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» cShilJ1J1ug JXotices. ^MIGRATL 'N! EMIGRATION! V "ABOUT TO EMIGRATE either to CANADA or the ,S, will tio well to co Vl,nt,u I,A,re-istilt the underlined, who *ill give every information about the country, and bcok through to any to v A S. HUNTLEY, as a;»-ent fo" James Wr.yte, Esq., Government SplWnissiouer tor (Quebec, will obtain ASSIS TED PASSAGES <o Dominion of Caiiad; and'give free Railway Tickets to any part r!^e Quebec Province. ,r„ S. HUNTLEY, General Auctioneer, 1S7, Bate-road, Cardiff, licensed to book passengers for aH parts of Canada, and the UWted States, by the following Lines:— CUNARD LINE. I ALLAN LINE. UION LINE LINK. 5796. ALTERATION OF DAYS OF SAILING. i^ORK, NEWPORT, & CARDIFF. «SLyyFJ V y FIRST-CLASS PASSENGER STEAMERS 'Trlli I'll il leave CORK for NEWPORT ind CARDIFF, i 'h Goods and Passengers, EVERY MONDAY, calling at Mil- returning from NEWPORT EVERY WEDNESDAY, and CARDIFF EVERY THURSDAY until further notice. Fares—Cabin, £ 1 la.; Deck, 7s.; Cabin Return Ticket, available mollth, £1 lis. 6d. For further particulars see small bills AGENTS. gftPlFT.—Mr. E. C. DOWNING, Shipbroker, Bute Docks. EXPORT. — Mr. JAMES HADDOCKS, Dock-street. _^RK City of Cork Steam Packet Company, Penrose Quay. °>* (Cardiff TO NEW YORK. DIRECT STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE BRISTOL 0 H A i* & u AND TUB -v. ^ITED TATES OF AMERICA AND CANADA. SOUTH WALES ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP C0^hfr^ Y S NCW' lirst-fclass, full-powered, Clyde-built Steal 500 h p. EJ^MORGAN 2,500 Tons 600 hp. PEMBROKE 2,500 Tons 000 h.p. ^RMARTIIKN 3,000 Tons ••• •ly between Or other First-clats Steamers. will sail re„ OAKDIFF AND *ith^Steamships are built expressly f< fort aI,d convenience 0( «? Ml the latest improvements for trie c. and Steerage Fas~en<rers. N-W r-,« ,vUrf "JJ-gSSt by the GLAMORGAN. (.,„,1iar3 aimlv to >or tlu t,ier ''btuaKi-r & JAMKS, and BRAKTII, 11, King-street. RtCHARCSON & Co. G. w. Jowcs, HEARD, & Co. •• w- C" Lucy & Co- •• T- WA1TB & SoN- JOjfTVPUllV^ AUSXANDKR BROTHERS. fcUiCA j0IIN K" TaVI'0R' ^RTHYR T YDFIL" "W- J- I'RKsswbll, 1, Castle-street. A, K. G. PRICK. K ISAAC THOMAS, 24, Seymour-street. Cor,pif'nnn H. B. TROTTER. i^BROKE DOCK S- B. SKETCH. Tfijjjjy RICHARD MASON. H^ESTEG JOHN CIUVKRS. I **AVERFORi)WEST J- MAY & Co., 2, Victoria-place. i^RDIGAN LAUNCRLOT LOWTIIKR, 21, Quay-st JREDEGAR M. CUFF, Sirhowy Railway. OLAKENEY SAMUEl, CHARMSY, «UYMNEY E. EVANS, Post-office. A^P^AVON E. EVANS, Stationer. TlitoR^ J<?tlx J- OHAHNDBR, Post-offioe. RnvKiiiiB™ AVILMAM WILLIAMS, Grocer. ft! A R ••••, J- H- N. J UDD, Beaufort-house. 0-10 Company s Office, l, DOCK-CHAMBERS, CARDIFF. J*'12 JOHN LAUGHLAND, Manager. BEST AND CHEAPEST ROUTEa FOR PASSENGERS *ROM THE WEST OF ENGLAND AND SOUTH WALES *0 THE UNITED STATES, IS BY THE RE AT WESTERN STEAM- Sffiiftvj- VJT SHIP LINE." BRISTOL AND NEW Sir?! 1 YORK. The FINE NEW FIRST-CLASS JCREW «< .WSHIPS of this Line are intended to sail as follows :— rAPLAND (1,500 tons) to Sail SATURDAY, May 10th. .ADY LYCETT (2,000) „ „ „ 24th. .RRAGON" (1,500 tons) June. V,$EaT W- STEHN (2,000 toiis) to foI!o-.v. e«5W STEAMER (2,500 tons) Building. hS^lN FARE to NEW YORK 1:; Guineas. ^T&RMRDIATE to NEW YORK, BALTIMORE, BOSTON, ^Portland, or PHILADELPHIA, Hi Guineas. igBRAGE, 6 Guineas. ,j*ne Vessels ot this Line do not ca'l at any Irish port, but pro- direct from Bv'stol to New York. gjf^sonpers may be booked through to all parts of the united ij^wid Canada on vcr\' moderate terms. „rlT x „ J ONV 6^0 secure berths, &c„ apply to MARK WHITWILL and IBON. 2J°r^venue, Queen-square, Bristol; or to G. F. We nock' ><led Store Merchants, Cardiff; Harse and Brown Dock- 7% Newport, Hon.; John Morgan, f^stmaster S»u„ £ rrL19'o?,es"'is George F. Price» from our i^^8sengers are recommended to oDtam t g07 ^«nt8 before leavini: home. XNMAN LINE of ROYAL MAIL X STEAMERS, appointed tf' s;ul fr0^ LIVEUI'OOL, r-id QUEENSTOWN to NEW evory TUESDAY and THURSDAY. CITY OF ANTWERP incRsiiAr MAY 8. CITY OF LIMERICK lrasl' I M.V K CITY OF LONDON TIHUISDA^MAYIS. CITY (W k- i.. YORK" Tl'ESUAY, MAI M. Saloiin i> u''r l'y'ainl 15 Guineas: Thurs- <Uv -Tuesday Sailiiig- It ana ii> « _nllai c,i,.„n Saiung8( 15 Guineas and 18 Guineas, having q 'jileges. INMAN, 22, W..„- fr,)001, j. Rnw Soutli Church-street, Cardiff. IURPICK LOVXTT, iVi,,dsoi- Hotel, Penarth. 2249 /TTlIn~ROYal MAIL LINE £ &+ A SHORTEST SEA PASSAGE ^ANADI AND THE UNITED STATES. to^andlhursdaytrolu k'1 f S tuK and BtASTON, and to all Swarding Pa-ssengers to NEW Y >RH and FROUd IT,Tvns iu Canada and the nVR(jM uVUKPOOL TO FROM LIVEKPOOL TO I K oUEBEC. S, QUEBEC. .Tup JaV, 10 June |?rmatixn, Thnrs., 1 Ai'ay K(Jay, 12 „ estorian (Via St. John's N F..SannatiAU, )av 17 „ ^-Halifax) Tuesday, 6 May C:ilatlia-n, Tut S^ndinavian, Thurs., 8 Ncst'iruui, ,1,24 £ *ynesian, Tliurs., 15 „ Corinthian, Dues..y. 26 jl^ruvian, Tuesday, 20 rolynesmn, T John's, N.F. jj'bernian Thursday 22 „ Hibernian, 0' • j July ?°rth American, Tuf; 27 „ & Halifax) Tueutoj, i {/"Bsian, Thursday, 2a Scandinavian, im ] £ *arian (Via St. John's, N.F. Peruvian, Tuesday (^Halifax)Tut ;day, 3 June Prussian, Thuwdaj, ""casaian, Thursday, 5 „ T ti\roRE Mail Steamships for HALIFAX, NORFOLK, and BAL»-I-'1U sail as followsiiulrlle "^Warding Passengers by Rail to all parts of the Middle Allot- Western, South Western and Southern States. T,ilV (v' .rian, Tuesday, "0 May. Moravian Tuesday, 0?i^n» Tuesday. 17 June Vnrk 11 Passage to Halifax, Portland, Quebec, Boston, >ew 1 » Baltimore, or Philadelphia, £ 18 18s. or £ 1515?. according k Accommodation, including Provisions, but not Wines or Liquors J}lch can be obtained on board. Return Tickets at reducea tjt8- A limited number o2 intermediate passengers are taken m ^h Steamer at £ 9 93., including Beds, Beddinur, and all neces- JJV'utei.sils, dining apart from steerage. Applications for berths made in advance. tl) teerage Passage to St. John, Halifax, Quebec, Portland, Bos- Im York> Norfolk, or Baltimore, £ 6 Gs., including a plenti- t« y»v0f .coolted provisions. Steerage Stewardesses are ^d^hildren 18 t0 attentl 10 t}ie wants of female passengers peMse ^r(mi tfle Steamships to the RaiUoay Cars t Any information required concerning Canada, can be obtained t £ >«n Mr. Dixon, 11, Adam-street, Adelphj, London Agent for the Radian Government. pamphlets on Canada supplied'grabs1 by our agents ROUTE to feA -^NCISCO, via. the UNION \*cific RAILROAD. 11'f° °n the niOBt filv'our- ■He terms For Freight or Passage, apply to ALLAN BROTHERS & CO., I Alexandra Buitding.s, James-street, Liverpool, and 85, Foylestreet, Londonderry, 0>" to Georsre Bird, 246, ilute-trect, Cardiff; John it! Taylor, ^fctre?t. Mejrthj'r jWvil»d; and Mr. David Wiiliams; W Humjihreys, Welne Alexander, Pontypridd; Ja. ^'n-street, Carmarthen L>a^ 10 e8H- Morgan, Pontypridd. t TQ kmig,IAVTS. \if COMPANY s SI'KCIAL N01. rpic]iets from our Agents be^ advise Passengers to obtain their HeKeis 4^9 re leaving home. "NAO N ALL I NE $ULNTO NEW YORK* LARGEST STEAMERS AFLOAI. FROM LIVERPOOL EVERY WEDNESDAY. m FROM QUEENSTOWN EVERY^THLRhUA The w ell-known full powered Iron Screw Steaa Tons °hipg Tons Ships 4000 S^.Pt, Grogan 5064 England, Kemp ••••• 4441 Grace 4900 The Queen, A3847 Griggg 4302 Holland, Bragg 3956 ice, Thomson 3571 Erin, Lawson 3974 *•> Webster 8500 Helvetia, Spencer „;23 Thomas 3500 Denmark, Sumner.••• • T Will sail.from Liverpool to New York as under: Q^Y Wednesday, Wednesday, M'U °Vpt Wednesday, 28th May. •h, Leaving Queenstown the following days. heio e Saloon accommodation is unsurpassed—the State-roon On unusually large, and open off the Saloons situated in rooj ^{^■te of Passage, 12, 15, and 17 Guineas, according to aecommo- ticu°n 'n State-room—all having same privilege in Saloon. Return ■sets, TWENTY-FIVE GUINEAS. *><}p COMFORT of STEERAGE PASSENGERS specially con- ■tert '6d—the accommodation being unequalled for space, light, ». Ventilation. <Oatrs OP PASSAOB—as low as by any other Line—include abun- Fresh Provisions served up cooked by Company's Servants. Stoical Attendance free. ftj^^ardesses in attendance 011 Female Steerage Passengers. V>w?eerage Pass, ngers forwarded to Quebec, Boston, and Baltimore ^1; ,u' extra chanje—und. booked through to San Francisco, and bn«Wid towns of United States and Camda on favourable terms. VuSgtrs booked through to Australia, New Zealand, China, j, "apan. °r Freight or Passage apply to THE NATIONAL STEAMSHIP CO. (LIMITKD,) H. 23, Water-street, Liverpool; J- CUMMINS and BROS., Q-ieenstown,-to Messrs. J. R. T. \f1°l-AS and CO., 130, BnUuinis-buildinna, Bute Docks JOHN °i?3AN' (Cjrnvo), 19, GleVteland-street, Merthjr Tydfil HARSB "UOWN, Newport, Mon.; F. W. CMINT, Aberdare CIIAS. P. Neath; JAil. A. MORGAN, Postmaster, Pontypoo! HENRY WnUR, High-street, Abersyclmn Twos. MORGAN, Mina-street, 'J7; J. W. DOWN, Terminus Hotel, Bristol. ,k,r, tellgers are advised to secure their Passages from the Local kl 8 before leaving home. 5241 (j H. AWRELtY (LATE J. R. AWBERY) j • TAILOR AND DRAPER, 2, KING STREET, CAKMARTHEN. 4504 Salc^bg^ucttoiL Barry Island, near Cardiff. Md iu p STEPHEN SON is instructed to vf'AUCTION, at the Royal Hotel, Cardiff, on SELL by AU i«73. at two for three o'clock in the FRIDAY, the Oth day c'onilitjollg as Shall be then and there afternoon, subject t [uable pnEEHOhV ESTATE, known as produced, the v ry gh o{ Suliy> ,n the County o; Glamorgan, Barry Island, in Pres of arable, pasture, and warren land, containing aboi rn ghore of the Bristol Channel, about eight situate 011 th?th geap0rt town of Cardiff, which is the seat of an miles west 01 d rapidly-increasing import trade, and has enormous e po coinmunication with all parte of the kingdomj direct rai roa^ from Cardiff as far as the seashore, and the There is a the island is dry twio* daily for several hours. vt. were made some years a^o, and an Act of Parliament K-'ed for the construction of a Railway from Cardiff to Barry, ^•ih'a bridge from the shore to the Island, an undertaking which sents 110 engineering difficulty, and can be carried out for a E, moderate sum. Barry Island is ad mirably adapted for a first-class watering- nlace of which the mineral districts of South Wales, with their vast and rapidly-yrowing population, as well as the town of Cardiff and its neighbourhood, are greatly in need and it is certain that the construction 01 tl e railway from Cardiff would at once convert the greater part of the Island into building land *f the most valuable character. The Island commands beautiful and extensive views of the Bristol Channel and its Islands, as well as of the Somersetshire coast. It possesses in its western side a harbour, safe and com- modlOusfor vessels of 200 tons burthen, and capable of great im- provement. Its southern shore takes the form of a bay, of hard sand, 750 yards wide, enclosed and perfectly sheltered (excepting in the south) by two projecting headlands.' The sand in the bay falls 1 foot in 20 for the first 300 yards, and 1 in 50 for the remain- ing distance, a id the ebb and flow of the tide in the bay is so gentle as to make it perfectly safe for bathing. The Island contains good building stone and lime and a plentiful supply of fresh water. The formation is limestone and other building materials can be easily and cheaply conveyed. There is a farm-house and buildings, aiso a residence erected by a former proprietor. There are no tithes, but the Island is subject to a small modus of 13u 4d. a year, and to a fee farm or quit rent of 3s. 4d. a year. Plans and particulars may be had on application to Charles Gatliff, Esq., 8, Finsbury Circus, London, and at the Auctioneer s Offices, 21, Queen-street, Cardiff. S"1 LUUDON SQUAttF, M-KRIA STREET, AND AUGUSTA- STREET, CARDIFF; AND CROFT STREET, ROATH. MR. W. P. STEPHENSON is instructed to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the Royal Hotel, Car- diff, on TUESDAY, the 13th day of May next, at Four o'clock in the Afternoon, the undermentioned capital LEASEHOLD PROr £ .tv- TIES. LOT I.-All that Dwelling-hous<?, with stable, loft, and coach- house, situate No. 44. Loudon Square, Cardiff, held for a term of 99 years, from the 29th day of September, ls52, at the annual ap- portioned ground.rent of £ 2 10s. 6d. The Dwelling-house is let t<. Mr. D. W. Evans, at £ 40 pe annum the stable and coach-house to Mr. Richards, at 47 10s. per annum LOT 2.- All that Dwelling-house, with- stable, loft, and coacn- house, situate No. 45, Loudon-Square, Cardiff, now leased t. Dr. Jones, for seven years, fiom 1st Jannary, 1870, at £40 per ^Thepremises are held for 99 years, from 29th September, 1852, at £ 2 10s. 6d. annual ground rent. Lor 3.—All that Dwelling-house and Shop, situate No. 39, on the corner of Maria-street, and Chri-tma-street, Cardiff, in the oc- cupation of Mr. Batchelor, at £ 40 per annum. n<1 an(i The premises are subject to a ground rent of 10s.^ •» contain four rooms on the ground UIK'eri>r^ with two ovens, five bedrooms, and have backL entrance. LOT. 4.—All that Dwelling-house, No. 40, Maria-street, let to Mr. Jennings at 8s. per week Ground reiit i, Ground Lor 5.-All that Dwelling-house, No. 41, Maria-street. Ground "lotI'-AII that Dwelling-house, No. 2, Chrutina-street, let to Mr. Herbert, at 7s. per week. Ground rent, £ 1 10s. Lots 3, 4, 5, and 0 are held for 99 years, from 26th March. IBM. Lor 7.-All those Seven Dwelling-houses and Gardens, situate Nos. 31. 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, and 37, on the NorLh sIde of Croft-street, Roath, held for a term of 99 years from the 2nd day of Aufeus 1867. at the annual ground rent of £ 9 0s. ou. 0nrh The premises Tnnam. ThJehou^s were forraeri^fet'at 7s?^r week^achj ^md would command the same rC £ 75 of°the purchase money may be allowed to remain on mort- ^k^K^-house, No-f. SMWwS £ 5JB .< £ LOT 9.—All that Dwelling-house, No. 44, w^fin'exrored lands, let to Mr. Gulliver, at 8s. per week, held for { residue of 99 years, at an annual apportioned ground rent £ 3 2s. 6d. The whole of the Properties are in good repair. Further information m iy be obtained on appUcaticin Messrs. DALTONS, SPENCEK, and CORBETT, 5993 Solicitors. Carditt. AUCTION MART, CANTON MARKET, CARDIFF. MONTHLY bTOCK SALES. MR. BQPINGTON, M.R.C.V.S., announces that hi'S next and 17th MONTHLY SALE of STOCK, HORSES, CARRIAGES, and IMPLEMENTS, will take place on WEDNESDAY, the 14th of MAY. Entries for this Sale are respectfully solicited. NOTICE. A SPECIAL ANNUAL SALE will be held on MONDAY, JUN« 2nd, being WIIIT-MONUAV FAIR DAY. All information respecting the Sales will be given on application to the Auctioneer. All accounts settled same day. GKOriUE BOD1KGTON, M.R.C.V.S., Residence and Oftles- Auctioneer. No. 4, Penlliiie-terrace, Canton, Cardiff 5859 PEM BROKE SHIRET— PARISTTOFTO VE STO N. MR. JOHN GRIFFITHS has been instructed to SELL by AUCTION, at the Rutzen Arms Hotel, in the town of Narbeth, on WED KSDAX, the 14tli day of MAY, 1873. at Three o'clock in the Afternoon precisely, about 13 Acres of thriving OAK PLANTATION, of «b»nt 60 years growth. The WOOD will be told standing, and subject to Conditions to be produced at the Sale. The Tenant wiil show the Wood. Persons intending to inspect it are particularly requested to abstain iroiri taking dogs with them. 5°f Particulars apply to the Auctioneer, at Narbeth, and to Messrs. Powell, Mathias and Evans, Solicitors, Haver- fordwest. Narbeth, Apijl 30th. 1873. Sale on SATURDAY NEXT, at the Atlantic Warehouse, head of East MBute Dock, Cardiff (on behalf of whom it may concern). ESSRS. ALEXANDER BROTHERS have favoured with instructions to SELL by PUBLIC AUUIIUN, at the above Warehouse, on SATURDAY NEXT, 10th )VIAY, %t Two O'clock, P-m- Prompt, about 400 Bustiels of Damaged WHEAT, ex s.s. Glamorgan. Samples to be seen at our-Office, 24, Duke-street, Cardiff. W. H. B I D G 0 0 D AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER, f T. A^POINTilENT TO THE COUNTY COURT, 6, ARCADE CHAMBERS, C A ED IFF. Sales efficiently conducted, and settled for with promptitude. _——————— 4112 fuMic Jtotices. THE LL AN TWIT COAL CONSUMERS' COMPANY, LIMITED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the SUBSCRIPTION LIST in this Company will be CLOSED on SATURDAY, the 17th day of MAV instant. E. C. SPICKETT, Secretary. The Court House, The Court House, pentypridd, Glamorganshire, 6th May ,187 3 0061 XT E A T H HORTICULTURAL, FLOWER, J3I DOG, AND POULTRY SHOW. The above Show will take place at Neath on THURSDAY and FRIO AY, the 7th and 8th of August, when good Prizes will be Particulars in future advertisements. 5960 B-1TH ANY CHAPEL, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. „ proHTH ANNIVERSARY of the re-opening of the above in :ii he held on SUNDAY, MAY 11, 1873, when sermons will Chapel w'U ue 1^ Kev. w, BROCK, D. D., of London, in the be preacne J ^j)e evelling at 6.30. Collections will be morning at eacj1 Service towards the liquidation of the made at the oiosc 6y76 Chapel Debt. — — J3UJLDERS AND CONTRACTORS. ,.0 invited for ALTERATIONS and ADDITIONS TENDERS ar ,V.7.T^(;()0[;E, including a New School-room, to the CARDIr m ^e seen at my Office, 3, Crockherb- Plans and Specin be sent, addressed to the Committee, town, Cardiff. LEL „FORE WEDNESDAY, the 14th instant. The Tender not neces^ A^_ rpo BUILDERS TENDER^Afo?Ihe Sion of a School at Nantybwch, county and'spBcifications may *^ged, JKhSm gpta-of the specifications Uivin, ^-lC' on Payment of a fee of 12s. 6d. T mM Architect Cardiff may be "Stained from Mr. P- J'ime's' A c tca' Tenders must be sent to us on or before the 21st instant. Tender. d d°es not bind itself to accept the lowest »r any Brynmawr, May 2nd, 1873 °°X' DAVIES' & BROWNE. S0UTH (NUMBERING 500 VOICES^ TnE MO'TT TTON. Tzi p MAI T*QUIS OF BUTE. TliiK LORD BISHol, OF LIANDAFF. A GRAND REHEARSAL "-IF, R EAP. SAL OP Tun CRYSTAL PALACE COMPETjrrT\7-T7 MTTmfAND A SELECTION OF WVT iw W.LI, BE G.VEN A?11 AIKfe' CAERPHILLY CASTLE, on WHIT TUESDAY The Choir will (by the kind permission of R T be assisted by the celebrated CYFARTHFA THE £ 1G00 CHALLENGE PRT7W WILL BE ON VIEW K1ZE Cheap and Special Trains will run on the Railways t W. DAVIS, Choir Secretary, Clifton-street, Aberdare. 6060 T L A N E L LY SCHO O L BOA R D TO BUILDERS. The LLANELLY SCHOOL BOARD are prepared to receive TFNDERS for the Erection of the followingSshoois, Vjz .— A School and Offices, at Pontyeates, Llanelly, to accommodate leACBoys^School and Offices, at Upper Park-street, Llanelly, to "irrfaifticlKSl't'Felinfoel, Llanelly, to accommodate 90 'Als'Tfor making certain Alterations to the School now at Felin- f°p\'ansTnd Specifications, prepared by Messrs. Wilson, Willcox, and Wilson, -irclutects, Bath U> John Jennings, the Clerk to the said Board, at Llanelly Sealed Tenders, marked "Tenders for Schools," to be sent to me on or before Monday the 2nd day of June next. The Board do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any Tender- By Order, Llanelly, 7tb May, 1873. JOHN JENNINGS, Clerk. SMSHMM }ruStJ XFLREDERICK WARE, (Late SAMUEL WARE AND SONS), ESTABLISHED 1807. TAILOR, CHURCH, STATE, AND LAW-ROBE MAKER, BRISTOL AND CARDIFF. Cassocks, Zimarre, Gowns, Surplices, Hoods, Stoles, and other Clerical Vestmenis. SOUTH WALES ESTABLISHMENT, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. CLOSED ON WEDNESDAYS AT FOUR, ALL OTHER NIGHTS AT SEVEN. 6699 ONLY THE BEST. GARAWAY'S GRASS SEEDS, G SELECTED FOR ALL SOILS. Per Acre. For Permanent Pasture, including Clovers, 27s. to 80s. For One Year's Hay, „ „ 12s. For Two „ », » 16s. 6d. CLOVERS OF BEST QUALITY AT MARKET PRICES. FIVE PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. Orders above 20s. in value Carriage Paid. Catalogues Post Free. JAMES GARAWAY & CO., SEEDSMEN, 6023 BRISTOL. D. E. ISAAC AND CO., — 18, COLLEGE STREET, SWANSEA. ——" HOUSE FURNISHERS, UPHOLSTERERS, CABINET MANUFACTURERS AND GENERAL FURNISHING IRONMONGERS. 1 es. fioodiTdelivered Free of Charge within "aradiiisof Ten Miles. • 2126 A 31 E S li I T T STONE, MARBLE, AND MONUMENTAL MASON, 28 SOUTH LUTON PLACE, ADAMSDOWN, CARDIFF. Every description of Church Decorations in Stone executed. Plain and Ornamental Monuments, Tombs, Headstones, and Tablets' erected and lettered to any design, on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. 4812 PH O T O G R A P H Y J- PHOTOGRAPHY! BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. THE INDELIBLE STIPPLED EFFECT For producing artistic results in Portraiture by which means Enlarged Portraits may be exquisitely finished in a few hours. INVKNTORB AND PATENTEES MESSRS. LONG, FORSYTH, AND GRIFFITHS. Can only be obtained in Cardiff at J. LONG'S ART STUDIO, 110, ROTHESAY-TERRACE, CARDIFF. CARTES DE VISITE and e' ery description ef PHOTOGRAPHY executed with despatch. 5036 THE PETRIFYING SILICATE PAINTS, As supplied to the Admiralty, Board of Works, Austrian Lloyds, Woolwich Arsenal, Cunard Company, &c. FOR HOUSE, SHIP, AND GENERAL USE, IN DOORS AND OUT, AND IN ALL COLOURS. Manufactured bj the Silicate Paint Company, Liverpool. Have no chemical action on Iron or other Metals, will stand any degree of heat without blistering; 1 cwt. being nearly equal in bulk, and doing the work of 2 cwt. Lead Paints. See article in Engineer- ng," Architect," Builder," &c. ARTIFICIAL STONE PAINT, Far Preserving Wood, Zinc, and other Buildings, giving them the appearance of White or Bath Stone, &c. DAMP WALLS, DAMP CHURCHES, etc., cured by the Petrifying Liquid, at a cost of about 2d per square yard. See article in Builder," Architect," Alechanics' Magazine," &c. For particulars and Testimonials, applv to THE SILICATE PAINT COMPANY, 24, FEN WICK-STREET, LIVERPOOL. AGKX'IS -J. & A. SLATER, LEWIN'S MEAD, BRISTOL. 5063 J. & A. SLATER, LOOKING-GLASS MANUFACTURERS, SILVERED PLATiS GLASS, AND VENEER MERCHANTS, 12, LEWIN'S MEAD. BRISTOL. 5024 BUTE- COAL CONSUMERS' COMPANY JL* (HENRY SAUNDERS.) OFFICES WINDSOR HOUSE, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF. BEST HOUSE COAL. BEST NUT STEAM COAL. BEST SMITHS' COAL. ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Special Terms for large quantities. 2 J M H A I M E COAL MERCHANT. LJ. GE HOUSE COAL, THROUGH-AND-THROUGH DITTO, LARGE LANTWIT DITTO, SMITH'S COAL, LARGE STEAM COAL, NUT STEAM COAL, SMALL STEAM COAL, No. 3 COKE. Delivered in anT quantity at the shortest notice. OFFICE,—BRITAIvNIA BUILDINGS, DOCKS. RESI»enojs j 1, EAST GROVE, TREDEGARYILLE Orders received at the above address immediately attended tol 2466 SPRING AND SUMMER NOVELTIES. SAMUEL PADY, TAILOR AND BREECHES MAKER, 72, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF, In thanking his numerous patrons for thsir continued ani in- creasing support during the past 16 years, begs to intimate that he lia-3 NOW READY FOR INSPECTION the Large it Assort- ment of WEST OF ENGLAND CLOTHS and SCOTCH TWEEDS in South Wales, specially adapted for Spring and Summer wear. REGIMENTALS & LIVliRIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. 5151 THE TREDEGARTAGRICULTURAL SHOW, HELD AT NEWPORT, DECEMBER 17 AND 18, 1872 P-XTITA PRIZE, THE SILVER CUP, Given at the above Show for the BEST SEWING MACHINE ADAPTED TO FAMILY AND GENERAL USE, WAS AWARDED TO THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO., 20, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. 4602 ROBERTSON, BROOMAN, AND CO.. PATENT AGENTS, 166, FLEET-STREET, LONDON. Established 50 Years. BRITISH PATENTS FOR INVENTIONS. PATENTS are granted to Applicants—natives or foreigners- (resident at home or abroad), in their own names or in the names of persons deputed by them, in which case the inventor s name is stated as the communicator, 011 condition that the invention is the proper subject matter for a patent. The patent-right covers the whole of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man, and is granted for 14 years from the date of the application. The 14 years is divided into three terms the first term is three years, the second four years and the third seven years, making together the four- teen years separate payments being requirelj for each period. Personal attendance in London will not be,required, except in contested cases. The total cost of a patent for the first term- three yearv-including- Govern- ment fCGS and agency, amounts to.. 445 < 0 And upwards This amount may be paid as follows At commencement for provisional application £ 10 0 0 Directly after, or m four months for notice to proceed. b In months for sealing patent 14 u v The cost Of the specification and drawings payable at the end of six months, rarely exceeds i20 and averages, with one sheet of 15 0 0 drawings £ 15 0 0 Thp.p stages can all be completed within two months from the the lodging of the provisional specification. To make the natent Sect for the first term, a final specification (signed by ih^lteiitee) must be lodged, in which every detail of the inven- t on must be clearly bet forth, accompanied by drawings, if the mv mechanical oue,to aid other persons in understand- inL^it l'liis filial specHication need not be lodged till within a S tr so of the expiry of the six months, so that ample time is given for trying experiments, and for completing the invention PrROKFPTsf>N BROOMAN & CO., who have for the last 50 years the whole of the greatest inventors of that periodi as ^nts, and for whom they have acted as advisers and patent as,uitb.^ 11ns is a guarantee of Uooertson, Brooman, & Uo. p and knowledge in patent practice brought to bear upon all .ca"es sub- mitted to them, and upon which new clients may rely in order to have their patent rights secured in the best possible manner, In- ventors residing in the provinces or in foreign countries, can have English patents in their own names by first communicating with the London offices. Solicitors introducing business liberally treated. ROBERTSON, BROOMAN, and Co., 166, FLEET-STREET, L. INDO. Prospectus of charges containing special information, new edition, sent post free- 6000 iPushtess ddrtssts. AMPS. JGMBOSSED GLASS. BENT GLASS. TO AILWAY OMPANIES & CONTRACTORS, COLLIERY PROPRIETORS & SHIPOWNERS, CARRIAGE BUILDERS & CHEMISTS, HOTEL KEEPERS, 4. GROCIFRS, & OTHERS. HALL & PEDDER, BARR'S-STREET, BRISTOL, (Established 1794,) MAKERS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF SIGNAL, ORNAMENTAL, AND CARRIAGE LAMPS. GLASS BENT OR EMBOSSED TO ANY SIZE OR PATTERN. PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL HALL & PEDDER, LAMP MJWI'ACTCRERS, 1, 2, AND 8, BARR'S STREET, BRISTOL. 5476 5476 F OREIGN CIGAR DEPOT. J. WEAVER, 4, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. HAVANNAH CIGARS Of the Choicest Brands always in Stock. 5760 N 0 T I C E THE OLD-ESTABLISHED FURNISHING, CHINA, GLASS, AND EARTHENWARE ESTABLISHMENT, (FORHKRLT THE LATE J. BARKER, LATE PROCTOR & BARKER,) 29, WINE-STREET, BRISTOL, WILL IN FUTURE BE CONDUCTED BY THE WIDOW AND SON OF THE LATE PROPRIETOR. 5883 QOOLING AND REFRESHING DRINKS. STANTON AND COMPANY'S CKLKBRATBD LEMON KALI AND PERSIAN SHERBET. MANUFACTURING CONFECTIONERY WORKS, I BRISTOL. 4.604 Q M I T H AND C~0~! O CORN MERCHANTS, SKINNER STREET. NEWPORT, MON. 4658 YORKSHIRE RELISH. -IL The most DELICIOUS SAUCE in the WORLD to Chops, St rFish. &c. Sold by all Grocers and Oilmen in boo es, 6d, Is, and 2s each. Trade Mark, Willow-Pattern Plate. PROPRIETORS-GOODALL, BACKHOUSE, & Co., Leeds. 5294 JONES BROTHERS, PRINCIPAL BILL POSTERS AND DELIVERERS HIGH STREET, NEATH, AND BRITON FERRY. Circulars addressed and delivered. Bill Posters to the Great Western and Neath and Brecon Railways, and the principal Auctioneers. Lessees of the Principal Posting Place in the twwn. NOTE THE ADDRESS: HIGH STREET, NEATH, AND BRITON FERRY 2144 TEETH, FROM 5s. EACH. EST BLISHED 1809. H. M. T ONES AND SON, SURGEON DENTISTS, M.C.D.E., 19, NORTHAMPTON PLACE, SWANSEA. Invite public attention to their Pafcwted System, of Painless Dentistry, which entirely supersedes alfothers. Their Artificial Teeth, being indestructible, never change colour nor decay: and, by their wonderfully lifelike appearance, defy detection, and exactly restere the natural and youthful expression of face. TEETH, FROM 5s. SETS, FROM 45. Terms btrictly moderate. Consultation gratis. A Vacancy for an Articled Pupil. ,PERIODIOAL ATTENDANCE IN PEMBROKESHIRE. For d.- see Local Papers. ONE OF THE FIRM DAILY IN ATTENDANCE AT NO. 19, NORTHAMPTON-PLACE, SWANSEA' 3146 SPECIAL NOTICE. THE GERMAN AND FRENCH PHOTOGRAPHIC AND STEREOSCOPIC COMPANY, BY R O YAL LETTERS PATENT. At the Studio Royal, 45, Wind-sfcreet, Swansea, Vauder Weyde's New Patent Photographic Process is now daily practised under the sole management of-HERR JEAN GOLDMAN, F.R.S.B.B.A. (late Andrews). HERR GOLDMAN politely begs to call attention to the fact that he js capable of producing the fi nest portraits in the kingdom, from microscopic to life-size, by this most marvellous new patent process- Pictures copied-Oil paintings, water colour drawings, minia- tures on ivory, engravings, manuscripts, pen and ink sketches, lithographic portraits, daguerrotypes, and portraits on glass or other material. The foregoing can be reproduced and enlarged to any size, or reduced. .NLote.-All negatives formerly taken by Mr. Andrews are in the possession of Herr Jean Goldman, who will reproduce very superior Copies at half the prices formerly charged. The entire valuable stock of apparatus, and all other most ex- pensive appliances having been purchased from the Debtor's Trustees, Hel. Goldman is therefore enabled to produce such re- sults that 116 other establishment is capable of producing. Carte Portraits from 4s the half dozen. Paintings done upon the premises, and Enlarging for the Trade at Wholesale Paris Prices. Note the address :— THE STUDIO ROYAL, 45, WIND-STERET (Opposite the Adelphi Hotel), SIVA NSEA. SPECIAL NOTICE. THE GERMAN AND FRENCH PHOTOGRAPHIC AND STEREOSCOPIC COMPANY, r, 45> WIND STREET, SW/NSEA, Beg most respectfully to inform the Public in general that all Pictures, 1 ortraits, Cartes, &c., formerly taken by Mr. James Andrews, are 111 the possession of their Manager Herr Jean Goldman, who will REPRODUCE all Copies at HALF PRICE, and guarantee a Superior Reproof. The above Company respectfully announce that no other Establishment in Swansea Neath, or Llanelly, have an any right to reproduce or infringe upon their NEW PATENT VAN L 'I, WEYDE 8 PROCESS. An inspection at the Wind-street Establishment is respectfully invited Price List .ent free of charge. All letters to be addressed Herr Jean Goldman, late Andrews, Wind-street. Swansea. 2099 SPECIAL NOTICE. THE GERMAN AND FRENCH PHOTO- GRAPHIC AND STEREOSCOPIC COMPANY, BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. AT THE STUDIO ROYAL, 45, WIND-STREET. SWANSEA, WAN Dim YKYDE 8 new Patent Photographic Process is now daily practised under the sole management of HERR JEAN GOLDMAN, F.R.S.B.B.A. (Late ANDREWS.) Herr Goldman politely begs to call attention to the fact that he is capable of producing the finest portraits in the kingdom from microtcopic to life-size by this most marvellous new patent pro- cess. Ilictures "copied." Oil Paintings, Water-colour Draw- ings, on Minatures, Ivory, Engravings, Manuscripts, Pen and Ink Sketches, Lithographic Portraits, Daguerotypes and Portraits on Glass or other material. The foregoing can be reproduced a,id enlarged to any size, or reduced. Note-All Negatives formerly taken by Mr. Andrews are In the possession of Herr Goldman, who will reproduce very superior Copies at half the prices formerly charged. The entire valuable stock of apparatus, and all other most ex- pensive appliances having boen purchased from the debtors' trustees, Herr Jean Goldman is therefore enabled to produce such results that no other establishment is capable of producing. Carte Portraits from 4s. the half-dozen. Painting and Enlarging done for the Trade at Wholesale Paris prices. NOTE THE ADDRESS- THE STUDIO ROYAL, 45, WIND-STREET, OPPOSITE THE ADELPHI HOTEL, SWANSEA. 3166 YANDER WEYDE SUPERSEDED. THE CHALLENGE NOT ACCEPTED! In answer to many friends, Mr. Chapman begs to state that the CHALLENGE to show One Hundred Photographs against One Hundred by Mr. Goldman has NOT been accepted. HIGH-STREET STUDIO, 235, HIGH STREET, SWANSEA. HENRY A. CHAPMAN. ARTIST AND PHOTOGRAPHER. The STIPLOGRAPH, an entirely new process, invented by Mr. Chapman, supersedes the much-vaunted, but perishable, Vander Weyde process in permanency and beauty, at one-third the price. THE CARUON OPAL! THE CARBON OPAL IMPERISHABLE IMPERISHABLE THE CARBON OPAL! IMPERISHABLE By far the most exquisite thing the beautiful Art of Photography has produced. It ha, been already patronised by many of the County Families, and is inereasing in favour every day, as it justly deserves. The TRIPOGRAPHIC CAMEOS, perfect gems and great favourites with the ladies. THE BERLIN RE-TOUCHING THE BERLIN RE-TOUCHING The only Studio where the Berlin Re-touching is produced with all its beautifying effects. No alterations in the very moderate scale of charges. Every style in the greatest favour in the most noted ateliers in furope produced in Mr. C.'s Studio. A gallery of the most exquisite specimens of the art, painted in oil and water colours by Mr. Chapman, oil view daily at the studio. No Photographs or Paintings exhibited but those taken by Mr. Chapman. The ordinary Cartes first copy, Is. six, 3s. twelve, 5s. 6d; all others eq' ally moderate. Mr. C. superintends person illy. No portraits allowed to be taken away unless approved of. Proofs shown if wished. Hours nine till dusk. 235, HIGH STREET, SWANSEA. 6064 justness Addresses* gPECIAL AND LEADING LINEsI MESSRS. W. PRICE & SONS' srocK or READY-MADE CLOTHING FOR THE SPRING SEASON. THE NEW PANT ALETTE SUITS For Little Boys. THE NEW SAILOR SUITS For Little Boys. THE NEW SAILOR SUITS For Little Boys. THE NEW DANISH SUITS For Little Boys. THE NEW LEOPOLD SUITS For Youths. THE NEW SCOTCH TWEED SUITS iFor Youths. THE NEW MORNING COATS For Gentlemen. THE NEW DOUBLE-BREASTED COATS For Gentlemen. THE NEW TROUSERS & VESTS TO MATCH For Gentlemen. THE NEW YACHTING JACKETS For Gentlemen and Juveniles. ADDRM:-CA.RDIFF HOUSE, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF 136 SEWING MACHINES, ks WASHING MACHINES, MANGLES. FIRE and THIEF PROOF SAFES; with all other Patented Articles, supplied by CROSS BROTHERS, GENERAL IRONMONGERS, CARDIFF. SEWING M KCHINES. The Wheeler & Wilson's Gold Medal Silent Working Lock-stitch Sewing Machine. WASHING MACHINES. Bradford'sPatent Vowel WashingMachines SEWING MACHINES. The Wilcox &Gibba Silent Sewing Machines WASHING MACHINES. The Home Washer, complete, with washer, wringer, & mangle. BOX MANGLES, By Bradford and other Makers. ^or Sale on easy terms. KNIFE CLEANING MACHINES. To clean three knives -4112 < SEWING MACHINES, Try the Shakespere, Agenoria, Franklin the Weir, W. ll. Thomas and Co., or any other Maker. SEWING MACHINES IRON SAFES, F°r Sa,° and Hire UP°n CMT term8' Fire and thief proof, ov Chubb, Milner, Perry, Hobbe, Price, Whitfield, &c. LAWN MOWERS, A T „ GARDEN ROLLERS, SEATS & CHAIRS ALL AT MAKERS' PRICES. 4539 J. COURTIS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL COAL MERCHANT. Best Red Ash, House, and Engine Coal. OFFICE:—BUTE FLOUR MILLS WEST DOCK, CARDIFF 5950 -¡ wll- rpucKER's WATCHES. CLOCKS. JEWELRY. GOLD & SILVER CARRIAGE, BROOCHES, LKVERjj, DINING-ROOM, CHAINS, GENEVAS, ALABASTER, BRACELETS, GENEVAS, ALABASTER, I BRACELETS, KEYLESS, DRAWING-ROOM, RINGS, CHRONOMETERS HALL & OFFICE, LOCKETS, AND ALL KINDS OF SILVER & ELECTRO-PLATED GOODS. EACH ARTICLE PLAINLY PRICED. FIVE PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. 24, CLARE-STREET, BRISTOL. MASONIC JEWELS AND CLOTHING. 5951 JOHN WILLIAMS'S (LATE OF DUKE-STREET) NEW IRONMONGERY SHOW ROOMS, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF, NOW OPEN. I 3718 S. J. B U-R MAN, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, JEWELLER, AND SILVERSMITH, 9, WINE STREET, BRISTOL. BURMAN'S WATCHES Are the BEST and CHEAPEST in the WEST OF ENGLAND. SILVER HORIZONTAL, from £ 15 0 SILVER ENGLISH LEVER from 3 15 0 GOLD HORIZONTAL, from'. °"V." I ll 0 EVERY WATCH WARRANTED. N.B -BURMAVS CLOCKS give the exact time, as received from Greenwich every day by telegraph. 5081 "WORLD WIDE FAME." "PALMER'S COCOA CONDIMENTAL FOOD FOR HORSES AND CATTLE. ONCK USED ALWAYS U!5KI}:, The cost is less than one halfpennv per feed, it will put Horses and Cows into condition when all other means have failed; for rearing calves cannot be equalled, and it will save 20 per cent, in the cost of feeding. Sole Manufacturers ana Proprietors, PALMER AND COMPANY, LONDON, E. Orders (wholesale )r retail), also applications for agencies ■* r t. to be sent to MR. THOMAS WEBBER, 32, ROYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF. TESTIMONIALS ON APPLICATION. 800 Feeds sent, carriage free, for 32s., to any part of South A sample bag of 141bs. for 5s. prepaid. 2428 „ USE ONLY F OTHEP.GILL'S TOBACCO. SOLD EVERYWHERE. WHOLESALE: 4, STUART HALL, CARDIFF. 0t052 M87, HIGH-STREET, MERTHYR TYDFIL. W ROBERTS, • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IRONMONGER. GROCERS' TEA CANISTERS, SCALES, &c., In stock at prices which will compare favourably with those charged by Bristol Houses. Illustrated Price L:sts may be obtained. BUILDERS SUPPLIED AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Dealer in Oils, Colours, Roofing Felt, and Vulcanized India Rubber Goods. 59&4 BRISTOL IMPLEMENT COMPANY LIMITED, THOMAS STREET, BRISTOL. NITRATED EARTH MANURE (THE^CIIEAPKST AND BEST MANURE). PRICE £ 2 PER TON: 5982 R. W. BINGHAM. CROQUET (TUE PALL MALL).-No. 0-10s. 6d. No. 1-158. No. 3—21s. o. 5-308. No. 6-378. 6d. No. 7—42s. No.8-50s. No.9-60s. No. 10—80s. The various Sundries to make up Sets always kopt in Stock. LITHOGRAPHING, STAMPING, ENGRAVING, BOOK-BIND- ING, and PRINTING done on the Shortest Notice. Samples ane Price Lists on application. Orders of P-3 Carriage Free to any Railwey Station. 8 & 9, BROAD-STREET, BRISTOL, & (BRANCH) 26, TRIANGLE, CLIFTON. 5952 R. O. L E A 0 H BILL POSTER & ADVERTISING CONTRACTOR 17, WOOD-STREET, CARDIFF, AND 63, CARDIFF-STREET, ABERDARE. Rents all the Principal and most prominent POSTING ST A Tin vq in Cardiff, Canton, and Roath. &1A110NS TOWN CRIER FOR ABERDARE —— J NORRIS AND SONS, TOWN*CRIER AND BILL POSTERS, (IN TOWN AND COUNTRY). Handbills and Circulars Delivered with Quick Despatch. ADDRESS :-34, ORCHARD STREET, SWANSEA LARGEST MINERAL WATER WORKS T\ thk WEST OF ENGLAND LARC.EST MINERAL WATER WORKS T\ thk WEST OF ENGLAND QARTER AND CO., „ WILDER-STRI ET, BRISTOL. "rf expensive Machinery for the Manufacture of S r1?' Sol,A. SELTZER, and 1 OTASS WATERS, LEMONADE, and IONIC QUININE WATEK. See our Trade Mark (Dolphins and Anchor 011 Shield) on even label, as most manufacturers use same colour and shape. 4775 GREAT SALE OF SADDLERY. lAiPOR- VJT TANT TO GENTLEMEN .FMtMERS, LIVERY STABLE KEEPERS. AND OTHERS.—A11 immense fctock.of Carriage, Gig, and Trap Harness Saddles, Horse Clothing and Saddlery of every description, Knee Wrappers Ku?s, Whips, Gig and Carriage Lamps, &c. Ask to see the Harness plated 011 German Silver, at £ 5 fcs. All-over Pig-skin Saddles, complete, warranted, at £ 3 3s. Plated Gig Lamps at 18s (kl., usual price 35s One visit will satisfy purchasers that this a genuine bale. Sale each day from 10 a m. to 6 p.m., at No. 3, Victoria-street, Bristol, next door to our Rick Cloth and Sack Warehouse, aitd nearly opposite the George Hotel.—PARNALL & SONS, Manufacturers, Bristol and t Exeter. Toms, nett Ca*h -,uo abattine-ut- 5007 J business Addresses. D. JOTHAM AND SONS Afil NOW SHOWING FOR THE SPRING AND SUMMER SEASON, l&§f A VERT LAKGE AND CHOICE STOCK, /Y "in the following DEPARTMENTS :— jSf. ( COATS TROUSERS TROUSERS & VESTS (To MATCH) NEW STYLES IN- GENTLEMEN'S SUITS YOUTHS' SUITS BOYS' SUITS THE BESPOKE DEPARTMENTS BOYS' SUITS THE BESPOKE DEPARTMENTS ALSO, LINEN SHIRTS (in White and Oxford), HOSIERY & GLOVES, SCARVES AND TIES, HATS AND CAPS, tc., &c. We have now completed a Large Assortment of the Latest Styles carefully selected from the BEST HOUSES. D. JOTHAM & SONS, 26 AND 27, ST. MARY STREET, CAKDIFF. 5562 PAINTERS, CARPENTERS, FRENCH JL POLISHERS, &c., Will save money by having their Goods of F. & H. BARNARD, OIL &" COLOUR MERCHANTS, 33, CASTLE- STREET, BRISTOL. LINSEED OIL 3s. Od. per Gallon. TURPENTINE 4s. Od. NAPTHA, Rectified 3s. lOd. OLIVE OIL, for Machinery 5s. Od. ROSIN 2d. per lb.* GLASS PAPER 9d. per Quire. Best French COLZA OIL 3s. 9d. per Gallon. Young's PARAFFIN OIL Is. 6d. GLUE, Best French Stamped. 8d. per lb. GROUND and DRY COLOURS, VARNISHES, and PAINT BRUSHES Cheaper and Better than any House in the City. A considerable reduction in price when quantities are taken. 4722 WHAT MUST WE DO TO MAKE OUR COALS COST LESS? Apply the Newly-invented COAL SAVER, which is Cheap, Durable, and requires no Alteration of Grate. The general public (for all are interested), namely, the Gentry, Middle Class, and the Poor, who feel the high price of coal. The Invention is kept in daily use for inspection AT HENRY LEONARD'S, 22, HIGH STREET, BRISTOL. 4774 LEWIS, CABINET MAKER AND UPHOLSTERER, CARDIFF, Respectfully invites the attention of parties about to Furnish to his EXTENSIVE STOCK of CABINET GOODS CARPETS, DAMASKS, CHINTZ, BEDDING LINOLEUM, FLOOR CLOTHS, &c., all of which are of the newest design and of the best manufa turf: N.B.—An assortment of PIANOFORTES by best makers for Sale and Hire. 101 BEDINGFIELD'S Twelve years in the steamers 113 „ between Southampton Send for his Illustrated and Havana, Price List. Intimate acquaintance with BKDINGFIELD'S the FINH BRISTOL BIRDSETB, TTAVANA markets of Sold only in packets. this A very varied Assortment of Samples celebrated on receipt of 5s.. place. Toba cconists, Wine Merchants, Grocers Chemists, &c., supplied with the ^<IGARS finest Bristol Tobaccos. i. PRlCKS ON APPLICATION. Wholesale Dealer in Tobacconists' Goods. BROAD-STREET AND PARK-STREET, BRISTOL. 4776 PARSONS, FLETCHER & CO.'S INDIAN STARCH. Tiade Mark—AN ELEPHANT. PARSONS, FLETCHER & CO.'S INDIAN STARCH for Purity and Beauty of Colour. PARSONS, FLETCHER it CO.'STNDIAK STARCH foi Laces Muslins, &c., &c. PARSONS, FLETCHER & CuT'S INDIAN STARCH will not adhere to the iron. PARSONS, FLETCHER & CO.'S INDIAN STARCH wilTretairi p its stiffness in the dampest weather. PARSONS, FLETCHER & CO. S INDIAN STARCH is highlv recommended to La,undret,ces. ARSONS, FLETCHER & CO/S INDIAN STARCH. The increased demand is proo." of its excellence. ARSON, FLETCHER & CO.'S INDIAN STARCH^is packed JL t, J, and lib. packers, also in boxes, and in 51b. papers. WORKS—GRAVEL-LAN E^ SOUTH WARK^ LONDON^ TV MAY BB HAD EVBRVWHKRB. 3708 BRISTOL AGENCY FOR THE-SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS." ADVERTISERS in BRISTOL and neighbourhood, may hrcve their orders and instructions promptly attended to on communi- cating with our Bristol Representative, 17, Grosvenor Road, Bristol. IV ERTH YP. OFFICE OF Tllg "SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS," 1, ALBEKT STREET, For the transaction of the Merthyr business of this Journal. ADYERTISEMENTS received up to. 6.30 p.m. will secura insertion in the following morning's issue of the SOUTH WALKS DAILY NEWS." SWANSEA OFFICE s Or TJiB "SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS." 42A, CASTLE STREET, (OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE.) All orders from NEWSAGENTS will rceeive prompt attention, and be executed upon the same terms as irom the Chief Office. The DAILY NEWS delivered to Subscribers early every morn- ing in any part of the town. ADVERTISEMENTS received up to Seven o'clock will secure insertion in the next morning's issue of the DAILY NEWS. NOTTINGHAM DAILY GUARDIAN. -X-l A FIRST-CLASS DAILY NEWSPAPER. Price ONE PENNY Has the largest circulation of any Daily Paper in Nottinghamshire, and adjoining counties. Saturday's issue over 20,000. A most valuable medium for adverti ers. liases of charges and copies of the paper sent free on application to the proprietors. THE NOTTINGHAMSHIRE GUARDIAN. Published every FRIDAY. Price'(with supplement) TWOPENCE Has a large and high-class circulation, and is acknowledged the great advertising medium for Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, Lei- cestershire, Lincolnshire, and neighbouring counties. OFFICES: SHERWOOD STREET NOTTINGHAM. 5875 THE OPENING CHAPTERS OF AN ORIGINAL STORY, ENTITLED "GRACE FORBEACH," IS NOW APPEARING EVERY SATURDAY, IN THE BIRMINGHAM MORNING NEWS, AND WILL BE CONTINUED WEEKLY. —————————————————— 5033 Liverpool D A I L Y A. L B ION. i F IRST-CLASS COMMERCIAL NEWSPAPER. k^^OTIITI^VN AND COUNTRY L ATEST SHIPPING NEWS. LATEST MARKETS. SPECIAL AND EXCLUSIVE LONDON INFORMATION. THE ALBION | THE ALBION HAS JTFORE SHIPPING ADVERTISEMENTS: THAN ANY ENGLISH PROVINCIAL DAILY NEWSPAPER. A RRIVES IN SWANSEA DAILY AT 4 O'CLOCK. SPECIAL AGENT MR. CORIN, BOOKSELLER. 50:5 THE OARPIFP TIMES, A FIRST CLASS WEEKLY FAMILY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED uN FRIDAY, With Second Jdition on SATI'ISDAY Afternoon PRICE TWO PLNl.'E. THE CARDIFF TIMES lias been establish*^ upwards of foaiLueu years, and has lou<r enW 1 reputation of bem« tne i.nifje.-t. !ie.-t, and Chea"«Jt u New.-p.iiie.' in Surth Wales, is has alwav* •».».» 'eKly spiilt ol Ibu.oagh IndepeiMietu-r, U lue reco^u.ed 'nt<Hi in a of the Liberal iuh N<i>ici>uf.-rmi>t li.-srtv K-j,l -> u"y orgsa ti»n greater than the other three countv Vih-VuvC*'IJ30-Ts a cil'<3«ia- S'.pca tbo establishment nf the Ccth WaT °0,,nbiued- and th,c openlus Ut' I. I.-encus jor JTS -HU H ILY Nr.ws, ganshire, Mou»i<o>iii)slure, Cii.niaitbcps' >ut ^uioi- CardigauKhue, aud poitions c; i-t'"1''1 1 etubrokeshire, the Peolisher has received u.uner ,i-« ""hlre ;*Utl *»r>bire or the CAUDIK/ Tliir.s. To nicer *j,lJl'Lcatl1"18 fromAgents seek aa extensive urea, the I"v,><•>■! aeIllaU(it a:jd t* cover by wbick the CAHUIFF Tiiii* ,fLur.hil8 MSJE MTangernents recognised auents of the Soi 'iv \V. °C UvC''t, olu ali be As a medium lor Adven n N £ Ws' second to none in the ,Ti*E* is D. l^unca«, li, St. Mary-stre'et. Cardiff. be sent to i!jjf5 'utuess ddftSStS. ING AND SUMMER FASHIONS, 1873. ON THURSDAY NEXT, MAY 1st, And Following Days, HOWELL & CO. WILL MAKE A GENERAL EXHIBITION OF NEW GOODS, COMPRISING ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES FOR THE PRESENT & COMING SEASONS. At the same time they will Offer a STOCK of A.in TAB L'IR linens At 10 per cent, under m&nufaptn fa* i ■ OA 05 oe- cpnt. „Tj Cturers list, or from 20 to P* Cent llnd' 1 retail prices. HOWELL & CO., THS CARDIFF DRAPERS. (13, ANI) 14, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF. 6164 Ie E M P W E L C H'S VEGETABLE AND GARDEN SEEDS Sor Farm, Kitchen, and Flower Garden. ALL SEEDS WARRANTED OF THE BEST QCALTTT. KEMP WELCH'S SUPERB, OVAL, WHITE VEGETABLE-MARROW Is. per Packet, should be Grown by Everyone. A TRIAL RLSPKCTFULLY SOLICITED. COLLECTIONS SUFFICIENT FOR ONE YEAR From 7s. tfr,. TO Z3. Catalogues 011 Application—Post Free. KEMP WELCH, SEED MERCHANT, REGENT.8TOOET. CLIFTON. BRISTOL. 5238 CALEDONIA CONFECTIONERY WORKS, c BRISTOL. PATERSON RICE AND CO., jAMSMauufacturer8 of JAJdS. JELLIES. JUBES. MARMALADES. ORANGE, LEMON, CITRON. PEELS. An J every description of BOTTLED SWEETS and CONFECTIONS for HOME TRaDE and for EXPORTATION To be had of all respectable Grocers and Italian Warehousemen. 52J9 <6ducatioiL ORMAL COLLEGE, SWANSEA. PRINCIPAL— W. WILLIAMS. Commit !'r,Tred f,°r U?e ^iversities and for Profession^ and nun u'a S'j S- the past six years fifty-two of the pupils have passed various public examinations. TKKMS Beara and Tuition 0 0 Tuition (including Latin and French) 8 0 Oreek l n A German inn" Drawing { » J » 4463 QT AFFORD COLLEGE" K-' DARTMOL'TH-FARK, FOREST-HILL (NEAll CRYSTAL PALACK), LONDON, S.E. MA™KMAncsTfc a ]1\CTi0SS-late Bridgend. MATUEMAIICS, Kc A O. WAIKINBOS, Esq London L niversity. GERMAN iV"v iIon'jr- RAECKEDROOK. 1^7, V, l'r. EIPIIRATE M.A., I'h.D &c DRAWING, PAIKTIKB, &c J. L. KEKWORTUY E»q F s A F ii CJ S ASSISTANT IN DITTO J. ROLFE, Esq. Medalist .r tlrc Royal PROFESSOR OF DANCING J. :;IUTOS, i; £ q„ Italian rri Opera House. thSg86"1"0 Vacancy' ,JUt be received^ the 4678 Q.ROSVENOR LADIES^COLLEGF BRIGHTON PARK, WHITE LADIES' ROAD, CLIFTON, BRISTOL T DR. B. TOMKINh, M.A Lady Superintendent of Studies Miss WILSON. Pianoforte and Singing Miss Rc>:B#LL. Drawitig, &c J Head Mastesof ric ( Grosvenor Co! lece Lady Superintendent of Domestic Arrange-) raent8 |Mrs. Jos. TOMRWS. Y«ung ladies prepared for tiie Oxford and Cambridge Local examinations.. fe Q. ROSVENOR COLLEGE, WHITE LADIES' ROAD, CLIFTON, BRISTOL. PRINCIPAL: DR TOMKINS, MA I rofesseur de Francis, Compiler of the Bristol Copy BooK- &c.) rp. „ Hkad. MASTER CHARLES BIGG, Esy.' CHiu^ ftL <i!fonIS Wv! r," x?° ,yar<is ('! tiie l'10l>0sed of the new arce 1 .mt, 7 Moderate Icnns. Large schooi-ro«m. A and c"mbridL°i V' f i^Ve ODtai"ed certificates in U,« Oxford honours Hundred^ ^xammations. many having passed with bZks/n.ercitiWotcfs, ™ 8°°d Gi^ior^i^C^efe,^ be & ?f contains testimonials from'parents 01 pupils0 froln 0ld^iruZ Is* Krfer' enees to parents at Aberdare, Biaenavon iVrlth r Chepstow, llavei.ordwest, Llantilv, Newport 'Pont^Jridd C.Rr^' Tenoy, Trelech, Tredegar.'Mertkvr'A dfi^T' Ciever lioys wh» would be iikelv to pass the oxfoir l^re.1 Examination are specially prepared, aij received on term,. 4082 jiotcls. ROYAL HOTEL, ST. MARY STREET CARDIFF.—First -ciass Family and Oimmeren,] House' the iiean-t to the Great Western haihvo.y Station. Oiimibuses to everj- tra n A Night Porter m at .endaW, Under the m ment ol E. J^MULLINER. 5y0y QUEEN'S HOTEL, ST. MARY STREET CAKDItK Laclies* Coffee Room. An Ordinary at 1.3Q Night P(,i-ter.-Ikiru,. WILLIAMb? Proprietress. 5-Sll TMPERIAL HOTEL. MOUNT STUART- .Ti SQL A RE, CARDIFF.—This FamUy Hotei comprises i'.iblic Coffee and otner Rooms. Prhate. fcittiug-roonis, numerous iw. rooms, &c., first-class Billiard-room. An Ordinary dai'v ar Half past One.— THOMAS NIXON, Proprietor. 54^0 UTE DOCKS. — WINDSOR HOTEL re- plete with every convenience and comfort An >lary W. BLUE BELL COM MERCI i, h HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF.-Fhv m.W n ]^L' ths railway suvtious. I'roprictor jjp'P'h •" iio?ii all bridge Arms). Uio Cow- R~ HVMNEY AND TAFP VA] V h' 'v^xo HOUSE, ^2, Trinitv-strect AijE EAIxNG C&rdifT.—Proprietfir JORNTHi'vii'J u>lte John's Church, Gymru Ymwelwch a'r cvmro Hct Dl"ue>rs from 12 till 4. v 5615 1 77 5 S REIRESHMENT ROOMS from 1<> to 3 "pi- I REET, CARDIFF.— Good Beds. Dinner -'J:: ^i ^^aiyes ni<,derate. 5.^ THE VAULT8; WIND-STREET, SWANSEA. Vi -r, r: MANN, Proprietor. Agent for the Licensed <4 ,s lne and Tea Companies. Ales, Wines, and Spirits u tlnest quality always in stock. Good Beds. N. a.—A arst- ing &1I0011 on the premises. ODDFELLOWS' ARMS, MAESTEG ODDFELLOWS' ARMS, MAESTEG Two Minutes' Walk from station. Good accommodation BILLIARDS. POSTING. INLAND REVENUE OFFICE. &J8C PRQPRIKTOR—MI ILLTID MOKti AF DINING AND REFRESHMENT ROOMS — J. HISCOX'S (from NATTRISS') DINING and REFRFSH MEN'T ROOMS, 42, HIGH-STREET, BRISTOL. BRISTOL.—DRAWBRIDGE HOTEL — Central, Commodious, Comfortable, and Economical w; nary daily.—1# and 17, St. Augustine's-parade Bri'v-ni 1* L'LLATHORNE, Proprietor. "rlSLOl. -J. BRISTOL. — GUILDHALL COMMERRIAT AND FAMILY HOTEL, 36 and 87 Bro,l L Du.iug, Coffee, {Jilting, and Stock Rooms. Dimip,^ t lin#toli Night Porter kept.—W. T. CROUCH, PIOI.HA?^ £ 101111:2.30 to t,| ^puetor. CLIFTON DOWN FIRST-CIA^. HOTEL, FACING THE sUSpE\s <TV FAMILY SUITE OF APARTMENTS from'U o B1UDGE- fast, from 2s. Dinners, from 3S 7l'lnei>s per week. Break. Apartments having been recentlv 11 1' ^ei"v'ce, 2s. A Suite o WEDDING BREAKFASTS theVl t0 llu" especially for same 01 the most moderate twi prepared to provide the ments only. Suite of Ai>an,- ,nS' fenns by weekly arrange- 6 Guineas each, fires onh pvt. ,S' .Wlth l">ard ar.d attendance, in public rooms, 3A Gu.'n^ l^>ai'd, and attendance" order. l'ri\ate drawinsr r. 1:'ea's served to the visitor's 1 Suudavs at 5 All I I? Llldles- Table D'Ho^e daily at 14->w co"1uiunications to be addressedj 142" D. G1TTFNS. Manager public Amusements* ►S 1 A 1t V A H 1 e T FES; WIND-STREET, SWANSEA. DIKKCTOR MR. MELVTLLE-I TO-NIGHT. ->n"t!:er Astonishing Artisuc alliance New Artiste- A ertoriaai.e New Athletes New iial.et Tro«.,i-! hiiuttion <>l l!;>t-class 'Jaltnt he .>ix Alexiiiioers, and PantoiHiRiie ArtisroQ a Alv< rno and Younu Oi.zo, Flyi, if W cnaers Tl'ree' H3^: lol.ni.stS, Trios, Dancers, &c. i.r. and Mrs. Ton. Arnold Mr' V \I ICTORIA CO^C^r-KOoM,'Kr. ibAKY- SOLE PROPRIETOR F. W. HOFFMANX Eiery Lvenmg JUI ;)J;,r the week,1 GHA V lilniijiiiAlAMENiis, AND DANCING. AJN,IAT T!IE BAR. AlKli-pncc at Half-past Nine for 4 T. jeiitleroen onh. On baturuays aiiu Bcntfit Nights no return tickets after 10 o'clock* I"rb OFAII Ai 7.30, to commence at 8.