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PUBUC AMUSEMENTS. CARDIFF. npHEATRE TOOYAL, CARDIFF. Laasee and Manager ROBERT REDFORD. CLOSED FOR SUMMER VACATION. RE-OPENING AUGUST 7th WITH SAN TOY. a4384 JT ING'S rpHEATRE, CARDIFF. Sole Lessee a.nd Manager.FRANK BATEMAN. ;J)u6iness Manager .ROBERT SAWIN. Popular Prices. Every Evening. 7.50. SECOND WEEK STOCK SEASON, THE SHADOWS OF A GREAT CITY. Bookmg Omce. Theatre, 11 to 2. Tel., Nat. 01393. Third Week—SIBERIA. a.i624 'Tie not in mortals to command success, bnt we'll do more—deserve it."—Addison. THE 'CARDIFF EMPIRE, QUEEN-STREET. JW"aging Director .OSWALD STOLL. TO-NIGHT! Ktra.ig'ht from the London Hippodrome. A M-ERICA'S LADs IN 'MLUE. "Mid Camp Fires Gleaming! The Bugle Call, <tenera,I Alaj-m! The Attack and Bombard- meat! The Roar of Shrinking Shells! VICTORY! BROS. BRIGHT. Gymnastes du &aloQ. The Swell Comedian, HARRY WELD tN, With a Manner Entirely His Own. THE DEBREANS, 'Prom the Coliseum, London. Jugglers a.ad Shadowgraphers. 5 CLEVELANDS. Ph.ntomimiBts. Jugglers, and Daneera. MEIER AND MORA, .American Speciality Artistee. Comedians and Da-ncere. DOWNES AND LANGFORD. Their diaaert-a-tioas upon two kinds of "Bottles" are witty and to the point. The Peerless D E DIO, In Mystic Dances, with Beautiful Lig-lit amd Scenic Effects. Bicycles Stored Free of Cha-rg?. Two Perfonna.nocB Nightly. Ea,rly One 'bebetween Sfven o'clock and Nine;' Late One i: twben Nine o'clock and Eleven. AH Artistes Appear at Each Porformajice. Box Oinoe oTten dailv (with tsception of Saturdays). Ten a.m. to 'Piv.e p.m., and Seven -to Ten p.m. Saturdays. Ten a.m. to Three p.m P!an of Grand Circle. No Booking Fees. rational Telephone, 625. L18863 NEWPORT. THE NEWPORT EMPIRE, CHARLES-STREET. ttan.agin? Director .OSWALD STOLL. TO-NIGirT! Fred Ka.rno'6 Company. includ- mg Mr. Fred Kitchen. Miss Ag?ie Morrie, and the Band of the 1st Regt. Estpellian Ga&rds. tntroducing a New and Original Musical Comedy, in Three Bpieodes, entitled "Saturday to Mond'ay." Will Ha.ijxs. Wingrove SMtera. May Evans. The Royal Visit to Cardiif Graphi- cally Displayed on the American. Bioscope. Amber Austa.. Lieu16ThaJnt Travis. L18864 PUBLIC NOTICES nARDIFF Y.M.C.A.-POPULAR LITERARY and SCIENTIFIC LECTURES. SEASON. 1905-06. 1905.-0ct. 9, l.ectu.r€a'. H. dje Wm.d.t, Esq., aub- tect. "Aci'oas Sa.vage Eu.ro'p'e" (Brul:kan S11a.tœ &nd S.E. Europe)*: Oot.25rd. E. T..Reed, Esq., (of "Punch"). "Wifh Pen Q.nd PeBfcil and a. Sense of Hmmour" Nov. 6. J. Butler Burke, Esq. (Cavern-dish. La.bora.tory. Gambridg'e), .R'a?&btts"; Nov. 20, J. F'oster Frazer, Esq., ?*Round 'th'e W<M'M on a. Bicycle" Dec. 4, F. C. Seaouts, Eaq., "Talea of Tra-vel" Dec. 18. W. B. {M1l.xPhilpa.t::ts "'rhe Sect a-nd HiE Na't'iocfa'l H<JIm." -'t 15.r.æn. 15. Rev. C. n. 0<pundy, M.A., "Pads Mid E'ccen.t.ricitti'es"; Ja.tL 29, A'lex. W)a.t$on. Esq.. Rc-ebtM,; FiØb. 12, Prof. Ayrton, F.R.S. WoseleY Oommissi'on). En'efrgy a<nd Pa<t- *do't.ism" (BritLah, Amerifoa.n. a.ud Jtop,"eee), Feb. 26. E. Thompson S'et<xn, Esq., "Auiimajl IHlids anid Heroes"* Mar. 12. A. W. Wiin'ks, Esq.. 'SÜ' Rooort BruN's' istoalJ1;t), "Our PJ.a.oe in ,gi,:r 'Asai-stiu-t ) 'ga?un?dars, ?<* TjTivarse" M.ar. 26, Oba-rlos &a.u.nd'eo'a, q. M&c FiMDm16 Singer), The Somas We Love *Lim€li.ght IllushraAions. P,,eeerN-.ed Qeatis for 12 Leotures. 100. 6d; 'Um- W,served S.ea.ts for 12 Leotu-res. 6<s. 6d. Pillan a.t Y M C A. Ca-rdiiK.—Apply to SECRETARY. a4510 SUNDAY SERV!CES (JHRISTADELPHIAN Meeting Room, ?- ? St. Mary-et. (opposite Wood,strect), July 2.3rd. aA 6.30; subject of Lacture: "The Jews, their wonderful past and their glorious future." el3144 SALES BY AUCTION CHURCH-STREET SALEROOMS, CARDIFF. "All R,. A. SETCHFIELD will SELL by AUCTION, on MONDAY and THURS. DAY NEXT, July 24 and 27. a. large Asaort- tnent of Superior HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, both Kew and Se-ond-hand, removed from "ado us residences for sa-le, consist- tug of &sverajl suites in saddlebag and leather. S aideboards, excellent pianoforte, c'Terniantols, walnut dining-table, hall- Rtands. nice selection of carpete, rugs, fen- ders. brasses, tea. dinner, and toilet ware, 3 bedroom euites. all-brass bedsteads, mat- tre-T.seg. &c. No Reserve. Sale at Two o'clock sha<r'o. a4 ? NEW SEASON'S SHOW! YOU ARE ENTITLED TO THE BEST THAT MONEY CAN BUY! THAT IS JUST WHAT BOYLE & co.. I (LIMITED), .1 GIVE TO ALL- MOST WEAR for LEAST MONEY 17, CHURCH-ST., 10, CHUROH-ST:, 2, HIGH-ST., 28, ST. MARY-8T. 1, BUTE-ST. (Ha-yea Bridge). 60,OOWBRIDG.E-RD 69, HOLTON-ROAD BARRY DOCK. WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE: WOMANBY-STREET. CARDIFF. UP-TO-DATE FOR STYLE & QUALITY LARGEST and BEST Assorted Stock of BOOTS & SHOES in the District. WW O? Rt t T' H L K GRONBEBG 73. CMt)e-ro.d, CMdia, <md corner of Elm- M f?-? "?" Newport ro?d, (IOING ??s speciaj terms to ?enend tottt.e- coniBta & small If economy T' U D C C "?opteepent, metM My- ? Fl FtL.L. L??c supplies thinfrtoyou. received dMiy buy your Tobacco*, from the fftc- buy your Smoking tK ) t f f) tories tt Mm:turea,a.ndreqni- t\? t i ft? Joweet Htea &t.L. K. '?-? possible GBONBERG'S. 7$. pricee. Caetle road, fmd cemer r* ? [? of E!m street. Newport- FOR. ro&d. Positively the Cheapest ?' H Tobacconist in Cardie. Absolutely the finest.2d. Cigar on the Market: 9 for 1/ <& Sampte Cigar lid I TtYPEWRITlNG. Architecte' Work Aooora-tety Copied by expwted-d Operatm% BBANC3B6 OF OOrTnTG EJLNUU'iTBU ''WESTERN HAn." OBMOEB. OAKDIPF. BUStNESS ADDRESSES WHO'S JP F.JAY&Co. WHAT'S J? COMPLETE HOUSE FUfiNISHERS. WHEBE'S JP 76 & 76, High-street, NEWPORT; 34, High-street, SWANSEA; 8, Commercial-street, ABERDARE. F. JAY a.nd CO. are the Larzeet and Most Aooommoda,tmt E&sy Payment Furnishera tn the district. JAY Md OO.'S Terms extend over 1, and Xyeaj's. JAY Md 00. olm;r<e No Extm for Credit. Goods Delivered Free to My part of the Conn try. JAY Md Co. only supply &U a.rttcles, a.nd gua.ra.ntee their coode tor Wort- manship and QuaHty. NO LARGE DEPOStTS REQUIRED AN ENORMOUS 8TOCK TO SELECT FROM AT EITHER SWANSEA, NEWPORT. MMi ABERDARE. CafMozneft Poet Free on Application. elM6 TO BB.EWBRS, MINERAL WATER MANU- FAOTURBRS. JAM MANTJFACTUBERS, AND WTfO!LESALE OON.F'ECTIONE'RS. "Trutn says:—"Wennd GLEBE pURE CANE SUGARS SUPERIOR TO ANY." GLEBE SUGAR REFINING CO., GREENOC'K. Looa.1 Add'ross: Storee: 3, Sneyd-street, Oa-rdi?. Docha, Oa.rdtB'. el279 TLLUSTRATE YOUR BTJSIN-ESS T ITERATURE. NOTEING ATTRACrs ATTENTION SO QUICKLY AS A PICTURE. Architects. Eatate Agents. Auet!oneer<. M&nuta.ctnrera. Merchajite. Shopkeepera. Printers, Bookbinders, a,nd others mquirine ENGRAVED BLOCKS IN LINE OR HALF-TONE SUPPLIED ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. Ea-ving a. la,rge a,nd oMIfnl sttLo' of Artieit a,nd Opera-tors. a.nd the =ost np.to.datA, a.pplia.ncee in the country, we a.re in a. posi- tion to prodnoe hlocka in the most a.rtiBtie style without a. moment's unneceesa-ry delay. ORDERS RECEIVED IN THE MORNING EXECUTED BAKE DAT IF NEEDED. for Pa.rticnYa.M and Prictea, apply to W,ESTERN MAIL LDUTED, FHOTO.ENGRAVERS, CARDIFF. N-B.—SPECIAL TERMS TO THE TRADE. IMPORTANT CLEARANCE SALE. PIANOS & ORGANS AND OTHER MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. DALE. FORTY. & CO. Ha.Te decided to oSer, at EnoTmoot Reductions, a BmaJI portion ot their Stocks to room 1 for new productions coming from their f&c- toriesfoTnextseaaon. GREAT REDUCTIONS. SEND FOR CATALOGUE B. DALE. FORTY. & CO. HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. Also Cheltenhajn, Birmin<ha.m, Ac. e9141 GO TO GREADER & SON. THE OLD FIRM. FOR ICE CREAM OUTFITS. Speciality: !/• Packet of Ice Cream Mixture. specialityl- XL Ice Cream FrMiInf Salt. BINGUP5X&. CAROLINE-STREET. CARDIFF. w E S T E R N M A I L" -pIANO pOLIO, CONTAINING A SUPERB COLLECTION OF THE M06T POPULAR 'DIANOFORTE TpIECES, INARCHES, RANGES, &c. PRICE ONE SHILLING, From All lqewsagents- Or DiMet from the PnblMhert, WESTER-N iAlAM LIMITED, CARDIFF, NEWPORT, SWANSEA, MERTHYR, BRECON, &c., Ac. POST FREE 1/4, ? REYNOLDS9 BROWN BREAD HAS BECOME 80 POPULAR Booa.uae it is manufa-et-ured npon & system pccniia.r to the Reynold.' prc- oeas, which yields a. pnre wheaten pro- duct while preeMvinz the T&lua.ble bra.n etementa in a, form rei3dered easily dieeatible, amd eont&ming the m&xinHnn of n.atriti<Mi pOMib!e m pare whiten brea<d. Beynoldo' Brown ISFread h!M been reported Ttpon fa-vonra'bly by the beet experte in this ooontry. ORDER RTSYNOLD8' BROWN BREAD FROM LOCAL BAXERS. SoItMt.kbM: J. REYNOLDS AND CO. (Ltd.), KILLERS. GLOUCESTER. BUSINESS ADDRESSES. SMOKERS YOU DON'T SMOKE TINFOIL OR FANCY LABELS, BUT IN BUYING PACKET TOBACCOS YOU PAY FOR BOTH. E. NELSON & CO. ARE OFFEBINO SPECIAL VALUE, nt LOOSE TOBACCOS, AND THEY GIVE YOU FULL WEIGHT. <MM L MESSRS. JOHN C. MILLER & CO. ) (LIMITED) Oceoeasora to the English a.nd AmMioa. Cider Company). We htt-ve now really for immedix.te deUvwry bb< VEBY FINEST STOCK of RE".XOIWS]EIRE DFvONsRTm AND SOMERSETSHIRE AND AMERICAN AIDERS, 'ROUGH AND SWEET. Of the BEST QUALITY in the MARKET. For Prices and PttrMcaIa-ra &pply to MESSRS. JOHN C. MILLER AND CO. (LTD.), 'DRISTOL. D. J. WILLIAMS, Local Ma.nnfrm<r Director for Wales, DookweU. LLANWERN. jMM NEWPOBT.Mon- el07& G P 0 0 L E SURGEON DENTIST, 13 WESTBOURNE- CRESCENT, CARDIFF (FACING SOPHIA GARDENS). TelephoMNo.334. ESTABLISHED OVER 25 YBARa. SUCCESSFUL DENTISTRY. 1:9. SpIott-r<Mul, CMditt. DMf Sir,—I h&T< Tery tre&t pleasure in lettine yOU. know how I am with the teeth wh1eh you have made for me, tcd &l<o for the patient and kind coatideration accorded me in order to effect the pain- t6M extrtction of my. unsound teeth, and &!so to expreM my gratitude for the perfect fit 'md FeMOMMe oott o< the artificial teeth. I thtU, with oomadenoe, or my trlendJ the aid of Mi experienced dentist to you, feeling sure you wiU give them perfect t&tisfMtion. My friends Ma delighted wtth them, and I fe<L that my health it steadily tmproYintr.—Your* faithfully. B. J. STEPHENS, OMd Intpectot. Mr.G.Poo!<. el079 F OR T HE- TJ OLIDAYS. DON'T FORGET TO PUT A BOX OF BEECHAM'S PILLS IN YOUR BAG. Change of a,ir often gives rise to laMitude, heaAa-he, or biliousness. The place visited is then thought to be either "too bra'cinsr" or "too relaxing," when in reality the system only requires a-djustiag to the change &nd new Climatic oonditionc. In Buch cMea BEECH AM'S PILLS will invariably resttlate the liver, parity the Nood. and cleaj the head. when the holida.y ca<n be enjoyed to the full. Many people a.re liable to foTsa-ke pl&in living when a.wa-y from home and to indulge in a richer diet, which frequently upaeta the organs of digestion. Under theee circum- Bta,nces BEECHAM'S PILLS will prove lih. most 4BMcacious corrective obta.ina.ble. In a. word, AT HOME OR ABROAD the wise man or womMi will ta,ke Mure neTC!' to be without a, box of TOEECHAM'S pILLS that invaluable medicine which hae been tested for three Renera.tions. BEECHAM'S PILLS have the largest Sale of any Pa.temt Medicme in the world. Sold everywhere in boxes, price 1/1; (56 pills) a.nd 2/9 (168 pilla). eMS: WEDDI N G rjARDS. LATEST AND NEWEST DESIGNS. -MTOW READY. SAMPLE BOOK tent to any Addrexo oc Receipt of Poet-card. STATIONERY DEPARTMENT, WESTERN MAM LIMITKD, OABDOT. Fine ETH;I- 1 ri FOR Beauty FOR CASH & EASY PAYMENTS go to N. S. BURSTEIN, (Over 17 years in Burnley a<nd Ma.ncnester). 97, ALBANY-ROAD, Roath.Card!ff StNQLE TOOTH, from 2/6. SETS, from 21/- XxuvoWo= crwe to jperpMX o;rderliv teeth. Nt.TML4M. eM9 PREPAID SCALE. COMBINED SCALE for SmaC Prepatd Advert!ee. meTtts in the "WESTERN MAIL" and "J:V1l:N- INGEXPBES8":— WORDS ONC THRlrF, i;lx wo?. o.c.. ;? ,? TIMIRS. TIXXS. a.D. S.D. S. D. 14 words. 08 14 20 15to 22 words 10 20 30 23 to50 words 14 28 40 ??ord ?F ? < ? 'oWY words Small Prepaid Aftvartittments are tnwerted in the "EVENING EXPRESS" .il. the following ratee:— ???- THKEK 8tX O?CZ. ,???g .??g S. D. S.D. S:D. 14 words 0 3 0 6 0 9 15to22worda. 05 010 13 23to30words. 07 12 19 Ed:1 0 ? o ? 161 worda. In tU CMM the name and addreea Mw ceccnted M part of the Advertiamnent. PERSONAL. A Maker of MOlions," the New S?ns&tional ?CjLStory in the Sunday Chronicle." Next Sunday's instalment tells t Stirring Tale of how a Clever Speculator averted & 'Great Strike. el230 tT[7'AJ?TED, Information re the Residence of the late W William R. Vaughan's Parents; believed to have owned property in the Haverfordwest district, and died about 1875.—tAdvertlser, W. S. Vaughan, Ivy Cottage, Green-Iaae, Wallasey, Cheshire. el70n26 LEGAL smart Boy for Solicitor's Mice.—Apply, T T in own handwriting, P 95, Evening Express, Cardie.. e218n24 Y AW.—Youa? Solicitor (admitted) desires C!er)cship, JL<' ConTey&jtoing or to Assist GeneraUy; small salary accepted.—P 45, Evening Express, CardiC. e42M MEDICAL. W ANTED, QuaIiSed Loctim for Fortntg-ht, etarting Vv July 26th.-Apply Dj-. Riohards, Tondu, Brid?- end. eM4n2t CLER!CAL. TTtTAXTED, Cle,iL?l Help, evening. Au?uet 6, 1!. W 20, 27, Holy Trmity Vicar?e. Sw&nsea. en25 HOUSEKEEPERS. &c. TTtTANTED, EouaeXeeper for Widower'a Home; I T references required.—E. T., Weekly PrM:" Omce. 'MumMes. el56n25 'nt7''ORK.iyG Housekeeper wanted; aMe to do plain yV coding; good needlewoman; fond cf children; capable of taking full charge; reliable, steady, careful; aged about 40; must be riser, and pro. duce good reference. -James rritchard, Draper and GKMer, Ynysybw!. e208n27 TTfTA?TED, thoroughly good Useful Person aa Tr Motlier's Help or Working Housekeeper; good plain cooking, also good needlewoman; none but a cleajtt, przcttca.1 person need apply.—P 97, Evening Express, C&rdin'. e219n27 tTt.T'ORKING Housekeeper requires Situation; goo<t VV manager; widower preferF6d.—P 84, Evening Exptess, Cardie. el3Sn27 TrTO?SBKEEFER.—Wanted, eteady, retiable foreon ) )_ ) M Working HouMkeeper in Business HouM; atao Strong GM as Houseniaid.—Apply W. Edwardt, Dmper, Oxford-gtmet, Swansea. e42n22 DOMESTtC SERVANTS  £18"; ten servants.- ? State a?e, w&ges, length character, Mrs. Davis, CbldM, Gaerleon. el64n24 W- ..uil ËD, &. good General Servant for BmaJl W tam?y.—Apply M, Wood-strMt. en2a IrH'TaiLNTBM? expertenced General, wittifefeKhce?; W plain cook; small family; got?d wagM.—Apply, personally if pojejMe, Mrs. Llewellyn, Cymjaer Bridge Wine Stores, Forth. eZOfnZt 'rXT'ANTED. for Private Houae (three m family), W Domestic Servant; middle-aged preferred; good house and s<M<I wages.—Appty J., Post-oiEce, DunTamt. e20lBL24 PARLoURiMAID (temporary) wanted immediately; JL easy, quiet place; might suit permaJtently.—Mrs. TM-dy, KidweIIy. eM7n22 TtTA?TED, an experienced House-rarlourmaid by August 22nd,-?Apply Mrs. Morgan, Birchwood Grange, Fenylan, Cardiff. c4276 WANTED, earty in August, strong, willing Girl, W as Kitehemmaid.—Apply G. P., Cefn Ila, Usk. c4266 ttTANT'ED, General Secant; girl able to milk.— Vt Apply Mrs. Thomas, Star Inn, Cwrngorse, Pontardawe. 'tJOUSEMAID wanted at once.—Apply Mrs. Cook, ? 5, JJL Sketty-road, Swansea. el72n26 W- ANTED:-House-PaÏ'lourma.id; must be aMe to ff valet; between-maid kept.—Apply Mrs. Gilbeit- son, Abercrave, Breconshire c4267 '?'?.TANTED immediately, a good Plain Cook; single- W handed; wages ?26; aged about 20; for country, Jlear CardiSf; seldom change; two in family; three maids kept, and man for rough work.A.ddre5& P 69, Evening Express, Cardiff. el65n26 w ANTED, good General; country preferred.-APply ?Y 4, Archer-road, Penarth. el46n25 TtTAXTED, a good General Servant.—Apply, in the W first instance by letter, to Mrs. Wheatley, 10, Richmond-road, Swansea. el35n25 TtT'AXTED, Cook and House-Parlourmaid; kitchon- maid and give LIanfair, LIandyasil, Cardiganshire. c4261  plain c?oilng.-Apply, st&ting Gwages and references, Mrs. Spencer, Queen-square, Tredegar. el90n26 Y- OUNG Girl wanted,withsome experience, for JL Kitchen Work under a Mistress; wages JE10 to tl2.-StLto age, referenœ, P 54, Evening 'Express, Oardia. <128n25 TTtTANTED, good General Servant.—Apply Mra. VT Jevont), Singletom Gardens, Sttetty, Swansea. e80n24 TTtT'ANTED, an experienced Cook-General, by Vf August Mad.—Apply Mr? Morgan, Birchwood GTMtge, Penylan, CardiS. c4259 T'?TANTED, experienced Partourmaid.-?Apply Mra. 11 Lockwood Morris, Glyncoed, Sketty en24 TTtT'ANTEn. Cook-General and House-Parlounmaid, VV August llth.—Apply St. Osyth, Barry. c4256 TT?T'A?TBD, expeTienoed Cook-General.—Apply, arst W instance, Thomas, M, Queen-street, Neath. en24 TtT'ANTED,respectableGirlMGeneral.—Apply, W after 6, 5, Hinton-street, Moorltnd Gardens, Cardiff. ell5n24 TtT'AKTED, beginming of August, middle-aged Cook- W General; two in family.-Apply with references, Dr. Wooding, Sunnyside, Porthcawl. e98n24 'VTrTANTED, a good Plain Cook; aged 25-35; must W understand baking. Also a Kitchenmaid; a?ed 18—22.—Box 14, Post-ofnoe, Yeath. el04n24 W?X-TED good Plain Cook; hou?e-parlcurmaid, ?0., ?.?d, between-maid kept.-St?to age, wages, AvaIIenan. Haverfordwest, S. Wales. en2?4  immediatelY, 8trong Girl as Cook. Vy General; good plain cook; must have good references.—Apply 19, Wiadscr-espliumde, Cardin. .e65n22 ?V kept.—Apply Johns, 20, SpUmam-etKet, Carmar- then. e50n2Z ? ENEBAL required, Farmhocse, Glos., aged 19 to ?J 20; help given; no outdoor work; good refer- ence required.—P 28, Evening Express, Cardiff. e67n22 HOTEL SERVANTS, Ac. TKTANAGEMENT wanted by experienced Man and J?L Wife, Licenaed Housa, or Take Charge Vaults; highest references; security.— D., 7, Leonard-road, Tredworth, Gloucester. 6176AM tTtTANTED at once, General Serv&nt;able to d<t W plain cooking and ironing; good wages given to suitable pN-son.—Apply Mrs. Fugh, Railway Hotel, .BlaenD.on. e16ln25 TTt7'ANT'ED, steady yotmg Man as Boots to meet W Trains.—Apply, with references, Jeremy's Tern. perance Commercial Hotel, Carmarthen. en27 tif?ANTE!), young Man for Bar and Cellar Work.- W 8;,?nd references Bolton, Dunraven Hotel, Tony- pandy. e201n27 T?.t-ANtAGEREBS wanted, experienced, for Restaurant j)'L ?nd Confectionery Business, S. Wales; f?ed about M; highest references required; comfortable h<Hce.—Address (conndentially), in nrst instance, V. K., Evfing Express Omce, Xewport. e216n27 fTrTAiiiTrEDrfTu&eful Help; also House-Chambermaid W and Oook.Gneral._<pply, personally, to Mrs. Morrish, Temperance Hotel, Newport. Mon. en24 W"TEgoõd-HousemaId-Waitrcs. Apply \y Mansgieres?. Tenby Hotel, Swansea. e96n24 ??N; BD?ex??ti? Ba.rmaid-; must have good Wt references.—Mr*. Bees, Dumfries Hcte:, Docks. e31n24 TrTrANTEDT a good General; good wages.—Apply, ww pcrscnatly. Harries, Red Cow Hotel, Treorchy. _eMn24 WÃNTED, strong Geaerat Servant; wages 28ar'a WA?N Y!h; personal application.—Xavigation Hotel, Treharris. e66n22 -vTrrANTED at once, good Conec-room Waitress: W smart; good reference.—Apply Grand Hotet. Port Talbot. o4252 tDrTANTEp. young Lady for Vaults as Second; W experienced; good references.—Apply Penarth Hotel. Penarth. e59n22 Tr?A-RMAIDWMt<d.—Apply, .enclMi?ephoto Md JH <*?**?«". BtMt. t.ica Xey? Bet?. Ump?t. M!8CELLANEOUS. SitUATIONS ?ILERKSHIFS: JM5—JE450: Admtr<)ty, War, Excise, \,? Customs (MBcea; vacMiciee now; open to all, aged 15—S3; experience unnecessary; special explanatory pamphlet free.—Secretary, Civil gervipe Bureau, Albert- hall. Edinburgh. e46n22 GIRL (respe<;taMe) wanted, to Work in Stores.— \J Apply Packing Stores, Pa.ra.dief.-plJ¡.oe. en25 TJARXES? Maker wanted.—State ?ages and experi- JLJL enee to P 93, Evening Express, CardiS. en 27 TtTATCHMAKERS.—Wanted, Watch Jobber;alM VV Improver; accustomed to frott shop, a.nd well up in repairs.—Give reference and 11,11 particulars, E. T Jenkins, Ferndale. I e197n22 T)BSPECTABLE, smart young M?t. seeks Situation: IR, any capacity can drive weILl aged 24; good references.—W. Bailey, Trostrey Lo<)ge, Usk. eji22 u-r A:Si"TED, experienced Gardener; assistance Riven; W o;o?t ttage found.-Arthur Lawrence, Lavernock House, near Penarth. 04zal ?< ABDEXEB wanted immedia.tely. for Two or Thre? GNVeeks; might suit permaneBtty.—Apply Arthur Lawrence, 6, Park-plam, Cardiff. o4280 'rrtIN-PIate Fitters.—WMted, energetic Man; arcu&- JL tomed to prepahng Abere&m Tinning MMhimes; good wages pa.id.—Apply, stating experience and enciose copy of recent reference, P 98, Evening Express, CardiS. c4262 TfTtT'OBKE.RS wanted for.AutenMtt'c Knitter; guaran- TV teed work at good prtoes: yntchiM supplied for cash or Mre; experience unneoesstty. Est&b. 1B79.— Write C. E., 67, Southwark-stTeet, Jj<mdMi: Grimtha, 148, WiDdMr-road, Neath- ei058 'T"t.7'A'!?TED, for Sheet MiUs, T\M or Three Men: f Y accustomed to opening larga ?ize sheets ? thin gauges—Apply P 91, Evening EXpIWeS, Ca.rdUr. c4279 TrArRIMLSSLIZ. wanted tmnietii y; must be good jLl haad; good wagM; live in.Twiawll, Aberbeeg, Mon. elS6n22 rr%0 Tin-plate Millmen.—Wanted tmmedi?tely, a.t ? JL works in the eastern part of Glamorganshire, &a Couple of Rollermen, Doublers, and Purnacomen; also a She&rer.—Apply Box Ko. P n, JtveBimg; Express. Cardifr. c427t '?7'OUyG Man (nve yesrs* expefiemce) desires Situa? JL ticn M Baker and Oonfeetioner.—gquibbs, Caldieot, Chepstow._ el47n25 'YT'OUyG Man wanted; T5s. per week and commis- Per week and com i  JL <aion; regular work; splendid opeming.—AddresM Compo Works, Bolton, Lanes. el!lm25 DHOTO&BAPHY.—Wanted, & qutck young Man as JL OpeTator.—T. L. Eowe, Penarth. ell2n26 t?T'AN?TED, Situation by active MM; thoroughly VV conversant w?ne ajtd spirit tKMio; reducing, nning, and bottling, &:c.; eatisfactory references.— V. A., Evening Express, .Newport. elOSnZt T?fOTOB Fitter.—Wanted a thoroughly experienced Mbf&n.-Itate wages, experiNtee, Mtd copies of three recent testimonials, F 26, Evening express. Car- dM. e63c22 TRAVELLERS, AGENTS. QMABT Canvasser:; either sex: aalafy &nd commia- ? aion.—Apply OfBM (u?stair?, 21, Gower-street, Swansea. e85n24 W ANTED, a Travelltr to Beptcsent an oM-estab- TV lished Manchester home trade house, largely in the fancy trade, on the South Wales journey; age not to exceed 35 years.—Address, Vving full informa- tion a.a to experience, &c. (in conndenee), Box 526, e100 fritHE 'Manager of an oldIestaMiaEed Life insurance JL Omee requires an Assistant in South Wales; pM- vious insurance experience Rot eMeatial, but applicants must be poKessed of energy and !:Ie favouraMy known locally.-P 76, Evening Express, CardW. el89n26 TT7&RPOOL 'Victoria Friendly' society offers Rood JL< terms to energetic young 3.ien who can introduce endowment and life assurance, in whole cr spare time: leading society.—Kirk, 6T, Cardiff, en25 CLERKS, MANAGERS, Ac. QY\S. Weekly.—Sp*M Time Bmplovmont oSeJed to either sex who can write; particulars free.- Addresaed tnvelope to Manager (Dcpt. A<), Glecdower, Torquay. e55n22 w IRF, ROPes- immediately,Man who VT understands and is OapabJe of managing the Making of Lock-coti Bcpes; only thooe thcrouy competent and need a43ply.-Address, giving fullest particulars (in strict con1\nce), 0 K, Evening Express, Cirdiff. 1 e184"2 w A.NTED by Clerk, Post in olliery OfBce; many V V -years expertence bookkeeping, railway books. wagon sheets, checking sheets. Md general routine; salary moderate; references.—F 58, Evening Express, CardMr. el58n2S 8HOP ASSISTANTS, MltLINERS D &kPERY.-tvans, Bradford kHiouse, IJanerly, require experienced yountf Men, DreKes anc Furnishing Departments; Welsh, ens'! ?tL?T?EBS'.?'tented. T-?q S ? tt?MT'temjjorSry? c —Apply Ev?n Jones and Co. (mnitod), CardiK. e220n28 H?fIH.INBBY.—First Hand wanted; &Me to serve.— J[?jL Stato age, experience, refereace?, and salarv, Smith, Davies. ajtd Co., Perth. el69n26 HOSIERY, Mercery, HaH, Ac.—W&nted, Bmart JLl JunioT, immediately; nndeniaMe tefereccet- window dresser; stockkeeper. Alao Improver.—Write Foster Brothert' Clothjmg Company (Limited), New- port. Mon. .g?? T?fT'ANTED Immediately, AwsistaJitt for Grocery— V V Apply Cordey'a StorM (Limited), Newport, Mon. e76n24 T)OOT Trade.—Boyle and Co., Cardit, requirtT'an JL) energetic Junior Salesman; ata.te Miary, refer- ehce. eMn22 T?BBSSMAKEB (experianced) Takes Engagements at JL? Ladies' Residences.—P 21, Evening Express CaJdiC. e58n22 ir?RAPE.RY and thitntting.—Wanted, junior young Man for Diapery,. Tve through; &1so junior Improver and Apprentice for Gent's O?tntting— I Buckiaads, Drapers, Btu-ry. e'70n22 APARTMENTS. ?HEPSTOW crown).—Restdenoe; 12 rooms; grounds \_? elevated. Furnished (country) amaU. House; land elevated; furnished; permanent sr abort; terme moder&te.-Jolifib, Chepstow. e47n22 T) OATH.—Lady require! One large Unfurnished Boom or Two Small.O, Saliabury.road, Cardie. e233n22 /"10UyTEY Holidays- Farmhouse Apartments; bright, ajry rooms; excellent roads; healthy, picturesque; good cooking.—Mrs. Yeom&ns, Letton' Brampton Brian, Herefordshire. e209n24 L- ODGINGS and Boajding wanted by a. young Man? JL? in family circle preferred.—Apply, ?th lowest ternM, P 83. Evemtng Express. Cardiff. eJ94n2< T'?T'ELL-Furn ished Booms to Let, in Walter-road? V T bath, h. and c.; piano.-Apply ?. ?., Evening Express Omce, Swan"ea. el71a26 fritE?BY.—To Lt.t, Furnished Sitting-room &nd?wo ± Bedrooms; ctt<M to sea; cooking a.nd attendance —Mr. Ormond, Boae Cottage, South PMtde, Tenby. el77n26 TTISITORS to Swansea.—Fine Dining-recms and Bed- V rooms; good locality; also central—Apply J. N., M, St. George-terrace, Swansea. el73n26 LODON rlõr Apartment* for Vi?tcrt, by day JLJ Cr week; moderate terms; board optional- oeB- tr.J, oulet.—Write requirements, MMa<'erMt, 41' Ber. nard-stTeet, RuMeH-aquaie. e1145 ?< ENTLEMAKT leaving super!or Furnished Apart? Gments, wiahea to recommend e?to?.—n Mont- gomery-ttreet, Roath Pt-rk. o4251 ?O'MBINED FurnishedTBooot; 'JsoMna?l'Bedroom" C c<MiT<mient to town Md docke.—?, Ferndal? street. e62nM PREM!8E8. lir SM. S. EMRS &ND PERTWEIC, Il." A'UCTIONFX.W, VALUERS, SURVEYORS, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENTS For List of BuaineM Premises Md Houset to be Let or Sold Me Weftem MaU daiiy. Printed Register free. Omces, M, St. Mary-street, CardiC. BstaNisbed 1849. ROATH pa.rk. mi:deta(:hed, newly-buitt Tina for jAt Sate; three reception-rooms, six bedrooms- all Jatest improvementS.-l.eonard, Builder, 16, BoTerton- btreet.. _e221n2S ir LANDRHfDOD WeiM.Oce of the bMt'high?iM.s J? PriTate Hotels in thi? Welsh Spa to Lat on Leaae from the 29th September next; excellent eonDection' reot LLYI per annum; fmattute to the extent of jMOO to be taken to by valuation.—ParticulaM a.ppiy MeMM B. P. and A. L. Careless, Solioltors. LIjtndrindod We)hJ elIZS Tj'OiR Sale, situated beat part of Newportfew minutes from station, Ten-roomed House; in good condition; electric light; good garden, greechouM, and frame.—V. H., Evening Exptees, Xewport. o2i7n27 Tr?EDWAS.—Commodious Cottage to be Let; good JL) garden; rent 6s. €d.—Apply Lewis, Troedvrhiw, BedwM. el25n26 Q'tVANSEA.—Furnished Houfe to Let duriFg August; ks close to sands and parks.—FUJI particulars, A. Z., Evening Express Ofnce, Swamse<t. e2COn24 TTSO Let, Craven Home, Chepstow-road, jtewport, JL with long garden; p)eMMtly situated; nc&r Municipal-buildings, Maindee.—Apply T; Lloyd. en2S R Sate. a commodious Semi-detached Villa, in J' Princes-street (oS Newport-road); also Nos. 13 and 15, Wcdmore-road, CardMr.—Apply to Messra. T. W. Lewis and Crockett, Solicitors, Pcintypridd ct270 -HfUMBLES. — Comfortable, Furnished'?'Detached ?VJL House; facing eea; three 6ltt!ng, ?x bea rooms; e2D2n27 Tr ? OR Sale or to Let, S7, Stacey-road. Catditf; price J' JE420; rent jEsa per jumum exclusive.—Davies, 93, DogCeld-street, CardiC. el55m25 l-cõldstrum-terrace; excellent repair and _Lt tion: within two miMtes' watk of town centre- Apply Phillips, Insuranee-buildtngs, C?diB. elMnZt -r Let, Furnished Ten-toomed House, Oil d J. mit: cio*c to bay.—A'"ply E. G., "We<-My Press Omce. Mumbles. C85B24 <)<), PenciseIy?roadr Canton? good positMn; exceUent ?jC) condition; rent ISe weeMy.—Apply us Exchange. e60n22 44, C-r<,cln-m nd, Semf-detxched Vil1:t.; goad condi- i tiom of repair: rMt CSO.-tpPly 113, Exchange. ?_ e61n:2 OFFICES. I ? OOD OmM. neal Exchan?. Waj)ted.-?App?., wjtb \3r lowest terms, P M, Evening Exprese, Cardie. I __?__ et95n2< ??FFICES to Let; beatt positton; M?Ele? dentist, .0 Ac.—?taypo!? Dairy (Limited), Hish?treet, Xew? P? eyrnsz ?FTICM t. l?t; eo?M?toM Md?t!4t?<?, ?tMtt e?t?t p?rt <TcM«<<. tftttct Md o* .t, at. Mta'??aM? <Mnt PUBUC-HOU8ES. -2750, Hotel, Bhondda. Valley; splendid positon; Hotel -Valper, Skinner-street, e232.n2.8 TJIH<MAy.—JE125, Beerhouse; busy spot; close col. ][I famous livwg; same hands five years; great e232n2.8 TTIL-I?IA?- —?120,Fully-licensed House;main JjL street; beer account last year, ?H5; large spirit trade; cheap rent. Another Inn, jE6C.—CaIl HiUman. e252n28 TT\ESPEKATE Saerinee.—Smart Ho?l, Cliffy, Bristol; must be &old through !Uneis; handsome bar, smoke, billiard, and other rooms; prontable trade; exceptional oppcrtunHy to quick purchaser with jE150 at command.-Aply Tebbs, Valuer, 76, Victoria-street, Bristol. elMn26 ?WAJfSEA.—Aaagoingconcern,free,nrst-el&as Shipping and Commercial Hotel; reliable trade; satisfactory reawns; ingowg £l,250.-ThoDJ.a. ,E5We Agent, Rutland-street, Swanaea- el99BZT F-REEsncCFiíur-liccnseICHotel; doing a large &nd Fprofita.ble trade in one of the mest populous districts in South newly built and fitted premises; lease, 94 yea-rs unexpired, at gtound rent;'ingoing about £6,OOO.-Particulars of John M. Leader and Son, Auctioneers, Swansea. en25 £350.-oountry Roadside Public, near BTistol; garden, stabling; Vod trade; free for spirits.-JIoyd- TEvaM &n<l Smith. M. OM Market-street, BhiBtol. ?225.—Compz.ct Country .FaHy-Moe.nted House, Somer- ætshir gwden, land, stable; paying brewer. L&) to jMO monthly; bargain.-Lvans and Smith, &bove addfMB. /]MM.—FuUy-ticensed House; heathy suburb, Btistol; d?' t?tng JE12 ?-eeMy.—Kvan? and Smith, above. ?i<M Cash.—fuHy-EoeMed House, Bristol; beeM d? alone &30 monthly.—ET&ns ajid Smith, ahove. /?.!00.—tAttr?ct}Teoorner Hote? splendidposKjoa. dL' Bristol; taking about JE20 weekly; free for sptrita; worth L50B.-Lyans and Smith, 68, Old Market- street, Bristol. X 190.-Charming Country Beerhouse, near Bristol d?' garden, orchard, :taMing; good trade.—Evams and Smith, ? 1M—&U5.—SmartOn?TioensedHouaes,suburbs BrisWI; yard, stabling; good trade.-Ev&ns and Smith. £150 HQuse; comer Promises; large trade; one 60 years.—Lloyd-Evans and Smith, 68, Old Market-street, Bristol. e36n22 BUStNESSES FOR DtSPOSAL B:1iSIE.s'8 for Disposal.—ExceUent Apartment JD' Hou? and Fancy Shop; best position; healthy, fashionable resort; early possession; about E300 required; suit two ladies; easy terms.-P 79, Evening Express, CardiS'. c4273 T?AHfTY Tea. Booms, Light Luncheons, Ac.—A good D33usiness for Disposal, in finest posit04; fully equipped with every appliance and convenience; trade averages throughout year, L30 weekly; price, for every- thing, jE225.—Apply Bear, Brev.'er, and Bowman, New- port.Mon. el90n22 T)RBCOySHIRE.—Cash Drapery Business, as Going BC?oncern; e"ery inTestigation.-P 77, EvenIng ExpreM, Cardiff. el85n26 TT?RIED Fish and Chip Bustne's; doing a splendid J' trade.—V. E.. ETening Express, Kewport.en26 T.TM: Saie, good**Fish, .FruitT'Md Potato Business; J' best position in Barry for sMpping.—For pe.rti' culYS apply 19, Dock View-road. Barry. elsln2s fTW Bakers.—Bakehouse and UteJMils for Sale,in. rP Abertillery, MOD., as a Going owner retiring from business; splendid bargain; no goodwill; geed opening for energetic man.-Apply W. H. Hiley, Al1cti, 19, Mon. c426b  Disposal, main tblozoughfaxe, Swansea, a 1\r- Jr dtM, modern Family and Commercial Hotel, with a fine vaults; moderate capital only required.— Terms on application to Jamee and James, Auctinueers, Swan9&&. oM24 poB health msort, a small, .r Family and Hotel, with profitable' bot tling business attached; £500 capi "ill stime-a for poeftssion.-James and James, Sv,-anse& n24 fTV)?Vac Butlders, Wheelwrights, Smiths,Ac.—For .1. Sale, in coed market town. Monmouthshire, Old- st..b1ished First-class Bnsine5! Machinery, -and Lea-ce; gcod opening for motor to be added; Partner might be taken, half eha.ro.-P 18, Evening Express, Cardiff. eMn22 TTAIBDRESSING S&looB, Penafth; weU estt.bUshe<r; JTL busy district; splendid trade; good rMmoM for leaving; barsain.—P 2S, Evening ExpreM, CardiC. e56n22 jr'250?I-Groeery,Provisions,Wines, and Spirit? suburb Bristol; returns L?.000 yearly; ownr retiring.—Lloyd-EvaM Mid Smith, 68, Old Market- Bristol. '4. ?100.—Confectionery ?ajidLightBefreshmenta d? Bristol; good trade; respectable locality; large park; good trade; price £60.- ? 4C—?M—jEM—?eje80.—Tobacco,Stettonety.Kews- Agency BIlEines!le good trade; ganuine bax gaun.—Ev&n* aed Satith. ?100.—Milk Buslneee, with roay. Cart, 36 gtJIona d? daily; spleBdid bargaJB.—Bvajne aad Smith, above. f 45.—Smart Sweets.ConfeetioBeTyBusices?;busy e?/i thoroughfare; good liTing tra<!e; tacriaoe.—ETacs and Smith. e!6n22 BUSINESS PREMISES. Sale, near Chepstow, Man, Business j' Premises; comprising Twelve-roomed House ajid Shop, stable, outbuildings, with three meadows attached; also Cottage, with garden, blacksmith shop.. and complete; in all about five 63, Arnold-street, Ash. 6157n25 Tr LAKTMUK'DOD Wells.—:ror Sale. exceptional Comer t Site; suitable for large temperance hotel, public building, or shore. A150 Site, south; overlook-, ing comtRom; both near Pump House.—Particulars from George Grimths. e427t Q'UMMER Exhibition, Ilfracombe, on 'Promenade.— ? Two Spaces to Let.—Apply Manager. Exhibition, Ilfra.combe. el8Sn22 P"" -HOTOGPHY.-To Let, or 'Partnerehip, Photo- graphic Studio.-COmmun1cate 38, Bs"champ- street. CardiC. ? el20n25  Let, Lock-up Shop and Cellar, 30, Cust- "ou- l. street, Cardiff; centrally situated beti?.. town and docks; would make a good office; rent Apply W. J. Kyte, 80, Penylan-road. el07n2< rrw Clothiers, Drapers, Out&tters, Boot Dealers, r House Furnishers.-To be Let, the extensive BU5ine!lS Premises, 11, 12, 13, Market-plaoe, and the weU-adapte3 Fixtures. Fitting?, and Trade Utensils to be Sold.-Apply Rosen, Market-pism, Gole- ford.Glos. e92n24 .T?AMiARTaEN.—Bminess Premises; fronting tw? principal strel?s; the best position for trade in the town.-Apply Mr. J. F. Morris, Solicitor, Carmaz- thM. e51m2& Y?OTAL CItrcnce TemperMoe CommerclaJ Hotel, JH., Tudor-roM!, to Let: close to G.W.R. Station; Mteen bedrconM, commercial. coSee, and sittinr rooms, and every convenience.—Appty B. H. Crofter. Wettem Mail Omoe, Ctrdia. e607 fTTtBEDBGAB, 25. Commercial-ro3d.-To Let, with _L immeditte possession, in the above popular bus!- nM! street, & Shop ind Premises; the onty available vtcant premisee.—Apply to C. Dtnincey. Solicitor, Tredetr'o?_ e.l2<0 TQtHOTOGBAPHZ.R'SStud!o? centreofCardiS? immense tramc all day.-E. Nelson Lad Co., 3, St. Johm's-squa.re, Cwdiff. el!174 LAND AND FARMS TT LANJ)YSSUL.—Le&se of 18 years for Sale or for  Letting of one acre of Land, adj*ining Great Western Station; lately used as saw mills; three sheds thereon; good supply of water. Also nearly new Semi-porta.Me Engine, 16-h.p., double cylinder, for Sale, by 'Ma.rshaUs; suItable for contractor, engineer, farmer or weaver.-F'ull particulam from Lucus, AUCtioneer; Rutla.n4-street, e223n2g 'IT AND for Building, Duftryn Rhondda, Dear JLt Cymmer, Glyncorrwg; lew ground Knt; roads made by estate; splendid opening; adjoining collieries and new railway laId out for 200 house& For particulars tpply Lewis and Morgan, Architects, Fontypridd and Tonypandy. et4n22 FARM AND GARDEK. HjTOVBBS, Bt?pers, Bidders, Horse ??!??es. Hay. j)t. makers' Sw?th Turners, Hay Elev&tors, Churns, Cheese 'Prefers, Cheese Va.ts, Butter Tubs, &nd Dtury Utensils of all kinds; Horse Hoes, Ploughs, H&rrows. Cultivators, Hay Forks, and Rakes; Wagon Bopes, Binder Twine. Rick Sheets, Rick Sheets of beet quatity, all sizes. Lawn Mowers, Garden Reliefs, Garden Seats, P&tent Autom&tic Garden Swings, GM, Steam, and Oil Engines by leading maJters.—Sta.te requirements (catalogues free), JOHN HIBBEJtT AND SONS, CATTLE-STREET, CABDIFT'. cU8 BICYCLES, TRICYCLES, &c rp-BAILEB for S&!e; jteajly new; suit bicycle or J. motor.—5. FitzhMnon-embankment. el43n25 T?OBERT BB?'VAN h** the fcuowimg Exo?ptioa? RBLrgaias:- LINGER Mode!e de LMe RMdttM; 25 frMM; tl)ght!y i? thop-eoUe<t; ohgin'l phce tl2 12t.; to e?M, Le 8a. S. TAB Lady's; Sin. ?r&me; ntted with hub, tw?- ? speed gp?r, Dunlop tyree; slightly ehop-aotled; origlnti price LID 10a.; to clear, £8 8t. QTAR Lady's; H fr&me; original pr:? jBlO 10s? j? reduoeJ to ?? 7s. T?rAjiKSTIC ? Ro?deter;tinMstnew;Cttedwith ??'1. patent roUer tever brakes; ori?icti price jET 15s. redao&d to JM 17s. M. 'UfAJESTICEotd'ter;B.S.ASttingii; beenre?. ?? en?meHed Md piated, new tyres, t;c.; to cleM, JE5 19s. 94. '\TBW Rapid La.dy's Oyc)e; sryhtiy fhop-scihtd; INBW -Papid L&dy'5 Cycle; sliirhtly b-OP-B,-Iled; ? crigi?a.: price JE10 !?.: to ciMj. t7 '?!. A JfY Machine SuppUed cm Xev EasyPayment System, from 105. down and '?Os. per month. Best prices allowed for Seoond-hajid MacM-co* in ech3!9 to! Dew. R- ÖBERT-BEV\S-3C- Ca5tïë=Stree¡'-Cardi¡:- JE\ el!51 T?J?_O'RTCK de Luxe Cye!e is a speciality (or '.ht?e J,? ?ho can appreciate a realiv nrst-gr?de CyOe; It Dunlop T?,r&3, Hrde Pree wheel. Brookes' saddle, tT:msplLrent chain etver, and the ben inllatormade: price JE3 9s.—Xorton's Cycle a.nd Stores Deoot, 126, Queen-treet, C&rdif!. e751 MU8!CAL. l Young AU!S (tno), Sod?ty J. Enter?inert, In<tnuaent<Jists, Md Yoc&iistt.— t:n<<!<mMt< ?Mt?d.-?OMO, M, CiMMT?M-'tt?t, QMt*' '?-"<. <MMt MOTORS AND MOTOR CYCLES C<iX-Horee Dia-mler Car; to cajry ten; engine pra.eti- cally new; gearing thorougMy overha.uled; open for any inspection; trial run; £ôO cash.—A. T. David, Maesteg, Glam. el96n24 '?jrOTOR Cycle, 2-h.p.Mimerva. Engine;Kenn&rd J?.L MR,??.; nearly New; cost :E45; price ?25; suit abort man.—Owens, 122, Lewis-stteet, Newport, Mon. olB2nZ2 fF you ha.re not paM our New Worts a riait we JL oordiaBy invite you to do so. TEey are the largest and most up-to-da.te in the provinces.—The South Walee Motor 00. We can deliver from stock:— 9/11 "Thibet" :EZ75 10/12 "Thibet" L335 12/16 "Talbot" £490 M/40 Diamler" Chassis JE825 'W, palso have a number of good second-hand oars which aje open to any trial and examination. THE SOUTH WALF-S MOTOR CO., Westgate-street, C&rdiS. eBO5 1\KoroR-Car, 3i-h-orwpoweT genulne Beuz; powerful .H'L ear; carry four passengers; perfect and splendid running order; tyree good as new; do 18 to 20 mi1et per "our; all -spare parta. lamps, Ac.; Menace t20 at onoe. Wa-rrilow, Weston-super-Mare. en28 MONEY WANTED 0850 to jEMO, at 4t per oemt. Required on Mortgage cT,w of Shop a.nc1 Premiæ9 in Newport.- Write Y, J., Eveming Express, Newport. e215m27 tTCTANTED, jMOO Pernmnent Mort??e; new free- W ho!d ootttf[e laropMty.—P 12, Evemnc jExpres*, C&rdK. e3&n22 MONEY TO LEND. J. T. STONE.. FINANCIER, 4, OHUBOS-STBEaET. CARDIFF, Matea immediate Cash AdvaBces from £20 to £3,000 to Merchants, Shippere, ProfeMiona] Genttemen. the Clngy, FajTaers, Tradeemen, &nd ,Il those Kquirimg SBancial &s<iet<n).ce, on their simple '\1TOTB OF HAND ALONT. without tecurity, Mre- 1. ties, or fee, of any description whatsoerer. an(L M I tm the actnal lender, all business gets my immediate and is as strictly private. no object. roRADE BILLS MSCOUNTBD ON MOST BEASON- -L ABLE TERMS. A DTAJfCES MjCDE ON SBOOND MORTGAGBS, ?1. also on Household Furcnure without removal. DEFOBB applyinf e?where, ascertain my tenM. B Only Addrese and Se?stered Omce aa above. Nat. Telephone, No. 112S. eHOO H. T. LEWIN AND CO., FINANCTERS. <y 27, CHARLES STREET, CAKNFF, Maice Advances from tie to any amount at a few hours' notfee on simple Signature aJone, to LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, ARMY AND NAVY OFFICERS, CLERGYMEN, MEDICAL rRACTTTIO!nEN6, PROFESSIONAL GENTLEMEN. TRADESMEN AND FARMERS. Bills of every description Discounted. Cash advanced on RereniMis, Life Policies, Second I Mortgages, Stoch: aad ShajM. e4<n TeL addreM, "Assistance," CMd!<t. Nat. Tel., 1519. C'I?MS ftom ?20 t& jE!.000 ADVANCED AT ? SHORT NOTICE, On Approved Note of Hard. FerBonal or Other Securities. Ch&rgeø before are Completed. Mortgages on Property Effected tt Currect Rate* of Interest. TourL%& and VoasDn Tickets purchased Md Axr&uged for on the Payment Principle. Money adnnoed on Serond Mortgages. Apply 1. W. L!oyd. Manner. FIBLIDIXG6, HAYBS BCTLJMNG?, THE HAYES. CARDIFF. Kat. Tel. No. «T e8721 THE' CHARING CROSSBANK. EetaNithed 1670. CARDIFF BRANCH, 73. ST. MARY-STREET. also at Liverpool, LeedJ. Bradford, Brtttto!. and Birmingham. Head O&CM: 2S. M.DPORD-STRKF.T, and 119 Md 1M, BI&HOPSGATE STREET WITHIN, LONDON. AMtta AM4.4C! 0 < LttbiUttes jE!72,291 9 0 Capital and RMertw t!22.112 e 0 IT OANS of jEM to C2.DDO tTtnted on any cta« of security. Special facUitie* to aD requiring banking aceomtt. of mut8 Tmt"d undeT- 0 5 p.c. per an. siLbJea to monthe' notice of withdra.wt.1. < p.c. per an. <utqect to 6 months' DOtioe of withdrawal. T p.c. per a.n. <!Ub)oct to 12 month*' noti of withdrawal. Special tenn< tor locker perioda. Interest paM nnar- tMly. Write or call for prospectus The 'ye'mtMt DGr*lt Bocdt pay aearty 11'1!' cent., and we a 83fe A. WILLIAMS. H. J. TALL. Joint Manse. BROWN, FINANCIER, ——— 1, MAMBROKE-TICBR&M, QCEEN-STRtOET, CARDIFF. Nat. Tel., 10K. la .prepared.t.o tdtctnoe cash en <!?)tttuM oBjy wfthoat bill of eate or aurety of any kind at a few hourt' notice 1111 tOWJI. or countrv. DISTANCE NO OBJECT. STRICTEST PRIVACY. Trade bills discounted &t Bpectal low rate*. Appti- O&¡ons by letter receive my prompt and attentton.—Apply In confidence tc the Principal, John Brown, 1. Pembroke-terrace, CajaiC'. el20S flO to ?5,000 Advanced on Note of Hand alone, with- X/ out bonus, pubUcity, or charges of any descriptiom whatever unleM husinMS is done. No Mils of aale, and the strictest privacy guaranteed. On of eppli- cation will wait upon you by appoint- ment and you the amount re-payable, by euy tnstalIDbnts to suit your own convenience. Special ntes for short (in oonndence) to actual lender, C. WELLS. CORRIDOR CHAMBER, MARKET PLACZ, LEICESTER. elS:30 THE Old-est&bl4shed ProvincJa.1 rni on Bank continues _L to Lend immenee su daily, from Elo to ?Cl,Mo, 01 Note o? Hand aJone or other security. No o'fBce Inquiry charges whatever. Moderate interest. Easy Special rnteg for short periods. La.r"eŠt and most honoura.Ny conducted business in the King- dom. Thousands of our regular customers have ex- pre"4 their entire Eatisfa,-tion in repeated transactions with us. A gentleman from Bank will wait upon you at onaa with Cash.—Call or write (in conSdenee) to I 31&napr, StM!ey Dowding, 1, Queen-square, Bristol; 0* to the Local Agents, Messrs. Jones and Owec, Prinoe's-ehambert, St. John'6-s9uare. Cardiff. ell65 MISCELLANEOUS SALES. ? IOA.RS.—A Box Fifty good Cigars, worth 2d. eac?. \? post free ts. 9d.; satisfaction certain.—LIovd, Ci?tT Dealer, Tobacconist. St. Mary-etreet, Swonaea. e41n22 TtOOtS. Shoes, and Slippers.—Sort up your Stock at J_) Boyle and Co. (Limited). Wholesale Warehouse, WomMiby-street, OardiS. L&rgeet, che&peat, aad best Msotted atoct out of tendon. el056 'H?'ISFIT-GontteBMJl's Ktvy Blue Seree Jacket Suit'; ?JL 37in. chest (over the waistcoat), !0in. inside leg; worth two guineM; never worn; eceept 16s. 6d.' itpprovti.—Write C. CHCord, Sehool-ro&d, Moseley, Binningham. ej5<n25 T)ASKJ!:T of Freeh rish (tbeut 81b.), eletmed, M.?. JD ria?e pa)d to &ay tddreM, tor at. M.; ha.w)?rt tcd friers suppiiecL-Xmest Mofris, MiUord H&Ten. ?-???_ e<M6D24 A WNINCS, SunMinda (of eTery descriptiop)T'pring and hook-up, fixed any distMoe; eettmate) free- Fred Morgan and Comp&ny, The Makers, C&rdiC. e975 ?IBOSS Brothers' Sceje Dopartment—Every c!Ms of ? SoMea kept in ttock; repairs promptly done at low priCM; send for illustrated list, free.—CroM the ITonmongers, 3 and 4, St. Mary- istrobt. e584 "/?<RAPHIC Enclish Directory"; illustrated with \jr numerous engr?Yin?s and nftecn fuU-pMe coloured platM; Ss. 6d., post free.—St&tionerr Depart- ment, WMtern Mail Limited, CMdiS. K-EyC;urDNea.t by usim? the AdJuBt?ble J[\. Drawer Partitions. These partitions are m&de of heaTy plated wire, and can be rapidly and easily placed in positom by screwing them into the bottom of the where divisions are easIly sdjustuble, simple, and inexpensive; two sizm-Z nd 21 inches in height; price Is. per bgx of ODe dc?.n 2 inches, i-dozen 2i inches; post free.—Stationery Department, Western Mail Limited, Cardiff. T ETTEB Copying Book, 1,000 pages, good white paper, strongly, bound; 58., delivered frm.- Stationery Department, Western Mall Limited, Ca.rdi1f. A RTISTIC lace Shelf-paper 'Twelve She-ts, 34 ?jL inches Jong; price 6d.; postage Id. extra.— Stationery Department, Western Mail Limited, CardiC A Gross Box Assorted Pen*; good quality 6d. A !TOM. post free.—StaticuMy Department, Wes"te'r'n" Mail Hnt!ted, Card:C. nrARIPLiCATE Telegram Book; 100 in trlpU. r c&te; 1& M., pozt free.—Stationery DepMtmemt Western MaU Limited. Cardie. T\PPLICATE J'o*t-c&rd Boojc,ocDttinm? 54 po? JL/ c&rd: and bl&ok sheets; 6d., by post 7d—StA tionery Department, WMterm Mail Limited, Ca.idiC. T?BETON'S Complete Letter Writer; pnce Is cost j? ?gw 2d. oxtr&.—Sta.tMNery Department, W"e?st?er?n M?t Limited. Ca.rdiS. QPECIAL Line in Copying Letter Boots.—i 000 Pages, ? white ptper, strongly bound. :s. <d., delivered free.—Stationery Depaj-tment. WMterB Man Limited' CaJdiC. D?RG'LA.B-Proof Ct?h Boxes,in VMioussizM?-< Billustrated price-list eent on appUca.tiom to Stationery Department. Western Mail Limited. Cardm. /?ABINET of four drawers, to take foo!sc&p papers' ?' index and cUp to e?ch drawer; price 2&s delivered free.—Stationery Department, Western Mail Limited, Cardie. "/?OJTSULT Me for a!I You Want to Enow new ?edition; price 2s. M.: postRge M. extra— Stationery Department, Western Mail Limited, Ca.rdie. rr?HE I?n:Tersal Dreambcok end Fortune-Teller; price Tls pœtage 3d. extra,-Stationery Department, Wettern Mail Limited. Cardiff. I-DEX and Letter Files of every description; ntue- price-list sent on Departtnent, Western Mail LimitMi, Cardie'. ? ? ??NE Dozen Linen-paperTravcioths? priceis' \? postitge 3d. extra.-?ta.tione? Departtment, Wes- tem Mail Limited, Cardiff. TptSO?RRSSIVE WhistScorin?caTds.—One DoMn P CMda. complete with pencil Md tM?!: Is. and Is. 6d. per dozen cards, post free.—Stationary Depart. memt. Western Mai] Limited, CardiS. irrS.EF'UL MdOrB&mentaiSheJf-paper.—Boxoon? ? taiBin? ten yards and brass studs for axing to shelves, price 6d.; postage 2d. extra.—Stationery Department, Western Mail Limited. Cardiff. A LL About Cookery, br Mrs. Beeton; enlarged ?. MTited edition; price 2s. M.; CMtaf? jd ¡ ??MnjaL. -6ttt:eaMy DtC.Mtm«u., w<ttMa MtU Limited. "Evening Express." 8!x Coupons—One Chance. NATIONAL ART UNION COUPON. Great Art Prize Drawing for MEMORIES," by SEYMOUR LUCAS, R.A., and 1,000 or more other Pictures. I desire to participate in the above Drawing on the 29th August, 1905, on the conditions stated in your advertisements. N1L1Xl8 "M_ Addr8f:8 GREAT ???s?s??? ? Art Drawing U::sternVaiL- Evening and "Weekly MaU £15 5 Readers. ? Oil Painting ø < .AND. ? ? 1,000 or more Pictures. ? ? First-Prize Oil Painting, < MEMORIES," By SE MoupLucAS RA. ? ? Recently purchased at a cost of ;CI55, and < ? ONE THOUSAND <x more OTHER PRIZES, consisting of F ? beautiful re-producttons of well-jmown Pictures by famous ? ? JEnglish Artists, will be given. ? The Conditions are as follows :— I l.—In e?ery Issue tram the 25th April until the 6th August will appeaj- in the "W?t<ern Mail," Evening Express." a-nd Weekly Ma?l" a.n Art Union Coupon. 2.—Ea?Ti reader forw?i-di?: Six ?oupo'n? together with Two Ha?petmy JBta.mpe. to H? Cardiff OfBoee of the Nationa,! Art Union. 10, Western Ma.i!-oha,mb€T6. St. Ma,ry-street. Ca.r- diN, will become a. Member of the Na,t.iooa.l Art Union, Mid be <'nt.ittcd to <me cha.nœ in the Gra-nd Prize Drawing, whieh will take pla-ce on August 29t.h. 1905. The «.tAntp6 MUST NOT BE STUCK OT? TEE COUPONS. A reader may eend in ANY NUMBER OF COUPONS. provided that ea<'h Set of Six Conpons is aooompanioo by Two Halfpenny S.—TTM prir-e-winnere will be notmed on or before September 5th, a.nd the list of na-mes a.nd Mdresees will be ppbliabed i& the ? Western Mail." Evening Express," &n4 Weekly Ma-il." and may &Ieo be inspected a.t the Art Union OfHces. 10. Western Mail- chfunbere. Ca-rdiff. a.nd a.t Uteu' Head. OtBoea. 10, Lancas.t-er-pJa.ce, St.ra.nd. W.C. 4.—IB a.dd)tion to tbe First Prize. va-Ine ?155. one Prise, consisting <?f a. re-production of a well-known work of art. will rboe duction in every 50 cbanoes or eeta of CoupoM. 5.Vhen the Goupoct aje reœív.ed ?&ch set wiU be nmtnbered, a,cd t-bese numbeM wiH be drawn from &. Ballot "l tw Priz? in ? jTeecnec of tht. Ma.na?-ing Cotm- niittee (approv?a by th? Boa-rd of TrMte) t?nd the members at the Genera-1* Meeting of the Na<tionaJ Art Union on the 29th dtty at August, 1906. 6.—AH CAraPons must be forwarded OR <!t before the 22nd da.y of Augnat, IMS. NOTE —Seta of Six Coupons may be sent in AT ANY TIME between this and the 22nd of August. There is no need to retain the whole of the sets until the last moment; they may be forwarded to No. 10, Western Mail-cham- bers, Cajdin, from time to time in single eete, or in batches, as tbe'readers nnd most convenient. The receipt of couponB cannot be acknowledged, owing to the gre&t a-mount of work a.nd expenae such azknowledgment would entail, but competitors have the aaeurMoe of the proprietors of this pa-per thM the drawing will be conducted by the National Art Union with scrupulous fajrneas. All ooapons are duly numbered a.s received, tbcd eveaTT ¡ competitor will Bet one chance for every six coupons, a-ccompMiied by two halfpenny stajnps, sent in. M!8CELLANEOU8 I A OT.o.1 ?'o:L 2 l Future, Character, A- Finance, Marriage.—Send birth-d?tt, Is. P.O., Prof. Gould. 27. Winder-road. Newport, Moa. el263 T ADYwith*? gcod home Wishes to Adopt Baby; JLj premium jSSO.—F 41, Evening Erpress, CaidiC. ell6n24 'H fABQUEES and Tents to Let on Hire.—Oram Ward, j?'L 20. GlamorgfLn-street, Canton, Cardin. el62wl TtLfADAMi:Kellie Proctor. Whartcn-street (MM ? m Library), CardiC.—Beadinge from Head. Hand, Pnoto. Birth Date. "1Z44 CARRtAGES, HARNESS, Ac j I  light; g?o? condition; pole-bar ahaft- j? tc.—F?tcher, C&rnage Woria, Oxford-street, Swanaet. e9n22 I ?Seeond-h?ndLtnA&ut,:WB?onettee,4-wheel 2Dog Cart, Liverpool Gig, Surrey and Rustic Carb, Tandem Czrt.-I&wis, Clare-street an(t? Tudor- iMie. CMdiC. ? *110M -t- ABGEST SeteeHon Ir WalM.—OYwr 1SC Tehtclet !n Stock; Dotcarts of tU kinds, including Sunpeyt, RmtiM, Sla._h. Goveniet* tad Jnbiiee Cus, Gip, &c. Landaus, Brough-, Wagonettu, Breaks, &e., at J. NormtB's C4Lrriage Showroomt. Ctntoc. CtrdM. Canton CM* pMt door. Ntt. T*I.. 470. <6M HORSES, LIVE STOCK, Ac T?TANTTED, Brou?tmjn Rorse: 15.B—M h?nds; 5—6 Y V years otd; thick set; sound; must paes til road nuiMnces.—T. Y., Evening ExpreM, yewport. w77n24 R .Bale. Day Horse, 6 years old, 16.2; can be seen at wcrk; double <M- single hajmet&.—J. Llewellyn, Carriage Proprietor, Bridgend. el92na6 HjfOSS Litter; cheapest and healtbiest bedding fer hdrwa, cattle, &c.; luge stocks a.1wa. on at the Bute Docks, CajdiC; price, 266. per ton on oa.rt or rail.-Apply The London and PxoVlncial Litter (Limited), !G98 R Sale, 5000nd son  Setter Bitch; small JL kind; Tery htndeome; two years old.—Bees, FroRdeE-, Llangadock, CarmMtheji shire. el51n25 fr<0 Sportsmen.—Brace Climber Spaniel Pups, six JL weeka old, chetp.—Bruce, Cambria. Pontoon, Cardiff. el24n25 t"tOB Sa!e, 14 cteam, healthy young Ferrete; quiet to J' h&ndie; 4a. each.—Appty F. Cass, Cral? .MeiyN, Ll&nh&rran, Potntyclun, Glam. el79n22 SPORTtNG ? PNB, Eiaes, Bevolvers, Casee, Cartridge Ba?s, and ?Jf aU gun tceessories a.t lowest prices; epecitj atten- tion to aU claea of repairs; Doubte-bM-rel Bree&Moading Guns, from :Ss. 6d. ?B06? Bros., Crunsmlthe amd Ammanition !)eaJers.— \_? tnd 4, St. Mary-street, Cardif. el2667 /?SAMBRES, Gunnrnker, AtMetic, FtBhing TMkle Outfitter; best value In thD trade; Cardiff, Brtstol, and Shepton MaJJet. el0642 SHARES, <&c. 43 £10 in steam Shipping I Company (Limited) 5.3. Dunsby.-Apply John COIttes and Son, Sunderland. r4266 MACHINERY, TOOLS, &c. 'nrTANTED immedia.tply, :00 Yaj?s of IMn. or 12in. Vy Seoond-hMd Pipes for Wa.ter.—Stewtrt, Castle- chambers, Swam Ma.. e4f)B22 s ALE. Ecgine and Moftar MiU; splendid coedition; = be seen Builder, Men. el&OnM Oil Engine; ten to twebe b.h.p.—Apply W P S5. Evetiing Express, CaJditf. c4258 -r?BMOKSTRATIO? IS THE BEST ARGC?E?TT. JL? ORO?SLEY'S SUOnOX GAg PLANTS and ENCIXES may be SEEN WORKHfG in variout parts ot South Wales StUe Diztrict Agents:—H. E-LMSOy WAI.&BB, PENARTH-BOAD. OA&DTFF. <lOH JEWELLERY FOR SALE. SPLENDID Value! Ko BluC! Every Article War- 0 ranted—Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Ac. Ca.talogue free.—J. Eiltott and Co., 48, Royal Arcade, OMdiC. e965 TS yonr Watch Wron?? The best smd cb?peet Shop J. in Cardie for the repair of watcbee of e'Mry deachpttoti (Ecglieh or Foreign) is M, Caatie Arcade I (third abop from C18øU..street), by Jamee Xeir (for t<e y<Mt with Mr. 6ptridat).). Oectt and Music BoM* 01.-4 u4 Evenmg Express" Circutation. AUD<TOR8' CERTtFtCArE. f Cardiff, 21st November, 1904. We have examined the boolc< of the "Evening Expreas," and certify that the circulation exceedw 100,000 COPthS PER DAY. DAVID ROBERTS & SONS (Chartered Accountants), A udito1'L PIGEONS, POULTRY, Ac. fTltALKIJfG PABBOT; signed warranty ror taJklng; one month's trial my risk; lOtI. 6d.; New tndestructtHe Parrot C*<B. Ss. M.; pM< ticulars free.—Mrs. Foeter, Viotet-street, Liverpool. el5Sn25 fTUHJM?i monster AylMbury Ducks (in fuU lay), witt pr Dr"e, only 9s. 6d., b&rg&Ln; Ten young Ducka, month eld, 10s. 6d.—Sttp)es, 6&n<e Ft.rm. Frome. el7Sn26 NOM.-Six grand Pullets, now layimg 90 eggs ? p«: week, only 10s. 9d.; grand Cecteret. S6. M.; Mfw pay for tmælve8 in eggs; or QIQ returned.-8t&ple8, Farm, Frome, el74B26 MEDtCAL REMEMS Tr\RUNTM!rNESS Fernument)y Cure< ?11 er?vtz? JLF ktHed without p?tiemt't know!ett?<!); <nt<t??, where otr remedies fail: thil genwœ; M., 5,8., Ift ptckett; tH chemists.—B. Orott,'62, St. Da.vid'e HtIL Exeter. Agents wtnted. clZ8 A BTIFICIAL Le?s, H&Bde, Peg Le?t (wood -or J?TL leather). KBeeUng Pe?s. Crutch?, Leg iTeM, 8piae Supports, Be!tt, EI&stie Stocking, &e. Ua free; Ltdy Attendtnt. Sead for p<ui.icuitM of <Mr Ste%Dess E&siat Truss.-Ma-er, Mr. All" Peetoe, 23, Charles-street (oC Qoeen-street), C<cdiC, and Briatot.. N*t. Tetephone, 12&2. etZM "GOOD VIXE NEEDS NO BU6N," AND EERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS do not require a colmnm to pmve their merita. Once tried they reoonimemd thNnaelTee <te one of the BEST REMEDIES for HEAD- ACHE. BILE. INDIGESTION. KIDNEY TROUBLES, NERVOUt DISORDERS. IMPURITY OF THB BLOOD, Md even for TIC end RHEUMATISM. FIFTY YEARS' REPUTATION proT«s tjMMf alt.era.tive and remedial va.ItM .). Sold in 7;d.. md.. Mid Xa. M. boue. û an Chemiete and Storee. am ——————- ——————' ?- WHE WEEKLYM AIL.. BEST WEEKLY NEWSPAMEB PUBLISHED IN WALES. 12 LARGE pAGES. ONE

