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:=: Small Prepaid Advertisements I of the Wanted" and To be Let" class. 20 WORDS SIXPENCE. THREE TJMES NINEPENCE. S/X TIMES ONE SHILLING. WORDS. THRKE SIX TIM MS. TIMES. 20 Words q 6 0 9 1 0 30 Words 0 9 1 01 6 II! f¡0 Words i o i623 -1 50 Words 1 3 2 6 3 9 Words i 6 3 0 4 6 ,,Sfw7?r'i?Teillell's t,'ie a-l)0V« class inserted in tin? 'VALES ECHO," the "CAUUWI' TIMUS," ami the ^aoUi'H WALKS DAILY NEWS" at the following vato:— Six times iu Six times Sir Once°i'n nmn,, in J' Cardiff Times, WOIU)t>. South WaW o,^ e 5l) Echo n v«S° Six times m Cardiff 1 lilies. g0ULj, Wales I>aily News. TV 2 6 Words 1 6 2 3 3 9 40 W ordfl 2 3 3.3 5 6 50 Words 3 9 5 0 8 9 60 Word, 4 6 6 0 10 6 $TatrimomaI. 1^ you are married, or contemplating t^tin*? JjjjT portant seep, we can send you valuable info wni°. y2U ou*ht t0 kll0W" Spnd ?0Ur a' Address H g! l» send catalogue and pamphlet free. Add rLerr, Mostyn-rnad, Merton, Surrey. 204 JHwsiral.. lesoons i„ .,ingjaa: and voice production, Saturday, August 20th, at 5,'Crock'uerbtown, Caiuitr. PROFESSOR (experienced) gives Pianoforte. sins- ing, and Elocution Lessons.—97, Tudor loaa, &. Clive-road, Canton, Card if; or Pupils Residences. £ fernis moderate. =- Domestic erbnnts. HOUSEMAID (experienced) wanted.—Apply at 42, Park-place, Cardiit.. OHltt HOUSEMAID. — Wanted an experienced House- maid. Apply at Glenboime, teach road, Penarth. WANTliDi m ule iliately, General Servant family; good reference required.—A pplv/.9, Talbot-street, Cathedral-road, C'ilil_———^ Situations Vacant. & G TAYLOFT"Pbotoscraphers to tlie Quetn, Duke-street, Cardiff, can give employment to a few additional agents. 424 OOK FOLDERS.—Young Woman Wanted com- petent folder, account-book sewer, and quick at numbering machine.—Apply, third floor youth M ales Printing Works, Westgate-street. LAD wanted for the Pawnbroking Trade, to eat on premises.—Apply 58, Wood-street, Temperance- town, Carditf. 432 Xobgings, ^partnmtts, &r. ,4~ PaRTMENTS-to" letfor one or two young gentle- ^ltL men in De Burgh-street.—Address H.X., Daily News" office, Cardiff. 4923 LOWlNCi-Comfurtablerior one gentleman or two friends. 60. Miskin street, Cathays, iD 451 ^ousfs, &c., ma 1Eet. ELDON-STREET (57), re-papered throughout, five bedrooms, bathroom, every convenience; rent 12s.—Mr Montgomery, Estate Agent, 231, Cowbridge- road. Canton, Cardiff. ° 328 OUSE 1) SHOP to let rent 10s; suit HOUSE AND SHOP to Let rent 10s; suit green- grocer. Lock-n Stables, rent 2s 6d and 3s j er week. Workshop, 3s, suit wheelwright or joiner, plenty of light.—2, The^itier-street,Cathavs, Carditf.323 L- LANDAFF.-Shoi capital bakehouse, three bed- LLANDAFF.—Shop, capital bakehouse, three bed- rooms, side entrance lent 6s immediate posses- sion.—Mr Montgomery, E-tate Agont, 231, Cowbridge- ™ad, Canton, Cardiff. 328 (convenient to). — Vil 1 a"well fi ni shed, foilr °>Vis' bathroom, garden, stabling; price Mo»tK"?nery, Auctioneer, 231, Cowbridge- road, Canton, <. aidiif. 228 f>° Let boot repairing business, and r^ w 2hT yei\rs 3s P«' week.—Verney and Co 140, W oodvilte-road, Cathays, Cardiff. t^HOP to Let, in splendid position suitable fro- Ci any business with or without stnrfc «.u • carried 0*1 as a grocery business —l r* ^inS road, CanLon, Cardiit. ab' I j. Abridge- Júr ^ale.li2ceUaneous. COAL CART (long) for Sale; price" £ 5.—A^ppYv" 1 c Windsor-road, Newtown, Cardiff. 488 I^NGINE.-For Sale, a~Vertical" En^n^" inch .Ti c5'ln,'er> 12 inch stroke, with flv wheel and at anvi- an<\ f,umP attached to same. Can be seen Ca" ff attbe Soulh Daily News," Office, P^hkTIed^ 2sJi' per dozen luarts. Fresh shrimps duily ArmlvPTh doze» .Uemifctances with orders.- colnshiM ma3 lt' sklrl)tcil Quarter, Jloston, Lin- 375 ^OX (very tame, healthy vixen) for sale, including r,n,t >c,ol!ar and cU m' £ i-25, Tunnel-terrace, New" port, Mon. rand opening c.Illvlete p -rin.ting Office for sale, 80 founts jobbing and news machine and presses easy terms.—8, Ebeu's-lane* Cardigan. RABBITS (50 prize strain and fancy), will sell cheap.—Apply to J. Duchemin, 13. Pendovlan. reet, Newtown. Carùiff. 466 iscrilaitto It's. FURNISH on our New Hire System. Houses or Apartments completely furnished on a new ivs- adopted solely by us, whereby ail publicty exposure, and inquiries usually made by other com' lIames are dispensed with. We have an immense atock ot Household Furniture of cheap and-cuperior quality, 'j^oods sold on the Hire System at ready- ™°Jley PricJ We make no extra charge for credit, Nn 8a^i»sent home in a private van free of charge or ^reement charges made no bill of sale delal '? Pr!vat«- Arrangements completed without anifii a>n beine manufacturers, we guarantee quality, cftnr 1 Un^6rtake to supply furniture, Ac., at 10 per c "vr« than any price-list issued by any firm in irn Eleven show rooms. Call and inspect our mmense stock, and compare prices before purchasing <>?<? — IS.* wil1 supply £ § worth for 2s 6d weekly wi.»»T0ri weekly £ 15 north for 5s weekly £ 20 V 1 week'y- aiul so on in proportion. Special son™ u'fi Qwantities. Please note the Address C^flP fr /^AL-?S FURNISHING COMPANY, 31 « .s _ft Car<iiff. 12783—2491—f8e JVI from ^oorKit, Certificated .Midwife (diploma St. Roath C^rdiff b0Clety' London)'12' ^PDhive- T open^munerativ^^1?6"-F°r adyice hnw to small, send for Illustrated however Lesser Friedlander.^ 3 Houndsd tchT. (P°st 're0- tah clmp« h<.„. ta tb. worlo. J&SK, V bif Enston-road, London. Estimates free. ON SOCIAL PUKJTV and the iNFlRMffrireTf MAN. Addressed specially to youngm™Uh Sdvice on Health, and containing Recipes that will restore the nervous and debilitated to the full power of Manhoou. Free for the benefit of all who desire a 3afe and speedy cure, without the aid of Quacks ^eiid one stamp to prepay postage.—Address Secre- t»,ry, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham. 733 -= ICcst ani) ]OST, Fox Terrier, dark bead, black ring round .-4 Peek, black mark across back. Answers to name ot Sprig.—is rewaid on bringing sanis to Roath Police Station. 450 I'^ST, on Monday, from lb, Mt tear street, Cardiff", J a Green Parrot. J inder will be rewarded on mmuiug to tUa ftbote /^ASH ACCOMMODATION.—^ to^nake ad- \y County Advance Bank: co repayable by in- vauces upon any approved secar y in4-J5re3t Bills stalments or otherwise, at mo_ ^aroiine-streetf Car- discounted—Apply Manager, 9, ^ar01 8l9_ll36 diff. Established 50 years. ONEY I ,ItONII;Y I 31 I I Cash Advances made at a few ,1°u" cowkeepers, to £ 500, to Farmers. security. No Tradesmen, and others, on th Monet lent on sureties required, No „ ^'scounted. Apply, deposits, also tradesmen s 1 jordan, Manager, personally or by letter to Mr o{ guimier Private Loan Oflice, Dock-stree^ < 5gl street), Newport Mon — TTTOUSEHOLDERS can obtain Mr'j. P■ |"X upwards on application by iewt,r 5g3 ThLiiipson, 71, Adam-street, Cardit^ -| JIPORTANT NOTICE—If lowing elsewhere. I stamp for Prospectus brfore bono Win,. fi51 -hlr Pike. 43, Salisbury-road. Cauun — — is willing to advance A PRIVATE respectable Work- a\ Cash, from £ 3 to £ 300, to at low rates and ing Men, Houfehalders, Farmers £ rt.roa(l. 421 easy payments.-A^pl^yif^^fll^: J- I^'STXTI I s H_E_» 3 0 YLABb. .MONEY TO?" LEND FROM f }an,l to all Classes. 229 Cowbridge-road. —ANI> SOUTH WAI.ES J.OAN —ANI> SOUTH WAI.ES J.OAN Without delay. At a low interest, Without law co. easy repayment. Without pub -• et o £ this office applicants promptitude and secrecy in their trans- actions. office Hours, 10 a.m. to f? p.m. M Custom House-street (side door), Cardiff. Enclose 'stamped envelope for prospectus and oarticulars. -J5!5!- «soUTH WALES LOAN and DISCOUNT T_ OFFICE ADVANCES CASH rom £ 3 to £ 30u to Householders, Farmers and others ithout security. If Borrowers cannot obtain an advance at this office they cannot do so by applying elsewhere. All business done strictly private and confidential. Apply, personally, or by letter, to Lewis, Manager, 1 St. John's-square, Cardiff. Office hours 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. 310e £3 TO -.3-0 0 ADVAIyCEDDAlLY TO HOUSEHOLDERS Without the usual Loan Office Routine or Preliminary Fees. Moderate Charges, Easy Payments. Apply- G-H- ALLSOPP, 19, BUTE-STREET, 378 CARDIFF. Nl ARSH AND COMPANY. ADULTS FUNERALS. 1st Class, with best Hearse and Coach, on th most modern principle, with a pair of their wel 1; known Flemish-bred Horses to each, oneinc> Elm Polished Coffin, best registered furnitur t with elaborate name-plate engraved, fine satin trimmed robe, and self attendance. £ 5 5 0 Marsh & Co.'s 2nd Class ditto, ditto. 4 4 0 Marsh&Co.'s3rd,with improved carriage 3 3 0 Marsh ifc Co.'s 4th, ditto, ditto 2 10 0 CHILDREN'S FUNERALS, Including pair Flemish-bred Horses, modern Coach, with all the latest improvements, Po- lished Coffin, lined with tiue flannel, and attendance. Under 0ne year El 10 0 Under two years 1 11 0 One-horse carriage, including coffin covered in black, blue, or polished, lined with flannel, modern coach, and attendance. Under six months. 0 18 6 Underoneyear 10 0 Under two years 1 1 0 And so on in proportion. Handsome Car, Carved or Plain Hearse, Mourning Coaches and Broughams, Ostrich Plumes, 33 Alldress-BO, St. Mary.street Cardiff rjlO LADTES. — CONSULT CONFI- X DENTIALLY MRS HERBERT on all diseases peculiar to her sex. Irregularities, either painfal, excessive, or suppressed, Mrs Herbert's Uterine Medi- cine (20 years' experience) is a safe and speedy cure, for which hundreds are gr ateflli. Medical electricity and Electric Baths for nervous debility, &c. Hours from 10.30 a.m. to 7 p.m. 46, LONGCROSS-STREET, ROATH (near the Infirmary), CARDIFF. 380 FZfh Will be paid to any person who, by using GOLDMANN'S IMPERIAL TOOTH WATER, is again troubled with toothache.— S. Goldmann & Co., Dresden. To be obtained genuine from Mr J. MUNDAY, CHEMIST, 1, HUh-street, Cardiff. Per bottle, Is by post. Is 3d. 269e4345 OP-1,NS I- '401', 6.! c c ROBB'S CORN SOLVENT COMPLETELY ERADICATES THE CORN WITHOUT PAIN. One trial will prove its superiority to all other prepara- tions. Sold in bottles, 7,d; double size, Is. t'repluetl only by A H E Al I S T, J. R OBB, CHEMIST, CLIFTON-STREET. CARDIFF. 281e pEARS pEARS' pEARS' pEARS' pEARS pEARS' pEARS' pEARS' pEARS' pEARS' pEARS' pEARS' pEARS' pEARS' pEARS' pEARS* pEAR' pKARS' pEARS' pEARS' pEARS' pEARS' pEARS' pEARS' pEARS SOAV PURE! FRAGRANT REFRESHING! ,VAAB For TOILET & NURSERY. ^OAP EXHIBITIONHONOURS, Fifteen International SOAP Awards for absolute Purity and al'sence of Artificial CH)AP Fairwhite hands. Bright clear complexion. Ai fcjoft heaithful skin. QOAP PEAlIs7 SOAP Is specially prepared for tha SOAP delicate skin ot ladies and children and others sensi- S.Ap tive to the weather, winter ^ii_r and summer. Prevents Redness, Rough- CJOAP ness, and Chapping K3 ADELtN AP ATT'I wr tes: SOAP "t have found PEARS' s SOAP matchless for the 1 T) Hands and Complexion.' (Signed) ADELINAPATO. MRS LANGTRY writes SOAP I have much pleasure in stating I have used PEARS' SOAP SOAP for some time, and prefer it to any other.' A T. («IK"*D) LILLIE LANGTRY. VJUAi' PEARS' SOAP is tecom- mended by ERASMUS WIL- SOAP sox, late President of tht K7) College of Surgeons of Eng- SOAP land. PURE FRAGRANT! QOAP REFRESHING O For TOILET & NURSERYr. tJOAP Exhibition Honours. Fifteen Intenfational SnuJ Awards for absolute Purity and absence of Artitici&l „ Colouring. wOAP Fair White Hands, Bright Clear Complexion SOAP 6oft healthful Skin. t0 PEARS SOAP—Tablets Is, Is 6d, and 2s 6d. The VJOAP 2s 6d Tablet is perfumed kJ with Otto of Roses A piA1Tl smallerTablet(unscented)is WOAir sold at 6d but insist on r>-J having Pears', as vilely-in- HAAp jurious imitations are often substituted for extra gain, r sige SOAP Mak«rs by Special Royal „ „ Appointment to H.R.H.l'he Prince of Wales. "IVrESSRS W. H. SMITH and SON -LTJL deiiver the SOUTH WA.LHS DAILY NJiWS at an eariy hour each Morning in ail parts of the follow ing towns:— 1Ilg towns CARDIFF ROATH CANTON BUTE DOCKS NEATH BRIDGEND LLANELLF LAMPETER SWANSEA MERTHYR ABERDARK HEREFORD NEW MILFORD BRISTOL ENBY CARMARTHEN NEWPORT PORTSKEWKTT PONTVPOOL ROAD PEMBROKE DOCK HAVERFORDWi'S'l GLOUCESTER ABERYSTWYTH ABERGAVENNY I ina VARDlr'J' TIM US also rteuveretl every kr day to any address in the above mentioned Towns. ORDERS *0 be sent to The iSIajiaj'eJ^ of toe various bookstalls* INJECTION DAY.-AN INFALLIBLE I REMEDY and certain cure for all Discharges from the Urinary Organs in either sex, whother acquired or constitutional, recent or chronic; cures in a few days wIthout medicines. Sold in bottles, 2s6d each (by post « 8d), by all chemists. London agents, F. Newbery ?,u King Edward-strert, E.C. Agent for cArWU, J Muucay, Cbeaiifif, 1 iZOe < II ^.musgmgnts. CARDIFF. THEATRE ROYAL, CARDIFF. LESSEE AND MANAGER. Mr EDWARD FLETCHER ACTING MANAGER Mr JOHN SHERIDAN Return Visit of the Celebrated Irish Comedians, Mr and Mrs HUBERT O'GllADY, and their Irish National Company. Eleventh year of tour. TO-NIGHT (FRIDAY), AUGUST 12th, AND DURING THK WEEK. The Original, Modern Irish Drama, F AMINE, Written by Hubert O'Gradv, author of Eviction," Emigration," & HUBERT O'GRADY in his great Original Character, SADLICR. Continued Unapproachable Success. MONDAY NEXT, August 15th, Mr Charles Dornton's Celebrated Two Orphans'" Company. Mr W. RIGNOLD in his Original Character of JACQUES." Open 7. Commence 7.30. Half-price at 9. Early doors open b.30. Box Plan at Messrs Thompson A Shackell's, Ltd. 1041 DAY'S NEW GRAND THEATRE OF VARIETIES. GIGANTIC SUCCESS 1 A l. THOUSANDS DELIGHTED Every Artiste Greeted with Thunders of Applause FOR THE FIRST TIME IN CARDIFF, THE STATUE GYMNASTIQUE Well-known examples of White Marble Statuary, a niosl interesting and pleasing performance. For the First Time in Cardiff, Mr HARRY DAY'S FAIRY FOUNTAIN Producing the Most Wonderful Effects ever )Vitnessed on any Stage. Everybody should see the World's Greatest Sensation C EE 114 E4 E, CHEERED TO THE ECHO EACH NIGHT. The wonder of the time. NEW AND SENSATIONAL ACTS OF BRAVERY. DON'T FAIL TO SEE HIM. During the performance of this great Artiste ELECTRIC SINGING BIRDS warble forth a Merry Lay. There is only one CEE MEE. Enormous Success and Last Six Nights of the Continental Wonders, the Unrivalled W A R T E N B E R G TROUPE, In New, Marvellous, and Exciting Acts. LAST SIX NIGHTS OF THE CHINESE FAIR. 5 Last Six Nights of the World-Renowed LUPtNO TROUPE. In theirOriginal Serio-Comic Ballet, entitled— ROBINSON CRUSOE! In addition to the above sreat artistes, A POWERFUL VARIETY COMPANY. OTICE. -FRIDAY, AUGUST 12th, Special Per- formance for the BENEFIT OF THE DJUF AND DUMB INS IITUTION. Private Boxes, 10s 6d Upper Circle, 5s Circle, 2s Boxes, Is 6d Stalls, 2s Pit, Is Gallery, 6d. Half. price to all parts at 9 o'clock except gallery. Acting manager, Mr Harry Day, jun. Stage manager, Mr Henry Cairncross. b577 410 CARDIFF BICYCLE AND TRICYCLE CLUB; W. H. NEATE, ESQ., PRESIDENT. EIGHTH ANNUAL SOUTH WALES CYCLISTS' MEET, PROCESSION AND SPORTS, SOPHIA GARDENS FIELD, (By kind permission of the Most Noble the MARQUIS OF BUTE), SATURDAY, AUGUST 13TH, 1887. Procession will start from Angel Hotel at 12.30 p.m. Gates open at 1.30 p.m. First Event at 2.30 p.m. sharp. Admission to Field, is Enclosure, 6d extra. Car riages, 2s 6d each occupant, 1><. Entry Forms may be obtained on application to the Hon. Sec., WALTER READ, 15, Mount Stuart-square, Cardiff. 435e5756 (excursions. THE TRIP OF THE SEASON- -il AFTERNOON EXCURSION TO ILFRACOMBE, SATURDAY, AUGUST 13TH, BY THE LADY MARGARET. Leave Cardiff 2.30 p.m. Leave Ilfracombe 7.45 p.m. Fares (to and fro), 2s and 3s. ALSO A SUNDAY AT ILFRACOMBE. Leave C.rdiff, SATURDAY, August 13th, at 2.30 p.m., by the LADY MARGARET RETURNING on MONDAY, at 10.30 a.m., by the EARLOF JERSEY. Fares, going on the Saturday and returning Monday: Foro Deck, 4s 6d After Deck, 6s. CHEAP MORNING TO-AND-FRO EXCURSION TO ILFRACOMBE. MONDAY, August 15. Leave Cardiff 6.0 a.m. Leave Ilfracombe 10.30 a.m. Fares to-and-fro, 2s and 2s 6d. 59^7 GREAT WESTEUN RAILWAY. FIVE HOURS AT THE SBASIDE. On SATURDAY, AUGUST 13th, a CHEAP HALF. HOLIDAY EXCURSION for PORTHCAWL will leave NEWPORT at 1.45 p.m., CARDIFF 2.10, and BRIDGBUD at 2.50 p.m., returning at 8.30 p.m. For fares see special bills. 5922 —452e • GR1ERSON, General Manager. gUMMER TOURS IN SCOTLAND: .p^ASGOW and the HIGHLANDS (Royal Route, via Crinan and Caledoni <N Canals). The Royal Mail Steamers COLUMBA. or IONA sail from GLASGOW DAILY at 7 a.m., from GRICENOCK at 9 a.m., in connection with Express Trains from Cardiff and the South, conveying passengers for Oban, Fort William, Inverness, Lochawe, Skye, Gairloch, Staffa, Iona, Glencoe, Islay, Stornoway, dsc. Official Guide, 3d Illustrated, 6d and Is. Time bills with map and fares free by post from the owner, David Macbrayne, 119, Hope-street. Glasgow 603 PLUMBING WORK. JJ E N R Y BE V AN, R. P. (Registered Plumber, Worshipful Company of Plumbers, DP ™T. v Guildhall, London), OVTS^VHV- SANITARY AND VENTILATING PLUMBER GAS AND HOT-WATER ENGINEER, 99, FREDERICK-STREET, CARDIFF, ivstimates Given for all Classes of Sanitary Work. N.B.-N,one but First-class Work Solicited. 337 24, ST. MARY-STREKT, CARDIFF. S. J OSliiPH, pA WNBROKER. I *r 1 Established 1852. x>!> i f ♦ Money Lent on Gold and Silver Valuables. Over 41 d in the pound interest; exceeding • a.t 2d1 in the pound interest. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GOLD AND T>T »MAMr. t ylLV'EH WATCH KS, BINGS. LADIES' <fc GENT'S GOLD ALBERTS & HINGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. All Valuables are kept in Fire-proof Safes. 35ge TF YOU FEAR DISEASE is lurking in i^r TT°vrT od* or if s"ftering from NERVOUs DE- Jiii.iix, Lowness of Spirits, Trembling of Hands and 50 YEARS' PRACTICE. Lnnbs, Loss of Memory, Failing Appe- tite, Indigestion, Love of Solitude, Un- fitness for Society, Study, or Business, Consumption, &c., Ac., apply or write without delay to Mr SMITH (former partner of Dr. Kami, of London). irr,jie,,sional I-Cesidence-TOWER-LANF,, Broad-street, Rristol. Attendance Daily until 10 at night. 13003 All Letters promptly replied to. Charges Moderate. 34/e Treatment Mild. Sure, and Efficacious. 5048 13 o S T A ii delivers: —QP THE SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS. The Proprietors of the SOUTH WALES Dtn.f NEW *>y a sPec'»l concession of the Postel Authorities they are enabled to despatch their f l by the Mails leaving Carditf a.m ana o.45 a.iu. Country Subscn'ber.i withiu the limits of £ £ AM°RGANSHlJtl< AHTHENSHIU '-j PEMBROKESHIRE, CARDIGANSHIRE, ^S?IUia1'rH«HTvPi?rti0ns .o £ HRECON'oUlUlS and "UIHbHlLE comprised within the Tredecar and RhyTOiie) Valley Postal Districts, may now have «e SOUTH WALKS DAII.Y NEWS delivered at their resi dences dsuly by the same oost as that which co eys their London letters London and West of Englanlt subscribers receive toeir papers on the afternoon of publication. The SKCONI EDITION of the SOUTH WALKS DAILY NEWS IS lorvnrded, prepaid, to residents of the follow- ing and all ether places within the Cardiff Postal District in time for the hrst morning delivery St. ifagan s Pencoed S Brides-sup. Ely St. Nicholas Bonvilgtone Peterstone Llandatf Radyr Morganstown Melingriffith Pentyrcn St Andrews ouiiy Courtyralla Dinas Powis Cadoxton Barry Caerphilly Bed was Ystrad Mynach Pwllypant St. Mellon's Cefn M&bly Michaelstn-1 e Ved n Castletown i^larshtield Penartb Llandough Lisvane Llanishen Whitchurch Taff's Wen Tongwynlais W alnuc X ree Brid g -< I PER QUAR-ER, POST-FUKK 0 9 9 PER HALF-YEAR T 019 6 I P £ a Yeas • „ „ „ 119 o I ^naincas ^aartsats. JOT! LAM & SONS, OUTFITTING STORES, 26 & 27, ST. MARY-STREET,. CARDIFF. I- SEASON'S SPECIALITIES IN IMMENSE VARIETY. The LARGEST STOCK of CLOTHING of any we find in South Walos or the West of England. Separate Show Rooms fitted up for the Juvenile Department, All Goods Marked in Plain Figures, and at the Lowest Possible Prices. The following is a Description of the Depart- ments :— 26, ST. MARY-STREET, GROUND FLOOR- MEN'S OUTFITTING DEPARTMENT, No. 1 SKOWBOOK-JUVENILE DEPART- MENT No. 2 SHOWROOM—MANCHESTER DEPART- MENT. 27, ST. MARY STREET, GROUND FLOOR- MEN'S AND BOYS' HATS AND CAPS AND HOSIERY DEPARTMENTS. No. 1 SHowBooif -BESPOKE & WOOLLEN DEPARTMENT; No. 2 SHOWROOM PORTMANTEAUS, TRAVELLING RUGS, &c. ETOTHAIVI & SONS, 26 & 27, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. 906 ESTABLISHED 49 YEARS. N 0 T 1 0 E. A. & G. TAYLOR'S ARCADE STUDIO, NEWPORT, Has now attained such a state of efficiency in PHOTO- GRAPHY that it is not only giving general satisfaction, but those who never had a satisfactory Portrait express themselves highly pleased with their photos. 335 gPECIAL AND SELECT. COATINGS, SUITINGS, AND TROUSERINGS AT THE CARDIFF HOUSE. GENTLEMEN, GIVE YOUR ORDERS Prices of GENTLEMEN'S FANCY CLOTH SUITS: 45s, 50s, 60s, 70s, EOs, 90s. Prices of GENTLEMEN'S BLACK CLOTH SUITS 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 100s, 110s. Prices of GENTLEMEN'S FANCY CLOTH TROUSERS: 10s 6d, 1 bd. lbs 6d, 19s, 22s, 25s. Prices of GENTLEMEN'S BLACK CLOTH TROUSERS 16s 6d, 19s, 22s, 25s, 27s 6d, 30s. Fit Guaranteed. Workmanship, the Best. W. PRICE AND SONS, MERCHANT CLOTHIERS AND OUTFITTERS HATTERS, HOSIERS, & GLOVERS, 50 & 51, ST. MARY-ST., and 46 & 47, CAROLINE- 111 STREET CARDIFF. 1007 THE PAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. THE LARGEST CIRCULATION IN THE PRINCIPALITY. THE CARDIFF TIMES AND SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS THE BRIGHTEST, THE MOST READABLE, THE MOST AMUSING WEEKLY PAPER IN THE KINGDOM. ORIGINAL ARTICLES. ENTERTAINING SERIALS. PLENTY OF NEWS. PRICE ONE PENNY. 72 COLUMNS. PRICE ID.-72 COLUMNS. THE CONTENTS FOR THIS WEEK Will include WORKMEN'S TOPICS. MABON", M.P., on the New Canadian; Tariff and American Opinion respecting Emigrants from Europe. American workmen want to be as well protected as the Employers from Foreign Competition. "LIKE AND UNLIKE." An Original Serial Story by that Eminent Novelist, Miss Braddon. With Illustrations. EMINENT WELSH CLERGYMEN. Further Article from the Rev. J. R. Kilsby Jones on Rhys Prichard, THE POET GOWER, Biographical Sketch of the Poet Gower. John Gower was one of the earliest writers in the English Language living at the period which was adorned" by Chancer, Wiclif.and Langland. EXPERIENCES OF A DETECTIVE. Mr James McGovan will relate the Story 6f "A Midnight Murder." THE FIELD OF WATERLOO. A Short Description of this Famous Battle. field, with Illustrations. « YSTORIAU 0 HANES CYMRU." Gan Alltud Gwent. Short but Interesting Stories in Welsh. <> AT THE KING'S ARMS" A Good Story in which a Temperance Lecturer Wins the Heart of a Ptiblican's Daughter. Complete, with Illustrations. OWEN GLENDOWER. OR GWALIA'S LAST STRUGGLE. Further Chapters of a Welsh National Story by H. J. Forrelt. SOUTH WALES CHAT. All the Gossip of the Week. by MERLIN. WELSH MUSIC AND MUSICIANS. Letter from Dr Parry, Principal of the Musical College of Wales, on Choral Music. WELSH GLEANINGS. BY LLOFFWK. LOTTIE'S LETTER to her Sisters and her Cousins and her Aunts. All about a Holiday on the Continent. Also Fashion Plates. THE CHILDREN'S HOUR. Aunt Maggie's Chat with the Youngsters. TALK OF THE TOWN Illustrated. A smart London Letter on Social Topics, with Illustrations. THE CARDIFF TIMES AND SOUTH WALES JVEEKLY NEWS CONTAINS ALL THE NEWS OF THE WEEK. Sold by all Newsagents throughout Wales and the West of England. jglLL-POSTING AT NEWPORT, MON. J. DB REES, iso COMMERCIAL-ROAD, NEWPORT. BILL-POSTER and DELIVERER ior TOWN and COUNTRY Rents all the principal Hoardings in Newport,,&c. Weri5 executed with (iespateb. low t. ¡huÜneUí hfe$Sts. NAISH BROS., 72, QUEEN-STREET, The Cheapest House for every Description of ARTISTIC UPHOLSTERY AND CABINET FURNITURE, TOILET AND PLlR GLASSES, CARPETS, FLOOR CLOTHS, LINOLEUMS, HEARTH-RUGS, SPRING MATTRESSES, BEDDING, IRON AND BRASS BEDSTEADS, And Every Article for JJOUSE FURNISHING. NAISH BROS., 78, QgiE^STKOT (CROCKHERETOWN), CARDIFF. 437e JJOBDAY, W'ILLS, AND JJOBDAY. R OBDAY, TRILLS, ANL) JJOBDAY. JJOBDAY, WILLS, AND JJOBDAY. 50/-) BLACK VICUNA (50/- 50/COATS AND VESTS< 50/- 50/-J AS NOW WORN. (50/r 79.8 T. MARY STREET. 79. 79, ST. MARY STREET 79: 79, ST- MARY STBE £ T; 79. i MUNDAYS VIRlDINE Trade Mark), No. 36996. £ JORNS UORNS r QORNS QORNS 0ORNS QORNS £ JORNS QORNS QORNS £ J0RNS £ JORNS QORNS QORNS 0ORNS c OR.'L\TS! QORNS QORNS 0ORNS £ JORNS CORNS! CORNS! c ORNS 1 j £ JORNS c ORNS! ^JORNS 0ORNS c ORNS! c ORNS! CORNS! QORNS CORNS! c ORNS c ORNS! c ORNS 1 CORNS r CORNS i CORNS! CORNS! CORNS! CORNS! A CERTAIN CURl FOR CORNS, Painless and Harmies. This infallible remedy introduced by J. MUNDAY has obtained a world-wide reputation. The efficacy of VIRI. DINE" may be judged by its having Cured Corns of over 50 years' standing, which had resisted all other remedies. It succeeds where all Plasters and Caustics have failed IN REMOVING BOTH HARD OR SOFT CORNS AND WARTS, IT M I T A T IONS. Mdlle. MARIE MULT.F.R, Amster dam, Holland, writes:- I bought a bottle ot your qenuine ViridilltJ" some six months ago 111 Paris, which cured lue, and as I am a principal dancer you know xuy feet are my living. The bottle I I bought did the serrice you recom- mended it. but I bought another one afterwards which was fortftd and no good. As T want a bottle of genuine for a friend of mine, who is nearly mad with pain, will you please send me one direct. ONDERFDXi CURE. Miss WA'ITS, Cheltenham, writes Please send by return of post one bottle of "Viridine," We have found it a wonderful cure for corns. c OPN JUBILEE. MrTHOS. WILLIAMS, St. Nicholas, writes :— I am 135 years of age. A corn I have had over 50 years has been perfectly cured by your Viridine." QRATFTUDE. The Rev. W. MATTHEWS, M.A., St David's, writes:- Gratitu c compels me to say that your "Viridine" removed two corns from my feet, which bad troubled me for many years. GUFFERED 15 YEARS. MISS JONES, Lawnhurst, Manchester writes I have suffered for 15 years from a horrid corn. Sometimes it was like a boil. I tried the Viridine," and it has completely cured it. The above are extracts from numerous unsolicited testimonials. c AUTION. As so many imitation* of my prepara- tion are being offered, the public ate re- quested to ASK FOR M U N D A Y'S "VIRIDINE' And SEE THAT MY SIGNATURE is on tLe end of each package. By ordering Corn Cure' you may receive one of the many so-called remedies' which only give relief or some worthless imitation of Viri. dine.' b. Sottle., price la, by post Is 2d. FBKPABBD ONLr BY J. M U N D A Y CHEMIST, 1, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. Agents; London—WILCOX & Co., Chemists, 239, Oxford-street, W, F. NEWBERY <fc SONS. SANGER, SUTTON, HOVENDEN, Ac Liverpool- SYMES & Co., 68, Bold-strett. Dublin-HAYES & Co., 12, Grafton-street. Paris-PHARMACIR BERAL, 14, Rue de la Paix. Amsterdam—PERRY & Co., 97, Kalverstraat. And all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors. 1258,3-962e RTHOMPSON'S BURDOCK X THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER.-Purify the foulest blood and relieve every disease of stomach, liver, and kidneys. These wonderful Pills cure diseases which could not be reached by any other medi- cine. For Rheumatics, Lumbago, Piles, Gravel, Pains in the Back, Scurvy, Bad Legs, Wounds, or White Swelling, Scrofula, Cancers, Blotches on the Face and Body, Swelled Feet, <fec., Jaundice. Dropsy, and Fevers o fall kinds. In boxes at Is lid and 2s 9d each.—Sold by all chemists. or from the manufactory 44, Oxford street. Swansea, for 15 or 35 stamps Be -NJ-EWFORT. -SOUTH WALES ECHO .A-,I The SOUTH WALES ECHO is published at the NEWPORT OFFICE, 1, Tredegar-place as follows:- FIRST EDITION 1.30 P. at. THIRD EDITION *.50 T.U. SPECIAL EDITION 6,50 r.u IC"J 3ousimss bhre.s5t5. G RE A To, S ALE \jr op M1 LLINERY AND F ANCY APERY, &c. The whole of our Stock of SUPERIOR QUALITY GOODS WILL NOW BE SOLD AT ENORMOUS REDUCTIONS From the Regular Prices. The Stock consists of Ladies' and Children's French and English Millinery, Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, Laees, Beads, Ladies' and Children's Underclothing, Sun Hats and Bonnets in great variety, Children's Dresses and Costumes, Ladies' and Children's Jerseys and Jersey Suits, Ladies' Dress Improvers of every description. Novelties in Wool and Silk Shawls, Wraps, Cloaks and Squares, Tennis and Fedora Fronts and Sets, Ladies' and Children's Aprons and Pinafores, in all the latest patterns. Ladies' and Children's Sun- shades, Ladies' and Servants' Mob Caps (very choice), Laces and Lace Goods, Silk, Cambric, Linen, and Print Handkerchiefs. Ladies' and Children's Corsets and Stays, Silk, Kid, Tasour, and Thread Gloves, Ladies' and Children's Hosiery. The new Wire Dress Improvers, the real Erin-go-Bragh," Irish handmade Underclothing, and a great variety of Novelties in Fancy Drapery. The whole of the stock will now be sold at extraor- dinary reductions in order to clear the whole of it, previous to making an entire change in the management of that branch of our business, and we would respectfully commend this Sale to the Special Notice of our Regular Customers, who will ensure a Saving of from 23 to 30 per cent. during this Sale. Yours Respectfully, "W. K5rner & C°" 27, 28, 29, 30, and 31, ROYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF. 422e5655A BARR BROS. TAILORS, 64, ST. MARY. STREET, CARDIFF. SUITS 55/. to lOS'. COAT AND VEST 45/- to 84/- TROUSERS 13/. to 30/- OVERCOATS 3,,[. to 1051- SPECIALITIES. TROUSERS 13/- SUITS. 5; A P. R BROS. 64, ST. MARY-STREET. 428e 5695 N 0 T ICE. The LONG DESIRED BUSINESS in the Provincial Town of CARDIFF IS AT LAST OPENED. THE SOUTH WALES JEW ELLERY AND PLATE DEPOSITORY IS NOW OPEN. 19, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF (Opposite the Queen-street Arcade). j Under the management of air T. S. Bomasli of Penarth Cash Advanced on Diamonds, Jewellery, Watches, and all portable goods, at the lowest po.-ssibic rate of interest. A Large Assortment of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHFS, CHAINS, RINGS, PLATE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Ac. 438e Fire Proof Safe for all Valuables. 13050 BEFORE BUYING A WJ(TCH ANY- WHERE, write for "The Illustrated Pamphlet." sent free on application by the "LARGEST WATCH MAN U FAC TUR ER." FIRM FOUNDED 1745. WATCHES. B] TO £100. Send your WATCH and JEWELLKY REPAIRS by Post, Registered, which will be given only to Skiiful Workmen. Estimates sent before doing the work, and I take Risk and Cost of Carriage back. T. R. RUSSELL, MAKER TO THE QUEKN", CATHEDRAL WORKS 18, CHURCH-STREET 12830 LIVERPOOL. Ilbe IJ. jy E W T O N & CO. ARC INTRODUCING A TROUSERS AT 15s. TO MEASURE THAT HAS NEVER BEEN EQUALLED IN CARDIFF. Grand Assortment of Patterns at this Special Cash Price. S PE C I ALI TE- 13/- TROUSERS TO MEASURE. STYLE AND FIT GUARANTEED. We also call Special Attention to the VERY LARGE ASSORTMENT OF SPRING GOODS NOW ON VIEW, AND INVITE YOUR INSPECTION. 53 QUEEN gTREET, CARDIFF, 2B3e T HE FINE ART STUDIO, QUE ICN-STREET ARCADE. Mr CHAPMAN'S PHOTOGRAPHS Are giving every satisfaction. Most complimentary expressions of opinion from all who have been Photographed. Prices 2s 6d for 3, 4s for 6, and 73 for 12. All taken by the Late-it, Best, and Quickest processes, and weather really no object. 178 PIANOS.—WHY BE WITHOUT ONE JL When you can become the owuer of a nice instrument for the small payment of 10s 6d PER MONTH ON rjlHOMPSON AND gEACKELLS (LIMITED HIRE SYSTEItl No security required, and the instrument delivered to purchaser on payment of first monthly instalment. Every instrument guaranteed, and exchanged if not approved ORGANS AND HARMONIUMS ON SIMILAR TERMS. THOMPSON AND SHACKELL, PIANOFORTE AND MUSIC WAREHOUSE, QUEEN'S BUILDINGS, CARDIFF Also at SWANSEA, NEWPORT, bfICR-, HYR, PONTYPRIDD, PENARTH, BRECON, an I GLOUCESTER. 240e JgALSAM SUPERSEDED MAT MILTON'S AMERICAN HERB PASTE. MAT MILTON'S MAT MILTON'S MAT MILTON'S MAT MILTON'S MAT MILTON'S MAT MILTON'S MAT MILTON'S AMERICAN HERB PASTE. MAT MILTON'S AMERICAN HERB PASTE. 747e Is warranted to cure all', discharges from the urinary organs in either sex.| Thoroughly reliable con-j venient to take. In tins,' 2s 9d and 4s 6d each. Freel by post 3d extra. I HEWSO'S COMPOUND: PENNYROYAL PILLS FORFEMALRS. In boxes, Is lid and 2s 9d each; free by post 2d extra. Local Agents: Cardiff,Mr Munday, Chemist, 1, Duke- [street Newport, Mr J. Phillips, 92, Commercial- street Swansea, Mr Keail, Chemist, 199, High-street; F. H. Hewson, 8, Victoria- avenue, Maindee, Newport, Mon. London Barclay & Sons AMERICAN HERB PASTE. AMERICAN HERB PASTE. AMERICAN HERB PASTE. AMERICAN HERB PASTE. MAT MILTON'S AMERICAN HERB PASTE. MAT MILTON' AMERICAN HERB PASTE. 1042 MEN WHO WISH TO MARRY AND F.E HAPPY should see the MAGIC MIRROR sent free to any part of the world on receipt of Post Card, with name and address.-S, Fitz-sq., Sheffield. Don't delay, send at oace, it costs you nothing 180 IBirsiitfss EXTENSIVE ALTERATIONS NOW COMPCETZD AT FJIRAPNELL AND G 'k -N' R's COTTAGE FURNITURE DEPARTMENT, 35, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF, ENLARGEMENT OF SHOWROOMS. LARGER STOCKS, GREATER VARIETY, LOWER PRICES, AT rpRAPNELL AND GA N E'S COTTAGE FURNITURE DEPARTMENT, 35, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF, IMMENSE STOCK OF BEDSTEADS AND BEDDING. IMMENTB STOCK OF DRAWING, DINING. AND BEDROOM SUITES. IMMENSE STOCK OF CARPETS. IMMENSE STOCK OF EVERYTHING REQUIRED FOR FURISHING, AT TRAPNELL AND G A -N, E'S, 35 & 38, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF; AND AT BRISTOL HEATH'S PIANOFORTES ORGANS AND JJARMONIUMS HEATIi AND GON £ FJLHREE ^TEARS' SYSTEM Is Applied to the Hire and Purchase of Instruments by all Makers, from 10s Monthly. Every Instrument Guaranteed. Co-operative Prices for Cash. The Largest Stock in Wales to Select om 12, Crockberbtown Cardiff. 261 OYAL FINE ART DEPOT. REGILDING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, PAINTINGS RELINED, CLEANED, AND RESTORED. ROBERTS, SENR., 35, ROYAL ARCADE, Oldest firm in Cardiff. No branch sliopf. 4#* XT O W O P EN, -LI THE QUEEN-STREET FRUIT AND VEGETABLE COMPANY, 81 QUEEN-STREET (OPPOSITE CHARLES-STREET). Wreaths, Bouquets, aud Cut Flowers on the ShertMt Notice. Also a Large and Varied Assortment of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Daily. Orders Promptly Kxecuted. 30fo 40, B PIDGE-ST., CARDIFF C. FOLLICK, PAWNBROKER. HIGHEST VALUE LENT ON GOLD AND SILTEB VALUABLES. OVER £2 AT THE RATE OF 4d IN THE POUND INTEREST EXCEEDING £10 AT 3d IN THE POUD INTEREST. 40, BRIDGK STRF.KT. CARDIFF. 341 JYJUNDAYS GINGER B EEP. JDOWDER Furni«hes a Pleasant and Wholesome Summer Beverage. One 4d Packet makes Two Gallons of Delicioui GINGER BEEI:, Far Superior to Herb Beer. Sold Wholesale and Retail by If M U N DAY, OPERATIVE CHEMIST, 233e 1, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. ( ,OBNS U CORNS COR8 ^ORNS c ORN-S ^JORNS £ JORNS c ORNS COR:S3 CORNS ^JORNS £ 10RNS CORNS c ORNS ^JORNS £ jORNS £ JORNS CORNS ^JORNS CORNS /HORN'S ————— i 1 "THE AMERICAN QORN & WART £ JlTRE."j AX INFALLIBLE CURE FOR HARD AND SOFT couss A-ND NVAIITS. "TIN: AMERICAN CORN AND N ART CURK" acts by penetrating the hard substance of the Coru, and dries np the nucleus, which is the seat of pain, and can be seen as a bright white spot, generally termed tha eye," While the process is going on, a shield is formed over the Corn, keeping off the pressure of the boot. After a few applications, according to the age of the Corn, the self-formed shield may then be removed, aud the Corn comes away with it, dead, and, consequently, painless. In Bottles 7i and Is of all Chemists, or mailed free to any part of the United Kingdom on receipt of 9 or 14 stamps, by the SOLE PROPRIETOR, 4 0 D E R I C F,, T. It 0 D E R I C K, CHEMIST, PONTYPOOL. LONDON AGENTS. W. Sutton and Co., 10, Bow Church Yard. LOCAL AGENTS. Cardiff Coleman and Co., Chemist, High-street, Newport: J. Young, Chemist, High.street. 266 A FACT VY ORTH KJN O W1N (^ BEECHAM'S PILLS A re admitted by thousands to be worth above a U IJ 1 N r. A a BOX for bilioUB and nervous disorders, sucii as wind pain in the stomach, sick headache, giddiness fuilnest and swelling after meais, dizziness and drowsiness, coid chills, flushings of beat, loss of appetite, shortness 01 breath, costiveness. scurvy, and blotches on the skin disturbed sleep, irigbtftil dreatue, and ail nervous aiui trembling sensations, Ac., Ac. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one Box of these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For Females of all apes these Pills are invaluable. No femaie should be without them. There is no medicine to be iound to eauai Beecham's Pills for removing any obstructions or irregularity of the system. If taken ac- cording to the directions given with each box, tile; will soon restore lemaies ot ages to sound ant roonst health For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all dit orders of the Liver, they act like MAGIC, and a few doses will be found to work wonders UDon the most important organs in the human machine. The) strengthen the wnoie muscular system, restore the long. lost compiexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action, with the ROSE-BUD of health, the whole physical energy of the human rrame. These are FACTS admitted by thousands embracing all classes of society, ana one of the best guarantees to the Ner tons and Debilitated is Beecham's Pills. They have ti i. largest sale of any patent medicine in the worjd Prepared oniy by the Proprietor. T. BEECH AM Chemist, St Helen's, Lancashire, m Boxes at Is 1,.¡ and 2s 9d each. Sold by ai: Patent Meiiiom.> r-h» United Kingdom. 210* one Ciou an given W" okcb bas- 268 »