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————————————————— ^Uippino jftoticw. CORK, CARDIFF, AND NEWPORT. THIRST-CLASS PASSENGER Si^8e5-=7.JD STEAMERS leave CORK for CARDIFF, "•ilwNla and Passengers, EVERY WEDNESDAY, calling at Jot ijeturning direct EVERY FRIDAY. ,„„v %j^fiVVPORT Direct EVERY MONDAY, returning EVERY V^Cabin, 17s. 6d.; Deck, 7s.; Cabin Return Ticket avaU- r one month, £ 1 7s. For further particulars see small bins Jtohw AGBSTS. —Mr. E. C. DOWNING, Shipbroker, Bute Docks. Mr. JAMES MADDOCKS, Dock-street. ^The City of Cork Steam Packet Company, Penrose V^P- CARDIFF TO NEW YORK. SFO TAIRECT STEAM COMMUNICA. jyTlflyr I TION BETWEEN THE BRISTOL CHANNEL |)w AND TUB ^ED STATES OF AMERICA AM> CANADA. ^l-TH WALES ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S New, i 8li. first-class, full-powered, Clyde-buil mships hv^ORGAN 2,500 Tons 500 h. p. OiiJEftOKE 2,500 Tons 500 h.p. f^lARTlIKN 3,000 Tons •• 600 h.p. r other First-class Steamers. lVI' 88,1 regularly between OARDIFF AND NEW YORK, Steamships are built express'y for the Trade, and fitted-np *Wj the latest improvements for the comfort and convenience and Steerage Passengers. ^ij, age Passengers provided w itn mattresses. n ^wardess carried for the female emigrants. GLAMORGAN, Joseph Laybourne, Commander, will sail .C^nesday, 27th November. 'Urther particulars appiy to Budgett and James, XI, King- Mr,' Bristol; Richardson and Co., Swansea G. W. Jones, Heard, Sfi Newport W. C. Lucy and Co., Gloucester T. Waite and SL. "U'pool; Alexander Brothers, Pontypridd JohnR. Taylor, Hienry Lee Hatchings, Bideford; Charles Hunt, Bridg- {.fj > Stephen Holloway, Truro Edward Taylor, Burnham W, Price, Aberdare W. J. Presswell, 1, Castle-street, Mertbyr &>> or at the Company's Office, 1, Dock-chambers, Cardiff. JOHN LAUGIILAND. Manager. ■ OBEST AND CHEAPEST ROUTE FOR PASSENGERS tii AI THE WEST OF ENGLAND AND SOUTH WALES THE UNITED STATES, IS BY THE &&&* F RE AT WESTERN STEAM \J SHIP LINE." BRISTOL AND NEW YORK. The FINE NEW FIRST-CLASS SCREW I-SIIIPS of this Line are intended to sail as follows :— A £ REAT WESTERN," (2000 tons).. Wednesday, November 13. HORACE PASSAGE to NEW YORK, BALTIMORE, BOSTON, K'UnD, or PHILADELPHIA, SIX GUINEAS ( £ 6 6s). Sj'Vessels ot this Line do not call at any Irish port, but pro- iKfc ect from Bristol to New York. lingers may be booked through to all parts of the United ■ V ^nd Canada on very moderate terms. St Secure berths, &c., apply to MARK VV'HITWILL and SON, Avenue, Queen-square, Bristol; or to G. F. Webb and Co., Store Merchants, Cardiff; Harse and Brown, Dock-street- jU^t, Mon.; John Morgan, Postmaster, Pontypool; Richarc' Sm?> Grocer, Blackwood J. T. Morgan, 19, Glebeland-street, V'lt Tydfil; J. Callaway, Mountain Ash or to M. Jones and V.' Ship Brokers, Swansea; George F. Price, Church-street, .fJPridd. cNt n!?ers are recommended to obtain their Tickets from ou \^jKef<>re leaving home 807 I N MAN LINE of ROYAL MAIL A STEAMERS, appointed to sail from LIVERPOOL, cid QUEENSTOWN to NEW every TUESDAY and THURSDAY. ^YmrnxmnK THURSDAY, Nov. 7. ClTY \W YOBK TUESDAY", Nov. 12. OF BROOKLYN THURSDAYNov 14. OF WASHINGTON TUKSDAY, NOV. 19. OS Passage—Tuesday Sailings, 15 and 18 Guineas; Thurs- Sfc1*3' Guiueas anci Guineas, having equal Saloon Passage to New York, as low as by any other Line, with V)n, j^jpply of Cooked Provisions. Passengers forwarded to Bos- ■ Pa.oo imore, or Portland without extra charge. ^otg^^Sers for all parts of CANADA and the UNITED STATES trough on very advantageous terms. 'Urtber particulars, apply to WILLIAM INMAN, 22, Water- > Liverpool, „ L, ROBERT BURTON and SON, Wo) Church-street, Cardiff; or to any of the Company's Agents hout Wales. 2249 NATIONAL LINE. STEAMERS OF THIS LINE ARE THE LARGEST PASSENGER STEAMSHIPS AFLOAT. HM FROM LIVERPOOL TO NEW YORK EVERY WEDNESDAY, AND FROM QUEENSTOWN EVERY THURSDAY. STATIONAL STEAM SHIP -LI COMPANY (LIMITED). -I'he new lull-powered British Iron-screw Steamships As Tons SI lips 4 oo'df k$3r..= « IsSrte: SS 3500 Denmark, Sumner 3723 3500 Denmark, Sumner 3723 lo,, III be despatched from Liverpool to New York as follows EGYPT Wednesday, 13tn Nov. ITALY Wednesday, 20th Nov. (SPAIN Wednesday, 27th Nov. Leaving i^ueenstown the following days. Saloon accommodation on board these Steamers is. un- V^ed, the State-rooms being unusually large, and open off kejnSa'oons, which are situated in the poop on deck—the poop bg 130 feet long. Cpte of Passage, 12,15, and 17 Guineas, according to accommo- V"i in State-room—all having same privilege in Saloon. Return jfets, TWENTY-FIVK GUINEAS. Oe STEERAGE accommodation is unequalled for space, light, Ventilation. Abundance of Fresh Provisions served up cooked tfpe Company's Stewards, Ij^tes of Passage on Reduced Terms. Steerage Passengers Horded t» Quebec, Boston, and Baltimore without extra jtfyssengers booked through A spin wall. San Francisco, the in- tozvns of Canada and of the United States on favourable also to Australia, New Zealand, China and Japan, at b through rates, via New York and San Francisco. j^ssengers are advised to secure their passages from the local nta before leaving home. 0r Freight or Passage apply to the NATIONAL STEAMSHIP CO. (LIMITED,) y- 21 and 23, Water-street, Liverpool; ff-Mid J orMMINS and BROS., Queenstown,—to Messrs J R SIcHOLAS and CO., 130 Britannia-buildings, Bute Docks JOHN LSI0Rgan (Cyniro), 19, G^eland^treet, Merthyr Tydfil; HARSB C, Newport, Mon., F\ W. CAUXT, Aberdare CIIAS. P. Neath J AS. A- •Postinaster, Pontypool; HENRY i^Wcour, High-street, Abereychan THOS. MORGAN, Miner-street, ^helly; j. \V. DOWN, Tennmus Hotel, Bristol. a *ssengers are advised secure eir Passages from the Local <gggts before leaving honig^, 2396 "ALLAN" MAIL UKK. SHORTEST SEA PASSAGE to O Canada and the United States. Shortest Route to the T itip now nin ti, e superb steamsliips of ^ppPOOL QXiSt& every and Thursday from LH ESpVv YORK and n^ an^ ,XLAND, forwarding passengers to^ to ALL CITIES and TOWNS in CANADA ana tne UN^ED s TE|ROM LIVERPOOL TO QUEBEC AXD; ^^Thur^Nov ■? Germany Tues. Oct. 1 >ss. M"« Can' Tues! „ £ ^■Polynesian Thur. „ 3 ss. N. Americ 12 NovaScotian Tues. „ S ss. P°lynts>> fues. 19 Scandinavian Thur. „ 10 ss. Nova &cot Thur. 21 W Corinthian Tues. „ 15 \ss. Scandinavia rpue8- 26 Prussian Thur. „ *>47 ss. Germany •' ^ulir 28 »??• St. Andrew.. Tues. 22 *ss. Prussian "Tiies'Dec. 3 J8- Nestoria- ..Thur. „ 24 ss. Manitoban •• i, 5 **• Manitoban Tues. „ 29 *ss. Peruvian •• io Sarmatian ..Thur. 31 ss. Corinthian The Mail Steamships for HALIFAX, NORFOLK, j> BALTIMORE, sail as follows. vrres. 0rWarding Passengers by Rail to all pi rts of tlie Miduie> tern, South Western, and Southern States. r ^•Hibernian Tues., Oct. 8 ss. Austrian ..Tues., Nov- Peruvian •• Tues. 22 ss. N. American Tues., De0-1, >> Y»bin Passage to Halifax, Quebec, Boston, New York, Norfolk, 5^timor0j Philadelphia, £ 18 18s., or £ 15 15s., according to including Provisions, but not Wines or Liquors, "nich can be obtained oa board. Returned Tickets at reduced j es- A limited nU'1, ,!er ?f intermediate, passengers are taken n each Steamer at £ ■" •>3-Eluding Beds, Bedding, and all neces- ry utensils, dining apart rom steerage. Applications for berths 10 be made in advance. T_, v^teerage Passage to St. ^.Halifax, Quebec, Boston, New *ork, Norfolk, or Baltimore^ including a plentiful supply J. cooked provisions. ote "'fwardesses are carried by ^•s line, to attend to the female passengers and chil- fin. taken from the Ocean Steamshjpg to tjie jjajjway Cars .Any information required concerning Canada can be obtained :'°m Mr. Dixon, 11, Adam-street, A.u<- l" i, London, agent for t4 Canadiii, Government. jarripmets on Canada supplied gratis "J fg^ata. h Shortest ROUTB to sJAN FRANCISCO, via the Union PACIFIC i ailroai>. THROUGH TICKETS issued on me most favourable rma- i-'or Freight or Passage, apply to ALLAN BROTHERS, and Co., Alexandra Buildings, James-street, Liverpool, and a* 85, Foyle-street, Londonderry, to JOHN R. TAYLOR, Post-office, Pontyniister, near New_ Wrt, Monmouth. COMPANY'S SPECIAL NOTICE TO bmiQRANTS- v *ve advise Passengers to obtain their Tickets fr°in y^^ts '°re leaving home. 1 jSnsinegs HU S B A N D'S, PRACTICAL OPTICIAN, 8, ST. AUGUSTINE'S IIARADIF, (Corner of Denmark-street), BRISTOL. 2849 "PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO, ,¡:- 15, P-DYAL PROMENADE, QUEEN'S-ROAD, CUFTON, BRISTOL. HMEIUNNER respectfully informs the Nobility, Gentry the Pul that she has OPENED a STUDIO ,at the above address, andving at great expense secured not only the assist- ance of artis unique in their several departments, but also Purchased t exclusive right for Bristol and Clifton to finish ■Photographs JW 1 BY THE NEW PROCESS atented by V an der Weyde, of New York, she is enabled to produce, Phcgraplis which for truth and beauty cannot be rpassed wh the Prices will compare favourably with those pstablishirtts a very inferior order. «, w OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. and nno«tale lner's Pictures are very superior Photographs, '"fhT >tTe artistic excellence."—Her Majesty's Reporter. Xxtrnst Z n']ati;rc in the room is by Madame Brunner."— the late H £ thReport on Photographic Exhibition, given by f, i Fmirick POLLOCK (Lord Chief Baron). of her t-fw ,rUJer s extraordinary perseverance, independent "Mnrta u secure her success."—MARK LEMON. 8tudios in7L havin £ "sited all the most celebrated her A- Kln!»om1 has acquired a consummate knowledge of /< w" ~A Express. tVe 'ruinSf's establishment is a Palace of Art. From ^ith tho innSt iU -° the illner arcana everything is in keeping Neatest T onrl\„ XL">OU8 re(luirements of refined taste, and the be B8hamp!? ni Pbtographer himself would have no reason to Pool Mercury suc! an establishment." -Stockton and Hartle- did niar'p™fe '^rllntler" establishment is certainly the most splen- C\rvucl 6 ki "d 1 tbeNorth England .Newcastle 'Daily 2211 1 JUSTNESS J\,ddrc$$c$. E T. LEWIS, BREWERS' AND LICENSED VICTUALLERS' ,1Tn,v AUCTIONEER AND APPRAISER, OI1Y COOPERAGE, BRIDEWELL STREET, BRISTOL. HOME-BREWING TAVERNS. E. T. LEWIS is instructed to LET several Home-brewing TAVERNS. Incomings, from £ 150 to £ 1,000. For particulars apply a.t Mr. LEWIS'S Office, Bride- well-street, Bristol. 2289 C H A R L E S W A Y, DEALER IN PICTURES AND WORKS OF ART, 17, ROYAL PROMENADE, BRISTOL. 2422 pERRYMAN'S CARRIAGE, RAILWAY, STREET, AND SHIPS' SIGNAL LAMPS, AND BENT GLASS MANUFACTORY 10 and 11, OLD-KING STREET, BRISTOL. 2385 gTEAM JOINERY, MOULDINGS, &c., & CHARLES BAKER & CO., CITY SAW MILLS, CANOKS' lIIAH-SlI, BRISTOL, MANUFACTURERS OF DOORS, WINDOWS, STAIRS, AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF JOINERS' WORK, By Steam Power, of the Best Materials and Workmanship. Price Lists forwarded on application, and for large Orders of one description special rates will be quoted, according to quantity required. 2953 THE NEW YORK PROVISION STORES, -L 43, MA RYLE PORT-STREET, BRISTOL. RICHARD BAYLES, PROPRIETOR. PRIME AMERICAN BEEF. PRIME AMERICAN M-ESS PORK. CHOICE AMERICAN CHEDDAR CHEESE. NEW IMPORTATIONS, ex S.S. WESTERN. 2398 F IRE WORKS! FIREWORKS! EDGEWORTH, 7 & 8, CASTLE-STREET, BRISTOL, Pyrotechnic Artist. Hav'^Si°rTFCteS, andf s"PPHed to any extent at a few Shilh entor of the new Coloured Fire and Prismatic 2990 0 H A T T E R T O ^N D I^X^ CHURCH AND GENERAL BOOK, STATIONARY, AND ART DEPOT, 32, TRIANGLE, BRISTOL. Brass Worl;, Photographs, Religions pi„t r, and other articles of Ecclesiastical Furniture.UFeS' Pra>'er gl^8' JOHN DEN NIS, IRON AND HARDWARE MERCHANT 145, REDCLIFF STREET, BRISTOL, (NEAR BRISTOL BRIDGE.) J. D. would call the attention of. buyers to his large Stock of WROUGHT and CUT NAILS, PATENT AXLES, CARRIAGE, SPRINGS, in stock and made to order, LANCE WOOD SHAFTS' BENT TIMBER, DRV HEART and COACH SPOKES, CEILING LATHS, Bristol Home-made HORSE NAILS, PATENT HORSE SHOES, PATENT HORSE SHOE IRON, FILES, RASPS, STEEL BOLTS and NUTS, CHAINS of all kinds in Stock, or to order, Screws, Locks, and a large assortment of General Ironmongery always in stock. Orders per Post, with remittance or satisfactory reference, will have our special attention. NOTE THE ADDRESS. 2382 ONLY THE BEST a YACINTHS, TULIPS, CROCUS, AND ALL DUTCH BULBS. JAMES GARAWAY AND CO.'S j*,{«T"'Tmpoftafioii of the above is just received in Best Condition. EARLY ORDERS SOLICITED. ORDERS ABOVE 20s. IN VALUE CAR PAID. FIVE PER CENT. DISCOUNT ALLOWED FOR CASH. CATALOGUES POST FRhE ON APPLICATION. JAMES GARAWAY & CO., DURDHAM DOWN NURSERY, S E It y, BRISTOL. 2/15 HAULAGE. HAULAGE. HAULAGE, CARTING, &C. inall its brandies, at the lowest possible remunerative prices. Contracts taken, and the work personally superintended by DANIEL JONES, 1, NEW OXFORD-STREET. SWANSEA. 2574 N ORRIS AND SONS, TOWN CRIER AND BILL POSTERS, 34, ORCHARD STREET, SWANSEA, The only Bill Posters employed by the Corporation, Great iVestern Railway, and all the principal Solicitors and Auctioneers Swansea and its district. Country Sales posted to any distance. -Do E. ISAAC AND CO., 18, COLLEGE STREET," SWANSEA. HOtfSEFURNISHERS, UPHOLSTERERS, CABINET MANUFACTURERS AND _G -EXERAL FURNISHING IRONMONGERS. Goods-delivered Free of Charge within a radius of Ten Miles. 212(1 I SAY, GEORGE! « .r Suit there fe'r-t'tllat new sh°P m College-street ? I had a splendid PAY CASH Fm? ?0unds, and a capital Fit. Mind, I HAD TO No, who is he? xE 'Jut ''is Cheap. Why, COLLEGE HOTXpM' R°E' uugE, 10, COLLEGE-STREET. SWANSEA. GIVE HIM A TRIAL. *°U WILL BE WELL PLEASED. 1 2520 g W A .Y S J| A OFFICE OF THE "SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS. The be, to OPENED AN OFFIce AT 42A, CASTLE S T R i; jj j (OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE.) For the transaction of the Swansea business of their JournaK All orders from NEWSAGENTS will receive prompt attention, ai)d be executed upon the same terms as from the Chief Office. The DAILY NEWS delivered to Subscribers early every morn- ing in any part of the town. ADVERTISEMENTS received up to Seven o'clock will secure insertion in the next morning's issue of the DAILY NEWS. To INDIA RUBBER CONSUMERS AND W DEALERS. „ E. C O L E S, ReffS respecMnii* <ate of 16. Castle-street, Swansea,) that he has RE«A,°. "'form his friends and the public generally *iiVarrv on the k V?D To 5, QUAY-PARADE, where he all its branches an iessofa DEALER IN INDIA RUBBER in AGENT. and al8° that of a GENERAL COMMISSION SS SSSFAT I THE INDIA RUBBER WAREHOUSE 5, QUAY PARADE, SWANSEA. WE. COLES has the pleasure of informing • his friends and the public that he has been annoinf l SOLE AGENT FOR SOUTH WALES FOR HARRIS'S CELEBRATED BLOCK AND FLUID Fnrthpr«™ COMPOSITIONS Tt consists ^a'antl Prevention of Incrustation in Steam Boilers, free from So<7/7 ^f-In0st. part> of ammal matter, and is entirely HARRIS'S SFlP^mSi^ Cl*rfs' or Muriate of Ammonia. Also, HAKKla b SELF-LUBRICATING GRAPHITE STEAM ENGINE (Resered) upenor to any other Packing extant. Also, HARRIS S IMPERIAL ANTI-CORROSIVE AND MINERALIZED CEMENT For Steani-Engine and Boiler Man T„: t Pipes, or any sort of Heating a,mar^l TtS' t 1 a\aU>l Pipe Joints, when no other mineral will «tninUth ture it will stand any pressure ^Sm ^L^ If* temPera" easily made, and it can be applied to either face or \lt elen'iohit^ One cwt. of this Cement will yo as far as i White Lead mixed, and it makes a much safer ioint 6 Price Lists or Circulars on application, and Testimonials innu- merable from all the leading firms in the kingdom. THE INDIA RUBBER WAREHOUSE, 5, QUAY PARADE, SWANSEA. 3017 public jftotices. rjiHE SWANSEA BANK (LIMITED), Established under The Companies' Act, 1862 and 1867," limiting the liability of shareholders to the amount of their shares. CAPITAL Z,500,000, in 25,000 shares of 220 each, with power to increase. First issue, 15,000 shares, on which it is proposed to call up R6 per share in the following manner:-ti on appli- cation, k2 on allotment, and the remainder at such times as the Directors may appoint, but no call to ex- ceed £1 per share, and at intervals of not less than two months. —_— DIRECTORS. EDWARD BATH, Esq., Bryn-y-Mor, Swansea, Chairman. EVAN DANIEL, Esq., Mining Engineer, Swansea. JNO. GLASBROOK, Esq., Mayor of Swansea. J. J. JENKINS, Esq. (the Swansea Tin Plate Co.), Swansea. MARCUS MOXHAM, Esq., Merchant, Swansea. JOHN POWELL, Esq. (Millbrook Iron Co., and the Landore 1 in Plate Co.), Swansea. ALFREL) STERRY, Esq., Danycoed, near Swansea. MORGAN B. WILLIAMS, Esq., Bloomfield, Sketty, near Swansea. F. A. YEO, Esq., (Messrs. Cory, Yeo. and Co.), Swansea. With power to add. BANKERS THE LONDON AND COUNTY BANKING COMPANY. SOLICITOR WASHINGTON H. BROWN, Esq. MANAGER: LEONARD D. WILLIAMS. Esq. AUDITORS: Messrs. BARNARD, THOMAS, CAWKER, and Co. TEMPORARY OFFICES No. 1, WORCESTER PLACE. PROSPECTUS. THE SWANSEA BANK (Limited) is established to meet the growing demand for further Banking facili- ties in Swansea. The commercial necessity for a new Bank in Swansea is so much felt that it is promoted by influential and wealthy merchants of Swansea and Neighbourhood, whose accounts will be sufficient of themselves to establish a business. There are at present only Two Banks to meet the requirements of a Town and District, containing a popu- lation of nearly 75,000, the shipping and trade of which are about the largest and most flourishing in the Princi- pality. The following statistics show the enormous increase of Swansea, during the past twenty years, in its population and shipping:— 1851. 1871. Increase. Population 45,907 73,926 28,019 ShSaf7PieSiStered[269'454 719>786 450,332 The Directors do not desire to lengthen this Prospectus by any arguments to prove that there is room for the es- tablishment of a new Bank in Swansea, for it is well known that in proportion to its large trade and commer- cial resources it does not enjoy such extensive banking facilities as are commanded by even small and unim- pertant districts. The Directors feel confident that a new Bank may, without unfairly competing with existing institutions, prove of great advantage to the district and remunerative to its shareholders. The principle of limited liability has been applied to many Banking Institutions, with what success may be seen from the following quotations taken from the daily Share List:— U Q) „ o ««-t O • cL SS fi-Sg Z* S g-sl ■1S« r & :!1 Hi Bank of Whitehaven, Limited ]5 30 10 34 240 Biuningham Joint S. Bank, do. 20 100 10 321 225 Halifax Commercial Banking 1 Co., do 18 20 10 23! 135 Lloyds Banking Co., do.15 50 7M0 19t 160 Manchester and County Bank, do 12 300 15 80S 105 Bradford Old Bank, do. 12j 50 20 44 120 Commercial Bank of Liver- Bradford Old Bank, do. 12i 50 20 S 44 120 Bradford Old Bank, do. 12j 50 20 44 120 Commercial Bank of Liver- pool, do 10 20 10 17J 75 Worcester Cttv and County Banking Co. do 50 12 10 22 76 Birmingham Banking Co., do. lu 50 5 1 13J 165 The Shareholders in the oldest Bank in Swansea, in addition to receiving a high dividend since its establish- ment, have had their capital nearly trebled from accumu- lated profits, and there is no reason to doubt that a similar measure of success may be anticipated for a new under- taking of the same nature in a town, the population and commerce of which are advancing with such rapid strides. It is stipulated in the Articles of the As o dation that no individual Director, excepting the confidential Director, shall be entitled to inspect the private accounts of the customers of the Bank. The Directors will not endeavour to increase the business of the Bank by any deviation from safe and sour.d Banking principles. No promotion money is or will be paid in connection with this undertaking. The Directors will receive no renumeration for the first year of office, after that period the amount will be fixed by the members at the general meeting. The Capital has been fixed at 1:500,000, in 25,000 Shares of .ï20 each. 15,000 to be first issued, the residue o be allotted at such times and in such a manner as the Directors think best for the interests of the Bank. It is not proposed to call up more than t6 per Share, the reserve of Y,14 affording ample security to the cus- tomers of the Bank. Power, however is taken in the Articles of Association to increase the Capital by further issues of Shares when the operations of the Bank have been so extended as to render it desirable. The Shares being only 4;20 each, an opportunity is afforded to any person who has a Banking Account to take Shares, and thus become practically his own banker by doing his business with the Institution in which he holds a pecuniary interest. Each application for Shares must be accompanied by a deposit of 21 per Share, with the Bankers, and a further sum of t2 will be payable on allotment. -In case no Shares are allotted the deposit will be returned without deduction, aud if only part allotment be made the balance of Deposit money will be first applied to the payment due on allotment and any surplus returned. Eorms of Application for Shares may be obtained at the Temporary Offices, No. 1, Worcester-place, Swansea. 2872 ¿3 uSÎ1tCss ddrc$$c$. SPECIAL NOTICE. THE GERMAN AND FRENCH JL PHOTOGRAPHIC AND STEREOSCOPIC COMPANY, 45, WIND STREET, SWANSEA, Beg most respe ctfully to inform the Public in general that all Pictures, Portraits, Cartes, &c., formerly taken by Mr. James Andrews, are in the possession of their Manager Herr Jean Goldman, who will REPRODUCE all Copies at HALF PRICE, and guarantee a Superior Reproof. The above Company respectfully announce that no other Establishment in Swansea Neath or Llanelly, have any right to reproduce or infringe upon their NEW PATENT VAN DER WEYDE'S PROCESS. An inspection at the Wind-street Establishment is respectfully invited. Price List sent free of charge. All letters to be addressed Herr Jean Goldman, late Andrews, Wind-street. Swansea. 2099 L R. LUMLEY, SURVEYOR AND APPRAISER, 29, VICTORIA STREET, MERTHYR TYDFIL. ESTIMATES PREPARED. Work in all Branches of the Building Trade measured and valued. Delapidations and Cost of Repairs made up at reasonable charges. 2005 M B R T 11 Y R 0 F F I C E OF THE "SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS," 1, ALBERT STREET, For the transaction of the Merthyr business of this Journal. ADVERTISEMENTS received up to 6.30 p.m. will secure insertion in the following morning's issue of the "SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS." W MEREDITH, WATCHMAKER, SILVERSMITH, JEWELLER, AND OPTICIAN, invite 124, HIGH STREET, MERTHYR, GOLD ANI? inspection of his choice and extensive Stock of Jf;vvpr rI,IjVJiH WATCHES, CLOCKS, TIMEPIECES, And all kinds of ELECTRO-PLATE, SPECTACLES, ■g Ptical Goods, which will be found equal to any At Prices in ntabl.ishment in the Principality, u" THE RAILW a v-nstances fully TWENTY PER CENT. LESS. _y Jewelled in Ten Hole? ,VF*'IclAL'y WATCH, AT £ 5 103., Case js ,.ml>ensating Balance, and Extra Strong Warranted, Free of oia Marvel of Cheapness. Charge, for Five Years, and sent — _J^g^Free. 2935 PARTES DE VISITE, 6 for Is 6d 12 for 2s 6d \J [Send a Carte, with stamps ami f n c^ve Perfect Copies and CAMBRIAN COPYING COMPAjgl>nNwtmn. 2171 PARSONS, FLETCHER & CO.'S INDIAN STARCH. Trade Mark—AN ELEPHANT. PARSONS, FLETCHER & CO.'S INDIAN STARCHf^Purity and Beauty of Colour. ARSONS, FLETCHER & CO.'S INDIAN STARCH fol la, P Muslins, &c., &c. u_- u PARSONS, FLETCHER & co.'S INDIAN STARCH will llot adhere to the iron. FLETCHER & CO.'S INDIAN STARCH will retain J, 8 stiffness in the dampest weather. P^ONS, FLETCHER & CO.'S INDIAN STARCH is highly ^mended to Laundresses. ,F,LKTCHER & CO.'S INDIAN STARCH. The increased demand^s proof of its excellence. PARSON, FLETCH|R <$TCO. >S INDIAN STARCH TS PACKED i. b a"d lib, packets, also in boxes, and in 51b. papers. WORKS-GRAVEL-LANE, SOUTHWAaK, LONDON. V MAY BB HAD EVKRYWUKR*. 111 business Jtdteses* JONES BROTHERS, PRINCIPAL BILL POSTERS AND DELIVERERS HIGH STREET, NEATH, AND BRITON FERRY. Circulars addressed and delivered. Bill Posters to the Great Western and Neath and Brecon Railways, and the principal Auctioneers. Lessees of the Principal Posting Place in the town. NOTE THE ADDRESS: HIGH STREET, NEATH, AND BRITON FERRY 2144 J^OTICE NOTICE BRATTICE CLOTH! 5id. tnd 6d. per SQUARE YARD, OILED. IRON & CANVAS AIR TUBING EQUALLY CHEAP. YELLOW LOCO. GREASE, 16s. per cwt. COLLIERY WAGGON GREASE, 6s. to 8s. per Cwt. COLLIERY WAGGON OIL, 5s., 6s., and 7s. per Cwt. ROOFING FELT less than Id. per square foot. WIRE NETTING AND FENCING. G E 0 R G E J. MAY, NEATH. 2737 BAZAAR, NEATH, OCTOBER 25, 1872 AUTUMN AND WINTER FASHIONS FOR 1872. WALTER JONES Respectfully solicits an inspection of his present STOCK which has just been replenished with many Novelties in the various Departments. His Showroom will be open on TUESDAY, the 29th instant, and will contain an extensive assortment of TRIMMED HATS, MILLINERY, BONNETS, COSTUMES WATERPROOFS, &c. W. J. will offer at the same time a large Stock of BLACK SILKS, Much under preseent value, for Ready Money only. 2930 G A Y S 33, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT, FOR P 0 R K PI ES. 2451 PIANOFORTE AND MUSIC WAREHOUSE, No. 1, COMMERCIAL ST., NEWPORT, MON. EDWIN NEWMAN Begs to inform the Inhabitants of Newport and the Neighbour- hood that he has been APPOINTED SOLE AGENT IN THIS TOWN FOR THE SALB OF MESSRS. JOHN BRIlsSMEAD AND SON'S PIANOFORTES, FROM WHOM HE HAS JUST RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF SUCH INSTRUMENTS E. Newman has the Largest Stock of Pianofortes in the Princi pality to choose from, including those of COLLARD AND COLLARD, BROADWOOD, ERARD and other eminent London Makers, and he further invites Inspection of his STOCK OF AMERICAN ORGANS AND HARMONIUMS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION PIANOFORTES MAY BK PURCHASED ON THE THREE YEAR SYSTEM. 2263 ORKSHIRE RELISR The most DELICIOUS SAUCB in the WORL J to CHOPS, STEAKS, FISH, &c. Sold by all Grocel sand Oilmen in Bottles 6d., Is., and 2s. each. Trade mark-Willow. pattern plate. PROPRIETORS-GOODALL, BACKHOUSE & CO., LEEDS. 616 A GREAT PROBLEM SOLTED rjp H E POPULAR DEMAND M E T. rpHE BEST AND MOST RELIABLE jgEWING MACHINE IN THE WORLD CAN NOW BE ACQUIRED IN EVERY HOME. 'P H N G E R" ANYONE-1- O gUPERIOR IVING jgEWING MACHINES ARE THE EASIEST TO a A T) LEARN. £ Jj_ ° ° THE SIMPLEST TO WOItK. ————————— MOST APPROVED AND T> EFERENCES OF SEW^JIP^™ FOR EVER>' VA™TY POPULAR BECAUSE they CAN have T H F, S IN G E R" NEW F A M I L Y gEWING Al ACHINE. (Hand or Treadle.) ON HIRE AT is. 8D. to 3S. per WEEK. CASH PRICE from £6 1 OS. QREAT ADVANTAGES ARE OFFERED BY THIS ûVEL SYSTEM. 1JIHE HIRER HAS THE OPTION OF I ATany URCHXS-19G R of pURCHA^NG" |Q^of^ THE MACHINE"J "|^FFECTING~ "T PURCHASE THE Cash Price' BY ^R of ONT"\TT-TING ETURNIN RET URNING it THE HIRE. C A iU T 1 0 N. MHE SINGER MANUFACTURING X COMPANY'S E WING MACHINES having acquired an unprecedented popu- larity, several Parties are attempting to Trade upon the Name 0f "SINGER," advertising Machines of other Makers AS "THE SINGER," •< ON THE SIN- GER PRINCI- PLE," the Public are warned against these Coun- terfeits, and as an additional protection, the Company fix their Trade Mark Plate to every Marine. Purchasers should see that the Plate on the Machine corresponds in all details with the fac- similie representation of it in the Company's Price List. Illustrated Catalogues ard detailed information gratis, cn application at any of the Depots, or authorised Agents. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING COMPANY'S CHIEF OFFICE IN r-LKOPK 14T CHEAPSIDE, LONDON. DISTRICT OFFICES IN LONDON: g NEWINGTON-CAUSEWAY, S.E. 144 BROMPTON ROAD, S.W. BRANCH OFFICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. QARDIFF 20, DUKE-STREET. SWANSEA .103, OXFORD-STREET. JJRISTOL 18 & 19, HIGH-STREET. Liverpool-21 Bold-street. Dundee-49, Reform-street. Manchester—105, Market-street. Perth—64, John-street. Newcastle—Grainger-street, W. Aberdeen—46, George-street. Leeds—Boar-lane. Inverness—3, Drummond-street. Plymouth—2, Union-street. Greenock—W. Blackhall-street. Exeter-13, Queen-street. Hamilton—32, Cadzow-street. Norwich-12, London-Street. Paisley—6, Gilmour-street. Southampton—105, High-street. Dumbarton—14, Bridge-street. Boston—3y, Market-street. Sterling—44, Port-street. Bolton—94, Bradshawgate. Dumfries 43, English-street. Glasgow—66, Buchanan-street. Dublin-69, Grafton-street. Edinburgh-108, Priaces-strect. Belfast-4. Donegal-Square. N. x 32usutess Addresses. D LEWIS, CABINET MAKER • AND UPHOLSTERER, CARDIFF, Respectfully invites the attention of parties about to Furnish'to his EXTENSIVE STOCK of CABINET GOODS CARPETS, DAMASKS, CHINTZ, BEDDING, LINOLEUM, FLOOR CLOTHS, &c., all of which are of the newest design and of the best manufacture. N.B.—An assortment of PIANOFORTES by best makers for Sale and Hire. 101 AWN MOWERS, GARDEN ROLLERS, GARDEN SEATS, TABLES, Galvanised Wire Netting, Croquet Netting, Indiarubber Hose and Brass Fittings, Watering Pots, and every other requisite for the Lawn or Garden in great variety. The Largest Stock in South Wales to select from of BATHS, TRAVELLING BOXES, AND JAPAN GOODS CROSS BROTHERS, SAINT MARY STREET, CARDIFF. 968 BOOTS! BOOTS!! 'BOOTS! Cheapest, Best, and in greatest variety at OSBORNE'S, OSBORNE HOUSE. DUKE-STREET. CARDIFF. 168 E W I S 11 0 P K I N S ESTATE, HOUSE, AND INSURANCE AGENT, REGISTRAR OF MARRIAGES FOR THE CARDIFF DISTRICT, No. 16, THE PARADE, TREDEGARVILLE, CARDIFF. Agent for the Estate of the late Chas. Vachell, Esq. Agent for the Scottish Provincial Assurance Co. 2937 R IC~HAR D S, HATTER, HOSIER, GLOVER, &0., 13, HIGH STREET, CARDIFF. ESTABLISHED 1816. All who can appreciate STYLE AND QUALITY, And are desirous of GETTING BEST VALUE FOR THEIR MONEY, Are invited to make their PURCHASES AT THE ABOVE ESTABLISHMENT. 190 "WORLD WIDE FAME." PALMER'S COCOA CONDIMENTAL FOOD FOR HORSES AND CATTLE. ONCE USED ALWAYS USED. The cost is less than one halfpenny per feed, it will put Horses and Cows into condition when all other means have failed for rearing calves cannot be equalled, and it will save 20 per cent. in the cost of feeding. Sole 3Ianufacturersand Proprietors, PALMER AND COMPANY, LONDON, E. Orders (wholesale or retail), also applications for Agencies to be sent to MR. THOMAS WEBBER, 32, ROYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF. TESTIMONIALS ON APPLICATION. 800 Feeds sent, carriage free, for 32s., to any part of South Wales. A sample bag of 141bs. for 5s. prepaid. 2428 WHEELER & WILSON'S SEWING MACHINE M'F'G COMPANY, Supplied by CROSS BROTHERS, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. HE WILLCOX AND GIBBS SILENT SEWING MACHINE, Supplied through their Agents, CROSS BROTHERS, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. ALSO AGENTS FOR THE WEIRS, SHAKESPERE, AND AGENORIA HAND SEWING MACHINES. Either of the above may be had on the Easy Payment System CROSS BROTHERS, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF. 886 F RED E R I C K WARE, (Late WARE AND SONS), TAILOR AND ROBE MAKER, ESTABLISHED HALF-A-CENTURY, BRISTOL AND CARDIFF. SOUTH WALES ESTABLISHMENT DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. 107 AUTUMN AND WINTER FASHIONS FOR GENTLEMEN. MESSRS. W. PRICE AND SONS have made the fashionable forms of OVERCOATS AND REEFERS for the season their particular study, in anticipation of inquiries from their customers, who will be looking for the Latest Novelties. Their OVERCOATS, made from a fine dress" Beaver, are ex- quisite goods, of a good substance, firm, yet soft as velvet, and what is, perhaps, of equal importance, they comprise a variety of beautiful colours. In Brown there are some very rich shades, and there is also a nice assortment of Olive. In Blue, too, they have a good show, and variety of shade. eo Terms—For Ready Money only. ADDRESS—CARDIFF HOUSE, CARDIFF. 136 jftotels, BRISTOL. PUILDHALL COMMERCIAL AND FAMILY HOTEL, 36 and 37, Broad-stieet, Bristol. Dining, Coffee, Sitting, and Stock Rooms. Dinners from 12.30 to 6. Night Porter Sept. 1430 W. T. CROUCH, Proprietor. CLIFTON DOWN FIRST-CLASS FAMILY c HOTEL, FACING THE SUSPENSION-BRIDGE. SUITE OF APARTMENTS, from 3 Guineas per week. Break- fast, from 2s. Dinners, from 3s. 6d.; Service, 2s. A Suite of Apartments having been recently added to the Hotel, especially for WEDDING BREAKFASTS, the Manager is prepared to provide the same or the most moderate terms. Terms by weekly arrange- ments only. Suite of Apartments, with board and attendance, 5 Guineas each, fires only extra. Bedroom, board, and attendance, in public rooms, 3 £ Guineas. All meals served to the visitor's order. Private drawing-room for Ladies. Table D'Hote daily at Sundays at 5. All communications to be addressed, 1428 D. GITTENS. Manager GLOBE DINING ROOMS, AND OYSTER SALOON, 17, WIND STREET, SWANSEA. LUNCHEONS; GOOD DINNERS, 9D., AND UPWARDS (From 12 o'clock till 4.) TEA AND COFFEE TO BE HAD AT ALL HOURS. N.B.-Private Sitting-rooms and good Bedrooms. Im- portant to Foreigiiers.-Ici parle Frangais. Si parla Italiano. Hier wird Deutsch Gesprochen. 2098 DDF EL LOWS' ARMS, MAESTEG. 0 Two Minutes' Walk from Station. Good accommodation BILLIARDS. POSTING. INLAND REVENUE OFFICE. 2380 PROPRIETOR—Mr. ILLTID MORGAN (Bducattoiu CANTON ACADEMY, LLANDAFF ROAD, c CARDIFF. Masters: Rev. W. JAMES, M.A. Rev. EDGAR WILLIAMS, M.A., B.D. For Prospectus, &c. apply to Rev. W. James, Llandaff-road, Canton, Caxdiff. 2191 GROSVENOR LADIES' COLLEGE, G BRIGHTON PARK, WHITE LADIES' ROAD, CLIFTON, BRISTOL. DR. B. TOMKINS, M.A Lady Superintendent of Studies. Miss WILSO. Pianoforte and Singing Miss RUMBOLL. „ „ ( Head Master of Drawing, &c. • | Grosvenor College. Lady Superintendent of Domestic Arrange- Mrs. Jos. tomkixs ments j A book containing References to Parents, Testimonials, &c., wil be forwarded on application GROSVENOR COLLEGE, WHITE LADIES' ROAD, CLIFTON, BRISTOL. PRINCIPAL DR. TOMKINS, M.A. (P rofesseur de Francais, Compiler of the Bristol Copy Book, &c.) HEAD MASTER: CHARLES BIGG, ESQ. The College is within 200 yards of the proposed site of the new- Clifton Station. Very Moderate Terms. Large school-room lately erected. More than twenty pupils have obtained certificates in the Oxford and Cambridge Local Examinations, several having passed with hoRors. Hundreds of pupils are occupying good situations in banks, merchants' offices, &c. A book (new edition, 40 pages) will be forwarded on application. It contains a lithograph of college, testimonials from parents of pupils, from old pupils, references to parents at Aberdare, Blaen- avon, Builth, Brecon, Cardiff, Chepstow, Haverfordwest, Llanelly, Newport, Pontypridd, Swansea, Tenby, Trelech, Merthyr Tydfil, &c. The NEXT TERM will commence on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30th. No Michaelmas Holidays. New pupils are admitted at any time,"and a proportionate charge made N.B.—Clever Youths or Young Ladies who would be likely to pass the Cambridge Examination, held in December next, would have special training, and be taken at reduced terms. Place of examination close to Grosvenor College. 2167 ^Business Addresses* JCTTHAM (L^SOW^VE'RCOATS JOTIIAM & soN".s YAOHTTNG JAC KETS. JOTHAM & SON'S TROUSERS AXDTKSTST JOTHAM & SON-S VESTS. OTHAM & SON'S BOYS' SUITS. JOTHAM~~& SON'S FLANNEL SHIRTS. JOTHAM A SON'S HATS AS D CAPS. JOTHAM A' SONTS HOSIERY. ADDRESS.-27, ST. MARY-STREET CARDIFF. 2941 TO ADVERTISERS. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES, TEA MEETINGS, CHORAL GATHERINGS, BAZAARS, EISTEDDFODAU, &c. "V^TITH a view to meet a want very GENERALLY ▼ ▼ felt, advertisements announcing forthcoming ANNTS ER- SARY SERVICES, TEA MEETINGS, CHORAL GATHERINGS EISTEDDFODAU, BAZAARS, &c., and not exceeding ONE INCH (TWELVE LINES) in depth will be published in this Journal at the following tariff:- ONE INSERTION HALF-A-CROWN. THREE INSERTIONS FIVE SHILLINGS. BUTE COAL CONSUMERS' COMPANY JD (HENRY SAUNDERS.) OFFICES WINDSOR HOUSE, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF. BEST HOUSE COAL. BEST NUT STEAM COAL. BEST SMITHS' COAL. ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Special Terms for large quantities. 2749 J. M. H A I M E COAL MERCHANT. LARGE HOUSE COAL, THROUGH-AND-THROUGH DITTO, LARGE LANTWIT DITTO, SMITHS COAL, LARGE STEAM COAL, NUT STEAM COAL, SMALL STEAM COAL, No.3 COKE, Delivered in any quantity at the shortest notice. OFFICE,—BRITANNIA BUILDINGS, DOCKS. RESIDENCE, —NO, 1, EAST GROVE, TREDEGARVILLE Orders received at the above address immediately attended to. 2466 PROTECTOR ENDOWMENT, LOAN, AND ANNUITV COMPANY 34, KING-STREET, CHEAPSIDE, LONDON, E.C. The plan of this Company is to supply SUMS OF MONEY fro. i56 to zE2,000, on the security of a borrower and two sureties, to be repaid by equal quarterly or half-yearly instalments over three years, a plan which is specially adapted for those desirous of enlarging their business operations, or of providing against an accidental emergency. For particulars and fonns of application, apply to- MR. T. WEBBER. ETATF AGENT, 32, ROTAL ARCADE, CARDIFF. Mr. John Jenkins, 20, High-street, Cardiff Mr. B. A. George, Chemist, Pentre, Pontypridd. Messrs. T. Waite & Son, Clarence-street, Pontypool. Mr. J. D. Cooke, George Hotel and Brewery, Abergavenny. Mr. S. T. Evans, 15, High-street, Newport, Mon. Ir. H. Venner, LlanarfSi-street, Newport, Mon. A-Ir. Thos. Evans, 2, Adare-street, Bridgend Mr. G. A. Beran, Somerset-place, Swansea. Mr. John Evans, Spring Gardens, Whitlaud, Pembroke. Mr. C. Johns, 106, Stow-hill, Newport, Mon. Mr. Geo. F. Price, Accountant, Church-street, Ponypridd Agents for the Company. 1163 DRESSING GOWNS DRESSING GOWNS J we K 0 R N E R S CELEBRATED DRESSING GOWNS, AT 21s. AND ::5s. EACH. Sent to any Railway Station in Great Britain, on receipt of P.O.O. Patterns of lateriallllaY be had bv Post. These Garments are Comfortable, Durable, and Cheap. LARGEST STOCK OF SCARVES AND TIES IN SOUTH WALES. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S SILK, ZANELA, AXD ALPACCA UMBRELLAS OF THE BEST QUALITY. OUR OWN MADE FANCY WOOL SHIRTS CANNOT BE SURPAS SED FOR STYLE AND QUALITY. BEAUTIFUL TRAVELLING AND CARRIAGE RUGS AT 10s. 6d. ADDRESS W. K 0 R N E R, THE CARDIFF HOSIER, 27, 29, and 31, ROYAL ARCADE, and ITS, BUTE-STREET, CARDIFF. 28(30 rjiHOMAS TRIST, FURNISHING & GENERAL IRONMONGER, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. A QUANTITY OF STOCK AT OLD PRICES. TEA-TRAYS, FENDERS, FIRE-IRONS, BEDSTEADS, BATHS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, STOVES, GRATES, RANGES. THOMAS TRIST FOR LOCK-SMITHING, BELL-HANGING, EAVES-TROUGHING, ZINC, COPPER, BRASS AND TIN-PLATE WORK. THOMAS TRIST FOR LIPSCOMB'S WATER FILTERS, FARMERS', GARDENERS', AND CARPENTERS' TOOLS, GARDEN-SEATS, LAWN-MOWERS, LAND-ROLLERS, OIL-PAINTS, COLOURS. 2571 H E N P- Y T H 0 -11 A S BEGS TO ANNOUNCE HIS RETURN FROM HIS SECOND VISIT TO THE LONDON MARKETS FOR AUTUMN FASHIONS AND SOLICITS AN EARLY INSPECTION OF HIS GOODS WHICH, » FOR STYLE AND PRICE WILL NOT BE EXCELLED. CORNER HOUSE, 1, ST. JOHN STREET, CARDIFF. S WING MACHINES BY ALL THE BEST MAKERS. Instructions gratis. 2887 "GRITISH WORKMAN" PUBLIC HOUSES No. 1.—Millicent-street, comer of Mary Ann-street. „ 2.—85, Bute-street, near the Pier-head. 3.—1, Mauglian-terrace, corner of John-street, Penarth. 4.—13, 14, and 15, Custom House-street, opposite the Custom- house Shipping-office. „ 5.—1, Llandaff Road, opposite the Market House, Canton. C.-31, Cliftoii-street, Spiutt. 7.—Llandaff Station. 8.-0pposite the National School, Liaiiclaii. A public-house without strong drink, Where you may sit, talk, read, aiid think, Then safely home return." Rooms to let for Benefit Societies, Committeos, or other Meetings Refreshments at Moderate Charges. Beds, Od. per night, or 3s per week Regular Lodgers at Canton Is. Gd. per week, and a Penarth, 2s. One or two pleasantly-situated rooms to let at Canton to a single man, furnished or unfurnished, on very mode rate terms also a stable. Visitors w Penarth will find every accommodation in -No. Apartments, large Shop, Cellers, Coach-house ant. Seable to let there. A good opening for a Butaher or Ship Chandler. Subscriptions for furnishing are very much needed. Will no Subscriptions for furnishing are very much needed. Will no one help ? Shall these houses that are calculated to do so much good be allowed to struggle cn in debt?-J. COKT, Treasurer G. SMART, Hon Sec 1126 justness Addresses* -=- AUTUMN, 1S72. JJ O W E L L & CO, WILL OFFER, ON THURSDAY NEXT, OCTOBER tub 17r:r; SPECIALITIES IN JACKETS, COSTUMES, SKIRTS, MILLINERY, WORTHY OF YOFR INSPECTION. AN EARLY CALL WILL OBLIGE HOWELL & Co., "THE CARDIFF DRAPERS." 13 & 14, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF.' Q R I G I N A L P A I N T I N G S MR. T. L. HOWE PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST, S, DUKE-STRLET, Begs to call the attention of the Clergy, Nobility, and Gentry 0 South Wales and Monmouthshire to his CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF OIL PAINTINGS, NOW ON VIEW, BY SOME UF THE BEST MASTERS. A Catalogue oi which he begs to submit to their notice:- DESCRIPTION". Arnsr. Coast Scene (signed) By Turner. Assassination of Archbishop Sharpe I Sir wm. AiJr1. f Williams, oi Landscape } Liverpool. Views of Windermere H owe. Bettws-y-Coed ilson. Tipperary Boy Cook. Landscapes Jackson. Landscapes (very fine) Boddmgto- Eton College Williams. Hyde Farm Appleby. Dancing Lesson «•; Steen. Hop Pickers W. Pitt. Spanish Figures Phillip. Fruit (very fine) Hughes. Landscape (signed) Ruysdael Shipping Ostade. Shipping Vandevolde. The Oid Mill Old Crome. The Falls of Westmorelanu StubVts. Gipsies Encamped Travers. Mythological Rubens. Pair of Landscapes Van Goyen. View in Rome Guardie. Cattle. Duvali. Figures -French subject. 2933 JOSEPH W A L K E R, HAY, STRAW, CORN, MEAL, AND OIL-CAKE MERCHANT, Is prepared to supply any of the above articles ai lhe lowest posible prices, at liis Warehouse, 25 AND 26, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. AQXNT FOR SIMPSON'S CATTLE SPICE AND PKANGLET'S SPECIAL MANURES. JluMutttiotts* BEST ADVERTISING PAPER IN NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. IYR OTTINGH AM DAILY GUARDIAN. -LI A FIRST-CLASS DAILY NEWSPAPER. Price ONE PENNY. Has the largest circulation of any Daily Paper in Nottinghamshire, and adjoining counties. Saturday's issue over 20,00o. A most valuable medium for advertisers. Rates of charges and copies of the paper sent fres oil application to the proprietors. THE NOTTINGHAMSHIRE GUARDIAN. Published every FRIDAY. Price (with supp emeH) TWOPENCK Has a large and high-class circuiation, and is acknowied^ed the great advertising medium for Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, Lei- cestershire, Lincolnshire, and neighbouring counties. OFFICES SHERWOnt) STREET, NOTTINGHAM. 233T LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY NEWSPAPER IN" THIS NORTH OF ENGLAND. ESTABLISHED 1764. THE NEWCASTLE WEEKLY CHRON.!CLE, Published even- Saturday, Price Twoj/eiioe. THE NEWCASTLE DAILY CHRONICLE, Published every Morning, Price One Per.iiy. Chief Offices. Westgate Street (Opposite Centra) StaiionV Newcastle-upon-Tyne. London Office.-IO, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street, E.C. 2097 rj\HE BIRMINGHAM JlORNINU NEWS. EDITED BY MR. G. DAWSON. M.A. The Family and Commercial Paper for tht Midlands. FORTY-EIGHT COLUMNS DAILY.—ONE PENNY. CEXTRAL OFFICE 88, New-street, Birmingham. LOSDOS OFFICE 16, Moorgate-street. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO SOUTH WALES TOPICS. 216ft J^IYERPOOL DA J L Y "A LB I 0- N- IN SWANSEA, The ALBION arrives daily at 4 o'clock on sale and delivered by Mr. COKKLN, Bookseller. LATEST TELEGRAPH INTELLIGENCE SPECIAL REPORTS of the Liverpool and Manchester Markets; South Waits Metal and Hardware Nlarkets; Glasgow Pig- Iron and Clyde* Sugar Markets. The Shipping Intelligence of THE "ALBION" will be found of the greatest commercial value, its shipping advenisemerts K'iag most extensive in number. Every LIVERPOOL Saturday. WEEKLY A L B ION. SATURDAY. PRICE TWOPENCE. Special Prize Essays on The Liquor Trade -See Weddy Albion for particulars.—P.O.O. payable to ALFRED GRAFTOK. 2207 THE G LA S G O W H K R. T L DI Greatest Advertising Medium in Scot.-a >ul. COMMERCIAL AND MARKET NEWS Regarding Sugar, Iron, Cotton, Wool, i v »\\ Early, full and reliable report;, smiTixa INTELLIGENCE. Specially reported from Lloyd's and other leading ourees. The Glasgow T\T E E K L Y H E R A L L- T f is a large double sheet of long coif hi 'i-. And contains the General and District News of the Week, A first-class serial Story, Literature, Politics, Poetry, Wit and Humour, Shipping and Market Reports. One Penny esch. The Weekly Herald posted tor tls. G,¡ per annum. 2S15 THE CARDIFF TIME S, A FIRST CLASS WEEKLY FAMILY NEWSPAPER. PUBLISHED ON FRIDAY, With Second Edition on SATURDAY Afternoon. PRICE TWO PENCE. THE CARDIFF TIMES has been established -A- upwards of fourteen years, and has long enjoyed tha reputation of being the Largest, Best, and Cheapest Weekly Newspaper in South Wales. It has always beer, conducted in a spirit of thorough Independence, is the recogm ed weekly organ of the Liberal and Nonconformist Party, and enjoys a circula- tion greater than the other three county papers r-oruoined. Since the establishment of the SOUTH WALi, DAILY NEW?- and the opening up of Agencies for its sale thr.aghout Glamor- ganshire, Monmouthshire, Carmarthenshire, Pembrokeshire, Cardiganshire, and portions of Breconshire aud Radnorshire the Publisher has received numerous applications from \?ent3 r.ts or the CARDIFF TIMES. To meet this demaad, ami t cover such an extensive area, the Proprietor has made arrangemauts by which the CARDIFF TIMES may now be procured from all he recognised agents of the SorTH WALES DAILY N i:WS. As a medium for Advertisements the Cardiff Timt ij second to none in the country. All orders s.uouid be seat ti D. Duncan, 11, St. Marv-street, Cardiff. FJ^HE SOUTH WALEDAILY XKWI CARDIFF DELIVERY. Persons who experience any difficulty in obiy-ining the SotfjE WALES DAILY NEWS, regularly and promptly, *ix- informed rbat the following Agents undertake the delivery of the paper to sub scribers in their respective districts every moraing before break fast TOWN.—Mr. PllILEMOS TIIOMAS, Bookseller, St. Mary-strcc^ BUTE DOCKS.—Mr. HAYNES, Bookseller, Rothesay-terrace. ROATH.—Mr. SllAPCOTT, Newsagent, Post Office. CANTON j ^ArF JtMr. J. DHIt, Newsagent, 8C, Sevem-rcai ELY WHITCHURCH j CANTON.—Mrs. H. CeRRY, Newsagent, 135, v>wbrid £ >>*oad PENARTH.—Mr, CLARK, Newsagent, &c., Gltbo-stretU. POST SUBSCRIBERS, The Sorru WALES DAILY NEWS is forwarded to Subscribers at distance by the Early Mails at a charge of 9s. yd. per quarVif which must be prepaid. The Residents of tut iollowing and ;ui other places within the Cardiff Postal district. receive their paper? by the morning delivery St. Fagans Sally Michae'sto^e-le-Vc-d?* Per-coed Courtyraila Castletown St. Brides-super-Ely Dinas Powis Marshiield St. Nicholas Ca,doxton Penarth Bonvilstone Barry La:¡J0ll¡i,1 Peterstone Caerphilly Liscu.e Llandafi Bedwas Lu. Radyr Ystrad Mynach W Morgans! own Pwllypant jlatfsUiii Mellingriffith St. Mellons T i» uv = Pentyrch j Cefn Mabh Y\ t 7 Bridge St. Andrews LONDON and West of England subscribers reu;hv their pa.per. on the afternoon of publication. All communications to be addressed to the Proprietors MESSRS D. DUNCAN & SONS, 11, sr* Ca&kk