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1tilJlttn!J Jlottccs. CJTEAM BETWEEN CARDIFF, ObFLFAST GREENOCK, AND GLASGOW. SAILINGS WEEKLY. Hie Screw Steam-ships PRINCESS ALKNANDlIA, Captain Us: ANTOXA, Captain Linklater CLUTHA. Captain Huck- m AILSA, Captain Fry, are intenLlcd to Sail with Goods d Passengers from East j-Uite Dock "Rin (unless prevented circumstances), as follows during the month of JUNE:- CARDIFF TO GLASGOW, AND BELFAST. Monday .10 p.m. 23 Monday 4 p.m. Monday .4 p.m. 30 Monday .9 p.m. Monday •• •• 9 p.m. FROM BELFAST TO CARDIFF. Wednesday 2 p.m. | 18 Wednesday. 2 p.m. Wedneslay .12 noon | 25 ednesviav 12 noon GLASGOW TO CARDIFF VIA BELFAST. Tuesday 2 p in. I 17 Tuesday 2 p.m. Tuesday 2 p.m. I 24 Tuesday 2 p.m. With liberty to Tow and Assist Vessels. ?Axws,-Belfast Cabin, 17s. 6d.; Steerage, 10B.; Greenock or wgcrw Cabin, 20s.; Steerage, 12s. 6d. Joods to be alongside in time for shipment Two Hours before the advertised time of sailing. Apply in Glasgow to William Sloan & Co. Greenock, to William Lindsay & Co. Swansea, to M. Jones & Brother, Belfast, to Robert Henderson and Son; Bristol, to Mark Will & Son and in Cardiff, to G. F. WEBB & co/' 1400 Bute Dock Bonded Warehouse OARDIFF TO NEW YORK. 'T DIRECT STEA M: CmDWN!CATlON BETWEEN THE £ R I a T O L CJriAH^^ AND TUB riAVATti CTNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND CAiN AU A. The SOUTH WALES ATLANTIC STEAMS S New' first-class, full-powered, Clyde-built Steams..h GLAMORGAN 2,500 Tons 600 h.p. PEMBROKE 2,500 Ions 600 h.p. CAKDI F F A B' ,v for tbe Trade, and fitted-up wS ^KrovellS the comfort and convenience « Cabin and Steerage with mattresses. Steerage Passengers einj{traiitg- This PEMBROKfi'*111 8ail 011 21stof June'be followed by the GLAMORGAN^^ particulars apply to npICTAr Bl'DOETT & JAMKS, andBRASTH.il, MUfclUL King street. SWatcqpa RICHARDSON & Co. NKWPiiiri' w- J ONUS, HEARD, & Co. (iLOUCESTJ5B" W- C. LUCY & Co. PONTYPOOL WAITE & SON. PONTYPRIDD ALEXANDER BROTHERS. RISGa JOHN R. TAYLOR. MERTHYH TYDFIL W. ,1. PHESSWELL, 1, Castle-street. ABERDARE E. G. PtICE. 11 ISAAC TIIOMAS, 24, Seymour-street. COLErORD H. B. TROTTER. PEMBROKE DOCK S. B. SKETCH. TENBY RICHARD MASON. MAESTEG Jolis CHIVKRS. HAVERFORDWEST J. MAY & Co., 2, Victoria-place. CARDIGAN LAVXCELOT LOWTHER, 21, Quay-st. TREDEGAR, T. M. CUFF, Sirhowy Railway. BLAKENEY SAMUEL CHARLEY, RHYMNEY e, EVANS, Post-office. ABEKAVON E. EVANS, Stationer. LLANELLY JOHN J. CHAMSDKR, Post-oflBce. TREORKY WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Grocer. BRY5MAWR J. H. N. JUDD, Beaufort-house. CARMARTHEN JAMES BAGNALL. BUHry PORT RICHARD WILLIAMS. BRECON D. W. JONES. 5sV|,°RD TJIOMAS & Co., Shipchandlers. "R1T°n FERRY J. JOKES, Tallow Chandler. £ r^?BETH JASON MEYLER, Stationer. MOUTH CHARLES BLISS, Auctioneer. J-RICKHOWELL A. RUHSEY, Post-office. r't the Company's Office, 1, DOCK-CHAMBERS CARDlrr. -E12 JOHN LAUGHLAND. Manager. TNMAN LINE of ROYAL MAIL X STEAMERS, appointed to sail from. LIVERPOOL, vid QUEENSTOVVN to NEW YORK, every TUESDAY and THURSDAY. T CITY OF LIMERICK TUESDAY, JIMS 17- CITY OF CHESTER Thursday. JUNE y.. W CITY OF NEW YORK TUESDAY, JUNK 2-1. CITY OF PARIS THURSDAY, JUNE jo. Saloon Passage—Tuesday Sailings, 12 and 15 Guineas: l"ur°" day Sailings, 15 Guineas and 18 Guineas, having equal oaloon oziv-ileges. Steerage Passage to New York, Six Guineas, with a full supply of Cooked Provisions. Passengers forwarded to Bos- ton, Baltimore, or Quebec, without extra charge. OTATE-Q Passengers for all parts of CANADA and the UNITED SIAIIWS booked through on very advantageous terms. w For further particulars, apply to WILLIAM INMAN, 22, AVater- •treet, Liverpool, „ ROBERT BURTON & SON, South Church-street. Cardiff. JOSEPH GARWOOD, 57. Scott-street, Cardiff; or to 1249 FREDERICK LOVETT, Windsor Hotel, renartli. If WHITE STAR LINE. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS. iJTOtPWfftTind from NEW YORK. These new full-powered iShi^ sail ^LIVERPOOL on THURSDAYS, QUEENS- TOWN on FRIDAYS. Baltic June 19 Oceanic July 3 Celtic June 26 Adriatic. July 17 These vessels are all uniform, of the highest speed, and replete with modern conveniences in every department. Saloon and Cabins are amidships. Passengers are booked through to all parts ef the United States, British America, China, Japan, India, and Australia. Drafts issued on New York free of charge. Saloon passage, Z18 18s and 21 guineas. Return Tickets, 35 guineas. Steerage, £ 6 6s. On and after the 1st July next, Saloon Fares will be £ 21 and je25. Return Tickets, £40 For Fieight or passage apply at the Company's Office, 19, Broadway, New York, and 96, Market-street, Chicago; in Queens- towri to JAMES SCOTT t Co., or to ISMALY, IMRIE & 00 no Water-street. Liverpool; to -7, East India Avenue, London, r r ■ to BARNES, GUTHRIE, & Co., ButeDocks, Cardiff; to A.BEVAN7 Swansea or to GEO. R. PRICE, Pontypridd. 4S09 LLAN ROYAL MAIL LINE btfi!1 J\- SHORTEST SEA PASSAGE TO CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES. Shortest Route to the AA'est. I jne nQW run direct every Xueg- The superb Steamships to poRTJjANl)and QUEBEC, day and Thursday from ,y V')RK and BOSTON, and to all orwarding Passengers to i United States. Cities and Toivns in Canada and FR(J>i LJVKHP00L TO FROM LIVERPOOL lO QUEBEC. QUEBEC..1 jianitoban, Tuesday, 10 June Sarmatiin, Thurs., ,l Sarmatian, Thursday, 12 „ Nestorian (A'ia St. John s N-i. -jadian, Tuesday, 17 „ & Halifax) Tuesday, Jia>' jj'estoria,ii, Thursday, 19 „ Scandinavian, Thurs., 8 corinthiau, Tuesday, 24 Polynesian, Thurs., 15 r>„lviipsian, Thursday, 26 Peruvian, Tuesday, 20 rjihprnian (Via St. John's, N.F. Hibernian, Thursday, 22 „ 11 jiaiifax) Tuesday, 1 July North American, Tu., 27 „ c^()iiiaviai!, Thurs., 3 „ Prussian, Thursday, 29 ^ca Tuesdav, 8 „ Moravian (Via St. John's, N.F., l>eiUV.w '.nuirsdw, 10 „ & Halifax)Tuesday, 3 June! Prussian, Circassian, Thursday, 5 „ K and BALTIMORE The Mail Steamships for HALIFAX, NORFOLK, anu D AL sail as followsf the Middle Forwarding Passengers by Rail to a'.l parts °'1'' Western, South AVestern and Southern & aits- Ju Austrian, Tuesday, 20 May. Moravian, Tuesdo> Caspian, Tuesday, 17 June „ vp.w York, Cabin Passage to Halifax, Portland, Quebec, Boston, n(,„.jn5, Norfolk, Baltimore, or Philadelphia, £ 18 18s. or £ 15 lo,'r Liquors to accommodation, including Provisions, but not AVnies o 1 which can be obtained on hoard. Return Tickets at jn rates. A limited number of intermediate passengers are t each Steamer at £ 9 9s., including Beds, Bedding, «nd all "ec sary utensils, dining apart from steerage. Applications for berths sary utensils, dining apart from steerage. Applications for Derui» Ste^e Pa^glge'to St. John, Halifajf, Quebec, Portland, Bos- ton. New York, Norfolk, or Baltimore £ 6 Cs t illciuainga ptenti- ul ,8upply of cooked provisions. Steerage Stewardesses are carried by this line to attend to the ^ants of female passengers *nd cbildren 0.. Bimuje taken from the Oeean Steamships to the Railway Cars 6C of Expense, n t Any information required concerning Ciinada, can be obtained fom Mr. Dixon, 11, Adam-street, Adeipiii, London Agent for the Canadian Government. hv n Pamphlets on Canada suPRlieCiri? ANC1SCO SUORTEST ROUTE to SAN «ie UNION Pacihc RAILROAD. TiiRorori TicRirrs iss cB °n the most favour- We terms. For Freight or P«^,applyto AT T.AN BROTHERS & CO., Ale^ndraBuildings, Jctmes-street, L.ve.pool, and Aiexanuia Fovie.street, Londonderry, lia^B^wXlV, Thomas-Sstreet,°Llanelly 124,' High-street, Wtl.g i»^S!Si £ 5™.rth«»; U.VU T. Jam«w R. Morgan, ri" N()TICk tO EMIGRANTS. company 'filta;u tiieir Tickets from our Agents We advise Passengers to obtain before leaving home. 469 St* TVT A T I O NA L LINE lid' JN TO NEW YORK. GEST STEAMERS AFLOAT. FROM LIVERPOOL FROM QUEENSTONVN E\]CRY OHURbDA The well-known full-powered Iron Screw Steam s p F,gypt, Grogan 6064 England, Kemp. 4000 Spain, Grace 4900 'lli<} Queen, 1-taly, Thomson 4302 Holland, Bra<-0 France, Griggs 3571 Erin, V'°' 9074 Canada, Webster 3500 Helvetia, Spencer Greece 3500 Denmark, Stunner.37 Will sail from Liverpool to New Yo^inidc GREECE. 1 • •'AVednesday, EGYPT Wednesday, ^naj my Leaving Queenstown the following days. Q The Saloon accommodation is unsurpassed—the state- being unusually large; and open off the Saloons situated in r p on deck. Bate of Passage, 12,15, and 17 Guineas, according to on deck. Bate of Passage, 12,15, and 17 Guineas, according to dation in State-room—all having same privilege in Saloon, tietur Tickets, TAVENTY-FIVB GUINEAS. The COMFORT of STEERAGE PASSENGERS specially con- sidered—the accommodation being unequalled for space, light, and ventilation. RATKSOP PASSAGE—as low as by any other Line-ineltide abun- dance of Fresh Provisions served up cooked by Company's Servants. Medical Attendance free. Stewardesses in attendance on Female Steerage Passengers. Steerage Passengers forwarded to Quebec, Boston, Philadelphia, and Baltimore without extra, charge—and booked through to San le Francisco, and all inland towns of United States and Canada on favourable terms. Passengers booked through to Australia, New Zealand, China, &lid Japan. For Freight or Passage apply to THE NATIONAL STEAMSHIP CO. (LIMITED,) 23, Water-street, Liverpool; nAME & BROWN, Insurance Agents, Newport, Mon.; DAVID BOWEX, 17. Thomas-street, or THOS. MOROAN, Mina-street, Llanelly; B- M. CHEESE, Town Crier, Brynmawr; D. L. JONES, 23, Villiers-street, Britonferry; DAVID REES, Cardiff Castle Hotel, Aberdare; JAMBS R. MORGAN, Post-office, Pontypool; or to JOHN R. NICHOLAS & CO., 130, Rothsay-terrace, Bute Docks, and C. E. WILLIAMS, 9, Westborne-place, Cardiff. Passengers are advised to secure their Passages from the Local Agent* before leaving home. ♦ 5241 -etion. Trdstep Cottage, John-street, Penarth. Mn p. STEPHENSON is instructed to SFIL bv AUCTION, at the Queen's Hotel, Cardiff, on Thi r n*v JUNE"I9th, 1S73, at Three for Four o'clock (subject to oduc{,j\ ail that commodious, well-built, and cond.twnstobe pi^oa ,vith Yard a.id Appurtenances, Ste in Jota-strect, Penarth, and known ,s "Lydstep Cottage ir, the occupation of Mr. George Dawkms, the owner, and held under lease for 99 years, from 1st May, 1870, at the yearly ^It'cwitains0 Front and Back Parlour, Kitchen, Scullery, three Bedrooms, Attic, Store-room and Loft, small Lawn in front and Yard behind, with passage leading from the street. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneer, or to W. H. Cory, Esq Solicitor, Church-street, Cardiff. Preliminary.—28, Edward-terrace, Cardiff.—To parties furnishing and others. MESSES, N. LAWRENCE AND co. HAVE RE- ceived instructions from Mr. David Lloyd, to SELL by AUCTIOX, on the above premises, on THURSDAY, JUNE 19th, 1873, the whole of the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and EFFECTS, of which due notice will be given. The sale will take place precisely at Two o'clock. No reserve. Auctioneers' Chambers, Victorfa-rooms, Cardiff. 6G46 Freehold Property for Sale. MR. JOHN PRICE will SELL by AUCTION, at the Castle Hotel, Llandilo, on SATURDAY, the 14th day of JesE, 1873, at Three o'clock p.m. precisely (subject to condi- tions to be then and there produced), one undivided moiety of and in all that FARM and LANDS, called Esgairddwyllwen, in the parish of Llansadwrn, in the county of Carmarthen, con- taining 153,. 2r., or thereabsuts, and now in the occupation of Elizabeth Lewis, as yearly tenant. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneer, or to Mr. J. Prothero Lewis, Solicitor, Llandilo. Llandilo, May 10th, 1873. 6620 Valuable Leasehold Property. MR. J. M. ELLERYhas been instructed to SELL by AUCTION, at the Bush Hotel, High-street, on TUES- DAY, the 17th JINK, 1873, the following PROPERTY in the town of Swansea, which will be offered in lots to be decided on at the time of sale, viz. LOT I.-All that valuable PUBLIC-HOUSE and PREMISES, situate and being opposite the Slaughter Houses in Back-street, and known as the Jolly Butcher." It is at present in the occu- pation of Mr. Hopkins, for an unexpired term of 10 years from 1st January, 1873, at the rent of JS16 16s. per annum, and will be sold subject to the apportioned ground rent of £114s. per annum. LOT 2.—All those TWO DAVELLING-HOUSES, Nos. 55 and 56, Back-street, and adjoining the above, now in the occupation of Mr. Geo. Vyse, grocer, &c., as yearly tenant, at the low yearly rental of 412, which will be sold subject to an apportioned ground rent of £1 per annum. The above lots are held under a lease for 99 years from the 2Mb September, 1S06. at a ground rent of A:2 14s., which will be apportioned as above. LOT 3.-All that well-known PUBLIC-HOUSE and premises called the HAFOD-INN, situate at Halod, and now in the occu- potion of Mr. J. Jones, under a lease for 21 years, from the 24th January, 1862, at the rent of Xlm, and a further term of 10 years, from the 24th January, 1883, at the rent of JH24. This lot will be sold subject to an apportioned ground-rent of Z2. LOT 4.—FOUR DWELLING-HOUSES, adjoining the above and let to respectable tenants, at a gross rental of A:32 14s., which will be sold in lots subject to the apportioned ground-rent of 15s. each house. The Hafod Inn and adjoining houses are held under a lease of 99 years, from the 25th December, 1639, and a ground- Lor 7.—All that excellent DWELLING-HOUSE and PREMISES situate and being No. 4, Fynone-terrace, and now in the occupation of John Dyer, Esq. The house contains a capital dry cellar, two kitchens, scullery, dining-room, drawing-room, breakfast parlour, four good bedrooms, China pantry, and other offices. The situa- tion is pleasant in an improving neighbourhood, and the premises are in an excellent state of repair. This lot is held under a lease of 99 years and three lives, from the 29th September, 1851, at the low apportioned ground rent of jM 5s. per annum. LOT 6. -All those four desirable LEASEHOLD DWELLING- HOUSES and GARDENS, being Nos. «0, 61, 6?, and 63, Bruns- wick-street, in the occupation of Captain Montgomery and other tenants thereof, at a rental of P-16 each. Each house contains two parlours, kitchen, scullery, four bedrooms, &c. This property is held under a term of 99 years, from the 29th September, 1858, at a ground rent of JM 14s each house. The Sale commencing at three o'clock. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneer, Victoria Rooms. 6597 A Desirable Investment.—Malpas, near Newport, Mon. MR. THOS. E. GEORGE has been instructed by the Executors of the late Mr. JOHN GILES to SELL by AUCTION, en WEDNESDAY, the 25th JUNE, 1873, at the Westgate Hotel, Newport, at Three p.m., the following COMPACT and DESIRABLE PROPERTY :— LOT I.-All that small FARM and LANDS, called" Green Court," situate within the parish of Malpas, within three miles of Newport, and about one mile of Llantarnam Station, comprising a Fann House, two Cottages and other Buildings thereon, and also a Market Garden and several pieces of Land, containing alto- gether by admeasurement 1111.. 2r. 34p., or thereabouts, the whole of which is now in the occupation of Mr. John Hughes, under lease for the term of fourteen years, from 2nd May, 1872, with option of renewal for a further term of seven years, at the yearly rent of £ 40. This Property is well situated, commanding extensive views of the surrounding country, and presenting a fine site for the erection of a villa residence. The property is well watered. If desired Mr. Hughes will sell his interest in the Lease held by him. Lor 2.—All that ONF UNDIVIDED THIRD PART or SHARE of and in all those TWO PIECES OF WOODLAND, situate near to Lot 1, in the said parish of Malpas, and numbered in the Tithe Map for the said parish 24 and 65, and containing by admeasure- ment 4a. lr. Op., more or less. Lots 1 and 2 are Copyhold of the Manor of Redcastle. For further particulars apply to Mr. G. C. Giles, Tynypwll Farm, Malpas; Mr. T. E. George, Newbridge, near Newport, Mon.; or to 6612 IIR. T. M. LLEWELLIN, Solicitor, Newport. SALE ON THURSDAY NEXT. In Chancery Griffiths v. Jones, Jones T. Jones—Flintshire and Dciibishshire. MR. EVAN YAUGHAN (of the firm of Messrs. Hards and Vaughan) is instructed to SEl.L by AUCTION, with the approbation of Vice-Chancellor Sir John AVickens, pursuant to a decree of the High Court of Chancery, made in the above causes, at the Town Hall, Rhyl, on Thurs- day, the 19th day of June, at Twelve for One o'clock, in 18 Lots, the UNSOLD PORTIONS of the highly import- ant FREEHOLD DOMAIN known as the Maesmynan Estate, situate in the parishes of Caerwys, Ysceifiog, and Bodfari, on the borders of Flint and Denbigh, consisting of all exceedingly valuable and important freehold residental estate, known as the Maesmynan-hall Estate, comprising about 900 acres of excellent arable, pasture, and wood land, with right to 300 acres of sheep walk on the Moel-y-Park l°untain, with its ancient and picturesque residence, well-known rfae?,mynan-ball, admirably situate, within a few minutes' walk Caerwys Station, 011 the Mold and Denbigh Railway, com- miK. S lovely views of the surrounding country, and requiring nftrti™1"! *i ° ay to adapt it to modern requirements. This WnnH estate comprises also the magnificent Maesmynan on .hi the features of the county. There is good shooting Sessions h^n«a' 1 ashin^in tile «ver AVheleer. Also the «^^SO,ae cottages in the town of Caerwvs, several simh farm J ble accommodation and building land, ana a small farm of about 40 acres, known as Ty Uchaf Thp Mold and S*vX?o7th™ Par36SS the estate, addslmmensely to Chester Denbigh st^AsV v, easy C01umunicatioiis with and Mn^s the ( wffiP- yl\a,ld every part of North Wales, respectively of London, ManchesJeVaM ^fve™^ of Messrs. Da'wes and E.C. of Messrs. Ashurst^MoVrfs Ind 'c Vr Mepsrs. Baxter, Rose, Norton and Co 6 .Old Jewij, EX., of minster, S.AV. of Mr. Dew, Auctioneer U>n ?,r!a"S '1V WeSt" f Afpssra Wn 3n,eer. Wellfield-liouse, Bangor: (t Messrs. Sale, Shipman, and Seddon, 29, Booth-street Alan- chester of Messrs. L:ices, Banuer Hir.l m./i sireci, jiai, Liverpool; or of Messrs. Hards 'SSd Vau^n 1 \tUmon;court' Surveyors, 62, Moorgate-street, Loudon, L.C. 101'eels antl Dated 2nd day of May. 1873. ^H, Chief Clerk ——— oz70 FOR SALE, 50 Cases lib. Tins LOBSTERS NOW LANDING ex steamer Pembroke, from New York. Apply to JOSEPH ELLIOTT & SONS, Powell-place, Bute Docks, 6617 CARDIFF. SALE BY TENDER. TO LICENSED VICTUALLERS AND OTHERS. CAMBRIAN HOTEL, CARDIFF. MJJ,. JOHN JENKINS has been instructed by the Trustees of the late Mr. Evan Joseph, to offer by rrx.'xrril.-li in one lot, the LEASE, Licenses, Goodwill, and Pos- 1 ,,f'that old established AVine and Spirit Vaults, known as session 01 HOTEL, and situate at the corner of Saint Mary- t.he » Caroline-street. Cardiff, together v.ith the Fixtures, street ana. yurnjture> as specified in the inventory. rpV'^iVpmlses comprise a spacious corner ba?, well fitted in mfi16 fvlp bar parlour, kitchen, spirit and beer cellars, plea- modern style, b P ciub-room, three good bedrooms, wi.h sant sitting roon iR)USe occupies one of the most com- usuai minor offices- A Cardifl for the business o £ a Li^pn«n? lipr bciiv in the leading thorough faro, and on thS t ? f;r he Town Hall, Banks, Post Office, to the Eastani w° u Docks and the Glamorganshire Canal, also beinV l Wef and within a short distance of the Victoria M° 6 i th.'Treat AVestern Railway Station, and the New pUs.lc irtiv to he erected. There is a cab- stand opp^X'L Snnse's, and the omnibuses and Uams to and An ex'tensive'trade^ i^aheady connexion with the house, dSta t,a«e » the inhabitants 01 that populous The premises are held une'er a leise of Si vears f'"om the 31st "ttsra gsaR& te-fttvS p°~ JSJS: FIR" <.««— Tenders to be endorsed „,v;in Hotel," and sent under seal to Mr. John Jenkins1" w Hkrh-sti eet, Cardiff, at or before 11 a m. on Thursday,^S'june ^hen the tenders F,r further particulars and fori» of te^derTpplv 'to Mr. John Jenkins, Accountant, &c., bun Fire Office, 20 H gh street, Cardiff- 0558 ALEXA NDER BROTHERS, AUCTIONEERS AND ACCOUNTANTS, AGENTS AND VALUERS, 24, D U K E S T R E E T, CARDIFF AND AT PONTYPRIDD. 5597 w I L L I A M SANDERS, AUCTIONEER AND APPRAISER, 8, ROYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF. 266 HOSPITAL FOR UMBRELLAS! 4,000 Patients Cured during the past year. ADVICE GRATIS. HOUSE SURGEON, W. PEDLER. Ladies and Gentlemen having Umbrellas with broken ribs, dis- located joints, &c., should take such patients to the Hospital without delay. Accidents attended to any hour between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. Umbrellas Ready-made and to Order, also re-covered. Good Assortment of Gents' Fancy Sticks and Canes. NOTE-HOSPITAL FOR UMBRELLAS, 12, ROy.,L ARCADE, CARDIFF. 6273 public Jtotices. mo CARPENTERS. — CARPENTERS and A JOINERS are requested to KEEP AAV AY from ABERDARE, as there is a STRIKE on. 6599 HOMCEOPATHIC SURGEON.—Mr. FREE- JLJL MAN, 19, Charles-street, Cardiff. At Home 1.30 till 3 daily. Letters for advice answered by day mails. 6379 HANNAH STREET CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, CARDIFF. The FIFTH ANNIVERSARY of the above Church will be held at 11 and 6t on Sunday, June 15th, 1873, and at 7} on the follow- itig Monday evening, when the Rev. J. C. JONES, Bedford Chapel, London, will preach. 6248 T0 PLUMBERS AND BUILDERS. To be DISPOSED OF by PRIVATE TENDER, at the County Gaol, at Cardiff, a quantity of OLD MATERIALS, consisting of LEAD, IRON, WINDOWS, BARS, BKAMS, BEDSTEADS, &c. May be viewed daily from 10 to 3. Tenders to be sent addressed Visiting Justices of County Gaol," under cover tu me on or be- fore Noon, on the 21st day of JUNE, 1873. The Justices do not bind themselves to accept any Tender. 6552 J. S. KNOX, Major, Governor. RE-OPENING OF THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, TEMPERANCE TOWN, CARDIFF. On SUNDAY, JUNE 15th. Rev. ISAIAH PARTON, Independent Minister, of Sheffield, will preach in the Moruing at 11, and in the Evening at 6.30. Rev. JOS. WAITE, B.A., will preach in the Afternoon at 3 o'clock. Collections at each seryice to defiay expenses of alterations. On WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18th, a TEA MEETING will be held in connection with the above. Tea on the tables from 5 to 7 o'clock. Tickets, Is. each. may be had of the Deacons and other friends. After Tea, a PUBLIC MEETING will take place in the Chapel, to be addressed by Revds. I. PAKTON, J. WAITB, J. DAVIS, and other Ministers and Friends. Mr. J. E. BILLUPS will pre- side. 0579 NEATH. FLOWER, DOG, AND POULTRY SHOW. THE NEXT EXHIBITION WILL TAKE PLACE AT NEATH, ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY AUGUST 7TU AND 8TH, 1873. bCHbDLLES of PRIZES, and all particulars, may be obtained on application to HENRY S. LUDLOAV.i „ „ xr 4V, W W* AVHITTINGTON, J Ho-S- Secs- Neath, May 24th, 1873. 6339 tt ,1 ^C«RDIFF AND THE NEIGHBOURHOOD. Under the Patronage of the M.st Honourable the Marquis of Bute. A WORKING MEN'S FLOWER SHOW WILL BE HELD AT TUB DRILL HALL. CARDIFF, ON AVEDNESDAY, THE 18T1I JUNE, 1*73, When a large number of PRIZES will be awarded for WINDOW GROWN PLANTS. A STRING BAND will be in attendance under the Leadership of Messrs. Roberts and Johnson. 6477 £ 1 OOO CHALLENGE PRIZE CUP AT NEWPORT. THE SOUTH WALES CHORAL UNION WILL GIVE TWO REHEARSALS, AT THE VICTORIA HALL, NEWPORT, ON THURSDAY, JUNE 26TH, 1873. AT THREE AND SEVEN, P.M., In Aid of their Fund, prior to their departure to the Crystal Palace Competition. The celebrated CYFARTHFA BAND will be in attendance, and will play the Accompaniments. Cheap and Special Trains will run on all the railways to and from Newport. Further particulars will be given. 6641 CRYSTAL PALACE COMPETITION, 1873. SOUTH WALES CHORAL UNION (500 VOICES). CHAIRMAN Rev. Canon Jenkins, D.D., Aberdare. TREASURER Rev. Dr. Price, Aberdare. GENERAL SECItETARY D. Brythonfryn Griffiths, Aberdare. CHORAL SECRETARY W. Davies, Aberdare. The Committee earnestly request that all subscriptions intended for the fund of the abevo Union be remitted to the Treasurer with the utmost expedition. As, a great number of the choir are females and boys, most of whom belong to heavy families, it is self-evident that they cannot be expected to defray their own expenses to London. We must have an available fund of A:2,000 before we can hope to reach the Crystal Palace comfortably. The Great Competition being on the 10th of July next, it will be seen that no time is to be lost. D. BRYTHONFRYN GRIFFITHS, 6298 General Secretary. p 0 N T Y P R D U N ION. APPOINTMENT OF MEDICAL OFFICER FOR THE PONTY- PRIDD DISTRICT AND UNION WORKHOUSE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Guardians ef this Union will at their meeting, to be held on WEDN UDAT, the lith day of JUXE, instant, proceed to the appointment ef a Medical Officer for the Pontypridd District and Ullien Workhouse. Salary:—for the District, £ 30, and for the Workhouse, t40 per annum and the extra medical fees allowed by the Local Govern- ment Board. Candidates must be registered medical practitioners, possessing the qualifications required by the Consolidated Order of the Local Government Board. The person appointed will be required to reside within the District. Applications, accompanied by testimonials ef recent date, must be sent to me not later than TUESDAY, the 17th instant. The appointment will bo made subject to the approval of the Local Government Board. (By order), E. C. SPICKETT. Clerk to the Union. Pontypridd, June 5th, 1873. 65 THE GLAMORGANSHIRE AND MON- MOUTHSHIRE INFIRMARY AND DISPENSARY. At the usual Monthly Meeting of the Committee, held on TUES- DAY, the 10th of JUNE, 1873, WlIl. DONE BU SHELL, Esq., in the Chair, It was Resolved unanimously, 1. "That the grateful thanks of this Committee be presented to the Clergy and Ministers of all denominations who have kindly preached Sermons on behalf of the Infirmary, and to those Con- gregations who have contributed Collections in aid of the In- firmary Sunday. It was Resolved unanimously. 2. That this Committee desires to offer its heartfelt acknowledg-. ments to the Infirmary Sunday Committee, and especially to Dr Alfred Sheen, the Hon. Secretary, for having so successfully carried into effect a combined movement called Infirmary Sun- day,' whereby the sum of 4415 19s. 5d. has been acquired for the Institution." It was resolved unanimously, 3. That the best thanks of this Committee be offered to the Cardiff Newspapers for the valuable aid which they afforded in promoting the interests of the recent Infirmary Sun- day movement." 6C57 WM. DONE BUSHELL, Chairman. NEWPORT AND LLANVRECHVA RACES -1A AND ATHLETIC SPORTS WILL TAKE PLACE ON THURSDAY, JUNE 19th, 1873, In a Meadow near Fern Hil), between Pontnewyud and LlaJitarnam Stations. 1 JUDGE—Mr. E. Hibbard. CLERK OF THE SCALES—Mr. Fredk. W. Gritton. CLERK OF THE COURSE-.Nir. Rich. Waters. STARTER—Mr. Charles Phillips. PROGRAMME :— FIRST RACE, 2.0 p.m.—The Llanvrechva Stakes of 8 Sovs., 5s. entry, to go to the fund, for Ponies not exceeding 13 hands 2 inches, 9st.—71bs. allowed for every inch under. Winners of 15 Sovs. in 1873 to carry 71b. extra. About a mile. SECOND RACE, 2.30 p.m.—The Newport Open Hurdle Race of 10 Sovs., 10s. entry, to go to the fund, about one mile and a half over six flights of Hurdles, three-years old, 9st. 71bs. four, lOst. 71b. five, lis. 4lbs. six and aged, list. 101bs. Winners of 410,71bs. extra. THIRD RACE, 3.0 p.m.—The Llanaravon Plate of 5 Sovs., 5s. entry, to go to the fund, four-years old, lOst. five, lOst. 121bs. six and aged, list. 101bs. Thorough-breds lOlbs. extra. To be ridden by Gentlemen, Farmers, Tradesmen, or their Sons. Jockeys 91bs. extra. About one mile flat. FOURTH RACE, 3.30 p.m.-The Llantarnam Plate, a Sweep- stakes of 1 Sov. each, with 5 Sovs. added, for Galloways not ex- ceediilg 14 hands 2 inches, weight list.—71bs. for every inch under. WlIlners of 15 Sovs. in 1873 to carry 71b. extra. One mile. FIFTH RACE, 4.0 -The Scurry Stakes, a sweepstakes of 5s. each, with a Solid Silver-Mounted Jockey Whip added, value Guineas, civen by Mr. Tustin, Sadler, Newport, for Ponies not exceeding 13 hands. 8st. 71b allowed for every inch below. Win- ners to carry 71b extra. One Mile. SIXTH RACE, 4-30 P.M,-The Licen Jed Victuallers' Plate, an s(n's" 10s entry> to goto the Fund, for lOst • four insT T?»Vel" P« ac,e Horse dllty- Three-years old, mfle.' upwards, lOst. 121 bs. About a Stakcs^ofTo*SovsCo 5 0 'i'llc Selling Hurdle Race, an open ost nb^ fonr i; ?;.6' 3;?t0 e°t0 the tund>three y^s oid, 101b Winners of^2C to^a'ny^^b'extraf" 'CwMie^ am^to co^o1 th1^ ieIr a £ ter the Ra,ce for £ 50> the surplus (if if for £ 30 1411 • iff be 80ld for £ 4°. 71b. allowed "SuS"'21"1' Abo" »"• — EIGHTH RACE, 5.45 P.M.—The Consolation Stakes of 5 Sovs. w' C,i„ tK' y° ° the fund> llst 5!b. a Flat Race for beaten Horses that have not won at this meeting. 1 ATHLETIC SPORTS entranced youths under 10 of age. 150 vards, 10s. 6d., Long jump, 10s. 6d., entrance 6d. Hurdle race, 120 yards over ten hurdles 3ft. 6in., 21s., entrance Throwing a hammer, 10s. 6d.. entrance 6d. Throwing a cannon ball, 10s. 6d., entrance Gd. Flat race, half-a-mile, 21s., entrance Is. Hundred yards race, 21s., entrance Is. Flat race, quarter of a mile, 21s., entrance ls. Standing high jump, 10s. 6d., entrance 6d. pole jump, 2ls., entrance Is. 3 jumps tach. Running higl> jump, 10s. fid., entrance 6d. 3 jumps each. Hop, step, and jump, 10s. Oct., entrance Gd. THE ATHLETIC SPORTS WILL COMMENCE AT 12 O'CLOCK PRECISELY RULES AND REGULATIONS. 1 All Stakes and Subscriptions, except where the Stewards are accountable, must be paid to the Secretaries, and entries to be made to them at 15, High-street, Newport, on Tuesdav, 17th of Tune between the hours of four and eight o'clock p.m., except for the Consolation Stakes, the entries for which to be made at the t The colours of the riders must be declared at the time of ente'rintr or forfeit 5s. to the fund. Jockeys riding in different colours to those declared at the time of entering will be fined 6s. each 2 All disputes to be settled by the Stewards or whom they mav aDDoint such decision to be final. 3. Where fewer than three horses start in any of the above races only half the Stake will be civen 4. The Stewards to determine who are the jockeys, f>• AU entries for the Athletic Sports to be made to the Secretaries at 15, High-street, Newport, on AVednesday, 18th of June, be- tween the hours ef 10 a.m. and 4p.m., the entrance money to be paid at the time. 6. All Professionals to be excluded from competing in any of the Athletic Sports. N.B.—Newmarket and Grand National Rules. „„ Cards of the Races and Sports will be ready on Thursday morn- ing, 19th June, at 10 o'clock. Admission to the Ground, Sixpence each Vehicles, Sixpence per wheel. NO horsemen allowed. ARTHUR SENELE, 1 Hon. Sees 6453 ARTHUR WINSLOfc EVANS, > toe public JToticfS. TO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. The SCHOOL BOARD for LLANTAVIT FARDRE invite TEN- DERS for the Erection of NEW SCHOOLS at Pontypridd, to ac- commodate 500 children. Plans and Specifications may be seen at the Clerk's Office, Post- office Chambers, Pontypridd, where Tenders should be delivered on or before the 3rd day of July next. The Board do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any Tender. H. S. DA YIES, Clerk to the said Board. Pontypridd, June 9, 1873. 6659 TENDERS are required for the SUPPLY of the following ARTICLES for the Portuguese Royal Naval Transport, Martinho de Mello, now here 460 Angle IRON BARS, best quality 46 Iron PLATES, LOW MOOR 123 Ditto, best 50 IRON CHECK PLATES 2,364 ASSORTED FILES 2,000 Sheets of COPPER, No. 30 100 Ditto, ditto, No. 18 2 Calipers, by H. J. H. King & Co., of Glasgow, for Measuring Cylinders 1 Steam Guage, by H. J. H. King & Co., Of Glasgow, for Testing Manometers, 1501b. pressure 4 Davy Lanterns 2<i SWe" Lights ^lltS All such as used by"-the British Navy 12 Spare Glasses j 50,000 Cartridges, with Bullets, for Carbines (Snider Barnet) 30,000 Cartridges, without Bullets, for the same Carbines ALSO, 1110 One-pound Tins of Boiled Fowl 156 Ditto, ditto Hoast Fowl 150 Tins oj Boiled Beef and Bouilli 150 Ditto Roast Beef 100 Tins of Vegetables For further particulars, &c., apply at the Portuguese Vice Con- sulate, Cardiff, between the hours of 11 a.m. and 4 p.m., where Tenders, sealed and prepaid, will be received, addressed to the Conselho Administrativo, up to Noon of the 17th of June, 1873. RICHARD REES TODD, Portuguese Vice Consul. Cardiff, 13th June, 1473. 6664 t justness JIdAresscsu M I T H A N D (TOT^ CORN MERCHANTS, SKINNER STREET, NEWPORT, MON. 4658 G H. AWBERY (LATE J. R. AWBERY) 0 TAILOR AND DRAPER, 2, KING STREET, CARMARTHEN. 4504 USE ONLY F OTHERGILL'S TOBACCO. SOLD EVERYWHERE. WHOLESALE: 4, STUART HALL, CARDIFF. 4052 JNORRIS AND SONS, TOWN CRIER • 1KB BILL V0STERS, (IN TOWS AND COUKTRI). Handbills and Circulars Delivered with Quick Despatch. ADDRESS :—34, ORCHARD STREET, SWANSEA. JONES BROTHERS, PRINCIPAL BILL POSTERS AND DELIVERERS, HIGH STREET, NEATH, AND BRITON FERRY. Circulars addressed and delivered. Bill Posters to the Great Western and Neath and Brecon Railways, and the principal Auctioneers. Lessees of the Principal Posting Places. 2144 FOR E I G N G, I G A R DEPOT. J. WEAVER, 4, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. HAVANNAH CIGARS of the Choicest Brands always in Stock. 5750 QAERPHILLY MONUMENTAL WORKS. Mr. DAVIES, Sculptor, returns his sincere thanks to the Public for their patronage to his late father Mr. t leazer Davies. Also to announce that he still carries on the business in the same pre- mises. The newest Designs and estimates forwarded immediately on application. 6257 COOLING AND REFRESHING DRINKS. STANTON AND COMPANY'S CELEBRATED LEMON KALI AND PERSIAN SHERBET. MANUFACTURING CONFECTIONERY WORKS, BRISTOL. 4604 RC. LEACH, BILL POSTER & • ADVERTISING CONTRACTOR, 17, WOOD-STREET, CARDIFF, AND 63, CARDIFF-STREET, ABERDARE. Rents all the Principal and most prominent POSTING STATIONS in Cardiff, Canton, and Roath. Tewn Crier for Aberdare. YORKSHIRE RELISH. JL The mest DELICIOUS SAUCE in the WORLD to Chops, Steaks, Fish, &c. Sold by all Grocers and Oilmen in bottles, Sd, Is, and 2s each. Trade Mark, Willow-Pattern Plate. PROPRIETORS-GOODALL, BACKHOUSE. & Co., Leeds. 5294 T 0 P U B L I C A N S The CHEAPEST HOUSE in South Wales for WINES AND SPIRITS, JOHN WINTLE, WHOLESALE SPIRIT MERCHANT, NEWPORT. Quotations on Application. 5858 CALEDONIA CONFECTIONERY WORKS, c BRISTOL. .PATERSON RICE AND CO., Manufacturers of JAMS. JELLIES. JUBES. MARMALADES. ORANGE, LEMON, CITRON ^PEELS, And everv description of BOTTLED SAVEETS and CONFECTION'S for HOME TRADE and for EXPORTATION. To be had of all respectable Grocers and Italian Warehousemen. 5239 CLIFTON TURTLE DEPOT. W. H. CH APPELL, CONFECTIONER, Begs to return his sincere thanks to the Nobility and Gentry for the very liberal support they have favoured him with during the first year of his entry on the OLD ESTABLISHED BUSINESS so long carried on by Mr. WARREN, and assures them his personal suoervision shall continue to be given to all business entrusted to him. BALLS, WEDDING BREAKFASTS, DINNERS, & SOIREES contracted for, inclusive and exclusive of Wines, and carried through at one cost, in the best and most careful manner. WEDDING CAKES of the best quality always on hand. TURTLE and other SOUPS of the very best make kept ready, and sent out in any quantity to alJ. pans. Very Superior ICES and ICE PUDDINGS. CLIFTON DINING ROOM a la Carte. fcOLE AGENT FOR THE EUROPEAN WINE COMPANY." 5 R E G E N 'T -STREET, NEXT POST-OFFICE. CLIFTON, BRISTOL.| Every attention to Country Orders. 6501 < 19, HIGH-STREET, SWANSEA. SUPERIOR DRAWING ROOM S DINING ROOM, and BEDROOM FUR- TURE, en suite, at various prices. CARPETS and UPHOLSTERY of every description. All BEDDING manufactured on the Pre- mises. LEWIS BROTHERS, HOUSE FURNISHERS. 4479 LEA AND PERRINS' WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. Pronounced by Connoisseurs, "THE ONLY GOOD SAUCE." To guard against the numerous worthless imitations of this renowned Condiment, the Public should ask for "LEA AND PERRINS'" SAUCE, And see that their names are upon the wrapper, label, stopper, and bottle. Sold Wholesale and for export, by the Proprietors, Worcester; Crosse and Blackwell, London and by Druggists, Grocers, and Oilmen generally throughout the World. LEA AND PERRINS' 6101 T HE "UNIVERSAL" STEAM PUMP. THE SIMPLEST, THE MOST EFFICIENT, AND THE MOST DURABLE. FOR COLLIERIES. FOR GENERAL PUMPING PURPOSES. FOR BOILER FEEDING. (SELECTED BY THE ROYAL BRITISH COMMISSIONERS OF THE VIENNA EXHIBITION, 1873.) MADE ONLY BY HAYWARD TYLER & CO., London; AND SOU) BY CHARLES D. PHILLIPS, IRONWORKS & COLLIERY STORES CONTRACTOR, AND MACHINERY FACTOR, NEWPORT. I 5963 ¡, ttsinc$$ ddrc$$t$+ SUMMER CLOTHING. THE STAR CLOTHING COINIPANYJI JL CHURCH-STREET, CARDIFF. IjlACH Department is now replete with all the Latest Styles ir. )j Boys', Youths' and Gent's Attire. BOYLE & CO.'S Children's Suits. Novelties—The Grecian Belt Suit, the Sailor Suit, the Dresden Suif BOYLE <& CO.'S Boys' Suits in Leading Stvle, made of Cheviots, Tweeds, Meltons, &c. BOYLE & CO.'S Gent's Summer Suits and Summer Overcoats. BOYLE & CD.'S Coats for Business and Tourists—several new shapes. shapes. "I ^OYLE & CO.'S Trousers and Yests-nw pattern. The TAILORING DEPARTMENT is under the management of an eminent Cutter of great experience. Our patrons may rely on having garments made to their approval. Hats, Caps, Shirts, Hosiery, Gloves, Scarfs, Ties, &c. BOYLE & co., BOOT MANUFACTURERS, 19, CHURCH-STREET, & 13, BUTE-STREET, CARDIFF BOYLE & CO.'S Ladies' Summer Boots in Spring Sides, Bal- morals, to button. BOYLE & CO.'S Ladies best Kid, Morrocco, and Glove Kid Boots. BOYLE & CO.'S Ladies' Satteen and Cashmere Boots, Shoes, and Slippers. BOYLE & CO.'S Ladies' French Boots, Shoes, and SlipperS. JgOYLE & CO.'S Gents' Kid and Levant Summer Boots. BOYLE & CO.'S Gents' Balrnor Is, Spring Sides, Cossacks, and Wellingtons. BOYLE & CO.'S Gents' Oxford Shoes in Kid, Calf, and Patent. BOYLE & CO.'S Boys' and Girls' Boots, Shoes, and Slippers, of every description. Largest, Cheapest, and mest Fashionable Stock to select from in Wales. 6119 UYERS OF READY-MADE CLOTHING will find it materially to their advantage to select from the comprehensive STOCK of Messrs. W. PHICE and SONS, now sub- mitted to their notice the styles being so varied as to meet the requirements of all classes, It is obvious to every one, that Gar- ments of a superior style and cut must find a readier sale than the ordinary slop style usually offered. Tne facilities afforded by their extensive Establishment enable them to take immediate cognisance of all the fluctuating stages of fashion, and at once adapt them to the Garments they maice. At the same time they can render those Gowds at a less cost on account of their many advantages in having them cheaply and rapidly made. ADDRESS-MESSRS. W. PRICE AND SONS, FASHIONABLE CLOTHIERS AND OUTFITTERS, CARDIFF HOUSE, CARDIFF. Terms—One price no abatement; ready money. 6226 o N h Y THE BEST BEDDING PLANTS. JAS. GABAWAY & CO. Supply 100, in 8 or more Varieties, their own Selection, for 21s. Five per Cent. Discount] for Cash. Priced Catalogues free by post. JAS. GARAWAY & CO., DURDHAM DOWN, BRISTOL. 6023 Ss. BEDINGFIELD • FROM BRISTOL, Begs to inform the nobility, gentry, and trade of Swansea and South Wales that he has taken the premises No. 40, AVind-street, Swansea (late in the occupation ef Crook 6: Co.), and opened them with one of the best stocks of Cigars out of London. He intends sparing no trouble to make his patrons thoroughly satisfied with goods supplied. The stock will contain all the leading Havana brands, viz., Partagas, Upman, Figaro, Morales, Intimidad, Matilde, Tica de Bolton, Henry Clay, &c., &c. Pipes of the best French and German manufactories. Tobacco from the best Bnstol and other houses. System of Busincss-Low prices and ready money. 40, Wind-street, Swansea, April 16th, 1873. 4776 NOT I C E THE OLD-ESTABLISHED FURNISHING, CHINA, GLASS, AND EARTHENWARE ESTABLISHMENT, (FORMERLY THE LATE J. BARKER, LATE PROCTOR & BARKER,) 29, WINE-STREET, BRISTOL, WILL IN FUTURE BE CONDUCTED BY THE WIDOW AND SON OF THE LATE PROPRIETOR. 5383 87, HIGH-STREET, MERTHYR TYDFIL. M W.ROBERTS, • AVIIOLF.SALE AND RETAIL IRONMONGER. Grocers attention invited to a large assortment of TEA CANISTERS, SCALES, &c., at prices which will compare favour- ably with Bristol Houses. Price Lists on application. BUILDERS SUPPLIED AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Dealer in Oils, Colours, Roofing Felt, and Vulcanized India Rubber Goods. 5984 BEFORE YOU PURCHASE PATENT MEDICINES of any kind Call on C. YORATH, CHEMIST & DRUGGIST, 282, BUTE-STREET, CARDIFF. Where a fresh supply is always kept in stock. Parcels received from London every alternate day. 6519 D LEWIS, CABINET MAKER AND UPHOLSTERER, CARDIFF, Respectfully invites the attention of parties about to Furnish to his EXTENSIVE STOCK of CABINET GOODS CARPETS, DAMASKS, CHINTZ, BEDDING LINOLEUM, FLOOR CLOTHS, &c., all of which are of the newest design and of the best manufacture N.B.—An assortment of PIANOFORTES by best makers for Sale and Hire. 101 JOHN WILLIAM S'S (LATE OF DUKE-STREET) NEW IRONMONGERY SHOW ROOMS, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF, NOW OPEN. 3718 SEWING MACHINES, WASHING MACHINES, MANGLES, FIRE and THIEF PROOF SAFES, with all other Patented Articles, supplied by CROSS BROTHERS, GENERAL IRONMONGERS, CARDIFF. SEWING MACHINES. The Wheeler & Wilson's Gold Medal Silent Working Lock-stitch of 20 years' standing WASHINU Bradford'sPatentA'owelWashingMachines SEWING TheWilcox &Gibbs Silent Sewing Machines Month's Trial before purchase. WASHING The Home Washer, complete, with washer, wringer, & mangle. Price, £ 4 4s. BOX MANGLES, By Bradford and other Makers. /or Sale on easy terms. KNIFE CLEANING MACHINES. The Three-Knife Cleaner iCl 12 0 SEWING MACHINES, „. Hand and loot combined. The Shakes- pere, Agenoria, Franklin, the Weir, Thomas and Co.'s. SEWING MACHINES The Little Wanza, or any other Make. For Sale and Hire upon easy terms. SEASON GOODS. Ice Safes, Croquet Sets (by Jacque's), Croquet Bordering, Wire Netting, Nois- TPR o A "FV^ less Lawn Mowers, Stove and Grate Orna- v ments, the Housemaids' Dusters, Peram- bulators in variety, Flower Baskets Garden Rollers, Seats, and Chairs. ALL AT MAKERS' ADVERTISED PRICES. i 4539 EMP WELCH'S VEGETABLE AND GARDEN SEEDS For Farm, Kitchen, and Flower Garden. ALL SEEDS AVAKRANTED OF THE BEST QUALITY. KEMP WELCH'S SUPERB, OVAL, WHITE VEGETABLE-MARROW Is. per Packet, should be Grown by Everyone. A TRIAL RESPECTFULLY SOLICITEB. COLLECTIONS SUFFICIENT FOR ONE YEAR FROM 7s. 6D. TO 43. Catalogues on Application-Post Free. KEMP WELCH, SEED MERCHANT, REGENT-STREET, CLIFTON, BRISTOL. 6238 business ddrts ts. D. JOTHAM A ND S^OJN S ARE NOW SHOWING FOR THE SPRING AND SUMMER SEASON, 1873, A VERY LARGE AND CHOICE STOCK, In the following DEPARTMENTS :— r COATS • I TROUSERS TROUSERS & VESTS (To MATCH) VFSTS NEW STYLES IN -J GEXTLEMEN'S SUITS I YOUTHS' SUITS BOYS' SUITS THE BESPOKE DEPARTMENTS ALSO, LINEN SHIRTS (in White and Oxford), HOSIERY & 6LOYES, SCARVES AND TIES, HATS AND CAPS, Sc., &c. We have now completed a Large Assortment of the Latest Styles carefully selected from the BEST HOUSES. D. JOTHAM & SONS, 26 AND 27, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF. 5562 CALEDONIAN PLATE GLASS INSURANCE c COMPANY. HEAD OFFICE, 141, BUCHANAN-ST., GLASGOW. TRUSTEES WM. GALBRAITH, Esq. (of Clias. Tennant & Co., St. Pollox). WM. TAYLOR, Esq., Grain Merchant, Director of the City of Glasgow Bank, and ROBERT S. STRONACH, Esq., City of Glasgow Bank. RATES MODERATE, LOSSES PROMPTLY SETTLED. Policies of other Companies transferred free of expense. W. M'GAVIN M'CULLOCH, MANAGER. I THOMAS WEBBER, DISTRICT AGENT, 32, ROYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF. 6291 ESTABLISHED 1860. BRATTICE CLOTH!! BRATTICE CLOTH I BRATTICE & IRON AIR-TUBING, DOORS, &c. TARPAULINS & RICK CLOTHS I I MADE ,TO ANY SIZE IS TWO ID-KW XOHCTT. 1 0 LOCO. GKEASE.J WIRE ROl'¡,; GREASE (ntKE fnojM acid). TRAM OILS AND GREASES. CHAINS, NAILS, AND COUPLINGS. TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. SAVING OF COAL. BOILERS AND HPES COVERED WITH PATENT NON-CONDUCTING COMPOSITION. REFERENCES FURNISHED FROM THE LAMEST WORKS IN WALES. G E 0. J M A Y, CREEN. NEATH. 6546 Y AMPS. E MBOSSED GLASS. JJENT GLASS. TO RAILWAY COMPANIES & CONTRACTORS, COLLIERY PROPRIETORS. &' SHIPOWNER*, CARRIAGE BUILDERS & CHEMISTS. HOTEL KEEPERS, GROCERS, &. OTHERS. HALL & PEDDER, BARR'S-STREET, BRISTOL, (Established 1791,) MAKERS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF SIGNAL, ORNAMENTAL, AND CARRIAGE LAMPS. GLASS BENT OR EMBOSSED TO ANY SIZE OR PATTERN. PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL ORDERS. HALL & PEDDER, LAMP MANUFACTURERS, 1, 2, AND 3, BARR'S STREET, BRISTOL. 5476 S. J. KEPPLE & CO.'S FURNISHING CUT GLASS AND CHINA WAREHOUSE, 3, CLARE STREET, BRISTOL. This STOCK comprises EVERY REQUISITE IN FURNISHING, From the simplest Culinary Article To Goods of the mos Elaborate Finish and Artistic Decoration. BEST QUALITY. NEWEST DESIGNS. LOWEST PRICES. 5477 J. NEWTON, TAILOR, WOOLLEN DRAPER, MERCER, HOSIEJi, &c., 13, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF. J. N. INVITES INSPECTION OF HIS NEW STOCK OF SUM MER G 0 0 D S. THE CRITERION TROUSERS 14s. 6d. 2025 STEAM SAWING, PLANING, MOULDING, K3 AND JOINERY WORKS, Commercial-street, near St. Paul's Church, Newport, Mon. J. LINTON, BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR, Begs to inform the public generally that he has fitted up Im- proved Patent Machinery, whereby he is enabled to execute with dispatch all kinds of Sashes, Frames, Doors, Skirtings, and Mould- ings, at prices which cannot be surpassed. Estimates given, on application, for every kilict of Joinery work. Orders punctually attended to. 64til Co U N T Y TEA WAREHOUSE, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. ESTABLISHED 1823. LEWIS AND WILLIAMS'S CELEBRATED TEAS. Have stood the test of over half a century unsurpassed for strength, unrivalled for flavour. They are constantly advised of the choicest importations, and invariably obtain the best that money can purchase. s. d. Congou 2 0 Useful Congou 2 8 Strong do, 3 0 Better do. 3 6 Rich and Old (much flavoured) 4 0 Fine Leaf Gunpowder 5 4 Fine Plantation Coffee 1 4 Ditto • • • • • 1 (5 Finest do. IS Fine Mocha 2 0 LEWIS AND WILLIAMS 22, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. 6456 J^ARLY SPRING FASHIONS. W. HUGHES THOMAS BEGS TO ANNOUNCE THAT HE HAS OPENED HIS SHOW ROOM, FOR THE SEASON, And will be receiving a constant accession of Novelties. THE BONNETS, MANTLES AND COSTUMES ARE IN THE HIGHEST STYLE, AND THE ENTIRE STOCK IS REPLENISHED WITH NEW AND TASTEFUL GOODS. QUEEN- STREET, CARDIFF. April 23rd, 1873. 5986 N. PQWELL & CO., WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS 138!: BUTE ROAD, CARDIFF. SOUND DINNER CLARET, FINE OLD SCOTCH AND IRISH WHISKIES. LONDON GIN AND JAMAICA RUM. r BASS'S AND ALLSOPP'S PALE ALES AND G NNESS'S EXTRA STOUT, in Fine Condition, in Wood or Bottle. Orders received at Linden Villa, Wordaworth-street, Roath, and 8, Daviee-street, New Town, as well as at the Storee 2601 J1 ushtcs$ ddrc$ses. PRING AND SUMMER FASHIONS, 1873* ON THURSDAY NEXT, MAY 1st, And Following Days, HOWELL & CO. WILL MAKE A GENERAL EXHIBITION OF NEW GOODS, COMPRISING ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES FOR THE PRESENT & COMING SEASONS. At the same time they will Offer a'STOCK of TABLE LINENS At 10 per cent. under manufacturers' list, or from 20 to L -5 Per cent. under usual retail prices. HOWELL & CO., THE CARDIFF DRAPERS, 13, AND 14, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. 5164 (tducntiou. PO R T H C A W L ACADEMY. Conducted by the Rev. S. PRICE. Young Men prepaied for Colleges or Commercial Life. Testi- monials and references of the highest order, with terms, on aii'di- cation. 6 JYJ ISS 1, 1 (t H T 0 N ASSOCIATE AND MEDALLIST OF THE LONDON ACADEMY OF MUSIC (Pupil of Sir Julius Benedict and Dr. Wvlde), PROFESSOR OF THE PIANOFORTE, 74, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF 4336 T. CLEARS, CAR-VIARTHE.N ,SHIRE. CLASSICAL and COMMt-RdAL SCHOOL. Conducted by the Rev. John Evans, B.A. (London University), Late Master of Milford Schoel. Mr. Evans's pupils have been successful 111 the University of Glasgow, and University College, Lendon they have also passed with credit the preliminary examinations of the Incorporated Law Saciety, Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, Royal College of Surgeons, &c., &c., and one has won the Beriuan Schc-larship at the riuri Callcg-e, (.tTJll&¿rtbel1. Terms oil application. Duties will commence on Monday, July 14th, 1873. ORMAL COLLEGE, SWANSEA]. Principal—W. WILLIAMS. Pupils prepared for the Universities and for Professional and Commercial Pursuits. During the past six vears fifty-tvo of the pupils have passed various public examinations. Ttwua; Beard and Tuition 0 0 per. UL Tuition (including Latin and French) 8 0* Greek l o 0 German 10 0 Drawing 1 0 4453 STAFFORD COLLEGE, DARTMOUTH-PARK, FOREST-HILL (NEAR CRYSTAL PALACE), LONDON, S.E. HEAD MASTER MR. CROSS, late o.1bidgelld. MATHEMATICS, &c A. G. AVAIKIKSOK, Esq. London University. RKXCH Monsr. RAECKEDROOX. GERMAN Dr. EUPHRATE, M.A., Ph.D., &c. DRAWIXG, PAINTING, &C. J. L. KENWGRTHY, Esq., F.i&A., F.R.G.S., &c ASSISTANT nf Dm* J. ROLFE, Esq., Medalist of the Royal Academy. PROFESSOR OF DAKCIXO J. SEATON, Esq., Royal Italian Opera House. There is at present no vacancy, but one pupil can be received on the 25th March. (1:¡78 Jvotels. ROYAL HOTEL, ST7~ MARY STREET, CARDIFF.—First-class Family and Commercial House, the nearest to the Great Western Kaiiwsy Station. Omnibuses to every train. A Night Porter in attendance. Under the manage- ment of E. J. MULLINER. 5309 IMPERIAL HOTEL. MOUNT STUART- SQUARE, CARDIFF.—This Family Hotel comprises Public Coffee and other Rooms, Private Sitting-rooms, numerous Bed- rooms, &e., first-class Billiard-room. An Ordinary, daily, at Half- past One.—THOMAS NIXONr Proprietor. 5480 BUTE DOCKS. — WINDSOR HOTEL, re- plcte with every convenience and comfort. An Ordinary daily at 1.30.—F. W. ARMSTRONG. 6690 BLUE BELL COMMERCIAL HOTEL, H 1(;H-STREET, CAIIDIFF.-FiN-e minutes' walk from all the railway stations. Proprietor, W. HUTi (late of the Cow- bridge Arms). 6695 RHYMNEY AND TAFF VALE EATING HOUSE, 22, Trinity-street, opposite St. John's Church, Cardiff.-Piopi-ietor, JOHN THOMAS. Hot Dinners from 12 till 4. Gymru Ymwelwch a'r cymro. 6114 M Y-Y-CY MR Y.—The DOCKS DINING JL ROOMS, CARDIFF. The above Establishment is situated within 60 yards of Docks Post-orfice and Entrance, where visitors will find every comfort. Hot Dinners. Good Beds. Charges moderate.-JOHN OWEN, Proprietor. eios AKERS FAMILY HOTEL^ND MN1NG ROOMS, 161, Bute-road, Cardiff.—J. B. begs to solicit the patronage of commercial and other gentlemen of the Docks, as he is now in a position to supply what nas been commented upon of late by the local press, viz., where they can dine or luncheon com- fortably, as may be desired, on moderate terms. He has every facility for providing pic-nic, excursionists, pleasure, and private parties, as he can dine from SO to 100 on the premises. An ordinary daily at 1.15 p.m.; charge, ls. 3d. A trial solicited.— J. BAKER, Proprietor. 6107 TJT~1 S HER^S REFRESHMENT ROOMS J_ 77, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF.—Good Beds. Dinner from 12 to 3. Charges moderate. 6537 SWAN SEA.—The~HUDSON TEMPERANCE S COMMERCIAL HOTEL, 16, ST. MARY-ST., SWANSEA. 6095 OD DF E L L O W S'ARMS, MAESTEG 0 Two Minutes' Walk from Station. Good accommodation BILLIARDS. POSTING. INLAKD REVENUE OFFICE. 8C PROPRIETOR—Mr. ILLTID DIN IS G AND REFRESHMENT"ROOMS^ J. niSCOX'S (from NATTRISS') DINING and REFRESH- MENT ROOMS, 42, HIGH-STREET, BRISTOL. 5901 RYS T O L.—DRAW'BRIDGE~HOTElT^ Central, Commodious, Comfortable, and Economical. Ordi- nary daily.—16 and 17, St. Augustine's-parade, Bristol.—J. ULLATHORNE, Proprietor. 5561 RISTOL. GUILI)IIALL COMMERCIAL 113 AND FAMILY HOTEL, 36 and 37, Broad-stieet, Bristol. Dining, Coffee, Sitting, and Stock Rooms. Dinners from 12.30 to 61 Nig-ht Porter kept.—W. T. CROUCH, Proprietor. 1430 (1LIFTON DOWN FIRST-CLASS FAMILY J HOTEL, FACING THE SUSPENSION-BRIDGE. SUITE OF APARTMENTS, from 3* Guineas per week. Break- fast, from 2s. Dinners, from 3s. 6d. Service, 2s. A Suite 01 Apartments having been recently added to the Hotel, especially for WEDDING BREAKFASTS, the Manager is prepared to provide the same 01 the most moderate terms. Terms by weekly arrange- ments only. Suite of Apartments, with board ar.d attendance. 5 Guineas each, fires only extra. Bedroom, board, and attendance* in public rooms, 3k Guineas. All meals served to the visitor's order. Private drawing-room for Ladies. Table D'Hote daily at 1 Sundays at 5. All communications to be addressed, 142F D. GITTENS. Manacer. I public Amusements. A SSEMBLY ROOMS, BRITON FERRY. FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY. V iO-NIGHT, FRIDAY, JUNE ISTH, 1873. PATRONS „ Their Royal Highnesses THE PRIXCE AND PRINCESS OF WALES, And the ARISTOCRACY AND CLERGY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. YA N~~C E O< A R I E T I E S (From the Crystal Palace, St. James's Hall, Hanover-square Rooms, &c.) ARTISTES: MISS KATE HARLEY, MISS CARLOTTA DOLEY, THE FAKIR OF A V A, MR. EDAYARD MISDALE, AND MR. ALFRED G. Y AKCE, Author, Composer, and Singer of 100 Songs, Doors open at 7.30 for 8. Carriages at 10.15. Prices of Admission 2s., Is., 6d. Tickets at Post-office. The tour in Wales under the direction of MR. R. C. LKACH. C.rdiff. VICTORIA CONCERT-ROOM, ST. MARY- STREET, CARDIFF, SOLE PROPRIETOR fr. F. W. HOFFMANN Every Evening during the week, GRAND CONCERT, CHARACTERISTIC ENTERTAINMENTS, AND DANCING. R E F R K S H M BN T 8 AT THB BAR. A Emission—First Class, Is.; Half-price at Half-past Nine for Gentlemen only. On Saturdays ar.d Benefit JIIlghts no return tickets after 10 o'clock Doors open at 7.HO to commence at 8. 41 S TAR VARIETIES, s WIND-STREET, SWANSEA. DIRECTOR MELVILLE. Star Combination of Novelties for Whitsuntide. Professor Johnson, the great African Hercules." Mr Charles Burton, Transformation Dancer. Messrs. Lamb and Chapman, Negro Comedians, &c. Mdme. Lo-Lo and Brothers de Glorian, Trajjeze Artistes. 0 Mr. Withersby, Ventriloquist, with his "Talking Dolls." Messrs. Carlos & Danvers, Comedians and Champion Spade Dancers, Me, Mr. Cairoll, Grc,. English Gymnast. Mr. Viotti Glover and Miss Edith Percy, in Favourite Operatic Selections, and Others. TO-NIGHT at the STAR VARIETIES, SWANSEA. HEATRE ROYAL, Temple-street, Swansea. Opened with a carefully selected Dramatic and Burlesque Com- pany. Special Engagement of the popular Actress and Vocalist, MISS EMILY THORNE, who will appear every evening. To I commence at half-past 7. Prices—Boxes, 2s. 6d., 2s. and a limited number, Is. 6d. Seats may be secured d&ilv at th« » Theatre, from 11 till 2. Dirs< to Mr. Melville. 0504