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I8õ.-="- Shipping Jlotices* EMIGRATION TO MINNESOTA. TN FORMATION relating to the £ x\T A YEOVIL CoLONY and the FURNES8 set, COLONY, now being f"!med for settlement in Mil. y»i'h M»P and general informs on, may he obtained C'o -jHE.'i'AUIX' 31, New Bridge-Street, Blackfnars, London! 47ag a L'i'ER.VTION OF DAYS OF SAlLlwli. i 10RK, NEWPORT, & CARDIFF. FIRST-CLASS PA.-SFNGER STEAMERS leave CORK for NEWPORT *nd CARDIFF, *ith G'vy's "U'd Passengers, EVERY MONDAY, calling at Mil- returning from NEWPORT EVERY WEDNESDAY, and "r<fcii cMlDIKF EVERV THURSDAY until further notice. tWeit—CaVn, £ 1 Is.; Deck, 7s.; Cabin Return Ticket, available one month, £ 1 lis. 6d. For further pai-ticularssee small bills. AGENTS. Si&tUFF —Mr. E. C. DOWNING, Shipbroker, Bute Docks. i £ vvPORT.—Mr. JAMES MADDOCKS, Dock-street. tK -Citv of Cork Steaui Packet Company, Penrose Quay. 374 v„, CARDIFF TO NEW YORK. ^B^LDIUECTSTEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE i> 11 I B T 0 L CHANNEL AND TI;R ^ITEI> STATES OF AMKUTCA AND CANADA, SOUTH WALES ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S New, first-class, full-powered, Clyde-built Steamships SAMORGAN 2,500 Tons 600 h.p. ^M'-iROKE '2,500 Tons 500 h.p. ^HMVRTHEN 3,000 Tons 600 h.p. Or oth»r First-class Steamers will sail regularly between V CARDIFF AND NEW YORK Steamshipa are built expressly for the Trade, and fitt £ -iF the latest improvcmomts for the c<?nwt and coino»iM<* JL and Steerage Passengers. Passengers provided with mattresses. I WSS'ardess carried for the female emigrants. fh(» Q^JBKOKK win sail about the middle of Man n. v>i, »u "■ {*S&4 **5feS« ♦ £ CO. fefev: f0K-„V I'ool T'V'MTS fi SoV- GJS^PIUDD .A^,NOKK BUOTIIERS. YPLLFR,,JOHN R. TAYV?L 1 Castle-street. \v J PRJW*swbL • r V geiincur-Btreet. tefcmo JpjSSmS." *fcGA*.V.. ^Trv% &uo*y Railway. ^1NE14 ••••• ^^VAK^Po^omce. I:ViSS £ w-.««- "rr.^rrasssu ^KVIAM'BF.K*,CARDIFF. Oompaiiy's Xi A.TJGHL Arn D, Manager. T7T>P^T ROUTE FOR PASSENGERS *1 FCTST AND IRI^OF ENGFJA NI> AND SOUTH WALES STEAM ? CJL" SHIP LINE." BRISTOL ^VW xnrri; The FINK NEW FIRST-CLA-SFE BCR^ ^K-SLIRT'S of this Line ars intended to sad as follows ^RUAGONV- (1500 tons) Wm. Western, commander, to .SAIL to S;r 1 THURSDAY, March 27th, 1878. NFAV RTEAMELL BUILDING. to NEW YORK 1:5 '[UORK BOSTON, to NESV Y<)RK LIA^XFMOR or PHILADELPHIA, SI GUINEAS. m^ineas. „ flnv Irish but pro- K^'ECTR°TTFIIgLInet!o not call at anj insni STATZ^BRINU.ITONEW Vork. £ THE United F? "LAY BE booked throu-B to all I'-1"3 GROR.8FCC(IR6 on very M0<!EFLTW\E;K "WIHTV.'ILL and SON, FIOH^?VENI>R. ITH8- &C- AI)P'.Y (I F. Webb and Co., 8tr., S(' K* Queci-euuare, IJ.NST4D O ■ PRNWN, Dock- Merclmnts, 'Cardiff; ?ontypool H(5 CV, Mom; John MOR^I", T 'J. CLLllaway, Sf-H. 4» Brot0's' L'. Pricc, Churcl»-stre;!t, PONTON {ROM OUR Htfr,! ARE recommended to obtain the.r 807 vi RIE: home'* xr^h F l v() YAL MAIL i ffi. u -j sail from TOFCFSKOI A STEAMERS, ^J-OVN to NEW LIVERPOOI, MA CLTF^TINFFLDAY and XLLTLRSDAV & TL'L'V UL York -KSOAY MAR. 1'I- CITY I'A>^ Mar. 20. op WONTRRAL ;||1KSI)AY, MAR. 25. 4AV PN, HRISTOL V.» N I L L."> Guineas: Ihurs- HUVINJ? ecpial Saloon 'flll1 ra.g-e VROXS^S. YPLLWRE ^WARDED to Bos- or Portland without EXUU <^AXG<T. RDLUIARWOT C^X.TDA ANJ Ihe JNIT^D SIAII.& «* WUER- -VFCRPOUL NL.HC, ROBERT BURTON and SON LRC'I-street, Cardiff or to any "f the Company S AGENTS -^I'^UT \ale;<. 2249 iV-, A LLAN^iun 'vL K xIL LINE ^4- JI'RV) SaoaTESr SEA PASSAGE •KIW^AWASFEC TO CANADA ASD TUE «;NJTKX> STATES. VLEST Route to the West. V,E SUPERB Steamships oi; thini Line now run direct every Tues- KL^D Thursdav from LiyElifOOL to PORTUKU forwardinpf ^W^JJERS to NEW ")RK and BOSTON, and to all Cities and in Canada :vnd the United States. TK FROM LIVERPOOL TO PORTLAND SJ^VIAN. Thurs., 30 Jan. DA^III, Tuesday, 11 Mar. FCANDNIW I'R.T <. 4 Feb. fMoraviau, Thuraday, 13 '.V^TWN TL. 0 „ St. Andrew, Tuesday, 18 „ ^WICI- 11 fSaroiarian, 'lhursdav, 20 CMW-H' r V! St. Patrick, Tuesday, 25 r.1/"ir' W fSciitidinavian, Thurs. 27 .^S LAN,TUES" M >„A Tues., 1 Ap n »A ?,• -;UIRS., ~0 „ Tp(,JVI1,;Sian, Thursday 3 „ OC A'i-.S;la.Y, R> » Tuesday, 8 „ I^ TUS'V I tAustrian, Thursday, 10 „ NORFOLK,andBALTlMOHE ^MSHIPSIOR HALU AA, sail »« F°U^ AN ^OF the Middle and -r?rtes- -•Har- & ><R P'liladeiphia, £ 18 18S. OR ^°W^E3 OR Liquors SVS&TKOW' ii.uludiujj PROVI.IO.FT, «YT'"TWT" AT reduced lin,-V "INETI OU board. TV< TWI U „VE taken in r,TU,UBER O{ intermediate PJISSOIIFE JJ"AJI neces- £ J9S-. includinsr Beds, BEDDU^, »NI AU St. John TToi-;f.;v Ouebcc, Portland, Bos S>Y «• B4TFANURE, '^OS.. including aplenU- NSW TI-LI"' FD PROVISIONS. Steerage Stewardesses are "LLU T0 attend to the wants of female pawsengei the 0eea»- Steamships to the Railway Can required concerning; Canada, can be obtained N U'I°I' LE?ULREd concerning; Canada, can be obtained -U!A!1>-street, Adeiphi, London A-ent for tlie ^°w^nil,ueilt- T?' I>" supplied cfral is by our accents TB TO SAN FRANCISCO, C!A the R.MOX HJJ. OAI>. THROUGH Ticwirrs ISSUED on the most faToHr- I' or Freight, or Pasta;E, npp'v to ALLAN BROTHEJiS & CO., V TO Alexandra Buildings, James-street, Liverpool, and ELL>„ t,. „ „ POYLE street, Londonderry, HT(;FCT ?6R D' 246' BUTE-»treet, Cardiff; John R. Taylor, O^^ NEAR Newport James Ayre, 04, Dock- Tliomaq V R?OT R'?' ^UU'V 'rade, Swansea. WelBela.road, Carmarthen; David T.' V 1 -mtypridd James R. Morgan, Pontypridd. COMFAKY'S SVF.CIAL NOTICE TO EMIGRANTS. CF 1,N«CRS 10 OB AU1 THE'R TITKETS from our Agents IIOIIIE. 48C9 ftlp.. y \TIONAL LINE. pHfTKArge8T FiJoM LTVERFOOL TO NEW YORK EVERY WKDNiiSfA^, ■>. VvEENSTOWN EVEHY THURSDAY. ~vT A T [O N Ah o 1 E a.LA. SHIP C'M > X (LIMITED). iN, Fiv'ard. KemP 3307 ^ill\^oUla-r 3500 Helvct,, U ^e-; 3728 '• 35.K) ^"n'k\^rk as follows v,lUiI,v ,-cned from Liverpool to New March, 1873 » > ^4 Mar,h,1873. Queenstown the following U>- ,g |n|. the s"i»i"dat.ion_ «n hoanf these fc ^en ()ff ti'k 1 ''S \1.1 l!l!HSUi:tK lair-' 0p Ov !0 4, l,u-'h are situated in the poop on aeck-.lw- poop Nt l",?> 12,15, and 17 Guinea: according to accy'12°_ *h '(! '■ 1•- "n—all having same privilege in Saloon. V.Vto i"-F(VH- GUINEAS. ,"W; 'h a<,eom«nod»ti«n is unequalled for space, li- !»?**•. "'in, Ab'inida«(» of Fresh Provisionsserved upcooKe j&ft "»l t 'lK's'l-fe on Reduccd Terms. Steerage Passengers L Iftv^sso \.nubec, Boston, and lialtimoro without extra tgd 8 tin through A'yinimll. San Francisco, the in- jj (4<y*0 to 'n",ia an<J/ °f tL'e finited States on favourable rA7e;« tfe%land, China and Japan, at > '<*« Xeta Fort and San Fra,tici*co. ^fr^ii-p ) 6 id vised to secure their passages from the local te'trht e,lv'i>g h<»me. If l)l"s«e apply to J IvCnAL STEAMSHIP CfO. (LIMITED,) v'Ot' C(jv, r., a,id 2i', Water-streei,, Liverpool; ail In'' an<l BROS., Queenstown,-to Messrs. J. R. ((j, 1. •• 180, Britannia-buildings, Bute Docks JOHN %»!, v!'V;; v lro), in, Glcbeland-street, Mevtlivr Tydfil; HAKSE report, Moil.; F. W. CAUXT, Abcrdare CIIAS. P. kq. Mop IAN, Postmaster, Pontypool; IIEXRT OvJ J- V' 'rcet» A'oprsychnn Tuos &IOKOAX. Mina-street, Hotel, Bristol. t ,,J.'v'v'>d to secure their Passages from the Local home. 239G ^llY'T-VN'S CARRIAGE, RAILWAY, fc- H13-& B P AND SHIFS' S!CXNAL LAMPS, t 'I' T GLASS MANUFACTORY; S, II, OLD-KING STREET, BRISTOL. r 2385 mm. 3SttS-iitC5S ddrc$Cs. Eo T. L E W IS, BREW bus- AND LICENSED VICTUALLERS' AUCTIONEER AND APPRAISER CITY COOPERAGE, BRIDEWELL STREET, BRISTOL. HOME-BREWING TAVERNS. MR- E- T- LEWIS ES {Joni £ 150 -1* h_ several Home-brewing T.> VERN- T i^\uis*S Office, Bride- to £ 1.000. For jiarticuiars apply at ilr. uu 3094 well-street, Bristol. — 0 USBANPS, P R ACT I C A I, 0 P rr I C I A K « 8, ST. AUGUSTIN'K PARAD. (Corner of Denmark-street), 4519 1 BRISTOL. 4519 II A R L E s WAY, a" DEALER IN PICTURES AND WORKS OF An., 17, ROYAL PROMENADE, BRISTOL. 2422 S. TANTON & COMPANY, STEAM CONFEC- S1Ai> TIONERY WORKS, T TWINS -MEAD, BRISTOL. Manufacturers of their Celebrated BUTTER SCOTCH. BUTTER SCOTCH. FRUIT PRESERVE, BOCLED SUGARS, PEPPERMINTS, &c. 4001 A T T E R T 0 N D I X, CHURCH AND GENERAL BOOK, STATIONARY, AND ART DEPOT, ¡ 32, TRIANGLE, BRISTOL. ) Brass Work, Photographs, Religious Pictiii'eSj JPruyet Dflike, nd other articlcw of Ecclesi;vstical Furniture 2270 BEDINGFIELD'S Twelve years in the steamers -0 between Southampton Scad for his Illustrated alld Havana, Scad for his Illustrated and Havana, Prioe List. Intimate acquaintance with BEmsGFrBLD's the FINK BRISTOL JJIRDSEYE, TTAVANA markets oi Sold only in packets. XJL th'S A very varied Assortment of Sar»ples celebrated on receipt of 5s. place. Tobacconists, Wine Merchants, Grocers T„ Chemists, &< supolied with tlie /IGAKS, finest Bristol Tobaccos. V PRICKS 0:0; APrUCATMN. Wholesale Daaler in Tobacconists' Goods. BROAD-STREET \ND PARK-^TREF.T. BRISTOL. 477 VI7HAT MUSTMYE DO fo MAKE OUR » COALS COST LESS ? Apply the Newly-invented COAL SAVER, which is Cheap, Durable, and requires no Alteration of Grate. The general pub:ic (for all'are interested), namely, the Gentry, Middle Class, and the Poor, who feel the high price of coal. The Invention is kept in daily use for inspection • AT HENRY LEONARD'S, 22, HIGH STREET, BRISTOL. 4774 ESTABLISHED 1812. JJ AND T. PROCTOR, AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTS, AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTS, CATHAY, BRISTOL. ORIGINAL MANUFACTURERS OF SPECIALLY PREPARED BONE MANURES, FOR. GRASS, CORN, ROOT, AND OTHER CROPS; ALSO, BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME, WORKS CATHAY, BRISTOL. Full p-axtieLilar,,t, with prices, post free, on application. 4273 so J. BURMAN, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, JEWELLER, AND SILVERSMITH, 9, WIXE STREET, BRISTOL. B T- T R M A. N W A T C H E S Are the BEST and CHEAPEST in the WHST OF ENGLAND. SILVER HORIZONTAL, from £1 5 0 SILVER ENGLISH LEVER, from 3 15 0 GOLD HORIZONTAL, from 215 0 EVERY WATCH WARRANTED. N.D.-Bun,J[AN'S CLOCK jives the exact time, as received rom Greenwich evorv .| (y by tjlegraph. 5G6 0 IV L, TFIE BEST. JAMES GARAWAY AND CO., SUPPLY S E E D S KITCHEN AND FLOWER GARDEN, Only of the Best Varieties, at the Cheapest Rates for Best Quality COLLECTION FOR ONE YEAR'S SUPPLY, From 10s Cd. to 638. Carriage paid on all Orders above 203. in value. Catalogue, with" Calendar of Garden Operations," Post Free Qn application. FIYF. PER DISCC)UNT FOR CASH. JAMES GARRAWAY & CO., DURDHAM DOWN NURSERIES 44S0 LHlSQ^i__ AlSTEiiS, CARPENTERS, FRENCH POLISHER?, &c.. Will save money by having their Goods of F. & H. BARNARD, E- „ Tr v COLOUR MERCHANTS, 33, CASTLE- OIL & STREET, BRISTOL. nrT 3.-). 0d. per Gallon. LINSEED OIL 4s_ od_ TUKP^ll^L:.v;(j 3s. lOd. NAI'TilA, lieetila'it .■■■■■■■ OLIVE OIL, for MaWin01' 2d. per lb> ROSIN •••••• 9d. j.er Quire. GLASS PA'i-Rr 3g. 9d. per Gallon. Best Frenoh CO^^A OIL .••• • ls> 5J< Young s I ■> LA' ^f>,niiipd per lb. .riii? Rrst French t.tampeu • • 1 nRY COLOURS VARNISHES, and PAINT GROUND and DRY ,,y House in the City. BRU'SHES Cheaper and better taan any ef any quantity of i'ODA WATER, SELTZER V excel- ADE, and other Mineral Waters, of Uieh:ghestpu.iLy<i lence, either in Egg-shaped or Cy i^ncal Bottles arn^ Contracts with large Consumers. AddreSa CARI E ^'est of WILDER-STREET, BRISTOL, (the large.it Wurks m the England). BRISTOL AGENCY FUR THE "SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS." ADVERTISERS in BRISTOL and neighbourhood, may have their orders and instructions promptly attended to on communi- cating with our Bristol Representative, 17, Grosvenor Road, Bristol. RJN E E T H TITE T H T E E T H I -A. _— MR. F, P. KEALL, DENTIST, 19 9, EIGH-STltEET, SWANSEA, TESTIMONIALS. e. ,Hdlsborough-terrace, Ilfracombe, January 15th, 1870. fell- John Hesketh Lethbridge can confidently recommend Mr. lveau as a Dentist, he having m ist successfully operated upon his mouth and removed part oi a Tooth broken ill London by Mr. amo«ntrof?a'n. Je8t-T'S Dentist' and with ths ^st possible In a letter addressed to Mr. Keall hi- Or F T vu j T- m ti M R.C.S., Member of the Royal Loifdon.h^, remarks I have every confidence in vour"skill ii,tist OP1'drtUaifa °f wlt»^i«* your 'successful lect'11 lrom 5s- eaf-'h- Upper Sets from £ 2 2s. 4452 fBET A M i) s. 1-i: A { H. ESTABLISHED 1 8 0 9. H JYC. JONES AND SON, e SURGEON DENTISTS, M.C.D.E. 19, NORTHAMPTON-PLACE, SWANSEA ««««> •>-»•»"»' o £ faTEETH, FROM 5S. SETS, FROM £ 5 Terms strictly ^dev^ Cousnl^o„gratig. A PERTODICAL^IfiPSllOKESHIRE_ ONE OF THE FIIOI DAILY IN ATTENDANCE O^fiCe OF THE << O OUTH WALES DAI LY NE Ws. SO V XX L v STREET 42 A, POST OFFICE ) NEWSAGENTS will receive prompt attention. AH orders f„i the same terms as from tlie Chief Office. a,'l ni n Y NKWS delivered to Subscribers early every morn- The DAlL»i in^ in any part o Seven o'clock will secure the DAILY NEWS. insertion m tno n-vu public ^Totircs. THE NEWPORT ABERCAHN BLACK VEIN -i- STEAM COAL COMPANY, LIMITED. Incorporated under the Joint Stock Companies Acts, 1862 and 18G7. CAPITAL E150,000, in 15,000 SHARES of £ 10 each. El payable on application, and tl on allotment 1!1 on the 1st of August. 1873; and the balance, as required, in Cal!s not exceeding £ 1 every Six Months. The total amout of klO per Share, may however, be paid in full on application, and interest will be allowed on the payments in excess of Calls due at the rate of five per cent. per annum. DIRECTORS. Henry Cecil Raikes, Esq M.P., Lhvynegrin Hall, Flintshire, and 95, Onslovv-square, London. John I-Tolman. Esq., Steamship Owner, London, Exeter, and Topsham. John T. Bowdon, Esq., 31, Letdenliall-trect, and Ken- nebec House, Beckenham, Kent. John Cory, Esq. (Cory Brothers and Co., Colliery Pro- prietors), Cardiff and London. Thomas Beynon, Esq., J.P. (T. Reynon and Co., Colliery Proprietors), Newport. Mon. BANKERS. Imperial Bank, Lothbury, London. We-d of Enylaud and South Wales District Bank, New- port, Mon. SOLICITORS. Messrs Keighley and Gething, 7, Ironmonger-lane.. London. C. R. Lyne, Esq., Bank Chambers, Newport, Mon. AUDITORS. Messrs. Johnstone, Cooper, Wintle, & Evans, 3, Cole- inan-strect Buildings, Moorgate-street, London. SECRETARY. J. D. Shakespeai;, Esq. OFFICES. 1 & 2, Mansion House Buildings, Queen Victoria- street, London. PROSPECTUS. This Company is formed for the purpose of ac:}UuilL £ anu Working ft very valuable leasehold property knowo the Celynen Estate, Aliercarn, Monmouthshire. The property is one of the most extensive mineral takings in South Wales, being about 1.200 acres in ex- tent, and additional properties of several hundred acres are commanded by the estate, and may be secured if desired. The property adjoins that of the Abercarn Collieries, belonging to the Ebbw Vale Company on the north and north-west are the vast establishments and collieries of the Nant-y-glo and Blaina Company, the Ebbw Vale Company, and the Tredegar Company *nd to the south are the Risca Collieries. It will thus be seen that the taking is surrounded by some of the most valuable and best-paying mineral properties of the district, from which enormous fortunes have been realized by several succes- sive proprietors. The first Coal that will be met with in this taking lies about 80 yards from the surface, is proved three feet in thickness in the adjoining property, and is especially suitable both for ironworks and household purposes. This seam will be won in about six months, Seventy yards deeper is the No. 2 or Charcoal Vein, three feet nine inches in thickness which is considered the equivalent seam of the No. 3 Rhondda Coal, from which is made Coke of the highest quality, which is -largely used for making the best class of pig-iron and Bessemer steel, as well as for foundry purposes. This highly-prized vein is expected to be reached in twelve U). nths. Immediately the Nos. 1 and 2 seams are won, it is in- tended to work the same with vigour, so that the profits arising from the sale of the output of these veins, and from the manufacture of coke from the small coal, may become at once available for dividends. Several other valuable seams of Coal will be met with, namely, No. 3 at 277 yards from the surface, 2 feet 8 inches"thick No. 4, 292 yards, three feet thick; No. 5, 297 yards, 3 feet thick and at the distance ot three hundred and twenty-four yards will be found the Prince of Wales seam, better known as the Black Vein Steam Coal, 8 feet 6 inches in thickness. The Black Vein Steam Coal of Abercarn and Risca is celebrated as one of the most valuable Steam Coals pro- duced in the United Kingdom. It is extensively used by the Royal Mail and other steamship companies, and the present demand is largely in excess of the supply. No Coal has yet been discovered superior to the Black Vein for consumption in hot climates; it is proof against the effects of sun or weather, and has been known to be stacked for years at the tropical mail-packet stations without any apparent deterioration in quantity or quality. The Property has been reported upon most favourably by William Adams, Esq., of Cardiff, and Jacob Higson, Ersq of Manchester, both eminent mining engineers, and thoroughly acquainted with the Moumouthshirg and South Wales Coal-fields. The quantity of the Coal is practically inexhaustible and with a daily output exceeding that of any colliery in the district, the Coal will be far from being worked out even' at the end of the lease. The property is held under the most favourable and advantageous terms. The mineral leases of South Wales are generally for 50 or GO years and the royalties, espec- ially for superior Steam Coals, are from lOd. to Is. per ton. This lease is held for ninety-nine years, and the maximum royalties are 6d. per ton for the No. 1 vein, and 8d. per ton for the other veins. The important reduction is, however, made to rid. per ton on the lower veins, if 100,000 tons per annum are worked, and to 4d. per ton on the No. 1 vein, provided that a Hke quantity is worked. There is no doubt,f these quantities being soon exceeded, so that the royalties may be safely calculated at 6d. for the lower seams, including the Black Vain, and 4d. for the No. 1 rein. The dead rents which merge in the royalties are unusually Moderate, taking into consideration the large extent of the property and during the first two years, while the estate is being fully developed, there are no dead rents whatever payable. eve The necessary surface lands for the construction of rail- way sidings, the building of coke ovens, &c. have been secured. Another important feature in connection with the r,ro perty is its proximity to the port of shipment, the dis- tance to Newport, with its commodious docks and rive" n and extensive new Alexandria Docks eYn„„+Ji f t' opened this year, being only 10 miles Tli<? ens-1- nf° veying the coal from the pit^smouth to will be only 9d per ton; while the T l P<" [Ebbw Vale, Merthyr, and AW It U^gar, owing to the additional distance, pay from lTiM to 2s per ton. There will,' therefore J unquestionable saving of !)d per ton nlnno • tu an conveying the coal to market a- oZ m .°?st of major'ityof other Welsh Collieries anfl ^harelW,t;j the cost of waggon hire is added, tWs's^^ V^d Is. per ton. Upon an output of 200 000°tons ntr this is equal to a profit of £ 13,000^a year or L??™' cent, per annum on the total Capital of the Company1 Cardiff is also "luaHy as accessible, the distance to that port being l^s. than the mileage from several of the Merthyr and Aotraare Collieries. al ot tlle 'iVre is as we|! the most complete access and direct railway commumcation to Swansea, Birkenhead. Liver Southanl_ pool, J.ondon houtham^on^c It should be added that the property is mteisec^d by the Momiiouthshhe Railway aini Canal, and the viver Ebbw also runs close to the Site of tlie proposed pits, from which an abundant and unfailing' supp.y 0 water can always lx-obtained f,lr puo-ine power, coke manufacture, &c. With an output ot 1, o tons per clay, as estimated by *he engineers, (which will be a moderate quantity for a colliery of this magnitude), and allowing a minimum profit of onlv 2s. per ton, this will leave '■ net proiit calculating the year at 260 colliery working days, of. o'oi; 000 or 2<j per cent. 011 the capital employed This «Hm'ite of profit is based upon the lowest price that has eve"^vaiLl for Black Vein Steam Coal, and eonse- nrlv may be taken as the minimum profit that will ..lised under the most adverse circumstances. flit assuming present prices are maintained, viz., 21s. ton f o b for copl of this_ description, a net profit of ?9a ner ton will be realized, which will amount to mi 000 per annum. This calculation is quite irrespec- r ftts0n tlie manufacture of coKe made lrom tjy0 ot V and which now sells at 35s per ton. Th^lieporfc'^P011 which, the statements contained here- l^Jrl is annexed to the Prospectus, and the original 111 ar0 be inspected at the Office of the Company's Soli- c^,p)S" Vendors have agreed to transfer all their rights 7, 'interests in this property for 2,000 fully paid up at they have further agreed to hold the whole 't -iod of five years. t lifp shares for a period of five years. A R«,WT satisfactory agreement has been entered into •fi 1VI essrs. T. Beynon & Co. for the sale of the coal, by Wi 1 thev ire to pay cash monthly, guarantee the com- whien j debts, and del ray all office rents and P?,"V Siitacidentel thereto at N.wport, u n otuse.s and Eorms of Application may be ob Pro»P £ oankers the solicitors; or of Sir Robert tamed ol. t Brokeri.) v. Royal Exchange Buildings, of Garden « •' forniat,ion may be obtained. Ail Subscrip- whota evefr> 'nr)aklillto the Bankers. twos must b ] nts entered into on behalf of the Ihe only ao-reement dated the 17th day of Company are < between John Cory, Richard Eebrua'y, j 'J'homas Beynon of the one part, Cory the y01^- |lo„all, 0n behalf of the Company, and Frederick Htm> »^ement dated the 19th day of of the other pair ^a(Je between the said Frederick February, Vlu.if 0f the company, of the one part. Henry Hogan on beynon and Theophilus John and the said U 'tyle or firm of T. Beynon Beynon, ^'admg "1(l t. an agreement dated the and Co., of the <M I ^3 anj made between the said 18th day or;behalf of the Company of the IredenckHemyH ^11Evans of fche oU part. one part, and Henr> report, together with copy The agreements and Nicies of association of the of the memorandum and of the Solicitors of Company, may be seen at the omc thpSpectufes and forms of application tainedof Mr. H. Ru,sell Kvans, the offices of the South Wale* ih-emw port, Mon. —— PRELIMINARY ANNOUxXCEMENT. CARDIFF TOWN BALL. The al *ve BALL will be held at tlie ASSEMRLY 'BOOMS, TOWN HALL, (by kind permission of tile Worshiplul the Mayor, H. IIOWKN, lisq.,)on EISTKR-MONPAV, under distinguished patrou- age. I'urther particulars will tiiortlv appear. 4883 J- SPIRIDION, Hon. bee. — — ■"Public Jtaticc5» ISSUE OF SIX PER CENT DEBENTURES OF THE CREDIT FONCIER OF ENGLAND (Limited). NOTICE is hereby given, that NO further APPLICATIONS will be RECEIVED for the above AFTER THIS DAY (SATURDAY), the 1st March. By order, H. J. BARKER, Financial Secretary. St. Clement's House, Clemenfs-lime. Lombard-street, London, E.C., March 1st, 1873. 48"4 TO CONTRA CTORS, -Wanted, immediately, J!_ OFFERS for the COMPLETION of SIDINGS at Llwynypia Colliery, in the Rhondda Vally. App1y to the JIanager. 4927 JJAPTIST CHAPEL, YORK PLACE. A S E R~M O N WILL BE I'MAC'IIKI) BY N A I-L K A R W A (The Indian Chief from the far IVLST) ON SUNDAY NEXT, MARCH 2ND, 1873. AT 6.30 P.M. miiE PRESBYTERIAN "cTlUXiCH, JL WINDSOR-PLACE, CARDIFF THE REV. D. I). ROBERTSON, M.A., Of Dudley, will deliver a LECTURE, entitled WANDERINGS IN-THE HOLY LAND: Or Recollections of a Four Mon'hs' Tour ill p¡¡ 1I:zot,iuc, ill 1^2, At the above Church, on WEDNESDAY EVENING next, March 5th, 1S73. Chair to be taken at Half-past Seven o'ci^fk. Ad"l;f'iia" Free. Collection at close 011 behalf of School Building Fund. 4910 JgMIGRATION^TO NEW ZEALAND. Ihe GO\ ERNMENr of NEW ZEALAND r,aiit Assisted Pas- sages to Agricultural Labourers, Navvies, Plou-'hmen, Shepherds, and a few Country Mechanics. ° To FEMALE DOMESTIC SERVANTS FREE PASSAGES are granted. For terms and conditions, apply by letter to the offices of the Agent-General for New Zealand, 7, Westminster Chambers, :cioria-street; Westminster, London, S.W. London, Jan". ith, 1S78. 4814 TO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS, RFI TENDERS are invited for the ERECTION of A NEW OFFICES ai.d PRINTING WORKS for the "SOUTH WALES DAILY NISWS" and CARDIFF TIMES," in St. Mory-street, andWestgate-straet,Cardiff. Plans and Specitication may be seen at my office, 3, Crockherb- towu, Cardiff. Tenders to be delivered to Mr. D. Duncan, 11 St. Mary-street, Cardiff, on or before IVFDNESDAY, MAJ\Cll12th endorsed "Tcwders for New Premises." Bills of Quantities may be obtained at my office, on and after TUESDAY NEXT, on payment of £1, which will HE returned on receipt of a, bona fide Tender. The lowest or a<iy Tender not necessarily accepted. PETER PRICE, Architect. 3. Croekherbtnvn( Cardiff, Feb. 2. th. 1873. TO ±lLli.Dt,K6 Ai>'u UOiMiuCTuKo. THE BRECON SCHOOL BOAHD are prepared JL to receive TENDERS for the erection of a BOARD tSCHOOL, on the cormer of Orchard-street and St. David-street, Brecou. Bills at quantities will be furnished to intendmy Contrac- tors, on and after the 25th day "t February inst., and the Plans and Specifications seen at the Office of the .Clerk to the Board, Lion-street, Brecon. Teudars sealed and endorsed, "Tenderfor Board School," to be sent in to the Clerk to the Board not later han Six o'clock on TUKSDAV, the 4th day of March, 1878. The Beard do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any Tender W. J. ROBERTS, 4796 Clerk to the Brecon school Board. TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE. ihe Instant Coming of the Loru Jesus Christ and Illspreseiit work of warning and preparation by His Restored ApostleshipJ ADDRESSES will be given at the Public Baths (late the UVID- nasium), Cardiff, by the Rev. THOS. GRANT, an Evangelist serving under the Apostlesliip restored in these days, on the fol- lowing SUNDAY EVENINGS at half past Six. Subjects:— SrNDAY, FEB. 23.—"The exceeding nearness ef the Coming of the Lord." „ MAR'. 2.—" The One Message which the Lord ffends to all Christendom by his Apootles." „ MAR. 9.—" Their work in Sealing and Perfecting all who accept their Message." „ MAR. 10.—" The Nature of the which are to begin at the House of Ged." All arc earnestly invited to attend. ADMISSION FREE. 4890 <iiu$utc:55 JUtescs. SWEETING, HAIR 'DRESSER AND PERFUMER, IS, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF, MANUFACTURER OF WIGS, SCALPS, FRONTS;" CHIGNONS, FRIZZETTS, PLAITS, &c., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. WIGS, FROM £ 1 Is Od TO £ "> 5s Od. NOTICR. H. SWEETING begs to state that he has had great experience in the best houses in London and the provinces also a Member for two vears of the French Ladies' liairdressing Academy and as the highest wages are paid to the assistants, ladies and gentle- men may rely upon everything being done to their entire satis- faction. The Saloons are fitted with every convenience for Hair- dressing, Hair Brushing by Machinery, Shampooing, &c. THE PRICE FOR ATTENDANCE AS FOLLOWS :— GENTLEMEN'S SALOON. LADIES' PRIVATE ROOMS. s. ti. s. d. Hair cut and brushed by For hair cutting only.. 0 ô machinery 0 6 Dressing. 1 0 Shampooing 0 6 Singeing. 1 0 Singeing 0 6 Shampooing 1 0 Shaving & hair brushing 0 6 Dressing in fancy dress ■urling hair 0 0 or pcudre 7 0 Gentlemen's private room I 0 IIAIR DYKING ROOMS. ANNUAL SunscjnmoNs TO TOILKT CLUB. Gentlemen £ 1 Is Ladies £ 2 2s THEATRICAL WIGS FOR LOAN OR SALE. The largest Stock ef Hair Brushes, Cloth, Tooth, Nail, and Shaving Brushes in South Wales. Customers would find it to their interest to.,I)uy their Per- fumery and Toilet requisites at this Establishment. 10 per cent, cheaper than any other House, J GLOVES AND SCARFS IN GREAT VAJUETY2_Jgg0_ I SAY GEORGE!! Have you tried that new shop in College-street! I had,a splendid Suit there for Two pounds, and a capital Fit. Mind, J. xiA-U PAY CASH FOR IT; but 'tis Cheap. No, who is he ? Why, E. M. ROE, COLLEGE HOUSE. 10, COLLEGE-STREET, SWANSEA. GIVE HIM A TRIAL. YOU WILL BE WELL PLFASED- 4dz,1 GUARANTEE FOK HONESTY. rT,,„^ CITIZEN ASSURANCE CORPORATION, c LIMITED, 0, FINSBURY SQUARE, LONDON, E.C. Established 1866. Capital, £ 100,000. LIBERAL CONDITIONS. LOW RATES, Fuil particulars on application to G. P. IVEY, F.S.C., 3357 Adelaide Chambers, Swansea D. E. ISAAC AND CO., 1 8 C O L L EGE S T REETT SWANS E A. HOUSE FURNISHERS, UPHOLSTERERS,CABINET MANFFACI^RKKS AND GENERAL FURNISHING IRONMONGERS. 'Goods delivered Free of Charge within a radius of Ten Miies. 212 SPECIAL NOTICE. I-IE GE-PiAlAN AND THE GERM AN AND F R ENCH JL PHOTOGRAPHIC AND STEREOSCOPIC COMPANY 15, WIND STREET, SWANSEA Beg most respectfully to inform the Public in general that all Pictures, Portraits, Cartes, &c., formerly taken bv Mr. James Andrews, are in the possession of their Manager, Herr Jean Goldman, who will REPRODUCE all Copies at I [AL"' PRICE, and °-uaraiitee a Superior Reproof. The above Company respectfully announce that no other Establishment in Swansea, Neath, or LlanelH-, have any right to reproduce or infringe upon their NEW PATENT VAN DER WEYDE'S PROCESS. .1111 inspection at the Wind-street Establishment is respectfully invited. Pries List sent free of charge. llletter to be addressed Herr Jean Goldman, höe Andrews, Wind street. Swansea. ()!}!) r rUlE IIIG H TSTREE T ST UDTOJ JL OLD BANK, 235, HIGH-STREET, SWANSEA. MR. HENRY A. CHAPMAN Begs to inform his patrons that he has taken every advantage that Art and Science have brought to bear on the improvement or Photography. Every convenience that large and commodious premises afford. The prices leave nothing to lie desired, bein"put as low as consistent with skilled labour and best finish. All styles, from carte to life size. VIGNETTES, MADALLIONS; REMBRANDT'S C\MEO VIGNETTES. THE VICTORIA, CABINET, And various others. The Ordinary Carte First copy, Is. six, 3s. twelve, 5s. 6d. The others equally moderate. Appointments absolutely neces- sary. Mr. C. superintends personally. No Portraits allowed t» taken away unless approved of. Hours, Nine till Dusi- 235, HIGH STREET SWANSEA., 2521 GH. AWBERY (LATE J. R. AWBERY). o TAILOR A iNl) VR A P E R 2, KING STREET CARMARTHEN 4501 SMITH AN D CO, k3 COHN MERCHANTS, SKINNER STREET NEWPORT, MON. 4658 I L L E R'S SAFETY BOILER, As manufactured by '.lie ISCIA JA tux: )i: Y 'OMPANY, NEWPORT, Is now being extensively used to take up the waste heat from puddling rdJÙ balling furnaces. Us great satety, economy, and the small space it occupies for the power given out, causes it to be adopced wherever room is va uable. PiucE8 ox Ari'LicATioN. 3453 business £ Uilrcjwcs* TO lVi I G R ANTS. 1 he enterprising spirit of Englishmen has led t-heiw to seek in distant lands the fortune which, from the pressure of competi t on, they cannot always secure in this. I11 so doimr thevnot only promote the good of the country tbev go to, but that which they leave, and MESSRS. W. PRICE & SONS, CARDIFF HOUSE, CARDIFF, Ever mindful to do their part in furthering every national enter- prise^bave specially selected a large STOCK of READY-MAD! CLOTHING, strongly made, suitable for Emigrants. It is perfectly obvious that in countries where labour of all kinds is very dear, that too much attention cannot be paid to avoid the expense of mending, and that the manufacturer in England who has capital at command, can supply articles of the best description at less cost than other countries Emigrants in every rank in life cannot therefore invest any money so profitably as in the selection of equipment at the above Establishment, necessary alike for their transit and their destination, whether it be to Australia, New Zealand, California. India, America, or the Colonies. Portmanteaus, Milway and Carriage Rugs, Hat Cases, Carpet and Leather Rags, Trunks, and Sea Chests. 13G EXCELLENCE, i XR1SH POPLINS ECONOMY, ELEGANCE. 1 '•No material is more suitable for the dmnutaison."— Enqlish- wovian's Magazine. They outlast every other mateial.Gi-aphic. "They have never been surpassed for beauty and elegan ce."— Court Journal. 0 "There are few materials so thoroughly becoming."—Eelgravia O'REILLY, DUNNE & CO., 30, COLLEGE GREEN DUBLIN, Manufacturers to HER MAJESTY THE QUEE, and H.R.H. THE PRINCES OF WALES. Patterns I'ostfree. J'arcela delivered carriage paid. IRISH POPLINS. IRISH HOUSEHOLD LINENS. 2313' M o < THE ROTHSxVY SCARF, NEW. THE BELLE VUE SCARF, NEW. W THE SHIELD SCARF, NEW. <J THE BARONET SCARF, NEW. PQ THE DON PEDRO COLLAR, NEW. THE GRESHAM COLLAR, NEW. Q THE MILTON COLLAR, NEW. Z LINED GLOVES, all sizes. WOOL AND SILK MUFFLERS. NEW SHAPE IN FELT HATS. Ph GENT'S SILK UMBRELLAS. <t ——— ■ 1G, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. N 0 A H R EES, HAY AND CORN MERCHANT, 13, WORKING-STREET, CARDIFF, Begs to announce to his numerous patrons and friends that he has completed the Erection of his NEW MACHINERY for CRUSHING BEANS, OATS, and INDIAN CORN. He is thereby enabled to supply any quantity of these goods, ready for use, at Market Prices. N.B.—A Large Supply of CHAFFED HAY always on hand. 3985 LEWIs7~CABINET~ MAKER AND UPHOLSTERER, CARDIFF, Respectfully invites the attention ef parties about to Furnish to his EXTENSIVE STOCK of CABINET GOODS CARPETS, DAMASKS, CHINTZ, BEDDING LINOLEUM, FLOOR CLOTHS, &c., all of which are of the newest design and of the best manufacture N.B.—An assortment of PIANOFORTES by best makers for Sale and Hire.. 101 FREDERICK WAR E, (Late W ARB AND SONS), TAILOR AND ROBE MAKER, ESTABLISHED HALF-A-CENTURY, BRISTOL AND CARDIFF. SOUTH WALES ESTABLISHMENT DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF OPEN ON WEDNESDAYS AS UBUAL. OLOSliD EVERY EVENING AT SEVEN O'CLOCK. 107 R. C.LEA C HT BILL POSTER & ADVERTISING CONTRACTOR, 17, VNOOD-STRKET, CARDIFF, AND 63. CARDIFF-STREET, ABERDARE. Rents all the Principal and most prominent POSTING STATIONS in Cardiff, Canton, and Roatk. TOWN CRIER FOR ABERDARE. SOUTH WALES FUNERAI7ESTABLISHMENT 24 AND 25, SEYMOUR-STREET, ABERDARE. JSAAC THOMAS, UNDERTAKER, CONDUCTS FUNERALS in the most careful and decent manner at the lowest rate of charges. First and second Class Hearses Coaches, &c. A NEW MOURNING CARRIAGE Of a very superior class, not to be equalled in the Principality 3033 JONES BROTHERS, PRINCIPAL BILL POSTERS AND DELIVERERS HIGH STREET, NEATH, AKD BRITON FERRY. Circulars addressed and delivered. Bill Posters te the Great Western and Neath and Brecon Railways, and the principal Auctioneers. Lessees of the Principal Posting Place in the town. NOTE THE ADDRESS: HIGH STREET, NEATH, AND BRITON FERRY 2144 YORKSHIRE RELISH. The most DELICIOUS SABCR in the WORLD to CHOPS, STEAKS, FISH, &c. Sold by all Grocels an4 Oilmer in Bottles Cd., Is., and 2s. each. Trade mark-Willow. pattern plate. PffoPRIF,'I't) RS-GOOD ALL. BACKHOUSE & CO., LEEDS. 616 THE ARABS' COFFEE, X Patented 18th March, 1863. No. 719. By our patent process, the volatile oil and aroma thrown off while roasting is retained. In lib., Alb., and ill). Canisters, at Is. lOd. per lb. SYMINGTON'S PATENT COFFEE, Is., Is. 2d., Is. 4d., and Is. 6d. per lb. SOLD EVERYWHERE. BOWDEN STEAM MILLS, MARKET HARBOROUGH. 3966 RB \HE "BRITISH >IEDICAL JOURNAL," JL Nov. 23, 1872, HIGHLY RECOMMENDS D A V I E S'S A L K A L J N E SALINE For Bilious Constitutions, Sick Headache, Acidity, Heartburn, and Indigestion. It purifies the blood, regu'ates the bowels, and remove predisposition to Gout, Skin Diseases, and Eruptive Fevers. DAYIES'S CHALYBEATE SALINE, Invaluable where there is want, of colour in the blood, attended witii general debility and constipation. From Dr. Brown, Haverfordwest "Your Salines are as plea- sant as they are valuable.' In bottles Is. ad. and 2s. 6d. each; Prepared only by DA VIES, Chemist Tenby. Order them of your Chemist. 1189 WHY SUFFER? COUGHS AND COLDS are positively cured c by DUDGEON'S PECTORAL BALSAM. '• Whitehaven-street, Bedminster, December 14th, 1872. "Sir,—After spending over .£20 in doctors' fees, for a cough ti at troubled me over 12 months, I tried your Pectoral Balsam, and half a bottle effected a cure. I have not had a return since. "JO.-EPII VEAR.' "To Mr. Dudgeon." Prepared by C. DUDGEON, VICTORIA-STREET, (TEMPLE), BRISTOL. BotCes, ls. lid. and 2s..9d. ea^h, AGENTS IX CARDIFF—WILLIAMS, 11, BUTE-STREET. 1 JOY, DUKE-STREET. COLEMAN, HIGH-STREET. ANTHONY, ARCADE. „ MONMOUTH-JoNES, MONNOW-STREET. NEWPORT—H. PEARMAN. ABERDARE—T. W. EVANS. 4733 toUGHS, COLDS, AND ALL CHEST AND .LUNG COMPLAINTS Are instantly relieved and rapidlv cured bv the timely use of -e^HITE'iS BLACK CURRANT COUGH „ SYRUP. A BE MJ-' O 1 T H A T NEVER DISAPPOINTS Thi- hKn'y perfected Medicine, in which the nauseous tai-te oi" the 1 TJ r, is Prepared with great care only bv WHllE BROTHERS. M.P.S., CHEMISTS CARMARTHEN, And Soldh> all Chemists, in Bott.es ls. l#d. and 2s. 9d. each C( ugUSv Colas, Asthma, Bronchitis, Incipient Consumption Hoarseness, 1 hie,;m, Spitting of Blood, Tightness, Tieklin-in the Throat, &c., speedily removed. ^i,n0 n, W H I T E'S BLACK CURRANT COUGH SYRUP. gives instant ease and relief, gradually healing and removing any of coluI'Jaints, whether recent or chronic Tr1S aiul soothi!f('yi !>n:1,ared from a selection of the best h6f iv c cred w '1'1' alld its £ nedieinal flavour being entirely ^^red w tU tlic yyrup of Black Currants, renders it the taSt6' 'lt thesame tim« being safe and p ('ou°h> Spasmodic, Tickliag, or Old pry CoUj.li, its effect is truly astonishing. It causes a glow thromgl'Out. the 8ystem, mild ex,.ectoration, throwing off all phlegm, whether thin, stringy, or thick viscid matter. This is followed by free respiration, calm and refreshing sleep, and lastly, bv entire case and rest to the patient 'Sold in bottles with full directions, at Is. lid. and 2F. 9d. «a:h. May be obtained from all Chemists. Wholesale Sutton & Co., I'9*' Churchj'ard, London Pearce & Co., Bristol; and 1 the Uhaal 1 atent Medicine Houses. 3565 business Addresses. TO I'M AM & SON'S O Y E R C (J A T > OTHAiNi SON'S_ irACHTIN(.WACKETa JOTHAM & SON'S TROU^ERS7- JOTHAM & SON'S TROCfeEKh ANiTv'l^TST JOTHAM tfc SON'S YESTST J^flASiT^soN^TJoW^un^ JOTHAM^& 30NTSFLLVN^L^HIRTSR~ JOTHAM & SON'S HATS AND CAPS. JOTHAM & SON'S HOSIERY. D11 ESS.—2 7, S 1\ MA RY^TREE T CARDIFF. 2941. JOHN W I L L I A 31 S S (LATE OF DUKE-STREET) NEW IRONMONGERY SHOW ROOMS, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF, NOW OPEN. o718 ANDRE\V CUMMINS, No. 7, THE HAYES, CARDIFF, Is prepared to supply HAY, STRAW, CHAFF, BEANS and OATS at the lowest possible prices at his Warehouse THE HAYES. A large supply of CHAFFED HAY always on hand. N.B.—Mr. Cummins, jUl., is the SOLE AGENT for Cardiff for the West of England Bone and Manure Company's celebrated Superphosphate, and Bone Phosphate, direct from the Works Penryn, Cornwall. 4697 "WORLD WIDE FAME." PALMER'S COCOA CONDIMENTAL FOOD i- FOR HORSES AND CATTLE. ONCE USED ALWAYS USBD The cost is less than one halfpenny per feed, it will put Horses and Cows into condition when all other means have failed • for rearing calves cannot be equalled, and it will save 20 per cent in the cost of feeding. ln Sole Manufacturers and Proprietors, PALMER AND COMPANY, LONDON, E. Orders (wholesale ir retail), also applications for Agencies to be sent to MR. THOMAS WEBBER, 32, ROYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF. TESTIMONIALS ON APPLICATION. 800 Feeds sent, carriage free, for 32s., to any part of South Wales. A sample bag of 141bs. for 5s. prepaid. 242s NOTICE. TIT R S.ANDREWS Runs his OMNIBUSES EVERY MORNING From CANTON BRIDGE at 9 a.m., and IT past 9 a.m., to the Docks. FARE, 2D. 4574 W. H. BID GOO D f, AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER, BY APPOINTMENT TO THE COUNTY COURT 6, ARCADE CHAMBERS, CARDIFF. Sales efficiently conducted, and settled for witk -promptitude. 4112 JAMES HIT Y7 STONE. MARBLE, AND MONUMENTAL MASON, 28, SOUTH LUTON PLACE, ADAMSDOWN CARDIFF. Every description of Church Decorations in Stone executed. Plain and Ornamental Monuments, Tombs, Headstones and Tablets erected and lettered to any design, on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. 4812 G AM U E L P A D Y 72, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF. TAILOR AND BREECHES MAKER. ALL THE LEADING NOVELTIES FOR WINTER WEAR. REGIMENTALS AND LIVERIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ESTABLISHED 1857. 3118 OSEPI-I WALKER, HAY, STRAW, CORN, MEAL, AND OIL-CAKE MERCHANT, Is prepared to supply any of the above articles at the lowest possible prices, at his Warehouse, 25 AND 26, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. AGENT FOR SIMPSON'S C.vrrr.R SPICE AND PRANGLRY'S SPEC 1 A L .•; ,v x U K S.s. 1565 Education. G E R MAN LANGUAGE" HERR M" MENDELSSOHN, The GERMAN PROFESSOR of many of the Principal SCHOOLS of CLIFTON, and of Mrs. BRUFORD'S LADIES' SCHOOL, at Cardiff, Visits the latter town every WEDNESDAY, and would be glad to receive one or two more Engagements. For testimonials and terms, either private or in a class, apply at Mr. Dobbins Library, No. 1, St. Mary-street, Cardiff..770 SWANSEA CONSERVATOIRE OF MUSIC, k3 6, WALTER TERRACE, FYNONE. PRI.I;CTPAL: -PROF. ALEXANDER PIIIPPS, R.A.M., M.C.O. Organist of St. James's Church and Conductor of the Philharmonic Society. Course of study comprises all the branches of a thorough musical education, and the system of teaching is that pursued at the Royal Academy of Music, London. Just published, Fantasia and March for the Organ or Piano- forte, composed by Alexander Phipps. 4500 ORMAL COLLEGE, SWANSEA. PRI.NCIPAL-W. WILLIAMS. Pupils prepared for the Universities and for Professional and Commercial Pursuits. During the past six years fifty-two of the pupils have passed various public examinations. TERMS: Beard and Tuition 36 0 0 per. an. Tuition (including Latin and French) 8 8 0 Greek 1 0 0 German 1 0 0 Drawing 1 0 0 4453 nilOSYENOR LADIES' COLLEGE VJ BRIGHTON PARK, WHITE LADIES' ROAD, CLIFTON BRISTOT DR. B. TOMKINs M A Lady Superintendent of Studies Pianoforte and Singing ir; ILS0I>- 0 -Miss RUMBOLL. Drawing, &c ( licad Master of Lady Superintendent of Domestic Arrange-) GrosV6norCoIloSl! ments 0 Mrs. Jos. TOMKIXS. eZvZtir ^Pared f°r the °xVord 'a"d Cambridge Local G IIOSVENO,P. COLLEGE, NVYII-IE LADIES' ROAD, CLIFTOX, BRISTOL. PRINCIPAL: DR. TOMKINS, M.A. P rofessour de Frangais, Compiler of the Bristol Copy Book, &c.) HEAD MASTER CHARLES mGG, Esq. The College is within 200 yards of the proposed site of the new Cliiton Station. Very Moderate Terms. Lar^e school-roem. A arge number-of pupils have obtained certificates in the Oxford and Cambridge Local Examinations, many having passed with honours. Hundreds of pupils are occupying good situations in banks, merchants' offices, &c. A book (new edition, 40 pages) of Grosvenor College, also one ot Grosvenor Ladies' College, may be obtained 011 app ication, n contains testimonials from parents of pupils, from old pupils, refer- ences to parents at Aberdar- Blaenavon, Buiitli, Brecon, Cai dilt, Chepstow, Haverfordwest, Llanelly. N t w port, Pontypridd,ansca, Tenby, Trelccli, Tredegar, Merthyr T> dlil, &e. Th? NEXT TERM will commence 011 THURSDAY, JAN. 10, lb. ^3 Dr. TOMKISS will visit the principal towns of South Wales im- mediately after Chi istmas, and lie will, with grea,, p easure, cai' upon any parents who may wish to see luiti lespectwg pupils, in whi h case he hopes that notice to that effect may be at once sen to liini 4082 STAFFORD COLLEGE DARTMOUTH-PARK, JOREST-HILL (NRAR CRYSTAL PALACE), LONDON, S.E. HEAD MASTER MR. CROSS, late of Bridgend FRENCH 1Ionsr-RAECKFnron.. GERMAN Di-EUPHRAIE, M.A Ph iI->* DRAWING, PAINTING, &C J L. hExworrnY, Esq., F.s/a ASSISTANT IN DITTO J. of the Royai PROFESSOR OF DANCING J. >^T0., Opera House 0'Va"ta,,an There is at present no vacancy, but one nunil 1 he 25th March. 11,11 t:L" be received on 4078 Addresses. T- R I s D A Y at] 0 w E L L & (J O. Worthy Ðf eyeryone's attention. FLOWERS, [CHILDREN'S, MAIDS', AND LADIES JACKETS, SHAWLS, CRINOLINE SKIRTS AND CQFTUMES UMBRELLAS FANCY DRESSES, FRENCH MERINOES, &C'' &c., &c. HOWELL AND CO., THE CARDIFF DRAPERS, 13, AND 14, ST. MARY. STREET, CARDIFF. -— 4097 SEWING. MAC HTTIT O WASHING MACHINES. JUNGLES, FIRE and THIEF PROOF SAFES, with all other Patented ArticJes, suppJied by CROSS BROTHERS GENERAL IRONMONGERS, CARDIFF. SEWING MACHINES. The Wheeler & Wilson's Gold Medal Silent TIT A Wonting Lock-stitch Sewing Machine WASHING MACHINES. ^ccine. SEWING MACHINES. Bradford'sPatentVowclWi ^ingMachincs WASHING MACHINES. TheWiic'5X&GibbsSilent S"vi!i3:MachirlS The Home Washer, complete, with MANGLES washer, wring, & raangiefc— Fnce £ 6 10s. SEWING MACHINES. By Bradford and all other Makers. WASHING MACHINES. W. H. Thomas & Co, 's Sewing 1hchines. The Thorough Washer, cr by any other SEWING MACHINES. °WR Makcr" ,t!le Shakesperc. A. enoria, Franklin WASHING MACHINES W' SEWING MACHINES F°r Sa!e °n CaSy tern)s" MANGLES For Sale and Hire upon eisy terms. SEWING MACHINES For Sale on easy terms. Repaired.. {'Jh'e and ;b;ef proof, by Cliubb, Milner, Percy, and iaunton. CROSS ITRT OTHERS IRONMONGERS AND IRON MERCHANTS C A R P 1 F F 4539 P ETEP, PRICE- AGEKT FOR THE SUN FIRE OFFICE, THE SCOTTISH WIDOW FUND, THE PLATE-GLASS INSURANCE CO. CARDIFF PERMANENT BUILDING SOCIETY. The Seventh Annual Report is now issued. APPLY TO PETER PRICE, 4570 3, CROCKHERBTOWTN, C.\ RDIFF. USE ONLY POTHERGILL'S TOBACCO. SOLD EVERYWHERE. ^HOLE^lLE: 4, STLUAIIT HALL, CARDIFF. 52 JOB 1V.1 1[ L E S, HAY, STRAW, CHAFF, & CORN MERCHANT. STORES:. PLANET-STREET. RESIDENCE: 7, METEOR-STREET, SI-LOTTLANDS CARDIFF. 0J77 ITRATE OF SODA, DIRECT FROM THE Il'.IPORlERS, IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT EUYEP.'S REQCIZIEMFNTS, Apply to GIULIO STRINA, CONSULATE CHAMBERS, A I:. L- T F F 4^2 rjlHE TREDEGAR AGRICULTURAL SHoW, HELD AT NEWPORT, DECEMBER 17 AND IS, 1872 EXTRA PRIZE, THE SILVER CUP, Given at the above Show for the bEST SEWING MACHINE ADAPTKD TO FAMILY AND GENERAL USE, WAS AWARDED TO THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO., 20, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. 4602 J;_ nblit AMUSEMENTS* H UT CHIN SON & T A YLE LR E7^ GRAND CIRCUS & PALACE OF VARIETIES, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. NFW »TTe,h?!l!,hCvBrilliar,t Constellation of NtW ATLI.ACILUNS FOR THE PRESENT WEEK! .deur?theXa8on'KeCmthT^neS AT° °f Gian- ihe clim-iv Iii^.lnv tv c he ^nJnnratinn of bplendour, to the public gLN'D SPECutmESCueiPlettTS Cardiff OJ ue^er iMfi'essed before m wm MADAME FRAULEIN LAURA roduce tor the first time in Wales her great sensational feat of FIHIXG THE MITRAILLBUsE ON THE LOFTY WIRE As performed by her 100 consecutive days and ni¡;hts at the Crystal Palace. = First Time of the exciting representation of the Great S T JiEPt, K C H A ,s E Introducing several well-known Gentlen on "f rardiff as Jockey. Grand Mid-day Performance every Saturday -t hall-past two JOck 3026 g-T-ir A It T-.JI 0Xin>o^_ TO-IGHT, AT EIGHT. W. H. EDWAHDS'S Glí.b-At' PA.ORAMA, u:; ILLUSTRAIING LIFE AND SCENES IN AMERICA With 0ri¡,;inal SONGS, ANECDOTE::s, MUSIC, AND lectuee. Each Evening at Eight. Day Exhibitions, Wednesday and Front sipotc o "aUlrday at Ha f-past Two. p 2s- i second beats tuidBalcoiu, ls. Back Seats a,.d Gallery, bd. Schools and Children halt-price. 1 lc.vets at Messrs LEWIS and WILLIAMS s, jjouissellers, and at the doc,rs previous to each Exhibition. 4798 ICTORIA CONCERT-ROOM, ST. MARY. V I STREET, CARDIFF. SOLE PROPRIETOR Air. F. W. HOFFMANN, Every Evening during the week, GRAND CONCERT, CHARACTERISTIC ENTERTAINMENTS, AND DANCING. Doors opfiu at at 7 o'eioc. rBFRB8JIMS.VT8 AS r fe V A t Admission—i-'irst Glass, is.; Halt-pricc at Ainc o'clo,-1- WHEV THE PROMENADE CON; 'Eli' .N A' "VUMilEi\'C ■. '■"U I'VCJNG rilHE STAR HALL c-F o-p., 8 (Late Amphitheatre') iLb vr I N D S T R E L 1 iS (' DiKecTOR Mr x- r S E A LA-T NIGHi of the present Brilhiua Pn^' 'Lh LAti'l- NIGHT ef Professor Wheeler's H tain, introducing' u^^n,ni"'ent rairi' Foun- lcnVT.rT< lorrent «f ajlver ^tcts, iuciuomg a LAST NIG lift, 01 D*»ht's Alaiv, a *,■ LASTNIUH'JS ot ti-fJllvcat Etoi;r. !UStruls- t^iuis, Leal Ton>1?U'>0 V1 Acrobats, Messrs. Marian. ^ovett, Misses 'J cmple and STAR VA i.-K r.I},s For partieular' t"KA' T°":<1GHT* ^iotcis^ 4" 1'lTnil in BRISTOL. U iitn- L COMMERCIAL AND FAIiIILV" .atiii" a u- 37» Broad-stieet, Bristol. Ditii. kept 1 J ^«.<-ck Rooms, dinners frwu I&30 to t».' £ c J' 14hC' W. T.' caoucil, Proprietor CLIFTON DOWN FIRST-CLASS FAMILY HOTEL, FACING THE SUSPENSION-BRIDGE ft LITE OF APARTMENT'S, from i>i Guineas per week' vs. last, from 2s. Dinners, from 3s. 6d.; Service, 2s. a Apartments having- been recently added to the Hotui « WEDDING BREAKFASTS, the Manager is prepared to smic oi the most moderate terms. Terms by week'v e tut nts onlv. Suite of Apartments, with board and an i'r?l'»6" 5 Ciuineas each, fires only extra. Bedroom, boa d « ywndance, in public rc.jms, 34 Guineas. All meals servc.ri' oruer. Private drawuig-r.(>«m fer Ladies. Tab.u i- t ^^ivors 1 Sundays at 5. All communications to be au.ir^I'. (UlI-v at U28 ODDFELLOWS' ARMS M AESTpp Two Minutes' Walk lrom Station i; j BILLIARDS. POSTING. INLAND KtVtNC'F 'tS&uV*™' PKOPRDBOR-Mr. ILLTii MORGAM Jf ,J..