Choice Lot of LADIES' and CHILDREN'S APRONS and PINAFORES, very cheap. GENTLEMEN'S DRESSING GOWNS and SMOKING CAPS. LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S best London-Made UMBRELLAS, in all the newest designs. One of the Largest Stocks to select from, and at prices ower than ever before. LADIES' and CHILDREN'S JERSEYS of very superior quality, at extmordinary low prices. LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S GLOVES of every description. The Largest Stock of SCARVES and TIES in South Wales, comprising all the latest novelties. A well-selected Stock of LADIES'and CHILDITEXIS UNDERCLOTHING and WOOL GOODS. All the Latest styles in ENGLISH and FRENCH MILLINERY at Moderate Prices. LADIES' and CHILDREN'S MUFFS and BOAS. GENTLEMEN'S CARDIGANS and TRAVELLING RUGS. FOOTBALL JERSEYS and KNICKERS in all sizes. HOS" and HALF-HOSE of special qualities. Cuffs, Collars. Frotits. Braces, Belts, Garters, Studs, Links, Solitaires, Ties, Bows, Gloves, Shirts, Pants, Vests, &c., &c., Ac. All the goods will be found very cheap; infact, cheaper than ever before. W. KÖRNER & CO., 27, 28, 29, 30, & 31, ROYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF. 58e ESTABLISHED 1S65. 32781 2422 TO WORKING MEN MUSICAL MECHANICS. AC. A HANDSOME WALNUT COTTAGE HARMONIUM, Five octaves, double bellows, Guaranteed to stand, may be purchased at E. N EWMAN AND SONS, NEW PIANOFORTE WAREHOUSE, NEWPORT, MON., ON PAYMENT OF 2s 6d PER WEEK FOR 13 MONTHS or a WALNUT GOTHIC AMERICAN ORGAN With Knee Swell, at 4s PER WEEK FOR 12 MONTHS. 843e x x QARPENTEIi & CO'S CELEBRATED CAINSCROSS JFAMILY ALES AND STOUT, S. PER GALLON, Carriage Paid. Brewed from Best English Malt and Hops. Cannot be equalled at the price. Once tried always kept in the house AGENTS— TAYLOR & SON. 917e io3, CASTLE-ROAD, CAR IFF X X JPURNITURE REMOVALS. WHEN MOVING, EMPLOY MITCHELL S FURNITURE VANS. AU Orders Carefully and Promptly Executed. 8, SORTS-STREET, CARDIFF. 31e INJECTION DAY. An INFALLIBLE JL REMEDY and certain cure for all Discharges rcu: the Urinary Organs in either sex, whether aor.t:; or constitutional, recant or chronic; cares in a lew days without medicines. Sold in bottles, 2sod each (by p:¡t 2s 9d), by all chemists. London agents, F. Newbery and Sons, 1, King Edward-streft, E.C. Aueiu ior A Cardiff. J. Mmiday. Chemist, I High-street 12583 370e IBusitttsa Ãbàresses. REGISTERED ACCORDING TO ACT OF X PARLIAMENT. X RELIEF FROM COUGHS AND COLDS IN FIVE MINUTES BV TAKING fJIUDOR "Yy^ILLIAMS'S JpATENt JJALSAM OF JJONEY. IF you are suffering night and day with a dreadful wearying, hardssinc Cough, aud scarcely able to talk, or walk, or breathe, you should use TUDOR WILHAMS BALSAM OF HONEY. Relieves the Hacking Cough, Old Standing Cold, Shortness of Breith, Hoarseness, Spitting of Blood, Croup. Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, Quinsey. and all disorders of the Throat, Chest, and Lungs. The peculiar virtues of this Bilsam coti-iist in its expectorating and heating properties it dissolves the phlegm, enables the patient to expectorate freely, and to breathe when lying down without fear of suffocation; it heals that soreness always felt at the chest from severe and continued coughing, and they who have long: been deprived of their necessary rest at night will, on taking the BALSAM OF HONEY, experience the blessing of undisturbed sleep. IN THE NURSERY It is invaluable for chiMren suffering from Whoopin Cough, Old Colds, Bronchitis and Cough; relieves them instantly. Once tried, always used. (TESTIMONIALS I From Mr David J'nkiiis, Musical Baehe AberyHu-ylh. Aberystwyth College, Nov. 2nd, 1383 DEAR SIR, gives me pleasure to testify to the soothing influence of your Balsam of Honey on the vocal tubes. As I had to sing a: three successiwe meetings, I can venture to express an opinion as to ita effect in securing for the throat freedom of action and flexibility. Doctors and Chemists recommend Tudor ITttfuimf' Patent Balsam of Honey. In November, "62, my children had severe CGId, incessant Cough, and Bronchitis. 1 gave them Tuooa WrLLiAMs's BALSAM OF HONEY, which relieved them instantly ot their cough, and by the end of the week they were quite well. I can conscientiously recom. mend it to all respectable families, knowing it be a boni fide medicine. I have a great sale for it e — Yours truly, T. W. EVANS, M.P.S., Chemist Treberbert. FACTS WORTHY OF NOTICE. Caradog states — A marvellous remedy for a cough. Sauvage to Cured my bronchitis. Dyfed I cLn speak highly of it for boanfi. ness. Mabon, M.P., states-It is worthy of being extensively known. Llew Llwyfo Effectual remedy for tight chest. Mayor of Leominster states-1 can speak in the highest teims of its efficacy. Sold by all Chemists and dealers in Patent Medicines. In bottles Is lid, 2s 9d, a.nd4s 6d each. w „ (j.re" saving by taking the larger bottle. Ask distinctly for Tudor Williams's Balsam of Honey. A case containing three 4s 6d oottles sent direct from Proprietor for 12s. Prepared only by the proprietor aqftt D. TUDOR WILLIAMS, L.D.S., MEDICAL HALL, ABERpARE. JJOBDAY, ILLS, AND JJOBDAY. j_| OBDAY, ^I^ILLS, and JJOBDAY. HOBDAY, WILLS, AND JJOBDAY. i SPECIAL LINE TREBLE MELTON 50s | OVERCOATS, i 50s 50s- J ALL COLOURS. I 50s' 79. ks T. MARY STREET. 79 79, ST, IARY STREEI- 79 79. ST' MARY STRELT- 79. 40 B RIDGE-ST.* CARDIFF. CFOLLICK, PAWNBROKER.—Most Money lent on gold and silver valuables. OVER £2 AT THE RATE OF 4d IN THE POUND INTEREST EXCEEDING S10 AT 3d IN THE POUND INTEREST. Large assortment of gold and silver watches and diamond rings very cheap Special lots of gold wedding rings and keepers. 6ge PIANOS.—WHY BE WITHOUT ONE When you can become the owner of a nice nstmmeut for the small payment of 10s 6d PER MONTH ON rjlHOMPSON AND gHACKELLS tO (LIMITED HIRE SYSTEM? No security required, and the instrument delivered to purchaser on payment of first monthly instalment. Every instrument guaranteed, and exchanged U not approved ORGANS AND HARMONIUMS ON SIMILAR TERMS. Catalogues free on application. THOMPSON AND S H A CK ELL, PIANOFORTE AND MUSIC WAREHOUSE. QUEEN'S BUILDINGS, CARDIFF Also at SWANSEA, NEWPORT. MERIHYR and GLOUCESTER. 24ue IMMEDIATE RELIEF FROM COUGH. I -IT HOMAs's EMULSION." I A TRULY EFFICACIOUS MEDICINE For Coughs, Colds. Influenza, Bronchitis, Hoarseness Asthma, Hoopinir Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, Incipient Consumption, and other Affections of the Pulmonary Organs. Sold in Bottles, at Is lid and 2s 9d each. THOMAS S EMULSION" (Composed of the active properties of Herbs, Roots, and Balsams) will be found to act witii wonderful efficacy in eacii of the above-mentioned complaints. It soothes, heals, and a lays irritation, and removes that feeling of suffocation so oftw attendant on the more violent and advanced stages, wnich, if not relieved, causes great prostration of the whole system. Asthmatic and aged persons derive the greatest comfort by taking au occasional dose and, if taken at bed-time, it mostly ensures a good night's rest; it pro- motes guntla expectoration, and gives easeand freedom to the Lupgs. a remedy for Children in Hooping Cough, or Coughs arising from Colds, Fevers Teething, Ac., it st.inds unrivalled it, is taken readily, being agreeable to the taste, an advantage which will he at once appre- ciated by those wb,) have experienced the difficulty o adminis; erm nar.seons preparations. Al ady in liloucester writes to say that she considers Thomas's Emulsion worth £ 5 a bottle "RODERICK'S t) HEUM ATIC COHDIAL. II Price, Is 1 jd and 2* 9d. This favourite remedy ha- long been justly esteemed as a specific fur Rheumatic Gout, Sciatica. Lumbago. Gout, and all kind" of Rheumatism. A few rloses taken at the commencement of an attack will in variab y en.-ure relief. r "rnOTAL DESTRUCTION OF THE A CORN CROP AFTFCR USING j THE" AMERICAN '1 CORN AND WART CURE Price 72d and is. per bottle. By post, 8d and Is 2d. Gare HiJI, Rath. Sept. 30tb 1885. Sir,—Having tried The American ( orn ant Wart Cure," I am thankful to say it has relieved meoftwv most troublesome corns.—Yours truly, E.A.S. To Mr Roderick. Sole Proi rintor of the above Preparations, T. RODERICK, CHEMIST, PONTYPOOL. Solo by all Chemists. London Dep6t:-10. Bow Churchyard. E C- 128S AGISTS :— CARDIFF :-Coleman A Co.. Chemists. High street. PE:SAItTH :-Pr. oCtOl, ( bemist. SWANSEA :—Jobn Davies, Cbemist. 31, High street. NEWPORT John Young, Pharmaceutical Chemist, ifiab-btld-bf. #too