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Advertisement Tariff. 0 Small Prepaid Advertisements. 20 Words SIXPENCE. Three Times NINEPENCE. Six Times ONE SHILLING. WORDS ONCE. THREE | SIX __I! is. ii. s. d. S. d. 20 Words 0 6 0 9 1 0 30 Words 0 9 1 Oil 6_ 40 Words 1 0 1 6 2 3 i_ 50 Words 1 3 2 6 3 9 60 Words 1 6 0 These charges apply only to the classes of advertise- Aleut specified below, and iu« strictly confined tc those wliieli are ordered lor cCNSKCtrnvE insertion aii cl I, FOR PREVIOUS TO INSERTION*; if either of these con- ditions is not. complied with, the advertisement will ha rharsed hv t he Business scale :— APARTMENTS TO LET. APARTMRNTS WANTED. ARTICI.ES LOST. ARTICI.ES FOUND. BUSINESSES FORDisposAi, BUSINESSES WAKI'ED. HOUSES JO LET. HOUSES WANTED HOI SF-S TO BE SOLD MONEY WA.N'IH). MONEY TO LEND. M ISCELI.ANEOUS WANTS. MISCELLANEOUS SALES. PARTNERSHIPS Wssxra, SITUATIONS WASTED, SITUATIONS VACANT. Advertisements of the abo, class inserted in the ¡ SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS," the CARDIEE TIMES, and SOUTH WAI.ES ECHO" »t the following rate Six times in ti. Daily News Six times times Once in in ."I.. CardiffTiinss WORDS. South Wales1 and Daily News.1 •«!!? Six times in °*.Caulift limes. South Wale3 Echo. Echo. s, d. s. «L r. d. 20 Words 10 16 2 0 __I 30 Words 1 6 2 3 3 0 40 Words 2 3 3 3 4 6 50 WorclJ 3 9 5 8 7 6 50 'V ord! ;) 9 5 8 7 6 60 Words 4 6 6 9 0 "1-, (KiJutational. KAVIGA1ION SCHOOL, bO, Richmond-road. Koath. Mastersand Mates prepared for examina- jiun by Capt. U. C. Mills. livening classes (wafhe- sialics). 975 jftcMcal. DENTISTRY.—Wanted, educated Youth as Ap- prentice to above. Moderate premium.—Apply Peat- Surgeon Dentist, opposite New Infirmary Newport-road, Cardiff. 831 ittusiral. IMMENSE SUCCESS.—Polka-Mazurka "Irene" by iistey, as played by Hulley's COUNTY Band, IS ea liett. Ho'derick, Commercial-street, PoiitvpoOi- 943 PIANOFORTE (iron Ham-) lor immediate sale magnificent walnut cottage, nearly new, ail Litest improvements, perfccc condition, cost 65^ guineas a few months a 20, cash required; 25 guineas.-2, East-terrace. Cardiff. °3' Domestic ^rliants. rf^OOK (thorough~sood) "wanted must have Efood references.—Apply between 1 and 3 at 46, Park- Place, Cardiff. 92o C"1 IRL (respectable) wanted, age about 14. One JT from the country preferred.—Enquire b?, Bed- ford street, Roath. 938 ford street, Roath. 938 -u Euftguttjs, JVpsrtnmtts, &r. APARTMENTS to Let (unfurnished, front sitting room and back bedroom) two minutes from the Great Western Station terms moderate.—Apply 37, Tresillian-terrace, Penarth-road, Cardiff. LODGINGS (respectable) for younz sentlernen; terms moderate close to tram.—68, King's-road, Canton. 869 "JT ODGINGS (comfortable) for one or two Young I J Lndies in "business terms moderate.—Apply 40, Wyndham-road, Canton, Cardiff. 2315 Houses, &r., li>t. CARDIFF.—To he Let shortly, extensive Business Premises, in the very best position of this impor- tant and ranidly-ir,creasing town. Shop, 30 feet front- age, li-4 fret deep; two show-rooms, 77 feet Ions basement, 124 feet front and back entrances. and dwelling-house. Very rare opportunity. Plans on application.—Hern, Estate Agent, Cardiff. 89Ge t,'F I C I,, 'I'f) lie I.et, two i,oonis over the St)tttli r Wales Daily News" Offices, St. J\I<try.street. Kent low.—Apply "South Wales DsilyNews" Office, (,anliff, 1835 Ci HOP (small, grocer's) with bakehousa central kO position of town.—Apply B. W., Daily News Office, Cardiff. 818 3n.u* ^alr.-i^uactllaneous. BATH CHAIR ill good condition for sale,—Apply JL) Thorn;: s. Uouse AL-ent, Brymnawr. 846 BILLIARD TABLE, snlendid article, great bar JtJt ga n.-Bcvait and Company, 1ne CÄrdiff Fur- nishers, 21, Duke-street, Cardiff. 941 BOOKS! Parents, schools, and Everyoue should send for Ryuill's Catalogue of New Books, enor- mously reduced. -Eydill, 73, Market-place, Sheffield. 840 ART (good, strong, spring) for sale to be sold cheap.—Apply 21, Janet-street, East Moors. 996 BAL BARGATNS.-2b U.,cfiil Cart4 anti REAL B A RG ATNS. —2b Useful Carts and Traps, frotll £ 8. Soda-water Van. Wagonette, Phaetons, Whitechapels, &-c.-Avot-y. Dock-street, Newport. 929 m 1scellaneons. FURNISHING CO. b, St. John's-sauare,' Cardiff, established to supply all kinas of House- hold and Office Furniture on the new hire system Easy repayments to suit everybody's convenience I B.URNISH ON THE HIRE SYSTEM.— £ 5 worth 1 for 2s 6d pe" week, Blu worth for 4 per week, JS20 worth for 7s :'d per week, B50 worth for 16s pel week, £ 100 worth for Sl per week, and so on in pro- portion. Spccial terms made for larger quantities.— Atlas Furnishing Co., 5, St. john's-square, Cardiff ATLAO FURNISHING CO. charge the very lowest price. No extra charge for credit. Inspection invited.-5, St. John's-square, Cardiff I71URNISH ON THE HIRE SYSTEM.— Drawing- room suites in walnut from six guineas dining- room suites in leather or horse-hair from six guineas.— room suites in leather or horse-hair from six guineas.— r Atlas Furnishing Co., b, St. John's-square, CardiS. A" TLAS FURNISHING CO. for bedsteads, teatbsr and millputf be'ls, blankets, sheets, bedding, <Sc —5, St. John's-square, Cardiff. I^UKNISH ON thiTTjIRE-SYSTEM— Houses, Apartments, and Offices Furnished. No security r"qui Furnishing Co. 5, St. John's-square, Cardiff ATLAS FURNISHING CO.—Carpets, Linoleum, Oilcloth, Clocks, Fenders, Fireirons, Cabinet ind otuer Furniture — 5, St John's squaie, Cardiff. 17^ORNISH ON THE~EfIRE~^ysTEM.~An"extsn- sive stock of Perambulators, single and double.— Atlas Furnishing Co., 5, St. Jobn's-sauare, Cardiff. A TLAS FURNISHING COiUB^fore going else- where, get their prospectus and view their stock, th< best and cheapest in the town. Perambulators len )ut on hire for a single week for 2s 6d. 1224 F~ URNISH ON THE HIRE SYSTEM —Easy repay ^euts.—Atlas Furnishing Co., &, John's- squ-yj^ irdiff. 86oe ~o J v'H on our New Hire System! HouseT^r °f #anents completely furnished on a new sys- i?por; Oi ifScj solely by us, whereby all publicty, e: ^his >i»d inquiries usually made by other coin- p«, f are dispensed with. We have an immense s:c £ Jt Household Furniture of cheap and superior quality. All goods solil on the Hire System at ready- money prices. We make no extra charge for credit and all goods sent home in a private van free of charge." No stamp or agreoinent charges made no bill of sale everything private. Arrangements completed without delay, and, neing manufacturers, we guarantee quality, and will undertake to supply furniture, &c., at 10 per cent, less than any price-list is-ued by any Una in Cardiff. Eleven how rooms. Call and inspect our roniense stock, and compare prices before purchasing t-isewhere. We will supply £ 5 worth for 2s 6d weekly S10 worth, 4s weekly E15 worth for 5s weekly £ 20 wl)rtl1, 6s wekly, and so on in pronortion. ;n"ei.1 terms tOI larger qnautitie*. Please note the Addn-sa -"OF.tB WALES FURNISHING COMPANY, 31 ^IIUE-BTFCBT OPPCIITT THE CACTLE), CAIDITT, = C' HRISTMAS BOXES.—500 beau ifnHy Scripture Texts framed in black i. ei^hteenpence; 6d each. Pitaires aau lpiano- ing Christmas.-Picture Frame Compau), next P an forte Shop, The Bridge, Newport, Mon- WILLIAM ItADNEDGE, Cabinet Maker, Uphol- W sterer, 44, Salisbury-road, Cathays, Cardiff. Venetian Blinds re-taped cleaned, and repaired. All orders promptly attended to. —— U^TVlWENTERTATNMK>:T.s-^apclf1't,enl3 VV with slides on hire. Special terms to schools G. Hills, 2, Mackintosh-place, Roath, Ca^idift. 7;_n"Social"PURITY and the INFIRMITIKS of e | MVV Addressed specially to young men, witn advice on Health, and containing Recipes that will rcstore Lhe ucrYiJUS and debilitated to the full power of Nlai,,ho,,d. Free for the bnetit of all who desire a srfe and •-peedv cure, without the aid of Quacks, Send one stamp'to prepay postage-Address Secre- tary, Institute of Anatomy. Birmingham. jHisallawons lEanis. E'N'I'LB,NIE,N'S al(I all kinds of Left-off Clothing ( 1 Bought by Mr and Mrs Green. Dumfries 32, Caroline-street, Cardiff Post O&cs Orders for^ all parcels sent. WA WASHING WANTED by a good L^u"(|1r(ff,s-|S?^1 drying ground.-Apply H.F., "^tio Ofcce, Cardiff. 27 jiiancy. ONEY ON.EY m Cash Advances made at a few hours notice from i-5 to E500, to Farmers, Market Gardeners Cowkeepers, Tr-desn-en and others, on their own security. No sureties required, No inquiry fees. Money lent on deposits, also tradesmen's bills discounted. Apply, 1 personally or by letter to Mr A. Jordan, Manager, Private Loan Office, Dock-street (corner of Skinner I' street), Newport M n &81 \"DVANCESM'ADE DAILY in sums from £ 3 to jl\ £ 300* to Tradesmen, Farmers, Market Gardeners, HousebuiLlers, auli Working Men, at a Low Kate of Interest Repayments to suit the borrowers' couvemsuce Distance no object. Distance no object. Strictly private and confidential. Office Hours, 10 a.m. to S p.m. Apply to the Secretary, CARDIFF AND SOUTH WALES LOAN SOCIETY 14, Custom House-street, Gardifr. P.S.—Enclose stamped envelope for prospectus and particulars' ^e-SOlO? N 0 LOA N OFFICE. NO ENQUIRY FEES, LOW INTEREST. Mr C. LAWRENCE is advancing daily to working men and other "on Ule;r own securicy suuls from £ 2 to £ 100. Apply personally or by letter to 5, Llantrissant-st, Cathays, Cardiff. CAS U~~ACCOMMODATTON.—The Cardiff and County Advance Bank continue., to nuke ad- rauces upon any approved security r?payab.e by in- stalments or otherwise, at moderate in..iest discounted.—Apply Manager, 9, Ca.roline-street. Car- diff. Established years. 1186 IMPORTANT NOTICE.—If you want money send stamp for prospectus, before borrowing e.sewbere to Mr Pike, 43, Salisbury-road, Cathay a, laidift. to-> A S H ADVANCED A T PER C ],N T t) APPLY CARDli F AND COUNTY ADVANCE B^K79 CAROLINE-STREET, CARDIFF 928 TiiK SOUTH"WALKS LOAN and" DISCOUNT OFFICE ADVANCES CASH rom £ 3 to £ 300 to Householders, Farmers and others" ithout security. If Borrowers cannot obtain an advance at this office they cannot do so by applying elsewhere. All business done strictly private and confidential. Apply, personally, or by letter, to Lewis, Manager, 1, St. John's-square, Cardiff. I Office hours 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. 21e PRIV \TE"GENTLEMAN has several sums of cash to advance in sums of £ 3 to letter only.-Address,Ri=hmonu-road. Caiaift 7*e O YOU W A N T MONEY Then apply personally or bvletter to HARRIS LEVENE. 229, COWBRIDGE ROAD. Sums advanced from £ 2 to £ 150 without delay. ?2e R 1 V AT K g U A IS O M P A M VT 19, BUTE-STREET, CARDIFF, AND 45. LLANARTH-STREET, NEWPORT (Next to Bristol and West of England Bank), are pre pared o ADVANCE CASH from R5 to L300 to House- holders, Farmers, Cowkeepers, Market Gardeners Mechanics, and others, upon their own security and without sureties in the strictest secrecy. No Pre- liminary Fees charged, and Cash advanced thesame day as application is made. 6 H E R E TO DINE. THE COMMERCIAL" RESTAURANT, 17, ST. MARY-ST. DINNERS READY AT 12 O'CLOCK. Chons and Steaks from the grill always ready. TRIPE SUPPERS ready at 7 p.m. every Tuesday and Friday. Sausages_and_Mashed Potatoes every evennig. 6s_ IMMEDIATE ltELHÆ FROM COUGH. "FJ^HOMAS'S JGJMULSION." A TRULY EFFICACIOUS MEDICINE For Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Bronchitis, Hoarseness Asthma. Hooping Cough, Difficulty of Breathing Incipient Consumption, and other Affections of the Pulmonary Organs. Sold in Bottles, at Is lid and 2s 9d each. "THOMAS'S EMULSION" Composed of the active properties of Herbs. RootPi and Balsams) will be found to act with in each of the above-mentioned complaints. It soothes, heals, and allays irritation, and removes t'aat feeling of suffocation so often attendant on the more violent and advanced stages. if not relieved, causes great prostration of the whole system. Asthmatic and agelt persons derive the greatest comfort by taking an occasional di se j ana, n taken at bed-time, it mostlv ensures a good night s rest it pro. motes gentla expectoration, and gives ease and freedom to the Lungs. As a remedy for Children in Hooping Cough, or Coughs arising from Colds, Fevers. Teething, Ac., it stands unrivalled it is taken readily, being agreeable to the taste, an advantage which will be at once appre- ciated by those who bave experienced the ciunciuty o administering nauseous preparations. A1 ady in Gloucester writes to say that soe consmers Thomas's Emulsion worth £ o a bottle. "R O D E R 1 c K S :\1' J^HEUMATIC ^JORDIAL." ]Lil Price, Is lid and 2s 9d.. This favourite remedy has long been justly esteemed as a specific for Rheumatic Gout, Sciatica, Lumbago, Gout, and all kinds of Rheumatism. A few doses taken at the commencement of an attach will in variably ensure relief. TOTAL DESTRUCTION OF THE CORN CROP AFTER using RJ^HE AMERICAN -a. CORN AND WART CURE!" Price 7&d and Is. per bottle. By post, 8d and Is 2J. Gare llill, Bath. Sept. 30th, 188. Sir,—Having tried Tlio American Corn and Wart Cure," I am thankful to say it has relieved me of two most troublesome corns,—Yours truly, A To Mr Roderick. Sole Proprietor of the above Preparations, T. RODERICK, CHEMIST, PONTYPOOL. Sold )jy uli Chemists. j London Dep&;10, Bow Churchyard, E.G. 1233 A G t.Nfs :— CARDIFF :-ColeMal-, t Co., Chemists, Rigt-streit, PenaRiH :—Proctor, Clieuiist. mWaksea John Da vies, Ciiemist. 31, High-stieet. NjiwfoitxJulm YtJUII! 1'jJ,.la.¡i..4¡ C..tJn¡t lii.u'-ueci,. jhmis £ m«nts. CAilDIFJT. T HEATPE ROYAL, CARDIFF. LESSEE AND MANAGER.Mr EDWARD FLETCHER. ACTING MANAGER Mr JOHN SHERIDAN. GREAT AND GLORIOUS SUCCESS. TO-DAY (WEI)NICSDAY). December 29th, GRAND DAY PERFORMANCE, at Two O'CLOCK. TO-NIGHT AT 7.15 Magnificent and Gorgeous Production of Mr FLETCHER'S Sixth Christmas Pantomime, J>OBINSON QEUSOE. Written for this Theatre by J. J. BISGOOD, B.A. Most charming scenery ever seen in Pantomime, by Mr F. EllSSER JONtS, Beautiful Coscunies, '.x- piessly designed by Mr MARTIN BYAM. New mechanical etlects, by Mr FitED BLACKLER. Mui; composed, and arranged by Mr CHAS. LAMSLEY. POWERFUL COMPANY OF SPECIALLY SELECTED ARTISTES, Including the Charming Burlesque Actress, MISS LIZZIE BOONH; tho Favourite Prima Donna, Miss Bianche Gerard; Miss Alice Dorie, 118 Louisa Gumcrsa!, Mr Lloyd Townrow, Mr Will Cuthbert, Mr W. jAfanniiig, and the Celebrated Martin Family. SS" For Children and Parties living at a distance, there will be MORNING PERFORMANCES TO-DAY, Wednesday, December 29th: Thursday, December 30th; Saturday, January 1st, 1887; and ev ry Saturday, until further notice, at Two o'clock. Box Plan at Messrs Thompson and h:1\'kell's. Dress Circle, .3s Juveniles under 12, 2s. SPECIAL PANTOMIME TRAINS. Taff Vale It,iilway.-Speciil Pantomime Trains for Treherbert, Aberdare, and Merihyr, Thursdays, Dec. 30th, Jan. ath, Jan. 13th. Rhymney Railway.—-io Ehymney, Thursday, Jan. 13th. To Merthyr, Aberdare, &c., Thursday, Jan. 6th and 20th. Great Western Ra.ilway.-From Swansja, Thursday, Dec 30th, and Jan. &h, Leaving Cirdiff at 11 p.m. pHILHARMONIC MUSIC HALL. Proprietress Mrs RHOIU, MORRELLA Manager Mr C. M. RODNEY I'.xtva Attractions for the Xmis Holidays. Engage- men: Extraordinary of Mdlle. RAFAEL und Sianor RKiARETTO, tho Statue Marvels; MICHAEL NOLAN, Miss FLORRIE ST. LOUIS, ESKE and VOLlEff, TOM CALLAGHAN. Special Engageiubnt of the BROTHER'S HARRISON, Irish Knockabout Comedians. For Six Nights Oniv, RIVALLI, the Fire Prince, in iiis Grand Firf-proof Entertainment. 979a NEV/PORT. VICTORIA THEATRE, NEWPORT, V MON. MANAGES, Mr F. C. COWLARD. ,NLOTICE.-D open at 7.15. Saturdays—half-hour earlier. Performance punctually at 7.45. Great Attraction for the Christmas Holidays. TO NIGHT, AND DURING THE WEEK. Important Engagement of Mtssrs ELLISTON and ARTHUR'S Dramatic Company in the Great )!O¡\i! Drama, A MOTHER'S SIN, Written by Mr W. Reynolds. Tableau 1.—The Cottage by the Sea. Tableau 2.—TheMandeville Bank. Tableau 3.—The Harvest Field. Tableau 4.—Rendezvous at Eugleston Mill. Tableau 6.—The Ruined Water Mill. Tableau 6.—The Conspiracy. 11RICES OF ADMISSION.—Boxes (single seats), s Orrhestial (Reserved) Stall, 3s Balcony, Is 6d Pit, Is; Gallery, uii. Private Boxes by special arrange- ment. Half-price at 9 o'clock, cheats may be booked iujuuance at Mai ock and 858e SWANSEA, J EVISOJ LEVINO LEVINO LEVINO j LEVINU LEVINO LEVINO j LEVINO JQRILL-HALL, SWANSEA. TO-NIGHT. WEDNI'.SDAY, DEC, 29th, AND EVERY EVENING EXCKPT SATUR- DAY at 7.45, PROF. LEVINO in lES- MERISM Dolph and Susie Levino in Rival Arts Gfirciun, the Comical Panto- mime Clown, on the Crazy (ilo))e Titus and Co. in Snectres Master It- ,bert, Juvenile Cornet Soloist Val. Miller ill Pure Ventriloquism. Popular prices Back Area, 6d Balcony and Front Arc,, l,s and 2s Children half-price. Levino.. Drill Hall, Swansea. USEFUL CHRISTM VS PRESENTS. OIL PAInSG", WATEK-COLOUR DRAWINGS, PROOF ETCHIN S AND ENGRAVINGS, PHlNT15, CHIiOMOS, | A large Collection of which can be seen at J. R. WOODS FINE ART GALLERY, 3, CASTLE-STREE'C (OPPOSITE THE CASTLE), 49a CARDIFF. 2372 The most artistic Picture-frame Maker in Cardiff." £ 2>aies by udian. iiRACTIONS AT THE AUCTION AND STORAGE COMPANY HIGH-STREET. MR BEREYMAN (iate Fell & Co.) is NOW OPEN with a SELECT STOCK OF CHINA AND OTHER GOODS, suitable for every home. Inspection invited. SALE BY AUCTION EACH EVENING, 63e Seven o'clock. 2159 ..<1<11- iitllirat tails. New Edition Price 2s 6d. By Post. 2s 8d. DIAGNOSTICS OF AURAL DISEASE, By S.E. SMITH, Esq.. M.R.C.S. Eng., Surgeon to the late National Ear Institution, London author of a treatise oil Deafness and D seases of the Bar and Inventor of the new method of introducing remedial agencies into the cavity of the Tympanum through the L, ustachiait Tube. Mr S. E. Smith's -1 Diagnostics of Aural Disease has reached a tilth ed tion. and to the original work Mr Smith, whuse skill is well known andjustiy appreciated, has added results of experience and investigations since the tirst edition, and descriptions of his newly, invented instruments tor the treatment of those diseases of the ear in which electricity is of service. Mr Smith's reputation will be enhanced by the addi- tional matter, and the booK rendered more interesting and useful by the new illustrations.—Bristol Times and girt-or. ATTENDANCE DAILY FROM 11 TILL 2 O'CLOCK. 978e HIGH-STREET ARCADE CARDIFF. 1778 __n_- í1tg 1Jt:í1?Íi25. rrHE CARDIFF BUILDING T SOCIETY. Under tho revised Rules, now offer the following advantages TO DEPOSITORS. 1.—Deposits received and paid out daily with the same facility as in Banks. NOTICE.—Present Rate of Interest on Deposits 4 and 4 per cent. N.B.—OFFICE OPEN on SATURDAY EVENINGS, 6.30 to 8. TO SHAREHOLDERS. 2.-Five per cent. compouud interest guaranteed from mouth of entry. "Bonus added to shares which have remained in force for more than two years. 4.-Sbres withdrawable at one month's notice, with Interest and Bonus added to date of withdrawal. Prospectuses,Rules, and information may be obtained of the undersigned, PETER PRICE Secretary. Hea.d Office 3, Crockherbtown, Cardiff. 93ei2)1 jyjOST MONEY LENT ON PLATE, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELLERY, &c., AT P. PHILLIPS', 43, CAROLINE-STREET, CARDIFF. LOANS ABOVE £10 AT 11 PER CENT. INTEREST. 2 45e A large Assortment of unredeemed Watches, Chains, Gold Rings, &c., forSaie at marvellous Low Prices. o R A N G E S 0 P- A N G E S Best Palerino Oranae 5s to 5s 6d per box; Special Prices for Lots of 10 or 20 Boxes. Bordeaux ONIONS, just arrived, splendid condition. Apply If. FLooK #I&rket-8treet, Newport. HE INE AIIT ~gTUDIO, T F ks QUE i N-STREET ARCADE. Mr CHAPMAN'S PHOTOGRAPHS Are giving every satisfaction. Most complimentary I' expression-) of-opinion from ail who have been Photographed. Prices 2s 6d for 4s for Ó, and 7s ior 12. I All taken by the Latest, B And Quickest- processes, 'ù iveatfier rtJtiiy 11\0 u.t. 170 Unsiiusa ^DDi'isais. A UTUMN AND INTER. TT STYLISH SEASONABLE SPECIALTIES. SUITABLE SELECTIONS. BESPOKE AND PREPARED CLOTHING DIVISIONS. g T. ARY g T R LET, cA R Di F Fl. I JOTHAM AND gONS with due respect advise you of their PRE- PAREDNESS in the BESPOKE SEC TION for AUTUMN AND WTNTKR • The progressive preference for their HIGH CLASS TAILORING DRESS attests its INIMITABLE VALUK. and the judgment and approval of PATRONS are truly leiarded. JOTHAM AND gONS rightlv anticipating an increased request for OROERMD GARYmNT, have made ultra- provision of FANCY and STANDARD SUIT. INGS, VESTINGS, TROUSERINGS, OVEH. COATINGS, the CHIEF VARIETIES of the PRINCIPAL ENGLISH, SCOTCH, and IRISH MANUFACTURERS, which place their M15 As UR ED-FOR CLOTHING DE. on an the FIRST WEST-END LONDON HOUSES. JOTHAM AND SONS have faiourably revised many prices, and the cliarg,-s throughout are on that very CONSI- DERATE SCALE which ha.s createct snc.i a WIDE, DISTINGUISHED aud GENERAL CiRCLEOF PATRONaGE. AcoittinuiLticeof your favours or tirst orders will be highly esteemed. JOTHAM AND gONS have provided COLLECTIONS of PREPARED CLOTHING, which are "ALL AND IN ALL for the SK.ASONS, and the eldest )fseutb!.incd to BESPOKE DRESS possible to produce. Their position as the CHIEF AND CklEAPES f CLOTUIERS will be fullv sustiined. and pur- will have a CHOICE AGAINST THE WEST OF ENGLAND AND SOUTH WALES. JOTHAM AND gONS T advi>e the examining of ANNEXED SPECI- MENS, they will guide in selecting, and show the EXTREME EXCELLENCE and CON- FIRM El* CHEAPNESS of the FIRM'S BESPOKE AND PREPARED APPARE: The GREATEST SAVING. PLEASURE, and SATISFACTION are experienced by those who do business in any department "JOTHAM & SONS. > < gT. ]^/| ARY- gTR l £ ET, CARDIFF. X X (^ARPENTEll (^O'S CELEBRATED C A I N S C R O S S "jJ'AMILY ^LES AND gTOUT, 1 S, PEP. GALLON, Carnage raid. Brewed from Best English Malt and Hops. Cannot be equalled at the price. Once tried always kept in the house. AGET- TAYLOR & SON, 917e i63, CASTLE-ROAD, CARUIFF. X X RIDGE HOUSE, COWBRIDGE. A. DAVIES A. DAVIES Respectfully announces that her SHOW-ROOMS ARE NOW OPEN with an assortment of New Goods in giva: variety. Christmas and New Year's Cards selec- ¡ ted from the best makers. Also a large assortment of Annual, and Volumes for the young. Albums, Prayer Books, Ladies Bags, Piush Pouches, Brass and China. Goods, White Wood Goods, with views of Cowbridge, Laubiethian, Pcnliyne Castle, Hensol Castio, St. Donatt's Castle, ec. Cameos, Felt, Plush, and Cross- stitch Work, in all the newest designs. Berlin Wool, etc., of everv description. The favour of a call will greatly oblige. 2449 7Se g l L P H O L I N E O T I O N~~ rOR CLEARING THE SKTN. SPOTS, BLEMISHES, BLOTCHES, REDNESS, ROUGHNESS, DISCOLOURATWNS, UNSIGHTLY OBJECTIONABLE APPEARANCES UNCOMFORTABLE SKIN DISFIGUREMENTS, Entirely fade away. Q ULPHOLIN E LOTION makes the SKIN o HEALTHY, SOFT. BEAUTIFUL, TRANSPARENT, SMOOTH, SUPPLE, SOFTENS and PRESERVES GIVES a HEALTHY SURFACE, COUNTERACTS EFFECT of WEATHER. EMBELLISHES and IMPROVES. Bottles, 2s 9d. SI-ILI everywhere. CJULPHOLINE. —The best SKIN LOTION K3 BEAUTIFULLY FRAGRANT COOLING and REFRESHING. A most DESIRABLE APPLICATION ABSOLUTELY PURE and HARMLESS. Buttles, 2s 9d. Sold everywhere. pEPPER'S QUININE AND JRON JL 2s. 6d. rf ONIC. 2s. 6d. JL HEALTH, STRENGTH, ENERGY. GREAT BODILY STRENGTH, GREAT NERVE STRENGTH. GREAT MENTAL STRENGTH GREAT DIGESTIVE STRENGTH, Follows the use of PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIC. It improves tin appetite, promotes digestion, greatly strengthens the nerves, increases strength of pulse, gives hrmness ;o the muscles, alters pale countenance, supplies deficient heat to weak circula tions, overcomes bodily weariness and weakness, cures many painful complaints—neuralgia, sciatica, Ac.; is a remedy for dyspepsia, stomach affections, and thoroughly recruits the health. PEPPER'S QUININE & IRON TONIC. MOST IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. A new, smaller size bottle of this valuable medicine is now supplied at 2s 6d. thus bringing it to the reach of all classes, and greatly preventing the many injurious imitations largely offered. PEPPER'S TONIC. Insist onhaving it. Bottles, 12 doses, 2s 6d; next size, 32 dozes, 4s 8d. Sold eevery where. p E PP ER S rp A RA SACUM AND pODOPHYLLIN. THE SAFEST ANTIBILIOUS MEDICINE. A FLUID LIVER MEDICINE, WITHOUT MERCURY, MADE FROM DANDELION AND MANDRAKE ROOTS. Is now used and regularly prescribed by many Physicians instead of blue pill and calomel for the cure of dyspep;.ia, billiousness, and all symptoms of con- gestion of the liver, which are generally paiii beneath the shoulders, headache, drowsiness, no appetite, furred toinaie, disngreeable taste in the morning giddiness disturbance of the stomach, and feeling of general depression. Bottles, 2s 9d and 4s 6d. bold by all Cheiiiists. Insist oil having Pepper's LOCKYER'S gULPHUR JJAIR PC ESTORE-P. THE BEST. THE SAFEST. THE CHEAPEST. RESTORES THE COLOUR TO GREY HAIR. INSTANTLY STOPS THE RAm FROM FADING OCCASIONALLY USED, GREYNESS IS IMPOSSIBLE. REMOVES SCURF, AND EMBELLISHES THE HAIR, CAUSING IT TO GROW WHEREVER THIN AND PATCHY. I ble Laige bcttlej, Is 5U -Old everywhere, UOto ;Busín£55 ^SSirgasts. ASH WORTH'S MARKET, HAMS,' 4iU 2 TiVic or smokiiJ. Best, ^*0, Beat ASH WORTH'S | 9, Bridge-street. j ge PIANOS.—WHY BE WITHOUT ONE When you can become the owner of a nice ustrument for tho small pnymeut of 10s 6(i PER MONTH ON rjmOMPSON AND g HACKELL S (LDllED HIRE SYSTEM? No security required, and the instrument delivered to purchaser on payment of first monthly instalment. Every instrument guaranteed, and exchanged if not approved ORGANS AND HARMONIUMS ON SIMILAR TERMS. Catalogues free ou application. THOMPSON AND SHACK ELL, PIANOFORTE AND MUSIC WAREHOUSE, QUEEN'S BUILDINGS, CARDIFF Also at SWANSEA, NEWPORT, MERTHYR and GLOUCESTER. 24Ue "RUSSELL'S WATCHES." "1 (Worth £ 6).—In return for remittance 1 v I send free and safe per post one of rcy own specially made "RELIABLE" KEYLESS LEVER WATCHES (Lady's or Gentleman's nze). This Watch is full jewelled in rubies, has chronometer balance, and soundest keyle,;s work; in massive sterling silver cases, flat crystal glass, gold winding button, and gold joints. jrt -j —The same movement, of finest finish, called V the "CHALLENGE," in a specially massive and heavy 18-carat gold case, with flat crystal glass. 0«T>— THE £ 2 LEVERS," in two sizes, for Ladies owri and Gentlemen, are famous timekeepers, and are guaranteed by the tirm. Send your Wafch and Jewellery Repairs by Post registered), which will be given only to skilful work- men. Estimates sent before doing the work, and I take risk and cost of carriage back. "WATCHES El TO £100" F (Illustrated Pamphlet sent Free on Application). Rftilway Fares Paid when same do not exceed 5 per cent, on Watch Purchases. MR T. R. RUSSELL, MAKER TO THE QUEEN. CATHEDRAL WORKS 18, CHURCH-STREET, 12701 LIVERPOOL. 913e USEFUL QH 11 1ST MAS pRESENTS JL AND E WY E A R'S G- I F T S A ve;y Large and Choice Assortment of SILK HAND and Ni CKERCHIEFS. Choice Assortment of LADIES' WOOLLEN all SILK SHAWLS, WRAPS, and CLOU All the Latest. Novelties in FRiLLINGS, MOBCAPS. and NECKTIES. FEDORA FRONTS, COLLARS, and COLLARETTES, in Silk, i-arm, Piush, and Lace. A verv Choice Lot of LADIES' and CHILDREN'S APRONS and PINAFORES, very cheap. GENTLEMEN'S DRESSING GOWNS and SMOKING CAPS. LADIES* and G EXlI,KMEN'S best London-Made UMBRELLAS, in all the newest designs. One of the Largest, stocks to select Ù 0111, and at prices ower than ever before. LADIES' aid CHILDREN'S JERSEYS of very superior quality, at extraordinary low prices. LAI) and GENTLEMEN'S GLOVES of every <Îescripioll. Thel.arpest Stock of SCARVES and TIES in South all the latest novelties. Awell-selectett Stock of LADIES'and CHILDREN'S UNDERCLOTHING and WOOL GOODS. All the Latest styles in ENGLISH and FRENCH MILLINERY at Moderate Prices. I,ADIE; !tnd MUFFS and BOAS. GENTLEMEN'S CARDIGANS and TRAVELLING REGS. FOOTBALL JERSEYS and KNICKERS in all sizos. HOSE and HALF-HOSE ot special qualities. Cuffs, Collars, Fronts. Braces, Belts, Garters, Studs, Links, Solitaires, Tie, Bows, Gloves, Shirt, Pants, Vests. &c., tc., t-c. All the goods will be found very cheap; in fact, cheaper than ever before. "T. I{ÔRNElt & o° > 27, 28, 29, 30, & 31, ROYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF. S8e ESTABLISHED 1865. 12781 2122 i ~T~ J^pRSH AND £ 10MPANY. ADULTS FUNERALS. 1st Class, with bast Hearse and Coach, oil the most modern principle, with a pair of their well- known Flemish-bred Horses to each, 0110 inch Elm Polished Coffin, best registered furniture, with elaborate name-plate engraved, tine satin trimmerlrobe, and self attendance,. ,.£5 5 0 Marsh <fe Co.'s 2nd Class ditto, ditto 4 4 0 Marsh&Co.'s3rd,withimprovedcarriage 5 3 0 Marsh & Co.'s 4th. ditto,ditto 2 10 0 CHILDREKS FUNERALS, Including pair Flemish-bred Horses, modern Coach, with all the latest improvements, Po- lished Coffin, lined with tine flannel, and attendance. Under one year £ 110 0 Under two years 1 11 0 One-horse carriage, including coffin covereu in black, blue, or polished, lined with thmllcl, modern coadl, anrt attendance. Under six months 0 18 6 Under one year 10 0 Under two years 1 1 0 And so on in propoition. Handsome Car, Carved or Plain Hearse, Mourning Coaches and Brotghams, Ostrich Plumes, è. 634 Address— 0, St. Mary-street Cardiff • I I JJALSAM SUPERSEDED! MAT MILTON S AMERICAN HERB PASTE. MAT Is warranted to cure ail AMERICAN MILTON'S MAT MILTON'S MAT MILTON'S MAT MILTON'S MAT MILTON'S MAI' MILTON'S MILTON'S MAT MILTON'S AMERICAN HERB j PASTE, MAT MILTON'S AMERICAN HERB PASTE. 747e discharges from the urinary; organs in either sex.l Thoroughly reliable con- venient to take. In tins,; 2s 9d and 4s txl each. Free by post 3d extra. HEWSON'S COMPOUND PENNYROYAL PILLS FOR FEMALES. In boxes. Is lid and2s 9a each: free by post 2d extra. Local Agents: Cardiff,Mr In boxes. Is lid and2s 9d each: free by post 2d extra. Local Agents: Cardilf, Ilr Munday, Chemist, 1, Duke- i-itreet Newport, Mr J. Phillips, 92, Commercial-, trl!et Swansea, Mr Keall, Chemist, 199, High-street F. jj, Hewsou, 8, Victoria- avenua, Maind««, Newport, Mon. London Barclay & Sons. HERB PASTE. AMERICAN HERB PASTE. [AMERICAN HERB PASTE. AMERICAN HERB PASTE. MAT MILTON'S AMERICAN u I." R u PASTE. MAT MILTON" AMERICAN Rima PASTE. 1042 TNJECTION DAY. An INFALLIBLE -t_ REMEDY and certain cure for all Discharges from the Urinary Organs in either sex, whether acquired or constitutional, recent or chronic: cures in a few davs without medicines. Sold in bottles, 2s 6d each (by p 'st 2s 9d), by all chemists. London agents, F. Newuery and Sons, 1. King Ldwgrd-sutft, LC. 4.'en: for Cnr.liR J. M.i'M'V, C-s?, 1 370e business ^Dresses. BUY NONE BUT ENGLISH WATCHES. INVENTORIES' GOLD MEDAL-HIGHEST AWARD. WATCHMAKER TO H.M. THE QUEE. J. W. B E N s 0 N- "O EN SON'S SILVER LUDGATE WATCH. S, 5 5s JJENSON'S LUDGATE WATCH. EN SON'S SILVER LUDGATE BEsT WATCH. QUALITY B ENSON'S £7 lO LUDGATE WATCH j^ENSON'S GOLD LUDGATE £ 12 13, WATCH. I B ENSO:N'S LUDGATE WATCH. J^ENSON'S GOLD JL), LUDGATE best WATCH. QUALHY B ENSO-N s LUDGATE WATCH. "No working man should iJií without this sound and reliable Watch."—LLOI'D'S. Deserves the success it has ob- tain cti A IL Y LTLEURAPH. A good WTatch at a, U, u li era. t II rice. Lc ito. "Is an admira- 1..1" specimen of sound English workmanship, and therefore superior tu Aii)ericaii1Swi«s, oi country-made Watches."—TIMES. ENGLISH j-plate I Lever lU massive r sterling Silver Cases with Crystal Glass, best London make, and jewelled throughout. Ti-ue C in o ii o m e t f. r j balance. Benson's Illustrated Pamphlets of Watches from S3 2s, Clocks, and Jewellery, free. J. W, 1-1 E N S 0 N, SOLE MAKE", STEAM FACTORY, 62 & 64, LUDGATE HILL, E.C. 28, ROYAL EXCHANGE, AND 2J, OLD BOND-STREET, LONDON. —— 8S:e I BENSON'S CLUBS.—Applications for Agencies to form Clubs invited from Foremen, Pay Clerks, and others. Liberal terms. Bonus to Members. D HEATH'S I P 1 A F 0 R T E S OUGANS AND JJARMONIUMS k-fi JUL I JJ E A T H AND g O N S Ai- rjlHREE YE-k" S' gYSTEM I Is Applied to the Higher and Purchase of Instruments I by a!l Makers, fr,, iii 10s Monthly. I Every Instrument Guaranteed. Co-operative Prices for Cash. j The Largest Stock in Wales to Select from 12, Crockherbtown Cardiff. 2b9 I — | JpURNITUBE REMOVALS. WIlEX MOVING, EMPLOY MITCHELL S FURNITURE VANS. All Orders Carefully and Promptly Executed. 8, NORTH-STREET, CARDIFF. 31e ",TITH A WEALTH OF WARMTH, & T JUST AT THE NICK OF TIME.' W. P R I C E & SONS' WINTER OVERCOATS, REEFERS, YACHTING JACKETS, SUITS, &-c.. Are offered to the Public at the possible prices- all bought before the advance at Wool Sales. PRICES OF OnmCOATS-ewest Fasliioiis- 15/ 20. 25/ 35/ 40/ 45/ PRICE OF OVERCOATS, with Capcs- 40/ 45/ 55/ PRICES OF WATERPROOF COATS-Indiarubbers- 511, 10;- 15/ 20/ 25/ 30/ 40/ 50/ PRICES OF AND YACHTINGS— ) 10/ 1b/" 20, 2,5,1-. 30i.. PRICES OF WINTER SUITS— 17/6. 20i., 25/ 30,1-, 35/ 45/ JI., Address THE C A It D IFF 1-10 USE. FASHIONABLE CI.OTHING AND OUTFITTING STORE 50 A ,•> ST. MARY STREE, and46&47, CAROLINE- llle STREET. CARDIFF. IOC7 ROYAL ARCADE, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN S H AIR-DRESSING g A LOON. NOW OPEN. Proprietor, W. B. 1) EN FORD 933 35 ROYAL ARCADE CARDIFF. FOR CARVING AND GILDING, FOR FRAMING PICTURES, FOR A GOOD ENGLISH GOLD FRAME, FOR RESTORING OLD PAINTINGS,J Go to G. J. ROBERTS, SENK., 35, THE ROYAL ARCADE. THE OLDEST FIRM IN CARDIFF. 13e TO WORKING MEN MUSICAL MECHANICS. Ac. A HANDSOME WALNUT COTTAGE HARMONIUM, Five octaves, double bellows, Guaranteed to stand, may be purchased at Jg "J^EWMAN AND gONS, NEW PIANOFORTE WAREHOUSE, NEWPORT, MON., ON PAYMENT OF 2s 6d PER WEEK FOR 13 MONTHS; or a WALNUT GOTHIC AMERICAN ORGAN With Knee Swell, at 4s PER WEEK FOR 12 MONTHS. E43e 40, B RIDGE-ST., CARDIFF. p FOLLICK, PAWNBROKER.—Most • Money lenton gold and silver valuables. OVER S2 AT THK RATE OF 4d IN THE POUND INTEREST EXCEEDING £ 10 AT 3d IN THE POUND INTEREST. Large assortment of gold and silver watches and t diamond ringi very cheap Special lots of gold we<Wins tints snd keepeis. o %»H5im55 -Abbressrz. REGISTERED ACCORDING TO ACT OF X PARLIAMENT. X RELIEF FROM COUGHS AND COLDS IN FIVB MINUTES BY TAKING rpUDOR -ILLIAMS'S pATENT B ALSAM OF HONEY. II? you are suffering .light and dav with a dreadful wearying, harassing Cough, and scarcely able La tafk, or walk, or breathe, you should u«p. TUDOR IVI ILIA.NIS' BALSA-NL OF HONEY Relieves the Hacking Coush, Old Standing Cold Shortness of Breath, Hoarseness, Spitting of Blood: Croup, SViiooping Cousin, Bronchitis, Asthma, Quinsev' and all disorders of the Throat, Chest, and LurUs The peculiar virtues of this Bdsam coi ist ill it- expectorating and healing properties iõ dissolves the piliezin enaoles the patient to expect.oritt.e freely, and to breathe when lying down without fear of suffocation- it t)lal soreness always felt at the chest from sevet-ti and continued coushiug, and they who tiavto long been deprived of theu- necessary rest at nieht will, on taking t,he BALSAM OF HOXEY. experience the blessing of undisturbed sleep. IN THK NURSERY It is invaluable for children suffering from Whoopin Coush, Uld (.olds,Bronchitis and Cough; relieves thela instantly. Once tried, alwavs used. [TESTIMONIALS ] From Mr David Jenkins, Musical Eache Aberystwyth. Aberystwyth College, Nov. 2nd 1833 DEAR SIR,-It gives me pleasure to testify to the soothing influence of your "Bal8ani of Honey" on the vocal_tubes. As 1 had to sing at thre% successive meetings, I can veuture to express an opiuion as to its ertect in securing foi the throat freedom of action and t1exibihty, Doctors and CltttnuU rtcommena Tudor Williams' Parent Balsam of Honey. In November, '32. my children had severe Cold, luces-ant Cough, and Bronchitis. I gave them TUDOft W 1LLIAM.S s BALSAM OF HONEY, which relieved them instantly oi their couh. and by the end of the week they were quite well. I can conscientiously recom- mend it to all respectable families, knowing it be a. bona tide medicine. 1 hare a creat sale for it e.- Yours truly, T. W. EVASS, M.P.S., Chemist Treherbert. FACTS WORTHY OF NOTICE. Caradot; stittes — A marvellous remedy for a cough, Sauvage Cured my bronchitis. Dyfell I can speak highly of it for hoarse ness. Mabon, M.P., states-It is worthy of being extensively known. I lew Llwyfo Effectual remedy for tight chest. Mayor of Lecminster states- I can speak in the highest „ „ terms of its efficacv. Sola by all Chemists and dealers in Patent Medicines. In bottles Is Hd, 2s 9d, and 4s cd each. Mreat saving by taking the larger bottle. Ask distinctly for Tuaor Williams's Balsam of flonev. A case containing three 4s 6d bottles sent direct from Proprietor for 12s. Prepared only by the pronrietor 9C5e D. TUDOR WILLIAMS, L.D.S., MEDICAL HALL, ABERDARE. U N D A Y'S "-V I R I D I N Ell.- QORNS CORNS! QORNS CORNS! CORNS QORNS 0ORNS CORNS! QORNS c ORNS! c OPINS! £ JORNS CORNS J QORNS COP..NIS i 0ORNS QORNS c OPINS (0ORNS CORNS: 0ORNS ^ORNS COHNS QORNS 10RNS i CORl'S! CORNS: QORNS J CORNS! QORNS CORNS! c ORNS, CORNS' c ORNS! 0OIINS CORNS c ORNS CORNS: c OPI-NS QORNS Trade Mark), No. 36996. A CERTAIN- CURE FOR CORNS, Painless and Harmless This infallablereniedy introduced by J. MUNDAY has obtained a world-wide reputation. The efficacy of VTiU- DIKE" may be judged by its having Cured Corns of over OO years' standing, which had resisted all other remedies.' It succeeds where al Plasters and Caustics have failed IN REMOVING BOTH HARD OR SOFT CORNS AND WARTS TESTIMONIALS. From Mr A. W. CAMPBELL, Pier Hotel, Ilfracombe. Mr Munday SIR,— I feel I owe an acknowledg- ment to you for supplying aie with vour woiiderful VIRIDINE.' For years I 'trs suffered a great deal of pain from a very obstinate corn, but since applying your remedy it is entirely gone. I may add that your" VIRIDINE' has removed three troublesome corns from members of my family. From Mr HOPKIN HOPKIN Gorseinon, near Swansea. Dear Sir,—I heartily congratulate you for yourtreatment for corns. The bottle of Viridine you sent me some time ago has proved almost miraculous to the corns I had on my feet. It is exactly the remedy what you recommend it to be, and I hope it will become more known in the prill- cipality, for there are, no doubt, hundreds of persons that would be glad to know of its effects. From Mdlle. MARIE MULLER. Amsterdam, Holland Mr Munday. DLAit ,iift, -I bought a bottle of your eeuuiile "Viridine some six months ago iu Paris, which cured me I and as I am a principal dancer you know my feet are my living. The bottle I bought did the service you recom- mended it, but I bought another one afterwards which was forced and no oQLi, 'As T want a bottle of yennine for a friend of mine, who is nearly mad with pain, will von please send me one d.rec Mdlle. MARIE MULLER From Mr D. ANTHONY, Swansea. Dear Sir,—1 myself have suffered with corns, and tried several of the certain cures which people boast they have, but they all failed in my case I then got a bottle of your Viridine, and by applying some nighly to the I corn I was surprised to find that 1 could draw it clean np. I now enciose stamps for another bottle for a friend of mine. t CAUTION.-As there are several un. itations of this preparation, the public are requested to AK FOR MONDAY'S "VIRIDINE," And SEE THAT MY SIGNATURE is Oil the I end of each package. By ordering Corn Cure' you may receive one of the many so-called remedies' which only give relief, or some worthless imitation of I Viri. dine." In Bottles, price Is, by post Is 2d. PREPARED ONLY BY J. I U N D A Y CHEMIST, 1, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF Agents; London—WILCOX -t Co, Chomisir 239, Oxford-street, All F. NEWBERRY A SON*. SANGER, SUTTON, HOVENDEN, Ac Liverpool- SlMES & Co., 58, Bold-strett. Dublin-HA Y I'; <&: Co., 12, Grafton-street. Paris-PHARMACIE BERAL, 14, Rue de la Paix. Amsterdam—PERRY & Co.. 97, Kalverstraat. And all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors. 1258.3-92 STIFF'S SiA RCB 80Id in lb. Picture Boxes. Soid in 51b. Packets. STIFF'S STARCH. Bes Warranted Pure. SJ TIFF'S STARCH. Most Economical. TIFF'S STARCH. Most Economical. o For Collars. OTIFFS STAKCH. "birt STIFFS STARCH. Riw"" For Ciiti». ks For Cii tii. STIFF'S STARCH. Fa: Lltc", For Linen. STIFF'S STARCH. TIFF'S STARCH. XFSIIRLSSNK. O Note the Cantion Label SJ TIFF'S STARCH. the Trade Mark Sold oy Grocers. STIFF'S STARCH. Wholesale— TIFF'S STARCH. STIFF A CO., 12fcSj 1114 R K DOLUS-ST., JJiilSTOfc