Bernoulli, Nicolas (1695 - 1726)

Nicolas Bernoulli was a Swiss mathematician.

Nicolas Bernoulli was a Swiss mathematician. He obtained his PhD with a work on probability theory in law. In 1716 he obtained the Galileo chair at the university of Padua, where he worked on the fields of differential equation and geometry.
variant spelling:
Bernoulli, Nicolas
Curriculum vitae  
* 1695 born
1704 Abschluss an der Universität Basel
1709 Promotion über Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie in Rechtsangelegenheiten
1716 Berufung an den Galileo Lehrstuhl nach Padua
† 1726 died
? Berlin
? St. Petersburg
Early modern times, ca. 1500-1780
no fulltext found Die Werke von Johann I und Nicolaus II Bernoulli
Author: Radelet- de Grave, Patricia (Ed.); Bernoulli, Nicolas; Bernoulli, Johann
Published: 2008
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