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PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. v SOUTH WALKS ECHO. I THM!E  WORDS, | QNCE. T[^ 20 Words! 0 6 1 0 1 6  six times ;ro Words! 0 9 1 6 2 3 SIX TJlIIli:.  1 "NEWS' qo Words! 1 0 2 0 3 0 .echo. ..ECHO.. 60 Words! 1 3 9 6 3 9 20 Words ■- 2/6 ?0 Worcls\ 1 613 0 4 6 i w y 50 Words SOIJTB WAMK OAirV N";S. ? ^/9  w.?sr j   "o Words .WORDS. OHCE ™; T1^s. 5/- 20 Words 0 6 10 16 W ordsll 0 f> 1 0 1 6 RMh EX4r, 10 Words- 20 Words 0 9 1 6 2 3 40 Words 1 0 2 0 3 0 J ILch extra I -10 Words, 0 3 0 61 0 9 These charges apply only to the Classes OrAzlvcr. .Uaement specified below, and are st.rir.tli/ rn. r„,„j to othose which, are ordered far consecutive insertion. CAtKt paid for previous to insertion; if either GJ Mese cotid'i 'liolis is not complied Wllh. the AdreriiJ 1nmt will be charged by the Business Scale -4p<mMt;M<s, Situations ?ac<m( or Wanted To he 'bt or ?M. 2..? fo?. ?! MitctUane<ms »Vetnta. sNaodtdicrae. A f plicaii Bel ;S-P.BCIAL Not,ica.-Applica. llel }Tl!ies to Ad'er. '*3 tiscments addressed to initials « -itious .?"(MSM. ? reqaMted uot to Mnd   th.tr but t0 enclase .83 Ot test!inonUls iy. i f?KSOKA?.  O rfcturn h°me G' .C.C.-Ch.rlle. retUrn home or communica.te at once: dn not ùl,ubt.. sympa.love from nIl. 757 T^fcenry Thomas, )&? of AboryiI^ £ ~-ip^——- ?rch?tr?t.. he wUt b.?ometiung? hi.. ???? I' Clothes Left f'th M[s ?':)[i6 'fh?n"——— en. Mon.. Bince 1892. are not chim??'?°" '?i?"'  dan. <h? ..)i ho ?,!d to defray e?ien? ?'' rAïn-EiSiIlP. n'@rOGBAPHEt:arter. "?nte?dwi7h?.? ?? ——' -? ta) to joiD ?d'ettispr m HusinMS- P?m??d district C?diff.-a M9. ?-?? )  ?'' MAIKIMOVIi^ A Working Mau (about. 50) wishoiTr m.„r 7 '?<ATK)tM<)?!tAl?——?——————  626a i ui;? i?,T ?C- ,011?g ? ?Nletk   j''j'?"-? Erl,j COF&. (jardiff. 658 .f-ÕtiÑG1an in BU3in¡>se would lite to hear from Jl witl? means 66', Cardiff  t:iilWT!0?iAt. Id ?taa)p.- T A. theru. 161.E., late n.M. Inspector of Mines, The ?n,.? Min^hool' ?I?p.ctor .f M?=.. ?. s i ioi- SH:lIf ql;iitdnr a"o1eneg «'Kedt; auV'h,l^S?oii"lifil^ for aPPoin'.inent,.? by a; expen- ..need; uwr n allv or by 5°St; ""dividual tuition. «very »»enir Arom 7 Onrr .15 "1 ^portiuR styles. and soeed liaw-APnt rTy v PPrr,?a^ ciu,U 21, De Burgh-street, River- !I?de crd,ff ?m L40ST ANIO TF<,?,? ——————— S.t?r if Dot clamed T^OUND, Black and WhiteTpotted Better if uot claimed Tre.l'?.???M-Wtm? Sn,itb. Bnckyard. *3wurcimrBitSr^ia. white   a 't- u)e by V*V'°* "P^ses.-Ba^. ?yto Farm, PEDYIRD. Cardi 796 JF???! ?'?h "°?? sheep and Imh Terrier" If F0^m,rti'° h days will Po!d-^ Mo-mt Pie as a n t .Abor c a r 1. 'on !dl? -Wh?r?tchT a ''??? Po O?UwhN?it,D?e .on n e-,aIcS h Plw. and black dot on breast: if un- DolIaauimnred id taree rt day,Ps will be sold.-103. Ethel-street, Can- n. Cardiff. ^2 ••POUNT) Eull Terri?T;htte'body7 b]acrspot?erright Hheola ^Peti ?"° fortnight with expeuse3, Vaughan, t9A. Meola. Penrhnvceiber. 720 F OUND, Postal Orders.-Owr?Mn h?re same by giving lc re Alfred ?"'?. 12, Garonne-street, ?j?'? 716 -F-OUND. a.l!Jack Rethever Dog. If not c!aim€d in three da,s ?ill ? be "°? to pay expenses. -Hairdresser. MtIMMe. (Jardig. ? ? 663 FOUND, black and tan curly Pup. If not. claimed in JL three days will be sold. -101. PaBet-street. Gransc. 6 2 FOUND, Youog She?p Dos • brown legs and bead,'dark brown body, 11 not rlaiwe^ will be sold.—It. Wen, ercic-road, Trealaw. 636 JLOST. a Ladi, s Hell. Friday tveainr, 5th inst., between   M  R'n&t 'iddr,"p,):\f Putter; &a? Tenntat Orounda, tL??<'rt?i?—if *? Ik. [!?. Ui?t0n.st)reet;. Roat?. wiU ^*»rd. ? r' S13 ?.?ST. H?? llc,n? rontlottyn Mountain, 12 hands, abiall tar o,. ??@JIL?.d;-MSDe short.—Apply L)ew))ya "?ae. Cgff,? Po.tiottyll. M5 JOST-O;-J;21th, dark re, Mountain Pouy, shod. ?b? Anyone dotainiug same wiU be PTOIIecuted.-Ð. P. ?tea. ??r.U H?". Flbb? Vale. ??' 472e j OST. Thursday ttHemoon. KUver Filagree Brooch, fan iK shaped.—Finder rewarded on returning same to 7, ?tUaetd-to&d. Roath Park. 749 OST, BI-?k and iv?iteEnglish Setter Doi.bke;; £ and black p?ch on bMk:auder rewarded.-CowMd. ?EMt-xrOYe. (?ardiff. ?_ 726 J ) ??'- ? ???? pa°dae?MdraMrC)t?e??.?S'ik bftwee5Fi- nder rewarded ou returning sama to ? UmbrpH-?-Ftnder rewarded ou returnine sama to Cowlmde'road. Capton. 702 LoSfT beween St. blary-stre-t and Plasttirton-gardens, Gold Curb Bracelet.—lfinder returning to Central ice SLati-n will rip reivard-d. 610 COST ?Lhtllipli!Ltcuh t pAJ^'dare Junction, two Sheep, L j marked with Pitch R.I, and one Limb, all with Itissor. mark ou forehead. Anyone giving information of "tne to G, Kosser. Butcher. Ciltynydd. will be rewarded. | JST, Wednesday June 26ih inst. two year ojd light bay JLj ally (shod) ;d five year old black Pony, stamped oi Iatht side with two J*s ou the right side E finder re- i .Vtfrded. -OWDOY, Jobu W^illi.ma, Llancaiach Isha Farm, S g tson. 150 ilOMIiSTU: ISi;itVAY|>. —————— Ahomc for { riendlcss lHrls. 11, Newport-road, Cardiff, d lata 20. IS fxppr"e"eed(}pnrral Sp^vant wanted: references A. rrQiiired. -Apply Mr GrUbths. 27, Castle-st..Swansea. NY Ladies requiring Servants. Servants lequiring Situa- Auen. in the tlhi/odda Valley, apply S'rV&uts. Recistrv. Dourt-struet, I'l^ywypta^Bhondda. Stamped envelope. 422 C~VkNEKAL servant wanted, ahoutlft T good character- Tf three in family.AUpiy I'ictoo «ouse^Cado»tou. 767 Ef« EltAL Servant of good experience wanted by July X 9th: able to wimh and do plain cooking good charac- ter e»5P^tial comfortable húnw: WU¡¡eJJ £J-Mr8 E. Williams. 142. Castle-road, Carilitt. 554 G- ENEltAL servant -.ot?d immediately comfortable X home.—Appi? Mtt. Duck, Rose Cottage. MaiDdy, Cardiff* 530 Servant, about 16 Fears small tamily.-78. VJT Ttidor-road. Cardiff. 428 1MMKDIATISLY good. strong General Servant small family* Apply itr. Olson. SS. Louisa-st., Docks, Cardiff. £ \j tv i. ilKR ry. Cranbrook-street, near Richmond- cm rdifr. -Wanted. for the country, Cook, C20 to E25 Laundrya'itid. t,2>: Generals. Stamp. 415 NUKS15 waBted. by the 20th, who has been accustomed toyoung children.—Mrs Rippon. 8, Kyvielug-street, Ctthedral-ro««- 761 NURSB, accustamed to Younit children, wanted by lllhT Apply 651 ANTCO, Caokx £111. Laundress (£22) Nurse (one batiy). Kitobenmaid, Generals no fees eu. alose sLamp.-Pi tpftetrcss. 1. Catherine-street, Aberdare Junction. 780 iVÂNTEIJ at once,IO younll: person as General, about wit: must have good reference.—Chappie, Central TeMpemnco Hotel. Uridgead. 809 AMTKD, a (scrietul .Servant,, of good character. about VV 18 years of age.-Apply ftlra Belcher, Tram-road, Pontypridd. 680e WANTJ<D, good. Strone Gir), ?e from 16 to 18 able to do plain housr work: good r.,?r..(?e J. Jones, Ironmonger, Aberdiire JUDc:tion. 710 ANTED, a Liloroutbip good General Servant, with knowledge or coukiug another kept,-Apply Mrs good, Railway Hotel. Ilenart.b Stauon. 739 NTED, W-o -r king,Hi.ipkcel)er comfortable place" V state age and nalary expected.—,T. 728. Rtho, Cardiff. WANTED immediately. good (;fnorxi., 4p-ant.- Apply to Mr» Williams, 25, Hprbert-atreet; Traorky. ANTKD. Genfral Servant.-Apply 57. Plostartoti. VT avenue. (Cardiff. 700 ANTED, a General Servant landlady invalided: rf elderiy person preferred.—Apply at once, Kvun Evans, 5. GbralaiUi-terracse. tlwmdare. Aberdarc. 727 tUT ANTED. goud Generul Servantor Workln k House- fV keeper: plain cooking, four in family, comfortable bDme.2Iu: Draper. Silvertown, Essex. 695 W ANTED, a General Servant good references re- qnired: two in family,—Apply betweea 6 and 9. at t, Llandoueh-street. Cathays. 681 W" ANTliD. a good General Servant, IS to æ: must be Vf loud of children good character.-Apply Mrs Beard, ift). Wood-«trwet. 6!K W ANTKD. a good General Servant: character required. W —Mrs Vcrney, 106. Queen-street. 659 W A NI-lt;D as General Servant, a Girl about 17 or 18^— W Apply Gourock Villa, 25. Kingsland-crescent, Barry, Pock. 626 w ANTED, experienced ULousemaid-WaitTegs for llfra- v T combe: must have good cluracter.-Apply 10, Crichton-street, Cardiff. 624 WANTED, strong Girl to do housework and assist in bar; pleasant appearance.—1. Gnltin.st., New rL W- AÑTËÍ>ilY. nu experienced General Ser- vant, able to cook and iron weIL-Apply Hawkins, Westboorne House, Mtrtbyi. 621 W ANTED, a strong country Cirl (about 16 or 17) to v Deliver Milk. Apply A 677, Echo Office; King- street, blaenavon. Mon. 571 WANTED, a ood General Servant.—Applf rrmctpahty ?T Liberal Club. New-street, Cardiff. b7? W?riib, an experienced Servant must be good plain cook two in fa.ully: housemaid kept.—Apply (brst ?Ittance) Miss Court. t"liol1er. Wiudsor-road, Pan& 64' fu' ANTi." Uel 8;;al1t:. fondt chÚdtetI; lV "aóblll: must 00 early riser good reference.—16, ?hd??oad?_ 662  !y\r ANTKD, a y«mig G b 1 for general house work: one ? Lewis, 31. Cnohton. It POet. e.re..ff. 561 IV ANTED, N urse tor one child, nearly two ,eaR old: good need!cwoman.-Apply, witb retereDce. Mr ???Aberamttn. oear Aberdare. wq ?V? ANTED, ?oed Plain Cook; early haer.—A?fty. utvinx references and fall pvrtioul&M Mra Haun, t?? ?tttn?ntiM Aberdare. 6? V'V ANTED at once, Girl 16 yeam to help in the Mtebef i4 other work-—20. Dumiriea-ptace, C?rdHT. <M i::q:!d?i t ely. a goo(d? 7Genemi SerYBnt.- Apply to Mrs Lewis, Grove House, Somerset-place, "'r. <9? ?NTED. a GoneraL—Apply M. Richmond-termc., .rk'ace. CafdtO'. 476 4kSTED, good General nurse kept: good wages ,WI¡lin_" to wit for a good one.-ApP)1 13. Claude-nJ ??NTKn. a respectable Girl. about 17.—Apply 1, ► < .??an)ttey.terr,me. off Alfred-øt., Roath Park, CanhH. Y?'?TMU. a uoo4 General Servant: muet be a good .vfRk „• K'?d 'ages civen.—Appty Edward Crockett. $,hop ?Tty,ridd. M9e? !i'P.fTl'). by lul) 11th astrODI Girt M General 8er  "? ¡¡.o 1000 oUraer.- CAlCGt.. f'elUttnb, W ? V17ANTED Servant (NurM).-Appt; at   "eas or to Mes<K Green and Morns, Grocers, 1)"k street. __?—— *17 ANTED, clean, respectable GiriTabo^ 16: look after .? v chifdrea and assist in bOU6ework.-AppIJ Z?Z. (low. bridae-roa.d. Cardiff. 391 WANTED General Servant: four in ?mUy: one from country preferred.-AppIY ,Salisbury-rd., Cardie. W ANTED at once, 2 experienced HouBckeepers. for, W farms a)so2forBueineM Houses: Situations for 20 thorough good Generals. Cooks, PArlounnaid.. Kitchen. maids. ScuHerymaids. Nurses. Waitresses. U^ejr-barmaids. expehf-ceed Laundress requires Sood family ?'°*- Charwomen, short ootices.-Rhondd? Servants' RR^eg-iisstfrlvy, ?4iU-street. Pontyondd.M?Jord.n._M?'?CMe?__ 197 VV*V 7ANTED, a cJMnTrespec?Me iniiaic-ag?A woman. as W Hou.ekMper for working man: abstainer preferred Write A. 303. Echo. Cardiff. 303 WANTED, a good Gener.i Serr.nt.-App!y to M.rs' Yy Lewis, New-road, Whitchurch. _————— æI ?ANTED .???<?'?    chileren.-Apply Airs Forbes. 1, Devon Villas, Court House-street, Pontypridd. WW ANTED at once. General Servant: sm £ l[ family^ must be able to do plain cooking, reference re- qaired.-31. Westbourne-place. Cardiff. 301 T ANTËÏ>Gneral ServaDt.-ApJ)' D?ke of Clarenc. w? ss?:????'? W ANTED, a good General Servant: references re* quired.-Appir 14. Miekin,t., Cathays, Cardiff. 241 was^ .t..<0.? Servant. Apply MIS Clarke,' VV C?mbftdse Hot?CM?' 236  ANTED for London t;?? General e"ants: w3fcs, L16 eac]? fares pai?.-Write (stating age, chmoter) 20. New JeMey.ro?d. Gloucester. 207 W. ANTED;pectable- ŒiI- as gooC1 General Ber- V?ANTE5 7rre.p  20.-Apply 22, Edward-terrace w vant, 'ge 18 to ?).-App'j 201 Queen-street, Cardiff. 201 WANTED at onc!? an expe 'enced Oeneral SexTant.-  '3E-???Si  street, Pontypridd. —— — serYant kept refer nees r?ired.?App!y "50.C??'&?  590 SBTIFAllONS VACANT Airti'B^ Wint'pd i' Young Man able to make dough B~ ^^d moui^—r>^es7 rLiro! d-strwtBa^ry,J^oad way. B' OOTT",de-=W¡;;t:éd,õoÜiepai-¡:ë-oDe blltsöber JD men need apply; good wMM.-Apply 11. Brfto Merthyr. ?__ 603 OOTl?radeT-Wanted, smrt Young MMtoBt- patches -t) and work arm mMhin.HowMds Boot Work&, Oxford-street, Swansa. 622e UTCHEilS.-Wanted immediately, reBpecUble Youth, about 18, with knowledge of trade. accustomed to horse.-Appiy Woodwrd. Butcher. Cowbride-rd., Car_i! C01\POSITOR.-Wanted:-<1Io competent News and Job- ?' bing Hand.-Exprefs, Brece _?_ 3e HESSMAKlNtjT—Wanted at once. ApDrentices to -U ?ood c)aM work.-Apply 27. Paget-street, Pen* _th- road. Cardiff. 790 DRESSMARING.-Wanted atonce, a thorough good -U Sltirt Hand, or good General Hand.. comfortable home.—Parker. Church-street. Ebbw Viile. 603 DRESSMAKING.-Wanted, Apprentices and Improvers. —Apply 13, Station-road, Penarth. 466 D itA-eEtty.-Wanted ininiediat,)y. several Young Ladies and Young Men. Also Vacancies for Apprec- t cesand Improvers.—Wynch's, Waterloo House, Stepney- !t?et.?l<met!y. _? 7 "BAPEUY.-WanteSreei^^ smart Touns Meu and D Yonng I.a d?s for pushing cash tMdt.—Apply (per. son?i preferred) Phillips and Co., Drapers, Newport. p™ DRApEUY.-Wa^tedTat once, a smart, pushing Junior Dtor Drapery: personal application preferred.-Rd. H?rhB & Co.. The Newport Cash Drapers, 1M. Commer- cial-road, Newport. 612e r?OBT Piinters and Paperhangers wanted.-Newby. GMoira-Plae, Cardiff. '"1 G- OODBrtckIayer wanted: none but steadv men need I apply: wages 911 per hour.-Apply Clayton, Plymouth Works, PentreDach, Merthyr Tydfil. 220 ROCEKY and Provisioll Trad -First Hand wanted at ?Jf once none but good men need apply.-State age. 6G',t I? I, .y. and reference to K. 729, Echo. Cardia'. 729 CVROCEE'Y.^Leakti and Co.. Maes teg, are in want of G Emart Young Man for counter ?nd soliciting must be able man well up Md of steady habits. Warehouseman also wanted. 733 G- ROCERY.—Wanted at once, smart Junior deliver and ?jr assist Inerally state age, references, and waes: G ft 'ssis"t ?;ilaton. 34_la8nydd.road, C?rdtn'. 405 _GROCERY and Provisions.—Thomas and Evans. Forth, have two vacancies for S?Mt Hands Welsh, indoors: ouly young men of exemplary character need apply good- home. liberal and substantial table good prospects, and permanent positions for really good bands: give full parti- culan first letter. 367 CI ROCERY and Provisions.—Junior Assistanc wanted at X once; also Apprentice: good reference.—Apply' Walters and Co., Tylorstown. 362 GPvOCERY.- Wanted, Youth to look after pony. make himself generally useful: state age salary, reference indoors.—W 229, Echo, Cardiff. 2;9 HAIRDRESS ICRS.—Wanted, an Assistant, able to I manage good shaver.—State wages (outdoor), and reference, Davies, Hairdresser, Southgate Shop. Neath. 508 HOME Employment.—Plain waters preferred: either" 'ex anywhere book g.x?ey correspondence good payment: no cai3rassing specimen' copy and instructions, 9d: genuine. Ernest S. Britton. 2. Jubilee-terrace. Penarth-ro&d, Cardiff. 687 MEN, Youths.—All classes requiring any employment ll1 write at once Situation Guide free: busy time hundreds suited don't delay.—Tanner and Co., Box 54,112, Newiogton-causeway, London. Men late Army, Nary, also write. 392 MISSES Parsons want two Improvers, also Apprentic. J. to Dressmaking and Ladie&' TaUoring no premium —85. Newport-road. 425 MILLINER.—Wanted, a good Band. accustomed to l' serve tbroueh.—Apply. stating age. experieDoe.and salary reauired, Smud Re-a. Draper. Swansea. 665e MILLINERY.—Wanted immediately, a good Milliner able to serve in sbowroom preferred.-David Dvies, 31 and 33, Carlisle-street, Cardiff. 484 OUTFITTERS.—Experienced Hand: also a poshing Junior (Cyrnro): give age, experience, and salary.—T. Jones. Tailor and Outfitter, Tonypandy. 717 OUTBITTERS' Assistants.—Wanted, a pushimg Sales. man.—Apply C. Follick, Pawnbroker and Outfitter, 40, Bridge-street, Cardiff. 477 PAPERHANGER and Painter.—Wanted, a good Hand. JL Apply to G. Lewis, 12, Wyndham Arcade, Cardiff. 597 PONTYPRIDD.—Masons are requested to communicate JL with Secretaiy before seeking employment. Dispute pending. 627e SIÑGLE Man wanted as Porter must know the Docks:, S accustomed to horses.—Apply persorally Arkell Bros. Bute Docks. Cardiff. <37 STRONO Boy tanted to attend to pony, and live in.— Apply 62. Bute Docks, Cardiff. 606 "rI.N'MEN.-WAnted. two or three for Foreign Workr.: Text)enses out and home paid. Stat e age, experience, what ::¡¡u .d and terms required. a:xeoe; leavc.-Apply Tinplate, Daily News, Neath, 801 FBIO PaititerB.-Wanted, two good Brush Hands at once -L —Apply to J. P. Leek, Decorator, 90, Strathnairn-etreet, Roath. 742 T 0 Coachsmiths.—Wanted, an Improver to the Coach' "JO smithing at once.—Glover and Son, Coach Builders, North Morgan-street, Canton. 689 TO Painters.—Four good, All-round Hands: constant Twork to steady men only.-Letters, Hitchens, Decorator, Lewis-street, Aberaman. Aberdare. 654 TO Hairdressers.—Wanted at once. good GentB' Hand for Tabout a week.-App1y Mannent. 20. Duke-st.. Cardiff. fl^O Hairdressers.—Wanted at once, a firstas-Gent;g THand, must be good haircutter and shaver and steady; no other need apply.—Parfitt Bros.. Hairdressers, Tonypandy and Penygraig. 605 rrnvo eood Washerwomen wanted at once.—Apply Rock A House, No. 9. Clarence-road. Cardiff. 336 W ANTED, a Young Man to look after Horse and Trap, able to milk and look after the garden. and be generally useful State age. salary, and references.—Dr. Prichard, Resolven. 736 WANTED at once, a good Haircutter and Shaver steady man.-Apply 7. Maralierro&cL Newport. 66Se w ANTED, Waterproof Garment Makers: advanced wages to good hands.—Apply to India Rubber Co., Ltd.. Pier Head Chambers. Docks. 665 WANTED at ODce, 4 gnod Junior Hands for the W ANpsnticTet\4Tr:dl;>rN 652,Daily News, Cardiff. 652 WANTED, a reliable Young Man (single) as Night Porter,—Apply Washington Hotel, Cardiff. 660 WANTED, a good Wheelwright and Stnith.-A ply vV Dyer. Castle-road. 610 WANTED, strong Jad, to assist in the garden and make  himself generally useful. Gardener. Westwood. Penarth. 628 W ANTED. Two Bricklayers for Llanishen.—Apply 98, t T Alfred-street. 594 WANTED, 1*0 Barmen and Barmaids for great Hospital TV Blondin Fete, July 10th and 11th, 1895. None but thoroughly experienced persons need apply.—K. Llewellyn and son, Refreshment Contractors, Glamorgan Hotel, Swansea, 456 WANTED (indoors ) a ^ood Junior, well up at both W Ar.iO:, ilhoele8,We,Ua:; re- qnireù. Daniei and Son, Grocers, Pontypool. 416 WANTED, a strong Lad as Apprentice FA th?e Bi-a?i 'f smilhiug country sbop.-Apply Griffiths, Blacksmith, Ystradowen, near Cowbridge. 441 V A¡D¡'a:ll&,reMuiUT.-APPto John Peane and Son, Mountain Ash, 363 \\r ANTED, a first-class Buttonhole Hand also an Ap- prentice to the TaiJonn¡.-2. Stion-street, New. port. MOQ. 240 WANTED, a good Skirt Hand,* also Apprentices to the Dress and Mantle Making.—Miss Lewis, 57, Tudor-road. 19 WANTED, a good General Smith, used to Builders' \V APodH=er:d'3Ÿnseob Tonypandv. !S6 Y" \? HEELWRIGHTS.—Wanted, a good General Hand: "1' constaut job to suitable band,-Wilitaras. Steam Wheel Works, Aberdare. 719 WTIREWORKEB wanted at once, accustomed to sieves and screens.— Apply W. V. Rees and Co., Iron- mongers. Pontypridd. 509 YOUNG Lady wanted, take Charge of Underclothing and Pinafore Shop state salary required (indoors). also two referetices.-P, 635. Echo, Cardiff. 635 £2_eJ¡;1Y -pwar& may be realised by either nex.without 3?' bindertns present occupation.—For samples (return- able) &c.. enclose addrersed envelope to Evans, Watte. & Co. (P IM). M.an-ThiR is genuine. 536 12s to 15s weekly easily earDed)o spare time by eithe .JL aex eycrywbeni: work can ba done evening%. Send addressed envelope to Eclipse Works, 9. Playhouse-yard, Water-lane, London. 295 M1T1JATIO.VH WANTED. BAKERS.—Respectable Young Man seeks Situation as BBecoud or good Third Band.-Apply K. Davies, No, 11, Edward-street, Cardiff. 723 BAKE Its and Confectioners.—Situation required by Bthoroughly practical workman, dimugaged, good refer- enoes.-Address Baker, II. Frederick-street, Cardiff. 544 B- AKÊRH.=-Situatiè;UQüired by young man as good BSecond or Single abstainer: eood references.- Address March. 1, Daniel-street, Cadoxton, Barrv. 372 B AREM.-YounS Man seeks Situation as Second JLF Hand able to mix, mould, and assist with smalls.- Write V 228. Echo, Cardiff. 221 BUTCHERS.—Young Man seeks Situation, ifrst in shop or second in slaughterhouse good references.-Har. vey. 15, Chancery-lane. Canton. Cardiff. 235 FOREMAN Carpenter seeks engagement as thoroughly I practical on public works or general house buildiug references given.-Wnte A 213, Echo. Cardiff. 213 LADV 120) desires engagement as Nursery Governess young children preferred bright, willing, nitudoal.- M. lidlllnh,aro_treet, Cardiff. 765 m &CWNIST. disengaged, used to tailoring or dress- JLvJ. m&kiqg xoott sewer and fetter.—Apply 12, Lead- Bcreet, Roath. 721 PASTRYCOOKS and Confectionern.-Young Man (20) seeks Situation as Improver: foar years" experience. Apply 27. Crotts-street, Roath. 6111 RESPECTABLE Person (27) seeks npgemetlt as .\0 llousektener: thoroughly domesticated &ad can do plain 8o\nng.-ApÐiy K C., Echo Omcc. Pontyphdd. 663e J> -iSJ>EÖ'i':WU;Yeun: Woman wants a constant place i \0 for washing everv Monday and Tuesday: Thursday for cleaning good reference&-D 322, Echo Office. 322 ï;¡'UATÚ)Na-ted as General Servant: country girl, k now living in Cardiff: excl1ent character from last I fitua.tian.-Mrs Coster, Registry, Gloucester. 810 ïTUATIÕN required by a Pensioner M Ni?ht Watch. ,? man or hndv man.-Appl, Robert StArk, 10, Amgelins. street, Cardiff. 290 rpO Butchem-Situatiou wanted by Voting M?n in Shop, ± or Shop and ?MMW-ftMaM.- A?O? ? £ »»• streot, FcnMtt. ?W? T0 ™?'Wanted, Situation as Second Slau^hter- ??'°? "?Shterman in smaller: basiness would do rouad.-Apply Winney, Barewood. near Pembridge. 750 rS ??" seeks Situation as Second or T° <wi £ n7 good Third Hand well up in bread. cake. and sm%W four years' good references.-J M6.Echo Office. Cardiff. 386 To Bakers.-Situa.tion wanted by a respectable young Man as Single or Second: good bread, cake, and sma.hiie- .—v. j., 6, 298 Im J., 6, Red Lion-square, Tredegar, Mon. 298 W ANTED. a Situation as Working Housekeeper by a respectable Widow: good cook: could help in business.-Gladys. Echo Office, Cardiff. 791 W ANTET). Employment M House-Parlourmaid.—Apply W Servants' Agency. Station-road. Brynmawr. 784 WATSI>\ by respectable Person (husband away), Offices to Clean or a situation as Caretaker.—H 71J, Echo Omce, Cardiff.. 711 WANTED, Trousers and Vests to make in any quantity \!°??'?" tespectable workshop; prices mo- d,< e??.t? e.—M. 4M, E?,ch,o Cmce. Cardiff. 4H derate.— M. 413 Y? ANTED byrMppct?Me Youth, Sttuattonto?ook after trap well accustomed to hones.-Apply Pony, ?choy0fBce. P,typridd. 660pe Y OUNU Married Man seeks Situation, Timekeeper, Place of trust, ,?r light employment: good references: Cr??? rdtS ? preferred.-Hortoo, 5, Station-ter., Treherbert. 766 YOUNG Lady seeks a Situatiou in a Sweet or Fmit or ?_ Fish Business :live out or M.—R 770. Echo. Cardiff. V^OUNG Lady seeks Situation in any light business (con- ?ho Sncfrg!erred): would give ?? m°0th-M- J., Echo Office. Cardiff. 722 YOUNG lAdy seeks Situation in Butcher's Shop (12 moutb' ?Perience) or any light business good refer- °Ai^ pp1 ly_ Adam-street? Post OfEce. Mt ClLKRltS.. AWACKRS. Ac. \7 ANTED at once, good Clerk able to prepare quan- wa L d.Pont7pridly D. GrifBths and Co.. Bui?e.6. ?!eUi. wastad. Pontypridd. ?g, W ANTED, situation for Boy in Office, now leaving W A:?: ;ïJ;>r r::bl?D'relibIe New- por! t or District preferred.-ADply Thomas. Post Office. ^sca- 658e AftfiSqUS TR.t. TEU.-ER8 Ar. GEI.QTS wanted for Jewellery, Cutlery, et,c.-Address C. If. Parker, Tindal-at., Balsail Heath. Birmingham. A GENTS wanted even-where, canvassinv shopkeepers, Glamorganshire. Monmouthshire, Gloucestershire, Carmarthenshire. Brecknockshire good salesmen earn P,4 wee]-,Iy. -Messrs Pamphilon, Congleton. Cheshire. 171 C^LUB Agents Wanted, to form Clubs for Watches, V Clocks, Jewellery, Silver Plnte, Opera Glasses, Musical Instruments, &c. Members pay Is per week Terms. Cata- logues, &c.,Kendfll & ent,l ,Cy'he.,tpsi(le, iondoo. Splendid value. Great success. Mention Paper. Ladies' and Geuts' Silver Levers. 42s. vrorth 70s. 780 PRINTERS.-Canvasser wanted.-Apply Goadby and JL Smith, 11, Corporation. road. State age, experience, waees, and references. 711 tOKtUKCS. AViKTMENTS Zc A Double-bedded Room and Sitting-room to Let- A j>:d<s ;:anid s;,o'b ssr::e: door.-203. Richmond-ro ad. 383 A comfortable Sitting-room and Bedroom to Let to respectable workinKtnM or two friends.—11, B?ck. stone-street. Canton, Riverside. 262 A PA RTMENTS, well furnished; pleasantly centrally Asituated near trams, stations hot and Cold bath no children: undeniable' referencess.-6, Llanbleddiati Gardens, Cardiff. 999 APARTMEN'I'S. Unfurnished, to Let, to respeccab). A, couple without children: moderate terms.-Apply to 1S8, Clive-streefc, Grangetown. 182 APARTMENTS to Let to respectable couple nveu Agrate.-7. nnie.street, Cardiff. ?.t)veu and Lodgings for two respecUble Young Men Bat 39, 'FtMhamon-f-mbMkment. Riverside; piano: hot and cold bath terms 14s. 233 CIOMFORTAOI'E Apartments for two gentlemen sharing V same rooms (dining out preferred): closo to 'bus'—2a Treharris-street, Castle-road, Cardiff. 746 COUNTRY A^ytm^d hy"LTdy foTl^^Tonl j "? ?M''th.?'t?u'Smiles of Cardiff.-Wnte T $14, Daily News, Cardiff. 814 COMFORVA13LE Home. in quiet, healthy village, highly recoiiamended elderly Lady and Gentleman or two Ladies received: stabling if required piano near Church and Post Office.—Miss Dale, Horton. Wimborne, Dorset. 763 4 COMFORTABLE and well furnished Sitting-room and V Bedroom to Let: bath, hot and cold.-Apply 4.- Clarence-terrace, CorporiLtion-road. 407 COMFORTABLE Lodgings for one or two respectabl". KJ Young Men bath close to I)us tio children. -25 Strathnairn-strfcct, Clstle-road. Cardiff. 327 C OMFORTABLE Lodgings for two respectabluYounc Men.-Apply 36, August&-st., Adamadown, Cardiff. 286 jr'IC,-MFORTABLE L Odgings for oce or two respectable- J Men no childreD.-29, MoirB-street,. Roath, Cardiff., DWY Ystafell a Golch-dy i'w cael am bris isel gan deulu sydd yn hoff o Gymry.-115. Cathays-terrace. 300 IpRONT Bed and Sitting-room suit two gentlemen hot: Sthedr?road?rd?r: no ???-37. Talbot-.treet? ?Ci%thedral-ro ardff. 786 FURNISHED Front Sitting and Bedrooro, or lodgings ior gentleman or two friends: close G.W.R.: terms moderate.—3. Lower Cathedral-road. Canton. Cardiff. 498 CJLASBURY Farm House.- oard and Lodging tor:1 G GenUeman,home comfort&,no other boarder or children, Mung andahootinB. lovely scenery, bracing situation —K ?91, Daily News Omoe. Cardiff. 393 LARGE, convenient Sittiug-room, oven gratei newry 'LARGE, c:>nvenient SittiuK-room, onn gratë DewÏ, I tMepeopIe.—?. WyBdbam-pbce. C?ntoa. Let to respect. V LANISHEN.-To Let, two Unfurnished Front Rooms pleasantly situated terms moderate elderly people or widow preferred.—E 267. Echo Officc. Cardiff. 267 LODGINGS for two respectable YoungMen, Sitting. 1 AJ room and B Im irmtee' wile Giwt Western Railway Station.-M, Tresillian-terrace. 319 I}iDGIÑGS or Apartments for 2 reBpect?N?nUDemea m ladies piano noohMren.—Apply?. VM,?-if en road., t 'anton. 239 oAKF'IELD-street.-Well-turnished Apsetinenta, lady or gentleman: board if desired; hot and cold baOi.- F 604, Echo Office. Cardiff. 604 ,PENARTE.-Furnished Apartments, one or two- bed- rooms and front sitting-room.—Apply G., 36, Hitrh- street, Cardiff. 7^4 To Let, 4, Atlas-place, Canton, Sitting-room and Bed-, J- room. furnished, 6s, or unfurnished. 4s hot and cold bath every convenience. 725 TO Let, Comfortable Lodgings for reEpectaMemea.— JL FortenNa&pp)yl4,Penarth.ro&d?CMdief. 64 ri^O Let. well-furnished SitMag-room and Bedroom: suit J. gentleman or two friend3: near TaBf Sttttioc—22. ?i Dumfnea-place. CardifF. 619 :i TO Let, two or three Unfurnished Rooms oven f?ate- ? Thot and cold bath no children.-115, Habershon- > 'street, South Splotlands. 517 i To Let. 47, Neville-street. Cardiff, Furnished Sitting-, JL room and Bedroom suit lady and gentleman or two' friends. No children. 43i TO Let, in WoodviUe-road,two large well-furnished Front TRooms suitgenUerrum or two friends: no children or other lodgers terms moderate.—Address B.. 316, Echo Office, Cardiff. 3]6 TO Let, shed1õtëhën"back Sitting-room, on (Tor: X two, Bedrooms, with quiet" respectable people.—25, Adam-street, rdi?. 175 TWO nicely-furnished Front Rooms on'?Ca8tle-road; suit, gentleman or two friends; no children or other lodgers. -F 87, Echo, Cardiff. 97 TWO Unfurnished Rooms, with oven.tgrate? to Ift.— TApply 50, Lower Cathedral-road. 219 T TNFURNISHED Apartments, back tittup-Md front vJ bedroom, use of kitchea: close to tram&-Apply 101, Crwys-road, Cthays. Cardiff. 440 UNFURNISHED Apartments.-Two or Three excep, tionnlly large Rooms, overlooking Channel: moderate rent to respectable people.—1, Bute-esplanade, Docks. 278 W AN'RED Two Bedrooms and Sitting-room; state W Ate;:s-e¥l9hO aö&c,iiw.om; te WANTED by young couple, four unfurnished Rooms, be near Albany-road preferred.—Apply with terms (must be moderate ) M 744, Echo. Cardiff. 744 WANTED immediately, two Unfurnished Rooms. Iviust- TT be near town, Riverside preferred.—W 673, Office, Cardiff. 673 WELL-Furnished Apartments hot and cold bath, use W Efpit :r:X:tJs and cold bath. use Brightwell, Plantagenet-street, Riverside. 256 T?ESTON?SUPKi?MARE.-ViMtore requiring comfort- v T able Apartments at a moderate ri- please apply Mrs R. Jay, Cedar Villa, Jubilee-road, Weston-super-Mare. W ORKING Man (single) wants Lodgings (permanent if suitable) with respectable people ?o (?ther lodgers kept preferred. State particniars.—N 757, Echo. Cardiff.797 W ORDSWORTH Avenue. — Wen-iurnishedFron? Sitting-room, with one or two Bedrooms board if desired moderate terms.-C. 3M, Echo. Cardiff. 320 05. Glenroy-street.-Comfortable furnished Apartments, '? ? suit two friends: hot and cold b%th.-Piano: terms moderate. 284 7'-3:-Tdor.road, RiTerside.—ComfortabI?home for Yonnt Lady to share with another ;,also ^Furnished Apart- menta hot cold bath, piano. 291 TO MCI".—IIOBSKS. ««, A modernised Farmhouse, situated 5 minutes' walk from' A b:i!r:drl:' fa;tfo:a: I All particulars W. Gibbs. HodgesniioU8e, Lamphey, R.S.O., near Pembroke, PembrokMhire. 88 DANIRL-street, Cathays.—Houses to Let to tidy ten- D ants only.—Apply W. Sandell! -andfSons," 28. St.. Mary-street, Cardiff. 471 GLYN Tatf, Cathedral-road (cemer of Mortimer-roadX Canton in good repair.—Apply Mr John JenMns, 10, 'X Canton: lo ts?diff. M7 Westgate-street, 647 HOUSE to Let, 37, Angelin"treet, Bate Town, Cardiff: five rooms: long Rarden rent moderate.-Apply 71, Adam-street. Cardiff. 542 HOUSES in Coynny-street, Moors rent, Is 6d per week.' JtJL —Apply Hunt and Hunt, Solicitors, 98. St. Mary-st. HOUSE to Let, in good conditien, in Maria-street; rea-' sonable rent.-Apply 93. Exchauce Buildings. 408 JANET-street. Moors.-House8 to 'Let t().rable; t? tenants only.-Apply 4WM. Sanders and SODe, 2? St. Mary-street, Cardi6. 470 L LANDAFF.-Pleasatitly situated '8-roomed' Villa, :5; minutes from station, and 10 minutes from 'bus i.good^ garden.—James. Builder, Llandaff. 395 LLANISHEN-street, Cardiff.—House to.Letorfor Sale "v bot I\ter and gas throot1t: k, at gorn hOlUle.266; L LANISHEN.-Seven-roomed House to Let or: Sold, 7s 6d per week, near station.—Apply Bute Brickworks Llaniehen. 263 PONTYPRIDD.—To Let, a Bonse. with .a?ery-conven? ence: hot and oM bath.?AddrMs Mr Xtewls, MtrMn Hotel, Pontypridd. 598e ROATH Park.-To Let, 94, Diana-street ifbedrooms, A? bath. side entrance rent inclusive, Ms 6d weekly. 5 7, Invernes?-place. 529 R OATH.-Two very desirable Houses bath tjh. andc),? JH/ gas near trams: rent moderate; side entrance.—• Apply 168, Newport-road. 41901 THE South Wales and MonmonthshireProvertfRegister'. T' %r July free on application or pmt.-Hern and Pertwee, House Agents, AucMoneers. Valuers &c.. Oa?ditr. ff^O Let. immediate poMesaion. Nos. 1 and 2. Church- X terrace, Roath.—Particulars of William Howells, 96, St.I.Mary-street, Cardiff. é91 TO Let, 69, Plasturton-avenue, tour bedrooms; every convenience.—Apply atl,67. 670 1'° Let, a House in Park-street, in good condition newly X panered throughout.—Enquire 5. Longerow-street. 560 TO Let 142 and 145, Wellington-street, Canton, adjein- JL uig the Wyndham HoteL-Apply Thomas Jenkins, 22. Edward-terrace, Cardiff. 387 TO Let, 114. Paget-street, Gmnqetowu,. hot and cold  bath, gas: in good condition rent Us 6d weekl. Apply D. Davies. Tmdo-street, Penartb-road, or 175, Castle. read, Boath. 388 TO Let, No. 82, MisHn-ttreet: hot and cold bath pM. Tom!?io 14th inst.—Apply Williams, 25, Royal Arcade, CarditL m TO Let, 147, Moy-road,^ioath Park, with Stable, bath. room, etc.-Cotfe, and Sons, Rotunda Buildings, Cardiff. 346 TO Let, Two Houses in Br&Wev-atrect. Broadway 3 just JLrMMTMed.—Apply 125. Pearl?treet. CatdtC. 352 TO Let immedi,tely. Lochaber-street, Roath Park. House Twith latest improyemnts; large cardena: venr best position.—Apply Comley, Moira-terrrce. 326 T6 Let, 121, WpodviDe-roadT just papered and painted ?4'he.lldr-?oons. bath (cold), &" throughout .trams pass door; immediate possession. 217 W ELLFIRLD-place (adjoining Roath Park); 2 Villas v v double-bay windows: every convenience: 12s weekly immediate posaeadon.-Apply 53. Alfred.atreet..338 W YNDHAM-read. Canton.—House to Let to respect- V V able tenant only.—Apply Wm. Sanders and Bona, 21, St. Mary-street. Cardiff. 469 15, Havetock?treet. Cardiff, to Let: rent 9s wee?y.—  lot-k-Weet., Cardiff tip Let re,2iSs wekly?- 21. Telford-street, 9s 6d weekly, clear another 115 one other houses King «-road.—Apply 72, King's-road* 768 7 2 and 84, Saltme^d-road, 8s 6d weekly.—Apply Mr Kil. < minster, 84, Saltmead-road, or Fine, Pawnbroker, Clifton-street. 756 42. Moy-read close to 'bus; lIs, 6d weekly.—Apply 8, '-j b Stacey-road. 5cjl -1 19. Tudor-road: in good order: hot cold bath: back L entranoe. Also Bute House,- Neville-street.—Apply 72 King's-road. 271 t? Plasturton 9 rdens :corner house: best position every ?. convenience 2 conservatories and cellars; bhnds throughout; rent moderate good sanitary arrangements. -Apply 76. Ryder..street. 788 TnrdUSES and Shops to Let as under.-Apply Evana I" and Highe, House and Estate Agents, Auctioneers and Valuers, County Fire and Provident Life Office^ Borough Chambers, Wharton-street. Cardiff. 5ge "J 8, Union-street"; centre of town, Agate-street, Roath. with Stable rent, 118 per week. "J 1, Radnor-road, Canton bath 9s per week.  Belle Vue-terrace, Cadmton.Modem house: every 3. convenience. Magnificent View. 4- Dudley-place, Docks. 6 Evans'-buildings, North Morgan-street: 3s 6d per week COTTAGE, Llandaff Yard rent, is per week. 46, Eldon-street, commodious House and Shop; moderate rent. TT?XTMNSIVE Shop and Cellarage, Pier Bead. Bute EDocks. CORNER Shop and Premises, Cadoxton. "1 1, De Burgh-street, Riverside 12s 6d per week. 0. Duffryn-street: 7s per week. H QUSE, Woodland..street..Barry Dock: 7s 6d per week. OFFICES, Dowlais Chambers, Bute Docks. 464a 1 Pl*.E,"ISIES We t't> I.ET—ItUStNI'aS runnisys Ac A BERTILLERY.—To Let, attractive Shop anFD?,-Iling A. House, centre of town suit ph.tograph: bath- room, hot water tit,ti.gB.-Apply House Agent, Sou'.h Wiles Gazette Office, Abertillery. 74se COMMODIOUS-Office to Let. corner of Newport snd J Castle roads suitable for dentist.—Apply Pincombe, 2a, Castle-road, Cardiff. 138 I ESTABLISHED PhotographM StudtO and Waiting- room accessories, except camera and lens first landing main thoroughfare good opening.-220, Bute- road, Cardiff. 184 ? ?OoiTshop. £ 60 per annum, K. Custom House-street. VX —Apply Flint Brothers. ?Os ET or Sold. House, Shop hot-cold bath coachhouse, JU stable, loft: near Dowlais Works.-Apply Dinham, Spring Gardens-place,  ATE Lord Raglan. Ellen-street; suitable for lodging ][, home: will make necessary alterations and repai.- David, 16, St. John's-squarq, Cardiff. 2C4 NEWPORT.—To be Let, Suite of Offices tour rooms and f? Lavatory: centrally situated in Tredegar.pbce.- Particulars of Manager, "Daily News"0njce. Newpor?. 23e CJHOPS to Let. double and single. p?te-:?ss fronts. larj{e )? cellars, par?ur. kitchen, scullery, back entrance, five bedrooms: rent 10s per week.-Apply Mr Hawkins, 139, Portmanmoor-road. Cardiff. 743 ALE-Room to Let Shop to Let, main thoroughfare, Aberdare, suitable for sales.-Apply 18, Canon-atreet, Aberdare. 606e tlTAELE and Coachhouse to Let, off Newport-road— ? Write C. 699. Echo Omce. CardiS. 699 —" a week, clear rrioT^t,Houseanil Shop in good order 12a a week, clear JL of all rates, &c.-Apply 6? CQbet. Cathays.675 I O DraDer ?ndT Others.-Shop to Let. 92, Broadway JL rent moderate.-ApplY 1* Albert-street, Canton. Cardiff IrpO Let, House and Shop. corner. CottreU-road (close  Albany-road): puitable for good butcher.—Apply 85, 'Alb ny-roa. Cardiff. ■ 551 TO Let7Houre ?ndShop. 16. Bridge-street. -Apply Hunt 1and Hunt, Solicitors, 98. St. Mary.street, Cardio. 458 ??0 Let, Stacey-road. good Stable. Coach House. exocl- JL lent loft and saddle-room: gM and water.—Apply 163, Newport-road. 461 ¡ ;T^O Let,Grocef Shop, bakehouse, stable good dwelUng- e'istikeo';O:B!  .47 ShaU. Cardiff Market. 399 "1 I^OLet.two-stallStable.—Apply 108, Dorset-street,.Salt- ? mead. 288 rmo Let a sets of Rooms as Offices, above "South Wales IL X Daily News" Office, St. Mary-street.-Apply "Daily "News," Cardiff. 42e OODVILLK-Road.—First-class Corner Shop: rent r, moderate new plate-glass front windows, lbft. by 9ft. and 6ft. 6in. by 9ft.—Apply Jukes and Flook, 119, St. Mary-street. 748 W OODVILLE-Road.—Most desirable, modernly-con- structed Shop: ulate-glasq front; rent moderate suit anytradej—Apply^rletter^6j^ Hamilton-street. 748 IFOR aAI>K—HOiJSKS JtAKM d" ARare Opportunity.—For Sale, 2 best built HOMes in AMarion-street, close to Moortaad-gMdens and Library. Separate leases. Hot and cold baths.—Apply at 110, Carlisle-street, Cardiff. 473 CA.THA YS;=W Ü-hlliltHooB- for Sale, 18 feet frontage, ? sidewMr. price £21O.-Doett, 63. Kel)poch.st" Rcath. CCANTON, half minute from the tmms, 10 or 20 House3, I well built, 3 bedrooms, bathroom, £180 each.— Dogpett, 63, Keppoch-street. 245 ("CARDIFF, Howard-gardens.—Comer House.3receptto. C rooms: price moderate large portion pun:hlie money arranred.—Powell, Lewis, and Co.. Auctioneers. Cardiff. ElGHT-rooaied House for Bale, 160, King's-roa.d,letat lis 6d weekly £350 or offers.-# pply Yeo. 41, Mount- st,mr&square. M9 F IVE Freehold 6-roomed Cottages, gardens also 3 Acres 1- Land near: sell cheap easy terms.—A. W- Evans, Henllys Vale, Newport. 65ie 57K)H Sale 4 Cottages- near Llandaff Station, moderate nrice.-Apply Collins, 11, Tymawr-roid, Primrose Hill, Llandaff. 672 'FOR Sale. two Houses, newly renovated, let to good tr tenants: £ 160 each, good portion can remain.—Write •Q 225, Echo. Cardiff. 225 GOOD Corner House, near Mackintosh Inetitute hot and nold bath double bay windows: jBMC.—Dof?ett, 63, Keppoch-street. Roath, Cardie. _?_ MS 'L-" LANISHEN,-For Sale. The HoUies. Hanishen. late rnidence of Thomas Henry Emor (deceased).—Anply :Ensor, Ward, and Gilling, Solicitors, Cardiff. 644 SEVERAL Houses, Llanfair-road, to be sold cheap good. !? investment; 3 bedrooms hot and cold batb.-Apply ,Penney, 19. Duke-street. Cardiff. 404 <>2, Straithnaim-street, Roath, to be Sold.—Apply on .3 6 2. Straithnaim-street, Roath. to be Sold.-Appiv on t? premisea. 165 JNOt?SMS .?e WANT HQ. TV/f ARRIED Couple, one child, require Small House in iTj. respectable locality rent about 6s.-Write, statinit particulars, C. 679, Echo Office, Cardiff. 679 WANTED,,small House near ■ Crwys-road must be tT clean and dry rent not more-than 7s.-Write G. 658, Echo, Cardiff. 638 WAÑTED to Rent at once nice part Roath, or Tredegar- s ville, small convenient House about 4 bedroomL, faddress N 416. Echo, Cardiff. 416 jjj-VST ANTED, to Rent small Cottage, with stable attached or room for same: close to blarket.-Api)iy H., Echo Office. Pontypridd. 620e!W BISiXMS PREMISES WANTEtt. VS7 ANTED, House and Shop, Castle-road excellent re- ference .-Apply F. G., Echo Office, Cardiff. 618 BUSINESSES WANTED. HAIRDBESSING Business wanted, or would rent shop if good opening.—Full particulars, first letter,Edwards, Ivy Cottage. ;entwynmawr. NewbridgeMoD. 654 \\7 ANTED, Baking Business in Cardiff, or Bread Bound t v —Apply Bread. Echo Office. Newport. Mon. 273 KllftlNlatSES FOR MSrttSAi,. BARRY Dock, Barry, Cadoxton.-Establisbed Bus!. nesses, bargains, best positions:-Drapery, Jewellery. China and Glass, Fish, Fruit, and Greengrocery (wholesale and retail); £ 3) will take best Coffee Tavern and Dining Rooms in Barry Dock; immediate possession. Shops to Let and for Sale suitable for any business. best positions Villas and Cottages to Let and tor Sale (grand bargains): Building Sites.—Apply to Edward ^Reee, Auctioneer, 138, Holton-road, Barry Dock. 709 la RISTOL.-L, stablished Restaurant near centre of city ? for immediate disposal: thoroughly genuine concern 40£130, including furniture.—Berkeley Restaurant, Broad Weir. 275 BuTcl?ER'S Business for Disposal: good opening easy BUfn:n'fd:tt7."O:dfd. 177 DISPOSAL, Confectionery and General Easiness, Roath Park, doing good trade: good living accommodation, stable and loft.-Elenney, 19, Duke-street, Cardiff. 754 F- OR Sale, a good Milk Bound, scHinc M gallons daiiy.—' J' AddreMlftters.MUk.EchoOmce.Fontyphdd. 648e FOR Sale, Bespoke Boot Business: rising colliery dis- trict workshop, rent only £1 6s half-yearly in main thoroughfare good opportunity for anyone with little capi. ta).—F. 629, Daily News. Cardiff. 629 FOR Sale, Rairdremiog Buginess in main thoroughfare FOicl' :tre good Iftie 16i:is Echo Office. I<ewport 632e G-EÑ-UÏ'NËGrocel7 Business. Gmneetown doing BM  weekly rent 16a stock, utensils, and fixtures, about 60.-ApplyPenny,19, Duke-arreet, Cardia. 5M GREAT Sacrifice.-TobacwnisCa and Hairdresser's Business, best part of Cardiff, low rent, central posi- tion enlarging Newport business cause of sale no agents, —Apply Mr Fisher, 31, Stauwell-place, Penarth. 570 GRocJ'.aY and Provisions, with off Wine and'Beer I < Licenses, in best position in C1Uton trade approach :@ £ 2.000 a year price. jSlSO. and va lu.%tion.-Apply R. W. iMiller and Company, Limited, Stokescroft Brewery. Bristol. 9Ge ^"T AIRDRESSING Business for immediate Disposal: /XX coing concern,: centre of town: opposite post office; 1insin thoroughfare.—Apply P, Echo Office, Pouty¡¡ri (fl AIRDRESSER'S Business: guaranteed good Bound' iXX living must be aotd price B2&. Should be see App)y 60. Echo Office, Swans?s. 608e -QTED 014 Established Furniture Businem doing a IN large trade all cash: a chance seldom seen, Also Cabinet Works: proprietor retiring.—Edes, Newport,. 646e; OLD-Established Boot and Repairing Business for dis- posal coUMrydietnct. Stock, S180 fttures, M. '-Hillman, Auctioneer, 11. Biidge-street, Newport. 66&.  PONTYPRIDD.—To Let. Imperial Dining Rooms and Commercial Hotel, 16. Taff-street. Satisfactory reasons for leaving.-Apply on the premises. 628e rIJRJ.IC,; .IO.'S"š. CIIICMC BEKK-House to Let: aital trade: taking larger B house: BSe.—HUUc&n. uctioneer, 12, Bridge-strect? Newport. 667, BUTE-etreet, Cardiff.—To Let, Hte very best DonMa. BLioensed Public House in this busy thoroughfare long I 'large bar and smokeroom trade.—W. Gill, 119. lilt. Mary-stroet, Cardiff. 161 CARDIFF Docks.-To Let, absolutely the best little double-licensed House close to all the shipping.—W. GUI, above address, C1ARDIFF.—To Let, good fingle-ticensed Public-house \-? long teMe, low rent, immediate possession young be. ginner preferred.-Gill, above address. N-EARMaeSycwmmer.fO Let, handsomely-fitted, Free NDouble-Licensed Hause: immediate possession.- Apply personaUy. GiU. above address. NEAR Pontypridd.—Greatest bargain ever offered: handsomely-titted Double-licensed House to Let: low rent: sure fortune.—Gill, above address. P ONTYPRIDD.-TO Let, the most compact and cheapest Double-Licensed Public House ever offered to the British public.-GUL above address. SIX miles from Cardiff, To Let. handsomely fitted tret 0 siugle licensed Public House suit young beginner.— Apply personally. Gill, above addregg. w » CJUBURBS of Cardiff.—Exceptional opportunity. Beauti- O fully-fitted single-licensed Public-house: suit young couple to perfection.—Gill, above address. ESTON-super-Mare. Handsomely fitted Double- vv licensed House to "Let in this important summer resort: low ingoing.—Gill Pbove address. JIllSltAK A Mat Oornet in case, price 18s: C Clarionet, 30s: A Violin, 10s.—Matthews, 73, Tudor-road. Cardiff, b66 A Good Second-hand Piano, by the celebrated maker Bord, guaranteed, 15 guineas cash. 111 monthly- Bidgway's, 103, Castle-road, Roath. 19i BEAUTIFUL walnut. overstrung Piano full tri;i?rd- A-t check aeMon: also Sao Amenoan Organ: wust be -wM; wa ?wt<?-?6, pMtAVI"O. QUO. |3°RD'S World-renowned Piauos, 12 Gold Medais, from 22 ,.15. monthly.—Bidgway's (from Bord's, Pans), 10?. 4astle-road. 198 F OR immedi?te?ale. a great bargain-owing to removal, 5'?  aenltlcent two-manual Pedal Oqnm. by Mason:and i „„ ?°?. ?° = considered the &MSt instrument in H-Diu.y I admirably suited Mr A place of worship. Si.vnfiis ma„uificeut iistrumnt can be seen and tried on ^wport?^Moru* AureUM. Castle notel Commercial-road, -W." WPIDM Mon. 730 "pj^OR Piano and Organ Tuning and Repairing, address F. 6d mud 4 a 66, Richards-terrpm-C&r Te,-s. s. 002 a A R -NIO N I U?s. lpii. on the Hire Pur I Hayes. C?olu? *°' ?*? FumitM? Company, 1?.. 25e M ??IFICENT?Amenc?n Orca?c<?tre Wl^i edged 1.lJ.. mlleo! 7 ,tops. Duple c P, ee swells: equal °?!Lj??"'????ough-street.. Ctthays. 474 PIANO, iron framed Cottage, perfect, condition, splendid walnut case, very cheap.-54. Partridge-road, Cardiff. _p_ iANOFOUTE-Lady must sell 10 guinea Upright Grand: elegant walnut: 19 gwineas approval: carri. age paid.-2. Stockwell Park Walk, 'Brixton. 368 PIANOFORTE Tuning.—W. F. Ridgway. from the ce-e- j JL brated firm of Bord's, Paxis: feacs 3s 6d.-Address 109, Castle-voad. Roath. 508 "piANO (by Evans and Co.. Londda), only a- JL ? .equal to new thoroughly good wtrument.-Atlaa FurmsbIDg Company. Hayes. Cardit. 25e SEVEN-Guinea 'Cello, splendid !Mtmment, and Two. ? UlQe?,6•' almost new: take B5 10s.-Eschle, Jeweller. Aberdare. 632 WANTED, Indies and Gentlemen of education and t T, re'¡nem!n to join Musical and Dramatic Society.- A. pply Leycester WaKsham, Echo Office. Carditi. 704 "t'CTfiXKS. TKK yCtMt -We. ABSOLUTE Clearance Morris Bios., Pontypridd, will forward you. on receipt of stamp for postage, New List. profusely illustrated, containing everything new in cycling, with useful hints to all riders and tonnetB. and partjciuars of bargains. Cash purchasers should call and inspect our large stock, which will be cleared cerdless of cost. Few Good Boys' Safety's, at 453 cash. A LLDAYS Celebrated ycS.-Bxw"from the mannfac- facturer direct and save agents' profits. Call and in- spect the magnificent stock of Cushion sted Pneumatic Tyre Machines. Repairs and plating a sDoeblity.-Al' days and Onions, Pneumatic Engineering Co., e. Westgate-street, Cardiff. 379e A LLDAYS' Celebrated Cyeles.-Bv*, from the manufacj turer direct and save agents' profits. Call and in- spect the maviiificent stock of Cushion and Pneumatic Tyre Machines. Repairs and plating a spwWity.-Alldays and Onions, Pneumatic Engineering Co., 49, Westgate-street, Cardiff. 379e A LLDAYS' Celebrated Cycles.—Buy from the manufao turer direct and save agents' profits. Call and in- spect the BMemSoent stock of Cushion and Pneumatic Tyre Machines. Repairs and plating a epeot?U?.—AUdays and :i;eatS ia;à Co., c;ita:sr: CardiH. 379e BEESTON Humber Roadster. Dunlop Tyres, weight 361bs geared 63: perfect condition: 9 guineas.- Ayris, 10, High-street, Cardiff. 450 C U, SHION Bicycle for Sale, nearly lIew: diamond frame, V balls throughout. laced spokes must be sold. -Aliply J. Cook. 8. Union-street. 354 CUSHION Tyre (the Howe), diamond frame, ball head in good condition L4 10a must be sold.-62, Glamorgan-street, Canton. 227 DETACHABLE Pneumatic Safety first-class machine, splendid condition. 38, Poaald-street, Roath, Cardiff. 712 FOR Sale, lasb season FIYlUg Wh?t. Dunlop tyres: F eood cOndttioo cMh 28 tOs.—M. Vere-street, Roath, Cardiff. 715 I- 410it Sale, Pneumatic Bicycle, Dunlop tyres. good as new, JL' all accessories, 96 10s.-Spurgeon. 40, Oakifield-street, Cardiff. 569 FOR Sale, Safety Pneumatic, diamond fmule: good JL' condition all accessories; 1;6 IN.-52. South William. street, Docks. Cardiff. 209 IT^RKE! Free Post free to any address.-Safeties -4 Safeties 1 Safeties! Important to arants, dealers, and others. Wholesale list containing 1,000 (one thousand) machines, new and second-hand, m-!t Mt free to any ad50 c:: cheaper than other =e:;e:r ;e Why pay more or fancy price?? P Singla machine at whole- sale prices. Write at once for the large" and most com- plete list in the cyeje trade. Sterling value and no large pronts.—W. R. W?rrilow, Cycle Works, Re?ent-Btreet, 'Vestonmper-Mare. 977e PNEUMATIC Safety, emeereut tyres never 1. punctured S6 a bargain.—Feny, 5, Woodville-road, Catbays. 4Zl X) ALEIGH. 281bs, Dunlop's, hollow rims. new machine, XV listed L?6. What oSers?—Nemo. Echo, Cardiff. 335 KEPAI11S1 RepairBil Repairsitt-Take all your Jt.t' Cycle Repairs to Parry and Co., Manufacturers and Agents, Mill-lane. Cardiff. All orders executed with care and despatch. Depot for Imperial Rovers, Excelsiors, Osmonds, Premiers, Lamps, Bells, and all accessories. 678e it EPAIRS.-Pla-ting and stove Enamelling promptly at t. trade prices. lorris Bros., Pontypridd. 19e REPAIRERS officially appointed for C.C.. and also for Cycle Insurance. Co. Ltd.-Morris Bros., Ponty- pridd. Repair, of any kind to DueumativAMMM. 19e REPAIRS—AD go to Morris Bros. rontyvndd No job too difficult" no iob too small. Don't forget.19a S AFETY Pneumatic, quite new, latest improvements, o diamond frame: worth £20: £5 15s.-Write T 528, Echo Office, Cardiff 528 Si ÃÏ<;ETY-CushioD, Humber pattern: diamond un- 8cmwhecl: ball bead: balls everywhere LS; worth £ 16.—Write R 521, Echo Office, Cardiff., 521 <4 ?AFEl?.-I?yT Pneumatic: baU8thMushout:!B6iQs. ? —Write Q 520, Echo Offioe, Cardiff. 520 SAFETY to be sold cheap small paeumatic tyres non. k3 slipping surface gear 67 light ruad2ter.-51. Lower Cathedral-road, Cardiff. 380 SAFI'TIES.—Cushion and Pne?m?tio! Bargains, bar- kll gins. Don't par high pnc81l. Call at Warrilow's, Don't P;W iff, Repa? at half prices charged b othcMI.-R Wanilow, 293, Bute-street, CarcHS; also at W eaWn-super-,Mayr. 8 AFET1ES.—Large Stock, must Bed, latest '95 patterns, K3 targe tube. ti?t machines, PncantaMoe. ?37 Cushions, 25 10<. Che??t W Guse for Repairs. AM kind of fitting!) iu stock ?![)avie, Cyce Works. grynmawr. 8 S- INGER Model-de-luxe Roadster: splendid condition with all accessories: piiee CIO iOs.-Api)ly Norman, Ironmonger, Splott-road, Cardiff. 341 ?.TOP Thief.—New Cwie Lock with Key sent Post Free Is for 6d stamps, together with 1895 Lamp Lighting Table Lists: Cycle Insurance Pamphlet, Notes, and useful information.—Morris Bros., Cycle Works. Pontypridd. 19e 1895 Road Racer ,26lbs.) Pneumatic: Dunlop wheels JL list price SZO will take S9153: new.-39, Endge-strect, Cardiff. 531 2 S.-New Howe Road Raeer tor Sle: 1895 machine, with Danlop-Welch tFres.-Apply 4, North Loudann- place, CardtB'. 4T CARRIAGES. VEHICLES. &c. A capital Phaeton, in good condition, will be cold very cheap.—Apply 294, Cowbridge-road, Cardiff. 210 BARGAIN.—A good second-hand Gig to be Sold cheap roughly done up.-W. It. Davies, lronmong?r, Femdate. ? .iDARGAiNS.-Bsinel',g Traps, suitable for any pun)ose D Pleasure Tmps. seat two and four Harness, new and second-hand of eTery description Saddles and Bridies. h:la4:e;ket::e, :dI32 IjVJR-Sale, cheap. 3 excellent Dog Carw, 2 Rustic Carts, Butcher's Cart, 4 Business Carts, Greengrocer's Flat Cart. light spring Wagon (suit laundry), 10 sets of Harness, Saddle and Bridle, 20 Carriage Lamps.—Apply Commissi on Yard, 206, Pearl-street, Roatb, Cardiff. 752 I7*OR Sale, cheap.eyery Wednelday and Saturday at Stall ? 27. Pontypridd Market, single and double Harness, Saddles, Bridles. Carriage Lamps, Ladies' Gentlemen's aud Children's Clothing of all kinds, new and second-hand. t?OR Sale (cheap), new pair of light Wheel&. suitable for bond truck three feet higb.-Apply Royal Stables, Westgate-street. 646 FOR Sale,. Walnut Dog Cart, Hansom, and Landau, -L second-hand: must be' sold at once.-IN. Coburn- street. Cathays, Cardiff. 561 1OR Sale. two Hauling Carts, nearly new also Cob, I (ood worker and sound.-Apply BonTilstone, Coedpe. ? maeI-road. Pontypridd. 630e -F OR S-Lle,Tmp; would suit butcher or greengrocer Jt' nearly new.-App)y Colliers Arms, Upper Boat. 439 _lIGHT 4-wheel Trolley: good as new: carry 25cwt? B? Several Business and Pleasure Traps: chcI> Gibbon, Mill-road, Pontypndd. 649e _1-> AILW AY Wagons (two) for Sale, low-sided faUint XX doors cheap suit quarry proprietor or contractor. Clarence Wharf, Newport, Mon. 527e ALE, Broughum suit private centleman, doctor, jub ? master, or hotel-keeper.—Apply Royal Stables, Westgate-street, or Hunt, 171, Eldon-road. 305 rrWO Business Traps, Two Dogcarts (seat four), Saddle X Bridle. cheap: sell separately.—Theatre Royal Stablos, St. Mary-street. Cardiff. zss W ILT txcbtnge a Business Trap, suit cob 13 hands, for » > a Pleasure Trap suit pony.—Apply 196, Chve-street, Grangetown. 664 WILL Bell (cheap) a good Flat Cart; have no further VT use for it.— W. Bishop, Warwick-street, Saltmead, Cardiff. 482 HORSES. Ill VK STOCK. Ac A Strong, Useful Mare. 1&2. Dix YOars: warra.ted good A sW'b price Itf6.ï¡::4,wê:i\ Splotlands, Cardiff. 707 A Pretty Welsh Mare Pony-for-Sale, about 122: per- XX fectly BOund" and very quiet-—Apply, after 5 p m., 12, Albany-road, 589 A Pretty Dark-brown Horse, 14.2 hands, ifve years, war ranted sound: quiet to ride and dt five years, war nice niover ?25; trial given. Tmp and Harness to suit Fame; if' required; saddle and bridle, cheap.—Livery Stables, 14. Havelock-street. Temperancetown, Cardiff. 330 A Bargain.— Splendid Carriage Horseiye good mover in harness or saddle, suitable for cab, brake, or crank-axle: suaranteed sound, free of rice.-102 Wellington-street, Canton, Cardiff. 253 ACTIVE (art Horse, 16 hands, o4y. staunch worker in A My harness :rbt for crank-axle: trial allowed, or would êxchane for Cob suitable for hire purposes.-Theatre Royal Hotel Stables. St. Mary-street. Cardiff. 334 BARGAIN.—Bay Horse. 15 hands. t ye?rs. very fast, with Business Trap aud Harness, 1,wi"' Grocer, Chepstow-road, Newport. 670e BARGAIN. Bay Horse. sixteen hands, six years, graud H mover, suitable for any purpose also prettv Bay Mare, fQurteen hands, four years both warranted, good in single and double harness: abo Mund: trMtl allowed.—Apply "!Iuiiaii Mble St. M&4-stieet. Ca?cTift. I '1ART Horse, 15.2, eight years old: staunch worker in CI J shafts or chains: S?ure jSH. Burnham Iun, Frederick-street, Cardiff. 565 FOR Sa?. a l6io6 Sable colm PUP4 2 months 10s F each, or ilsefu ? exchaage approve. Also Greyhound PuP. 3 months, sire the notsd Ferndale Sweeper, 10s.- Thomas, 22, Llewellyn-street. Pentre. 598 FOR Sale, a good, strong, working Donkey: suit any work.—Apply P. Davies, Fishmonger. Ystrqd. 366 OOD Pigs for Sale, 3 and 4 months old. Sl &piece G.Iso two Cobs, cbeal?.-Griffi" E)? Common, Canton, Oardiff. 260 HANDSOME, well-bred Collie, well .trained, affection- ate. will perform tricks: splendid house doC: sacri- fice for 40s. -42, Morden-road, Newport. 6ile HORSES and Trap* for Hire good turnouts moderate JLJL terms.—Livery Stables, 14, Haveloek-street, Temper- ancetown, Cardiff. 331 IRisH Terrier Pups, champion bred, cheap. Also Bitch JL in Pup to prize winner; cheap.—16, Castle Arcade, Cardiff. 324 PONY. Flat Cart. and Harness suitable for greengrocer and others; bargaln-;ES 10s.-No. 1, Canal-street, Cardiff. 566 QOKE Shoulders. Grease Thrush, fcc.. Quickly Cured by KJ Condy's Fluid. Horses suffering from Sore Backs, Sore Shoulders, broken kneee, wounds, cuts, bruises, thrush, cracked heels, grease, mud fever, mange, *c., quickly cured by bathing the parts affected with ? tablespoonful of by batheil n #Iuid m a pint Of water, It makes the bair grow where robbed h?Tin?S?nd? ?'' ? ? 20oz. ? of Lt, l emints. lngrt on havinx ixmdy 9 Fluid. 58% HOROUGHBRED DaschuDd ies (bitches) for Tffole: colours, black-and-tln a,'Gd red: by prime pedi. g.?;,rice.lOs.-ApplyT.D?  Meh7 622 U BB Jearol 1 for 0^3.;— —— curbs and splints when formintow«7»^i^n,: 8pn"n? bocks, rhenmatlsm, wmdlpdls, scurf tiUr bUs^terin^c nVjf box poit tree !or Is 2d f- Condy? Flr,luf,ad TuramiU-st., London. E.C E'J'KKINARY Bock Free. con ??o, ?U iMtruoJo.M for the Treatment and Cure A!)me?.Sec? Homes, Dogs, Cats, Cattle, Sheep, R.ot.pM? Jt^rom Condy s FlnidWorks 83 TurnmiU-W ,-eet I?nd?.E.C ?9 WANTED, healthy Foster Mother farButI Terrier Pupr -Ai)pl? between 6 and 7 p.m.. $0, PenM th-road. 755 VXT ANTED, good Horse and Van, fo?feetiouery pur- V pose: must be good and cheap.—an(^ particulars Lampeter House, Tonypaudy. 731 i, \V???P'? Horse, s"'?? mm: from 15 to ?t!?-??? #BMWA RANTED. Cob or Pony and Tran; u.s?hnt.n? or rWoad. SBarry D^rcS^L.erm.-Atdl dress ^H?e: nry. ?4°H?on road. Barry ck 601 Y? O¥at?h:ddratbi' from gamekeeDer" ''? ra ^dJatters ?? "bWters: quie? ??nf only 5s 6d each; bargams.-Copp-s Bird 8bores. Pontypridd! 3 Cart Horses, from 15 to 16.2: good workers shaftT? <) chains: can be tried.-Gibbop. Mili-r.?d.PontyP?dd' ronxrity. pickqxs. ac ?RGAlN-F)ve Silver Spangled Hamburg Pullets, on* ° el (GHossop's Strain), 21s also two Stiver-Te Dotkmg Ful.ts.one Cockerel (Grant's strain).13s6d?hav." from prize winners.-?. Morden-road, Newport. &? ? ???'?°''?"'?°??''?'? fromosupwardMa' C Goldfinch Mules from 6s last year's Mrds.-Jones 94* Albert-street?Cantou. Cardie. Ml C-1B:iCKENS, 10s7š 6d dozen, MinorcJTorpingtons? Rocks pure-bred Cockerels, 2s 6d to 7s 6d ea^ ffo?rJlis?-?E-ddw?ards, Coaiey. Dursley, Gloucestershire. 613e F??le. Black Red Cockerel and two Hens, 28s • also JL FHe Hen, 78 6d wdl sell separate.-B. Rowe, Por? eaw!. 347 f?S?I?E Working Homers 2? 6d pair packed ?Mir ?T Tame Mice and Breeding Cage complete '?- 0? n? Foreign Birds. Goldn.h. C?age? &? in great?n?e?! ?Mnew.J!mpu-e Bird Stores. Newport. Mon. 659e -HANDsoidÈ young Norwi?ch C? ock Canary nk^y in 77s M »d and D1W Canary Cagp. Packed a?'dsen? 7? lid: 8<h?nagn'dJsome brass parlour Cage and young Cock Canary, 10s 6d approval: no rubbish kept: hundreds of testimonials; satisfaction -<uarautped.-Uoyd.Moun?in ^5- 364 P-ÜULTR y: 'p¡ge,-cè Bird, and Dog Foods -W'.te JL for P"ces and samples to Noah Rees and Son, H? Corn, and Heed Merchants, CardiT. 161? R- ÃBBrrS, Golden Thorne, double lops: younp 2s JL? each four does and one buck, 22m. across the eaiall Mch_inspeetmn ;nvited: money returMdifnota"p??proved -McMullen.  60. Carntown. AberdareJunctMn oMe T-W-O Do;- Ifà¡}¡)itS fOT Sale: one with six young ?nes" ttr..t??ook?. Ceding cubs.-I?. Crichton: ^€et?Dock W o?f ?n?rm?m?s?i "dult birdS well pinK Statf fuM pffila^ln^ NeTSoX\,gahi'ihmUStbel(>W) toW»^fowl, Daily News Or1ice, rd 491e fukxiturk. Drawing-room Suite for Sa!e: a!so two A :;nrtgI!sgr:Itg: SSe¿g hf: -Ar-=ws, InSOl, Canton, CardiK 7? A DY1CE Gratis. — For substantial Furniture, Eo~to ?P ?urnc^h ? Furnishers' in ^«ket eo?o Nwport. C only l^Ak^AJNTA Bm?U. Quantity of Furniture for Sail X» suitablie for couple in moderate circumstances about i"merlSehoase-keeping cheap for no dealer. i -A«djdress Del, ta. Echo Office. Cardiff. 70 FURNITURE, Pianos and Surplus Stock bought' prompt cash—Lovendge. North-road. CaMiff. 4M* FURNITURI£-d-w JL select from, on the Hire S?tem; stricttypr? rhel?rsest Premise" and Stock out of London ??A?", CO!mited, Hayes. Cardie 15" OECOND-Hand Furniture, Bicycles, cr~Sur? nlus -'St-; Bou¡rht or "°? ? Commission.-TaYlor's Aucion Rooms. 12. So l $on Cornmisaion.—Taylor A.uc^?on ? RMBns. J2. CnstOMnpus?stref.t. Cardiff.  592 SEVI<:RAL -l1y Diuin Drawingte-i £3 3s to £15 half ?e)t value): h?an7 dsome all Brass Bed^ sta ead2 i Inverted Chair good Piano. je77s???h)) S15 Grandfather Chippendale Clock, chips Wes???' Newport. ln ???'E?s. Old Curios? ?nop Newport. 1e STMl-1G K?chenChMrs?olid oak. 2s Hd?nhT?rm? ?? ch?r? 5s Ud: Table. 4s lId. 5s 6d 6s M7s6d- Dtn.ingTabtM.15s6d. 15s 6d, 18s 6d.-Harr?s.Manu? turers ?Suh?antial Furniture at Wholes? phe? for 2^ only. Showrooms, Newport Market, main entrance. Nearet way to Harris's from High.stree through Market t!'&acing Tayl, and Gait's, Drapers 5?e r P H« ^elJa^Ce Suite in tn.irocco c:oH? oak tramef P'rHadaeVI-Uffr::d£5sc;0rl: ie:t 1 I5? ..nd ?212s 6d marrellous value.-Hw? th? Cash t urn?h'rs. Newport, Market ma.n entrance The largest open dIsplay of Furniture. Bedsteads, Bedding. Carped and Lmo?ums. &c" &c., in New.Mrt. Caution to Cou??. &r8THarr,^a ? <'°? ?"twe Establishment in the Market. Two minutes walk from Railway Station. A visit of inspection will be esteemed. 584e "¡'HE "Yor? Bedroom Suite, in solid SlttilIut, J- ziMsdoor wardrobe, only 7? Guineas, deIiTered free. Harris s, The Cash F??.rs.?ewport Market mam entrance. THuEn^TrS" in the trade t  URKMH uu 0Ur riT hye ^,re SyMem. Mouses or .F lJ ;1: ;I:elrrnd Yoe. n:U:te 'a?dor. pted solely by us. whereby all publicity, exposure, and nTrilkU r !,y made y olher companie e peed mri\\T eUh:;a:iIitkfif"o:)I!d nI of cheap and superior quality. AI! goods sold on ?Hr? t;yst6m ?t ^ady-money prices. We make no extra charge ^re   goods sent '? ??Pr.'f 'an free or cJml"¡te 1\1 () stamp or agreement charges ma '»• nobil* e"-ry?'? pri?te. Ar?r.gements ?mjp'ted ??? thou? t: delay, and, being manufacturers, we larautee  and will undertake to supply fnrnitur.- ?..a 10 per Mr? Bt. eN than any price-list issued by a; • firm in Cardiff. lMen sbowroMM. CaUand ijpec our im- ^"d'ff- .^v n compare pr.cea oefore purcha.„ng else- :b: I!t;, Üd sr:£l; rn::o¿e tlukjf e1iõ wor?th. 4s wekl,: S15 worth for 58 waeMy £2Q worth 6s weeMy. and so on ? proportion: Special terms for larger quan?es. PleM. note the address :-South Wales CaS?"? ?'?°'' ?' CMMe?trect (opposite the Ct?tici Carcliff 7e ARTICLES. ——————— AtlGVJ'S' )yashic" Machine*, Sewing Machines <m the Hire S?teM.-AtlMFuniishinsComp'a? ?' ? td Haye Car?  pERAML^LATORS Mail Carts ontheHire?s-e?. X Atlas Furnishing Company. Ltd. Hayes Cardiff. 25e 'T'WO Mlmgle, nearly new also ?wo massive Brass and n Sale: a ){rMt bfU?Me.-ApBiT Let,cbfield, 33, Fredpneh-street. Any quantity of Second- hMd Furniture Bought for cash. ?3 y roti saii;—" A 1 iï:;B:i;:ičt'f:iio:f:' :t of aIltdTer- ?L tisers—22, Castle-road. ?oath. Ua?e. Al Value,—Forfeited at FUgelstoce's. Gent's Met. Gold  Levers, 658, 85s. 130s 5 years' stamped warranty. Al Value.—Forfeited at Fligelstone's. Lady's handsome Gold Lever, fancy figured dial, nearly new.enly 50s Al Value.—Forfeited at Fligelstone's, IOSfirst-class Silver -nL Lever Watches. 15s each: wonderful bargiios. Al Value.—Competition dened.—Fligelstone'a make to 4wdsi °20sr 22ct 'Wedding Ruga. Government stamped, Al Value.—Fligelstone's grand selection of fancy chased solid Gold Keepers from 3s each. AlValue.—Fligelstone's Lady's handsome Silver Watch and fancy Silver Albert, only 15s, unsurpassed value. Al Value.—Fligelstone's Gent's solid Silver Curb Albert, ?_? every link stamped. 6s over 2oz weight. 10s. Al Nickel Clock, Is 4;id; Alarm, Is 1Hd. Good going order Al Value.—Fligelstone's for Field and Marine Glasses: Opera, 2s lid: Jockey Club, 5s lid: Navy, 121> 6d. A lvalue—Fligelstone's Welsh Shirts, 3s lldT real Welsh Flannel Drawers, Is 8d: popular Shirts, lsll £ d. Al Value.—Fiicelstone's Fë;tïío>ds, Bolster. ?FtUnws (best linen tick), 651 bs weight 35s. Al Value.—Fligelstone's Men's Suits, 10s7 Fancy Tweed- waies Serges (Al quality), 14s 11a. Cheapest in Al Value. Fligelstone's 300 Pair ot Fincy Tweed t- Trousers, only 3s ??' worth 5s ?? ? Cord or Mole- skin, 3s lid. Al Value.—Fligelstone's electro-plated, cruet, 6 cut Flags Bottles, only 5s lid genuine bargain. A ? ^?ue-—Forfcited a?. FUgelstooe's. 100 SUver Watches, hall-marked cases i bargains only 6s each. Al Value.—Forfeited atFligelstone's. Ladj^s heavy, fancy, ISct. Gold Chain: cost 7 guineas only 4 guineas. A 1 Value.—Fligelstones 8il"er ?vers. latr?m s. 4& AJe:4rslgs:r:,41'ri;:is;:i; 's:l2s: A 1 Value.—Fligektone's 'orfeited Gt's heavyCurbGold XX Albert, every link stamped, only 55 bargain, A ?AYS get money from FligetstoneY: registered the Popular Cardiff Pawnbroker bi¡h priccs. ADVERTISING Novelty.—See Adve?tsement front ?. p?e re Ru,sseU's Watch. Offers void after 7 p.m.— Blaiberg'b Arcade. ADVERTISING Novelty.—See Advertisement front C  pae re Russell's Watch. OSers void after 7 p.m — Blaiberg's Arcade. ADVERTISING Novelty.—See Advertisement front page ie Russell's Watch. Offers void after 7 p.m.— Blaiberg's Arcade. ADVERTISING Novelty,-See Advertisement 'f?nt ?.  page re Russell's Watch. Offers void after 7 pm.— Blaibera's Arcade. A- DVERTISING NoYeity.-Te;m¡;eted f ?. must be present at 7 p.m.—Blaiberg's Arcade. ADVERTISING Novelty.—Those who have competed jTH. must be present at 7 p.m.—BIaibergs Arcade. ADVERTISING Novelty,—Those who have competed ?JL must be present at ? p.m.—Blaiberg's Arcade. A ?DVKRTISjNG?Tovefty.-Only a few oSers received.— ?tL Blaiberg s Aroade, Bute-street. ADVERTISING Novelty.-On'y a few offers receiYed.- ?L Blaiberg s Arcad, Bute-street. 'ADVERTISING NOYe!ty.-Only a few offers receivPd,- ?L Blaiberg s Arcade. Bute-street. BIRMiXGHAM Goods, Jewellery, WatchM. Hardware, JL* leys. Cycles, Furniture, Wringers.—Agents wanted. ? holesale book free.—Henry May()M).Birmingh am. ?2 OILLHEADS, 1,000 for 4s 6d 1,000 Business Cards, 4s 6d JLt (special line), at 49, Bridge-street, Cardiff. —Bees, Mallett, and Stanbury, Printers. Cricket Fixtures. 759 CATAPULTS. Babbits, birds, killed at long range rx- traordinarily powerful, accurate steel forks Is and is 6d, post free.—H. Knights, Yarmouth. 795 ELECTRIC Night Lights.—Sydney F. Walker and Co., JLJ Cardiff Electrical Works, Severn-road, Cardiff. 163 ELECTRIC Telephones.—Several pairs, second-hand, good condition, for Snle. cheap.—Sydney F. Walker -and Co., Cardiff Electrical Works, Cardiff. 162 FOR Sale, several Counters. Ladders, Steps. Milk Churns, Hand Trucks. Clothes Posts, Props, etc.-Blake, Cathays Yard. Minister-street, Cathays. Cardig. 671 |^OR Sale pair Hand Looms for Weaving Shirting, tc„ X good Oak Chest, pair Handtrucks suit greengrocer or fish. Navvy Wheelbarrow, also Tricycle (Rudge's make) front.steer&gp, in good condition. Must sell. no -farther use for it.—14. Gwenllian-street. Cadoxton. 373 CTLASij Shades (all sizes) for Clocks, Figures, Ac. cheap. Also Fish Globes.—J, Cordinr, Naturalist, 42. Royal Areade, Cardiff. 05111 GENTLEMEN, we Mat over 500 SnirsIastseMen into C ardtft and district. What more do you want f No tailor can possibly compete with our All-wool Tweeds and Serye Suits fo measure at 35s M. Write for patterns (free). -The Woollen Company, Bradford. "? ? ? terns ( ree? I-MPOR'l'ANT.-YOUUg Lady oeers complete 5-cuinea J- Service Table Cutlery, 12 table, 12 cheese knives, meat caivers. game carvers, and steel, finest quality: patent secure white balanced handles unsoiled accept 19s 6d approval paid.—•• Companion, 2. Claylands-road, South Lambeth. London. 5gj LADY'S Silver Watch, exact timelteeper, never used.—Lady will dispose of above heavy cases, unbreakable glass, ruby jewelled accept 15s 6d immediate cash worth 50s: genuine bargain. Sent tor approval, paid, before pay. ment.—Mrs Godfrey. 37. Elizabeth-pt., Eaton-square, S.W. ADY'S finest quality new sUk threeiua Umbrella' I J long leal ivory carved handle, rich!y mounted with over 4-inch deep fine gold gilt hall-marked silver Fox's Paragon frame accept 1611 Sd approval: carriage paid — B. 21, M08øburv-road, Clapham Junction. i82 1VI ANUFACTURERS Remnants direc?in 51b and lC¡b XTX Bundles. Stuffs, CalicM. Velvets. Shirtings FLtn- nelettes also Pinafores and Underclothing. Price List free.—J. Mitchell and Sons, 44, Well-st., Bradford. York. MILK.—Railway Cans excellent make guaranteed at lowest price all dairy utensils. Also deed boxes and general sheet metal work. Largest works in Wales —Cam brian Tin Working Co.. Dumballa-roaA, Cardiff (5 minutes from G.W.R.) 94ge HIL Phillips Rheumatic Cure, 24, St. Mary-street- pHJL?illipt RheamttM Cm-e. M. St. Mary<treet- P- B.iL-PÎliUi)lS' Rheumatic Cnre.—&?)Cka 19s M per pair. Send si of bootø. 226e PHIL PhuuM Rheumatic Cure.—Ladies and Gentlemen waited upon at theIr own residences. PHIL Phillips' Rheumatio Gout. PHIL Phillips' Rheumatio Cure.—Belts from 108 M J. Send measure of waist. pHIL PhiUipe' Rheumatic Core.—Cures Sciatica. :18 ± 9 DHlL. Phillips' Rhcumatic Cure.—Wristlets from 6sper r paIr. PHIL Phillips' Rheumatic Cure.—Fresh Testimonials of cures daily. jpHKjPhUiips fcbwBwtfc Cur?,-r« W» 6# mCM be PHIL Phillips, Rheumatic Cure.-Sole manufacturer, 24, t St. Mary-street, Cardiff. I AFE, 36in. with two drawers, suit othee also smal er ? one, 53s; bargains —Webber and Wilkinson, St. JOhns-square,Ovditr, US1 rJ'O Hairdressers.-For Sale, Hair.brushing Machine a L bargain; JSZJOs. Also a good Tricycle. cheap, 30s.— 0 464, Echo, Cardiff. 464 WHITE and Gold Breakfast Cups and-Saucers, 2s 6d ▼ v doz.. Pink and Gold do., 2s lid doz. Large size Dinner Plates, Is 41 doz. Dinner Sets, from 6s lid per set. Useful Tea Cups -and Saucers, neat patterns, Is 6d doz. Toilet Sets, from 4s 6d. We have over 40 tons of crockery at really wonderful prices.- Watkins. Provider, 123. 128..130, Cheprtow-road. Newport. 63e ¡ GLASS, China and Earthenware.—Have you seen d. R -Rogers' Monster Show of Glass, China. Earthenware, Table and Pocket Cutlery, and General Fancy Goods ?- important to every Shopkeeper and Householder. Never in the annals of the trade have goods been offered at such marvellously low quotations. All genuine, best goods, at | makers prices. Hundreds visit us, and are astonished at, our display and value.—Note address :—J. R. Rogers, 9, Wood-street (opposite Wood-st. Chapel). Cardiff. Lists free. R OGERS'for 4#-piece Tea Sets, from 5s 6d set. Look at our selection in windows. Roeers' for 40-piece Break- fast bcet. from 7s set. Rogers' for 54-piece Dinner Sets. from 16s set. Why pay 21s for same article? We give value. Rogers' for Golden Rock Teapots, at 4d, 5d, and 6d each. Rogers' for Decorated Jet Teapots, at !d. 9d, and lOd each. Roeers Monster Set of Jugs. at Is, is selling by the Hundred. and causinc a sensation. Rogers' for Travel- ling r ks. from 3s 6d each. Rogers' Celebrated Cutlery at all prices. Rogers' for Art Pots, Vases, and Fancy Glass. Rogers has Tea Trays from 2s per set. of three. Rogers' for Nickel Clocks Time Is 6d alarm, 28 each. T'- È..Á.-VELLI:Ñ:G Trunks. Bonnet Boxe?, Tourist Boxes.— T5CO sent direct from largest manufacturer in the world t tor absolute Sale made of very best steel plates, and nuished with best lever locks, in all sizes and colours. Large size Travelling Trunks from 39 6d each. Bonnet Koxes, Is. Is 3d, Is 6d, Is 9d each ditto with locks, Is 3d, Is 6d, Is 9d, 2s each. Tourist Boxes, 2s, 2s 3d. 2s 6d each ditto with locks, 2s 3d, 2s 6d, 2s 9d each.-J. R. Rogers. 5. Wood-street, Cardiff (wholesale and retail). 43e W ATCHES, Lever, with warranty, at M. are only to be T bought ?t FoUick's. W ATCHES, lady's solid Gold, at 30s, are only to be TT bought at Follick's. w ATCHES by all the best makers, are only to be I' b?UKht at FoUick's. 954 WATCHES, in heavy silver cases at 10s fid, are only to T T he bought at Follick's. VST ATCHES at the iowest prices, are only to be bought at Follick's. Y%TATCHES, solid silver, in order at 5s M, are Mly to be bought M FoUick's. \V Aadl. go to Follick's, 40 and 41, Bndce- ?' street. Crdiff. X\T ATCHES by Skarratt Worcester, at 25s, are only to f be bought at Follic k's. MTATCHES. English Lever, for one guinea, are only to be bought at Follick's. w ATCHRS. the renowned 6s 6d, are only to be bought t, at Follick's. 5,000 Gross Blauds Pills. 6,d per gross, postage 2d.-The <? *?'"B and Dispensing Stores, Limited, Wolverhampton. A-'Sthe asini?e blundering of our contemporary hs Acaur?ed the loss of a Sf-?t to the Cardiff Conservatives wAe d? istinctly inform the influential committee now forming to ask the People's Provider to run another daily that We have such a rush of business that we cannot possibly spare te_Dle.-Wat¡¡ins. Provider. Newport. (Se BAMBOO Curtain Poles extra stron; complete with f brass rings, trass ends, &c., Is each.-Watkins, Pro- vider. CABINET Mounts, new Tints, fancy cu patterns, size 10 x 8, 8?d per dozen.—Watkins. 6ie /CLOTHES Ba.kets, Market Baskets, Galvanised Buckets. V-/ all at5b 6d dozen.—Watkins. 63e C ITUETS, Cruets, Cruets.—Useful 3-bottie, with lelack and brass frame, only ll,d ditto il-h cat bottles. Is lld: half-guirea nickel, best frame, 4 cruet, with cut bottles, only 7s 6d ditto with six best cui bottles, only Es 6d. Best metal Spoons from 8?d doz. C.rverE from Is • „ ^ons of useful TaV.e Cutlery at really very low w?es! —Wat.kins, Provider, Newport. 63e E-&VELOPES.=-W; have 2C0.000 bestPaiMe shape Court Enve!o¡x;s. As we v?ut room we shall clear at Is 11?1 per thousand. These are aU well n?de and well gummed, and are really worth 4s 6d Ulousa.nd.- Watkins, Provider. Newport. 63e EG??'! Feups Ege-cups -Best china white angold6,?dcg-pcr doz.. ? ? per Sross ditto 3 Gold t- aS/a ? per doz.. 6s 6d per -ross ditto Celeste and Gold. Pink and Gold, and Maroon and Go)d. from 7 £ d per doz. across to clear.-Watkins. Provider, Newport. 63e I^EEN Pots 1 Art Pots -Sf6.did seleaien of new ?lou1. (all the latest noveltiesl: 6d size 3s 6d per doz., 9d size 4s 6d. Is size (extra large) Ss 6d per doz., 2s 6d size Is M each, 5s size 2s 6d each. These may be had in all colours, piaiu, or embossed and shaded.—Watkins, Ilrov ider. FIRE Shovels I Fire Shovels 1 !—Best steel plate, with t- wood handles t.d size, 2s doz. 6d size, 6s doz.: 9d size, extrt large, 3s 9d doz. Stickfast Fly Papers, 7M doz. Watkins, Provider. Newport. 63e Bags.—Best English make Cowhide Bags, G nickel silver fittings, only 8 £ d per inch any size from 18 inches up.-Wati Provider, Newport. 63e G LASS! Glass Glass-'Another cargo of the noted Bell Brand Window and Picture Glass now arrived. Although glass has advanced several shillings per case we shall only charge 24s 6d per case of 300 feet each case in splendid condition and guaranteed full measure. This is really lesi than Id per foot.—Watkins, Popular Provider, Newport. ? -I LASS Glass Glass !-We will cut best GI&ss to GL:ere lli¡! Or?tlhÏ; ll:ii 18JU::fe Larger quantities cheaper.—Watkins. Provider. Newport. f GOVERNMENT Stamped Me?ures. best quality. Mae. Gmoeha, or salmon colour. Please note reduced pric". Quarts, 7s fid pints, 4s 8d: half-pints, 3s Id per doz. War- ranted new and perfect.—Watkins. Provider. Newport. ?BENNPeaE.—Hyou want to enjoy them UM?<Mr two- Gli,trdl? S inch Hu?iners best make. only 38 lld per cloven.—Watkins, Provider. 63e HAlfc Curlers, Hair Curlers.—Best penny oteel Hair A- t Curlers, 1 gross, Is 4d 5 gross lots, Is 3d per gross 10 gross lots. Is 2d per cross. We must clear 300 gross this month. Half-gross, carriage pitl, for ls.-Waikins. Pro- vider, Newport. HOME IC8tnJctor Library.-We only have about a in- thousand copies left, of these 2s books. Each volume complete and handsomely bound in red cloth with gold .edstes. We shall clear them at 7id per copy. Sample copy post free lid. We have no complete list. but state what you require fully. -WatiLins. Provider. Newport. 63e IMPORTANT Noticc.-We will, during this month and JL next. give a Handsome Present to all Young Couples that purchase their Household Goods to the extent of 30s and ul)ward,NV atkins. People's Provider. Newport, 63e JAM, Jam, Jam.—The careful housekeepers will now be t. gin to make,so lay in a stock of best Glass Jara at once lib size. Is doz., lis 6d per gross 2lb size. 2s per doz. Watkins. Provider, Newport. 63e LARGE size terracotta Vases with handles, for painting, I i-J from 6.1 each.—Watkius. 63e i MANILLA *-Ianill. i-L.,me bundles of best tine Manilla, 3d per doz., 78 6d per gross: pretty bunches of Grass from 9J per doz. We are nearly sold out of our large stock of Pampas Grass, so come early.—Watkins, Provider. P OR TMANTRAUS, leather bound, 22 inch, is 6d Travelling Bags trom 2s 6d each.—Watkins 63a 'lOULmNG! Muldi-;S -!=TolIs of-l\lOùïd¡lIs 1., for Pictures just arrived. Note reduced prices. Best Gold Slip:, from 2s 3d per 108 feet 2iin. Be?t Brown and Gold handsomely traced patterns, 9s 6d per ICS feet: Blsek and Gold, same pattern, same size, same price 3in. Bruwn and Gold Alliambra, Is 9d per length, 185 6d per J08 feet: do. Black and Gold, same size and price. Solid Oak wonderfully cheap Maples ditto. Our sample Bundles of Assorted Mouldings, carriage paid to your door 7s fid. Its 6d. and 21s. Kindly state what kinds you prefer. as we keen all kinds.—Watkins, Provider, 123, 128, 130, Chepstow-road, PAMPAS. Pampas. Pampas Grass.—Beautiful Flowing t Plumes (white), extra large. Is lid doz., or all the New Colours 2s lid per doz. Pretty Bunches of Gr&6 from Bid Pf?rdoz. Pretty hand-painted 6d Splasbeis, size about ?3 by 18. only 3a 3d per doz. New Palm F?n., lartr siz. 7;d dcz.. 7s Mfrross.—Watkms.The Evergreen, 123-130 chp. slow-road, Newport, 63e QLATEs7-Stro!)<: Penny Slates, 8d per d07en, 7s 6d per ?s cross.-Watkius. Provider. 63, PEClME.NS.-Hl\ndsom.e New Ruby, Green, and Blue I kSpmim-n Glasses, 11 Inches high by 5 broad, only 4s 6<1 doz. Compare tbefe sizes with what you are now selling at Is and Is 6d each. Also all the New Art Colours in 6d Specimen Glasses at 3s Sd doz. Choice Selection New Epergnes from 2s each.—Watkins, World's Provider (N ote New Nos), 123-139. Chepstow-road, Newport. 63e TABLE Glass. Table GIm. -We have in st,,ck Taboiit 72 cases of Table Glass of every description. and another 60 to come. Note our present prices:—5 to quart ordinary Tumblers, 28 different patterns, lCd per doz., 95 6d per gross. Tots same patterns and prices. Leg Tumblers. 5 to quart, lOjd per doz., 9s 3d per gross also 6 and 8 to quait sensations, barrel or lemon shnpe leg glasses, same prices. Best Cut Wines from Is 5d per doz. Be^t Cut Stem Spirit Glasses from Is lid per doz. Large Ginger beer Glasses fr >m Is 9d per doz. Glass Sugar Crushers, 7id per doz. Tons of use- ful Glass at unheard of prices. All orders promptly exe- cuted.—Watldas, People's Popular Provider. 123 lW, C'hepstow-road, Newport. 63e rpOBACCONlSTS.—Thick Roll 3g 3d Thin RolL Be ?d X lb. CiLarett". Id packets, all kinds per box of 50 packets. 3s M 3d Boxes Cigarettes, Is 9?d box Watkios Superfine Shag, 3s 6d lb. :-best 4d Mixture, 4s 4d per lb, Gold Flake 4s 6d Richmond Bird's Eye. 4s 5d Frank- lyn's and Wills Tobacco at cu prices. All makes of tobacco in stock at bottom prices. Id Smekes from 3s lid per 100 choice 2d C gars, 7s 6d. &a. 83 6d 3d Cigars, ?xtra large, 11? 9d, 12% 12s 6d. 13s. Hs pr 100, Cigarette P.pers, all makes. 50 for 2s. Briar Pipes, Pipes in ca-es. Cigarette Holders. Pouches, Cigar Cases, Cigar Holders, Walking Sticks, Canes. Endless variety of everything at Watkins's, Provider, Newport. 63e ??RU'NK8 I Trunks [ Trunks -Best eel Trunks, brass 'l''RfoSh\1J;i¡ new noetdTtî: b just arrived from manufacturers, from 2s lld each. or ner nest of four large sizes. 13s 9d pr nest.—Watkins. Provider. Largest stock in South Wales, Lists free. fi3e WRITE and Gold Tea Sets, 2s Jljd pink and gold t V 2s Hid blue and gold, 2s lIbd. Full size Toilet SeU, pretty patterns, from 3s lid. Black and gold Teapots from 3d each, Dinner Sets, full size, 54 pieces, fromi 12s lid 3-guinea handsomely gold-traced Dinner Sets, 29s 6d. We Fend out tons of crockery every e..k. and we hare 1, acres of B.oor space. Beware ot cheap Im t&L4Drs.-Wat)u.s. The Peopled Popular Provider. IZ-, 128. 130, Chep?tow-road, Newport. Packing Warehouses. 1 and 2, Speke-street. and Dnckpool-road.«? 63f" niSCELUNEttCS WAISTS. MARRIED Couple (no jamily) would Adopt ChiM I state premium.—Write E 59 £ Ècr::}iffir RESPECTABLE Couple wish to take healthy Baby to RNurse or Adopt as own.-Write (stating premium) L 649. Echo, Cardie. ?9 RESPECTABLE Married Couple. with one little girl, JL<L' wish to Adopt a Baby Boy as their own with premium: excellent references given.—Write M 650, Echo Office, Cardiff. 650 TO ButcherB.-Wanted immediately. Fresh Corned TOx Tongues large or MnaU quantities good prices itivein.-Apply F. Hurley. Butcher. 41. Adam-street, Cardiff. rPO Builders and Contractors.—Wanted to purchase, X small Building Plant.—Particulars to P 6M. Echo Office Cardiff. 656 TO Buttshers.—Wanted immediately, Fresh or Coined Ox Tongues: large or small quantities good price given.-Apply F. Hurley. Butcher, 41, Adam-street, Cardiff. w ANTED. Orphan Girl; good appearance, from II to f f 13 years of age, to make her home with working peo- ple no childreu must be echolar and fond of music good home.—Apply L. Slade, 2, Junction Villas, Naviga- tion, R.S.O. 764 WANTED, Set of small Drawers for Ironmonger's trade, about 8 inche? sqn&re also Counter. Pump, cbeap.-Prosser. Iron monger. hbbw Vale. 734 W ANTED, a Bar Look Typewhter. KM-S.—AppIy? b? \tV teta.i'IalaPjm:e};C;i w ANTED to Actout an Orphan Girl. age about 12, as W one's own.—Apply H 576. Echo Office, King-street, Blaenavon, Mon. 576 Y? ANTED a kind Person to Adopt a Baby Girl one v month old, premium.-Write Z 574. Echo Office, Cardiff. 674 \XTANTED, good Second-hand Typewriter.—Full particu- l*rs to be sent to Mr Walter Cook, JExhiMtMD Offlom, 98, St. Mary-atreet? CardiN. 610e ixrT-orr clothim.. C^tENTLEMEN'S and Ladies' Left-of fClothing Bought Jl town or country orders promptly attended.—Mr and Mrs S. L. Green. Dumfries House. 32, Caroline-street, Car- diff- Established 41 years. 4Q3 L ADIES'. Gentlemen's, and Children's Wardrobes pur- JL< chased. good prices given orders promptly attended t e.-Mrs North, 14. Caroline-street. Cardiff. E12 LADY wishes to Sell Parcel Baby's First Clothes: superior quality quite new never wore very cheap. —L„ 18. Lancaster-road, Fallofield,Manobester. 524 M RS D. Gorman. 7 and 8, Bridge-street, Cardiff. and31 and 53, Wyndham Arcade, purchaser of Ladiee'i Gentlemen's, and Children's Wardrobes, Dress Suits, Boots, k: a!8o Furniture. AU pfders DanetaaUt t?a? ? BM?.tttd j??*?, ?-  MAfMMJtf. j CHAFF Cutter for hand or power, fitted with pulley cost 211, offered at ES equal to new.-3.\ Mill-lane, Cardiff. 512 FOR Sale, combined Engine and Mortar Mill by Barrows. Banbury, and 6 h.p. Poitable Engine and Mortar Mill: £7:>, or on deferred payments to suit purchaser.— Clarence Wharf Machinery Co. Newport. 521e JJ AS Engine (new) by eminent makers cheap, sU?ble for ?? printer, aerated water, beer bottler, kc,-O 758, Echo, • irdiff. 751 MOWING Machine bv Hernsbv, second-haad. goad con dition. cheap.—Hibbert, Castle-street,, Cardiff. 687 ^*IX-horse power Vertical En:ine. wU drive 6ft. mortar O mill, £ 55 c&sh.-Lattey. AUensbank-road, C&Mays, C.rdii.  265 MISCELIiANEttBS. A Pleasant Medicine. Sarsaparilla Compound, pri" Ia.- -A. TrimneM, The HerbahEt." Moira-terracf:. A BTIFICIAL Lees, Arms, Eyes, Belts, Leg Iron-% Spine -C? Supports, Trusses.—The only Mr Pearce. maker, is at 4. Charles-street. Cardiff. 994 A RTIFlClALLegs, Peg Legs, Arms, Eyes, Belts, Elastic £ X Stockings, Trusses. fee.: first-class workmanship. — Apply direct, Pearce and Co.'s Manufactory (the oldest established firm), 14, Station-terrace, (opposite T.V.R. Station), Cardiff. 836 A--STlt()LOGy.-Marrifl. future p,p, ?.e &c.. Is partner d cribe seven stamps sed birthtime. -Pro!, Rex, 84, Htfh-street. Dover. 1,009 tmimoniis. 738 ASTROLOGY.—Marriage and business prospects, Is APartner described, 7 stamns. Se?d,?irthtime, descrip: tiOn.-I?rofewor Owen. Norwich-road, Ipswich. Thirty years' experience. 653 ASTROLOGy.-Marria¡¡e. future prospects. business, A&c., Is partner described, 7 stamps: send birthtime. -David Evans. 95, FeUxstowe-ro&d. Ipswich. LoDg ex- perience. 369 BLOOD-pnrifying Herbs: n ?7hi?g ii?-e it price 1.. -D post Is M.—TrimneU. Moir?-terr&cc. CMdiff. 318 ?OAljtNE.—By Royaf?jetters P&ten?Patent. Coal > Saver prevedt? smoke and clinkers. -Sole Agent for Merthyr, Do-lais, Rhymney, and District&, Lewis Morgan, Blackwood, Mon. 682 erbs: a splendid remedy price 9d, post Is.— I The Herbalist." Moira-terrace, Cardiff. 318 CUTLERY of all Descriptions. -A. W. Staniforth, suc- cessor to G. H. Staniforth, The Cutler." 6, Church- St.. Cardiff. Grinding and Repairing daily on the premises ClURE for Piles.-Perfect cure guaranteed in most J stubborn cases post free. 2s 9d, 4s 6d.-La Trobe. Chemist. St. Michael s-hill Bristol. 164 FLOWER Shows, F?tes, &c.—Tents tor Hire (any size), suitable for above-APPIF A. Gardiner, Victoria-road, Lyd!ey.. 347 INDIGESTION Herbs; Durity guaranteed: price 9d, ?- post Is.—" The Herbalist," Moira-terrac, Cardiff. 318 I KIDNEY Herbs for Gravel, Stone. &c.: price 9d, po3t Is.—" The Herbalist.' Moira-terrace. Cardie. SK MATRIMONY.—Photograph future husband or wife, J\J with position, Is 'd; one year's events. Is 6d five years'. 3s 6d. Sex, birtbtime.-ProL Lisle, 25, Firgrove-r"d, Freemantle, Southampton. 65765 ) PARALYS IS. Scia.tica, Rheuma.tim Cured Expediti- JL ously.—Houghton's Electro-Hydropathic Establish- ment, Stuart House, Edwards-terrace, Cardiff. 255.. PILE Herbs: quick relief: price 9d. post ls.-Trimnell, J- The Herbalist," Moira-terrace. Cardiff. 318 PROF. J. Allen, Phrenolocist. ke.. late of Cardiff, now JL at 9 H?h-street Arcade. Swansea. 250e V\7ATCBKS Clocks and Je?eiipf'on the Hire Svstem Arias Furnishing Company. Lid HaTes Cardiff 25- MONK* ARIAN ar log hob Da t4imul na thrafferth.—Ysgrifeuwch A dh; Dbe= D:ttbi:i:.th67:f::I:æ Roath, Caerdydd. 736 MR L. Reed, 56. Railway-street. Moors, Cardiff, advances 1., from £2 to £200. Borrowers receive courteous and prompt attention. 735 MONEY at a fair rate of interest, advanced in any 1\1 sums without delay distance no object.-Apply, by letter or personally, to W. Williams, 36, Graig-street (late of Vine Cottage, 1, Station-terrace). Pontypridd. 530e MONEY, from £5 upward, advanced to respectable Householders, ClOt) Proprietors, etc on < wn security, by the actual lender. J. P. Thompson, 71, Adam-street, Car. diff. No fees. Office botirs, 18 to 7: Wednesdays. 10 to 2. CASH Advances midit to any amount promptly. privately and at a fair rate of interest: distance no object.— Apply, by letter only, to Mr C laoyd, 24, Raglan-street, Newport. 928e 1^0 HONEST AND RESPECTABLE BORROWERS X ONLY. The Castle Advance Bank is prepared to Advance Money at the lowest rate of interest, Without Sureties or Bonds- men. On Your Own Note of Haud Alone. You must bear in miud that we are no a?ents, and that you are dealing with the firm direct. If you prefer prompt treatment and strictest privacy apply, personally or by letter, to GEORGE DAViES k CO.. CASTLE ADVANCE B ik x K, 207. CASTLE-ROAD, CARDIFF. 643 ¡ 25 to £ 5,000 Lent JPri?atelT. m any I)a?ott towu or i/ country, to respectable people, on a Note of Hand aione, without Bondsmen or any Security. Exceptionally Low Interest. I Apply to H. THOMAS. Manager (Head Office), Victoria Chambers, 25. Bridge-street, Bristol. 515 _(.5 and upwards jranted daily to householders, withou sureties. no delay, no fees and confidential. Apply, by letter or personally, to F Gould. 88, Pontmorlais. Merthyr Tydfil, 20, Caroline-street, Bridgend, and at 3, Friars Park. Lammas-st. Carmarthen, 145!t Is. FIELDING AND COMPANY. LIMITED (Established over half » Century). FINANCE. MORTGAGE, AND INSURANCE BROKERS. HSAl) OFFICE-THE HAYES. CARDIFF. DEPOSITS RECEIVED. SlD AND UPWARDS, At the following rates, of interest, payable Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly: Withdrawal on demand. per cent., per annum. „ at 3 months'notice & per cent. per annum. at 'month! notice.6 per cent, per annum. at 12 months' notice.7 per cent. "Per annum Depositors have the first charge upon the entire assets of the Company: one of the safest and best paying invest- ments of the day. Advanoes made in any Sum upon personal and every kind of Security from £10 to £1.000, in Town or Country, without delay or publicity. TRADE BILLS DISCOUNTED. Prospec us and particulars free by applying to Manager, as above. BRANCHES: London, Oxford, Bath, Manchester, Croydon, Exeter, Gloucester, Leicester, Reading, Liverpool, Cheltenham, fee., tc. 4, St. Catherine-street, (Opposite the Police Station) Ponty- pridd: and Albert Chambers, Stow Hill, Newport, Mon. 8qe V| ONEY Lent upon Note of Hand, without Bill of Sal XTX or Sureties, as follows £ 25, repayable in 24 monthly instalments of il 2 5 £ 50. „ 24 „ „ £2 4 10 £100. 24 „ „ £'1 7 Larger sums in proportion. Strict privacy guaranteed. No commissions charged. Distance no object.-Apply D. Williams, la. York-road. Waterloo Bridge. Lond(in.S.E. 57e NV ALLACE AND CO.. 88, OUEEN-ST., RDFL? F. (Entrance, n-st Door at lidt? £3 TO £300 ADVANCED DAILY ON NOTE OF HAND OR OTHEii SECURITY, AT SHORT NOTICE. 734 PROMPT ATTENTION TO COUNTRY APPLICA TIONS. MONEY LENT WITHOUT BILL OF SALE OR 1\1 ONijRiç¥f'¿.lJ??H s f1Îow ('It £20-24 MONTHLY INSTALMENTS of £0 18 4 :5!)-24. £2 5 10 £ 100—24 „ £4 11 8 No Commission or Legal Expenses. A guarantee given of strictest privacy. Apply for prospectus to UNITED KINGDOM DEPOSIT BANK, 55, Craven-street. Strand, Tendon. 828e A. G. WILLI" Manager. MONEY LENT AT FIVE PER CENT. XTX FROM ?C? to E2,QW Why pay more. when a Private Gentleman is prepared to grant Advances to responsible persons, Male or Female, upon their NOTE OF HAND ALONE, in any part of England or Wales, without loan office formalities ? NO RILL OF SALE OR SURETIES REQUIRED. The advance can be paid back by easy iustaiments, or can remain out from 1 to 15 years by paying the interest only. Call or write to the actual Lender. CECIL G. COURTENAY, ESQ., 895e 11, Stroud Green-road, Seven Sisters-road, London, N. L 0 N 8. MONEY LENT in small or large sums, repayable by.easy weekly instalments or arranged to suit borrowers con. venience. The terms and interest will be quoted before any business is done. Strict privacy. No delay. Apply, per- sonally or by letter, to R. PHILLIPS, 914 :18. CHURCH-STREET, CARDIFF. MONEY. PRIVATELY AND PROMPTLY £3 to £300 Advanced to all respectable Householders, Tradesmen, Farmers, kc, EASY REPAYMENTS. FAIR INTEREST. Apply-43. BRIDGE-STREET, NEWPORT. 399e j y IONEY PRIVATELY. PROMPTLY, AND CHEAPLY. THE NATIONAL MERCANTILE BANK, BALDWIN-STREET, BRISTOL, The Directors of this old-established, well-known Office, having large available funds. offer unusual facilities to all respectable and trustworthy persons who require either temporary or permanent assistance. Cash in amounts from £20 to £10,000 advanced in all parts of the kingdom without sureties, delay, or publicity, aud on the security only of the borrower's written promise to repay. These advances may be repaid by weekly, monthly, or quarterly instalments extending over a period of time convenient to the borrower, or the principal may remain so long as the interest is paid. No Bills of Sale taken, aud the transactions are not pub- lished in any newspaper or gazette. Apply, stating amount required, to Mr T. C. MILBURN. General Manager. Note.—Specially advantageous terms for Leans on Life Insurance Policies. Reversions, and Second Mortves.58 MONEY.—If you want it promptly, privately, and at a low rate of interest, on your simple promissory notes with or without sureties, apply immediately, enclosing stamped envelope, to Mr W, P. Thomas, 20, Market-street, Abertillery. Special features :—No inquiry fees reasonable interest, wbich is quoted beforehand; uni ersal promptitude, a day 8 notice being generally sufficient; no opiuession .of honest and ?olvexx clients. The CaLriton Bank, Ld., for whom Mr Thomas is Branch Manager, bw beeu established 10 years, and has a capital of £50,000, coi-sequentty no genuineabdjrespecUibje ^gglicatior^^ever^^fused^^ 96e 3pr0p*ri|r,&r: to IM Dr fox alt. 13, T. ANDREW'S-CRESCENT, CARDIFF! TO BE LET or SOLD, an EXCELLENT TRESILDENCE,,?ituale as above, containing rooms of about following dimensions ;—Drawing-room, 28ft by 19ft. dining-room, 25ft. by 16ft. 6in. ball, 17ft. by 13ft, oin. FIRST FLOOR-Three Bedrooms (one 25ft. by 16ft. 6in.), Bathroom, Lavatory, and w.c. ECOND FLOOR.—Three Bedrooms, Second Bth. reom. Box-room, Billiard-room (25ft. 6in. by 16ft, bin. by 13ft. 6in. high). with Table and Fittings. GROUND FLOOK-Kitchen, with Eagle Range and well-arranged. Domestic Offices. Ground rent, 1:8. The property is exceptionally well-built and finished, and the drainage and ventilation has been carried out in aceordance with the most approved principles of modem sanitary science. For further particulars apply S. Hern and Pertwee, Cardiff. 585e Public Raticts. SPUUTU ALISM.-PUBLIC SERVICES KJ EVERY SUNDAY EVENING, ..30, at ST. JOHN'S HALL, ST. JOHN'S-SQUAKE You are cordially invited Admission free. Collections. 678e WEST GROVE CHURCH, NEWPOHT- ROAD. (UNITARIAN FREE CHRISTIAN.) Rev. GEO. -IT. CLAIR. FLOWER SERVICES & SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY. Sunday, 11.0 and 6.30-Scholars Sing Carols. Parents invited. Excursion to Lisvane, Wednesday at 1.0, Brakes, Is return. tlbe LONGCROSS SfREET BAPTIST CHAPEL, ROATH. SERVICES TO-MORROW (SUNDAY) conducted by the Ber, H. COLLARD, Midland Baptist College, c riiPg W 11 i fiTfWPf, WO. 778 L. business }.l)hrt5_ nl i v oca 1. gESI ■ <' A D V E rt T 18 E u B N T 0 AU TO QARMENT9 on CUSTOMES. WEAR, MASTERS AND CO. 1 c LOTHIERS. CARDIFF, SWANSEA, NEWPORT, MERTHYR, PONTYPRIDD, HERE- FORD, ABERDARE, PONTYPOOL, ABERGAVENNY. LHNELLY. 134 eIt __— 680 (fcursioits. a i lTy sITrTTTe BETWEEN CARDIFF and WESTON By the magnificent Saloon Steamers By. WAVERLKY & RAVENS WOOD, Weather and Circumstances PermiLting. JULY LEAVE CARDIFF Sat. 3.0p.m. Mon. 8—9.20 a.m. 4.15,6.10 | Tues. 9.-9.20 11.2U  5.45, 8.0 p.m Wed. 10.-9.20 &.m.. 5.20, 7.20 p.m. Timr. U.—*S.45.10.30 am., 12.S0.630, 8.30 p.m. Fri. 12,9.20. 11.25 a.m., 6.1- m Sat. 1?—?8.0,945,11.45' a.m., 1.50, p.m. I I LEAVE WESTON Sa.t. 6.—"8.50a.m.. 8.30p.ftk Mon. 8,-10,0 a.m., 5.10. fit Tues. 9.-10.10 am., 4.3H 6.15, 9.0 p.m. Wed. 10 —10.10 a.m. (riIo Clevedon). 6.20. 8.19 p.m. (via Cleredon). Thur, 11.—9.30. 11.20 a.a. 5.30, 7.30. 9.30 p.m. Fri. 12 —10.5 a-m., 12.H 7.10,9.30 pm. :Sat. 1;),8 !IS, 10.40 a..a. 12.40, 6.30, 8.30 p.m. Note.—Tbe above Steamers will call at Penarth Pin :E\ery Trip except trips marked thus O QPECIAL EXCURSIONS FROM CARDIFF By theCAMBRIA, WESTW ARD flO, RAVEKSWOOOt, and WAVERLEY TO-DAY. SATURDAY, JULY 6TH. LYNMOUTH and ILFRACOMBJv-Leave Cardiff. 9.0 a.in. returning trom lltrcornbe, 12.45 p.m. Lynmoutl), 1.2 p.m. HALF-HOLIDAY TRIP TO BRISTOL.—Lea»» Penarth, 2..50 p.m. Cardili, 3.15 p.m. returning from Bristol. 7.45 p. in, HALF-HOLIDAY TRIP TO BURNIlAM PenarBthri, stol, TRIP TO BURNHAM (Vfc WESTON).—Leavt Cardiff, 3.0 p.m. Burnham, 7.13 p.m. p.rn. MONDAY, JULY 3TH. LYNMOUTU and ILFRACOMBE.—Leave Catoifl. 10.15 a.m. returning from nfra.combe, 3.45 p.m. j Lynmouth, 4.20 ".m. EVENING TRIPS TO CLEVEDON. Leave Penarth, pm. Cardiff. 6.15 and 8.0 p.ML i returning from TUESDAY, JULY 9no. LYNMOUTH and ILFRACOMBE — Leave CardiO, 9.30a.m.; Ufracombe, 4.10 p.m. Lynmouth, 4 45 p.m. EVENING TRIP to NEWPOItT.-Leare Cardiff, 7.0 p.m. Newport, 9.30 p.m. Fare, Is. WEDNESDAY. JULY 10TH. ALL DAY TRIP to WATCH FT and MINEHEAD. —Leave Cardiff, 7.30 a. m. Watciiet,, 9.0 «.m. and 6.45 p.m. Mineliead, 9.35 a.m. and 8.45 p.m. llALF-HOLIDAY TRIP to MINEHEAD (Via WATCHET).— Leave Cardiff, 5.15 p.m. Watcbet.- 6.45 Minehead, 8.45 p.m. LYNMOUTH and ILFRACOMBE. -Leave Cardiff, 10.45 ;i..m. Ufracombe, 4.30 p.m. Lynmouth, 5.5 p ot Cardiff for Bristol, 7.C p.m. ALL-DAY TRIP to CLEVEDOK (via WESTON).- Leave Cardiff, 9.20 a.m. Clevedon, 11.0 anL, amit 8.45 in EVENING TRIPS to CLEV I:DON.- Leave Cardiff. 7.0 p.m. direct 7.20 p.m. (via Penarth and Weston); Clevedon, 8.45 Fare, both trips, Is.1 For Fares see Bills, and for any further pa-rHcul?ta apply to Mr WM. GUY, 70?, BuLe-stree?. C?rdiN. Or to P. and A. Campbell, Ltd., Bristol. S107 A WEEK IN PARIS for £5 bs, or Switzerland £8 8s, including Travelling from and back to Card ff, hotel, <fcc.— Full particulars ot Mr Trounce, Bute Docks, CardtE 5ble i — | talcs'. s r?icf o ? 'ALL. 113, CLIVE-STUEET, LOWER GRANGETOWN, CARDIFF. ESTATE OF MR? H. GRIFFITHS, DECEASED. 8ffJt g¡p'i R.Jr DtIDRB AND KFFECMS. MESSRS EVANS ?ud HUGHES &re -Al instructed by the Trustees to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the jihove address, op THURSDAY NEXT, July lah, 1895, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the whole of the modern a n,l substantia* HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, including 6ft. mahogany wardrobe with plate-glam doors and sliding trays. Ac., massive mahogany ducbesse dressing-table and marble washstand to match, brass and iron bedsteads, feather and millpuS beds, toilet ware, Brussels, Kidderminster, and other carpets, rugs, etc., laige quantity of bed linen, lace and other window hangings, mahogany and brass cornice poles, chests ot drawers, toilet glasses, mahogany suite in hair, very nice mahogany sideboard, plate-glass back, fated with cellaret.«, loo and other tables, large overmantels, handsome plumes of feathers under large shadss, several cases of rare specimens of birds stuffed, very fine ditto ram's head in mahogany and glass case, large mahogany sofa with chairs to match, bureau handsomely fitted with falling writiag slope, cottage Pembroke dining table, brass fenders, tongs, etc., sewing machine by Singer in first-i<U« order, other lru-ge overmantels, set of wik book shelves, four tier inusic stools, Canterbury, aud a tiigh-tone4 trichord piano, by Oakley and Co., iron safe, wringing machine, together with the kitchen utensils, including superior dinner service; also a handsomewhire and gold tea set, choice old china vases, (t., as well 1'0; some electro-plated goods, cutlery, dish covers, etc., etc. Amongst the sundries will be found a large chest of carpenter's tools, and the usual kitchen utensils, flow cloths, etc., etc. On view day prior and morning of Sale. Further particulars t(. be had from the Anctieneers, Messrs Evans and Hughes, Borough Chambers Wharton-street, Cardiff; or at tlit bouse, 113, Olive- street, Grangetown. 677a rjn o b e s 6 l d PURSUANT TO AN ORDER OF THF HIGH COURT OF JUSITCE, CHANCERY DIVISION, made in all action of MORGAN v. EVANS, 1888, M. 3591, with the approbation of Mr JUSTICE NORTH, the Judge, to whom this action is attached, If MR THOMAS PARRY, the person appointed by the said Judge, At the WESTGATE HOTEL, NEWPORT, MOJt, On SATURDAY, the 27th of JULY, 1835. At 3 o'clock in the Afternoon, in one i^t, £ COMMODIOUS LEASEHOLD DWELLING-HOUSE, With WORKSHOP. STABLE, and PREMISES, Situate and bein? No. 34, Lanarth-street, Nwrv it' the County of Monmouth, held under ? teM<? ut which about 14% years are unexpired, at an tioned ground rent of 22 5s per annum. The premises are let and produce a yearly rente] £3OL Particulars and conditions of Sale may be e4,tatned gratis of the AUCTIONEER, Albany Chambers, Newport, 5 Messrs CHAVE & CHAVE, Broad-s-met A ream. New Broad-street. London, E.C Solicitors Messrs LEBRASSEUR & BOWEN. Gloucesta Btalp Chambers, Newport, Mon., Solicitors Messrs LE BRASSEUR & OAKLEY. 12, New Coutl Lincoln's Inn, Londou, W.C.. Solicitors And at the place of sale. Dated this 28th day of June, 1895. 782 E. W. WALKER, Chief Clerk. hotels, Sitting-rooms. kt. Please NOTE THE ADDH.ESS:- J. HILL, Proprietor of the White Lion Hotel, High-street, Chepstow (late Barrett). Accommodation for Tourists and Cyclists. Dining Room and Private Rooms suitable for large or small parties at moderate prices. THE QARDIFF rjpiMES AND gOUTH ALES yyEEKLY jJ^BWS [" ONE PENNY WEEKLY.-