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'!¡f,c, "T 1 "I Advertisenieiit Tariff. o Small Prepaid Advertisements. 20 Words SIXPENCE. Three Times NINEPENCE. Six Times ONE SHILLING.! THREE SIX WORDS ONCE. xillES. n t' s d. ?. d. 20 Words 6 6: 0 9 1 0 30 Words 0 9 1 0 j 1 6 40 Words 1 Oji 6 2 3 50 Words -j 1 3 2 6 3 9 j 60 Words 0i4 6 j I These charges apply only to the classes of advertise- ment specified below, and ;n«s strictly confined tc tuoae which are ordered tor coNsr.ctnivii insertion an c.rAlti tOR PitF.v ious TO insertion ;f either of these con- ditions is i:ofi complied with, the advertisement will be eh&reed bv the Business seals :— APARTMENTS WANTED. APARTMKNlS TO LEX. ARTICLES LOST. ARTICLES F OI;:W>. BUSINESSES KOR'DISPOSAL BESINESSKS WANTED. HOUSUS TO I.KT. HOUSES WAMEU HOI sus TO BK SOLD I MONKY WANTKD. MONEY TO LEND. MISC IA.F.A:;KOI:S WANTS. I MLSCKLL^NKOUS FIAI.ES. PARTNERSHIPS WANTED. SITUATIONS WANTED. SITUATIONS VACANT. Advertisements of the al>ov« class inserted in the • SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS," t he. CARDIFF TIMES, md SOUTH WALES ECHO" nr, th" following rate ■; Six times in i! Daily News Six time* times Once in ill « .l- Cardiff Times ill ..111- Cardiff Times Six time* times Once in ill « .l- Cardiff Times WORDS..South Wale# Q- "ti >ily tag- JEcho. 1'. <1. ?. i;. d. 20 Word. 1 0 1 6 2 0 30 Wordsj 1 6 2 3 3 0 40 Wordsj 2 3 3 3 4 6 lIO 'YorJi 2 3 3;; 4 6 ■ i 50 Word? | 3 9 5 8 7 6 "l 4 6 6 9 9 0 i € iht cat i anal. TtjAVTcXAllON SCHCHlL^ fco; KiThinond-voad" J3I Koatli. JJastersand JIare.s proparcti for examina- tion by Capt. H. C. Mills. Evening classes (mathe- matics). 87;)- i iHitsical. MMBjTs^SlJCCESS!—Poli^Maaurka iren* by I stev. as played by Halley's County Band, Is od nett, Roderick, Commercia'reet, PontypoQi. ,13 Domestic ^u'bants. d"1OOk~(thorouaii good) wanted must have good B, references.—Apply between 1 and 3 at 46, Park- place, Cardiff. g IRLS (two voting) wanted us General Servants, one VX for two youiss ladies, one fur young couple v.-h'h one Ijaby j'niusi have good references.—Apuly at once, 17, Beauchanip-strcet., Riversiie 62 ^^Rl7(respeoUbie) \van:»d as General Servant age J about 17.— .\ppty 12. Neville-place, Riverside. 63 ("i 1RL (respectable) wanted, age about 14. One X from the country preferred.—Enquire 6J, Bed- ford street, Roath. 9d3 Sowings, ^partm^uis. &r. APARTMENTS to Let (unfurnished, front sitting rooni and back bedroom) two minutes from the Great Western Station terms moderate.—Apply 37, Tresillian-terraoe, Pettarrh-road, Cardiff. T ODGINGS (comfortable) for one or two Young 1 A Ladies in business terms moderate.—Apply 40, Wyndham-road, Canton, Cardiff. 2515 leasts, &r., ij¡:1J Wet AKDIFF.—To be Let shortly, extensive Business c Premises, in the very best position of this impor- taiit and ranidly-increasing town. Shop, 50 feet front- age, 1/-4 feet deep two show-rooms, 77 feet long bus'T/.ent, 124 feet; front and back entrances, and dwell iug-house. Very rare opportunity. Plans on application.—Hern, Estate Agent, Cardiff. O- FFICE^.—To '■« Let, two rooms over the South Wales Daily News" Offices, St. Mary-street. Bent low.—Appiy "South Wa'.es D.iiiyNews" Office, Card ill. 18,);)- Ol HOP (suiaT', grocer's) with bakehousi; central oi towii.-Apply B. W., "Daily News position of town.—Apply B. W., "Daily News Office^ Cardiff. fax ^alr.lisc £ llang0us. IliLIARD TABLB, splendid article, grerit bar ID gain.—Be Van anci Oiiupany, The Cardiff Fur- nichess', isl, Duke-street, Cardifi. 941 OOKS: Parent. School", and Evevycne shoaiil r-end tor C.tt;i!os;u» of New iiooks, enor- J 340 J Alt'I tguoit, ct' spring; for Sale to be sold \_y cliean.—Apply 21, .lanet-street, East Moors. 096 ONY (aood mare), 14 lmnds, ji;ood for any work, price £ 3.—George Widlake, Glamorgan-street, Canto:i. 42 EAI, and Traps, ift from R8. Suda-watcr Van, -NN*P,)nette, Phaetons, Whitechapels, tc.—Avety, Dock-street, Newport. 29 -ir, KITTLE BAGATELLKljOARD7soo<llarg^also Tables and Benches, ior Sale bargain.-34. 'I'hesiger-stveet, Gat hays. 4 jiusallaitfuns. 4 TLAS FURNISHING CO. b, St. John's-sa«are, A Cardiff, established to supply all kinds of House hold and Office Furniture on the new hire system Easy repayments to suit everybody's cozivel-ierce FURNISH ON th^hre"SYSTEM.— £ 5 worth for 2s 6d per week, £ 10 worth for 4s per week, £ 20 worth for 7s id per week, R50 worth for 16s pel week, £100 worth for El per week, and so on in pro- portion. Special terms made for larger quantities.— Atlas Furnishing Co., 5, St. john's-sqware, Cardiff A TLA.i FURNISHING CO. charge the very lowest A nricE. No extra charge for credit. Inspection invited.—5, St. Jobn's-square, Cardiff I BURNISH ON THE HIRE £ Y$TEM.— Drawing- room suites ia walnut from six guineas; dining- room suites in leather or horse-hair from six guineas.— Atlas Furnishing Co., 5. St. Jobiils.qqu,%re, Cardiff. ATLAS FURNISHING CO. for bedsteads, feathsr ATLAS FURNISHING CO. for bedsteads, feathsr aud inillpuff beds, blankets, sheets, bedding, .tc,-5, St. John's.squtre, Cardifi. bT IJUmSiToN "fHiriTl K K "SYSTEM.—Houses" 1 Apartments, and Offices Furnished. No security required.—Atlas Furnishing Co. o, St. John's-square, waidiff A TLAS FURNISHING CO.—Carpets, Linoleum, J\. Oilcloth, Clocks Fenders, Fireirons, Cabinet 'inu otner Furniture.—5. st Jobn's-squaie, Cardiff. 1"^ORNISH ON THE^HIRE SYSTESL—Ane^ten. sive stock of Perambulators, sineie andxiouble.— Atlas Furnishing Co.. 5, St. Jobn's-square, Cardiff. Ax:,AS FUBNISHINgTCO.Before going else- where, get their prospectus and view their stock, the best and cheapest in the town. Perambulators tent out on hire fur a single week for 2s 6d. 1224 F~u1TnIs H~0 N~f ll V' a IR E ~.s y ST E M .Easy re pa y- ments.—Atlas Furnishing Co., 5, St. John's- square Cardiff. 866e square Cardiff. 866e INTER ENTERTAINMKNTir_jfalric Lanterns ▼ v with slides on hire. Special terms to schools.— G. Hills, 2, Mackintosh-place, ROatll, CarditY. 723 I71UBNISH on onr New Hive System! Houses or Apartments coinnletely furnished on a new *A's- tem adopted solely by IN, whereby all putdicty, exposure, and inquiries usually made by other com- panies are dispensed «iih. We have an immense Htock ot Household Furniture of cheap and superior quality. Ai! goods sold on the Hire System at ready- iiior.ey price V.'e ii.skc so extra charge for credit and all goocii."nt home in p. private van flee of el-arge No ;.t:lmp or agreemsnt cbsrues made no bill 01 sale everything private. Arrangements completed without delay, :HW, l1ein¡! mlm1tactun.1 s. ive guarantee quality, jtnd 11':11 I!wwrt;d;1! t<-> supply furnitnie, Ac., at 10 per cent., less than any price-list issued by any firm in Cardiff. Eleven snow roms Call and inspect cur jnir.eijse stock, .and compare prices before purchasing elsewhere. We will supply £ 5 worth for 2s fed weekly £ 30 worth, 4s weekly £ 15 worth for Ss weekly £ 20 worth, tw weekly, and so on in proportion. Special terms for larger quantities. Please not« the.Address £10 wonu, 4s weekly £ 15 worth for ts weekly £ 20 worth, tw weekly, and so on in proportion. Special terms for larger quantities. Please not« the.Address SOUTH WAXES FURNISHING COMPANY, 31 ¡:tlt.t. (oppoiite (L Crti>:>\ Cinaiff.13783—249W#e I CHRTSSTMAS BOXES-—500 beautifully illustrated Scripture Texts framed in biack and gold: worth 5>cript«to Pictures fr^nieci cheap dur- fn-hOhr"S.-Wcture" Frame Company, next Piano- forie^SLop, The_Bridge, New^rt, Mom **VriH 4M RADNBDGE, Cabinet Maker, Upuol- VV Jteivr d4, Salisbury-road, Cathays, Caruift. Venetian Blinds ve-tapeci, cleaned, and repaired. All orders prOlllPtly attended. to. .onO 836 /vN sorlAL PUIUTY and the INFIRMITIES of i ) MAN. "Addressed specially to young men, with „ and ccntaimng Recipes tint will °he nervous ;ind debilitated to the full power rn' M^nh'-od Free tor the benefit of all who desfre :i j .ueedy euro, without the aid of Quacks. Send one stamp to prepay postage.-Address Sec'-e- tary. Institute ot Anatomy. Birnnngnam. 9t.i -= jttísrcUatttJJUS Mants. RJ TT'D'S PJi RAMBULATOR (s.;cond hand) wanted i j o-ood condition, cheap.—State particulars to C. P., Echo" Office. Cardiff. ,—-f~ KNI'LEMEN'S and all kinds of Left-olt Clothing «X "Bought by Mr and Mrs Green. Dumfries House 32, Caroline-street, Cardiff Post Oflice Orders for^all parcels sent. *— WASHING WAN ri-:I) BY A drying groimu.-Apply H i., Echo Office, Cardiff. 27 I "T^VANPFS MADET>AIEFin sums from Hi to Al £ to Tradesmen, Farmers, Market Gardeners, »a Workin Men, at a Low Rate of InE,p0»>»ent. to wit '!•= borrowers' c.amii.M. Distance no object. Strictly priyate and confidential. Office Hours, 10 a.m. to S p.m. Apply to the Secretary, CARDIFF AND SOUTH WALES LOAN SOCIETY 14, Custom House-street, Cardiff. p s —Enclose stamped envelope for prospectus and S98e—30107 particulars. 0 L 0 A N0 F F I C E NO ENQUIRY FFI"S- LOW INTEREST. Mr C LAWRENCE is advancing daily to working man and other "on their own security sums from £ 2 to £ 100. t Apply personally or by letter to 3, Llaiitrissaiit-st, Catiiavs, Cardiff. 338 COMPA^Y iDVXN™I M ^T) I-: '1 KILY from £ 3 to £ 500 to householders, fanners, and the general public on approved trade bills discounted. Appl.l 'qao^. bv letter, 175, Co .vbridge-i oad. Canton. hIBK. £ f to^0\mffedia^ advanceci to all classes^o porrowers on ff C.J a(ie bills discounted. stalmeuts or otherwise, at /proline street Car- discounted -Apply r. 9' C^olme^teet Car oiff. Established C'O ^ear. A, D V A N C B D AT 5 PER (;1:T I pp, rirnT,, i( AND COUNTY ADVANCE ^MXT^^rA^LINl^TXtEEr, CARDIFI'. ifeS K Til WAl'^ LOAN PTSCOI^NT T OFFICE ADVANCES CASH rctni £ 3 to £ 300 to Householders-, Farmers and others without security. If Borrow,r., cannot obtain an ajivance at this offica tbov cannoi do so by arplying eU«:where. All business done strictly privato and confidential. Apply, personally, or by letter, to Scwis, Manager, 1, St. John's-squfcre, Cardiff. Oflice hours 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. _216 PRIVATE GENTLEMANbas s^e^I™.l^of1cag "DTV O YOU WANT H O N L Y 229, COWBRIDGE ROAD. Sums advanced from £ 2 to £ 150 without delay. ^e__ piuTXa' oAN OMPAN Y 19, BUTE-STREET, CARDIFF, AND 45, LLANARTH-STREET, NEWPORT (Next to Bristol and West of England Bank), are pre pared o ADVANCE CASH from B3 to E300 to House. holders, Farmers, GoV.'keepers, Market Gardeners Mechanics, and others, upon their own security and without sureties in the strictest secrecy. No Pre- liminary Fees charged, and Cash advanced the, same day as application is made. 887e 7y;|ONEY j^ONKV j^JTONEY! itJL__ Cash Advances made atTfew hours notice from -P-i to i;500, to Farmer?, Market Gardeners CowLeepeis, Tradesmen, and others, oil their own securi j. i o sureties required, No inquiry fees. oney en on deposits, also tradesmen's bills discounted Apply, personally or bv letter to Mr A. Joidau, Manager, Private Loan Office. Dock-sU'eet (comer of Skinner fitreet), Newport M n T5lPORTANr NOTICE^-It you wawr, money senrt X stamp for prospectus, before burrowms > ■* to Mr PikV, 4o,~S.alisbiiiy-road. Catliay-s, C-cditl. WATCHES." Of* 1 os (WorLh £ 6 .—In return for remittance I send free and safe per post one of my orX soecia ly 'nade "RELIABLE" KEYLESS f Fvi p \vA-rr rrv s (Lady's or Gentleman's «izs). chronometer balance, and S°'J''keyLeaf work; in massive sterling ?•, crystal glass, gold winding button, and Oold joints. Ol A-The same movement, of finest tlnish called dtlV the "CHALLENG K, m a specially mabsive and heavy 18-carat gold case, with flat crystal glass. £ •»> THE £ A LEVERS, in tw° sizes, for Ladies and Gentlemen, are famous timekeeper., ana are guaranteed by the firm. Send your Watch and Jewellery Repairs by Post registered), which will be given only to skilful work- men. Estimates sent before doing the work, and L take risk and cost of carriage back. WATCHES £ 1 TO £ 100 (Illustrated Pamphlet sent Free on Application). Railway Fares Paid when same do not exceed 5 per cent. on Watch Purchases. MR T. R. RUSSELL,~MAKKR TO THE QUEEN, CATHEDRAL WORKS 13, CHURCH-STREET, 12701 LIVERPOOL. 913e FACT WORTH KISOWJ-SG BEECHAM'S PIIXS ^TxrvirA ''J thousand*tobeworthaboveafJUIN' a a BOX for bilious and nervous disorders, such as pain m stomacli, sick headache, giddiness 1U ) after meals, dizziness anil drowsiness, co s chills, flushings of heat, loss of appetite, sborcnesj ot breath, costiveness, scurvy, and bJotobM on the SKI disturbed sleep, frightful dreams, and all nervous ai i trembling sensations, &c., Ac. „ ii y.Serer is earnestly invited to try one Bos o these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to oe WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. -T i or Femaies of all ages these Pills are invaluable- femaie should be without them. There is no meuicinc co be found to equal Beechanrs Pills for removing any obstructions or irregularity of the system. If taken ac- coming to the directions given with each box., tney win soon restore females of aces to sound and rooust health F"or a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all dis- qruers of the Liver, they act like MAGIC, and a few aoses will ue found to work wonder* upon tti« most important organs in the human machine. Thoj strengoiien the wiioie muscuiar system, rastore She long- lost complexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite, ana arouse into action, with the ROSE-BUD of health, the whoie physical energy of the human frame- These are FACla aumitted by thousands embracing all classes oi society, and ono of the best guarantees to tb« Ner »ous ana Debilitated is Beecham'oPills. They have the largest sale of auy patent medicine in the world Preparea only by the Promietor, T. BEECHAM Chemist, ^t. Helen'?, Lancashire, in Boxes at Is lid ana «N c-<c- by all Patent Medicine Dealers in *>>•* U me.; Kineuom. V ?i. f ull diigction.s ftT« tfivfin with eccllbo ^57^ "I EJECTION DAY. An INFALLIBLE X REMEDY and certain cure for all Discharges from ills Urinary Organs in either sex, whether acquired "I constitutional, rccent or chronic; cures iu a few days without medicines, isold in bottles, 2scd each (by post 2s Sd), by all chemists. London agents, F. Nevroery ami Sons, 2, King Eaward-strfffc, E,C. Asent tor Cardiff. J. Muuday, Chemist, 1 Bigh»swwti868} 3700 CAKDIFF. ^mnscmenfs. rpHEATRE ROYAL, CARDIFF. LESSEE AND MANAGER Mr EDWARD FLETCHER. ACTING MANAGER -.Mr JOHN SHERIDAN. GREAT AND UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS. HUNDREDS TUKNED AWAY NIGHTLY. CO .ME EARLY: COME LARLY Sta""» Door and St. Marv-street Entrance open 6 p.m. EVERY EVENING! F.'EjtY EVENING i" Mr FLETCHERS Macnificent and Gorgeous Christmas Pantomime, ROBINSON crusoe. Written for this Theatre by J. J. BISGOOD, B.A. Alotit charmins scenery ever seen in Pantomime, by Mr F. fcRSSKR JONiiS. Beautiful Costaniis, expressly designed by Mr MARTIN BYAM. New mechanica! effects, by Mr FRED BLACKLER. Musi composed and arranged by Mr C HAS. LAMS LEY POWERFUL COMPANY OF SPECIALLY SELECTED ARTISTES, Including the Popular Burlesque Actress, MISS LIZZIE BOONE; the Favourite Prima Donna, ;.Miss Blanche Gerard; Miss Alice Dorie, Miss Louisa Gumersal, Mr Lloyd Townrow, Mr Will Cuthbert, Mr W. Manning, and the Celebrated Ma.rtin Family. T AYLEURE's G REAT A MERICAN CIRCUS, WESTGATE-STREET, CARDIFF. GREAT BILL OF FARE FOR THK CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S FESTIVITIES. GRAND ILLUMINATED DAY PERFORMANCE THURSDAY, DEC. 30TH. Every Day until Fur'her Notice. Great and Astounding Programme for THURSDAY, DEC. 30TH, when will be produced the Grand Spectacular Pantomimical Extravaganza, THE MORNING STAR, introducing VENUS, MARS, and JUPITER. The Entertainment will bu properly varied, and the whole of the resources of this vast establishment will be brought t bear on one great, object, that object being to keep high festival in honour of Old Father Xmas. jpHILHARMONIC MUSIC HALL. Proorietress Mrs RKODA MORRELLA Manager Mr C. M. RODNEY Extra Attractions for the Xmas Holidays. Engage- ment Extraordinary of Mdlle, RAFAEL and Signor RIGARETTO, the Statue Marvels; MICHAEL NOLAN, Miss FLORRIE ST. LOUIS, ESKE and VOL1ER, TOM CALLAGHAN. Special Engagement of the BROTHERS HARRISON, Irish Knockabout Comedians. For Six Nights üniy, RIVALLI, the Fire Prince, in his Grand Fire-proof Entertainment. 979e V.R. R. -ff-,& 0 D D JUBILEE CONCERT, NEW YEAR' DAY. MR ARTHUR CASTINGS. MILITARY BAND and other ATTRACTIONS. NEWPORT. YJCTORIA THEATRE, NEWPORT, V MON. MANAGER Mr F. C. COWLAHD. NOnCE.-Doors open at 7.15. Saturdays—half-hour earlier. Performance punctually at 7.45. Great Attraction for the Christmas Holidays. TO NIGHT, AND DURING THE WEEK. Important Engagement of Messrs ELLI'STON and ARTHUR'S Dramatic Company in the Great )1oral Drama, A MOTHEK/S SIN, Written by Mr W. Reynolds. Tableau 1.—The Cottage 1,5, the Sea. Tableau.2.—Tbe Mandeville Bink. Tablealt 3.—The Harvest Field. Tableau <—MKudezvous at Engifiston Mill. Tableau Rttiiied Water Mill. Tableau 6.—The Conspiracy. PRICES OF ADMISSION.—Boxes (single seats), 4s Orchestral (Reserved) Stall, 3s Balcony, Is 6d Pit, Is; Gallery, 6d. Private Boxes by special arrange ment. Half-price at 9 o'clock. Seats may be booked in advance at Mu!:nck a.nd Sons'. 858e SWANSEA. TTEVINO. LEVINO LEVINO LEVINO LEVINO LEVINO LEVIXO LEVINO TARILL-HALL, SWANSEA. TO-NIGHT, THURSDAY, DEC. 30th, AND iEVERY EVENING EXCEPT SATUR- DAY at 7.45, PROF. LEVINO in MERISM Dolph and Susie Levino in Rival Arts Garcion, the Comical Panto- mime Clown, on the Crazy Globe Titus and Co. in Spectres; Master Robert, Juvenile Cornet Soloist: Val. Miller in Pure Vcn.riloauism. Popular prices Back Area, 6d Balcony and Front Arei, Is and 2-. Children half-price. Levino, Drill Hall, Swansey. 12801 2^06 SEFUL CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. A PAIR of GOLD SPECTACLES, or FOLDERS. fitted with the finest Pebbles, and accurately adapted to suit the Sight. Opera Glass, Lantern, Aneroid Barometer, Registering Thermometer. J. R WOOD, PRACTICAL OPTICIAN o CASTLE-sTREKT (opposite the Castle), 4'e CARDIFF. 2572 Us ITg ^nriton. XEW ATTRACTIONS AT THE AUCTION AND STORAGE COMPANY HIGH-STREET. MR BEllRYMAN (late Fell & Co.) is NOW OPEN with a SELECT STOCK OF CHINA AND OTHER GOODS, suitable for every home. Inspection invited. SALE BY AUCTION EACH EVENING, 638 Seven o'clock. 2450 ^publications. New Edition. Price 2s 6d. By Post, 2s 8d. DIAGNOSTICS OF AURAL DISEASE, By s. E. SMITH, Esq.. M.R.C.S. Eng., Surgeon to the late National Ear Institution, London auuior of a treatise on Deafness and Diseases of tbe Ear and Inventor of the new method of introducing remedial agencies into the cavity of the Tympanum through the Eustachian Tube. Mr S. E. Smith's Diagnostics of Aural I)iseasel has reached a fitth ed tion. and to the original work Mr Smith, whose skill is well known vudjustly appreciated, has added results of experience and, investigations since the first edition, fcud descriptions of his newly, invented instruments tor the treatment of those diseases of the ear in which electricity is of service. Mr Smith's reputation will be enhanced by the addi- tional matter, and the boou rendered more interesting and useful by the new illustrptions.-Bristol Times and, Mirror. ATTENDANCE DAILY FROM 11 TILL 2 O'CLOCK. 972a RIGH-STREKT ARCADE CARDIFF. 1778 rnoysATToy,s! AT 1BK ALLIANCE 33 ST. MARy STREET, /CARDIFF. 819 s TIFF'S S'lARCH. STIFF'S STARCH. STIrIll"S STARCH. SI!IFFIS STARCH. gTIFF'S STARCH. gTIFF'S STARCH. gTIFF'S STARCH. gTIFF'S STARCH. STIFFlS STARCH. gTIFF'S STARCH. STIFF'S STARCH. 8 126h 1514 Sold in lb. Picture Boxes, Sold in 51b. Packets. Trade Mark—Queen Bes Uniform Quality. Warranted Pure. Most Economical. For Collars. For Wristbands. For Siiirt Fronts. For Neckties For Cans. For Cuffi. Fo: Lace. For Linen. For Muslins. For Curtains. For Table t loths. Asi; ior Stiff's Starch. Note the Caution Label Observe tbe Trade Mark Sold by Grocers. Sold by Druggisti. FIST.tbll Wholesale— STIFF £ CO., WDQLlVF>ST.BItlS'I<. J. business J\bitl'£ss£s. A UTUMN AND WINTER, J-TL vt STYLISH SEASONABLE SPECIALTIES. SUITABLE SELECTIONS. BESPOKE AND PREPARED CLOTHING DIVISIONS. ks T. iN[ ARY STREET, c A RDIFF. JOTIIAM AND gONS with duo respect mivi.-e YOll oi their PHE- PAREDNESS in the UENPOKB SKCTION for AUTUMN AM) WINTER The procressive preference for their HIGH CLASS TAILORING DRRsS attests its INIMITAKLK VALUE, and tbe judgment and approval of PATRONS are truiy legarded. JOTHAM AND gONS rightly atiticiattin;, an increased request for ORDERED GARMENTS have made ultra- provision of FANcy and STANDARD SUIT. INGS, VESTIliiGS, TROUSERINGS. OVEK- -vOATINGS, the CHIEF VARfKTIES of the PRINCIPAL ENGLISH, SCOTCH, and IRISH MANUFACTURERS which place their MEASURED-FOlt CLOTHING DE. PARTMENT on an equalitv with the FIRST WEST.END LONDON HOUSES. JOTHAM AND gONS have favourably revised many prices, a.nd the charges throughout are on that very CONSI- DERATE SCALE whirh has created such a WIDE. DISTINGUISHED and GENERAL CIKCLE OF PATRONAGE A continuance of your favours or first orders will be highly esteemed. JOTHAM AND SONS d' 0 have provided COLLECTIONS of PREPARED CLOTHING, which are ALL ANn IN ALL' for the SEASONS, and the dosestMseuiMMcc to BESPOKE DREss possible to produce. Their position as rll;" CHIEF AND CHEAPEST' CLOTHIERS will be fully sustained, and pur- chasers will hive a CHOXCE AGAINST THE WEST OF ENGLAND AND SOUTH WALES. JOTHAM AND gONS advise the examining of ANNEXED SPECI- MENS, tbev ivill guide in selecting, and show the EXTREME EXCELLENCE and CON- FIRMED CHEAPNESS of the BESPOKE AND PREPARED APPAREL. The GREATEST SAVING. PLEASURE, and SATISFACTION are experienced by those who do business in any department f JOTHAM & SONS. kST. Thi ARY.STRET, CARDIFF. "gRIDGE^ST^i c ARDIFF. () FOLLICK, PAWNBROKER.—Most Vy. Money lent on gold and silver valuables. OVER £ 2 AT THE RATE OF 4d IN THE POUND INTEREST EXCEEDING S10 AT 3d IN THE POUND INTEREST. Large assortment of gold and silver watches and diamond rings very chew Special lots of gold a wcdumg rings and keepers. -J2e WITH A WEAL^7)B1"WAPJ\ITHR& "t JUST AT THE NICK OF TIME.' W. :? It I CE & SONS' WINTER OVERCOATS, REEFERS, YACHTING JACKETS, SUITS, &c.. Are offered to tbe Public at the lowest possible prices- all boughs before the advance at Wool Sales. PRICES OF OVERCOATS—Newest Fashions— 15/ 20/ 25/ 20/ 35/ !tOI-, 45/ PRICE OF OVERCOATS, with Capes- /fOro, 45,1., 55/ PRICES OF WATERPROOF COATS—Indiarubbers- 5/11, 10/ 15/ 20/ 25/ 30/ 40/ 50/ PRICES OF IIEEFEES AND YACHTINGS— 10; 15/ 20/ 25/ 30/ PRICES OF WINTER VIT8- 17/6, 20/ 25/ 30/ S3. a, 55/ Address :— THE CARDIFF HOUSE. FASHIONABLE CLOTHING AND OUTFITTING STORE 50 A- bl, ST. MARY STREEI. and 46 &47, CAROLINE- HIe STREET. CARDIFF. 1007 W HERE TO DIN E. THE « COMMERCIAL" RESTAURANT, 17, ST. MARY.ST. DINNERS READY AT 12 O'CLOCK. Chops and Steaks from the grill always ready. TRIPE SUPPERS really at 7 P,lI1. every Tuesday and Friday. Sausages and Mashed Potatoes every evening. 68 THE I", I.NLE ART STUDIO, s QUEEN-STREET ARCADE. Ah- CHAPMAN'S PHOTOGRAPHS Are giving every satisfaction. Most complimentary expressions of opinion from all who have been Photographed. Prices 2s 6d for. 4s for 6, and 7s 12. All taken by the Latest, Best, and Quickest process?, and weather really no object, 17e IMMEDIATE RELIEF FROM COUGIL I r tpMULSION." I A TRULY EFFICACIOUS MEDICINE For Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Bronchitis, Hoarse ness Asthma, Hooping Cough, Difficulty of Breathing Incipient Consumption, and other Affections of the Pulmonary Organs. Sold in Bottles, at Is lid and 2s 2d each. THOMAS S EMULSION" Composed of the active properties of Herbs, Roots and Balsams) will be found to act with wonderful etdcacy in each of the above-mentioned complaints. It soothes, heals, and allays irritation, and removes that feeliiig of suffocation s,, oftii attendant oil the more violent and advanced stages, which, if not relieved, causes great prostration of the whole system. Asthmatic and aged persons derive the greatest comfort; by taking an occasional dose and, if tak -n at bed-time, it mostly ensures a good night's rest; it pro. motes gentla expectoration. and gives ease and freedom to the Lungs. As a. remedy for Children in Hooping Cough, or Coughs arising from Colds, Fevors. Teething, Ac., it stands unrivalled it is taken readily, being agreeable to the taste, an advantage which will ho at once appre- ciltted by those who have experienced the difficulty o administering nauseous preparations. At itdyin Gloucester writes to say that she considers Thomas's Emulsion worth Sb a bottle. QDERICK'S R HEUMATIC £ JORDIAL." Price, Is ld and 2s Sd. This favourite remedy has long been justly esteemed as a specific for Rheumatic Gout, Sciaticu,, Lumbago, Gout, and all kinds of Rheumatism. A few doses taken at the commencement of an attack will in variably ensure relief. friOTAL DESTRUCTION OF THE X CORN CROP AFTER USING rpHE "AMERICAN CORN AND WART CURE!" Price 7cl and is, per bottle. By post, 8WI and Is 2d. URn Hill, Bath. Sept. 30tb, 1S85. Sir,—Having tried The American Corn and Wart Cure," I am thankful to say it Ins relieved me of two most troublesome corng,-Yotirg truly, E.A.S. To Mr Roderick. Sole Proprietor of the above Preparation". T. RODERICK, CHEMIST, PONiypUUL. Sold by all Chemists. London Depot10, Bow Churchyard. E.C. 1283 AGKNxS '— CiUxuFg. :—Coleman & Co., Cbenist5, High-street. PENARTU Proctor, Chemist. £ \VAN&EA John Daviea, Chemist, 31, High>stre6t, NEWPORTJohn Young, Pharmaceutical Chemist, Hi £ b-iue»*. Site, ffttsiness ÀÕbrtS5eS. ===-1 ASK YOUR GROCEfi FOR C A It E Y rjl H O M A S S PURE MIDLOTHIAN QATMSAL ANP I O A T F LOUR. Ma.do only Icow th«t £ neet gvafHiis ai Midjothiftn Oata which are the I'i.NLST IN THE WOULD, This CSlè,\) will make wore ponitiga lr4,4,, 4 giveft weight than .nty other, The Oatflour is especially valu&bia for liuants and I Invalids. SoUl everywhere in lib, packets ^nci ilb. bags. 87Sfc—B173; I I ASH WORTH'S MARKET, FINE JKISH BUT rr E R S,i -8- 6d, 8d, 10d, and Is per lb. FINEST DAIRY JJUTTKB, Is 4d per lb. A8IIWOllr,l.'11'S 9, Biidse-strcet. ge PIANOS.—WHY BE WITHOUT ONE -5- When you can become the owner of a nico nstrument for the small payment of 10s 6d PER MONTH ON rjlHOMPSON AND gHACKELLS (LIMITED nittr, SYSTEM? No security required, and the instrument delivered to purchaser on payment of first monthly instalment. Every instrument guaranteed, and exchanged if not approved ORGANS AND HARMONIUMS ON SIMILAR TERMS. Catalogues free on application. THOMPSON AND SHACKELL, PIANOFORTE AND MUSIC W AUEllOUSE, • QUEEN'S BUILDINGS, CARDIFF Also at SWANSEA, NEWPORT, MElti HYR and GLOUCESTER. 240c "U SEFUL CHRISTMAS pRESENTS AND JfEff Year's Q.IFTS. A very Large and Choice Assorticeut of SILK HAND and NECKERCHIEFS. Choice Assortment of LAI)L WOOLLEN aiic, SILK SHAWLS, WRAPS, and CLOUDS. All the Latest Novelties in FRTLLINGS, MOBCAPS and NECKTIES. FEDORA FRONTS, COLLARS, and COLLARETTES, in Silk, Satin, Plush, and Lace. A very Choice Lot of LADIES' and CHILDREN'S APRONS and PINAFORES, very cheap. GENTLEMEN'S DRESSING GOWNSand SMOKING CAPS. LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S best London-Made UMBRELLAS, in all the newest designs. One of the Largest Stocks to select from, and at prices ower than ever before. LADIES' and CHILDREN'S JERSEYS of very superior quality, at extraordinary low prices. LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S GLOVES of every description. The Largest Stock of SCARVES aud TIES in South Wales, comprising all the latest- novelties. A well-selected Stock of LADIES'ami CHILDREN'S UNDERCLOTHING and WOOL GOODS. All the Latest styles in ENGLISH and FRENCH MILLINERY at Moderate Prices. LADIES' und CHILDREN'S MUFFS and BOAS. GEXTLEMEX'S CARDIGANS and TRAVELLING RUGS. FOOTBALL JERSEYS and KNICKEII-S in all sizes. HOSE and IiALF-HOSE of special qualities. Cuffs, Collars, FYonts, Braces, Belts, Garters, Studs Links, Solitaires, Ties, Bows, Gloves, Shirts, Pants' Vests, &c., &c., &c. All the goods will be found very cheap; in fact, cheaper than ever before. W. KÖRNER t- CO" 27, 28, 29, 30, & 31, lOYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF. ,[3,) 12721 2422 JJOBDAY, WILLS, and JJOBDAY. j_| OBI)AY, w ILLS, AND HOBDAY. f-, OBDAY, yy ILLS, and JJOBDAY. j JLJL v Y JLjL TROUSERS. SUITS. 13; ] (55s' 13s > SPECIALITIES. 55s 13.5, ) TROUSERS. SUITS. 79, ST. ThiARY STREE'-r. iZi). 79, ST. MARY KS™ 79' 79. ST- MARY STRE. 79. r~ J^JAESH AND 0OMPANY. ADUf/FS -FFNI-,RALS. let Class, with best Hearse and Coach, on the most modern principle, with a pair of their well. known Flemish-bred Horses to çacl1, one inch Elrn Polished Coffin, best registered furniture, with elaborate nime-plate engraved, fine satin trimmed robe, and self attendance. £ 5 5 0 Marsh 4 Co.'s 2nd Class ditto, ditto. 4 4 o Marsh (fr.Co.'s3rd, with improved carriage 3 3 0 Marsh & Co.'s 4th, ditto, ditto 2 10 0 CHILDREN'S FUNERALS, Including pair Flemish-bred Horses, modern Coach, with all the latest improvements, Po- lished Coffin, lined with tine flannel, and attendance. Under one year £ 1 io o Under two years 1 11 0 One-horse carriage, including coffin covered in black, blue, or polished, lined with flannel, modern coach, and attendance. Under six months 0 18 6 Under one year 1 0 0 Under two years 1 1 0 And so on in proportion. Handsome Car, Carved or Plain Hearse, Mourning Coaches and Broughams, Ostrich Plumes, Ac. 634 Address- 0, St. Mary-street Cardiff I ¡ E. J. B A K E R, TAILOR, K OROCKHERBTOWN, W, CARDIFF, 22 IS -NOW SHOWING ll89 SPECIALTIES IN WINTER GOODS. QRANGES! CTR A N G E S Best Palermo Oranges 55 to 5s 6d per box; Special Prices ior Lots of 10 or 20 Boxes. Bordeaux ONIONS, just arrived, splendid condition. ASOU H. FLOOK Ila rL- et, street, Newport. n_ lusinggs ^DDrgaags. IC.W.BULLETT&CO gy C ROC K HER B TOW N, 0ARDIFF. NEW AND CHOICE NOVELTIES FOR 0HRISTMAS & NEW YEAR, INCLUDING J-APANESE, INDIAN &c. ALftO BENARES WARE AS SHOWN IN COLONIAL EXHIBITION. INSPECTION INVITED. 50 HEATH'S PIANOFORTES QRGAJJS AND JJARMONIUMS JLl H EAT H AND g O N s; -8.1 THREE YEAFS gYSTEJI Is Applied to the Higher and Purchase of Instruments by aU Makers, from lQs Monthly. Every Instrument Guaranteed. Co-operative Prices for Cash. The Largest Stock in Wales to Select from 12, Crockherbtown Cardiff. 2a9 0 Y A L A RCADE, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN S JJAIR-DRESSING gALOON. -*L-β- NOW OPEN. Proprietor, W. B. DUNFORD 933 33 ROYAL ARCADE CARDIFF. TpOR CARVING AND GILDING, E FOR FRAMING PICTURES FOR A GOOD ENGLISH GOLD FRAME, run RESTORING OLD PAINTINGS, Go to G. J. ROBERTS, SENR., 35, THE ROYAL ARCADE. THE OLDEST FIRM IN CARDIFF. 13e rjlEETH TEETH TEETH Prize Medal London, 186?. Gold Medal, Paris, 1867 MR K E A L L, SURGEON DENTIST I (31 Years' Experience; 21 Years in Swansea) 199, HIGH STREET, SWANSEA Musi below the Great Western Railway Station), Begs to intimate that he can produce a perfectly fitting Set of Teeth in one clear day. The very best workman- ship guarantesd. Painless Dentistry by Gas. Partial Sets from 5s per Tooth Upoer or Lower Sets rom Two Guineas. KEALL'S TONIC AND NEURALGIC MIXTURE, Sure and Speedy Cure for Neuralgia, Tic Doloreux Rheums, Toothache, and all Nervous Pains. Is lid and 2s 9d per Bottle. Through any Chemist Coleman, Cardiff t Young, Newport; T. G. Isaac (late 72e Haymaii), Neath: E. C. Evans. Cardigan. 1038 PEPPER'S TANNIN THROAT GARGLE. Tannin Gargle should be within the reach of all in the least degiee subject to throat affections, whether inflammatory relaxed, ulcerated hoarseness, swollen tonsils, enlar-red uvula, weakened voice, <tc. Those constantly speaking, singing, or reading, by using the Gargle prevent the huskmess, dryness, and irritation so frequantlyattendant on over-exertion also of pro- ducing unusually sustained powers without injury to the mucous surfaces of the throat Tannin is a great purifier, and so useful as a mouth wash in cases of disagreeable breath, arising from de. cayed teeth, disordered stomach, mouth ulcerations, a.nd other causes. As a cure for ordinary sore throat, with its usual painful and sometimes dangerous symptoms, the Tannin Gargle is far better than anything. Eottles, Is 6d. Sold .e_vryhere. PEPPER'S WHITE COUGH MIX^ TURE.—The most reliable, speedy, and agree* nblecuie for coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, con- sumption, and all dis-ases of the lungs and air- passages. Ifc is soothing, comforting, and tranquil, iizing in its action, quite different from ordinary cough remedies. Affords relief after second dose Bottles, Is l.Ui and 2s 9d each..Sold by all Chemists. riRACROFT'S ARECA-NUT TOOTH Vy PASTE.—Regularly used everv morning the teeth are kept, in beautiful order. All decaying and destr uctive tartar is removed from the "enamel, ■ which assumes its ivory, ike appearance. ^RACROFT'S PASTE removes all causes V of decay, and will preserve the teeth intact for many years. Branded Pots, Is each. Sold everywhere. CRACROFT'S ARECA TOOTH PASTE. By using this delicious Aromatic Dentifrice the enamel of the teeth becomes white, sound, and polished like ivory. It is exceedingly fragrant, and specially useful. Get Cracroft's DEAFNESS, NOISES IN THE EARS, &c. DELLAR'S ESSENCE FOR DEAF- NESS should always be tried, as in numbers of case, seemingly incurable, it has done wonders. Slight (ieafless, obstructions in the ears, and the incessant hummuig t)tzit(is so frequent with atiected hearing, are removed. Sold everywhere, CORNS! CORNS CORNS BUNIONS AND ENLARGED TOE JOINTS! CURED IN A FEW DAYS. DELLAR'S CORN AND BUNION PLASTERS are the only real remedy. They differ from all plasters, shields, or compositions. By instantly softening the callous surrounding the pain goes at once, the Corn soon following. Bunions and enlarged toe joints require more time; but the action and relief is certain. Boxes, Is lid. Sold everywhere. StLPHOLINE SOAP (a soap contain- s ing sulpholine), is a delicately refined, chemi- cally pure Soap, intended for general use, but specially by those endowed with sensitive skins. Common im- perfectly prepared soaps, scented with injurious acrid, oils, frequently cause skih diseases. For washing at all times, and bringing the skin to a soft, pliabie, I healthy condition, Sulpholine Soap holds the hist place. Its odour is very pleasant, and the Soap nu-, expensive. Tablets, 6d each. LIVER COMPLAINTS, BILIOUSNESS, INDIGESTION. CURED BY STOMACH DERANGEMENTS, DR. TZ-INGS DANDELION & QUININE LIVER PILLS (Without mercury), Act effectively on the liver, and, whilst mildly aperient, are all that can be desired. Dr. King's famous Pills purify and clear the entire system by freeing the liver irom sluggishness, causing the stomach to properly per- form its functions, quickly and entirely removing ail feeling of headache, dizziness, oppressions at chest and back, disagreeable taste, nausea, indigestion, spasm sensation of heaviness, and irritating depression attend' ing bilious attacks and liver derangemeuts. BE SURE TO HAVE DR. KING S PILLS. 616 SOLI) EVERYWHERE. 11S45 WPORT. —SOUTH WALES ECHO. .4.1% The SOUTH WALES ECHO is published at the NEWPORT OFFICE, I ace .,t, loHow, FIRST EDITION 1.30 p,}:, .zo THIRD EDITION 4,3D P w SPECIAL EDITION SPECIAL NOTICE.-The FOOTBAll. EDITION of Satuiday's Echoi* published at Newpcpt at 9.30 p.al. This Edition contains Reports of Mattfcss iu every part 1 of tbe country. Smsnwss liifcresses. REGISTERED ACCORDING TO ACT OF X PARLIAMENT. X I RELIEF FKOM COUGHS AND COLDS IN FIVE l I NUT E S B BY TAKING rjUDOR ^riLLIAMS'S pATENT JJALSAM OF HONEY. IF you are suffering night aud day with a dreadful wearying, harassing Cough, ana scarcely able £ t talk, or walk, or breathe, you should use TUDOR WILLIAMS' BALSAM OF HONEY cfcil?*6* CoU £ k. Old Standing Cold, Is hortness of Breath, Hoarseness, Stinting of Blood Croup, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, Qtiiasev' ana all disorders of the Throat, Chest, and Lun<»-s The peculiar virtues of this B lsam consist "in it* exnectoratmg and rteaiing properties it dissolves th* pilleCn3 enables the patieut to expectorate freelv and to breathe when lying down without fear of suffocation it heals that soreness always felt, at the chest from severe and continueJ coughing, and they who have long been deprived of their necdssavv resr afcnio-K<- will on taking the BALSAM OF HONEY, experience tbe blessing of undisturbed sleep IN THE NURSERY It is invaluable for cbildren suffering from VVhoonin Cough, Old Colds, Bronchitis and Cough; relieve? tSem instantly. Once tried, always used. (TESTIMONIALS ] From Mr David .Jenkins, Musical Bache Aberystwyth. Aberystwyth College, Nov 2nd 1883 DEAR SIR,—It gives me pleasure to testify to th* soothing influence of your Balsam of Honev on thl vocal tubes. As I had to sing at three Successive meetings, I can yenture to express an opinion as to its effect in securing for the throat freedom of action and flexibility. Doctors and Chemists recommend Tudor Williams' Patent Balsam et Hoitey. In November, '32, my children had severe Cold incessant Cough, and Bronchitis. I gave them TUDOR. WILLIAMS'S BALSAM OF HONEY, which relieved them instantly of their couth, and by the end of the week they were quite well. I can conscientiously recom- mend it to all respectable families, knowing it be at bona fide medicine. I have a great sale tor it e — Yours truly, T. W. EVASS, M.P.S., Chemist Treherbert. FACTS WORTHY OF NOTICE. Caradog states — A marvellous remedy foracouah. feauvage It Cured my bronchitis. Dyfed It I can speak highly of it for hoarse. ness. Mabon, M.P., states-It is worthy of being extensively known. Liew Llwyfo Effectual remedy for tight chest. Mayor of Leominster states-I can speak in the highest terms of its efficacy. bola by all Chemists and dealers in Patent Medicines. In bottles Is lid, 2s 9d, and4s td each. <ireat saving by taking the larger bottle. Ask distinctly for Tudor Williams's Balsam of Honev A case containing three 4s 6d bottles sent direct from Proprietor for 12s. Prepared only by the proprietor 9058 D. TUDOR WILLIAMS, L.D.S., ^IEDICAL HALL, ABERDABE. QUR NOTED QVERCOAT, AT THE ALLIANCE, :1 16 s 10D 33, ST' MARY STKEET. CARDIFF. 919 ;.if- "j JS LIFE WORTH LIVING) THAT JJEPENDS UPON THE LITERJ r The Best. Medicine in the world for SICK HEADACHE, STOMACH AND LIVBB COMPLAINTS, INDIGESTION, J And those diseases commonly called Nervous ot Bilious, is U N D A Y'S p I L L S, As evidenced by the ten following reasons, and valuable testimony of those who have used them 'i !•—They are compounded from purely vegetable in j gredients, comprising aperients, alteratives, and stomachics, and are thus rendered purifying &nd strengthening to the stomach and bowels, whilst re- moving diseases of the liver and other organs. 2.—They are manufactured on an alkaline principle, j rendering them perfectly soluble, therefore do not ) cause griping pains, unless there be a large amount of ] poisonous matter in the system to be dislodged. S 3.-They are entirely free from mineral preparations, consequently do not leave the patient ia jeopardy by taking cold by exposure. 4.-They may be taken at any time by persons of both sexes and of all ages, even those advanced in years. 5.-They re particularly soothing to people whose occupatiea produces irritability of the mind. Nervous, chilly, and fretful persons will find them invaluable specially in cold, melancholy weather. b. —They are highly recommended for sick headaches palpitation of the heart, shooting pains in the limbs' | giddiness, pains between the shoulders, &c. J 7.—They are a great boon on board ships and on 1 foreign stations, as they keep for any period, and tha distressing effects of change of climate are effectually warded off by their timely use. B.-All heavy, drowsy sensations (the forerunner of apoplexy, paralytic- stakes, epilepsy, and many othe serious affections), are thoroughly removed by a few doses. 9-— They also produce sound, refreshing bleep, iiupart such pleasing serenity of mind, vigour and lightness of body, and keen appetite for the plainest food as must be felt to be believed. 10.—For elderly people, tlisy are undoubtedly the most comfortable medicine t4at can be recommended, gently strengthening the system, that cause ceuthiued cheerfulness, thus serenely prolonging life te the latest possible period. Prepared only and sold in boxes at la, 2a 6d, and 41611 free by post, by J M 0 » D A Y CHEMIST, 1 HIGH-STREET CARDIFF SOLD BY ALL CHEMISTS AND PATEXT MEDICINE DEALKRS 12583 659 BURDOCK PIUA. THE GREAT BLOOD PT-RI FIER. -Pu-ify the foulest blocd ar.d relieve everv disease of stotnacb liver, and kidneys. These wcuderfr.) Fills curs diseases which cculct not be reached l v ar.v othT ir.edi. cine. For Rheumatics, Lcmbago, Piles, Gravel, Pains in the Back, Scurvy, ]$ad Legs, Wounds, or White Swelling, Scrofula, Cancers, Blotches on the Face and j;j Body, Swelled Feet, £ c., Jaundice. Dropsy, and Fever# r; o la.ll kinds. In b&xas at Is l5d and 2s 9«i each•—Sola by all chemists, or from the manufactory 44, Oxford- street, Swansea, for Is or 6o stamps. It