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PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. SiX -??-?iJ?J?? TIM ICS. TIMKS. 20 Word* — 0 6 fiTT 1 01 20 WordR 6 I 0 9 1 0 ??.? T 9 T 0 T 6 40 j?da .?To'TTTT 50 Words | 1 3 T?" 3 9 M?rd. _???.?' 16 1 0 t? ?' These charges apply only to the (?sses of advertise- ment specitieci below, and are strictly confined to those which are ordered for consecutive insertion. and PAID FOR PREVIOUS TO insertion if either of these con- ditions is not complied with, rhe adveetisement will be charged by the Business bc.),Ie.- Apartmknts Wanted Apartments to Let ARTICLES LOST ARTICLES Found Businesses FOR Disposal Businesses WANTED Houses TO LET I Rouses W AXTED HOUSES TO BE SOLD Miscellaneous Wants I Miscellaneous SALES | Partnerships Wanted SiTUATIOrMWANTED SSIITTU UAATTIIOON?.' Vacant. ?n'scnsL 'ie". u SMOKE Archer's  "(?oIden Retii ?s,' sweetest Tobacco manufactured. 822 YOU SHOULD What ? Eii^a.se Professor Scott's Sunbright Limelight- Optical Dioramas; moderate fee or shares.—Apply 14, Wyndham Arcad" Cardiff 196.. WANTED, smart young Man  with or without V capital, to join another giving ectertainments -Apply H. St. Clair. Post Office, Crvimlin. Mon. 875 JEafrhttmtial. IF YOU ARE MARRIED, or contemplate taking JL this important step, we can send you valuable Information which you oucrht to know Send vour a.ddress and we will send catalogue and pamphlet tree.-Àddress H. G. Kerr, West-hill, Wandsworth, London. 62 LADIES alone in the world, and desirous of advance ment, and home of their own, can have particulars —Stamped addressed envelope Spes," Times and Mirror, Bristol. 702 THE MATRIMONIAL POST and FMh?onabIe Marriag'e Advertiser desirable a11iances; all lasses suned price md private envelope 3d — Address Editor, 9, Niclas-st., Bristol. 8368-7e 4 £ t £ ifru:aL plEMALK Corrective Mixture a "sure remedy after ? a.I others have failed.-Pearson & Co., Chemists, 10, Caroline-treet, CardiS. Advice free. 278 ASTY Eruptions, Intolerable Itchings, Blood and A n Skin Diseases from whatever cause arising. -Alt seekin immediate relief should apply at once, Pearson ardCo., Chemists, 10, Caroline-street. CarclitF. Medical advice on all diseases free. 279 (BbucattaikL ANTON SHORTHA NT) SCHOOL. —Bookkeeping, Handwriting, Typewriting, Arithmetic, Cir'1?m'u', Welsh Instructions every Evening. Certificated Teachers.—Principal, Woodend House, Neville-street, Canton, Cardiff. 571 ENGAGEMENT as Daily Governess to children ri under 12; usual subjects Maindee preferred.— M. C., 3, Garwood-terrace, Woodland-road, Maindee, Newport. 406e fT?YPi?VRITING.-Ra.pid Shorthand and T?Te- JL writni? M. S. copied.—Younp: Gentleman own for Evenim ,1,:nj?i!Zeynents.-Adclress Shortype, D,?ily News" OSce. Cardiff taiib,-7fa it it b. FOUND, a Black and Tan Terrier Dog white spot JL nn.ieL'neck, and brown paws.—Apply 1, Potter- street, Pilgwenlly, Newport. 40ge LOST, on Sunday, 2isT JnnrRry, from back Hi^h- L'treet to Shepard-square, Blaenavon. a Bro?k named "Roma. Same returned to 88, BWi-<treet Blacnavon, rewarded detained after this will be prosecuted. ggg T OST, on Saturday Night, january 2?-t?, a'?Hi'? ?LJ containing gold, between the Market an? St ?ohns-square. The nnder will be well rewarded — 1&3, Woodville-roa.d. Ca,rdiS. I 720 RSWARD, I^Xost between Duke-sheet "and I JL? Angel Hotel, one small c?e containing photo- Apcon u ons. —Will finder return at ?to Angel Hote;. '{nel receive a1Jovl\ l(!? 12 Itoimsitc trhant5. A GOOD General Servant wanted ?sood?erp?? eqtiired. -Apply Glencairn, Caei-au-road, New- £ °™v._ 363e A- N-Pê'¡eTI'e:l G;c.ral £'¡"¡-_t9dr=" Apply 37, Rkhmolld-road. Cardiff. 827 CLEVER COOKS can add to their list ofT]ish es in ?? the preparation of choice dainties for the dinner and supper table by consulting the jrwe? of a little book, entitled "Pastry and Sweets, ?iven to all cooks sending their addresae? to A?red Bird and Sow; Ei?rumhMn. F.v?y !ady and housekeeper in th lnc! should bave "PMtrv and Sw"r'" hapdy for etereiice. There is nothing to pay, aw the book' will •^sent by return of po. t, free, to any address. 35e C-îÆÄ! respectable Girl, about 16, "s Servant — 78, Queen-street, Cardiff. 936 I DAIIE?'5 ^pJoyment A?itcy, 45rC!K?t?tred? i.VVanted. Housekeeper, £ 30 (nrat-class "otel), Kitchèmilnid, R20 Barmaid, Bnokleeoer Chambermaid, Waitress, Pantrymaid, Housekeeper (widower) Nnrse, Parlourmaid, £ 13 100 GenerX "iso Male Servants. 962 GOOD General Servant wanted immcd'atelv earlv Griser, cicaii, respect ,ble, good character indis-« pensable; no (,hiIdren. -Apply 41\, J\Iiskin-stl'c?t, OCoa!tih,ao ys, ICn ardiff. 73? GENERAL SERVANT wanted at once. No wash- ing.-Apply Mrs Dawson, Shipton Villa, Bol 'pn. ?d, Stow  Hill, J?ewpor. ?Ue -E:IÁL SI'?'ANT want?fT good wages, small (W family wa.-41i and iron. Apply 4, Castle-arc.de, 4igh-street, Cardiff. (,79 ENEBAL Servant wanted, small familv able to ? .?'5 ?"'OK a.'so Nur.?, sgpaMns Wehh. for two children, 14 and 9' S?EdM2S'„ for Cv^Hiivvee-a&ueet, 'c Grange, Cardiff. lyO.??rd.er?  L   5 in fam ib;-¡-ll-S G" .Ii(i niii9t have good refercnce,-App]y '1'1'0;; » £ •«. l-=!el;\ Carc1itL RESPECTAB!.E Yong Wolnan as Generalable kept .-Mrs White, ?- SESs S' t' f dtna,:Dn;l; no .c.e: stailllJ.Irs .oks "DIe Acme Registry Oltke, 3, Castle-^ clrSff. °? ?67 16 ITJ SEFUL, domesticated Young Ppr:,on-as Help, four children (youngesttZ) well up ill ?lain sewmT DH?e and oen?n? l-imt j i H ?ome. -S?Lates,,ilary and "se' Help?P??o?  -92' \? ANTED, strong ?'e?rn')? from 19; Tonr in r ▼ -ami'.y washing put out Rood wa?es srood el:eu('e"'=-_l CliOIl-str'e_t. It ot C:U'C{ 987 ??A?TEY), a clean, General Serva,ut?Apply ?"C,o.,iliain Villa, Chepstow-road, Newport, I2>Il. 418 I W?? ??' ? ??ctaMe'Young Girras Nur-e-15! lklren "ood ciiaract«r indi -?.—P?' ?, ? indsor-p?ce, Cardiff. 997 W??- ??? Serv?t.-ahle'?cook'aud Talbot.?? ~Ses l:equired.-Apply 35: ,s leer, ClhO]I, Cardiff. 989   9Ù1-Feîrïlary -d-Önc:al t,) do 1)!aiy) ?'o(ilcing good ¡'(.fer- ?rANT?n —?- ?' ? "ypr'?< 9079-421 'V AN0,' o-od-štr();ii'í a-G-one'ai-S-¡;r, ¡; V good ciTaracter' ii'3 i 110 ^ildrcn—A^nly Rt o:;ce, 1, Mavia-slreet Docks 9 %cleat resnerToKr"* W'?iS???P?bIeG? ewpon. IS Daw, 1, Palmyr:t-pla(e, ?rANT?,?.??,?.———_ ? ? 'rvan'; able to do p;?n UlH3r 90- C'I } Ill"'l "nl Jscwporu cooking, not Unri^ o^ and J,')81'lluei' preferred • cou «>urchwoman and ,20. Rowland II. ''?neralSfrva.'? "?'' ?eady. respectable C?.?? ? ?y ?'??" cookin.?er.uired Tli D, Ti^Tean 415eJ or aW»ly MrsC^oommpm to^j, Cromer House, itiLst..r.tandalf. ] 'J'.V Mrs Green, Bridge- "'11 evory Monday.— ANTETT. 924 fond IIf children j)re['IT(l" ,able to wa.sh; \v \V T Apply Ambiose Villa Chm ?."?t)?u:-u?.scent,rauton CMd!ff?'  ,¡¡rAN:l':j), respectable Girl Tr-oïn13toI4" I k 't, 101la"c horlle; no chilùren ,eo \T,lI<,O, 11, General :l'lnt- -Pj)"Cd_-st'ect, -{.tl, Cardiff.. APPlr7,)7, 'AT A "'¡TED irll.l11ccliatCl):: GeJa:I-Sel'-ant-)Od ^I^H^t^ S!pensable-Apply 68,RicbS ;J,- ?a!diff': sa e. pp y 03, RICh29Is. .KNTFDillil'?le, iately, goocl Gene?a t- Arr. 11. j ones, 2Z, I",(IwaLrCts-terr,,tce, W Á.I"T- 909 \\TANT;5f) c' 7r( ^')OUt ?' to Assist with chil<lren and "o"sework. -Apply 19, Frederick- »^tref.( i,C-,ardiff 654 T/tTANxjijj——- 654 ?'??an-t.?-'??h?ary. a Rood General 8ei'yant.* v 17^^l?i.je-placc, Penarth. 821 \-• 7"ANTK-g~ Hl)n;e\);:Jctable Girl, about 16, to aSRist in ?i.m?-?.M?? C.?tl? ?,  elcian and strong_8. ??7'A?TEb';?- '?-???. 870 »v1,Cri .Vr.Jan\' ?? to???????eneral SeT- ?Ct?ed. -Apply AIs??e'r,?""? '-efercnce; country ?' ? ?"sc, Chepstow-road New- WANTKFa a stW- "07e g  "<"&wo'???? "'?. ?ont 16 or i 1, to do ework (,,leep out).-17. Capel- "Mcent,_Xcwp(.rt, I.. ? ??ep out).-17, Capel- 1:"i-r AN1;Ej)-l'sJ;ec:1îïèG;n 3960 I ?ANTEb.ar?ectabI?i-r?- ??? '?PPb'M,Tunnel-t???? M, sleep out. VVrANi^DVgood-^ )?i ,?''?? ?fcrenccne??-??todo plain ?.C).roa.O Newport, ???y.-Apply 71, Com- ? ANTE D'at 'once: 'a?i?r-—— —— ?- servagr ? ? '?'? ???-??thcote:? et- 8S9 goGranville- 'S' &?'?-. ''o??ewweek?xperi-  comfo,-Lable home.- or( Swol'th-street, Cardiff, 809 'V 'of b:i<- ,?"?'X General Servant for iiouse "JL?- M'"<. n S? ?o ??,n)f;, ironing, or baking.- '\?\?'———'? '?1' Port T?bot. 855 "tAN'ri;¡5;p;Q(;ëJ ?ryant. — Apply 'Mr? n!il- ?°??'- 769 ? w? !?' ? .'?"??-o'?M.? respectable Gir! r Vlth 00(} (,i!:U'¡lrlcr,Only those used to busi- -tr.¡:.ly } 7. ??UD(.?r.<.t, CardiQ'. 732 Ys-V-l c 3 V ,-?'?'?? ?'rni7??)'as'General ?ylhf :"r1i>tllt,. Ke;erences required.—Apply Mrs il?, tHiil gh. -strew, Bar* 793 A road !>1"00(' General Servant.—Apply 9, Eldon- V road, ? ?? 785 TA5iTE]), General Servant for small famhy'; 'f good character mdlspensable. Apply 114, N?w?or?roatt. Cardiff. 710 'XT AXfEJ> General Servant.-Apply 20, ?The f .????'?'rede??rville, Roath, CardiS. 715 ????TE?, a, good Gene!-a,rServan??,ge'17To Y9?- ? AppJy The Shield Coffee House, 102, Marshes- roatf L Newport. g?g WANTED immedhteIy, clean General Servant Springfield, Caerleon-road, Newport. 390e ?.?7'-?TED, respectabie GirlTa.bout 15, to assist in f housework and to take charge of baby.—Apply Lipton Cotta.g-e, Caerleon-road, Newport. 57So WANTED.—Respectable Girl about 14, to assist in "uisery.—Mrs Smith, Gold Tops, Newport. 330e '?,?7'??THD. ? Kood Genera! Servant.—AppIyAlbion -'f HoLel, Canton, Cardiff. 658 WANTED, a. good General Servant in small ? ?amUy?Apply 22, Talbot-street, Cardiff. 610 ANTED immediately, good General Servant ''t <, house work and ?"sist cook age about 22.— Apply 42, Partndge-road, Roath, Cardiff. 615 '-fAN'i;ED-CÕ:HOU¡;efJis, GeneraIs. Young t V Waiters, Young Kitchenmaids for private nouses and hotels.—Miss Morgan's Registry, 101, Frederick-street, CardiS. 588 \17"ANTED, a good Genera!"Serva?t.?AppIv at JMr once? 24, Stacey -road, Cardiff. 574 WANTED, General Servant must be good cook V from the country preferred not under 25 two others kept.—Mrs Graham Forester, Wynberg, Swan- sea. 394' WANTED, a good, trustworthy General Servant v V good wages if suitable soiid references to Mrs Pnchard, 14, Windsor-place, Cardiff. 816 WANTED, a respectable ?tr! as General Servant —Apply 24, Kincraig-street, Castle-road, Car- '?S- 722 WANTED, a good General Servant, able to wash and iron; must have ?ood character.—Apply Bos? Y:U?tonghton?h'ee?Sa]<;mead. Cardiff. 724 WASTED, a good Domestic Servant.—Apply 20? _V? t Caroline-street, Cardiff. 536 íhntfi(rtt5 11 arant. BAKERS.—Wanted at once, smart Lad, able to mould well.—Apply D. Williams, Wyndham- street, Bridgend. 859 BODYMAKERS for Tram and 'Bus Work wanted, JL? —State wages and experience to Cardiff Tram- ways Factory, Oxford-iane, Roath, Cardiff. 888 BOOT TRADE.—Good Repairer wanted at once; _Bjt constant employment.—Apply R. Ankess, Boot- maker, 117, High-street, Barry. 930 BOOT TRADE.—Boyle and Co., Cardiff, require a Jt_.t smart Youth as Assistant about 18 one used to the trade preferrod. 822 t)<70T?TBADE.-Wanted, a Youth, about 16? .J? Apply personally, with references, The Leeds Boot Compy, 9, Bndge-street, Cardiff. 881 n--OOT TRADE.—Wanted, a Yonng Man, well npm _?S the repa.mng.—W. Smith, 51, Metal-street Car- diff. 796 BOOT TRADE.—Wanted at once, Two Repairers" constant emnloyment and good wages paid.— Appiy to J. Price, 14, Commercial-road, Tredegar. 970 Bookselling and .stationery, —wanted" ,} well-ecmcated, intelligent Lad, about 16, as Apprentice.—Apply The Scholastic Trading Co., Ltd. I, St. Jortn s-square, Cardiff. 742 ? ? OACHMAKERS?Competent, steady Man M Nich0^ and Co., CoachbUllder¡<¡, Halifax. 907 C-OLLEC1;Õi-änd Enquiry Mnn wanted one ^ho kno"s own well.-Apply P. Freedman ann Co., 1 gg?g ?LERKSHlPSmider"G?vemmpnt aes ?4??* f^ psziris': nanswn O?r 1,200 ppomt1l1el1ts ?cent!y obtained. Thorough pre mraUon97b'v^oComplete guide, free, write G. ?E. §SWiveirv >, 27, Chancery-lane, London. 700 (-YCLE F"IrrEl:t -ante,Cimmediately, well up in 4 V/ /A ^heel ^ork permanent em?ovment to sn?- ab!e man.-P?-y and Co., Westgate-street, Cardiff. 5? § ? ? E?IA?ING .-Wanted at oncoT 'Apprentices ? ?'1 Imprcver.Apply 24, ?ing-s-roa?Can? Larant.. 618 Wanted -Apply Bute Docks Laundrv i. 167, Bute-road. Cardiff. ?25 ?A?LES.-?Vancediinm'?di?Iy?? to l" ?an'lc Show-room ?od opening salarv • no premium.—Apply W. D. Rich?dson, 170, Commer? cial-street, Newport, Mon. jgog OUT OF EMPLOY.—You should never be when you can have a salary of from thirty shillings to three pounds pe/ week, by a few hours' application.— Apniy to Box (95 G), 3, Biiishiield-street, London. K < 46e '-r-ÄILOR,ESS Machinist, also learners, ?vantHd? A Gocdm?a Brothers, 33, Alexandra-road, Canton Caidiff 751 T- ÙÜ1Im-IÜ{,r.il'TEF..=(}ood, c(¡npet'Ut, J B sober Man, used to round timber hauling good wages.—Apply Ponsford Bros., Timber Merchants, N ewport. 416e "tj"TANroD. a strong Boy tur the Poik Bmchering\ Appiy H. Warriner, 95, Upper George-street, Cathays. 969 '??T'ANTT'D, a Provisicn Hand for next Safurdav. -=- Appiy 84, Commercial-road, Newport. ■ 402e WANTED, a Working Carpenter Foreman l' rk- up in oook-keeping '?'? pushin0 g.— Apnlv 3. y_lc, B'y. 95^ ???'?D at cnce. a good?enei?'?Ia??o'm?ke t ann repaIr haud-?ewn work. G. Bishop, Iif?on?o?. Ba,ny Dock s21 ??????? immcdM?ely. a good. pushin funi¡'fu Loots; good references indispensable.—Apply A. Shibho, Broadway, Cardiff. 843 }iTXT]ID a good, strong Y?7 'agerY6?Ap? V Dumfries Hotel, Doeh?, Cardiff. 867 ???ANTED a, strom; Young M?tTas?aulisi? r')id  V m?ke himself ?eneraUy IlsefuL-Apply James Jones Cro?s Key, near Newport. 400e '1:VXY.r}ED'>It}'OU5I;Ul, QUe who thõnl!hly nnderstundR hordes and knows Cai?onw&it.— Apply Canton Potato Stores, Cowbridge-rd., Cafiliff. 759 -J- XT"ANTED, a-Ladi about 18, accustomed to horses, V v to drive, and willing to make himself generally useful.—Apply by letter, stating lowest wages, to Richards, Echo" Office, Newport. Perqui- sites obtainable. e WOOD XUKS'ER wanted. Constant employment \1 to good Lanrl.-A pply Jarvis, 23, Meteor- sweet. 784 -V-:fi:x1'¡';Ü,-J:I:1l;onL 16 or 17, to ??ist in bake- house and deliver good home for trustworthy youth.—il, Junction-road, Carnardtown, Newport. 3C7e "fAYÜD at once, Smart Strong Boy.—Apply _j_ RJ^hards and Co., 15, St Mary-street, Card; i. 5F2 Apprentices to the Tailoring —Apply diif. v Kose Villa, Stoughton-street, Saltmead, Car dift. 725 -wmKLY and upwards may be realised by either sex, without hindering present occupa- tion. For sample, enclose addressed envelope.— Evans, atts & Co. (P 133), Merchants, Birmingham. — ,'l,t.a:s i.s gaiiiiine. H8S iftt:rli(ittS R:"ËAl;E(Jl ;AÜ-¡']-Y;-l1¡g -p;o;¡- seeks situation ::s1 1l., Mother's He)p comfortable home more an ob- ject than salary.—Address 6, Rennie-street, Canton, "_r_i. i?g np6 MASTER ?BAKERS?Vanted T Situation as L Single or good Second; weU up small cake a.nd t?ead?—Address 48, Echo" Office, Newport. 517e T- 0 -iÜ.:K-ÊR:¿¡:=' "rant-éÇsiF,mtiõi-a.S-ioõd J'hirt! ?_ Hand, used to Sma,ns.—Apply Philip, IO Office, Isowport. ??.?ANTED?tuations a?"H ?sema,ids or:Ùeer!s V bv three respcctabie girls, age 18 to 20 South Wales preferred.—Apply Young, Bailey Lane-end, rear Eoss, Gloucestershire. ^2 ,c XTA-¡I.¡-i'EDlv-y;g Man (Frnch), aged 19 ? ? Situation 'in Offie; sp?ks English.—Apply, by letter, French, Echo" 0!Ree, Cardiff. <"Q ??rAN'I?7?tTta?on-weishei-, timekeeper, wa"e- V 'f houseman, or other Íiln employment; moder- ate htry good references.—E. J. 717, Echo Office, CardiQ. i17_ W- IN'fF.-D, SblatiöJ}";ïSrmpl'over to Baking and  ()()nfcÙ-a; ,abl; to mould well.— Appiy W. G.. Roa'hvater. Near Wa.shforrt, Taunton. „„.„ "06 .„ ??r?s, ?an??rs, ?f. --=;'RJ<;J CUŒKS. — Everybody wanted to learn l double entry book-keeping, free by post, salaries B30. B150 500 te"timoniab send for particulara and entry forms, free.—Secretary, 25, Cambrzdge-av3te, Edmburh. _633_ :V- A:,f;rED, an intoHige?t?Jnnior Clerk.—State 'f p?'ticu?rs to No. 3,549, Locke s Advertising OHices, Newjiort. MOll. 88 9 GENTS wanted, whole or spare time; best ?? paying agency going liberal remuneration no ri"l steadv income ,sslrcl; sample pen and pencil stamp free.—Richards, Works, 44, Snow Hill, London. A" GENTs Wanted. Salary B104 per year. Con- ?? stant work. EXperienc unnecessary.-pendle- bury and Co., 130. Harwich-road, Colchester. 629 Ifltrgitujs, Jljrartntfnts, APARTMENTS to Let, 31, Machen-place, Biver- side, CardIff. 800 -;Q.-pAitTIiÑ"T8 for one or more: comfortable; ?ci? good cooking and attendance board if desired terms reasonable.—13 Bridge-street, Newport, Mon. 327e to PARTMENTS want 3d by Gentleman Canton .1"L preferred.—State inclusive terms to R., 885, Echo" office, Cardiff. 885 APARTMENTS To Let, suit two respectable young j  men no children ood piano good references. —Apply 47, Great Frederick-street, CardiS'. 723 € COMFORTABLE Lodgings for one ??r two young ? men, with or without Board.—Address 48, Eldon- road, Riverstde?Cauton, Cardiff. 967 CATHAYS.—Wanted, Two Furnished 'Bedrooms, <L/ Attendance, and Breakfast for Small Family away during day.—Address Patd, 5, George-street, Cathays, Cardiff. 726 FRONT Apartments in Talbot-street, CantonT?u?  one or two gentlemen hot and cold bath. Terms for two, 12s inclusive.— S. 918, "Echo" Office, Cardif 918 FURNISHED Front Sitting and Bedroom for ?on? or 1 two gentlemen use of good piano also hot and cold bath.—Penlee House, 42, Brook-terrace, Riverside, CardIff. 872 1_'> ESPECTABLE  Lodgings wanted near Taff St? J-X, ^'°:„ '?chUdren permanent.—Address, R. M., 931, Echo? Cardia. 931 -T-:<')r:E,f.-Col11fort:Üüe Bedroom for a Larly engág fiunng the day terms moderate company pr'?" c.p? oojec?o?ni?.e, A 585, "Echo" Omee.  TW^ '^ll THREE ROOMS?o?et no cMldre!?- ?- "'J—??treet, Penarth-road, CardiS. 9O nP^^Booms ga? hot and cold v, ? ^a(h1Ca The Ade? E'eek,~4' «°^ti- ,119 TWO Young Men require Sitting-room and Bed- ?_ room, in or near Pontypridd must be thoroughly respectable references exchanged. — Apply A. I., Echo" Office, Cardiff. 882 ?g?O LET, Unfurnished Apartments; quiet IÎÕ Jt- children.—Apply 49, Talbot-street, Cardiff. 768 T TXYijP.NI8HJÚ-lledroonlarnlSittillg-rOõï <LJ State lowest terms to H 571 "Echo" OfUce, Cardiff. 571 UNFURNISHED Apartments to Let to a respect- %_J able young Married Couple.—Apply 33, Arran- street, Roath, off Castle-road, Cardiff. 694 tTNFURNISHED Apartments to Let, or Lodgings ) for two respectable young men terms 3s 6d per week. — Apply 2, Ilarpur-street, off Penarth-road, Cardiff. 871 UNFURNISHED Apartments to Let, in respectable locality.—Apply Mrs Pritchard, Fruiterer, Tafi- street, Pontypridd. 353e UNFURNISHED Apartments wanted, two rooms in Roath, by a Young Lady.—Apply D. C. W., 880, "Echo" Office, Cardiff. <> 880 UNFURNISHED Apartments at 32. Hamilton- 'LJ street, CardiS every convenience no children references exchanged. 721 Lodgings by single Man. Terms mode- 7 f 904 WANTED, by young gentleman, Apartments Roath prefened.-State terms to B 837, Echo Office, Cardiff. 837 WANTED, Apartments by Young Gentleman at once selmrate bedroom neighbourhood of T?Ibot-strect ? state terms.-Apply S, 890, Echo Office, Cardiff. 890 ')IT ANTED Apartments for single Genqaman, i sitting-room, bed and bathrooms Canton side of river preferred.—Apply, stating terms, to Y 895, "Eeho "Office, Cardiff. 895 WANTED, by a Young Lady in Newport, a com- Tt' fortable borne with a nice family.—Address Linda, Echo" Office, N ewport- 3700 WANTED, by young gentleman, furnished apart- (" ments, sitting-room and bedroom.-Apply, with terms, to D 8, Echo Office, Cardiff. 8 FURNISHED or Unfurnished Rooms in centre of ? town moderate terms suit married couple.— :lress 8797, Echo" Omce, CardifL 797 jfor FOR SALE, Two Houses, Keppoch-street and 6, Glenroy-street hot and cold baths.-O. PurneIJ, 5, The Walk, Cardiff. 589 TWO HOUSES, with hot baths, gas, &c. wclllet JL at 9s each price, £ 240 each.—Apply W, 598, Echo Office, Cardiff. 593 Ijmtsss, & QI; t A3-ROOMED COTTAGE to Let near Loudoun- ?? square, Bute Town, Cardiff; rent, 4a 6d a week. —Apply George Bee?, 28, St. Mary-street, C:triff. 901 BAKEHOUSE to Let, Francisf-street, UpperGrá-ne. JJ? 3s 6d'weekly.—Apply 71, Adam-street, Cardie. 335 COACH-HOUSE and Three-stall Stable to Jet (with immediate pose"sion), at back of Fitzhamon- Embankment.—W. H Sajisbury, Our Boys," Cardiff. 903 CCONVENIENT Cottage to Let in Conway-road y rent, 5s 6d per week.—Apply 8, Working-street, Cardiff. 6GB mo BE LET, Gore Villa, Caerau moderate rent I immediate pos:;ession"Apply W. J, Gibbs, Caxton-place, Banes well, Newport. 395c rTS?b LET, N'VêJlington-ten1!.ce. Apply 3, ?. Charles-street, Cardiff. 621 nW-r:E;i', 3.-ifSilê(i:illble for workshop, st( JL room, or stable.—Apply 14, East Uak-road, New- port, Mon. 375e r?crLE'r7 2, St. Mark's View, Gofti Tops, Newport pleasantly situated, with ood grounds, con- venient to station and town; hot and cold water throughout rent £25: immediate possession.—.4 yply on premises. 37-ie SPLENDID OPENING.—Shop to Let, best part of Clifton-street.—Apply H.10, ijcho Office, Car- diff. 10 SHOP to Let, suit draper, bootmaker, chemist, or any business, close'to Lord Wimborue Hotel and Dowlais Works.—Apply Jas. Masters, ZO, Fishguard- street, EastMoocg. Cardiff. 612 HMO LET, 0id-est0-biislied Coofc-sl40p and Boardif g- g house, 228, Brte-roac!.— For particulars applvvto Edwin Beard. 227, Butr-road, t'araiff. 876 TO LET, a substanTM Fruit Business.—Apply ? Fiuit,"Echo"Omce,CfU-d!n: ?0 4 WORKING-STREET.—Three large Roopis and i Safe-room rent, £ 21 per 3.mmm.-Ap111y on the Premises. 172e WORKING-STREf^\—X^ige FrOl)t Room, 24 feet by 17, and a stua iler Room adjoining every convenience; rent, £10 per annum.—Apply on ths Premises. I78e &z., J "aStEtS, Stores in Cardiff on the level, suitable 'f for storing beers alio Office and Stalling.— Particulars Rogto*, 9, Working-street. Cardiff. 902893e WASttED, a House witliin a mi!e of the Cr-?t'e. £ 30 !o £ 35 inclusive.—App?y Q 570, "Echo" OHSce, C,udW. _?_ 570 11J?íitttzst: for liisfmsal. £'1 EOCEBS and Tea, Dealers.—Important market town (Ch3shire), gafe family connection; in- coming, & Co., Limd., Partnership Brokers. Cardiff. ,— 613 itthliè loitstG. "STOTE~AI>DRESS—John Downing, Hotel. Pnbli- Valuer, Licensed Auctioneer, Fellow Auctioneers' Institute, Nelson-street, Bristol.—Post free, largest pub!i?hed list. Hotels, spirit vaults, breweno?. country inns, beerhouses, coffee taverns, Trocpry. drawr-, baking, tobacconists, Jckseners, dairy "reen?rojorv, businesses, every description £ 10 to ?30,OCO. Loan? arranged. Commltatwn:;o free. Auctiou sales. Valuations personaHy conducted. 747 '??ETWFE''? l?i'.tt'I ?t? Clifton. £ 85. First-class g? Beevhouse ta.ki!? S13 weekly low rent; hand- some double frontage; immense thoroughfare, thou- sands passing VSTESTON SUPER MARE. £160 Furnished. Genuine Hotel and Spirit Vaults capital busi- ness position near railway station and beacn letting through death..—Downing, Auctioneer, Bristol. "("SLIFTON"7" BBISTOL.— £ 300.—Magnificently fitted '< L j Corner Suirit Vaults and Hotel, near Suspension Bridge; best' position in district; entrances two streets.—Downing, Bristol. cS OUT?! WALES.—Absolutely free Corner Spirit House proof trade, £35 (including nine barrels) weekly ;-21 years' lease incoming, £ 1,100.—Downing, 1, Nelson-street, Bristol.. Village Inn, full licensed, /.O miles from Dristol; rent, £17; excellent prde meadow can l>o had.—Downing, Hotel Valuer, Bristol. _— ARRErr & CoT'Bank Buildings, St, Mary-strcet, :> Cardiff, undertake the negotia.ting of Buying Mtd Selling a:! classes of Business, Public Houses, &?__?__ ^L. i!') -SO'=.BE1oTRHol;'¡';¡Rin,:aPit,a1 position for lojD ??OU- profitable businass half can remain to business pa.ny: convenient living rooms.—Barrett Co., Bank Buildings, '?t- M?,?_?' ??.?'.? 007 #XitsiraL A" MF'bYcTn ORG a N.-To cover advance.—Solid valaut rpse; 13 stops, including grand orga* and knee swell: four sets of reeds powerful and grand instrument; quite new; six years warranty from makers "Bell and Co. suitable lor drawing-room or small church cost 60 guineas; will take 17 guineas. Will send." packed on trial, and pay return carriage, if disapproved. Drawings and particulars forwarded.— Ardwick Discount Office, 159, Stockport-road, Man- chester. 344 CO'JTAGE PIANO, with trichord, treble, and full compass, will be Sold cheap for cash.—5, Platinum-street, Boath, Cardiff. 985 A MEBICAN Organs and Pianos at wholesale J\^ prices. hest house in South Wales to got a first-class instrument at a low price. Every instrument- warranted. See them before going else- where.— Beavan, Wholesale AgeHt, 10, Trédegar-rJe, Baneswell-road, Newpo?- 237e nY>RKW"WAITj: (Solo Violoncello of tlie Bristol .1::1- Concerts) is o?en to give leSRons or. the above instrument.—Address 10, Park-8tr Cardiff. 68ó A NYron-frame Tnchoi-d Piano, cost 35 guineas, to be sold at a bargain. Apply Brentwood House, C?ha.-squM-? Newport. _? J ??_ S84 ?B??NycS"(Amencan), 30 screws, nickel band, ?.2? .? Ladies' Banjo, 7 strings, 15s bargains.—Moyns, Cowbridge-roa.d, rdlfï ?_ 376 (1OPYRIGHT. —Musi i; tt?e Easy; marvellous ey, ) practical method to^lay the pianoforte, harmo- nium, Is.—Rev Wm. H5hcs,Ogmo!êridgend.748 ? CONCERTINAS. London make, 20 keys, 30s; 24 \"J. keys, 25s; 20 keys, leather bellows, 9s 6d.— Moyns, Cowbridge-road, Cardiff. 375 ORSaTeTFrench Horl, SOsT Plated Cornet, 63s; 1 Trombone, 33s String Bass, 84s capital Violin, 45s Lady's Violin, splendid instrument, 50s Banjo plated rim, Cardiff. 782 OR SALEr— Pianoforte, full trichord, iron framed JL' check action walnut ca,se..Bargain for cash.— Loveridge, 4, Workjpg-street^ Cardiff. 777 F' OR SALE.—American Organ, equal to newT Cost £ 32 to be sold a bargain.—Loveridg' e, 4, Working- street, Cardiff. 777 HOW TO PURCHASE Piano. AmeriCan OrgH.M? -.I. etc., from Is 6dper week, with immediate posses- sifn, and receive 15 to 2? per cent. discount off makers prices Supersedes harsh hire system.-Apply District Agent Hunslet House, Caerleon-road, Newport. 65e JH. GARRATT, Tuner and Renovator of Pianos, Pipe and Reed Organs over 30 years' experience. =-1tr.e__rd2: 632 O RGAN ETTA, in good order, 21s and Invalid's Couch to sell, 35s for cash, cost 95s.—227, Hud- derstield-road, Oldham.. 874 PIANOFORTE Lessons, single or quarterly, pupils' t residences or 4, Stephenson-street, Riverside, Special care taken with adult beginners. 878 PIANO.—Must sell immediately, .JL guinea Upright Iron Grand Cottage. GRsh wanted The case is of elegant Italian "walnut, the latest design, and finest workmanship 7 octaves, trichord, massive Iron fr8;me, patent check actlm, tone and touch are perfection. The instrument is a magnificent one. For immediate cash, 25 guineas. Approval. Return car- riage Wroughton-road, Balham, Lon. don. 873 WALNUT Cottage Piano, good as new iron frame, V V check action, cost £25 cash, will take £17 10s. —25, Henry-street, Marshes-road, Newport. 382e A /V^UINEA PIANO, in Rosewood Case, splendid tone, full compass cash price, J512 12s.—Apply Edes, Old Curiosity Shop, Bridge, Newport. 413e 5S COURSE of Ten LessoniT (Piano or Amencan ? Organ), by experienced Master, at Pupils' residence? if require J.—Muaic, Echo" Office, Cardiff. 863 MUSIC LESSONS given for 7s 6d by an  ex- ??T perienced Y cnng Lady schools !md homes visited.—K., 2% Qffiw, Cardiff. 910 fiavms; Math, (tavria^cs. ARABIAN Hm'se T&mer's Secret. -Ry its «L?e the.' ..1\ most vicious horse is subdued. Can m?e liim do cricks and follow you like a pet dog. PuSt-froe 9 stamps.—E. T. Davies, Storehouse-row, Dinas, CITtANK Axle Cart, puiteble for pony 13 hands also J Trap, suit baker Donkey 'Jip-cart.—lS, Herbert- street, Newport. s (^EE SPRING GIG, Warner Wheels, J long mud guards, painted lake, upholstered blue cloth nearly new.—Dr. Parkes, Ledbury. G43 DjIOR SALE, cheap. Stanhope Gig, in excellent con- ([1tLOn, suit doctor; aIo two Pony Gigs, seven Tradesmen's Carts, a. Stanhope Phaeton, 20/sets of New and Second-hand Harness, two S3,(!dle!\ and Bridles, 26 pairs of Carriage Lamps.—Appiy jHuttlcr 1, Harold-street, Broadway, Cardiff. 990 FOR SALE, cheap, and excellent Brake, wTth JB' portable head, to carry 16, and a first-class set plate;! pair Horse Harness .for same, together or separate.—Apply Morisco, 13a, Broadway, Roath, Cardiff. 991 'L1-ÖÜ SALE:-Light. Soring Trolley, nearly new 1? also White Horse, 15 hands hlgn. suitable for coal cart or crank-axle.—Apply 27, Mackintosh-place. Roath, Cardiff. 905 ITIOR SALE, good Mastiff Dog, age 4 years good swimmer and house dog.—Apply Zethor, South Wales Daily News," Cardiff. 940 FOR Sale, Black Mare, 5 years 15*4 hands waF t ranted sound and quiet in harness would suit undertaker; also Pony, 13% hands, with trap and har- ness will sell separately.—Apply Blue House Farm, Alexandra Dock, Newport. 377c OR SALE^ Black Horse ?onyT 13 hands' 3 inches,  rising 7 years warranted quiet in all harness, and sound price, ?16.—Apply Red House, Cacr!eon, Newport. 405e FOR SALE, Gentleman's Saddle and Bridle; new Canton, Cardiff. 816 FOR SALE. good' Working Horse and Harness J' Cardiff. 625 001) news for the unemployed. Just purchased, *JT the entire Stock of Mr Trueman, Wheel wright; Carts, Traps, Trucks, Navvy Barrows, I.athes, Wheels and Spokes bargains at half-price.—EdeM, Old Curiosity Shop, Newport. 4140 MUST BE SOLD, Horse, Trap, and Harness; 110 l' -L further use for it; the lot, seU separate trial allowed.—Apply 50, Bertram-street, Broadway, Cardiff. 932 SALE.—Pony Trap, Harness also Horse, suitable ? for li?ht hauling or cab B& trial allowed.—?3, Adam-street, Cardiff. 830 ? ALE?Pony, 12.2, six years,-goOd-looÍdno goodm ?? saddle and harness fast, and warranted sound B13.—95, Clifton-street, Roath, Cardie. 765 PTHWO handsome and well marked Fox Terrier Dogs, 1 12 months one hroken to ferret; fit to sho w.— Chemist. 221, Bute-road, Cardiff. 9 PiI nO BE SOLD, Set of Harness, short of bridle and » reins; suit cob 13 hands.—8, Parkfleld-place, Maiiidy, Cardiff. 897 jrJjj^. O BE SOLD, strong Mare Pony, with Trap and J6 Harness any business; £12 the lor.—03, Clifton-street, Roath 766 ANTED, small second-hand Crank-axle Cart for VV pony 12 or 13 hands must be light.—Cole and Co., Llanelly. '%TKrANTED, F)irni?ure??n"or'Y.igh? Trolly, and V f Horse H hands.—Address J., Echo" OtHce, Newport. 398e WANTED to  hire, Pony and Trap, suitable for baker vkw purchase.-Address pavy, 236, Bute-road, Cardiff. 973 f* ANTED, good Pony, abou't'Y4 hands ? mu?t b t ''t cheap; to suit greellgtocer.Jone 30, Han- n&tt-street, Porth.. 744 WANTED, ood. sound second-hand Milk-cart.— Apply S.P., Post Office, Porthfawl. 637 WANTED, a good, sound, second-ba n £ f covered I' Ha,nd Cart,51, Castle-road, Roath, Cardiff. 537 iHairles, {if,dqpJrll, &x. A STANLEY SHOW on Mabon's Day. NewSbo?- A rooms in the Arcade. 20 distinct patterns in Cushions, Pneumatics, and Solids. Call and see, and Y;ïa:ce y(,u'r orders. Semi-racers from 2Slbs. Bring in \cur old machines at once to be exchanged or reno- vate ;1. Stock of Cushion Rims and Tyres ready to fit any machines. Prices to suit all pockets. Cash or monthly pavmetts. Sundries in largo variety. 15 experience must prevail. We have the lead, and mean to keep it." Don't forget MORRIS BROS.' Cycle Works, Puntypi-Md. 44e PECIAL exhibition of Safeties by the best makers, 'J including Singers, Ivels, Centaurs., Excelsiors, Eurekas, Stars, «o., fttt-3d with pneumatic and cushioned tyres. All th0 latest novelties for 1891. In- spection invited. Largest stock and best selection of machines in South Wales.—Meager Brothers, Cardiff Cycle DepÔi. 10; Cast'e-road, Cardiff. 221e V ftoliriJ pigants,$tt. BLACK MINOUCi and Andalusiau Eggs, 5s per setting; capital laying strain.—C. Collier, Eliat- cottage, Rontilty-road, Cardnf. 932 CCANARIES.—Grand stockof YotksfrVre from liš 11 j pair; Norwich from 8s also Hartz Mountain Roller. no puffin;* required, (s, od singing cocks from 5s approval.—Baker, Empire Hairciressing Si.:oon, Frederick-street, Cardiff. o64 nOLOURK5-DORRINGS for Sale, two cockerels 't./ and three pnllet-s, April and May hatched, one laying; eggs direct from Cannon giving up the v?ri?ty.' -C. Barrett. 18, Upper Wiiliam-atreet. New- porc. 420o DEUWCH GYMRU AT Y CYMRO.—Cre&t and 1- Genuine S,cceHs. -Havi.M; received another con- signment of Hartz Mountain Songsters, we are pre- pared to ofÏer:bem (guaranteed) parfect masterpieces, incessant daylight and gaslight songsters, and are birds fitted to adom tne wealthiest home to tile lowliest working-man's coUe;:e. aud\our prices are, viz., 6s 6d each warmly and eca1'eJy packed; no lbbis]¡. Cages Of eve:y description 30 par cent, bclo?dbalers'?n-ices.—Pric? and Cc'PirdImpO!'teM 15, Raglan-street, Newport, Mon. 2'-5e 4s 6d pair J approval can be seen any dine.—J. Bishop, j}rynm_, Breconsliire. FOR SALE Golden Poland Cockerels from prize-  winning strain.—Apply Mrs Evans, 15, Fitzroy- street, Cathay s, Cardiff 653 ll\ ;i"ÄLA y.For sale:-threè Pullets, related to the J.fA Crystal Palace and Ch",Uange Cup winner.—G. ElatOB, ?0, Arabella-street, Umth. 774 PIGEONS for Sale.—Two pairs Homers, two pairs JohinR, Itlso self-acting tr:tp.-Apply 27, KiA jior-road, Canton, Cardiff. 943 LYlI<>irHROCK puer-b r^tCock,8l 6d medi?'M shade, 9 months, good yellow legs and OC<I,k.-W. Young, 23, Church-road, Maindeo, Newport. 40?e THE Cheapest blouse for Birds and Cages is Ormond's Bird Stores, Cross-street, Newport. The largest and best stock in Wales. Birds'food of every description. 10 Breeding Cages, 2s each. Inspection invited. Large stock of Ilonior Kgeons. Shooting Matches supplied. 623 WANTED, a Lively Green Talking Parrot.—St,?re i" lowest price to Mr John Rees, ?0, Merchant- street, Pontiott:) a. 578 fox 4 DINING-ROOM Suite of Furniture for Sale. Solid oak frame. only been in use nine months; thorough ¡¡:oocl articles.— Apply Monmouthshire Loan Office, 1, Albert-hall Chambers, Stow Hill, Newport.887 2, Bute-terracs, Cardiff. -3%dwt.. 22ct. Wedùin Ring quite now, wide, las our chief line (small proht)..550 'ä'>- ¡,AlBER Ü,-Pa .2lbi: k::=: "pi;ndid-f-fë¡tël JL? Feather Bed, Boister, and 2 PilIow; bolstered new tick 42s 6d cheapest in the marke t 590 ;É;j l:):i.}l;iiLe forfeited B dunne Decamber 18ct. gold English, capped and jewelled Lever, B5 a wntten warranty given. 590 _1-'> I,AIBEIW-:Pawnbroker,-f'orfeït;d,-i8c¡;i;ïe 3 J) tone Diamond Ring gipsy aetting, £20 approval; original price warranted 2S guineas. 590 ? ?AP?tA?L"New??ngHs)t?eyies.?'JL??r' j maker Spiridion, C(rdiff, full jewelled, com- pensation balance, correct timekeeper, a rare bM-e?in, only £ 3 15s, wArranted for 5 years.—Barnett and Son, 6, Caroline-street, Cardiff. 902 CHEAP GOLD COINS.—Five-guinea Pieces, from £ 6 10s; Two-guinea PiacM. from R2 17 6d; M3eorge iV. Two-pound Pieces, £2 15s Guineas, from 23s 6d Half-guineas, from 12s 6d.—Harry Winstone, Junior, Cardiff. 682 C- HEAPFireWõod-io&keI'S;-lS: per Ton delivered '? —W. Shapland, No. 9, Canal Parade, CardiS. P55 C- ^HEApl^^RnraiNsT^Or^^ I1). '63 ?? 9d AVilliam 3Tt., 6s 9d Queen Anne, 7s 3d Georges H. and III., 6s 6d Malf-crowl?- Anne. Wil- liam III., William and Mary, Geores, 3s 3d hil1ings liam III., William, Charles IL, Georges, 18 &d each.— ??Ty_Winstone, Junior, Bridge-street, Cardiff. 682 -]OUR Perambulators (new); cost 50s will scllfor jl. £ 1 7s 6d each bargain.—Monmouthshire I.oan OfHce, 1. Albert-hall Chambers, Stow-hill, Newport.886 ir?URNfTURE- —Chest ?DrawerN.rsuIendidlv ?Qade JL and robshed; cost £ 3 158 few weeks back will tMæ S2 10s also Pair of German Stands, £1 lOs, worth £2 10s genuine bargain.—200, Wheeler-street, Bir- mingham. 306 tj?ORFEITED?PIedge,Sikea'aHydrometer.by 7 Joseph Long, London will be so'd cheap.—Bar- nett and Son, 6, Caroline-street, Cardiff. 902 1_- ÓRFEfiE1):Ilédgé-fiDë-tned Seraphina r'very jt' cheap, only 30s.—Barnett and Son, 6. Caroline- ret, ?ardin. 902 I1-'OR SAL-J<=-Counters, Dressers, Steps, Ladders, Dog Kennels, &c., at Fitzroy-street Yard, Cathays. —??'?31, !anbddlan Gardens, Cathays, Cardiff- 791 FOR SALE, -;plirl-prés;n-'Ùn Sword, sterling .NL silver handle, in thickly electro scabbard. Also sterhg silver trowel with ivory handle to be sold a D?auL—Apply 64, Commercial-street, Newport. 361e. I-OR-&Ü}ChiP'8-Chrm1""õlner;-gOOd-ma JL sma.U rate perfect condition.—Apply M, Com- Newport. 362e GENUINE Forfeited Plede ?'space wiU not permit ?? of full description 18ct. Demi-Hunter £ 12 Dtamond Horse Shoe Pin, SIO; 18ct. Curb Albert, £7.; DIn10ud Brooch, 35s; 18ct. Hunting Lever, ?13; ? P'?o?"t Earrings, B7; Diamond ?ra?let,S4; Plooct. Ladies' J?ver. B7.-Apply Blaiber: Pawnbroker, ?Bute-LerrM.ct;,Cardin. (Splendid value, j 590 HANDSOME Walnut Sideboard, good size, plate- glass back, three mIrrors; perfect conditiou rare liargain £ 6 5s.—A 12, Echo Office, Cardiff. 923 LADY'S 18ct. Gold Keyless Watch rsplendid tinfe- keeper, nearly new, warranted for five years oiuv Dos. Barnett and Son, 6, Caroline-street, Car- l 902 MOTOR.—Robinson's Patent Air Engine; the best 1.L. motor for light work no boiler required can drIven, by or coal or eoke,-E. Robinson, 78b, ..Treat Bndgwater-street, Manchester. 734 MAGNIFICENT 18ct. Diamond Snake Ring five l&rge stones genuine unredeemed pledge rare cnly £10, worth £20.Barnett. and Son. 6, Cardiff. 902 One of Bartiewr Weighi"irfli^htoSr2~561bs weights, and 1 281 bs weight; also 2 Wheelbarrows. — ?'? tctona-strcet, Newtown, Cardiff. 775 OPEA GLASS 5s call and see this ba.rgam7— ?la?rg?Pa?Ynb?er?2,Bute-t€iTace, Cardiff. 590 PROVIDENT-BO-ND for SaIe. baJi-iriœ I land. 26, CornwaJ,l.fQ(I.dt M>ndOD. 891 PATENT Box Mangle for Sa.1e.Apl Mrs 12, Munday-place, Cathays, Canl1ff. "76 'j:¡EvuT.VIXG m?liard MarkerT neady new, with set r o* ivory pool balls, in basket wia be sutdche?p. — ?urnett and Son. 6, Carolino-Hireet, CardiS'. 902 a Ii\GI í'S-m-e(liumfzë T-eadIeSewing Machine for !? sa.!e;goodasnew; a b?r?a.in: Ms.—151. Crad- dGd:.streèt, Riverside, Cardiff. 996 I -TROKGiîhogan- Dinu?-room Suite in hone- ?5 hair, ? MnaU. 2 large chairs, and couch, from the Drm-halI ma nR?or teavin? price B5 5s nearly new —Apply E:, Old Curiosity Shop, Newport. 412e ?E?r??L Mod Sc!de?, 'Coffee?ni, Canisters. ? cheap.—49, We!lrngton."treet, Cardiff. 78? OLID();]¡dD;njDg- Suite, best quality that's made, £ 12 12s. worth S25 also Sideboad great bar- gaing.A1P1y Edes, Old Curiosity Shop, Newport. 366 TOP?-'9 et. Hall-marked Swivel Seal, rc?t b:cod I stones, Hi!. Do not miss this.-Rlaiherg, Pawn- broker, 2. Bute-terrace, Cardiff. 590 ?PEC?fACLRS?nd "Rve?'Mse.?? real  Br?.iaT) I pebbles, guaranteed, 4s 6d pair pel'ÏEcopk crystals, 2 6(l plÍr,-Sro)J, Optician, 18, Castle-road, and 94, Salisbury-road. Cardiff. 957 nJ £ piAfliOR'S Sewing Machma (Bradbury), cost. 512 12s three years back (taken for debt), ImmNIw.te saIo ?5; scarcely worn.—Apply Tailor, Echo 03]c? Cardiff. 1577 rjnil E 1)1 AMOND PATENT 1FUEL CO are JL prepared to supply their High-class Fuel (in 61b. blocks) at 16s p' er ton deliv,ei ed in the town. Orders to Heybyrrie and Brown, Friars Chambers Dock-street, Newport. le To BAKERS AND WNFECTioNERS G. S. TUNKS AND CO.. LTD. PATENT OVEN BUILDERS, Supply all kinds of Bakers RequIsites. 3, MILL-LANE, CARDIFF. 55e ( AS ENGINES.—The Cycle "is the best X economical, durable; no slide; any size — I'articu?M on appHcatJoa to G. S. ?nks an<i Co .Limited, MiU-laue. CardifF. ^ge WALNUT Bedroom Sidti^ft W/uTk.jbe" door, bevelled plate), Stand, Table, Pe.iestal, 3 Cardiff. 777 14-DA Y Marhle Clock, fitrikes hour an^ialFhour on gong cost, £10 10s, will sell for £4 4s bargam.-Apply Monmouthshire Loan Office 1 Albert-hall Chambers, Stow Hdl, Newport. 888 8FT. Mahogany Telescope Dinlng Table in good p condition, equal to new. Bargain for Cash — 1 'ufi-street, Cardiff. 777 .S'tisc^llattfcrns. ?URNISfI on our?ew:iirer?YstemrHon?oi t*- ??""?'1 oIDpldely furnished on ? ne? ,ys- t€m adapted .wl:. by us, wherebv a!: pub.ici? exposure, and inqumea usuillv ma de bv f'.?p?c?? e"'es ae dlSpn.d with. We have an immense sx-?? of House iold iurmture o ch?p and superior uualitv. All goods ??doa the Hire System at lvady-nioney pnees. ?.eu?kc no ex.i? charge Jor c'. and all goods sent homo in?pnv?ta van free of rf,™ ?-. B?mporagieemen). chafes made: no biitofsafe? everythmKpnyate. Arrangemente coanletod witbo° nit delay, a.nd.?eing manutacturers, vc ^u^Uite«ana«  &ndwd) undertake to supply fun.;ture, etc., at 10 pèr cent ?ssthM?ypr.co-t.st i?ed bv ?y iirm in C?rdut Eleven showroom.. Call and inspect our in mense .;oek, ana compare prices before pvrchas na- mense?tof-k, We will .u?Iy .??.h' for ? Id weekh- £ 10 worth, 48 weekly £ ib worth for 5s week^ lv '£ 20 SM worth, 4s weekly ?1& on in prouortiol ? '.?2d wortb 6s weekly, ?d M on in pro??t? ?jeciat SOUTH vf.A.LES FURNISHING COMPANY, 51 Ca;tJet. \;)PPO,t"t.le). CardifF. 12735-1106-10 ASTROLOGY—Who you wili'inarryTFaU descry ?L t'on. ?end birth tme?d six stam?.-M. Folev lo? ?Midsworth-road, London QS2 f-t'-s'.i].Oy.-PJ,1.ù!-Ogaph .futm:efIl1hanci I :1. It !fc, v. Ith pOSltlOll, Is cd; OlJe "tltr'< eV!c'uts Vr lit, Vt itll "DOSlciOll, Is cd n?>A ui.! • istid rive years, '3s 6d i• ^sex 'VrthHrrT T T^f« Priestley, Blghbridge, strn twelve months-  ? ?.  _l:r(h, 955 RYSlOGRAPHS, TTItn!\p-Ù,-picturo,<¡  to rep?  nt  gla<i, for window decorations, haMs, omces ba.t?-rooms chu.h?, &c. C?oguea free.- ?<?or:ii:o! Leyton. Ixindun. 2i t?RHAM HOOK Md'Fcrtu!i?TeU?combincdr 15 ?-? stampR; Ffene? ia,??? SGlftuttion.12; GUtG to Dancing, 6, p6ùt free.-Eo Bowker, Renshaw- streec, Liverpool. ?.?? l:ft1eïíJike Chin&T??thoRr no?nnKtrons G (3;rantt;e<l); so Stiffening Proce? Hix f-ta,npH; I l.?Oce.?nt.c.mais.-M?dame, 421, Heron- Ad, Twick? enuajn. 752 G LASS SHADES and Siy ads, 9,U sixes, cheap, for '?????.?hjet?,.&c.-J. Cardma. Na.tumust Tn:oyal.<rcp,de: Catrd: 820 ? RAPHOLOGY.—You.- (;lM?a.ctsr c»r friends' fullv, U and con ect!y described from bandv-ritin- Send let.?r, s?mped enve!opc. One Shining.-Madame FraMao, 10S?Bnxton-h!U. London 79? TS I-CifR-Á1\U -RÖ:\fuÿ- 'li"YE- jÙS"i.A "KD. J& CHF \.PEST SHOP IN CARDIFF for tho reos ir ot WH uches of every description, English or Forei?, is 38, ?a.?ie Arca.?e ?h?-d mop from Castle-street), Prc- l'netor, James Keir, for 10 vears with Mr Spindion. Hands, glasses, and keys Stt?d. 7M E EWFLLIvfiY. Watches, Watch Materials, Toys, ?Cutlery. Pipes, wholesale Mst post-free;—, ?Mg-bt, St. L't??LT??? BIrmingt?m. 802 :-I:; NTTT?G Mnchinea by the be5? mak¡:Ca't Jiu Ka? T'-nns.—H^nry Thomas, Sewing Machine r St John's Church-square, C&rdig. 832 LAUNDRV GlTzTXG irECRET.-Cuffs, cTillars^ JLJ and Fronts like white china nothing rsed in the starch no poli,:11¡1..g iro required; particulars 743 MAINSPRj-NG to Watch, 2s joint, catch, 0r p5n to brooch. 2d wan-ani ed twelve months.— Strong, Watchmaker. 18. Castle-road, and 94, Salis- bury-road, C;„: iiff. # 856 I^ ^RS ROBINS, 192, Commercial-road, Newport, the JlfjL. largest Wardrobe Purchaser in South Wales, gives Full VaJne for Cast-off Clothing of every de- scription. Postcards Md parcels re('¡w pronipt at?nti?n. 9?7 rí,(j-ha- ¡¡(>au tifu I Show in Spring P)ant now JL Auricnhs, Polyanthus, flowering PFt'hnm, Iceland Poppies Is 3d dozen, free for cash.—D. Da vies, Lugwardine, Hereford. &71 ri^OBACCONISTS commencing see Illustrated Guide, J 3d. How to open respe rably, £20 to £100. Tobaceouist.s's Outfitting Co. "(b-gd.5.186, Euston-road, T.<mdo!1. 883 COOKE, Electrician, 26. P;'b-ad, Can W ton, Cardiff.—Estimates given for the t rection and maintenance of telephone lines, electric bells for private houses, hotels, and mines. Also Burglary Alarms, &, -n_ ?26 e WHAT S PL ENblD?lME ?i7wa,tch' kepR! So ? It will yours if :l'o\1,h,ve it repaired by the prac- tical watchmaker.—Oarvl, 23, Clifton-st. 20 yeaTs ex- perience satisfaction guaranteed lowest charges. 172, OUR Charivcter correctly described by hand- 1 writin or Photograph complete description, containing 4 ,.ha;;ac¡:ritcs. ix stamps, and stamped 8,rl<ire8sed envelope.—Professor W¡!<on, 5, Wilton-road. London, S.W. Over 2,000 testimonials. 179—8597 I iHxstellaiwffus Mants. _s. -° C^ASH (fnll value) g'ven for Ladies', Gentlemen's j and Chiidreu's Cast-off Clothing also misc?- laneous articles. All orders punctually attended to on receipt of postcard.—Mrs Carter, 46, Broadway, Boath, Cardiff. 150 JAM POTS.—Wanted to purchase, lib. size, glass or stone.—Collier, conectio:r!=- -;itS  MO^SC^gT\^iIehkhe^rice ifor 1'.1 Ladies', Gentlemen's, and Children's Left-ofE Clothing.-13. Broadway, Rwth. Ca.rdHf. 554 '1:xf\ÑTi;:])- to p;clJa Book Debts owing in Car- TT di? or district ood prK'o given.—Book Debts, Echo" Office, Cardiff. 941 "i"TANTED500-ffiaílll 250 women to have their boots soled and heeled. Women's, 1" 6d; men's, 2s 6d.—M. Hill, 245. Bute-street, near Spiller'a Mffls, Cardiff. 844 '?.?'ANTHD? OSIces to clean, by aMapectaMe married woman, good character,-Apply, Mrs Rowlands, 52. Glamorgan-street, near Rectury-road, Canton, Cafditf. 823 WANTED, by a respectablo Young Person, Offices to clean, or any Daily Work.—Apply A. H., 23, Eclipse-street, Roath, 798 "TjrST''ANTED, by a good Washer, three or four dozen T of plain clotneB; ..?ood drying ground.—Ad- (:Te.. I.t "Ec¡J" ORice. 'CardiR.. 329 ??TANTi??foi-???o?G olds nd?Uver?r?ken I Y7 J-;veu'eJ' CoiM, Medals, China, Plate, Ac.— Harry WimtQne, "54, Bridge-street, Cardiff. 632 '?T?rANTEb, for Ca?, Otd Plate or Copper, sma.U 'f China :md EDam1 Boxes, Sih'er Boxes.—Harry Winstone, Junr., 54, Bridge-street, Cardiff. 682 WANTED, old Silver Cream .Tugs, Mustard Pots, v Muffiners, Salt Cellars 7f1. 6d to 20s per oz given.—Harry Winstone, Junr, Cardiff. 682 WANTED a Shower Bath, in good and com- V plete stats lowest price.—Shower, South Wales Echo," Cardiff. 606 '67"ANTif:D,(?latoMcrsforMnyhew?'?Horse V Doctorover 400 beautiful illustrations, 1890, 17th edition, and be.mtifully bound, published at 24a WIll send it free for 10s. — B. Meehan, Bookseller, Pentre, Rhondda, 529 J?OlU? ..{83- AND UPWARDS ADVANCED to HOUSE. ?? HOLDERS, MECHANICS, AND OTHERS, UPON THEIR OWN SECURITY. No preliminary fees repayable to suit borrowers' convenience, by Mr P. THOMPSON, 71, ADAM-STREKT, CARDIFF. Hours, 9 to 8 Wednesdays, 9 to 2 2Se BORROWERS in want of money from a strictly private source, free from annoyance, fraudulent tees (extracted under some pretext or other), and the routine of loan office agents, &c., are invited to write tuuy as to position, income, &c.. when, if satisfac- tory, the money will bo advanced in a few hours.— "yj Charles Clayton, 21, Goat-street, Swansea. 7818-IOle MONEY.—If you want it promptly, privately, and at a, low rate of interest on your simple promis- sory nots, with or without sureties, apply immediately, enclasmg stamped envelope, to Mr W. P..Thomas, 20, ?arket-st., Abertillery. Special Featurea :—No inquiry fee,s; reasomtble interest, which is quoted befowhand unversal promptitude, a day'? notice hemg generaJIy "i"?ent no oppression of honest and sohenb clients. n}, <?!'iton H?nk, Ld., for whom Mr Thomas is Branch Manager, ha.s been estabhshed 10 years, M]d ha. a capital of £ 30,000, consequently no genume and 1, application is ever refused. i28e MONEYTMONEY !-A PRIVATE GENTLEMAN  is prepared to make advances in sums of £ 10 to  to farmers, contractors, cab proprietors, trades- men, cow keepers, hop growers, and all classes of 1 o eholders generally, upon their note of h?nd alone. °an office routine. No bills of sale taken. Repay- aI to suit borrowers' convenience. No publicity r?? in conSdence (by letter only) to W. H. Toth;fl 4 ?J'ep6t-s!?eet, Newport. Mon 92" ? OXI?Y -ThfT MRKCTORS of I S. FIELDING ???' & CO., LIMITED, ADVANCE DAILY sums r!11 ?toBLOOO. -"??,? ,THoi) 0 F BUS I N E S S ??IR INTEREST. EASY REPAYMENTS. £ 0 Hm, Y ABSOLUTE PRIVACY. pJ^O SLfREXIES. Trade Bill Discounted. !eProsPt:tu.¡;es and particulars free.—Apply to g?Q?e?a*y, ?8, CHAELES-STREET, CARDIFF. 150 Ii.II ORT ANT to F?t-meM and others —Money aei-I I without de:ay in town or country from S10 t) £1,000 t 0 tanuers, Cowkccpers. Honscho]ders (male or f<-ma!e? on no.e of hand atone, without sureties no ilu-VlJ ls of sp.?; low interest; easv payments; strictest privacy; no law costs; no'fees. Beiu en?a?ed in country business, applicants had better wnte to Howell Gr:?th?, 5, Great Westem-tel'tPee" 7816-100e ? (hO-I-lEl::fc A L ADVANCEBA?H:  19, Q?? Y-STREET, CARDIFF. .??to?jUUcan be obtained on the same day as apphed tor by professional gentleman tradesmen, 1 aimers, cow'?epers. and househoM?rs. Appl]cants may rely on the strictest secrecv being ob,ervcd. Charges moderate, and no enquiry or oth?t tees c.iarged unless cash advanced. Country appHca- tions attended to without delay. Anplv personally or by letter to Mr L. JOSEPH, COMMERCIAL ADVANCE BANK. ..T 19^ QUAY-STREET, CARDIFF.  A Genu em an lia»s Money to Lend from .1' to farmers, market gardeners, householders, aid public generally; ill skid eon- nuence and without publicity no preliminary fees asted for.—Apply to William Thornlev, Lundy House, Caerphilly. 45e—2354 l\i()NEY-nt-fl:O £ 5 to £ 500 at a ifw hours ?VJtL nonce to Mnnctj, cc?-keepM's, householders and otaers on pro?.sscry noco ?one, and on the borrower's own name. Di-i?nce no object. No charges of any des- cription are made unless business is transacted. Anv- one requiring a strictly private temporary loan without the usual publicity and loan office routine should to Phillip Bassett, 11, Penuel-square, Pontv- P»tM- 3780-4ge N° BILLS OF SALE. NO PUBLICITY. MONEY LENT ON NOTE OF HAND ALONE m Mum from R20 to ?,000.-The National Merc?nt)!? e Bank, Kaldwin-str?t. Bn-ol '—The Directory of this old-c^c&blisliGd, well-known office, havin large avaihble fluids, offer unusual frcilltics to all respectable and trustworthy persons who require either temporary or permanent assistance. Cash in amounts from £20 to £3,000 is advanced in all parts of the kingdom, vilhout sureties, delay, ov publicity, and on the recur»tv only of the borrower's written promise to repay. These advances may be repaid by weekly, monthly, or quarterly instalments, extending over a period of time convenient to the borrower or the principal may remain so leng as the interest is paid. No bills of sale taken, and the transactions are not published in any newsnaper or gazette.—Apply, stating amount required, to Mr T. C. Milburn, General Manager. l2le JUuimntntts. r Cardiff HEATHS ROYAL, A Glorious Run Crowded Houses Nightly Pronounced to be the VERY. BEST PANTOMIME every produced in Cardiff. y TO-NIGHT, FRIDAY, Jan. 30th. and Everv Even- i. ng at Seven MONDAY (MABON'S DAY), Feb. 2nd, finu EYER-Y SATURDAY, at Two. SINBAD THE SAILOR; Or Harlequin, the Wicked Little Old Man of the Sea. GRAND THEATRE, CARDIFF. Lessee Mrs ANNIE ELPHINSTONE. Manager .Mr JAMES ELPHINSTONE. Last Two Weeks of the EnorroouslySuccessful Pantomime, THE BABES IN THE WE SWIM BY TALET" NOT BY WATER. We still retain the Songs and Concerted Pieces as sung in the first production of the Pantomime, and have not introduced others made popular by the talent of the artistes engaged elsewhere.1 IMITATION IS THE SINCEREST FORM OP FLA'tTERY. Originality is Our Motto-we leave Others to Copy. NOTICE.—In consequence of being unable to cancel or postpone an engagement entered into some months since with the Livermore Minstrels, Mr Elphinstone is compen ej to withdraw the Panto mime in the very senith of its success THE GRAND AND EVER WILL HE THE DRURY-I.Alvi; Of WALES IV e arc safely anchored in the uafijour of succe-s. 10.000,000 JETS OF REAL WATER Could not turn th" tide of public favour from this handsome and commodious Theatre, or alter the opinion formed by the Press and Public of Cardiff, namely, that the BAE7S IN THE WOOD IS THE BEST PANTOMIME OF THE YEAR. 65,000 persons have n • witnessed our Pantomime. The Theatre would not hold tlie-o. CROWDED AND ENTHUSIASTIC AUDIENCES. Ti e attendance has only been limited by the holding ct i, city of the Theatre. Madame G ERTRUDE LEWIS will Sing at Each Performance. Doors open 6.45. Commence 7.15. Early doors at 6. On Wet Evenings lie C'rdinarv will open at 6.30. MORNING PERFORMANCES —EVERY SATUR- DAY & MABON'S MONDAY, FEB. 2ND, at Z Box Office Thompson and Shackell'?, Limited. THE ESiP IRE. Jtzxpger TO-NTGjr'T Oswald Stoll.f. R Y A N AN I R I O IT r I E L D, in Dr. O. B. Careful." MISS ALICE C 0 N W A Y, The American Soubrette. The Strong Men from t¡1 Tro(",dero, London. Y C L O I' s -? ?? ?? U t C A N, WHO (>!• FF.R ??'?j ?o Any Alan who can pcrf"r!u their feats. (?''? ? Cycl('r broke li?c par'r by the ex* pansion of ids chest a belt handed up to the stage by a local tradesman, and declared to be unbreakable. ALL THE ATHLETES OF CARDIFF ARE CHALLENGED. Varieties by other able Artistes, including ROSE 1VY.VXE, STEWART and FRANCIS, .SHIPLEY and BOSTON, &e. 761 <g A INZ ER'S ROYAL CIRCUS AND jyj EN AG ERIE, PENARTH-ROAD, CARDIFF. Crowtu.-d Houses at each representation, and unJi- vived Public Opinion Places the Performances at I the Head d a,ll Equctri¡Ln Enter inments Ever Seen in the Principals y. FIRST APPEARANCE OF THE BANDURRIA TROUPE OF 'I SPANISH TROlTB \DOURS (Guitar and Mandoline Placers). who will P,rform Gr?nd 8e(ctiollS of National,  Span.sn, Itali,n, Opeiatic, and other Music. IMMENSE SUCCESS OF THE EVER-POPULAR jpANTOMIMjg THE AREA SUBMERGED WITH 40,000 GALLONS I OF REAL WATER. Preceded by an entirely New and Side-splittir.0" II sketch, entitled THE RIVAL LOVERS, or "THE MYSTERY OF A FOUR-WHEEL CAB." One continued Serca.m of lR_:¡;htc-T fftim beginning to End. New Scene in the Circle by the I GREATEST TROUPE OF CIRCUS ARTISTES j The World has Ever Produced. Every Evening at 7.30. Morning Performance* every at 2.30. at 2.50.. Prices :—Tiiree Shillings, Two Shillings, One Shil- ling, and Sixpence. Children Half-price to all parts except Gallery. Seats may be booked at Thompson and Miackell's. U31G-7910-105e Hales hu ^ttctxon. QUEEN-STREET SALE ROOMSr CARDIFF  ? ESSRS MOORE & CO. are inst?d 1>JL to SELL by AUCTION, on MONDAY THU^RS DA Y, and SATURDAY, Jan. 26. 29, and 31 a Íar<Te quantity of superior HOUSEHOLD l"URNITÙH.E ??"d other Effects also Mt American ORGAN each ^ay ,I 2 and 7 30.  .4. wonderful MEDICINE' BEECHAAPS PILLS Are MnneMaUv \Ahnitd to bo worth a envu? « 5 BOX for bIlious and nl \OUS d1,orders, such a,'<wind and! BOX for bilious and nervous disorders ^ddHa ffulne?3 pain in the stench, IHck bc?disorde r?" ?? ?C?r?- 5 and swelling after moii.ls.dizzin? ??n???''???, cold chiUs,au?n? of heat, loss oranne,it hor5tness (r bcath. cos(.i?nes< ?urvy and ?? ??.s of disturbed sleep, <ht,fnl drea? ms ?.n? ?? Nervous and trembling seasatioas, &c < n ,A n- ose will give 1?íw:iJteC, 'l'he itrst ?? ?!! g've Ev?ysuaererMeameatIv imritd on box of these Pills, and they will be ?in?;?< t t?'' ?'"<' ?'x of hp 10 be WORTH A GUINEA A pOX these Pills, aWnd ORTH aiA?C?T??A?A ?? ? ?o be as For females of all ages the.'Ie Pil1 ) 1 a few doses of them ca.rr' ? ?? "? invaluable,  a few doses of them carrv ?  humours and bring about all that is required vr fen,ale should ? with- out them. There is 110 r.wH; ??  Becha.m' Pills for retnovin?IDe h<" :oun,i e<pial to iM-ityotthe !;Vstem T?t?'?y"?t"Jct]onorirre?u- larity of tile svstem V en accordmg ?0 the diryc- f '1l b. f n.ll tc 1 o, they wU! soon restore females of all a-npa to:ound ?? ?t"'? ''?'th. T!ne ha? been provpdbv '?-?'? who '? '"? them, ami found the be!? ??'? ?'s eu?r.'d by their nae. For a ke Ü611Cti, ^hlch !'e ensured by their use- 1 .:Ir,a h st?? ?)?" '?P?''? di??..io?. ?.nd all dis- or< ers of e Liver -V, ?? ?A<'I?. a%1 a few 1 dose.wIU be fo^ und to 'wor! vron<lov upon the important orga in the '?m?' '?M?- '?<'y st re ne then ? *u'c muscular sv?ir., restore the long. lost comnle^inr ??'? ??-k the ke? ?e of appetite, aud arouse ??'?? the ROSEBUD of he?th. the who^e & nlw i• C, ,energy of ? ?"?? <???- 1he8 are FACtK« continua.Uv bv members of al,tl Sclasses ™ of ty: ""? one of the best ?ua.rant<?? to t^West ^nU1)ebUiUted is H?ch?s Pills have the) largest, ale ? ?"y P"?'? medicine in the world. Pi>.n?2ir- ett■ °^>, and so!d Wholesale and Retail, by thl Proprietor, THOMAS BEECHAM, St. Helens LllUC;1.:Í1Íl'e, ?'? ? l?d and 2s M each. Sold by all ?ug?M a.nd Pf?nt Medicine Dealers everywliere.24e -):=H_il'ect¡OllS are given with each box- ? Hj" ?ER?T??UFFERERsT'before con .L ? suiting Qu?ck Impostors, akould read An Ex- posure of Medical Qaaekerv -Post tree fom- stamp fTom R. Cowan, 2, Adelaide ViH&a. North Finchley l-rondon, N. 81 To the Young Men of England who suffer Nervous Debility..T ust Published. TOE THE CONFESSIONS & EXPERIENCE of an INVALID, designed as a warning and a caution to others supplying at the same time tlie means of Self-cure, by one who has cured himself, after undergoing the usual ammint of Medical Imposi- tion and Quackery. I Single copies may be had (post free) by sending a stamped addressed envelope to the author, ARTHUR DIXON, Esq., 1076 ilotUislcw, nsar London a;; fiu.LiiiiiuiijiWinn'nii ■ winnnm 11 i——sa— liuztnf55 ÀÔÕt,55rS.  1 ST LESSON: WHAT IS ECONOMY'? Answer Buying your Clothing from MASTERS &r CO 2ND LESSON: WHY DO THEY SELL SO CHEAP ? Answer Because they Buy find Sell for Cash only. 3rd Lesson 5 "THY IS THEIR CLOTHING BETTER THAN OTHERS? ANSWER Because they employ only the best workmen, therefore their work will stand. 4TH T ESSON: WHERE ARE THEIR SHOPS ? Answer 29 & 30, ST. MARY-STREET, 292, BUTE-STREET, 1, QUEEN-STREET, AND ST. JOHN'S-SQUARE, where you can have the eye pleased, the body fitted, and the pocket studied, THE SCHOLASTIC rjIRADING COMPANY (LIMITED). 7, ST. JOHN'S-SQUARE, CARDIFF. SCHOOL HOOKS and every Requisite ?CHOpLI?OOKSand?evei-y Requisite ^LBUMS, ,,TR.ITING.DESKS, &.0, &? glBLES,PRAYER-BOOKS, &a '"DEWARD BOOKS.— In Great Va- ,1iety. < OT-r,, PtENV-ELOPES, and X" all kinds of STATIOXERY. D IARIES, ALMANACKS the Cardiff Scribbling Diary, Is cheapest m the intrket.- Thei Schola.stic Trailing Co., 7, St. John-square, Cardiff, and Bristol 106-7881 t TTMPORTANT NOTICE. THE CARDIFF MILK SUPPLY COMPANY HAr EEECTEA> STTiTAni.E AND COMMODIOUS I PREMISES IN CASTLE-ROAD AND. ST. pETEl- I STREET, I And has Introduced an Additional Branch to their Milk Business by Establishing a I O D E L p AIRY. COME AND SEE IT I The Dairy is Fitted in the Most Approved Mr. Una Style, and will Supply F B 1,T T T E R, NW & I-VU?,VONSHIRE cREA-AT, J* AW & JQJ3VONSHIRE ^JREAM, NEW LA I D Tl C, C,,S, &0. t 3?le—5966 ¡ J. A. JONES' ftORRSCTIVE MIXTURE for Infants. VV (Registered No. 67006.) The best Remedy in the World for Wind, Colic, Pains in the I-toiiii-, ell or Bowels. CORRECTIVE MIXTURE for Infants. Perfectly Safe for the very youngest. CORRECTIVE MIXTURE for Ir-fants. A most invaluable Medicine for Teethin-' CORRECTIVE MIXTURE for Infants. Perfectly Safe, contains no opium or any other hurtful drug. CORRECTIVE MIXTURE for Infants Tlie only medicine yet discovered which reli-es pain, and gives sleep in a na tural way, without con" taining any injui-Mus narcotic. Huud.-e? of w; mcniats. Ask your chemist for .„ botUe Price 1- Y or it will be sent post free (,w receipt of Is a' d ir.\? ??ui'ph? by the makeJr, ONES, CLIFTON-ST C^RTlTVl? ill¡);; J. A. i 7b. NES, CIIFTON..sj, London A gents: Hovendeu and Sons. 'l82e THE BEST INFANTS' COUGH MIXTURE IS HICKS' BRONCHIAL MIXTURE FOR CHILDREN. AN EFFECTUAL REMEDY FOR COLDS COUGHS, WHOOPING COUGH, &c SAFE, AGREEABLE, EFFICACIOUS. It contains no opium or poisonous drug, and can be given with perfect safety to the youngest child. SOLD IX BOTTLES AT 9D A\D Is 6D EACH, Prepared only by- W. T. HIe KS t THE CARDIFF DRUG STORES, j 28, RUKIv^TRHET, CARDIFF, 56e lV E U R A TJ G IA -KEALLS- TONIC. KEALL's 'A'onic CURES NEURALGIA. CERTAIN AND SPEEDY TESTIMONIAL from Bazalr.' I was a fearful suf- ferer from Neuralgia, and despaired of a remedy until I heard of Keall's Tonic and Neuralgic Mixture, two small bottles of which quite cured me. E W. Price Is lVsd, 2s 9d, and 4!1 6d per bottle; Free by Post, I Is 4d, 3s, ana *s 9d. ) KEALL'S TONIC CURES NEURALGIA CERTAIN AND SPEEDY'. AGENTS. • Cardiff.—Mr Inday, Chemist, 1, Duke-street: Mr Robb, Chemist, Roath. Newport.-Mes«rs Garrett Bros., demists. 171, Commercial-street. Neath.—Mr • G. Isaac (late Hayman); Chemist. LIANELLY.Nir Gwdyin fcvaus. Lokdo.v.—Newbery and Son. Proprietor, Mr KEATX, Dentist, 199, High-street, Swansea. 5e PURE CONO SNTR ATKD COCOA. To secure this article ask for" Pry's ppe Concentrated Cocoa." UI M As T E R ss S MASTERS & 00. 'S OVERCOATS ARE THE BEST AND CHEAPEST. 0 °v E Co ?.. T > 22* THE ATLAs JpURNISHINQ. COMPANY, LIMITED, CABINET-MAKERS. UPHOLSTERERS AND GENERAL HOUSE, FURNISHERS, 5. ST. ,JOHN' SQUARE, CARDIFF JP UR NISD ON ljjAY TERMS OR FOR CASP DIRECT FROM THE MAKERS. WE CONTINUE TO ST'PVLY FUR NITl" R E OF EVERY DESCRIPTION To Householders, Lodgers, Mechanics, and all Classes in any station oi life, on heit' wel] own I HIRE P- U-RC-PASE kS-Z .TEIL The Liberal Term* of which are Acknowledged t be rndon:HdJy the MOST ADVANTAGEOUS EVER OFFERED IN CARDIFF OR ELSE WHERE. The Furnishing Department comj/rises EVERY HOUSEHOLD REQUISITE, INCLUDING SHEETS, KNIVES, KETTLES, BLANKETS, FORKS, SAUCEPANS, QUILTS. CTHTETS. FENDERS, I- FIEEIRONS. PEKAMBULATORS, &C. [ TERMS. j33 WEEKLY PAYMENTS Is 6d £ 6 „ 2s 6d -sie „ 4s £ 15 „ 6s £ 50 „ „ lSs £ 100 „ 20a ALf. OOODS CARRIAGE PAID. PIANOS ON EASY TERMS. BATH CHAIRS: INVALID, BABY CARRIAGES Lent out on Hire by the Day or Week, and with Option of Purchase. CH AIRS LENT FOR EVENING PARTIE Clocks, Watches, and Jewellery of every description kept in Stock. Prospectuses and Price Lists Post Free on Application. no PURE WHITE SOFT SOAP. A BOON TO HOUSEKEEPERS. L'ncqutdled for Laundries, Home Wn sh nig, Scouring, Washing Paint, and hcld Purposes. ASK FOR WHITE SOFT SOAP. One Trial will con. vince you of its Im- mense silvieriority over any other o{t Soap in the World. It I IS as Cheap as the Comnionest Soft Soap in the Market. Pure, and w noi Injui-e the SiMI Better that anv Other Snat) Sweetens an Bleaches Clothes. I Sold in 21b.. 41b., and 71b. Tins, and in half FirklllSi n find Casks by all Grocers and Stores. WHOLKSALK ONLY FROM J. SOLOMON, 8. NORTHAMPTON PLACE, SWANSEA: 16, MISKIN-STREE1, CARDIFF. 1200 MONDAY'S "VI R I DI NE (Registered Trade Mark No. 3699J. if IUJIE THE CUR.K FOR CORNS. ( POK E THE CURI.R CORNS. CORNS PAINL3SS ANN HARMLESS. thf fhlS Infa,hhle remedy iatrodnced by ?? Tt)F J4 J.?? ?''? e,iaworld-vvide (NJi tLi /nP rK repubttion. l Je ctEcMV of VIM- "?  J' I', '?y be ??ed by its having M ^0>« NS Car? CoMs ofo,eraOyMra ?ndinj? ?/ THE ?h)c?h h?d resiated all other remedies. ('* U 1? E It, succeeds where all Plasters and 18tif;, haTe f&ite? FOR l V1xN T REMOVING BOTH HARD !U T1l; UORN.S AN!) WAKTS c u P, TESTIMONIALS ran — COHNS ILFRACOMBR \-? Tmc I feel I owe an ackr:owled'.en t* ( ? ? E you foi- supplying? nle with vour onler- ( t XT l» "tul Viridin. For ye.rs I suffered & FOR KTe? deal otp,in from .nrervobstia&M ( ?OKNS corn, bi since &pPYiRX yeur reNtdy .) THE it has ei 'ireiy B*ne I let one old man CN U P E h?e:) bottle, and be said if he ba4 100 (3virF.IS he .,)uld lv,- zbeni K 'RJSS 1 ??'ef"<'b&d. (.p Pier Hotel A. W. CAMMBLL. J THE Ci U R E ?UNDKRLA?D y P R 1 want you to send me two bottles of ?? m? 1 Viridine for a friend of mine. I h?< t ???U?? ,.?? o ? tried it myself and b?e found it to he V THE an exc?Iient cure for corns T nt?y My C U H. E I have ha.d it out to Brazil with me, ro. and tound it to keep in warm eliicates a y >j,"v t, j remrbbly weU. B. Burs ess. 13. A,enueterr<tce. ran t1 U R ? CAUTION.—A? there are <?era.! im. ? FOR itttio"???P''??r)trion,thep?''Uc (10HNS )n-"?'<?" to ?SK FOR ( j THE M U N D A Y S u ft E C?? "VtRIDTN?. O U« £ S And SBB THAT MV ?S?ATOittt ig on tf:e j THE en of!'lach package. (j THF, E ?y??erin{;"Com Cure" you may CURE receive one of the ."ny ae.c&U.d von remedies' which only give relief, ? ???UKn..??r? c er some worthless imitation of Vir. tiine.' IN BOTTI.F.S, PRICE Is. BY POST Is 2d. J. IIT N J) A Y (' HEM I S T 1, HIGf r-STRJ £ I?T, CARDIFF HCOO SOLD BY ALL CHEMISTS 7. HOMPSON^S BURDOCK PILL& J. THHGRRATBM'OD PCRIFIER.-Purify th. foulest blood and relieve every disease of stomach liver and kidneys. Tnese wonderful M!t- cur  diseases which could not be reached by any other me,ii- cine. For Rheumatics, Lumbago, Piles, Gravel, Paiiu in the Bacif, Le<;s, Wounds or V> )i (Swelling, Scrofula, Cancers, Blotcties on the Face and Body, Swelled Feet,.&c., Jaundice, Dropsy, and Fever; of all kinds. In boxes at Is l £ d and 2s 9d each.—Soli' by all chemists, or from the manufactory, 44 Oxford- street, Swansea. 80