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Small Prepaid Advertisements of the Wanted" and To be Let" clas3. 20 WORDS SIXPENCE. THREE TIMES NINEPENCE. SIX TIMES ONE SHILLING. THIIKE SIX WORDS. 0.>CE.. XIMliS> XMLS. -1- 20 Words j 0 6 09 1 0 30 Words 0 9 10 1 6 40 Words 1 0 1 6 2 3 ■i■■ -i- f- 50 Words 26 3 9 -1-1- 60 Words 1 6 I 5 4 6 Advertisements of the above CIHIS inserted in the "SOUTH WALES ECHO," the "CARDI aii(i the -,OUlil WALES DAILY NEWS" at the following IATO ,Six times in Echo, SIX time* OR,CO in —gT I r"„ i Echo RT1I) WORDS. „rnll.O»«. I.. sixtimiin Cardiff limes. g0|Itiit Wales Daily News. Daily News. B. <1. d. e. d. 20 Words 10 I 16 2 6 30 Words 1 6 2 3 5 9 40 Words 2 3 3 3 5 6 50 Wonb 3 9 5 0 8 9 60 Words 4 6 6 0 10 6 personal. IT^LORA.—Received message tell H. I houcht tf'at walnut inlaid, satin-lined workboxat A. V\ atkins, CheDstow-road, Maindee, where they have the most lovely presents, Christmas cards, and toys at run "UlousIv low prices. partnership. ANTED, Person, marriett or sillole, with PI to manage and share profits of good paying business. No knowledge required—2, Clarence-place, Newport. — {^Durational. i Up AI NTIMi.—1 wessons giveu by gentleman artist. Landscape. Portrait, Cry** oleum,jtoiriw\ Scieen, Ac — Address A.R., Echo'* Office, Cardiff. 537 H O R r H A N D A N i) E O O K K E E1' 1N G OL (Day and livening). — Youths prepared for ^ucr*J tive appointments, private tuition, repotting classes. Principal, 40, King's-r ad. Cardiff. ill 1121 fill. TJROFESSOR (experienced) gives Pianoforte, Sing- i ing. and Elocution I.esl!lo!ls. b. Clive-roa Canton, Cardiff; or Pupils Residences. Icrma ni^ crate. „ "tk TIOLIN.—Instruction required by beginner, two evenings weekly, after V o'clock £ «!?,«r, !?od River.ide. State monthly terms.—O 4, Echo Olface, ')3b Cardiff. b3b -_L- domestic 5$crbaitts. AN TED a clean respectable giri, ab ut 14, as nurse.—Apply, 28, PSamagenet-street, River- side, Cardiff. 544 "r AN TLD at Olice,ai experienced General Servant. VV —Apply Bimev, 13, Dumfries-place.Card ff. .4.3. f^itun lions Uncant. ~4~UEN X "Wanted £ 26 per quarter, paid w.-ekiy, f\ splendid opening experience unnecessary specimens free.—Address Compo Works. Farnworth, bolton. 561 A J.L MASONS are requested to keep away from "k Stow Park, Newp ort, at present. Men out ig.-iinst short till,e. 795 IMMIGRATION—Young women wanted for free j passage to Queensland, Australia, per steam-hip Cliyebassa, sailing from London December 30th. Snip 1o.i: El -Apply immediately at Cocke's Emigration (itfice,. 33, li 553 ^"Va:* ILEST—Wanted, experienced alteration liatul Rici. anion's Now Mantle Warehouse, Com weldal-street, Newport. u 80- TONE MASOiNS (50 good) wanted at once.—I'rice and Company's New Buildings, How Park, New- port.. ANTED, inteiligentTYouth for an Office.—Apply 19, Bute-ntreet. Jrl9.^ WANTED, Limestone Masone. 3 setters, and 6 W dressers.—Apply S. Pearson and Son, Miltord Docks. 781 "VTOUNG LADY wanted for restaurant; musical. J1.. Reside with family.—Appl^, stating age, ex- perience, and address of referees, Mrs Sinclair's^Select Employment Agency, b, Constellation-st., Cardiff. b70 YOUTH wanted, used to Lathe, and make himself useful. State wages and where last employed.— Apply D. G., South Wales Echo,' Newport. eob ^ctigtnus, ^partmeuts, &r. CCOMFORTABLE HOME for one or two young j lady friends; terms moderate; Austin-place, Maindee.—Apply "Home," Echo" Office, Newport. LODGINGS (comfortable).—Young man leaving for Wolverhampton can strongly recommend com- fir table a.. artments.—Apply Mrs Jones, Orkney Vilia, b3, Cowbridge-road. 498 WANTED, near Lland.iff, by a young married couple, furnished bed and sitting-room.— Address, stating all particulars and terms, which must be strictly moderate, P. 7., Echo Office," Cardiff. 559 OU5eS, &C., õL:o ICET. C^LARE STREET, RIVERSID15.—Ten roonild house, fitted with aver)- convenience very low rent to a good tenant.—Seymour, Builder, Talbot-street, Cardiff. 567 HOUSE to Let, 34, Ro.-e st7eet, RoathT Ront, 6s Jn per week.—Apyly Jas. Good 2 St..Tohn's- square, Cardiff. b55 lIX-ROO:\IJ-'D HOUSE to Let 79, Treharris-stre^t, s off Castle-road. Roath. Papered throughout. Rent, fcs od per week,—Apply M. Oram, 15, North Uhurch-street, Cardiff. 541 rpO LET.—No 19. Lower Cathedral-road.—Anply. No JL 13, Lower Cathedral-road, Cardiff. 550 74AT be Let, No. 3, Wind'or- T 7 place, Cardiff. Ihe premises are admirably f,),- a professional gentleman —Apply at the Ottice, 772 Daily Q[;1J $2i.-lh!siTte5s fprimises, &r:. LUB centre Roath i gas rent low greater part of furniture And U'ensils for working men's cluh to be takf-n off. Terms moderate. Above have been occuple-i by a club for four years.— Apply F 5, Echo Offi.e, C .rdiff. 534 TO BE LET, No. 3, Windsor-place, close on to Crockherbtown, as Offices or for business pre- mises. Contains 10 rooms, cellars, and largo ganien.and back entrance to Park-lane; suitable for professional man, milliner, tailor, draper, school, &c.—App!y, "South Wales Daily News" Office, Cardiff. 772 Irov ,^alr.-iHia«Uan?ons. OA 1, CA EITBTV sicifrs;s^Tr^Ni^^(go^)Te«y j cheaji, having no further use for nearly new together or separate. —16, Tylvr-strcet. Broad- way, Roath, Cardiff. 560 ITIOR SALE, 56in. Universal Ciub Biejcle balls both wheels condition equal new; bargain, £ 5- Davis, East Moors, Cardiff. 553e Ij^Oit SALE, grand breil I1 ox Terrier Pup, bitch, excs'lenr game, has been trained to rats, rab- bits, &e.; price Et Is trial allowed.—Apply Floroncia-street, Cathays, C- rditf. 457 FOR SALE, Spiing Trap, near'v new, and harness, suit bake:- or grocer, £ also two'pooy business tr ips, S6 each long coal cart and harness, cheap.-93, Ul if ton-street, Roath, Cardiff. 440 FOR SALE, at Red House, ^kinner-treet, Newport, • good Dining Table, tine Mahogany Duches.se Sluiid and Table, six 12ft.Benches, and two stools 793 I^NGINE.-For Sale, a Vertical'Engine, 8 inch X j cylinder, 12 inch stroke, with fly wheel and pulley; and pump attacued to -ime. Can be seen at auy time at the South Wales Daily .News, Office, Carditf. "'f \f UsT BK S()1,D7bun PTjny,fivesyear-ol<l, and v,Ua^e 1H SU' = also potato and hot pea engine and a business tV, suitable for a pony.-Apply 2, George- street, Doyg, Cardiff. 1J#lGEONS (Twelve), Sale °l* Exchange anything use- _L ful owls, drag, ns, homers; Prgains; must he cJea.retl Tibbett 34, B-¡'¡¡tJ\treet,l'Iewport. 794 s Ns. -s, PIGEONS: PIGEONS, btain any quantity. Sliootint; Clubs. &c., can obtain any quantity. Stamp for reply.—E. Volk. il'gh-street, Cardigan. 4oS r B Vo UND~ERTAKEKS.-On Sale, great bargains and LNI)E 8 easy terms oi payment, Hearses, with glass sides; Funeral Carriages, also SGelJ heres: newest designs, and tVio largest ?tocK in the world; (irawiugs and prices free.—J'10* Mars'on a,K' Co., 24, Bradford-street, Birmingham- s:x Hansoms and two large Brakes 011 equal to ule' Sale eqiiaHo uew. 671 -cy ^NTED, ^et Harness for 12 hands'Pony brown 'preferred, square buckles; must be good onier. —Davis, 9, Clare-gardens, Cardiff. 375e its I71URNISH 011 our New Hire System. Houses or Apartments completely furnisbed 011 a new sys- tem adopted solely by us, whereby all publicty, exposure, and inquiries usually made by other com- panies are dispensed with. We have an immense stock ot Household Furniture of cheap and superior quality. All goods sold on the Hire System at ready- money prices. We make no extra charge for credit, *!id all goods sent home in a private ran free of charge No stamp or agreement charges made 110 bill of sale everything private. Arrangements completed without 4oiay. and, being manufacturers, we guarantee quality, snd will undertake to supply furnitu ■:> Itc., at 10 per cent. less than any price-list issued by any firm in Cardiff. Eleven show rooms. Call ilad inspect our immense stock, and compare prices before purchasing elsewhere. We will supply £ 5 worth for 2s 6d weekly £ 10 worth, 4s weekly £ 15 worth for 5a weekly £ 20 worth, ós weekly, and so on in proportion. Special terms for larger quantities. Please note the Address: SOUTH WALES FURNISHING COMPANY, 31 C,lstle.t. (opposite the Castle). Cardiff.12783—2491—68e KNOW THYSELF.—Character correctly described from handwriting. Senu specimen, stamped directed envelope and four stamps, Professor Thornton, "janhologist, Central Office-1. IS, Uolborn, Loudon. S1* hundred unsvliQiteu testimouials. Old established. 496 EATILEIL BEDS colcfrrat^xi ieauier sssusK plll{)wS (5u}b). 3/5! purified B'cddl11g Mitnufacturcr, Bond-treet,  ———   CLOTHING bought.     orders for pM'-   Gr.e..    FRMANZWIEBACK. brown  breads!! pfefft;l'kuchen, IU:tl'ciptw: tc., at ws Confectionery, T^UMLEY'^ FEATHER BEDS are the cheapest in D U^„Vorid Testimonials from all parts quality It ht, I fuI size bordered feather bed, bolster guaranteed, fvu 37 punned two Pillow J. t^^k"Address A. G. Rumley, \Miole- fef ,rSlfl,n ^Iuui;aeturer. Bond-street, St James sale jilultlie9 of tick and feathers free. 569 Barton, b«sjtoUS £ ° g^TL A \lW"C7ErGurnsey s ttliOP A Lamw for shop fronts and hotels. Large ^^Secoud-haud L-.mps.-C. E. Gum. r^TiFNA^rKJNXlTuNlONOF LIFE ASSURANCE HP —Agents and collectors please meet at X ■i-• f.,vern Friday next. Chair to be the Anchor CoS Khk. Mr G. Phillips, taken at 545 Gen Sec-, will be pie3tnt. rnVnlTACCONISl'S' TRADE.—For advice how to I .^7remuneratively from any amount, however 1 n Tend for Illustrated Catalogue (post free).- smaU, sen" *0 ffouncisditch. London.—Oldest, best, and cheapest house in the woi Id. Establisbe(i 60 years. ffiteiJ. (""x A mi ACCOMMODATION^—The Cardiff and j County Advance Bank continues to mace ad- J «. ,?no.. anv approved security repayable by in- vauces upon any appr^ Jnorlerate interest Bills stalment Manager, 9, Caroline-street, Car- ONF,Y -ADVANCii:S, REPAYABLE by IN. IVl STALMENTS. Interest moderate. No prelunv fpp« Deposits received.—Apply 19, QUAY- STREET (off St Mary-street), CARDIFF. 840-1205 I~ivfPfmTANT~NOTICE. —If want Money send stamp for Prospectus before borrowing elsewhere. — VIr Pike, 43, Salisbury-road, Cardiff. Mi rpHE^ARDTFF ASh SOUTH WalES LOAN rnVTINUES J'O ADVANCE DAILY, SUMS FROM cuiN1A1 £ 2 TO £ 500. Under new and low terms. Under new management. Uuder new system. Amplications attended to at once, without delay or routine Apply personally or by letter to JAMES prV1 T T) (Mau ieer), 14, Custom House-street (side en- Sc5;& Office fiours, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Enclose p for I)r(isnectii,,z. 777e TO OQAA ADVANCED DAILY '^HOUSEHOLDERS Without the usual Loan Office Routine or Preliminary Fees. Moderate Charges, Easy Payments. Aaply-G. H. ALLSOPP, MONETARY ADVANCE COMPANY, 2, NEW-STREET, (underneath Liberal Jlub),. CARDIFF. 3788 Jneyi" ONEY I IONËYIï Cash Advances made at a few hours notice from S5 to N500 to Farmen, Market Gardeners Cowkeepers, Tradesmen, and others, on tbeir own security. No sureties required, No inquiry fees. Money lent 011 deposits, also tradesmen's bills discounted. Apply, personalis or by letter to Mr B. B. Lester, Manager, Private Loan Office. Pock-strcet (corncr of Skinner straet), Newport Mon £ 81^ rG\HE SOUTH WALES LOAN and DISCOUNT OFFICE ADVANCES CASH rom £ 3 to £ j00 to Householders, Farmers and others itliouil security. If Borrowers caunot obtain an advance at this office they cannot do so by applying elsewhere. All business done strictly private and confidential. Apply, personally, or by letter, to Lewis, Manager, 1 St. John's-square, Cardiff. Office hours 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. 7ó20 HOUSEHOLDERS can obtain advances from £ 2 upwards on application by letter to Mr J. P. Thompson, 71, Adam-street, Cardiff. 290 West aitfr ,Jounà. FOUND, Oil December 9th, in Richmond-road, a Cheque, value £ i0. Owner can have same upon giving full particulars.—Apply B. Fishnian, 9, Edward- street, Cardiff. 439 LOST, a brown Carpet-bag, between .South Church- street and Penarth Duel:.— Reward will be given to tinder on returning same to Police-station, or 12, South Chufch-street, Cardiff. ^Tiattllanions lEants. VERGR UENS (21oads) wantecTto buy immediately. —Apply, giving price, to G.R., Echo Office, Cardiff. WANTED, a Light Cart that will tip suitable for cob 13 hands; state price.—Apply C. B., "Echo" office. 625 GREAT MONEY DISTRIBUTION. £ 1 () t GIVEN AWAY EACH WEEK TO THE HEADERS OF THE "SOUTH WALES EOHO." The Proprietors of the SOUTH WALES ECHO have the pleasure of announcing that they will distribute £ 10 EACH WEEK in FREE MONEY GIFTS amongst the readers of the SOUTH WALES ECHO. The Gifts will be as follow FIRST PRIZE £ 5 0 0 a SECOND PRIZE < 211 0 0 THIRD PRIZE Lo 10 0 FOURTH PRIZE 0 10 0 FIFTH PRIZE ) 10 0 SIXTH PRIZE 0 10 0 SEVENTH PRIZE 0 5 0 EIGHTH PRIZE 0 5 0 iNITH PRIZE 0 5 0 TENTH PRIZE 0 5 0 ELEVENTH PRIZE 0 5 0 TWELFTH PRIZE 0 5 0 THIRTEENTH PRIZE 0 5 0 FOURTEENTH PRIZE 0 5 0 Commencing each Monday, there will be printed in the ECHO a Daily Coupou, numbered each week from 1 to 6. Every reader desiring to participate must cut out the six Coupons issued during the week, and send them to our Cardiff, Newport, or Swansea, oftiee not later than 12 o'clock, noon, each Monday, addressed— "PRIZE DISTRIBUTION," SOUTH WALES ECHO, One of tlie Coupons must be filled up with the name aud address of the sender. This Coupon will be placed in the revolving wheel, and will have an equal chance of securing one of the tour- teen prizes. to) the convenience of our readers, and iJ save cost of postage, Coupons caiv be left at our Cardiff, Newport, and Swansea offices before 12 noon every Monday■ One more sets of Coupons can be enclosed in the fame envelope. Cardiff Office: S3, St. Mary-street. Swansea Office 2, College-street. Newport Office: 1, Tredegar-place. The LIST OF PRIZE WINNERS will be published each Wednesday in the SOUTH WALES ECHO. SPECIALITIES FOR THR OVERCOAT SEASON AT AT "W p*111012 AND y0^ PILOT AND NAP OVERCOATS 20s, 25s, 30s, 35s, 40s, 45s. BLACK WORSTED OVERCOATS: 20s, 2bs, 30s, 35s, 45s, 55s. FANCY COLOURED OV1CRCOATS 15s, 20s, 25s, 30s, 35s, 40s. THE NEW CAPE OVERCOAT 21s, 25s, 30s, 35s, 40s, 50s. THE NL\ COVEilT COAT: lis, 10s, 25s. 30s, 35s. BOY.y AND YOUTHS' OVERCOATS From 3s lid to 3os EVERY QUALITY EQUALLY CHEAP. Address: THE CARDIFF HOUSE, CORNEIt OF CAROLINIfi-sTREET, ST. MARY llle STREET. CARDIFF 1007 J\fUNDA Y'S ttil c OMPOUND p HOSPHATED ELIXIR. op 0" I tfi I Si' li 11 '1., A NERVF, AND BRAIN STIMU- LANT AN]) TONIC. Is recommended and can be taken with the most satisfactory results in Dys^ep^a. Indigestion, Nervousness, Neural. gia. Sleeplessness, Over-worked iBrain, Hysteria, Mental and Physical Exhaustion, Diminished Vitality, and all forms of Extreme Ur Nervous Debility. Ur Nervuus Debility. iSold in Bottles 2s 3d and 4s each :(by post 3d and 6d extra), or six 14s bottles for 22s. Prepared only by J MONDAY, CHEMIST, > 1. HIGB-Slfififil, CARDIFF. MS 1. ) ^nuisemntts. CARDII'F. THEATRE ROAL, CARDIFF. Important Engagement of Mr W. Duck's Company in AS IN A LOOKING-GLASS, The Enormously Successful Play of the London Season. MISS LAURA VILLIERS (remembered for her liiagiiiflcent performance of Fedora) in her great impersonation cf LENA DESPARD. TO-NIGHT, WEDNESDAY, DEC. 14lU, The New Play by F. C. Grove. AS IN A J^OOKKNG GLASS, Founded on the Famous Novel by F. C. Phillips. Powerful Company of London Artists. MONDAY NEXT, Dec. 191;li, the celebrated Actress, Miss LOUISE MOO DIE in EAST LYNNE. Open 7. Commence 7.30. Half-price 9. _Box Plan at Thompson and Shackell's, Lim. 1041 "VTEW GRAND THEATRE OF -L' VARIETIES. Fresh Arrivals! Last Six Nights of the Variety Season. Gigantic success and Last Six Nights of the THE COLONEL'S EVENING PARTY." Lieut. FRANK TRAVIS, England's Premier Ventrilo- q HI" t. TROUPE OVBICYCLISTS, Marvellous success and Last Six Nights of LEOKCE, The Wonder of the Worid The Talk of All Beholders; Supported by LOLLA and MARTHA. MONDAY NEXT, December 19th, First time in Cai-diff of the JTJNGFRUA K.iPELLE, SWISS ORCHESTRA AND 410 MOUNTAIN SINGERS. i.577 H I L H A nlVIONIC, THE NEW THEATRE OF VARIETIES, SAINT AlARY-STREET, CARDIFF. PROPRIETORS THE PHILHARMONIC MUSIC HALL COMPANY, LTD. MANAGER MR C. M. RODNEY. TO-NIGHT AND EVERY EVENING DURING THE WEEK, GASPER AND ETOIT, The Great Comical Acrobatic Novelties, in addition to the Company already announced in Day Bill.s, which include the 0 1 M A L L E Y 8, Aye, Aye." EDGAR AUS ) 1^,°' V40LE P MELROSE, GENERAL DISCORD, lARIE FAWN, 785e and others. 7725 TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT! LEVINO'S MUSEUM OF VARIETIES. HENRI LKVI.NO MANAGER. FRANK LEVINO STAGE MANAGER. No wonder this popular place of amusement is patronised by our best families, and receiving the best support of any plaee of amusement in the town, when we consider the fact that every week a new programme is submitted full of variety, plea-dug surprises, and always refined. Thí week an exira strong bi,, is pro- vided, including MULLEN anil MAOEE, in their irresistibly funny BoXING A'.T. MONS. NILO, just arrived from Paris. with his great act on three 'ariel ladders, perch, pole, &-c. something new to all. SAWYER and ELLIS: fun without vulgarity. The celebrated WILMORES; a great attraction. Miss ROSE ROYAL; a favourite everywhere. M. B. MOSELEY, a most clever character artiste. ALICE OAICLKY, the beautiful Tyrolean vocalist. CHAS. RAYMOND, the champion one-legged pedestal dancer! J. G. DOUGLAS, descriptive vocalist, with new and special scenery. Tlw TWO ROSES cannot be too highly recommended lor appearance M]d harmony of their clever dancing. All must admit that Levino has the best entertainment in town, wid at such moderate prices, toij-froxii 3d. No wond-r the beautiful tittte family resort is crowded nightly. N.B.—We are re- quested to announce that the world-famed* PAT F.],NEY oii Monday, the 19th, for one week only. supported by the best company ever in Cardiff. SOOe LEVINO'S MUSEUM OF VARIETIES. 7832 "JJSEFUL CHRISTMAS PRESENTS^ A iii- of GOLD SPECTACLES or FOJ.DEKS fitted with sslected Pebbles to accurately suit the sight. OPERA GLASS, mounted in Ivory, Russia, or Morocco, from 2is. MAGIC LAN TERN, witit an assortment of slides. ANEROID BAROMETER, mounted for drawing or dining-room, or hall; for youths a good scientitic toy. All of which en be seen by calling on J. R. WOOD, PltACTICAL OPTrCIAX, 3, CASTLE-STREET; CARDIFF. 78b -a financial. I3ERSONS WISHING to M A K '^MONEY i■ u- b>\ usi«S £ 5 capital and upwards (uo further liability) 111 Stock ;.nd .-hare transactions avera^ii o nays' duration (capita! often doubled'or trohfodV should read It. B. SMII H'S PAMPHLET 011 » How to make Unlimited Profits with Limited Liab-lhv" Court Journal snys, "The throng of operators dealing with Mr Smith is quite astounding." Press oninio,^ Clients lestimoniais. Pamphlet, &c., post free H p* SMITH, Sworn Broker, 110, Caunon-strect" LondoSi E C. felae (POLE'S ELECTRIC LLJliT STUDia .Y 31A, ROYAL ARCADE, unH?flbr°Ugh«Ut the Chri:?tul'*s Holidays from 9 a m. until v p.m., for the production of bis far-famed dav the latter equal to best day' PrlcesTs usuaLe Each'sitter to^have ^"cards^tQ11 the NSCaddress?11"1' dC"Cn| f°r the b°Iida>S THE PAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. AN "EXCELLENT PAPER.Vide London run, Nov. 9th. rHE LARGEST CIRCULATION IN THE PRINCIPALITY. ™™»T HON. JOHN MORLEY, M.P., writes Vtl much obliged to you for sending me your Pupu, l['hle/¿ I ha ve /ol,ked'into 'with intert,t. THE CAKD1FF TIMES AND SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS THE BRIGiLTEST, THE MOST READABLE, THE MOST AMUSING WEEKLY PAPER IN THE KINGDOM. ) ORIGINAL ARTICLES ENTERTAINING SERIALS. PLENTY OF NEWS. P It ICE ONE PENNY. 72 COLUMNS. PRICE ID.-72 COLUMNS. THE CONTENTS THIS WEEK Will jneiude :— SKETCHES AT CARDIFF FAT STOCK IlOW. Sketches of Prize Winners at Cardiff Fat Stock Show. EARLY INTELSH NONCONFORI-IIST MINISTERS. The Itev. J. R. Kilsby Jones on weisti Preachers ur.der the Commonwealth. A CREW OF LASCARS AT CARDIFF. Special Article with Sketches of Lascar Seamen. WORKMEN'S TOPICS. MABOX, M.P., on Mining Regulations. SAMUEL'S SENTIMENTS. Amusin* Article on Volapuk. the newlanguao which commercial men are asked to adopt. BEHIND THE COUNTER. The fourth of a series of interesting Sketches by a Shop Assistant. The food aud lodging pro. vided for indoor assistants. THE SECRET OF SINCLAIR'S FARM." Early Chapters of all original sensational Story,entitled" The Secret of Sinclair's Farm." By Harry BIyth. Author of Snatched from Death'' Done in the Dark," <fcc., &c. CHRISTMAS CARDS. A sh-irt Article Oll Christmas Card novelties. "THE WIDOWED PRINCE." Further chapters of a new Welsh Historical Romance. By Beriah Uwynto Evans. Y GOLOFN GYMREIG. Gaon Dafydd Morgan wg. "HERR PAULUS." Highly Interesting Chapters of a New Novel entitled "Herr Paiiliis," frum the brilliant pen of Mr Walter Besant, author of "Ail Sorts and Conditions of Men," Ac. (Illustrated.) EXPERIENCES OF A DETECTIVE. Forcing a Rogue to Disgorge." By Mr James McGovan. TALK OF THE TOWN Illustrated. A smart London Letter 011 Social Topics. WELSH GLEANINGS. BY LLOFFWR. LOTTIE'S LETTER to her Sisters and her Cousins and her Aunts. With Fashion Plates: SOUTH WALES CHAT. All the Gossip oi the Week, by MERLIN. THE CHILDREN'S HOUR. Aunt Maggie's Chat with the Youngsters. THE CARDIFF TIMES AND SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS CONTAINS ALL THE NEWS OF THE WEEK. This week a Sheet Almanac will be given away as a Supplement. IN JANUARY S200 will be given away to readers of the CARDIFF TIMES and SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS. Soid by all Newsagents throushout Wales and tho West of England. ESSRS W. H. SMITH and SON deliver the SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS at an eariy hour each Morning in all nans r the follow ing towns:— CARDIFF SWANSEA NEWPORT RUATH MERTHYR PORTSKEWETT CANTON ABERDARK PONTYPOOL ROAD BUTE DOCKS HEREFORD PEMBROKE DOCK BRIDGEND NEW MILFORD HAVERFORDWEST NEATH BRISTOL GLOUCHSTE, R LLANE1.LY TENBY ABERYSTWYTH T/AMPE'i EU CARMARTHEN ABERGAVENN Y The CARDIFF TIMISH also delivered every Fr day to any address in the abo 'e mentioned Towns. ORDERS to be seat.iaJ'bo -on gt sba wrious bookstalls • j ;S:5tS. I IT WOULD BE DIFFICULT for anyone to realise the 1ENORMOUS QUANTITIES of goods required and prepared by .TOTHAM & SONS, THE CLOTHIERS, -96 &- 27, ST. m ARY- s TREET" for their F 0 R T Y N I N T B AUTUMN AND WINTER, which they have commenced under the most favourable circun:stances experienced in their HALF CENTURY SUCCESSFUL TRADING, ar.cl which will still further increase business, and cement the strong bond of confidence existing between customers and themselves. JOTHAM & SONS, Have more sternly than ever sot their faces against dealing in anything but articles thoroughly reliable, for which their establishments are trulj celebrated. The strong protest and opoo-dtion to COMMON SUBSTITUTES and BAD IMITATIONS, which are delusive and altogether unsatisfactory, should be publicly supported, so as to avoid a SERIOUs WAS rE OF MONEY, besides a grievous disappointment. JOTHAM & SONS, HIGH-CLASS TAILORING will be sustained with the heaviest Stock of attractive varieties they have ever held, in which are offered ad. vantages uuknown in Cardiff. Garments are made in the most perfect manner to the season's styles or d'stinct forms. The Overcoatings are of uuusual patterns and excellence. JOTHAM & SONS, HEADY-TO WEAR CLOrHING 2ulaTair maintain the FIRM'S SUPREMACY in this SPECIAL SECTION. Great surprises await pur- ckas'e!'s. It would he a neglect of caution and a refusal of MONEY SAVING for any man to purchase an O v EL.COAT, SUIT, VEST, OR TROUSERS without inspecting tne goods in fact, it would be a. deliberate rejection of the BEST VALUE IN CARDIFF. JOTHAM & SONS, YOUTHS' AND BOY")' CLOTHING In?ore support their name and fame as Our .boys Clothiers." They have made it utterly imnos- stble for the value at the prices to be approached in NVales or West of England. They have over-reached pibt years' qualities, and touched the Doint of HXCBLSlS of EXCELLENCE, NOVELTY, and CHEAPN KSS. Parents are invited to seo what STRANGE THINGS have b¡¡::n provided for their Sons. JOTHAM tx; SONS' WORKMEN AND SEAMEN'S READY-MADE CLOTHING is such that all men should keep purses closed, hold money, and guard their cash till they have seen them. The qualities are beyond value, and the prices below cheapness. To buy these is a best value-getting duty, r.ndt-o veLti- them a money-saving pleasure. The Hat, Hosiery, and Outfitting Branches are in the 511116 state of completion and repletion, with value and variety that know no equal or give such benefits to buyers. The greatest pleasure, greatest profit, and greatest satisfaction will be obtained in doing business with JOTHAM"& SONS. So it 71 S'F, MABY.8XBJSEI, fl^lARDIFF. 599 MUNDAY'S VI R] DI N E J QORNS c ORNS £ JORNS £ <ORNS. c ORNS. (OR,NS I 0ORNS 0ORNS 0ORNS c OTTNS QORNS QORNS QORNS COHNS c ORNS i 'U £ JORNS c ORNS QORNS £ JORNS c ORNS- QORNS ^JORNS QORNS QORNS ^JORNS QORNS c ORNS! ^iORNS QORNS QORNS c ORNS QORNS QORNS 0ORNS QORNS QORNS QORNS c ORNS! QORNS CORNS! Trade Mark), No. 36996. A CERTAIN CURE FOR CORNS, Painless and Harmless. This infallible remedy introduced by J. UNDAY has obtained a world-wide reputation. The efficacy of vilti. DIN g' may be judged by its havin Cured Corns of over 50 years' standing? which had resisted all other remedies? r It succeeds where all Plasters and Caustics have failed IN REMOVING BOTH HARD OR SOFT CORNS AN D WARTS, 1 IMITATIONS, I Mdlle. MAIIIE MULLKR, Amster dam, Holland, writes:- I bought a bottle oi your qermine "V:riitin« some six months ago in Paris, winch cured me, and as I am a principal dancer vou know mv feet are my livin r. The bottle I I bought aid the service you recom- t mended it, but I bought another one afterwards which was forged and no 1 good. As T want a bottle of yenxune lot- a friend of mine, who is nearly mad with pin, will you please send me one direct. ^TONDERFUL CURE. Miss WAITS, Cheltenham, writes:- Please send by return of post one bottle of Viridine." We have found it a wonderfUl cure for corns. CORN JUBILEE. MrTHOS. WILLIAMS, St. Nicholas, writes:- I am 85 years of age. A corn I have had over 50 years has been perfectly cured by our "Viridine." QRATITUDE. The Rev. W. MATTHEWS, M.A., Si David's, writes:- Gratitu « compels me to say that your "Viridine removed two corna from my feet, which had troubled me for many years. gUFFEREDl.5 YEARS. MISS JONES, Lawnhurst, Manchester writes ;— I have suffered for 15 years from a horrid corn. Sometimes it was like a boil. I tried the Viridine,' and it has completely cured it. The above are extracts from numerous unsolicited testimonials. £ JAUTION. As so many imitations of my prepara- tion are being offered, tlie public are re- quested to ASK FOR M U N D A Y' S "VIRIDINE And SEE THAT MY SIGNATURE is oil the end of each package. By ordering Corn Cure' you may receive one of the many so-called remedies' which only give relief or some worthless imitation of Viri- dine.' lr- Bottles, price Is, by post Is 2d. dine.' lr- Bottles, price Is, by post Is 2d. PRKPABKD ONLY BY J M V K D A V CHEMIST, 1, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. | Agents; London-^WILCOX & Co., Chemists, 239, Oxford-street, W. F. NEWBEBY <Sp SONS SANG Eli, SUTTON, HOVENDEN, &c Liverpool— SYMES tfe Co., £ 3, Bold-strett. Dublin^HAYES & Co., 12, Grafton-street, Paris— PlfAltMACIE BERAL, 14, Rue de la Paix. Amsterdam—PERRY & Co., 97, Kalverstraat. And all Chemists and Pateut Medicine Vendors, 12583-962e £ c y "jVf EN WHD WISH TO MARRY AND -Lvi. BE HAPPY should see the MAGIC MIRROR sent free to any part of the world on receipt of Post Card, with name and address—8, Fitz.sq., Sheffield. Don't delay, send.at ome. itocat-o you ugttiiaig 424-159 ISTTSITTGSS ^.ibiJresses. N. BERRY AND CO.'S GRAND CHRISTMAS jg AZAAR AND J1 A N C Y F A I R, I THIS AND FOLLOWING DAYS, AT 34, QUEEN SIEETT' S4. t ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN TOYS. DOLLS. GAMES. CUBES. DOMINOES. BUN EONS ENGINES. SKITTLES. I MAGIC LANTERNS. CHINKSE LANTERNS. WORK BOXES. WRITING DESKS. CABINETS. MUSICAL BOXES. HAND BAGS. PURSES, AND TEN THOUSAND OTHER USKFUL AND I FANCY ARTICLES. ;V I ONE OF THE GRANDEST SIGHTS IN CARDIFF, AT I JGERRY AND ^JOMPAUY'S GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHING WAREHOUSE, 34 QUEEN-STREET, 34. 630 GUARANTEED THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN WALES, WAST N A G E. MEN'S SUITS 12s 6d to 50s MEN'S TROUSERS 3s 9d to 15s BOYS' SUITS Is lid to 155 OVERCOATS. MENS 9s lid to 55s BOYS 2s lid to 21s PRICE AND QUALITY UNEQUALLED. 18, HIGH-ST., AND 21, QUAY-ST., CARDIFF. 593 HEATHS PIANOFORTES QRGANS AND jZj^ARMONIUMS JLi. G E A T H AND SONS -β-JL fJIHREE YEARS' SYSTEM Is Applied to the Hire a.nd Purchase of Instruments by all Makers, from 10s Monthly. Every Instrument Guaranteed. Cc-operative Prices for Cash. The Largest Stock in Wales to Select from 51, Queen-street, Cardiff. 259 P O WBRIDGET—~A~DAVTS^ Bridge House, Cowbridge.—Great Show of Christmas Goods, consisiing of albums, photo frames inplu-h, Ac., bags, purses, work-baskets, plain silk and s .tin- lined, fan-, beads, cigar case,, pocket-books, work. boxes, desks and stationery cases, Japanese, Chinese, and Oriental goods, bronze and brass goods, fancy china and glass orn:m1tmts, brushes, combs, and per- turnery, scrap albums, dolls dressed and undressed, toys in great voriety, Berlin wool, fancy and fine yarns, silk for embroidery, a splendid assortment of Bibles, Common-Prayers, &c., volumes for the year. books for prizes, Christmas and New Year's car is in all the newest designs the monster 10s packet, of Christmas cards for Is. Show Rooms now open. The favour of a call s earnestiv solicited. 802e-7838 PIANOS.-—WHY BE WITHOUT ONE When you can become the owner of a nice instrument for the small payment of 10s 6d PER MONTH ON rjlHOMPSON AND GHACKELLS (LIMITED HIRl SYSTEM! No security required, and the instrument delivered to purchaser on payment of first monthly instalment. Every instrument guaranteed, and exchanged if not approved ORGANS AND HARMONIUMS ON SIMILAR TERMS. THOMPSON AND SHACKELL, PIANOFORTE AND MUSIC WAREHOUSE, QUEEN'S BUILDINGS, CARDIFF Also at SWANSEA, NEWPORT, MERTHYR, PONTYPRIDD, PEXARTH, BRECON, and GLOUCESTER. 40 JJRIDGE-ST., QARDIFF C, FOLLICK, PAWNBROKER. HIGHEST VALUE LENT ON (;OLD AND SILVER VALUABLES. OVER SZ AT THE RATE OF 4d IN THE POUND INTEREST EXCEEDING S10 AT 3d IN THE POUND INTEREST. 40, BRIDGE-STREET, CARDIFF. 581 iNi ARSH AND COMPANY, ADULTS FUNERALS. 1st Class, with best Hearse and Coach, on th most modern principle, with a pair of their wei '] known Flemish-bred lforses to each, one inc t hlin Polished Cotfin, best registered furnitur > with elaborate name-plate engraved, tine satin trimmed robe, and self attoudance. £5 5 C Marsh & Co.'s 2nd Class ditto, ditto. 4 4 0 Marsh<fcCo.'s3rd,withimprovedcarriage 3 3 0 Marsh <fc Co.s 4fcn. ditto, ditto 2 10 0 CHILDREN'S FUNERALS, Including pair Flemish-bred Horses, modern Coach, with all the lat;est improvements, Po. lished Coffin, lined with fiue flannel, and attendance. Umbr one year. £1 1Q 0 Under two years 1 11 0 One-horse carriage, including coffin covered in black, blue, or polished, lined with flannel, modern coach, and attendance. Under six months 0 18 6 Under one year l 0 0 Under two years 1 1 0 And so on in proportion. Handsome Car, Carved or Plain Hearse, Mourning Coaches and Broughams, Ostrich Plumes, <fec. 33 Address-80,St. Mary.street Cardiff 0 S S'S j^OYAL "BELFAST" A ERATED WATERS. THE ONLY GOLD MEDAL AWARDED FOR GINGER ALE. LIVERPOOL INTERNATIONAL I 96e 12800 2676 EXHIBITION. I SeiE MANUFACTORY, BELFAST. Â FACT WORTH KNOWING. ¡ BHEUlIAMSPILL-i Are admitted by thousands to be worthabove a GUINEA a BOX for bilious and nervous disorders, such as wind pain in the stomach, sick headhache, giddiness, iullness and swelling after meals, dizziness and drow-mess, cold I chill; flushings of heat, loss of a;petite, shortness of breath, costiveness, scurvy, and blotches on the skin, disturbed sleep, frightful dreams, and all nervous and trembling sensaiions, Ac., cl-c. Every: sufferer is earnestly invited t,) try one box of II these PIlls, and they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX For Females of all ages these Pills are invaluable. No female should be without them. There is no nwdi. cine to be found to equal Beecham's Pills for removin" any obstructions or irregularity of the system. If taken according to the directions given with each box, they will soon restore females of all ages to sound and robust health. For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all disorders of the Liver, they act like MAGIC, and a few doses will be found to work wondera upon the most important organs in the human machine. They strengthen the whole muscular sysE-,m,re-itore the long. lost complexion, bring back the J'en eoge of appetite, and arouse into action, with the ROSE-BUD of health, the whole physical energy of the human frame. These are FACTS admitted by thousands embracing all classes of society, and one of the best guarantees to the Ner. vous and Debilitated is Beecham's PiUs. They have the largest sale of any patent medicine in the world. Prepared oiilv b. the T. BEECHAM, Chemist, St. Helen's, Lancashire, in Boxes at Is l,d and 2s 9d each. Sold by all Patent Medicine Dealers in the United Kingdom. 210 N.B. Full directions ave given with each bos. 7Z9Q Ittatniss AbbrefífíeS. •* • "f t 29 4 30, S1' JVJARY-STKEET, CARDIFF. DEAR SIA, We be to draw your attention to our special value in Overcoats and Winter Clothing for the precent season. Our energies have been particularly directed to supplying Overcoats and Overcoatings of •sterling quality only, aud, finding that our en. deavours to introduce first-class goods have n:et with surprising success, we await with confidence an inspection of our Stock, which is replenished wi 11 every variety (personally selected from the lead ng houses), and also our own makes, the extremejy low price of which we are confident cannot be surpassed. Speecial attention is devoted to the Be. spoke Department. We guarantee accurate and comfortable fit, from reliable materials, at economical prices. We would point to the special features of our business, viz. I.-Our great experience as judges and wholesale buyers of reliable cloths. 2.— Our straightforward dealing and constant anxitfty to deserve our customers' confidence.- These are the bases of our ever-increasing trade. Should you honour ua with your commands, our sole aim will be to melit, by prompt atten- tion, a continuance of your esteemed favours. We are, dear Sir, Your obedient servants, TOASTERS AND QOMPASY, THE CARDIFF CLOTHIERS, 75.3 piMKDIATE RELIEF FROM £ JOUGH, &C. COUGHS COUGHS COUGHS COUGHS COUGHS COUGHS COUGHS COUGHS COUGHS COUGHS COUGHS COUGHS COUGHS COUGHS COUGHS COUGHS COUGHS COUGHS COUGHS COUGHS COUGHS COUGHS I T COUGHS COUGHS COUGHS COUGHS COUGHS COUGHS COUGHS I^EWIS'S pECTORALJgALSAM FOR ROUGHS, c OLDS,. A STBMA, ul 0 A P-SENES S, CONSUMPTION, (gHORTNESS BREATH, I FLU E K Z A, jg PITTING of JJLOOD, B RONCHITIS,, JD and all Disorders of the Chest and Lunars, is ACKNOWLEDGED BY ALL who have tried it to be beyond doubt the best and ^AFEST J> EMEDY ever introduced for the above complaints. SOLD EVERYWHERE IN BOTTLEs at 1321 d & 2s 9d EACH. Be suie to ask for a Ewis's pECTORAL Jg ALS AM AXD DO NOT BE PERSUADED TO TAKE ANY OTHER. Prepared by i AS. L EWIS & QO., LIMITED, 3, ST. JOHN'S-SQUARE, c ARDIFF. F,1 -s r TOOTHACHE. rjlOOTHACHE TjpOOTHACHE rrOOTH A CH; -Ã. rjpOOTHAOHE r jpOOTHACHE rjpOOTHACHE CJpOOTHACHE rpOOTHACHE rjpOOTHACHE rjlOOTHACHE TjpOOT H ACHE T OOTFIAC-RF, rjpoOTHACHE rjlOOTHACHE rglOOTHACHE mOOTHACHE TjpOOTHACHE rjlOOTHACHE rjloOTHACHE rpjOTHACHE rjpOOTHACHE fjnOOTHACHE rjlOOTHACHE TOOTHACHE JL 6:4 L EWIS'S AMERICAN ODONTIC. The only certain CURE FOR rpOOTH ACHE, ever fails te gin J N S T A N T E L I E F SOLD EVERYWHERE, Ln bottles 7d and Is lid each. Never have your TEETH EXTRACTED Without first trying It EWISS AMERICAN ODONTIC. gALSAM SUPERSEDED! MAT MILTON'S AMERICAN HERB PASTE. MAT MILTON'S MAT MILTON'S MAT MILTON'S MAT MILTON'S MAT MILTON'S MAT MILTON'S' MAT :\ULTON'S! AMERICAN; HERB PASTE. MAT MILTON'S AMERICAN AMERICAN HERB PASTE. 747e Is warranted to cure all (discharges from the urinary lorgans in either sex. Thoroughly reliable con- venient to take. In tins, 12s 9d and 4s 6d each. Free I by post 3d extra. HEWSON'S COMPOUND PENNYROYAL PILLS FOR FEMALES. In boxes. Is lid and 2s 9d| eacii; free by post 2d extra.' Local Agents: Carditf, Mrl Munday, Chemist, 1, Duke., street Newport, Mr J.l Ptiillips, 92, Commercial- street; Swansea, Mr KeallJ Chemist, 199, High-street ;| F. H. Hewson, 8, Victoria-! enue, Maindee, Newport.i IMOII. London Barclay & Sons AMERICAN HERB PASTE. AMERICAN HERB PASTE. AMERICAN HERB PASTE. PASTE. AMERICAN HERB PASTE. MAT MILTON'S AMERICAN HERB PASTE. MAT MILTON' AMERICAN HERB PASTE. 1042 Q AKD ^yALLIS, THE CELEBRATED PHOTOGRAPHERS AND PORTRArr PAINTERS, 8 & 9, CLARENCE-PLACE, NEWPORT (Just over the Bridge), Have now opened a Branch Studio opposite Cross- street, where high-class portraits are taken daily. At one price, ) 4s bd per dozen for Cartes, a id any'position, 9s per dozen for Cabinets. 503 PLUMBING WORK. ET EN R Y IJ E v A N R. P. fllegisteredPiuniber, WorshipftdComptay of Plumbers, Guildnall. London), PRACTICAL SANITARY AND VENTILATING PLUMBER GAS AND HOT-WATER ENGINEER. 99, FREDERICK-STREET, CARDIFF Estimates Given for all Classes of Sanitary Work. N.B.-l.roDe but First-class Work Solicited. bó4 THOlViPONIS BURDOCK PILLS. JL THK GREAT BLOOD PURI FIER. -Purify the foulest biood and relieve every disease oi stomach, liver, and kidneys. These wonderful PiUs cure diseases wdich could not be reached by any other medi- cine. For Rheumatics, Lumbago, Piles, Gravel, Pains in the Back, Scurvy, Bad Less, Wounds, or White Swelling, Scrofula, Cancers, Blotches on the Face and Body, Sw-eiled Feet, 6K., Jaundice, Dropsy, and Fevers of all kinds. In boxes at Is ljd and 2s 9d each.—Sold by all chemists, or from the manufactory 44. Oxford Swusm tor i§ or & swans 8* Itaaiiuss Jlitoresses. FRY'S .:> "Í PURE CONCENTRATED 1 COCOA. Ask your Grocer for a gratis sample and copy of medical testimonials. 59^ WE DEFY COMPETITION 0VERCOATS QVERCOATS! WARM OVERCOATS FOR THE COLD WINTER. "1%/TASTERS & CO.'S -▼A MEN'S OVERCOATS 12/1 to 69/6 j TV1 ASTERS & CO.'S XU YOUTHS- OVERCOATS, S/6 to 29/6 V/TASTERS & CO.'S -LTJ- BOYS' OVERCOATS, 2/11 to 21/6 IV/I"ASTERS & co.'s MKN'S SUITS. 12A1 to 69/6 L\/RASTERS & CO.'S i "Z YOUTHS' SUITS, 8/6 to to- RASTERS & CO.'S H. "7 4 B0IS' SUITS, lAli to 9/U ]VfAST £ ;R3 & CO.'S Tti AOrr-.MEN'S HARD FELT HATS» to 6/11. I 1VTASTERS & CO.'S v B0YS" HARD FELT HATS. 9d to 3AL THE LARGEST, BEST, AND CHEVPTOJT STOCK OF CLOTHING IN W^LES OR^ V THE WEST OF ENGLAND V THE WEST OF ENGLAND MASTERS & CO., "THE CARDIFF CLOTHIERS." 29 & SO, ST. MARY-STREET AKD 292, BUTE-STREET, CARDIFF. £ ALSO AT ? 18 & 19, CASTLE-SIREET, SWANSEA 39 & 40, HKRH-STREET, NEWPORT 124, HIGH-STREET, MER; HYR. 80, TAFF STREET, PONTYPRIDD 11, HIGH STREET, HEREFORD 11, CANON-STREE-T, ABERDARE, GEORGE STREET, PONTYPOOL, 70, FROGMORE ST., ABERGAVENNY. 753 CAPPERS, THE GREAT TEA MEN, SELL THE FINEST TEAS OF EVERY KIND THAT THE WORLD PRO- i /Tk DICES AT I/TO QAPPERS, THE GREAT TEA MEN, ARE SELLING T.HEIR SPECIAL BLEND, CONTAINING THE -« /-i/v CHOICEST GKOWIuS OF THE I /Ml WORLD AT A" |QAPPERS~THE"GREAT TEA MTR.FC'' ARE SELLING CEYLON TEA OF EX- -g /-■ QUALITY AND INTENSELY 1 /10 THICK LIQUOR AT (JAPPERS, THE" GREAT~TEA MEN\ 1/10 .t! TRAORDINARY STRENGTH. RAPPERS, THE GREAT TEA IEN. ^F|FPEECVO^ BlE PUN^/ENT?0ATNTED AND VERR 1/10 (TAPPERS, THE GREAT TEA MEN. ARE SELLING SUPERBLY rnnirir FORMOSA OOLONG OF FINE FRA- 1 It A GRANCE AND DELICATE FLAVOUR I/JLV 0APPERS, THE GREAT TEA MEN, ARE SELLING SUPERLATIVELY CSOICfi FIRST CROP MOYUNK oW- 1 /1 ft POWDER AT 1/ Iv QAPPEIVS, THE GREAT TEA MEN, ARE SELLING EXTRA SUPERFINE t /t /I NEW SEASON'S ORANGE PEKO li AT | J.U QAPPERS, THE GREAT TEA MEN, ARE SELLING CHOICEST FIRST -| /f A CROP YOUNG HYSON X/X" CAPPERS, THE GREAT TEA MEN, X Y_LGH-STREET Å RCAD. CARDIFF. CARDIFF.eft1 ASK YOUR GROCER FOR EDWARDS' DESICCATED SOUPS JLJ THE LUXURY OF THE AGE. Cookery Book Gratis and Post Free—Name thlcs Paper. 26, WAKING-STREET, BELFAST. Wholesale Depot '— 24, OSWALD-STREET, GLASGOW 798 AMERICAN DETlSTBY PERFECTLY PAINLESS. TEETH. Dental Notice. TEETJL JL AT CARDIFF. X ASSISTED BY Dr. CHARLES KNABE. ATTEND DAILY 10 TILL 7. F. OWEN can also be consulted every Thursday at 72, CR0CKHERBTOWN, } n A BTYTiTW 42, QUEEN-STREKT, | vAttUIJJJ?. OWEN'S CONSULTATION FREE OF CHARGE. TEETH—OVVEN AND CO., M.R.D.E., JL SURGEON DENTISTS. From London (Established 30 years^, 4, OXB'ORD STREET, SWANSEA. GOLD STOPPINGS. — AMERICAN X SYSTEM. Teeth, no matter how badly decayed, by the aid of pure gold and other materials, can be retained in the mouth for years. In fact. by Owen's AUlerlca sstem of crowning and fa.cilll1: tetoth with enamel, which. IS so artistically matched ill every way that detection w impossible, many decayed teeth and apparently useless shells can be effectually restored, and made sound and useful for mastication, without the slightest ot discomfort. American stoppings from 5s a tooth. FJIEETH OF SURPASSING JGEAUTY. OBTAINED SIX PRIZE MEDALS. Owen's new speciality of CROWN DENTISTRY. Artistic, Painless, and Perfect. Crown Dentistry," the latest speciality in English, American, and French. The adjustment of Artificial Teeth, either permanently or otherwise, entirely with, out plates, wires, or palates, and as no extractions an required there is absolutely no pain. Single Tooth from 2s 6d. Upper or Lower Set from £1 5s. Consultitions ire daily., from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m..<3% JOHN NORMAN, CANTON CARRIAGE AND WHEEL WORKS, MARKET-ROAD, CARDIFF. A large assortment of HEAVY and LIGHT V&HI SLgg ALWAYS IN STOCK, 262 Å FIFTH EDITIOB OF THE "SOUTH WALES ECHO" is published EACH EVEMNG at? p.m., &wi CODtaui. all the Latest GENERAL, FOREIGN,, and SPORT ING TELEGRAMS up to the time of going to Pmm,' On SATURDAYS a SPECIAL FOOTBALt JEM TION is published at 8 o'clock, and contains Fnrr REPORTS of all Local Matches, and SPECIAL TELE GRAPHIC REPO'tTs of all the Leading RUGBY nut ASSOCIATION MATCHES played throughout te. United Kingdom. THE FINE Å RT STUDI QUE LIN-STREET ARCADE. Mr CHAPMAN'S PHOTOGRAPHS Are giving every satisfaction. Most comnlimen^an expressions of opinion from all who hate beeti^ Photographed. Prices :—2s fed for 5,4s for 6, and 78 for 12. All taken by the Latest, Best, and Quickest procasvw and weather really no object, 17e I CELEBRATED W J AMS AND MARMALADE, .r SELECTED STRAWBERRY, PRESERVED WBOLZ IN 1, 2, AND 3LB. :5TeNE AND GLASS SOUTH WALES JAM AND MARMAUNL COMPANY (LIMITED), CAN I ON, CARDIFF. to any person who, by using GOLDMANN'S IMPERIAL TOOTH WATER, is again troubled with toothache.— S. Goldmann & Co., Dresden. Tw be obtained from Mr J. MUNDAY, CHEMIST, 1, Hich-street, Cardiff. £ Per bottle, 18 6d by post. Is 9d. Øe43q INJECTION DAY.—An INFALLIBLB JL REMEDY and certain cure for all Discharges from the Urinary Organs in either sex, whether acquired or constitutional, recent or chronic; cures in a few dawi without medicines. Soid in bottles, 2sad each (by poet 2s 9d), by all chemists. London agents, F. Newbsry and Sons, 1, King Edward-etvC, B.C. AMM tag Cardiff. 1. Miwoay,