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-=-=-.=:= £ lltypttt0 ^oticcs. ALTERATION OF DAYS OF SAILING. *"10RK, NEWPORT, & CARDIFF. FIRST-CLASS PASSENGER STEAMERS leave COKK for NEWPORT and CARDIFF, Goods and Passengers, EVERY MONDAY, callm? at Mil- returning from NEWPORT EVERY WEDNESDAY, and *5* CARDIFF EVERY TilUliSDAY until further notice. *,W_CABIN, £ 1 1B.; Deck, 7s.; Cabin Return Ticket, AVAILABLE month, £ 1 lis. 6d. For farther particulars see small bills AGENTS. JX&DIFF —Mr. E. C. DOWNING, Shipbroker, Bute Docks. SFFPORT.— Mr. JAMES MADDOCKS, Dock-street. City of Cork Steam Packet Comi>any, Penrose Quay. Z,i /CARDIFF TO NEW YORK. DIRECTSTEUICOMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE BRISTOL CHANNEL AND THB VluTED TATES OF AMMRICA AND CANADA. SOUTH WALES ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S New, „ first-class, full-powered, Clyde-built Steamships GLAMORGAN 2,500 TONS ^00 h.p. ^EMUUOKE 2,500 Ions BOON-P- CARMARTHEN 3,000'IONS eoon.p. Or other First-class Steamers, will sail regularly between CARDIFF AND NEW YORK, LIS* Steamships are built expressly for the Trade, A«D fitted-up the latest improvements for the comfort and comemence FIT 11 A»D Steerage Passengers. J T Passengers provided with mat-tresses. STEWARDESS carried for the female emigrants.. ?OIRE GLAMORGAN will sail on SATURDAY, APRIL 1-th, to M L0*ED by the PEMBROKE. I. BFTTC For further particulars apply to ,_1STH1I PISTOL BUIKHSTT & JAMKS, and BIVANTH, I Kill!street. TO^SEA RICHARDSON & Co. TLR^I'OKT G. W. JONKS, IIKAKD, & CO. B^OUCKSTEK W. C. Lrcv & Co. S^JYL'OOL T. WAITK & SON. I'TPKIDD ALKXAKDKU liuoriiKRS. 2^4 JO»S R. TAYLOR. UE.8TReet. [ TS^HYR TYDFIL W. J. PRKSSWBLL, 1,143 ^FIFTDARE K- G. PRICK. SEVmour-street. f „ IKAAC THOMAS, 24, W" ■KR^FORN H. B. TROTTKK. T ITEWUIMVEST «T"SW* JFE4*- YSSSl.'S&n «—*• FEUMK1 ^AWK ■ • JN(^K CHAMBERS, CARDIFF. J712*COM«,A,,i''S JOHN LAXJGHLAND^Manager^ AND CHEAPEST ROU1 FOlt PASSENGERS THE WEST OF ENGLAND AND SOUITT *° NIE UNITED STATES, IS BY THE CTTT AM- P&R RE AT WESTERN STEAM IJ SHIP LINE." BRISTOL AND £ T^SWULLDL YORK. The FINE NEW FIRS'L-CLASS SCJtus T^SWULLDL YORK. The FINE NEW FIRST-CLASS SCJtus **AMRSHLPS of this Line are intended to sail as follows ARRAGON," (15(H) tons) WM. Western, commander, TO THURSDAY, April 24th. T(, NEW STEAMER BUTLDIMfi. JABIN FARE TO NEW YORK 13 GUINEAS. _,V "TERUEDIATE TO NEW YORK, BALTIMORE, BOSTON, .^PORTLAND, OR PHILADELPHIA, 8I GUINEAS. **J&ERAGE, 6 GUINEAS. VESSELS OT THIS LINE DO NOT CALL AT ANY IRISH PORT, BUT PRO- gdirect from Bristol to New York. ^QJSENJRERS MAY BE BOOKED THROUGH TO ALL PARTS OF THE U JS* VID CANADA ON VERY MODERATE TERMS. „ ANK "TYW^CURE BERTHS, &C., APPLY TO MARK WIIITWILL A, J^/JVENUE, QUEEN-SQUARE, BRISTOL; OR TO G. F. DOCK- Store Merchants, Cardiff; Harse and B:RO QOI £ > 'Newport, Moil.; John Morgan, Postmaster, CA]LAV5-Av, MOTT^RGAN, 19, Glebeland-street, MerUiyrlydfil, KER^ ASH: or to M. Jones and Bro., Ship IF™- Geor-e F. Price, Church-street .Pontypridd. QUR AJFEJJUV^ERS are recommended to obtain their rickets G^7 ■—SGFORE leaving home TNMAN LINE of ROYAL MAI^ ^U|C[ X STEAMERS, F'1'EBDTOWN TO NEW «0LIVERPOOL, VM QULENDIUVKAI OF LI11EIIR K '5S'»AI>»I. ™W1. »■ OK LONDON APRII» 15. .SFTW* 0F NEW YORK Guineas: Thurs- S PASSA-E-Tuesday Sailings, VI and | AL GALOON 'BTIVIJ^'HIGS, 15 Guineas and 18 Guineas, HAUN„ PASSAGE to New forwarded to Boa- W I^V.PP'Y of Cooked Provisions. ,|IAR„E ^LTLU«»RE, or Portland W4'I?"^EAX^ the UNITED STATES <»0&EERS f0R M ,,Avts of CANADA and the UISIX 'TROUGH on very advantageous TJIAN 22, Water- X L PARTICULARS, apply TO WILLIAM INAIA^, A, & Sox, South Clivirch-strcct. Cardiff. GARWOOD, 57. Scott-street, Cardiff OI to LOVKTT, Windsor Hotel, Fei)a.I'th. A LLAN ROYAL MAIL LINE J\_ SHORTEST SEA PASSAGE TO CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES, JN^^T ROUTE to the West. 4TA» B«U>erb Steamships of this Line now run direct every Tuep- FC/ ATLD Thursday from LIVERPOOL to PORTLANDand QUEBEC, 'FEF^RDING Passengers to NEW YORK and BOSTON, and to all BIR'ES and Towns in Canada and the United States. ^O&I LIVERPOOL TO PORT-, PROM LIVERPOOL TO LAND. [ QUEBEC. 'Moravian, Thursdafy, ]3 Mar. 'Peruvian, Tuesday, April St. Andrew, Tuesday, 18 „ Prussian, Thursday, 17 „ tSarmaiian, Thursday, 20 .• 'tCaiadian, Tuesday, 2*2 St. Patrick, Tuesday, 25 >> ^1°'avian, '1'hursday, 24 „ IScandinavian, Thurs. 27 >• St. Andrew, Tuesday, 29 „ Nora Scotian, Tues., 1 Apri ^FR^IF,N,N?'HU5S-» I MA)" &EF1T'TH,UV"LAY I TC'R(ASA/^ THU^;Y, I RP'ES<!A-' N5 Nova Scotian, Tues., 13 „ Austrian, Thursday, 10 TPO,YL)esian, Thurs., 15 „ Mail Steamships for HALIFAX, IW^OLK, aud BALTIMORE sail as RARTS of the Middle forwarding Passengers by R»» COUThern States. IW Western, South WesternA Tuesday, 6 Maj-. SSIWI Tuesday, 25 Mar. ^EST. 'TUESDAY, » W Tues lay, 8 April; Austrian, IU Tuesday, 2" „ onebec, Boston, New York, SEJV Passage to Halifax, Portland,^ 0R JL15 15S. according K Baltimore, or Philadelphia, M )LO(I ^Vines or Liquors M^BIMODATIOU, including Provisio'' > Tickets at reduced CAN be obtained on board. I>E ^OCSENGERS are taken in el SI A limited number of intermediate pass » AU neces- J^TA-NER at £ 9 9s., including Beds, B J"ICAtion8 for berths VI^VUSJIS, dining apart from steerage, AH {(»'FCFCDEIN advance. Portland, Bos- Passage to St. John, Halifax, Q :N'C]Udinga plenti- <U] Y0rk, Norfolk, or Baltimore, £ 0 *>S- LEFFardesses are ^RH ^PPLY of cooked provisions. Steerage passengers VS,HJ' this line to attend to the wants O! £ «UALC P S^OILDREN. pmlicffl! CMS taken from the Oeean Steamships to t T A Expense. W 0btained ^UF^:IN'"RINATION required concerning Canada, can U THE 11, Adim-street, Adeli.hi, London AGTNT ?,GOVENIULent. SUN^ ('TS Canada supplied gratis by our agents ^SIOK P^ORT^R Koute tQ S'^N /AANCKSCU, via the 5 C 1*AILROAD. THROUGH TICKETS issued on the most ERNIS. Fur Freight or Passage, apply to ALLAN BROTHERS & CO., Alexandra Buildings, James-street, Liverpool, ,tn(A OI- 85, Foyle-street, Londonderry, ?J° George Bird, 246, Bute-street, Cardiff; John R. TAYLOR, Pontymister, near Newport; James Ayre, 64, OC UJIYJV Newport; R. Prust & Sons, 9, Quay Parade, "OWCII, 17, Thomas-street, Llanelly John Copeland, ^OI-, EET, Merthyr Tydvil; Jackson & Co., Milford HAVEN; Humphreys, Welfield-road, Carmarthen; David 1- WILDER, Pontypridd James R. Morgan, Pontypridd. WO J COMPANY'S SPKCIAI, NOTICE TO E.MIGRANTS. ^FA* A[ SC !^FEN>;ERA TO OLT,taiii their Tickets from our Ayents ^ELEAXIUG home. 486Y N A T 1 0 NATIQNAL LINE TO^NEW YORK. LARGEST STEAMERS AFLOAT. FROM LIVERPOOL EVERY WEDNESDAY FROM JuEENSTOWN EVERY THURSDAY. The well-known full-poweied Iron Screw Steam-shipa FERV^IPS TONS TONS GROGAN 5^64 ENGLAND, ICEMP 4000 *TAKU> GRACE 4900 THE QUEEN, ANDREVVS .444! ^,G%GS ..4302 HOLLAND, BRAGG 3847 V'C,E. THOMSON 3571 ERIN, LAWSON.. 3956 CACK WEBSTER 3500 HELVETIA, SPENCER 8074 EC*- 3500 Denmark, Sumner 3723 ■FEY-WIU SAIL FR°M LIVEL'P°0110 NEW.T. WWTAS" 9th April. ANFFICE Wednesday, 16th April. ^T.Wednesday, 23rd April. (JHO S HAVING Queenstown the State-rooms ALOON accommodation is UNSIUI»SS'-U ,,LTIN POMI DEC^'LL,SUA"Y large, aud open oft' the Saloons s 1 PASSAGE, 12,15, and 17 Guineas, R.CCORDIIIG TO aecommo- ^CKEV 1X1 State-room—all having same privilege N» • "THP I.TW'ENTY-FIVF. GUINEAS. C, ..ON 5C,IMPORT of STEERAGE PASSENGERS SPEC)A'1,LI^ accommodation BEING unequalled for SPAC » » 01 PASSAGE—as low as by any other Line—include ^BUN JJ FROSH Provisions served up cooked by Company'S Sert a STEV,011' Attendance free. STE(JJRDE3SES in attendance 011 Female Steerage Passengers. ^ASSENGERS forwarded to Quebec, Boston, and Baltimore ITIJ,. fxfra charge—and booked through to San Francisco, anu towns of United States and Canada on favourable terms. Ja.ptrs booked through to Australia, New Zealand, China, p 8.1au Reight or Passage apply to THE NATIONAL STEAMSHIP CO. (LIMITED,) S- 4HJ 23, Water-street, Liverpool; V^RR«' CUMMINS and BROS., Queenstown,-to Messrs. J. R. LI(JP-'AS and CO., 130, Britannia-buildings, Bute Docks; JoHX JJM P °AS (Cymro), 19, Glebeland-street, ilerthyr Tydfll; HARSE NEWPORT, M011.; F. W. CAL'.VI, Aberdare C'IIAS. P. JAS. A. MORGAN, Postmaster, Pontypool; HENRY High-street, Abersyclian Tnos. MOIIOAN, Mina-street, J. W. DOWN, Terminus Hotel, Bristol. AVE advised to secure their Passages from the Local V BEFORE leaving home. 5241 WATERS, CARPENTERS, FRENCH POLISHERS, &c.. Will save money by haying their Goods of F. & H. BARNARD, & COLOUR MERCHANTS, 33, CASTLE- STREET, BRISTOL. FEEED OIL 3s. Od. per Gallon. J,^PENTINE 4s. Od. OTI^THA, Rectified 3s. lOd. ITAI, OIL, for Machinery 5s. Od. „ 2d. I>er lb." BASS PAPER 9d. per Quire. Y0 FRENCH COLZA OIL 3s. 9d. per Gallfiu. SLTVIL»'S PARAFFIN OIL Is. 5d. „ Bust French Stamped 8d. per lb. A *%• A'ID DRY COLOURS, VARNISHES, and PAINT ?1IES Cheaper and Better than any House in the City. ERIBLE reduction in price when quantities are taken. 4722 £ AUS BII ^UCTION- ITALIAN CONSULATE, 27, CH ARLKS-STlii.K i CA ill)IKK by AUCTION, at his residence, as abo i^-UNITtilK, in- 1873, the valuable modern HOUSEHOL, CLIFIVIVP 1 NIMYVTvr ROOMS.—Spanish mahogany dining DINING and DKA\MNG ROOM wnsiMn^ ot couch) tlx room suite, covered 111 best hairs (Chiavan). nii'iojany chairs, and two easy ditto wx ia» > ohefTonier sideboard walnut dining, loo. and occasional tames in wainut, by Dm»ek whatnot; f.ill conii«f8 tW P eI' ,aIlt and costly French (nearly new): large Ml' Pler yv.); handsome modera or timepiece and cai dclabr.i ndow Ielj aud drapery; letter lamp best Brussels ca.rl>cJ rican cloc-; stove; fenders fire- copying press and stand Am irons, <tc. r, foot-rail Bedstead, fitted wiih BEDROOMS, mattrasses; iron bedsteads child's excellent spr ng and *'IJ, mahoganymarble top wasastand crib, &c. green damaskku tables; chests oi drawers, andtoilet ware swing t ir large and small &c.; Brussels and other carpets, baths, &c., &c. witeH The usual furniture is nearly new and :n excelleat Th3 whole of the abov e r condition. £ o „„„llP,1Ce at 1 for 2 o'clock precisely. 5471 —sale TO-MORROW. T-rvrinx ROOMS. ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. VICTORIA AUCTIO>.ROOFancy UealerSi aud otUt,rti. N LAWRENCE and CO. have re- I tortious to SELL by AUCTION, at their above C^ ,n^ o" FKIDAT next, the 4tl. of AP.U., 1873, spacious ^ellt'of C'GARS, MEERCHAUM PIPES. &c. Th fsff^k con-Tsts of about 5,000 Cigarettes, 50 lioxes of English and Foroi°i Ci-'i«s- Cigarette.papers, Seal Cigar-cases, a q.anf.ty of Briar-wood and Meerchaum Pil>es, and Cates, Purser, Albums, Cia-ar-hoWers, and numerous other articles. |ale to commence at half-past Two o'clock precisely. Auctioneers' Chambers, Victoria Rooms, Cardiff. 545S TO SHIP CHANDLERS; CAWAINS, PAINTERS, &c. Unreserved Sale of Gieen, Blue, Yellow White, Red, and Black Paints. At the VICTORIA ROOMS, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. MESSRS. N. LAWRENCE & CA. WIN SELL by AUCTION, at the above spacious rooms, on THURSDAY, the 10th of AI'RIL., 1S73, about Six Tons of PAINTS, in Tins vary- ing from 14, 16, and ISlbs. each, Ground in best Linseed Oii. Sale to commence :.t Half-past Two o'clock. There will be no Reserve as the Lots must be cleared out as soon as possible. Auctioneers' Chambers, Victoria Rooms, Cardiff. 5451 VICTORIA ROOMS, ST. MARY-STREET, CAItDIFF. SALE OF EXCELLENT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. MESSRS. N. LAWRENCE & CO. have re- ceived instruction to SELL by AUCTION, on TUESDAY, the 8th day of APRIL, 1873, a large quantity of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and other Effects, removed from a Gentleman's Residence at Park Place, and from the Walk, Tredegnrville (for the convenience t f Sale). The FURNITURE consists of Drawing-Room Suite, Oval Tables, 3 Gilt Pier Glasses. Carpet, Curtain, Pole and Rings, capital Wal- a' nut Case Cottage Pianoforte, Easy Chairs, Chilfonieres, 2 Mahogany Sideboards, Spanish Mahogany Dining, Loo, Occasional, andWorx Tables, Hair-seated Sofas, Couches, and Chairs in Mahogany Frames; 2 Duchess Toilet Tables and Marble Top Washstands, in Walnut and Mahogany; 2 Wardrobes, Chests of Drawers, Painted Stands and Cables, Iron and Wood French and Half-Tester Bed- steads, 3 Feather and 4 Milh.uff Beds, Palliasses and Mattresses, Cane-Seat a.nd Kitchen Chairs, Tables, Fenders, Garden Tools, Washing Machine, Stove, Counter, Shelving, &c., &c. Sale to commence at Half-past Two o'clock. The Auctioneers beg to call particular attention to the above Articles, as they are neat, clean, and good, and worthy the notice of purchasers. Auctioneers' Chambers, Victoria Rooms, Cardiff. 5156 SALE THIS DAY. HIEWAIN. SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, &c., &c. MR. DAVJ D EVANS is instructed by Mr. ROBERT BROWN (who is removing to the Cardiff Arms Hotei), to SELL by AUCTION, at his residence, Hirwain, on 'I iftBSDAY, APR"* 3rd (not 10th, as stated in Bills), 1873 the whole of his HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, consisting of Mahogany Sideboard, Tables, Sofas, Chairs, Bedsteads. Chests of Drawers, Dressing Tables and Washstands, Looking Glasses, Chimney Glass, Feather Beds, Oak Dresser, Handsome uak Book-case, 6 feet wide and 7 feet high; several Cases of Stuffed Birds, Single and Double- barrelled Guns, Kitchen Bequititcs, &c. Sale to commence at Two o'clock. Canon-street, Aberdare, and Thomas Town, Merthyr, March 24th, 1873. 5420 MERTin R TYDVIL. Valuable Horse and Curriage. "V/TR. DAVID EVANS is instructed by THE -LTX late Miss Davies, to SKLL by AUCTION, at Brynhiron Villa, Merthyr, on THURSDAY, APRIL 10th, lb73, at Four o cIocR precisely, a powerful and handsome CARRIAGE HuRSE, bay colour, 161 hands high, b years old, and quiet in harness and a BROUGHAM, nearly new. 70 Merthyr, March 31st, 1873. 5470 AUCTION MART, CANTON MARKET, CARDIFF. Monthly Sales of Fat and Store Stock, Horses, Carriage?, &c. MR. BODINGTON, M.R.C.V.S., announces that his next and 16t'« MONTHLY SALE of STOCK, HORSES, CARRI AGES, &e., will take place as above, on V. EDNES- DAY, APRIL STH, 1873. Entries tor this Sale are respectfully solicited. All accounts settled same day. Sale will commence punctually at Eleven a.m. Cattle will m all cases be cgered first. GEO. BODINGTON, M.R.0.S., Auctionee.. Residence and Offices, 4, PenUine-terrace, Canton, Cardiff. 5459 TONYPLANWYDD FARM, NEAR PONT-NEATH-VAUGHAN, Two-and-a-half miles from Glyn-Neatli Station, on the Vale of Neath Railway, and two miles from Onllwyn Station, on the Neath and Brecon Railway. LEWIS BROS, are instructed by Mr. Win. Jones (;vho is leaving the Farm), to SELL by AUCTION, 011 the premises, as above, on THURSDAY, APRIL, 10th, 1S73. the whole of his valuable LIVE STOCK, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, &c., comprising CTTLE,-2 cows with calves, 1 cow to calve about the 20th April, 1 ditto to calve about the 28th April, 1 ditto to calve about the 30th April, 2 cows in full milk, 2 two-year-old heifers m call, heifers, i yearling bull, 2 yearling steers, 1 ditto rising I, anu ditto rising 3. to^9RSEf.—A seven-year-old black cob. Fly," 14 hands, quiet 14i h-f, a dnve, a very fast trotter; six-year-old bay cart mare, hatli 9; a,C:l5*ital "'orker in chains and shaft; bay mare, 14 ExDresK >• j Youn=' Express 1 yearling colt by \ouny Plo?' r"1? 1 .yfcarl'ng colt by»" Dandy Comet." store PIERS IMPI^^KVTC ee^' ducks. and fowls. slide ~Hough, harrow, chaff-cutter, cart, dung cart, DAIO- UTENSLS, &AFIEC' SHA" AUD LEADLN»=' HARNESS- 2 ,ONFIR LADDEI'8' Tel.rr:;s£:140 Mont¡s' Credit, uTJon approved Bills, on purchases ex- ciS.re8hment8°nthetableatlSl.'sale to commence at 12 pre- perfectly sound and healthy, and iu good condition. The Horses RHYDYFRO UCHAF, NEAR PONTARDAWE. Two Miles from Pontardawe Station, on the Swansea Vale Railway. LEWIS BROS., are instructed by Mr. David Thomas (who resigns the Farm) to SELL by AUCTION, on the premises as above, on TUESDAY, April 8. 1873. the whole of his very useful and T^f\««iditioned LIVE STOCK, IMPLE- VENTS," PH.EiOiN, HARNESS, DAIRY UTENSILS, SHOP VTTTIXGS, rart OF THE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, STOCK, Three cows with, calves, 2 cows in full milk, 2 vearlinar 1 black cart mare (sound and a good worker), a well-bred K!V vionv mare in foat'sow 111 farrow, 10 young pigs, geese, poultry B 1 nhirtoii by Fuller, of Bristol, with a set of superior silver- capital 1 r 'ss'rtioth as good as new), set of brass-mounted mounted na whips, saddle and bridle, cart harness, trap tent -hum and the other dairy utensils, patent chaff spring cart, pa^e es, cow-ties, large COrn bin, stock casks, machine, PlK? ,„ts jr01) boiler with furnace, stable lanterns, &c. pig tronghs" ue e Bra"" tea scales on mahogany stand with Shop Fittll"-s ♦ v. wrWe slah and weights, flour scale weights, butter scR/e machine with weights, sack truck, with scoop and weights, marble butter slab, 20 Ja- f,yi'u]■ stand witn sy> ai)J letterejj 2 large stock canisters, 4 stone panned Is shew boxes, 3 Russian bowls, shew glass," a vvell*ma^i?oaa'nySci>effiftnere' whatnot, work table, dining FurnitureA0<;any Peinoroke table, rosewood ceoch up- table, table mats, m e mahogany easy chair in hair, 2 arm holstered in cl, oreenwilidonv hangings, framed prints and chairs, bell Pul*s» ™ j kitchen chairs, child's chair, mahogany engravings, bedroon ,erg; jron French bedsteads, cupboard and grained chests oi u stuys, milll>«ff hed, washstands and dress- bedstead, mahogany "e tuWl. l rails, chamber ware, bath, car- ing tables, dressing gn'- Aoor cUith, kitchen tables, painted cup- l>etiug, matting arid ma Warc, cutlery, culinary utensils, board, deal safe, oak <" assei„b'uige «f the usual sundries, kitchen requisites, ana a y' ?rre(jiv <riven on approved bills, 011 TERMS :—Three Mon pounds, or Discount for Cash, purchases exceeding ll- >c)ook and Sale at 12 Noon. Refreshments at 1J. attention to this Sale, the r, The Auctioneers respectfully 1 » Stock and fffects being thorough y » The Mart, Neath, March 17th, ^'3- business SlMvfsscs. .J SLATER, LOOKING-GLASS MANUFACTURER S, SILVERED PLATE GLASS, AND VENEER MERCHANTS, 12, LEWIN'S MEAD, BRISTOL. 5024 LARGEST MINERAL WATER WORKS IN THE I-M A X> M SEST 0F ENGLAND. Q A R T E R AND CO., ^ILDER-STREET, BRISTOL, 'c- ^chinery for the Manufncfnre of r V\'t?V&2 and;i"(1 1'OTASS WATERS, Mark (Dolphins and AnchorQon^i^ATKK- "uv GTAKTON & COKFBC- I, E WINS-ME AD, BPJSTNT *^88SG fcOTCHCEL<!BRAUJD FRUIT PRESERVE I BOILED SUGARS PEPPERMINTS, &c. 4604 S. J. B U R M A INT, I PL-IAOTICAL WAICHMAKEB, JEWELLER AND SILVERSMITH, t), WINE STREET, BRISTOL. B uP, Al A N'S WATCHES Are the BEST and CHEAPEST in the WEST OF ENGLAND. SILVER HORIZONTAL, from, igl 5 0 SILVER ENGLISH LEVER, from 3 15 0 GOLD HORIZONTAL, from 2 150 EVERY WATCH WARRANTED. N.B.—BURMAN'S CLOCKS give the exact time, as received from Greenwich every day by telegraph. 5081 public Jloticcs. THE RAILWAY DEBENTURE TRUST X COMPANY (LIMITED). NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the SUBSCRIPTION LISTS for SHARE.-i in the above will be CLOSED To-MORROW, (FRIDAY), the 4th inst., for London, and on SATURDAY, the 5th inst., fer Country Applications. By order, WILLIAM B. MORRIS, Secretary. 5, Lothbury, E.C., London, 3rd April, 1873. 549S GOROUGH OF SWANS EA. POLICE STATION. TEMPLE-STREET. TO BE LET, all the above PREMISES, which occupv two valuable frontages in one of the best situations in the town, and are admirably adapted for business purposes. Apply to Mr. Edward Cousins, C.E.. Guildhall, Swansea RICHD. A. ESSERY, Town Clerk. N.B.—The Corporation do not adhere to the reserve indicated at the recent letting by auction. 5508 ^Business glddrcsses. L A M PS. JGJMBOSSED GLASS. "JGENT GLASS. TO RAILWAY COMPANIES AND CONTRACTORS, COLLIERY PROPRIETORS AND SHIP OWNERS, CARRIAGE BUILDERS AND HOTEL KEEPEKS, CHEMISTS AND GROCERS. HALL & PEDDER, BARR'S.STREET, BRISTOL, (Established 1794,) MAKERS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF SIGNAL, ORNAMENTAL, AND CARRIAGE LAMPS. GLASS BENT OR EMBOSSED to any Size or Pattern. Prompt and careful attention given to all orders. HALL & FEDDER, LAMP MANUFACTURERS, 1, 2, A5D 3, BARR'3 STREET, BRISTOL. 5476 N 0 T 1 0 E THE OLD-ESTABLISHED FURNISHING, CHINA, GLASS, AND EARTHENWARE ESTABLISHMENT, (FORMERLY THE LATB J. BARKER, LATK PROCTOR & BARKER,) 29, WINE-STREET, BRISTOL, WILL IN FUTURE BE CONDUCTED BY THE WIDOW AND SON OF TIIB LATE PROPRIETOR. 6383 HAT MUST WE DO TO MAKE OUR V V COALS COST LESSI Apply the Newly-invented COAL SAVER, which is Cheap, Durable, and requires no Alteration of Grate. The general public (for all'are interested), namely, the Gentry, Middle Class, and the Poor, who feel the high price of coal. The Invention is kept in daily use for inspection AT HENRY LEONARD'S, 22, HIGH STREET, BRISTOL. 4774 THREAT SALE OF SADDLERY. — IMPOR- V3T TANT TO GENTLEMEN. FARMERS, LIVERY STABLE KEEPERS. AND OTHERS.—An immense Stock of Carriage, Gig, and Trap Harness Saddles, Horse Clothing and Saddlerv of every description, Knee Wrappers, Rues, Whips, Gig and Carriage Lamps, &c. Ask to see the Harness plated on German Silver, at £ 6 5s. All-over Pig-skin Saddles, complete, warranted, at £3 3s. Plated Gig lamps at 18s 6d., usual price Kifi One visit will satisfy purchasers that this a genuine Sale. Sale each day from 10 a m. to 6 p.m., at No. 3, Victoria-street, Bristol, next door to our Rick Cloth and Sack Warehouse, and nearly opposite the George Hotel.-PARNIALL &SONS, Ma»ufarf«rors. Bristol and Exeter. Terms, nett Cash—no abatement. iOO7 BEDINGFIELD'S Twelve years in the steamers JD between Southampton Send for his Illustrated and Havana, Price List. Intimate acquaiutance with BBMNGFIBIID'S the FINK BRISTOI. BIRDSETK, TTAVANA markets of Sold only in packets. this A very varied Assortment of Samples celebrated on receipt of 5s. place. Tobacconists, Wine Merchants, Grocers Chemists, &c., supplied with the /IGARS, finest Bristol Tobaccos. PKICKS ON APPLICATION. Wholesale Dealer in Tobacconists' Goods. BROAD-STREET AND PARK-STREET, BRISTOL. 4776 CALEDONIA CONFECTIONERY WORKS, BRISTOL. PATERSON RICE AND CO., Manufacturers of JAMS. JELLIES. JUBES. MARMALADES. ORANGE LEMON, CITRON PEELS, Ani overy <,lescriptlon of BOTTLED SWEETt,'a,rpNlfc'Ss°for HOME TRADE and for EXPORTATION. To be had of all respectable Grocers and Italian Warehousemen. 5230 E M P VEGETABLE AND GARDEN SEEDS For Farm, Kitchen, and Flower Garden. ALL SEBDS WARRANTED OF TUB BEST QUALITY. KEMP WELCH'S SUPERB, OVAL, WHITE VEGETABLE-MARROW ls. per Packet, should be Grown by Everyone. A TRIAL RESPECTFCLLT SOLICITED. COLLECTIONS SUFFICIENT FOR ONE YEAR FROM 7s. 6D. TO £3. Catalogues on Application-post Free. KEMP WELCH, SEED MERCHANT, REGENT- STRKET, CLIFTON, BRISTOL. 5238 ONLY THE BEST. GABAW^iS^kA&L SBEDS' Per Acre. For Permanent Pasture, including Clovers, to 305. For One Year's Hay, „ 12s. For Two CA. CLOVERS OF BEST QUALITY AT MARKET PRICES. FIVE PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH. I Orders above 20s. in value Carriage Paid. Catalogues Post Free. JAMES GARAWAY & CO., SEEDSMEN, 4430 BRISTOL. J JLLIAM SANDERS, AUCTIONEER AND APPRAISER, 8) ROYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF. 266 we LEWIS, COMMISSION AGENT. CASH ADVANCED ON STOCK. 17 CHURCH-STREET, CARDIFF. 189 ^VB7VTA_W M I L LTP J. HOWELLS, TIMBER MERCHANT. PPPT-BS AND WHEELWRIGHTS' TIMBER PITWOOD, ^LEPERS, AN§ YARD-WEST BUTE DOCK, CARDIFF. 2461 THE "BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL," JL Nov. 23,1872, HIGHLY RECOMMENDS DAVIE S'S ALKALINE SALINE For Bilious Constitutions, Sick Headache, Acidity, Peartburn, and Indigestion. It purifies the blood, regulates the bowels, and remove predisposition to Gout, Skin Diseases, and Eruptive Fevers. DAVIES'S CHALYBEATE SALINE, Invaluable where there is want of colour in the blood, attended with general debility and constipation. From Dr. Brown, Haverfordwest: "Your Salines are as plea- sant as they are valuable.' J'1 bottles Is. 6d. and 2S. 6d. each Prepared only by DAVIES, Chemist Tenby. Order them of your Chemist. 1189 [ GITSMM STITESJTFS. GLAMORGAN.-FIRE! FIRE!! FIRE Wanted a fire to cook 200 Barrels Prime AMERICAN APPLES, just received ex Glamorgan also, 100 Barrels' Prime TABLE APPLES, and 50 Barrels AMERICAN DRIED APPLES, in excel- lent condition. POTATOES! POTATOES!! POTATOES! (ex GLAMORGAN) Just received 200 Barrels Prime Selected SEED POTATOES, including the Early American Rose, and various other sorts too numerous to mention, in prime condition, and to be sold at less than half the price ever before heard of for prime American Seed. For further particulars, apply to F. CASE, 23, High-street, Cardiff. N. B. -Also, a large stock of ENGLISH POTATOES, for culinary purposes and for Seed. Just arrived, direct from Palermo, 1,000 Boxes Palermo Oranges. 5491 D. E. ISAAC AND CO., 1ST COLLEGE STREET* SE A. HOUSE FURNISHERS, gr7 TJTTKTLSTE^ERS, CABINSMANT O£ 5FGRKRS Alp GENERAL FURNISHING IRONMONGERS. Goods delivered Free of Charge within a radius of Ten Miles. 2126 I SAY GEOITGE!! Have you tried that new shop in College-street! I had a splendid Suit there for Two pounds, and a capital Fit. Mind, I HAD TO PAY CASH FOR IT; but %is Cheap. No, who is he ? Why, E. M. ROE, COLLEGE HOUSfc 10, COLLEGE-STREET, SWANSEA. GIVE HIM A TRIAL. YOU WILL BE WELL PLEASED. 4451 SPECIAL NOTICE. THE GERMAN AND FRENCH PHOTO'GRAPIIIC AND STEREOSCOPIC COMPANY, 45, WIND STREET, SWANSEA, Beg most resjiectfully to inform the Public in general that all Pictures, Portraits, Cartes, &c., formerly taken by Mr. James Andrews, are in the possession of their Manager, Herr Jean Goldman, who will REPRODUCE all Copies at HALF PRICE, and guarantee a Superior Reproof. The above Company respectfully announce that no other Establishment in Swansea, Neath, or Llanelly, have auy right to reproduce or infringe upon their NEW PATENT VAN DEIt WEYDE'S PROCESS. An inspection at the Wind-street Establishment is respectfully invited Price List sent free of charge. All letters to be addressed Herr J ean Goldman, late Andrews. Wind-street. Swansea. 2099 TEETH, FROM fis. BACR. ESTABLISHED 1809. H. M. JONES AND SON, SURGEON DENTISTS, M.C.D.E., 19, NORTHAMPTON-PLACE, SWANSEA. Invite public attention to their Patented System of Painless Dentistry, which entirely supersedes all others. Their Artificial Teeth, being indestructible, never change colour nor decay, and, ky their wonderfully lifelike appearance, defy detection, and exactly restore the natural and youthful expression of face. TEETH, FROM 6s. SETS, FROM Z5. Terms strictly moderate. Consultation gratia. A Vacancy for an Articled Pupil. PERIODICAL ATTENDANCE IN PEMBROKESHIRE. For dates see Local Papers. ONE OF THE FIKM DAILY IN ATTENDANCE AT NO. 19, NORTHAMPTON PLACE. SWANSEA. 8146 & REWARD. A;1-00 THE VANDER WEYDE PROCESS. Mr. HENRY VANDER WEYDE, being resolved to protect his Licencees from any infringement of his Patent, hereby offers a REWARD of £ 50 to anyone who may give information which will enable him to prove that his Patent has been or is being in- fringed. And he offers a FURTHER REWARD of L50 toanyone who can prove to the satisfaction of competent Artists, to be duly appointed, that the effects produced by his Patented Method can be obtained by any methoa but that protected by his Patent. S P E C I A NOTICE. THE GERMAN AND FRENCH PHOTOGRAPHIC AND STEREOSCOPIC COMPANY, BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. At the Studio Royal, 45, Wind-street, Swansea, Vander Weyde's New Patent Photographic Process is now daily practised under the sole management of HERR JEAN GOLDMAN, F.R.S.B.B.A. (late Andrews;. HERR GOLDMAN politely begs to call attention to the fact that he is capable of producing the fi nest portraits in the kingdom. Ironi microscopic to life-size, by this most marvellous new patent process Pictures copied—Oil paintings, water colour drawings, minia- tures on ivory, engravings, manuscripts, .pen and ink sketches, lithographic portraits, dagueirotypes, and portraits on glass or other material. The foregoing can be reproduced and enlarged to any size, or reduced. Note.—All negatives formerly taken by Mr. Andrews are in the possession of Herr Jean Goldman, who will reproduce very suc-erior Copies at half the prices formerly charged. The entire valuable stock of apparatus, and all other most ex- pensive appliances having been purchased from the Debtor s Trustees, Herr Goldman is therefore enabled to produce such re- sults that no other establishment is capable of producing. Carte Portraits from 4s the half dozen. Paintings done upon the premises, and Enlarging for the Trade at Wholesale Paris Prices. Note the address:— „ THE STUDIO ROYAL, 46. WIND-STKRKT (Opposite the Adelphi Hotel), SWANSEA. YANDER^WETDE'S NEW PROCESS OF V PHOTOGRAPHY. W* have recently had submitted to our inspection some speci- mens of the photographic art, finished by means of Vander-Weyde's new process, at the Is Studio-Royal, Wind-street. The results of this remarkable process, from an artistic point of view, are simply perfection, and we are not surprised that the German and Frencii Photographic and Stereoscopic Company, whose manager, Herr Jean Goldman, is an experienced adept in the manipulation of the process of the inventor, should have secured the patent-right ex- clusively for Swansea and surrounding towns, at, we need scarcely say, considerable cost, but cheaply, looking to the really wonder- ful result* that accrue from its use, in the production of pictures of unexceptionable beauty and finish. The great achievement of the process consists in producing an atmospheric effect in the background of the picture, which, by the well-known stipple of the painter, could only be secured by lengthened application and tedious manipulative skill. It effects in an hour certain results which would require many days of stippling with a pencil and pigment, and by its means any kind of photograph may be rapidly and simply changed into an elaborate work of art, without danger of losing the lineaments or the likeness of the sitter. It is adapted for every kind of portraiture, and while it harmonises with the peculiar texture of enlarged photographs, it renders them exceed- ingly beautiful. Its manipulation appears to be perfectly at com- mand, and, as we have stated, the results are simply marvellous. Those portraits we saw, had been made, to our thinking, to reach the perfection of artistic beauty and mellow finish. The introduction of the process, while it marks a new era in the history of photography, reflects the highest credit upon the enter- prise of the company who hare introduced it into Swansea, and who, in Herr Goldman, have a manager under whose practised hand and artistic taste it is likely to be wrought to the extent of its wonderful capabilities. We may add, that the resources of the "Studio Rojal," with its extensive appliances and varied ramifications in photography, are not only altogether favourable towards the perfection of this charming and beautiful addition to the art, but of every other known process in connection there- with.— Wextern Mail, March 1, 1873. 5125 USE ONLY, F 0 THE R G 1 S 'TOBACCO. AT SOLD EVERYWHERE. WHOLESALE: 4, STUART HALL, CA RDIFF..052 AT LOW WATER MR. S. ANDREWS i"- RUNS FIVE OMNIBUSES CONTINUOUSLY, FROM BUTE DOCKS TO P E N A R T H FERRY. 4574 D LEWIS, CABINET MAKER • AND UPHOLSTERER, CARDIFF, Respectfully invites the attention of parties about to Furnish to his EXTENSIVE STOCK of CABINET GOODS CARPETS, DAMASKS, CHINTZ, BEDDING LINOLEUM, FLOOR CLOTHS, &c., all of which are of the newest "design and of the best manufacturel X.E.-An assortment of PIANOFORTES by best makers for Sale and Hire. 101 \v. MEREDITH, WATCHMAKER, SILVERSMITH JEWELLER, AND OPTICIAN 124, HIGH STREET, MERTHYR, Invites an Inspection of his choice and extensive Stock of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, CLOCKS TIMEPIECES, JEWELLERY, ELECTRO-PLATE, SPECTACLES, And all kinds of Optical Goods, which will be found equal to any Establishment in the Principality, At Prices in most instances fully TWENTY PER CKNT. LESS. THE RAILWAY OFFICIAL'S WATCH, AT £ 5 10s., Jewelled in Ten Holes, Compensating Balance, and Extra Strong Case, is really a Marvel of Cheapness. Warranted, Free of Charge, for Five Years, and sent Post Free. 2935 YORKSHIRE RELISH: JL The most DELICIOUS SAUCE in the WORLD to Chops, Steaks, Fish. &c. Sold by all Grocers and Oilmen in bottles, 6d, Is. and 2S each. Trade Mark, Willow-Pattern Plate. PROPRII&TOR"OODALL, BACKHOUSE, & Co., Leeds. 5294 GOODALL'S QUININE WINE. The best and most agreeable Tonic yet introduced. For the relief of Indigestion, General Debility, and Loss of Appetite, it is INVALUABLE. Recommended for its PURITY by the Food Journal," Arthur Hill Hassall, M.D., Wentworth L. Scott, Esq.. F.C.S., F.A.S.L., F.R.S.S.A., &c. Sold by Grocers, Oilmen, and Chemists in large Bottles at Is. and 2s. each. Prepared by GOODALL, BACKHOUSE, and Co., Leed 5295_ PARSONS, FLETCHER & CO.'S INDIAN STARCH. Trade Mark—AN ELEPHANT. ARSONS, FLETCI-IFII & CO.'S I LAN STARCH for Purity JL and Beauty of Colour. PARSONSTLRIETCHER^RCO.'S INDIAN. STARCH f01 Laces JL Muslins, &c., &c. ARSONSTFLETCHER & CO.'S INDIAN STARCH wilTnot JL adhere to the iron. ARSONS, FLETCHER & CO.'S INDIAN STARCH will retain J. its stiffness in the dampest weather. PARSONS~ I^ETCHKIR& CO. S INDLAJTSTARCH is highly recommended to Laundresses. ARSONS, FLETCHER & CO.'S INDIAN STARCH. The increased demand is proof of its excellence. 1 ARSON, FLETCHER & CO.'S INDIAN STARCH is packed i. i. and lib. packets, also in boxes, and in 51b. papers. W- ORKS-GRA VEI-LANE, SOUTHWARK, LONDON. MAY BB HAD EVBRTWHKRK. 3708 justness gldtosses. h- SPECIAL AND LEADING LINES MESSRS. W. PRICE & SONS' STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTHING* FOR THE SPRING SEASON. THB NEW PANTALETTE SUITS J THE NEW SAILOR SUITS F°F L'TTL6 B°JS" THE NEW DANISH SUITS LIM'E ^°38' THE NEW LEOPOLD SUITS LLTU6 B°3S* For Youths. THE NEW SCOTCH TWEED SUITS THE NEW MORNING COATS F°F YOUTH8" „„„ For Gentlemen. THE NEW DOUBLE-BREASTED COATS „ For Gentlemen. THE NEW TROUSERS & VESTS TO MATCH For Gentlemen. THE NEW YACHTING JACKETS For Gentlemen and Juveniles. ADDRESS:—CARDIFF HOUSE, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF 136 JOHN WILLIAMS'S (LATE OF DUKE-STREET) NEW IRONMONGERY SHOW ROOMS, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF, NOW OPEN. 3718 CARDIFF PERMANENT BENEFIT VY BUILDING SOCIETY. WM. ALEXANDER, F.sq. TRL8^KB8 CHAS. W. DAVID, Esq. CHARLES H. WILLIAMS, Esq. (MAYOR OF CARDIFF.) NEW APPOINTMENT AS AGENT FOR SWANSEA AND NEIGHBOURHOOD- MR. T. M. JAMES, POST-OFFICE CHAMBERS, SWANSEA. TO INVESTORS. Money can be invested at any time, in the form of SHARES, or on DEPOSIT, at a fixed rate of interest. N.B.—The only local society that submits ita accounts to the valuation of a London Actuary. Apply to any of the above Agents, or to the-undersigned, PETER PRICE, Secretary. Dated, Society's Office, 3, Crockherbtown, Cardiff. 967 p H 0 T 0 G R A P H Y! PHOTOGRAPHY! BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. THE INDELIBLE STIPPLED EFFECT For producing artistic results in Portraiture by which means Enlarged Portraits may be exquisitely finished in a few hours. INVESTORS AND PATENTEES: MESSRS. LONG, FORSYTH, AND GRIFFITHS. Can only be obtained in Cardiff at J. LONG'S ART STUDIO, 110, ROTHESAY-TERRACE, CARDIFF. CARTES DE VISITE and e-ery description ef PHOTOGRAPHY executed with despatch. Ó03t) JYJ" R. PETER PRICE. AGENT FOR THE SUN FIRE OFFICE, THE SCOTTISH WIDOW FUND, THE PLATE-GLASS INSURANCE CO CARDIFF PERMANENT BUILDING SOCIETY. The Seventh Annual Report is now issued. APPLY TO PETER PRICE, 4570^ 3, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF. BUTE COAL CONSUMERS' COMPANY .(HENRY SAUNDERS.) OFFICES WINDSOR HOUSE, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF. SVL'R HPUSE~COAL. STEAM COAL. BEST SMITHS' COAL. ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Special Tenns for large quantities. 2749 J. M H A I M E LARG LARG EnTO' SMITH'S COAL LARGE STEAM COAL NUT STEAM COAL SMALL STEAM COAL .NO. 3 COKE, Delivered ill any quantity at the shortest aotice. OFFICE,—BRITANNIA BUILDINGS, DOCKS. RESIDENCE,—No, 1, EAST GROVE, TREDEGARVILLE Orders received at the above address immediately attended to 2466 THE FIRST AND SECOND CONSIGNMENTS OF BACON, IMPORTED BY EVANS & CO., Having gone so rapidly into consumption, and given such un- bounded satisfaction, they have anticipated an INCREASED DEMAND, and are NOW LANDING, EX "CrLAMORGAN," THE THIRD DIRECT CONSIGNMENT FROM NEW YORK CITY CURERS, SPECIALLY SELECTED for their Family Trade ftora light, firm, well-fed Bacon. The public are respectfully invited to make their purchases at either of their Establishments. 6, HIGH-STREET AND 15, BUTE-STREET, CARDIFF. 5452 D I A R R H (E A DIARRHOEA!! THE DIARRHOEA MIXTURE (As recommended by the Board of Health) is put up and sold in Bottles at 6d., Is., and Is. 6d., by R P R U S T, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, 8, METEOR-STREET, SPLOTTLANDS, ROATH. At this season of the year, when the disease is most prevalent, no person should be without a Bottle of this very valuable Medi- cine in the house. 5;05 SPRING AND SUMMER NOVELTIES. SAMUEL PADY, TAILOR AND BREECHES MAKER, 72, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF, In thanking his numerous patrons for thiir continued and in- creasing support during the past 16 years, begs to intimate that he has NOW READY FOR INSPECTION the Largest Assort- ment of WEST OF ENGLAND CLOTHS and SCOTCH TWEEDS in South Wales, specially adapted for Spring and Summer wear. REGIMENTALS & LIVERIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. 6151 I FREDERICK WARE, J.1 (Late WARE AND SONS), TAILOR AND ROBE MAKER, ESTABLISHED HALF-A-CENTUBY, BRISTOL AND CARDIFF. SOUTH WALES ESTABLISHMENT DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF OPEN ON WEDNESDAYS AS USUAL. CLOSED EVERY EVENING AT SEVEN O'CLOCK. 107 GH. AWBERY (LATE J. R. AWBERYT • TAILOR AND DRAPER 2, KING STREET, CARMARTHEN. 4504 Q M I T H AN D ~~CO~. K-7 CORN MERCHANTS, SKINNER STREET, NEWPORT, MON. 4658 JONES BROTHERS, PRINCIPAL BILL POSTERS AND DELIVERERS 1 HIGH STREET, NEATH, AND BRITON FERRY. Circulars addressed and delivered. Bill Posters to the Great Western and Neath and Brecon Railways, and the principal Auctioneers. Lessees of the Principal Posting Place in the town. NOTE THE ADDRESS: HIGH STREET, NEATH, AND BRITON FERRY 2144 R. C. L E^A CTH BILL POSTER & ADVERTISING CONTRACTOR, 17, WOOD-STREET, CARDIFF, AND 63, CARDIFF-STREET, ABERDARE. Rents all the Principal and most prominent POSTING STATIONS in Cardiff, Canton, and Roath. TOWN CRIER FOR ABERDARE. 1- business Addresses. pp N-G AND SUMMER FASHIONS. We beg to invite attention to our SHOW OF SI ^RING AND SUMMER GOODS, On and after THURSDAY, 3RD APRIL, 1873. D. JOTHAM" & SONS, WOOLLEN MERCIJANTS AND GENERAL OUTFITTERS, 26 AND 27, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF. 2941 THE ONLY SHOP I FOR SCOTCH PROVISIONS. CHOICE ROLL BACON, 8D. PER LB. EVANS AND CO., HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF 5314 QPENING OF NEW PREMISES. ESTABLISHED 1859. [CIRCULAR.] CARDIFF WARDROBE, 257 & 258, Bute-street, And 2, Saint Mary-street, CARDIFF, March, 1873. DEAR SIR, It is with no ordinary pleasure that I iavite your kind attention to the foLowing important announcement:— I have for some time been impressed with the necessity of Opening a BRANCH ESTABLISHMENT in the upper part of the Town, in order to meet the requirements of my numerous customers resident at a distance. I have accordingly sfyured for the purpose those moet ELIGIBLE and COMMODIOUS PRE- MISES, No. 2, ST. MARY-STREET, which are fitted with every modern appliance for the comfort and convenience of all classes of customers. I have just returned from the LONDON MARKETS, aad have made some EXTENSIVE PURCHASES im the LATEST HOME and FOREIGN PRODUCTIONS of the NEWEST MATERIALS, for making up EVERY DESCRIIIIION of COSTUME fur general wear, as well as for CLERICAL, MUNI- CIPAL, MASONIC, and other uses.-LIVEUES, HABITS, &,m The READY-MADE DEPARTMENT consists of a large Ø01t- signment of Nicholl ok Co's. Celebrated Garments. An extensive variety < f READY-MADE CLOTHI.\G from other M&mifacturew, suited to every class. Stopford's Patent Hats; (Jape, Portman- teaus, Rugs, Bags, Umbrellas, &c.. &c. These will be displayed both in my NEW SHOP, ST. MARY-STREET, as well as 257-8, BUTE-STREET; and I respectfully solicit your early inspection of the same. I remain, dear Sir, Yours faithfully, PHILIP YEO. P.Y. continues the following sy, tem -All Goods purchased at this Establishment are subject to the following Discount £ 3 Parcels, 5 ) er ceiit.; and £5 Parcels, 7! per cent. *n all Gash transactions. Special arrangements made for Credit. Patterns given. 52*3 THE TREDEGAR AGRICULTURAL SHOW, HELD AT NEWPORT, DECEMBER 17 AND 18, 1872 EXTRA PRIZE, THE SILVER CUP, Given at the above Show for the BEST SEWING MACHINE ADAPTED TO FAMILY AND GENERAL USE, WAS AWARDED TO THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO., 20, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. 4602 (Education. MA I S O N D E D U C ATTT^TIT, -Lr-L 6. & 7, CHARLES-STREET, CARDIFF. The SCHOOL will RE-COMMENCE, after the Easter Holidavn on TUESDAY, the 15th of APRIL. 5^3 D' J^ORMAL COLLEGE, SWANSEA^ PRINCIPAL—W. WILLIAMS. Pupils prepared for the Universities and for Professional and Commercial Pursuits. During the past six years fifty-two of the pupils have passed various public examinations. TERMS: Beard and Tuition 36 0 0 per. an. Tuition (including Latin and French) 8 8 0 „ Greek 1 0 0 German 1 0 0 Drawing 1 0 0 4453 GROSVENOR LADIES' COLLEGE, BRIGHTON PARK, WHITE LADIES' ROAD, CLIFTON, BRISTOL. DR. B. TOMKINS, M.A Lady Superintendent of Studies Miss WILSON. Pianoforte and Singing MISS RUMBOLL. Drawing, &c i Head Master of ( Grosvenor College Lady Superintendent of Domestic Arrange-1 „ ments s | Mrs. Jos. TOM KINS. Young ladies prepared for the Oxford and Cambridge Local examinations. GROSVENOR COLLEGE, WHITE LADIES' ROAD, CLIFTON, BRISTOL. PRINCIPAL DR. TOMKINS, M.A. P rofesseur de Frangais, Compiler of the Bristol Copy Book &c ) HEAD MASTER CHARLES BIGG, Ese. The College is within 200 yards of the proposed site of the new Clifton Station. Very Moderate Terms. Large school-room. A arge number of pupil* have obtained certificates in the Oxford and Cambridge Local Examinations, many having passed with honours. Hundreds of pupils are occupying good situations in banks, merchants' offices, &c. A book (new edition, 40 pages) of Grosvenor College, also one of Grosvenor Ladies' College, may be obtained on application. It contains testimonials from parents of pupils, from old pupils, refer- ences to parents at Aberdare, Blaenavon, Builth, Brecon, Cardiff, Chepstow, Haverfordwest, Llanelly, Newport, Pontypridd,Swansea Tenby, Trelcch, Tredegar, Merthyr Tydfil, &c. The NEXT TERM will commence on THURSDAY, JAN. 16, 1873 Dr. TOMKINS will visit the principal towns of South Wales im- mediately after Christmas, and he will, with great pleasure,' call upon any parents who may wish to see him respecting pupils, in which case he hopes that notice to that effect may be at once sent to him 4082 STAFFORD COLLEGE tO DARTMOUTH-PARK, FOREST-HILL (NRAR CRYSTAL PALACE), LONDON, S.E. HEAD MASTER MR. CROSS, late o. Brid-end MATHEMATICS, &G A. G. WATKINSON, Esq London University. JIRENCH Monsr. GERMAN. Dr. EVPIIRATE M.A. Ph D &C. DRAWING, PAINWNO, &C. J. L. KEXWOItIIY i" 'F 'J, A. ASSISTANT „ D,™ J. THE PROFESSOR OF DANCING T -C nt «' Esq-> Italian There is at present no vacancy Vmt ..U8e- the 25th March. 3' °"e ImPl1 can be received on 4678 Jtotels. HOTEL, ST. MARY-STREET, Ni<vht Porter AT s Coffee Room. An Ordinary at 1.30. NI^htPorte^-Mr.S. WILLIAMS, Proprietress^ 531J_ OYAL HOTEL, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF.—Firjst-class Family and Commercial House, tiie nearest to the Great Western Railway Station. Omnibuses to e\ ery train. A Night Porter in attendance. Under the manage- ment of E. J. MULLINER. 5309 IMPERIAL HOTEL; MOUNT STUART- JL SQUARE. CARDIFF.—This Hotel comprises Public Coffee and other Rooms; Private Sitting-rooms, numerous Bedrooms, first-class Billiard-room. An Ordinary, daily, at Half-past One.- THOMAS NIXON, Proprietor. 548 JOEY AT HOME I—JOEY HAYNES desires to inform his numerous friends of Cardiff and its NEI^LI- bomboSdShe has taken the -FISHGUARD ARMS," BUTE- STREET, where he will be happy to meet his friends, who will always find A JOEY, IX GOOPYSPNUTA. 15451 ODDFELLOWS' ARMS, MAES TEG* Two Minutes' Walk from Statwn. Good aocommodation BILLIARDS POSTING. INLA>»D RTAENUE OFFICE. 238C PROPRIICTOR-.Mr. ILLTID MORAAV BRISTOL. — GUILDHALL COMMERCIAL AND FAMILY HOTEL, 36 and 37, Broad-sneet RNTT, Dining, Coffee, Sitting, and Stock Rooms. Dinners from L'O F Kkrht Porter kept.—W- T. CROUCH, Proprietor CLIFTON DOWN FIRST-CLASS FATVTTT^ HOTEL, FACING THE SUSPENSION-BRTDrv ILY SUITE OF APARTMENTS, from 3* Guineas NOR» fast, from 2s. Dinners, from 3s. 6d.; Service 9A Break. Apartments having been recently added to th» U'. A$UITE O WEDDING BREAKFASTS, r same or the most moderate terms. b TCIA)erre:1 he ments only. Suite of Apartments, with Y 5 Guineas each, fires onlv extra. Bedroom a ATTEND^NC*' in public rooms, 3* Guineas. All INESTI^I' FND ^TEN^«OE order. Private drawing-room for Ladies S VICTOR'S 1 Sundays at 5. All communications to be ADDR^ dai,y M' G1TTENS, Manager BUSINESS ADDRESSES. JJOWELL ft CO., XUt CARDIFF DRAPERS, Are now Showiag the • LARGEST, BEST-SELECTED, & CHEAPEST STOCK OF BRUSSELS TAPESTRY AND KIDDERMINSTER CARPETSj ALSO, FLOOKCLOTHS, From Half-a-y&rd to Four Yards Wide. i 13, ANU 14, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF. Sift OPENING OF NEW PREMISES CROSS BROTHERS Beg to announce that their NEW AND EXTENSWE WAREHOUSES IN WORKING- STREET, CARDIFF, Will be OPENED ON SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1873, With an IMMENSE STOCK of IMPROVED AND NEW DESIGNS In KITCHEN RANGES, DINING AND DRAWING-ROOM GRATES, MARBLE & ENAMELLED MANTLEPIECES. GAS FIT TIN G S. ELECTRIC BELLS. IRON, ENAMELLED, & PORCELAIN BATHS. HOT WATER APPARATUS. STEAM-BOILER & ENGINE FITTINGS Of every description. GIFFABD'S AND GRESHAM'S STEAM-BOILER INJECTORS, ALL SIZES. COLLIERY PROPRIETORS AND CONTRACTORS Are particularly requested to inspect the great STOCK of IRONMONGERS, which includes every Requisite for Collieries, Mines, &c., &c. UPWARDS OF 500 SIZES OF BAR IRON IN STOCK, READY FOR DELIVERY. B B H STAFFORDSHIRE AND WELSH BRANDS. WHOLBSALE DEPARTMENT— 21, WORKING STREET. FURNISHING DEPARTMENT— 4 ST. MARY-STREET. CARDIFF. 5283 SEWING MACHINES k? WASHING MACHINES, MANGLES. FIRE and THIEF PROOF SAFES, with all other Patented Articles, supplied by CROSS BROTHERS, GENERAL IRONMONGERS 4, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. SEWING MACHINES. The Wheeler & Wilson's Gold Medal Silent WASHING MACHINES"8 LOCK",H°H Bradforo'sPate11l V owelW asbingMaclùne8 SEWIN6 MACHINES. WASHING The Home Washer, complete, with MANGLES, By Bradford and all other Makers. J or Sale on easy teims. KNIFE CLEANING MACHINES. To clean three knives 12 e SEWING MACHINES, Try the Shakespere. Agenoria, Franklin the Weir, W. H. Thomas and Co., or any other Maker. SEWING MACHINES For Sale and Hire upon easy terms. MANGLES For Sale on easy tenns. SEWING MACHINES Repaired. SAFES, Fire and thief proot, DY Chubb, Milner, Perry, Hobbs, Taunton, Price, Whit- field, &c. AT MAKERS' PRICES. CROSS BROTHERS C A R D I F F 4539 W. H. B I D GOO D. AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER, „ F Y APPOINTMENT TO THE COUNTY COURT, B, ARCADE CHAMBERS, CARDIFF. Sales efficiently sonducted, and settled for with promptitude. 4112 JAMES H I T T, STONE, MARBLE, AND MONUMENTAL MASON, 28, SOUTH LUTON PLACE, ADAMSDOWN, CARDIFF. Every description of Church Decoration* in Stone executed. Plain and Ornamental Monuments, Tombs, Headstones, and Tablets erected and lettered to any design, on the sl)ortest notice and most reasonable terms. 4812 "WORLD WIDE FAME." PALMER'S COCOA CONDIMENT AL FOOD FOR HORSES AND CATTLE. ONCB us)sn ALWAYS USIID The cost is less than onr halfpenny per feed, it will Dut NN». and Cows into condition when all other means have FCFNIF rearing calves cannot be equalled, and it will save I R the cost of feeding. %E Z0 L3ER cent, in Sole Manufacturers ana Proprietors, PALMER AND COMPANY, LONDON, E. Orders (wholebale )r retail), al80 applicatioll8 for ;gencie8 to be sent to MR. THOMAS W-EBBER, 32, ROYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF. 8<lrt IT A TEiHIMOKlALfS OS APPLICATION. WZ free, for 32s., to any part of South Wales. A SAMPLE BA^ 0F U1>)3. F;,R 5S- Y 2428 PUBLIC ^MNSCIITEITFS. UTCHINSON TAYLEURE'S GRAND CIRCUS, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. MORE EXPENSIVE & EXTRAORDINARY ENGAGEMENTS.H In order that the conclusion of the n;ost prosperous SEASON ever known may terminate with the sanie eclat, spirit, aiidexlel- lence that characterised its commencement, Messrs. HUTCHING aud Tayleure have, at an enormous outlay, secured the va L! services of the world-renowned valuable H- j F, M MAC E THE CHAMPION GLADIATOR (FoR SIX NK'HTSS n\'I VV— Who will appear every evening during the present week £ Classical Entertainment of the weeK in Ris GRECIAN AND ROMAN This supe-b performance will be aided bv m?J TlES! effects, viz., the Beautitul Lime Light &c 2 f,xtraordh*T also, each evening, exhibit his Laurels 1 r, .V,u Mr Maoe 'F11 Poses, assisted by his cousin I V< >1!! S| and Scient«c NOTICE.—In addition to the above o-lVJ Mace- proprietors hare (regardless Gf CXI), t. = ^raordmary novelty, *ie Marvels, PHOFESSORS A MTTTOR AKD ALVEKNO YOUNG ONZO I N'NM™WITH Immense Success and I'-WT J V ALN CLOWN, &c. o„. ^lx Ni hts of that Unparalleled <UrNrrvD T^baiaillander Wonder, OR THE FIRE PRINCE A Brilliant « LING 1N FLAMES. 'ILG^JSENCVI OF KEW Features in the Circle. 3028 VICTORIA CONCERT-ROOM, ST. MARY. „ STREET, CARDIFF. SOLE PROPRIETOR Mr. F. W. HOFFMANN Every Evening during the week. GRAND CONCERT, CHARACTERISTIC ENTERTAINMENTS, AND DANCING. RB P R B SH M Klf T8 AS USUAL. Admissiou-First Class, Is.; Half-price at Nine o'clock WHEN THE PROMENADE CONCERT AND DANCING Doors open at Seven, to commence at 7.30. 241 STAR VARIJETTITC WIND-STREET, SWANSEA. MR. MELVILLEJ MORE NEW ENGAGEMENTS. NEW PRNR ■■. ALWAYS GKEAT TALENT 0GL A3IMEJ .A. ALWAYS GREAT N'TVEITV 1 ALWAY:s GREAT YA.RIETY! Raslus, Alvarez, Marcus Wilkinson John Hill, Singleton Phillips, W^LTER R' Kv a. TO-NIGHT AT the STAR Varieties