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PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. SOUTH WAXES WHO. words. ONCE. 20 Words) 0 6 10 16 ^«P% _1_ 50 Words; 0 911 6 I 2;) six TIMHS I — «'NK WS' 40 Words; 1 0 2 0 3 0 -KCHO." 40 Words; 1 0 2 0 i;) 0 -KCHO." 50 Words' 13 2 6 3 9 20 Word9 2/6 60 Wordsj 1 6 3 0 4 6 30 Words tJ \11 ( =_ — ) 3/9 SOIT1I "V/St.S* !>it!,V ftHWS. f I. THIUTK STX <10 WORDS worms. ONCF. worms. ONCF. TIMEg_ .mlF. 5/- 20 Words! 0 6 10 16 Kaph Rjsira 10 Words 30 W ore's 091623 1 10 Woids 1 0 I. 2 0 3 0 ) Each extrai 10 Words 0 3 0 6. 0 9 These charges apply only to the c[a2gS of Adver- tisement specified below, and arc strictly conHncd in hose whÚJh, arc ordered for consecutive insertion. it ?¡d paid for previous to insertion; 1:1 fither uJ ihese conditions Ú not complied with, the Advertise- ment will be charged by the Business Scale ..tp(wtme?!-ts, SitttaÛons Vacant or WarAcd, '0 [Ie Let or Sold, Lost. PQund, (md Miscellaneous Warns. SPECIAL Notice.—Applicants SENDING replies to Adver- tisements addressed to initials or fictitious names, at l¡his Office, are requested not to send original testimonials ..ith their "ppliCl1,tlOns, uut to enclose copies of tesl.imoni;\I< IInly. t'JatO,\I" ':7 AKTED, Address of érivate IUllU1ry Office.-V 956, t'1' "Echo" OUiee, Cardiff. 956 .w-v- HATRIWONIAl. WIDOW, middle-edi¡es t-he:1.r from reapec table l' tradesman no children carpenter not, oojected Urnished HOIUP.V rite S, Echo" O Newport. 227 e ¥'"6UN«Man i;-1m;,i;i;htOCorrespond with Rood- 1 )'>kini,' YOUNG lady photos exchanged. X 5OB, Echo Office. Cardiff. 1,:lHI4'A'I'IO, s.. Gent'emaii-Wishes private Tuitiin Roman Law-=- apply D. 7, ECHO.^ Cardiff. 518 MADAMTF Ú;t.ber KtJights is now forming new l't.J, CLAUSES ladies who want to be proficient ir. Outtinc- Jut. Fitting 01' Making dressen have now the best oppor- tunity success guaranteed, II European system only. — Address in Cn,rditf-lS, Church-street. Lessons daily 10 to 5 evening. .!3JV- arrangement. 58 OIL 1>:lIu[in¡;. Miss Mumford, 50. Glenroy-street, loath, hs-or private Lessons daily. 859 SHORTHAND Au Experienced and Certificated Teacher of Pitman's System of Shorthand, residing Dear Ro-ith Park. gives evening lessons terms, 10s 6d for he eutiro cours.l.PJ1ly Phonetic, "Echo' Office. Cardiff. II CnU:HA ND (Pitman's) Evening Lessons.—Pupils O taught and qualifieù for appointments by an experi- liict-D tutor, omlly or by post; individual tuition, every AFening from 7. Corresponding aud reporting styles, and meed clashes.—Apply Principal, 21, De Burgh-street, Hiver- Sde S1: 5,OS'' 5,'Or;). A Watch and Chain ;-i;i near Twynywain, Dovvlais, Rent. 3Rd.—Apply to Wm. Sinnett, 147, Lon¡;:towJ1, »ear Doukii?. 776 FOUND, dark brown Pony. 13 hands high if not churned HI IX days will be sold to defray expenses.— Davies, pwca5tle.street,_1\1ert.hr. 742 FOUND, Irish Terrier Dog, W. H. Jtlackler engraved on collar: owner may have same ou paying expense-.— *0, Bute-street, _(;anlitL_ 686 I OKT, ON Saturday last in Cardiff. Black Retriever Biteh, ..J three half-white feet and white star on breast answers 1.0 th name of Lady: tinder rewarded.Jlln,es Dowlin¡¡, •Lli.nhradncb. .w_ u_- R^OSTL frotn Tirphif"Sept 9th, an Iron-grey Pony. about J 12 hauds high, wiLh split ill riht ¡,a! .-FlIlder will be rewarded by applying to George Wliit?. Tirphil. 936 I O.ST, at Sirhowy, a cross Irish and Airedale Terrier J answers to the name of Jack: tinder rew:1-rded: detainer prosecuted.-Apply Thomas EYanr. Grocer, Trede- gar. 917 LOST, oil the 10th inst. somewhere bet\7en Havod and Porth, lady 5 Mold Dress Ring with one diamond stone ill the centre avid the word Mizpih finder REWARDED by returning Bm" to Sarah Kingdom, 4, Fountail1-phce, Havod, Pontypridd. 21 £ e LOST.—Black l>cdliii £ :toii Terrier Dog, white stripe on breast. — Finder return same to lioyai Oak, Bedwas, will be rewarded. 853 IOST, on Heyt. 8th, white and lemon Greyhound; J answers to the namo of Welshman finder will b" re- det.-E, Llewellyn, Crown, Blackwood. 835 0' ¡;r;V estern Railway Platform, lirown 1,ough-hn,ired Terrier Dog. white Jreasl, auaweis Ham" of Prince finder rewarded .—F. White, Billiard-room, G..e" Western Hotel. 840. LOST, Dog Pug. th'eo months old; buff bdiaod black nose, in Cow bridge-road tindr will be rewarded ou .'eturning same to 30. Deri-on-road. 730 jr-OST. at Penarth, SatUrd:1Y <,vemng-, Lady's Miniature JLJ Brooch (heart shape). Finder rewarded on returning 10 Roxburgh, Park-road, Penarth. 575 OST, Fox Terrier, black head, white body, black spot at J tail. Finder re' urning same to 45, Neville-street will J tail. Finder re' urning same to 45, Neville-street will *ie N 554 ■ 0.5 Reward.—Lost, to ¡; ;);- strayed from Mountain JL i wo Veariing Ponies, one Cre:1.m Mare, one Hay Horse: rhiie .tar on forehead of ewh nmrked with" O on left ihoulder. If detained after this notice wm be prosecuted. — E. D >Y, Pontlottyn. -6_- C'S Reward.—Lost. Monday evening, between Richard- >1 street and Woodville-voad, Beaver Cape. Known at rst sight.—Anyone returning same to 41, Richard-street, viil receive above reward. 872 -v- '1. -.A GUMSSWTIR SERVANT*. A Home for Fricndlesf. Girls and Free Registry- at ;2 The Parade. Cardiff A I girls needing a friend AND Shelter are welcome. 2Se A coed General Servant wanted, AGE 17 or 18 sill 1 family.—Apply 15, Wordsworth-stieet, Roath, Cardiff A NY Ladies requiring Servants, Servants requiring R^X_P Situations in Kiioudda Valley, anply Servants Registry, 4, Court-street, Llwynypia, Rhordda stamped envelope. 870 A General Servant wanted, able to undertake washing.— Apply Lewi?, 128, Castle-road. 833 A Gelleral Servant and Scuilery Maid Wanted, must have good character.—Apply Mrs Thomas, Brynoneu, Pontypridd. 838 A General Servant wanted, able to do PLAIN COOK..U¡; Apply 53, Scott-street. Cardiff!. A N experienced General Servant wanted.—Apply 7, Beach-road. Pc!rt, 1- 192e CILEAN, active Girl (16 to 18) wanted: good home.—18, OA1, field-street. Roath, Cardiff. 604 GENERAL Servant fOIl' Cardiff Wanted good refer- ences WASHING given out nurse kept.-Al1ply 21, yictorii-street. 1\Icrthyr. 37 pENERALServant wanted, able «c-;J;ï;-in cooking four IN f lInHy: goo WRgCS. -Apply 7i, Plasturton-avenue. GENEKAL Servant wanted at once, with reference.— Apply 3, Bridge-street, Cardiff. 90 (GENERAI, Seivant wanted immediately, about 18: Jf Ilnot.he" kept from Canhff preferred_-Apply aHer 5, lrs Jones. 54, Park-place, Cardiff. 922 C^ENERAL SE'vant wanted, experienced; wages £ 12.— F Charlton, Ninian-road. Roath Park, Cardiff. 739 HOUSEKEEPER wanted, 35 to 40. by working man fmir children reference required. —Apply XX 831 Echo Office, Cardiff. T 881 HOUSEKEEPER wanted, 35 to 40. by working man HOUSEKEEPER wanted, 35 to 40. by working man fmir children reference required. —Apply XX 831 Echo Office, Cardiff. T 881 ]V URSE Housemaid Wanted.—Apply 14, Richmond- terrace. Park-place, Cardiff. 50.3 |J ESPKCTABLL' Girl wanted, about 16, to'assist in honse- v.ork. —103, Clive-street, Grangetown. 40 HJ^HOKOUGH General Servant wanted immediately.— __pply Miss Stainer, The Lelts, Llanishen. 837 WANTED. c01lnl.ry « R SMA" S'lary comfortable home for aged person over Isaac Pritchard, Penalt, near Monmouth. 71 WANTED, a GiMieval Servant, one sh'i has been out before.—Apply 17, Glamorgan-street, Brynmawr. 69 ANTKD. at once. General Servant to assist in shop. 1. u ,Custom House-street, Cardiff. 26 V\7ANRED t once, IN gentleman's family, thorough 'T'P|al Servant—Havelock House. 42, Cowbridge- pad^CardifT. 978 YV ANXKD at once, good Geueral Servant, ape about 18 FOOD wages S-iven.—65, Eldon-road, Cardiff. 990. W A NT D. immediately, I\Gel1eI-Se;-at- f()-t;oi leoe, c¡{;:nJ.J .-Apply after SIX o'clock. 3, Phsturton97r- W A A C'TAN respectable Girl, as General, about —• e2n.[]'D1lly.-APrly 23. Wellfield-rd., ROath, VV A^3TW^V,<? PI0?!? ^ENERAL Servaut. boy kept.—Apply ——LGL^HEDRAL-ROAD, Cardiff. 951 VV I'NK,ANHIVCTP'ER?ERAL Servant, able to do plain cook- «TANTVD • •Harries. 100, tjueen-st., Cardiff. 965 V V A upiy '72 SW<,F.?IUHOUSE,VORK I country preferred — U7ASWI) A ^VY"DHAPI^ERESCENT, Canton. 94S_ f maid kept—'ADNL^^TU01"'6' clean General; house- Miles, Glenside, WATTSTJ^ RF'F"RCNCE3' WAwork smulHam'ily £ °r morning 1e:l'ed.45._WIIt1el_d'r.oad._éa;dirl home: lIVIng near 9fó'e. AKITCH?A ^preferred* ONE «sed~to ^P^^R^P.JTIEI^^SC-T, :C|°ODFFWR,GE3 11STANTED, House-parlourniBirl ~E W 'also ffood GENERALS for Loudon OF TWO —Address 1, Stow-hill, Newport. STO1' AND country. ——— 220e \\J ANTED, for first-class CONNNERCIAL^HNR.LTT^R' VV Kitchenmaids. Housemaids. Under TA;OL:S *ble situations secured: stamp FOR^V-LONDON Registry. Abergavenny. 932 \"XT ANTED, deal, respectable Girl as (;ELIE7AF^N.AN! refere NEE rejtPied. A pply 14, Rectory road, CAN ton' \XRANTED at once, good General SERVAN\TWAFIEI_ £ L? Apply 72, Broauway. M~ WANTED at once, A Girl, from 14~ to 16, TO'SIISSLH H0IISFW0RK. — APPLY L. WEST.:0URNE-(;RESCE^ITP Cardiff. W ANTEDTstrons Girl, about 17, MUST be usedTo^hiT- dren.—Apply 90, Btchmond-rotKl, Cardiff. S7S (V^ANTED at once, a Housekeeper, between 30~KND"35 » years of age able to do all housenold work GOOD Jterences requisite.—WM. Hughes, tflaenllechau-ro.id ferndnle. 8/8 VV ANTEbT'cookTi'iOrcook £ 25: parlourmaidrfifo': nurse, £ 1 £ housemaid, ^,16 kit'.iieniriaid, £ 14; undrYm"id, £ 20 -Writ.e Mrs Coster, l(eyj8try» i*ioiicegter. W ANTED,"A^ good_Gencrai Servant, about 18 no wash- ing. — Apply Mrs Tlionip.'UU, 179, CAPUE-J-d., Koat,H. WANTED, AN rxvrie1\ce(l-' General !Sérvant, AL-o A respectable Young Gitl itS Nurse, for days on 11- StPP'y 15. PiasUirt n-gardeiis, Canton. "i" ,1 ANT'El>7"c!e7u^7e7pe~ctatile Girl FOR EE"ER"1„ house- work, about 14: sleep out.— Apply 152, Ananv.treet, V'^stle-road, Cardiff. WANTED. young Girl Gral Serrt; age. 17, early riser, and good character. — 122, Richmond-road, Cardiff. — VXJ ANTED, General Servant at once, age froro 24; ust 1" » be clean, also good cbaracter,-Apply Marsh Villa, "rthyr-road, L'ontypridd. WANTED at once, several TFOOD Generals, Cooks, ete. f respectable Monrhly Nurse, disengaged.—Jones, Toy :t:ld l"ancy Repository, 1b2,Cardiff Market. 794 T ANTED, General Servant at once, able to o plalll » cookm¡¡, wafhing • good character.—194, Comrcer- IL-road, Newport. 2Dge AS7 ANTED, experienced General Servant, one used to a '1 coffee tavern preferred, with rood references.t\.pply ""p,peraoce Hotel, Brynma.wr. 165 \Xl ANTED. General Servant for small family mu3thave i't' good ehar:\cter.-AppJy personally, Lewis, 30, Ilte. terrace, Cardiff. 791 WANTED, goodaenerafServatit, from 35 to 40: fami1y 't't' of three,-AppJy Howard, Grocer,_Ely^ Q W~ANTED. clean, activeliiH for Housework, about l5.- Apply 228, Castle-road, Cardiff. 635 \:IT ANTED, a Woman as KitchenmR;id,-pplY f t Brand's Restaurant, 219, Bute-road, Cardiff. 740 \\7~ANTEdT'at""onceTgood-General Servant.—Apply 1S5I J» » Castle-road, Cardiff. 74 'Xl AN?ED~ Generaf Servrnt.—Apply on the premises, 'f George s Temperance Hotel, Pontypridd. 726 ^yXNTElTWomarrf^Houseliold work and wash age If 40 to 50: good home for sUlable woman.— T. 193, Echo" Cardiff. 10,) \\T ANTED, cle;tm Gii-l about 16 three in family » country irl preferred,-ApplY, wIth references, Q9, W ood-st.reet, Cardiff. 665 -V ANTED, a cle:1.n, industrious Girl a General Servant, age 15 country girl preferred. Apply 22, Bndge- street, Cardiff. 6M ANTED, respeeUble Girl, about 15, to look afte"r little boy and mae herself useful.-Apply 122. Glenroy-street, Roath, Cttrc!1ff. 6~6 T ANTE]) It Gener:t], able to do plain cooking, with ''t referene.-Apply Red Lion Hotel, Queen-street, Cardiff. 629 \i7 ANTED r<:spectabl1; Girl as General Servant, aged »'v A-bot 17: DO cbildrel1.-Apply Mrs Collin¡{s, 29, Plasturton-gardens. Cathedral-road, Cardiff. 626 7ANTEDragood Genera! Servant, not under 25 y<^i f" of age.—Apply Mr Spittle, Netherton Villa, Chep- stow-road, Newport. 1e6e ANTED I1t ooce, a good General Servant for small 't' family: wages, £ 9.-Apply Venduene Villa, 163, Caerleon-road, Newport. Mon. 198e 'V! ANTED, respectable Girl as General, age about 20: must have good reerence no children or washing. -Apply at once, 12, Cowbridsff-road. 5?2 WANTED immediately, experienced General Bernnt t good charactr \l1dlSpensab]e.-Apply Mrs Griffiths, 31; Tudor-road. Cardiff. 574 'V- "ANTEdTGeneral 8ervant, early ris'3r: able tg wash,- Y -Apply, after 6 p.m., Savile House, 11<1, Kin's- road, Canton, Cardiff. 588 ANTED immediately, a clean. rfspectable Girflibout 18 oue able to waBh.-Apply, with references, Mrs Sheppard. Clifton House, Penygraig. 616 ANTED, II House and Pariour Maid.-Apply Mrs Hris, 144, High-street, Merthyr. 6361 XXTANTED, ail experienced Plain Cook.^Annlv Mrs Harris, 144, High-street, Merthyr. 1 V y 635s WJANTED, tidy gIrl, about 34: to sleT¡;- W rope \Vorks, West Dock, Cardiff. 532 -XfÁNTED, immediately, good G¡>neral Servant able to V v do washing and plain cooking.-AppJy 60, dive-road Canton, Cardiff. 538 **7 ANTKD, General Servant, age about 13.—AddIv 33 Albany-road, Cardiff. 682 \7 ANTED at once, a respectable General Servant v» country girl preferred reference required.—Apply 5, York-place, Barry. ''h 509 Y3.7 ANTED, a clean, respectable Girl as Nurse, age about *» 14.—Apply 24, Rvder-street, Canton, Cardiff. 763 WANTED, a Sewing Maid, and to do light housework. —Apply, by letter, to Mrs Howell, The Walk, Oardiff," TS7 ANTED, General Servant, age 18 also stro Girl, v » 16.—55, Stacey-road. 498 WANTED, good General Servant.—Apply Mrs Joshua 'f Wi!1iams, 127, Wood-road, Pontypridd. 177e WANTED, respectable persos General Servant.- Apply Nationlll Stort's, Holton-road, Barry Dock. 469 WANTED immediately, a thoroughly experienced f General good references indispensable. Mrs Jones. Manchester House, Ebbw Yale. 508 WANTED, -;{t the end of September, a good General "t Servallt.-Ap¡¡ly, by letter, to MrÐ Howell, The Walk, Cardiff. 510 SUTIIATION-S VAC AST BOOT Trade.-Wanted at once, a good Repairer.-John j W. Green, Crosskeys. 75 "OOOT Trade,-AssistlIDt wanted, age about 18 to 20.— Jt i Apply (he Leeds Hoot Company, Victoria-street, Merthyr TYllfil.u 54 ll>OOT Trade.—Wanted, good Repairer, able to make JL-> new. Constant work for steady man.—Boot Exchange, Strand, Blaen¡;arw, near Bridgend. 984 OUTCHERS.—Wanted, young Man, 20, to Slaughter and I.) do round.—Apply, with references, salary (indoors), Bowen, 78. Woodfield-street, Morriston. DRAPERY. — Wanted, a well educated Youth as Apprentice to the General Drapery. For terni3 :11)¡;lyl:"a_a(l Allen, London House, Newport. tS6a -I-)HESSMA KINCi,-Wanted at once, Improvers and Apprentices Îor High-class Work,-l\1ls3 Burrows. moucester House, Gold-sfreet, Cardiff. 736 ELT'fofRICAL Engineering.—Sydney F. Walker and Co. .L: have a vacancy for one ApprentiCe; premium re- qUired.Apply Cardiff :r:r:>.1 Worka. Cardiff. 449 GROCERY —Wanted", a quid: obliging Assistant. Sa. Jf tisfactory refcrenecs indispensable none other need appJy. State salary.—Daniel and Sn, Pontvpool. 875 /iROCERY.—Wanted, a strong Young JVIa-t{) tak; Jf Charge of Horse and Cart and Deliver: age about 20: mmt know Welsh.—Apply with references, T. David, Marshfieid House, Penygraig. 919. ROCERY.—Wanted, an Improver at once.— Apply 120 'J!' O!ifton-street, Cardiff. 785 (1 ROCERY.—Wanted, a Youth, from 16 to 18 one used Jf to shipping trade preferreù.-Write S. 702, Echo." Cardiff. 702 (~1 ROCBRS-—Wanted, a smart and active Junior Assist- Jr alt.-Apply to William Lewis, Glansychan House, AbersycJ¡¡n. 673 ("1 ROCERY.—Wanted young man to deliver, attend -T warehouse, assist in shop, and take charge of one horse: abstainer.-Apply, with references, Williams, Brothers, Merchants, 77, High-street. Blaina, Mon, 579 fIÄ-R;J;;1fhand, at once. Apply-Hairdresser, Even-street, Barry. 65 fl- -AuiDRESSER. -Wanted, Apprentice: one wih JJ-iL slight knowledge preferred.—15,Meteor-street, Roath. HAIRDRESSER.—Wanted, Junior Hand good hair- cutter and shaver permanency for good band.- Wiite P. 909, Echo," Cardiff. 909 HAIRDRKSSERS.—Wauted, a good Hand, ioors.-= Apply H. Paynter, 162, Castle-road, Cardiff. 58'1 HELVESMAKER wanted: must be good cleaver and steady.— Lewis, Timber Merchant, Pontypridd. 859 or take partnership iu Fancy Business,- -l George, 39. Lower Cathedral-road, Cardiff. 64 MASON wanted for Dressing Paving, Sills, etc., at Mynyddishvyn Quarry, Tredegar Junction.—Lewis, Timber !I1"rchaut. Pontypridd. 850 MKN requiring Situations as Butlers, Coachmen Foot- 1"- mBD, Grooms, Grd<)ers, Handymen, Porters, and Warehousemen, write F. Coster, Employment Agency, Gloucester. 690 -IÜiNER.Y- W anted, first-class Milliner; mu3t serve 1 own sódes 1\ pply personally, or enclose photo-J. Y. Evans, 1,ondon Warehouse, Treorky. 597 Man, to live oat.-AppLy Coleman Follick, 40 and 41, Bridge- street. Cardiff. 900 PLASTEKEB.—Wanted immediately, good, ste-dv Man wages, 9d per bour.-Heynolds, 25, Adare-street, Gil- faeh Goch. 888 REGENT House, 4, Duke-street, Cardiff, requires taÍI Young Lady as apprentice to the Millinery ShGw- rOom, 61 RESPECTABLE Lad wanted as Errand Boy.-App!y Frank Morgan, Gr°5:r. 302, Clifton-st., Cardiff. 897 nno Butchers.—Wanted, a Young Man (shop and A slaughter-house), used to small goods.-La,wrence, 101. Bro,td'8r"et, BlaenavoD. 74 npO Butchers.—Wanted, Young Man to kill, deliver, and J3. assist in shop.—Apply 73 B, Chepstow-road. Newport, Mon. u,- 233e rjpO Grocers.—Wanted an Assistant 11,t the Grocery and Provision Counter must speak Welsh, and be weU up in tbe trade.-Apply, with references, to A. Buchan & Co., Rhymney. 62 rPO Hairdressers.—Wanted, Young 11% an, goOd-hi;- X cutter and sha.ver.-Apply H. Sharp, Hatter &c., The Hayes, Cardiff. 8 r|^0 J\Iasons,-Wanted a few competent Banker Hands, JL Wallr8, and Brickla'er3.-Apply Evans, Church VieW, Pontypool. 931 WANTED, a respectable Errand Boy, age 14 to 16. Apply Newman. 5, St. John's-sqnare, Cardiff. 73 \7 ANTED, a first.c1RsS all-round Painter: constant em f" pIoyment.-Apply Gustavus Bros., Swansea. 234e V\7 ANTED, good Improver, ct hair and shave well: "t indoors or out: or young Asi5tant.-Moore, Albion House, ûi!fYDydd. 230e \hj ANTED, Apprentice to the Knitting Machine.—Apply M after 3 o'clock, at Mrs Bosses, 19, Wyndham Arcade, Cardiff. 60 \\fANTED, Girl-; to pack with mould; only those VT accustomed to the work need apply, stating experi- ence and last situation.—A 16, Echo Office, Cardiff. 16 \r ANTED at once, an Improver one used to the bench T T and repairing. State wages required.—Northam, J, Chaple-street, Tredegar. 971 VX7 ANTED, a House Boy, sleep out.—Apply Saltwood, v v Cathedral-road. Cardiff. 9b2 VVTANTED. Ironers, plain and starched work: good ? T wages.—Bridgend Steam Laundry. 963 w ANTED,;a respectable and trustworrhy Lad as Errand v T Boy.—Apply C. G. Hathway, Grocer, Treharris- street, Hoath. 950 W ANTED at once, 1\ good Pipe Joiuter.-Apply W. v » !.0. Waterworks. Aberdare ,Ju.nction. 954 \\1 ANTED immediately, a Tin-house Foreman must v v be experienced, steady, and reliable.—Apply, with references as to knowledge of trade, character, and ability, '!Lthe Treforcst^Tin-plate Works, Treforest. 219e WANTED, young Lady Apprentice, fancy business f must be thoroughly respectable aud honest.-Apply R. 914, Echo" Office, Cardiff. 914 \\7 ANTED.—Strong Lad as apprentice to Coach and v General Smithing Roath district: small premium required,-Write II. 852. Echo," Cardiff. 852 WANTED, a sharp Youth as Apprentice to the Out- fitting and to assist with the Pawnbroking.—Apply M. Solomon, PalJrrr.ywr_47 '-)1;/ ANTED for Borough Laundry, 322 Cowbridge-road, first-class Ironer to a suitable person good wages given, ai d constant work. 18 WANTED, u. Grocer's Haulier, outdoors.-Apply to "f William Lewis, Glansychan House. Abersychan, 672 \\J ANTED, a Repairer for the Shoe Trade smart at H the bench.—Apply, immediately, W. H. Heard, 31, Caroline-street, Cardiff. 669 \\7 ANTED, a strong coutry Boy, 16, to milk acus- t » tomed to horses IUdoors.-T. Ger¡¡,rd, 162, Chve- street, Grange, Cardiff. 642 \\J ANTED a Coacb Painter at once must be a good >» writer.—Apply personally W. R. Davies, Coach- builder, Fernd¡¡,le, 628 "-¡-7ANTED a steadv, trustworthy Mau to manave au 1' Outfitting and Boot Establishmenl.: good window dresser substllontial wHres; must bave first-class refer- ences.—Write M 471, Echo" Office. Cardiff. 471 JT42 Weekly Upwards may b honestly realised by Either cW Sex. without hlllderlDg ocoupation.-For samples (re- turnable) &C.,enclobe addrssd envelope Evans, Watts, pd Co, (P. J33)ct;s, Biriningh3m^rhisjs^gemiine^97 £ 4:1,!è¡.:n(. 3EA;VA«KKS. ore. DOCKS Clf-f¡ requires evening Employment in potato store or builder's office at books, accounts, etc.B 813, Echo," Cardiff. 813 EXPErTeNCED Accountant's Clerk is open to post up tradesmen's hooks during leisure hours; very moderate terms.—Ji 611, Echo Office, Cardiff. <>U Ri:spi ;CTABLE Boy wauted lor Office, with some know- lelhe office work and shorthand.-AplJly by letter, Owen and Bryant, Swiss Chambers. 947 WANTED, » smart, educated, respectable Boy m Pontypridd solicitor's office.—Apply, by letter only, Lex, '■ Echo Office. Pontypridd. 1750 fl'A5i'f;». BAKER and Confectioner.—Young Man Hltuation Second Hand, Bread and Confectionery outdoors pre- ferred.— S. Morgan, Morriston House, Morriston. 880 BAKEUS.— Situation wanted as Second or Third ab- 5tainer.-Geo. Horn. Westbury-on-Trym. Briatol. 749 BAKERS and ConfectiolJers.-Situation required bÿ competent Workman, disengaged; decke: or flue ovens; state particulars,-Baker. Rose Cottage, Raglan, Mon. 622 ^OACHSMITH.—Situation wanted by young man: good references.-Apply R. Case, 16, Lead-street, Roath. 66 COACH Painter seeks situation all-round hi,nd.-AppIV 39, Portmanmoor-road. Cardiff. 799 JfEDIT Drapery. — Advertiser (steady), of business habits, requires permanent engagement with substan- yal undeniable references,—P 692, ''Eoho Office, Cardiff, 692 '_ROCER8.-Wanted, situation as Aos!stant, age 22, VJi weHap both countNs an:1 win10w dressmg.-WÜlll;n1S, 8, Hope-street, Biaina, Mon ö74- TJOU:3EKEEPEit.-Ues-pect,abl¡ Widow seeks Situation JL. 11.S Housekeeper 10 respectable working man: trust- worthy.- M A.. 76, Stacey-road, Roatlb 915 MASTER Bakers.—Situation required by Young Man; second or single, all round band good references.— Address 8, Hoel Ganol, Pontypridd. 894^ RESPECTABLE~Yl)uthrwell educated, aged 16, desires ,\¡ AppretJticeship ';0 light Trade.-Apply, wIth terms. C-, 102, Glebe-street. Penarth _'i 1'1 UÃTION Wanted as Maltster; experienced steady -:J young man.-Apply J. Buckingham, New-street, Padstow, Cornwall. SITUATION required by young man (22), any light em- f-. ployment; goud eha,racter.-Jolleg, 2, Powells, Ponh, Pontypridd. 72 SEA berth wanted as engineer's steward 10s anyone securing same.—Address K 883, Echo Othce. Cardiff. uu3 r' ()BkerB wanted by Young Man as Third Hand; outdoors preferred,E. Teague, Morriston House, Morriston. 8- TRUSTWORTHY Person (widow, with little giri) will give her services in return for comfortable home ,or place of rust. S. 940, "Echo" Office, \/57 ANTED, by a tradesman's son, Situation at deliver »» ing (baker by trade).—Apply £ 8. Wood-street, Cardi.l. "7 ATE-:ó-espe-t-ble person, one or two days 't'f washing or cleaning every week. Apply to 57, Echo" Office, Cardiff. _i W- ÁNTiD:it.ati-n on Waitress or any light business. -Apply Miss E., 57, Topaz-street, Cardiff. \\7 ANTED. Situation for respectable Girl as_ Nurse of } > Useful Maid; not out before.—Servants Agency, Station-road, Brynmawr. °''i_ 7ANTICD7 a neat. and"capable Dre"smakp;r, abe to V » take charge of workroom: good fit mdisponsiole none bat absolutely first-class hand" need apply.-Waltrs, Cramlin, 1\1 on. 21 e WANTED, by experienced Dressmaker. Work a Ladies If Homes.-Write E 808, "Echo" Office. Cardiff. 808 ANTED, by respectable woman, ironing, polishing shirts, cuffs, collars.—E. Morgan, 88. Cairn-street, Cathays. 7 YOUNG Lady, age 20, rquire3 light Situation, or would do housework iu return for comforable home.-N. 907, Echo," Cardiff. S07 (27) wants situation n.;> Clerk, Collector, or any pOSitIOn of trust; cau give aiaple scurlty.- 1) o m e; Echo" Office. 732- -d ,U8<;N(;n:S T!t4vr.8XKsc*. GENTS w<tntecl-Pembrokeshire, Cardigansiiire, Breok- 1-1. ncckshire, Gloucesterehire to call at shops. £ 4 earned weekly permanent employment.—Messrs Pamphilon, Congleton, Cheshire. 979 AGENTS Wanted.—Money easily made iu spare time best agency going constant income assured par- ticulars free, also Pocket Rubber stamp of your name" find addresH.-S. Bll, 120. Cheapside, London. 766 AGENTS wanted, whole or spare time; commission and bonus.— Iretou and Co.. Limited, 92, Gracechureh- street, London. 625 AGENTS wanted to form Clubs on an futirely new system, for the aJe of ur celebrated Watches, Clock. Jewellery, Sewing Machines, Maup<os, Bicycles, Cutlery, Electro-plate, Furniture, Clothing, &?.. &e. Exceptionally good term and no nsk,-George Simpson, Pontypridd. 178e BAKRY District.—Wanted, rnergefic, persevering, young I. Man: some knowledge of lndustrhl Assurance book i1Cant splendid terms and interest on hook by r11e.- Apply Roya12..()n Branch Office, 19. Duke-st, Cardiff.994 1AXVASSKR wanted, must Have a good private Cardiff Vyi connection salary and commission.—Apply Angio- Va va0 Brewerv. Liniitcd, Penarth-road. _83 NIMKOD Cycle Company wants 81lbsta,ntIal Agents J: throughout Wales and Monmouthshire Îor the sale of thPlr celebrated Cycles cash or eay tt)rms.-Apply G. fl. Williams. 91, 11on .st.rn: ,-V-Á.NTED, Lady to Oollect 200 Shillings by September 24th towardR building church in poor parish 10s a week wíl1 be C'iven.-D.. 6, Linden-Garden-, I..ondon, W. 896 i:V-c- ANrnD, a (Marine Engineer pre- ferred) to Represent an Old-established House with good connection. Good sulary to suitable m:ln,-Apply, stating experience and probable prospective business, to Triple. "Echo Office, Cardiff. 207e -VC-ÂNT3D at OMe, Young Man to Solicit, Tea Trade Welsh.—Full particulars to 50, Dnmaven-strpet. Tongtg.ndy; imm mm 767 S,«lW;ii'V,«S. AI'AIiTiMEKTS. «tr. nice Apartments to Let, where home comforts can he relied npoD.-Apply 44, Talbot-street, Cathedral-road, Cardiff. 773 A Bedroom to Let. suit young geutleman. board with A the family (no children); bath; moderate term.- 5, The Parade, Cardiff. 683 Bedroom and Sitting-room to Let, .quiet, comfortable, .1- good attendance well recommended terms mOfle- rate.—92, Stow-hill, Newport. 193" A Gentleman about leaving his rooms can strongly recommend same.—Apply 34, Glenroy-street, Roath.537 OMFORTAJ3J..E, homely Lodgings fur one or two re- V7 spectable JIIW. with quiet couple or Unfurnished Apartments.—Apply 14. Penllyn-road, Canton. 17 (SOMFORTABLE Boar(3, Lodgings fer two respectable J Men: terms 10s per week.lrs Owen, Dining Rooms, Old Arcade, Church-street, Cardiff. 923 (COMFORTABLE Lodgings for YOUI1!i( Man, near Park J hot and cold bath; terms moderate.—56. Angua-street, olf Albany-road, Roath. 912 COMFORTABLE furnished Apartments wanted in Car- J diff: terms must be moclerate,-Write L 836, "Echo" Office, Cardiff. 88ó- COMFORTABLE Front Sitting-room and Bedr¿-fnr V one or two gentlemen hot and cold bath.—7.8, Mackintosh-place, Roath, Cardiff. 834 CIOMFORTABLE Furnished Apartments hot and cold S bath piano. &c.—73, Tudor-road, Cardiff. 849 (COMFORTABLE Lodgings or Apartments for one or J two ladies every convenience terms moderate.-47¡ King's-road, Canton. 756 COMFORTABLE Lodgings fÛr-O; or two respectable Young Men, abstainers, Rivrside terms. 3s ptr wek. —K. 653, Echo," V:.rdi1r. 653 0MPORTABLE Lodgings fr one or two respectable -> young mpu, with orwithollt board: terms modemtR.- 24, Plasnewydd-place, Roath. 683 4 ^OMFORTABLY-Furnished Sitting and one or two V Bedrooms to Let; tenns moderate.—51, Plasturton- avenue, Cardiff. 6(11 (COMFORTABLE home in town for a respectable young J lady engaged during the day.-Write G 646, Echo Office, Cardiff. -u_ 646 (COMFORTABLE Lodins or apartments piano. lio J chih1ren, good cooking, attendance close to Taff. Rhymney .Stations terms very moderate.—32. Windsor-rd. CCOMFORTABLE Lodgings for two young- mn.-AppIŸ J Mrs Edwards, 38, Eisteddfod-street. No children. 576 CF';ijRI8r-iEDAP-tments or Lodgings for a gentleman, or lodgings for young men.—7, Luton-place, Adams. down, Cardiff. _n_ 49 ij^URNISHED Rooms to Let, suit gentlema;O;t- friends good cookin. attendance bath-room and vas; well recommended.—19, Plantageiiet-street. 23 FURNISHED SItting a,m1'Bedroom for Gentleman~r 8. Friends everyeonvenience Ca3tle-road (Park end) modemte terms.-X. 783, Echo Office, Cardiff. 786 I^URNISHED Apartments, suit two gentlen:¡;:i-;nd;; or two yonng ladies; bilth; piano: close to 'bns.- Apply 89. Splott-road, Cardiff. 6EO T71 URNLSHED Apartments to Let to respecabï()ung X gentlrlmeu.-Apply 6, Rennie-street (off Craddock- streei). Riverside, Cardiff. 644 FURNISHED or Unfurnished Rooms to Let, large and convenient, at 29, Rawden-place. 1ENTLEMAN can hav Oot;ble Rooms (bath, hot VX and cold) at 31, Wordsworth-street. Roath.—S 47, Echo." Cardiff. 47 1- ODGINGS for workin men, and two Rooms for man J anù wife: furnished or otl1erwise.-lIlrs R, 22, Park- street, Cardiff. 11 _1- ODGINGS for respectable young man, abstainer pre- J ferred; no other lodgers kept.—52, Richards-street, Cathays. 967 JODUINGS for a respectable working man,-App1y at 4, J Henth-street, Canton, Cardiff. 977 TODGINGS for two respectable young men; hot and ..J cold bath.-Apply Mrs Bailey, 79, Clare-road, Cardiff. T ODGTNGS or Apartments for respectable Young Men. -t. J —Lansdown, Neville-street, close to tramway. 688 "XTICKLY Furnished Apartments to Let, one or two i-C gentlemen every cenvenience good cooking trams pIIRsing,-Apply 71, Woodville-road, Cathays. 952 ONE Room t:OLt use of bed- room if needed quiet home.-Apply 62, Partridge road, Roath. 659 PENARTH.—Apartments to Let, comfortably furnished: "ood attendance and cooking near sea and station. —V 999, Echo," Cardiff. 999 PENARTH.—Gentleman a;dh"is Wife rpquire comfort- able Furnished Rooms: bath: house of private family or widow preferred.-Ad<1rpSR giving inclusive terms for permanency with and without attendance, Q 995. Echo," Cardiff. 995 PEN ARTH.-Front Sitting-room and ooe or two Bed: rooms. Suic gfmtleman or two friends. Bath. piano; 110 children: terms moderate. \Vrite D 974, Echo" Oflke. Cardiff. 974 PENARTH.-Wanted immediately, respectable, com- fortable Furnished Apartments (bath) by gentleman and his wife: no other lodgers: state lowest inclusive terms for pennaneucy.-Write N 668, Echo," Cardiff. 668 RESPECTABLE Lodgini.;f;Yunv Geoti who would share rooms with another. Terms mone- rat.e.—28, Cogan-terrace, Miskin-street, Catha.!8. 817 r-ro 1,et, comfortably Furnished Front Sitting-room Rud X. Bedroom for Gentleman, or two to join: terms moderate.—3, Pearson-street, Roath. 693 To Let, Two Unfurnished Rooms to a respectable conple with no children.-Apply 66, Clare-road. 690 TO Let, Two or Three Unfurnished Rooms: newly papered, with every convenience.—Address 67, Haber- shon-street, Splotlands-place, Moors. 671 TWO or Three Famished or Unfurnished Rooms to Let- or Lodgings. Terms moderate.-Apply 101, Crwys, road, Oys, Cardiff. 753 T TNFU RNLSHED Back Sitt¡;roo. with conserva- tory, Front Bedroom, hot and cold bath.—71, Alexandra-road. Canton, Cardiff. 898 UNFURNISHED-Àpartmenti\ to Let, two or three rooms to respectable couple without children pre- ferred —Apply 14, Loudoun-square, Docks, C 8oJ UNFURNISHED Sitting and two Bedroom!> with use of kitchen cODlfortable home for marned couple references required.—31, W oodville-road. Cathays. 582 YOCTNG married couple wish tonwet. with-young couple to share house: sake of companionship musical. -l\{ 929, Echo, "Cardiff. 929 07, Brook-street.-To Let, two Unfnriri8hed Rooms to respectable couple without children. 623 1'<. 1,1':I'II03.¡1'\I'¡. ALEXANDER-street, Cathays.—House to Let, l'ent,'9; weeldy.-Apply W. Sanders IIond Sons, 28, St. Mary- street, Cardiff. 22 COMFORTABLE (corner) Dwelling-house to Lft in Hannah-street, Docks.—Apply Webb & Co., 184, Bute- road. Cardiff. 867 CONVENIENT House to Let four bedrooms, bath (hot water), gas.-Apply W. A. Phipps, 8, Working-street, Cardiff. 787 ELEANOR-Street, Docks.—House to Let, rent, 12s weekly.—Apply W. Sanders and Sons, 23, St. Mary stret, Cardiff. 20 JT^THEL-Street, Oanton.-House to Let, rent, 58 weekly.- :.J Apply W. Sanders and 80n5. 28, St. Mary-st., Cardiff. H' OUSg¡;d Stable to Let, suitable for milkman, coal- man, or cabman, 73, Carlisle-street, off Splott-roaC: 47, Splott-road. Cuætf, 802 HOUSE to Let, with garden, 3, Plasnewydd-road, off Castle-road rent 6s cd.—Apply 18, Edwards-terrace. HOUSE, tolet, Mai ion-street bay window, 4 bedrooms, L hot and cold bath, hot and cold in scullery.—Palmer, 99, Constellation-street. 653 rjPrlE South Wales and Monmouthshire Property Regiter JL for Septemner free 00 apphcatIon or poSt.-Hern and Pertwee, House Agent. Auctioneers. Valuers. &c.. Cardiff. npO Let or Hold, 149, Kin'5-road; newly decoated X throughout.—Apply Davie 1 Wilkins, and Co., Albert Chambers, High-street. 953 To Let, 44, Upper George-street, Cathays, 9s weekly (all X rates paid by landlord).-Inquire 178, Catha.Y8-terrace, Cardiff. 895 To Let, No. 98. Llandaff-road; moderate rent; bath gas; redecorated.-Apply 34, Alexandra-road. 705 v, ILLA Residence in Llandaff-road to Let all modern conveniences low rent,-Apply 51. Queen-street. 704 INDSOK-road, Maud-street, and Partridge-road. Rent inod.erate.—Apply Mr John Jenkins, 10, West- gate-street, Cardiff. 7 W- OODVILLE-road and Redlaver-street, nvenient Villas Penarth-road, 12-roomed house, suitable for 11od¡in¡B.-DaTid, St. John's Chambers, Cardiff. C4 *98, Elm-street. Large garden., stables, and coach-house O at rear. Rent. 16?.—Apply, after 6 p.m., 13, Glenroy-st. 13, Romiily-crseseent, newly decorated plpasantly ,I.. situated near Park: hot and cold bath ? ^bus passes door.—Gibbs. Partridge-road. Cardiff. 841 CO !,t. -KiiSaSflMS PRInS"b A large House aud Soap to t, corner of the two main streets of Cardiff lease can he had suitable for grocers, hoemakers, clubs, wh01esale beer, pawnshop, or any business required. Write H. 992, Echo," Cardiff. 992 BAKEHOUSE, with trough, to Ler,-Apply 70, Elm. street, Roath, Cardio. 684 I^IRST-Class Photogiaphic Studio and Accessories to Let, with 4 rooms.—Apply 217, Bute-road, Cardiff. 533 JOCK-up Shop, back room and cellar, suitable good-class ,j business neal" Station, west central, Peuarth -Spced, House Agent. Penarth. 10_ AIEWPORT.-TO be Let, Suite of Ollices tour rüon.s anO 1. Lavatory; centrally situated iu Tredegar-phce.- PMtic:¡1:J.rs of Manager, "Daily News" Office. Newport. 380 I:>ENARTH.-To Let, Hauee and hop, would snit dress- maker good locality.—73, Windsor-road, Penarth. 857 \1 HOP, House, and Stabling for 6 horses or stabling and ..2. coachhouse Ioors, Cardiff.-Apply 16, Charles-street. SPACIOUS Warehouse to Let. adjosning Goods Station. I::) Cardiff, also Stables, Coach-house, and Yal'd.-Pow..l1 and Roach, St. Joho'8-qurt.e. 46 HP' J'et, a lock-up Shop good opening for watchmaker.- 59, Lower Cathedral-road, Riverside. 906 To Let, with immediate p<essi a large Stable and Coachhouse, situate in the centre of Cardlff.. -A pply W. G. Latty, Auctioneer, Cardiff. 75o 1"1"0 be Let, November 22nd, large Business Premises: -*• suit any busiuess best position adjoining railway ?j.aj''0!1 Sates, Pontypridd.—For particulars, &c., apply Job Williams, 67, Richard-street, Graig, Pontypridd. 203e 1"1'10 Let. House and- Shop, 32. Alice-street, Docks,- Fo"i- Jt further particulars apply Mrs Thomas, King's Head, Walnut Tree. 640 '10 Let., Booms as Offices, above SO'lth Wales Daily JL News" Office, St. liIary-street.-Apply "Daily News," Cardiff. l00e USEFUL Shoeing and Jobbing Smithy to Let at Pont- lott,yn.-Apply per50nally to Wm. Jones, Butc1wr, Merchant-street, Pontlottyn. 891 'i T AiiD, with Stable and Workshop, to Let at endOf i:;eptem beL-Apply J. Ransom, Violet-row, near A tl).. Roath, 762 J?fH 8Ai,Ji:-Hor?Ks I".t. Sit.11: (' ( CAERPHILLY.—For Sale, close hy station, Dwelling- V7 honse and Shop. suitable for coffe tavern, fruit, etc. -=-,1)¡Y Bronliys. Caerphilly. 519 "iOR Kouse in Bancor-street, Roath, tenanted. JL Also nonse in Brecon-street, Roath Park seven rooms, bath, w.c., back entrance, walls coloured. Prices very reasonabie.-FuJl particulars Knox and Weds, Con. r<ctors, Bangor-stteet: or Wells, IJrecon-st., Roath Park. J^OR Sale, che ap, Pour well-built Houses in ;:ood-ï;tti;g <1icrict: wdl tenauted perpetual lee.-Apply Emery,][45, Lyne-r0ad, Newport. 211e I?OR Sale, large 8h;p;¡t,0,1;f;¡:g-ocei'}' business, with private house adjoining new district: good business anticipated.-Z 792, Echo," Cardiff. 792 I-?or: Sale, cheap, two Workmen's Cottages price £ 600 Ji- 999 years' lease £ 160 can remain on mortgagp,- N. 480, Echo" Office, Cardiff. 480 IOR Sale No. 27, WindAor-place.-Fr¡r terms, inc.. and application to view, apply to W. C. Clarke Dovey, 31, Queen-street, Cardiff. 717e 1, -J.. Ol:J.-3F;Sir- Sale in Bangor-road, Roath Park double- h bay, fopr bedrooms, bath-room (hot, co1d w¡¡,ter), greenhouse, latest in,provcments.-Apply 34, Bangor-road, Cardiff. 81t MOUSE and Shop for Sale, w¡Ú;vihot stock ,Jl leadmg thoroughfare III growmg district two e,nte-=-Apy 19, Splott-road. £ 95 RESIDENCE—To be sold, a commodious and weIl- l. arranged Family Residence in Park-place, Cardiff, conbtining spacious drawing, dining, and breakfast-rooms, seveu bedrooms, bathroom, and the usual offices semi. detached frout.rwe y: feet, depth 150 feet: low ground renL-Apply "South WaJes Daily News' Office, 105, St., Mary-street, Cardiff. 797e rjpwo Ctt:;gest:he sold in Lower Station-terrace: 8 Jt rooms iJ1 good c?ndition.-Apply 16, Lower Station- terrace, Cardiff. 885 WANTED to Purchase House, three bedrooms. Roath or Cathays moderate price.—T., 949, Echo Office, Cardiff. 53 \\7ELL-Built Corner House, near Mackintosh Institute, v four bedrooms, hot and cold bath, lavatory.—Write B £ 73, "Echo Office. Cardiff. 573 I!OlliSE!<i.tc.. WANTEII. \\J ANTED too Purchase 0. He m Rawd6a-place, Ryder, T » Hamilton, Talbot,streets, or Pla.¡;turtün.avemle.- Apply L. Hart. Ty Glwvd, Llandaff. 830 WANTED to Purchase II small House and Estate ,t' Ag2ncy Business, or goon Insurance 13uinf'ss.- Apply C. 831, Echo" Oiffce, Cardiff. 831 \¡Ù ANTED, safe Coal-yard ¡],nd-8ta:bi;eigl;bõhootl of > V Canton renõ must be moderate.-Write F. 848, Echo." Ca.rdi"«7: f48 «S:SSS5»SKS FO IT enI.ŒU,L. ("COFFEE Tavern, with or without oven, including Sweet. J and Tobacco Business, for Disposal; very reasouahle price.—10, Glebe-street, Penarth. 2130 Öo Disposal, Sweet and Confectionery Busiuess: a r har¡¡ain.-Apply 11, Wood-street, Cardiff. 960 0- LD-E;t-bïbhed Retail Business flourishing country town profihs about £ 5 week1: 1),ComlDg £ 12u.— WilmshursL & Holmes, Quay-street. Cardiit. P- OWE-i,L, Roach, and Co's ReistEr 0f Business, Hoteh, and Houses free on app1icu.tion.-Temple Chambers, 8, St.. John,stteet, C'1.rùW'. 592 l'IJn.H; nOIJSI. ABSOLUTELY Free, Fully-licensed House grand A corner posit ion: 3 entrances: takings nearly £ 1,200 annually lease, furniture, fittings, £ 500.—Duke, Bristol. A-k-T Duk«. Hotel Biokftrs, -21, Bridge-street, Selected List of Licensed Houses, town and country, sent 1J0st free. £ 08 A BERDARE.—Perfectly Free Double-licensed to Let XJL long lease only £ 550 cheapest house ever offered. -Gm, 119, St.,M:ary-street., Cardiff. 605e CCEiS'TRE of Cardiff.—Free Double-licensed House ta J Let: 10Dg lease; low rent: couhter trade.-W. Gill, above address. 605e FOR Pale. Old-established free double-licensed Hotel, with adjoining houses in centre of Aberdare one of best-known in town hvo miuuteR walk from bo'h stations: Fplendid opportunity tor energetic busmess m3D.-Apply George G. Jones, A uctioncer, Aberdare. 501 Tt 'IIASONS' Arms, Hirwain.-To Let, Double-licensed 1'9' luse.-A¡:¡pj,. Trecynon Brewery, Aberdare. 987 MERTHYR.—Well-known Hotel to Let. fixtures und H tlOO; no goodwiIl.-PoweU, Roach and Co" St. Joiin's-square, Cardiff. 946 MONMOUTHSHIRE — £ 453 wi1l take most handsome l'.i Free Country Double-licensed Publichouse and about 20 acresoÎ land.—Gill, above address. 6989 NEAR Cardiff. One of th-b-t, Free Country Double- .1. licensed Houses ever offered low ingoing long lease. -Gill, above address, 6989 "]C["EWPORT.—One of the best Double-licensed Houses 1.1 ever offered: proof trade, £ 30 weekly onlv £ 300.—W. Gill, above address. 6989 ROATH, Cardiff.-To Let, one of the best Double- licensed Houses in this imp0rtant district tied only for fresh beer.-Apply personallr W. Gill, as above. 6989 SPLENDID Public, paying £ 75 monthlYd.ught beers ulone. one tenant seven years: death cause sale can be bought cheap.Dltke. r|X> Let, Cardif fDocks, cheapest Don ble.licensed House JL ever offered; lon lease; low reut; exceptijnai ¡)PP1ity.-=-iH, above address. 6989 VALUATION Only.—Country Market Inn, taking £ 30 weekly magnificent warden, 1± acre, stabliug tenant six years.-Duke, Bridge-street, Biistol. <•150.—Pretty Roadside Public, five miles from Bristol, in dVI great colliery district same hands 30 years: capital gardelJ.-1)uke, Valuer. Bristol. .WM*I4.'AS. BANJO Studios, Adamsdown-square thorough tuition by R. Allen, author highly popular Danse Bonb jn. 1st, 2nd, banjo and piano, 2s. 664 BEAUTIFUL Violin, good tone, wilh case, bow, aod tutor, 215, carriage paid, genuine bargain.—W. Groundwater, 5, Oldfield-road. 8alford. 976 American Organ, 8 stops, £ 10 lOa. nearly new; original cost, £ 21 approval with pleasure.-Freed- man, 7, Castle-street, Swausea. 176e J70R Sale, Piano, in excellent condition almost new.— IT Apply 28, Cojan-terrace, Miskin-st, Cathays, Cardiff. /"GENTLEMAN going abroad wishes to dispose of Piano /"GENTLEMAN going abroad wishes to dispol>ZiPil1n; vX (by Kirkman), cost £ 50, will accept any rea.so11ab1e offer.—B 875, Echo," Cardiff. 376 HARMONIUMS, Pianos, Organs. Sc., on the Hire Pur cliase S3'stem.-Atlas Furnisbing Company, Ltd.- Hayes, Cardiff 41e MR A. C. Toone (late organist Tredegarville Chapel) is open to deputise for organists. Vacancies for pupils ou pianoforte and violin.—8, Edward-place, C:1rdilf. 812 PIANOS.-Mal(n¡fient upright Grand Pianoforte, brass tuning nlate, trichord throughout, iron frame Hst, 35 guineas Wiliiams's price, £ 19 12s 6d.—14, High-st. 612e R' -OATÍC Music -Amy.-Orl(an,-Pia.nõiO;:te.-Vli: Singing, and Theoretical knowledge effimently taLght. Next Term Sept, 17th.—Thatcher, 63, Newport-road. 959 rTCO Music Sellc8, Teachers, Schools.—Removal Clearance JL Sale. Several thousand copyright Songs, SoloR, Vaises, etc., 7s 6d hundred. Sample dozen (42s worth post free), Is 7 £ d.—T. C. Turner and Co., Henbury. near Bristol. WANTED, a Female Pii;tth.t can sig well must produce first-class references.-Apply Mrs Turner, Black Liou, Mert,hyr. 53 VS7ANTED, Lady Pianisl,, good singer and wil1mg to VI make herself useful: goad references necessary.- Apply Mrs Jenkins, Tondu Hotel, Tondu. 827 IS7ANTED, Bandmaster (cornet player) for Blaen Yv rbondda Temperance Brass Band.—Apply at once, stating terms, Johns, 80, Brook-street, Blaenrhondda. 663 In\"()!ÆS. TKICVCillH d'e. ALLDAY'S Celebrated Cycles.—Buy from the Manu- facturer direct, and ,jave age its' profits. Call and lllspoct our Magnificent Steck of Pneumatics and Cushions. Special low cut lines, Cash or Easy P3;vrnents, Large Stock of Accessories.—South W <tIes Depot, 84, Queen-street, Cardiff. 216e ABSOLUTE Clearance: 14 solid-tyre Bicycles. Will take back any timo in exchange. Send P.O. 15s, full address, and size required.—Morris Bios., Pontypiidd 27e Pneumatic detachable tyres: balls all OTer "ery light, £ 7.—40, Bute-street, Cardiff. 681 C1YOLES.—Clearance of Stock prior to removal. Several > Second-hand Macbiues and AccessorIes at greatly- reduced prices and Onions' Pneumatic Engineer- iJJg20,)()u_th Wales Depot, 84, Queen-street, Cardiff. 216e I 1YCLE Bargains. Final Sale. 21 days only. Our entire V Stock must, be cleared by September 29th. Pneumatic and cusbiou-tyre Safeties, new and second-hand, sacrifice at what offers. Lamps, bells, and accessories at clearalJc prices. Hepairs "s usual.-Parry, Westgate-street, Cardiff. OR Sale, a Jamas" Dunlop Pneumatic Bicycle sound condition.-19" Flannel-street, Abergavenny. 674 (C IRL'S Bicycle for sale, or suit boy: splendid condition; SX cash 45s ball bear¡ngs.-Woodruœ, 1, Meteor-street, ath (near Infirmary). 553 REPAIRS, enamelling, plating also tyres, on shortest notice for tbe Trade,-Morris Bros., Pontypridd. t> FPAIRS—All go to Morris Bros. ,po!lt:vpmld- No jüh too difficult, no iob too smal1. Don't forget.27e X> EPAIRS of auy kindto Pneumatic Tyr5, or Repairing -5- Outfits 14 stamps. Puncture Proof Bands, aud how to tix, post free 93 6d.—Morris Bros., Pontypridd. REPAIRERS (Oiffcial* to the L.T.C. and allleadi;¡;¡ riders.-Morrig Bros., Cycle Works, Pontypridd. Q AFETY, splendid Pneumatic, balls everywhere, tangent wheels, detachable tyres takeu for debt: £ 20 I11ine, £ 8 pproval.-D 70, Echo," Cardiff. 70 ^AFETIES, bargains, from £ 3 Cushion, new, £ 7 Dun- lop's, £ 7 10s. £ 11 271bs. £ 14 guaranteed 12 months. JIolmesd,.le.street, Grange. 27 (Rover), solid tyre, price £ 2 10=:: good order wheels,6 and 30 inches,Apply 26, Newport-street., (}[]p;, Cardiff 698 S AFETY Lady's Mackintosh Detachable Pneum&tic balls throughout, unsoiled, £ 9, worth £22.-Ladie!" Safety, South Wales Daiiy News" Office, Cardiff. 612 SAFETY Pneumatic, Humber pattern. Diamond, un- soiled, ball head, balls everywhere, £ 7, wortb £ 20.— Apply Humber, South Wales Daily News" Office, Ca.rrti1f. SAFETY 1894 Dunlop Pneumatic, by the Quadrant Cycle Co., unsoiled. £ 10 10s. cost £ 26.—Dunlop "Daily News Office, Cardiff. 610 ^AFETIES —Bargains I Bargains Bargains atR.War- O rilows Cycle Worka, 293, Bute-street, Cardiff. Best and cheapest in the wor'd. Writ e for list.—293, Bute-street, Cardi1f. 815 rpHE John Griffiths Cycle Corporation, Limited (late W. X H. Davies & r0.|, 57, Queen-street. Cardiff. l°f>i r"SC]IE John Griffiths Cycle Corporation, Limited (late V. JL K. Davies & Co.), 57. Queer.-st.reet, OardiS 108e rjCHt-: John Griffiths Cycle Corporation, Limited (late X H. Davies & Co ), 57 Queen-street. Cardiff. 108 rpHK John Griffiths Uvcle CoratlonLiIDited (late W X H. Davies _&_()7..3éuen-street,.Qardi 108e_ rgCHE John Griffiths Cycle Corporation, Limited (iate W. X H. Davies & Co.), 57, Queen-street, Cardiff IQSe ffCHE John Griffiths Cycle Corporation, Limited (late W. X H. Daviesjc Co.), 57, Queen-street, Cardiff. 108e rilHE John Griffiths Cycle Corporation. Limited (late W X H. Davies & Co.), 57, Qusen-street, Cardiff. 108e rspHE John Griffiths Cycle Corporation, Limited (late W. X H. Davies & Co.), 57, Queen-street Cardiff. 103e rpHE John Griffiths Cycle Corporation, Limited (late W. X H. Davies & ';0.), 57, Qneen-snreet. Cardiff. 168e rsCHE John Griffiths Cycle Corporation Limited flate W. X H. Davies & Co.), 57, Queen-street-, Cardiff.—Largest Dealers b Cycies in the World.-Oall and see the Humber lacer for 1894 fitted with the new racing tyre. One of the cycle booms for 189 is the Dew Rudge Road Racers, and meers of winch we hold a large ftock. Special facilities for crrying on large Repairing and Plating trade. Also Role District Agents for the Sioger Cycle Co" the Keferee Cycle Co., the Quadrant Cycle Ce., Warnian and Hazlewood, and other celebrated makers. Cycles for hire. Correspon deuce solicited, which will h:1\'e immediate attention. In- tending purchasers are urged to place their orders at oncp to obtain delivery for Easter and Whi'sun. Largest Dis- counts for Cash. or on easy terms. We have some great bargains in Second-hand Cycles which we will clear for cash at phenomenal bargains to the first comers. The Singer Mode'e de Luxe Light Roadster Safety for 1894 is a mar- vel of beauty. Ask to see the New Pattern Quadran' Road Racer. 108? rpo Racing Men and Tourists.—Write for our illustrated X list of the famous Defiance Cycles, which are the fastest cycles for road and path, a ridden by lllhe cracks of Wales. Uepairs promply attended to at modernte ch¡¡,r¡¡es. Large quantity of Sf>f)Gnd-h,od safetles always m stock. Lists tree. — Arthur Williams and Company, Peliance Cycle Works. Glanamman. 394e T'OIECIXS. c. A Mule, Coal Cart, and Harness, Coal Machine and Baskets; £ 9 103 lot. Also, Fish Cart and Harness, £ 7 10s.—3, Penypeel-road, Canton. 551 ROUGHAM. PrincvsR CartTsurreFCart, 2-wheel Van. Brake; seat 15). also baker's Covered Truck.—Glover, Lewis-street, Canton, Cardiff. 903 17*011 Sale, 2 strong Traps, suit butcher or grocer also 3 j1 pleasure traps: and 1 neariy new trap, cost 32 guineas 6 months ago/will take £17 10s: and 6 sets of harness: che.ap.—32, Elm-street, Roath. 951 i^OR Sale, Pleasure Trap, suit pony 12 to 13 hands very JL strong no further use,—M. Johns, Pwllgwaun Shop, Pontypridd. 224e Sale, stviish Dogcart, nearly new, suit gentleman, cob Rize. 132 to 15 hands: aiso new set bra5S mounted brown leather harness sell together or separate.—Docket, Clifion-street, Cardiff. 17*OR Sale, st J. Cover's Yard, Wharton-street, Cardiff X' 4 new Spring Trucks, 2 new hauling Carts, 2 dozen navvy Barrows. 670 FOR Sale, nearly new Surrey cted blue, cloth cushions, brass lamps and fittioss, foot rest, and indiarubber mats; in capital condition; suit cob 13.2.— Apply Fuller Birtel! & Co., Hope-street, Cardiff. 125e LIGHT Trap and Harness for sale cheap, suit cob 13 to 14 hands.—Apply 2, Romilly-crescent. Canton, Cardiff. SOLD, cheap, good second-hand Delivery Trap, also light Tipoart: both suit cob 14 haials.—Thompson, Cross- srret, Newport. 201e rpHE Property of Different Gentlemen.—Second-hand X Dog-trap, equal to new Pony Trap, Pony C arriage, Gig. Stanhope, Parisian Phaeton, second-hand Lanaauc- Carlton Mews, Cathedral-road, Cardiff. 860 TO be Sold,a bargain, aLicensed Brougham Hansom.with JL Horse and Harness a good tunlollt; owner selling on account of bad health —Apply 84, HOUSES. STOCK. «Ve Bargain.—Horse-Pony, 12~hands, 7^years, warrarted quiet to ride or drive and sound, with Flat Cart and Harness trial allowed price £ 10.—Mrs Hopkins, Green- grocer, Caerleon. Newport. J8 BAY Cob, 14.2 Spring Cart and Harness suitb-iarding- master or grocer lot £ 12. Also Pony, A-2. quiet in harness, sound, B8: together or separate. 22. Tunnel, Queen-street, Cardiff. AY Pony, T3 hands, good worker, with butcher's Trap and Harness, £ 16; several other traps.-21. Topaz- street, Roath, Cardiff. BARGAIN.—Blick Horse, quiet and good worker suit trap or hauling, price £ 8 triil allowed. Apply lo. Windsor-street, Caerphiily. 851 B AIK^AINT—To Hauliers. Farmers^ and Others. Black Jt.) Mare. 15 hands, six years, warranted quiet and staunch worker in shafts or chains Harness to suit: £ 10 10j.— Merchant, East Usk-side, Newport. i>LACK Retriever Dog. two years old, splendid com- y pinion and excellent house guard, only iOS a decided b1>r;p.in.-Richards, Ironmonger, Penrhiwc.e.- CART Horse, Lyon, 16 hands, of two tons suit stone or timber hauling warranted sound aud staunch worker also Tip-cart and Harness, together or separate —17, Millicent-street, Cardiff. 1 CCHEAP Lot, Cob, Cart, Harness suit greengrocer or J 6-hmocger. Also Business Trap, cheap.—Apply 23, Leekwith-road, Canton, Cardiff. 531 CCOB Harness, suit 14 to 15 hands: very massive cost J £ 5 10s. will take £ 3 10s." send on approval; never used. —Park, Pontymister. 754 CC YMRO, excellent Fox Terrier: (food rabbiter, ratter, J and fond of gun good courser winner of stake 15s. —Pritchard, Trebanog. Porth. 42 }7*OR Sale, a handsome bay Cob, 13^, rising 4, quiet to ride and drive in single or doubi harness, or would exchange for a nseful canhorse about 16 hands_-App!¿ J. Jeffs Old Farm, Dir.as Powis^ 33 Sale, a handsome Sable Collfe Dog: suit lady or jr gentleman; one of the bravest dogs living; no rub- bish 25s- Evans. Wheelwright, &c.. Caerphilly. 969 t70R Sale, small Pony, spring Cart and Harness £12 X the bt.-Apply 2, Canal-parade, Cardiff. 939 )T^OR Sale, Pony, 13 hands wwyant-cd sound; good ? worker.—Apply Harrington, £ 5, Broadway, Roath, 910 FOR Sale. Pony, 7 years, 12 hands, £ 8,—W. J. Breese, JL' Red Cow, Merthyr. S64 SALE, handsome chestnut Pony, 13-2, six years warranted sound, quiet in harness or saddle, very fast, with good action, with eplendid new Trap and Harness, suitable for pleasure or business sell together or separate; £ 17.—Avery, East Usk-road, Newport. J84e SENT in for sale (the property of a gentleman), a Roan Cob Geldmg; 7 years, 14 hands; quiet to ride and drive: with excellent manners, and good l00kinl!A. Phillips, 139, Severn-road. CORE Shoulders, Sore Backs, &c., Quickly Cured by lO Condy's Fluid. Veterinary book free from 83, Turnmill- street, E.C. Horses suffering from wounds, cuts, bruises, hroken knees, cracked heels, grease, or thrush cured in a few hours by bathing the parts affected with Condy's Fluid (diluted). It makes the hair grow whers rubbed off. Prices 8oz. Is. 20oz. 2s, of all chemists. 699e S- PLENDID Bargain for Greengrocers. Fish or Coal Havkers.—Handsome bay Horse Pony, 13-2, si V years (warranted sound, quiet, and good worker), with new long Flat Cart and Harness: wiil sell together or separate price £ 13.—Avery,;East Usk-road, Newport. 231e VE 1 ERINARY Book Free. containing full directions or T Curing Diseases of Horses, Dogs, from Condy's Fluid Wo^^83^T^irnmill^tre^Lwdi™C^6S9e_ I'OO JLTItV. PlfiEOSS. «&C ANTAMS.—Grand stockl^disposa!7^j^5red"srDuck- JD wings. Piles, and Malays, including first Derby and several other wmners inSpectlon mVlued.-For particulars and price apply Pendlebury. 31, Bertram-st., Roath. Cardiff. BLUE-fronted Amazon Parrot commencing to talk, with new drawing-room cage, 50s: cheap at £ 5.—42, Scott- street, Cardiff. 958 CATCH Birds Alive.—Improved self-acting spring Net Traps, Is 3d, free. A purchaser says "With your trap I caught 2 golclfiuches, 4 linnets before breakfast." Thousands sold.-H. Knights/yarmuuth. 9 FOR Sale, grand lot of fancy Rabbits, all bred from Jf winners lops, Belgi um hares, Polish silvers.—Write D. 602. Echo," Cardiff. 602 FOR Sale, 5 large single-comb Orpington Hens (1893 JL' birds). 25s 15 White Leghorn Pullets (May), from splendid strain, 3s each also several cockerels cheap.— Harris, 138, Dumfries-street. Treorky. 502 GRAND young Cock Goldfinches, caught oyer a month, vTT coming in song, 2s each, three for 5s; fine singing Linnets 9d each, three for 2s.—Davies, Hairdresser, 4$, Frederick-street, Cardiff. 854 Frederick-street, Cardiff. 854 MUST be Sold a great bargain, the space required a Moveable Fowls' Run and Coop.—Apply 53, The Parade, Cardiff. 634 VT ORWICH Canaries, crested and plain-head, in song, 1. from 6s to 25s dark Goldfinch Mules, in song, 7s 6d light Mules for exhibiting, sure prize winners, 3Cs and 40s each.—Lloyd, Mountain Ash. 777 ARRANTED Cock Goldfinches, In 6d. three for 4s: Cock Linnets 9d, three for Is 6d Birdlime, grand stuff. 8d box free; Goldfinch Cages, Is. graud make. Trade supplied.—Thomas, Bird Dealer, Neath. 736 AR RAN'TEi:/ Redd^easr Coclc Linnets, 6d each if packed 3d extra.—Walter Wood, 8, Cecil-street, Broadway, Roath. Cardiff. b9S HKXIHKK. BARGAIN.—Soiid mahogany frame Suite in hair, com- prising spring-seated couch, 5 chairs, gent's easy cbair, and lady's ditto, spring-seated, cash £ 5.—Woodruff, 1, Meteor-street, Roath (near Infirmary). 552 CCONTENTS of 2 Offices foTsale. bargain:-3 mahogany J deks, wit,h drawers, leather top; 2 miWognny screw chairs, 2 mahogany easy chairs, in leather 1 office table, leather top 40 square yards of linoleum.—Harries, 8, Cyril- crescent, Broadway, Cardiff. 815 XTRAOl^IN^Rif Bargains This Day.—350 Retire Brasses, 2s 6d, 2s lid, 3s 6d, complete. 109 Brass-rail Fenders, 3s 6d, 3s lid, 5s 6d.—Harris, Emporium. 560 XTRAORDfNARY "Bargains Yiiis Day.—Draw ng- room Cabinet, bevelled plates in back, useful cup- board. 24s. Bamboo Overmantel, 9s 6d.—See Harris's Magnificent Display. S59 XTRAORDINARY Bargains This Day.—Music Stools, patent sciew, upholstered in real leather, 5s lid, 6s 6d, 7s 90., 85 lid. Fancy Chairs, 2s lid, 3s URNTTtJRE"of-every-description select from, on the Hire System stnctly privaet. The Largest Premises and Stock out of London.—Atlas Furnishing Company .Limited. Ibyes,Ca.rdllI. e EDESTAL~Writing TablesTwith 9 drawers, for 37s 6d.— .t- Williams's, High-street. 612e SECOND-hand Furniture bought in large or small lots cash at once.—Apply Cyril Second-hand Furniture Stores, 12, Broadway, Cardiff. 7 THE Globe FnrniBhers. 19, Custom House-street, for cash or easy payments. 847 THE Globe Furnishers. 19, Custom House-street, for quality and cheapness. — £ 47 THE Globe Furnishers, 19, Custom House-street, for valu9 we keep no rub'uisip 847 THE Globe Furnishers, 19, Custom House-street, invite comparison iu prices before purchasing elsewhere. 847 tBURNISH on our new hire ilire iSysLem. Houses or A artments completely furnished op a new system adopted solely by us, whereby all publicity, exposure, and nquiries usually made by other companies are dispensed with. We have an immense IItoele of Household Furniture hot cheap and superior quality. Aitgooda sold on the Hire System at ready-money prices. (J naké no extra charge for credit, and all goods sent home in a private van free (,if charge. No stamp or agrcenleDt charges made no biJ1 ui sale; everything private. Arrangements completed without delay, and, being iiianufaouirers, we guarnntee quality and will undertake to supply furniture, etc., at 10 per cent. less than any pliee-hst IBsusd by any firm in Cardiff. Eleven showrooms. Call and inspect our im- mense stock, and compare prices before purchasing else- where. We will supply £ 6 worth for 2s 6d weekly £ 10 worth, 4s weekly £15 worth for 5s weekly £20 worth, 6s weekly, and so 011 ,11 proportion. Special terms for larger quantities. Please note the address :—Sontli Wales Furnishing Company 31, Castle-street (opposite the Castle), Cardiff BOMESTJC AKXICIES. MANGLES. Washing Machines Sewing Machines on the Hire System.—Atlas Fur ishing Company Ltd. Hayes Cardiff 41e MANGLES.—A first-clars full Size warranted Mangle for 35s —Williams's, High street 612e PERAMBLTLATORS Perainbulators and Mail-carts are now, clearing at less than High-street. PERAMBULATORS Mail C'arts on the Hire System. Atlas Furnishing Company. Ltd. Hayes Cardiff. 41e OINGER (improved system) Hand Sewing Machine, with o cover, latest improvements cost £5 5s; sell 1:.78 6d owner removing sent securely packed on approva 1 to any address.—Write Q 525, Echo," Cardiff. 52tJ iiEFT-OFF nornixt, LADIES', Gentlemen's, Children's Left-off Clothing JLJ Bought.—Mrs Rich. 57, Castie-road, Cardiff. Good prices. Orders punctually attended to. Furniture bought. MRS D. Gorcsn, 7 and 8, Bridge-street, 31,33, Wyndham- arcade, Cardiff. Purchaser Ladies', Gent* w ««'s, and C'^ildron's Wardrobes. Established 1859. fCtHr. SAI.i:«IS< EIXAHEOfS. A Barg:Ün.-Couoter and Fittings, suitable for coffee taer °; refreshment bu"ines"-App!y 103, Commer- cial-road, Newport. 232e ,4 LWAYS Best and Cheapest.—FILelstone's, the popular 1. Cardiff Pawnbroker, â, Co.lp-roa.d. Roath,Ca.rdiff. ALWAYS Best and 22ct. Wed- ding Rings. 3dwt.. 15s: 4dwt. 205. 50Se ALWAYS Best and Cheapest.—Fligelstone's Gent's solid Gold Signet RiGgs, wonr1nrful value. 3s 6d. 5081" ALWAYS Best and Cb-ep-st.-Fhgilitoe 5 Lady's 5-stone Brilliant Diamond Rings, 18ct. O11ly 25s, 598e ALWAYS Best and £;heape8t.-Fligelstane's Silver Eng- lish Lever. by Wright, Coventry, cast 5 gs., Oilly 50s. ALWAYS Best and Chea¡:rest.-Fl1gelstone's fo. Gold and Silver Watches. Bes house in Cardiff. All makers. A- L'VAYSBt-;nd Cheape;-¡t_-FUge1stones 18t. Eng- lish Gold Lever, cost £ 20, only 8 guineas value AI. A]:-WAYRBp3t and Cheapest.—Fligelstone's Silver Eng- lish Levor.b- Benson, London, post 5 guineas, only 458. ALWAYS j;esb and Uhtnpes:.—Fligelstone's Lady's superior ISct. Gold Watch, only 35a: 5 vears' warranty. ALWAYS Best andCheapest.— Fligelstcne's Lady's hand- some Gold Watch, cost 4 guineas, only 21s qufoenew. ALWAYS Best and Cheapes* Fligelstone's Gent's f'o 1 id Gold Cur,) Albert, hall-rr^rfcerl every link, only 4Ss. AI. W A \:cSE-t'd'ch-¡:wst.=FÜg=1Š-iO"tW'S RighestpriC;; 00 Gold and Silver. Over £ 2 4d in thei. interest. ALWAYS Best and Cheapest.—Fligelstone s Large 8-day .1. Walnut Clock; splendid bargain. 12s 6d. 50Se A- LW lest and Cheapest.—Fligelstone's Hundreds Of no presents competition defied A 1 value. 508e k LWAYS F-et-d Cheapest.—Fligelstone s Men's Suits, -ra. 10s ld Fancy Tweeds, 12s lid; Black Worsted. 16s lld AL W A Y8 Best aud Cl1eapest. Fligelstone's Heal "Welsh Flanuel Men's fwl size Shins, 3s lid Men's Drawers, lslOd. 508 ALWAYS Best and for Trousers. Our nottd bell bottom, 4s lld. Best value in Cardiff.508e ALWAYS Best and Trousers, 2s lld, 35 lld. 48 lId, 55 lId. See our windows for cords a .id moles. 508 ALWAYS Be;t and Cheapest. Fligelstone's Black Viinnia Coat and Vest, 12s 6d: black worsted. 10s lid erges, 75 iJd. 508e ALL Nol Address: FligelstoDe, Popular Pawnbroker, Jeweller, and Clothier, 22, Castle-road, Cardiff. Bstab- lished 50 years. 50Se A-G'Si1ver English Lever, 25- warranted. Lady's Hilver Watch. 10s. guarolnteed the best value ever advertised.- Barnett's Emporium. 519 4 Gent's lJ:\ndsoriiond Cluster Ring (21 :fjebrl1- Hants), £ 15 unredeemed pledge, at Harnett's, Caro- line-street. 549 A Gent's Chronograph Stop Watch, beautifully finished aciion, in 18-earat Hall-marked case: £ 11, cost double. I — f; 1!tt s, Caroline-street. 549 A Gent's magnificent Sigle-S tone Brilliant Ring, cost 25 ¡ guineas forfeited pledge £15.-Barnett's Empo- rmm, 6. C&roline-gtreet- 549 A siÍJ-ëbi Wht Coventry, fully jewelled, war- ranted 10 years, cost 6 guineas, almost new 525 6d.— Barnett's Ernpc>rium. 549 A Lady's Gold Chain, weighs over 2oz., together with handsome Gold Keyless Watch: genuine bargain. £ 6. Caroline-street. 59 ANSONIA Clock Cc. are the makers of Pirate Alarm I Clocks for the winter mornings. We are sa much in favour with the movements that we will guarantee for time and keep in repair 12 months Rnd only charge 4s. The I Alarms are gueranteed nf the best American make: 50 pc, cent. under shop prices.—Blai berg's Arcade, near Gas Works. 565e ANSONIA Clock Co Wrs.-Queen Elizabeth regla- tor, strike houis and haif-hours ou beautiful tone gong, 8 days, only 36s.—At Blaiberg's Arcade, near Gas Works. A NSONIA Clock Co. -One of their office or bar clocks, IrsL £ days, strike OD gonl", 17s 6d 12 months j1u:u-antee.- Bbioerg's Arcade. ANSONIA Clock Co. are the best makers. A large sup. pjy at Blaiberg's Arcade. AT Blaiberg's Arcade.—39s Feather Bed approval. 1 A T Blaiberg's Arca.de.-Millputf Bed3. AT Blaiberg's Arcade.—Railway Overcoats, 5s 10^d; approval. 4 or Blaiberg's hrcade.-Russell'3 Lever, only 70s ail- £ 3L prov,¡,1. A '1' ]1laiberg's Arcade.-Porfeited 100 Sliver Watches, 10s 6d each; approval by post. 1 AT Blaiberg's Arcade.—Expensive Gold Watcbes at low prices approval. -A- T Blaiberg's Arcade.—ISct. haif-loop Diamond Ring, 1 218 splendid engagement ring. TTBI¡beri's-AFë;de-8-ent's Single Stone, £ 6 £ approval. Pi T BJaiber¡;'s.-19s Ring, 22et., 3iawl. IpUTE Tailoring Co., 16. Bute-street.—Guaranteed best -lJ wearinc Trousers only 13s 6d. B-'UTE-i;¡I;¡i(CI;uttrèet.13S 6d 13s 6d 13s 6d 13s 6d Trousers t-o older. COAL.—Fill your cellar now, at 15s 3d per ton cash, de- livered.— O 434, Echo," Cardiff. 494 D- rAMON D liis ad tfro maker: great saving: cataloKUes free- Parkes, 46w, Warstone-Iane, Birmingham. 418 OEATHERS.—Purified Poultry Feathers, excellent L' quality, 8d per Ib.- Wlllrams's. High-street. 6i2e IOR Sle. new and second-hand Counters, Hand Trucks, Ladders, Steps, Clothes-posts, &c.-hiake. Cnthays Yard. Minister-st., or 31, Llanbleddian-gardens. Cardiff. 828 "ST'OR Sale, a goad Flonr Bin, strong, with two compart- X mer.ts.—Apply 138, Broadway, Cardiff. 717 FOR Sale, bargain, full-size set of Swings, patent brakes attached: to be seen in working order.— Pugh, Dairy, Porthcawi. 737 FOR Sale, Hammond Typewriter, nearly new, not, soiled cot £ 22.—For full particulars as to price, ic., write F. 36, Echo" Office, Civdiff. 36 GLASS Shades, ail sizes, for clocks, figures. &c. cheap. If Also Fish Globe8.-J, Cording, .Natur¡¡,list, 42, Itoyal Arcade, Cardiff. 711 /.ASS, Glass.—Received, cargo of 300,OCO feet of Win- <"dowGiass. 22s 6d per case,or cut to customers' measure- ments, 12s per 100 feet. Putty, 7s per cwt. Mixed paints, ments, 125 per 100 feet. Putty, 7s per cwt. Mixed paints, 2bs per cwt.—Davis and 8011,11. Queen-street, Cardiff. 103e C UN.—For Sale, Double-barrelled Breech-loading Gun, V5T 12-bore, left ban el choke sent three days on r.pproval. carriage paid; pice 55s.—Apply John .1enkins, Ponthir, Caerleon. 52 IRONBlÍldings- for Sale, new, to accommodate 200. 250, and 300 persons_-Apply H. C. Harris, Iron Building Manufacturer, 7 and 8, Idol-lane, London, E.C. 546 MANUFACTURERS' Remnants ia stuffs, calicoes, velvets, flannels, tee. 101 b. bundles cheap. Price list free_-W, Clarkson, Merchant, 41,Swair,e-street,Bradford.93 SUGAR-boiling Stove, large size, and pateut pouring I- plate (by Collier) for ôale.-Apply William Frank, juu., Cardiff. 884 1- 'ENiS.-Goverumeut Tents, equal to rew ori2ina.1 X cost, £ 10 selling at 33s: a few only left.-Atlas Furnishing Co., Hayes, Cardiff. 4le \\7ILL Sell cheap, Roll of Sheet Lead and Piping,—V. V Bishop, Marine Stores, Warwick-street, Saltmead, Cardiff, n't 10 Gallons rich new Milk to be had daily for twelve months, good security required.—Tuck, Holmes Farn, Lydney, Gio:1cst,ershire. 22e MA.CHIXERY. FOR Sale. a steam-fixed Crane with centre pillar, with reverisng motion and slewing gear by rack and pinion on bed plate; iron jlh 25 feet long, in splendid condition. On 15-incii Centre (cecond-hand) Gap,bod Screw-cutting Lathe, 151-feet bed, with all change wheel, and face plate. four 6peed coned overhead gear complete: splendid con- dition, Stem Winches and Hoists with or without boilers, all sizeB. A large stock of new and second-hand Irou Tanks suitable for oil and water.—Apply to Barrett and Co., East Dock, Cardiff. u_- 225e FOR Sale, a goodf3-speed Treadle Lathe; planed face"; owner no we. price £ 3; worth £ 7. —G. 850, Fcho Office," Cardiff. 850 1- ATHE.-Sp!endid Engineers' Bench Lathe, 2in. Jt centrt's. back gear, and slide lest: heavy build: cost £ 315s. price £ 2 5s. Another 3iin. gap bed, treadle, chucks, fcc. £ 4.—Mitchell. Sunmount, Tat.¡¡neld, i'óurrey. 7M 7-h.p. Portable Engiue (Hornsby), Portable Corn Mill best French stones, three-knife Chaffcutter chcap.- Gray. Miller, Caerleon, 864 WaS€EL £ .A.VS;«SIS WA XT*. C-E"iENT- Casks ;at¡d-i;-god condition full value J(iven.-For best quality Portland Cement, apply to Manufacturers, Cement Co., Penarth. 71Be WANTED, by resctable womau, few dozen of Plain Washing weekly moderate terms; good drying ground^WriteB5 £ ij^Echo^CardifL^ 583 !tIIS(jELLA.EO(r!Ol. A Williams, WtcbDJker and .Jeweller, Removed 2 doors below, next to Railway Bridge, Bute-street. The cheapest shop 10 tom) 585 A STROLOGY. — Marriage. The future foretold. Is x3L future partner described, seven stamps —Send birth- time and1 descrirJtion, Professor Oweo, 34, Norwich-road, Ipswich. 621 B1_ADD or Iron pms. cOMed. 9d per BTOSS post free.- The Drug and Dispensing Stores, I..td..Wolverhampton, IJOSTON Rubber Shoe Co. Established 1853. Make i beot quality and greatest variety Rubber Boots and Shoes. Ask your best shoemaker or write for Illustrated Catalogue and Price List to the Sole Consignee, A. J. Gordon, Tower Chambers, Moorgate-street, London. E.C. INCE, Silversmith, N;:pm:-t:glve8 highest prices for OJd Gold, Silver, Antique "00 Modern Silver, and Plated Goods, Diamonds, China. Curios.— Tredegar-pL. Newport. JEWELLERY, Watches. Watch Materials. Cutletv Electro-plate, Musical Instruments. Wholesale list post free.-Wri.¡¡ht. St. Luke's-road, Birmingham. 513 MATRIMONY.—When and whom to marry, descrip- tion and posi'ion future husband or wife, Is 6d one year's events. 15 6d 5 year,<, 3s 6d. Sex. birtbtime.-Prof. Lisle, 8, Sir George's-road, Freemantle, Southampton, 577 PHRENOLOGY. Health, Pursuits, Matrimony from Is. Prof. Cook, Blewetr-st., Newport. Come or send photos. PHRENOLOGY, Matrimony, Palmistry.—Right place ia life; from ls.-Prof. Allen, Castle-arcade, Cardiff. \"IT ATCH 10:8 Clocks and Jeweller on the Hire System If Atlas FurniRhilllr Compa.l:l7, Ltd .Haves Cardiff 41e u O\I;I J" OANS of £ 2 and upwards ranted to HOIl8êhoIdern J with bir treatDJent.-ADulr 8e.4. 56, Railway-street, Moors, Caidiff. 7S3 THE CAS T LEA D V A N C F. B A N K, 207, CASTLE-ROAD, CARDIFF. MONEY ADVANCED in largoe or 5maU amounts, on an entirely new system, WITHOUT SURETIES OR BONDSMEN. No enquiry fees charged. Re-payments to suit borrowers' convenience. Prompt attention to all applications. Trans- actions strictly private. Apply personally, or by lettu, to THE MANAGER, 536 207 _0:TL_E.D, CARDIFF. íONEY LENT~AT FIVE PER CENT U FROM £ 5 to £ 2,000. WHY pay more. when II. Private Gentleman is prepared to grallt Advances to Male or Female upon their PRO- YfISSOHY NOTE ALONE, in any part of England or Wales, without, loan office formalities NO BILL 0].' SALE OR SURETIES llEQUIRED. The advance can bc paid back by easy instalments, or can remain ant from 1 to 15 years bv paying tbe intereJ5t oniy Call or write to the actual Lender, WILFRED WILBERFORCE, ESQ., 11 Stroud Green-road. Fiusoury.park. London. N. A DVANCES ON EQUITABLE TERMS, THE NATIONAL MERCANTILE BANK, BALDWIN-STREET, BRISTOL The Directors of this old-established, well known Office, having large available funds. olfer unusual facilities to all respectable and trustworthy pereons who require either temporary or perDJ:1oneut a.5Bistaoce. Cash in amouuts from £ 23 to £ 3,000 is advanced in all parts of the Kingdom, without sureties, deiay, or publicity, and on the security only of the borrower's written promise to repay. These advances may be repaid by weekly, monthly, or quarterly instalments, extending ovcr a period of time convenient to the borrower; or the principal may remaio 50 long as the interest is paid. No Bills of Sale taken, and the transactions are llot pub- lished in any newspaper or Gazette. Apply, stating amount required, to Mr T. C, MILBTTRN General Manager. No1'7' ^^Ily advantageous terms for Loans on Lile W«vereions. "nd Secon \In.vacea 422e ARIAN arlog £ 3 i fyny heb na thratil na thrafferth galwer neu ysgrifenir at Sir H. Lewis, 67, Castle-road, Roath, Cardiff. S. 9 C.8H Aclva!lee5 mi.de to any amount promptly, prlTaejy J and at a fair rate of interest: distance no object.- Apply, by letter owy, w Mr C Lloyd. 24, Raglan-street, ewport. 766" MONEY at a fair rale of interest, advanced in any sums, without delay distauce r,o object.—Apply, by letter or personally, to W. Williams, Vine Cotoge, 1, Station-terrace. Pontypridd. ô7e MONEY I MONEY MONEY 1-£3 to £1 000 Advanced l'.L on Day of Application to al! respectable Borrowers, ia town or country, on Note of Hand uloue. Ko security required. Strictest privacy gn..ra.nteed,-Apply personally, or by leoter, to CENTRAL ADVANCE BANK. 158 O. WOOD-STREET, & 73, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. t *25 to £ 5,000 Lent Privateiv, m any part of town or country, to respectable people, on a Note of Hand alone, without Bondsmen or auy Security. Exceptionally Low Interest. Apply to H. THOMAS, Manager (Head Oiffce), Victori-v Chambers, 25, Bridge-street, Bristol. 12 £ 3, £ 5, £ 10, and upv. ards to £ 503 to lend; moderate in- terest weekly, fortnightly, or monthly repa.YIll8nt.s. Apply toO S. JAMES, 24, Clarence-street. Pontypool. 163e -«_.5 and upwards granted daily to householders, without ■"W sureties, no delay. no fees. and confidential. Apply, by letter or personally, to F Gould, 88, Poutmorlais. Merthyr Tydfil, 20, Caroline-street, Bridgend, and at 3, Friars P..rk. Lam^as-st, Carmarthen, 956e £ 3 to £ 30(1 Advanced to Householders without Delay.— APPLY to WALLACE and co 98, Oueeu-street, Cardiff (sideo entrance). Strict privacy distance no objection with or without Rcuri ties: easy repayments. ADVANCES MADE IN CASH NO CHEQUES GIVEN. Money Advanced in Town or Country. 9B9 PERSONS wishing to borrow uvney from £ 3 upwards in any part of South Wales or Monmouthshire, apply personally or by letter to S. Wilfred. 43. Overton-place, Abergavenny. Prompt attention guaranteed. 333e MONEY advanced to householders, cab proprietors, Ac., on their own security. No fees.—Apply Mr J. P. Thompson, 71, Adam-street, Cardiff. Established 8 years. Office hours :—10 till 7 Wednesdays, 10 till 2 90e ■ *75.000 to Lend bv the Southern Counties Depos t J* Bank. Limited, in sums of £ 10 to £ 500 on Note of Rand without sureties < n Furniture, Farming Stock, and- atl other persona' securities, without, removal. Easy repay, inents, distance uo object. All information given free— Apply, personally or by letter to the Manager, Mr Stanley Dowding, 1, Queen-square Bristol. 713 MONEIL Lent I.pon Note of Hand, without Bill of Sale or Sureties, as follows :— £25, repayable in 24 monthly instalments of 1.1 2 5 £50, „ 24 It B2410 £100, 24. £4 9 7 Larger sums in proportion. Strict privacy guaranteed. No commissions charged. Distance no object -Apply D. Williams, 15, York-road, Waterloo Bridge. London,S.E. 45ge i ° N K Y GRANTED DAILY, from B5 and Upwards, to th? Public generally. TRADE BILLS DISCOUNTED. Apply, personally or by letter. COMMERCIAL ADVANCE BANK, 19. QUAY-STREET. CARDIFF. H. GOLDMAN, Manager. 144e THE DIRECTORS of I S FIELDING AND CO (LIMITED Advance Dailv StL<18 froo, Method of Business: FAIR INTEREST. EASY REPAYMENTS. NO DELAY. No ."CRETINS TRADE BILLS DISCOUNTED. Prospectus and Parucuiars Fee-e. Apply at either Address?* be low :— Head Office: THE HAYES BUILDINGS. CARDIFF. ALBERT-CHAMBERS, STOW-HILL. NEWPORT. 4. ST. CATHERINE ST.. PONTYPRIDD -(po;;ite Police Station). 14e MONCY LENT WITHOUT BILL OF SALE CR SURETIES, on Note of Hand alone, as foilows:— £20-24 MONTHLY INSTALMENTS of £0 18 4 50-24.. Of B2510 £100-24 £4 11 8 No Commission or Legal Expenses. A guarantee given of strictest privacy. Apply for prospectus to UNITED KINGDOM DEPOOIT BANK, 55, Craven-street, Strand, J ,ondou. 651e A. G. WILLIS, Manager. ONEY" LENT" ON ~NOTE OFF HAND ALONE. l't WITHOUT ANY SURETIES, AND STRICTLY PRIVATE. £ 85,COO TO LEND. IN ANY SUM FROM S20 TO £3,000, to all classes, in town or country (distance no object), at greatly reduced ra.tes. NO FEES charged, and repayments to suit borrowers. MONEY also lent on Deeds, Reversions, Policies, &c., from 5 per cent. I being the actual lender, 111 ith a large capital and numerous brancbes in many parts of England, call lend quicker and cheaper than the great mjority of otter financiers. Established over 50 years. Call or write to W. 6. LOCKTON, 36, Southampton-row, Hih Holborn. 3ge London. W.C. E. JpRIEST AND CO., TAFF VALE IRON WORKS, CANTON, CARDIFF. GALVANIZED WIRE NETTING, \jr IN 50 YlillD ROLLS. 3iu. Mesh 2ít., 3/ 3ft" 4/6 4-ft., 6/- 2in. Mesh 2ft., 4/- 3; 6/- 4ft" 8/- GALVANIZED COR RUGATED ROOF- ING SHEETS, 2ft. 3in. wide. 5ft., 1/2Y2; 6ít., 7ft., 1/8 8ft., 1/11 9ft.. 2/32 10ft., 2/8 PATENT ROOFING FELT, in 25 Yard JL Bolls, 4s, 5s 6d, and 7s 6d per Roll GALVANIZED STEEL TANKS, ALL \jr KINDS. LAWN-MOWERS CHEAPEST IN TOWN. ——- 43e OFFICES AND STORES. KING'S-ROAD. EEC HAM'S PILLS. JgEECBAM'S PILLS. BEECHAM'S PILLS. JL) Worth a Guinea a Box. BEECHAM'S PILLS. JD For Bilious Attacks. BEECHAMS PILLS. JD For Nervous Disorders. BEECHAM'S PILLS. For Indigestion in all its forrcs. BEECHAM'S PILLS. For Wind and Pains in the Stomach. BEECHAM'S PILLS. For Sick Headache. B- EECHAM'S PILLS. JL) Have saved the lives of Thousands. EECHAM'SPILLS! For Giddiness. EECHAM'S PILLS. For Fulness and Swelling after Meals. EECHAM'S PILLS. JO Are Worth a GuineA a Box. EECHAM'S PILLS. JD A Wonderful Medictne for Females of all Ages. 148e I S E S S ION SAN D OONS, (0 LIMITED, K3 Importers and Manufacturers of TIMBER, SLATES, CEMENT, BUILDING MATERIALS, CHIMNEY PIECES, RANGES, GRATES, Ac., &c. 2855 Show Rooms- PENARTH-ROAD. CARDIFF. 701;\ SECOND SERIES. 50 BRIEF AND BRILLIANT TALES, WIUTTKN FOR BUSY j^EADms' WILL APPEAR EACH MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, & FRIDAY IN THE gOUTH "y^ALES EOHO. OUR READERS MAY COUNT UPON A LITERARY FEAST in the Series of Storiettes by Popular Authors which we have arranged to ublish. Amongst our Contributors will be— JOSEPH HATTON. RICHARD DOWLING. MRS HUXGERFURD. W. E. NORRIS. EDMUND DOWNEY AMY MONTAGUE. KATHARINE S. MACQUOID, IDA LEMON. RICHARD RUSSELL. HUME NISBET. JULIAN HAWTHORNE. H. CATTERSON SMITH. ANNIE THOMAS. JEAN MIDDLEMASS. J. R. HUTCHINSON. FINCH MASON. GERTRUDE WARDEN IN A LEON CASSILIS. EDITH S. DREWRY. MRS E. KENNARD. W. ADDISON. CAPT. C. W. YOUNG. M. MOORSOM. ERNEST GLANVILLE. R. A. D. LITHGOW, M.D PROFESSOR WILLIAMS. J. H. YOXALL. LAURIE LANSFELDT. RICHARD ASHE KING. MA RTF, DE THILO. (teitrsioits. DAILY S E R V ICE D A I L Y Bi./tt'EEN R Y I (' E CARDIFF AND WESTON. V>-AYEP„LEY. Weather and Circumstances Permitting. SEPTEMBER. LEAVE CARDIFF. Fri. 14-8.45 a..m., 3.30, 5.15, 7.0 p.m. Sat. 15—S.30 a.m., 3.10, 5.0, 6.<i5p.m. Mon. 17.-9.15, 11.0 5.0, 6.45 Tues. 8 .15, 11.15 a.m., 6.0 p. LEAVE WESTON. Fri. 14—2.30, 4.15, 6.0, 8.0 p.m. Sat. 15-9.15 a.m., 4.0, 5.45. 8.0 p.in. Moti. 17.-10.0 am, 4.0, 5.45. 7.50 p.m. Tues. 18.-10.0 a.m., 4.30, 7.30 p.m. SPECIAL EXCURSIONS by the Magnificent Saloon Steamers WESTWARD HO, IiAYENSWOOD, and WAVERLEY (Weather and circumstances permitting). IFriday, l^Ui". j MOONI.IGHT TRiP^ WAVERLEY, Leave Cardiff 7.0 p.m., returning 7.0 p.m. I about 9.0 p.m. Fare is. Saturday,"Sect. LY.V.MOl' I'H -ai., ILFRACOMRE. 15th. Leave Cardiff 10 0 a.m. Return- WESTWARD inp from Ilfracombe 3.30 p.m., HO, Lynmouth 4.5 p.m.. Cardiff for at 10.0 a.m. Clevedon and Bristol 6.30 p.m. ~Mondav, Sept. i"^MOUTH^d ILFRACO^, X7TH LA TJTUA. WAVfRi Leave Cardiff 9.15 a.m. Returning WE1TW4RDHO from I;f,-combe 4.0 p.m.. Lyn- « ai5?S,a0| »««■ '« I Cardiff i.30 p.m. j CHANNEL CRUISE. WAVERLF.Y, ] Leave Cardiff 6.45 p.m., returning At 6.45 p.m. | abwut S.30 p.m. Fares all over the boat, Is. TZZ LYNMOUT aiTdlLFRACOMBE, luesaaj Sept. v;3 WESTON. WAVERLEY and L-ave Cardiff 9.] 5 i m Retur ning WESTWARD HO f^m Ilfr,(-orabe 4.30 p.m., Lyn- At 9.15 a.m. 75'5 P-™ Weston for Cardiff 7.33 p.m. For Fares and-fUlJPal:ti-cúlar see Bills; or appiy to Mr Wm. GUY, Agent, Bute-street, Cardiff: or P and A. CAMPBELL, Ltd., Cumberland Basin, Bristol. 5783 BRISTOL CHANNEL PASSENGER JU' SERVICE, LIMITED. By Lady Margaret, Scotia, or Bonnie Doon (Wind, weather, and circumstance. permitting). DAILY SERVICE between CARDIFF and WESTON. SEPTEMBER. LEAVE CARDIFF. Fri. 14.-B.25 a.m., 3.0, 5.0 p.m. S-it. 15.—S.15, 9.35 a.m., 3.15, 4.15, 6.0 p.m. LLAYE WETON. Fri. 14.—9.15 a.m., 4.10, 6 30 p.m. Sat. 15.—9.10 a.m., 3.15, 5.10, 7.0 p.m. PLEASE NOTE -Steamers belonging to this Com- pany have YELLOW FUNNELS, and are the only Steamers that run in CONNECTION WITH THE RAILWAYS e For particulars of other Excursions see "South Wales Daily News." Foi full particulars applv to 4S7b EDWARDS, ROBERTSON & CO 105, Bute Dock*. altZ irn Jtitriruu. CASTLE AUCTION MART, 3, CASTLE-STREET, CARDIFF. SALE OF SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Two Pianofortes, Harmonium, and other Effects, removed from Residenc s in Park-road and Part- ridge-road, Cardiff, for convenience of Sale also a quantity of SILVER PLATE, to be Sold by Order of Executors. ME-SRS BAILEY and GiLLER will SELL by AUCTION, in their Rooms as above, on MONDAY, September 17th, 1894, commencing at 2 o'clock, the superior HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND EFFECTS above referred to, comprising japanned iron and brass bedsteads, spring mattresses, feather beds and bedding, chest of drawers, dressing tables, marble-ton wash- stands, toilet glasses, toilet sets and other chamber effects. 2dining-room suites in leather, mahogany tele- scopediningtable,handsome bft. wainutwood sideboard -with lofty mirror back, rosewood cheftonier with piate- giass back, walnut oval centre table, music cabinet whatnot, harmonium, and pianofortes by eminent makers, harp, banjo, and other musical instruments, oak haU stand, two walnutwood overmantels, brass fenders and utensils, carpets, hearthrugs, clocks, bronzes, and ornamental items, 5 silver watches, 210 úZS. of silver plate (fiddie pattern), etc., treadle sewing machine by 8in-er, bassinette perambulator, go-cart, patent wring-in;: machine, 2 fire-proof safes, pneumatic- tyre bicycle, quantity of culinary requisites and kitchen furniture, a small consignment of brushes of all kinds and numerous miscellaneous items, including photo- graphic requisites and stereoscopes. On View Morning of Sale. 200e CHELTENHAM! 1 yy GUINEAS Yearly for Board, JL w Laundress, English, French, Music, Singing, and Dancing. Foreign governess, visiting professors, gymii., tennis. Milk fiom own dairy. References, prospectuses, view of large house and grounds. Sepa- rate school for little hoy.-jl:dame 3, N-o,-tb-stre-t, Cheltenha;n. Throa.qh '.rain-; from Sen il T\Vale. ::7 ,.Ni.:wrORT. CL YTHA COLLEG:E, YORK-PLACE, NEVVPORT, -NI ON. -Principal. Rev. W. E. WINTER, M.A. (Carnb.). Good teaching individual attention suitable buildings, with large playground. Fees moderate for Boarders f>nd Dav Pupils. NEXT TERM begins SEPTEMBER 17th. 1894. 975e7670 FURKISH ON THE NEW HIRE SYSTEM FROM THE SOUTH WALES FURNISHING CO., 31, CASTLE-STREET OPPOSITE THE CASTLE), CARDIFF. NO OBJECTIONABLE HIRING AGREEMENTS. HOUSES OR APARTMENTS COMPLETELY FURNISHED ON A NEW SYSTEM Adopted solely by us, whereby all publicity a.nd inquiries usually made by other firms are dispensed with. WE HAVE AN IMMENSE STOCK OF JJOUSEHOLD JPURNITURE, JLJL Cheap and Superior Quality. All poods sold on the Hirt- Systen< at READY-MONEY PRICES. NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR CREDIT. All Goodfc Sent Hump in a Private Van Free of Charge. NO STAMP OR AGREEMENT CHARGES MADE. NO BILL OF SALE. EVERYTHING PRIVATE. Arrangements completed without delay, and being Manufacturers we guarantee Quality, and will undertake to supply Furniture, &0., equally as good at 10 per cenc. less than any price list issued by any Firm in Cardiff. JPTIFTEEN GHOWROOMS. CALL AND INSPECT OUR IMMENSE STOCK,' And Compare Prices before Purchasing elsewhere. We will Supply £ 3 WORTH FOR Is 6D WEEKLY. £6 WORTH FOR 2s 6D WEEKLY. £ 10 WORTH FOR 4s OD WEEKLY. JB15 WORTH FOR 5s OD WEEKLY. £ 20 WORTH FOR 68 OD WEEKLY. And so on in proportion. SPECIAL TERMS FOR LARGER QUANTITIES. PLEASE NOTE OUR ONLY ADDRESS— SOUTH WALES FURNISHING CO., 31, CASTLE STREET (OPPOSITE THE CASTLE), CARDIFF. 66e MARSH & COMPANY. ADULTS FUNERALS liit C1&6 with Best Hearse i t d Coach, on the luos modern principle, with a pair of tlieir weii-known Flemish-bred Horses to each, one-inch Eliu Polishe-. Coffin, best registered Furniture, with elaborate name- plate engraved, fine satin-trimmed robe, and set: attendance So 5 C I larsh & Co.'s 2nd Class ditto, ditto 4 4 C Marsh & Co.'s 3rd, with improved carriage 3 2 r, Marsh & Co.'s 4th, ditto, ditto 2 16 f CHIf DREN'S FUNERALS. Including pair of Flemish-bred Horses, modern Coach with all the latest improvements, Polished Coffin, lined with line flannel, and ,ttendance- Under one year 7 Under two years g f One-jiovse Carriage, including coflin" covered in black, blue, or polished, lined with flan- nel, modern coach, and attendance Under six months Under one year pig Und >twe years 1 *0 so on in proportion. Handsome Car, Carved or Plain Pluroed Hearse, Mourning Conches and Broughams, Ostrich Plumes, &c ADDRESS- 54e 80, ST. MARY-STKEET. CARDIFF. l Y'N'T F7MG^T~THAT~7:VIRIDINE ,1S CURE, for CORNS'.—This grand discovery has lea many to imitate i:, but without gaining for such preparation the satisfactoiy results Viridine li s secured. In bottles, Is by post, Is 2d. 3? J- MUNDAY, Chemist, 1, Hish -street, Caidiff or tiie LiQuor, liABIT DRl N KEN NESS or the LIQUOR HABIT positively CURED by administering Dr. HAINES GOLDEN SPECIFIC. It is a powder, which can be given in beer, coffee, or tea, or iu food, without the knowledge of the patient. It is harmless, and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousands of cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The system once impregnated with the specific, i t becomes an utter impossibility forthe liquor appetite to exist. 30-page book of particulars on receipt of postage stamp. Can be had of lilCKS and Co.. 23, Duke-street, Queen-street, and Paradise-row, Cardiff. IW" TIDPIW1 BY LYNCH and LTD. London 2027-5S utitir Amusements. CARDIF E, THEATRE R O Y A I LESSEE AND MANAGER. MR EDWD FLETCHJSi 14TH YEAR OF PRESENT MANAGEMENT. TO-NIGHT, NA during the Week, Chas. Do:nton's Company in a Grand REVIVAL of till Olympic Drama—THE TWO ORPHANS. Special enem(,li¡ of the r -n wiied actor, St) WM. RIGNOLD, who will A;>pear in the part « Jacques, as originally played by him at the Olympi* Theatre, London. Prices 6d to £2 2s. Doors open at 7 commence at 7.30 half-price at 9. le-1041 MONDAY NEXT, SEPTEMBER 17TH. LITTLE CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. LITTLE CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. LITTLI; CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. LITTLE CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. LITTLE CHRISTOPH I li COLUMBUS. From the Lyric Theatre, London. Box Plan at Messrs Thompson and Shackell's, Ltd. Queen-street. Telephone No. 521. le 1041 T H E E\M L* I K E « MANAGER OSWALD STOLL TO-NIGHT. DUTCH D ALY, THE DROLL. The funniest talker and finest coccertiaisfe amongst entertainers. TOM and LILY ENGLISH, musical artistes the latter as a whistler sucuns rivals Mr" Alice Shaw, FRANK MAURA, the Mexican wonder. The greatest Rislpy juggler as well as the best acrobat before dm public. He accomplishes forward souersaaits TM his knees. ARTHI R L li, N NA P-D, famou- for The Old M .Gate," but now making equ^L mark with another soot called The Baby. MISS LIZZIE FLETCHER, Serio-Comedf Songstress. BARCLAY and PKRK1NS, Comedians. Sarah, or a Donkey Ca. ( Built for Two." KATE CARNEY. alie Coster Girl. ia her unique character sketches fe 59 e song. 2055 R A N D T H E^ T R E VJF WJ-:STGATE-STREET, CARDIFF. LESSEE AN L) MANAGER Mr CLARENC K SOUNEIi TO NIGHT, AND DURING THE WEEK at7.30, Mr I. Wright's Specially Selected Company in a No, and Wildly Whimsical Burlesque Extravaganza, ASHING jpKlNCE Introducing some beautiful T A B L E AUX VIVANTS. Major TIT-BITS as DAME QUICKLY. The Rochelle Ballet Troupe of Six Dancers. Box Plan now open at Mes:irs R. J. Heath and Sons Music Warehouse, 51, <Jueeu-3t., Cardiff. Prices, 6d U £1 Is. Second price at 9 to all parts. 823e 7377 U TOLL'S PANOPTICON O (Philharmonic Hall and Buildings. St. Marv-street). OPEN ALL DAY. — ADMISSION 6D. WAX WORK ROLLER SKATING. CRYSTAL MAZE. SHOOTING JUNGLE, FREE PHRENOLOGY. FREE PALMISTRY. The MY S TICAL FLORA. EMPnE ENTERTAINMENT uv TELEPHONE. To-day at 3.30. To-night at 7 o'clock. To-night at 9 o'clock The World's Greatest AerW Wonder-worker, CEE-MEE, And his Beautiful Children. FLYING WITHOrT 3610 60e WINGS. p A R K HALL, CARDIFF. THREE PERFORMANCES ONLY. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NEXT. SEPTEMBER 14th md 15th, at 8, and MATINEE (Fi ll Pro- lamine), SATURDAY, at 2.30. The I 00 ltE AND JgURGESS jyj^IN STRELS, From the ST. JAMES'S HALL, LONDON. THE ENTIRELY NEW AND ItE-OR-GAI%'ISED OOW PANY OF TALENTED-50-PERFORMERS, WILL APPEAR IN THEIR UNRIVALLED ENTERTAINMENT, Embracing all the New and Beautiful Ballada, Quaint Old Nigger Songs, Comic Songs, Irresistible Jokes ai d Repartees. Quartets, M.adiigals, and choice Part Songs. IMPORTANT NOTICE.—MOORE and BURGESS will present (f irst Time in the Provinces) Mrs Harriet Beecher Stowe's world-renowned Storv of UNCLE TOM'S CABIN," told in Musical TABLEAUX VIVANTS," by Ivan Caryll and Geo. R. Sims, sup- ported by the entire troupe. The entire Entertainment produced on a most lavish scale and exactly as in London. Prices—Js, 2s, and Is. Plan and Tickets at Messrs Thompson and Shackell's Music Warehouse, Queen-street. The Company appears at DRILL-HALL, NEWPORT. Monday and Tuesday, September 17th ai d 18th. DRILL-HALL, MERTHYR, Wednesday and Thurs- day. September 19th and 20th. 8022 206e Manager, Mr LAWRENCE BROUGH PONTYPRIDD. OYAL CLARENCE THEATRE, PONTYPRIDD. Proprietors. TRENCHARD and JONES MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10th, 1894, SIX NIGHTS ONLY. Important Engagement of James Stephens' Special Company, in the highly successful Drama, the QOLDEN QHAKCB, By St. Aubyn Miller. From The Britannia, National Standard, and Sadist Wells' The.ties, London. Seats booked by letter or wire. SSt Thursday, Friday, & Saturday, the performance will commence at 7.30, and terminate in time for visitors from Rhondda and Merthyr Vallevs toO leave by the last train Brakes will leave for Cilfynydd a» the end of each performance, by arrangement with Mi C. Archer.—Scenic Artist—Mr S. Liddle. Mustek! Direcwr-Mr H. C. Mellon. 345e On Monday, September 17th, 1894. Mr Frederick. Wright's Burlesque, "DASHING PRINCE HAL." S WANSKA. rp H E Jg M 1 I R E MAKAORR OSWALT) STOLL TO-NIGHT The Comic Company of the Season. REZENE and ROBIN 1. THE WALDRONS, DARN LEY BROTHERS. JOE CHEEVERS NEWMAN and DOWNBS, ANNIE BRIGHTSTEIN and JAMES CURRAN. A better comic programme could no possibly b, 61e arranged. Those who see it will say so. 20M NEWPORT. T H E E M P IRE. MANAGER OSWALD STOLL. TO-NIGH I' Miss ROSE HAMILTON and Miss MARIE ELSIE, Two notable ^erio-comic Artistes. The Modern Charles Mathews, CHARLES COLLETTE, so lastingly famou as The Colonel a star in theatre or music-hall. The Brantfords. Gaertner anc Richards. Japa and Japo. Lilia Roze, &-c, 62e2035 R.^)! H^ATH CARDIFF, PONTYPRIDD, & LONDON PIANOFORTE AND OliGAN MERCHANTS. CFrom South W-xies Daily Nelcs, 9th Ja.n.. 1894. 'VERDICT OF KINE HUNDRED. —Under this title Messrs R J. lleath and Sons, Queen-street, Cardiff pianoforte makers, organ builders, and music ware nousemeri, have collected an imposing array of testi monials and Press opinions relating to the quality o the musical instruments supplied by ;hem. The giea majority of the letters in this list reJaw to pianos, and! while many of them have reference to most costlj instruments, containing all the latest improvement* supplied to the well-to-do, the greater number relaM to serviceable instruments purchased for the homes of the wage-earning portion of the community. Thii growing love for so refining an art as music is a mOlt favourable sigu. Fo rthough in the Principality music has for generations bean the chief recreation of the people, It has for the most part been choral music that has occupied attention. Instrumental music is now, however, receiving its fair share of attention, and all those in true sympathy with the art must trust that the movement will go steadily onward. These ttilDoniaJ:: have been received from every quarter of the Princi palitv. while not a few come from other portions of tiu United Kingdom, and some from South America, India, and other distant countries. All upeak most favourably of Messrs Heath's business methods as welf as of their instruments. ■ R. J. HEATH AND SONS INVITE INSPECTION. Full Illustrated List and Verdici P,,t Free. 94 jp [ A N O S P i A N o S. M'ROW: 10s MONTHLY. OHGANS ^RGANS I FROM 58 MONTH LV THE ERST STOCK IN THE KINGDOM TC SELECT FROM. SOLE AGENTS for Bristol and South Wales for Ur Celebrated NEUMEYBR PIANOS SOLE AGENTS FOR THE ESTEY ORGANS. fJlHOMPSON & gHACKELL, LD. PIANO AND ORGAN MERCHANTS, QUEEN'S MUSIC WAREHOUSE, CARDIFF. AMO AT NEWPORT, SWANSEA, MERTHYS, PONTYPRIDD, PENARTH, CARMARTHEN. LLANELLV, &c., &. Beautifully Illustrated Catalogue free by post n application largest Discount for Cash, 4&r