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 Small Prepaid Advertisements of the Wanted and" To be Let" class. 120 WORDS SIXPENCE. :TH REE times ninepence. jSlX TIMES ONE SHILLING. WORDS. ONCE. T,IRKE S1X times, TIMES. 20 Words 0 6 0 9, X 0 I, Words j 0 9 1 0 j 1 6 110 Words I 1 0 \1 6 2 3 00 Words 1 3 2 6 3 9 bO Words 1 1 6 I 3 0 I 4 6 Advertis t- -juts of the above class inserted in tt&" SOUTH Wales NEWS" at the following rate :— Six times in Six times Six times j„ „ ,?~?r.in Echo Card.ffTJir.es, WORDS. {South W»le*| Hnd 0uee in g| t Echo Icarditf Times. Daily News. 20 Words 10 I 16 2 6 30 Words 1 6 2 3 3 9 40 rd!¡-;) 3- I 50 Words 3 9 5 0 8 9 60 Word* 4 6 6 0 10 6 2Kntrimonial. X ABLE MA1UUAGK AIM KKflsEK, inM tesir&ble Candidates tor M^rim my. Pu-eod m -nveJope, 4 jd.-Address Editor, 9, Nichols-sweet, Bristol < £ D it rational. oiHORTHAXl'* an-f r KK>CH^horoughly taught (also ad<p;aiit>!i of Pitman s shut hand to the French language) by Mr Patrhk McS weeny, lbo.>t. gelen's-avenue, Swanseit. iilustcal. MR FUKPEKICK W. GRIFFITHS, *>lo Fh.ts and Piccolo, Bronze and silver Medallist, aud Certificate of Merit of the R.A.M.. 1887.—Address, from December 17th to January 17th, Mansel-street, bwansea. T|^KOFE SSO R7experieliced) gTves Pianoforte, Sing- 1 ing, and Elocuti 'ii Le^sojis.—97, Xudor^road, 6, Clive-road, Canton, Cardiff; or Pupils Residences^ Terms moderate. —— iiloin^sttc ggrbnittg. i.ti)V4\T (-IOOU) ^viinttrd, where Jr ano tel', < Woodla.nd Park. Mamdee, Muii. (->1 ENKRAL SERVANT waited in small family ,a>rl -I about 15 from the country preierred.-Apply IL, at Locke's Advertising Olficej. Newpoit. 371 ;Ti:VR« 4L ANX (good) wanted two in f^piily-—Apply linondda Medical Hall, Forth, Pontypridd. — IKL wanted (good strong), to help about a house. Apply £ 4, Coveney-street, South Splotlands, Cardiff- vi.) itunlions Hncnnt. "TliKVTS wanted for our elegant, novel, and useful A woods • specimens tree goou commission.-The Rochester Rubber Stamp Company, b.a^rid^^ Ct TTB M AN.4 GER, wanted at once, for a good club.—Apply to the Committee, 277, But'j street. Cardiff.. 324 Vi~EN YOUTH-, BOYS cm haTe good Situations, |VI every description. Everyone in country or town i&ould write or call for Printed Guide. List of names imi full particulars neo. Do not delay. Many sue *essful.—Guarantee Employment Company, Box '56), • 12 Newington Causeway, ignition. Employers .suited free 679 TAILORS.—An orphan Lad seeks an apprenticeship Jt as xucli.—Aprly Canton, Cardiff..— -un 222 KA IMPORTER requires Agents to sell 201b boxes tea for c pnva'e consumers. Share of profits and unt'<l"alle" value -riven.—Address Mr Davis, 16, EasUn-iia-road, London. m ^rOUNCTLADY Apprentices wanted for Drapery Y and Millinery —App'y u- A-UiaUfc,, u3, Com- iwrcial-atreet. yBwport, Mon. 67a JToftgitigs, pítrtmettts. r. ^APARTMENT* (uufurnished)~ia rentable A locality ixunt siitnig (bay window) and bed- hot and "dd batb «^;usa of kitchen -33 Talbot-street (liecJud off Cathedral-road,) Canton, -Cardiff.. 40J -4 PARTMKNX> ^fuvnished) wanted t.y a voun^ :-1. married couple, one child; with a widow" ladv preferred (without :o«|f;eis).—Address,with terms, J J' "South Wales Echo, LavditT. 437 ~T"PART:1EN1'S (respectable) to Let. unfurnished" A. back sitting-room, irontbedroom, hot and cold bath.-36, Planta,genet-;t,reet, hiverside, Cardiff. 382 ~T~PARTjilENTS (unfurnished) to Let back parlour and front bedwm.—Apply 2t>, Patrick street, Bute Docks, Carditt. 365 A PARTMKNTS. Wyiidhnrn-road. Canton (Eur- Terms moderate. —AddressJ.H.S.. "Daily :'<e"" Ornce, Cardiff. 4923 Houses, & £ .t (Ea .3ttl. BUSINESS PKKMIsES ("lost conTenient) to Let Apply Stationer Shoo, opposite Victoria- crescent, Blewitt-street, rsewpovt. ("Cardiff.- To be Let or ;>old, a Kesidencu in Iiich- j niond-terrace, I'atk-place. Contains Ground floor—Dining-room, breaiciast 100111, china uantrv (with hot and co!« water), i-itche; „ut kitchen, ser vants' w.c fir.su fl '01—L-iige diawiUtt-.room t b t1. rooms, bath-room, and v.c Second tioor—Four bed- rooms Basement -Coo! collar, wine cellar fitted with bins, .oal celUr vrel. kep« s..(.un, conservatory fitted with latest lio- watei appaia^iK lotted throughout with Venetian bhnd= and ?a^ fittings.' Draiftp i and ventilated u. on recent sanitary prh^-iple. _lp"lv South Wales Daily >ews Office, CardiffP 6764 -g^LDOX.llOAl)^ (67) to Ltf, 10 room~ hotbathT'^a'-i, 1.4 papei-eX Lei. lJs. ^dApply M< Kldon-ro.ul, j Cardiff- 3.^6 Tf J| OTEL MIjIKOPOLL;, cBiitiuiiy Situated iu the 3 t heart of the town u«wl> erected suitable for a coinmercia.. f;,IUlly. pnvate, hotel, restaurant, and dinin^-roonis; diiectly opposite the new T ff Vale Railway Station, hjuiiuinute s w Ik from the "lihyuniey Station contains 10 le'ilooms, billiard.rootii(liceused'), commercial-roo:?:. oreakfasv, cofiee, smoking, sitting, and luggage roouis Kitchens,- pantries, sculleries, stores, lavaconb, «kcv _rep.ete with the late.-t modern improvrineiits cars buses every lvvo1 minutes to ail pans ot the town and suburbs, position unetjiiiilt-d. -1 or tin ta'T p irticulars, apply to •John Lewis, Contractor, Snitnl.>qUitl.e) tjitT. 163 l^TEWPORT- —L^i'^e Shop ilwel|jlljj.jlon()e> anti 1 x- ,-L 1 tensive uieiiii^. wicu back entrance, beins 118, Coinmercial-screet. basi'iess thoroughfare. 'Ren* moderate.—Apply «•' lo9, Conmteicial-st. 7226 «^UOP to Ltt i'i ^yjndhaiii Arcade suit Boot Busi ness —1iti,d 01 the premises and 14. Clifton >tr. et. 374 SrABLK ( our->t,itlie(t), ^o.i' h-hou^e, nii'I large to l.et, at B'^kweir alsc a bix-roomed house.— 308 WlNDsOSM'l'A^K.—To be Let No 3,' Willdor- 'V phil; CVniirt. he l^romises are admirably f^Pted for a nofessiunal uentleiuan.— Apply at the aouth Wales Daily New" Office, Cardiff 6 -=- 1Dt -Rouses. lantr, HOUSE PROPERTY in pood localities.—Apply to J. Jone^» Property -scoter, 6, Portland-street, Newport. lbI>AS (sever tl) to be 'Sold chenp. opposite Plat- ▼ newydd Ch apel, of; Castle-road 9 rooms, hot and co. bath, conservatory. and coal cellar.— H. Ransom, i lcj-e_t-row. ?-Iackiiitosh-place, ('Mn-liff. jRíscdinnrans. on our New Hire System. Houses or em Apartajgiit-, completsly fujnwhed oa a new gys- t *flopted solely by us, trtiereby all aublicty, exposme) juquij.jg, usually made by other com- pan ( disjisnsed with. We haTe an immense sto t Household furniture of cheap and superior qitainy. All j(ood.s *old »>i Wis Hire System at ready- mOlley Prices. W make no extra charge for credit, I and ail geods sent home iu a private tall free of charge 0 stamp or agreement charges made; no bill of sale everything pri^te. Arrangements completed without delay, and, being manufacturers, we guarantee quality, and wul undertake to supply furium ,&c., at 10 per cent, less than any price-list issued by any firm in <ard¡ff. Eleven snow rooms. Call and ilffilJcct our immense stock, and compare prices before purchasing elsewhere. We will supply i!6 wortli for 2s 6d weekly £10 worth, 4s weekly £ la worth for 515 weekly; R20 worth, ós weekly, aud 50 OU m proportion. pecial terms for laruer auautitAs. Please uote the Address SOUTH WA[.I<;S FURNISHING COMPANY 31 C^t.le.s-. (ooiiosiie the Castle\ Carditv.12783—2491—f8e (CHARACTER correctly ^'flescribed from hand- j writing. Send specimen, stamped envelope auieessccl. and four stamps.—Professor ThorDtOn, graphologist, the Cuutr tl Offices, 16, Hoiborn, London. Cix hundred unsolicited testimonials. Please quote |Kiper. T71EATHKR tUDS !—Rutnle>'s celubrateil feather JU • h«ls, bolster, tv. o pillows (501 ba). 32s I Strong tick; purifle't fsath^rs-.— Humley. WtaoteSsale Bidding Manufacturer, B*d-s^eft, B^stol. 354. FiiiEWORK^ (PafhT^ for Sale.—Rockets, colorK tires, Chinese crackers, squibs, Ac.; to the public Ukei;t 50 per cent under usual prices. Wholesale and •W»b—A. Watkins. ui^nufactureiV agent, Chepstow- ^■B. Miiindee, Newport, A 673 V VOHKS.—Sctiiiols anil Shopkeepers supplied- uoared tires, balloons, Chinese crackers. List lements and Co., Narrow Wine-st., Bristol. 338 booght Highest prices given.—Post-office ortlers for .par Hpp^ut by Mv or 5lrs Owen, 32, Caroline-street ^E aMP OILS.—Best Fetroiine, wh6lMal^~at~low prices, dehvered in sifi&U quantities and barrels. .Iy Jefferies, 88, Wellington-st., Canton, Cardvtf. 420 BA'ttlSB's'lXWB J)EALK!:s~^»~6THKSS~ Sjt Wanted, publicans' euir t bottles; assorted, jKkbud. od per dozen: < i lt.Vestou House, g^Bjjttiam screet, Canton, Cardifi, 2«6 i n N SOCIAL PURITY and the INFIRMITIES of ? MAN. Addressed spec;ll7 to youug mea, witii advice on Health, and i;ont;iiiiinir Hecipes th iX will restore the nervous and debilitated t<> the full po-»ei of Free for the berieiit of all who desire a safe and speedy cure, without t)j^ aid of Quacks. Send one stanm" to prepay postage.—Address Score- tary. Institute of A BirminKtiaui. eo SELLING OFF at Great Reduction in Price, a use- ful stock of plaster centre flower?, trusses, caps, arch brackets, enrichments, Ac., at Brooke s Plaster r,, Moulding Works, 18, Cbarles-street, Newport. Mou. C^HOP ANDCARRIAGE LAMPS !-C. E. Gurnseys improved Lamps for shop frontsand hotels. Large stock of New and Second-hand Limps.—C. E. Glrn. sey's Works, 43, Merchant-street, Bristol. 3S7 riWB'HDGi:s'rCTUitK FRAMING S. CO., 25, Bridge-street, Cardiff. -Auctioneers, Hawkers, and the trade supplied at wholesale prices cheapest house in tho West of England or Wales. Mouldings, glass, and every requisite of the trade.—A P. King, Manager. 2bb TOBACëONISi;s'i{Ü. DE-:=F.aà vi-c\; how to T open remuneratively from any amount, however small, send for Illustrated Catalogue (post free).— Lesser Friedland, 3, lloiuidsditch, London.—Oldest, best, and cheapest house in the world. Established 60 years. 4l3e Ok AND UPWARDS.—Stationery Business, com- c £ a*J plete. Send for guide, lists, and detads of how to commence, or add to any other basine-s post free, two stamps.— Shelley, Hughes, and Co., Cardiff. 292 tf »*y 4\ to £ 2,0C0.—TOBACCONISTS Commencing.— omr^X' Illustrated Guide, regd. (136 pages), "How to open respectably from E20 to £ 2,000," post free.—U. Myers and Co., Tobacconists' Outfitter-, 107 ami 111, Eustoa-road, London. Estimates free, 584e 3for j§a!f.-iiliscellaueans. t^ANARIES.—Norwich Cocks, 6s Hens, 2s • ap- > pro^al. Linnet Mules, 7. each. Cock Larks, Is Linnets, 9d; Pigeons, 10s per dozen; Paraqucts cs each; Kedpoles, 6<l each.—Griffin, 16, Shakespeare- treet, R-ath, Cardiff. IT^NGINE.—For Sale, a Vertical Engine, 8 inch. 1.J cylinder, 12 inch stroke, with fly wheel and pulley; and pump attached to same. Can be se.n at any time at the "South Wales Daily News Office Cardiff. 5138 FOR SALK, 3 pairs of high-flying Tumblers aud FCoop Nvill be s,)ILI chesp.Ipply 19, Dos-ioad, xsarrack Hill, Newpo. t. Mon. HORSE, Cart, and liar ness (bargain), suitable for coal wade £ 13 th& lot.—-Apply Lewis's C<vii "Said, Tin-street, Koath, Cardiff. V a 3^ PONY for Sal< 6 ysais; nearly new TratT and Harness; sun baker or grocer £ 13 the lot « Clifton-street, RoaMi, Cardiff. 3!!0 mO UNDFarTAK^;RS.7drr^^Sr7re^Ts and easy terirs of payment. Hearses with plass tades. Funeral Carnages, and Mieliibeers -'newest designs and the barest stock in the worl.l drawh^ and prices free.—John M .rston and Co., 24'Bradford street, Birmingnam.-Six Hansoms and 'two h™ Brakes 011 Sale equal to new. 671-13163 jHisallftngous Mants. ILK (15 gallons da,lv)^7;rted7d,: livlred at^New^ port.—Apply B. B., •' Daily News '> Office Newport, Mou. "mcc, RAILWAY WAGON SMlTH^oodjwantedZAp-.dv personally Midland Wagon Comoany, Bolt-street Newport. WIIJO W A N T) S( )N ~(respectable)7 aged^ 49Tnd"l3 years, seeks Situations together; mother a 4od cook and housekeeDer boy can milk cows Ac w'l no o!-je/'t, Providing both are together!-Apply A Fitzpatnck, No._36, Glebe-st., Maindee, Newport, Mon. WANTED, by widow, Needlew^k 0r~7)f*a Cleaning work well attended to.-Apply Mrt Harrison, 29, Wood-st., lempeiance i' ,\vn, Cardiff 3So ^xrANtEjTpl'ainTsewffii of any'diibTSn^o.Ti^' >y for table Lodgings for two resectable men mav also be had at 37, Grove-terrace, AV est Cottages. Pcn i^v, iliaiteff. 1-£3 TO ADVANCED DAILY TO HOUSEHOLDERS Without the usual Loan Office Routine or Preliminary Fees. Moderate Charges, Easy Payments Apply-G. If -OPP MONETARY ADVANCE COMPANY, 2, f ^W-STREET, (underneath Liberal Olub), CARDIFF.' 378e HOUSEHOLD7 "is can obtain advances fro^Tfi? upwards ipplicatiou by_ letter to Mr J p" Thompson, 71, .i-s^rett, Cardilr. è 77 MONEv Ai..Jl^CED PRIVATELY, and j„ tidence, irom £ 2 to £ 2,000, to responsible house! holders, fanners, tradesmen, and others, in any part of England or Wales, for short or long periods, repayable in one sum, or by instalments, to .-rut borrowers' con- venience, UPON NOTE OF HAND ALONE, without Bill of Sale and at half the rate of interest ",c usually charged by other oftices. Advances also made upon furniture, stock plant crops, farming implements, £ c., witlmut remoT il Advances made upon deeds. leases, life nolic'e-j cock warrants, bonds, shares, jewels, and surplus or unsaleable stocks of any description. Arrangements can be made for the capital to remain fco long as the interest is paid. remain Apply personally or by letter, p ECONOMIC ADVANCE AND DISCOUNT COMPANY". Church-street Chambers, 281 -chui-ch-street, Caidiff. I UNEY 1 ONFY Cash Advances made at a few hours notice fro.,n ;zb to £ 500, to Farmers, Market Gardeners Cow keepers, Tradesmen, and others, on their -own security. No sureties required, No inquiry fees. Mouey lent on decosita, also tradesmen s bills discounted. Apply personally or by letter to Mr A. Jordan, Manager! Prirale Loan Ofhce, Dock-street (corner of Skinner .street)LNeTvport^Tori £ g, rriHK SOUTH WALKS LOAN aud DISCOUNT JL OFFICE ADVANCES CASH rom £ 3 to V^9a to Householders, Farmers and others ithout security. If Borrowers cannot obtain an advance at this office they cannot do so by applying elsewhere. All business done strictly pnvate and confidential, Apply, personally, or by letter, to Lewis, Mamger, 1 St. John's-square, Cardiff. Office hours 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. flgga 1ASU ACCOMM(mATiON!_Xhe ^Caruifi and (y County Advance Lank continues to h »ances upon any approved security repayable h« in stalments or otherwise, at moderate iS b^. discounted.—Apply Manager. 9, Caroline-stre,^ r7r eliff. Established 50 years. ^19—1186 TVjFl^Y.-ADVANCKS. RLPAYABI^E~^TfV M STALMiCNTS. Interest moderate. No nary fees. Deposits received.—Apply 10 OIT\V S'l'U K.E'i' (off St Mary-street), CARDIFF. "830-1206 I.){PÛRT,T NOTICK-If you want Money send j. stamp for Prospectus before t,oi-i-oii-iii, —Mr Pike, 43, Salisbury-roail, Cardiff. ° r^pH E"cAitm VFAN" ]j~SODTU'V^lES~.T,iN SOCJKTY J,UAl CONTINUES TO ADVANCE DAILY, SIIMs: iron-vt £ 2 TO £ 500. & 1 "u Under new aud low terms. Under Under new system. to Applications atten led to at once, without d,hy or lo'.iiine. Apply personally or by letter to JAMFS FIICLD. (Manager), It, Custom 1 Iou3e.,t.reJ; fside et trance), Uaruitl. OlHce Hours, 10 a.m. to F.-e'o"e sraiiip tor prospecMis. '1- 'Ht)l\iP.ON' BURDOCK PILLS. X TUB GREAT BLOOD PUltlFIIfTf o*l foulest blood and reiitve everv uisea^ !Uy, liver, and kidneyr. These Vonderiui PilYs^'cury diseases wincu cou.d not oe reached by anv other medi- cine. lor Rneuinatics, Lumbal) Pni r- V 1? in the Back, Scurvy, had Swelling ticrofnla, C tncers, hlotches \°r ml otll oxtjrd c COUGj-i ULIXIU ^niRosBVs plmT" ^jnOSBV'S ^LIXIU ^JROSBY'S jgLixxu ^ROSBY'S j|^L1X1J{- 1ROSBYS JpLIXIlt CROSBY'S J^LIXIK rf^liOSBY'S I^LIXIU. /"iros&Y'S I^LIXIR JjitOSBY'S jjjLIXIU /JROSBY'S r|^LIXIU /CROSBY'S "l^LIXIlt >^ROSB3l'S "J^LIXIU /Crosbys i^Lixxi; ^IROSBY'S J^LIXllt ^JROSBY'S J^LIXIR ^IROSBY'S J^LIXIR ^JROSBY'S "j^LIXIXi ^JROSBY'S I^LIXIIl. ^JROSBY'S EU«B. ^juosby:s i^ilixir ^JROSBY'S I^LIXIR. ^tROSBY'S J^LIXIR. ^JROSBY'S I^LIXiR ^JROSBY'S 'LIXIU CROSBY'S ^LIXIR ^ROSBY S ^LIXIR J^EOSBY'S ^^|FIR E d IROSBY'S ^LIXlR |^1ROSBY.S = ^LIXIR /^ROSBX'S ^LIXIR. ^ROSBY'S 1 ^LIYIR. V^ROSBY'S 7 ^UXIR /Crosby'S ^uxiit /^ROSBY'S 5 ^LIXJB. 0ROSBYS p^LIXIR CROSBY'S ELIXIR. 1,4 tilt, only ratioiial iub stitute for opiates, nar- cotics, squills, &c., so irequeutly recommeuued f-V Couviiis, colus, .1; CROSBY'S ELIXIR Is invaluable to Travel- iers, Sportsmen, Euii- grants, anti others, who iiave LO encounter expo- sure to tba inclemency of the weather. JROSBY S ELIXIR Works wonders in case5 Of PUIIIONARY Coi; si'Mption, anu has been used with signal success in Asthma & lironcuitis. CROSBY'S ELIXIR Is an almost infallible remedy for all Chest Complaints, it is equally efficacious in Night Sweats, Inlfueiua Quin- sy, die. Da. ROOKES T E S T I M O Ni A L DR. ROOKE, Scarborough, I author of the Anti lancet,' writes as fol- lows:—"I have repeat- edly observed, how very rapidly and invariably it suhuued Cough, Pa in, and j Irritation of the Cbear. in i L-ases pf Puiraonary Coii. sumption; and i can, with the greatest conti- nence, recommend it its a uiofit .vaiuaoie adjunct to an otherwise strengthen- e, in treatment icr this disease." CROSBY'S ELIXIRv is sold in bottles, at Is ljd, Is 9d. 48od, ik lis each, by I all Cbetmsu and Patent Meaicine Veiwors. and Wholesale by JAMES ? 1. CROSBY, Chemist, 3r borough, England. ( ^ROSBY^ BALSAMIC COUGH LJ XIR, r m am ^.mitsgntgnts. CARDI.Flf. THF,ATRE POYAL, CAP.DIFF._ LESSEE and Manages. Mr EDWARD FLETCHER ACTING Manager Mr JOHN S.IERIDAN TO-NIGHT, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER SxH, AND DURING THE WEEK, CALDER'S CELEBRATED COMPANY in the New Play by Joseph Jefferson and Shewell, gHADOWS OF A Q_REAT ^JITY. 0 Now being Played with Enormous Success to Crowded and Enthusiastic Houses at the Princess' Theatre, London. New and Magnificent Special Scenery, NE W GRAND THEATRE OF XI VARIETIES, NEW COMPANY. NEW COMPANY". UNPARALLELED ATTRACTION. SPECIALITY UNEQUALLED. THE VAIDIS SISTERS TO-NIGHT, ENORMOUS SUCCESS CHEERED TO THE liCHO NOTICE Notwithstanding the Great Expense, attend- ing this Engagement, there will be no Advance m the Prices of Admission. rawiif* Great Engagement and First Appearance in caruic of the Renowned fJtWIN ylSTERS AIDIS, it k9 v The World's GreatestAerial Gymnasts,upon tteirPatent I Revolving Tnpeze, having performed wit.h unbollndl;d success throughout Kumoe and AineiJtv, and \"111 appear Nightly ,it Firsti Appta-r.t-nce here of MISS iN'ELLIi: ERWIN, The Popular Serio-Comic Artiste. First Appearance in Cardiff or mdlle. OTERA, The Pigeon Queen, with her Great ^ptciahty. iatro- tiucing 25 Performing Pigeons, and F uror, f-n the Roy .a Aquarium, Lontion, lor One >Veek Only. Important E.^i^mtmt of the Loi.uon Stais, the SWISS MOUN.l AINEEKS, From the Alnambra Theatre London. MONDAY NEXT, THE GREA1 CIIAUL..S I GOf)FlnY. rrrjri Fo* c list of Company see biHs, 5577 -t'T-r(-f J yfiVINO'S MUSEUM OF VAKliixiii^ QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. &.W ENORMOUSLY SUCCKSSi TO-NIGHT AND DURING j HE WEliK. DOLPH ..Lessee and Mi a„er. HENRI LEVINO Acting FRANK LEVINO ,n^iihlv This beautiful family resort lias been tho g y remodelled and decorated 111 the most manner, and will positively be ready and open N 7th with a company that will, we are certain. entertain • without offending. We shail commence as we left on, and leave off as we commence by keep- „ P' standard of our entertainments, and ngic y to our motto •' Fun without Vulgarity. ^ur iornKu patrons and friends will vouch for our ^pm* faith with the public. You can almy* rely on see;tn^a ,jooa entertainment at Levino s Museum of > come!" and SEE the MAGNIFICENT DECORA- nONS. CO.ME°and SEE the GORGEOUS BOX, BALCONY, and GALLERY DEUOltATIONS- tj.\t rON'Y COME and SEE the OIL PAIN 1INGS in BALLON 1, painted by Mr Ghier and Levino. Wilson COME and SICE the SCENERY, painted by Wilson COME rtndld gEB^tlr^lAGNiFICENT COM- 'POSITION, painted in oil over tie Si,eof painting 45ft bv Levino, assisted by Wilson Feu oh, in -iwei o List of company for opening week, L-evino '"•I Varieties, Cardiff, for week oomTwenc All stars of the same magnitude, and not in order according to their merit, bat an geuuiue. Y'ou'll see, „ -T-.T LIST of COMPANY FUN WITHOUT VULGARITY. Special engagement of THE BROS. M A R I 1 (James and Bo ov,n original They will appear every eveniiv Sketch, entitled ••PA R T N „ie(j|v flashes, burleque introducing songs, d;inces, inSt;-nments, &c. also boxing, quick changes, dalice, and a specialty th.„ novel mBggSSU » ÙlLce, seated oil C 0 .f 'KiiS101"" « S and BABY COCO, 5.»itv Fni-erfcainment entitled, "The In their great rJ o M E," H,ted Ape in its True Character, showing a f the pariour, introducing Trapeze, when in ;K,^7ri!, 'bii,r>, Pantomimic, &c. J Tqn"hable Performance extant. The nu' p vr BERGIN, variety song and dance Welcome to i i _jug,,elj hornpipe and jig danccr. artiste, and gre< one-leggod man that ever danced a The firs't and o stage. Chamuion of the world. j,g on the musi^baU sta^ j g g Ventriloquist. r,nuv voices. A most pleasing and refined TH? f h 2 Six Lifc-ized Talking Automatons. Entertainment |>aMK D]- ],auNAY. ,.f Lincoln College of Mnsic, London, the nowned soprano voca ist, will surely please all lovers of^ood vocalization. 01 » TOM LEAMORE. an(i Coming Champion Foot Manipulator. Comedian, anu^ { ^][ Z A R A, rouble Voiced Creole. Sure to Please Everyone. Important Engagement of p R OF. THOKNBURY, Tho Marvellous Cartoonist and Humorist. ine IIOBZAT r,^„;iihrist Slack Wire, Juegiar, &c.Snre to win favour. EquiliDrist, x^RANK OTTAWAY. „ Vocalist, and Bone Soloist. He's all right. Comedian, sisTERS NINO, Cvmnasts. Among other astonishing things they sing beiutiful Duets while swinging head downwards on the Trapeze. ■1- rmen at 7.30. Commence at 8 sharp. Half- w ur eiifrlier -aturd ^s:. anA"!i'nission—Boxes, 3s each seat; Balcony, 2s Pit Us front, upholstered, Is Pit, 6d Gallery, 3d. y.iif.HBie at Nine o'clock to ail except 6d and 3d se/l'j^ji(ireii in Arms, One Guinea each. i,u,l list of Company every day in "Express" and H Echo" MrTidswell. Conductor of Orchestra. Mr Arthurs, Bill Inspector. Overture by Hungarian Band at Eight. 36ge finantinI. "0. .N WISjLiING toMAKP,'MONEy by using £ 5 capital and upwards (no further rabilltv) iu Stock and Share transactions, averag n-* 'ays'' duration (< «pital often doubled or trebled? should read H. B. SMITH'S PAMPHLET 011 "How to inaka Unlimited Profits with L mited Liability" Court Journal .says, 'i^he throng of operators dealhi" with Mr Smith is quite astounding." Press opinio;,ga Clients' Testimonials, Pamnhlet, &c., post tree. H b' SMITH. Sworn Broker, 110, Cannon-street, London' E C. fe15e "VTEATH AND DISTRICT ADVF!' TISING, BILL-POSTING, and C1RCULVR DISTRIEUTING COMPANY. Office; 13 Cattle- street, Neatn. Best permanent postin^tations in Xown and lieighbourhooti. Contractors for all des- criptions of advertising, circular distributing, &o. Orders promptly attended to All parcals to bo dis tinctly addressed to 1. Harry Hawkins, Neath. 1094 ])1:, ROOKE'S ORIENTAL PILLS. |\R. ROOK E'S Iku. KOOK lC'sJ l'OOK E'.s f v K. ROOKE'.si I ^K. ROOKE'.s' I)' U">R- ROOKE'I J) l. ltOOIC E'S I VU. ROOK E's a-^R. ROOKE'S .I) R. ROOKED DU, ROOKE'S J^R. ROOKE'S "f VR. ROOKE's s\R ROOKE'S | yR. ROOKES it. ROOKED DR. ROOKED yvR. ROOKE'S | x Li. ROOKE'S jbvR. ROOKED J VII. ROOKE's | \R. ROOKE'S DR. ROOKE'S j^R. ROOKES f-vlt ROOICE-, | \B. ROOKE's g j[ R. ROOKE'S n ROOKE'S | \R. ROOKE-s It. RooliCE", b y:. rooke's |SR ROQKE'S JJE. ROOD'S J-JE. ROOBS'S DR. ROOKE'S roonw-1: s R. ROORRI-S f; -( TV B. ROOKE'S | VR. ROOKE'S T\B. ROOKE'S T\E ROOKES TCB. ROOKE'S JJR. ROOKE'S j-QR, AiOOi Dlt. IIOOKE'S CiUiS.MAL PILLS. tiave been of world-! w ide repute fori nearly half a ceii-l t-ury. As an aperi- 8nt and alterative medicine they are unrivalled. Dlt. ROOKED ORIENTAL I'lLLS. In all cases of Indi-! gestion, Biliousness, Liver Complaints, &c., &c., they are allowed to be the most efficacious in the worid, and have met with tbe same invariable success as has his world- renowned SOLAfi ELIXIR. For a more complete dea cription of this medicine see" a „ri; IjtillCCu.' lUg OmtNiAL pILLS S Cl'r^red 0nJy \i ir UUes' Rooke, Scarborough. I he Pills are sold in foxes at Is 1^1 and ->s od each, and can be obtained of all ^hemists andPatent Medicine Vendors. Directions for the Treatment of all Diseases with every liox DR. ROOKE'S ANTI-LANCE I Contains 172 pages, D.nd is ,i admirable c o 111 p e 11 d iu ni o f medical science and information. Every household should possess a copy. Cir- culation, tour Mil. lions. Concerning this book, the late eminent ituthor, Sheridan liuowies, observed :—"it will be all il)Calcuiable Ijoon to every person   A"f' [• i W' J' -¡J p-rh '1 t i. ILLS t>II.LS l> I LL a p I L L s. p I L I, s, p I I. piUi P I LI, s pILLS P ILLS. pILLS. )L pi L L S. pILLS pILLS. p it ts. pILLS. l I L I. S puis. pILLS p ILI S. pILLS pILLS p ILLS p ILLS p ILLS pILLS pILLS P ILLS pILLS p ILLS. pILL s > A. T>, 1 I I io • L Ú. '"Il II 9Busxng55 ^.titirssses. JOTHAM & SONS, OUTFITTING STORES, 126 & 27, ST. _A CARDIFF, '7 SEASON'S SPECIALITIES IN IM5IENSE VARIETY. The LARGEST STOCK of CLOTHING of j any we tind in South Wales or the West of England. Separate Show Rooms fitted up for the Juvenile j Department. I All Goods Marked in Plai 11 Figures, and at I the Lowest Possible Prices. 'I The following is a Description of the Depart- rnents 26, ST. MARY-STREET, GROUND! FLOOR- MEN'S OUTFITTING DEPARTMENT, No. 1 Showroom—JUVENILE DEPART- S MENT; No. 2 Showroom—MANCHESTER DEPART- I MENT. 27, ST. MARY. STREET, GROUND FLOOR— ) MEN'S AND BOYS' HATS AND CAPS i AND HOSIERY DEPARTMENTS. No. 1 tsaowroom -BESPOKE & WOOLLEN DEPARTMENT; No. 2 Showkooh PORTMANTEAUS, TRAVELLING RUGS, &o. JOTHAM & SONS. 26 & 27, ST. MARY STREET, c ARDIFF. 599 Estjlblishkd 49 YI:AKS. TOVEY BIlOS., 7, DOCK STREET, NEWPORT I CARRIAGES FOR PRIVATE OR r WEDDING PURPOSES, With Superior Grey Horses, on tlle Shortest Notice í:.79a A SPLEiNDID FOUR IN-iiAND BRAKE. t I MUNDAY'S VIR1 DINE' Trade Mark), No. 3699b. 0ORNS UORNS c OP.NS i 0ORNS « 0ORNS c ORNS! £ JORNS 0ORNS 0ORNS c ORNS! c OR.NLS! QORNS c ORNS! ^JORNS! c ORI\IS i c C)RNS! QORNS QORNS CORNS! QORNS CORNS! ^jORNS CORNS! 0ORNS lORNS 0ORNS £ JORNS J c ORNS £ JORNS 0ORNS QORNS QORNS QORNS QORNS ^ORNS CORNS! £ JORNS QORNS c ORNS! QOBNS A CERTAIN CURE FOR CORNS, Painless and Harmlesf. Y ILi.,iiiLfallible remedy iutrodllceol by MUNDAY haa obtained a world-wide reputation, llio eflicacv of <( vtt>t DINE- may be judged by its hating Cured Corns of over oO years' standing which had resisted all other remedies It succeeds where all Piasters and Caustics have failed a IN REMOVING BOTH HARD OR SOFT CORNS AND WARTS, JMITATIONS. Mdlle. MARi:fMULLEIt. Amster- dam, Holland, writes;— J.. ^"obt a bottle of your geuuine V incline sodio &ix months 21^0 in Paris, which cured me, and as I am a principal (!:mcer you know my feet are lny living. The bottle I I bought did the service you recom- mended it, but I bought another one iW8a1 t "1, wa? Jorgtd aM Uo .4 I want a bottle of genuiixe ioi* a friend of mine, who is oearlv maa with pain, will you please send m one direct. a -V,VTO.N,DEP.FUJL CURE. Irv Miss W AITS, Cheltenham, writes Please send oy return of post one bottle of V u-idine." We have found it a wondaful cure for coma. c ORN JUBILEE. Mi THOS. WILLIAMS, St. Nicholas, writes:- I ,m S5 years of age. A corn I have had over M yearn has been cerfectly cured.by your Viridine." G IZATITUDE. The Rev. W. MATTHEWS, M.A., St David's, writes:— Gratitu e compels me to say that your "Viridine removed two corns from my foet, which had troubled mo for many years. gUFFEHED 15 YEARS. MISS JONES, Lawnhurst, Manchester writes ;— I have suffered for 15 years from a horrid corn. Sometimes it was like a boil. I tried &ad it has completely cured it. The aboveare extracts from numerous unsolicited testimonials. £ UUTION. As so liiaiiy imitations of my propara- non are being ofrered, the miWic tit re- quested to ASK FOR MUNDAY'S "VIRIDINE j And aKli 'illAT SIGNATURE is 011 the end of each package. By ordering Corn Cure' you maj receive one of the many so-called r"me,ties, which only give relief or sonio worthless imitation of Viri. dine.' Ii Bottles, price Is, by post Is PBKPAllED ONLY lit J M IT N D A Y CHEMIST, 1, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. Agents; London—WILCOX & Co., Chemists, 2oS, Oxford-street, W. F. NEWBERY tt SONS, SANGER, SUTION, HOVENDEN, ifce Liverpool- SYMES Co., tB, Boid-strett. Dublin-HAYES i Co., 12, Grat'ton-Streec. Paris—PHaRMACIE BERAL, 14, Rue de la Pail, Amsterdam—PERRY & Co., 97, Kalverstraat. And all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors. 158.3-9ó2<: ———————————" —« —•——— I. » 30 A 3J, CARDIFF. I S. ^N1)llEWS & SON, FURNISHING UNDKIilAKBRS. ADULTS FUNERALS imb Class. with best hearaa ami coach, paic of liorses to eacli; one-inch elan ceffl". polished, or corered with black cloth, richly nailed, host inotal plate engraved; lined with flannel f flannel maf cress, flannel robe, best pall, hat- 1 bands and attendance 6 0 KndClass, wifcli Jieaise au l coach, com plets. 4 4 0 Jrd Class, with improved carriage 3 3 0 Uh Class., ^2 10 0 [.f "IS o. s" RXTi»K«-V ?.c\* | .t t | -1 ")f      ¥: .r"    0  a I ^usinfiss ^Uressfis. FURNISH ON OUR NEW HIRE SYSTEM. HOUSES OR APARTMENTS COMPLETELY FURNISHED ON A NEW SYSTEM ADOP- TED SOLELY BY US, WHEREBY ALL PUBLICITY, EXPOSURE, AND IN- QUIRIES USUALLY MADE BY OTHER COMPANIES ARE DISPENSED WITH. We have an immense stock of JJOUSEHOLD IfURNITURE of cheap and superior quality. All goods sold on the Hire System AT READY-MONEY PRICES. We make NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR CREDIT, and all goods sent home in a private van free of charge NO STAMP OR AGREEMENT CHARGES MADE; NO BiLL OF SALE. Everything Private. No Security. Arraugements completed without delay, and, being manufacturers, we guarantee quality, and will under- take to supply furniture, &c., equally as good, at ten per cent, leos than auy price-list issued by auy firm ia Cardiff, Eleven showrooms. Call and inspect our immense stock, aud compare prices before purchasing elsewhere. WE WILL SUPPLY £3 WORTH Is 61 WEEKLY. 46 WORTH 2s 61 WEEKLY. £10 WORTH 4s Od WEEKLY LIS WORTH 5s Od WEEKLY £ 20 WORTH 6s Od WEEKLY And so on iu proportion. Special terms for large quantities. Piease Note THE Addbess .— gOUTH W ALES JpURNISHING COMPANY, 31t QASTLE STREET, (Opposite the Castle), CARDIFF. 583 HEATH'S PIANOFORTES QRGANS AND tUTARMONIUMS JJ E A T B. AND g OK S -*?'- FJ1HREE YEA1 S' jSjVSTEM Is Applied to the Hire and Purchase of InstrtLweat., by all Makers, from 10s Monthly. Every Instrument Guaranteed. Co-operative Prices for Cash. The Largest Stock in Wales to Select from 51, Queen-street, Cardiff. 259 i j — lVIAllSR AND o OMPANY. ADULTS FUNERALS. 1st Class, with best Hearse and Coach, on th most modern principle, with a pair of their wel (! known Fleinish-braii Horses co each, one met •J? Po^isnetl Coffin, best registered furniture witu elaborate name-rlate engraved, fine satin trimmed robe, and self attendance. £ 5 5 0 Marsh & Co.'s 2nd Class ditto. ditto. 4 4 0 Marsh £C¡¡. 's3n1. with improved carriage 3 3 0 Marsh A Co.'s 4th, ditto, ditto 2 10 0 CHILJ)R¡';N' FUNERALS, Including pair Flemish-bred Horses, moderu Coach, with all the latest improvements, Po- lished Coffin, liued with tine flannol, and attendance. Underoneyear i? S Under two years 0 One-horse carriage, including corhn covered in black, blue, or polished, l:ned with flannel, modern coach, and attendance. Under sis months 0 13 6 Underoneyear j 0 0 Under two years 1 1 0 And so on 111 proportion. Handsome Car, Carved or Plain Qe^rse Plumes'i-c.C°aCfaea and Brou-ua^. Ostrich 153 Address-SO, St. Mary.street Cardiff ii A FACT WORTH KNOWING BEECHAM'S PILLS 1 l?nrl V- thousiuuisto be worth above a GUINEA for bilious and nervous disorders, such as wind pam in the stomach, sick headache, giddiness fullness ana swelling aiter weals, dizziness and drowsiness, coid cQ'-llg, flushings of heat, loss 0/ appetite, shortness of breath, co^tiveness, scurvy, aim bioccnes on the skin itisturbed sieep, frightful dreams, ami ail nervous and trembling sensations, &c., &c. Every sufferer is earnsly iliviteti to try one Box those Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For Females of all aaest^esa Pills are invaluable. No femaie should be without them. There is no medicine io be iound to equal >ieecn*r.i's Pills for removing any obstructions or irreguiancy of the system. I: takeu ac- cording to the airections given wicii eacu box, they wi will soon restore iemalies ot ages to sound and robust health For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, aud all dis- orders or ne. Liver, they act lite MAGIC, ana a few doses will De iound to work wonder* upon the most important organs ia me human machine. They strengthen tfie wiioie muscular system, restore sheioug;. lost complexion, bring back the keen ease of appetite, and arouse into action, with the itOSE-BUD o, ueaith, the w^oie physical energy of the human frame. These are FACT'S admitted by thousands embracing ail classes or society, ana one of the best guarantees to the Ner vous and Debilitated is Beechani sPiils. They Ilatt: tbo largest saie of any patent medicine in the worid ^Prepared omy by the Proprietor, T. BKECHAM Cufciais;, St. Helen's. Lancashire, in Coies at luaad 2s 9d each. Sold by ail Patent Medicine Dea' r-u- Catted Kin«dom. 210s N g, > nil dire ticms Ilr.. gÜ..n ..it,11 «?achb0 231 j_> Q S i' A L DELI V lt y- J- o I; nit: SOUTH W A L 4, 6 DAILY NEWS. L the Proprietor* of tiie SovrH W..p:s Daily New beg to announce tba.t by a special concession Of the Postal Authorities they re enabled to despatch t.heir First Edition each morning by the Mails leaving Cardiff 2.30 a.m and cA5 a.m. Country Subscribers residing within the iiinits of II> GLAMORGANSHIRE, CARMARTHENSHIRE PEMBROKESHIRE, CARDIGANSHIRE, As well as those portions of BRECONSHIttl» aDd MON^IOUTHSUlitE comprised within the Tr»defar and Khymney Valley Postal Districts, may now ave jae SOUTH Walks DAILY News delivered at -,eir Tbsl deuces daily by tb<j »#B,„ ^ost as that whic1 00 eys their London Utters London and .West of England subscribers leceive fcoeir papers on the afternoon of publicttion. The SiscoKr Edition of the Sou'h Wales Daily I iTi\ 3'4 c :t tsJUf -r w ^V'u'v, :'l "• i. s Sfc- • o :{. 4. r y™ .(. T 16uzht£S5 :ÄÙÙr£5S£S. GREAT DANGER Why are the public constantly persuaded to tke itueror t-ibsiitutes, instead of the article enquired for BECAUSE OF THE EXTRA PROFIT. ) REMEMBER THIS Tbe next time you a*k f ,r SENSATION" SOAP j It is unrivalled for Toilet or Laundry purposes, aralI should be in every household. WHERE CAN WE GET "SENSATION" SOAP H We have pleasure in informing you it can In obtained at either of the following addresses :— Mtssrs D. JONES and CO., Westminster Stoie The SUPPLY COMPANY, 5, Ca.stle."treet. Mr R. BENJAMIN, Trinity-street. Mr J. S. STOWE, Croft-street, lloath. Messrs BOWEN and SONS, Broadway, Roath. Mr JAMES BALLARD, 79, Broadway" Mr J. HARPER, 50, Broadway. j Messrs WILLIAMS and TOWNLEY, Castlc-iCidi, Roath. Mr E. SNOOK, Castle-road. Mr L. ABRAHAM, Clifton-street, Roath. Mr S. STEPHENS, Clifton- treet, Roath. Mr H. MORGAN, Clifton-street, Roath. Mr H. COLLINS, Clifton-street. Mr J. SILVESTER, Splott-road. Mr J. PUGH, 5, Meteor-street Messrs BROWN and PRICE, 41, Sahsburv-road. COTT SUPPLY East Moors. Mr H. MORGAN. Carlisle-street, S. Splotlands. Mr S. CAREW, Moira-place, Splotlands. Messrs GRi Y and SON, 103, Pearl-stareet, Splotlands. Messrs JENKINS and SON, Harriet-street and Cathays-terrace. Mt' J. /iJtNOLD,Cathays-terrace. Mr "W, HUX l'ABLE,Merthyr-street, Cathay;. Messrs BALLARD and SON, 57, Craddock-street Riverside. Messrs BROWN and pnICE, Tudor.road, Riverside. Mr R. BENJAMIN, Tudor-road, Riverside. Messrs T. SMITH and CO., Wellington-street, Canton. Mr R. W. WESTLAKE, 110, Cowbridge-road: Canton. Mr J. S. STOWE, 125, Wyndham-crescent, Canton. Messrs J. SMITH and CO., Cowhridge-road. Mr W. H. MATHEWS.. Cowbridss-road. Messrs J. S'l'iiPNEY aud CO., Neville-street, Canton Mr H. THOMPSON, 22. Wells-street, Canton. Mr H. J. DA VIES. 3, Wellington-street. Messrs BALLARD and SON, Maria-street. Mr W. POOLE, Bute-street. Mr THOMAS PHILLIPS. 24, .Huait-s.rc. Ü,k> Mr THOMAS V\ Ls i i AKI ^3, Eleanor-street Mr J. MILLER, 5, Patrick-street, Docks. Messrs BltlGGS and CO., Tresailliau-terrace. Mrs E. JONES, Lover Grangetuwn, Messra DENSLKY and CO, Upper Gran.ietovrn. Mr E. HOPKINS, i.ower Grangetown. Mr R. BENJAMIN, T.ower Giangetown. Mr N. MERRY, L andaff. Mi F. HAVTER, Arcot-street. Penarth. SOUTH WALES PROVISION STORES, Peaarch. SOUILI WALES PROVISION STORKS. Cadcxton Mr J. H. DAVILI, Mr E. PRICE.. Baay. TRY SENSATIOX" SOAP SOLE MAKERS, jy rpacoi AND QO. PENDLETON, MANCHESTER. SPECIALITIES FOR THK OVERCOAT SEASON IT -\y jpRICET AND SONS'. v v JL —— PlLuf AND NAP OVERCOATS 20s, 25s, 33b, 35s, 40s, 45s. BLACK WORSTED OVERCOATS; 20s. 25s, 30s. 35s, 45s, 55s. IANCY COLOURED OVERCOATS 15s, 20s, 25s, 30s, 35s, 40s. THE NEW CAPE OVERCOAT 21s, 25s, 30s, 2bs, 40 s, 50s. THE NEW COVKKT COAT Ids, 20S, 25S. 30S, 35s. BOY' AND YOUTHS' OVERCOATS: From 3s lid LO 30s EVERY QUALITY EQUALLY CaEAP. Address: THE CARDIFF HOUSE, CORNER OF CAROLINK-STRKET, ST. MARY llle STREET. CARDIFF. 1007 PLUMBING WORK. H ENR Y BEV AN, R. P. (RegisteredPlumber. Worshipful Cftamuw at Muwlw G uildball. LondocV PRACTICAL SANITARY AND VENTILATING PLUMBER GAS AND HOT-WATER ENGINEER, S9, FSEOERICK-SJREET, CARDIFF. Estimates Giveu for all Classes of sanitary Work. N.B.—None but First-J -ss Work Solicited. bb4 T HEFLNT E ART STUDIO, QUE I :N-STRE ET ARCADE. Mr CHAPMAN'S PHOTOGRAFHS Are giving every satisfaction. Most complimentary expressions of opinion from all who have been Photographed. Prices :—2s Ed for 3, 4s for 6, and 7s for 12. All taken by the Latest, Best, and Quickest processes, and weather really no object. 17e AMERICAN DENTISTRY PERFECTLY PAINLESS. TEETH. Dental Notice. fTlEETH. JL OWEN'S AT CARDIFF. X ASSISTED BY Dr. CHARLES KNABE. ATTEND DAILY 10 till 7. F. OWEN can also be «ousulted every Thursday at 72, CROCKHEUBTOWN, > r » TJTlTir'C1 42, QUEBN-STJf EKT, ( ^AKDlf i? OWKNS OWKNS CONSULTATION FREK OF CHARGE Teeth—owen and CO., m.r.d.e. I Teeth—owen and co., m.r.d.e. SURGEON DENTIST'S, From London (Established 30 years'! 4, OXFORD-STREET, SWANSEA. GOLD STOPPINGS. AMERICAN V SYSTEM. Tectli, lio matter how badly decayed, by the aid of pure old and other materials, can be retained in the mouth for years. In fact, by Owen's American systlem ot crowning and facing tetu with enamel, which is so artistically matched ill every way that detection is inpossible. many decayed teeth and apparently useless shells can be effectually restored, and made sound and useful for mastication, without the slightest pain or discomfort. American stoppings from 5s a tooth. fJlEETH OF SURPASSING JJEAUTY. OBTAINED SIX PJUZE MEDALS. Owen's new speciality of CROWN DENTISTRY. Artistic, Painless, aud Perfect. Crown Dentistry," the latest speciality in English American, and French. The adjustment of Artificial Teeth, eitheripcrnianently or otherwise, entirely with out plates, wiies, ur palates, and as uo extractions are required there is absolutely no pain. Single Tooth from is fed. Upper or L'swer Set from £ l 5s. Consii Itations free uaily. from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. i20e jpEARS gOAP ip EARS' SOKP j jpEARS' SOAP pEARS' SOAP pEARS SOAP pEARS' gOAP JpEARS' gOAP pEARS' gOAP p FARS' gOAP PEARS' gOAP pEARS' gOAP pEARS' gOAP pEARS' SOAP pEARS' gOAP pEARS' SOAP pEARS' gOAP s O-kp pEARS1 SOAP pEARS' SOAP pEARS' gOAP pEARS' SOAP pEARS) gOAP "pEARS' QOAP LAi» „ ,-i p ), 'T ""> •- IÍIÎL PURE! FRAGRANT REFRESHING: For TOILET & X URSERY. exhibition HOXO CBS, Fifteen International Awards for absolute Purity and absence of Artificial Colouring. Fair white hands. Bright clear complexion .,oft hea.tblful side. PEAIIS' SOAP Is specially prepared for the delicate skin of ladies and children and others sensi- tive to the weather, winter and summer. Preteuts Redness, Rough- ness, end Chapping ADELIN APATTI writes: "C hav6 found PEARS' ^OAP matchless for the iriauds and Complexion.* uX'aY writes: tJr ^Tk Plea«ure in stating I have used PEARS' SOAP for some tim. prefer it to any other.' (Sismed) LILLIR Lan«xkt PEARS" SOAP is tecom- mended bv Erasmus Wit, s<W, late President of tljt College of Surgeons of tag. ::md, PURE; FRAGRANT! REFRESHING For TOILET osNURSEEY. Exhibition Honours. Fifteen International Awards for absolute Purity and absence of Artificial Colouring. Fair White Hands, Brjgbt Clear Complexion Soft healthful Skin PEARS SOAP-Tablets Jl %?> an<i .2s The "s-n £ ablefc, perfumed with Otto of Roses A smallerTablet (unscented) is soid at. 6d but. ,n.;i<.t M '■■-■w. >• :.¡ iSnsinBss £$r £ sses. FRY'S PURE CONCENTRATED COCOA. Ask your Grocer for a gratis sample and copy of medical testimonials. 6918 CAPPERS THE GREAT TEA MEN. SELL THE FINEST TEAS OF EVERY KIND THAT THE WORLD PRO- 1 it DUCES AT X/ 1" TAPPERS, THE GREAT TEA MEN, ARE SELLING THEIR SPECIAL BLEND, CONTAINING THE I1A CHOICEST GaOWItiS OF THE 1/10 WORLD A*i 0APPERS, THE GREAT TEA MEK, ARE SfiLLING CEYLON TKA OF EX- /-a /v 1/10 lHICK LIQUOR AT CAPPERS, THE GREAT TEA MBIT, ARE SELLING THE CHOICEST INDIAN i it TEA AT l/lt>. IT IS RICH. FRAGRANT ;ND OF EX- IRAORDINARY hTRENGTH. 0APPERS, 1HE GREAT TEA MEN, ARE SELLING CAPER TEA OF THE HIGHEST PERFECTION, BEAUTI- FULLY SCENTED AND VERY ltd\ PUNGENT, AT X/1" CAPPERS, THE GREAT TEA BIEN. ARE SELLING SUPERBLY CHOICE FORMOSA OOLONG OF FINE FRA- 1 /l fl GRANCE AND DELICATE FLAVOUR J-' QAPPERS, THE GREAT TEA ME2S, ARE SELLING SUPERLATIVELY I CHOICE FIRST CROP MOYUNE GUN- 1/10 POWDER AT A/ *w' ^jAPPEKS, THE GREAT TEA MEN, ARE SELLING EXTRA SUPFRFINE -• /I A NEW SEASON'S ORANGE PEKOK AT I JL" CAPPERS, THE GREAT TEA. MES, ARE SELLING CHOICEST FIRST 1 lift CROP YOUNG HYSON A/4A* CAPPERS, THE ¡ GREAT TEA IEN, ]V0' 1 "FfIG5'STREET ^rcadb CARDIFF. S61 PIANOS.—WHY BE WITHOOT ONE When you can become the owner of a nice instrument for the smail payment of I' 10s 6d PER IOKTH ON rjlHOMPSON AND gHACKELLS (LIMITED HIRE SVSXEM No security required, au the instrument delivered to purchaser on payment of first monthly instalment. Every instrument guaranteed, and exchanged if not » ppyoved ORGANS AND HARMONIUMS ON SIMILAR TERMS. THOMPSON AND SHkCKEL,4 PIANOFORTE AND MUSIC WAREHOUSE, QUEEN'S BUILDINGS. CARDIl'F Also at SWANSEA, NEWPORT. MKRXHYg, PONTYPRIDD, PENARTH, BRECON, and I'LOUCES i'b K. ~40e JJOSS'S IJOYAL BELFAST :I A ERA TED -^y A T E R S, THE ONLY GOLD MEDAL AWARDED FOR GINGER ALE. LIVERPOOL INTERNATIONAL— êéo 1" 12800 26|6 Set-I: MANurAcroEY, BELFAST. ROYAL FINE ART DEPOT. ROBERTS, Sestc. HAS FOR SALE 100 OIL PAINTINGS. bl WATER COLOURS. 200 ENGRAVINGS. 35 ROYAL CADE, CaRDIFF- Oldest firm in Cardiif. £ 2? Ho branch shops. 40ft rjpEETH TEETH: TEETH Prize Medal LoaJou, 1862. Gold Medal, Paris, 1567 M R K E ALL, SURGEON DENTIST (31 Years' Experience .1 Years in Swansea"! 199, HIGH. STRLET, SWANSEA (Just below the Great Wester j iiailway Station), Begs to intimate that, he can produce a perfectly fitting SM of feem in one ciear day. The very best workman- ship guaranteed. PA,aiess Dentistry by Ga.s. Partial Sets from ts per Tooth Uope: or Lower Sets f .om Two Guineas. KEALL'S TONIC AIsD NEURALGIC MIXTURE, Sure Mid Speedy Cure for Neuralgia, Tic TJoloreax Rheupis, 'TooLhacne, aud all N ervous Pains. Is lid d 85 9a per Bcttie. Through auy Chemist Mailday, Cardiff; Garrett. Bros., Nevnort: J. G. IsaAO 74^e(iate Haymf-n). Nekti; E C. Evans. Cardigan. 1Q33 g L LPHOLINE y OTIO-K FOR CLEARING I SivIN. SPOTS, BLEMISHES, BLOTCHES, KEDNKS>. w T^,R^'GH-\Ei5; DISCOEOURAX10NS. ^>$IgHXLY OBJECTIONABLE APPEARANCES. UNCOMFORTABLE tsKIN DISFIGUREMENTS, j Fmirely jade away, CjULPHOLIKE LOIION makes the SKIN k? HEALTHY, OFT, BEAUUFCLi TRANSPARENT, SMOOTH. fcUPPLt, SOFTENS and fRESEiiVE^, GIVES a HEALIHY bURFACE, N COUNTERACTS EFFECT of WEATHER. EMBELLISH lis and IMPROVES Bottles. 2s Sd. Sold everywhere. SULPHOLINE. -The bestSK INLOTION K7 BEAUTIFULLY "FRAGRANT COOLING and REFRESHING. A most DESIRABLE APPLICATION ABSOLUTELY PURE and HARMLESS. Buttles, 2s SJ, old everywhere. pEPPER'S QUININE AND If-RON JL 2s. 6d. rjjlONIC. 2s. 6a. HEALTH, STRENGTH, ENERGY. GREAT BODILY S1RENGXH, GREAT NERVE STRENGTH, GREAl MENTAL STRENGTH GREAT „ DIGESTIVE STRENGTH, He.USe QUININE AND IRON Vf A lrnPl0Tti 'bappetite, promotes digestion. the lltrv,cs* "Ureases scr-ngtb of J B himness ,o the mu.-cles, alters pale t ons o^rAnmtU!tpIiff Ueticl6ut weak circula manv' oainfnl^m i.'ear.i:e~s and weakness, cores a rem^ for vfplaanCS~f°Umigia' sci^lca- is a remeay tor uyspepsia, stomaca affections. & • and thoroughly recruits the health. MU PEPPERS QUININE & IRON TONIC. MOST IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMElfT. A new, sillier size botUe of this valuable medicine i, now supplied at „s od, thus bringing it to the reach of aH.cht4ses. and greatly preventing th# tuuy iAjurioot imitations l.rgeiy ofered. orihivingit Bottles, 12 doecs, Is bd; n*xt sue, o2 4s ad- s°old oeyery wberT pEPPER'S TAR AXACUM and pODOPHYLLIN. THE SAFEST ANTIBIUOUS MEDICINE. A FLUID LIVER MEDICINE, WITHOUT MERCURY, MADE FROM DANDELION AND MANDRAKE Roopr Is-now used and regularly prescribed by n srn\yt:ifi.ns instead ct blu^ pi!, and caiomei io+ thd of dvsnertma -n .I ■id c t;t' #tI- -¡       I..f -.f< -;r' 1 sum,