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^hipping JTtotitfs. "DURNHAM AND CARDIFF l> FT OR A AVALON, or Other suiUble .^erj^ended to »U dunn*the month *S £ FCJ5*IJIR5UI^Bof AUGUST, 1S7- PROM CAEDIPF. FROM BCRSHAM. Sailing to wm1 from Gld Pier. Monday.. S morn & Ci after 19 £ ?^av' t after Tuesday Softer f? I ™rn ?J Wednesday 5J after f} Thursday 4 morn £ Thursday 10 mom £ Bl^S'y 7 morn Friday 10 morn 23 Fn •,•■■■•• morn Saturday 10 morn „ J •7 m°m & 1 after fi Passengers by this route can boo> g station on the •Wrset°and Dorset or London &>uth >\ ester., Railways, by j*e first Thro' Train after the OI the Steamer at Burnham, tpplying at the Railway FARKS.—Burnham, and A a >*n, 2s. 6d. fore cabin, ^^6d. Return tickets (available for three days)—saloon, 4a.; further information n,a1>lbf^-i1!led *>>' aPPlying »t the Burn- 'W Steanaer's Office, l>ocks,^ff. or to 945 J-AY LOR, Manager, Buniham CARDIFF TO NEW YORK. r^IRECT STEAM COMMUNICA TI0:sT between the -^fnPitir BRISTOL CHANNEL AND THK lTED STATES OF AMERICA AND CANADA. SOUTH WALES ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP company's first-class, full-powered, Clvde-built GLAMORGAN 2,500 Tons Pembroke 2,500 Tons %2)h.p- Carmarthen 3,000 Tons between Or other First-class Steamers, will sail regularly CARDIFF AND NEW YORI{. COMMENCING EARLY IN AUGUST- tel from aD £ **ytng GOODS and PASSENGERS at Through d CenaO^ of England and South Wales to the United Stted P .These Steamships are built expressly for the T conven all the latest improvements for the cou"° Kintr- ^Cabin and Steerage Passengers. 4 James. » j> further particulars apply to Budgett ■ „u' tjr6et, Bristol; Richardson and Co., S»'ai>se»j. ot at **«itypool Alexander Brothers, PontyPr ^.VB otHce, 1. Dock-chambers. Cardiff- rf,uLAND. Manager. grebnook "ITKE,ES ^o'^lfkLY.-The Screw £ FAILINGS ^n-cbss ALEXANDRA, O 8tenm-sMPs ^N-ToN A, Captain Mills Captain L»»cC £ A,SA, Captain Fry are ia- «. \'THA, Captain Huckjm" |geiigers-fiom East Bute Dook to Sail with Goods £ t,njsti»occsi, as follows during .-tL681* (uuless prerenteil by C1 ie Houth ef AUGUST:— r AsOOW, as» BELFAST, r .r CARDIFF TO X!) M.nday .•Monday 6 P-" 2fi Monday .10 a.m. 12 Monday 1°, S.T3T TO CARDIFF. fi., FROM 1!> Monday 1 p.m. j Wonday {, | M Monday 1 p.ul. 4 «ondttv CARDIFF, VIA BELFAST. 3 R GLASGOW T q p-Bi, 24 Saturday 2 p.m. atarday •• 3 p.m. 81 Saturday a p sa. •• "2 P-'n- urday .rty to Tow and Assist Vessels. ^P4af.„ u ^Ht Cabin, l"s- 6d.; Steerage, It's.; Greenock or Bel- 9»«-; Steerage, 12s. 6d. G00^' i Hf 'liagsid* i« time for shipment Tw» H*ars before ib6 '° 7{me *f sailing. .^ly^reU^ W!lliam 81oaa Co.; 6ree.(mk, U ^'iaiu Lindsay Cj0'' t» M. Jones X Brotlwr; t„ Robfrt Henderson and Son Bristol, to Mark WMt- A Sou-; *ul1 in to G. F. WEBB £ «0., Bute Deck Banded ffarebww "ALLAN" ROYAL MAIL LINE. SHORTEST SEA PASSAGE i& Canada and the United States. Shortta* to t'»c West. superb steamships of this Line now run direct ever? %y', y and Thursday from LIVEK POOL t« QUEBEC, for- ^K, '('y passei^ere to NEW YORK and BOSTON, and to ALL ^'tS and TOWN'S in CANADA and the UNITED STATES. k Fmij< LIVERPOOL to QUEBEC. y Alanitoban Tue3. Au^. 6 ss. Nestorian Tues. Sep. 19 uJSa.rmatian 1'jiur. 8 ss. Polynesian Thur. „ 12 V^it. David Tues. 13 ss. Manitoban Tues. „ 17 li Momvian Thur 15 Samiatian Thur. 19 V Corinthian Xues.' 20 ss. N. American Tues. „ 24 Scandinavian Ihur. „ 22 *ss. Austrian ..ITiur. „ 20 P. Germany Tues. Oct.I J Hibpimi'an Thur. „ 29 "ss. Scandinavian Thur. „ 3 k -Vovts,tian Tues. Sep. 8 ss. St. David Tues. „ 8 AStot rjru,,r 5 -as. Hibernian Thur. „ 10 {SfS" c;LUwhi'l>s'for HALIFAX, NORFOLK, and The Mail Stean T'M0KE saii as follows BALI j, t!J of the Middle, Wes- ^rding Passengers b> Rail So»uthenl States. tern. South Western, £ )>raYian Tues.,Sept. 24 X ^«tria>; Tues., Aug- « ss; .Tues., Oct. 8 w Caspian Tues., „ "1 Peruvian Tnes., f2 Peruvian Tna»„ Stop*. 10 I P v,-w York, Norfolk, Passage to Halifax, Quebec. accordin? to or Pbilailelphia, £ 18 1^ '>r win'es or Liquors, *hi, £ modation. including Provisions, but n at reduced cau be obtained 011 board. Ket""1fdM^<t8r9aare taken in eft', limited number of intermediate p o jjj neces- ^icSioo.forberths ^«lmc, to attend to thfi wants of female passenger* *> J;L taken from the Ocean Steamships to tlie Railway Cars Y °* expense K+ C:\V""0™alion required concerning Canada c».i be Jtamt CanljS'' 11- Adam-street, Adelph!, London, ai.em VHMOR^T V^ Canada SUPP!jf^,a/JcoYI^«rtTeNU>-IO» PACIFIC • or Freight or P^e, and Co„ Alexandra. BuUdings, James-street, Liverpool, and ^^85, Foyle-street, Londonderry, to V, r FORGE BIRD, 246, Bute-street, Cardiff. ,.llVPisy's SI'ECfAL KOTItaj TO EMIGRANTS. advise Pa^engers to obtain .tieir Tickets from Agents. 5efore leaving h^we. Tiotcl^ SWANSEA COMMER- Hudson TEMPEpffi-j.T) SWANSEA. 1429 ± CIAL HOTEL, 16, ST. MAV^6 — rsi T- BRISTOL. tvp FAMILY N-tlLDHALL COMiMERClA^ ;nl Dininfr Coffee, HOTEL, 36 and 37, Broa.l-^ieet, B" Q w G_ Mght Porter jpr,t an'J Stock Rooms. Dinners jroui t Si, w. T. CBOCW^0^ n E -v AULTS, w I -N- 1) sT R F, E T, SWANTolEMMA^r'»Cr Apnt for the Licensed Victuallers' Wine and Tea Com? st £ )ck_ Ales, Wines, and Spirits of the Finest quality >ne trial respectfully Solicited. Good beds. 1422 A I irst-elass Bowling Saloon on the Premises. SWANSEA. ,nTPrr DAYEN HOTEL, ST- MARY STllEEl- y> Families and Commercial Gentlemen visiting Swansea |"d the above Hotel one of the most central and convenient. l»e i°use has been recently fitted up with peat taste, having particular egard to comfort. Bedrooms and Sitting-room3 not to be sur- Ussed. Wines and Spirits of the Best Quality. Best attendance -n teeù. 1298 Proprietor C. FULLER (Late Upholsterer). pLlFTON DOWN FIRST-CLASS FAMILY 0 HOTEL, FACING THE SUSPENSION-BRIDGE. SUITE OF APARTMENTS, from 3 Guineas per week. Break- i8t. from 2s. Dinners, from 3s. 6d. Service, 2s. A Suite of JPartinents having been recently added to the Hotel, especially for BEDDING BREAKFASTS, the'Manager is i>repared to provide the e oi the most moderate terms. Terms by weekly arrange- ments only. Suite of Apartments, with board and attendance, Quineas each, fires only extra. Bedroom, board, and attendance, public rooms, Jtj Guineas. All meals served to the visitor's •uer. Private drawing.roonl for Ladies. Table D'Hote daily at Sundays at 5. All communications to be addressed, 142s D. GITTENS. Manager. b ti c a &ROSYEN°R COLLEGE. WHI?ELA5IES'-ROAD, CLIFTON-BRISTOL. PRIS'CIFAL •' J'TJIE 'j3riVtol"Ctopy M.A. ROOLSTOMMEWLAL EDUO^ION. FECIAL COURSE OF FAKMERS' SONS. A Book (new editien, 40 Parents, &c. usintss jlddrcg^ W. HUGHES THOMAS, MILLINERY, MANTLE, DRESS-MAKING, SILK, AND fn GENERAL DRAPERY ESTABLISHMENT, QUEEN STREET, CARDIFF. CARPETS, LONG CURTAINS, AND ALL PLAIN DRAPERY GOODS, are still offered AT OLD PRICES. July 20th, 1872. 17W po P AI N T E R S, GLAZIE It S, & c. u PATENT DRYING OIL, 6s. 6d. per Gallon, ^°od the test of 16 years, warranted not to crack the paint like the new drying oil which is sold under a eculiar name. WINDOW GLASS, ENGLISH CROWN SHEET AND PLATE GLASS, 25 per cent. less than manufacturers' lists if in good quantities. SOLE IMPORTER OF FOREIGN GLASS IN WALES. GOLD LEAF, large size, deep, 50s. per 1000. VhiTE LEAD, best, in oasks of 3 cwt. or above, 29s. 6d. per cwt. OILS, COLORS, AND VARNISHES, AT W. D A V I S'S, GLASS AND COLOR MERCHANT, 22, QUEEN STREET, CARDIFF. anautu GIVUK. 316 -= JI usitttss 4dttSSt5. QARDIFF, 24 &_2% I>uKE STREET- SELLING OFF r BELLING OFFH "TTCp LEAVING CARDIFF. DISPOSING OF BUSINESS ELLS AND NEAL hole of their STOCK at such prices as Are OFFERING^ Spee(ly clearance. FOR CASH ONLY. 931 REET, CARDIFF, p April 24th, 1872. jtADAM, Having arranged for Disposing of our Business, ghall offer immediately for Cash the whole of our STOCK, JegUch prices that must be advantageous to purchasers. We are, Madam, Yours respectfully, ELLS & NEAL. The Dress Department is especially worthy of attention, comprising Glacd Alpacas, Mohairs, Tasso Cloths, Fancy Japanese Silks, Piques, Prints, &c., of the latest style. 932 ————— — LEWIS BROTHERS beg to invite attention to their extensive SHOW-ROOMS, which contain a large and su- perior Stock of CABINET and UPHOLSTERED WORK, representing the most modern designs. BEDROOM FURNITURE en suite, in fancy woods, includ- ing Birch, Sycamore, Ash, Oak, and Walnut. BEDSTEADS, in the several Woods, also in Brass and Iron, at all prices. BEDDING of every description, and at varied cost. Our Spring Mattress is a most durable article, and is much approved. CURTAINS of the newest materials in Silk and Wool; also a larce assort- ment of Cretonnes, Chintzes, and Dimities of the choicest patterns. CARPETS AND FLOORCLOTHS by the leading makers only, IrfWt year's patterns at old prices. 19. Hig-h-street. Swap t, a. 12W TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS. MESSRS. W. PRICE AND SONS Respectfully call the attention of ladies and gentlemen to their New Stodc ofiRE B0Yg ANp YOUTHS. Having made this department of their business an especial Htudy and keeping in their employ experienced artists, tUev will find in the stock a largv assortment of YOUNG GENTLEMEN'S READY-MADE CLOTHING, combining everything to please the sh eye with durability of workmanship and perfect fit. A gradation of dresw from one style to another, according to age, is highly reauwiter and attention to this requirement has gained for the PARDIFF HOUSE a high reputation for the Propriety and its JUVENILE CLOTHING. Terms—Cash. One price. No abatement. Address—CARDIFF HOUSE, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. 136 SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS. R. HEITZMAN, JEWELLER, WATCHMAKER &c., 32, ST. MARY-STREEO/ CARDIFF. Now replete with a magnificent NEW STOCK of the most vart description. THE LATEST DESfiGifS IN JEWELLERY, INGREAT GOLD G U A R D' S, VARIETY A X B E R T S, L AND NXCKLACES. } VERY CHEAP. 1472 JOSEPH W AL-K B R, HAY, STRAW, CORN, MB AIL,. AIND OIL-CAKE MERCHANT, Is prepared to supply any of the above rirlieles at the lowest possible prices, at his Waraliotute, 25 AND 26, QUEEN-STREET, SARDIFF. IRM FOB SIMPSON'S CATTLE SPICT. AND PBANGLEY'S AG SPECIAL MANURED 1565 THE SOUTH WALES DAMY NEWS. CARDIFF DELIYEKS. „nv difficulty in obtaining the SOUTH Persons who -wi^riene > and promptly, are infonned that WALES DAILY the delivery cl the paper to sub- b~k- fast:- T„m,AS Bookseller, 90,.St. Mary-street. TOWN.-Mr. PHIWMO> T"OMAS;^NER, RCUIEAAY-TCAWACB. BUTE DOCKS.—Mr..ent> Post Offcce. ROATH.—Mr. SHAPCOTT, NEWSAT.EN LLaSSaFF |Mr. j. DYBB) Newsagent, SO* Sevem-road. WHITCHURCH J ,o3 c»wbridse-road. CANTON.—Mrs. H. CPRRT, Neivsagent, 13», et PENARTH.—Mr. CLARK, Newsagent, &c., "-e08 POST SUBSCRIBERS. The Sotrm WALKS DAILY Nlcws,is forwarded to Subscribers at a distance by the Early Mails at a charge ofO* 9d. per quarter, "hich must be prepaid. The Residents of the follovv-ing and all. other places within the Cardiff Postal district aeeeive their papers St F^ans™1118 dehVCSuily Micliaelstone-le-Vedw pp'nroed Courtyralla Castletown St Brides-super-Ely Dinas Powis n- toS Krv Landough PetTrstone Caerphilly Ijsv^ne ^ndaff YstnidSM\-nach Whitchurch « y pwllvnant Taff's Well Mori^nstown Vlellons ,Songw\nilais Pentyrch Cefn Mably Walllui Tree Brid-e St. Andrews LONDON and West of England subscribers receive their papers on the afternoon of publication. Prnnriptnr* All communications to be addressed to the Proprietors, MESSRS. D. DUNCAN & SONS, 11, ST. AURY-STREET, CARDIFF CHEAP PAPER HANGLSGS. Ee C JONES, NEWSAGENT, ETC- q H I G H STREET, M E 11 T H Y R, »! inform the public that she has just received a large Begs to Hangings of the newest designs, and which she is stock of I jowegt prices. An extensive: stock of Wools of every sellii'n 1L,, i ondon and Provinciai Newspapers, Magazines, and —^OMMLFSSJTON AGENT. CASH ADVANCED ON STOCK. 17 ci,,Tvii-sTItERT, CAIPDIFF. 189 ART REPOSITORY. MR. HOWE begs Patrons, and the PHDHC o OPi:NED HIS NEW AD EXTEXSIYE PHOTOGRAPHIC PREMISES ^<\e and tke multiplied Mr. HOWE'S long experience in the tra tQ resources now at his command, will F!NISH EXECUTE ORDERS WITH THE MOST THE AND READIEST PROMPTITUDE WITHIN CAPABILITIES OF HIS ART- Mr. HOWE, has spared no pains or expense to render his ART REPOSITORY MOST ATTRACTIVE AND COMPLETE; «nd he confidently hopes that his efforts will be appreciake<* a eritioal am4 discerning public. 1^08 Duke-street, Cardiff, June, 1872. JOHN WILLIAMS, HAY, CORN, AND MEAL MERCHANT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, CUSTOM HOUSE WAREHOUSES, (Close to the Custom House,) CARDIFF. 224 UOUTH WALES STEAM DYING COM- PANY. SILK, CLOTH. AND FURNITURE DYERS, CLEANERS, lw., 99, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT. 4W SILK DRESSES PRINTED TO IMITATE BROCADING. G- NFAYBERY, MANAGER. 1913 BUTE AERATED WATER WORKS, 231, BUTE-STREET, CARDIFF. J:,Jr, <N VVATI?T>ARED to SuPP1T the Public with LEMONADE, SODA WATER, and GINGER BEER, in the NEW PATENT STOPPER BOTTLES. £ i> All delay and waste are prevented by their use. T. ELLIOTT, BUTE AERATED WATER WORKS, 281, BUTE-STRBBT, CARDIFF. 1830 m business ddtcs.sØ.. FREDERICK W A R E,' JD (Late WAR* AND SONS), TAILOR AND ROBE MASTER, ESTABLISHED HALF-A-CENTURY, BRISTOL AND CARDIFF.. SOUTH WALES ESTABLISHMENT DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. 107 WHOLESALE AND FAMILY WINE, spnm; ALE, AND PORTER MERCHANTS. F U L TON, DUNLOP, & C O,, CARDIFF DUKE STREET, ST. JOHIS STREET, AND WORKING STREET, sw ANSEA-ii9 and 60, Wind-street and College,stmt; BRISTOL- 33, 34, and 35, Broad Quay, 4 and 5j- Nicholas-street, and Lower Castle-street; ROCHDALE—Exchange-street; BIRMINGHAM—Mackie and Gladstone, Dale End BIRKENHEAD—Mackie and Gladstone, Hamiltoin-street and Chester-street; BRADFORD-Mackie and Gladstone, Kirkgate LIVERPOOL—Mackie and Gladstone, South Castle-stre.,Al; MANCHESTER—Findlater and Mackie, Exchange LO.NDON-Fizidlater and Mackie, 33, Wellington-stroet, Strand, and London Bridge; Also at BRIGHTON and DUBLIN HAVE ALWAYS ON IIAXD A LARGE AND SELECT STO<TK (Duty Paid and in Bond), of PORTS, SHERRIES, MARSALA, CLARETS, BURGUNDY, HOCK, MOSELLE, CHAMPAGiTE, BRANDY, ft SCOTCH WHISKEY, IRISH WHISKEY, RUM, GIN, HOLLANDS, CORDIALS, LIQUEURS,, A-N. BRITISH WINES.- ALSO BASS'S, ALLSOPP'S, AND OTHER ALES. GUINNESS AND CO.'S DUBLIN EXTRA DOUBLE STOUT, CHAMPAGNE CIDER, &c., &c., IN THE FINEST C0ND5S30N, IN. CASK AND BOTTLE. SODA, SELTZER, & OTHER MINERAL WATERS. LIST OF PRICES. &N APPLICATION. FULTON, DUKLOP, AND CO., DUKE-STREXT, CARDIFF. 1443 ROT.&L AGRICULTURAL SHOW. J. G. PBOGER, PLUMBER, GASFITTER, &c., 12 jam 13, TRINITY-STREET, CARDIFF, Begs to announce that he has jusV easnpletsd an Alteration of his Promises, and added a SH9W-R00M' FOR GAS-FITTINGS. His New SOack comprises a large -aid varied Assortment of GAS- FITTINGS, GASALIERS, HALL-LIGHTS, &c., of the most Recent Besiya. J. G..PROGISR occupied STAND- 273 AT THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY-3 SHOW, Where re Exhibited a CHOICE. SELECTION of GOODS from. Stock, including GAS-FTTTINGS, BAR-FITTH,'J:G&RREWERS' FITTINGS, BATH CLOSET FriTINGS,&;D GENERAL. PLUMBING FITTINGS-.Also A, VARIETY OF SPECLVL EXHIBITS. 1436 CLEARANCE SALE OF A LARGE. STOCK OF IRON BEDSTEADS, PREVIOUS TO.REMOVAL TO NEW PREMISES IN SMIIIfcSTREET. JOHN WILLIAMS, SHOW ROOMS: 27 & 28, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. H87 T H O R N • WHOLESALE BOOT AND SHMi; MANUFACTORY 123 AND 124, COMMERCIAL-STREET >, NEWPORT, MON. 1915, BABY LINEN AND. IkADIES' UNDERCLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT, 157A, COMMERCIAL-STREET. MRS. WALTON., Begs to offer to the.-uadies.of Newport and its vicinity, 100 PAIR FRENCH "OVE CORSETS (EMBROIDERED), Finest Quality, ai Gs. lid., regular price, 10s. 6d. 1912 W FISHER'S EATING HOUSE t No. 20,, Caroline-street, Cardiff. COOKED MKAT TO BE TAKEN OUT. Ham Is. 6d. pejlb Boiled Beef Is. 4d. „ Roast Pork Is. 4d. M Pigs Cheek •• Is. 0d. „ Hot Dinners at 9d. and Is. 1362 LAWN MOWERS, GARDEN ROLLERS, JLj GARDEN SEATS, TABLES, Galvanised Wire Netting, Croquet Netting, Indiarubber Hose and Brass Fittings, Watering Pots, and every other requisite for the lawn or Garden in great variety. The Largest Stock in South Wales to select from of BATHS, TRAVELLING BOXES, AND JAPAN GOODS CROSS BROTHERS, SAINT MARY STREET, CARDIFF. 968 THE SUPPORT OF THE PUBLIC IS SOLICITED FOR THE FIVE FOLLOWING "BRITISH WORKMAN" PUBLIC HOUSES: No. 1.—40, Millicent-street, corner of Mary Asn-street. 2. 85, Bute-street, near the Pier-head. 3. Opposite the Post-office, Penarth. 4.-13, 14, and 15, Whitmore-lane, opposite the Custom-house Shipping-office. 5. 1, Llanaaff Road, opposite the Majket House, Canton. A public-house without strong drink. Th™»Lvv,y 8it> ta,k' read> and think, Then safely home return." CUp of Tea or conee, id • Bread and Butter, per slice, Jd.; Plain Tea, bd., Herb Beer, Id.; Gingoi-Beer, lid. Lemonade, 3d. Other Refres ?e. <Jharges. Beds, 6d. per night, r ss per week Refeular Lodgers at Nos. 3 and 5, 2s. Od. per wpek Visitors to 1 enarth will find cheap lodgings at No. 3. Subscriptions J" h"iu". £ c. Ull,ch Co»r, Stuart-square, on v^» 1126 THE CARDIFF TIMES, A FIBSI. A^TOON F^AR™ With f?econd Edition on SATURDAY Afternoon, witn »eC0UU^IcE TWO PENCE. W"' THE CARDIFF TIMES has been established upwards of fourteen years, and has long enjoyed the reputation of being the Largest, Best, and Cheapest Weekly Newspaper in South Wales. It has always ^erjonducted in a spirit of thorough Independence, is the recognised weekly organ of the Liberal and Nonconformist Party, and enjoys a circula- tion greater than the other-three county papers combined. Since the establishment of the SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS, and the opening up of agencies for its sale throughout Glamor- ganshire, Monmouthshire, Carmarthenshire, Pembrokeshire, Cardiganshire, and portions of Breconshire and Radnorshire the Publisher has received numerous applications from Agents or the CARDIFF TIMES. To meet this demand, and tv cover such an extensive area, the Proprietor has made arrangements by which the CARDIFF TIMES may now be procured from all he recognised agents of the SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS. As a medium for Advertisements the CARDIFF TIMES second to none in the country. All orders should be sent to Ap. Duaeaa, 11, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. BUSINESS GUDRESSES. CARDIFF WARDROBE-, 257 & 258, BUTR-STREET, CARDIFF, -[,Xll CHEAP and GOOD CLOTHING andB JL7 second to none-ill1 the PridMapality. A XL GOODS REDUCED, Angust lst„ fboru 7-i to 10 per oe*«- There are* some very Qbeap Bargains in BOj"S' CLOTHING, G EIV-RS, TROUSERS- armi VESTS, to Maitili,. ^ENTS^ NEGLIGE COATS, gEA-SJDE OVERCOATS;, &c., m ECH-lkN.I.C! S' CLOTHlNiSv AND FOR EXPORTATION. P. YK-O' PRACTIClMj. TAILOR AND GENERAL OUTFIITER. BSl'ABLISHED 18 ¡¡ I< ^42 YOWEL" A- "Washing, Machine with a 44s. extra strong,Wringer included,.at £ 0 Is- 6d., deSre. red free- ally %,Ifere-Fr" Trial: allowed- -the delight of every tA ur- chaser, and, repays the cmtlay directly. Thomas Bradford a.,id Co., 63, Fleet-street, London, and Manchester. Catalogues In Je by post. VERY MAN HIS OWN FIREMAN J" MERRYWEATHER and SONS. LONDON BRIGADE FIRE PUMP, £ 3. 8s. 200 in use by the- Lendon Fire BI>«iade. It is estimated that three-fourths of the London Fires are ex- tinguished by this Fire Pump, used in m<»9fc- Hbeatres, Public Building's, and Mansions. Apply for prospectus to MERRY- WEATHER and SONS, 63, LONG ACRE, LONDON. ASPHALTB. ROOFING FELT.- ONC PESKY per square foot. CROGGON AND CO., MANUFACTURERS, Albion Wharf, 10, Upper Thames-street, Leiulou. 60, .George Square, Glasgow- 2, Goref- Piazaaa, Liverpool. IRON CHURCHES, SCHOOLS, and ROOFS, JL Erected by CROGGON AND CO; Albion Wharf, 10, Upper Thames-street, Ln. 69, Gtori;e-quare, Glasgew. 2, Goree Piaaaaa, Liverpool. fpHE^PEfRlFYING^ SILICATE TAINTS, I Manufactured by the Silicate Paint Company,. Liverpool, have no chemical actien on > I xvm. or other Metals, willi IttAnù any decree ef heat without MMtfrhtg, 1 ewt. wiJI. do. the, work elf 2 ewts, lead paints. See Article jp. Engineering, 26th J«i_, 1872. AMP WALLS, DAMP CHURCHES, &e. I cured by. the Petrifying^ Liquid, at a cost of 2d; to 3d. per square y.ard.-See Article in Bu;lder 9th March, lSï2_, For particulars and te«tinionials, applv to THE SILICATE PAINT COMPANY, LIVERP<?OL. F-MIGBATIO.N. T71REE PASSAGES to NEW ZEALAND, with gelectien of land in the Pro »inee ef Wellington. FARMERS and AGRICULTURAL LABOURERS having from £ 1* to o mav apply to the Emigrant antl Colonists' Aid Corporation (Limited). 3, Queens-square, Westaninster. S.W. CO-OPERATIVE COLONIZATION.—FREE PASSAGES to New Zealand, with selection of land granted bo jreups of Emigrants, including Fannors, Dairymen, Ho])-gjowers, Brewers, Sawyers, Artizans, Labourers, <tc. working. 011 the ceperativc principle* Suggestions for' the foriiiatioii, of such groups forwarded on applieation aa above.. CAPITALISTS, FARMERS, and others may make arrangements for the selection and acqQisitioThof land in New Zealand, on application to- the Emigrants' and Colonists' Aid Corporation (Limited), 3(.Queei»'s Square, Westminster, S.W. Y.. AF-C-RFP. AND CO.'S JbJL REGISTERED 'G0L3IKN BIRDSEYE. Sold everywhere, in 2 or 4 ••Packets, at Cs. per lbj. Wholesale only at 170 and 17%. Borough. London, S.E. t>OCKET Swimming LIFE-PRESERVEJR nervous to swim, and makes drowning im- I seible. Post free for 5s.of T. L..y«ajoLB, Malvern. (Truefitt's) is.formed of all long hair, dressed 1oi,jU^ 3 sizes, 26, 30, or 36 inches long, easily inches lone- TtT- ^"1 Also Platts on Combe. 38 at WALTER iUrwUl a<u>ck> which can onIy.be seen JKLKFIIT.S, 1, New Bond-street, London,,W. I ^KSY. REMARKABLE, Preventing and Curinir Snialf^ IiamPloufh'g Pyretic Sulme^in Spftcially Refreshing and Inrt,r" JXv Fevers and Skin Diseaaea. Sold by Chemists and the 1!^ Constitutiom It is —— > 113^ Holborn-hill, London. BSS? ^^rts BuughTlTm^ dressed AIRE and CALDPR Station in old dry Casks, ad- Yorkshire, or to their ordpr BOTTLE CO., C«tJeford, Staiiens. There is li'»t»7o,«M-At„any-of. the London 'Oerniinal above. Letters to 83, Upnei- Tn. BOYS in the Glass .Works as Broken Glass may be sent. ^hauuis-street, where Samples of S~HVR>WT! ^S,I!ARIS EXHIBITION, ISC7. C selections, in Wood^nd^f011'3 n°ted and beverage for family use (not Recommended as,a geoeral VINEGAR, of Henley & Son's s? ™ in Wood and Bottle. To be had 0 le Pl,Mst niaxle, rei>uted quart, bottle indued for »;,Kocer9 alul Drujf^fs-a, the ALES and STOUT, Bass's, JuL r, Loudon Cooper, in Bottle. ^PP s> Guinness sr. aiul the Agents appointed.. Terms on application. Central Office and Depot, Joine* Tooley-st„ LoatW s p HENLEY &.SON JOHN WISDEN & Co CRICKTFttvv^ and FOOT BALL OUTFIT^ r, ™ G 21 CRANBOURN .TrRKKT LiN^N W ^^y St' •) Patentees of the Catapulta, Inv«ji()0ra of the niw 4T" and Portable Telegraph, Bats, Stumps and Book Celebrated Makers. Regiments ac*l ciubs su "h"? ot most advantageous terms. Price Lists, by post free. most WALKER'S CRYSTAL. CASR,, WATCHES are superseding all others. Prize M,i Saris 1867. Silver from £ 3 3s^ Oold fmm London 1S62, E.C 230, Regent-street, W., U nd &b Pamphlet free. Und- *V C- Descriptive hlet free. TEAS.—Best Value for \t«,, WSS^i^SS-ill Cit^ p»id MIP«..1 Wi,J U Wale,. TOOTHACHE CURED IMMEDIATPT V TOYE-S NEUROCIDYNE 7W bottle, by Post, 9. 15, or iti stamps'. Prepared^nfv ht Toye, Chemist, opposite Bow, Railway Station, Lcudou Sold'by all chemists. liliK FOR THE CROWN PERFUMERY Company's r^owx HAIR RESTORER Vy -Aill pceitive]Y restore grey iail- to. its natural Colour /^ROWN HAIR RESTORER -H A TS?''• Pure & Armless. I^IROWN HAIR RESTORER Is a fragrant Pomade. Prevents bald- ness, oaid is most beneficial to the Hair. l'tlce, 3s. (ki. and 7s. per bottle. T JTF, CROWN PERFUMERY Company's EW and Choice PERFUMES Wild Flowers of India. Atemow Queen. Mathiola. NE Wand Choice PERFUMES -1.1 Butterfly Orchis, Hawthorn Bloem Crown Bouquet CJTANPAM) PERFUMES Jo«tey Ch.^ Wlute Rose, Ess. Bouqt STANDARD PERFUMES sdan,ask Rose, WOOD Violets, Ylang Ylazi, Sold Everywhere • T lioldgON'S CRINOLINES. T ILIOMSON'S QVERSKIRTS. -t rpHOMSON's CORSETS. T IROMSON'S CORSET BUSKS. THE BEST MANUFACTURED ARE The "Pagoda" Duplex," or Express" Crinolines. The Genuine Seamless Batswing' Overskirts. The "Pique" Seamed Batswmg' Overskirts. The Celebrated Gleve-fittmg Corsets. The Unbreakable" Corset tusks. The Name "THOMSON, and Trade Mark "A CROWN." The only security for genuine goods. JENNER & KNF-WSTUB'S EUNOMIA (patented).—An important improvement in Watelie&- Morning Post. JENNER & KNEWSTUB'S EUNOMIA WATCH has a perfectly safe mainspring-Observer JENNER & KNEWSTUB'S EUNOMIA WATCH has an improved Keyless Action, cannot b overwound, is a periect timekeeper. -Standard. TENNER & KNEWSTUB, Manufacturers, and fj importers of the best Watches. Some of their work is absolutely perfect. "=Times. Descriptive Lists, post free. Lady's Keyless Gold Watch, 10 Guineas. Lady's Keyless Gold Watch, 12 Guineas. y Gentlemen's English Lever Gold Watch, 12*Guineaa CGold Watch Ctauw, HaH Marked, 18 ct„ 5 Guineas per 02. ASH DISCOUNT 10 PER CENT. The Trade, Merchants and Shippers supplied on the most advantageous terms. JENNER and KNEWSTUB To the QUEEN. Jewellers, Dressing Cue and "I'Mvelliiig' Bag Makers 33, ST. JAAIES,S STREET, and 66, JERMYN STREET, W. ODDS and ENDS in Bundles of 50 Yards, of various and useful Dress Fabrics well worth the at- tention of Families, Institutions, &c. BAKER & CRISP'S 38th Periodical Reductions and usual well-known method of disposing of their Surplus stock. Prices, 25s., 35s., 45s,, 55s., 198, each Let, sent fer P. O. O. Regent Street, London, W, 13 '4 ffiusincss 3Udrc$!Sf!5. "T) LEWIS, CABINET MAKL'R • AND UPHCQ8TERER, CARDIFF, Respectfully invitee the attrition of parties about to Furnish ti > his EXTENSIVE STOCK of CABINET GOODS, CARPETS; DAMASKS, CHINTZ BEDDING, LINOLEUM, FLeMl CloTHS, &c., all of wkich are of the newest deslIM and of the best mmufactme. N-IB.-An assortment of PIAJfOTORTES by beet makers foir Sate and Hire. 101 [GIRC JJ E N R Y SISHOP,. In retiring from business, begs to tvuler his best thanks those Fricmle and the Public who have so Uberally and generoi1 'sly awp- ported Mm during the past nineeT.1 years, and it is wjt*»;gneat sitisfacfifom that he believes the e-vuldmee that baa- been pt&cediifMmforso long a period hag-oontinued to the gi-weia time., H. B. holt much pleasure in introducing: as his successor IPif-F, SINGER, -who has had great experieiie-in every departmeirVof the trade, 2nd who, he has Pko doubt, wil^devote his best en«CT$U)9 tc, ensure tSe same success that has attend id Ms predecessor. All Accounts due to the late arm of Iltnt^i Bishop and Co. -1411; be>received as usual, and AI, Accounts against 'V* same must be sent in to Queen-street or U;Ob8rlUl-street. Cardiff, 17th June, 1872. E. S I N G f. u-iloceediiig the Family Grocery Businesq "'n> Queen-street, s. FwewssfHlly conducted for many years past 1; Henry Bishop, bwrs, by proirijt aitteation to all Orders etdwistied to his care and a carefully-selected Stook,. to merit r, wntinnance ef th sa-Ae patronage -aid support. street, 43mdit, 17th June, 1872. 199..3 WHEELER & WILSON'S SEWING MACHINE M'F'G COMPANY, Supplied by 0R0&8 BROTH E-R S, ST, MAKY-STTREET, CARDIFF. TIUE.- WILLCOX AND Gp IB B S SILENT SEWING MACHIN E, Suv#iet)' Uuroogh their Agents, O-RO S3 BROTHEaSy ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. ALSO-AGENTS FOR THE WI&ISrSHAKJiSEERE, AND AGENORJEA HAND SEWING MACHINES. Either of iheiabove naF, be had oa the Easy PII..I. C P.#,() 'S,s, BROTHER S' ST., MAR-STP.,IEXT, C Ar.DIFF. 1M PARSONS, FLEXGHER & CO.'S INDIAN JL STAIl ICUPUAKT. PARSONt-'FLETCHi.q.C'Ï.JNDÏAN Sl'ARCH YwrPsn^ j_ mid PARSONS, FLETCHER-& COL'S INDIAN STARCH La«t8», Muslirsy-c*, &c. j PARSONS, FfeETCKEA-& COt^ INDIAN STABS3rwill Mt adhere irorw j adhereh-t2e irorw j ARSONS* FIETCHKSM&VCO;& INDIAN STARCH wilTiretoisn its 8tiff;->«3-m thtt daotpset wiatl»ei. PARSONS, FLSTCHEB & CO.'S 2ND1AK STARCH ia-highly V recomrp«n<i«ii. to -Laumireesea. PARSONS, FLETGHESt X GO. INDIAN ST-ARCIL 31M increasci deinaiul is -oof • o £ N excellence. ( PARSON, IKLSTCIEER &• OOJ.'S INDlAN STARCIi i».-paeked J, J, anddlb.' paeketa, ia fetase*. and in 51b. papers. ORKS-GRIAWEI^LAJJB, SOUTHWARK, L0L720N, w MAY B« HAD BViMTWHtRM. N1 B*. II H A R D 2?. HALTER, ] HOS-LM,. G, L 0 V E R, & 1L3#. HIL&HI STREET, CAaDiFF. E-CTAJB.L-IiS-HED 1816. All. who. am. appreciate STYLS A N. D QUALI T And aitt- desirous of 4 GETTING BSfiT VALZix FOR THEIR LM3-I5EY, Ai3&iiiv^tddit39>BQake their PURCHASBSftAT, -THIZ-AP-13,VE ESTABLISHMEK. 190 JGOOTS Chsapest, Best, and« ia greatest variety at OSBORNE'S, OSBORNE HOUSE. PUKE-STREET. CARKSW. 168 N S V R E I N S U ± GOOD NB.WS FQfir THE WORKING CLARES The safest a.*iL htet.ihvestanent for securing Sick. Relirf «.nri Burial Money is-in the SWANSEA ROYALiAND SOUTH UNION FRIENDLY,SOCIETY AGENTS WANTED. For particulars apply fio.Mr. D. O. THOMAS, district appr* Swansea; Royal,litauranc^oflice, Pontypridd Mr. Bute-street, Abenlare >&•- Wm. EDWARDS, Groce- Windsor' place, Neath or the Secretary, Mr. J. C. TUOMAS, Chj^offioT^ Wind-street Cbamtoeis.Swausea. me w. E VAUGHAN STEAM DYEING AND SCCJURING WORKS, LL Alf-D AFF ROAD CARD-Ifp, BRAXCH ESTABLISHMENTS 77, CRjOCKHERBTOWN,)rARm_, Si?, BUTE-STREET, f <-AKUIFY, 52, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT 83^ HIGH- STREET, MERTHYR. pi,O-XFORD-STREET, SWANSEA. 4, ST. JULIAN-STREET, TENBY. Orders resaived, and Parcels forwarded to Woe*gi.carriage free, bv the following. J AGENTS: Aberdase p, Mr. Dance, Commercial-straei. Abergawnny. Miss Watkins, 12, Cross-stseet. Blaenav.on. Mr. J. Harris, London House. Bridgead. Mr. Thomas, grocer, NoltoaiStreet. Brecoosi Mr. Matthews, at Camdea Arms, Watton. Cowbsidgs. lh. Stikbs, Ivor Hoase. Chepstow Miss Rowe, Welsh-streets Crickhowell Mr. Da vies, Manchester Souse. Glastonbury Mr. John, High-street. Haverfordwest.. Mr. Harries, 3, High-street. Llanellcf. Messrs. Ace & Sons, Vaugjiamstreet. Llandilo Miss Punton, Fancy Wanehouse. Neath. Mr. Matthews, at Queer's-Hotel. Pembroke Dock, Mr Brice, Mej-rick-stnat. Poatoool Mr. G. Fowler, draper,. Lton House. Usk C. Messrs. Jones & Powell, drapers, &c. Watchet Capt. Nicholas 223 111, HIGH STREET. MERTHYR TYDFIL WILLIAMS FOR SUITS. WILLIAMS FOR e".E.R COATS WILLIAMS FOR CHEAP TROUSERS WILLIAMS FOR SHIRTS OF THE LATEST FASHi'ftv WILLIAMS FOR THE RE.ST COLLARS FASHIONABLE CUFFS AND Tlfs OF ALL SHAPES ASD COLOURS FRONTS W I T H COLLAR. 1#82 THE SOUTH WALES INDIA RUBBER COMPANY, 2, PEARSON PLACE, BUTE DOCKS, CARDIFF, MERCHANTS AND MANUFACTURERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF INDIA-RUBBER GOODS, Suitable for Mechanical, Agricultural, aad Surgical purposes, viz.: SHEET RUBBER, from one-sixteenth of an inch and upwards. INSERTION SHEETS, (Canvas and Rubber), for Steam Joints. VALVES, for Marine and Stationary Engines, Pumps, &c. WASHERS, all Sizes. HOSE, Suction and Delivery, all Sizes. A WELL-SELECTED STOCK OF STRETCHED LEATHER DRIVING STRAPS,g Of Superior Make and Pure Bark Tannage. DOUBLE STRAPS, ALL SJZE^ ORDER. (For prices send for Printed List.) PUMP BUTTS, English Bark Tanned. STRAP B U T T S, English Bark Tanned RIGGING HIDES. COPPER.RIVETTED LEATHER PELIVERY HOSE. WATERPROOF CLOTHING, in peat Variety HORSE LOIN COVERS CART AND WAGGON COVERS. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE PATENT AMERICAN SELF-LUBRICATING SOAPSTONE PACKING, For Piston Rods, Stuffing Boxes, &c., as universally used in the L inted States Navy, (The oily Packing that will Stand Superheated Steam), Roofing and Boiler Felts, &c. • NOTE THE ADDRESS SOUTH WALES INDIA-RUBBER COMPANY, 2, PEARSON-PLACE, BUTE DOCKS, CARDIFF. 1410 ffinsiness Addressrs. I)* JOTHAM & SON, I WOOLLEST MERCHANTS AND GENERAL OUTFITTERS, 27, ST. MAJBY-STREET, CARDIFF. D. JOTHAM & SON S-UPPI "Y KVERY DESCRIPTIOJM CLOTHING, ^EASDY-MAJWEy or MADE TO MEASURE, FOR AL L AiG £ S, ALL OCCASIONS, AND ATJ, CLASBES-H O»l\TS; VESTS, TROUSEK3I,. TRL^USEERS AND VESTS (TO MATCH), MEN'S BO"Vs> AND YOUTHS' SRTIT*, HJVTS, CAPS, UMBRELLAS, &c. ACT A GEIMMAT, GENTLEMEN'S HOSERY. The a.bove Brtt .blishnewl <ig CLOSEIiV^ MONDAY, TUES- DAY, THURSDA Y, anal: FRIDAY, at. p:m. WEDNElÐAY" SATUI '.DAY, st;10.30 p.m., tltrr-ngliipat the year.. ltiao S A M U U, L H -1. A\ L 1, D 3. A P E R AND, SILK MEECEB,; 9, HIGH STREET, CARIXBy, Bcg,, tt.0, amnounce that he has -LEASED THE .PSaUto^ES AD- JOiyVNG- and now in the ocxipation of Mr. Tjotnae Pritchard, 10, H'igljiStireet, which ho interde OPEXING early. ia; September, in connection witb, bis present premsma. Previc,lo,to. making the necessai^alteration—in oeder to co nnect the tvÙ1 so that they may 2«i»venienty be wonked m me- he -w SELL OFF TET-I WHOLE 05'' HIS S T loC K FOR READY-MONEY at a VER GREAT REDUCTION IN F-VICES. THE SALE TO CSMMENCE nESDAY, AUGUST. 6TH, 187 2i. 1945 YORKSHIRE RELISH. -I- The most DELICIOUS SAUCJ in the WORLD to CHOPS STEAKS. FISH, &c. Sold by all Grocers and Oilmec ia Bottles 6d., 18., and 2s. eaoh. Trade mark-Willow. pattern plate. PILOPRIETous-GOODALL, BACKHOUSE & CO., LEEDS. 61 ORRIS AND. SONS, TCWN CRIER AND BILL, POSTERS^ 34, ORCHARD-STREET SWANSEA, The onl^ Rill Posters employed by the Corporation, Great rt estern Riiiway, and all the principal Solicitors and AualUnteers Swansea.UM1 its district. Country Sales posted to any distance. L. R. LUMLEY, SURVEYOR AND APPRAISER,. 22> VICTORIA STREET, MERTHYR TYDFIL. ESTIMATES PREPARED. Work in al!iBranches of the Building Trade measured and'.valued. Del aljJaAions and Cost of Repairs made up at reasonable charyets 20C5 ¿.Vl ILL E R 'S S A F R T Y. BOILER, As manufactured, by.the ISCA FOUNDRY COMPANY, NEWPORT, MON., Is now bew £ _«stensi\ely used to take up, the waste hc-ea from puddling and falling: furnaces. Its j^eat safety, econcaa^ and the small scfiae occupies for the power given out, causes-it to be adopted wVrever room is valuable. PRICES OX Ai'i'LiCAiiex. 1944 gTBAM SAW MILLS. J. HOWELLS, TIMBER MERCHANT. prrvroot,. SLEEPERS, AND WH.EZLWITIGHTS' MMBEB ALWAYS IN STOCK. YMD-WEST BUTB DOCK. CARMIR 588 p A P E R HANGI N G S, ALL THE NEW PATTERNS FOR THE SEASON Niwoready, commencing at 3$d. per pieee of 12 yards, at J. MOORE'S, 7, BUTE-STREET, CARDIFF. The Trade oWplied.A Wholesale Prices. 2S4 11 & 12, WORKINC,-SMEET, CABSM3S. G. A. STONE, UNDERTAKES, HEARSE AND MOURNING ØOACH PROPRIETOR. OSTRICH PLUME AND GENERAL KTS^ISHING ESI^tBLISHMENT. The Trade supplied ~ith Hearses a requisite f, Funeral Fu^gg^ CV^ A I L W A Y W A OGTO N WORK S, CARDIFF. RAILWAY WAGGONS FOR CASH. RAILWAY WAGGONS OS REDEMPTION LEASE. RAILWAY WAGGONS OF ALL SIZES RAILWAY WAGGONS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. WILLIAM SNEEZUM, WAGGON BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR NEW WORKS:- EAST MOORS, CARDIFF. BRANCH WORKS • BETWEEN THE EAST AN-I) WEST DOCKS, CARDIFF. CONTRACTS MADE FOR RËPAiRS AND MAINTENANCE. DEPOTS AT ABERDARE, LLANTRISSANT, AND RADSTOCK 1412 W ILL I A M SANDERS, AUCTIONEER AND APPRAISER, 8, ROYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF. 266 N. POWELL & CO., WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, 138!, BUTE ROAD, CARDIFF. CLARET AND OTHER FRENCH WINES of choicest qualities. FINE OLD SCOTCH AND IRISH WHISKIES. LONDON GIN AND JAMAICA RUM. BASS.'S AND ALLSOPP'S PALE ALES AND GUINNESS'S EXTRA STOUT, in Wood or Battle. < 14W business Jii&esscs. JJOWELL & CO.'S NEW c- RPET WAKE BOUSE OPESED q THURSDAY, JUNE)3; 1872, TH AN IMMEXSE STOCK Of BKUSSELM iPESTRY, KIDD ERMISSTER, I>UTCH, HEMP AND FELT CARPJTPS, FLOOR CLOTHS, PASSAG-E AND STAIR CLOTHS, &c., In all the aewest patteroe, at prices that cannot fail to owtiefalt itwn, A4680 FIVE HUNDRED PAIRS 6F MUSLIN, L-ENO, AND ÛTTIXGHAH LACE CURTAINS AT PTLfiy 25 PER CKN3 TmÐlkR PRESENT MABXET VALUE. HOWELL AND CO., THE CARDIFF DRAPEJ5& Id & 14, ST. XABY-STHBET, CAltMFF. 353 PL5A»E NOTICE: THAT DERSON, AJBBOTT, AND A5DERSON Keep in.Stock fr the inxnrii^ reo„ire;aent8 of nuaeroua „ Gustomens;, the fbllowing ç. for M Purjwses VU^LCAN^ SHEET3,. froB1 INDIA-RUBBER WASHERS.Jnmk diameter,. Jin. and Jin. tlaoU, 'lrm* to 1S1bv PATENT. SELF-LUBRICAXKfe CHALK P'iDKING, aS size* PAIKNT, INDIA-RUBBER Q&JtE -PACKING ail S12e8. WDI^RUBBER AND C BEtTIN«^. £ ro« 1 to ,in. Jim LE.™ BELTING, Singik.-md-• Double, t8. 7iI* Wide. GUTTA.PfiRCHA BELTING. LEAIHEfi. WDES. LEATHER-LACES. INDIitJUXBBER SUCTION H'ISBL- M GIT(FSS\ WTCGON ^COVES' i £ ?:^FCE"7I0IK CLOTHS, GW WAGGOK cov lu" &'c, ANDERSON, ABBOTIL- AND AT5DERSON,. 16 AND. 17, CASTLErT, SWANSEA. WORKS: LIMEHQKSFI, LONDON. PiiUCE LISTS ON. AEBUCATI ON. 1418 TO ADVERTISER^ ———— ANNIV^-HSAitY SERVICES, TEA. MEETINCs OHADAT GAOHEEISGS, EIS7ED I> FU ,u.A1;.&.c. view to mee a very W view 0 mee^ a want very eenerallv EISTEDDIVJVAU BAZAARS GATHEEINGS, (TWELVE UJfcES) in dept^iu 1^^ lE^OX-E 1NeH the following^tariff^ Wl11 ^PWbUshed m th*-Journal at ONE INSERTION HALF-A -fiTiowxr THREE INSERTIONS E&VE SHILLINGS! .TLLINGS. J. H. C O- RUTT 18, ST.. MARY-STMST, CABDIJrF q -yr (Opposite the Q Hotel), CASTLE-STREET, .SWANSEA^. A-N- 25, CHURCH-STREET, DOWTLAIS, WHOLESALE PERIODICAL. ASD NEWS- AGENT. REDUCED PRICES ANB. CARRIAGE SAID. TRUNKS,, PORTMANTEAUS AS,Q. TRAVELLING BAGS Manufactured at each. place, and REPAIRS NEATLY DONE. THE AjBOV E SHOPS ARE li'ULL. KNOWN Afl-THF CHEAPEST FOR STATIONERY IN THE PRINCIPALITY NOTE THE ADDRESSES. 1515 THK.,PONTYPRU>D NEW TEA, -t- GROCERY AND PROVISION ESTABLISHMENT HIGH-STREET, (Adjwninsr the Entrance t-u. the Railway Station) IS NOW OPEN. All GooQj¡ -jU be sold at the Uwest Remunerative Profit for Ready oa\,}-. 1H71 R. JONES..Proprietor. G w A N S E A A G. E. N C Y FO&. "■SOUTH WALES DAILY SWS." E. E. P-OWSE, CASTLE-SQUARE, SWANSEA, Bees to inform the Public and, the Trade t/w be is the WHOLESALE AGENT FOB THE SOUTH WALES DAILX NEWS FOR SWANSEA AND NEIGHBOURHOOD Persons forwarding their sanies as regul Subscribers to the DAIUY News may rely upon their l° the PROMPTLY AKD PUNCTL'ALLY e^JSZy momilio- in dellvere(i and Suburbs. "lg "art of TOVT. THE TRADE SUPPLIED ON THE 7SI"AL TERMS. ADVERTISEMENTS received before S»w. TERM5" will secure insertion in the N. *•*5^.0'CLOCK each evening. me next mprnmg'&.issue. QAESARVON AKD DENBIGH HERALD, w- ^srP^>El,„iD8. HERALD CYMRAEG (WELSH HERALD), ^ESTABLISHED ) Circulatir Price 1d Published Tfeursday Noon. ?»orth and Sout^Wales'* Lond*0 w-, through 500 Agencies in Mid Birminghwn. London' Liverpool, Chester, Manchester, These :Sational FaniJ' Journals in a complete epitome of ()urrlals. ^Porters and seven special and qualified news from th! u hundred octasMuaal Correspondents,, local fully reDortf-d^th^1QS^8'' Agriculxurai, and Mercantile districts is digaiS^ throughout the whoto ot the North Wales and (Jar- ion^iAdvertisemen1iS of or properties far Sale, these i Present an invaluable medium for publicity-, as ther are regularly subscribed for by afyui* and others iniarested in such matters and through 110 other Medium can the same amount of general and varied circulation be secured in the district. (PEP. POST). PREPAID. CREDrr. law-VeLr. Year. Half-year. Year. Carnarvon and Denbigh Herald.. 5 6 11 0, «' fx d" Uerald Cvsaraeg (Welsh) 3 3 6 ft 4 0 8 0 Published at Carnarvon. Proprietors—Messrs. REES & EVAXK to whom all oommunicatioM mar be uddrsseedi MOQM RUPTURES—By Her Majesty's Royai Letters Pateat. TVTHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS ,J/ ,perfected and exhibited in the Great Exh-bUiomt of> 1851 and 1862, is allowed by upwards of 3M Medical men to ha effective invention in t&e curative treatment t K °f aft8^el,1 so hurtful in its effects, is here avoided, a soft bandage being ween round tha ease and closeness that it cannot be detected, and mav be worn during sleep. A descriptive circular amy be had. and* the Truss (which cannot fail to fit) forwarded W post on tit circumference of the body, two inches below the hip, being sent to the Manufacturer. MR. JOHN WHITE, 22S, PICCADILLY, LONDON Price ofa Sinffle TVuss, 16s 21s., 2Ss. 6d., an*31s. dd. Postage, free. Price oiajn Lmbilical Trus^ 42s. and 63s. 6d. Postage W Pnoe of a Double Truss, 31s. 6d.v and 585. 6d. Postage free. Post-office Orders be mad* payable K> John White Post- office, Piccadilly. NEW PATENT. JGJLASTIC STOCKINGS, KNEE-CAPS, ETC £ For VARICOSE VEINS aod all ONses of WEAKKESS SWELLING of the LEGS, SPRAINS^T&v Sft^Lht m texture, and inexpensive, and aj* drawn off like an ordinary 10s" 16s- each. Postage JOHN WHITE, Manufacturer, 228, Piccadilly, London. 2014 m R. WILLIAM HARRIS; AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, HOUSE, ESTATE, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT. 30, WEST BUTE STREET, BUTE DOCKS, CARDIFF. Auction Sales attended in Town or Country. Agent for the Dominion Line of Steamers, sailin >• weekly 1* Quebec, New Yark, and Beaton. J 199s