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J). JOT HAM AND SON, 27, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF ^EADY-MADE CLOTHING FOB SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR. Q t P. IVEY AND DAVIES, 0RNN DISTRICT MANAGERS, COMMERCIAL UNION LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. DISTRICT MANAGERS, NORWICH & LONDON ACCIDENTAL CO. AGENTS, PLANET GUARANTEE SOCIETY. AGENTS, COMMERCIAL UNION FIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY. ADELAIDE CHAMBERS, SWANSEA. (1 P. IYEY AND DAVIES~ r; • ACCOUNTANTS. G P. IVEY AND DAVIES, RJ • AUCTIONEERS. O. P. IVEY AND DA VIES, V* • AUDITORS. (1 P. IVEY AND DAVIES. V; • APKIAISBBS. (1 P. IVEY AND DAVIES, • BROKERS. (1 P. IVEY AND DAVIES. • BOOKS BALANOBD. O. P. IVEY AND DAVIES, R* • BUSINESS NEGOTIATORS. CI P. IVEY AND DAVIES, • CONTRACTORS. (1 P. IVEY AND DAVIES, • DEBT COLLECTORS. (1 P. IVEY AND DAVIES, ESTATE AGENTS. (1 P. IVEY AND DAYIES, • 'HOUSL AGENTS. T. H. D A V I B S, (Messrs. G. P. Ivey & Davies), AUCTIONEER, ACCOUNTANT, &c., ADELAIDE CHAMBERS, SWANSEA. JNSUEANCE. (1 P. IVEY AND DAVIES, INSURANCE AGENTS. ( i P. IVEY AND DAVIES, ISRSUHANCH AGENTS fOR ——— LIrE. I I P. IVEY AND DAVIES, INSURANCE AGENTS FOR FIRE. f 1 P. IVEY AND DAVIES, INSURANCE AGENTS FOR ACCIDENTS. P. IVEY AND DAVIES, • INSURANCE AGBNTS FQR PLATE GLASS. P. IVEY AND DAVIES, 4 INSURANCE AGENTS FOR CATTLE. P. IVEY AND DAVIES, INSURANCE AGENTS FOR FARM STOCK. P. IVEY AND DAVIES, • INSURANCE AGENTS FOR MARINE. W P. IVEY AND DAVIES, 0 INSURANCE AGENTS GBA- „ RANTBE k FIDELITY (4. p. IVEY AND DAVIES, • INSURANCE IN CONNEC- TION WITH LOANS. F P. IVEY AND DAVIES, 0 PARTNERSHIPS AR- C RANGES. I P. IVEY AND DAVIES, 1 STOCKS VALUED. Q- P. IVEY AND DAVIES, SHARES—BUILDING So- CIETIES. P. IVEY AND DAVIES, • SHAMS—RAILWAYS. 11 P. IVEY AND DAVIES, SHARES—GAS COMPANIES Q- P. IVEY AND DAVIES, SHARES—MINES. Q. P. IVEY & DAVIES'S ANNOUNCEMENTS. P.ùtTNERSHIP.- WANTED, for a first-class Ilufacturing concern in South Wales, a PARTNER (sleep- JJ1? or otherwise) who can command capital front £ 3,00» to **>,000. Profits realized at present are from 2t to 25 per cent. it is contemplated to enlarge the works immediately. Address, G. P. Ivey and Davies, Adelaide Chambers, Swansea. WINE AND SPIRIT BUSINESS. —TO BE *WP°SED OF, a very respectable Wine and Spirit •JSINESS, in one of the most populous towns of South alos. Incoming about £ 1,000. Address, G. P. Ivey and -"avies, Swansea. — SOCIETY SHARES.—For SALE, S in a prosperous Building Society. Particulars I Messrs. G. P. Ivey and Davies, Swansea. rrO be LET, for six months, furnished or unfur- shed, a HOUSE in Walters-road, Swansea. Apply to G. vey and Davies, Swansea. )fltE;aOLD. WANTED TO PURCHASE, miles of Swansea, from i to 6 Acres of FREE- arwi i? LAND for Building Purposes. Address, G. P. Ivey and Davies. Swansea. QP. IVFY JIN> DAVIES, COMMISSION AGENTS, ADELAIDE CHAMBERS, SWANSEA. a04 TRON SCREW STEAMERS, of JL various descriptions, for SALE or HIRE. Also, for SALE, a number of SAILING VES- SELS. For further particulars and price, appiy to RICHARD SHORT, Auctioneer, Valuer, and Surveyor, Cardiff. AN IRON SCREW STEAMER, built 1864, -Ct- class 95A, length 190 by 28.1 by 16, 820 tons D.W., including 120 tons in bunkers, new boilers 1870, water ballast and steam winches; steams well; pretty model. Apply to RICHARD SHORT, 800 Auctioneer, &c., Cardiff. xtea CORK, CARDIFF, AND NEWPORT. "THIRST-CLASS PASSENGER! JL1 STEAMERS leave CORK for CARDIFF, with Goods and Passengers, EVERY WEDNESDAY, calling at with Goods and Passengers, EVERY WEDNESDAY, calling at Milford, returning direct EVERY FRIDAY. For NEWPORT Direct EVERY MONDAY, returning EVERY WEDNESDAY. Fares—Cabin, 17s. Od.; Deck, 7s.; Cabin Return Ticket, avail- able for one month, £ 17ik For further particulars see small bills w. -rs AGENTS. ?™5DIFF-—Mr- E. C. DOWNING, Shipbroker, Bute Docks. NEWPORT.-Mr. JAMES MADDOCKS, Dock-street. CORK.—The City of Cork Steam Packet Company, Penrese Quay. 374 /k* "ORISTOL & CARDIFF Steamers, GRANVILLE or WYE.—MAY, 1872. Frem Cardiff, calling at From Bathurst Basin, calling Hotwells. at Hotwells. 20 Monday 1J after 28 Monday 5 after 21 Tuesday 21 after 21 Tuesday 51 after 22 Wednesday at after 22 Wednesday 6t after 23 Thursday, 4| after 23 Thursday <t| after 24 Friday 5 after 24 Friday 7 after 25 Saturday 5! after SB Saturday, to & fro 8! morn 27 Monday 7 morn 27 Monday 10 morn FARES.—After cabin, 2s, 6d.; fore cabin, Is. 6d. To-and-fre same day or next (provided a to-and-fro ticket be taken) After cabin, 8s. 6d.; fore cabin, 2s. To-and-fre tickets will also be issued on Saturday, available for the return trip en Monday. Rates for carriages, horses, cattle, sheep, Ax., and freights for merchandise, may be obtained of Mr. JOHN THOMAS, Steam Packet Wharf, Bute Docks, Cardiff. 801 TJURNHAM AND CARDIFF, Lift' p JL> calling at WESTON (weather per- and at the eaptain's •ption). FLORA, AVALON, or other suitable Steamer, is intended to sail during the month • £ MAY, 1872 FROM BPBKHAM. „ FROM CAMirr. Sailing to and from Old Pier. 20 Monday 21 after 20 Monday 51 after 21 Tuesday 2i after 21 Tuesday 61 after 22 Wedy., 7 morn and 6; after* 22 Wednesday 3* after 28 Thursday S; after 23 Thursday 7 morn 24 Friday 4 after 24 Friday 7 morn 25 Saturday õt after 26 Saturday. 7 morn 27 Monday < after 27 Monday 7 mom The Steamer is intended, t. Cftlt at WESTON-SCPER-MARE about three quarters of an how ofter leaving Biaiiham or Cardiff, ex- cept on sailings marked Passengers by this route can book 3rd class to any station on the Somerset and Dorset or London and Soatk Western Railways, by the Irst Thro' Trail after the arrival of the Steamer at Burnham, by applying at the Railway Station. FARES.—Burnham, Westom, and Cardiff.—After cabin, 2s. 6d.; fore cabin, Is. 6d. Return tickets (available for three days)- saloon, dg. fore cabim, 2s. 0d. Further information may be obtained by applying at the Burn- ham Steamer's Office, Bocks, Cardiff or to >45 E. TAYLOR, Manager, Bornharol CARDIFF TO NEW YORII. m?. TfclRECT STEAM COMMUNICA- JL' TION BETWEEN THE BRISTOL CHANNEL 01 TUB UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND CANADA. The SOUTH WALES ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S New, first-class, full-powered, Clyde-built Steamships GLAMORGAN 2,500 Tons 5M h. p. PEMBROKE 2,500 Tons 500 h.p. CARMARTHEN. 8,008 Tons 00 h.p. Or other First-class Steamers, will sail regularly between CARDIFF AND NEW YORK, COMMENCING IN JUNE. Carrying GOODS and PASSENGERS at Through Rates from all Parts of England and South Wales to the United States and Canada. These Steamships are built expressly for the Trade, and fitted-up with all the latest improvements for the comfort and convenience of Cabin and Steerage Passengers. C*for1^,rtl(Xr^tlCUlarS appi^ at Company's Office, 1, Dock „ JOHN LAUGHLAND, Manager. Cardiff, 1st May, 1872. 887 THE BEST AND CHEAPEST ROUTE FOR PASSENGERS FROM THE WEST OF ENGLAND AND SOUTH WALES TO THE UNITED STATES, IS BY THE ^{ £ Wr O.REAT WESTERN STEAM- VT SHIP" LINE. BRISTOL AND NEW Z^^r-^fjORK. The FINE NEW FIRST-CLASS SCREW STEAM-SHIP GREAT WESTERN," 2,000 tons burthen, William is intended to SAIL on WEDNESDAY, 5th. W72. STEERAGE PASSAGE to NEW YORK, BALT1- MORE, BOSTON, PORTLAND, I or PHILADELPHIA, SIX GUINEAS Passengers may be booked through to all parts of the United States and Canada on very moderate terms. To secure berths, kc., apply to MARK WHITWILL and SON, Srove-avenue, Queen-square, Bristol; or to G. F. Webb and Co., Bonded Store Merchants, Cardiff; Harse and Brown, Dock-street, Newport, Mon.; John Mw^an, Postmaster, Fontypool; ftickard Morns, Grocer, Blackwood; J. T. Morgan, 19, Glebeland-street, Merthyr Tydfil; and J. Callaway, Mountain Ash. Passengers are recommended to obtain their Tickets from our Agents before leaving home. 807 REGULAR LINE OF PACKETS FROM SWANSEA TO VALPARAISO, COQUIMBO, AND CALDERA. npHE Undersigned intend despatch- JL ing First-Class Ships at monthly intervals milWBwfor the above-named Ports. Next departure-A vessel at an early date. Fer full particulars of rates of freight and passage, apply to HENRY BATH & SON, Swansea; and 62, tiresham House, London, E.C. 977 CJTEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN SWANSEA AND ITALY, SWANSEA AND HAVRE. One of the Steamers of the Anchor Line will be despatched, at regular monthly intervals, from SWANSEA to GENOA, LEG- HORN. NAPLES, MESSINA, and PALERMO. Goods are re- ceived (unless previously full) until the second day before sailing. Next departure-Early in June. The Screw Steamer HAVRE, or other first-class boat, will be regularly despatched, at intervals of eight days, from Swansea to Havre, taking goods at through rates to Paris. For all particulars apply to HENRY BATH & SOfl, Swansea, 978 and 62, Gresham House, London, E.C. T IYERPOOL" LINE OF -Li STEAMERS FOR THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE.—DIAMOND FIELDS. SS. DOUGLAS. SS. GLADYS. SS. STANLEY. SS. MAUD. SS. MARMION SS. CHESTER. From Liverpool direct. Will be despatched on the 25th May, SS. DOUGLAS ,2,500 tons register feipt. Luty, r splendid new full-powered Steamship is classed A 1100 at Lloyd s, and fitted with every convenience for the comfort of pas- sangers, including bathroom, distilling apparatus, &c. Rates of passage to Cape Town or Port Elizabeth :—First Class, 430; Second Class, 418; Third Class, £10; and to East London or Natal, B5 extra. Freight by special agreement. For further particulars apply to THOMAS MARWOOD & CO., 938 15, Water-street, Liverpool. ESTABLISHED 1860. R. 0. L B A C H, BILL POSTER and ADVERTISING CONTRACTOR, 17, WOOD STREET, CARDIFF. RentSAU t most Prominent Posting Stations in Cardiff, Canton, suaa Roath. 144 D. JOTHAM AND SON WOOLLEN MERCHANTS, HOSIERS, HATTERS, AND GENERAL OUTFITTERS 27, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF. FOR SEWING MACHINES OF ALL KINDS. HENRY THOMAS, GENERAL DRAPER, CARDIFF. 100 c ARPETS FOR O T H I N (I THE NEW DUSTPROOF AND WASHABLE CARPETS Arepreferred by these who use them to all others, and to matting and tloorelÐth of eTery kind, because they are more healthy and comfortable, being draughtproof, dampproof, and waterproof; requiring no beating, cleaning, or paper, preserving ceilings beneath bedrooms from injury, and thus saving their own cost Price 3s. 6d. per square yard. Samples, Testimonials, &c., may be had of MESSRS. CHILES AND CO., 37, BELMONT-STREET, LONDON, N.W. Houses Furnished. Carriage Free. 855 D. RICHARDS, HATTER, HOSIER, GLOVER, &f., 13, HIGH STREET, CARDIFF., ESTABLISHED* 1318. All who can appreciate STYLE AND. QUALITY, ARd are desirous of GETTING BEST VALUE FOR THEIR MONEY, Are Invited to make their PURCHASES AT THE ABOVE ESTABLISHMENT. 190 DUKE STREET, CARDIFF, April 24th, 1872. MADAM, Having arranged for fcisposing of our Business, we shall offer immediately for Cash the whfle of our STOCK, at such prices that must be advantageous to purchasers. We are, Madam, Yours respectfully, ELLS & STEAL. The ]trells Department is especially worthy of attention, comprising Glaed Alpacas, Mohairs, Tasso Cloths, Fancy Japanese Silks, Piquea, Prints, &e., of the latest style. 882 CARDIFF, 24 & 25, DUKE STREET. SELLING OFF! SELLING OFF!! DISPOSING OF BUSINESS AND LEAVING CARDIFF. ELLS AND NEAL Are OFFERING the whole of their STOCK at such prices as must effect a Speedy Clearance. ■>> FOR CASH ONLY. 931 WHEELER & WILSON'S SEWING MACHINE M'F'G COMPANY, Supplied by CROSS B ROT H E R"S, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. THE WILLCOX AND GIBBS JL SILENT SEWING MACHINE, Supplied through their Agents, altOSS BROTHERS, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. 886 PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS, JL LARGEST STOCK IN WALES. THOMPSON AND SHACKELL, (PATKNTEES OF THE ROTAII ORCHESTRAL PIANOFOXTS). PIANOFORTE SHOWROOMS— 4, QUEEN-STREET, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF. AND 18 k 13A, GUILDHALL-SQUARE, CARMARTHEN. PIANOFORTES By all the Beat Makers. PIANOFORTES „ rr, knd Hire, on easy terms. PIANOFORTES „ At prioes to suit afl Parties. PIANOFORTES „ „ ™ -r-, ™ (Old) taken in Exchange. PIANOFORTES TTS-iTpiled on the System. HARMONIUMS «. xmr » By 8,11 th0 Maken. HARMONIUMS For Churches and Chapels. HARMONIUMS For the Drawing-room, the School-room, or the Cottage. HARMONIUMS Warranted from Five Guineas. HARMONIUMS Supplied for Monthly Payments. Music half-price; post free to any address. THOMPSON AND SHACKELL were the first to introduce the now celebrated THREE YEARS' SYSTEM into Wales, full partaUJgrs of which will be forwarded on inquiry. From their thorough knowledge of the Pianoforte Business, they are enabled to select instruments with special ad- vantage to purchasers, ALL OF INFERIOR MAJUI BBlNG ENTIRELY EXCLUDED FROM THEIR STOCK. Discount allowed on all CASH TRANSACTIONS. CAPTAINS AND SHIPPERS SUPPLIED ON LIBERAL TERMS. Price List post free on application. THOMPSON AND SHAGKELL, CARDIFF AND CARMARTHEN. 132 IMPORTANT TO THE PUBLIC. HOWElL '& CO. Will in future Advertise in this space all Special Lines shown by them on certain days. ON SATURDAY, APRIL 27TH, And following days, A General Show of SPRING GOODS in every Department. HOWELL AND CO., THE CARDIFF DRAPERS, 13 & 14, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. N.B.-No Goads Advertised unless from 80 to 75 per cent. under regular prioea. 8ô8 ELECTRO-PLATED GOODS. J T. BARRY, 9, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. < JEWELLER, WATCH & CLOCK MAKER, &e., Begs to call the attention of Heads of Families and Parties about to Furnish to his STOCK of ELECTRO-PLATED ON NICKEL SILVER FORKS, SPOONS, &c., &c., which I* appearance cannot be distinguished from solid silver. They are warranted to be of the best material and finish, and will1 stand the wear of many years without injury. PRICES AS LOW AS ANY LONDON HOUSE. Patterns and Price List on application. 208 THE COMING SEASON. T AWN MOWERS, GARDEN ROLLERS, JU •ARDBS SBATS, TABLES, Oalvaaised Wtre Netting, Croquet Netting, Indiarubber Hose and Brass Fttttagg, Watering Pots, and every other requisite for the Lawn or Garden ia great variety. The Largest Stock of BATHS, TRAVELLING BOXES, AND JAPAN GOODS in South Walea to select from. CROSS BROTHERS, SAINT MARY STREET, CARDIFF. 968 SOUTH WALES STEAM DYEING COM- PANY. SILK, CLOTH, AND FURNITURE DYERS, CLEANERS, &c., 99, COMMERCIAL STREET, NEWPORT. wa-SILX DRESSES PRINTED TO IMITATE BROCADING. &. MAYBERY, MANAGER. 597 ASH versus CREDIT. W. K O R N E R, HOSIERY, SHIRTMAKER, SCARF AND TIE MERCER, &c., 27, 29, & 31, ROYAL ARCADE, AND 178, BUTE-ROAD, CARDIFF. ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES FOR THE SEASON. Immense Assortment of Gentlemen's Scarves and Ties. PLAIN AND FANCY HOSIERY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. A Choice Assortment of Ladies' Fancy Drapery. ALL GOODS AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES, FOR CASH ONLY. 815 MR, JOHN SAMUEL (late of Neath), Successor to Mr. ROCHE, AUCTION MART, CHURCH-STREET, CARDIFF, AUCTIONEER, ACCOUNTANT, HOUSE AND ESTATE, INSURANCE, and GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT. Drapers' and Outfitters' Stocks Valued, and Businesses Trans- ferred. Agent for the Standard Life Assurance Company. „ Law Fire Insurance Company, and „ „ Norwich and London Accident and Casualty and Plate Glass Insurance Company. 582 H. SWEETING, 13, DUKE STREET, CARDIFF, HOSIER AND GLOYER. A SPLENDID SELECTION OF SCARVES, GLOVES, UMBRELLAS, &c. Ladies and Gentlemen are respectfully invited to inspect his Stock, which will be found to be of a very superior quality, and win be sold at the Lowest Prices. 358 OR HAIRDRESSING, PERFUMERY, AND SHAMPOOING. v FOR HAIR BRUSHING BY MACHINERY. FOR ALL TOILET REQUISITES. FOR ORNAMENTAL HAIR OF THE NEWEST DESIGNS FOR WIGS, SCALPS, &c., GO TO H. SWEETING'S FANCY EMPORIUM & HAIRDRESSING ESTABLISHMENT, 13, DUKE STREET, CARDIFF. First class Practical Hairdressers engaged from the prinoipal London Establishments. 357 J ° H N GUT H R I E, (Late Foreman at J. & J. Siddley, Liverpool), HOUSE AND SHIP PLUMBER GAS FITTER, BELL HANGER, &c., Boilers, Baths, Pumps, and Water Closets fixed and repaired. Paint, Oil, and Colour Warehouse. DECORATIVE PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, &c. NEXT DOOR TO THE SANDON HOTEL, ADAM STREET, CARDIFF. (Near the Baths). 695 JJOOTS! BOOTS!! BOOTS! Cheapest, Best, and in greatest variety at OSBORNE'S, OSBORNE HOUSE, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. 168 D. JOTHAM AND SON'S NEW STOCK COMPRISES ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES or a COATS, VESTS, TROUSERS, TROUSERS A" VESTS TO MATCH, MEN'S, YOUTH'S, AND BOYS' SUITS, HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, SCARFS, TIES, &c., &.c., The above Establishment is Closed on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, at 8 p.m. Wednesday, at 4 p.m. Saturday, at 10.30 p.m. throughout the year. i06 FR,E D B R I C K W A R L, (Late WARE AND SONS), TAILOR AND ROBE MAKER, ESTABLISHED HALF-A-CENTUBY, BRISTOL AND CARDIFF. SOUTH WALES ESTABLISHMENT DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. 107 D LEWIS, CABINET MAKER • AND UPHOLSTERER, CARDIFF, Respectfully invites the attention of parties about to Furnish to his EXTENSIVE STOCK of CABINET GOODS, CARPETS, DAMASKS, CHINTZ, BEBDDvU, LINOLEUM, FLOOR CLOTHS, &c., all of which are of the newest design and of the best manufactur,. N.B.-An assortment of PIANOFORTES by best rakers f..r Sale and Hire. lift w HITSUNTIDE HOLIDAYS. « W. PRICE & SONS, For Fashionable Ready-Made Clothing, W. PRICE & SONS, For New Summer Overcoats. W. PRICE & SONS, For Double-Breast Frock Coats. W. PRICE & SONS, For Double-Breast Beaufort Coats. W. PRICE & SONS, For Light Trousers and Vests. W. PRICE & SONS, For Bays' Sailor Suits. W. PRICE & SONS, For Yachting Suits. ADDRESS CARDIFF HOUSE, CARDIFF. 136 CARDIFF WARDROBE, c BUTE STREET, CARDIFF. GREAT ATTRACTION FOR WHITSUN, AND VARIETY IN GENTLEMEN'S ATTIRE. OUTFITS FOR THE GENTRY, OUTFITS FOR THE CLERGY, OUTFITS FOR MERCHANTS, OUTFITS FOR MECHANICS, AT USUAL PRICES. x BOYS' SUITS FROM 6s. TO 30s. ECOHOMY IS OUR MOTTO. NICHOLL'S GOODS IN VARIETY. THE ROYAL TR#USBR3 at 13s. 6d. in every Style and Colour: A gross to select from. SHIRTS, TIES, COLLARS, PORTMANTEAUS, &c. 342 PHILIP YEO, PROPRIETOR. PRINCIPALITY PERMANENT BENEFIT JL BUILDING SOCIETY. ESTABLISHED I860. OFFICE 8, ROYAL ARCADE CARDIFF. This is the OLDEST & CHEAPEST SOCIETY in the meighboarhooil. DECLARATION OF BONUS:— INVESTORS have realised nearly 12 PL-a GEXT. ran AITKPJC having been paid more than £ as Bonus. BORROWERS who have made their full repayments have Veea paid so large an amount of Bonus as to Rlmucm their iaterGk, 4 per cent. per annum. DEPOSITS are taken, for whieb 6 per cent. per annum interer is paid without deductions. Shares may be taken and Popef-p made daily, at the Office as above. 35. WM. SANDERS, Sekvftcj% CARDIFF PERMANENT BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY. TRusTEn: WM. ALEXANDER, Esq., I CHAS. W. DAVID, Eso^ CHARLES H. WILLIAMS, Esq. [ (MAYOR OF CARBIFF.) The Directors beg to announce that the following Agents to the Society have been appointed, viz.:— FOR MERTHYR, ABERDARE, AND TROEDYRHIEW. Mr. DAVID EVANS, Auctioneer, Merthyr and Aberdare. FOR PONTYPRIDD AND THE RHONDDA VALLEY. Mr. D. T. ALEXANDER, Auctioneer & Accountant, Pontypridd. FOR BRIDGEND, MAESTEG, AND OGMORE VALLEY. Mr. WILLIAM GLADDISB, Grocer, Dunraven-place, Bridgend. FOR WALNUT TREE BRIDGE, TAFFS WELL, MELIN- GRIFFITH, AND PENTYRCH. Mr. W. EvANS, Junction Shop, Walnut Tree Bridge. SUMS FROM TO £1000 RE.KDY TO BE ADVANCED AT ANY TIME. Apply to any of the above Agents, or to the undersigned PETER PRICE, Secretary Dated, Society's Office, S, Crockherbtown, Cardiff. 9^7 MR. THOS. WEBBER, HOUSE ESTATE OFFICES, 32, ROYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF d«ri £ B tb. attention of his friends and the general public to the following Jv! nouncements:— 6 I^I1centNSUBANCES effectcd on ProPerty from Is. 6d. per IDE AND GUARANTEE INSURANCES. SICKNESS INSURANCES AND ENDOWMENTS. LIF3^8^FB'^9?. !n a11 'ts branches. Mutual Assumtea without any additional liability, making the amount assure* payable in life time without extra payment. klSNI' on MORTGAGE at 5 per cent., or on PER- SONAL SECURITY at Special Rates to include Life As- surance, repayable by instalments. GOOD AGENTS WANTED for a first-class Mutual Life OSteo N-X in all towns in South Wales where not fully represented. Apply as above to THOS. WEBBER, F.R.S.L., District Manager. N.B.—Caution.—The present time being favourable to various shallow schemes, T. W. would add, for the assurance of the public. that he represents only first-class offices. Prospectuses on "'po plication. 6b:! I MR. PET E R P R ICE CARDIFF AGENT TO THE SCOTTISH WIDOWS' FUND. Accumulated Fund 200 000 Annual Income | [ '630*000 Annual Premium Revenue 376'386 A purely Mutual Company, very economically managed, and having an Accumulated Fund eight times as largess its premium revenue, is the ideal Company for an insurer."—Saturday Medew. Oct. 2,1869. The Scottish Widows' is "purely Mutual, very economically managed, and, as the above statement shows, the Accumu ated Fund is twelve times the amount of itaVremium Revenue. The balance sheets and information which Mr. Cave's Bill cOIp. pels Life Assurance Offices to publish, have been voluntarily pub- lished by the S cottish Widows' Society since 18, ¡¡"'1d ID" be ¡pels Life Assurance Offices to publish, have been voluntarily pub- obtained of Hr. Peter Price, 3, Crockherbtowe, Cardiff f'- j