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PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. SOITT1I 1V.LII;; ICIIO. WORDS. 1 ONCE. TnilKR 3IX TI«IE3. TIMES. s; 20 Words 0 6 0 9 1 0 Hfp^ JSO Words 0 9 10 16 f SIX TIMES J IN "NEWS' 40 Words; 1 0 ¡ 1 6 2 3 "ECHO." 50 Words 1 ? 613 9 20 Words 2/- fO Word. 16 5 0 q 6 I 50 Wort, j 3/3 ¡. SOUTH WUB n.t.n.v ŒWS. WORDS. ONCE TIIRlm SIX 40 Words TIMBS. TIMES. rr I j 5/- eo Word, 0 6 10 16 E„u Extra •» — 1CWord 50 Word 0 9 1 6 2 3 1/- 50 WOld8 1. 0 2 0 3 0 J Each "xtra 10 Words 0 3 0 6 0 9 2'hese charges apply only to the classes of Adver- iitement specified below, and arc strictly routined to those which are ordered for consecutive insertion, and paid for previous to insertion; if áther GJ these conditions is not complied Kith, the.A dverlise- tntnt will be Char!1ed by the Bt!si7IRSS Scale Apartments, Situations Vacant ')1' Wanted, To ùe bt or Sold, Lost. Pound, and Miscellaneous Wants. SPECIAL. Notice.—Applicants sending replies to Adver- tisements addressed so initials or fictitious names, at this Office, are requested not to Bend original testimonials with iheir applications, but to «nclo»e copies of testimonials only. PF.ftSON "-Io, CHARLES Howell, who forDtllTly lived at 22, Monmouth- street, Kaltmead, pleaøe oommmticate with Parry alld Co., Westgate-atraet. Cardiff. 652 28 6D will be paid for _!1t Addre of B Bazzelby, formerly residing J'J1'V'\J!MI"1' Post Office, Pontycown. WcstÆat.e-streetLCM9IJJ. 6 PARTNERSHIP pAtt'I':N1m. vmn'ed (or sleepin¡r;}, with c&¡>ital, to further JL develop and 1,0 work voms now workinr.-A<ldreiS poal," -Daily NeW1, 253," /lElfrfiBMAN, wibh means, desires correspolldencewieb Ijf Younc Lady, mt.1t income preferred genuine en- close pk*ta and stamp tor "'1Jlyr-Bora.ce, Echo" Office, JTewjwt. 242e M- AiTftl-MONY.-Lad,t;.Ü, healthy, musical, thoroagnly domesticated, with £ 17,000 at <1WD disposal, desires larVy raarriag -AdiTe68 Miss TIrwn, "AdvertÍ1!er" Olice. Eristnl 345 .IAnniONY.-Younlt Lady, from South Auntralia, JJ: Ib..lIsh psrents (1"ØUHd), wit. £ 15,000, wishes to Riarry deslrahl* gentleman IUIXiOftN to improve his position. r-Mlss G9-,dall, 12, Bouth TotoanhHia, J,ol1du, N. 349 IHUiCATUt:o¡.U.. ASmtt Mia Ce.'i Oowwereial ÀlD&4temy, Opell dnPv for tnitlell III .rWn¡. bool::kptnc. shorthand, erith- tnabio. etc., (no elasse*, pttrjls taught fwparat<elr). at Tower Chambers. CUmrofc an—V Cardiff. PioSoiemoy ttu»raot<»4. Fr»0j>»< t*» free. 412 Ij=NOING.-PolltorJlrid41. QnadrtlU 01- Reopens Thurs- day Next, Maaanie-hafl Latraera' Class, i ahtra. Hal). New Tewp-ball. Dec, Mtfc. 368 |LJ"RFNCK andGe man Comaereial Oorresptmderoe aod Jtt C*»ven»ticm e«*y MHI. rapid mrthod Bo':kkOot"fntl6. ellble entry and tabular systems for aay Pit- fnen't Sh >r:kand, Oonsmetoial rltI1m.tJ.c, Handwriting, =:fo:=.a:b, t.lfet:"7ff ftry evening from arran.- T. D., 131, Castle-road. Cardiff. 300 1- li)Y wishes M lto&rl1 Skirt Dandae moderate torn*.— Addrsoe L. glT.^Echo" om co. uardUL 617 PAINTING (Otot), OhrysMeu*. Leatlaer Werk.-Lneous given by experienced Young Lady term* medanvt*. —Apply V.M.P., 157, King'A-rowl, CIOMHI, Cardiff. IMPLijiËD;rlh;,d:-J-6-T- ene fIOSitian. Readable ai lotuthand. Postal l-Mao11lll r Anther. Proioleuey in 6 week*. CertiBeates granted, rms tad tettinonials, ftle .Jtey" D. Buries, farporlev. 293 8-1HOimÂ.J) IPIt.IIl&tÙ). Evening (J!a15elJ. Pupils O kanght and qiinlified for p!.ppointmentoO! hy an ex- tieTteneod tutor, orally or by PMIt; indlvidnp.1 tuition, »vtry evening, frolll T. Correaponding and reporting styles, gild speed ci usee.— Apply Principal, 21 De Buigh-stsreat, ptveeelde, Cardiff "ST AD MRSTO. flU a White Ewe Sheep, black s "It baclc. J't JC not claimed III three days will be sold to defray ex. petI_Á.p.ly Job". Williams, Engineer, Cockat. 276« TpOTIND, black wavy-ooat young ReferWer Dog, with S- oellw en white breast. Owner oan same. W J enkin, N "W))OTt. 272e FOTJ>TD, Fox Terrier Bitch, white, with tan MMJ, eyes, and 8pot 00 tail. If not claimed in three days wm be anld jIt) detray expensoa,—Apply Bodr. 45, Cecil-strast, CDoTc!1 fr. 662 tXJTTND, rrih Jfev., Liver and White Spotted Spaniel JT Bitch, in goad condition.—Apply William Jones. 3, Cefaiiennar-terrace, Moantain Ash. faS8 TjH)UNT>, IC»v. ?7th, Martin-tail Vktonne.-OWl1M can .A.' h.8 Mme by applying 20. Treeillian-terrace, Oardiff. *1 OST, Deeemh-er 5th, Airedale Terrier Dog, blaok back, JLi ten legs, rather lonr; ears, a boot 10 months. Reward &IV-Lewi PMt6r, WfIO<tcat. Hotel, Cardiff. 78'1 LOST, OD Tuesday Evening, troUt "TbOr Cafe," a Blaek and Whitle Oat. Anyone nMlarninc Iam will Ie rewarded. 772 X OST, Mare Sucker, rM, t1Irfe white legs, stripe 811 fore- J-J heM: 15 hnd. hlch.-lnferm..toi<m te Dsmes, Oe li- f'Ormeba Farm, POIItyprid4., 7e T OST frOM A 1Ierdue, White Setter Bitch, slightly ,.I.J te«k, on Jrd Kov. twelve msmths el4.-Hy. Ternon, US, yJDour-alrreH, Aberdare. 637 L-T,-B1t Ge1d Oat, wità IIOnte white tieka Oft breeet; lut Hen at ltubIR.Wkoever nturus the Jam. te X*. 6, Amu-court, wUl receivn 5s feward, 6.54 STOLEV or Strayed, laet Tuesday, from 161, IJlenroy- street, Koath, blnok and white HUlMlau Oat. Jfteward Jerl!tJae4 lifter tbÚl dat* prosecuted. 628 iwmraiTir IllIEKYAN1'S. A We_ lhtropole and Free Begistry Office lor Rervantc eftancillot situations, or rrpecLable women empleyod daily.—12, Moira-terrace (near Infirmar7), Cr. diff. Geod be41, eooking, ovei y oonVemeDe8t 4d per nllht, IImhDtn. Ladiae ay for oh&rwom. kc 77S IE- FEI'tI1DiCBD GeD8rd Ksrvant wn.8ted at 0t:IC8, able JLLi too d. plain cooking; Jd e8,A.ly PairfliMd, iII, xar CaTdUf. 618 GOOD Gm8n\1 wanted Immediately; one not beenout VX btofonnFin 60. able to wash, age 17.—C. Hills, Toœo- eonist. Pontyrhyl. 600 C- ENERAL Servant w*nted at -)(rs Shephend, 2S, W Wintlaor-p!ue, Oardiff. 721 GENi:JlAL .rraW;.bed an th. 22nd, age It or 20 vJT throe ia family, ne ohildnia.-Ä.pp!,y 73, Oowbridtre- road. Cardiff. • 662 1ENERALS wnntod, no washing, dir.engagod ceok- VX general (is), nnder-hensemaid or kitchen maid, h«lps. -Lowthe Re8i.M'y, eI, Craddock-street, rdiff. J87 G- BNEHAL Servant; trustworthy, ly riser; plsjn eoeking, washing wage, £ 14 good references re- 4a.ired.-Dr. Jones, Bodfodtlyg. CifBumiD, Aberdare. 316 LOWTHER Registry, 69, Oran I irook-sbreet (off Richmond- road), Carditf.-Wanted, experienced General (House- JIIald kept). £ 14. Private alld Hotel Generals, £ 12. 698 "VT UKSE-Housemaid m118 be reliable, nnd-t.le tokë X' entire charge of little boy of two, and assist with the other cbildrell.-Appl¡ Mra Jeneø, Wellfidd Weet. Aber- avon. Port Ta lbot. 355 \Y ANTED, a I'88pectble Girl 18 to 20: one 1Ledto 11 bUlldry W'ork.-Mn Nicholas, 44. Victorl1-avø,nue, Maindee, :N ewport. 290e W-" ANTED, Girl. 16, fur geDfjra.1 work.M. Johns, Taff Val" Dining-rooms, Pontypridd. 81S W ANTED. at once, Smart Girl, 8S must be stood washer g.«od wages.—Apply Ffaldau Hotel, Pen tycymmer, near Bridgend. E18 WANTED immediately, a clean, respectable Girl, about 16, to assist in general bou89work.-ApT,ly 23, York. place, Sttlw-hiJI. Newport. 2ege U-r ANTED, a good, stron. Girl. 17 te 19, tram cóIi¡;ÿ v v preferred good bOrDfI to respectable ¡:ir!Apply. in Crsc ingtanco, ta17. Anglesey-street, VItDt"n, Cardiff. 7i?8 WANTED at once, a -od Gen;ai-S;at-fÕ;Ü family.-ApJlly 15. Richmond-road, Cardiff. 7S2 ur ANTED immediately, Girl, 16 to 17, to dÕ housework, il A I'Jlty 28, Gm-dnn-rollld, Roath. 752 WANTED, a Nursemaid one from country preferred. -14. Hichmond-t errae, Park. place. Cardiff. 741 WANTED at once, a lIood General Servant; able to do plain oooking We. £ 16 1\ year aud a comfortable bom.AP1Ily M. L, 180. 1,awport-roMl, ClLrdiff. 72b WANTED, experienced middle-aged Person as General, able to undertake charge of home and children respectable widow not objected to.—Marsh Villa, Merthyr- road, Ponty¡>ridd. 7S6 WANTED, a good Nurso, one used to children.—Apply at onoe, 31. St. Andrew's-crescent, Cardiff. 716 Y1I7ANTED, a strong, active Girl from the country pre- v v ferred.—Apply 45, l albotrsbreet, Cardiff. 71C WANTEt), good General Senant.-Appï, 3, Deapeuser- 8i11', Riverside. 709 WANTED. a strong Girl. ttenoral Servant.—Apply 79, Roath, Cardiff. 6'32 WANTED, good boneat Will to dO-housework and wash small tbinp: aJeabel1t 14.—Apply 34. Plaasey-st, Penarth. 694 WANTED immediately. General Servant, also House- mairl. Good refrence6 required.—Apply, after 6.30 I t).m., Mns J<;dward, 42, Parade, Cardiff. 697 XT ANTED, strong, respectable Girl &11 General S6rva » v mU3t be early rier small family good references -Apply 55. Hamilt,jn-5tT"t, Canton. 669 I '0.7 A NTED at onoe. a clean, respectable General Ser- vv vant; one accustomed to children, JfQod chaTAct,er.- Mrs Davies, HlelldQwer Hotel. East Wharf, Cardiff. 646 W- ANTED, a rrspectable, trustworthy Girl as General Servant. 20 to 21; fond of children.-App¡y Mra Connock, 9, Wood-street, Oardiff. 637 resPect*ble penon as Housekeeper ^or II three or four weeks aged about 30 good reference. —J 636, Echo" Office, Uardiff. 636 ANTED, a Working Housekeeper, about 40 years of vf age.—Apply, by letter, to Lawrence, 58, Elm-street, Roath, Cardill. 655 WANTED, a Charwoman at once clean and quick. 'f Aypiy 6, WYD(111nl:cre8eent, Canton, Vardiff 643 WANTED at once, a good Gecral Servant.—Apply at 6, Biynteg-terrace, Merthyr Tydlil. 666 "7 ANTED. a good Geneial Servant.—Apply 86, Glebe- » » street, Penarth. 643 WANTED, an experienced Nurøe. hefore the 221ld inst, -Apply 11, Dynevor-place, Swansea. 2bGe WANTED, clean, willing Girl, about 16, for generil housework one from country preferred.—Apply 78, Partridge-road, Cardiff. 623 W ANT I'D immediately, 40 Generals, Housemaids (hotels and private families I,for towns and country.- Apply, with stamp, 58, Adam-street, Cardift. 631 WANTED, Ge-l Servant also Nurse -Apply, aftU three. Hare Gr' ve, Albany-road, Hoath. WANTED, at once, good General Bmant, about 20 5 references reQUired,-Apply Mr. Swalh, The Knoll, Stow Park-road, )T ewport. 2606 W ANTÉD, immediately, good General Servant, with knowledge of plain cookiu¡.-Apply Tredegar Arms, Bnssalleg. ncar Newport 261e V57 ANTED, a strong General Servant, at oDce.Áppl1 Ir i I;itthciTE, 198, Cowbridge-i oad, Carditf. 593 YY ANTED, General Servt, able to cook?" v v small house, two III famil,v hil1"st references reo. 4Uired: waaei, £ 16.—Apply L.r, "o" Office,Cardiff, WANTED immediately, ¡1:ood General Serva.nt.-Apply f' 26, Albany-road, Cardiff. 572 V\7 ANTED, a neat Girl as General; early riBiJr.-Apply v West. View. Albauy-roard, Cardiff. 651 \YANTED, General Serva.nt.-Apply Boughton. Flint: v T stnt.. Roatb Park. 560 WANTED, Droember 14th, a strong and active House- Parlourmaid.—Apply Mrs Wallace, 23, Charles- stiet. CÄl.rditI 482 WANTED, a respectable Girl a Housemaid —Apply, (" between seven and nine p.m., 44, Park-place. Oudi1f. 485 \\7 ANTED, a ood plain Cook.-Apply Mrs Rùey. New. T v castle Houee, Bridv.el\rt 471 WANTED a Youn* Girl as General Servant mnst have been accustomed o children.-Apply Mrs Mumfard. 40, Castle-road, Roath. C'ifI. 479 \X7 ANTED, a good General Servant tor the Rompney f f Cast's Hotel.Äpply Mrs Jones, Rhymney Hotel, Adam-street, Cardiff. 463 ''x 7 ANTED, a General Servant, accustomed to children, v age 1M to 20.—55. Stacey-road, Cardiff. 4J9 \"f.7 Á:áED, reRpect,bl;-Girg-;¡CII.6 General. No i' children.—Apply Hutchinwu's Music Warehouse (shop door). Clarei;ce-place, Newport. 435 WANTED, good strong Gsnerai Servant.—Apply Romilly Hotel, Romilly-croscent. 550 WANTED, a clean, respectable Girl. 17 or 18; s'mll f f family must ho fond pf chiltlreÐ.-Apply 21, Ba.r¡. gor-lItreet, Roath Park. 420 WANTED, at onoe. Younp Girl as General servant.— Apply 185, Castle-road, Cardiff. 467 WANTED, II. clem, active General Servant, 20, ''t' early rieer no w¡;,ehins.-Ãpply 2, Pluturton-garde:1s, Oarditf. 414 WANTED at 81ce, Girl tor General Housework. R»fer- i l' ences nquired.-Apply 39. N8wport,road. Oarditf. 400 W-ANTED, a good General S;;t.-ApplY, in tIW forenoon, M 162. Newport-road. 315 W AN'iT.D.a thorough pood Gi;¡a General.-Apply Mrs T v 1lln.n, 62. Castle-road, Roath. 339 WANTED, cod General Servant.-Apply Mrs Clare, 57, P"A-street, Grange, (Jarditf. 379 WANTED at once, g,d Gnl 8e,"V¡¡.nt.-Apply Avon — Houre, 19, Chailes-street, Cardiff. 376 \\JATsm:t> at or.ee, a good, stronpr Girl as General T v Servant.—Apply 91, Stacey-rop.d, Roath. 375 VV ANTED, General Servant, at ones, one from the V T country preferred.—Apply at26, Patrick-street, Dorks, CanhlY. 317 WANTED, General Servant, ae 20 to 22, nble t,) do washing small family good reference reqUlred.- 29, Hamilton-street, Canton. 452 WANTH.D immediately, a good, strong General.—133, Severn-road, Canton, Cardiff. 4S9 WANTED, a Youns: Woman, as Housem"ld.-Apply 1 f Brand's RGrtural1t, 219, Bute.rd.. Cardiff. 313 V\7 ANTED, superior Girl as Geneial Servant: two iu TV family.—Apply befo, e 4 o.clock Syndenhau Villa, Cl.vf- fard ereecent, Oaerau, Newport 23ge \Y ANTED, respectable Girl or Woman as General Scr- v » vant.—Apply at once Suffolk Villa, opposite Pembrok»-terr»oe, Penarth, near Cardiff. 340 WANTED, a good General Servant, ablo to do plain cooking.—Apply to Mre Powell, London House, Aberaman. 353 -Xl ANTED, Plain Cook as a General Servant, good » wageK; small ta.mily.-Mrs Rees, 40, Merchart- Btrget, Pontlottyn. 357 WANTED, a General Servant, able to wash.-Apply 98, f Harriet-street, Cathays, 08rditf. 407 WANTED, a good General Servant.—Apply 27, Glvn- rhondda-s1.reet, Cardiff. 3D6 WANTED, a General; only those who have beeu out t f bef jre need apply. Gladstone House, Brynmnwr. WIDOWER (no ioo;;t;ance) seeks a Working House- VY keeper midle aged person preferred good home.- !PlIJy t. H. GriffitJ1Il. 66, Rrecon.road. Mertbyr. HITPATIOSS TAOAST 4 Home for Ifriendlesa tlirls and Free Registry at 2, ii Tlie Parade, (Cardiff; All jrirls needing a friend and aheltwr Afe welcome. 29p Agood 1&¡ktV offered for spare time to eith; sex everywhere. Work can t>e done evenings.— Aoply, with addreseed envelope, to Waller, 75, Playfions».yard, Qu_n Victoria-street, Lo.-Idon. 7"8 A -.iGÕ4 hoi»e9t Youth, to make himself generally useful; good opportunity be learn the baking and confro- tÜmøry ta-ads.—90, Tndar-etreet, RiTer8ld.. 737 BAKERS.—ReepectoM? Youns Man 'll'1m-,or- de- liven: ud iigjsJst in bakehonee ref&fetlCleIl.-AP!)Iy B.jsinoofc a4id Sone, 186, Caefcle-road. Cardiff. H8 BLACKSMITH.—Wanted, good ftn-ronnd Smith to Joist another in two wel(-established buslnessea.— Dâvlli6, r..II.kIHstroet, Feindale. 618 BOOT -T;de.-W:lntcd shortly, eXJIIrienced hand (mar- ried or siugle); to take Ju..ml.gm..t. It neool!l5ary; one used to good claa3 trade. PerlYJn,,1 application pre- frred.-Á1>ply Samuel ftees, Draper, St. Hel8n'IHoaù, BWWle.. 2060 '1'rad"WaDted at 8nce, II. rood Repair.- Parson*, 49, PortDI3.RIDoorrol.d. East Moors, Cardiff. CARPENTERS.Good non-Society Men wt-;<\=.- :Newby, Alfred-si, Mackintosh Estate, Cardiff. 766 CABJ.NET Maker wanted must be XJ>Mi-d.-Wribë to Z 334, Daily News," Ül\rdHf. 3M CCONFECTIONERY.—Wanted, at once, Young Person, > experien oed, æ to Z6 gcod references. Indoors.—Mra Collier, Clarewtont, Herberts reet, Newport. 282e CIOI.LIERY Oflictals and Minere.-l.8118olJs DY post The i roreet road to promotion. Syllabus, Id st&tnD.-T. A. Southern, lILK, late H M. Inspector ot MlnM, The Univer- eal Mlgin5: School, Derbjr. 150e DRAPERY.—Wanted at onee, junior young Man.- Morris and Co., 2i and 26, Clifton-streot, rd!ff. 704 DRAPERY.—Wanted immediately, experienced Young Ladies also 1001.1. Young Men and ImproT!trs,- Apply Jones and Co., 82, Queen-street, Cardiff. 696 ] .IÜ.D1NG-ion'- Smith wanted.—State vragoa. agei ..J where 1«»P employed, to ,T, Roald. Wagon Works, Eflfit Moors, Oardiff. 185e 1t-l -:iÑ under 26kinlf employment .bould apply to Ii; l' 01 uiting Officer, Cn.rdiff Barracks, or to any Sergeant. IDtltructor of Volunteers, or for pamphlet Advantages (¡f the Army," trell at any Post-office. Good pay. tree it it, H, eral dit, md houra of recreation weekly pocket money from 3a te 4s 6d. 70e MEN, "-ootha, all classes, town or country, requiring Employment, write at onoe, enclosing stamp fr reply, Coster's Employment A7ency, Gloucester. 348 OUTFITTING.—Wanted, a Younn Man, by Dec. 28; mUllt I:-e a lood salesman, window dresser, and stoc. keeper.—Apply, stating lasu place, ago, height, and salary, Bridgend Clothiug Co., Bridgend. P- A WNBROKiNG.-8h,,1'f.I B..IJ1 Wanted.—Apply 93, High-street, Swansea. Z75e IJLASTERER (s*-dy mILn) Wanted.-ApJly D. J. Davies, i: Plasterer, Rbymney and Pontlottyn. 434 It E5P¡;;CTAHLE Lad wanted, age 14, &S Apprentice to the Ifookbindine.—Apply Thomas John, Hayes Bridge, Cardiff. 680 STKAM Pipe Ooverers.Smart Ùompetfllt Man Wanted. -Åp!Jly, bd.ween 7 and 10 tAUs 8ftnin., 84, Ludlow- street, PeRartÀ 167 r JpKA Trade—Junior Assistant wanted. We16b preferred. X -.ÃppJ,. Viotoria Tea Co., St. I&ry.street, Cardiff. 743 f I^AILORESSES wanted fOT Bindi Buttonholes. Con- A staat emplOJIB8nt for suitable hands.—74, OMtlo-ro!\d, o.rdllf. 811 rpiNM AN wanted, tor genenl work.-Apply Thomas, 6, JL Cardiff-road, Ash. 599 r]. '0 Drapers and Ontfltterr.— Assistant required tor Nle Gents' Hosiery Depa.rt.mlllOt.-Full particulars itrst applioatioll to Simpson, Outfitter. Pont1rJOol. 783 rg^O H-;iril\'l"I!58.-W..nted, II. Young man about 18 or 20 JL good haircutter and haTer; to live in; I1bst.tiner.- Apply. stating terms "nd references. Ðo S. Jeffreys, 103. CommercKl-road, Newport, Mon. 273e rIO&kere:- Wauted, stronr Youth tdhelp to JL make doa¡:h.-Apply (stating aae aud wages required) Holland Bros., 25, Flannel-street, Abergavenny. 682 rll"Ö MA-ster Masons.—Wanted a priee (labour only) for ,It building a villa at Treoynon, Aberdar.AppIT for particulars, Hopkins, Claude Hotel, Cardiff. 461 r j">0 Hairdressers.—Boy or Improver wanted a once::=- JL Apply (personally preferred) to Radmflovic, Hair- dresser, 4, Bute-terrace, Cardiff. 436 WANTED, a smart Lad to look atter pony and cart, 't' and deliver gooda.— Apply Oa.rditf Fruit and Potato Stores, 16, Working-street. 813 VS7 ANTED at once. superior Girls as Apprentices to the f t Drcmakin.-Apply llI'en-3treet, C>\rdltf 805 -1U ANTED, a good Sawyer, for Pit and Circular Work ? ¥ alfo 4 good 1tnil war Contractor's Blacksmith.- Apply Palmr, Contractor, N eath. 829 WANTED, -II. Lad used to hawking coa1s,-Apply 54, f Florentia-atreet, Cathays. 821 WANTED, emart Young Man all Warehouseman, assist in office and make himself generally usetul.-Apply, with roferellceB and salary required, Warehouse, "Echo" Office, Ca.rdifT. 772 Wr ANTED, a 11:000 Plumber and Gasfitter a once.- f' Apply F. S. Lock, Tresillian-terrace, Úardilf. 753 yyr ANTED, strong Lad.—Apply 13, Green-street, Ca6lf. WANTED, two respectable Lads as Apprentices one to the Cabinet-making, and oao to Wood-turning. Apply Wood-street Post-office. 674 • YY AiNTED, a respectable Man to attend Cows and help v T milk also II. Young Man to look aft,er Horses and dPliver milk; both iDdoor-Apply T. Elston, Longcrhss Dairy Farm, Ruraney, Cardiff. 639 WANTED, a Ceinenter or Steam Pipe Coverer.—Apply personally Worm aid and Co., 21, West Bute-s'ieet, Bate Docks. 691 WANTED, reepectable Lad al Apprentice in Taiiors Shop small premium —39, Castle-arcade, Cardiff. WANTED, a thoroughly experienced Quarryman lso II. Foreman for Sewerage Workl.-Apply Palmer, Contractor, Neath. 651 W ANTED, honest Lad to assist In BakeboU88 fond see f Pastry one used to Bakehoullo preterred.-Apply 138, Broadway, Cardiff. 570 WANTED, Boy aCCUstomed to Saw Mill, alte Over 16.— Apply personally, Lewis, Timber Merchant, Ponty. prldd. 53.3 "1 ANTED, a Young Woman to assist in Dairy and v Confectioner's Shop, and to be generally useful; must be strictly honest, with good references. -Apply Ben Thomas, Nor'h Cliff Dairy, Tenby. 501 WANTED at once, experienced Barmaid, for Coffee "f Tavern .BuRiness.-Apply. with references, Parish, Llewelyn Arms Coffee Tavern, Neath. 364 :i!t2 Weekly upwards may be honestly reBlised by either č};; sex, without hindeTlng ¡.resent occupation.—For samples (returnable), &0., enclose addre5!led envelope to ftvans, Watts and Co. (P 133), Merchants Birmingham — Genuine. 93 situations WANTKW. BAKERS. —Wanted by Young Man, Situation as good Third Hand, ulled to cake and smalls good reference. -Apply A Richardson, Dancing Green, Bailey, near ROB", Gloucestershire. 681 BAKERS or Confectioners.—Situation wanted as Fi or Single Hand; disengaged.-Baker, No. 1, Ncw- road. Ystalyfera, Swansea Valley. 356 '1I,ERK desires Agency or Evening Employment, writing, J adùresillg circulars, &0., or making up tradesmen's accounts good writr.-W 466, Echo, Card! 4/55 DRESSMAKING.—Young Lady desires Situation L; First Hand or Second in good house. Experience from bEM houses. Good references.-Apply Miss Alder- wan, Londr.n House, Ystrad Rhondd_ 622 EVENING Employment Wanted by highly respeotable Young Mau, good accoutant bookkeeping or any oher employment; good reftJrences.-R. 759, Echo," Car. diff. 759 GROCERY.—Situation wanted *i8 Improver by sharp VJT Youth, aed 17.—Address A. Edwards, 73, Craddock- Btreet, Riverside, f'ardltf. 331 HAIRDRESSER.—Good Hair-cutter and Shaver wants -L a Situation, after Christmas; ltoo4 character.- Apply Hairdresser, "Echo," Cardiff. u 491 INDUSTRIOUS, steady Young Jlfan, age 27 would like some out-d00r employment all rent collector, would buy good insurance book; or similar occupation, security if necessary.—A., 549, Echo Office, Cardiff. 549 RESPECTABLE Person want" Situation a.1I Under Housemaid (not been out before). Would give tirst mont,h.-A 699, Echo" Office, CardUf. 699 SITUATION wanted as General Servant tor a country Girl with execellent cha.ract.er.-Re¡iat!'7 Office, 20, New Jersey-road, Gloucester. 260 SITUATION as Working Housekeeper Wa.nted.-APPly C5 No. 2, e_rgereet, Bute Docks. Cardiff. 658 ;-r 0 Bakers.-ReIPectab!; Young Man seeks situation- X Second Hand good references.-Apply J. T. O'Leary." Refreshment Rooms, Chepstow. 481 rIPO House and Estate Agents.—Wanted, by Carpenter, JL total abstaiD!>t", one accustomed to buildings. Ganeml Repairs. Estate Wdrk, Wheelsand Wheelwrighting gooc £ ll-round hand: -petTnanefio? preferred. Carpenter, ""Echo O!;hQo. Catdüf. • • 619 YY ANTED, by a respectable Youn? Woman, a Situation v y as Housemaid iu a small family, or Under-House- maid: good references.-Addre¡;s B. E., 52, Berw-road, Pontypridd. 26 £ e WANTED [t once, bv two ladies, Management of Tem- i f perance Hotel. H.eBt,;¡,urnt, or Coffee Tavern px- perienced -76, Watton, Brecon. 323 V\7ANTKD, !\1ana.reID-t- of Restaurant, or coffee f f tavern, or a housekeeper to gentleman thoroughly eXIj(rienced.-Box, Mr Bowen, Chemist, Kenfig Hill, B. idg. end. 363 WANTED, after chri1;tmas, by experienced young Lady, situation as companion or secretary possesse3 know- ledge of Imsin"s, thoroughly domesticated excellent references. Inclndiug present en;ragement.-Apply, in first instance, "Alpha" "Chronicle "Office, Bncgud.6õ WANTED, a Situation b" 2 Young Women as Phin f f Cook and House-Parlourmaid.—Address MTII Eem. mings Clydach. near Abergavenny. 279 Y17 EEIC'S flndiug Young Mr.11, i8 v v work at labouring.—Fred. Austen, liees-court, Brecon- road, Menhyr Tydfil. 353 YOUNG Man seeks Situation among horses or on farm. Jl Allen, Routh Cerney, Cirencester. 473 AGEMCIES TUA TELJ,lmS. dtc. ALL Persons deRirO!T increltsing thdr income should wrih, for particulars of first-dss^ aõ;:ency.-Supf'1 in- tendent 1, Ivy-street, Penarth. 498 ":¡-CTIVl ;ïe-wt;d-tlI pianos, organs, harmoniums -t*- and othrr useful domestic articles, on commisshn,- Daviell, Tredegar-place, Newport. 186e A.(HŒ-n Wanted.—Jewellery, \Ta tctles, pipe, clothing, d toys, liardvrare, furniture, wringers, harmoniums. WholeMle Book Free.—Henry :May, Birmingham. 646 A-. GENTS wanted thM1ïiïlUt-outhR;-¡s and Mon- mouthshire to take Orders (on onr new hirp system) fo" our Pianos. Organs, Hnrmoniums, Melo- deons. Violins, Wa'ches, Clocks, SewmJ: Machines, Mangles, V. ashing Machines, Family Biblo, A:bmn8, Opera Glasses, Electro Plate, &c. tirst-c1a.slI commission to > apable men r-o ri.k or responsibility illustrated catalogues on applica- tion good references ond security indi1>enllable.-Jones and Jones* Porth. 961e Moo R R. Reid, of Bristol, war.ts two good Men ns Salesmen l- and Collectors for machines, jewellery, Loob, k_c., for the Rhondda Valley anù Neath districts salary ann coic- piissio.n references Bnd security.—Anpiy by letter R. N. Beet. 27. Smeaton-street, Canton. Cardiff. 75_1 \\7 .AN ED, Coal Canvasser, on commission.—Apply, by let,er, 0 3.2, EC.10 OÆce, CardIff. £ 22 W A NT I'D, Traveller, calling o;C-inits and Dr;¡, I T gists, to push It very flrllt-ch! artide on commis- sion—Write S 731, Echo," Cardiff. 731 W ANTED, by Young Man engagement as Agent or place of trost: thoroughly steady.—L 630, Echo Cardiff. 6O _¡-rANTED, wh>le or spare time, influential Men as If Agents for the Sale d Clothing, &c, cash and club system exceptionally good terns and no risk.-ni2re Simpson, Market-square, Pontvpndc1. 256ej$ -,Il ANI-jm, ioúg-mto solicit family or for first- class ales in bottle and casks, liberal terms.-R 526, Echo," C,¡rdiff. 326 -¡; 'I alA. (:IÆEUC8. j»iASA«ESHS. de. CLERK (17) deeires Situation five years' experlene in douole-entry bookkeeping and gcneral office work. References.—G., 47, CHf; on-stieet. 3J3 XPVRn1;:ÑCED Accountant dedres Engagements for D Evel1ills. Horn" work preferred. Good references; terms moderate.—Write K. 801, Ecno om eCcliff81 I AW.—Wanted, a Junior Shorthand and Engrossing J Clerk at once.—Wjfte H., "Echo" Office, Newport. Man (2') seeks Re-engagement; shorthand; figures; S years' experillll1ee. legal and commercial; abstainer xeelIent references.—il 561, Echo" Oliice, C&rditr. 001 WANTED immediately, a ^ell-educated Youth, with if thorough knowledge pf shorthand; pood openin/l: for smart youtb.-Appl.,v to V. H. Bailey, Tyne E giue Worsts, Barry Dook. 27 A^I«S. APAKTSIEMTS. d;. AOCOUUHEMgNT.-Respect:ible Couple wIth comfort- able home, could toia lady during aoo,uchem,.nt terms moderate.—A. 443, Echo Offlce, Cardiff. 443 A- OCOUCH;AH:N'i'-1I'I1rnHl"d 81 Ung-room and Bed- I'1tOm wauted b7 youUf: bdy until and over ber con- finemeut, say, nine months, including "tn<1r\nc", fire, nd light. Terms, ",bout_10, 6da weeh: 391, Echo," Cardiff. APARTMENTS.—Unfurnished Sitt.lllJ.room and Front .Bedroow; lwt and cold bath. —8, Plantagenet-street, <:ardijf: 668 -A-I'AR'í'ME1n'H.-Ufth:.rnitohed Front Bedroom, Back SiLtlur;-rooll1, Front Underground Kitchen, very oon- Yfl4Rl. Terms moderate.—102. Ril1::s.rd., Canton, Cardiff. APARTMENTS 4c Let.Apply 20, WeimeTtfroad, .R,,t-h I k, Cardiff. 595 APART MENTS.—Sittioit-room and One or Two rovms board if required. Apply 12, Wordsworth- sta-est, Roath, 330 PARTMENTS —Furnuhed bedroom and use of par'our. IA with or witliont board moderate tarms; hot cold bath.—28 Tlllbot.-8treet, llton. 371 CTOMFOSt I'ABLY Furnished Sittitm-room and Bedroom. J Glenroy-street, Castle-voad end piano hot and cold bath; n.ar "bases.—X J., Echo Office, Cardiff. 625 COMFORTABLE Lodgings to Let: hot and cold bath J terms modwrate. — 1H7, Tndor-rosd, ltiverside. Cardiff. CIOMFORTA/51 E Apartments for gentleman: hot and J cold bath, good cooking, nnd atfjd&!1C<!1.-A.pply 3.3, Despenoer-street, RiT0r31cle. Canton. 717 C^OMFORTABIJS and quiet. Front Apartments in wn- J w7oad, with or without board; no children. Terms 81oden.te.-C 664, Echo Office, O..rr1iff. w4 CTOMPOilTAii LE Apartments or Lodgings no children, J piano, good cooking, tenus moderate three minutes from faff and Rhymney Stations.—32, Winuflor-rooo. 610 C OMFÓRT-B ¡,ii -Fur-ishdAparttD;I1ti i-gtlm J er two friends near trams home comforts, terms rnod_t.-Mrs Parsons, 117, Canton. 502 ("COMFORTABLE Furnished Sitting-room nd Bedroom J to kt., hot and coid bath minut. trom tram terms moderate.—20, Miskin-street, Cardiff, 596 COMFORTABLE Furnished Bedroom to Let, suitable for one or two young men with or without board.- 34, Talbet-street, Cardiff 513 C01rIFORTARLE, homely Apartments or Lodging for \J t". young gentlemen, to share; nenr tmIWI; terms moderate.—57, Metal-street, Hoath. 46 Furnihd Apartments for married \J couple ar two gentlemen friends. Terms moderate. Near trams,—Oxford Honse, .ndaff-road, Canton. 378 COMFdRTABLEHoir "h goo,i !Joard, 111 }{oath, for I dy, gentleman, or t, (1d: piano, bath, etc., every comfort, Vflr7 low and incltuiye bermS.- Write to V 312, Echo," O&rditr. 312 COMFORTABLE f..odglnS8 for one 01' two respectable J Mu, or Apartmenis terms moderate no fanu]y;- Apply Zl, North Lutcm-plice. P"ofl.tb. 327 I- ;fRO,N'.f' Rooms, well furnished, for one Gentleman L piano, hot rond cold bath no chilùreu-ApplY 67, Hamilton -street. Cathedral-road, Ca.rdüf. 737 IURNIBHED Apartments to Let, eftry home comforts, bath !uit4blt! t r Two young Gentlemen or Married Couple.—76, Arr»n-s! reet, RoatlJ. 413 ]-c{-níG'i'<rot\d.- Con;frtr,bi;'Fi1Tnfe"cd flack Parlour to Let, combined, bath and gas; Urius, 4s weekly.—M 3&8 Echo," Cardiff, 388 IODGINGS for two respectable Young 1'111111: with or .4 without bOArd, terms moderate. -Appl,y 22, Park. street^ Temperance Town, Cardiff. 724 LODGINGS for One or two Gentlemen, top of Richmond and eaRle.read" cloee to 'bus.—11, Crwys-road Cardiff. 530j D ODGINGS or Apartments for respectable young man.— ILJ Apply 4, Mandevilie-street, Canton 522 ONE or tw Young Me;-can bo accommodated 1I'ith comfortable lodgings, er share apartments; no children.—18, South Church-street. 803 PENARTH.—Youv.g Man wants comfortable Lodging" with homely peolllll.&pply by letter, wltb terias and particulars, W 776, Echo Office, Cardiff. 776 *J~> JSSPMCTABLE Mechanic requires comfortable JLI/ Lodgings; Riverside or Canton prc £ eired.-Wiite, Btating terms, to S 740, Echo Office, ?tlcliff 740 SUPERIOR Apartments to Lit; nentieman dining out preferred.—Apply 41, Plasturton-gardens Cardiff. 791 rBX> Let, Two Furnished Rooms, with Pi&no.- v" JL m, "Echo 0«ee. Cardiff .j [- ,iiRÈÊ lrge Rooms to Let, U nfurnishf1d. situatm in O:\[,le-ro:ld young married couple pref<>ned.Vrite X 758, to Echo Otaoe, Cardiff. 758 rff^ENBY.—To Let: respectable Furnished Apartments, J. Sitting-room and two Bedrooms, terms low also Un- fernihEd Detached Hotlse.-AppIy Palest1'! House,Tenby. ,.1;'O-Lt,l,odii;f-óroor- two Young Men, wit or X 1\"ithout board; good home.—48, Eidon-rood, RIver- side, Cardiff. 441 riPO Let, unfurnished Apartments, No.9, Cyril-crescent, JL Roath. Use of hot ami cold bath. 423 ''S^O Letat 62, Sadphire-street, Roath, Front Furnished JL Sitting-room Bedroom over sui one Gentleman or- two Friends terms moderate train near piallo DO c-hil dren.-Apply atove address. 328 r J^O Let, Tivo Rooms (furnished or unfurnished), hot bath, A oven crate young couple or two voung men.—81, o1"road, Roath. 389 UNFUR.fH5HED Front Bedroom and Middle Rooms; oven grate; suit married couple without children.- 25, gU&-street, Splotlands. 810 UNFURNISHED SIUi7.g-room and two Bcdr-1oms re- quired in respeotable neighbourhood by brother MId sister —Seud particulars to R. 804, Echo," Cardiff. 804 U- ÑFÜRNŒ 1m)) Apartments to Let; hot and cold _:tth.-Appiy 77, Alexandra-road, Canton. 59 V- ERY comfortably furnished Apartments, in qU family, for one or two ientlpmen or ladies; plauo; home comforts terms, 9s weekly for oue, 128 for two, in- clusive^—-14, Richards-terrace, Roath. 440 VERY comfortable Apartmenis, suit lady or lteDtIeman or married couple. Piano, B*th. Terms moderatte. 259, Cowbridge-road, Canton. 308 -WANTED, in or near Maindee Mon., by 14th Decem- ber, comfortable furnished front sitting-room ani bpdroom for lady and gentleman actendance required.— Write, stating terms, eto., Fidelis, to Echo" OIDee, New- pM 243e YOUNG Man wants Comfortable Apartments, or would join another Riverside preferred with or without board; terms must be modcrate.p 774, Echo," Cardi1f. IColdstream-terrace, Riverside.—Apartments for two or three Gentlemen or Ladies hot and cold water every home comfort: terms moderate. 408 PVBIJC HO(JSE. -iõo:õoo.-POS-f-3iiili- issue (60 oolumus) dW Downiug's List. Hundreds genuine Hotels, Spirit aulta, Breweries, Beerhouses, Temperance Hotels, Grocery, Drapery, Baking, Dairymen's, Tobacconist's Busi- ne55es, every cieacription loans arran¡:-ed.-N elson-street, Bristol. 7J4 jf *200.—Centre, Bristol-Well-known Spirit Vaults, nearly ČÑ all counter trade; rent £ 45 most comfortable home John Downing, Rotel Valuer, Bristol. £ 150.—Taunton,genuine fl111-lice11sed houe: large garden anot,her, £ 50 ooth well worth immediate attention John Downing, Fellow Auctioneers' Institute, Bristol, <*100.—Sterling SiÚit- Vaults, surrounded byi ëJW; manufactories rent only £ 28 free all but beers.- Jonn Downing, 1, Nelson-street, Bristol. < *35.—Bath. Elegantly-fitted Spirit Vaults, near Theatre and Pavilion. Rent, £ 20, Two entrances. OonTenient e.-])()wing, Hotel Valuer, Bristol. < *50.—Canital fulllieersedVi.l1ago Inn, WIth land"(25~to 50 acres) between Bath and Bristol. Another Dear two railway St.u.tiouR, £ 120. V»100.-Near Bri801, Old-established PUbllc.With orchard, éJ8I garden, stabling, and outbuildings rent £ 17 bir trade.—Duke, Valuer, Bristol. 2.53 4*35 Cash.-N oted Beerhouse, near Arcades and ÍI..Y:: čJ;.I market; another top Old Market, £ 35 another at Bedminster, ±,40.—Downing, _UctIOr, HristoL jltZ20.-Grocery and Provision Stores, fashionable seaside čJWJ town trade, £ 3,000 annually. Profits.]5 per cent. Otherefrom £ 10.—Downing, Nelson-street, Bristol. 734 BIfSINESSF"S FOR BISPF SAI,. (COMPACT-, ittle Tobacconist. Fancyaisd Refreshment J Business, near Duke-street, Cardiff paying well; can be etended.-Appl.J EvanB and Hughes. County Fire Office, Borough Chambers. Wharton-street, Cnrdiff. 468 HAIRDRESSn.-GBnSiness for Sale cheap; good coiT. nection, position and prices; well fitd: old-estab- lished. Rent moderat.e.-Hairdrl!S8el', to Daily News, Swansea. 252e PENARTH.-Gaod opening first-class Cóúfectio Baking Business, witb Rctaurant good central posi. tiop, hear Station Sueed, House Agent, opposite Station, f|CO Let, Grocery and Provisiou Business, nicely fitted X commanding corner, iu new and thickly populated district; with or without stock; rent moderate —Write 8.. 647, Bcho" Office. Ca-diff. 647 mO Saddlers & Harness Makers.-A SI1U{.: little Buslless A- fur mle as going concern, iu 5!>lendid district in CnrdifI. Last year's turnover nearly £ 300: Full ¡Jarc;ru. lays. WPlj Ihrbert J\1Q9r. Saddler, Cal:ditt. 642 VALUATION of Stock onl .-Genuine Confectionery f'usines, ill main thoroughfare.—Powell, Roach and Co., Accountants, 8, St. John's-s reet, Cardiff. 809 #*103. as going concern. Large Boarding House, with dú; connection, 10 Plymouth. Very largo dining-room and 13 nice rooms Splendidly situated, sea, rail, promenade, etc. ,¡lake good Temperance Hotel. Good furniture, china, glMs, etc. Light rental. Good reason for Öi8pmal.- Apply promptly, Goulding, St. Mary-street (nan Theatre), C;¡rdiff. 7 tf *30.—Cigar and Fanoy BU;inBS, elegantiy fitte<1, cemIine .;1;,i concern, immense main thoroughfare, near Stapleton- roltd Stalion.- John Downing, Lloeneed Auctioneer, Bristol.^ BUSINESS PREM6SES WASTES. WANTED, small Shop for Groeery.-Smd particulars 't to W 724, Eciio Office, Cttrdiff. 724 \Y ANTED, small Ho-e and Shop in a busv thoroughfare f t at Newport, suitable for tea and coffee-house; rent; not exceeding £ 30,—J, R., 53, Montpelier, Bristol. 587 R6'1F..s. die.. WASTER. WANTED by2Sth- March, a small convenient House, rent about £ 30. nearNewport Station.—Write G. R., "Echo' Office Cardiff. 269a YOUNG Couple without family want nice House at once-; HivprsUe or Canton preferred.-Addreu 00, CHtle- road, Cardiff. 76'1 FOK SA.I,t;-ROIJ:5ES U\l>. Jte COTTAGES.—A few oheap lJOtS.- Apply Hero, .Et, te ..J Agent, 94, St. Marj-street, CI\i1'l' 57e COURT-road, opposite Hoard School.—6 H01d2 ) Shops with Stables; thoroughly well built; no agent* -Pl1rkll1, Builder, Saltmead. 1)32 "S^AST Mo ;n*.—Well-built Houses, bay windows, hot. a d LA cold bath; wanted, about £ 100 to buy two.-L 475, Echo." C1\rditf 475 I-?OU with bath, near Docks and Dowlas Works; all let, a bargain.—Lodge, 11, Tyler- street, Roath. 769 -IO:R Sle One or Two gentetl Residences, Gordon-road, town Rood mortgage if required.-Looge. 11, Carditt. 7: 0 I^OR Sale, 1 or 3 ccnteel Houses, Lord-street, Penarth • very cheap, will suit sea captains; most of the money oan nmail1 un mort¡:a;;e.-Jama¡¡ Lodge, 11, Tyler-street, C rditr. 771 Ij'OR Ha'e or to l.et. House in ,;o.1å condition, in Windsor }c¡.Jauad.e, Docks, CDorditI.-App]y to 81, Cow. ridge- road, Cttrdiff. 559 ]- fOl Sale (hy ordeTOf the Mortgagee), .No. bU. Phn genet-street, Riverside corner house. wIth huge nd(]jtjol1, c(.nt,jl!il} 15 rooms. "FIeld for 90 years unexpired. Ground rent £ 3 9s 6 .—For price a1Jd fnrther particulars Itpply to Mr Waiter Cook, S-B, St, Mary-street, 0:wdiff. 535 VT'OR. Sle-or Let for a term. Three Shops, one private «- House, for 30 hors ;s, Workshop, &c.. large Yard measuring nearly 1.000 yards five minutes' valkfrom Queen-street; suit u. dertaker or factory price reasonable. Writ. V 487, Echo" Office. Cardiff. 487 I? OR Sale, 2 well-bnilt ten-roomed Houses lavatory, hot -I. and co1 d bath, latest sanitary arrangements no reasonable oflfer rE:fused.-Write to D 4D2. "Echo" Office, Cardiff. 402 | 71 OR Sale, VInaS, Albany-road, Cottrell-road, Strath- X nairn-street, Crwys-road, Dalton-street. Shcp, Albany-rood.—Hodgkinson, 138, Castle-road, Cardiff. foo MACKfNTOSHE tate.—Corner House, with two-atoll Stable and Lofr, Severn rooms, hot and cold bath, side entrance paying 15 p,c. To be seld cheao.- Apply W 433, Echo," Cardiff. 4S8 l\/aOORELANDšq-û8reEnlt Moora.—Houses for Sale, Jt facins Moor]a.nd-;qure, with l ay window s, four d- rooms, hilt and co'd bath, fitted with every convenience h ndy docks.—Apply Turner, Builder, Mooreland-square. I MUST Se l, five superior built Villas bathroom, three bedrooms; select district, adjoining Splotlands, handy Dock"MorJBon, 8, Workins-street. 410 PENARTH.-Small Villa for Sale. situated Oikleigh* terrace every convenience, Kood sanitary work.- Apply Ppeed, House Agent, opposite St&tion, Penarth. PF..N AltTH-rod.- F-Sale three well-built V1l1;:= Apply B. vans, 41, The Walk, Cardiff. 3 FLA8TXJRTON-Avenue.—Two well built and nicely finished Villas for s»le, cheap to an immediate pur- chaser. Good mortKnge, if required. — Write X. *411, Echo OOioe, lAl.rditY. 411 EICHARD-street, Cathays.—Well-built Bcnses a great bargain.— Apply S. Hera t Perttwee,Mortgage Brokers, Oalcli. 271e O Talbot-screet, Canton.—Apply Evans and Hughes, M, House and Estate Agent- County Fire Office, Borough Chambers, Wh..rto.t., O",rd¡ff. 468 Q6 IToussi in Canton and Llandaff good investments f t Full particulars on application.—Larig, Estate Agei t, 14. Conwuy-road, Cardiff. 386 0750 would purchase 16 good, well-let Houses in rising 14. Conwuy-road, Cardiff. 386 1.750 would purchase 16 good, well-let Houses in rising rty p1\rt of Cardiff mortgage (favourable one) can re- m!\in,-J. Goulding, St. M..r7.atreet Builoincs (nxt Theatre). 642 A ro liET—BB8J3IESS PKEMIE8 ..t( A- gdUffse and Shop to L«t, oft Bute-street.—For particulars, write to G 404, Keho," Oardi!1'. 454 BUTE-street.—Excellent Corner Shop. dw6'dmsj-honse, warehouse and yard rent only £ 89 per year.—Apply S Hern k Pertwee, Auctioneers, Carciff. Tile -Cu-1OÙ,iANDrNG -ghoPlIDcCgoØd Dwelling Pretnnres, J 9, Tredegar-place, N e WPOI"t; 5plendid position; suit any bu»iue»s early poMeesion.— Abrahameon.Pawnbroker, Newport. 6e CC OOD F3tabl", and Loft to Let, suitable tor carpenwr or builder, or cool meroha.nt.-Apply 27, Plasnewydd- oad, Roath. 612 GLApSTONE-street.—Workshop or Warehouse, 30 bT 13, with loft. to let.-Apply Wright, 237, Bute-rd., Ca.rdiff. HOUSE and Shop, with fixtures, Romilly-road: ØPI õid opening fIr butchers, ¡¡¡rOCPTa, or general: imme- diate^posBossio?;.—Apply 72, Beauchamp-street. 768 HOUSK and Shop, with cellars, near Bedwas SœMon. .1.- Good opening. Snit grocery or any other ùusineg,- Apply H. Cog¡;jnB, Caerphilly. 543 "O0U8E, with Shop, to-Let or Sold, near Pontyrhyl Sta- t- tion, on new road; Buit butcher or ¡;rreeugrocer.- Apply ol1!('ht!l5. 35 "VIEWPORT.—To be Let, Hutte of Offices tour rOOIlo8 and IJiovato.-y; centrally situated in Trede68r-pl3.Ce.- Particulars of Manager, "Da.ily News" 03Jce, Newport. 3Sc OFFICES !lot Docb, very convenient, over Edison nd Swan Showrooms, Buftt-road; moderate rental.- Apply J. Cuthbart Goldil1&, St. IIbry-sllTeet-buildinp (next Theatre I. 320 8T. John's-square, Cardiff.—OBCM to Let.—Apply David l>wiB, 6, Charleivstreet, Cardiff. 56 e STABLE nod rookeep cart. he. water in stable for use; 3s per week.—74, Neville-street.River.~ide,Canton WTABLE. Loft. and Cart Stand bo Lt, immediate pos- kJ session, mederate rent, near Docks and Town.—Apply Pembroh Home, Corporation-road, Cardiff. 626 r'['0 Let, commodious lock-up Shop i. Skinner-street, New- port, with back entrance reet £ 48.—Apply to D. Insleton, High-street, Newport. 281e rgCOBACCONLST, -H,1rtlMcr. and Statiûncr.-Spiendld J- Rhop nd House to Let. pretty neighbourhood, VfITY low rent. Shop stocked for suitable party Gn easy terms of paymeni.-T. Wake, Merthyr. 566 rjco Laundry Proprietors, Fellmangers, Engineers, Boiler- A makers.-ValUltble Premines.Yard, Warehouses, Stables, close r:oilwa:l'App17 Pllnn, Windsor-road Yard, Adams- down, CArdiff. 1561 riPO l<et, new Warehouse with lofo OYer, in Trada-sfa eet, X Penarth-road riie, 24ft. by 17ft. reac, 7s per wek.- Apply D. Davies, Builder, Trade-Street, Ol\rdl". f.75 raX) Let, 1\ Shop, with lacce warahome, stclCa, and place X to hold two carts.—Apply R. Pilferman, London Hou. Trealaw, Pontypridd. 606 ']- -'0 Lst, with immediate possession, the O:-e!!t.&blihed X Lodging-house, formerly Seven Stars: corner shop r.ttachcd leading thoroughfare. The hor, ,e coutaius 20 beds, always well lot with permanent and nightly lodger*.— Apply 27. Bridge-street, Cardiff. Ingoing low. 565 -W- ORK.'3HQP.-c..pital Workshop in Working-street low rent.-Ât\ply 8. Hern & Pertwee, 94, Dt. Muv street, Cardiff. 271e_ '1 AREHOUSE.-Goodsiœd Ground Floor Lot, oente f, of Cardi1Y, adjoining cMsl; low ren.-S. Hem and l'crtwee. ct!o[je, Uardl1f. 271e G)2Ö Bute-ron.d.3-St,;Ü-ed Stable and J.Jft, or 8UÏt:;ï)lfOt. fQ ^reto^ej^mediate posaessiou —Inquire 1>1 Abovp, TO LJtT.-n9IH!ifo. &It(: BUTE Docks. Dwelling Ho1ie to Let.-Apply J. Johns, No. 1, Patrick-Btreet, Bute Docs. Crdiff_2- CCOTTAGE to Let to respectable tenant in Robert-street, J Catbays,—-Apply 8, Working-street, Cardiff. 766 FSIRABLE Building ~Pk)7s to Let, Penllyn Park D- FSIRABLE Building Plots to Let, Penllyn Park Estate, Newport, Mon. Respectable builders financed. -Apply Griffiths, 27, High-street. N pwport. 255e HOUS10 to Let. with hot anù cold bath, hot nnd cold lLJi.. water in scullery low rent.Appl,y Stag and Hounds, Frederick-street, Cardiff. 802 HOUSES to Lat, Cerporation-road gas, and papered .It throughout; bath 12s 6d clear. Pearl-street, 7s.— Apply 94, Clif ■ on-street. 521 HUUSE to Let; rent., 9s inclusive. Ten minutes' walk -L from to-=ppl 143, Crwys-road, Ca.rditf. 512 HOUSE and Garden to Let, No. 2, Plasnewydd-road, off Caøtl-.r.<>r.d rent, 6s 6d.—Apply 18, Edward-terrace. JLAiNDAFF-road, modern bUilt House to Let 7 bed Jrooms, lontr garden, large celll\r.-A. H. Dutton,Prince' cliambars, St.6-square. 615 LET or Sold, 24, Claude-road, Roath, excellent position. 3 sitting and 5 bedrooms, hot and cold bath, kitchen, scullery: all modern improvement8.-Apply Mr Rowland, 31, Oakfield-streot. 424 PENARTH-1 eirace, Docks. — House to Let. — Apply Incbagula, Flint-street. Ninlan-road, Roath Park, Cardiff. 418 P- ORTH.-A good House to Let in Porth, (In good terms: suitable for a man and wife with no chfidren.-Write Grocer, "Echo Office, Pontypridd. 257e SMALL Villa to Let, just vacated; every convenience splendid situation. Rent, 10s wekly, inclwlve.-AppJy Rosedale, 248, Cowbridgo-road, Cardiff. 86 rgco Let, RoBsendale, Clytha-pquare, three reception, six X bed, dressing, two box, bath-room (hot and oold waWr), £ 55, inimediaie possession, free till Christmn.!I.-Apply Mr A. Bear. Newport. 245e "r- 0 Let. 35,37, and 39, Pontyprldd-etreet. East ]doOTil.- X Apply 13, Windsor Esplanade, Docks, Oardiff. 82S r(CO be Let or Sold, 11, Longoross-street; six bedrooms: X large garden, with available space for staDle and coach-house back and side entralJce.-D. Shepherd, 1, Frederick-street. Oartltft. 723 '110 Let. convenient House, Oowbridge.road, Cardiff 5 X bedrooms, bath, &c. side entrance. Good Corner House and Shop, M>ldras-strept, Grangetown immediate pl)5""sion,Apply Heybyrne and Brown, 21, West Bute- street, Cardiff. 638 TO L"t afeer December 11th, Elsie Cottage, Maindee X Rent, os tenant pays water rale.-Mr Ray, l'am worth, Waterloo-road, Newport. 25ge "0 Let. 41, .Afred-street 5 bedrooms, bath, and lava- X tory, 2 slttmg-rooms.- -Apply Beer, Builder, Angus- street, Ron th Park. 47 rj'iO Let, in Alfred-street,~4 Bedrooms hot and cold X bath; near Roath Park. Apply 21, Meteor-street, fJ.cl_ilf. 406 182. Newport-road, to Let, six bedrooms; hot and cold water bath back and side entrance immediate poion.-PP!y- D. Shepherd, 1, Fredei ick-st, Cardiff. 6J0, Seymour-st-rect, Moors, 7s.—Apply Evans and Hughes' Aj House Agents, County Fue Office, Wharton-street, Cardiff. 673 r8ITI,TIU! PKiKOVS. Ac BIRDCATCH ICR'S Birdlime good stuff~8d box free. Goldfinch, Linnet cages, Is, Is 6d cach. Wonderful value. Thonris. Bird Dealer, Neath; 346 Black, and Silver Chequers for iale show and JL> working Homers; priz nnd prize-bred birds: approvnl, stamp reply also game fOIVIs.-Apply E. Collins, 43, j) g ro d, Newport. 20, CCLEARANCE Sale, Gold Polands, Silver Wyan dotes, J Cochins, Brahmas.-Ðrantou Villa, Cathedral-road, Cardiff. 241 EXHIBITION coming Champions. — Magnificent Pile Game Cockerels, tremendous reacby specimens, 8s each, worth 305 Pullets. 6s.—63. Taff Vi!!w.Pontyprid.616 FOR Sale, prize bred Minorca Ck and 5 Hens; pric;25s -Radcliffe Saunders. Llani!lhen. 640 F1 OR Sale, four pair Archangel Pigeons.-Appl,y 24 Glanmaea-sireet, Lower Grange. Car,liff. 460 IMPORTER Otgenuine Hartz Mountain Canaries, with nictJ, soft, sweet roll, silvery trills, grand variation of rong. strut by day or gaslicht perfect Sohoolmasters, fMm 6s 6cL—Orir.ond, Cross-street. Newport. 702 )ARGE WeLsh Cock Goldfinches, splendid colour, war- -J ranted cocks. 2s 6d each hand-reared skylarks, in full song, can be heard before purchasing, 7a each. W. Frauois, 22, George-street. UthaY8, Carc1itr. 309 NORWICH PJainheads.—Two clear yellow Cocks, win. ners. brothers to our Swansea medal winner, 25s each ai pairs, matched for breeding, '0s 6d to 308, from simu1 parents as our winners B/iatol, Worcester, Bedminster, ijwa.. Qø.rtUff, f!Ye>' and Ihll. 1?UJ.-S Otn;auJ.>i,l1. PAIR Grand Working Homer Pigeons, sent to any address on receipt of 2s 6d; good Shooting Pigeons, cheap.-Ormond e Bird Stores, Newport. 762 cheap.-Ormond e Bird Stores, Newport. 762 73 A KBITS.—Three Dutch Does, one Buck, first-prize XV Doe and youngsters. 15» 2d.—A. Edwards, 52, Glau- road, AbeTdare. 45$ SNOW Buntings, rare and handsome cage birds, very hardy 4s 6d pair, padwd.—Ormoad, Cross-straet, Newport, Mon. f 702 WOODLARKS, Kinsr of Songsters, Skylarks, Gold fi ches.Linneis, Siskins, Canaries, Cages, &c.. Stamp for reply.— Davies, Hairdresser, 48, Frederick-strtet.Carrliff. V\7 F-LSI! Cock Goldfinches, full colour 2s, 2s 6d, show v v birds 3s 6d: Cock Linnets, real beauties, Is each, three for 2s Coek Buiifinches, 2B Heus for catching, Is. Thomas, Bird Dealer Neath. 365 'J Brown Leghorn Pullets, on th6 pointg, one Joci erel, £1 t the lot for sale.-Apply Isaao Wheeler, Whitchurch, Cardiff. 492 1t1!IUAL A Musical Clown. 21 inches high, rolls its eyes, plays two tunes, ouens bssket, cno&rv chirps, cover closes. Cost :£10; price. £3 10s. —Cording, Naturalist, Royal Arcade, Cardi*. 667 AJohnsen. successor and brother to the late James John«ou Bands for Balls, Banquets, Ac.—Address 105, Great Frederick-street, Queeu-street, Cardiff. so AN iron-framo Piano for Sale, nearly new capital to»e priee omly £ 16; bargain.—Apply 60, Tudor-road, C rdiff. 367 Jj^ULl^cempaas Pianoforte, Iron frame, metallic pinplatt, check n,et,i811. walnut case, cash £1.-PriRce's Auction Rooms, St John s-square. Cardiff. 524 I^'ULL-compass Piinoforte, Iron frame, brass pmptate, J. check action, ebonized case, brilliant tone. Cash F,25, worth £45.-Pl'iuc"'s Rooms, Cardiff. 524 HARMONIUMS, Organs. Sc., on the Hire Purchas 6y*teni.—Atla." Furnishing Company, Ltd. Hayes Cardiff 41,. TTEON-frame Pianoforte, check action, brass tuning plate, X foil compass, walnut frame; cash, £ 17 worth double. -32. I 'enarth-road. Cardiff. 651 TTRON-fr. me, check action, full-compass Pianoforte, in X walnut case, cash £17. worth £30.-Princc's Auction Rooms, 8t- quare. Cardiff. 524 5E;-SONS (Two hours weekly), Piallofor(-.e. American J Orean, Theory, Musical knowledge for examinations, fit Punil'e rC&irlBuce, if required.—Master, Echo Office. Cardiff. 793 !>;OFORTE Taupthfc, finRle lessons or quarterly; re- daced terms for childreu commencing.—1U7, Cyfarthfa- Btreet, off Castle-road, Roath, Cardiff. ';7 PIANOFORTE (taken for debt), a bc-rsain iron frame, full compass; will sell for half its value.—Apply 65, 2\ etrpo. t-u:1d. Cardiff 497 "P IAN OS by, he Best Makers on the Hire Purchase X bjBtem.—Atlas Furnishing Company, Ltd Hayes, Cardiff 4ie SPLENDlD-toned Rosevrood Piano by Tolkien,a bargain, £ !3i(fc.— 74, Conrt-road, Saltmead. 634 SUPEHIOR Pianoforte iu Rosewood, iron frame, check Io.:J notion, foil compsss cash £22. worth 40.-Pnnce'a Auction Rooms, St. Johns-square, Cardiff. 524 fjCWO Second-hand Piuros for Sale, ctiie S guineas, one X 15 guineas; good condition (guaranteed).—Apply 34, S 0 rdlff. 495 £U;r-U:.ES. '¡'JU(;JYLK'" ke. ABSOLUTE Clearance; 18 solid-tyre Bicycles, good riding order, 15s each 50 to 54. We will take buck machine -it, any time in exchange. Send P.O. 15s, full ad- dress, and size required.—Morris Bros., Pontypi idd :7e BEESTON Humber Safety, good as new, cuahiori tyrc3, a bargain; balls throughout. — J. S. E., Echo C)fflce Cardiff. 877 CCENUINB Beeston Humber Safety, diamond frame, X cusliioi tyes accessories perfect condition guar- a.t be J ne, Pl IOE.-Bolton, Grocer, NlDbleton4an», Preeton. 477 I ION Road Racer, Dunlop, braad new list £ 25. cash J £ 10 10s.—Williams, Central Cycle Works, F.-ederlck- stl eet., Cardiff. 607 I, AT.EIGH D-nnop Pneumatic Model G for Sale; a i 1 oargain, Fl t 11».—Apply Grimshaw, 49, Neville-street, Riverside, Cardiff. 635 RKPAIRS for the Trade bv Morris Bros. Pontypridd" Plating, paintinf, &e., at trade prices, also tyres. VP Al M -A 11 t0 to Morris Bros..Foafcyprldd R No jeh too difticnlt, no iob too small. 27e SAFETY D«nl«p Pneumatic; diamond un«cratched ball bead, b»ll« everywhere; £ 10 I s, worth £ 22.—Apply Dunlop, Dsily News," Cardiff. w SAFETY, perfectly new, full diamond frame, long socket I -1 head, Hil1. be "euohion tyres, roller chain, lAoed wiieeln, hall pedals, splendid machine; lamp, ail acces- foriee; £31& wonderful bar,Min.-A.Ppl¡.5, Regent-street, Weston-»uper-Mwe. 4K) P»*nmat!» and Cushion-Tvr- d Safety Bl.Trcles, new 15 and d must t. sold.—Parry and Co., Y/estga; g-8treec, (}ardi 3". 7S6- CARRIAGIM. LIVE STOCK. ar A handsome Co 1S.8, rtx veers. Also Pony, 12.2, four years. Warraated sound. Reasonable trial allowed. Several Traps, new aid secourl-hand ilarrtess. Brarg8in.- Apply 12, Albcrfc-ssreet Can top, Cardiff, 676 A Handsome Pcmy, 11.2, four years, warranted sound and free of vice. Also his new flat Cart and new Harness. Prioe, £14 the lot.—Apply It, Albert-street, Canton, Cardiff. A Bargain.—Active Cart Mare, 15 2, warranted staunch vioiker In any harnwt, price £ 1S.—Apply 12, Albert- street, Canton. Cardiff. 675 Ageort Working Cob, with Spring Cart and Harness, suit Coalman or Greengrooer, 811 the lot.-28, Stecey- road. Rosbb. Oardiff. 626 Agood, thtek-Mt Cob Hense, 13.1, good in harness and saddle very cheap, £ 6 ICa.—47, Lecuwith-rd„ Canton Cardiff. 574 A Cob for Sale Cart and Harness no further use. 29, Bute-street, Cardiff. 333 BARGAIN.—Grey Mare. 13-2, rising 7 ivitli Trap aud Harness. Suit auy light business. 1 tother or sepa- rate.—Apply 31, Crofts-street, Roatb. 811 good Flat Cart, and BBrxps Harness; lot, £3..Also 00h. 14 hands, quiet in harnfts; price £10. -Apply 14, Harelock-street, Temper- ano" Town, Cardiff. 663 BA I'(t INS, Two good strong Monies, warrtnted good J workers, £6 each; also Two Sets Harness.-29, Carlisle-street, East Moors. Cardiff. 6;;5 BARGAIN, good fast POE/, with good tr»p and Har- Gvt, suit any businees, £ 13 the lot.—28, Stacey-roud, Roatk, Cardiff. 627 C1ARTS Vans iTrolle.s Traps and Carriages of all kinds- ) by the Bristol Wagon aud Carriage Works Co. Illus trated Catalogue ou application 00 Sole Agents, Hlbbert and Sons, Castle-street. Cardiff. Me rimh T-;)." sandy, wire coat, dmkod. good j honso dog game Km.— K Morgan, 19, Market-street, Ebbw Vale. 750 ~2 XC* L iVK N'T Set Oeb tlameai, 50s ail over hogskin JLu '•'ding saddle, complete, as new, 2 (approval}.—Wil- lillm Pool, lledford. 583 Ij^OR Sale, a good Cob, 6 years, 14 bands quiet, easy to ride and drive.—Api>ly It, St. Andrews-ereeeent, Cardiff. 762 FOR Sale, a Bargain, Ruetic 2-wheeled JDog-cart; new.— Apply Collier's Machine Bakery, Caerleon-rd ,|Newport. FOR Sale, Two Handsome St. Bernard PUpil, dog and bitch; good pedigree —Apply J. C. Morgan, 14, Albert-street, Pentre, R.S.O. 738 OR Sale, a gwd mar* Denkey and Colt, will sell cheap -u4 to iiaimediato buyer.—Apply 14, Lume-street, Cathays, Cardiff. 703 FOR Sale, Bay Hare, Coal Cart. Harness, Machine, and Chaff Cutter will sell together or wparste.—Apply 16, Theodora-street, Roatk. 589 Theodora-street, ROllta. bB9 Or. Sale, cheap, two Spring Carts, snitablo for any busi- ness also oapital set Harness.—Apply (after two) HI, Alexandra-road, Canton. 6.14 Ij'-OR Sale, cheap, two excellent Bay Mares. 6 and 7 yeans old, 14.2. strong, active, and ouiet to ride aud drive good Flat Out, and Pony Trap, and 2 Sets of plated Har- n,5rs.-Apply ltrrn, 40, Roath, CiirditT. 960 IvOR Sale, cheap, excellent V' a- 'netbe find Tradesman's Cart, good Pony Phaeton, the prettiest Pony Gig in Walea, flrst-chtes builders, Spring Tip Oart. 10 Bets of single Harness, 2 double, good saddle and bridle.—Apply 1116, Pearl-stre-t, ReaWi. Cardiff. 59! OR Sale, a Pony, 13 hands high, two oarts, and Himiess. ? Apply68, Portman moor-rcoild, East Moors, Cardiff. FOR Sals, a Dog Trap, cheap.—Apply 23, Conybeare- F road, Canton, Cardiff. 427 a I70R Sale, splendid Greyhound Dog, good rabbit courser (warranted) 110 reasonable offer refused.—Apply 11, Crwys-pl*ce, Cathays, Cardiff. 422 IT'OR Sale (a good Chance), 3 Cobs and Coal Carls, or sell separate Also 40 Geese.—3, Penypeel-road. Canton. [j^OR good and cheap Hauling Carts—Thompson, Cro 3- X street, Newport 23be jj^OR Sale, Chestnut Mare, 14 hands, good worker in I shaftB or chains price £ 5.—Apply Butlin, Rope Y- rd, Clarance-place, Newport. æ,7e FOR Sale, 6-year-old Cob Mare. 14 hands, free from vice. Spring Cart, Harness;—Apply Cole, Butcher, Barry Dock. 3'! 4 a tj^OR Sale, a Horse. Harness, and Coal Cart, scaleR in- eluded. A bargain.—Apply 4, Bridge-street, Cardiff. /C REAT Bargains.—Harness, riding Faddles, carriage VA lamps, rugs.—Saddlery Co., Alexandra-road, Swansea. Carriage lamps repaired, now glasses put in. <51e HAND Truck, brand new, suitable for any trade Iron stocks to v heels, light, spacious body sell cheap.—19, Tudor-lane, Cardiff. 462 HACKS and Hunters to Let on Hire at A. Smart's Livery Stables, Plymouth-street, Cardiff. 828 HORSE and Cart for Hire.—Apply B. Jury, U, Howard- street, Treorky. 342 PONY. Trap, and Harness for Sale, cheap, or separate.— Apply Cabinet Works, Bedford-place, Cardiff. 594 PONY. Cart, and Harness; £ 9 the Lot.—Graham, 128, Portmanmoor-road, Cardiff. 450 801tE Shoulders Cured by Condy's Flutd.-Voterl O book free. Horses suffering from sore shoulders, sore backs, cracked heels, grease, or broken knees, cured in a few hours by baching the parts affected with uiluted Condy's Fluid. Of all chemists. Prices, 8oz., Is 20oz., 2s. —Veterinary book free from Condy's Fluid 'Worh, 83, Turnmill-street, London. 5ge WANTED, a Horse for its keep for two or three months (good home); move 35ewt.—K 678, Echo Office, Cardiff. 678 ANTED. Dog Cart and Harness for pony 13 hands W high, excellent condition, and cheapr-Arnold, 39, St. Mary-strcet, Cardiff. 715 ANTED, to hire, with option of purchase. Horse or f f Mare. from 15 to 16 hpnds hith dark bay, brown, or black, good in single and double harness, no vice, not, under 6years.—Apply 22, "Chronicle" Office, Bridgend, with price and where seen. 649 tSC ELLA.% F.0 si A Thing Worth Knowing.—Fligelstone's (Ontftter, Jeweller, Pawnbroker), only address is 22, Castle-road, Roath, Cardiff. 325 A splendid group of Lady's Gold Rings. Handsome diamond ring, 10s Di mond and Sapphire Ring, 10s. Fligelstone's tor Dresp Rings. 32s A splendid group Cif,,nts'(;old Sifnet Rings, Bingle stone jnL Diamond Rings. 9os massive Snake Rinjs, only 10s. -At 1<'l7ge)s\J:1t'l. 325 Alive-guinea English Lever (maker. WhghtrCovpntry) A only 503; Burdess' celebrated Coventry Lever. 50s. Flitrelstone's for English Levers. All warranted. 325 A H, Ah 1" The Old Firm cannot be beatenT 22ct. XV Gold Wedding Ring, very heavy, 12S 6d. See our windows and compal, with others. 38l A~ H, Ah 1" The Old Firm," SoUThillip?, 43, Caroliue- street, Cardiff. Handsome Parlour Clock 6s 9d Pair Electro-plated Salts (in case), 5s 6d J.ady's Silk Um- brella, silver handle. 16s 6d. See windows and compare. 3S1 AH, Ah I." The Old Finn (established 1852) SoL Phillips, 43, Caroline-street. Cardiff.—Ebouv Silver Handle Walking Stick, 3s 6d. 331 A~~TL Ah R "The Old Firm." ~Sol7pju)Hps,—Silver English Lever (chronometer balance), crystal glass, 45.i warranted five years. Cannot be equalled. 381 AHTAh l"^ "The Old Firm is stilV to the fro^. Lady s Gold Geneva Watch, 27s 6d, warranted 3 years.—43, Caroline-street, Cardiff. jgj A H,j Ah I" The °\d J^tTuold Albert/very jl\. heavy (nearlv new), £ 7 if not approved of money retumed.-Sol. Phillips 381 ALL go to Fligelstone, Pawnbroker,"jeweller, and Out> fitter. 22, Castle-road. Cardiff, for Gold and Silver Watche3, Alberts, Rings, Brooches, and Jewellery of every [ description. All who come to us come again and again. 3<5 ARTIFICIAL Peg-lexs, Crutches, made and repaired at the manufactory.—Pen re. p and Co., Truss Makers, 1, 14, Station-terrace, opposite T.V.R, Station. Cardiff. 68 ARMS, Legs, Eves, Spine Supports, Trus&ej,~I>g Irous, Elastic StDckings, made, fitted. -Pearco & Co., H, Station-terrace, opposite Taff Vale Station, Cardiff. 155 r A T L Silver Waltham Lever, uaual XX. price 4 gniiieas, only 35s; acknowledged best time keepers io the world. Cenuw9 bargain, 3^5 AT Fligelestone's only.—22ct. Wedding Rin;s, 3 dwt.. 15s 4 dwt., 2Gs 18ct. Keeper*, from 3s. Cl1e.1r.-st house in Cardiff. 325 AT 2 Guineas, Gent's Set. Curb Albert. Indies' and Gents' Gold Alberts from 25s.—-Fligelstone's is the house for Alberts. 325 house for Alberts. 325 AYE. Aye, Aye.—Try Fli?efstone's 12s 6d wool-lired, veT- vet oollar, beaver Overcoat, is the overcoat, of the eason. 325 A T 12s 6d, Coats and Vests, black diagonal or vicuna -t~a- cloth. Fligelstone's 18s fld cannot be beaten. Try them. 325 eason. 325 A T 12s 6d, Coats and Vests, black diagonal or vicuna Acloth. Fligelstone's 16s cannot be beaten. Try them. 325 AT Flirelstone's. Blankets I Blankets i Blankets Wool BlanketiB from 5s. Our 12s 6d Cloth Blanket a completp success. 325 AT Fligelstone's. Boots 1 Boots Boots 1 Men's Derby, 3s 6d Women's Lace from 3s Children's Boots from Is 6d upwards. 325 of Dra\7rs. S large, 2 email drawers, B height 3ft. tin. 27s 6d, worth 40s. Dressing-talke and Washstands, from 13s 6d iile-Iiick do., 27s 6d, worth 37s 6d Cash with order -Martin, 6, Elackhall st" Caerleon. BLAIBEHG, P"wDbrker.-F()-f;i¡;dUmb;;Un, ¡4s 6d: also a splendid one at 12s fid. Portmanteau at 5b 6d. BLAIBERG'S Forfeited Go;ctfRepeat«r, £14. Approvnl, ..JI your own timeif reasonable. 706 BLAI 1.ERG, Pawnbroker.—Forfeited Ladies' G >ld Albert, 35s original cost, 63». Only used twice. Fasliionsble pattern, and much cheaper than other adver- tisers. 706 BLAIBERG, Pawnbroker.—About 6 Pilot Cloth Over- coats, velvet collar. Never been worn, 12s 6d ench. Cannot be purchased elsewhere so cheap. 705 BLAIBiiRG. Pawnbroker.—Sale during alterations. Our Guinea M»ckintosh for 20s 6d maker, Currie, Edin- burgh. 517 BLAIBliRG, Pawnbroker. — Sule during alterations About 20 Forfeited Umbrellas. No reasonable offer refused. 517 HLAIBI'-RG, Pawnbroker.—Silver Watch, 8s 6d; Silver Curb Albert, 5s 6d taking both. 12s 6d. Sale price. ]31 'ell;Gto Pawnbroker.—Our 13s 6d Cloth Blankets reduced to 13s during Sale. Money returned if not a bargain. 517* BLAIBERG'S 5dwt. 22ct„ V/edding Ring, 26- 6d. 517 1.) LÃiiEF.GŠ- dwt:t;-4d;i8s; Keeper, 19s. J :1, B) LAIBERG'S 8dwt. 22ct. Wedding Ring, 44s. ,,17 BLAIBERG S Forfeited fiiiver Levers, about 40 left t-ke D 3)3 each to clear. Money returned if you eaunot get 2,'s In plc-ige. 39 TJ>LAIBERU,Pawnbroker.—Forftited Gent's Gold AThrt, ii 50!, s-ilid, curb pattern, every link stamped. Sale pdce dmiug enlargement, of shop, 3s 6d 332 BLAIBERG'S noted_ 22 ct. Wedding Ring, 3dwt, 15s D reduced to 18s daring alterations, a proof that we give genuine reduction. ;2- BOTTLES Bottle* Direct from Works, nopgins and ) hrlf-pints, 12s gross; 5 gross corks for ?s.— Importer, 7, Trevethick-street. Cardiff. 33) EOTTLES Bottl' S !—Noggins and Half-pints, wahct, 13 ready fir use, 8s gross.—Bishop's Bottle Stores, War- wick-street, Grange, Cardiff. 444 BOTTLES! Bottles!—Medicine Bottles, 8oz., 6oz., and 4oz., at Bishop's Bottle Stores, Warwick-strc-et, Grange, Cardù1'. 45 BUrCHERS' Blocks for Sale.—Goodman Brothers, Butchers' Outfitters, 59, Constellation-street, Roath, Cardiff. 374- BUl'R Walnut Wardrobe, plate-glass panel door, hang ing press, drawers and fbeives cash £ 3 10s bargain. 1, Meteor-Btreet, Roatb. Cardiff. 6 4 X)U1LDtlRS' and Others.—Paving and curb and dhanoel X> for Sale.—Apply Thomas Thomas, Carpenter "nd Joiner, 5, Blv.idy-terrace, Gilfachsoch. £ 04 CHRISTMAS AUractions.—Second-hand Rosewood In- laid Drawire-rooir. Suite, 7 guinea*.—No eAddr, ss, E. E. Harris's ltld-L"bU,hed and Reliable Furnl.rM-.g Depot, The Market-, Newport,. 737 CHRISTMAS Attraction;— Special Bargains at Harris's. Carpets, Linoleums, Floorclnhs, Matting-rugs. Great hal'g1lln In Made-up Carpets, Remnants of Fioorcloihs, &:0., half-price. 787 CCHRISTMAS .Attoo';iO'l1fl.ee windows this day and J iU),ie0t Karris'* Stock. Dining-room Suite in velvet, £4 17s fcl ano her in saQdJ8ftotlle. £615,. i87 n CCOMPOSITION Pewder. recomnse»ded by Drs. Fox, J Skelton. etc. extra Ptronr, 4<1 per jounce.—Trimcell, "The Herb"iiit. YIoirllo-t< Oardif!. '7.7 c. "10ÚN'LER, 9ft. loog. cupital C(IIH.1IÙOD, tor sale, cn" y. J —1, Meteor-street, Roaih, Cardiff. 701 DKAWING-l^oem Suite in solid mahogany frames, cerered ia vettet; aasli, £ 4 10s cheap at double.— 1, Meteor->tr»«t. ftentli. 634 ELF/ Tf O P! B* an 1 Pol ahlnj Plant, all complete, tor gold, tilw, nickel, and copper. Mart be sold.— F.rry. \Frsfjr(it« i'reet, C odi". 7E4 '4 vX»D. — « wn BIOC-KS, 6-:i ready cho;)ped, is per cwt dehversd,—J. Banbury, t, Ccvony-street, Cardie 311 T.^ISH and Cfcjp Potite Cocking Steve, latent patent; X two aoid a half iDShes larger than aoy otlier made. Suitable lor shop or trnck: coruumine ste-vm and smell.— For full parucnl-un as to price, &o., apply T. Vacara, New- port UI VOlt Sale, Loan-te areenheuso, lflft. x 8ft.. tenant s E x- tare, in perfect oondition, a bargain.—Apply Mr A. Bear, N«w, ert-. 346e FOR Sale, 8-h.p. Portal le Eaglne, in tliorr-n' repair also New 6ft. Slertar Pan.—Apply Eni'ine 633, Bcho Offiee, Cardiff, 633 OR Sale, a barrain, 2, cost £5, Revolving M,.chiae for window attraction worked with 2 monkey-, with prioe and description of goods changing suitable for eu&fiHers. -Write Window, Echo Offiee, Newpero. 363e I FOR Sals, three splendid Persian lings, just brought from Bairdad, Persia,—Apply 14, Wyndhatn Arcade, Cardiff. P70R Sale, Counters, Dreesers, Kennels. Ladders, Tri- X eycles, Clothes-poets, Wheels, etc.—Blake, Cathays Yard. Miskin-st., or 31. Llscbleddian^ardens, Cardiff. 528 JT'OREIGN Stamp Collectors should call at Murray's, 101), Castle-road, Cardiff. A large variety to select from, j cheap. ,),-9 FOR Sale, a Bargain, Child's Mail Cart, equal to new. Cost 3 guineas.—Write to W 429, "Echo, Cardiff. 429 FOR Sale, 2 Bagatelle Tables, Billiard and Irench.— Apply Wellington Hotel, Canton, Cardiff. 335 ITVJR Sale, a Singer's Family Sewing Machine (L F.); very little used; jeosonable price.—Apply B. S., Dailv News Office Cardiff 341 |/Oil Sale, Wheelbarrows for Builders send Contractors X at a low prioe by the doran.—Ponaford Bros. Clarence Wharf Saw-mills, Newport.. 2:Se j^OR Sale, Box Mangle, nearly no#.—Apply 39S, Cow- bridge-road, Canton, Cardiff. 302 FUR Boa.—Lady bug lor immediate Private Disposal a real Russian Tail Fur Boa. very dark brown, iO feet lrm, immensely thick, soft value 715s sacrifice for IIj" 9d; perfectly new.-Can be seen by wrisiug P. H., "Daily Nen," Cardiff. 126 GRAND old Oak Sideboard, 12 dmirie-room nod 2 arm- T chairs, beautifully carved; will soli »t hadtheir value. Miast be sold within 7 days.—Sdee, 30, High-st., Newport. (1 LASS, China and F.artheawwe.—Tens of useful articles X (not rubbish). Dinner seta, i4s tea set», 7s toilet sets, fis Jug* from W set; cups and saucers from 1* 6d doz.; Iuates, dishes, puddlns-bowls, vases, lnstres, tumblers, goblets, &c., fee. We supply every requisite for the million at manufacturers' prices. Never before in the annals of the pottery trade have crockery and glass bfceti offered at such prices. A glimpse at our window will oonvinoe you as to what we oan do. All roods delivered free, town. Illustrated lists free.—J. R. Rogers, ff estgate-atreet, Cardiff. 924e Y,ASS, Glw- -ReceiTed, eargo of 300,000 fent at Win- VX dow Glass, 23s per OftSP, or cut »o customer's measure- ments, 12s per 100 feet,; pnttr, 7swrcwt. mixed paints, 23s per cwt.—IK it's and Sou. 11, Queep-sSicet, Cardiff. 629e CC UN. double barrel, breach-leader, top lever, left harrel X choke, 12 bore, hammer belew line erf sight, wonder- ful killer, nearly new, eomplete with re-capt>er and turn- over and cleaning rods, all nearly new wonderful bargain. Cash, £3 15s, on "P?rl. Meaker, 46, Great Alfred- street, Weston-super-Mare, 3 INDIGESTION Herbs, well-known for their tonic end I digestive properties 9d per packet, potrt free It.—Tiim- nell, The Herbalist," Moint-terrace, Cardiff. 74s KNEEHOLE Wriling Table, nine drawers, with leeks, leather top, 37 s 6d.—Williams's, 14, High-street,. 436 LARGE Dining Table, 7ft. by 4ft 9in massive legs; great bargain want room.—1 Meteor-street-, Eoath. IADY wishes to Sell Parcel of B?.b>'s First clothes; J superior quality never worn very cheap.—Mrs L., 33, Rippingham-r-jad, With in 5.1 on, Manchester. 583 MANG1-ES Washing Machines, Sewing Machines o.-i the Hire System.—Atlas Furnishing Company Ltd. Have* Cardiff 4b OLD ean, folded newspapers in any quantity. Apply D. O. Evans and Co., Penarth-road, Cardiff.—Buyers of all kinds ot waste papers for re-manu- hcturd. Offices cleared by arrangement; destruction of books and documents guaranteed. f.31e OTTO Gas Engine, nearly new seven indicated horse- power. Also Drilling Machine, for haDd or power.— Parry.•Westga'e-street, Cardiff. 784 OFFICE Table, large size, with massive legs, suitable for important office; cheap; want room.—L, Jieteor- street, Roh. 634 PATCHWORK.—50 pretty pieces Silks, Satins, and Vel. -P vets, Is also lovely Crotchet Nightcaps cheap.—Mrs Lawford, 115. Portland-street, Southport. 322 PERAMBULATORS Ma Carts on the Hire vsr.eui Atlas Furnishing Company, Ltd., Hayes Cardiff. 41e PUBLICANS, prepare for Christmas bOO handsome P wine and spirit bbel, assorted, for 6s 5 gross best pipes, stamped name and address complete for 10s.—Im- porter, 7, Trevethfck-stieet, Cardiff^ 470 KL. S.—Hand-cut Virginia fragrant and lasting in the pipe.—May be had in one, two, and four ounce tins, of all Tobacconists. {,15 SALE, at Blaiberg's, previous to extension from Bute terrace to Bute-street, Overcoats, lis 6d. 301 SALE, at Blaiberg's, previous to extension from Bute- terrace to Bute-street, Wedding Rings, 5s 6,1. 3[2 SCHOONER, 76 register, 140 D.W., handy coaster, com- plete outfit; must be sold.—Apply Fred Angus, Wilson- street, Middlesbrough 535 SIGNBOAUDS, 54 inches bv 36, and smallsr one, cheap, Handsome Showcase, suit chemist or oonfectBoner.— 1, WeHs-«itrff>t, "1'1011 827 SLiDii\G. iv.irfu/jing. and Screw-cutting Lathe on 12-feet I. gap bed, 4-jaw chuck and 2 faceplates, with change wheels all complete. Good as new,—Parry, "Wertgate-st., Cardiff. 764 SPLENDID Shaving Composition, shaving without rar.or, soap or water. Recipn, 7 stamps.—Watts, 3, Whi;worth-terrace. Tredegar. 777 SMAJjL Stock of Id and id Drysaltery Goods for SaltT che-.c — For nnrticulars apply 3-^Norton-street, Balsr.il Heath, Birmingham. 751 tJPA MsH Mahogany Dining able, opening to 24ft., ulso »J one opening to 10ft., for sale, cheap.—Prince's Auction Rcoms, Kt. John's-sau tre, Cardiff, 525 SPECIAL value in Table and Dessert Cutlery, PliTted SPECIAL value in Table and Dessert Cutlery, PliTted Spoons and Foriss, ccordeons.Pipes.Combs, liroocheg Studs Tllostrated lists free.—J, It. Rogers, West-gate- street, Cardiff. ine OTRONG Perambulator (doable) for Sale; cost £ 4 15a O will -ii 1.,r 1 10s; good as new —SO, Harriet-street' Cathays, Cardiff, 790 'ro Bootmakers and Others.—For Sale, two first-class X Seiving Machines no reasonable offer refused.—Anpiy Jones, Gellideg, Pon vpridd. 247s rPHREE-quarter h.p. Horizontal Steam i'-Dgine, little X used, heavy fly-wheel, governor and pump attached On view. Miles, 1M, Clifton. street Cardiff. S72 r9CWO Tea aud Coffee Urns, 4 gallons, opper, compiet" X With s oneware lining, equal to new; bargain.—1* Meteor-screet, Reath. 634 VERY Massive Brass 5-Light Chandelier, 25 5; 43ewinp Machine on stand, good order, 25s, cost ;CS 3J, High-street, Newport. 23 e and Pencillinge among Ruins of the v oid°n Time.—A series cf 73 very beautiful Etchings by Cuitt; folio handsomely bound; published £ 12 12 3 • price 55s.—Norton, Queen-street, Cardiff. 433 \7ILLIAMS'S, 14, High-street, for full-size double- f t woven Wire Matresses, 12s 6d, sold elsewhere 18s M Rood full-size Wool Mattresses, 12s 6d patent Nursery Chairs, four positions, lis 9d brciss rail Fenders, largest selection in Cardiff, from 4s lid Fire Brasses from 2s 3d. WILLIAMS'S, 14, High-street, for ready-made bordered w Carpets a good bordered square for 22s lid. 496 WILLIAMS'S, High-street for FeatheF Beds, full-size". 23s lid. 496 MASKS, Musks, Masks.—Bert Ad varnished Masks with moustaches, well assorted, 3s 6d per gro.su. Id Masks, Animals' Heads, Half Faces, False Noses, and Spectacles, with or without moustache. 6s 6d to 6s lid per gross,from 7d per dozen. Father Christmas, Dudes, Mashers Slopers, Niggers, Old Lady. Clowns, Indians, Y:s,sks with long wooden noses (hundreds of patterns just la), from Is 4d per dozen. Large heads for show purposes very chean —VV atkinss Chepstow-road. Price List free. 46se PUDDING Basics, Pudding Basius, Pudding Ba,i,, Best quality. We have 300 dozen to clear from lid per dozen. Celery Glasses, new pattern. Is line, 5s 6d oer c.ozea.. Is sucars atid Crc.tms, 4s 3d per dozen. 2.1 Tum- blers, in large variety, from lOd per dozeu,—Watkius Uxepstow-roao, Newport, Price liatfree. 4^3 I O: D Ss: ^oury regrets h misled LL grand Ci.r.stTr.as -1. Sirow of the People's Provider, and was quite una le to hob-nob or have his usual ehar with him. Another oargo of Dolis just arrred marvellous value in dreesed 1'oliB from 4+,] to 24s d-z. 200 doz. of pur handsome Is dressed Dolis, euch doll in separate box, will be cleared at 5 6"; d z. IVft En?li.«h-m ke ro. Dolls, L ndon dressed, from 2s 5d doz. Pe. and Ma Dolls, Crying Polls, Black DoUs. Large Dol' handsome models for sliow purposes, up to 36 Inches lorir, at very le.v" Dolls'Houses, marvellous select-ion, from lid e:;er.. Karids'tne Dolls Carriages, latest, "aris f"hj(rn. icrooo wheels, with hood c mplet«. beautifully finished in gold, half-guinea size, 6 6d. Doll's Furniture, endless van -ty, all the newest pat- terns.— Watklns, World's Pi ovide-r, 60, 143, 143A, 144, CSieps- tow-road, !\t"Tor". Piioe Lists free. 438e TOYS. Toys, Tevs.—Another hundred caces just to hand of all th# neweJt fnd best patterns. Half penny Toy, well assaried, splendid variety, 2. 2s 6d, 2s 9d, 3s, 3s 6d, 3s 9d per gross, from 2!d doz. Lllrge strong Penny Toys, from 7 to Syl per doz.. or oil, 7 per grros. FiTe esses of our beautiful 1 roodel Don. to hand. 21in. loug. clear at 4R 9d pe- doz. 6d Dolls from 3s 9J per doz.. in endless variety. Our ehainpion Box of Skittle*1-. 14 inches long, easily retail at 9d, or-iy 4« 3d Tier dozen cheaper Boxes of Skittles from 4d per dozen. R, member, there is nQ manufatiurers' ageKt's f /olery about us. We stock £5.000 worth of new goods, and we have just added other large premises bO we have now 4 shops and 15 storerooms and the finest selectien In th? kingdom rrf everyihing. (Vime eariy and have the pick nrtd yonr g-ods will be sent, off aerae day. —Watkias. 6C 143, 143R, 144, Chepeu>w-iofd, Newport. Pnoe Lists free. 4fge EOMEO and Juliet —See our Marvellous Bhov ol Mec- Lanioal C oekwork Wi"dr>T: S'ovelti<«. A wise shop- keeper wm "aT a :Jch4"Ü."t1 Nov< lty, as they draw (;ro".ci. and pav for themse ves over .d over agrin Cats' Dancing Party, wouderfui meel arrisnr., go-a 1 k hour". Ct and Dog danoe togeth-r, and after every rottnd they and krss, while Poll Parrot in C'ce 11111 Goat and ano her Dog j amuse the people by various antics. 35s. Romeo and Juliet I improved. Tsis i* undoubtedly the best and mr>st amusing j Clockwork Noveity out this year. Romeo seated n | the tiles serena ies Jnliet with hI-, euic.ar, whi'e j the lady graeiously bows acknowledgment. An at once j Romeo s mother with 3, Lru ann. commences a vigorous aUlIock cn tiomeo in the rear while Romeo Kicks 11 twek a vicious dog that tries to bite him 421-1. The Khedive Wonderful Mechanical ISm ke- puffs his cigari tte like a man: veiv natural and life'ike only 6, 6d. The Jucttler place* a cover on a baskft nd taps it with his magic wand aud a b*by appear taps again # serpent appears, and so on 10s 6d. This marvellous Jaggler was fully described in Mr Geo. Newnes' "Picture M g-.zine of rrcent dite. Hundreds of ot-her mcckauical re. Tellies arriving daily.— "Watti s, Tr,e Live Man, Cnepbtow-road, Newport. Pi ice 1 Lr*wFree. 4:8e Free. :8e Yf OULDINGS Mouldinrs Meuldlnas Anothsrr con- >Jt signment of 15-jO 1 feet- of very her. qualify. Best Gold Alham:-rcp. 21 inr'.es wide, 6s lid, 7s 6< 1, and 8r 6d ptr 106 fe.t-; Best Gold Slips, from 2s lid per ICE feet; 1 i-i1 ah J Walnuts with gold edg«, 4s Id per '08. White ond gold, I brown ar.d gyld, black and gold in endless profusion I ab- Ford prices. did Oak., at Id pr foot. Hundred* of patterns, all ew cud original. Flr.egr, co lection ou" of Ltindou.—Watkins, The Provider, 143, 144, Chepetcw-r- ad, X ewooTt.. 43oe STRIKES Strikes Strikes !—Bon t strike no more, but go into shopkeer-ing, and buj everything you want fo start from the World's Provider, Watkir.s, Chepstow-roa'T. Newport. 500 doz. Best White and Gold, Blue an 1 Gold, er Pink and Gold Teacups aad Saucers, large size, 2s 3d doz. G xiifl, useful Teacu; s and Saucers, Is 6d doz. 600 doz. Best Brown Teapots, dear at 3s 9d doz. 25 est;-vs of Best ZÙ Glass Tumblers, wit", o* without leg. dear at IC '.d j and Is (tz, 6C doz. Sugars. Creams, and Butter ;-h-s, clear !lot 48 1 Id doz. Glws* Di3 from li doz. Cakero:l1tls, Fruitplat r«. at very low prices. 523 doz. of Kr*t Stamped Pheasant Plates trom 91 doz. Dishes all sorts, at eq-.sallv s'o-urd prices. 54 piece (new shape) Dinner Sets f-em 14s '1d. Best Polished-tuck Shoebrushes, from is 64 doz. Trunks, Cutlery, Brooms. Brushes, Top, China, F.ie.ey Gi-ods, Boot-protectors, Vases, Pi (".tu;-e,o;, Fireworks, S't- tiouery, Books, Combs, Jewellery, Clocks. To Cigars, Japanese Goods, Baskets [Here, hold on!—En.] Al- right, Mr Editor. They had better coins and see the rest. Take the yeliow bus from H Igh-srreet. 43Se YYATCHES (/locks, and Jewellery on Hie Hire Systoai II Atlas Furnishing Croip»»iy. Ltd., Hayes Cardiff 41" 19s 6d, Walnut Overmantel bevelled plrte3, Mahogany Parlor.r Table, 18s 6-1. Easy Chairs, 12s 6d aud 14s od. Fender and Fireircms, 8; lid.—See H-rris's Windows. 7S7 0212s 6d. The Wonder Parlour Suite. Mahogany Pr.r- rw lour Table. 18s 61 Pier G'ass, 13« 6d —Harris's Depot, Tbe Market. No con;-ectien with auy other address. 737 "1 41 9et Full size Ik-¡;tea,1 Palliasses, 6s 6d. 7s 9d, S3 DG. j I — Nste 01\]1 address Harris's \Yd-stl!]!shed and I>'iabl* Fiunitura Depat, The Marlret, Newport. 787 J "I 5s 9d, f?prinp: Couch. Parloa- Chairs, 4« 9d each. Kitchen I Table, 6s 6d. lAi.e C'oth Rugs, 4s 9d. Waahetvnd and Table, 11a fid. T»i;et Glass, 6s td. 787 Table, 11a fid. Tei,.t Glass, lie td. 187 ~| la Sd, ex1 inordinary value. Fall-staid B~d and Bolster, J. stripod tick. B«st i-sti-har Bed, Bjkter, amd -wo Pill&vra. 35s guara-iteed tu sise. 787 KIM'KMAKiCOrfl Vf AST*. Pill&vra. 35Lt guara-iteed tu sise. 787 W AST*. A'&ffUlT value) given for Indies, Gentlemen's, and Children's Cast-off Caot'sing also miscellaneous arriclwf, AI! ->rders punctually attended to oil meeipt of pYSt-lJet'd.-lil1! Carter, "6, Broe.dway, Roe,th. Cardiff. 792 T ADI198', GenUemen's, wd Children's Ijeft>-off Clothing J b"ut!t; good prices given. Furnitnre PlaJsted, 2S. Oftrii-le-istrect, East Moors. Oardiff. 298 I ADIRS', Gentlemen's, Children's I^eit-off CJothing JL< Bought.—Mrs Rich. 67, Castle-road, Cardiff. Good prices. Orders panotually atteitdei te Furniture bsrurht. MR? Rebine. a' chaser fRd;:ï5d:e Cast- L. off Clothing. Orders snd parcels r,, e prompt at tention—192. Leuimercial-'oad, X twport" Mon. gfpl) R8 D. G -rman, 7 ar.(i 8, Bridge-street, Cardiff. Pur- i-SA cbaser of Ladie Gentlemen's, and Children's Ward- robes. Good prices given. Established :853. 299 OWING to death of metier must iiart with my little chiid, two years eld.—Address O 472. Echo Officr>, Cardiff. 472 Y\7 ANTED, small Engine and Boiler, about four h.p. v t state coudicioas and lewest price.—X 719, Echo" Office, Cardiff. 719 YYTANTPID. Band 610." and Circular Saw Beneh. and 7 I 2,000 feet of Dunnage Board, chea^, for cash.—K 623, "Echo" Office, Cardiff. 523 YY ANTED, kind, respectable Person to Adopt bright, vv intelligent little Boy, age six years.— Vv rite B 570, Echo Office. ">cO< 370 I. !tH("m.L" YF.t!Ioo. » » ARTIFICIAL Arms, Hands, Legs, Lee Irons, Spine Sup- ports. Belts, Eyes, Elastic Stock ngs. Trusses.—Maker, Mr Allen Pearce. 4. Charles-street, Cardiff 333 ASTROLOGY.—Date, conditions, aiarriace business prospec 8 past-events Send bin h-tirae. Fees, Is detailed, 2s 6d.—Mrs Charles, 57, Carlisle-place, Bradford, ASTROLOGy.-rat: ¡mony, Future Fore-old, tc., Is. A Future Partner Described, Ac., seven stamps. Send birthtime and description.—Prof. Evans, 4, Powell-street, E. 624 CCHEAPMT Bouse in Cardiff tor *»cend-hand Furniture, 1 J Bedsteads, Beds, elc.—Woodruff Bros, 1, M.tor-t.. Roath. 634 FURNITURE ef everv description :PS(" in vs;tie tAi F seitct from, on the Hire Systezi strictly privaoL The Largest Premise* and Stock out- of London.—Atlas Furnishing Company, Limited, Hayes. Cardiff. 41 JNCE. Silversmith. Newport, aives highest virices for o'ld- fasbrfined Silver. Silver-plated goods, old Gold and Silver Jewellery and Watches, old Coins, Clocks, China, fee. Parcels sent by rail or post receive immediate attemior.—6, Tredegar-place, Newport, Mon. 91 <* OYSTER Saloon Now Open, First and Second olass. at 0 R. Bickl "101., Queen-st-reet, Cartlitf, 124 PHRENOLOGY.—Health, Pnrsnit, Matrimony, from It. —Professor Cook, Blewkt-street, Newport, Mon. Come or send Photo. 217e ^ARSAPARILLA Compound clears the ekin and purifies lO the blood (no oase too severe), may bt taken without fear of oatohirg cold a pleasant medicine purely herbal price la, post fr«e Is 3i—Trimnell, "The Herbalist,' fear of oatohirg cold a pleasant medicine purely herbal price la, post froo Is 3i—Trimnell, "The Herbalist,' Moira-twraoe, Cardiff. 7*5 I can Purchase old Life Policies of £ 1^0 to any ameunt. or arrange Loans oa same —J. Cuthbert Goulding, St, M&ry.t.r. Rnildi-gs (n..n Thør.re¡. í TF you want your Dininu or Drawing-room Suite Re-uphol- c. Ir raered rend for J.\e. Stinchrx/mb, Practical Upbolst-erer a d Mattress Maker, 13, Iron-rtreet, Roath, Cardiff. 74o IF you are married, or con tern late taking this important step, w# can send you valuable infomnticm which you ought to know. Send your address, and we will f.-nd you catalogue and pamphlet fre«.—Address H. G. r.:rr, Westkill, Wendswortn. Loadoa. 57 Westkill, Wendswortn. Loadoa. 957 SAMPLES and Testimonials Gratis.—Napier's Talent Cephalic Snuff, worth its weight in gold. Cures Poly- pus, Deafnein, Went Sight, Fits, Catarrh, and Helld Diseases.—Send directed envelope, Professor Napier, Wes- ton-super-Mare. Messrs Ferris & Co., Agents. Bristol. 763 STUFFED B'rds. Animals, Fish, and Reptiles, like life. Birds nude into neen, Heads Mounted, Horns Polished, Skins caveful!v dressed r-nd mounted. Old Cases re-burnished.—Ormond, Taxidermist, Cross-sfreet.Newport. SWEKTHEART'S Curious Love Letter, Six Funny Photoiraphs, Six Jlagis Cards; post free, 12 penny stamps—flyams, 23, Myton-street, Hall. 54 r|CHEATRICAL and Fancy Costumes.—Every oonceivable X mate-tip supplied at popular prices to carnivals, enter- tainments. &c.—Silver Trout, Bridge-street, Cardiff. 855 1 ^ORNISH ou our new hire Lire System. Houses or A artments completely furnished 011 a new system adopted solely by us, whereby all publicity, exposure, aed nf]Iir¡e8 usually made ty other companies are disej5eÙ with. We have an imateuse stock of Honseho'd Furniture of cheap aud superior quality. AHgnuds sold on the Hire System at ready-money prices. We make no extra charge for credit, and all goods sent home in a private van free of charge. No st, iiii) or agreement charges made no bill of sale; everything private. Arrangements completed i'ltbout delay, and, being manufacture re, we guarantee quality, and will undertake to supply furniture, etc., at 10 per cent. less than any price-list issued by any firm io Cardiff. Eleven showrooms. Call and inspect our im- mense stock, and compare prices before purchasing else- where. We will supply £ 6 wort h for 2s 6d weekly £ 10 worth, 4s weekly; £ 1-5 worth for 5s weekly £ 20 worth, 6s weekly, and so oil in proportion. Special terms for larger quantities. Please note the address;—South Wales Furnishing Company 31, Castle-street (opposite the Castle), Cirdlff '» .'14':0 ifi TO Genuine Financiers.—Wanted, immediately, £ 205 for twomoa hs Good security. Substantial interest.— Z 711, Echo Office. Ca'diff. 711 NO SURETIES. NO PUB ICITY..N DELAY MONEY. LOANS FW M £ 3 TO ;CI.OOO, At a few hours' notice, 00 your own Security. Easy Terms. No Fees. Distance no object. Writ or Call. THE CENTRAL ADVANCE OFFICE, 40, WOOD-STREET. CAFvDIFF. 16_ MONtc Y at a fair rate of interest, advanced in any sums, without delay distance no object.—Apply, by 1, tter or personally, to W. Williams, Vine Cottage, 1, Station-terrace, Pontypridd. Ble MONEY Advanced Daily, from £ 2 to £ 309, at a few hours' notice.—Apply to the ImDerial Advance Bank, J, Sengheunydd-road, Cathays, Cardiff. 725., r pH E ROATH ADVAN O E O F FI OS X 8, CYRILCKMSCENr, BROAD VAY, CARDIFF. F,3 to £1,OOJ Advanced or day of application, in T->wn or Country, on Promissory Note alone, with or without sureties. Interest low. Easy Repayment.—Apply personally or by letter to (strictly private) S. HARRIS. 932 Vif ONEY Advanced Daily, from £ 3 to £;500, at a few ivX hours' notice.—Apply to the Provincial Advance Bank, 30 Motal-street, Cardiff. 531- <•75,000 to Lend by the Southern Counties Deiosit Bank, Limited, in sums of £ 10 to £ 500 on Note of Hand, without sureties, or 011 Furniture. Farming Stock, and all other personal ee"ritid8, without removal. Easj repay- ments, distance no object.—Apply, personally or by letter, to the Manager, Mr A. J. -iiffolk, 1, Queen square Bristol. N.B.—District Agents, Messrs Bailey, & Giller, 3, Castle street, Cardiff 7c -5 and upwards granted daily to householders, without ;¡ sureties, no delay, no fees, and contid^atial.—Apply by letter or personally to F. Gould, SS, lonr.m!I-d" Merthyr Tydvil. 40 |ASH Advances made to any amount promptly, privately Vy and at a fair rate of interest: distance nc object.— Apply, by letter only, to Mr C l^loyd, 24, R^giari- rcer, Newport. 7S > OX'T "WASTE^ YOL^r"TYjlE AND MONFY, but run to the undermentioned L!a.nk, and obtain a'loan for as much as you require, WITHOUT SURKTIES WITHOUT DELAY, at a reasonable i\,te of inter- si, repayments to suit your circumstances. Call and lev rn our New System of doing business, and you wili be convinced. Apply, in strictest confidence, personally or by letter Mr W. W. JAMES, Manager THE CASTLE ADVANCE DANK, 278 192. CASTLE-ROAD, CARDIFF. J WALLACE, 6, L^rStatioo-terrace, Cardiff (opposit- l.V.R. Station). CASH ADVANCED— £ 2 TO £ 200. Apply personally or by letter. Prompt attention. 382 3 to £ 1,000. If you want to Borrow Money on note of band alone in strictest privacy. WITHOUT BONDSMEN, SECURITY FF.Kg. OR FORMALITIES, AT VERV LOW INTEREST, FORMALITIES, AT VERV LOW INTEREST, It c,,u be advanced at a. DAYS NOTICE, in I'own or Coun- try. We send t-hemoney dir. ct to your residence if desired. Before i-sliirry elsewhere appiy personally, r by 1-tter, to the NATIONAL ADVANCE OFFI K, H, Clare-street, off Tudor-roan, Canton. s CARDIFF. 9 MONEY.—If you want if promptly, pi Ivai e.'y. and a a low rate of interest on your simple p-emissary notes, with or without sureties, »pply immediatelv, enclosing stamped envelope, to Mr W. P. Thomas, 20. Market-streer, Aberiillery. Special featuresNc inquiry fees reasonable i, i tereskt, which is quoted beforehand uni er a] promptitude, a day notice being generally sufficient: no oppression of honest and 8c;venL clients. The Carlton Bank. I/d for whom Mr Thomas is Branch Manager, has been established 10 years, and has a capital of £ 30,000, consequently no genuine and respectable application is ever refused. 103e CCOMMERCIAL ADVA MT BANK, 19 QUAY-ST^ 1 J CARDIFF IP6 to £3DO can be obt&hied on the same day i applied for y piofessional gentlemen, tra<iesmen, farmers, cowkeepe" and householders. Applicants may rely on t ie strictest secrecy being cb. served.^ Charges moderate, and no enquiry or other fees charged unless, cash advanced. Country applications attended to without delav. Appivpersonalir or by letter to Iilft L. JOSEPH, COMMERCIAL ADVANCE BANK, J 19? IS, QUAY-STREET. CARDIFF j ONEY LENT aTt Fl VF. ~P ER C E NY. -F FROM £ 5 to £ i.CrOO. WHY pay more, when a Private Gentleman ie prepared to grant Advances to Male or Female upon their P!;0- MISSORY SOTE AT-ONE. in any part of England or j Wales withou- loan offioe fo/maiities NO BILL OF SALE OR SURETIES REQUIRED. Th" advance can be paid cack by easy instalments, or can remain out from 1 to 15 years by paying the interest only. Call or write to the DC usl *nd"R. WLLFRKD W1LBERFORCE, ESQ., 11, Stroud Greer-road. Fins 1 .ury-park, London, S. I MONEY. — ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT BILL OF SALE. OR PUBLICITY PROM ONE MONTH TO FIVE YEARS. THE NATIONAL MERCANTILE BANK, i BALD WIN-STREET, BRISTOL EST. IS75. CAPITAL, LIOO,DCO. The Directors of this well-known, ol3-established Bank are prepared to offer except,iona- advantages to all re- ( sponsible persons in need of temporary cash assistance. t Private and Prompt ADVANCES made daily, cz borrower's simple Promissory Note, AT 5 PER CENT. INTEREST. The amount borrowed may be repaid by instalments or at the end of a stated period. SPECIAL NOTICE. This Bank is not connected with ar.y Loan Sosieties or Advance Companies, ,nd the usual objectionable loan office routine is entirely dispense- with. Apply in strictest confidence to I MR T. C JVTILBURN 376 Resident Manager. 1 HE DIRECTORS OF L S FIELDING J^KD CO. (LIMITED) Advanc Daily Sums from £ 5 TO £ 1.1X0. Method of Hu,ines5: I FAIR lTElU T. EASY REPAYMENTS. ABSOLUTE PRIVACY. NO DELAY NO SL7 FE l'IES. TRADE BILLS DISCOUNTED. Prospectus and Particulars Free. I Apply at either Addresses below :— Head Otilee THE HAYES BUILDINGS. CARDIFF, ALGERT-CHAMBER.S, STOW-HILL. NEWPORT. ) A RU A l) 15-CHA M BERS, PONTYrifT! >T>. 14e 23, ALFRFD-STREET, NEATH. S, GRUGOS-TEMli ACE. PORT TALBOT. 28. CLARENCE-STREET. PONTYPOOL. E A I a A N It BEG TO OFFER | J>TAKOFORTES A N D j Q Pv G A N S i By ail the Leading Makers, at the lowest price, ior Caeii, or &n our NEW HIRE PURCHASE SYSTEM. MAGNIFICENT SHOW ROOMS. NEW AND INCREASED STOCK OF INSTRUMENTS | or the Newest Di;n and with all the roost recent liaprovemei-.ts. IN.sPEClION INVITED. j SEND FOR NEW LKTS AND DRAWINGS, POST FREE. R. J. MEATH & SOXS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENT DEALEBS, TUNEPvS AND REPAIRERS. 51, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. 70, TAb'i -S'i ii EET, PONT VPRXDD. I F ACTUR Y -I.OX D, IX, Instruments guarantee;! f >r Seven Years, stnd Tuned free far One Year. Pianos Exchanged, Repaired end Tuned in all parts of South Wales. Special Terms to Teachers, Schools, and Places of Worship. Canvassers wanted in all districts. 94 31ie TEEL A-ND PILLS S-TEEL AD PEN1\rYR( >YALPILLS Ordinary quality, ód and is. Compound or extra. strong, 2s 6d per box. Post free. Sure to suit every requirement. PEARSON, Chemist, 712 10, Caroline-street, Cardiff. FEMALES ONLY.—Nurse Parker's Pills (Pink—safe, strong, and spee-ay mi d- r ones White) free from observation—Is 00, 2s 9d box. State colour required.—Ganjee, li, Wind-streoi, Swansea. ¡ TTNIT ARI AN~PUB L IC A T I O KS <U SENT FREE On application to Miss DOWSING, I 427 7, Duchess-road, Edghaston, Birmingham. >. ¡ r U N D A Y S I I "yiRIDINB" I j 0ORNS QORNS CORNS I QORNS 1 CORNS i ^JORNS! c ORNS! QORNS 1 0ORNS QORNS 0ORNS QORNS (ORNS I £ JORNS! CORNS! QORNS 0ORNS QORNS QORNS ^JORNS (10RNS /IORNS: (Registered Trade Maik No. 3ó99. j THE CURE FOR CORNS, ——— PAINLESS AND HARMLESS. This i;jfaLi)de reinsdy introduced by J. MUN!'A Y has oinaineda world-wide veputatioiu Tlie efficacy of ViKl- j DINE may be judged by its having Cured Corns ot ovor 50 years' standing wnicii had resisted all other remedies, It succeeds wheve all Plasters and Caustic Ii? ve failed IN REMOVING HOTH HARD OR SOFT CORNS AND WARTS. j TESTIMONIALS. j MARITIDS. 1 am pleased to tell yon that since using our wonderful Viridiite my foet bate, become quite comfortable, a friend of mine who is nearly mail with pain ivil, be jelad to try it,, can you send me irome of your Genuine Viridine by post. Port Ixmis. J GUERRY. BOOTLK When in Cardiff I tried your Tiri- dine for Corns a:id Warts, and mus, say that it is the best thing- out, I have reeomuiended.it to all my friends. I am glad we can get in Lireroool. 3Z,GartieM«;: ..t. M JSKLSON. CA UTloN.—As there are severa ,imitations of this preparation the put- lie are requested to ASK l Oli M U N D A Y S "V I R I D I N Aii(i.SgF, TIIAT IklY SICr7ATURIt is on the end of each package By ordering Corn Cure you may receive one of the many so-ealleil remedies' which only give relief or some worthless imitation of" ViTi dum' IN BOTTLES, PRICE Is. BY POST 1b 2d < i pnr.PAiinn CNI.T I J i\/ U N D A Y, 1 CHEMIST, I 1, HIGH STREET, CARDIFF. I 11000 SOLD BY ALL CHEMISTS, 7 6,000,000 BOXES YEARLY WHICH MEANS EVERY TIME THE CLOCK TICKS I 11 JJEECHAM'S JpiLLS have reached their destination FOR HALF A CENTURY BEMCHAM'S PILLS have been globe trotting," and have worked tbsii way into the innermost parts. IT'S WELL To know a GOOD THING when you see it I IT S BETTER To have a GOOD THINC; when you can. BEftCllA.M'S PILLS should always be handy, and handed down to posterity as WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. LIFE is too short Then we sh u!d do our best to prolong it. Sufferers will find BKF.CHAM'S PILT." a trump card 1.0 pn; d0wn THEY SW THE DKCK" of Bilioii: and Nervous JPisorders, Sick Headache, Loss of AJIPEIITE, Weak Stomach, Impaired Dige>ltion, Cnll;;lipMj;>lI. Uiicomfot tal le Fulness, Liver Complaint, and they regUiate the Secretions. _73_- JYJELBOURNE CHILLED BUTTER i M. C. B. Governnent Stamp. EXCELLENCE. PURITY. FRESHNESS. OF ALL GROCERS. SOLE IMPORTERS 88 < WM. CLARK & SON, BRISTOL. MPORTANT TO GEN'CLEMEN! JL One Box of Ilorton s I.X.L Pills are guaranteed to cure all complications, whether acquired or otherwise. Also gravel and pains in the back Free from mercury- Post free for 4s from G. D. Horton, M.P.S. (from the General jiospiLal,), Aston road, Birmingham Agents :-CLirCiff-A. Hagon, Ch.iinist,3S, Bridge-street; and 11, iiute-itreet. Merthyr Wills, Chemist..Swansea,—Llovd, Chemist, Oxford street. Newport—Young, Chemist, High-street.. N.ii 9 —Has nev 'r oeen kuowu o faii. Letters aaswered free 1140 se name paper 103 #jusiri?ss 2di«r?ssrs. 0VERCOATS o YERCOA T FOR o YERCOATS J E -J /"OVERCOAT- \J ~%T UUTHS, L.C,-}.l. QVEECOATS Jt. o YERCOATS AIm 0VER COATS BOYs, .;1, -'pco \ms QVERCOATS j 1' ü""1' QjVERCOATS QVKRCOATS VERCOATS I V At MASTERS AND COMPANY, CLOTHIFP,.S. iiAl-PPRI. AND HOSIKRR, ')J: ùiJ. ,st. Jfa.-y-tTCet, t, JH. Buit-sireet, L CARDIFF. -t. Queen-street, J i NOT i OR. you ,be extraordinary value we ofler this*S«asou in W.nter Overcoats we have some to suit all classes of the community, and are v: able to seii them at such prices as to defy competition. AI] we ask ^*ou to co is to us A trial, and then compare the value axid judsre for yourselves. We cannot fai! to jj'ease you. Oar Establishments in Oard^. Swan. sea, Newport, Merthyr, Pontypridd, Herefor-1, Aberdare, Por.typool, Aber- p2ven: y, and Llaneliy ere well known, and it wih :)"y you so give us a call at any of these WOMJ you are about to buy yoaf Wiafccts Ovorcos-W 1I JS T> I A N 0 S DIANOS J JL. X 'M PROII 10s MOV'j'inl.Y. W QRGANS Qli^ANS i/ FROII 5" monthlt. THE BEST STOCK IX THE KINGDOM TC SELECT I ROM. SOLE AGENTS for Bristol and South Wale for the I-a' Celebrated NECMEVER PIANOS SOLE AGENTS FOR THE ESTEJT ORGANS rjlHOMPSON j^HACKlilLL, | PIANO AND ORGAN MERCHANTS, QUEEN'S MUSIC TJARKHOUSE CARDIFF. /( ALSO AT NEWPORT. SWANSEA, MERTHYB PONTYPRIDD, PENARTH. CARMARTHEN, I.LA NELLY, AC., <t Beautifuliv Illustrated Catalogue free by post oil application. Largest Diacouiit for Cash. 61e MARSH A -N!t" I( ADCL'I'S 1 L'NERALS. 1st Clas ,wiLli Besi H9ar.se tuid (,oacii, on ttie moo modern principle, with a pair of their wen-tmowe I'lemisiu-bred Horses to each, o-je-it.ca lfj« Poiis.e, CoHin, best registered Furniture, with elaborate name- plate engraved, fine satin-rir-med robe, a.nd self I.Es 5 0 Marsh & Co.'s 2nd Class ditto, ditto 4 4 0 Marsh A Co.'s 3rd, with improved carriage „ 3 5 n Marsh & Cc.'s 4t-ii. ditto, ditto 2 10 0 CHfi DREN'S FUNERALS. Including pair of I- leiuish-bred Horses, modern Coach with all t he latest improvements, Pot'sbed Coffin, lined with fine flannel, and at,eiiiaiice- Under one year £ 1 7 6 Under two years 1^4 One-horse Carriage, including coflin covered in black, blue, or polished, lined with flan- nel, modern coach, and at tendance. Under six mouths 0 16 Under one year 0 18 1 Under t we jears 10 0 And so or. in pr-prrrlion. Handsome Car, Garret! or Plain Phimed Hearse, Mourning Couches aixl "un-, Ostriel. Plumes, &c/ ADDRESS: 34e PO. ST. M^RY-STllKKT. CARDTFV. E. Y> R I E S T AND QO., V TAFF YALE IRONWORKS. KING S ROAL CANTON, CARDIFF i Oil AAA li0i'LS ROOFING FELT, very Best /• y v v ^s6; No. Ii, os No. 3, 7s 6d per i, wi d e 5WL! n«tu& free with each roll; 2 rolls carriage paid. <>~p (_iL? f TONS j;OOFIN(j SHEETS, very Best? /v* •FO'i Olt- hy 2ft. Sin. wide. Is 4d 6ft., Is 7d i ii., isl.«.l ft., 2s Id 9ft., 2s 6d 10ft., 2s lOd, ea.ch. aL Work.i. oo.-t AAA X-4ur,s GALVANISED >. IRE NETTING, Best, 3m. mesh. 2ft oft., 5s 4ft., 6s fid roll Zin. inesh 2ft wide, 4" 6<1 3ft., 6" lOd ilL., 9s i-oil « (•f> U ,| O YARDS SHEEP NETTING, ith »Oj •J-rfcO Centre .stand, 3ft. wide, fm. mesh, lights, <s lbu heavy, 10s 4d strongest and heaviest H 13s roll of 50 yards Cash With order; 50s lot of netting carriase paui. Name Pitoer. 51e QALVANISED STEEL TANK:-— ff » 4 I.* 4* Gallon. 12s 6d 40 Gallon, 14s id 60t ,1 ltjs oa j j.}. 27s Carriage paid. 51 T0NS WIRE, 16s and 17s p« jl »WO»/ Cwt Carriage paid. ? SOUTH WALES | FURNISHING CO., i 31, CASTLE-STREET, WJ OPPOSITE THE CASTLE, CARDIFF. 1 CJOUTH WALES FURNISHING COM- kJ PA\ Y. QPPOSITE THE CASTLE, CARDIFF, -N, UNDERTAKES TO SUPPLY R 1 "H K BEST QUALITY IN FURNITURE X ON 1 HIRE SYSTEM OR FOR CASH, I "TITHOUT BILL OF SALE. ALL GO JDS DELIVERED FREE TJJ? J PRIVATE VAN. A J^OWEST PRICES CHARGED. T I^ASY PAYMENT SYSTEM |1 OLELY ADOPTED BY US. FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIP- TION. TTNAPPROACHABLE VALUE GIVEN. KEALLY HANDSOME SUITE FROM SI EWEST DESIGNS IN FLOOR« W) CI.OTHS and j,; -COLELMS. a' JXSPECTION IN VITED. W- JXSPECTION IN VITED. W- VLDEBOA'TDS IN MAHOGANY, OAK *1 l> J AND WA:,NUT. Ttj MOUSES FURNISHED FROM TOP fl TO BO'i'TOJi. 1' j ADEPEN < >KNT OF DISTANCE. < 0 EXTRA CHARGE FOR CREDIT. illA-ND A WING-ROOM SUnES -A (OYER ED IN EVERY DESCRIPTION J OF MATERIA ORDERS BY PT)ST PROMPT! Y ATTENDED TO. UIND, DON'T FORGET OUP ADORKss. j >ARTI.ES ABUCT TO MARRY JF ^RE RECOMMENDED 4T TV OT TO GO ELSEWHERE, BUT ^*0 -L^ CALL ON US. A ROUR ATTENTION IS CALLED TO JL OUR TERMS f,T /s t);! vveekI>' worth for 2s 6d weakirf !k £ i0 woith for t. w eekly £ 16 worth for 5s weekly "ji x2i-worth for 6s weekly. »'«-3 OUR ADi'RESS:— .vjy SOUTH WALES FURNISHING COMPANY. 31, CASTLE-S JREET, 7&» OPPOSUE THE CASTLE. CARDIFF FPHUMPSON'S BCUIX >CK~ PIXLS. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER —Purify thm 4 toulest Wood and relies every disease o^SdT t itver ana kianeys. These wonderful P;lis cur diseases wmeh c.uld not be reached by any othermeiH, tune. I -i Rheumatics, Lnmbt go, Piles. Grave/ P-v ^Ps Scurvy, Bad Le^s, AVounds •- m the Scurvy, Bad Le^s, AVounds fewelung, Scrofula, Caucer-. B'.otclie^, on the ?.4t Body, .swelled Feet, Ac., l:»e, Dropsv **• {"-aa^ oi all kiads. Iu boxe. at Is and 2s c !IJl" ''war b/ aJJ ehemists, or frtta the laaaofrtct-ori 4^—. street fcwaasea Oxford vm, i "r-m