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Jghippiiig Jfloticcs. MIGRATION EMIGRATION tr^RTIES ABOUT TO EMIGRATE either to CANADA or the WAITED STATES, will ''o well to consult the undersigned, who Jr' (five them eve'ry information about the country, and book through to anv tov" S. HUNTLEY, as agent for JamesWbyte, Esq., Government lor (^u^bec, will obtain ASS'SIkD PASSAGES to Jj Potninion of Cannula, and'give fiee Railway Tickets to any part Quebec Province. igf: S. HUNTLEY, General Auctioneer. lSi, Bute-road, Cardiff, (j'!censed to book passengers tor aU parts of Canada and the States, by the following Lints:— £ ttNARD LINE. ALLAN LTNE. ^HJION LINE. DOMINION LTNE. 5796 /te, T71 R E E AND ASSISTED r EMIGRATION TO NEW ZEALAND. W?KEE and ASSISTED PASS ^ES are granted by the GOVERN- of NEW ZEALAND as under To Married Agricultural ^oourerg. Navvies Plouirhmen, shepherds, a few Country Me- K*CS. on their giving a Promissory Note for iCIO, payable in Colonv by instalments or by paying £ 5 in Cash. FItEE PASSAGES ARE GIVEN TO SINGLE FEMALE jv DOMESTIC SERVANTS.. o^ghters and Sons of 12 years of age and upwards, and going J?: ^'ith their Parents, are taken, the former FREE of CHAKtJt-, ™ the latter on payment of £ 4 in < ash, or on giving a Pr°m BJ^ t-ory Note for £ 6. th ««LE MEN are taken on payment (before Sailing) °! of £ 8 or on payment oJ £ 4 in cash, and giving » promi J, Note for £ 8. „ terms and conditions, apply personally, or bv letter, for Ne*v Zealand, 7, Westminster-chain" > f^-stieet, ljondon, S.W. 5830 -^don, April 7.5th, lb73.. Vf-\ 5 £ 1ARDIFE TO NEW iTORK. DIRECT ST E A M COM MUNI CATION^BETWEEN THE bhibtol 0 H A AN u yVEU TATJfiS O/AMTRICA ANX> CANADA. ^U'l'H WALES ATLANTIC st^msbtps n» first-class, full-powered, Clyde-" 500 h.p. fif^OHGAN 1!,500 Tons 500 h.p. cauSh° ive ^,&o° eoo h. p. (JJ^ARTHEN 3,000 I f •-j rel,uiariy between °tber First-class Steamers. m H( YORK teTheaAA R F ^vm-essly for the Trade, and fltted-up *>th^ Steamships are built exi ;h conifort and convenience Of (vf!' the latest improvement,. a,Hl Steerage l'aKS<l^r^1 mattresses. 4 Passengers p.ovuled witn emii,ra(lts I^B^E^in" onTHOKSDAV, MAT 8th, to be «. 64 by the «LAM0HGAN.)!irticii)ar8 to J>(!doktt & JAMKS, and BRANTII, 11, King street. talUvsp.. KICHAKDHOS & Co. G. W. JON'KS, tlKAKD, & CO. WUcESTPii .••• w- c- U:c:y c<>- Sv > !R T. WAITE & Sws. ^TVl'Mll'li AMXAKDKR BK OTHERS. S'SC/L j0,IN R- 'i'AYLOK. tydf/l vv- J- I'HESSWKLL, 1, Castle-street. "SroakE K- G- P^'CE. »vr », l^A*c I10MAs, 24, Seymour-street. HJLEford H- TKOTTER. HJMBaOKE DOCK S. B. SKRTCH. KICIIARD MASON. JJAESTEG JOHN CHIVKUB ITOSKJ,li3RDWi2ST J■ MAT Co., 2, Victoria-place. ihrriiv'* 1J UUSCBLOT LOWTIIKR, 21, (iuay-st. ^.Arrvrv J'. M. Curr, Sirliowy Railway. SAMUEL CIIAHLEY, K- EVANS, l'ost-office. LVANS, Stationer. Jons- J. CIIAMSDER, Post-office. Bftv^KY WiLUAM WILLIAMS, (irocer. Or,, jlAWR j. n. N. J i iii), lieaufort-liouse. 37121e Company's Office, 1, DOOK-CUA.UUniS, CARDIFF. JOHN LALTGHLAND, Manager. rKST AND CHEAPEST ROUTE FOR PASSEN'UERS To V1 T11 K WEST OF ENGLAND AND SOUTH WALES THE UNITED STATES, IS iiV THE ^l,r^ f i HEAT WESTERN" STEAM- SHIP LINE." BRISTOL AND NEW 'l'tÁJd YORK. The FINE NEW FIRST-CLASS SCREW 4 LAfcr °f Line are intended to 8»!l an follows ? ChvANO (1,500 tons) to Sail SATURDAY, May 10th. LYCEXT (2,000) » » » 24th" ,'<Sfep ,G0N" (1,500 tons) J«nc- T W h'STENN (2 000 tons) to follow. ?.AhUTEAMEU (2,500 tons) Building. PAKE to M«;W YORK l:; Guineas. ROSTOV, 'Mediate to NEW YORK, BALTIMORE, BOSTON, D' or PHILADELPHIA, 8J Guineas. th» ir4GE- 0 Guineas. r h nort but pro- Vesseig 0t this Line do not call at any P l»fLcj_ re^t from Bristol to New Vork. United Offers may be booked through to all parts ol we „ V at»A Canada on very moaerate terins. SON, Ki*otgZ 19, Glebelaml-street, Merthyr 1 ydlu J. S^'fein Ash: or to M. Jones and Bio., Slip brokers, George F. Price, Church-street, I o.u-ypruld. tige are eco nine d,d to obtain thejr Tickets from our vin home. 807 ITOYAL AFAIL i NMAN LINE of ROYAL MAIL J- STEAMERS, app0i"tcc!iv!vvwsltil NEW LIVERPOOL, em qUEENS'lOWN «3lT^e^'rnESI>AY and THURSDAY.. hJTY OF BROok t VN THHiiSDAi. MAT i. OF WASH ivrToN • .TUESKAY, MAT 6. OK AVr!- .THURSDAY. MAY 8. CIXY OP r■• • a TifFSDAY MAY 13. IVOLISR' >»W i.^erage D XT„,V York, Six Guineas, with .ss.<¥»'«- ^rs?™eor 10 »««.W,„ FEW'BI & SOT, SOUUI GARWOOD, 57. Scott-street 2249 -A- SU0,RJuTOEEUSItSA STATES. TO CANAD AND TIIE UNITED STATES. i^ist Route to the West. „ j:rP(>t every Tues- S^superb Steamships of this Line n^w n fli queBEC, Sg.Thi«day from LIVERPOOLto PORTLA^ XrdlnS Passengers to NEW YORK and Towns in Canada and the Uinteu feta '^r rj»Q *0* LIVERPOOL TO FROM L VLRP00L 1U QUKBFC. 10 June '1'hurs., 1 May Manitohan, TuescUy, »^ha?an (Via St. John's N.F. Sarmatiau, Toursda}, KftiVlfax) Tuesday, 6 May, Caiadian, Tuesday, K'nllavia". Thurs., 8 i Nestorian, Thursday, 19 » K«njv?*'atl. Thurs., 15 „ Corinthian, Tuesday, SibeJ,^0. Tuesday, 20 „ Pol- nesian, Thursday^o_ ^'p 20th^lan' Thursday, 22 Hibernian, (ViaSt. John s, • CfCi.rican. Tu., 27 „ & Halifax) Tuesday, 1 7ira'tn< Thursday, 29 Scandinavian, Thurs., £ i?HaUf lV>a St. John's, N.F.,1 Peruvian, Tuesday, » » tau, x)Tuesdav, 3 June Prussian, Thursday, 10 »» V^,aD- Thursday, 5 „ 411 Steamships for HALIFAX, NORFOLK, and BALTIMORE sail as follows:— t Warding Passengers by Rail to all parts of the Middle Western, South Western and Southern States. **• Tuesday, 20 May. Moravian, Tuesday, 15 July k^bT*'Tuesday, 17 June Passage to Halifax, Portland, Quebec, Boston, New York, Baltimore, or Philadelphia, £ 18 18s. or £ 1515?. according ,k "II-od.ti.n, including Provisions, but not. Wines or Liquors ^n be obtained on board. Return Tickets at reduced ""n,ber of intermediate passengers are taken in wK»"^er ineliidii'g Beds, Bedding, and all neces- I,s'\s> unnn^ aPa,'t from steerage. Applications for berths 111 a(-vance- JV^age Passage to St. John .Halifax, Quebec, Portland, Bos- Jl «ew York, Norfolk, or Baltmiore, £ e 6s., including a plenti- >n>Ply of cooked piov^ms. steerage Stewardesses are \«hil>y this line W;"lts female passengers taken from the Oeean Steamships to the Railway Cars t IULIKOT"" THHOUOT1 Ticsm .'•"u on For Freight or Passage, apply ALLAN BKOLHELSe& Alexandra Bu^' i.'ovie'street, Londonderry, to r>_ 85, 1 oj ie 'ardifi' John li. Taylor, hNtet r«e Bira- 246' 1Jute'S-tie ;t James Avre, 64.Dock' Pontymister, near Newpoi 1,.ira(iei Swansea. Stou* Sol port'' R- Prust & Sol',S' 'iu- John Copeland, 124, 17( Thomas-street, Llaneil\ Gilford Haven 4 Ni'Merthyr Tydvil Jackson & •. vViiliams, ^s*3;hS. "C'; b. "an, Pontypridd.g COJIPAN-Vh SPECIAL NOTICE TO EMIGRA. • Agents N Se Passengers to obtain their Tickets fr 4869 home. xT P> ^Lf^> RATIONAL L1K TO NEW YORK.. LARGEST STEAMERS AFLOAT. EjOM LIVERPOOL EVERY WEDNESDAY. ThA °M QUEENSTOWN EVERY THURSDAY' *'ell-known full-powered Iron Screw Steam-slupS XPt.G, Tons Ships Tons Sr> 5064 England, Kemp 4900 The Queen, Andrews 4302 Holland, Bragg 3847 VMa v^°>nson 3571 Erin, Lawson 3956 IT! ter 3500 Helvetia, Spencer 3974 WM,llas 3500 Denmark, Sumiser 3723 sail from Liverpool to New York as under SfciV Wednesday, 7th May. ^SOjj Wednesday, 14th May. 21st May. V • Wednesday, 21st May. V* Leaving Queenstown the following dajwa. ^UnJ?011 accommodation is unsurpassed—the State-rooms a^'y large, and open off the Saloons situated in Poop ijfi^sage, 12,15, and 17 Guineas, according to accommo- •ifSW-e-room—all having same privilege in Sstoon. Return Cox»5^TY-FIVE GUINEAS. ORT of STEERAGE PASSENGERS specially con- aocomniodatioti being unequalled for tpace, light, At'lit6tioll. Passage—as low as by any lither Line-imdude abun- CJtaj Provisions served up cooked by Company'^ Servants. ^C^dlr^^diuice free. (XSifeS** in ittendance on Female peerage Passesgere. aasebgerii forwarded to Quebec, Boston, and Baltimore charge—and booked through to San Francisco, and i*»nfce^ns of United States and Canada .on favourable terms. i*»nfce^ns of United States and Canada-on favourable terms. fit booked Uirough to Australia, Kew Zealand. China, > k °r Pa88a^e apply to E NATIONAL STEAMSHIP CO. (LIMITED,) r%rv*. S3. Water-street, Liverpool; MMINS and BROS., Qtieeiistown,-to Messrs. J. R. S5 CO., 130, Britannia-buiUlings, Bute Docks; JOHN r^ ljow^ymro), lfl, GlebeUnd-street, Merthyr Tydftl; HAUSB NewPort, Mon.; F. W. CADKT, Aberdare CriAS. P. JWj°0u JAS. A. MORS AN. Postmaster, Pontypool; HKSRT Cwy, j^Kii-street, Abersychan THOB. MOROAN, Miua-street, 1>0WN, Terminus Hotel, Bristol. q,Ds Ire wlviscd to secure their Passages from the Local rt leaving home. 6241 =.- S¡tlt b!t tttti01t. rrr?ttFT CANTON, CARDIFF. M WELLINGTO PGIINSON is instructed to R- ,)Y- KY'AUCTION, at the Queen's Hotel, in Cardiff, on SELL BY • next< at six for seven o'clock, all TUESDAY, the (>th j en-bUiit DWELLING-HOUSES, situate those two convenient ana Wellj|lgton.stree^ Canton, Cardiff, in and being Nos. 43, ana > ;uid Mr. Jones, at 6s. a the respective occupations oi week each.. under lease from the late E. P. Richards, EsTh°f ''r tlie"idue of a term of 'J9 years, at a ground-round of £ 5 ^lor fuSfer'P^ulars apply to the Auctioneer, or to Mr H. Heard, HILL'S TERRACE, CARDIFF. MP W P. JSPEPHENSOIN has received in- structions to SELL by AUCTION, on TUBSDAT, the 6th „vt at the Queen's Hotel, Cardiff, at six for seven o'clock, Three LEASEHOLD MESSUAGES or DWELLING- wnlTShS situate and being Nos. 47, 48, and 49, in Hill's-terrace, •the parish of St. John the Baptist, in the town of Cardiff, now in led by Jnhn Morgan and others, as weekly tenants, at rents "^minting in the whole to £ 48 2s. per annum. "Xlgo, all those LEASHOLD DWELLING-HOUSES or COT- TAGE^, situate in a court leadintr out of Hill's-terrace aforesaid (at tile back of the first-mentioned premises), now in the occupa- tion of weekly tenants, at rente amounting in the whole to le2s 8s per annum. All the.above Premises are held under Lease for the term of 190 vears from the 1st of January, 1S44, at an annual ground rent of £ 7 7s. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneer; to Messrs. Daltons, Spencer, and Corbett, Solicitors, Cardiff, or to Mr. R. W. Williams, solicitor, Cardiff. 5871 CARDIFF. Sale of very valuable Freehold Property, adjoining the Custom- house. and fronting the East Wharf of the Glamorganshire Canal. MK. W. P. STEPHENSON is instructed to SELL by AUCTION, at the Cardiff Arms Hotel, Cardiff, on THURSDAY, the «th dav of MAY, 1S73, at two for three o'clock, all those extensive and valuable FREEHOLD PREMISES adjoin- ing the Custom-house, and situate on the linst Wharf, Glamorgan- shire Canal, including the York Hotel public-house, and tne offices of the Board of Trade, with the yard and outbuildingsiin the rear thereof, the whole containing an area of 665 square Jards or thereabouts, with a frontage of 47 feet 4 inches or thereabouts to the East Wharf, and having an independent approach at the back of the Custom-house from Custom-house-street (better known as Whitniore-tane).. The public-house contains two bars, one parlour, smokmg-room, kitchen, and s ulierv, sitting-room, six bedrooms, club-room, feet long; store-rooms, cellars, st-iblcs, and coach-houses. Be- tween the Public-house Rnd the Custom-house are two convenient offices, now sub-let to the Board of Trade.. This Property forms one of the most valuable freehold Cardiff, Its commercial advantages are almost unequallea. beitig situate in the centre of the business part of the t.»wn, adjoining the Custom-house, close to the Glamorganshire Canal, witn lis valuable wharfage, and within a fsw yards of the Grea Railway Station; shortly to be rebuilt on an extensive s<»le. The whole of the premises are let on lea* tor Jhe term of 21 years from the 2nd dav of February, 18b>,to Mr. Re"J' house blett, at the yearly rent of £ 65, the ofoces, stables, coach-house, Btroet- CrJiH \yr to <iro-er and C"1' '■ ABERDARE. rrmfRLE IN"VK&TMENX. 1%/TESSRS. ALEXANDER BROTHERS HAVE 1\JL been favoured with instructions to SELL bj PU«L AUCTION, at the Castle Hotel, ^T^vi^fn'thelfternoon MONDAY, the 5th day of MAT next, at fourfollowing (subj'ect to such conditions as will be then p )> LEASEHOLD PROPEKTY T Tvrs W0USE lieinir No. 18, LOT 1.—All that SHOP and DWELLIN £ HOUbi^ to Cardifl-sti eet. Aberdare, in the occul^t1"" %ih September, 1871. Chemist, under a Lease for 21 years, from 25tn aeptemoer, at the yearlv reiit of ;C30. "™.C.r'Ste Subject to the apportioned yearly ground rent of £ 2 15s DWELLING-HOUSE and OFFICES, bein<' No 14, Cardiff-street, Aberdare, in the "L^jy '• Aberdare and Aberaman Consumers Gas Company, at the y e reThi^?t°will be sold subject to the apportioned yearly ground. reLork^A^that WORKSHOP, situate in Merchant-street, Aber- dare adjoining the above premises. „ This Lot may at a very small outlay be converted nto Two Cottages, and will be sold subject to the apportioned yearly ground r0The whole of the premises are held under Lease Trus- tees of the Marouess of Bute, for a term of 99 years from the 2nd day of February, 1850. 10 To view the premises, apply to Mr. John Richards, Cn id, Cardiff. street, Aberdare, and for further particulars to the Auc- tioneers, Institute Chambers, Pontypridd. or to Messrs. Rosser and Phillips, Solicitors, 17, Canon-street, Aberdare. 22nd April, 1873. 0 43 SALE THIS DAY. SALE OF HORSES, CARRIAGES, &c. MR. D. T. ALEXANDER is instructed to SELT, by AUCTION, in the Yard of the Cardiff Arms Hotel Cardiff, on SATURDAY, the 3rd day of MAT next, at 2.30 p.m., to a minute, the following HORSES, CARRIAGES, &c. :— A very handsotr.e three-year-old cream colour Pony* broken to saddle and harness'; a two-year-old bav Colt, calculated to make -a capital hunter and a five-year-old roan Pony. Set of dog-cart brass-mounted Harness set of plated gig Harness set of ditto, brass-mounted, in fair condition set of ditto; gent's Saddle, lady's ditto three Nose-bags four-wheel Dog-cart, painted brown and picked red, with patent break, suitable for a cob liasket Carriage, painted black and picked green, in good condition. I The whole of the lots may be viewed the morning of the Sale, at the yard of the Cardiff Arms Hotel, Cardiff. 24, Duke-street, Cardiff, 24th April, 1873. WSft AUCTION MART, CANTON MARKET, CARDIFF. MONTHLY STOCK SALES. MR, BODINGTON, M.R.C.V.S., announces that his next and 17th MONTHLY SALE of STOCK, HORSES, CARRIAGES, and IMPLEMENTS, will take place on WEDNESDAY, the 14th of MAT. Entries for this Sale are respectfully solicited. NOTICE. A. SPECIAL ANNUAL SALE will be held on MONDAY, JUNE 2nd bemg WHIT-MONDAY FAIR DAY. Ait information respecting the Sales will be given on application to the Auctioneer. All accounts settled same day. GEORGE BODINGTON, M.T?.C.V.C., Residence and Offices— Auctioneer. No. 4, Penlline-terrace, r Canton, Cardiff. 5859 Under the powers of a Bill of Sale.—Granstrom's Private Hotel MR HOR ounty Court Office), Fishcr-street, Swansea. R. HORACE CUTTING is instructed to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, on TUESDAY, MAT 6th, 1873, upon the premises as above, the whole of the well-selected modem HuUSEHOLD FURNITURE and EFFECT'S, comprising maho- gany dining, dressing, loo and cither tables, dining-room suite in leather, tapestry carpets, hall stand, iron French bedsteads, palliasses, several new spring mr.ttresse3, beds, bedding, marble top and other stands, swing glasses, polished birch stands and glasses, feather pillows, child's cot, excellent sewin<ir machine, pier glasses, whatnot, fenders, irons, rugs, dresser, and the usual kitchen furniture and utensils, bed and table linen &c., &c. The whole of the above are nearly new, and iu capital condition. Sale to commence at 11 o'clock prompt. There will be no reserve. t Auction and Estate Offices, 42, Castle-street, and Goat.street, Swansea. In Chancery: Grififths v. Jones, Jones Y. Jones—Flintshire and Denbighshire. MR. EVAN VAUGRHAN (of the firm of Messrs. Hards and Vaughan) is instructed to SELL by AUCTION with the approbation of Vice-Chancellor Sir John w-V^ens pursuant to a decree of the High Court of Chancery, LIP in'the above causes, at the Town Hall, Rhyl, on Thursday, T f Vt the UNSOLD PORTIONS of the highly im- li ,it FREEHOLD DOMAIN known as the Maesmvnan portaut te ju the parishes of Caenvys, Yseeifiog/ and 'i on the borders of F.int and Denbigh, consisting Boatari, valuable and important freehold residental of an exc«> 8 Ja3 the Maesmynan-hall Estate, comprising estate, i\u o{ excellent arable, pasture, and wood about JV" t(j 3Q0 acres 0f sheep walk on the Moel-y-Park land, witn ng ancjeut and picturesque residence, well-known Mountain, w it a(jmirabiv situate, within a few minutes' walk as Jfaesniynan- £ i(m on the Mold and Denbigu Railway, com- of the Caerwys tj,e surroundinu' country, and requiring manding love:^ a^lapt it to modern requirements. This only a small ou'ti mprises aiso the magnificent Maesmynan portion of th?,^f„„tures of the county. There is good shooting Wood, one of the Ile fistl;n the river Wheleer. Also the on the estate, alia M cottages in the town of Caerwys, several Sessions-house and » onnnotia,tion and building land, and a lots of very valuable a<w ku0„.n Ty Uchuf. The Mo,d and small farm of about 'e_s 'tJirough the estate, adds immensely to Denbigh line, which pas » affords easy communications with the value of the property, d every part of North Wales, Chester. Denbigh, St. Asoph W £ ee> and'y JAV0 hours'journey and brings the estate wit r aud Liveriwol. Tiie proj>er- respectively of London, M obtained of the Auctioneers; tiesmay b Tiewed by cinl». to>be oo» o{ be of particulars, pHns, a."de No 1. Gresham-buildings, tf^srisrK ? WKfesrs Me^B^^Ashurst, Morri^a!^00^ Victoria-street, Wost- e -rs. s. ootli-sti-eet, Chester; of Messrs. E' Banner'*BM 'and Co., h Union-court Surveyor*' 6°I °4 Vaughan, Auct.oneers^nd aurve.^r^62, Moorgate-street. London, .C. F RE D C K DAY I MORTGAGE BROKER, ACCOUNTANT, &c., QUAY STREET, CARDIFF. ) PROPERTY FOR SALE Jt?rBLE-LICENSED PUBLIC"HOUSE long lease; ground TWO FREEHOLD HOUSES, at Canton. FOUR LEASEHOLD HOUSli^, iu Crichton-street, MONEY READY TO^E ADVANCkd £ i,500, -esso, £ 7oo, £ 250. 5023 w H- B 1 » <j 00 D AUCTIONEER 4 APPRAISER AV ^RSFTA'BJBTT 6, ARCADE C TX A M B E R S, CARDIFF. Sales efficiently cooducted, and settled for with promptitude. 4112 =- ESTABLISHED 1812. TT AND T. PROCTOR, AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTS, CATHAY, BRISTOL. ORIGINAL MANUFACTURERS OF SPECIALLY PREPARED BONE MANURES, FOR GRASS, CORN, ROOT, AND OTHER CROPS; ALSO, BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME, WORKS -.—CATHAY, BRISTOL. Fall particulars, with prices, post free, on application. 4273 public oticts. COAL AT COST PRICE. THE LLANTWIT COAL CONSUMERS' JL COMPANY, LIMITED. Incorporated wnder the Companies Acts, 1862 and 1867, whereby the liability of Shareholders is limited to the amount of their Shares. CAPITAL P,15,000 IN 1,500 SHARES OF £10 EACH, zi Payable on Application, 1;3 on Allotment, P-3 on the let Sep- tember, 1873, and £ 3 on the 1st December, 1&73. DIRECTORS, CHARLES BASSETT. Esq., Pontypridd. HENRY BOWEN, Esq., Mayor or Cardiff. WILLIAM PRICHARI), Esq., JLP., Crofta, Llantrissant. WILLIAM ALEXANDER, Esq., J.P. and Alderman, Cardiff. W. B. WATKINS, Esq., J.P. and Aldennan, Cardiff. EVAN JOHN, Esq., Liantrissant. BANKERS. THE LONDON and PROVINCIAL BANK (Limited) Pontypridd, and at the several Branches. SOLICITOUS. Messrs. SPICKETT and PRICE, The Court House. Pontypridd. MINING KNOIKEER. DAVID MORGAN, Esq., Pontypridd. 8KCKKTAKY (PRO TEM), E. C. SPICKETT, Esq., Pontypridd. OFFICES, THE COURT HOUSE, PONTYPRIDD, Glamorganshire. PROSPECTUS. The Company is formed for the purpose of acquiring and working a Colliery situate at Rhusaeson, 111 the parish of Llan- trissant, in the county »t Glamorgan, known "the Uantwit Wallsend Colliery," and supplying Coal to Shareholders at cost PIThe Property comprises'about 70 acres of the well-known Tlantwit Seams, which have for many years been worked by Messrs Powell & Sons, and others in adjoining Properties, and is held by the present Lesees for the unexpired term of 40 years, It the sleeping rent of £ 70, and the low royalties of 6d. and 7d. ner ton of 2,520 lbs. There are three veins of Coal, having an aggregate thickness of 12 feet 6 inches, the No. 3 or 4-feetSeam being of the best descrip- tion for household purposes and the manufacture of gas, and commands a higher price than any other house coal in South ^The Coal jg worked by means of two pits, which are sunk on the property to the No. 3 (which is the deepest of the Llantwit Seams), close to the Taff Vale and Llantrissant Junction Railway, in connection with which there is ample siding accommodation. About six acres only of the No. 3 Seam have been worked, the Colliery having been but partially opened by the present proprie- tors lrom want of capital. The present output is 20 tons a day and as the new headways which have been opened are extended the output will progressively increase, and in six months' time will it is believed, yield 100 tons a day. The purchase money, Including the existing charges upon the Colliery, wIll absorb about £9,000 of the capital, and the residue will be applied in developing the property. It is proposed to supply Shareholders with Coal for their own consumption in the proportion of five tons per annum for every share at cost price at the pit's mouth, and which, at the com- mencement of the Company's operations, will average 10s. ner ton but as the development of the works proceeds, and the 11 it nut increases, the cost will be proportionately reduced. The following table will show approximately the cost of the coal delivered at the following places: Approximate Freight and Cost of Coal T.f„i Name of Place. Wagon Hire, per Ton at The following tab!e will show approximately the cost of the coal delivered at the following places: Approximate Freight and Cost of Coal T.f„i Name of Place. Wagon Hire, per Ton at Pit's Mouth. Cardiff (Junction G.W.Ry.) Ill 10 11 11 Newport 1 • • 1° K ffiKSL *3 io \i I Chel^nham 6^ » • Stroud 50 •• 10 •• 15 7 £ 22? 79 102 S S1! London (Paddington Station) 11 8 10 21 8 A narrow Guage Wagon contains from 6 to 8 Tons of Coal, and each Shareholder, therefore, who has a supply by Rail will have to take not less than one Wagon load at a time, and will be charged the Current Price for any quantity in axe as of that which he is entitled to have at Cost Price. The Directors will make arrangements for an equitable distribu- tion of Coal to Shareholders according to the order of receipt of application, and in such a manner that the holder of a single Share will be supplied with his quota before larger Shareholders receive a larger supply. The Coal rlised in excess of the quantity to which the Share- holders are entitled, will be Sold at the current Market prices, and will yield at present prices a large revenue. Tons. An Output of 100 Tens a day will yield per Annum about 80,000 Deduct Shareholders' supply cf 5 Tons per Share on 1,500 Share w 7.500 Leaving a Balance for Sale of 22,500 E- D- The Selling Price of the No. 3 Llantwit Coal delivered on Board Ship is from 18s. to 20s., say- -18 0 Deduct cost of Working, Freight, Tonnage, Wharfage, Weighing, Wagons, and Couiiiusaioii 12 6 Net Profit 5 6 Thus showing a Net Profit of ICG,187, or .£40 per Cent. per Annum on the Capital. Applications for Shares must be made to the Bankers of the Company, ittid be accompanied by a deposit, of £ 1 per Share. 5SS8 NOTICK. rpHE TRAMWAY COMPANY will DEFER X running their Cars on Sundays until further orders. Dated 1st May, 1872. W. C..HURLEY, Manager. VTEATH HORTICULTURAL, FLOWER, J3I DOG, AND POULTRY SHOW The above Show will take place at Neath on THURSDAY and FRIDAY, the 7th and 3th of August, when good lnzes will be awarded/ Particulars in future advertisements. 5960 BOTTOMRY. Y\ANTED, about £ 90 on the French Schooner VV Aline, of Nantes, 78 tons register, now in Cardiff, bound to Falmouth. Tenders to be addressed to the French Consul iu Cardiff, on or before Saturday next, May 3rd. Cardiff, April 28, 1873. BOTTOMRY. TXT AN TED. about £ 830 on the French Barque W Juliette of St. Malo, 2S9 tons register, built at La Rochelle in 1854. Clawed in the Register Veritas 5.0 A. '2.I., now in Car- diff, bound to Spain. Tenders to be addiessed to the rrencn Consul in Cardiff, on or before Saturday, the 3rd of May next. Cardiff, April the 26th, 1873. 5890 TO iiClLDiuKb.. THE &ELLIGAER SCHOOL BOARD desire TKNDEKS for the erection wf New Schools at Vochriw to be sent in to me on or before the 21st day of MAY, 1873. To see plans and specifications, and for all further information, apply to Mr. John Williams, architect, Morgan Town, Merthyr Tydfil. (By order), r FRANK JAMES, Clerk. cW 134, High-street, Merthyr-Tydfil. 3 Wti-LIiDilylt 'f LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH. TO MARKET GARDENERS AND OTHERS. LAND TO LET. The above Board are prepared to receive offers from persons willing to rent that portion of their Sewage Farm, near Troedy- rhiw, known as the Filtering Areas, comprising about 20 acres of rich Arable Land, with supply of Sewage. Conditions of Letting may be known on application to the Sur- veyor to the Board. Offers to be left at the Office of the Board, 71, High-street, Merthyr, on or before MONDAY MAY 5th, 1873. THOMAS WILLIAMS, Merthyr Tydfil, Clerk to the Board- April 22nd, 1873, 5847 nTC~»O L-F A CLASir• THE SECOND CONCERT Will take place on WEDNESDAY, MAY 21st, 1S73, at the &1UART HALL. EOS MORLAIS has been engaged, and arrangements are being made with other eminent Artiotes. Conductor Mr. Rees Lewis. Further particulars in future advertisement. 5980 AT LOW WATER M.RRUN. S FIVSE OMNAIBUSEnS COdNTINrUOUSeLY,ws FROM BUTE DOCKS TO 4 P E N A R T H PERRY. 4574 'I P E T E JR p p. I c F, AGENT FOR THE SUN FIPL, OFFICE, THE SCOTTISH W 1 D 0 W FUND, THE PLATE-GLASS INSURANCE CO. CARDIFF PERMANENT BUILDING SOCIETY. The Seventh Annual Report is now issued. APPLY TO PETER PRICE, 4570 3, CKOCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF. E. ISAAC AND CO., 18, COLLEGE S SWAEA. — -—— HOUSE FURNISHERS, {)PROLS'l'EI{El{, CAIHN'E"l' M ANl^ACTUR bltS —" — AND GENERAL FURNISHING IRONMONGERS. Goods* deiiveredTree of Charge within a radius of Xe,i Miles. uc. 2126 SOUTH WAIJES FUNERAL ESTABLISIIMENT 91 AND 25, SEYMOUR-STREET, ABERDARE. 24 JSAAC THOMAS, UNDERTAKER, CONDUCTS FUNERALS in tho most careful and decent manner at the lowest rate of charges. First and second Class Hearses Coaches, &c. A NEW MOURNING CARRIAGE Of a very superior class, not to be equalled in the Principality 8088 ANDREW CUMMINs No. 7, THE HAYES, CARDIFF, Is prepared to supply HAY, STRAW, CHAFF, BEANS, and OATS at the lowest possible prices at his Warehouse, THE HAYES. A large supply of CHAFFED HAY always on hand. N.B.—Mr. Cummins, JHK., is the SOLE AGENT for Cardiff for the West of England Bone and Manure Company's celebrated Superphosphate, and Bone Phosphate, direct from the Works, I Penryn, Cornwall. 4097 • 13uttic Jtotices. ELEMENTARY EDUCATION ACT, 1870. JLJ SECTIONS IX., XLIX., Ll. NOTICE B. C. COUNTY OF GLAMORGAN. SCHOOL DISTRICT OF EGLWYSILAN. WITH CONTRIBUTORY DISTRICT OF WHITCHURCH. Whereas the Education Department, in pursuance of the Elementary Education Act, 1870, have received the Returns in the said Act mentioned, and made such inquiry as they think necessary "ifeh respect to the School accommodation of the Dis- trict hereinafter mentioned; Now, therefore, the Lords of the Committee of Council on Education have decided, and HEREBY GIVE NOTICE AS FOLLOWS:— r The School District is the Parish of EGLWYSILAN. It. It is proposed to make the Parish or WHITCHURCH, in the Union of CARDIFF, contribute to the provision and main- tenance of Schools in the District, in respect of the number of children named in the second Schedule to this Notice. III. The Schools named in the first Schedule to this Notice are considered te be available for the District. IV. Additional Public School accommodation of the amount and description mentioned in the second Schedule to this Notice appean to be required for the District. SCHEDULE I. No. of Children accoznmoda ted. Name and Description. Situation. -j £ -C 1 Total. O C |_ n O H |_ n O H Eglwysilan (Walnut Tree ,——-• Bridge) Church School. 161 Taff's Well British School 150 150 A Id worth'a Charity | School |Taff's Well | 67 — 67 Glyntaff National Schoolj 148 T8 224 Caerphilly National| r School 151 151 School 151 151 TOTAL 755 SCHEDULE II. Amount and descrip- tion of accommoda- Situation. Particulars. tion required. for 300 children Tongwynlais The schoel at Tongwynlais is to accommodate 180 children For 200 children Near the of Whitchurch, and 170 of Hawthorn Eglwysilan. For 350 children Nearthel2th If the whole of the accommo- milestone, dation required at Tongwyn- ontheroid lais is provided voluntarily, from Car- no order directing the contri- diff to Mer- bution proposed in the se- thyr Tyd- cond paragraph of this No- fil. tice will be made by the For 150 children Near Aber Education Department. Mill. For 100 infants Caerphilly. For 130 boys and girls Caerphilly. Education Department. 26th day of March, 1873. Notice No. 5,761. F. R. SANDFORD, Secretary. Union of Pontypridd. 5981 FERNDALE COLLIERY EXPLOSION (1867) JL RELIEF FUND. ABSTRACT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAI. ESDlSG 3rd MARCH, 1873. DR. As. d. To Subscriptions received during 1867 411,885 11 6 „ 1868 4,118 14 10 „ 1869 75 8 2 1870 1,674 14 7 Banker's Interest on Deposit Notes. „ 1867 Nil. „ 1868 323 19 7 „ 1869 361 16 2 1870 342 18 u „ 1871 342 15 5 1872 308 6 3 1,678 19 1 £ 19,433 8 2 CR. By Belief paid during 1867 341 2 6 „ 1868 1,818 6 6 1869 1,302 15 6 „ 1870 1,26490 „ 1871 1,045 15 0. „ 1872 949 19 0 6,922 7 6 Marriage Bonuses during 1867 Nil. n 9 widowb, 1868 120 0 0 „ 8 „ 1869 161 0 0 „ 5 „ 1870 109 0 0 3 „ 1871 73 6 8 „ 5 „ iS72 86 IS 4 —————— 550 0 0 Claimants paid off during 1867 Nil. 5 claimants, 1868 73 0 0 „ 31 „ 1869 327 10 0 „ S „ 1S70 109 10 0 „ 8 „ 1871 ill 0 0 1872 Nil. —————— 621 0 0 Funeral Expenses during 1867 & 8 Nil. „ 6 claimants 1869 15 0 0 » 4 » 1870 8 0 0 5 „ 1871 5 15 0 2 „ 1872 3 0 0 o T, 31 15 0 School Fees during 1867 j^il For 100 children, 1868 27 7 0 i«6 „ 1869. 32 t, 9 >» » 1870 35 13 4 I* 1871 •••• 24 4 5 .» 60 »» 1872 94 14 7 I44 2 1 Expenses of Management, Collect- ing Subscriptions, Travelling Expenses, Secretary, Auditor, Stamps, Stationery, Printing, Advertising, &c., during 1867 296 18 0 » >» 1868 155 18 3 >• 1869 70 9 4 1870 68 18 5 » 1871 54 10 4 » 1872 50 4 7 696 18 11 Balance, consisting of West of England Uank Deposit Notes, bearing Interest at 3 per Cent, per Annum 10 000 0 0 Cash Balance in West of England Bank, deducting Cheques issued but not presented 457 13 11 Cash in Secretary's hands 9 10 » 10,467 4 8 £ 19,433 8 2 Examined this statement with the vouchers and found the same to be correct, (Signed) Cardiff, 17th April, 1873. ALEX. DALZIEL. -CLAUIANTS REMAINING ON THE 3RD MARCH, 1873. WIBOWS—25 111 all; rate of relief 5s. per week. Original num- ber of widows 70. ADULT DEPENDANTS—20 in all rates of relief varying from 2s. 6d. tit 5s. per week. Original number 39. CHILDREN—85 in all; of whom seven have lost both parents. Rates of relief varying from Is. 6d. to 2s. 6d per week. Original number 167. Claimants removed from fund during the past year3 Widows, 2 Dependants, and 11 Children. Examined this statement and found it to be correct. (Signed), ALEX. DALZIEL. Cardiff, 17th April, 1873 N.B. The General Meeting of the Subscribers will be held on Tuesday Evening, May 6th, 1873, in the Board of Health Rooms. Chair to be taken at Six o'clock. 5972 business Addresses. EXCELLENCE, } TRISH POPLINS. ECONOMY, ELEGANCE, f _L No material is more suitable for the \iemimiso>1."—English- woman's Magazine. They outlast every other material."—Graphic "They have never been surpassed for beauty and elegance. Court J ournal. There are few materials so thoroughly becoming." Belgravia Magazine. O'REILLY, DUNNE & CO. 3 0, COLLEGE GREEN BUBLIN' Manufacturers to I HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, and H.R.H. THE PRINCESS OF WALES. ^Patterns Pest free. Parcels delivered carriage paid. IRISH POPLINS. IRISH HOUSEHOLD LINENS. 2313 I FREDERICK WARE, (Late SAMUBL WARE AND SONS), ESTABLISHED 1807. TAILOR, CHURCH, STATE, AND LAW-ROBE MAKER, BRISTOL AND CARDIFF. Cassocks, Zimarre, Gowns, Surplices, Hoods, Stoles, and other Clerical Vestments. SOUTH WALES ESTABLISHMENT DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. CLOSED ON WEDNESDAYS AT FOUR, ALL OTHER NIGHTS AT SEVEN. 6699 PHOTOGRAPHY! JL PHOTOGRAPHY] BY ROY Ai- LETTERS PATENT. THE INDELIBLE STIPPLED EFFECT For producing artistic results in Portraiture by which means Enlarged Portraits may be exquisitely finished in a few hours. INVENTORS AND PATENTEES MESSRS. LONG, FORSYTH, AND GRIFFITHS. Can only be obtained in Cardiff at J. LONG'S ART STUDIO, 110, ROTHESAY-TERRACE, CARDIFF. CARTES DE VISITE and e ery description of PHOTOGRAPHY executed with despatch. 5036 BLACK SILKS AND BLACK VELVETS, KEDUCED ONE SHILLING PER YARD. BLACK TWILLS, BLACK SATINES, BLACK PARAMATTAS, BLACK BAREGES, BLACK CORDS, BLACK GRENADINES, BLACK BRILLIANTINES, BLACK CRAPES. T. MAURICE WILLIAMS, 1 U, HIGH STREET, CARDIFF, 5WI business Addresses. SPECIAL AND LEADING LINES MESSRS. W. PRICE & SONS' STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTHING FOR THE SPRING SEASON. THE NEW PANTALETTE SUITS For Littl« Boys. THE NEW SAILOR SUITS For Little Boys. THE NEW DANISH SUITS For Little Boys. THE NEW LEOPOLD SUITS m For Youths. THE NEW SCOTCH TWEED SUITS (For Youths. THE NEW MORNING COATS For Gentlemen. THE NEW DOUBLE-BREASTED COATS For Gentlemen. THE NEW TROUSERS & VESTS TO MATCH For Gentlemen. THE NEW YACHTING JACKETS For Gentlemen and Juveniles. ADDRESS:—CARDIFF HOUSE, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF 136 SEWING MACHINES, k.7 WASHING MACHINES, MANGLES. FIRE and THIEF PROOF SAFES, with all other Patented Articles, supplied by CROSS BROTHERS, GENERAL IRONMONGERS, CARDIFF. SEWING MKCHINES. The Wheeler & Wilson's Gold Medal Silent Working Lock-stitch Sewing Machine. WASHING MACHINES. Bradford'sPatent Vowel WashingMachines SEWING MACHINES. TheWilcox &Gibbs Silent Sewing Machines WASHING MACHINES. The Home Washer, complete, with washer, wringer, & mangle. BOX MANGLES, By Bradford and other Makers. /or Sale on easy terms. KNIFE CLEANING MACHINES. To clean three knives iZI 12 0 SEWING MACHINES, Try the Shakespere. Agenoria, Franklin the Weir, W. n. Thomas and Co., or any other Maker. SEWING' MACHINES IRON SAFES. For S.Ie uid Hire upon amy tenna. Fire and thief proof, oy Chubb. Milner, — „ Perry, Hobbs, Price, Whitfield, fee. LAWN MOWERS, GARDEN ROLLERS, SEATS & CHAIRS ALL AT MAKERS' PRICES. 4639 L AMPS. E MBOSSED GLASS. JJENT GLASS. TO RAILWAY COMPANIES & CONTRACTORS, COLLIERY PROPRIETORS & SHIPOWNERS, CARRIAGE BUILDERS & CHEMISTS, HOTEL KEEPERS, GROCERS, & OTHERS. HALL & PEDDER, BARR'S-STREET, BRISTOL, (Established 1794,) MAKERS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF SIGNAL, ORNAMENTAL, AND CARRIAGE LAMPS. GLASS BENT OR EMBOSSED TO ANY SIZE OR PATTERN. PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL ORDERS. HALL & PEDDER, LAMP MANUFACTURERS, 1, 2, AXD 3, BARR'S STREET, BRISTOL. 5476 | 11 & 12, WORKING STREET,^CARDIFF. I I — G. A. S J ON E, I UNDERTAK-ER, HEARSE AND MOURNING COACH PROPRIETOR. OSTRICH PLUME AND GENERAL FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT. The Trade supplied with Hearses, Coaches, and every requisite for Funeral Furnishing. 197 MEREDITH, WATCHMAKER, SILVERSMITH, JEWELLER, AND OPTICIAN, 124, HIGH STREET, MERTHYR, Invites an Inspection of his choice and extensive Stock of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, CLOCKS. TIMEPIECES, JEWELLERY, ELECTRO-PLATE, SPECTACLES, And all kinds of Optical Goods, which will be found equal to any Establishment in the Principality, At Ptices in most instances fully TWEXTY PER CENT. LESS. THE RAILWAY OFFICIAL'S WATCH, AT £ 5 10s., Jewelled 1.1 Ten Holes, Compensating Balance, and Extra Strong Case, is really a Marvel of Cheapness. Warranted, Free of Charge, for Five Years, and sent Post Free. 2935 CI M I T H "Fi D (To~, CORN MERCHANTS, SKINNER-STREET, NEWPORT, MON. 4658 GH. AWBERY (LATE J. R. AWBERY) • TAILOR AND DRAPER, 2, KING STREET, CARMARTHEN. 4504 J. NORRIS AND SONS, TOWN CRIER AND BILL POSTERS, (IN TOWN AND COUNTRY). Handbills and Circulars Delivered with Quick Despatch. ADDRESS :-3 ORCHARD STREET, SWANSEA. P OREIGNC I G A R D E POT. J. WEAVER, 4, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. HAVANNAH CIGARS Of the Choicest Brands always in Stock. 5750 LARGEST MINERAL WATER WORKS IN THE WEST OF ENGLAND. CAR T ERA N D u O., WILDER-STREET, BRISTOL. Have lately erected expensive Machinery for the Manufacture of the highest qualities of SODA, SELTZER, and POTASS WATERS, LEMONADE, and TONIC QUININE WATER. See our Trade Mark (Dolphins and Anchor on Shield) on every label, as most manufacturers use same colour and shape. 4775 GREAT SALE OF ISADDLERY. — IMPOR- TANT TO GENTLEMEN, FARMERS, LIVERY STABLE KEEPERS. AND OTHERS.—An immense Stock of Carriage, Gig, and Trap Harness Saddles, Horse Clothing and Saddlery of every description, Knee Wrappers, Rutrs, Whips, Gig and Carriage Lamps, &c. Ask to see the Harness plated on German Silver, at jM 5s. All-over Pig-skin Saddles, complete, warranted, at P.3 3s. Plated Gig Lamps at 18s 6d., usual price 35s One visit will satisfy purchasers that this a genuine Sale. Sale each day from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., at No. 3, Victoria-street, Bristol, next door to our Rick Cloth and Sack Warehouse, and nearly opposite the George Hotel.-PARNALL & SONS, Manufacturers. Bristol and Exeter. Terms, nett Cash -Do abatement. 5007 J COURTIS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL COAL MERCHANT. Best Red Ash, House, and Engine Coal. OFFICE:—BUTE FLOUR MILLS WEST DOCK, CARDIFF. 5950 CALEDONIA CONFECTIONERY WORKS c BRISTOL. PATERSON RICE AND CO., Manufacturers of JAMS. JELLIES. JUBES. MARMALADES. ORANGE, LEMON, CITRON PEELS, And every description of BOTTLED SWEETS and CONFECTIONS for HOME TTJ ATVP and for EXPORTATION. UtADL To be had of all respectable Grocers and Italian Warehousemen. _— 5239 ^7 M. T U C K E R-S- WATCHES. CLOCKS. JEWELRY. GOLD & SILVER I CARRIAGE, I BROOCHES LEVERS, DINING-ROOM, CHAINS, GENEVAS, AI.ABASTER, I BRACELETS, KEYLESS, DI!AW1NG ROOM RINGS CHRONOMETERS HALL & OFFICE; LOCKETS, AND ALL KINDS OF SILVER & ELECTRO-PLATED GOODS. EACH ARTICLE PLAINLY PRICED. FIVE PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. 24, CLARE-STREET, BRISTOL. MASONIC JEWELS AND CLOTHING. 5961 YORKSHIRE RELISH. JL The most DELICIOUS SAUCE In the WORLD to Chops, Steaks, Fish. Ac. Sold by all Grocers and Oilmen in bottles, 6d, 18, and 2s each. Trade Mark, Willow-Pattern Plato. T JOPRIETORS—GOODALL, BACKHOUSE, & Co., Leeds. 6294 business 5UdKsses. D. JOTHAM AND SONS ARE NOW SHOWING FOR THE SPRING AND SUMMER SEASON, 1873, A VERY LARGE AND CHOICE STOCK, In the following DEPARTMENTS :— ( COATS TROUSERS TROUSERS & VESTS (To MATCH) N.W S™,„J 2SJEMEN,S GUITS YOUTHS' SUITS BOYS' SUITS BOYS' SUITS THE BESPOKE DEPARTMENTS ALSO, LINEN SHIRTS (in White and Oxford), HOSIERY & GLOVES, SCARVES AND TIES, HATS AND CAPS, Sc., &c. We have now completed a Large Assortment of the Latest Styles carefully selected from the BEST HOUSES. D. JOTHAM & SONS, 26 AND 27, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF. 5562 EARLY SPRING FASHIONS. W. HUGHES THOMAS BEGS TO ANNOUNCE THAT HE WILL OPEN HIS SHOW ROOM, FOR THE SEASON, ON SATURDAY NEXT, THE 19in INSTANT. THE BONNETS, MANTLES AND COSTUMES ARE IN THE HIGHEST STYLE, AND THE ENTIRE STOCK IS REPLENISHED WITH NEW GOODS. QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. 5717 PAI N TE RS, CARPENTERS, FRENCH JL POLISHER?, &c., Will save money by having their Goods of F. & H. BARNARD, OIL & COLOUR MERCHANTS, 33, CASTLE. STREET, BRISTOL. LINSEED OIL 3s. Od. per Gallon. TURPENTINE 4s. Od. „ NAPTHA, Rectified. 3s. 10d. OLIVE OIL, for Machinery Ó8. Od. KOSIN 2d. per lb.1 GLASS PAPER 9d. per Quire. Best French COLZA OIL 3s. 9d. per Gallon. Young's PARAFFIN OIL Is. 5d. „ GLUE, Best French Stamped 8d. per lb. GROUND and DRY COLOURS, VARNISHES, and PAINT BRUSHES Cheaper and Better than any House in the City. A considerable reduction in price when quantities are taken. 4722 WHAT MUST WE DO TO MAKE OUR y COALS COST LESS? Apply the Newly-invented COAL SAVER, which is Cheap, Durable, and requires no Alteration of Grate. The general public (for all are interested), namely, the Gentry, Middle Class, and the Poor, who feel the hiith price of coal. The Invention is kept in daily use for inspection AT HENRY LEONARD'S, 22, HIGH STREET, BRISTOL. 4774 D LEWIS, CABINET MAKER • AND UPHOLSTERER, CARDIFF, Respectfully invites the attention of parties about to Furnish to his EXTENSIVE STOCK of CABINET GOODS CARPETS, DAMASKS, CHINTZ, BEDDING LINOLEUM, FLOOR CLOTHS, &c., all of which are of the newest design and of the best manufacture' N.B.—An assortment of PIANOFORTES by best makers for Sale and Hire. 101 BEDINGFIELD'S Twelve years in the steamers B between Southampton Send for his Illustrated and Havana, Price List. Intimate acquaintance with BEDINGFIFLOS the FINK BRISTOL BIRDSEYE, TTXAV ANA markets of Sold only in packets. I I this A very varied Assortment ufSamples celebrated on receipt of 5s. place. Tobacconists, Wine Merchants, Grocers Chemists, &c., supplied with the /IGARS, finest Bristol Tobaccos. PRICKS ON APPLICATION. Wholesale Dealer in Tobacconists' Goods. BROAD-STLTEETAND PARK-STREET, BRISTOL. 4776 "WORLD WIDE FAME." PALMER'S COCOA CONDIMENTAL FOOD I- FOR HORSES AND CATTLE. OXCE USED ALWAYS USED-; The cost is less than one halfpenny per feed, it will put Horses and Cows into condition when all other means have failed; for rearing calves cannot be equalled, and it will save LO per cent, in the cost of feeding. Sole Manufacturers ana Proprietors, PALMER AND COMPANY, LONDON, E. Orders (wholesale w retail), also applications for agencies tu be sent to MR. THO AT AS WEBBER, 32, ROYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF. TESTIMONIALS ON APPLICATION. 800 Feeds sent, carriage free, for 32s., to any part of South Wales. A sample bag of BIbs. for 5s. prepaid. 2428 S. J. B U R M A N, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, JEWELLER, AND SILVERSMITH, 9, WINE STREET, BRISTOL. BURMAN'S WATCHES Are the BEST and CHEAPEST in the WEST OF ENGLAND, SILVER HORIZONTAL, from £1 5 0 SILVER ENGLISH LEVER, from 3 15 0 GOLD HORIZONTAL, from 2 15 0 EVERY WATCH WARRANTED. N.B.-BURHAN'S CLOCKS give the exact time, as received from Greenwich every day by telegraph. 5081 TEETH, FROM 5s. EACH. EST BLISHED 1809. H. M.ONES AND SON, SURGEON DENTISTS, M.C.D.E., 19, NORTHAMPTON PLACE, SWANSEA. Invite public attention to their Patented System of Painless Dentistry, which entirely supersedes all others. Their Artificial Teeth, being indestructible, never change colour nor decay, and, by their wonderfully lifelIke appearance, defv detection, and exactly restore the natural aud youthful expression of face. TEETH, FROM 5s. SETS, FROM 45. Terms strictly moderate. Consultation gratis. A Vacancy for an Articled Pupil. .PERIODICAL ATTENDANCE IN PEMBROKESHIRE For dates see Local Papers. ONE OF THE FIRM DAILY IN ATTENDANCE AT NO. 19, NORTHAMPTON-PLACE, SWANSEA. EH6 S PEe I A NOTICE. THE GERMAN^ AND FRENCH PHOTOGRAPHIC RV D X STLHLOSCOI'IC COMPANY, a.R,9 X A ,L LETTERS PATENT. At the Studio Royal, 46, Wind-street, Swansea,Vauder Weyde's rsew latent rhotographic Process is now daily practised uuder the sole management of HEKK JEAN GOLDMAN, F.R.S.B.B.A. (late Andrews). HERR GOLDMAN politely begs to call attention to the fact that he is capable of producing the fi nest portraits in the kingdom, from microscopic to life-size, by this most marvellous new patent process Pictures copied—Oil paintimrs, water colour drawings, minia- tures on ivory, engravings, manuscripts, pen and ink sketches lithographic portraits, daguerrotypes, and Y„TO other niaterial. The foregoing can be reproduced and emailed to any size, or reduced. T^.EN BY Mr. Andrews are in the Note.—All uegatives formerly taiten UY Rrwlnr-<> VM possession of Herr Jean Gold.nan, who will reproduce AERJ superior Copies at.half■ ^F/TUS, and all other most ex- The ENTIRE VA UABLE^ PI,RCI,^ED FROM THO Debtor's Tr"stIesaHe! £ Kidman^ therefore enabled to produce such re- irastees, tten w tob)iglunent is capable of producing. suite that no other ESTA^ HA)F DOZEL) Pair.tinsrs done upon the premises, and Enlarging for the Trace at Wholesale Paris Prices. Note the STUDI0 ROYAL, 45. WIND-STKRET fOri>nsite the Adelphi Hotel"). SWAVSKA. R C L E A C I BILL POSTER & ADVERTISING CONTRACTOR 17, WOOD-STREET, CARDIFF, AND C> 63, CARDIFF-STREET, ABERDARE Rents all the Principal and most prominent POSTING ST\Tinvc in Cardiff, Canton, and Iloith. TOWN CRIER FOR ABFRD RE. JONES BROTHERS, PRINCIPAL BILL POSTERS AND DELIVERERS HIGH STREET, NEATH, Alqil BRITON FERRY. Circulars addressed and delivered. Bill Posters to the Great Western and Neath and Brecon Railways, and the principal Auctioneers. Lessees of the Principal Posting Place in the town. NOTE THE ADDRESS: HIGH STREET, NEATH, AND BRITON FERRY 2144 j 1 I gtoittcss gldtesses, SPRING AND SI MMER FASHIONS, 1873. -1 ON THURSDAY NEXT, MAY 1st" And Following Days, HOWELL & CO. WILL MAKE A GENERAL EXHIBITION OF NEW GOODS, COMPRISING ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES 1 OR THE PRESENT & COMING SEASONS. At the same time they will Offert STOCK of TABLE LINENS At 10 per cent. under manufacturers' list, or from 20 to lo per cent. under usual retail prices. HOWELL & CO., THE CARDIFF DRAPERS, 13, ANJJ 14, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF. 5164 NOT ICE. THE OLD-ESTABLISHED FURNISHING, CHINA, GLASS, AKD EARTHENWARE ESTABLISHMENT, (FORMERLY THt; LATE J. BARKER, LATK PROCTOR & BARKER,) 29, WINE-STREET, BRISTOL, WILL IN FUTURE BE CONDUCTED BY THE WIDOW AND SON OF THE LATE PROPRIETOR. 5383 X Frank, my boy, I hardly know you. fH* J 18 U thatU)*ke8>°u look so altered? Don't vou see, h™ 1 w ,a nCY T lts a ^Pital fit 5 that's what" 1 never had before. 1 must confer, it suits vou weJl Who if 9 and what uid you pay for the Suit ? Why, this is E. M. ROE'S NEW SPRING SUIT, AT 42s But, mind, I had to pay him cash for it; he has a splendid assort- ment, and one of the largest Stocks in Swansea. Well I'n him a trial. You say its a E. M. ROE, COLLEGE HOUSE, COLLEGE-STREET, SWANSEA. 4461 COOLING AND REFRESHING DRINKS. STANTON AND COMPANY'S p CELEBRATED LEMON KALI AND PERSIAN SHERBET. MANUFACTURING CONFECTIONERY WORKS, BRISTOL. 4604 (Education. ORMAL COLLEGE, SWANSEA. PJUKCIPAL-W. WILLIAMS. Pupils prepared for the Universities and for Professional and Commercial Pursuits. During the past six years fifty-two of the pupils nave passed various public examinations. TERMS; Beard and Tuition 0 0 per. an Tuition (including Latin and French) S 0 Greek 1 o 0 German 10 0 Drawing 1 o 0 )' 4453 STAFFORD COLLEGE, ks DARTMOUTH-PARK, FOREST-HILL (NKAR CRYSTAL PALACE), LONDON, HEAD MASTER MR. CROSS, late o. Brid-end MATHEMATICS, ic A. G. WAIKINSO.V, E*q University. Monsr. RAECKEDKOOM. t>KUMA.\ ur. EmiRA'lK, M.A.. Ph.D., &c. DRAWING, PAISTI.NO, &c J. L. KEMVORTUY, lis*, F.S.A. F.R.Oi.s., kc ASSISIAXT IS DITTO J. HOLFE, Esq., Medalist of the Royal AT;n.iemr. PROFESSOR OF DASCISG J. SEATON, Esq., Royal Italian „ Opera House. There is at present no vacancy, but one pupil can be received on the ,th March. ,16,8 GROSVENOR LADIES' COLLEGE^ BRIGHTON PARK, 7 WHITE LADIES' ROAD, CLIFTON, BRISTOL T „ DR. B. TOMKINS, M.A Lac,y Superintendent of Studies Miss W;:>ox Pianoforte and Singing }fjss HOIJWI,L. Drawing, &c. ( Head ilaster of Lady Superintendent of' Domestic Arrant-] ^OS^"°rCo1^ ments J- Mrs. Jos. TONKINS. examinations?8 f°r °Xt'Jrd 'a!ld Cam^dg<; Local G-ROSVENOR COLLEGE, WHITE LADIES' ROAD, CLIFTON, BRISTOL. PRINCIPAL DR. TOMKINS, M A Professeur de Franeais, Compiler of tiJe Bristol Copy Book, fc) HEAD MASTER CHARLES BIGG, Eso. College is within 200 yards ot the proposed site of the new Chtton Station. ery Moderate Terms. Lar<re sciiool-ro«m a P Cambridge «? & £ £ £ lioiiours. Hundreds of ptipils are good tsituatioi-Is in banks, A book (new edition, 40 pages) of Grosvenor College, also one of Grosvenor Ladies' College, may be obtained on app.icBUon It contains testimonials from parents of pupils, from old pupils refer- ences to parents at Aberdare, Blaenavon, Builth, Brecon Cardiff Chepstow, Haverfordwest, Llanelly, Newport, Poiit3 Tenuy, Trelech, Tredegar, MertkyrTydtil, c. Clever Boys who would be likely to pass the Oxford Local Examination are specially prepared, and received on reduced terms. 4, lW2 Jtofcis. ROYAL HOTEL, ST~ MARY STREET CARDIFF.—First-class Family and Commercial House* the nearest to the Great Western Railway Station. Omnibuses tn every train. A Night Porter in attendance. Under the rn iniW ment of E. J. MULUNER. r",w QUEEN'S HOTEL, ST. MARY -^T kEET CARDIFF.—Ladies' Coffee Room. An Ordiinw" Night Porter.—Mm. WILLIAMS, Proprietress. 5311 "IMPERIAL HOTEL, MOUNT STF apt" JL SQUARE, CARDIFF.-This Fannlv HOIPI LAKi~ Coifeeand other Rooms, Private sittino- rooms mprises Public rooms, &c., first-class Billiard-room AiT( ir uu.merous Bed- past One.—THOMAS NlXON^ Proprirtor 5t Haif" BUTE DOCKS. —WINDSOR finTvT plete with every convenient' ™ H0TEL> re~ daily at 1.S0.-F. W. ARMSTRONG comfort- An Ur^"e'T KLHIG!I-^S?IL, commercial hotel; the raiiwav sfit; *-1., CARDIFF.—Five minutes' walk from all bridge Arms) Proprietor, W. HU1T (late ox the Cow- Ij.wvMney ^AND TAIT VALE EAT'lNG nfl.liff HOUSE, 22, Trinity-street, opposite St. John's Church, yoiam.-— Proprietor, JOHN THOMAS. Hot Dinners from 12 tilU. inr\ iv) we 1 wc 11 a'r cymro. 56i.j OD D EELLTOWS' ARM S, M AES TEfr1 Two Minutes' Walk from Station. Good accommodation BILLIARDS POSTING, INLAND REVENUE OFFICE. 23SC PBOPKIBTOR—ilr. ILLT1D ilORGAUff INING AND^SFR^HMENT ROOMS. J. HISCOX'S (from NATTRISS') DINING and REFilFSH MENT ROOMS. 42, HIGH-STREET. BRISTOL, tegfti 001 K I S T O L.—DRAWBRIDGE HOTI2L — Central, Commodious, Comfortable, and Economical 0V.1; nary daily.—16 and 17, St. Augustme's-parade, Bristol i ULLATHORNE, Proprietor. RISTOL. — GUILDHAlLL"C(i^\iKT>^TAV AND FAMILY HOTEL, 36 and 37, Broad «, CiAL Dining, Coffee, Sitting, and Stock Rooms. Dinners f fcl- ^^istol. Night Porter kept.-W. T. CROUCH. P, op,ietw 1Z'M 10 /^ILIFTON DOWN FIRST-CLa V/ HOTEL, FACING THE SUSPFN'SIftv « FAMILY SUITE OF APARTMENTS, from ?A g; I!KII>GE. fast, from 2s. Dinners, from 3s.. s !w l"-1' week. Ereali« Apartments having been recent! v iulilprt't Vlee' 2s- A Suite o WEDDING BREAKFASTS, the'.Mana<^ • Hotel» e8P^'iallj for same or the most moderate term* T 'S !'rtJ!)at'ed to urovide the ments only. Suite of Apartments nns by weekly arrange. 6 Guineas each, fires only extra board and attendance, in public rooms, Guineas \t!ropni. board, and attendance" order. Private drawinir-room ,-il »n\eals served to the visitor's 1 Sundays at 5. All coimium; 1"al>le I)'^ote dai1^' at 142S to be addressed, L. GI7TENS. Ifanae^r ijxtbltc ^ntusrmenfs. Q T A R V A R I E T I E T, WIND-STREET, SWANSEA. > Dire"0R MK. MELVILLE.| 4, Tu-NIGHT. Another Astcnishing Artistic Alliance! New Artis,. r,, New e-0naance Xew Athletes New Ballet Troupe Kew rJ? bination of first-class Talent! 6W Com" 'i'he Six Alexanders, Ballet and Pantomimic Artistes • A Alverno and Youmr Ouzo, Flying Wonders; Three' ij.fi Violinists, Trios, Dancers, &c. ;.Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ar.,«u vS' Li»".& y ICTORIA "^e^trroom, MIry! SOLE PROPRIETOR Mr. F W HOFFMav*t Every Evening during the week! GRAND CONCERT, CILIARACTERISTIEC "ENTERTAINME AND DANCING. RBFKKSHMKKTB AT THK BAR. Admission First Clase, i8.; Half-pnce at Nine J'clock for Gentlemen only. CK t0T On Saturdays and Benefit Nights no return tickets after 9 o'clock Doors open at Seven, to commence at 7.30. 2Q.