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Small Prepaid Advertisements of the Wanted and To be Let" class. 20 WORDS SIXPENCE. THREE TIMES NINEPENCE. SIX TIMES ONE SHILLING. ] TII11KE SIX WORDS. J ONCE. | TIMES. 20 Words j 0 6 0 9 i 1 0 U' 30 Words | 0 9:10 j 1 6 AO Words vr* ..1 0 1 6 2 3 —-—— 50 Words 1 5 2 6 5 I I 60 Words J 1 6*5 0 i J* 6. AdvertisemefitT of the above class '"a the "SOUTH WALES ECHO," the "CAIU^' I •• NNNRII WAI.ES DAILY NEWS" at the foIIoi\I>_r.— ——— Six times in Kclio, Six times Once in Six times i„ Cardiff Times, Echo and WORDS. South Wales a)ui Om.e in six times in Echo Cardiff limes So,ull Wales Daily News. ————" T~ £ ^"1 e. «l. 20 Words 10 16 26 ——— 30 Words 1 6 2 3 3 9 40 Words 2 3 3 5 5 6 50 Words 3 9 5 0 8 9 60 Words 4 6 6 0 1 10 6 JlntrhnøninI. "|F YOU ARB MARRIED, or contempJaMnc tatiriS Lsyj-sa H ssn- .fia^s Bristol educational. IL-PAINTING.—Lessons given by gentleman artist. Landscape, Portrait, Crysr°ieiiin, boieen, Ac.Address A.R., Echo Oflice, Card'tLW 0| HORTHAND AND BOOK-KEEPING SCHOOL (Day and Evening).-Youths prepared for lucra tive appointments, private tuition, reporting classe.. Principal, 40, Kiiig'a-f. ad. C.n"iS. 339 illusical. PROFESSOR (experienced) g1vf'Pia"°fo,^iev,e.road, iug, and Elocution Lessons. ^od' Canton, Cardiff; or Pupils Resiuencts. lum ~\T IO -In^ructiun re^uired by ^inner^^wo V even. 11 us weekly, after <■ CIOCK. „ Riverside. State monthly terms. G 4, Lch g Cardiff. tlomestit ^crbattts. TTVf^NTED a cl'an respectable girl about 14 as >rursc.—Apply 45, Salisbury-road, Cardiff. 373 ^T £ 7~ANTE.D at once,an experienced General Servant. W —Apply -Sirs Bimey, 13, Dumfrieb-place,Cardiff. 403 Situations Vacant. A^LITMXSOS S arereques7ed to keep away from 8tow Park, Newport, at present, ilen igainst short time. MANTLES Wanted, experienced alteration band Richardson's Mew Mantle Warehouse, Com meicial-street, Newport. Fvro^fcfMASONS (50 good) wanted at once.—Priee and Company's New Buildings, Stow Park, New. port. ANTED, intelligent Youth for an Office.—Apply 19, Bute-street. °00 WANTED, Limestone Masons, 3 setters, and 6 dressers.—Apply S. Pearson and Son, Miliord Docks. 781 YOUTH wanted, used to Lathe, and make himself iL useful. State waees and where last employed.- Apply D. G., South Wales Echo,' Newport. JJiobgíngs, JVpartmeuts. &t. OMFORTABLE HOME for one or two young C lady friends; terms moderate; Austin-place, Maindee.—Apply "Home," Echo" Office, Newporf._ ODGINGS (comfortable).-Youiig man leaving for Nj Wolverhampton can strongiy recommend com- fortable apartments.—Apply Mrs Jones, Orkney Villa, 63, Cowbridge-road. _498__ Douses, &c., ijta Wtt 1X-ROOMED HOUSE to Let, 79, Treharris-street, off Castle-road, Roath. Papered throughout. Rent, 6s 6d per wek-Apply M. Oram, 15, North Church-street, Cardiff. 541 WINDSOR-PLACE.—Xo be Let, No. 3; Windsor- place, Cardiff, ihe premises are admirably w place. Cardiff, I he premises are admirably adapted for a professional gentleinaii. -Apply at the South Wales baily News" Office, Cardiff 772 öto- ?$xmxzts, LUB PIUmiSES^Extensive-! centre Rbatli gas rent low greater part, of furniture and uensils for working men's citila to be taken off. Terms moderate. Above have been occupied by a club for four years.—Apply F 5, Echo Oflice, C irdiff. 534 fflO BE LET, No. 3, Windsor-place. close on to JL Crockherbtown, as Offices or for business pre- mises. Contains 10 rooms, cellars, and law garden,and b::ek entrance to Park-lane; suitable for professional man, milliner, tailor, draper, school. Apply, *• south Wales Daiiy News" Office, Cardiff. 772 e, s 2 ili:iiiig-room suite in leather 8 guineas, co-st not soiled.—Apply Old Curiosity Shop, Newport. 790 T7^OU_SALK, graild bred Fox Terrier Pup, bitch, exceilen game, h ) i been trained to rats, rail. bts, Ac.; price £1 b: trial allowed.—Apply 14, Fhaentia-street, Githays, C rdiff. 457 IQIOU SALIi, Spring "'rap. nearly new, and harness, J.. suit baker or grocer, £ •/ also two pony bl15illes traps. £6 each Ion- coai c u t and harness, cheap.y3, Clifton-street, Roath, Cardiff. 4O I TfTlOK SALK, at lted Hou.-iv, >kinne!treet, Newport, It need D liiiig Table, tine Mahogany Ducliesse Soand awllable. six 12ft. Benches, and two stools 793 171011 SALE, 56in. Universal Club Bic cle balls both wheels condition equal new; bargain, £ 5. Davis Saw-mid! East Moors, Cardiff. 3/6e H "^NGiNB.—For Sale, a Vertical Ev.gine, 8 inch cyfiuder 12 inclr stroke, with fly wheel and fnillev • and puinn attached to same. Can ba se*,n at !<nv time at tiro '"South Wales Daily News," Office, Card.lt. V X>| OOU SiFONG~COB for Sale, cKeap 14 hands^— U Apply 66, Janet-Street. Soutn Moors, Cardiff.3o6 ,Jf U-T BE SOLD, Dun Pony.five-year-ml, and village M pi?; also potato ;iud hot pea etij^ ami a busu.ess tiap suitable for a pony. Apply 2, Gt = street, Docks. Cardiff. — lyiGKONS (Twelve), Sale or Exchange any thing usc- 8 fill; owls, diagi lis, homers; bargains; must lie cl,- red. t, 34, Bailey-street, Ne\pt: T>IGK°NC" PIG O:Stj, PIGEONS. — J-'ealers, i Shooting Clubs. &c., can obtain any stamp for reply.—E. Yolk, H gh-street, Cardigan. 4o^ nj^O UNDERTAKERS.—On Sale, great bargains and J, easy terms of payment, Hearses, with giass sides; Funeral Carriages, abo Sheliberes; newest designs, and the largest stock in the world: drawings and prices free.—Jno. Marston and Co., 24, Bradford-street, Birmingham. Six Hansoms and two large Brakes on "I Sale equal to new. 671 ANTED, ^etllarness for 12 hands' Pony brown preferred, square buckles; must be gooa order. Davis, 9, Clare-gardens, Caidiff. 575e iEisciHatteons. I71URNISH OJI our NEW Hire System. Houses or Apartments completely furnished on a new 'sys- tem auopted solely by us, WLcreby all publicty, exposure, and inquiries usually niadle by othercoiii, panies are dispensed with. We have an immense stock ot Household Furniture of cheap and superior quality. AU goods sold on the Hire System at reauy- money prices. We make no extra charge for credit, and all goods sent home in a private van free otchargs^ No stamp orUs»reeiunnt charges made no bill of sale everythi:nv'% bvate. Arrangements completed without delay, ana7 being manufacturers, we guarantee quality, a.nd will un ci,)rtakti to supply furnitu dzc., at 1u per cent, less than any price-list issued by any tirm In Cardiff. Eleven show rooms. Call and inspect our immense stock, and compare prices before purchasing else where. We will supply £ 5 worth w k!y • £ 10 worth, 4s weekly £ lo W-Jfth for as weekly £ 20 worth, 6s weekly, and so o»m proportion. Special terms for larger auausi ties. Please note the Address: SOUXH WALES FURNISHING COMPANY, 31 r.^],.sr fopm.sgihe Castle. Cardiff.l2733-2491-e8e xoWXHYtiELF.—Character correctly described K "from handwriting. Send specimen, stamped TH.-T'ted envelope and four stamps. Professor Xuornton, fraimolooist. Central Ofiioe-. 16, Holborn, London, gi^ hundred unsoUcted testimonials. Old established. I^KATHER"BEDS !—Itumley's celebrated feather beds, bolster, two pUows (50lb.s), 3is ."strong tick: purified feathers. -Hun;!cy Wholesale Manufacturer, Bond-.street, Br;su>l. (~TERMAN"ZWIEBACK, brown (ro^geii) bread, all •jr kind German sausages, sauerkraut, sanorguifceii, pfutl'erkiiclien, marcipan. etc., at Willy's Contectioneiy, 2v, Salisbury-road, Cardiff. 4,,0 SHOP AND CARRIAGE LAMPS !—C. E. Gurnsey s improved Lamps for shop fronts and hotsls. Large stock of New and Second-hand Limps.—C. E. Guru- sty's Works. 43, Merchant-street, Bristol. 33 f^OBACCONlSTS' TRADE.—For advice how to J open remuneratively from any amount, however •small, send for Illustrated Catalogue (post free).— Ltrsser Friedland, 3, H nnndsditch. London.—Oldest, best, and cheapest house in the world. Established 60 >urs. 4133 iltisrsilaurous Wants. VBRGBl^N.S (ri^l^^viwt.a tobuy immediately. — Appily, giving prise, to G.R., Echo Office, |j\V Cardiff. 1??— |aV ITSTA'STBI), a Light Cart that wilftip"; suitable for W coii 13 hands; statspiice.—-Apply C. B., Echo" Wl oak- Cardiff. 625 iflaiteu. 777^ ACCOMMODATION.—The Cardiff and Countv Advance Bank continues to make ad- County aDDroved security repayable by in- vaucesuponany^pprove^ ino(ler^e Bills stalme.its Apply Manager. 9, Caroline-street, Car- vp- rZ •^TiFT^fEY ADVANCES, REPAYABLE by IN- iVl STALMENTS. Interest moderate. NoprAra- fpps Deposits received.—Anply 19, XV,A_ STK >' ET (off St Mary-street), CAItDl^F. 810-120j_ rpOIt'FAIV'FNOIICE.—If you want Money send J stamp f»r Prospectus befwc borrowing elsewhere. J stamp f..r Prospectus befwc borrowing elsewhere. —Mr Pike, 43, Salisbury-road, Car,liff. THE C;AUDIFF AND SOUTH WrAL,ES LOAN SOCIETY CONTINUES JO ADVANCE DAILY, SUMS FROM £ 2 TO £ 500. £ 2 TO £ 500. Under new and low terms. Under new management. Uuder new system. Applications attended tn at once, without delay or ro'irin-. Apply personally or by letter to JAMES ittK1 T> nian iocr), 14, Custom House-street (side en- tran c e)Card iff < > t'i c e Hours, 10 a.m. to a p.m. E>.e,o8a stamp for prospectus. 10 -P^OO ADVANCED DAILY 'jo"1 HOUSEHOLDERS Without the usual Loan Office Routine or Preliminary Fees. Moderate Charges, Easy Payments. Apply-G. H. ALLSOPP. MONETARY ADVANCE COMPANY, 2, NEW-STREET, (underneath Liberal Jlub), CARDIFF. 378a TyjONEYl i)l ONEY I m ONLY I I Cash Advances made at a few hours notice from EB to S500 to Farmers, Market Gardeners Cowkeepers, Tradesmen, and others, on their own security. No sureties required, No inquiry fees. Money lent on denosits, also tradesmen's bills discounted. Apply, personally or by letter to Mr B. B. Lester, Manager, Private Loan Office, Dock-street (corner of Skinner street), Newport Mon 581 THF SOUTH WALES LOAN and DISCOUNT OFFICE ADVANCES CASH rom £ 3 to £ 300 to Householders, Farmers and others ifchout security. If Borrowers cannot obtain an advance at this office they cannot do so by applying elsewhere. All business done strictly private and confidential. Apply, personally, or by letter, to Lewis, Manager, 1 St. John's-square, Cardiff. Office hours 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. 762-1 HOUSEHOLDERS can obtain advances from S2 Bt upwards on application by letter to Mr J. P. Thompson, 71. Adam-street. Cardiff. 390 ;rost atib Womtft. T^OUND aTBulf Terrier Dog. If not claimed with- £ 1 in three days will be sold.—Apply 12, Caroline- street. Newport. 801 FOUND on December 9th, in Richmond-road, a Cheque, value £ 10. Owner can have same upon "ivins: full particulars.—Apply B. Fisbman, 9, Edwird- street, Cardiff. ^9 LOST a brown Carpet-bag. between South Church- street and Penarth Dock.—Reward will be given to tinder on returning same t-j Police-station, or 12, South Church-street, Cardiff. 52.2 GREAT MONEY DISTRIBUTION. del" GIVEN AWAY EACH WEEK TO THE READERS OF THE "SOUTH WALES ECHO." .■tygfe.. The Proprietors of tbeSOUTH WALES ECHO ha.ve the pleasure of announcing that they will distribute L10 EACH WEEK in FREE MONEY GIFTS amongst the readers of the SOUTH WALES ECHO. The Gifts will be as follow :— FIRST PRIZE A:5 0 0 SECOND PRIZE p-I 0 0 THIRD PRIZE £ 0 10 0 FOURTH PRIZE 0 10 0 FIFTH PRIZE. ) 10 0 SIXTH PRIZE 0 10 0 SEVENTH PRIZE. 0 5 0 EIGHTH PRIZE. 0 5 0 NINTH PRIZE. 0 5 0 TENTH PRIZE 0 5 0 ELEVENTH PRIZE. 0 5 u TWELFTH PRIZE 0 5 0 THIRTEENTH PRIZE 0 5 0 FOURTEENTH PRIZE 0 5 0 Commencing each Monday, there will be printed in the ECHO a Daily Coupon, numbered each week from 1 to 6. Every reader desiriug to participate must cut out the six Coupons issued during the week, and send them to our Cardiff, Newport, or Swansea office not later than 12 o'clock, noon, each Monday, addressed— PRIZE DISTRIBUTION," SOUTH WALES ECHO, One of the Coupons jjiust be tilled up with the name and address of the sender. This Coupon will be placed in the revolving wheel, and will have an equal chance of securing one of the four- teen prizes. For the convtiiitnce of our readers, and to save cost of postage, Coupons can be lelt at our Cardiff, Newport, and Swansea offices before 1 noon every Monday. One or more sets of Coupons can be enclosed in the tame envelope. Cardiff Office: 83, St. Mary-street. :a-itsea Odice 2, College-street. Newport Office: 1, Tredcjcir-place. The LIST OF FMZti WINNERS will be published each Wednesday in the SOUTH WALES ECHO. E. J. B A K E R' HIGH-CLASS BESPOKE TAILOR, 33, QUEEN STHEET, (FORMERLY 5, CROCKHERBTOWN), CARDIFF. GRAND SELECTION OF NEW GOODS I 693 FOR WINTER NOW ON VIEW. 7366 JVIuNDAY'S £ JOMPOUND pHOSPHATED jgjLIXJR OF QUININE. A NERV K, AND BRAIN STIMU- A NERVE AND BRAIN STIMU- LANT AND TONIC. Is recommended and can be taken Is recommended and can be taken with the most satisfactory results in Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Nervousness, N éU r,Ll. gia, Sleeplessness, Over-worked Brain, Hysteria, Mental and Physical Exhaustion, Diminished Vitality, and all forms of Extreme or Nervous Debility. Sold in Bottles 2s 3d and 4s ea'. h (by post 3d and 6d extra), or six 1S bottles for 22s. Prepared only by J IUNDA Y, CHEMIST, 1, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. 233 Å FIFTH JgJDITION OF THE SOUTH WALES ECHO" is published EACH EVENING at7 p.m., and contains all the Latest GENERAL, FOREIGN, a.nd SPOIU. ING TELEGRAMS up to the timecf ojng to Press. On SATURDAYS a SPECIAL FOOTBALL EDI. TION is published at 8 o'clock, and coiitains FULL REPORTS of all Local Matches^ and SPECIAL TELE- GRAPHIC REPOUTS of all tlw Leading RUGBY and ASSOCIATION MATCHES played throughout the United Kingdom. 'rHEINE AH.'r STUDIO, QUE ION-STREET ARCADE. Mr CHAPMAN'S PHOTOGRAFHS Are giving every satisfaction. Mont complimentary expressions of opinion from all who have been Photographed. Prices :—2s td for 3, 4s for 6. and 7s for 12. All taken by the Latest, Best, and Quickest processes, :mll weather really no object. 176 MIRO FC> E A OFFICE IO OF THE SOUTH WALKS DAILY NEWS," No. 2, COLLEGE-STREET. A it orders irom NEWSAGENTS will receive promn I attention, and be executed upon the tame terms as roii, the Chief Office. The" DAILY NEWS' delivered to Subscribers early every morning in any part of the town. ADVERTISEMENTS received up to Seven o'clock will secure insertion in the ujxt morning's issue of the DAILY NEWS INJECTION DAY.—An INFALLIBLE JL REMEDY and certain cure for all Discharges from the Urinary Organs in either sex, wuother acquired or constitutional, recent or chronic; cures in a few days without medicines. Sold in bottles, 2s 6d each (by post 2s 9d), by all chemists. London agents, F. Newbery and Sons. 1, King Baward-street, U.C. Agent for Cardiff. J. M'inday, Chemist. 1 High-strestl2533 37011 Àtnusttntnts. I CARDIFF. rjpHEATRE ROYAL, CARDIFF. Important Engagement of Mr W. Duck's Company in I AS IN A LOOKING-GLASS, The Enormously Successful Play of the London Season. MISS LAUKA VILLIERS I (remembered for her magnificent performance of Fedora) in her creat impersonation of LENA DESPARD, TO-NIGHT, TUESDAY, DEC. 13TH, The New Play bv F. C. Grove, AS IN A J^OOKING GLASS, Founded on the Famous Novel by F. C. Phillips. Powerful Company of London Artists. MONDAY NEXT, Dec. 19th, the celebrated Actress, Miss LOUISE MUODIE in EAST LYNNE. Open 7. Commence 7.30. Half-price. 9. Box Plan at Thompson and Shackell's, Lim. 1041 IVR E W G R A N D THEATRE OF VARIETIES. Fresh Arrivals! Last Six Nights of the Variety Season. Gigaittic success and Last Six Nights of the "THE COLONEL'S EVENING PARTY," Lieut. FRANK TRA VI, England's Premier Ventrilo. quist. TROUPE OF BICYCLISTS, Marvellous success and Last Six Nights of LEONCE The Wonder of the War id The Talk of All Beholders; Supported by LOLLA and MARTHA. MONDAY NEXT, December 19th, First time in Cardiff of the JUNGFRUA KAPELLE, SWIss ORCHESTRA AND 410 MOUNTAIN SINGERS. 6577 PH I L H AT~R~M O N I C, THE NEW THEATRE OF VARIETIES, SAINT MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. PROPRIETORS THE PHILHARMONIC MUSIC HALL COMPANY, LTD. MANAGER. MR C. M. RODNEY. TO-NIGHT AND EVERY EVENING DURING THE WEEK, GASPER AND ETOIT, The Great Comical Acrobatic Novelties, in addition te the Company already announced in Day Bills, which include the O'MALLEYS, AN-e Ave." EDGAR AUS l l^,6' YXOLET MELROSE, GENERAL DISCORD, MARIE FAWN, 785e and others. 7725 TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT I TO-NIGIIT1 LEVINO'S MUSEUM OF VARIETIES. HE?;RI LEVINO MANAGER. F RANK LEVINO STAGE MANAGER. No wonder this popular place of amusement is patronised by our best families, and receiving the best support of any place of amusement in the town, when we consider the fact that every week a new programme is ubmitted full of variety, pleasing surprises, and always refined. Thiq week an extra strong bill is pro- vided, including MULLEN and MAG EE, in their irresistibly funny BOXING A( T. MONS. NILO, just arrived from Paris, with his great act on three ariel ladders, perch, poie, &c. — something new to all. SAWYER and ELLIS; fun without vulgarity. ihe celebrated WILMORES; a great attraction. Miss ROSE ROYAL; a favourite everywhere. M. B. MOSELEY, a moyt clever character artiste. ALICE OAKLEY, the bteatitiful Tyrolean vocalist. CHAS. RAYMOND, the champion one-legged pedestal dancer. J. G. DOUGLAS, descriptive vocalist, with new and special scenery. Tha TWO ROSES cannot be too highly recommended for appearance and harmony of their clever dancing. All must admit that Levino has the best entertainment in town, and at such moderate prices, too-from 3d. No wonder the beautiful little family resort is crowded nightly. N.B—We are re- quested to announce that the world-famed PAT FEENEY will appear on Monday, the 19th. for one vieek- only, supported by the best company ever in Cardiff. 600o LEVINO'S MUSEUM OF VARIETIES. 7832 TjtYES I G H T. Jg YES I G H T. Daily experience proves that SPECTACLES imper- fectly fitted an the cause of Thousands of Persons suffering Permanent Injury. The First Pair should be Fitted by a Practical Ma.n. J.R.WOOD, PRACTICAL OPTICIAN, 7860 CASTLE-STREET (Opposite Castle), CARDIFF. Sittaitrial. ERSONSWISHING"toMAKEMONEY by using S5 capital and upwards (no further liability) in Stock and Share transactions, averaging 3 days' duration (Capital often doubled or trebled), should read H. B. SMITH'S PAMPHLET on "How to make Unlimitell Profits with Limited Liability." Court Journal says, "The throng of operators dealing with Mr Smith is quite astounding." Press opinions, Clients' Testimonials, Pamphlet, &c., post tree.—H. B. SMITH, Sworn Broker, HO, Gannon-street, London, B C. 615e r— MI., I..I 11 ■ ■ .11 — THIS WEEK. THE CARDIFF TIMES AND THE SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS OF FRIDAY & SATURDAY, DEC. 16 & 17, WILL BE ACCOMPANIED BY A LARGE ILLUSTRATED SHEET ALMANAC FOIi 1888., (beautifully printed in colours, on good toned paper), which will be G IV EN A }VA Y with each copy of the Paper. ,yo The Almanac tviU De one ot t/tc hargesz Sheet Almanacs published in this District, lDhile fur fulness of Luc,Û Information and completeness of detail, it will be Superior to any other Local Almanac. The contents will comprise :— CALENDAR FOR 1888, containing it lai, go number of Dates of Important Local Incidents. Colliery Explosions, and Special Events. THE TIDE TABLE FOR CARDIFF, SWANSEA, AND NEWPORT, Showing the Times of High-water at each Port, Morniug and Evening, and the Height of Tide. A FULL AND COMPLETE LIST OF FAIRS Iu South Wales and West of England, viz. BRKCONSHIRE. GLAMORGANSHIRE. CARDIGANSHIRE. JlON.MOUTHSllIlti;. CARMARTHENSHIRE. PEMBROKESHIRE. LIST OF LICENSE DUTIES. LIST OF MEMBERS, OFFICIALS OF TOWN COUNCILS, LOCAL & SCHOOL BOARDS, Throughout South Wales and the Wast of England. POST OFFICE RATES AND STAMP DUTIES. Post Office Savings Bank. PHASES OF THE MOOS, &c., &c., etc. Price of Paper, it:ith Almanac, ld.; Post Free, l~r>d.j to any Part of the United King- dotH; or for 2d, to any of the Colonies, the Ujtited,Slates, ctt(I CuittitLejbt. oi-dei-s, to prevent dlsappolntmad, should be sent to the Chief Ojjice, Cardiff, as early as possible. 'jpitlETJ-I TEETH TEETH J j}_ Prizo Medal London, 1862. Gold Medal, Paris, 1367 M R K E ALL, SURGEON DENTIST t&i Years' Experience 8 C V1- ^Wse*) 199, HIGH STREET, SWANSEA (Just below the Great Western Railway Station), Begs to intimate that he can perfectly Sec of Teeth in one clear day. The very best workman ship guaranteed. Painless Dentistry by Gas- Partial Sets from 6s per Tooth Upper or Lower Sets from Two Guineas. KEALL'S TONIC AND NEURALGIC MIXTURE, Sure find SDeedy Cure for Neuralgia, Tic Doloreux Rheuis, Toothache, and all Nervous Pains. Is Hd and 2s ell per Bottle. Through any Chemist Munday, Cardiff Garrett, Bros., Newport; J. G. Lsaac 742e(l&tc fIlayman), Neu-th: E. C. Evans. Cardicau. 1038 A FACT WORTH KNOWING. BEECHAM S PILLS Areadipittedby thousands to be worthahovc a GUINEA a BOX for bilious and nervous disorders, such as wind pain in th i stomach, sick headhache, giddiness, fullness and swelling after meals, dizziness and drowsiness, cold chills, flushings of heat, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, ccstivencss, scurvy, and blotches on the skin, disturbed sleep, frightful dreams, and all nervous and trembling sensation^, Ac., &c. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one box of these Pills, and thev will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For Females of all ages these Pills are invaluable. No female should be without them. There is no medi- cine to be found to equal Beecham's Pills for removing any obstructions or irregularity of the system. If taken according to the directions given with each box, they will jooii restore females of all aies to sound and robust facuFt'li F6t 'a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all disorders of the Liver, they act like MAGIC, and a few doses will be found to work wonders upon the most important organs in the human machine. lney streaagfihen the whole muscular system,restore the long- lost cwmplexion, bring back the keen of appetite, and arouse into action, with the ROSE-BUD of health, the whole physical energy of the human frame. These are FACTS admitted by tnousa-ndsembraclua all classes of society, and one of the best guarantees to the Net-. vous and Debilitated is Beecham's Pill-, They have the largest sale of any patent medicine in the world. Prepared only by the Proprietor, T. BEECHAM, Chemist, St. Helen's, Lancashire, in Boxes at Is Hd and 2s 9d each. Sold by all Patent Medicine Dealers in the United Kingdom. 210 N.B. Full directions are given witn each box. 7790 iSasinsss ^jtftrisaes. IT WOULD BE DIFFICULT for anyone to realise the ENORMOUS QUANTITIES of goods required and prepared by J OT 11 AM & SONS, rjHE c LOTHIBITS, 26 & 27, ST- MAllY'Sm' for their O R T Y J-J-1 N T A AUTUMN AND I JSf T E R, vf which they have commenced under the most favourable circumstances experienced in their HALF CENTURY SUCCESSFUL TRADING, and which will still further increase business, and cement the strong bond of confidence existing between customers and themselves. JOTHAM & SONS, Have more sternly than ever set their faces as;iinst dealing in anything but articles thoroughly reliable, for which their establishments are tru] celebrated. The strong protest and opposition to COMMON SUBSTITUTES and BAD IMITATIONS, which are delusive and altogether unsatisfactory, should be publicly supported, so as to avoid a SERIOUS WASTE OF MONEY, besides a grievous disappointment. JOTHAM & SONS, HIGH-CLASS TAILORING will be sustained with the heaviest Stock of attractive varieties they have ever held, in which are offered ad- vantages unknown in Cardiff. Garments are made ill the most perfect manner to the season's styles or d'stinct forms. The Overcoatings are of unusual patterns and excellence. JOTHAM & SONS, READY-TO WEAR CLOTHING will again maintain the FIRM'S SUPREMACY in this SPECIAL SECTION. Great surprises await pur- chasers. It would lie a neglect of caution and a refusal of MONEY SAVING for any man to tiurcliase an OVERCOAT, SUIT, VEST, OR TROUSERS without inspecting the goods in fact, it would bo a deliberate rejtction of the BEST VALUE IN CARDIFF. JOTHAM & SONS, YOUTHS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING will once more support their name and lame as Our Boys'Clothiers." They have made it utterly imnos- sible for the value at the prices to be approached in Wales or West of England. Tiley have over-reached p.i,t veirs* qualities, and touched the point of EXCJiLSIS of EXCELLENCE, NOVELTY, and CHEAPNESS. Parents are invited to tieo what STRANGE THINGS have been provided for their Sous. I.. JOTHAM & SONS' WORKMEN AND SEAMEN'S READY-MADE CLOTHING is such that all men should keen purses closed, hold money, and guard their cash till they have seen them. The qualities are beyond value, and the prices beiow cheapness. To buy these is a best value-getting duty, and to wear them a money-saving pleasure. The Hat, Hosiery, and Outfitting Branches are in the same state of completion and repletion, with value and variety that know no equal or give such benefits to buyers. The greatest pleasure, greatest protit, and greatest satisfaction will be obtained in doiug business with elOTIIA-,Nl & SONS. 26 & 27, ST. MARY-STREET, |~1ARDIFF. 699_ COWBRIDGE. — A DAVIS, Bridge House, Cowbridgc.—Great Show of Christmas Goods, cons.Siing of .5bams. photo frames in plu,h, &c., bags, purses, work-baskets, plain silk and Sitin- lined, fan-, beads, cigar cise,, pocket-books, work. boxes, desks ,tudst:itionery cases, JApanesE. Chinese. and Oriental goods, bronze a id brass goods, nuicy china and glass ornaments, brushes, combs, and per. fumery, scrap albums, dolis dressed and undressed, toys in great voriety, Berlin wool, fancy and fine yarns, silk for embroidery, a splendid assortment of Bibles, Common-Prayers, drc., volumes for th", year, books for prizes, Christmas and New Year's cards in all the ^.newest designs the monster 10s packet of Christmas cards for Is. Show Rooms now open. The favour of a call is earnestly solicited. 802a—7838 HEATH'S PIANOFORTES QRGANS AND jTJARMONIUMS -B.JL JJ EATB. AND gONS Ui. k3 rj^HREE 'YEAHS' SSTEU Is Applied to the Hire and Purchase of Instruments by all Makers, from 10s Monthly. Every Instrument Guaranteed. Co-operative Prices for Cash. The Largest Stock in Wales to Select from 51, Queen-street, Cardiff. 259 ])H. ROOKE'S ORIENTAL PILLS, | "VR. ROOKK'sj JKU. ROOICE'SN R003V.E'sj| U. ROOKE'SjJ |VR. ROOKE'S ] » VR. ROOKE'S JV U, ROOKE' JTVR. ROOKE'S a H. ROOKE'S JAR. ROOKE'S it R 0 0 K J) tt. llOOJ{E' |VK. ROOKE'S |\lt ROOK E'S | VIS. ROOKE it ROOICI"" A V R. ROOKE'S J) It. ROOKED W. ROOKE'S \R. ROOKE'S "^R. ROOKE'S 1) It. ROOKL, "\It. ROOKE'S D Lt. ROOKE, _y I-) It ROOKED ID R. ROOKB'f- Dr.. nCOKl: JQR ROOKE'S J YI. ROOKE'S I) Po. ROOKH, JYI. ROOKK'S 11II ROOKE'S it. ROOKE'S DR. ROOIŒ R. ROOKE' DR. ROOKLrls D]I. ROOICIII, s BY. ROOKED D Ro. ROOKE'S | \R. ROOKE'S -D ROOKBIS JAR ROOKE'S I JQB. EOOKEV UR. ROOKED Dr. ROOKE'S ORIENTAL PILLS, lave been uf world-, tvide repute for nearly half a cen- ;ury. As au aperi- mt. and alterative! medicine they are mrivalled. DK. ROOKE'S ORIENTAL PILLS. [n all cases of Indi- gestion,Biliousness, gestion,Biliousness, Liver Complaints, &c., (fee., they are ilicrie,t-to )io tlie! most efficacious in! the world, andhavej met with the same invariable success A3 has his world- renowned SOLAR ELIXIR. For a more complete des- cription of thi: medicine sea Anti- Lance¡¡." THE ORIENTAL PILLS Are prepared only by Chanes Rooke, M.D., Scarborough. TUe Pills are. sold iu. Boxes ao Is Hd and 4s 6d each, and can be obtained of all Chemist sand Patent Medicine. Veudors. Directions for. the Treatment' of ail Diseases with every Box j DR. ROOKE'S ANTI-LANCE T Contains In pages, aiid is ;in adinirable jcotnpendium of [medical science and information. Every household should possess a copy. Cir- culation, Four Mil- lions. Concerning this book, the late eminent author, Sheridan Knowies, observed :—"It will be all incalculable boon to every person who can read and think." GRATIS from all Chemists aind Pa- tent Mediwne Ven- dors, or Post, Free from Df. Rooke, Scarborousft, Eng- land. WHERE TO GO. DR. iiOOliE'S HANKY POCKET-GUIDE TO HliALlH. AND HEALTH RtSTOItLNG PLAfc&V ei 0tll pages, is full of pleasing illustrations, and useful information May be obtained from Dr. Rooke, Scarborough, Eng- l.iiv.M on receipt oi Ia. penny stamp jp ILLS p ILLS I L L S I L L S. j> I L L S. p I L L S I], I L 1, S piLLS p ILLS p ILLS. R- I L L S. t):LLS. .11. p ILLS I L L S. pins, jjj> ILLS, p I L L S puts, PILLS PILI.S. p ILLS DIILS B ILLS Jp ILLS p ILLS jjp ills piLLS P ILLS p ILLS ILLS. O I p ILLS pILLS pILLS pILLS ILLS ILLS pILLS f3 ILLS p ILLS p ILLS piLLS p ILLS, p IL LS. DIJ. ROOKE'S ORIENTAL PILLS. 10:3 jSnsinias ^ftftrgsses. FURNISH ON OUR NEW HIRE SYSTEM. HOUSES OR APARTMENTS COMPLETELY FURNISHED ON ANEW SYSTEM ADOP- TED SOLELY BY US, WHEREBY ALL PUBLICITY, EXPOSURE, AND IN. QUIRIES USUALLY MADE BY OTHER, COMPANIES ARE DISPENSED WITH. Wo have an immense stock cf JJOUSEHOLD JpURNITUfvE of cheap and superior quality. All goods sold on the Hire System AT READY-MONEY PRICES. We make NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR CREDIT, and all goods sent home in aprivate van free of charge NO STAMP Oil AGREEMENT CHARGES MADE; NO BiLL OF SALE. Everything Private. No Security, —— Arrangements completed without delay, and, being manufacturers, we guarantee quality, and will under- take to supply furniture, &c., equally as good, at ten per cent, less than auy price-list issued by any firm in Cardiff. Eleven show rooms. Call and inspect our immense stock, and compare prices before purchasing elsewhere, WE WILL SUPPLY JM WORTH is 61 WEEKLY. £ 6 WORTH 2a 6d WEEKLY. £10 WORTH 4s Od WEEKLY £ 15 WORTH S8 01 WEEKLY L20 WORTH 6s Od WEEKLY And so on in proportion, Special terms for largo quantities. PLEASE NOTE THE ADDRESS:— SOUTH yy ALES J^pURNISfllNG QOMPANY, 31' (JASTLE STREET, (Opposite the Castle), CARDIFF. 778 STOCK-TAKING SALE. FOR TEN DAYS, COMMENCING SATURDAY, DEC. 3RD. WATERPROOFS FOR THE WET MONTHS. A NUMBER OF LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S WATERPROOFS, ALSO JQRIVING CAPES, r-CU, G S, Q YE RALLS, L EGGINGS, ETC., ETC. -tLJ Traveller?' Samples, Misfits and Stock Goods, slightly soiled, to be Sold at Greatly Reduced Prices, to clear before Stock-takir.g. Samples will be shewn in Windows, ANDERSON, ANDEHSON, ANB ^N D E R S O N, 4, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. 733 PANGS.—WHY BE WITHOUT ONE When you can become tha owner of a nico instrument for tlio small payment of 108 6d PER MONTH ON rj^HOMPSON AND HACK ELLS (LIMITED HIRE SYSTEM? No security required, and the instrument delivered to purchaser on payment of Urst monthly instalment. Every instrument guaranteed, and exchanged if not approved ORGANS AND HARMONIUMS ON SIMILAR TERMS. .THOMPSON AND SUA OK ELL, PIANOFORTE AND MUSIC WAREHOUSE, QUEEN'S BUILDINGS. CARDIFF Also at SWANSEA, NEWPORT, MKR7HYE, PONTYPRIDD, PENARTH, BRECON, and GLOUCESTER. 41!e 40 J>RIDG^T-« QARDIFF FOLLICK, PAWNBROKER. HIGHEST VALUF. LENT ON <;OLD AND SILVER VA!.CABLES. OVER £ 2 AT THE RATE OF 4d IN THE POUND INTEREST EXCEEDING B10 AT ;;11 IN THE POUND I INTER EST. 40, BRIDGE-STREET, CARDIFF. 581 BARR BROS. TAILORS, 64, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF, SUITS 55/- to 1051. COAT AND VEST ')& to 84/- TROUSERS 13/- to 30/- OVERCOATS 3[. to 1CI31- SPECIALITIES. TROUSERS 1/. SUITS 55/- r. R BROS. 64, ST. MARY-STREET. 423a 5695 i AItSH AND COMPANY.. ADULTS FUNERALS. 1st Class, with best Hearse and Coach, on th most modern principle, with a pair ot then we known Flemish-bred Horses to each, one me t Elm Polishod Collin, best registered furnitur r with elaborate name-plate engraved, fine satin trimmed robe, and self attendance. £ 5 5 0 Marsh & Co.'s 2nd Class ditto, ditto. 4 4 Q „ Marsh ACo.'s 3rd, with imp roved carriage 5 3 0.: Marsh A Co.'s 4th. ditto, ditto 2 10 0, CHILDREN'S FUNERALS, Including pair Flemish-bred Horses, modern' Coach, with all the latest improvements, Po- lished' Coffin, lined with fine flannel, and attendance. Under one 10 Z Under two years 111 0 One-horse carriage, including eodin covered in black, blue, or polished, J lined with flannel, modern coach, and attendance. Under "ix months 0 18 b Under one year -I 0 0, Under two years 1 1 U" And so on in proportion. > Handsome Car, Carved or Plain Hearse,' Mourning Coaches and Broughams, Ostrich-' Plumes, (jtc.. J 133 Address—80, St. Mary.street Cardiff j • Plumes, (jtc.. I 133 Address—80, St. Mary.street Cardiff I THOMPSON'S BURDOCK PILLS. JL THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. —Purify.tae foulest blood and relieve every disease of stomacn, liver, and kidneys. These wonderful Puis cure diseases which could not be i-eacheti by any other meai- cine. For Rheumatics, Lumbago, Piles, Gravel, Pains in the Back, Scurvy, Bad Legs, Wounas or White Swelling, Scrofula, Cancers, Blotches on the Face and Body, Swelled Feet, Ac., Jaundice. Dropsy, and Fevers of all kinds. In boxes at Is ld and 2s 9d each.—Sold by all chemists, or from the manufactory 44. Oxford street. Swansea, for 13 or 35 stamps 8e fSuahteaa :lbùrtssts. 29 30, ST, ARY-STREET, QARDIFF. DEAR SLR, We beg to draw your attention to our special value in Overcoats and Winter Clothing for the present season. Our energies have been particularly directed to supplying Overcoats and Overcoatings of sterling quality only, and, finding that our en- deavours to introduce first-class goods have met with surprising success, we await with confidence an inspection of our Stoik, which is replenished wi:h every variety (personally selected from the leading houses), and also our own makes, the extremely low price of which we are confident cannot be surpassed. Speecial attention is devoted to the Be- spoke Department. Wo guarantee accurate and comfortable fit, from reliable materials,, at economical prices. We would point to the special features of our business, viz. :— I.-Our great experience as judges and wholesale buyers of reliable cloths. 2.—Our straightforward dealing and constant anxiety to deserve our customers' confidence. These are the bases of our erer-iiicreasingti-ade. Should you honour us with your commands, our sole aim will be to merit, by prompt attcn- tion, a continuance of your esteemed favours. We are, dear Sir, Your obedient servants, MASTERS AND c UAIPAINY, THE CARDIFF CLOTHIERS, 753 GREAT DANGER. Why are the public constantly persuaded v v to take inferor substitutes, instead of the article enquired for BECAUSE OF THE EXTRA PROFIT. REMEMBER THIS The next time you ask for SENSATION" SOAP It is unrivalled for Toilet or Laundry purposes, and should be in every household. WHERE CAN WE GET "SENSATION" SOAP? We have pleasure in nforming you it can be obtained at either of the following addresses .— Messrs D. JONES and CO., Westminster Store The SUPPLY COMPANY, 5, Castle-street. Mr R BENJAMIN, Trinity-street. Mr J. S STOWE, Croft-street, Roath. Messrs BOWEN and SONS. Broadway, Roath. Mr JAMES BALLARD, 79, Broadway. Mr J. HARPER, 50, BrotdAay. Messrs WILLIAMS and TOWNLEY, Castle-road, Roath. Mr E. SNOOK, Castle-road. Mr L. ABRAHAM, Ciifton-street, Roath. Mr S. STEPHENS, Clifton-treet. Roath. Mr H. MORGAN, Ciiiton-street, Roath. Mr H. COLLINS, Clifton-street. Mr J. SILVESTER, Splott-road. MrJ. PUGH, 5, Meteor-street. MeSHes RHU W Nand PRICE, 41, Salisbury-roar!, COTTAGE SUPPLY East Moors. Mr H. MORGAN, Carlisle-street, S. Splotlands. Mr S. CAREW, Moira-place, Svlotlands. Messrs GRKY and SON, 103, Pearl-street, Splotlands. Messrs JENKINS and SON, Harriet-street and Cathays-terrace. Mr J. ARNOLD,Cathays-terrace. Mr W. IlUXi ABLE, Mertfeyr-street, Cathays. Messrs BALLARD and SON, 57, Craddock-street Riverside. Messrs BROWN and PRICE, Tudor.road, Riverside. Mr n. BENJAMIN, Tudor-road, Riverside. Messrs T. SMITH and CO., Wellington-street, Canton. Mr R. W WESTLAKE, 110, Cowbridge-roul, Canton. MrJ. 13. S J OWE, 126. Wyndliam-crescent, Canton. Messrs J. SMITH and CO., Cowbridge-road. Mr W. H. ANIATI-IENVS. Cowbridg-road. Messrs J. STEPNEY a id CO., Neville-street, Canton Mr H. THOMPSON", 22. Wells-street, Canton. Mr H. J. DA VIES, 3, Wellington-street. Messrs BALLARD and SON. Maria-street. Mr W. POOLE, Bute-street. Mr THOMAS PHILLIPS, 2, Stuart-street, Docks. Mr THOMAS WESTLAKE, 23, Eleanor-street. Mr J. MILLER, 3, Patrick-street, Docks. Messrs BltiGGS and CO., Tressillian-terrace. Mrs II. JONES, L wer Grangetown, Messrs DENSLKY and CO., Upper Grangetown. Mr K. HOPKINS, Lower Grangetown. Mr R. BENJAMIN, Lower Grangetown. MrN. MERRY, J/.andaff. Mi F. HAYTER, Arcot-street, Penarth. SOUTH WALES PROVISION STORE, Penartb. SOUTH WALES PROVISION STORES, C^dojetos. Mr J. H. DA VIES, Cadoxton, Mr E. PRICE, Barry. TRY SENSATION SOAP SOLE MAKERS, jy rjlHOM AND £ JO. PENDLETON, MANCHESTER. PLUMBING WORK. U E N R Y 13 E v A N» R-p- (itegisteredPlumber. W orhipfcl Company of Plumbers, Guildhall, London), PRACTICAL SANITARY AND VENTILATING PLUMUER GAS AND HOT-WATER ENGINEER, FREDERICK-STREET, CARDIFF. Estimates Given for all Classes of Sanitary Work, N.B.—None but First>claS3 Work Solicited. 554 c BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR (jnOSBY'S jglLIXIR ^IROSBY'S I^LIXIR hy ^JROSBY'S jgldXIR /JROSBY'S Jj^LIXIR. CROSBY'S TS^lLIXIR ^pROSBY'S J^LIXIR CROSBY'S -j^LIXIR. '^ROSbY'S 1^ LIXIR ^UtOSBY'S LIXIR J^ROSBY'S -j^LlXIR d CROSBY'S "1 LIXIR /~1ROSBVS X^LIXIR J^ROSBY'S LIXIR /CROSBY'S LIXIR c HOSBY's LIXIR ^JROSBY'S "|^ LIXIR ^IROSBY'S "ji^LIXIR ^JROSBY'S I^LIXIR. ^JllOSBY'S LIXIR. ^ROSBY'S | LIXIR ^IROSBY'S LIXIR. ^IROSBY'S 4^LIXIR. ^JROSBY'S jpiLIX/B ^JROSBY'S 1^ LIXIR. I ^JROSBY'S JglLIXIR crosnys ELIXIR CROSBY'S '-j^ LIXIR IROSBY'S LIXIR. I CROSBY'S LIXIR ^IROSBY 3 ELIXIR V^ROSB^S "pi LIXIR. ^JROSBY'S "I^LIYIR. c ROSEY'S ELlxm /CROSBY'S LIXIR IROSBY'S LIXIR. ^JROSBY'S ELIXJR CROSBY'S ELIXIR. Is the oniy rational sub stitute ior opiates, nar- cotics, squills, (fcc., so frequently recomiuended ior COUGHS, COLUA, (JTO. CROSBY'S ELIXIR Is invaluable to Travel- lers, Sportsmen, Emi- grants, and others, who Lave to encounter expo. sure to the mciemeuicy oi the weather. CROSBYS ELIXIR Works woniiers in case* Of PULMONAHT CON' SUMPTION, and has been used with signal succe ;n Asthma <fc Bronchitis, CROSBY'S ELIXIR Is an aimost infallible remedy for all Chest Complaints, & is equally efficacious in Night Sweats, Influenza Quin- sy, &C. DR. ROOKE S T E S T I M 0 NI A L DR. ROOKZ, ScarboroUgit, author oi the Anti lancet,' writes as fol- lows i-I have repeat. edly observed how very raoidly and invariably it subdued Cough, Pain, and Irritation of the Chest iu cases of Pulmonary Con- sumption and I can, with the greatest confi- dence, recommend it as a most valuable adjunct to an otherwise strengthen- ing treatment jot this disease. CROSBY'S ELIXIR is sold in bottles, at Is l^d, IsSd. 4s<jd,-«fc'ils-each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vfenriors, and Wholesale br^AMESJd- CltOSBY, Cheirufit, Csear. oorougn, Kngiand. .Ic ROSEY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR. ISiisiittss Caresses. FRY'S l'UDE CONCENTltATED COCOA. Ask your Grocer for a gratis sample and copy of medical testimonials. 591* WE D EFY CUMPEfITION QVERCOATS OVERCOATS! WARM OVERCOATS FOR THE COLD WINTER. MASTERS & CO.'S MEN'S OVERCOATS 12/1 to 69/1. MASTERS & co.'s YOUTHS' OVERCOATS, 8/6 to 29/6. MASTERS & CO.'S BOYS' OVERCOATS, 2/11 to 21/6 MASTERS & co.'s MEN'S SUITS, 12A1 to 69/6 MASTERS & CO.'S 1. YOUTHS' SUITS, 8/6 to 4fJl. MASTERS & CO.'S BOYS' SUITS, 1/114 to 9/11 MASTERS & CO.'S MEN'S HARD FELT HATS, 1/6 to 6/11. MASTERS & co.'s BOYS' IIARD FELT HATS, 9d to 3/11. THE LARGEST. BEST, AND CHEAPEST STOCK OF CLOTHING IN WALES OR THE WEST OF ENGLAND. MASTERS & CO., "THE CARDIFF CLOTHIERS," 29 & 30, S T. M A R Y S T R E E T, AND 292, BUTE-STREET, CARDIFF. ALSO AT 18 & 19, CASTLE-STREET, SWANSEA, 39 & 40, HIGH STREET, NEWPORT, 124, HIGH-STREET, MERI HYR, 80, TAFF-STREET, PONTYPRIDD, 11, HIGH STRKET. HEREFORD, 11, CANON-STREET, ABERDARE, GEORGE STREET, PONTYPOOL, 70, FROGMORE ST., ABERGAVENNY. 753 CAPPERS, THE GREAT TEA MEN, SELL THE FINEST TEAS OF EVERY KIND THAT THE WORLD PRO- -| /"■ A DUCES AT X/ LU CAPPERS, THE GREAT TEA MEN, \-7 ARE SELLING THEIR SPECIAL BLEND, CONTAINING THE f /1 CHOICEST Gi'.OWrtiS OF THE A/ ±U WORLD AT CAPPERS, THE GREAT TEA MEN, ARE SELLING CEYLON TEA OF EX- -| /-| QUISITE QUALITY AND INTENSELY ±1 X V THICK LIQUOR AT c APPERS, THE GREAT TEA MEN, ARE SELLING THE CHOICEST INDIAN -| If TEA AT X/ XU IT IS RICK, FRAGRANT ND OF EX- TRAORDINARY STRENGTH. c APPERS, THE GREAT TEA MEN, AHE SELLING CAPER TEA OF THE HIGHEST PERFECTION, BEAUTI- FULLY SCENTED AND VERY -f 1 A PUNGENT, AT X/ t-^ ^SAPPERS,THE GREAT TEA MEN, ARE SELLING SUPERBLY CHOICE FORMOSA OOLONG OF FINE FRA- | /l (l GRA.NCE AND DELICATE FLAVOUR J- 0APF £ RS, THE GREAT TEA MEN, ARE SELLING SUPEItLA'ITVELY CHOICE FIRST CROP MOYUNE GUN- 1/1(1 POWDBRAT L CAPPEhS, THE GREAT TEA MENJ ARE SELLING EXTRA SUPERFINE f /Ifk NEW SEASON'S ORANGE PEKOE AT | JL" RAPPERS, THE GREAT TEA MEN, ARE SELLING CHOICEST FIRST "| /"| ft CROP YOUNG HYSON 1/lv CAPPERS, THE GREAT TEA MEN, N 0. J JJIGH-STREET ARCADE CARDIFF. 561 SPECIALITIES FOR THE OVERCOAT SEASON AT JpRlCE AND GONS'. PILOT AND NAP OVERCOATS 20s, 25s, 3-S, 35s, 40s. 4DS. BLACK WORSTED OVERCOATS: 20s, 25s, 30s, 35s, 45s, 55s. rANCY COLOURED OVERCOATS: 15s, 20s. 2DS, 30, 35s, 40s. THE NEW CAPE OVERCOAT: 21s, 25s, 30s. 35s, 40s, 50s. THE NEW COVERT COAT: 15s, "Os. 2as. 30s, 35s. BOYS' AND YOUTHS' OVERCOATS Froui 3s lid to 30s EVERY QUALITY EQUALLY CHEAP. 1 "I.&LJ THE CARDIFF* HOUSE, CORNER OF CAROLINE-STREET, ST. MARY, llle STREET. CARDIFF 1007 ASK YOUR GROCER FOR EDWARDS' DESICCATED SOUPS JEj THE LUXURY OF THE AGE. Cookery Book Gratis and Post Free—Name this Paper. 26, WARING-STREET, BELFAST. Wholesale Depot 24, OSWALD-STREET, GLASGOW 738 -+_ AMERICAN DENTISTRY PERFECTLY PAINLESS. rflEETH. Dental Notice. rpEETH. X OWEN'S AT CARDIFF. X ASSISTEi) BY Hr. CHARLES KNABE. Al" FFNI) DAILY 10 TILL 7.. F. OWEN can also be eonsuited every Thursday at 72, CROCKHERBTOWN, p A I'TUfi'F 42, QUEEN-STREET, VAiviyxri. OW.b:N'S CONSULTATION FIIG OF CHARGE. TEETH OWEN and CO., M.R.D.E., JL SURGEON DENTISTS, From ¡,"UdOIl (Established 30 years), 4, OXFORD-STREET, SWANSEA. 'I OLD STOPPINGS. — AMERICAN VJT SYSTEM. Teeth, no matter how badly decayed, by the aid of pure gold and other materials, can be retained in the mouth far years. In fact, by Owen's American system of crowning and facing teeth with enamel, which is so artistically marched in every way that detection is impossible, many decayed teeth and apparently nselesc shells can be effectually restored, and made sound and useful for mastication, without the slightest pain or discomfort. American stoppings from 5s a tooth. rjlEETH OF SURPASSING JJEAUTY, OBTAINED SIX PRIZE MEDALS. Owen's new speciality of CROWN DENTISTRY. Artistic. Painless, anrl Perfect. Crown Dentistry," the latest speciality in Knzlisb, American, a.nd French. Ther adjustment of Artificial Teeth, either permanently or otherwise, entirely with out platan, witag, ur ¡.a.l&t.u. aud as nQ txayUwt ø required there is absolutely no pain. Single Tooth from 2s 6d. Upper or Lower Set from St 5s. Consultations free daily, from 9 a.m. to 8 p.M- i»Q» pOSTAL DELIVERY SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS. The Proprietors of the SOUTH WALES DAILT NEW beg to announce that by a special of «>• Postal Authorities they are enabled to despatch their First Edition each morning by t he MaUs leaving Cardi8 2.30 a m and 3.45 a.m. Country Subscriber* rosidinj wi'hin the limits of GLAMORGANSHIRE, CARMARTHENSHIRE PEMBROKESHIRE, CARDIGANSHIRE, As well as those portions of BRECONSHTRE and MONMOUTHSHIRE comprised within the 'Tredegar and Rfcyroney Valley Postal Districts, may now have SOUTH WAua DAILY NEWS delivered at their resi dences daily by the vamee cost as that which co eys their London letters London and West of England snbscribers receive tneir papers on the afternoon of publication. The SECora EDITION of the SOUTH WAiis DAILY News is forwarded, prepaid, to residents of the follow, ing and all ether places within the Cardiff Postal District in tinao for the first mornine deliverr St. Fagan's Pencoed S Brides-sap, Ely St. Nicholas Bonvilstone Peterstone LlandaS Radyr Morganstown Melingriffith Pentyrch St Andrews Courtyralla Sully Dinas Powis Cadoxton Barry Caerphilly Bedwas YIIraci Mynacb Pwllypant St. Meilon's CefnMably Michael stn^aVedff Castletown^. Marsh^eld Penarth _• I LlandooghV^ Lisvane Llanishen Whitchur Taffs Well ,ji Tongwyulaic- WainutTre«»lid3sT PER QCARIER, POST. FRO 0 9 9 PER HALF-YEAH 0 19 I PER YEU 119 G SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS OFFICES 82 83 St. Ma.rv.<.creet. Card-ft. EN WHO WISH TO MARRY AND BE BAPP\ should sea the MAGIC MIRROR sent free to any part of the world on receipt of Poet Card, with name and addreM:, -8, Fitz-sq., SbeSaM. Don't deHw- V, v—- i-t.J'PII p.4Cobinc 352J— Mr -'IIi