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altll ^ndtatt. AUCTION APPOINTMENTS. Mr J. Mi. ATKINS. 91 Sheet) Cattle, and Horses, at P' Messrs BiDjBV .»« OILLEK. J? MOJHKKS „ia—aftafflsfsa&r. B farm, at Carmarthen ■•••—•■y: "sept. 18 ;soft.' 5 BSSM^8fir==^ HiTOHCoC MRAIand'PERT;WEB. "JS' imf A8" • „ Household gc, .< Live Stock, Plant, &c.J^^g^ Hirwikin'Sept' 21 Live Stock, &c., at Penderyn, near 22 Freehold Estate, at LlaMov^^ *gQj £ Messrs JOHN M. IiKEDBK & 27 A 28 82 go Messrs J. G. c-nt 21 & 23 ao™holdJ'«Di^r»'s«SSlg £ Sept 20 Draft Stock, at Devynoch ••••;■—'v'-V' sJ,t. 27 Property, at Bnd^ater.—; ftertoia Prop-y.«Iffiy RKES.' P1.1A Mlchmegic ll Bntor, Freehold Hotel, at Caerpbill} -■- ■• Qct g Freehold Lands, ciydach.Oct.l4,15 Plant, Machinery, and Elects. »tuiy^ Plant and Machinery, at nvoe'V.V.V.Oct. 28 Fanning Stock and Crops, at wenvoe Ho^eholTFxmi'itmre and Effects. at Cardiff Brewery, at Mr J. T. SAUNDERS. leasehold Properties, at Cardiff Dept' tjettSC Mr ILLTYD THOMAS. Household Furniture, at Cardiff vS61^1 uo Mr J. RICHARD THOMAS. KhroDshire Rams, at Cardiff 91 freehold Land, at Llanbethery Sept. 21 farming Stock, etc., at Croesvane Segt. BVflphold Property, at Cardiff Freen0 Mr WALLACE J. TONG. „ „ Colliery Plant, &c„ at Nantyglo °ept- 23 = VAINDRE HALL, ST. MFLLONIS. NEAR VA CARDIFF. „ 4XT_. oattt OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, AND SAL IS ux 0UTD00B EFFECTS. MESSRS STEPHENSON and ALEX- ANDER are instructed to SELL by AUC- oVthfi above address, on MONDAY, September ^n, 18U at 2 o'clock in the Afternoon, a quan- totywnUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND OUT-DOOR EFFECTS, i of an 8-stop walnut frame upright har- soneieting e(j oa]j settee and table, the brass moniurn. „ and blinds throughout the house, curtain poles, i b d bmiard table> by Wright and »n excshent iuu j and bmiard bftlis, cues, rests. Do., London, w ^arker8( &c in first-class condi- pool and Dim pendant over same; galvanised tion; a • stable and garden tools, and a Serafassortment of miscellaneous artfcles. On view day of sa e. application to the Catalogues may ™ t Cardiff 1513 Auctioneers, 5, Hign srcec ~rzrr IMPORTANT SAI^^ gpFECTS^|moved from The FURNITUREEa Newport-road (corner of Par^e Cardiff. t0cN0.i^en^f by order of We»t-grove), going abroad. ATsRS S HERN & PERTWEE have wssf*5|4«j-a J jssssg SepfebM 20th, 1897. at 2 p.m. precisely, the whole 0,«hniTSEHOLD FURNITURE AND EFFECTS. HOUSJ^ f o—q gittincr-rooms and five comprising the con ag above, including hand- bedrooms, etc^. M SulTE in saddlebags, some table with two insertions, mahogany dimn^ room t lady,s DaVenport carved oak en b» handsome tapestry «E3^ cSeteNaS; oU paintings and ^phincs small mahogany table, solid oak sideboard ^th nla'te-elass back, handsome couch m crimson velvet, a number of rugs and mats, marble^lmepilec^ walnut drawing-room cabinet, brass rail^fenders and fire-irons, wall brackets, rosewood inlaid table, cur- tains, tapestry stair carpets, stair !^d massive bedroom suites in walnut ana birch, nraxDie top withstands, bedroom lounge chair, several brass and Iron bedsteads, wire spring, wool and hair mat- tresses, feather beds, bolsters and pillows, a, quantity of toilet and kitchen ware, an assortment oi cmna and glass, including a ctoesert sjwviee; «ie kitchen furniture and utensus, including3 deal tables, a num- l^T nf dishes, tin and other ware, saucepans, etc., bcr "I iisneb, a quantity of garden tools. ^The whole on view'the Satorday prior to and morn- ing of sale. which will commence at 2 p.m.. precisely. The house forJ*ale- Auctioneers, Messrs S. Sale No. 5,099. THF, DUKE.STRE:FT AUCTION BOOMS. CARDIFF. On TUESDAY and THURSDAY NEXT. September 21st and 23rd, 1897, important BaJe of exeellent ÐloMl'!) m?^7sEHOI,D FOBmTOTE MD EFFEOra cSfSdas ffi«"a contents of six bedrooms. and SON MESSRS J- Gr- J^Ar AUCTION, on the will SELL by PUBLIC of Tw0 above dates, the whole of ^or convemence Residences, removed to the Ro and The of Sale from Hickman-road, which will con- Parade (the latter nearly new), ana wmou tain about 400 Lots each day. i R Gf each day's On view days prior to and mornm|s Bales, which will commence precisely a ——■ AtrcTlON, in the 1st OCTOBER. 18f. HOTEL, USK, on FBroAY.^he CondltionB of Sale, at 3 o'clock FREEHOLD PROPERTIES the following valuable FK__rch y^ggT, SHIRE- in the pa^^e'irvR^rOMMANDER, and USK NEWTON, KB^JnFrARFAJKM, comprising farm- LOT l.-The TREDEGAK^d 9^. 3r. 38p. of tes»pS»»-f £ sirs^ss'"S! tenant. „ r.ANDS situate in the LOT 2.—All that FARM an d shirenewton, ad- parishes of Newchurch Gaerlwyd, corn- joining Lot lknownasThe^ie OTtbnildin?s, good prising farmhouse with and meadow land, in garden, and 30a. 2r. 3p. 0 £ as yearly tenant. file occupation of Mr Lewis Pii nseful FARM known -OT 3.—-All that attractive and useim itaate e as The Upper House or c^ocrh„bout 2M mileB from parish of Kemeys Commander, Gf Nantyderry the town of Usk and ^iiway and on the Station on the Great \\VAnnv bounded on the mnin road from Usk t°AI},e5fi^hratcd for its salmon west side by the river Usk. celebr bstantial home- and trout fishing, and compnsinig 10ga lr 33p. 0f stead with suitable outbuildmgs OCCupation of I nd sound pasture and arable land, in the occuy- Mr Thomas Phillips as yearly tenani. be The growing timber and po!es on printed valued and the sum stated in me v LoT4*—Twcf pieces of PASTURE Sng 2a. 2r. 7p., being Nos. 24 and 25 on thei OKemeys Survey Map, situate in the said parish of Commander near the Chain Bridge and ci the main road from UBk to Abergavenny. q_ an Accommodation Meadow comprising 4a. ur- ay. Numbered 98 on the Ordnance Survey Map, situase near the aforesaid main road within convenient cus- tance of the Church Farm, all known as Cenol," in the occupation of the said Thomas accommodation FEEDING nfflADOWS with a convenient stone built SHED vfitiland capital water supply, known as Whit- YAltD an close to the town of Usk, between the fields, fading from Usk to Portskewett and the jnam r°f0Komprising 18a. 3r. 35p in the occupa- Olway ^50°^11;am Workman as yearly tenant. tion of Mr f™ed Lot will bi offeredin tiie first The last mentione thus disposed of in two instance in one iow » lots. plans and Conditions of Sale, ;axe Particulars, with runs obtainod upon applica- ° J. MilTLAND ,g" IMPORTANT AHNOTNCEMENt ROATH FURNISHING CO" 42. OA3TLE.MA0, 4 ^B|'STMiET' ROATH, CABDffF. ftheie INTEND REDUCING THE WHOL IMMENSE STOCK ur HOUSEHOLD to Fnlly » pex cent, during the £ fJtt £ nB. make room for Extcnsire AltcrM10 GREAT INDUCEMENTS GIVEN TO 0 CBARHIN BUYERS. iG AND idnds Of wood to selimetop BEDROOM 5 O^ETf^DDSo, FLOOB TOO™ CHBFFONIESS, to iu\i0f SIDEBOARDS A»V ftom. 11 ^ds of wood to select Goods sold for Cash nr System. All goods delivered 0Br Purchase Catalogues and Guide to post free on application. OU8e Fnrnishing sent WABNING.—Our only addr«N> « Waless 111 Cardiff and South ROATH FURNISHING rn116M4e tt^ABT^RO^. & VERE-STKEET, CARDIFF. A. E. pw°e. 8, PARK HALL BUILDINGS NURSERYMAN, SEEDSMAN, florist AND FRUITERER. ST Bouquets, and Presentation ^Speciality. First Prizes at recent Shows made by A. E. Price. Growinc ugh." & M TMPORTANT to THOSE WHO SUFFER^ » «cn s I X I'- Pills are guaranteed to cure all complications. Also gravel and pains to the bade. Post free for 4s from G. D. Horton, MJP.S.-< ftrom the Creneral Hospital), Aaton-road, Birmingham. ^entsi—Cardig^S, Mumford, Clvcmist, &c., Meteor- 5S?"«si alt5 ^artinn. ON THURSDAY and FRIDAY, 23rd and 24th Sept. A HIGHLY IMPORTANT UNRESERVED SAJjE of the WELL-MADE HIGH-CLASS FURNITURE and EFFECTS, being the entire contents of a large Residence, by direction of the executors, revoved to Cardiff for better convenience of sale. The FURNITURE includes many important items supplied by Messrs Maple and Company. Giller and Co, Hampton and Sons, CARPETS by Messrs Marshall and Snelgrove, a small CHOICE COL- LECTION of PICTURES by Messrs Frost and Reed. The VALUABLE DECORATIVE ITEMS, PER- SONAL JEWELLERY, SILVER and PLATE, manv pieces of specimen china, large bronzes, collection of pictures, a 10ft. WALNUT BOOK- CASE with plate-glass doors, by Hampton nearly new PIANOFORTES, by Bochstein; another by John Brinsmead and Sons; FULL SlZk BILLIARD TABLE, by Wright and Co. also the plate, china, and glass of butler's pantry, and many ot,hPr costly items, kitchen and outdoor effects. MESSRS GOTTWALTZ, BOWRING, and PERRY have received instruction from recutors to SELL by AUCTION, at their Sale- rooms^U ffi|h-°treet, Cardiff on THURSDAY and ran)AY, 23rd and 24th September, 1897, commencing ATT^'VALUABLE CONTENTS OF THE RESIDENCE, removed as above. RRMTRSDAYA-IHE CONTENTS OF THE BED- PSDRAMG-BOOM FURNITURE. APPOINT- mtxttsoF BILLIARD-ROOM, including a FULL- S^S^RFT.TARD TABLE. The ARTISTIC FUR- mTiTRF OF MORNING ROOM AND BOURDOIR, HALL The LIBRARY AND STUDY FURN^URB^COLLECTION OF BRONZES, CON- MS«M« HBRUTLER'S PANTRY, including valu- aWe OLD PLATE, PERSONAL JEWELLERY Chhia Glass, Furniture of Housekeeper s Room, and ^maAY-ThlREMAINDER OF THE PRINCI- t>^ R%ROOMS and DRESSING-ROOMS' PURNI- P^5 xi: cttpt?RK APPOINTMENTS OF DRAW- ^IhoM^ARGE DINING in Oak. ^W V PUKNITURE OF SMALL DRAWING- EOOM POM.ARD OAK BREAKFAST-ROOM FURNITURE. The valuable and extensive Collec- tion of Pictures, Kitchen, and Outdoor Effects. PRIVATE VIEW ON SATURDAY NEXT. PUBLIC VIEW ON MONDAY AND TUESDAY NEXT. Descriptive Catalogues may be had of the Auc- tioneers One Week Prior to Sale. 1654 THE CARDIFF CATTLE SYNDI- CATE, LTD., A mTTT^ will SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION at THE LAIRGES, BUTE DOCKS, CARDIFF, on the arrival 0.1 the s.s. Ruperra, 155 PRIME AMERICAN AND CANADIAN STEERS ix, AND HEIFERS also 76 EXCELLENT SHEEP. The Ruperra is expected on th° case the Sale will take place on MONDAY, the 27th, at17M P m PrFRANCIS M. D'ARCY, Auctioneer. TO INVESTORS AND OTHERS. IMPORTANT SALE OF VALUABLE LEASEHOLD lmrU PROPERTIES. POSSESSING RARE PROSPECTIVE VALUE. MR J. T. SAUNDERS is instructed (by Mr W. Owen) to SELL by AUCTION, at jyal Hotel, Cardiff, on MONDAY next-Septem- ber 20th, 1897, at 7.30 p.m. precisely, the following valuable .JEASEHOLD PROPERTIES:- LOT L-Nof^and Se. CRWYS-ROAD, CATHAYS Let at Us 6d per week each. Held on a lease of 99 years dated March, 1893, at an annual ground rent of ^LOT ^-Nos. 88 and 90, CRWYS-ROAD.CATHAYS. Let all lis 6d per week each. Held for a term of 99 years from September 29th, 1890, at an annual ground "lot 3^NoS 92,° CRWYS-ROAD, CATHAYS. Let at 14s. Held on a lease of 99 years, dated June 1st, 1895, at an annual ground rent of £ 3 17s. LOT 4.—NO 131, CRWYS-ROAD, CATHAYS. Let at £ 35 per annum. Held on a lease of 99 years, dated May 5.1886, at an annual ground rent of £ 4 5s bd. LOT 5.—No. 113, BEDFORD-STREET. Let at 7s per week. Held on a lease of 99 years (about 25 years of which have expired), a.1i an auuuai !5'vu..u reLoT6 £ -N°o.'81, ELDON-ROAD, RIVERSIDE, with Stable. Coach-house and Hayloft. Held for a term of 99 years from March 25, 1894, at an annual ground "SAKS. 83, 85, 87, 89, 91, and 93 ELDON- ROAD, RIVERSIDE, with Stable, Coach-house, and Hayloft to each. Held for a term of 99 years from March 25,1894, at an annual ground rent of £4 19s e8LoT 8.—Nos. 95 and 97, ELDON-ROAD, RIVER- SIDE. Held for a term of 99 years from March 25, 1894. at an annual ground rent of £4 19s each. LOT 9.-Six Houses, Nos. 30, 31. 32, 33, 34, 35, HARRIET-STREET, COGAN. Let at 5s 6d per week each. Held for a term of 99 years (about 20 years of which have expired), at an annual ground reLo?102- 122 and 124, RICHMOND-ROAD, Cardiff. Let at 436 per annum each. Held for a term of 99 years from February 2nd, 1879, at an annual ground rent of 14 17s 3d each. Further Particulars as to Lots 1 and 3 may be obtained upon application to D. E. Davies, Esq., Solicitor, 37. St. Mary-street; as to Lots 2 and 10 to G P. Forsdyke, Esq., Solicitor, 100, St. Mary-street; as to Lots 4 and 6 to R. Y. Evans, Esq., Solicitor, Guild-hall-chambers; as to Lots 5 and 9 to Messrs Blosse and Arthur Waldron, Solicitors, Duke-street; as to Lot 7 to Messrs Meyrick and Davies, Solicitors, St. John's-sauare; as to Lot 8 to C. A. Heitzman, Esq., Solicitor, Wnarton-street; and as to the whole of the Lots upon application to the Auctioneer, the Cardiff- chambers, 29, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 1713 16318 SALE THIS DAY. SALE OF CHURCH ORGAN. IMPORTANT NOTICE. Tt/rESSRS BAILEY and GILLER JJJL wish to announce that in consequence of un- avoidable delay the erection of the 2-MANUAL ORGAN in their Salerooms could not be completed in time for their Sale on Tuesday Afternoon. They have therefore Postponed the Sale until 3.30 p.m. on FRIDAY AFTERNOON NEXT, when the very excel- lent instrument will be sold without reserve. The Auctioneers will be pleased for any Organist to thoroughly examine and test the Organ. All particulars on application at the Auctioneers Offices, 3, Castle-street, Cardiff. SALE THIS DAY. TYNEWYDD FARM, PENDERYN, NEAR HIRWAIN, Distance one mile from G.W.R. Railway Station. ■m/TR JOHN HOWELL (of the firm of ItJL Howell and Hughes) has received instruc- tions from G. R. Powell, Esq., to u, x AUCTION, at the above Farm, on THURSDAY and FRIDAY, September 16th and 17th, 1897, at 1 o clock each day. LIVE STOCK, comprising blood stock, entires, hunters, nacss, harness horses, polo ponies, cattle, sheSEvP-a CONTRACTOR^ PLANT AND STORES, comprising fish plates, iron pipes, shovels^ troueys, crabs, rails, crossings, cranes, mortar pans,,o)un_oro spanners, picks, rail lifters, rail gauges, lifting jaciss, &c., &c. FARMING IMPLEMENTS, &c., comprising corn crushers, earthenware pipes, gloughs, harrows, chaffcutters, carts, and trace araess, &c.,Scc. DAIRY UTENSILS, &C„ comprising churns, cheese presses, butter workers, o^. Lunchen by ticket at 11 o'clock. Brakes will meet trains at Hirwain Station. „ Order of Sale ;—First Day, Live Stock I Second Day, Machinery, Implements, &c.. ,0Q Auctioneer's Office, Market-street, Aberdare, iq&j BWLLFA-DARE FARM, ABEKDARE. LIVE STOCK SALE. •*yjTB J. HOWELL (Howell and Hughes) iVL fcas received instructions to SELLby PUBLIC AUCTION, at the above Farm, on WED- NESDAY, 22nd day of September, 1897, the following LIVE STOCK:— „ About 500 Fat Sheep, 220 Fat Wethers, i50 hPffe Lambs, 120 Store Ewes, and 15 Rams 20 Fat Cattle, Horses, Cobs, and Ponies. Luncheon at 12 o'clock. Sale at 1.30 p.m. sharp. Three months' credit. Usual conditions. Auctioneers' Offices, Market-street and Duke- street, Aberdare. I BUILTH WELLS, BRECONSHIRE. IMPORTANT SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD "PT?r*T>trT?rnv "ITYFTR T, Y. PRICE will SELL by lfJL AUC-nON, at the Sun inn, Bmlth, on MONDAY, the 20th day of September, 1897, a' o'clock in the afternoon, subject to Conditions oi Sale, to be then read, all that old-established and fully-licensed Inn called THE SUN INN," a situate on the south side of Market-square, in the town of Builth, and having a frontage to Market- street of 71 feet, with the brewhouse, 2 open stables, and the large yard belonging thereto. The depth from front to rear of the house and yard is 90 feet or thereabouts. A large and valuable kitchen garden at the rear of the above and adjoining the yard, and having an area of 1,150 square yards or thereabouts. There are 13 good Sheep Pens in front of the House which always let well. The House and Buildings are built of stone, partly weather-boarded with tiled roof, the front of the house being plastered and coloured. The House contains large kitchen, back kitchen, parlour, bar, and five bedrooms. The above most desirable Property is situated in the centre of the well-known Builth Sheep Market, and will from its position always command a capital trade. It is eminently adapted for the erection o much larger premises. „ The garden is a most suitable place for the erection of a large number of additional sheep pens, which viould greatly increase the value of the Property. Possession can be obtained, if required, on the 25th gay of March, 1898. Further particulars can be obtained from A. GWYNNE-VAUGHAN, Esq., 1672 Solicitor, Builth. pIANOS BY COLLARD, KIRKMAN, BRINSMEAD. BROAD WOOD, BLUTHNER, BECHSTEIN. BEST TERMS. CASH OR CREDIT J. JJRADBR & IjgONS. OfilV iD9DBF'^ND.sTBEET, Established 1840. W A N S E A. 1245 & /SoMPANY JOHN QMART « FT NICHOLL). r FT ON HITE TENTS TIES, EISTEDDFODAU, bPOttio. GALAS, etc *ppi» to 1252 OAtv — THE CARMARTHEN BILL-POSTING COMPANY, ^rr^xr BRIDGE-STREET, CARMARTHEN, Bill-posting and Advertising in all its Btanw1 throughout the Counties of Carmarthen, Pembroke, and Cardigan. im R, M. JAMES, Man*ee*< bg JUrtian. CWMAVON, Wi miles from ABERAVON, GLAMORGANSHIRE. MESSRS J. M. LEEDER and SON have received instructions from Messrs Wright, Butler & Co., Limited, to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the Depot Foundry, near Cwmavon Station, on the Rhondda and Swansea Bay Railway, on MONDAY and TUESDAY, Sept. 27th and 28th, 1897, 522 COTTAGES, SHOPS, AND DWELLING- HOUSES, situate in Post Office-square,Market-square,Tyr Owen- row, Somerset-place, Ebbw Vale-row, Merthyr-row, Tyisha-row, Undeb-row, Ynysavon-row, Hazlewood- row, Gower-street, Pelly-street, Tymaen-street, Great Western-row, Cornish-row, Tyrarthur-row, Tewgoed- row. Engine-row, Copper-row, Park-row, Colliers-row, Miners-row, Woodland-row, Bryn Brythan and Danycoed-row, also the Cottages known as Fabian's Cottages, Ynysfelin, Pwllygwlaw, Tewgoed Mawr, Old Brickyard Cottages, Tyr Eglwys Cottages, Penycae Cottages, Kendon Cottage and Rock Cottage, Finers- row, Cwm Claish Cottages, and Tymaen Meadow Cottages, together with several valuable Plots of Garden Ground. Also the two Family Residences, known as RAIL MILL HOUSE AND FURNACE HOUSE. The property forms the principal part of the town of Cwmavon, and surrounds the works of the Rio Tinto Co., Limited the Copper Miners Tinplate Co., Limited; the Express Steel Co., Limited and the Steel and Iron Works and Collieries belonging to Messrs Wright, Butler, & Co., Limited. The houses are for the most part stone built and slated, and are always occupied. IN ORDER TO GIVE THE TENANTS of Messrs WRIGHT, BUTLER, & CO., LIMITED, an OPPORTUNITY of PURCHASING the HOUSES they OCCUPY, the Auctioneers have made arrangements with the Equitable Benefit Building Society at Taunton to advance a reason- able proportion of the purchase money on favourable terms. Full particulars of the rate of interest, terms of repayment, &c., may be obtained from J, Thomas, Esq., secretary, Equit- able Benefit Building Society, 5, Hammett- street, Taunton or of the Auctioneers. Luncheon, by ticket only, at 12 noon each day. Sale to commence 'at 12.30 o'clock each day. A plan of the property may be seen at the Auc- tioneers' Offices, and particulars, with conditions of Sale, had of Messrs Collins and Woods, Solicitors, Worcester-place, Swansea; Hilton Yates, Esq.; Messrs. Wright, Butler, and Co., Limited, Cwmavon; or of the Auctioneers, at their Offices, Goat-street Chambers, Swansea. 1660 SALE THIS DAY. LONDON HOUSE AUCTION ROOMS, 10, CASTLE STREET, SWANSEA. MESSRS H. HILL and CO. will SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION on the above Premises, on FRIDAY, the 17th day of September, 1897, a large assortment of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, &c.. Comprising superior dining suite in American leather, dining-room suite in do., drawing-room suite in saddlebags, a 5ft. walnut sideboard with plate-glass back and fitted with drawers and cupboards, a 4ft. walnut sideboard, walnut cheffonieres, inlaid china cabinet, music cabinet and stools, occasional tables, 8ft. dining table with 2 extra leaves, 5ft. do., walnut bookcase with cupboards, walnut and oak hat and umbrella stands with fret arms and brass hooks, walnut Davenport, walnut overmantels, brass- mounted coal vases, iron bedsteads, palliasses, feather andmillpuff beds, spring and hair mattresses, superior washstands and dressing tables, dressing chests and stands, bedroom suites in ash and walnut, towel horses, 3ft. washstands and tables, pianoforte in walnut with iron frame by Bridgefort and Co., clock, &c., also a consignment of chamber ware, &c., &c. Sale to commence at 11 o'clock. 1726 RED JACKET SMELTING WORKS (A few minutes' walk from the R. & S. B. Railway and Great Western Railway Stations at Briton Ferry Road). SALE OF PLANT AND MACHINERY AND OTHER MATERIALS. MR W. HARRY REES is instructed to SELL by AUCTION, at the above Works, on MONDAY, 20th September, 1897, the whole of the PLANT AND MATERIALS, comprising a capital portable engine, by Gibbon and Robinson, 9in. single cylinder, with governor, multi- tubular boiler, injector, and pump attached, 3Win. ram; a new Root's blower, -No. -4, with two 16in. pulleys by Alldays and Onions, on self-contained cast iron bed, 7ft. 6in. x 3ft.; about 250 yards of tramway, 14 to 161b. rails, with partings and crossings. sleepered and dogged loco.' boiler, by Burch and Spence, 9ft. long, 2ft. 3in. diameter, 24 tubes, with fittings complete, &c., &c. Sale to commence at two o'clock precisely. These works are specially well placed for the re- moval of purchases, having access to the R. & S.B.R., the Tennant Canal, and Neath River. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneer, Charlesvllle-place, Neath. 1705 FOREST LODGE ANNUAL AUCTION SALE of DRAFT STOCK will be held at DEVY- NOCK RAILWAY STATION, BRECONSHIRE, on MONDAY, 20th SEPTEMBER, 1897, at 12.30, be- ginning with „ „ 60 fine RAMS, Shropshire, Cheviot, and Cross Cardie. 910 ditto EWES. 320 aged WETHERS, some fat. 550 ditto EWE and WETHER LAMBS. 25 DAIRY CATTLE, 10 calved and to calve this autumn. 16 COBS and PONIES, some very smart and useful. Full particulars on application to W. S. MiUer, Forest Lodge, Brecon. 1642 CARMARTHENSHIRE. HIGHLY IMPORTANT SALE OF A FREEHOLD SPORTING AND RESIDENTIAL ESTATE, Comprising Seven Farms within a ring fence, and distant miles from a railway station also valu- able Lands and Detached Freehold Farms, Accom- modation Lands, Fully-licensed Public-houses, and Building Sites, being outlying portions of LLWYNYBRAIN ESTATE, Near Llandovery. MESSRS WILLIAM and WALTER JAMES have been favoured with instructions to offer for SALE by AUCTION, at the Town Hall, Llandovery, on THURSDAY, September 23rd, 1897, at 11 o'clock a.m. promptly, the above FREEHOLD ESTATE, COMPRISING 2,300 ACRES, or thereabouts (in 52 lots, or such other number of lots as may be determined upon prior to or at the time of Sale), situate as follows LLANDINGAT PARISH. Cefnrallt-ucha and Cefnrallt-issa (which would make a compact little residential estate), Ynysborde and Chemical Works, 8 houses in Llandovery, the White Hall Inn and Garden, Victoria Arms, and those Accommodation Lands known as White Swan, White Hall, Dolausaer, and Gwaencarnau Fields. MOTHVEY AND LLANGADOCK PARISHES.— Glassallt-ucha, Glassallt-issa, Coedlassallt, Wern- heboe. Llwvnnevanfeddie. Tyngwter, and Bankyri- wen (forming an ideal natural sporting and residential estate), Cwmbrane, Tynllwyn, Esgairllaethdy, Rhan- dirfawr, Godrewaun, and those Fields known as Waunystradfcirus, Y Gardir, and Waunbella. CAYO PARISH.—Troedyrhiw Farm. LLANFAIRBRYFRYN PARISH. Cefnpwllhen Farm. Further particulars, plans, and Conditions of Sale may be had born the Auctioneers at their Offices, Caejenkin Farm, Llangadock, and Arcade Chambers, Goat-street, Swansea from H. Alfred Thomas, Esq., Solicitor, Llandovery and W. Wilding Jones, Esq., Solicitor, Granville House, Arundel-street, Strand, London, W.C. 1589 SALE TO-MORROW. PARISH OF ABERNANT. CARMARTHENSHIRE, MR JOHN FRANCIS will SELL by AUCTION at the Ivy Bush Royal Hotel, Carmarthen, on SATURDAY, September 18th, 1897, all that exceedingly desirable FREEHOLD PROPERTY, known as Blaen-y-Bryn," situate in the parish of Abernant, containing about 152 acres. Particulars and conditions of Sale may be obtained of John Francis, Carmarthen, or of H. G. Philipps, Esq., Solicitor, Llandilo. 1729 J^aks btr 4rtttbtr. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. TN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE.— | COMPANIES WINDING UP. — CARR AND OTHERS v. DAVID JONES AND CO., LTD. The BUSINESS PREMISES, GOODWILL, STOCK-IN-TRADE, FIXTURES, FITTINGS, ROLL- ING STOCK, and OFFICE FURNITURE of Messrs DAVID JONES and CO., LTD, the well-known PROVISION MERCHANTS, of WESTMINSTER STORES, WHARTON-STREET, CARDIFF, will shortly be OFFERED for SALE by PUBLIC TENDER. Particulars and Conditions of Sale and Forms of Tender may shortly be obtained froH Messrs Riddell, Vaizey, and Smith, 9, John-streetT Bedford-row, London, Solicitors; George Stapleton Barnes, Esq., Official Receiver, 33, Carey-street, Lincoln's Inn, London; or of Mr Charles Edwin Dovey, 31, Queen-street, Cardiff, the Receiver ap- pointed in the above-mentioned action. 1576 0HESHIRE £ jHEESE HE SHIRE QHEESE DIRECT FROM THE FARM HOUSE. LOVERS OF HIGH.CLASS CHEESE SHOULD CALL AT THE JJIRECT rjlRADING CO,IS Jg RANCH, 286, BUTE STREET (Four doors from Custom House-street). Whole6AI.S STOlMs-CHARLOTTE-STREFT 70e 1225 WILLIAMS' (PONTARDA WE) W ° R M LOZENGES. For over Thirty Years this highly valuable Remedy has met with the greatest success. The effect upon Weak, Delicate Children (often given up as incurable) is lite Magic. Getting rid of his tormenting pests by taking these lozenges, the thin, Child becomes strong, healthy, and lively, the pride, inati^ad of the anxiety, of his guardians.. sir,—I have for some time used your Anthelmintic nr Worm Lozenges in my family, and findthem a very ji aaVI cure for ascearides» and their S^reeaWe^uad^convenient form is a great recommen- dK *or children.—W. HUTCHINSON, Vicar of Howdon." 2fl 9d per box, toy most Soid at i« oi M rtampVfrom J. Davies, nigh-street Swansea. A list Ot testi- fJttMn: 0otias. NDERSON'S COLLEGE MEDICAL SCHOOL, PARTICK, GLASGOW. OSE TO UNIVERSITY AND WESTERN IN- C OSE TO UNIVERSITY AND WESTERN IN- FIRMARY Founded in year 1800. Winter Session begins 14th October. Lectures are delivered on all subjects of the Medical Curriculum. These Lectures qualify for all Licensing Boards in United Kingdom, and for Universities of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Fees:-First Course, 12 2s; Second Course, JE1 Is; Calendar obtained from Prof. A. M. Buchanan, M.D., at the School. 1503 YALE OF GLAMORGAN AGRICUL. TURAL SOCIETY. t TURAL SOCIETY. PPESIDENT, E. KNOX, ESQ. The SIXTH ANNUAL SHOW of the above Society will be held at COWBRIDGE on TUESDAY NEXT, the 21st instant. JUMPING COMPETITION at 2 o'clock. LARGE ENTRIES. PUBLIC LUNCHEON on the SHOW GROUND at 1 o'clock. 1752 T. J. YORWERTH, Secretary. PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF JL SOUTH WALES, EASTERN DIVISION. RT. Won. BRO. LORD LLANGATTOCK, P.G.M. Grand Lodge will be held at the MASONIC TEMPLE, GUILDFORD-STREET, CARDIFF, on THURSDAY, the 23rd SeDtember. at 3 o'clock. when all Grand Officers and others are cordially invited to attend. BANQUET at the PARK HOTEL at 5 o'clock. Tickets, 6s 6d each, may be had of Bro. W. Lowrie Baker, 33, Queen-street, Cardiff. Early application should be made as the number is limited. W. WHITTINGTON, Prov. Grand Secretary. South-terrace, Neath, September, 1897. 1753 THE TECHNICAL SCHOOLTOFTHE COUNTY BOROUGH OF CARDIFF. LECTURES ON STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. Professor A. C. ELLIOTT, D.Sc., will commence a COURSE OF LECTURES on the STRENGTH and MECHANICAL PROPERTIES of MATERIALS of CONSTRUCTION, on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7th, at the University College, Cardiff, at 8.0 p.m. The object is to meet the requirements of engineers, architects, builders, etc. Demonstrations will be given on the 100-ton univer- sal testing machine, and students may themselves perform experiments on the smaller testing machines. The Class will meet on Thursday evenings in the Engineering Lecture Room at 8.0 pm. Tickets must be obtained before October 7th. 1751 J. AUSTIN JENKINS, Secretary. THE RECEPTION, LUNCHEON AND PRESENTATION OF ADDRESSES TO SIR HENRY IRVING AND MISS ELLEN TERRY WILL TAKE PLACE AT THE ROYAL HOTEL, CARDIFF, ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23rd, 1897, AT 2 O'CLOCK P.M. Tickets One Guinea each, inclusive of Wines. Morning Dress. Ladies and gentlemen desirous of being present are requested to make immediate application for Tickets to the Honorary Secretary, Mr JOSEPH STANFIELD, Lion Chambers, 77, Saint Mary-street, Cardiff. As only a limited number of Tickets are at the dis- posal of the Committee, they will be allotted absolutely in the order that applications are received accompanied by a remittance. LASCELLES CARR, J.P., Chairman. 1674 J. STANFIELD, Hon. Secretary. JYJISS JYJAY JOHN, R.A.M., DOUBLE MEDALLIST, Now home and OPEN to ACCEPT ENGAGEMENTS for ORATORIO and BALLAD CONCERTS for the coming season.—Address:—Ton Pentre, Rhondda. 610 3PnMic Appointments. NEATH COUNTY (DUAL) SCHOOL. WANTED immediately, ASSISTANT MASTER for Science (S.K.), with Ordinary School Subjects 1150 per annum.—Full particulars, with testimonials (copies), to be sent to the Headmaster. 1759 THE COUNTY SCHOOL, BRYN- MAWR. WANTED, ASSISTANT MASTER, capable of Teaching science subjects. One able to earn South Kensington grants preferred. Salary, £ 100 per annum, Three months' notice required to terminate the engagement. Applicants must state age, qualification, subjects, experience, and date on which they are able to commence duties. Applications to be sent on or before September 22nd to JOHN THOMAS, Clerk to Managers. Brynmawr, Breconshire. 1676 Sfcntors auft (Contracts. CARDIFF SCHOOL BOARD. TENDERS FOR COAL. The CARDIFF SCHOOL BOARD invite TEN- DERS for the SUPPLY of COAL to the Schools and Offices of the Board. Information respecting the same may be obtained on application at the Offices. TENDERS FOR BOOKS, APPARATUS, STA- TIONERY, AND PRINTING. The CARDIFF SCHOOL BOARD invite TEN- DERS for the supply of BOOKS, APPARATUS, STATIONERY, and PRINTING. Form of tender and full particulars may be obtained on application at the Offices. J. J. JACKSON, Clerk of the Board. Howard-gardens, Cardiff. 1744 ELLIGAER AND RHIGOS~ RURAL U DISTRICT COUNCIL. DISTRICT COUNCIL. TO LIMESTONE CONTRACTORS. The above Council invite TENDERS for snpplying LIMESTONE broken to 2X inch gauge, and de- livered, carriage paid, at the following Railway Stations, viz. Pontlottyn, R.R., Tirpbill, R.R., Brithdir, R.R.. Bargoed, R.R., Pengam, R.R., Hen- goed, R.R., Ystrad, R.R., Llancaiach, T.V.R., Bedli- nog, G.W.R. Forms of Tender can be had on application to Mr W. Beavan, Highway Surveyor, Deri, via Cardiff. Tenders to be sent to the undersigned on or before Wednesday, the 29th September, 1897, endorsed II Limestone." By order, FRANK T. JAMES, Clerk to the Council. 134, High-street, Merthyr Tydfil. 1670 FT1ENDERS are INVITED to ERECT a JL CHAPEL at PENCOED. Plans and Specifica- tions can be seen at Brynteg, Coychurch. Sealed tenders must reach me, by post only, not later than Monday, September 27th next. 1699 Rev. STEPHEN JONES, Coychurch, Bridgend. TO ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. To clear remainlng Stock ARCHIBALD D. DAWNAY, LIMITED, Offer best ROLLED IRON JOISTS, at jE5 7s 6d PER TON NETT. IRON FLITCH PLATES, at S6 7s 6d PER TON NETT. On Trucks or Vans. 1647 EAST MOORS WORKS, CARDIFF. TO ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. ARCHIBALD D. DAWNAY, LIMITED, Keeps at the WALES AND WEST OF ENGLAND GIRDER WORKS, EAST MOORS, CARDIFF, A LARGE STOCK OF STEEL JOISTS, FLITCH PLATES, TEES, ANGLES, CHANNELS, Etc. Manufacturers of ROOFS, GIRDERS, BRIDGES, STANCHEONS, PATENT SOLID TILE and CONCRETE FLOORS. OFFICES EAST MOORS, CARDIFF. Telegrams: Dawnay, Cardiff." National Telephone, Cardiff, No. 694. U39 TO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. JJ AMPS ON AND CO., DUMBALLS ROAD, CARDIFF. STEPS, HEADS, COPING STONE, LANDINGS (Large Size), SAWN STONE KERBS, CHANNEL CROSSINGS, SETTS, WALL STONES, HEARTHS, and FLAGS as laid in Queen-street, High-street, and St. Mary's, Cardiff, direct from our Quarries, Clare, Ireland, and Shepley, near Huddersfield. 800e 1193 ALBERT GILL, Manager. SESSIONS AND SONS k9 LIMITED, O Manufacturers nd Importers of CEMENT, SLATES. TIMBER, CHIMNEY-PIECES RANGES, GRATES, AND ALL BUILDING MATERIALS. PENARTH -OOAD, /CARDIFF. 51e X\ H77 1897. AUTUMN CLEANING. 1897. SUITS CLEANED and Tailor pressed from 4s. TROUSERS CLEANED and Tailor pressed, Is per pair. LADIES' COSTUMES CLEANED and steam pressed from 4s. CARPETS Chemically Cleaned from 4d per yard, returned in 48 hours. Satisfaction guaranteed. Moth entirely removed. Colours revived. No shrinkage. LACE CURTAINS cleaned in a superior style from 9d per pair. Al SHIRT AND COLLAR DRESSERS. Vans to all parts of Cardiff, Penarth, Llanishen, Llandaff, St. Mellon's, &c_ &c. SEND POST CARD? THE CARDIFF STEAM L AUNDRY DYEING, CARPET & WINDOW CLEANING CO. (LIMITED), MINNY.ST., CATHAYS, CARDIFF. National Telephone, 741. 1308 114e THE WORLD'S HAIR GROWER. McCASKLE'S ASTRINGENT, the best Hair Producer of the age. Never fails to make the hair grow an infallible remedy for weak and thin hair; the one and only cure for premature baldness pun- gent and pleasant to use non-greasy. No one having weak hair should be without it. Is. 6d., per Bottle; worth a guinea. Try it. Prepared by c. McCASKIE, Hairdresser, TEMPLE-STREET, SWANSEA 1238 Proprietorof the Celebrated Electric Hair Dye, (Eburation. ol CARDIFF. .0.- ARROW HOUSE SCHOOL, NEW- PORT-ROAD, CARDIFF. KINDERGARTEN, under Trained Certificated (Froebel) Mistress. Transition and Upper Classes with preparation for examinations if desired. Open Classes for Drawing, Painting, and Dancing (juveniles). Vacancies for a few Boarders. For Prospectuses address PRINCIPALS, THE MISSES MARKS. Next Term September 16th. U62 ONKTON HOUSESCHOOL, CARDIFF. Principals: HENRY SHEWBROOKS, B.A. (Lond), and JOHN HART, M-A. (Durham). Resident Assistant Masters: H. ST. JOHN SEAMER, B.A. (St. John's Coll., Cambridge). A. WHITELAW. OSCAR WERTH. Visiting Masters: Drawing, Oil and Water-colour Paintings, S. M. BROAD; Shorthand, J. C. WERNER. There are a few Vacancies for Boarders. Term began TUESDAY, September 14th. For Prospectus, &c., apply to the Principals. 629 ST. CATHERINE'S, CAHDIFF, 3, PARK-PLACE. PREPARATORY SCHOOL AND KINDERGARTEN FOR GIRLS AND BOYS. PRINCIPAL Miss KATE RICHARDS. Assisted by Trained and Certificated Mistresses. Pupils are Prepared for the Entrance and Scholar- ship Examinations of the Cardiff Intermediate School. For Prospectus, apply to the Principal. The Autumn Term will Commence on TUESDAY, September 21st. 1588 PRESWYLFA, 27, RICHMOND-ROAD. Ji- —Good School for Girls, with Kindergarten. Principal: Miss JONES. Pupils successfully pre- pared lor all Public Examinations. Special Classes for Music, Painting, Wood Carving, &c. NEXT TERM SEPTEMBER 16TH. 779 PENARTH ST. MAEBURNE, MARINE-PARADE, PENARTH. BOARDING, HIGH SCHOOL & KINDERGARTEN. „ ( The Misses SUMMER and Miss Principals BLANCH, B.A. (Lond.). The NEXT TERM will begin on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22nd. 1721 SAINT AUDRIES, PENARTH.—High- class School for Girls. Preparation for all ex- aminations. Highly-qualified staff. Vacancy for Governess-Pupil (small premium). Next Term begins Sept. 20th. Principal-Miss GRIBBLE. 583 SAINT AUDRIES, PENARTH.—Two Dancing Classes will be held during the winter. One for adults, strictly select, and the other for children; also Weekly Classes for Drawing and Paint- ing. Applications to be made to the Principal. 582 COWBRIDGE. HE GREAT HOUSE SCHOOL~FOR GIRLS. PRINCIPALS MRS and MISSES CULVERWELL. Prospectus, references, and examination successes forwarded on application to the Principals. The NEXT TERM WILL BEGIN SEPTEMBER 18th. 1378 PORTHCAWL. EORTHCAWL COLLEGE.—Principal Rev. E. J. NEWELL, M.A., Assisted by E. XT, B.A., and others. Remarkable health results. Scholastic successes. Term begins SEPTEMBER 14th.-Holiday Address of Principal: 152, Morning- side-road. Edinburgh. 1310 NEATH. H/TISS M. ELAINE MILLS (Pupil of IVi w. H. Cummings Esq.)—CONCERTS AT HOMES, etc. LESSONS in PIANOFORTE PLAY- ING and VOICE PRODUCTION. The County School, Noath. 1274 LLANDOVERY. LLANDOVERY COLLEGE. MICHAELMAS TERM WILL BEGIN on WED- NESDAY, September 22nd. Boarders return the pre- vious day. One year's successes include 9 Scholarships and Exhibitions at Oxford and Cambridge, direct from schoop, and the largest number of "Distinctions" gained by any schooi in the Oxford and Cambridge Schools' Examination. For particulars apply to the Warden, College, Llandovery. 1276 MARLING. J^JARLING JgNDOWED SCHOOL, NEAR STROUD. CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL LABORATORIES, GYMNASIUM, FIVES COURTS, WORKSHOP AND SANATORIUM. FEES £ 41— £ 44 PER ANNUM. LARGE LONDON MATRICULATION CLASS. Number of successes in various examinations July 1893-1897, 418. TERM BEGINS SEPTEMBER 17TH. For Prospectus, Report, List of Successes, &c., apply 1328 W. J. GREENSTREET, M.A. _"0- MERTHYR TYDFIL. THE COURT GIRLS7 SCHOOL, MERTHYR TYDFIL. PRINCIPAL—Miss EDWARDS. The course of instruction is preparatory for the Oxford and Cambridge Local Examinations, and the whole school is examined once a year by a University Graduate nominated by the South Wales University College. A few Boarders received. The Next Term begins on WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 15th, 1897. Prospectus, with terms, etc., may be had on appli- cation to Miss Edwards. 1295 CLIFTON, BRISTOL. MARLBOROUGH HOUSE GIRLS' SCHOOL (formerly KINGSDOWN HIGH OL for GIRLS), removed to No. 23, WHITE LADIES ROAD. Established 1868. For Boarders and Day Pupiis. Principal-Mrs E. E. HOBBS. INCLUSIVE FEES for Board, English, French, Music, Harmony, Drawing, Bookkeeping and Short- hand. 30 GUINEAS PER ANNUM. Pupiis prepared for all Examinations. 874 Certificates. (269 Honours) obtained during the past 20 years. Next Term begins SATURDAY, 18th September. 1292 BATH. HOME SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, JjL KENSINGTON, BATH. OIPALs-The Misses WILTSHIRE and MAGGS. Healthy situation. Careful tuition and home com- forts. Tennis, etc. Holidays optional. Moderate terms. Good references. 1533 LONG ASHTON. T ONG ASHTON SCHOOL, NEAR JLJ BRISTOL. ^™rairo,sP?ctua aPP1? t0 tbe Headmaster, W.J. KEMPE, M.A. 1620 WESTON-SUPER-MARE. T. PETER'S SCHOOL, WESTON. SUPER-MARE. cholarships and Exhibitions Gained at Blundell's (2). Bradfield (2), Brighton (2), Charterhouse Clifton (3), Malvern (4), Rossall, Shrewsbury, Winchester (2), and Naval Cadetship (15 place). Apply Head Master. 951 CHELTENHAM. T7^ DUCATION.—18 Guineas yearly for JLi Board, Laundress, English, French, Music, Singing, Dancing, and Drill. French Governess. No extras. Tennis. Cow kept. References. Pros- pectuses, view of house and grounds, Governesses, 3, North street, Cheltenham. Separate School for little boys, six miles distant, on two main lines. 500 boys, six miles distant, on two main lines. 500 iSOUTHPORT. TTNIVERSITY SCHOOL, SOUTHPORT. A most successful BOARDING SCHOOL for BOYS.—T. ISHERWOOD, M.A., LL. IX, Principal. A MARVELLOUS REMEDY. XV DASMAIL'S WORLD-FAMED SPECIFIC, 'Lhe Only Safe and Effective Remedy on Earth. Before ordering elsewhere do not fail to send stamped addressed envelope for particulars and prices, and then judge for yourselves. Mrs W. S. H., of Cardiff, writes This is the THIRD OCCASION on which I have used your speciality with success, and shall always be pleased to recommend it to my friends." ±293 A. DASMAIL (Specialist of 30 years' experience), 976e Box 394, Langdale House, Walthamstow, London. CARDIFF ADVERTISING, BILL POSTING, AND CIRCULAR DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, LIMITED. OFFICES: CASTLE CHAMBERS, 21. CASTLE STREET, CARDIFF. SECRETARY: FRANK H. SIMPSON. Best Pennanent Posting Stations in Cardiff and Neighbourhood. Contractors for all descriptions of Adertisillg, Circular Distributig, &c. 1041—13200 All orders promptly attended to. 1044 (feursimts. p. K A. CAMPBELL, LIMITED DAILY SERVICE BETWEEN CARDIFF AND WESTON By the WAVERLEY. (Weather and circumstances permitting.) SEPTEMBER. Leave CARDIFF. Leave WESTON. Fri., 17—9.15,11.0 a.m„ 1.0, Fri., 17-*10.0, *11.45 a.m., 7.0 pjn. I 5.45, 8.0 p.m. Sat., 18-9.20, 11.15 am., Sat., 18—*10.0 a.m., 12.0 1.30, 7.15 p.m. noon, 6.0, 8.15 p.m Mon., 20—9.15, 11.10 a.m., Mon., 20—*10.0 a.m., *12.0 1.10, 3.10 p.m. noon, *2.0, 8.15 p.m. Tues., 21-9.30,11.30 ajn., Tues., 21 10.15 a.m., 1.30,3.30 p.m. *12.15, 2.15,4.20 p.m. Wed., 22—11.15 a.m., *1.15, Wed., 22—*12.0 noon, 12.0, 3.0, 5.0 p.m. I *3.45, *5.45 p.m. Thurs., 2-3-12.30, 2.30,4.30 Thurs., Z3-*I.15, "3.15, p.m. 6.30 p.m. NOTE.—Steamer leaves Penarth ten minutes later than Cardiff, except trips marked T>EGULAR SERVICE TO AND FROM XL CARDIFF AND PENARTH TO LYNMOUTH XL CARDIFF AND PENARTH TO LYNMOUTH AND ILFRACOMBE, By the Magnificent Saloon Steamers, BRITANNIA, CAMBRIA, WESTWARD HO, &c. SEPTEMBER. Leave CARDIFF. Leave ILFRACOMBE. Friday-17 9.30 a.m. Friday-17 5.30 p.m. Saturday—18 9.30 a.m. Saturday-18 6. 0 p.m. Monday-20 9.30 aan. Monday-20 6.15 p.m. Friday-24 8.15 a.m. Friday-24 3. 0 p.m. Saturday—25 9. 0 a.m. Saturday—25 2. 0 p.m. Monday—27 9.45 a.m. Monday—27 3.15 p.m. SPECIAL CHEAP THROUGH FARES TO DEVON AND CORNWALL, In conjunction with the London and South-Western Railway Company. For further particulars, fares, &c., see bills. GPECIAL SAILINGS. NOTICE. SPECIAL CHEAP TRIPS to LYNMOUTH and ILFRACOMBE, FRIDAY and SATUR- DAY, September 17th and 18th. Fore Deck, 2s 6d; Saloon. 3s 6d. FRIDAY, SEPT. 17th. LAST TRIP OF THE SEASON to the MUMBLES. —Leave Cardiff 10.30 a.m.; Mumbles 5.0 p.m. MINEHEAD, LYNMOUTH, and ILFRACOMBE.- Leave Cardiff 9.30 a.m. Ilfracombe 5.30 p.m.; Lyn- mouth 6.5 p.m.; Minehead 7.15 p.m. FOURTH ANNUAL TRIP to CLEVEDON in aid of the Cardiff Infirmary.-Leave Cardiff 6.30 p.m.; Clevedon 8.30 p.m.. Fare Is. SATURDAY, Sept. 18th. LAST HALF-HOLIDAY TRIP OF THE SEASON TO ILFRACOMBE.—Leave Cardiff, 1.45 p.m.; Ilfra- combe, 6.15 p.m. HALF-HOLIDAY TRIP to the MUMBLES.— Leave Cardiff, 1.30 p.m.; Mumbles, 6.30 p.m. Special return fare, 2s any part of the steamer; including landing and embarking, 2s 6d. MONDAY, September 20th. LYNMOUTH, ILFRACOMBE and CLOVELLY.— Leave Cardiff, 9.30 a.m.: Clovelly, 4.30 p.m.; llfra- combe, 6.15 p.m. Lynmouth, 6.50 p.m. CLEVEDON (via Weston).—Leave Cardiff, 3.10 p.m.; Clevedon, 7.15 p.m.: Weston, 8.15 p.m. CARDIFF REGATTA.—Steamer will leave Cardift to follow the Pilot Boat Race. For times, &c., see Special Bills. For further particulars apply Mr WM. GUY, 1213—64e 70A, Bute-street, Cardiff. JT^ O R N A DOONE COMPANY. DAILY SERVICE BETWEEN. CARDIFF AND WESTON (Calling at Penarth) by the favourite Steamers LORNA DOONE, SCOTIA, &c. (Wind, weather, aud circumstances permitting.) SEPTEMBER. Leave CARDIFF. Leave WESTON. Fri., 17—8.30, 10.30 a.m., Fri. 17.—'9.30, 11.30 a.m., 12.45, 7.0 p,m. 5.40, 8-0 p.m. Fri., 17-8.30, 10.30 a.m., Fri. 17.-19.30, 11.30 a.m., 12.45, 7.0 p,m. j 5.40, 8-0 p.m. Sat., 18—9.15,11.0,1.20 p.m. 1 Sat., 18-10.0,11.50,7.0 p.m Calling at Penarth Pier ten minutes later than Car diff, except Steamers marked 11 PE CIAL SAILI N CT S SPECIALAILINGS FRIDAY, Sept. 17th. LYNMOUTH and ILFRACOMBE.—Leave Cardiff, 10.50; Penarth, 11.0 a.m,; Ilfracoinbe, 5.0; Lynmouth, 5.35 p.m. Special fares return, 2s 6d and 3s 6d. DAY TRIP TO CHEPSTOW. —Leave Cardiff 9.0, Penarth 9.10 a.m., Chepstow 9.0 p.m. Fare, 2s. MORNING CRUISE TO CHEPSTOW. Leave Cardiff 9.0, Penarth 9.10 a.m. Arriving back about 1.0 p.m. Fare, Is 6d. EVENING TRIP TO CHEPSTOW.—Leave Cardiff 6.30, Penarth 6.40, Chepstow 9.0 p.m. Fare, Is and Is 6d. CLEVEDON (Via Weston).-Leave Cardiff 12.45, Penarth 12.55, Clevedon 4.30 p.m. EVENING CRUISE ROUND the HOLMS.-Leave Cardiff 7.0. Penarth 710; returning aboat 9.0 p.m. Fare 6d. SATURDAY, Sept. 18th. reäVe CLEVEDON AND H.M.S. FORMIDABLE.—Leave Cardiff 1.20, Penarth 1.30, Clevedon 6.0 p.m. Fares, Clev.:doa Is 6d and 2s Formidable, 2R.. HALF-HOLIDAY TRIP TO THE MUMBLES.— Leave Cardiff 1.40, Penarth 1.50, Mumbles 6.0 p.m. Special Fare, 2s all over Steamer. HALF HOLIDAY TRIP TO ILFRACOMBE DIRECT.—Leave Cardiff, 1.30; Penarth, 1.40; Ilfra- combe, 6.0 p.m. Special return fares, 2s 6d and 3s 6d. EVENING CRUISE to the LIGHTSHIP.—Leave Penarth, 7.45; Cardiff, 8.0 p.m.; returning about 9.30 p.m. Fare 6d. For further particulars apply to J. and M. Gunn and Co.; or the Agent, A. Lowick, Pier Head, Cardiff LFR COMBE HOTEL.-The principal JL and only Hotel on the Seashore. An ideal position 250 rooms; grounds five acres. Tennis, Croquet. Large Swimming Bath. Moderate tariff. Terms en pension. H. R. GROVER, Manager. THE ILFRACOMBE HOTEL LUNCHEONS, served daily (at separate tables), COLD—Lobster or Salmon, Joints, Poultry, j &c.Cheese, and Salad 2s 6d. HOT—Joints, Vegetables, Sweets, Cheese, Salad, &c. 3s. Visitors to Ilfracombe will find these Luncheon, served in the best style, and with every advantage of a high clans cuisine, at the above low tariff. 1266 Insurants. INSURANCE AGAINST ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS. ACCIDENTS AND DISNASE. EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY AND FIDELITY GUARANTEE. RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSUR- ANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL, £ 1,000,000. LOSSES PAID, £ 3,800,000. 64, Cornhill, London. 1192 A. VIAN, Secretary. AGENTS :—Mr W. Hulin, Station-master, G.W Railway and Messrs Tregerthen Dunn and Co., 12 Mountstuart-square, Cardiff Mr W. Thompson, Divi sionalSuperintendent's Office, G.W Railway, Cardiff, JauiIbing atidits. PRINCIPALITY PERMANENT JL INVESTMENT JJUILDING SOCIETY. 3 per cent. on DEPOSITS 4 per cent. on PREFERENTIAL SHARES. g per cent. on SUBSCRIPTION SHARES. APPLY FOR THE 37TH "ANNUAL REPORT and Prospectus to W. SANDERS & SONS, Managing Sees., 28, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. AGENTS—Newport: Mr J. M. WOOD, 24, High-street. Penarth: Mr D. H. EDMUNDS, Windsor-rd. Barry: Mr D. H. EDMUNDS, Market Buildings. Ebbw Vale: Mr J. A. DAVXES, Ida-place. 1023-7422 CARDIFF BUILDING SOCIETY. I TO BORROWERS. INTEREST: 5 PER CENT. Apply for Prospectus and Application Form to WENTWORTH H. PRICE, A.C.A., Secretary. 21, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. 1196 HE MONMOUTHSHIRE AND 1 SOUTH WALES KSRMANENT BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY. H. J. PARNALL, Esq., J.P., Chairman. RESERVE & CONTINGENT FUNDS :— £ 9,030 3s 7d ADVANCES On Freehold or Leasehold Securities at 5 per Cent. interest. INVESTING OR PAID-UP SHARES (interest 5 per cent. per annum and bonus). DEPOSITS and DEPOSIT SHARES at current rates of interest. F. J. HEYBYRNE, Secretary. HEYBYRNE & BROWN, 1, Friar's Chambers, Newport; 1231 And 21, West Bute-street, Cardiff. NO NAME OINTMENT. This Ointment is confidentially recommended as an old, tried, and successful remedy for scurvy, scrofula, glandular swellings, ringworm, old wounds, ulcerated legs, scald heads, blotches on the face and body, St. Anthony's fire, burns, chilblains, bruises, piles, fistula, rheumatism, bunions, &c. It will soon heal up the most obstinate eruptions of the skin of every kind. Please note the Trade Mark Label on each pot. NO NAME PILLS. For scrofula, scurvy, ulcerated legs, erysipelas, blotches on the face, eruptions on the body, piles, fistula, glandalar swellings, &c., &c. They may be taken by persons of either sex, are tonic and invigorating, and, acting upon the secre- tions, they are a truly valuable blood purifier, and may be used in conjunction with the No Name Ointment in any of the above diseases. Sold in pots and boxes by all chemists. Price 7d, Is lyd, and 2s 9d each. No family should be without them. SOLE PROPRIETOR :— J. WHITEHOUSE. 194, DERITEND, BIRMINGHAM. Agents wanted in every district. 1160 PAINE, BILL POSTER, ADVERTISING AGENT For Aberdare, Hirwain, Mountain Ash, Penrhiw- ceiber, and District, 25. CANON STREET 13500 (Opposite New Public Ban). nos — — r'MtiilftfA ^publir JUmtsmwjtts. CARDIFF. rjl H E A T R E JJO Y A L Lessee and Manageress, Mrs EDWARD FLETCHER MR R. D'OYLY CARTE'S CELEBRATED REPERTOIRE COMPANY. TO-NIGHT, (FRIDAY), THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD. Saturday THE MRKA o, Box Plans Now Open. Time and prices as usual. MONDAY NEXT, SEPT. 20, SIX NIGHTS AND ONE MATINEE, SATURDAY, SEPT. 25, SIR HENRY IRVING And his Lyceum Company will appear in A STORY OF WATERLOO and THE BELLS At each performance. NOTICE.—The Management wish to CONTRA- DICT the RUMOUR that all Seats are Sold; Seats in DRESS CIRCLE, STALLS, and BALCONY can now be Reserved at the Booking Office, and further beg to intimate that only four rows of the Upper Circle are booked, in order to give their patrons from a distance, who are unable to book in advance, a chance to get a seat by paying at the doors. ONE THOUSAND UNRESERVED SEATS in Upper Circle, Pit, and Gallery each Performance at EARLY DOORS. prices, Dress Circle, 7s 6d; Stalls, 7s 6d Upper Circle, 3S BALCONY, 2s 6d (GALLERY TIER), FIRST SIX ROWS CARPETED; Pit, 2s Gallery, Is. Dress Circle, Stalls, and Balcony (unreserved). MAY BE BOOKED AT MESSRS THOMPSON AND SHACKELL'S, QUEEN-STREET. Telephone 521. The curtain will rise at 7.30 each evening prompt to allow our Patrons from the districts plenty of time to catch the late trains. THE GEISHA IS CONIING. Box Plan Open. G R A N D T H E A T R E LAST TWO NIGHTS of the Sensational Drama, Q.UILTY L^J-OTHER. Popular Prices :—4d to 10s 6d. Doors open 7.10 (early doors 6.45). Commence 7.30. MONDAY, Sept. 20th, the Musical-Comedy Drama, ONE OF THE BRAVEST. A R D I F F JJEGATTA. (Under Distinguished Patronage.) MONDAY, 20TH SEPTEMBER, 1897. PRINCIPAL EVENTS. PILOT BOAT RACE, open to the Bristol Channel for boats not exceeding 44 feet keel, restricted to working sails and spars. Time allowance, half- minute per foot keel. First prize, £35 and a Cup, value £10 10s; 2nd prize, £ 20; 3rd, £ 10; 4th, L5; 5th, 12 10s. Entrance fee, 15s. YACHT RACE (Open).—For yachts of 1 ton rating and under. Prize, Cup, value X4 4s. J.R.A. rules. Entrance fee, 10s. YACHT RACE (Open).—For yachts not exceeding 7 tons rating. First prize, Cup, value JE5 5s; 2nd prize, Pair of Binocular Glasses. J.R.A. rules. Entrance fee, 10s. HOBBLEKS' SAILING BOATS, not exceeding 22 feet. First prize, Y5; 2nd, X3; 3rd, X2. For conditions and further particulars as to rowing, races, &c., &c., see large bills. Entries to be sent in by Noon on Thursday, 16th September. THOMAS EVANS, Hon. Sec., 1596-316e Pilotage Office, Cardiff. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. G RAND CON C E R T, I PARK HALL, CARDIFF, OCTOBER 6TH. MADAME ALICE GOMEZ. Miss FLORENCE HASTINGS. MR DYVED LEWIS. MR EDMUND EDWARDS. MR WILLIAM HENLEY, VIOLINIST. ME WYMARK STRATTON, PIANO. MR WALTER J. EVANS, CONDUCTOR. Popular prices: 3s, 2s, Is. Plan of Hall ready, and seats may be reserved at Thompson and Shackell, Ltd., Queen's Music Warehouse, on Monday next, Sept. 20th, at 10 a.m. 1758 ].1atdz, Dining-rooms, &.c. LLANDRINDOD WELLS. THE JGERKELEY, HIGH-CLASS PRIVATE HOTEL, LLANDRINDOD WELLS. Beautifully appointed, and under perfect manage- ment. Inclusive Terms, from 6s 6d per day. 7907 Address PROPRIETOR. ABE R Y ST WYTZL O T E L CAM ITR I A JLJL THE PREMIER HOTEL OF WALES. ACCOMMODATES 120 GUESTS. FURNISHED BY WARING'S. FACING SEA. FINEST POSITION. Ten bathrooms. Hot and Cold Sea and other Baths Electric Light, Passenger Lilt, Billiard-room. Particulars from Manager, 1281 E. THIERRY, from the Hotel Cecil, London. NEATH. ACKWORTH HOTEL, NEATH. R. H. WILLIAMS (of the Tredegar Arms, Pontypridd) Desires to inform the Public, Commercial Gentlemen, &c., that he has taken the above Old-established Hotel, and assures them that it will be conducted with every care to meet the requirements of his Patrons, as at the Tredegar Arms. WINES, SPIRITS, AND ALES, all of Al quality. ORDINARY DAILY. CAB FOR HIRE. 1-1 A Call is respectfully invited. 1669 LANGLAND. OSBORNE HOTL. LANGLAND. Mrs ANNIK S. JENKINS wishes to thank her numerous Patrons and Viitors lor their kind patron- age and support for the Ten Years the Hotel has been Opened, and to assure them that it will be her careful duty and pleasure in the future to be even more dili- gent in caring for their comforts and enjoyments whilst. at her Hotel. Boarding Terms per week from B2 2s. Luncheons, Teas, Dinners, served in the Coffee-rooms as usual. Grilled Chops or Steaks, Is Cup of Tea and Bread and Butter, 6d Afternoon Tea, Is (served in Glass- room, overlooking the sea). Wines, .spirits, &e. Good Stabling. 1253 PIANOS AND ORGANS. rjlHOMPSON & gHACKELL (Ltd.) The Finest Display of Musical Instruments ever shown in the Principality. ESTEY ORGANS. Newest Styles. NEUMEYER PIANOS. Latest Models. BRINSMEAD PIANOS. Improved designs KIRKMAN PIANOS. Inlaid Panels. COLLARD PIANOS. Exquisite Finish. LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOR CASH. DELIVERED FREE. OLD PIANOS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. All Instruments Supplied on New Hire System if aesired, without Extra Charge, from 10s Monthly Beautifully Illustrated Catalogue Free bv Post application to Cardiff, Swansea, Merthyr or anv of the Company's numerous Branches. SCHOOL BOARD MODEL PIANOS (As Supplied Cardiff and Barry School Boards) ONLY 19 GUINEAS CASH. Usual Price 30 Guineas 1,200 INSTRUMENTS SOLD YEARLY SATISFACTION GUARATCT^W "A.;A,&J. Send for Price List. Send for Price List. LIST OF ADDRESSES. ™LP .Queen's Music Warehouse. Qaeen-street, SWANSEA- i^Newfotmdiand-road. NEWPORT Wo" C^e-strect. ftr.nnppQTpp Commercial-street VH Westgate-street. RHONDDL\Y 6(j; Stepney-street. HUTiiri vi 81' Tylacelyn-road, Penygraig. iffias-r. ^frzsst barry DOCK With Agents in most of the Towns and Villages in the Principality. E P P S S MOST NUTRITIOUS. GRATEFUL. COMFORTING. 0 C 0 A BREAKFAST-SUPPER. 1549 WANSEA 0 F F I C E S S OF THE "S OUTH WALES DAILY NEWS," No. 2, COLLEGE-STREET. JJubJtr ;kitiustmtnts. CARDIFF. "'Tis not in mortals to command success, but well do more-deserve it." THE E M P I R B. MANAGING DIRECTOR OSWALD STOLL TO-NIGHT. The Celebrated French Clown and Mimic O'G U S T, Prom the Palace Theatre, London. T. W. NEWTON, A Master of Ventriloquial Art. Mdlle. OPHELIA ORBASANY, Withher Performing Cockatoos, fmM i" Alhambra Theatre, London. THE CHANNINGS, Duettists. Mr CHARLES GARDENER, Eccentric Character Comedian, THE CASSONS, in their Society Sketch—" Honours are EaSJ." RAY AND RANSFORD. Acrobatic Drolls. Coblin Gambols by the PHANTOS. The Famous FRANTZ FA MIL YI Lady and Gentlemen Acrobats in Evening Dresfc NEXT WEEx-Jules Keller, Leo. Dryden, Lumiere Cinematographe. THE CRAGGS ARE COMING I GUS ELEN IS COMING I Booking Office open 10 aan. to 4 pm.; Saturdays 10 to 1. Two Performances Every Evening. Early Performance between 7 and 9; Lttte For- formance between 9 and 11. SWANSEA. THE E M P I R Bé JL MANAGING DIRECTOR—OSWALD STOLL. TO-NIGHT The celebrated Mimic, Mr HARRY TATE. SISTERS CltOSSLEY. The LUMIERE CINEMATOGRAPHE. TOM VINE. DREW and ALDERS. BATES MADDISON. CLARA NESBITT. JAMES CURRAN. Next Week-The celebrated French Clown anil Mimic, O'GUST. Also the peerless Frantz P&mUy and Mdlle. Orbasany. GRAND THEATRE, SWANSEA Mr MORELL and Mr MOUILLOTT, Proprietors. MONDAY, September 13th, and during the Week, THE SIGN OF THE CROSS. MATINEE SATURDAY, September 18th,at 2 o'clock. Commence 7.30. 1273 Plan at Gwynne H, Brader's, 17, Heathfield-street. NEWPORT. H E E M P I IT E~~ MANAGING DIRECTOR—OSWALD STOLL TO-NIGHT JULES KELLER. ETHEL YORKE. The BROS. WEBB. G. W. KENWAY. NELLY WILSON. POLVERINI'S CINEMATOGRAPHE HARRY PHILLIPS. DON JUAN A. CAICEDO Next Week— The MARVELLOUS CRAGGS Epoch-making Acrobats. Engaged at an enOlmoUl price to make theix First Appearance at Newport. HE A TH'S PIANOFORTES AND QRGANS, BY A LL IVIAKERS. THE LATEST MODELS AND DESIGNS FROM 5S, MONTHLY. gS. IN THE I JQISCOUNT FOB c ASH. ALL INSTRUMENTS GUARANTEED FOR YEARS, AND TUNED Q N E YEAR R E E. 51, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF 71, TAFF-STREET, PONTYPRIDD: 30, WINDSOR-ROAD, PENAHTH. FACTORY-LONDON. 1066 ——— 26 AGENTS WANTED IN ALL PARTS. H U G 11 D AV I E SS COUGH MIXTURE THE GREAT WELSH COUGH MIXTURE] REMEDY COUGH MIXTURE In 13%d. and 2s. 9d* Bottlflfl. COUGH MIXTURE Sold Everywhere COUGH MIXTURE COUGH MIXTURE No more Sleepless Niehts COUGH MIXTURE No more Distressine CouLha. COUGH MIXTURE No more DifficX of BSjne COUGH MIXTURE L creaming COUGH MIXTURE DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTTTRW COUGH MIXTURE Gives Immediate Rdtef sssgg MSI COUGH MIXTURI _^feS COUGH MIXTURE; Mr H. A. EVANS Post Office COUGH MIXTURE Trelech, says ManyinthS COUGH MKTURElpartsay thlt they Se ne^ SSHpS ?TTX'rTTT?i^ir>S auytlung equal to Davies*# COUGH MIX TUBE Couirh Mixture fnr Prm <rv* a*wv COUGH MIXTURE 'Bronchitis COUGH MIXTUREj Rev. E.W.Davies Pentre b*V« COUGH MIXTURE he has derived benefit as a nuttE COUGH MIXTURE speaker, and that it U the ranniw COUGH MIXTURE cure for Infiuen/a COSgII D- Je^ins,e Esq., Mus. Bac. 88ugI .™ulljre £ TSS rnrrfm MTYnn:ipl Manchester. COUGH MIXTURE^^n^e^frluef^nd^T^ COUGH MIXTURE S wPP?I fWTnn^0mf°rt' COUGH MIXTURE Warms th^St COUGH MIXTURE Soothes the Th^at COUGH MIXTURE! IteliPv^th^PhwZ" COUGH MIXTURE Cte theVoi? COvin SffiSS OnedoM wUl relieve. COTTPTT MTY'TTSE °NE BOTTLE WILL cure. C8UGH MiXTm^ SefLthat the Mwktr Ciuutrri MIXTURE on the wrapper.—Feswcb. PROPRIETOlt- H U C, H A VIES, CHEMIST, MACHYNLLETH lffjy PURNITURE AT WHOLESALE FBIOBS, JQ OWN AND SON FOR GOOD SUBSTANTIAL F URNITUR E, JGEDSTEADS B EDDING, CARPETS, L INOLEUMS, AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF HOUSE FURNITURE. STEAM CABINET WORKS 221, HIGH-STREET AND MORBISk LANE, SWANSEA. The Largest and Cheapest Steam Cabinet Manufactory in South Wales. Illustrated Catalogues Free on Application. MMENSE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. Much CheapQr than London or Bristol Houses. Carriage Paid on all orders above Rio, or delivered Free in our own Vans. Established nearly half a century. 1283 THE DE REES BILL POSTING AND .t.DA £ HKTISING COMPA N Y, LIMITED. NPWPS Ia of 150 of tllc LA RGEST STATIONS, tostebS V^Stb01" risca- EASTmN "3 TERMS ON APPLICATION. BRIDGE-STREET, NEWPORT WfH

