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^hipping Jlotues. ALTERATION OF DAYS OF SAILING. .fc, „5p>. iMORK, NEWPORT, & CARDIFF. <&m\Aif T 'first-class passenger steamers "Wffiriii1 leave CORK for NEWPORT And CARDIFF, Goods and Passengers. KVKRY MONDAY, calling at Mil- returninv from NEWPORT EVERY WEDNESDAY, and CARPIFF EVERY THURSDAY until further notice. Pares—Cabin, Jil is ,)eek, 7s. Cablu Return Ticket, available one montfo, £ 1 lis. 6d. For further particulars gee small bills AGF.NTS. 2*Rt>IFF. -Mr. K. C. DOWNING, Sliipbroker, Bute Docks. JX^PORT.—Mr. JAMES MADDOCKS, Dock-street. ^ORK.—Citv of Cork Steam Packet Company, Penrose Quay. 374 CARDIFF TO NEW YORK. ("" '-1.' id, DIRECT STE communication BETWEEN the' B R I h. T 0 Jj (11-\ A ii. -I. and this UNITRD T A: I'EH Oli, AND CANADA ^SOUTH WALKS ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S New, first-class, fui!-po\v«rod, Ciyde-.imilt Steamships Glamorgan 2,500 Tons 500 h.p- ^Eivum-oKii 2,r>09T&»s r»ooii^p- GAKMARTUKN 3,000 Tons 600 h»P* Or other First-eiats Steamers. vvsi. regularly between CARDIFF AND NEW YOKK, .up JJJtese .Steamships we built expressly for tlia Trade, and nU.„ot JJth all the latest improvements f<■ f the comfort and COW jJpWn am? Steerage Pasacnjvers. Passengers provided with maStrenses. |*lSte\\a,rdess ciirrifcit fov tiio fennle einc^vaiits. to be fol- Th« pkmBUOKK wili sail on Thursday, May 8tn, by the GLAMORGAN. Ik., F«r uirtlmr particulars apply to branth. 11, ■fclSTOL 'Bcmdsrr & JamsS, and a Kin.: street. Swansea iuciiaiuison & co"„ &CO. r^WpoRT G. W.JoNss, HKAR"> JJOUCESTER W. ('. !,i;cr Co. r^NTYpooL T. U'Airi! II5„8. SJ^I'YPHIDD AliBXASU'iR John* U. '^aXK.t 1 Castle-street. a^-HYR TYDFIL W. J. I'ubwwbM., 1, 8ERDARE E. < PM"; 24, Seymour-street. soie^rd feiuK1';UUCK fc4v|'|'E« j UMatC^,VCo.! 2. Victoria-place. »rA?''WliST Baitncslot Lowthhr, 21, Quay-st. -p. m. Cuff, Sirliowy Railway. ^AKFwt'V SAMUBU CHAHLKT, E. Evass, Post-office. Afcp^YikY ••••■ E Evans, Stationer. tLA.N VON JOlIN J. Ciialkder, Post-office. William Williams, Grocer. fiRVvi J H N. Ji'CD, Beaufort-house. ff.V.uAAVR Office "l, DOCK-CHAMBERS, CARDIFF. "Uie Company « O*^ LAUGHLAND. Manager. Hie t,wsjt and cheapest route for passengers ^OM THT^ST^ SOUTH WALES To TfTF UNITED STATES, lis Li 1HE "Z^RBAT WESTERN STEAM- vj SHIP LINE." BRISTOL AND NEW -YORK. The FIN E NEW FIRST-CLASS SCREW STEAM-SHIPS of this Line are intended to sail as follows LAPLAND" (1,500 tons) to Sail Saturday, May 10th. *LADY LYCE'lT (-2,000) 24th. 'ARRAGON" (1,600 tons) Junc Wi-.STE*N"(2,000 tons) to follow. STEAMER (",500 tons) Buildinsr CABIN FARE to NEW YOUK is Guineas <NT^?rD^V,E t0 Kl:V'' YORK, BALTIMORE, BOSTON, »ri? £ « Hmw. or Philadelphia, 8i Guineas. STEJiR^GL, 6 Guineas. The Vessels ot this Line do not call at any Irish port, but pro- "eed direct from Bristol to New York. gP&ssen-ers may he booked through to all parts of the United ^Jtes and Canada on very moderate terms. G'r° secure berths, &c., apply to MARK WHITWILL and SON. venue, yueen-square, Bristol; or to G. F. Webb and Co., Store Merchants, Cardiff; Harse and Brown, Dock- j Newport, Mon.; John Morgan, Postmaster, Pontypool; k„ Morgan, 19, Glebeland-street, Merthyr Tydtil J. Callaway, o^'Ntain Ash or to M..lones and Bro., Ship Brokers, ^hsea; George F. Price, Church-street, Pontypridd. i*88engers are recommended to obtain their Tickets from ou r before leavimr home. 80! ¡ WHITE STAR LINE. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS. S^ERPOOL to and from NEW YORK. These new full-powered §fe«nshipS sail from LIVERPOOL on THURSDAYS, QUELJNo on FRIDAYS. ^Public Feb. 20 Baltic ^3 Adriatic Feb. 27 Celtic Vi^i!1086 vesse!s arc a" 11,1 ifor 111 • of lt'e ]iertartment?d' SaloonPand CBKI m°dern conveniences 111 every J through to all parts ^nsare amidships. ^se"f Japan. India, £ the United States.. British of charge. ^•Australia, ^nd 21 gulne^. Return Tickets, 36 Saloon passage, M8 18s anu a "'Oeeg. Steerage, iObs. ,s offlce 39, Broadway. New ^T^lUE, Co., »ut )V..cJ¡., CanlHI to U. A. BEVAN, :S;9 .n- to GEO. R. -» TNMAN LINE of ROYAL MAIL M&L ^oFtiMEilicK «.««- AASIRS- SSSRYR ^SA,OON t'^upply Pf ca'kedPro^io^s. ^•assenJcTS forwarded to Bos- p^fi'nore, or Wboc1jrand,,tliegUNlTED STATES .™aN, 2!, w. KrPo1,further particuhus, apply to WH-JiiAiK ^et» Liverpool, pi ,,rch-street. Cardiff. SobbRx burton" & Sns, orto I*™ Garwood, 57. Scot,t-so eel, 2249 ^kdijrick lovbtt, \V nidso^ [lot—, TTTVt t rvr I ^-aSaND STATES. ^nortest Route to the West.. r nur rml direct every Tues- j The superb Steamships of this Line ^Dand QUEBEC, j*y andThursdayfromLIVERl'OOLtoPORiJj' 0N aud to all {^warding Passengers to NI^V Y'»KK and BO^l^ and Towns i'i Canada and the Unit ^yg^poOL TO from uverpool to from WVebEc. 1, QUEBEC. Wrr.,esdav, 10 June ^matiah, Thurs., 1 May! Man:toban,Tu 12 „ j^torian (Via St. John's N. F. Sarmapian, v 17 „ ^Halifax; Tuesday, 6 May, Caiadian, I. jayt 19 „ j, ^duiiu ian, Xhurs., 8 Nestorian, ^iy 24 ,» to^iiesian, Thurs., 15 „ t'onattoii.W sO 26 j^uvian, Tuesday, 20 „ Polynesian lln^ N.F- S'^rnian, Thursday, 22 „ Hibernian, (Via St. july American, Tu. 27 „ & Halifax) Tuestoj, 1 jJ^ssian, Thursday, 29 Scandinavian, inuis., (Via St. John's, N.F., Peruvian, Tuesday, » «Hali(ax\Tuesday, 3 June' Prussian, Thursday, 1 Tuesday, 3 June' Prussian, Thursday, 10 fc^ssian, Thursday, 5 „ ^TMAOV "e Mail Steamships for HALIFAX, NORFOLK, and BALTIMOl i sail as follews:— ^Wwarding Passengers by Rail to all parts of the Middle Western, South Western and Southern States. ^/istrian, Tuesday, 20 May. Moravian, Tuesday, 1° Jl ^?Pian, Tuesday, 17 June )f^abin Passage to Halifax, Portland, Quebec, Boston, New \oik. « °rfolk, Baltimore, or Philadelpliia, £ 18 18s. or iilo 15p. according ^coimnodation, including Provisions, but not Wines or Liquor oich can be obtained 011 board. Return Tickets at reduced *»tes. A limited number of intermediate passengers are taken m «4ch steamer at £ 9 0s., including Beds, Bedding, and all neces- sary utei.sils, dining apart from steerage. Applications for berths to be made m advance. Steerage Passage to St. John, Halifax, Quebec, Portland, Bos- New "iork, Norfolk, or Baltimore, £ 0 6s., including a plenti- *jjl supply of cooked provisions. Steei-age Stewardesses are by this line to attend to the wants of female passengers *»»d children. Jbifigam taken from the Oeean Steamships to the Railway Cars of Any information CAdehS.Parna(ij' can be obtained ^>ni Mr. Dixon, 11, Adam-street, Adelphi, London Agent for the ttphletsVoen' toiSa 8«Pl1"e^ANWSCor u uS«JORTE8T Routb to ,SA^ n'Iri-Kra ^ssvied' onthe mott..Union .*Cikic Railroad THROUGH Ticunrs issueu on the most favour- r^n:Srs 4 co Alexandra l.ml.Wstrcet> Londonderry, Or ♦ „ Ktreet Cardiff; John R. Taylor, to George Bird, 246, ^Ne^.port; James Ayre, C4,Dock- Pontjni'.ster, lieai 1 nUay Parade, Swansea. Newport; R. Pru»t- T i,,iellv John Copeland, 124, Bowen, 17, Thomas-street, r. 'C0 ) Milford Haven fte„°*8treet, Merthyr Tydvil; J»ck Mr David Wiiliams, 10 ?? Humphreys, Welfield-road, Al xall(ier, Pontypridd; John-street, Carmarthen; David 1- e8 U- Morgan, Pontypridd. bMiohants. to- COMPANY S SPKCIAL >OTICK 1V {rom ou,. AgClltS e advise Passengers to obtain their 1 4809 home. £ TVT A T I 0 N A L LINE gmKr JN A TO NEW YORK. LAKGEST STEAMERS AFLOAT. FROM LIVERPOOL EVERY WEDNESDAY. FROM QUEENisTOWN EVERY THURSDAY. ,The well-known lull-powered Iron Screw Steaui-s 1 rj*0Dg 8hipa Tons Ships 4000 SiJif.W, Grogan 5064 England, Kemp 1411 lS'n» Orace 4900 The Queen, Andrews • Griggs 4302 Holland, Bragg 0055 O,. Thomson 3571 Erin, Lawson Webster 3500 Helvetia, Spencer 079s Tliomas 3500 Denmark, Sumner 8bir, Will sail from Liverpool to New York as under l £ AJto r Wednesday, 7th May. ftbiE'Y Wednesday, 14th May. We<lnesday, 21st May. j. Leaving Qneenstown the following dayg. b^j|?e Saloon accommodation is unsurpassed—the State-rooms Unusually large, and open off the Saloons situated in Poop of Passage, 12,15, and 17 Guineas, according to accommo- ^ek°n in State-room—all having same privilege in Saloon. Return "{eta, TWENTY-FIVE GUINEAS. COMFORT of STEERAGE PASSENGERS specially con- tiujed-the accommodation being unequalled for space, light, jJ.^ntilatiou. OK Pa8sagk—as low as by any other Line—include abun- Fresh I'rovisions served up cooked by Company's Servants. Srjd'cal Attendance free. ftJrWardesses In attendance on Female Steerage Passengers. Passengers forwarded to Quebec, Boston, and Baltimore i Pwt extra charge—and boolced through to San Francisco, and j^'and towns of United Stato-i an 1 Canada on favourable terms. booked throu-.h to Australia, New Zealand, China, Freight or Passage apply to THE NATIONAL STEAMSHIP CO. (Limitkd,) If, £ S, Water-street, Liverpool; J. CUMMINS and BROS., Queenstown, —to Messrs. J. R. T. \|*OLAS and CO., ISO, Britannia-buildings, Bute Docks John (Cymro), 19, Glebeland-street, Merthyr Tydfil; I1ak.sk %8«ows, Newport, Mon.; F. W. Caukt, Aberdare Ciiak. P. Nenth Jas. A. Morgan, Postmaster, Pontypool; IIkkrt ,IR. High-street, Abersyclxm Tiios. Morgan, Mina-street, K*"y; J. W. Down, Terminus Hotel, Bristol. J. W. Dow- Tei ■Afa^fengers are advised to secure thoir PMsages from the Local before leaving home. 5241 £ hiirpto$ irp M1GRAT1« IJVIKTRA .1 ION 1,.MIGRATE' 'either to CANADA or the P/vRl'IKB ABO0T -y „ yoysult the undersigned, who UNTfED UTAT1C3. win atf(in ;llJ0Ut the country, and book wi'l'srivo them eVery lhe.it t'.iro'J^ t"^1,y^'afrent for Jwncs VVi-yte, E«q., O-.vernment T. ij. J will obtain AS8ISTKD- -PASSAGES to Commissioner 4nd g've free Railway Tickets to any part the Donainion ot «i,ice oi the Quebec rJyr Ge'lierp,i Auctioneer, 187, Bute-road, Cardiff, T. V- Ul/NT^*k' passongers for all parts of Canada and the in lie.used to lhe pillowing Liucs: United J £ N ALLAN LIN G. gLTNAli^ DOMINION LINE. 57% MXt$i\\ ,t 'at ti 0: SALE THIS DAY. WELLINGTON-STREET, CANTON, CARDIFF. Mr W. P. bTEPHENSOiS is inslrucfcod to SELL BY AUCTION, at the Queen's Hotel, in Cardiff, on -vnfinAY 1 lie eth day rtf May next, at six for seven o'clock, all thc«e tvVo convenient aud well-built DWELL LNG-HOUSES< situate and bchig K»'S. '43, and 41, Wellington-street Cant.t.n, Oanii^, ni the respective occupations of-Mr. Evans and Mr. Jones, at 6s. a week each. The property is held nnder lease from the late E. I. xicnaras, Uqq., for the residue of a term of \)1) years, at a ground-round of £5 if>s. 0d. )".r annum. „ For further particulars apply to the Auctioneer, or to J*j"- Heard, solicitor, Cardiff. 5870 SALE TLII D." L HILL'S-TERRACE, CARD'FF.. 7\/TR. W. P. iSPEPHEN80-> has received in- i-VjL Sti-uetions to sEIJLi by AUCTION, on TUBSDAY, the 6th May next, at the Queen's Hotel, Cardiff, at six for stV,t;'1. all those Three LEASEHOLD MESSUAGES or DWELbi.^j- I-IOJJShS, f ituate and being Nos. 47, 48 and 49, in Hill s-tei in the pav'sh of St. John the Maptist, in the town of Canaut, occupied by J' hn Morgan ami others as weekly tenants, at amounting in the whole to 2s. per annum. rinT- Also, all those LEASHOLD OWELL/NO-HOUM S or■ vv TAGES, situate in a court leading out of Ilill's-terrae nl.ul)a- (at t!:e back of the first-mentioned premises), now in tion of weekly tenants, at rente amounting in the whole TO £ 23 8s per annum.. „ tprm 0f 190 All the above Premises are held under Lease for nt 0f years from the 1st of January, 1844, at an.annual t, For further particulars apply to the Auctioneer, Daltons, Spencer, and Corbett, Solicitors, Cardiff. • Williams, Solicitor, Cardiff. Barry Island, near Cardiff. MR W P STEPHENSON is instructed to SELL by'AUCTION, at the Royal Hotel,■ FRIDAY, the 6tn day of June, 18^'i(^s ^sl^allhe then and there afternoon, subjcct to sllch co"'l ^oLD ksXA'1'E, known as produced, the very valuable 1R the c unty 0f Glamorgan, Barry Island in the' pasture, and warren land containing ft bout 183 acres m riiannel about eight situate on the northern f^ore of lhe Br^tol of an miles west of the seaport town > trade, and has enormous export and uh aft partg 0f the kingdom^ direct railway as far as the seashore, and the 'lliere is a good road from Carum as^^ for 8everal bonrs. passage across to the island is d V 10j parliament Surveys were made some^years ageVomACardiff to Barry, ohfained, for the construction undertaking which with a bridge from the shore1 to^the out £ or a presents no engineering dimcuny, rery moderate sum. -,i„nt,.d for a first-class watering- j/arry Island is ad tmrably 0uth Wales with their place, of which the mineral dis wen as the town of vast and rapidly-growing population as need and lt 1S Cardiff and its lieIfe;hho^U^'tl^frahway from Cardiff would at certain that the construction o Uit. raiPvay bui[din tolld of once convert the greater part of the isiauu the most valuable cluiracter. extensive views of the The Island coranmnds brautiful and Soulergetsiure Bristol C hannel and 1^ ^ide a harbour, safe and coin- coast. It possesses v,iirttwn and capable of great ini- modious for vessels of 200 tons form of a bay, of hard provement. Its southern shor f tj sheltered (excepting sand, 750 yards wide, enclosed and^perfect j g.ind jn the bay in the south) by two projecting j j in 50 for the remaiu- falls 1 foot in 20 for the first 300 ywds, and iu the b ig g0 intr distance, and the ebb and "ow,of V gentle as to make it perfectly Un,e md a plentiful The Island contains good b"»ding stone1 ana and ther SUDDIV of fresh water. The formation is limesw» building materials can be erected by There is a farm-house aud buildings, also a res a former proprietor.. To,a„,i i, «,,hwt to a small modus There are no tithes, but the Island is subject of 13s. 4d. a year, and to a fee farm or quit rent of da. M. a y6pians and particulars may be had on application ^° tP^le,3 Gatliff, Esq., 8, Finsbury Circus London, and at the Auctioneer s Offices, 21, Queenistreet, Cardiff. AUCTION MART, CANTON MAKKET, CARDIFF. MONTHLY STOCK SALES. MR. BOD1NGTON, M.R.C.Y.S., announces that his next and 17th MONTHLY SALE of STOCK, HORSES, CARRIAGES, and IMPLEMENTS, will take place 011 WEDNESDAY, the 14th of MAY. Entries for this Sale are respectfullj solicited. NOTICE. A SPECIAL ANNUAL SALE will be hcTd'tfrt'MONDAY, JUNK 2nd, being WIIIT-MONDAY FAIR DAY. Ail information respecting the Sales will-be given 011 application to the Auctioneer. All accounts settled same day. GEORGE BOD1NGTON, M.R.C.V.S., Residence and Offices— Auctioneer. .No. 4, Penllinc-terrace, Canton, Cardiff 5859 SALETHIS DAY. Under the powers of a Bill of Sale.—Granstrom's Private Hotel (adjoining the County Court Office), Fisher-street, Swansea. MR. HORACE CUTTING is instructed to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, on TUESDAY, MAY 6th, 1873, upon the premises as above, the whole of the well-selected modern HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and EFFECTS, comprising maho- gany dining, dressing, loo and other tables, dining-room suite in leather, tapestry carpets, hall stand, iron French bedsteads, palliasses, several new spring mattresses, beds, bedding, marble top and other stands, swing classes, polished birch stands and glasses, feather pillows, child's cot, excellent sewing machine, pier glasses, whatnot, fenders, irons, rugs, dresser, and the usual kitchen furniture and utensils, bed and table linen, &c.,t &c. The whole of the above are nearly new, and iu capital condition. Sale to commence at 11 o'clock prompt. There will be no reserve. Auction and Estate Offices, 42, t astle-street, and Goat, street, Swansea. 5985 SALE To MORIOW. GOLD TOPS, NEWPORT, MON. MESSRS. CORNELIUS EVANS & son have received instructions to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the Westgate Hotel, Newport, on WEDNESDAY, the 7th MAY, 1873, at two for three o'clock in th@ afternoon, (unless previously disposed of by private contract, of which due notice will be given) the undermentioned very desirable VILLA RESIDENCE (subject to such conditions as shall be then and there produced), viz.;— All that newly-erected semi-detached VILLA RESIDENCE, walled garden, greenhouse, and premises, situate at the Gold Tops, adjoining the New Church, in the Parish of St. Woollos, called or known as Heber Villa," and now in the occupation of W. W.lliams, Esq. Estimated rental, kGO per annum, NOTK.- The property is Leasehold, and held from the Kight Honourable Lord Tredegar, for a term of 99 years, from the 25th day of March, 1866, at the ground rent of £ 4 10s. per annum. Portion of the purchase monej may remain on mortgage. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneers, 1 5, High Newport, to James Eraser, Esq., solicitor, 12, South- enmre Grey's Iun, London, or to square, u y Mr WM KINSkY MORGAN, gpgg Solicitor, Dock-street, Newport, Mon. SALE TO-MORROW. NEWPORT. -i 1 Ion" LEASEHOLD PROPERTY for investment or occu- ° ..jgjnjr a pair of substantially erected semi-detached RESIDENCES, of handsome elevation, delightfully VILLA chepstow-road, and within five minutes walk of situate on j>a;iWily Stations each house contains five capital the town ari ]juen rooms, dining room, handsome draw- bedrooms, d. window kitchen, scullery, larder, pantry, mg-room, l house and two W.C's,; gas is laid on through- wine ce, „ lawns in front, and gardens in the rear. The out the house > t untenanted, but of the estimated annual above are at pi possession may be had on completion of value of £ 60vfp, d "n lease for a term of 99 years, at an appor- purchase. Del" « per annum, each house. In two lots, tioned gTMmd re -nthe Newport Hotels Company (Limited), Also 30 paid-up snare CORNELIUS EVANS and SON |«/S LSbRfc'. iptION the above, at the Westgate Hotel, 1VX will SELL byAv M ay the 7TII. 1873, at Two for Three Newport on WBDNbsd- /UNIess previou sly disposed of o'clock in the afternoon precisely, v. t>y Private Contract).. iiessr3, Davis and Justice. For further particulars apply tO M Kljtate offices> a5, solicitors, Newport; or at the Autuon High-street, Newport. T)l,r..h„se Money may remain ou NB.—Three-fourths of the Purchase j 5g68 Mortgage, if required. W. H. BID GOO D. AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER, R a T> APPOINTMENT TO THE COU>TY COURT, 6, ARCADE CHAMBERS, C AUD 11.1. Sales efficiently conducted, "^T^ttled for with promptUude. R. PETER pulCE. AGENT FOR TJIE SUN FIRE OFFICE. E 0 F F I C E, THE SCOTTISH WIDOW FUND, THE PLATE-GLASS INSURANCE CO. CARDIFF PERMANENT BUILDING SOCIETY. The Seventh Annual Report is now issued. Apply TO PETER PRICE, 4570 3, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF. T3 ^^E~AT~c~H~, T>TT -I- pngTER & ADVERTISING CONTRACTOR BILL ^v'OOD-STREET, CARDIFF, AND 63 CAR'DIFF-STREET, ABERDARE Rents 111 the Principal and most prominent POSTING STATIONS in Cardiff,^anton, aM FOR ABERDARE. JONES BROTHERS, PRINCIPAL BILL POSTERS AND DELIVERERS n.«rr qtrfft NEATH, AND BRITON FERRY. Circulars Se^ and delivered. Bill Posters to the Great orcuiara adurwse Brecon Railways, and the principal Auctioneers. Lessees of the Principal Posting Place in the .II NOTE THE ADDRESS: HIGH STREET, NEATH, AND BRITON FERRY 2H4. ¡ ilublit JiOtltCS. COAL AT COST PltlCE. rHE LLANTWIT COAL CONSUMERS' COMPANY, LIMITED. Incorporated under the Companies -Acts?, 1862 nnd 1867, whereby the liability of Shareholders is limited to tlie amoitb.t of their th:tre CAPITAL £ 15,000 IN 1,50t) SHARES OF £ 10"KACH, £ 1 Payable oil Application, :I:on Allotment, £ 3 on the 1st Sep- tember, 187,aml £3 on the 1st December, lt73. u- D1RKCTOKS. CHARLES BASSETT. Esq., PvlltYWidù. HENRV JiOWEN, Et;q., Mayor ot Cardiff. WILLIAM PllICI-lARU^Jfisq., J.P., Croita, L'antrlsaant. WILLIAM ALEXANDER, Esq., J.P. and Aluerman,Cardiff. W. B. WATKINS, Esq., J. P. and Alderman, Cardiff. EVAN JOHN, Esq., Liantrissant. BHiKim; THE LONDON and PROVINCIAL BANK (Limited) Pontypridd, and at Uie ^yvcral Branches. SOLICITORS. Messrs. SPICKETT and PitiCE, Ihe Court House. Pontypridd. MINING JiSUINKBR. DAVID MORGAN, E^q., Pontypridd. SKCilETARY (PRO VZ.M), E. a SPICKETT, H's/j Pontypridd. OFWCBS, THE COURT HOUSE, PONTYPRIDD, Glamorganshire. PROSPECTUS. n'he Corupaoy is formed ior the purpose of -acquiring and winkin"- a Colliery si-uaw) at iihuauesou, ih the parish ot f,!air- nt in the county of Glamorgan, known as tuc L.an twit et, Wu.¡¡semI Colliery," and 8upplylllg Coal to Miarchbidlrs at cost The Property comprises about 70 acres of the wet-known Lbntwit Seams, which have for many years been woncoJ by Messrs Powell oi Sou#, and. others -in. adjoturng Propeitie?, and is held by the present Lesees for the. unexpired term of -10 years, at the sleeping re:it of £ 70, and the, low royalties of Od. and 7d. 11 "T'^re°Rre'throe Veins of Coal, having an aggregate thickness of 12 feet 6 inches, the No.;¡ or4-feetSeam being of the bestdeserip- tion for household purposes allll the manufacture of gas, and commands a higher price than any other home coal in south ^The Coal is worked by means of two pits, which arc sunk on the nropertv to the No. ~3 (which is the deepest of the Lhmtwit Spamsl close to the Talf \ralc and Llantrissant Junction Ifcihyay, in connection with which there is ample siding accommodation. About six acres only of the No. 3 Scam have been worked, the Pollierv having been but partially opened by the present proprie- tors irom want of capital. The present output is 20 tons a uay and as the new headways which have been opened are extended the output will progressively increase, and in six months' time will it is believed, yield 100 tons a day. The nurchase money, Including the existing charges upon the Colliery, will absorb about £ 9,000 of the capital, and the residue will be-applied in developing the property. It is nroposed to supply Shareholders with Coal for their own consumption in the proportion of five tons per annum for every rH 0Bt price at the pit's mouth, and which, at the com- mencement of the Company's operations, will average 10s. ton but as the development of the works proceeas, and the output 'increases, the cost will be proportionately reduced. The following table will show approximately the cost of the coal delivered at the following places Approximate Freight and Cost of Coal Tr.t„i Name of Place. Wagon Hire, per Ton at Pit's Mouth. Cardiff (Junction G.W.Ry.) Ill 10 U li Newport 1 •• 10 •• *2 11 Chepstow i 8 ?o 15 3 Gloucester 5 2 10 15 d Cheltenham { J •• •• Bristol 7" •• 10 17 11 Ufrnnd w 2. Ut 5 0 10 15 7 Swhidon 7 10 10 17 10 Hiding 9 2' •• 10 •• 19 2 London (Paddington Station) 11 8 10 21 8 A narrow Guage Wagon contains from 6 to 8 Ions of Coal, and each Shaiieholder, therefore, who has a supply by Rail will have to take not less than one Wagon load at a time, and will be charged the Current Price for any quantity in excess of that which he is entitled to have at Cost Price. ( The Directors will make arrangements for an equitable distribu- tion of Coal to Shareholders according to the order of receipt of application, and in such a manner that the holder of a single Shar^ will be supplied with his quota before larger Shareholders receive a larger supply.. The Coal raised in excess of the quantity to which the Share- holders are entitled, will be Sold at the current Market prices, and will yield at present prices a large revenue. Tons. An Output of 100 Tens a day will yield per Annum about 30,000 Deduct Shareholders' supply cf 5 Tons per Shvre ■ on 1,500 Share 7.500 Leaving a Balance for Sale of 22,500 s. d. The Selling Price of the No. 3 Llantwit Coal delivered on Board Ship is from 18s. to 20s., say— 18 0 Deduct cost of Working, Freight, Tonnage, Wharfage, Weighing, Wagons, and Commission 12 6 Net Profit 1. 56 Thus showing a Net Profit of A:6,187, or £ 40 per Cent. per Annum on the Capital. Applications for Shares must be made to the Bankers of the Company, and be accompanied by a deposit of £ .1 per Share. 5888 XP5 AT H HORTICULTURAL, FiOWER, i.1 DOG, AND POULTRY SHOW. The above Show will take place at Neatii.on THURSDAY and FiUUA Y. the 7th and 8th of August, when good Prizes will be awarded. i Particulars in future advertisements. w__ yOUNGMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION 17, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING, at 8.15 (Subject, "The Life of Christ," in connection with Mimpriss's system), and BVERY SUNDAY at 3 p.m., BIBLE CONVERSATION CLASS. ids rjSo BUILDERS^^AJNI) CONTRACTORS. TENDERS are invited for ALTERATIONS and ADDITIONS .to the CARDIFF SYNAGOGUE, including a New School-room. Plans and Specification may be seen at my Office, 3, Crockberb- town, Cardiff. Tenders to be sent, addressed to the Committee, to my care, on or before WEDNESDAY, the 14th instant. Ihe lowest or an'v Tender mot necessarily acccpted.. 6006 PETER PRICE, Architect. iSALEM TONIOL-FA CLASS. THE SECOND CONCERT Will take pll;ce on WEDNESDAY, MAY 21st, 1873, at the S1UART HALL. EOS MORLAIS has been engaged, and arrangements are being made with other eminent Artistes. Conductor Mr. Rees Lewui. ro«rt Further partioulars in future advertisement. To BUILDERS AND CO. TRACTORS.-The JL LLANGYNIDER SCHOOL BOARD desire to receive TENDERS for the Erection of a School at Nantybwch, county Brecon, to accommodate 350 children. Plans, working drawings, and specifications may be inspected, and particulars obtained, at the Offices ef the undersigned, Market Chambers, Brynmawr, of whom copies of the specifications may be had on payment of a fee of 12s. 6d. (Quantities may be obtained from Mr. W. P. James, Architect, Cardiff. Tenders must be sent to us on or before the 21st instant. The Board does not bind itself to accept the lowest er any Tender. COX, DA VIES, & BROWNE. Brynmawr, May 2nd, 1873. GLAMORGAN AND CARMARTHEN ENGLISH CON- GREGATIONAL ASSOCIATION. THE following Resolution was passed at a Meet- JL ing of the English Congregational Association for Glamor- ganshire and Carmarthenshire, held at Neath, on the 24th of April, and ordered to be advertised in the South Wales Daily Aiews :— Viewing the suddenness and rapidity with which events tran- spire in these days, we are deeply impressed with the great import- ance of the daily newspaper press in the transmission of news and the formation of a healthy public opinion, and beg heartily to recognise the faithful and efficient services rendered to Protestant, Nonconformity, and civil and religious equality, by the South Wales Daily fiews, and would urge its claims to the support of all Liberals in Sauth Wales." 5891 TO-MOKKOW EVENING. D R ILL HALL, CARDIFF. SECOND CONCERT, FOURTH SERIES, OF THE CARDIFF PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY, PRESIDENT J. S CORBETT, Esq. ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 7TH, 1873. HAYDxls SEASONS "SPRING" and "SUMMER." PART SECOND PRINCIPAL VOCALISTS I MlsS BANKS, (Soprano.) MR. TRELAWNEY COBHAM, (Tenor.) SIGNOR FOLI, (Bass.) CHORUS SUSTAINED BY MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY. Band selected from the principal Musical Societies of Bristol, Bath, Gloucester, Birmingham, &c. CONDUCTOR Mr. RElfis LEWIS. LEADER Mr. E. G. WOODWARD. Doors open at Seven, Concert to commence at Eight o'clock. Carriages may be ordered at half-past Ten. Admission-Front Seats, 6s.; Second, 3s.; Gallery, Is 6d. Promenade, Is. Tickets to be obtained at Messrs. Lewis and Williams, Duke-street, where a plan of the Room may be seen and Places secured. 5992 AT LOW WATER MB. S. ANDREWS RUNS FIVE OMNIBUSES CONTINUOUSLY, FROM BUTE DOCKS TO „ PENARTH FERRY. 4574 CARDIFF PERMANENT BENEFIT (J BUILDING SOCIETY. WM ALEXANDER, Esq. 'CHAS. w- DAVID, Esq. CHArIES H WILLiAMS, Esq. | (mayor ok CARDIFF.) NEW APPOINTMENT AS AGENT FOR SWANSEA AND NEIGHBOURHOOD- MR. T. M. JAMES, POST-OFFICE CHAMBERS, SWANSEA. TO INVESTORS. Money can be invested at any time, in the form oi SHARES, or on DEPOSIT, at a fixed rate of interest: N.B.—The only local society that submits its accounts to the valuation of a London Actuary. Apply to any of the above Agents, or to the undersigned, PETER PRICE, Secretary. j Dated, Society's Office, 3, CrockberbWWD, Cardiff. 807 [$usitiess ddtts$e$. f RED E R T C K WARE, JD t 1 (Late SAMUKIi WARE ANn SONS), ESTABLISHED 1807.. TAILOR, CHURCH, STATE, Alfti LAW ROBE MAKER, BRISTOL AND, CARDIFF. Cassocks, Zimarre, Gowns, Hurpiices, floods, Stoles, and other ClericAl Vestments. SOUTH WALES ESTABLISHMENT, DUKE-STREET, 'C'SRDIFF. CLOSED ON WEDNESDAYS AT FOUR, ALL OTHER NIGHTS AT SEVEN. 5699 LAMPS. JL< I^MBOSSED GLASS. JgENT GLASS. ¡, TO RAILWAY COMPANIES & CONTRACTORS, COLLIERY PROPRIETORS .& SHIPOWNERS, CARRIAGE BUILDERS & CHEMISTS, HOTEL KEEPERS, GROCERS, & OTHERS. HALL & PEDDER, ]tAR R S S 'i' R E Iç.r, B R 1ST 0 Ii, (Established 1794,) MAKERS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF SIGNAL, ORNAMENTAL, AND CARRIAGE LAMPS. GLASS BENT OR EM BOS.SIOD TO ANY SIZE OR PATTERN. PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL ORDERS. HALL & PEDDER, LAMP MANUFACTURERS, 1, 2, ANN 3, BARR'S STREET, BRISTOL. 5476 JJIOREIGN CIGAR DEPOT. J. WEAVER, 4, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. HAVANNAH CIGARS Of the Choicest Brands always in Stock. 5750 N0 T I C E THE OLD-ESTABLISHED FURNISHING, CHINA, GLASS, ¡I AND EARTHENWARE ESTABLISHMENT, (FORMERLY THE LATE J. BARKER, LATE PROCTOR & BARKER,) 29, WINE-STREET, BRISTOL, WILL IN FUTURE BE CONDUCTED BY THE WIDOW AND SON OF THE LATE PROPRIETOR. 6383 QOOLING AND REFRESHING DRINKS. STANTON AND COMPANY'S CELEBRATED LEMON KALI AND PERSIAN SHERBET. MANUFACTURING CONFECTIONERY WORKS, BRISTOL. 4604 I SAY, Frank, my boy, I hardly know you. What is it that makes you look so altered ? Don't you see, friend, I have a new suit on; its a capital fit; that's what I rfever had before. I must confess, it suits you well. Who made it and what did you pay for the Suit ? Why, this is E. M. ROE'S NEW SPRING SUIT, AT 42a. But, mind, I had to pay him cash for it: he has a splendid assort- ment, and one of the largest Stocks in Swansea. Well, I'll give him a trial. You say its E. M. ROE, COLLEGE HOUSE, COLLEGE-STREET, SWANSEA. 4451 SMITH AND CO" CORN MERCHANTS, SKINNER STREET, NEWPORT, MON. 4658 sPRING AND SUIVIMER NOVELTIES. SAMUEL PADY, TAILOR AND BREECHES MAKER, 72, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF, In thanking his numerous patrons for th ir continued ani in- creasing support during the past 16 years, begs to intimate that he has NOW READY FoR INSPECTION the Largest Assort- ment of WEST OF ENGLAND CLOTHS and SCOTCH TWEEDS in South Wales, specially adaoted for Spring and Summer wear. REGIMENTALS & LIVERIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ■ 5151 J. & A. S L A T E R, LOOKING-GLASS MANUFACTURER S, SILVERED PLATiJ GLASS, AND VENEER MERCHANTS, 12, LEWIN'S MEAD, BRISTOL. 5024 A M E S I T T, STONE, MARBLE, AND MONUMENTAL MASON, 28, SOUTH LUTON PLACE, ADAMSDOWN, CARDIFF. Every description of Church Decorations in Stone executed. Plain and Ornamental Monuments Tombs, Headstones, and Tablets erected and lettered to any design on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. 4812 pHO 'OGRA PRY! PHOTOGRAPHY! BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. THE INDELIBLE STIPPLED EFFECT For producing artistic results in Portraiture by which means Enlarged Portraits may be exquisitely finished in a few hours. INVENTORS AND PATENTEES MESSRS. LONG, FORSYTH, AND GRIFFITHS. Can only be obtained in Cardiff at J. LONG'S ART STUDIO, 110, ROTHESAY-TERRACE, CARDIFF. CARTES DE VISITE and e,- erv description 8f PHOTOGRAPHY executed with despatch. 6036 D. E. ISAAC AND CO., I. 18, COLLEGE STREET, s W ATTSE A HOUSE FURNISHERS, UPHOLSTERERS, CABINET MANUFACTURERS AND GENERAL FURNISmNG IRONMONGERS. Goods delivered "Free of Charge withinaradiusof Ten Miles. Goods delivered "Free of Charge withinaradiusof Ten Miles. 2126 TO KNOW WHICH HORSE WINS. LOOK THROUGH ONE OF BRYANT'S RACE GLASSES, ONLY 30s. ——— ONLY 30s. BRYANT, MANUFACTURING OPTICIAN, 22, ST. A-LTGUS T INE'S-PA RAD E. MANUFACTORY—2, MAUDLIN-STREET. BRISTOL. REPAIRS REASONABLE. Price Lists on Application. 5055 THE ARABS' COFFEE, Patented 18th March, 1863. No. 719. By our patent process, the volatile oil and aroma thrown tr while relisting is retained. In lib., lIb., and lIb. Canisters, at 28. per lb. SYMINGTON'S PATENT COFFEE, Is., is. 2d., Is. 4d., Is. id. and It. 8d. per lb. SOLD EVERYWHERE. BOWDEN STEAM MILLS, MARKET HARBOROUGH. 3966 rjlURNER BROTHERS, MONUMENTAL AND BATH STONE WORKS, NEAR THE CUSTOM HOUSE, DOCK-STREET, NEWPORT, MON. MONUMENTS, TOMBS, HEADSTONES, AND EVERY DES- CRIPTION OF MONUMENTAL WORK, AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. KSTIMATKS AND DBSIONS SENT ON APPLICATION. MONUMENTS REPAIRED AND INSCRIPTIONS ENGRAVED Agents for Fire Bricks, Sanitary Pipes, .Closet Pans, Chimney Tope, and all kinds of Building Materials. ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. 3761 TO DEALERS IN BUTTER, CHEESE, BACON, *e. J. D. THOMAS GROCER, &c., LLANDYSSIL, It prepared to buy, and deliver at the Llandyssil Station to any address, any quantity of the CELEBRATED BUTTER, CHEESE, BACON, &e., I Of the Cletwr, Cerdin, and Tivy Valleys, on Commission. I The advantages of 25 years' experience, and prompt attention < to all orders, way be fully relied on. Terms on application. G26 ashless JUitescs. GPECIAL AND LEADING LINES K9 IN MUSS US. W. PRTCE & SO.N, STOCK or n ll A D Y tv, A V FT C L 0 'r I I 7S Q FOR THE SPRING SIC vSON. THE NEW ANT ALETTE SUITS For Little j'Joys. j THE NEW SAILOR HUIT.S For Little lioyti. | '-•E N;w i)A.Ni.;if .SUITS | For Littla Boyi;. THE NEW LEUI'ULD SUITS For Youths. THE N'VV SCOTCH TvVEED SUITS I lfor Youths. THE NV.W '.MORNING CO '.TS For Gcr.tlcmcu. THE NHVV DOUWiE-BREASTED COATS For Gentlemen. THE NUW TROUSERS & VESTS TO MATCH For Gentlemen. THE NEW YAOilTING JACKETS !or (;: Tl1/C!l1eH and ny-en :cs. ADDRESS:—CARDIFF HOUSE, ST. MARY-STREET, SHI W I JN (J M A O H I N E T'< tk3 WASlIING MANCVJiS, FillE and THIEF PROOF S + Fl'lS. wit.ii ail 'l' 1 aLectijd -Mticles, supplied l.>Y CROSS H, 0 rl it .ill H S <3 E N E R A L IRONMONGERS, CARDIFF. SEWING MACHINES. The Wheeler & Wilson's Gold Medal Sileul Working Loek-stiieh Sewing Machine. WASHINU MACHINES. 15 nid f ord'sl'aten t V o wel Wash ngMacl; i n e SEWING MACIIIN US. The Wilcox &Gib!> Silent Sewing Mac'i iine.a WASHING MACHIN KiH. The Home Washer, complete, with washer, wringer, & mangle. BOX MANGLES, By Bradford and other Makers. For Sale on easy terms. KNIFE CLEANING MACHINES. To clean tliree knives £ 1 12 0 SEWING MACHINES, Try the Shakespere. Agenoria, Franklin the Weir, W. II. Thomas and Co., or any other Maker. SEWING MACHINES For Sale and Hire upon easv terms. IRON SAFES, Fire and thief proof, ny Cliubb. Milner, Perry, Hobbs, Price, Whitfield, &tc. LAWN MOWERS, GARDEN ROLLERS, SEATS & CHAIRS ALL AT MAKERS' PRICES. 4539 J. COURTIS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL COAL MERCHANT. Best Red Ash, House, and Engine Coal. OFFICE :—BUTE FLOUR MILLS WEST DOCK, CARDIFF 5950 CALEDONIA CONFECTIONERY WORKS, c BRISTOL. PATERSON RICE AND CO., Manufacturers of JAMS. JELLIES. JUBES. MARMALADES. ORANGE, LEMON, CITRON PEELS, And everv description of BOTTLED SWEETS and CONFECTIONS for HOME TRADE and for EXPORTATION. To be had of all respectable Grocers and Italian Warehousemen. — 6239 wm- TucKEt's WATCHES. CLOCKS. JEWELRY. GOLD & SILVER CARRIAGE, BROOCHES, LKVERS, DINING-ROOM, CHAINS, GEVEVAS, Ai :■« B ASTER, BRACELETS, GEVEVAS, Ai :■« B ASTER, BRACELETS, KEYLESS, I DRAWING-ROOM, RINGS, CHRONOMETERS HALL & OFFICE, LOCKETS, AND ALL KINDS OF SILVER & ELECTRO-PLATED GOODS. EACH ARTICLE PLAINLY PRICED. FIVE PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. 24, CLARE-STREET, BRISTOL. MASONIC JEWELS AND CLOTHING. 5951 87, HIGH-STREET, MERTHYR TYDFIL. M W. ROBERTS, 0 WHOLESALH AND RETAIL IRONMONGER. GROCERS' TEA CANISTERS, SCALES, &c., In stock at prices which will compare favourably with those charged by Bristol Houses. Illustrated Price Lists may be obtained. BUILDERS SUPPLIED AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Dealer in Oils, Colours, Roofing Felt, and Vulcanized India Rubber Goods. 5984 BRISTOL IMPLEMENT COMPANY, JD LIMITED, THOMAS-STREET, BRISTOL. NITRATED EARTH MANURE (TLLK CUKAFEliT ANI) BEST MANURE). PRICE £ 2 PER TON: 5982 R. W. BINGHAM. CROQUET (THE PALL MALL).—No. 0-10s. 6d. No. 1-15s. No. 3-218. No. 5—80s. No. C—37s. 6d. No.7-42s. No.8-50s. No. 9-608. No. 10—80s. The various Sundries to make up Sets always kopt in Stock. LITHOGRAPHING, STAMPING, ENGRAVING, BOOK-BIND- ING, and PRINTING dene on the Shortest Notice. Samples ane Price Lists on application. Orders of £8 Carriage Free to any Railwey Station. 8 & 9, BROAD-STREET, BRISTOL, & (BRANCH) 26, TRIANGLE, CLIFTON. 5952 THE PETRIFYING SILICATE PAINTS, As supplied to the Admiralty, Board of Works, Austrian Lloyds, Woolwich Arsenal, Cunard Company, &c. FOR HOUSE, SHIP, AND GENERAL USE, IN DOORS AND OUT, AND IN ALL COLOURS. Manufactured bj the Silicate Paint Company, Liverpool. Have no chemical action on Iron or other Metals, will stand any degree of heat without blistering 1 cwt. being nearly equal in bulk, and doing the work of 2 cwt. Lead Paints. See article in Engineer- ng," Architect," Builder," &c. ARTIFICIAL STONE PAINT, For Preserving Wood, Zinc, and other Buildings, giving them the appearance of White or Bath Stone, &c. AMFWALLS, DAMP CHURCHES, etc., cured by the Petrifying Liquid, at a cost of about 2(1 per square yard. See article in Builder," Architect," Mechanics' Magazine," &c. For particulars and Testimonials, apply to THE SILICATE PAINT COMPANY, 24, FEN WICK-STREET, LIVERPOOL. AGENTS -J. & A. SLATER, LEWIN'S MEAD, BRISTOL. 5083 w E. VAUGHAN & CO. STEAM* DYEING AND SCOURING WORKS, LLANDAFF.ROAD CARDIFF. BRANCH ESTABLISHMENTS 77, CROCKHERBTOWN, )r,Rri™ 248, BUTE-STREET, ^AKWiF. 52, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT. 83, HIGH- STREET, MERTHYR. 98, OXFORD-STREET, SWANSEA. 4, ST. JULIAN-STREET, TENBY. Orders received, and Parcels forwarded to Works carriage free, by the following AGENTS: Aberdare Mr. Dance, Commercial-street,. Abergavenny Miss Watkins, 12, Cross-street. Blaenavon Mr. J. Harris, Loudon House. Bridgend Mr. Thomas, grocer, lton-street. Brecon Mr. Matthews, at Camden Arms, Watton. Cowbridge. Mi. Stibbs, Ivor House. Chepstow Miss Rowe, Welsh-street. Crickhowell Mr. Davies, Manchester Houae. Carmarthen Agont wanted. Haverfordwest.. Mr. Harries, 3, High-street. Llanelly Messrs. Ace & Sons, Vaughan-street. Llandilo Mr. Lockyer, County Press. Neath Mr. Matthews, at Queen's Hotel. Pembroke Dock, Mr Brice, Meyrick-street. Pontypool. Mr. G. Fowler, draper, Lion House. Usk Messrs. Jones & Powell. draper &c. Watchet. Capt. Nicholas. 223 NORRIS AND SONS, TOWN CRIER AND BILL POSTERS, (IN TOWN AND COUNTRY). Handbills and Circulars Delivered with Quick Despatch. ADDRESS :-34, ORCHARD-STREET, SWANSEA. LARGEST MINERAL WATER WORKsTxViTp WEST OF ENGLAND CAR T ERA N D CO., WILDER-STREET, BRISTOL, Have lately erected expensive Machinery for the Manufacture of the highest qualities of SODA, SELTZER and POTASS WATERS, LEMONADE, and TONIC QUININE WATER See our Trade Mark (Dolphins and Anchor on Shield) on every label, as most manufacturers use same colour and shape. 4775 (THREAT SALE OF SADDLERY. — IMPOR- \JT TANT TO GENTLEMEN, FARMERS, LIVER* STABLE KEEPERS. AND OTHERS.—An immense Stock of Carnage, Gig, and Trap Harness Saddle?, Horse Clothing and Saddlery of every description, Knee Wrappers, Rues, Whips, Gig and Carnage Lamps, &c. Ask to see the Han.ess plated on German silver, at £ 5 5s. All-over Pig-»kin Saddles, complete, warranted, at £ 8 3s. Plated Gig Lamps at 18s 6d., usual price 85s One visit will satisfy purchasers that this a genuine Sale. Sale each day from 10 am. to 6 p.m., at No. 8, Victoria-street, Bristol, next door to our Rick Cloth and Sack Warehouse, and nearly opposite the I George Hotel.-PARNALL & SONS, Manufacturers. Bristol and Exeter. Terms, nett Gash —no abatement. 6007 Jteittcs* M&mzts. J jQj J O T AM AND SONS ARB NOW SHOWING FOR THE SPRING AND SUMMER SEASON, 1873, A VRHYT.A"R!Kr CHOICE STOCK, In the following LEPAUTMENTS :— i COATS 'I'jv'Ot. SERS TROUSERS & VESTS (To jIATCH) NEW STYLES in-J GKNTl.KMEN'S SUITS YOUTHS' SUITS I HOYS' SiUtTS I THE BESPOKE DEPARTMENTS ALSO, LVs'jJX 8HUT:: (õn V.-linc and Oxio^d), HOSIERY & GLOVES, .-CURVES NI) TIS, IIATS A3TD CAPS, °zc., Ao. We h-tve now completed a Largo Assortment of t,he litest Styles 31.'c£qlty select jci îrût11 tho SSST H()U8ES. D. í f T >j ) M & SONS, 20 MARY STREET, C'AlvDIJx-. 556)8 'p A i N 'L'.ij; ICS, OA^FSiiTERS, FRENCH JL POLlsliUKfc, Will ijavr ii;- -iay bj having their Goods of 1,; & -Li. UARi^ARD, OIL & COLOUR, MEH-CHANTS, S3, CASTLE- STREET, BRISTOL. LINSEED OIL 3p. Od. per Gallon. TURPENTINE 4s. od. NAt-THA, Rectified 3s. lOd. „ OL1V 10 OIL, lor Machinery 5s. Od. ROSIN 2d. per lb." GLASS PAPER 9d. per Quire. Best French CULZA OIL 3& 9d. per Gallon. Young's PARAFFIN OIL Is. 5d. 11 GF,UE, Best French Stanil,e,t 8d. per lb. GROUND and DRY COLOURS, VARNISHES, and PAINT BRUSHES Cheaper and Better than any House in the City. A considerable reduction in price when quantities are taken. 4722 WHAT MUST WE DO TO luAKE OUR COALS COST LESS? Apply the Newly-invented COAL SAVER, which is Cheap, Durable, and requires no Alteration of Grate. The general public (for all are interested), namely, the Gentry, Middle Class, and the Poor, who feel the hicli price of coal. The Invention is kept in daily use for inspection AT HENRY LEONARD'S, 22, HIGH STREET, BRISTOL. 4774 D LEWIS, CABINET MAKER AND UPHOLSTERER, CARDIFF, Respectfully inviteb the attention of parties about to Furnish to his EXTENSIVE STOCK of CABINET GOODS CARPETS, DAMASKS, CHINTZ, BEDDING LINOLEUM, FLOOR CLOTHS, &c., all of which are of the newest design and of the best manufacture' N.B.—An assortment of PIANOFORTES by best makers for Sale and Hire. 101 USE ONLY JCp OTHEEGI LL' S TOBACCO. SOLD EVERYWHERE. WHOLESALE: 4, STUART HALL, CARDIFF. *052 T>EDINGFIELD'S Twelve years in the steamers T>EDINGFIELD'S Twelve years in the steamers •~T »„ between Southampton Send for his Illustrated and Havana, Price List. Intimate acquaintance with BEDINGFIELD'S the FINK BRISTOL BIRDSEYE, TTAVANA markets of Sold only in packets. XI this A very varied Assortment of Samples celebrated on receipt of 6s. place. Tobacconists, Wine Merchants, Grocers Chemists, &c., supplied with the /^IGARS, finest Bristol Tobaccos. PRICES ON APPLICATION. Wholesale Dealer in T, ,baecouisls' Goods. BROAD-STREET AND PARK-STREET, BRISTOL. 4776 "WORLD WIDE FAME." PALMER'S COCOA CONDIMENTAL FOOD JL FOR HORSES AND CATTLE. ONCK USED ALWAYS CSED-" The cost is lees than one halfpenny per feed, it will put Horses and Cows into condition when all other means have lailed; for rearing calves cannot be equalled, and it will tave 20 per cent, in the cost of feeding. Sole Manufacturers ana Proprietors, PALMER AND COMPANY, LONDON, E. Orders (wholesale )r retail), also applications for agencies to be sent to MR. THOMAS WEBBER, 32, ROYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF. TESTIMONIALS ox APPLICATION. 800 Feeds sent, carriage free, for 32s., to auy part of South Wales. A sample bag of 1-iibs. for as. prepaid. 2428 g J. B U R M A N, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, JEWELLER, AND SILVERSMITH, 9, WINE-STREET, BRISTOL. BURMA N'S WATCHES Are the BEST and CHEAPEST in the WEST OF ENGLAND. SILVER HORIZONTAL, from aci 5 0 SILVER ENGI,M !.EVER, from 315 0 GOLD from 215 0 EVERY WATCH WARRANTED. N.B.—BURMAN'S CLOCKS give the exact time. as received from Greenwich every day by telegraph. 5081 JOHN W I L L I A M S'S (LATE OF DUKE-STREET) NEW IRONMONGERY SHOW ROOMS, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF, NOW OPEN. 3718 THE" UNIVERSAL" STEAM PUMP. THE SIMPLEST, THE MOST EFFICIENT, AND THE MOST DURABLE. FOR COLLIERIES.. FOR GENERAL PUMPING PURPOSES. FOR BOILER FEEDING. (SELECTED BY THE ROYAL BRITISH MADE ONLY BY HAYWARD TYLER & CO., London; AND SOLD BY CHARLES D. PHILLIPS, IRONWORKS & COLLIERY STORES CONTRACTOR, AND MACHINERY FACTOR, NEWPORT. 5963 ST. HELEN'S WORKS, SWANSEA. JAMES BOLTON, MARINE, COLLIERY, AND GENERAL ENGINEER AND MACHINIST, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDER, BOILER MAKER, &c. The Werks cover two actes of ground and have recently been much improved, numerous appliances having been added to facili- tate, perfect, fd economise the various operations. In the ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT the Machinery is of the most modem and approved description, aud fitted for doing every class of work, and new Ma-hints are beinf constantly added. The FOUNDRY is capable of turning out 100 tons of Finished Castings per week, and castiligt3 up to 75 tons In weight have been run by this firm. Tho arrangements for BOILER, TANK, GIRDER MILL *m,i SMITHS' WORK, are equally extensive and complete an'rl VI Works are now being connected with the main lines of lUil w Spur, Mitre, Mortice, Bevel, and Worm Wheels, nlain or i ed, from any diameter up to Sixteen feet, and with anv ° fcreadth of c«g, are made with mathematical accural v P'J;ch or patent Wheel Moulding Machine also, Fly Wheel r. Sc°tt's Driving Pulleys to the same dimensions whinh ,nims> and and Bered if required. cn oa-" be Turned A LARGE STOCK OF PATTERNS ON HA\t> LIGHT ABB HEAVY Castiv^ m Ne charge for Patterns, except under • PLANS, DRAWINGS, and ESTIMATES description, size, or weight, Tendered *J*envand Work of any Contract being- faithfully adhered to tlme *>Rrt °* BOlXER^r'in^Stook^r'in progr^ 1Wn" ENGINES> *ith suitable Qn HIRE, a 25-to Ro:\li Tr.lley with Large and BroÑ Wheel CaIa àe IOIIt by a&& 4886 s. I J3 usiutss ddC5Cj. P-RIF, G AND SUMMER FASHIONS, 1873. ON THURSDAY NEXT, MAY 1st; And Follovring H O W E L L & C0. WILL MAKE A GENERAL EXHIBITION OF NEW GOODS, CO"\1F'R1SING ALL THE LAI 1ST NOVELTIES FOB -1-RFE PFLJSSENT & COvnKG SEASONS. At the fame time they Mill Oiizr a STOCK of TABLE LINENS At 10 per cent.-under manufactuwrs' list or *<-om to 20 PCT Cenfe nsiial retail pricies. B G WE L L & G O., TH5 CARDIFF DRAPERS. U: "01 14, fcT. MARY STREET, CARDIFF. 5164 e M p YEGETABLE AND GARDEN SEEDS For Farln, Kitchen, and Flower Garcien. ALL SEEDS WA,;RA:;TBD OF T:I1:. bLoT QI-ALITT. KEMP WELCH'S SUPERB, OVAL, WHITE VEGETABLE-il A R ROW 11;. per Packet, should be Grown by Everyone. A TRrA:" RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. COLLECTIONS SUFFICIENT FOR ONE YEAR FROM 7s. 6D. TO Z3. Catalogues on Application—Post Free. KEMP WELCH, SEED MERCHANT, REGENT-STREET, CLIFTON, BRISTOL. 5238 (Education. EDUCATION.-kl-L-F- -ORD- H A VE N. THE REV. JOHN EVANS, B.A., London University, Reseives YOUNG GENTLEMEN to BOARD and Educate. The pupils of this school have passed with credit the »relimi«arv exanimations «f the Incorporated Law Society, the Pharmaeeuti- cal Society of Great Britain, &c.. tc., and one "has won the Berman Scholarship, value £ 29, at the Presbyterian College, Carmarthen. Terms very moderate. 4930 BR IS T OL GRAMMAR SCHOOL r—This School prouounced to be second to none in the kingdom having lately had one pupil become third Wrangler at Cambridge' and another Tutor at Christ Church, Oxford, takes no BoarS&s" irv. proposes to supply this want at Tliornbury-bouse, Whiteladies-road, Clifton, Bristol. The Grammar Scheol has six scholarships-two of £100, two of £60, one of £5(1, and one of £20 a year each. Reference to Rev. J. W. n-udicot, M.A., head master. Mr. Howell has also a School of his own at the above residence Those who value Christian training and iirst-elass education. combined may thus secure both. Reference to fiev. S. A Walker, rector of St. Mary-le-port, Bristol. Prospectuses om application. r 4250 ORMAL COLLEGE, SWANSEA PRINCIPAL—W. WILLIAMS. Pupils prepared for the Universities and for Professional and Cominc-i-cml Pursuits. During the past six years iifty-two of the pupils have passed various public examinations. TERhis: Board aild Tuition 0 0 per. an. Tuition (including Latin and French) g 0 ^reek 10 0 German 10 0 Drawing '• 1 0 0 » 4453 STAFFORD CO L L EG E, KJ DARTMOUTH-PARK, FOREST-HILL (NKAR CRYSTAL PALACE), LONDON, s.E. HEAD MASTER MR. CROSS, late Bridgend MATHKAIAXICS, IJC A. G. WATKIN.O.N, I;,q iifdon University. GERMAN rV V' Monsr- I^KCKSDKOOM. UERMA> I)R LurHKAiE, M.A., Ph.D &C DKAWIXG, P AIMING, &c. J. L. KKNWOMIIY, Esq Fa A" F. I-L G. S., &c ASSISTANT IN DITTO J. ROLFE, Esq., Medalist of the Royal Academy. PROFESSOR OF DANCING J. SEATON, Esq., Royal Italian Opera ilous-e. liiore is at present no vacancy, but one pupil can be received on the 25tii March. u.ö78 C^ROSVENOR L AD IES' COLLEGE BRIGHTON PARK, WHITE LADIES' ROAD, CLIFTON, BRISTOL. DR. B. TOMKINS, M.A Ladj- Superintendent of Studies Miss WILSON. Pianoforte and Singing Hiss RUMBOLL. Drawing, &c. J Head Master of I„J O ( CrooVciiorCollesre: Ladj'Superintendent of Domestic Arrange- ments j-Mrs. Jos. Toy KINS. exlmhm'eni?8 pre?ar6d for °^rd and Cambridge Local Q.ROSVENOR COLLEGE, WHITE LADIES' ROAD, CLIFTON, BRISTOL. PRINCIPAL DR. TOMKINS, M.A. Professeur de I rangais, Compiler of the briswl Copy Booll, &c.) TI n 11 MAS'JKR CHARLES BIGG, ESQ. T 'e C"»?e ,s w;ithlu :<*> J'^ds of the proposed site of the new Clifton Station. ery Moaerate Terms. Large school-roem. A antfcZbrTdge Wal ExI?ninaS? ^vfn^p^ed^h 18 are 0CCUI'^ A book (new edition, 40 pages) of Grosvenor College also one of Grosvenor Ladies' College, may be obtained on app'i^n £ contams testinionia^s from parents of pupils, from old pupils refer- ences to parents at Aoerdare, Biaenavon Buiith Brecon CitrdifF Chepstow, Haverfordwest,, Llakelly, .Newport, 1'o. n midTiwi^f' Tenby, Trelech, Tredegar, Mcrtfeyr Tydiil, Clever Boys who would be likely to pass the < >xford Local tem^11"a 1 aFe Preparcd, and received on reduced Jiotcb. ROYAL HOTEL, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF.—First-class Family and Commercial House the nearest to the Great Western Railway Station. Omnibuses to every train. A N.^ht Porter in attendance. Under the inanaire* nient of E. J. NULDNER._ 5::08 QU EEJN~S HUTEL, TTT. MARY^STRE^^JT CARDIFF.—Ladies' Coffee Room. An Ordin-irv it 1.30. Night Porter.—Mrs. WILLIAMS, Proprietress. 5:>ll IMPERIAL HOTEL, MOUNT STH4 rt SQUARE, CARDIFF.-This Family Hotel COMNRIL P j" Coffee and other Rooms, Private Sittin-room- Pubuc rooms, &c., first-class Billiard-room. An Ordirun-' f10US past One.—THOMAS NIXON, Proprietor. ■ >UTE LOCKS; — WINDS(.R illlT,, '>4a°- JL> plete with every convenience and CO-IFOR' A < r r6" daity at 1.30.—F. W. ARMSTRONG CJ-i-ur.. An Ordinary BLHWH«^LCA^fMR0IALT0^; SSiSar"0' ^n\Trr^ ,ih &9S H C&nlifT p«n, Trinity-street, opm)site St. John's Church, Gvmrii V.t.« 1 i?r' Joals' THOMAS. Hot Din.lersfrom 12 till 4. ^iJuJVimvehv<;h a'r ^ymro. 5615 1 s H E R 8 REFRESHMENT ROOMS 77, ST. -NIARY-STREE'f, CAltDIFF. -GOO Ll Beds. Dinner om 12 to 3. Charges moderate. 5988 ODDFELLOWS' ARMS, MAESTEGT Two Minutes' Walk from station. Good aeeommodation BILLIARDS. PuSTlNG. INLAND REVENUE OFFICE. 238C PitopitiKToa—Mr. IIJO IN1NG AND REFRESHMEN T ROOMS H J. HISCOX'S (from NATTRres') DINING and RKFIIKSH- MENT ROOMS, 42, HlGH-STREEl, BRIbluL. 5&01 RY^T~OL.—DRAWBRIDGE HOTEL — Central, Commodious, ComfortabU>, and Economical nary daily.-16 and 17, St. Augustine's-panule, Brk'tol t ULLATHORNE, Proprietor. BRISTOL. — ouiLDilAlir^co^ui^^TTT AND FAMILY HOTEL, 36 and 37 Broi.i C 7 „ ALl Dining, Coffee, Sitting, and Stock Rooms. Dinners f, V, Bnstoi; Night Porter kept.—W. T. CROUCH, Pionrier,,?. m 30to6' TYLIFTON DOWN FIRST-CLASS VAIJTTJV VV HOTEL, FACING THE SUSPENs I. ,v AMILY SUITE OF APARTMENT'S, from Hi, Cn;, GE. fast, from 2s.; Dinners, from 3s «d • ^i*leas 1>er week. Bueak* WEDDING BREAKF A>o rs, the Manager is prepared to provide the ments only. Suite of Apartment? b^' w!fk1^ ar?nge" 5 Guineas each, fires only extra i. board and attendance, in public rooms, Guineas AII om' board>and attendance" order. Private diawii. r r ni«als served to the visitor'* 1 Sundays at 6. 4J1 -or ^'es. liable D'Hote daily at 1428 1Iuun'cations to be addressed,! ————. Manager public muSttntllt. TAR V A R lET I E S, T, WIND-STREET, SWANSEA. DIRECTOR MR. MELVILLE.I TO-NIGHT. Another Astor.ishing Artisiic Alliance New Artiste- New 1 erformance New Athletes! New Ballet Troupe A, w Com. "luation of first-class Talent! The Six Alexanders, Ballet and Pantomimic Artistes • A Milton Alverno and YounIC Ouzo, Flying Wonders; Three Harvevs. lolinists, Trios, Dancers, Ac. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Arnold Mr Y""°' yiCTOWA ST: MARTi SOLE PROPRIETOR V. Mr. F w HOFFMANM Every Evening during the week,! GRAND CONCERT. CHARA rTlffiTQTTfi ENTERTAINMENTS, &BPRB8B..NT8 AT TBB BAR. nBFRBSBMKNTS AT thk Bin Gentlemen only. On Saturdays and Benefit Nights no return tickets after 10 o'ctocU